- 4 years ago
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"The helicopter is fine, Commander. All it needs is a bit more fuel in the tank and we're away to the mainland."
Angela nodded and thanked her deputy. "I hope you didn't forget to wet the ropes, Francesca."
Francesca assured her leader that Annie was trussed as tightly as she had ever been and her arms and legs should be half way out of their sockets in a day or so.
Angela looked serious. "I just hope it teaches her not disobey orders. Of course, I guessed she would speak to Esterhazy, but I wanted to be sure. I must go over and have a word to her in a few days time. I really I can't do without her for so long time after time after time. I'll try to reason with the girl and get her to see where her future lies. I think you are getting to see the light, aren't you, Lieutenant!
"In the meantime, you two can have the rest of the day free. Take her somewhere out of sight Francesca and I hope you both have a great time!"
"I think we can do that, Frieda, don't you"
The two had wandered off completely out of sight, in the direction Francesca had taken during her recent solitary walk.
"Do what, darling Fran?
"Have a good time, you goose, like the Commander ordered us to!"
"Oh, sure! I keep thinking of those two. I hope our love would prove that strong under such pressure. It must be so wonderful to have a bond like that tested and found to be strong as steel. Let's just lie together, shall we - no rough stuff for a while?"
"Anything you say, Frieda, but get nice and close so I can feel you near me so lovely and warm and soft and you smell so gorgeous. MMMMM!"
Francesca did as Frieda asked and merely lay by her side drinking in all the warmth and softness of the girl by her side. She ran her hands through Frieda's long red hair a few times and stroked her back, almost healed by now, as was her own. An hour must have passed like this, full of calm and serenity, when Francesca tightened her arms around Frieda and kissed her. Then she got to her feet.
"Come on my love, I've something to show you. But first you've got to promise to keep a secret."
And so she led the other girl up to the top of the hill and pointed to the beach below.
Frieda recognised what she was looking at right away. She wandered that far down the beach a few times in her first few weeks before the battle.
"It's not a big island at all, is it, Fran? We've almost crossed it in this short time. Mind you, it looks a pretty hairy slope down to the beach. Have you tried it?"
Francesca shook her head.
"No. It was almost dark when I saw it last. Let's see how we go, shall we? There are times, Frieda, when I regret the lack of good sturdy climbing boots. That little Annie down there has a lot to answer for! Anyway, lets get on with it. Stay close, darling."
It proved not to quite the horror that Francesca had feared. Annie would have had no trouble. She recalled that amazing climb up the rocks to the spring. Yes! That was one agile little girl! She slipped and slithered a couple of yards, and only Frieda stopped her going even further. With her friend's help, she hauled herself up and they sat together, looking around for a better way down.
"I think we need to work our way around the hillside, dearest." said Francesca. "A mountain goat might make it straight down, or the wonderful Annie, but not I and not you!"
As they worked their way around they found themselves getting steadily lower down until they came to a broad and gently inclined ledge which they were able to walk along. Rounding a bend they came upon the spot where the cage was and its lone occupant.
"We'll have to creep past Jo, Frieda. If she's awake and sees us, we'd better hope she keeps mum about it. Don't look at her, darling."
They crept down past Joanne who appeared to be asleep, poor kid. Arriving at the beach they walked over to the helicopter and got inside.
"It's warmer in here, Frieda. Feel like a bit more activity after that nice walk? There's a lovely couch folds out. Come on!"
Francesca pulled out the couch and they both made themselves comfortable. At last, they fell asleep. It was dark when they awoke.
"We'd better wait until light," whispered Fran. "I don't want to back round the beach. We might bump into someone on their way over. We won't have to wait long for the sun!"
Soon the dawn came and Fran motioned Frieda to get up and make a start back to camp. As they passed Annie, they saw she was awake and had spotted them. Fran went over to her.
"How's it going Annie? Only nineteen complete days to go! The rope keeping you nice and taut? If not, we'd better make sure it is. Angela might be passing by to check you out."
"Yes, Francesca, you did a good job. I take it this not an official visit."
"No, Annie. Don't breathe a word about seeing us. If you want to help Joanne, that is. How's the back feel?"
"Pretty sore, still, but I get the feeling it's healing fast! I seem to heal remarkably quickly! What are you planning? " Annie, stirred painfully as she vainly tried to be comfortable.
"Joanne's finished here, Annie. Time for we three to be moving on. We can try forming a women's rebel group elsewhere. And Frieda here will join us. Stick it out for another week or two - shouldn't take any longer. Bye, sweetheart!"
"She won't go along with it, you know. I bet you anything she's determined to see it out!" said Annie.
"She's right of course", muttered Fran to Frieda as they made their way back. "Damned proud bitch that she is, I wouldn't have her any other way, though. But if Angela reneges as I feel she will, then we're leaving, OK?"
"OK, Francesca. I'll be right with you. How did Joanne seem yesterday when you and Annie went up there?"
"In good heart I thought. A damned sight better than I would be and I'm inches shorter and not so broad in the shoulders. How she's stayed sane, I'll never know. I'd love to bust her out, Frieda. I know you think she's asked for it and I agree up to a point, but I don't trust Angela, somehow. I'm coming back tomorrow night to see if I can at least free her for a few hours like she did for Angela."
"She'll refuse, Fran. You'll be wasting your time!"
They passed the cage and Joanne was seemingly asleep. Francesca told Frieda to go on ahead.
"I'll catch you up, sweetheart. Won't be long!"
As soon as Frieda was round the bend and out of sight, Francesca coughed.
"It's OK, I'm awake. I saw you pass by last night and climb in to the chopper with Frieda. Made a nice little love nest for you, I don't doubt!"
"Wasn't bad, Jo! Not half bad, actually. Bet you wished you could be that close to little Annie down there! I always preferred boys when I had the choice, but I was at school with loads of girls, so you could say I was adaptable and Frieda is so sweet, Jo! As you may have gathered we've been exploring and found a new way over - a short cut over the hills. Nearly broke both our necks, but we made it! I'll pop back now and again if you like. And I'm sorry about the cold douche yesterday, by the way. Poor darling, you must be cold enough anyway."
"I needed it, Fran. I was crawling with vermin - still am, but you managed to drown a few! And, yes - if you want to risk another flogging, come over by all means."
"I've still got some of that ointment left, Jo. I can always rub that in, and anyway they don't whip officers and Angela needs my piloting skills, which I won't make available if she steps out of line!"
Joanne looked concerned. "You don't need to use that ointment for a mild flogging, Fran. Just let it heal naturally. I know what the stuff is now. I read about it when I was a trainee archivist at the Castle. There are not too many tubes of that around. It was developed not long before Science was abolished. It's powerful stuff, but it hurts so much before it starts to work, you're best not using it for any kind of minor wound."
She was getting weak after her time in the cage and paused for a moment or two to get her breath and gather her wits together.
"It was developed to treat severe burns, Fran. Somehow it can regenerate skin and stop scarring. That's why I have my back almost as good as new and why Annie healed so quickly. It stays in the system somehow and will work time and again, only my last whipping was so severe that I needed another application, and so will my final one most likely be, so if you still feel anything for me, please don't use it all up unless you really have to!"
"Ok, Jo. I'll bury it. I'll make sure it's there for you when you need it, if you need it. And, yes. I still feel for you. You saved my life, you and Annie. I hate to see you here, but I'm glad she's back down there, because it's where she wants to be, as near to you as she can be."
Jo smiled weakly. "I don't know what that meant, Fran, about, 'if I need it' but if it means you're planning a rescue - forget it. I intend to stay until the last day of my sentence. Now run along with you and be careful. Remember Fran, Angela isn't that stupid and she could always get at you through Frieda by taking it out on her. Don't push your luck, and thanks for the chat - it's done me good!"
"Bye, Jo. See you later. Oh - by the way. I owe you a lot, the way you kept me at it around the clock in those very early days and I know Annie feels the same! You really helped us find out how much we're capable of. You really oughtn't to reproach yourself as you do. Think about that as you rot in there when you could be doing so much that's useful!"
She rejoined Frieda, hoping that her words had been of some help. Then she thought about their conversation. What Joanne had said about the ointment and its amazing properties reminded her again just how far the world had declined this last hundred years of rule by madmen. Joanne knew such a lot more than she about all this kind of thing. She looked forward to discussing it with her later on when she came back after dark.
The day was spent gathering materials for a new and rather better built raft. Under the pretext of carrying out further surveys of the ship, Fran and Frieda had a few hours in the water, to Frieda's great delight and less so to Fran, who was still finding it hard going.
By the end of the day, they had accumulated enough suitable wood. In the morning it would be possible to make a start with construction. Among all the stuff they had salvaged from the wreck was several reels of wire which could be used to bind the pieces of wood together, although cutting them up into lengths was going to be a bit laborious without wire cutters. One or two manicures were going to be ruined over the next day or two!
Angela wanted to talk to her in the evening and it was very late before she could get away. She lay down to get a few hours sleep before getting up and going over to see Jo with some extra food and drink for her. She awoke and it was light. Damn. Joanne wasn't the only one who'd failed in her duty.
Francesca spent the day directing her little band of helpers. She got the impression they'd all sooner be on a training run or route march, now that their feet were hardened up. It was none too warm, what they were doing today. And the prospect of spending a few days in the sea going to and fro was obviously in all their minds. Listening to their chit chat, it came as a surprise to see just how much Angela was establishing her influence over them. It was as if Joanne had never been, except for one remark which enraged her so much she had to fight hard to control her anger.
"Wonder how Sleepyhead's doing. Nice frost last night for she and her little pet Annie. Bet that kept Annie awake - not sleepyhead, though. She'd sleep through anything."
"I wonder how you'd have coped in her position, Forster. Do you know that girl had just been whipped by the Inspectors, even worse than what she was given by Angela? She was driving herself and trying to do too much. We all make mistakes. Let her pay for hers and fall into line behind her when she comes back to us!"
"Even worse than the one Angela awarded her? Pull the other leg, Ma'am. She didn't have a mark on her before that - mind you - she doesn't now, does she. How's that? I've still got the scars from ten lashes I got from the Inspectors months before they sent me here. She IS a remarkable lady! Well - she's in there for a lot more than sixteen weeks! The only way she comes out of there is when she's due for burial at sea! It's tough at the top, Ma'am! But, then - you know all about it, don't you as the Number Two?"
No, I bloody don't know about it, thought a shocked Francesca. That settles it. I won't risk another visit to Jo just yet, but I'll change the roster a bit. That Forster cow doesn't get to go near either Annie or Jo from now on, and nor do Smith or Von Rosenberg. I think the rest are a bit more kindly disposed.
As soon as she had finished the day's work, she sent Frieda around to see to the prisoners and told her that she and Josephine would be responsible on alternate days from now onwards.
[And yes, please vote and leave comments. They are always most appreciated.] I was the only one in our family to call her Francesca. Everyone else had her down as Fran or Aunt Fran, but not I. It was just something I'd started as a little kid. I guess I just adored her name, the exotic way it rolled off my tongue; that, and maybe, the unspoken implication that we enjoyed some bond over and above that shared between her and the rest of our family. Francesca was my Mom's younger sister; baby...
I had been meaning to call Francesca but my studies got in the way for most of the remaining week. I took a break on Thursday evening and called the number she had given me. The heavily accented voice of an older woman answered the phone. "May I speak to Francesca, please?" The woman didn't respond, but I could hear her call Francesca and say a few words in Italian, I guessed. "Grazie, Momma," I heard her say as she took the phone. "Hello?" "Hi Francesca, it's Dal Larson calling....
As usual I won't recap Bridge Of Sighs, you will have to read it first.So we got to the last - but - one day of our trip. I had suggested to Richard that we .. or I try to get 'our waitress' in for a threesome. I had seen her with her girlfriend so I knew she was gay or bi. I was reasonably confident she'd fancy me, but of course she might have been you know FAITHFUL! MONOGAMOUS! a GOOD girl!I sure hoped not.I told Richard, rather teasing him, that if he approached her she'd think he was an old...
It was three weeks after that three hundred solid applications of the whip before either girl felt like sticking her neck out again. Thry might be brave, but they weren't exactly suicidal! Lieutenant Harrison was eagle eyed in her anxiety to get the pair back under the lash! Our heroines knew this and were most careful and not to get a fresh flaying before they were ready. Then it would be child's play to get into trouble again! By this time both girls were fired up and ready to go. Both...
Note: Please take a moment to rate this, and if you rate 3 or less, please just leave a constructive comment. I'm new to writing; I'm just sketching out memories here, trying to get the right balance between detail and dialogue. Your feedback and encouragement will help me when it comes to writing fiction and fantasy. By the way, Francesca is an Italian name, so is pronounced Franchesca. On we go... --------------------------------"Fuckit! She's only got that nasty soya milk in the fridge,...
Anal"Who was that, Albert?" asked Miss Merridew, Francesca's housekeeper. "Somebody for the mistress. I said she was away from home. The lady didn't give her name." "You should have asked. It might have been important. I'm worried about her up in those cold hills without a stitch of clothing all year round. I know she's used to hardship, but I still think of her as the little girl who came crying to me after the old Master had beaten her. I worry a lot. She always wrote once a week and...
FRANCESCA by bobby Frank was driving down Oak Street, looking for the house where his friend Rick said the party would be. He couldn't wait to meet this Filipina broad he'd been promised would be there. He loved Asian girls, and was getting pretty excited. He'd always heard that they were pretty submissive and would basically do whatever a guy wanted, but he'd never had an opportunity to ever bag one. "Tonight's the night.", he smiled to himself. (As you can see, Frank didn't...
Note: For our American readers, the word "pants" mean underpants here, and "Slug and Lettuce" is a chain of pubs. For legal reasons I should probably point out that I have never been served slug! Finally, I use British English spellings, what with being British and that. This is a true story. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy remembering it. Part One: I met Francesca at one of those "Sport for All" events where volunteers from various sports try to persuade an increasingly...
AnalTwo extremely battered girls stood before the CO, after having spent the night in a bare cell. They were sure it would be the first of many nights of confinement! Francesca's right eye was almost closed and Frieda had a swelling like a golf ball on her cheek bone. They both knew that this was only the beginning of their woes! "I have lost all patience with you two! I have a difficult enough job to do and half my time is spent dealing with the aftermath of your reign of terror and...
Ever since I was young, I was treated differently. My mom's friends would always comment on how pretty I was with my slender body, long eyelashes and bright green eyes. I spent a lot of time on my own growing up. My father left when I was a teen and my mom and older sister were always out of the house, which meant I spent a lot of time playing by myself. When I was seventeen, I noticed that my body wasn't changing as much as my friends. I seemed to lack any manly characteristics and my penis...
TransTransgendered Fiction Plots By Cal Y. Pygia For many writers, plotting a story is the most difficult part of the creative writing process. Fortunately, some help is available. Critics have identified several basic plot formulae for pornographic and erotic fiction. In addition, I have added some others that are especially well suited for transgendered fiction. The first five formulae may be called "situational plots," because they are based upon a particular circumstance. The next...
Note: Please take a moment to rate this, and if you rate 3 or less, please just leave a constructive comment. I’m new to writing, I’m just sketching out memories here, trying to get the right balance between detail and dialogue. Your feedback and encouragement will help me when it comes to writing fiction and fantasy. By the way, Francesca is an Italian name, so is pronounced Franchesca. On we go… ——————————– ‘Fuckit! She’s only got that nasty soya milk in the fridge, and you can’t make a...
My beautiful Aunt Francesca slid her fingers slowly up and down the lips of my vagina, skillfully and urgently exploring every fold of my sensitive places. I was completely naked on her couch, where she found me rubbing myself just a few minutes before. Her eyes moved up and down my body slowly as my breathing became uneven. I felt my breasts bouncing slightly as my tummy twitched when she touched me. I liked watching her watch me. She was erotically fascinated with my body, I could tell."Have...
Note: For our American readers, the word ‘pants’ mean underpants here, and ‘Slug and Lettuce’ is a chain of pubs. For legal reasons I should probably point out that I have never been served slug! Finally, I use British English spellings, what with being British and that. This is a true story. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy remembering it. Part One: I met Francesca at one of those ‘Sport for All’ events where volunteers from various sports try to persuade an increasingly...
This is a story of pure fantasy, any resemblance to any place or any person,living or dead, is purely coincidental.___________________________________________________________________________________________________Let me start at the beginning. My name's Francesca, and I'm an anal slut. I love the feeling of something slipping and sliding and slamming in and out of my ass, the bigger the better.I had the most intense punishment last night; it was so amazing I had to put pen to paper while I let...
Francesca Schiavone****age 29 Almost the whole world, didnt think she had a chance.She is the first Italian woman, to win a Grand Slam single. 6-4 7-6 at the French Open. Also Venus and Serena Williams won their fourth consecutive major doubles title Friday at the French Open. 6-2 6-3Serena is #1 Venus is now #2 in singles. Also the Williams sister are now #1 in doubles. Schiavone #17 will be rank in the top 10 after the great job she did at the French Open. A few pictures...
This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any place or anyperson,living or dead, is purely coincidental. This is an original story. Francesca's Extreme Anal Diary Chapter 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- So, diary, where was I? That shit felt good; but damn, I wish I couldfind where Greg hides 'my' dildos. I'm still recovering; but shit! Ireally want something up my ass right now while I write this, and I don'thave anything. ...
Hoofdstuk 1. Ik heb een baan. Bij een accountantskantoor. Zoiets van onderaan beginnen. Ik ben ook pas achttien jaar. Middelbare opleiding gedaan. Er zit wel een maar aan. Het is in Den Haag en ik woon in een klein dorpje een stukje buiten Arnhem. Ik heb wel al gezocht naar woonruimte in Den Haag, maar dat is tot nu toe op niets uitgelopen. Dus reis ik elke morgen van Arnhem naar Den Haag en aan het eind van de middag weer van Den Haag naar Arnhem. En dat doe ik nu al twee...
Pamela’s girlfriends wondered how she got a new Corvette when she turned sixteen and a luxury apartment for her eighteenth birthday. It helped that her father was quite wealthy but it took more than that. She simply explained that her technique was “stroking his ego”. She did not explain that she defined “ego” as a tubular organ attached to his groin and the stroking was in her vagina. She’d matured into a bronzed blonde busty beauty at an early age and, after spreading her “wings”,...
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This is the diary of a young 18 year old Korvanian girl named Anna Francesca. Anna was a refugee during the great war between Korvania and the Republic of Thray. Anna's ultimate fate is unknown. What we know about the things she went through during the war is only what she saw fit to write about in her diary. Which was recovered years after the war had ended. It is an incredible tale of what a young girl had to do and endure to survive alone on a war torn continent. AUTHOR'S NOTE: Please, don't...
The morning after she sold her graphics design business for a sum large enough that she could comfortably retire, Francesca Weaver looked at herself naked in the mirror and considered what she wanted to do with herself, and her life. She was forty-two, married but childless, and she and her husband Edward led mostly separate lives. Her looks were undiminished, and though she had never been conventionally beautiful, she knew she was sexually attractive, with high cheekbones and an aquiline,...
My name is Francesca, and I love to fuck. I had a very successful graphics design business, and I sold it for a sum large enough that I could comfortably retire. The next morning I looked at myself naked in the mirror and considered what I wanted to do with myself, and my life. I was forty-two, married but childless, and my husband Edward and I led separate lives. My looks were undiminished, and though I had never been conventionally beautiful, I knew I was sexually attractive, with high...
Welcome to one rather unconventional site… called db Naked. At first glance, I really thought this was an ad, then I thought maybe this is just a site filled with lots of galleries. But after a bit of browsing, I came to the conclusion that this place is actually a generic porn site that just looks a bit different than what most of us are used to.The content here is pretty random, and I am pretty sure that like 90% of it is professional pornography, so if you were looking for amateur shit, this...
Pornstar DatabasesI Post Naked! Welcome to a wonderful place filled with horny amateurs who are not afraid to show what they love to do in their free time. I think I can safely say that everyone can kind of guess what has to offer… you literally have it in the title. This is an amateur site offering naughty content (duh!), and if you love amateurs, you might find something that will make your boner happy here.But, there will always be pros and cons to every site, since no place is 100% perfect,...
Amateur Porn SitesReddit FitNakedGirls, aka r/FitNakedGirls! What’s your perfect woman? We all have a type, but at the same time, there is a type that everyone can agree is super addictive, such as fit babes. I mean, what is there not to appreciate with girls who are fit and hot? Well, unless you are into something highly specific such as fatties or whatever, I think that you will surely enjoy this subreddit; called r/FitNakedGirls/.Don’t you just love when the name of the subreddit basically explains all that...
Reddit NSFW ListFit Naked Girls! When I first saw the link for this next site, I thought somebody had made a new amateur gallery starring the local Tinder girls. Then I shook the clouds out of my head and realized it wasn’t called Fat Naked Girls. This is Fit Naked Girls! I guess I can put away the pizza and Budweiser I was going to use as bait.You’ve probably already figured out what is all about. I appreciate a simple, straightforward site name almost as much as the 5,000 daily viewers...
Fetish Porn SitesTikTok has been taking the world by storm. It’s, therefore, no surprise that there are a bunch of girls on the platform trying to get famous by showing off their nude bodies. Well, TikTok is very vague about its rules - it can only be compared to the Wild West right now when it comes to its content. People are posting anything and everything to the damn platform, and you can catch a glimpse of TikTok thots a fair bit when you’re on there. However, to make your life easier, so you don’t have to...
Reddit NSFW ListNaked Tik Tok 18 has the kind of on-the-nose title that I really appreciate as a professional masturbator. Even before I clicked on the link, I had a pretty good idea of what I was in for; there would be nudity and probably a lot of those fresh-faced legal teens whose ages match up to the digits in the site name. To be honest, the title combines TikTok with my favorite things about the platform, and I could see the same formula being applied effectively to other websites. Let me know if...
TikTok Porn SitesAuthor's note: One of my favourite author's writes under the name of carriep. carrie writes on this website but also on her own blog which can be found under carriep 56. Carrie is currently writing a wonderful story, in chapters, called A Very Victorian Education. While my story is different, I borrowed a couple of carrie's ideas and also wanted to use the same setting of the late Victorian era with the wonderful clothes the ladies wore. A warning to prospective readers is that...
The Plot By Eric This was inspired by a picture caption by Morpheus HUGE Thanks to Steve Zink, peerless editor! Outside a very nicely decorated upper middle class house is a mailbox that reads The Hamiltons. A very lovely woman goes out to get the morning paper. A neighbor waves cheerfully at her. "Hello, Laura!" Laura Hamilton waves back. "Morning, Beth." They talk for a moment, then Laura smiles her charming smile and says, "I'd love to chat more but I've got to...
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He was a big DICK. A big and fat DICK that ate my story plot...Never discovered this DICK's name, but he came into my bedroom from the window adjacent to my garden's bed of roses... He would often do this to avoid making noise in the neighborhood. Mind you, I loved when he entered my room like that...It happened one evening while I had just finished up the tenth chapter of my new novel, that DICK happened to visit.. While he was waiting for me to finish in the shower, he noticed my last chapter...
Helena Meade's alarm went off in the morning at four-thirty. She wasn't nearly ready to get up, but it was the first day's shooting of her first significant featured role. She didn't think that there was much chance of waking her two flatmates, but she still walked as quietly as she could to the bathroom, where she turned on the shower. It was deliberately only warm rather than hot, but she didn't intend to be in there long and the water would hopefully wake her up. After quickly drying...
Fred Miller (45) and Sandy Thompson (23) were packing up the items that they accumulated during their stay in the Flagler Hospital. Sheriff Henderson stopped by to say good-bye to them both. They thanked him for all the help and support he had given them during their stay in Flagler. Several hospital staff members had also stopped in to say goodbye to them both. Fred had recovered completely from his memory loss. He still showed a few burn marks here and there but nothing serious....
It was about the middle of summer when I first went to bed with Bob. He was my husband’s flight instructor. This was the year that I wore my very first real mini skirt. The first one actually made the national news. The first one was somewhere in the south, Atlanta, I think. They were not being worn anywhere else except in California by me. When my husband saw the newspaper article about it, he showed it to me and told me I should wear one when we went to the bars and into town. Since I was...
Naked Stepdaughter Ch. 01byaznaked©My name is Kacie. I know. It is a curtsey way of spelling but my mother came up with it. My "situation" started when I was 17 years old. My mother died in a car accident. Ironically for a heavy drinker, she was sober but was a passenger in a car driven by a drunk friend. The friend survived but my mother did not. I had never known my real father and I'm not sure mother really did either. It could have been a casual encounter or a swinging party. Mike had been...
Ever since I can remember, I have spent a lot of time without clothes. Igrew up in a nudist family. My parents were very liberal folks. I believethat part of their initial attraction to each other was nudity. Our backyard was wooded and fenced so we could spend time outside naked. Thefamily room and kitchen windows faced the backyard so we could be nakedinside without feeling claustrophobic. In fact, we didn't have d****s inthose rooms. I remember sitting around watching TV naked with my...
As the bus pulled up to Dee's house, Dee gave her friend a hug and wished her good luck. Dee got off the bus and it continued on the route. Just a few minutes later, the bus stopped in front of Brandi's house. She got off the bus and went into the house. Since her parents weren't home, she went up to her room. Since her parents wouldn't be home for awhile, Brandi decided that she would do her homework, but she would do it naked. Shucking off her clothes, Brandi sat down at her desk,...
I watched your house from the window and lusted to see you. My house was at the end of a cul-de-sac that perched on a ridge that overlooked the houses that lay below. Behind me lay the green meadows of farmland and before me the sprawl of urban life. I lived in a Gothic monstrosity of a house that had been built more than one hundred and fifty years ago. A house that now would be considered something either to be pulled down or renovated to a more modern monstrosity.I had lived here for all my...
We had arrived in Amsterdam to attend my Aunt's wedding. She was going to marry a Dutch guy she met while working there. He owned a fancy spa in Vianen where the wedding would be held.My mother took time away from work and I skipped a week of classes from college. It was shaping up to be a nice little vacation.Mom and I spent a day in Amsterdam after arriving, just being tourists and exploring the city.The next day, Aunt Helen arrived from Vianen to pick us up. My mother gave her a big hug. It...
We had arrived in Amsterdam to attend my Aunt's wedding. She was going to marry a Dutch guy she met while working there. He owned a fancy spa in Vianen where the wedding would be held.My mother took time away from work and I skipped a week of classes from college. It was shaping up to be a nice little vacation.Mom and I spent a day in Amsterdam after arriving, just being tourists and exploring the city.The next day, Aunt Helen arrived from Vianen to pick us up. My mother gave her a big hug. It...
That is a follow-up to the first story: Second day, 18th March Temperature in that day At 6 a.m -18 9 a.m. -12 Noon -7 3 p.m -6 6 p.m -8 8 p.m -11 Marlene was sleeping and had a dream, that she is in Antarctic observation station and her task is to check temperatures in all weather stations. There were six weather stations approximately 10 kilometres around...
Second day, 18th March Temperature in that day At 6 a.m -18 9 a.m. -12 Noon -7 3 p.m -6 6 p.m -8 8 p.m -11 Marlene was sleeping and had a dream, that she is in Antarctic observation station and her task is to check temperatures in all weather stations. There were six weather stations approximately 10 kilometres around and she stepped outside… naked . First thermometer closer to station showed minus 72 degrees. Marlene thought, that chief of the station will give her another duty,...
All credit belongs to urbanslut©It started very serendipitously. On a warm summer night in Delhi. I had returned home from a long day at work. I took a cold shower to wash away the day's worries. Got out of the shower, with a towel wrapped around me and went into my bedroom to get dressed for bed. My standard sleeping garb in summers was a loose t-shirt (no bra) and shorts (no panties). As I rummaged through the closet, I realized that I was out of all clean shirts and shorts. Work had been...
It started very serendipitously. On a warm summer night in Bangalore. I had returned home from a long day at work. I took a cold shower to wash away the day's worries. Got out of the shower, with a towel wrapped around me and went into my bedroom to get dressed for bed. My standard sleeping garb in summers was a loose t-shirt (no bra) and shorts (no panties). As I rummaged through the closet, I realized that I was out of all clean shirts and shorts. Work had been keeping me busy for a while,...
The last month of my senior year became rather routine. Now, what aminute; that's not true. How can having frequent sex with your Dad beroutine? How can broadcasting to cyberspace the sexual escapades of twoexhibitionists, Bob and me, be routine? How can the daily suck off of afellow employee be routine? I may have grown up in an unusual householdwith lots of casual nudity, but even I know that what I was doing was notwhat most 18-year-old high school students were up too.Bob and I got...
After being 8,5 hours without a break outside naked on the coldest day of the last 25 years, 15-year old beauty Marlene started to figure out, what to do next. After that cold day in National Park, Marlene was astonished, how well she resist to the harsh weather. Later, after she had dressed and sitting with other students in bus, she felt suddenly chills. She was shivering and her teeth flapped. She perceived, that her mind begins to fade, he sank into a half-sleepy state. Other boys and...
Marlene was a princess of the 9thB class in her school in little town of the northern country. She was an excellent student and also beauty – long blonde hair, pretty face and model-like legs. She was aware of her charm, but she wanted more. She tried to figure out, how to impress stronger. Marlene was ready to show up naked in front of the boys, but she wanted to find a good reason, which does not seem too easy. Suddenly she found a way – it must be an extreme nakedness like naked in...
NakedNews aka nude news! How many times have you been watching the news and about halfway through the broadcast realize that you didn’t catch anything that was said because you were just staring at the female anchors' mesmerizing rack the whole time? Come on, be honest. I know I can’t be alone on this one. We’re guys, we can’t help ourselves.Some of these news anchors, man…god damn. Plus, they’re almost always wearing tops that seem to showcase the tits, with a deep neckline allowing for a full...
Top Premium Porn Sites“I couldn’t believe that in addition to that we have experienced here,” said Kari, “we helped another family get interested in family and public nudity.” “As we, have said, things keep getting weirder and weirder,” said Kevin. After returning from their vacation at The Meadows, it didn’t take long for the Krills to get back to real life mode, but once in awhile, they would revert back to vacation mode. Usually, especially at dinner, the conversation would turn to talking about their...
After that night of prancing about nude in my balcony and around my building, I embraced my new naked risk-taking hobby with the enthusiasm of a new convert. I could not do anything for a while after that night, because Anagha, my air-hostess roommate was back in town. But luckily, Anagha informed me that in a few days, she would be gone for a week for some training program in Malaysia. From then on, it was a countdown in my head, in days, hours and minutes, until she left. And finally she...
After that night of prancing about nude in my balcony and around my building, I embraced my new naked risk-taking hobby with the enthusiasm of a new convert. I could not do anything for a while after that night, because Anagha, my air-hostess roommate was back in town. But luckily, Anagha informed me that in a few days, she would be gone for a week for some training program in Malaysia. From then on, it was a countdown in my head, in days, hours and minutes, until she left. And finally she...
When I got to school on Monday, it was a pretty normal day, I thought. I was wearing a red plaid dress and a white blouse. It was a pleasant enough day for mid-September; in the low 70s and partly cloudy. It was two weeks into my junior year. My name is Karen. But when I got inside the front door, I had to push my way into a big crowd. I asked someone what was going on, but didn't have time to listen to their answer. "Karen Wagner, right?" a guy said. I nodded, and he...
Introduction: Part One of two — Monday When I got to school on Monday, it was a pretty normal day, I thought. I was wearing a red plaid dress and a white blouse. It was a pleasant enough day for mid-September, in the low 70s and partly cloudy. It was two weeks into my junior year. My name is Karen. But when I got inside the front door, I had to push my way into a big crowd. I asked someone what was going on, but didnt have time to listen to their answer. Karen Wagner, right? a guy said....
The Internet has certainly changed the way we communicate, huh? You can slide into a slut’s DMs, post an X-rated meme on your friend’s Facebook, or chat face-to-face with your hot cousin on Facetime. Do you know what’s better than clothed video conferencing? How about if the girls are naked? That’s kind of the premise behind, a live webcam site where beautiful girls put on shows for perverts.Can we talk about that domain for a second? seems like it has to be Internet gold. I...
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