My Valentine free porn video

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My name is Walter and I'm 39 years old. My niece D.J. turned 14 a year ago and she is very special to me. Every year I give her something special for Valentines, and every year I get a kiss on the cheek from her. I had been lusting after D.J. ever since she was 12, just waiting for her to be grown up enough for me to be her lover. Last year just after she turned 14 (the age of consent in our state) I decided to take her out on her first date. I knew my brother wouldn't let her date until she was twenty-one. He was a little old fashioned in his beliefs about dating.

So it was Valentines Day 2011 and I was getting everything ready for our date. I had the reservations at the best Italian restaurant in our town. (her favorite) I also booked the best room in the country club that I'm a member of so I could dance with her all night. I even booked a live band to play a mix of old and new music. Afterwards I had the Newlywed Suite of the local Clarion Hotel reserved for her very special first time being made love to. In the room I had a bottle of champaign on ice. There was also a heart shaped hot tub that I had ready with a bottle of bubble bath next to it. I didn't want her drunk but I did want her to drink enough to relax her.

I knew she might be resistant to my plans for the end of the night so the wine at dinner and the champaign at the hotel hopefully would put her in the mood. At the very least it would lower her inhibitions to a point that I would be able to talk her into anything. The other reason I had been planning all this was that every time I've been around her for the past couple of years she's been very flirty with me and even let me get glimpses of her little breasts whenever she bent over to pick up something she "accidentally" dropped in front of me. So this night was going to be the night I would find out if she was just teasing or if she really wanted something to happen.

I picked her up at my brother's house at 5 p.m. D.J.'s mother had died in childbirth and so it was left to my brother to raise his baby girl. He thought it was fine that I was being so nice to his daughter. If he only knew what I had planned for later that night he might have cut my balls off and stuffed them down my throat. Anyway I had a corsage, a bouquet of flowers, and a heart shaped box of mixed cream center chocolates. D.J. really lit up when she saw everything I had brought, or maybe it was just because I was there. Either way I was happy at her reaction.

She took the bouquet of flowers and the chocolates. Looking straight at her dad she said, "You better not touch my chocolates while I'm gone, or else mister."

He licked his lips and I gave him an icy stare. He gulped knowing that I was serious about this. I dominated him when we were kids and he was still a little afraid of me. He knew I would give him a beat down if he touched anything of hers. She put the flowers in a vase with water and the packet of preservative that came with the flowers. The corsage was in a small vial of the same preservative.

When she came back into the room after putting her chocolates and flowers in her bedroom she came over to me and kissed me right on the lips. It was only a quick peck because her dad was standing there but I felt her lips part slightly and her tongue licked across my lips. I opened the box the corsage was in and slipped the fingers of my left hand into her blouse so I didn't pin it to her breast. At least that was my justification. The real reason was so I could get a little feel of her soft breast.

She was wearing a nice silk blouse that I had bought her the previous Christmas, and the jean skirt I had given her for her birthday. As I was pinning her corsage on I could feel she wasn't wearing a bra and that caused a little stirring in my pants. Luckily I took the precaution of wearing briefs and had my cock pointed up so it wouldn't be noticed by anyone who wasn't pressed against me. So as we left I opened the door to the car so she could get in. Then I closed the door and went around to get in the driver's seat. I drove us to the restaurant and she lit up even more, seeing the sign of the restaurant as we pulled in. Like I had said earlier she loved this restaurant, only she didn't get to come here very often because her dad wasn't as well off as I was.

I parked, got out and went around opening the door so she could get out. As she stood up, before I could even close the car door, she wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a kiss that was nowhere near the kind of kiss a niece should give her uncle. She had pushed her tongue into my mouth as soon as our lips came together. I wrapped my arms around her and held her as we got lost in that kiss. All of a sudden I heard a noise and realized I was still standing in the parking lot kissing my 14 year old niece. Even though it was legal in our state for a 14 year old to be with an adult, if anyone who knew us saw me kissing her like that not only would I most likely be in jail for incest, but my brother would kill me thinking I took advantage of his little girl.

As we were eating D.J. asked, "Uncle Walter? What all do you have planned for tonight?"

"I wanted to keep that all a surprise. Why do you ask?"

"Well, most of the dates my friends at school talk about end with sex. I was wondering if you were going to have sex with me?"

"Only if you want to, Sweetheart."

"I do. It's just..." she looked down at her plate and was pushing a clam around (from her fettuccine with clam sauce) her plate nervously. She took a deep breath when I had prompted her to continue and said, "It's just that one of my friends is a senior and she is kind of shy around boys. She is a small girl and looks younger than me, but she isn't." I nodded and she continued, "So we made a pledge that we would lose our virginity to the same person on the same night. Kind of a double header so to speak."

"Let me guess. You want to go pick up this friend before we go and make love so she can have a turn also?"

D.J. couldn't look me in the eyes as she whispered, "If it's okay with you, that is?"

I turned in the horse shoe shaped bench we were sitting on so I could look at her. I lifted her head up so our eyes met and said, "If she means that much to you that you would want to share me with her on your special night, then I would be honored to bring you both into womanhood."

I know it was kind of cheesy but it was all I could think of at the moment. She kissed me with tears in her eyes and then said, "Thank you, Uncle. This will be the best day of our lives." As I thought about fucking two cute teen girls I was having trouble keeping my cock from getting erect in my pants.

D.J. took out her cell phone and was about to dial her friend's number when I said, "Maybe we shouldn't tell her that I'm your uncle. It might not look too good if she were to know that. Also from now on just call me Walter. You can drop the uncle part, okay?"

She agreed and as she was going to dial again she asked, "Are we going to do it right after dinner or did you have other things planned?"

"I was going to take you dancing, just you and me at the country club, but I could cancel that so we have plenty of time for the both of you."

"Although I like to dance I think that spending time with my friend and getting to know each other might be better for the evening's plans."

I agreed and she finally made her phone call. She told me that we would need to go into the girl's dwelling to talk to her mom before she could go with us. I thought for a moment and was just about to call it off when D.J. said, "Don't worry, Walter. Her mom knows all about what we are going to do tonight. She thinks it's nice that I have such a caring boyfriend to help her daughter to become a woman on the same night as her best friend."

Under my breath I said, "Yeh, but does she know that your boyfriend is almost three times as old as you?" She giggled at that even though I was trying hard for her not to hear what I had just said. We finished our dinner and D.J. ordered a special meal for her friend to eat while we all got to know each other.

I drove by the country club where the band had just finished getting their gear set up. I apologized saying, "I hate to do this but my lady friend isn't feeling well. I think it was a bad clam or something. Here is the balance of what I owe you and here is a Ben Franklin for each of you for all your trouble."

They thanked me and gave me their sympathies on my date's condition. I stopped at the country club's office and dropped off the envelope with the fee for booking the room and a note telling them thanks. As I got into the car my GPS started talking as soon as we were at the exit to the parking lot. Apparently D.J. had put in the address to her friend's place. I followed the directions from the talking built-in GPS in the dash of my SUV. I pulled up to a run-down looking apartment building. D.J. pointed me in the direction of her friend's guest parking space. I started to worry that when we got back to my Ford Expedition that there wouldn't be anything left but the shell. That's how bad the neighborhood looked.

As we got out and walked up to the building I could see gang style graffiti all over the walls. When we get to the front door D.J. pushed a button and a woman's voice asked, "Who is it?"

D.J. pushed the talk button and told her who it was and seconds later I heard the buzzing sound of a security lock and the clunk of it unlocking. D.J. reached for the door and pulled it open. We went inside and she led me to the elevators. She pushed the button to go up and we waited for what seemed like an eternity for the elevator car to arrive. As we got in I saw more gang graffiti on the inside of the elevator. It seemed that gang members lived there. D.J. pushed the button for the fifth floor. The door closed and we went slowly up. (Express elevator it wasn't.)

It took almost 10 minutes for us to get to the fifth floor. It felt like the longest 10 minutes of my life because the elevator was making all kinds of noises that I don't think an elevator should make. It was actually groaning as it brought us to the fifth floor. When the doors opened there was more graffiti on the walls of the hallway. D.J. didn't notice or she had seen it all before because she just took my hand and led me to her friend's door. It was already open and a cute girl who looked to be 12 was standing there to greet us. At first I thought she might be a younger sister but when D.J. hugged her friend I was amazed at how young she looked. I knew her real age had to be at least 17 if she was a senior. She looked at me wide eyed and said, "Come in. Mom wants to ask you some questions."

She pulled D.J. aside and whispered, "Where did you find him? He looks older than your dad."

D.J. said, "He's a real good friend of the family and I've always heard that older guys really know how to treat the ladies. I've been in love with him ever since I knew what love was. Besides Steph, I've seen the bulge in his pants and it makes me wet just thinking of him pushing it into me. You'll see. He's the one you've been waiting for."

Her friend shrugged, then led us down the hall to their living room. There on the couch was a woman in a bathrobe that wasn't tied too tight and one of her breasts was hanging out while she smoked a cigarette. I could also see her bush sticking out between the lower portion of the robe and it looked like a forest was growing under there. She would have been an attractive woman if she lost the cigarette and shaved off the bush. She was still in great shape. It's just a woman that is unkempt and smokes turns me off big time. If it weren't for my niece and her friend looking so hot I might have lost my hard-on.

The woman turned toward me which caused her to lift one leg onto the couch and opened the robe even more. Now I had a full view of her pubic area and not only did she have hair above her pussy but it looked like it was a pair of bush panties. I could see her hair go up and over her hips and I could also see it going down between her legs and could visualize hair all over her ass. For a second I thought it could be fur panties but the hair was coarse and curly.

She said, "So you are the guy who will fuck my daughter. How old are you anyway?"

I told her I was 38 and she asked, "Why does a good looking man like you want a little girl when you can have a woman?" as she waved her hand over her body.

I bit my tongue because I could have been rude and tell her what I really thought of her but that wouldn't be conducive to me getting into her daughter's panties. D.J. nudged her friend and Steph said, "Mom, cover yourself before you make him sick, or he will have to go home before he can make me a woman."

Her mother glared at her daughter but stood up and closed her robe better. Yet before she closed her robe she held it open and shook her hips and breasts back and forth with her tongue out like a little girl. Both D.J. and Steph rolled their eyes at her display. I was trying not to barf all over her because as she closed her robe a funky odor filled my nostrils making me feel sick. She smelled like she hadn't cleaned her cunt in years. (I may be exaggerating, but I doubt it.) She sat back down and picked up the cigarette she had set in the ashtray, putting it back in her mouth.

I was beginning to feel sorry for Steph because if she lived in a place like this looking the way she does and with a mother who looked and acted the way she was now, I wondered how she hadn't been raped before now. If I had my way I would get her mom to give up her parental rights and take her in myself. Then again if I did that her mom might out my relationship with D.J. and her daughter.

We decided to leave before Steph's mother did anything else inappropriate. On our way to the hotel Steph was quiet, while D.J. sat in the middle of the front seat with her arms wrapped around my right arm. When we pulled into the parking lot of the hotel D.J. looked at me confused. I just smiled as I parked in the under ground parking and led them to the private elevator to our suite. As we neared the top floor I could tell that Steph was having second thoughts. In the room I popped the cork on the champaign and filled 3 glasses. I handed one to D.J. and the second to Steph, taking the last one for myself. I gestured for them to sit on the couch and then sat down between them.

I wanted Steph to become comfortable with me before we went to the bedroom and got down to business so to speak. I found out that both girls had very little experience when it came to sex. They did however have plenty of knowledge about what they wanted to try. Both girls wanted to learn everything about masturbating a guy as well as blow-jobs. Then they told me what position they wanted to lose their cherries with. D.J. wanted to be on top in the classic cowgirl position. Steph wanted her first time to be doggie style. Even though most girls don't like it, both girls wanted me to be the first to do anal sex with them. I had warned them about the possible complications that can be encountered during anal sex, like the pain, and the possibility that they would have dirty underwear because the muscles would need to stretch to accommodate my girth and may not recover fast enough, things like that.

I made the first move by turning to D.J. and pulling her face close enough to kiss. Since we had already shared a rather passionate kiss in the restaurant parking lot she was comfortable with me kissing her again. We were really getting into our kiss when I felt someone reach around me and begin to undo my pants. I figured that Steph was feeling left out so I broke the kiss with my niece and turned to engage in an equally passionate kiss as I had given to D.J. Steph was a little reluctant to let my tongue in her mouth but I took my time and slowly she opened up for me. She still had the taste of the dinner we had given her when we arrived at the room. However it didn't take anything away from the passion and love I was showing this girl in the way I kissed her.

I was moving my hands up and down her back, first over her shirt and then under it. She tensed up when she felt my hands touch her skin but relaxed as she sensed that I wasn't going to go straight for her breasts like a boy would do. I wanted her to be relaxed, otherwise when we got to the main event her pussy would tighten causing her and me both more pain than is necessary for a girl's first time.

She was beginning to really relax when D.J. reached around and was finishing what Steph had started, with my pants, going so far as to pull my hard cock out into the light of the room. She leaned against my back laying her cheek against my shoulder blades as her hands wrapped around my freed cock for the first time. I groaned which caused Steph to pull back and look down to see why I had made that noise.

When she saw my cock she blushed as her breath caught in her throat. She tentatively reached down and touched the tip of my cock with her finger. She ran her finger back and forth through the slit that had already started to leak pre-cum. She brought her sticky finger to her nose and smelled my musk as she rubbed the sticky, slippery, juice between her thumb and finger. She snaked her tongue out and licked the fluid off her finger and thumb. There wasn't much so I didn't think she would get a true sampling of my flavor, but I was wrong as she smiled and sucked on her finger and thumb to get every last drop.

My cock twitched in my niece's hands as she bent over, taking the top three inches of my cock that D.J.'s hands were too small to hold into her mouth. She was gently sucking and licking the tip of my cock gathering more and more of my man juice on her tongue. It seemed she had taken a liking to my unique flavor. When she finally raised off my cock she stood up and went around me to join D.J. She took hold of D.J.'s face and pulled her into an open mouth kiss where she transferred some of my man cream into her friend's mouth. The way they kissed it looked like they had done that before. French kissing I mean, not passing pre-cum between them. The girls had already told me they had never been with a boy before.

While they kissed I reached up under each of their shirts and slid my hand up to cup one of their breasts each. They closed their eyes as I pinched and twisted their nipples between thumb and finger. They both moaned as I switched back and forth between both of their breasts. I removed my hands from under their shirts and took hold of the hem of D.J.'s blouse. She lifted her arms in the air and only stopped kissing Steph long enough for the shirt to get past her lips. I took hold of Steph's shirt next and lifted it with the same resulting actions. Neither of them were wearing bras but I knew that from when I was under their shirts and had no obstacles in my way to play with their breasts.

Now that their breasts were in the open I had access to play with them even easier. Also now that they were bare I could see that D.J. had brownish nipples and areolas where as Steph had light pink nipples and areolas that almost disappeared into the skin of her small breasts. Even with Steph being 3 years older than D.J., she looked much younger and was also smaller all around. D.J. was 3 inches taller at 5'10", compared to Steph's 5'7" frame. Steph's breasts were barely an 'A' cup where D.J.'s were an average 'C' cup. They were both beautiful, and I wasn't one of those men who went gaga over large breasts anyway. While they continued to kiss which I thought was sexy, I leaned in and managed to use my tongue and lips to get a nipple from each of their closest breasts in my mouth to suck on.

I felt them writhing and moving around and when I disengaged from their nipples I saw that they were completely naked and the shorts that Steph had on and the skirt that D.J. was wearing were in a pile on the floor. I also noticed that there were no panties with Steph's shorts or D.J.'s skirt. My cock was still very hard because all during their kiss both girls had a hand around my cock stroking up and down in unison.

I leaned in again but this time I pulled in Steph then D.J., giving them both a kiss before saying, "I think we should move over to the bed so we can be more comfortable."

Once on the bed with me in between the two girls, they worked to remove my shirt, then my shoes so my pants and briefs could be removed completely. Now that I was as naked as they were each of the girls was running her hands all over my body as I used one hand on each of them to do the same thing. Their skin was so soft and as I dragged a finger through their slits I felt an abundance of moisture. Both girls' hips thrust back and forth as my finger slid through their slits. Occasionally they would freeze and shake with a mini orgasm as my finger would graze their clits.

Now it was D.J. who leaned over to take the tip of my cock in her mouth, as she sucked on it like she used to suck on her thumb when she was 3 years old. For a second a vision of my niece at 3 sucking my cock went through my head and to my surprise that image triggered me to shoot her mouth full of cum.

It was so unexpected I had no time to warn her but to her credit she never stopped sucking and even was able to swallow most of it. What she didn't swallow Steph licked up off her chin. Then they shared another kiss. D.J. had saved some more cum for Steph and passed it to her. The girls passed it back and forth until it was all gone. Then they both attacked me with kisses on my chest, face, and stomach.

I couldn't believe how Steph had changed from when I first met her to now as they both took turns sucking me back to full hardness. It didn't take them long before I could hammer ten inch spikes with my cock. It was that hard because the girls were wiggling their butts on either side of me, pointed invitingly at my face. It was that plus the stimulation of their talented tongues and mouths.

I had been fingering their pussies while they worked to get me hard. So when D.J. turned around she was sopping wet and ready to slide down on my hard pole. As she started to sit on my cock she stopped and grimaced as I felt the tip of my cock come up against her hymen. Knowing it was better to get it over with quickly I thrust my hips up, putting an end to that little piece of flesh that signified the end of her virginity. She squealed a little and lost her concentration causing her to drop the rest of the way down to sit on my hips. Her eyes were wide in surprise as she panted through the pain of losing her cherry.

When her breathing was under control she moaned as she tested the waters, lifting up and then dropping back down. She did this a few times then smiled as the pain from the recent loss of her virginity became a distant memory. D.J. was trying different things as she lifted and fell by twisting her hips at the top, then the bottom, grinding her clit against my thumb. I had put my thumb down by the base of my cock to add some extra stimulation. Her eyes closed as my other hand reached up to play with her nipples.

Meanwhile Steph sucked on the nipple I wasn't touching. I decided that Steph had things up top taken care of so I moved that hand to her hips which were still pointed at me, and she moaned into D.J.'s breast as 3 of my fingers slid into her without any resistance. I realized she wasn't going to have the same pain as D.J. because her hymen wasn't there anymore.

I wondered if maybe she had been keeping a secret from D.J. about her virginity. I did know that some girls use different objects to masturbate and most times they remove their hymens in the process. I would need to talk to Steph in private to find out what had happened for sure. I had a feeling she might be too embarrassed to talk in front D.J., especially if she had been raped.

D.J. had sped up her rocking and I could feel that her internal muscles were preparing to go into the orgasmic flutter. As that happened she screamed out her pleasure. She collapsed onto my chest while I rubbed my thumb over her clit and kissed her deep on the lips to keep the feelings alive. I was also rocking my hips keeping my cock going in and out until I also had my orgasm, filling my niece's pussy with my man cream. She sighed as she felt the pulses of cum enter her no longer virgin tunnel.

Steph was also cumming on my fingers after she had disengaged from D.J.'s tits when she fell forward. Steph's butt was still in the air but her head was lying on the bed. She was breathing heavily and that caused her butt to ungulate. I kept her pleasure going by thumbing her clit until I could tell she needed to come down. Her whole body went limp when I removed my fingers from her at the same time my cock slid out of my niece. Both girls were still breathing hard and were still in the throes of a blissful orgasm. I coaxed Steph to turn around so her head was up near D.J.'s and mine. Then I enfolded both of them into a big hug. I knew from experience that a girl loved to be cuddled after a good cum and these two were no different.

After an hour of cuddling I was ready to help Steph become a woman as she had told her mom. However I still wanted to talk to her first. I asked D.J. to go to the other room so I could talk to Steph for a few minutes before we made love. D.J. knew she could trust me with her friend and left without any arguing. Once the door to the bedroom was closed I asked, "Steph? I noticed that your hymen is gone. What happened?"

She lowered her head and I could hear some soft sobs before she said, "When I was 14 I was raped by my mom's boyfriend at the time."

I lifted her head and said, "There is no need to cry about something like that. It isn't your fault."

"But I've been lying to D.J. for the last three years telling her I was still a virgin."

I gave her a soft kiss and said, "As far as I'm concerned you didn't lie to her. Being raped is no way to lose your virginity, and in my eyes you are still a virgin. Until you consent to being made love to then you are still pure. If you don't mind would you tell me how he was able to rape you?"

I leaned back against the headboard and pulled her into my lap wrapping my arms around her. She sighed and said, "It was on a Friday night when my mom and Tim, that was his name, came home from a dinner date. They had both been drinking and I was sitting on the living room couch watching TV in my night shirt. It was short so I tried to pull it down to cover my panties but Tim was leering at me.

"My mom saw him looking and said, 'If you want that little cunt then you can have it. She's been asking for a good screwing for months, the little slut. I bet that big cock of yours will shut her up for a while.' I was shaking my head the whole time and started to cry when she called me a slut. They each grabbed one of my arms and led me stumbling to my bed.

"I tried to get away but they were holding on too tight. In my room Tim ripped my shirt off me, burning my back when the fabric rubbed across it before it ripped. Mom grabbed my panties and hurt me by pulling them up until they ripped. She pulled what was left over my head and threw them to Tim, who put them to his nose. Then mom held me as Tim took off his clothes. I closed my eyes tight so I didn't have to look at him. Mom saw my eyes shut and slapped me telling me to watch my first lover get naked for me. I reluctantly opened my eyes and watched this man who I hardly knew get naked. His cock wasn't as big as yours but when you are a 14 year old girl who still looks like she is 9 years old it looked huge.

"I was shaking. I was so scared as mom took my shoulders while Tim lifted my feet off the floor, throwing me on the bed. Tim went to the foot of the bed crawling up to my feet. He took hold of my legs as I tried to keep them together but he was too strong, and mom slapped me a couple more times telling me to open for him. I finally gave up and let Tim pull my legs apart. He moved quickly to position himself between my thighs before I changed my mind and closed my legs again. I was shaking with fear as he took hold of his cock and placed it against my virgin lips. Mom laughed saying, 'Look at the cunt shake in anticipation of her first man. She must be real excited.' At that moment I hated her."

Steph stopped and took a deep breath before she continued. "Mom held me down as Tim slammed his cock forward, getting it all in me in one thrust. I tried to scream because of the pain but mom put her hands over my mouth saying, 'Quiet, Bitch. We don't need you waking the neighbors and having them call the cops because you are making too much noise.' I laid there and sobbed as he continued to rape me.

"Then Tim said, 'Karen? Why don't you put her mouth to better use by giving her that cunt of yours to eat.' A shiver went down my spine as mom removed her clothes and sat on my face facing Tim. She smelled like she did when you smelled her today and I couldn't turn my head to get away from it. One of them started to pinch my nipples as mom said, 'Either eat my cunt or we'll cut your nipples off.' So I opened my mouth and began to lick her as she rubbed her cunt all over my face. I don't know what I hated more; being fucked by Tim or being forced to eat my mom's stinky cunt. After they both had orgasms, they left me there while I curled up into the fetal position before I cried myself to sleep."

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The senator had two secrets. One was his gay hung black lover and the second was his sexy shemale. He had spent a lot of money getting the shemale just how he liked it. The surgery gave her big tits and nipples and a great ass. She had injections in her cock and now had a long very thick cock. She took hormones to have a soft female features in her face. She loved dressing sexy and showing off her big tits and nipples and the senator loved seeing her sexy. The senator loved his lovers with the...

2 years ago
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First Sexcapade With My Girlfriend

This is my 1st pardon me if there are flaws in the way of writing.This the story of my first experience with my girlfriend Anushka(name changed).We’ve been in love for 3 years now and this romantic and sexy experience happened a couple of months ago. I’m bigbadboy(BBB) 19 years old,184 cms tall with a decent physique and a strong and meaty dick which can please any woman.Anushka is the same age as me,5ft2in tall,slim with a curvy body and a milky complexion with beautiful lips.. We...

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RuthieChapter 4

Peter called one evening. "Umm Ralph, you said you were thinking about getting a dog to protect Ruthie when you were unable to be with her. I think I have the perfect solution. It was kind of dropped into my lap and the more I have thought about it, I think June and I will be up this weekend with the answer to your problem." "Good, for once the house is empty of company so we can enjoy ourselves. Ruthie is just starting to show her pregnancy and is getting excited more and more about our...

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Tracy Gets Hers

Tracy is one of the most popular girls in Greenwood high school, at least among guys. She was one of those unattainable high school princesses who enjoyed showing herself off, but didn't put out. With her shoulder-length blonde hair, perfect face (large green eyes, pert nose and thick, pouty lips), and athlete's body, she was easily the most beautiful girl in Greenwood, and every male student's dream. She has a date tonight, with Gary. He is a cool, well build guy and also the striker of...

3 years ago
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My mom in her friends house

5 minutes later my mom came out and she was still wearing the tube and mini skirt her hair was alll messy and her body was full of sweat she was like sweating like mad and man her body was all sweaty and oily it wasss soooo sexy i felt like licking her all over. Well we then walked down and went to the stairs and to the car well my mom was all quiet in the car and then she said 'after this we are going to a friends house and im sure u know i had sex in the room before this and this is all...

1 year ago
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my very first blowjob true story

I used to visit gay cruising or gay sauna, looking for the perfect guy, the perfect shape of cock or the perfect conditions to have my first experience. But I always found any way not to do it, may be because I was not excited enough or not so ready.It was in June 2018, driving back home after a professionnal appointment, around lunch time.I was near that sex shop in a quite small swiss city, I had never visited. I had only talked to the owner just about the facilities and the entry fee. This...

4 years ago
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Sweet Dreams Are Made of This Ch 07

Author’s Note: For those that have wondered, this is the seventh chapter in a twelve part story. Chapter: July ‘Stars in the Sky’ Imagine a jigsaw puzzle. Not just any puzzle, but one of those multi-thousand piece monsters littered with detail and colors. Getting started is no chore, all you have to do is start with the border and corner pieces, set the structure for the big picture. Sort the colored tiles, find a few of the more obvious pieces. Problems quickly become obvious for the...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Angel Gostosa Stepsis Wants To Make Babies

Angel Gostosa has stuffed animals and her stepbrother, Kyle Mason, can’t believe that she still plays with them. When Kyle calls Angel out on it, she invites him to see her other toys. Going into the drawer in her nightstand, Angel pulls out her dildo collection and shares the names of the various sex toys. The final toy, a Rabbit vibrator, is named after Kyle. She uses it when she fantasizes about getting pregnant. Kyle isn’t having any of it, but later that day he learns that he...

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Our second swingers party

  We went to a swingers’ party held at a private house. This was the second party at this house that we had been to. We’re not exactly swingers, more exhibitionists. James had bought a few sexy outfits for me and we thought this was a great chance to show off some of these outfits. All those who are fans of our adventures know how much I love to dress up in something slutty or revealing, so I was very excited for this party. I decided on a bright red mini skirt which came to a few inches below...

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another fantasy 2

Well guys, I'm here to tell you the second fuck I had on that lady, but this time only with Lena. Who has not read my other story, I suggest you read it to have a better description of those involved. Let's get to the point:Be astonished, very surprised. Yes, I know that lara had surprised me with sex, but sleeping with us? I admit I had a little doubt, but it didn't last even 5 seconds and I said yes. We stayed another 20 minutes at the party and went to the house to sleep, me, lara and lena....

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ZombieKiller Girlfriend

Zombie-Killer Girlfriend "Nice kill, Leon!" "Thanks. Look out, Lilly!" "Got 'em!" "Yah! High five!" "Okay, kids. Put the game on hold and eat," I said as I came into the living room. My son Leon looked up at me, and said, "Give us a couple of minutes, mom." "Yah, Mrs. Jay, we're about to hit the boss zombie," his girlfriend Lilly added. "Fine," I said. I became silent, so I could watch them play without embarrassing them, and smiled. I watched the subtle cures, and...

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The Festival

  I received the call from my agent just after lunch on a Friday. Fridays aren’t days that I normally allocate for work and especially Friday afternoons. On this particular day, I was leaving Maximilian’s my favourite lunchtime restaurant with a soon to be favourite blond on my arm.   Greta was waiting for a friend to join her and got tired of waiting, I was there to enjoy Chef Max’s famous Seafood platter and not to be distract from an important task like that by a blond in distress.   In...

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A late night fuck

Growing up and living in a neighborhood where yards had no boundaries was amazing. When we were teens we’d all play together and run around. There were two pools that seemed more like a gathering place for neighbors and friends rather than the owners’ personal leisure spot. There was never a moment in the day that was quiet or when you couldn’t see a kid running around or riding a bike. That was years ago, but the backyard boundaries were seemingly still nonexistent. None of...

2 years ago
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Mondays Will Never Be The Same chapter 2

I feel the familiar tingling in my balls and know I will not last much longer, I whisper, " please slow down, not yet" she lowers herself all the way down and lifts my lips to hers and kisses me hard, deep and her tongue goes deep as well as mine does. I'm caressing her nipples they are becoming harder still. She sits straight up and archers her back and I feel her pussy clamping down as she cams hard and fast, I can't resist and I come too from the sensation of it all, I suck a nipple...

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Vacation with my family part I repost without HTMLcrap

Introduction: Hi there. This is the repost of the first part of my story. This story contains incest so if you dont like it or you dont want to read that please choose another story. Fave fun, write comments and rate it. Vacation with my family Hi everybody! I am Stephanie or just Steph like all my friends call me and this story is about the first sexual vacations with my family. But first of all let me introduce you to my family. There is my dad Peter, my mom Cynthia, my little brother Chris,...

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Ministers Daughter

This was a favorite of mine that went missing from this site, so here it is again with picsI arrived at Dan's house in the mid-afternoon. Dan was a good friend of mine. He was the pastor at my church. And he'd invited me over for the graduation party of his daughter Kimmy. It was a hot May day. And this was to be a pool party, but I'd decided I'd refrain from all that business and had left my swim trunks at home. I figured I'd rather just sit around and mingle, and have a good time. I don't...

4 years ago
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Anal Experience

Next we proceeded to apply some lub (baby oil) and a small difference it did make. However penetration was limited to the head of my cock and sensations created because of the tightness, caused me to explode almost immediately into her anus. Still a frustrating job as she said she felt nothing but pain. Next, a few days later we started again, but this time she used during the day self practice methods, like learning to relax her ass muscles in a hout bath, inserting a vibrator and fingering...

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Your Big Break

I am John Doe. I am a new actor on the Hollywood scene. Unlike a lot of other actors who had to wait years for their first role, I got one in a matter of months. Part of that comes from me having model good looks. And the confidence that stems from having an 11 inch penis doesn’t hurt either. I am walking to my car after finishing the first of two days of shooting on a movie. Not a cloud in the sky, yet I am “lucky” enough to get struck by a random bolt of lightning. I wake up five minutes...

Mind Control
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Sissy Boy Slave and His NEW Playmate Sadie

sharleesisterboyYes, Sadie, I am a 'Lil Slave Bitch' for My Big 'brother's Cock use, when He and His friends get in the Mood for Young Sissy Boy meat to strip and abuse on the livingroom floor, inside the 'Big House'! I'm f******n and have been His Secret Sissy, Piss-Whore Slave since He traded for me five years ago when I was Nine! He KEEPS Me Locked Up in a rusty, smelly old trailer, parked inside a dark, Old Red Barn. I'm Locked up inside and I sleep on an old, Urine Smelling, Stained...

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A Fresh StartChapter 33 What I Did On My Summer Vacation

Marilyn handed me her keys, and I started her car up. There was a throaty rumble from under the hood. I looked at her and grinned. “Oh, shit! Your old man got this thing with the big V-8, didn’t he?” She shrugged. “I have no idea. I don’t even know what you’re talking about.” I laughed at that. The standard engine in this car was either the Chrysler 225 Slant-6 or a 318 V-8, but they also offered some larger V-8s. Her father must have gotten his daughter one of the big ones, which would...

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Caught in the Game

David was feeding the baby when Marie came through the door; she was glowing from her morning run. "Look, mommy is home," he cooed to his daughter who was just shy of her first birthday. Marie leaned back against the breakfast bar, stretching. Her Lycra tights and shirt clung to her body, emphasising the curves and crevices of her lithe frame. David leered at his wife's groin and breasts, his eyes devoured her cleft and her nipples encased in the tight shimmery fabric. He was becoming turgid....

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Loren pt III

I lent Loren my jacket to give her some respectablility as we entered the street. My girlfriend, Liz, hailed a taxi. We got in the back and Loren sat in the front seat.It wasn't a long journey home, and very soon we we're pulling up outside my house. As we were approaching I reached for my wallet, but Liz stopped me and said 'no, Loren's paying for this one'.We arrived and the driver said how much we owed. 'How about payment in kind?', said Liz. 'What do you mean?' said the driver.'well, that...

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Fucking My Sexy Aunt And Her Sister 8211 Pt 3 First Time With Aunt

This part is a continuation of the previous part. For a better understanding of the whole story and to enjoy it to the fullest, kindly read the previous parts. First of all, a very big thank you for the likes and comments I got on my email. Many were waiting for the next parts. So, guys, I am here with the 3rd part for you. For those who don’t know me. My name is Jay (changed) currently 30 years old. Now well settled in my own business from Mumbai. This is my 1st story (part 3) and many more...

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Jasper Rambo Michele and Sherri

By LonewolfChapter OneShe sauntered her way across the living room, her naked feet gently padding across the soft carpet. As Sherri moved closer to the German Shepherd lying on the floor, she lightly caressed her naked body, raising her level of excitement. Since she was home alone and her live-in boyfriend was not due to be home for several hours, Sherri decided to let Jasper help her relieve the sexual tension she woke up to. She had managed to bring herself off twice already this morning...

3 years ago
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The Next Level

Hi everyone, its Rahul 24 years old male from Lucknow. First of all thanks to all of you for your lovely feedbacks for my first story my intro to forbidden world and sorry for late submission of my next story. With all that feedbacks and your encouragement I thought of sharing another experience with all of you. Till that time I was very much curious about gay sex and tried many activities. Every day I search on net and I found something more interesting and kinky there. Slowly with time I...

Gay Male
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Sex With My Office8217s MD

Hi Everybody! This is Rajesh from Kolkata. About me – I am 31 yrs , 5’10” with normal body type with 10.5″ * 4″ Perfect Dick… I will come to the point without taking much of your time. Any Married / Unmarried / Widow / Unsatisfied Aunties / Bhabhijis / sex starved Females can contact me on my mail id It happened around 2 years back. When I was working with the biggest Stock broker of India where my MD was a married female of around 32 with looks and figure of 25-27 Years. About her – she was...

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Episode 154 Femdom

IntroductionThis story follows on directly from , which I urge you to read first to make any sense of this perversion. Iqra wishes to deny she has approved any use of her name in this or the previous episode, but I am hoping that Mistress Susanna and Mistress Nuri give their approval before publication..At SchoolThe headmistress announced that this week's Muslim Sex Ed Class was going to be a rather different affair for Iqra,...

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Molly Curt Naked In SchoolChapter 12

That Monday evening, teens across the country were experiencing a wide range of emotions after their first day of going to school naked. As just a few random samples, Mandy, Mason, Darren, and the others could not possibly represent the breadth and variety of the experiences of all the new Program participants. The great majority went through the initial shock, fear, embarrassment, and even panic and finished up the day little the worse for wear. Some, like Mason, had not come down from...

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Affirming This is how it is. This is how we’ll remember it. This is what we’ve always wanted. This is what we crave. You standing stock still, bare feet planted solidly on the floor, nothing binding you at all except your desire to do my will. You are standing, arms by your side, hands pointed gracefully toward the floor, fingers slightly curled, shoulders rolled back, breasts rising and falling with each breath, nipples painfully erect. Your legs are spread hip width, pelvis tucked, back...

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The Crossdressers Club

The Crossdresser's Club By Tammy Richards CHAPTER 1: THE DISCOVERY It was the Saturday before Christmas. Natalie was in the attic looking for boxes to wrap the last few presents, while John was running last-minute errands. As she dug through a pile of boxes in the corner, she happened to open a large box that had been pushed behind the rest. Imagine her surprise when she discovered that the box was full of women's clothes. There were dresses, lingerie, high heels, even a...

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My New Life As A TGurl Slut Pt 4 DPd By The Bouncers

Jack was the first person I met on my first night out dressed as a girl... a sexy, slutty girl.He is the head bouncer/ co-owner of the security firm that deals with security for various gay and tranny nightclubs including this particular TS/ TV/ CD club which was my first introduction to 'the scene'.And I must say it's an awesome club. The trans scene is much larger than I realised but this isn't just a venue that hosts transgender nights, it offers much more.It certainly isn't a sex club...

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The cool damp sand spread under my feet and a fresh sea breeze blew through my hair as I ran down the beach. Way off in the distance a small lonesome figure beckoned me to join it. Fascinated I ran down the beach toward the stranger. What were they doing on the beach all by themself? As I drew nearer I could make out it was a female and she was dancing, spinning in circles. She had a stick in her hand and every now and then when she spun around she would drag the stick through the sand quite...

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The Voices in my Head part 3

I slept in, coming downstairs just as my parents were leaving for work. I scrambled some eggs and made toast for my breakfast, wondering when Becky would show up. As I chased down the last bit of egg with the last bit of toast, Becky breezed in through the front door, carrying a gym bag. She got a cup of coffee for herself, cocking an eyebrow at me. I nodded and she poured a second cup for me. Becky knew my habits well, sitting quietly across the table from me while we sipped our coffee. ...

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Worlds Sexiest Lingerie Store

Lori had finally realized one of her long-time dreams -- having her own exclusive lingerie shop that she could organize and run the way she'd always dreaming about doing. Her shop was located in Coral Gables, Florida and it wasn't what you'd think when you first went inside, but Lori had found that her serious customers really enjoyed the shop when they discovered what she had. Lori was a very sexual and very sensual woman and she'd long thought that if she'd be open and honest about the...

1 year ago
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East side locos

I always wanted to be initiated into the neighborhood gang but I never thought it would be this way... It was a late Friday evening at a party at the homie Hector's house. Everyone was there drinking and smoking plenty of weed. Just having an all around good time. It was a special occasion because it was my birthday and earlier that day I had made my bones to prove that I was going to be part of the gang, the East Side Locos. Ever since I was a kid I had always wanted to be one of the homies. I...

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Massage Session Leads To Threesome Sex

A girl named Isha contacted me recently for a couple massage. We chatted for a while and she told her requirements and other details. She told me that she was just looking for massage and nothing extra. She told me that she has to convince her boyfriend to get a massage from stranger. She has never done it and more excited to get a massage after one of her friends had highly recommended me to her. We chatted on about how long it takes for complete body massage and other details. After a while,...

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The Waitress Fantasy and Reality

The patterns on the ceiling were arranging themselves into all kinds of mystical shapes in the half-darkness of my bedroom. I lay awake, trying to work out what had happened that evening.The answer should have been, nothing. Because nothing actually happened.And yet.It had just been a simple drinks party for grown-ups, a party put on by Mum’s friend, Brenda. I was there to serve, to be the waitress, complete with a black skirt, black shoes, and a school white shirt.I was already sixteen, but...

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Maxines New Life Ch 10

Lit 10- Chapter 41 In the parking lot of the Senior Towers Gus said, ‘So you coming up or not?’ ‘Gus, I am flattered, but I just met you,’ I answered. ‘If you can’t trust an old Marine, who can you trust?’ he asked with a charming smile. ‘Okay, but I reserve the right to leave at any time.’ ‘Fair enough. At least you can relax nobody will have any idea where to look for you.’ he said. ‘Well this van stands out like a Siamese cat at a dog show,’ I commented. ‘Ah but there are over two...

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Severance Pay Chapters 61 through 66 of 78

CHAPTER SIXTY ONE Hobbes switches me back to Fifty Pink, slowly this time. It's an easier transition but I end up at the same place, trapped in a body I can't control. He unlocks the handcuffs, keeping them in his left hand. "Patricia, follow me." I stand up. "Yes, Mr. Hobbes." He walks out the office door and I follow him, as ordered. I've stopped fighting things for now. It's mentally exhausting and even if I could make my body, and it is now MY body, do what I want, it can't be...

2 years ago
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Captains ChoiceChapter 10 A Fresh Start

To see Tom together with my mother seemed as natural as if my father were still alive and their explosive separation had never happened. But it had happened and that thought was still in the back of my mind. I didn't think for a moment that my mother would ever repeat the mistake she made so many years ago. I had begun to understand that I might be prepared to forgive my mother, something I didn't believe I would ever be able to do. I hadn't expressed these feelings to Ardele, at least...

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Enduring love

Mary knelt before him, her hands bound simply in a figure of eight behind her back, he liked seeing her like this, the position showed her breasts off beautifully; thrusting them slightly forward in an enthusiastic manner.Her nipples, pert from the chill in the air pointed forwards invitingly, Geoff was glad he had left the heating off and the window slightly ajar, his careful positioning of her body so her breasts caught the breeze had been part of his plan, he loved to see the goose bumps...

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BlacksOnBlondes Keisha Grey 12252017

For months, Keisha Grey has had a crush on Mr. King, the man who runs her pool cleaning service. He’s a big, black Bull. One of the biggest she’s seen. He’s over six feet tall, and his muscles are so huge, his work coveralls barely fit. Since Keisha first laid eyes on him, she’s wondered if his cock is as big as his biceps. Today, she’s going to find out. Her plan to seduce him is painfully obvious: Keisha dons her skimpiest bikini to lay out in the sun. But...

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The Little Brother Alternative

Sophia moaned underneath him, her pussy grinding against his hard cock. Bryce Callahan wanted more though, always more. His finger traced a line from the cleft of her crotch around her hips and came to rest against the rosebud of her asshole. He pushed, applying pressure to the tight entrance while his body never ceased its rhythmic movements into and out of her twenty-one-year-old body. Sophia’s eyes widened, and she made a groan of dismay. Bryce ignored that protest and continued to move his...

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Lust and Love

We push our way through the door with your hands running through my hair, you pull me closer to you. There is no need for words: Our bodies know. The feeling of your lips on mine sends a shock wave through my body. I wonder if you feel the electricity too, but it’s obvious you do. It’s obvious by the way you grab my ass and knead it and the way I wrap my legs around your waist as you lift me up and push me against my door. The lust for each other making us wild, you rip my low cut shirt over my...

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Abby and AmberChapter 2

Morning found the girls touching hands in their sleep. Both had tear tracks down their faces. The nurses let them sleep as long as they needed. The IVs had been changed as required without waking them. Finally at 10 AM, the nurses woke them to prepare them for the doctors rounds. Even though the level of pain they felt had been reduced by the medication they had received, their bodies were still stiff and unwilling to move from the abuse that had been inflicted on them. The nurses were...

1 year ago
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My sexual feelings after I forget I had any

Hello everyone. This introduction will help you understand who and what I am. I am domestic helper for family in Hong Kong, and I have been for over twenty years. I will not go into detail telling why I do this, only will say for twenty years i am without sex and man, and wish to forget previous life. Because of position in working and for so long I am very obedient, and must call boss lady and man as ma'am, and sir. In some accounts you may wonder why with some men and women I also do...

3 years ago
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just got fucked by my 2nd BBC

I got my 2nd good BBC fucking today and loved every minute if it. I had my 1st BBC and 1st anal back in April and have been craving a repeat ever since, I finally decided to do something about it. I Placed an ad on craigslist for a black man that wanted to use a white sissy crossdresser, After weeding through the fakes, old white perverts and one liners. I responded to 3 guys that fit what I wanted, I picked one that could host at his place that said he loved white sissy ass He said he had a 9...

4 years ago
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Switch HittingChapter 15

They were still lying there, cuddling naked, but Sherry had changed the subject. It had been very intentional, because the topic about confessing everything to Fran and Jack had shaken them all up, and there seemed to be very little hope in the future. She had attempted to revive some hope by asking a very normal question, one that all seniors in high school think about a lot. "What are you going to do when you graduate?" What had brought them low seemed to want to hold on, like a Gila...

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The Magician Ch 04

I left Pat with the nice warm feeling of a job well done. When I got back to the office I showered and cleaned up and became David. Dori looked up at me with a big smile. She got up and walked to me with a smile an hugged and kissed me, she whispered, ‘David I need you tonight. Please don’t be late coming home tonight.’ ‘I need you too dearest, I’ll be early, I promise!’ When I walked in the door at home I smelled what had to be my favorite meal. Fajitas! I was right, we had a great meal and...

1 year ago
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Post Coital Suggestion Part 3

Introduction: Becky gets lucky at a Rotary Meeting The story you are about to read includes very explicit reference to sex. If you are not old enough to read this story where you live, or if you object to frank language about sex, please read no further. If, however, you enjoy sexual fantasies and a bit of humor along the way, please read on! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This story really needs Chapter One to make any sense. If you dont read chapter one first, this one wont make a lot of...

2 years ago
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Sky Gets What She Wants

“Sky?” You hear him calling from the corridor. “Yes?” “Aren’t you coming?” he asks with a hint of mischief in his voice. What? No way in hell. There is no way that he is inviting you to shower with him. It’s a prank. It has to be. Or maybe you misunderstood or misheard or something. “Coming where?” you ask, hoping he gives you an answer which counters your low expectations. “To shower with me. Where else?” he asks, almost shocked by the notion that you would want to be anywhere but there. Your...

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