Beauty–Remastered Ch. 04 free porn video

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My dear readers, I’m SO sorry I haven’t updated in…oh goodness, 2 months! Lots of happenings in my life, good and bad, but that’s hardly an excuse. I’m working on chapter 5 of Beauty Remastered as hard as I possibly can, while attempting and reattempting to start Piper, which is Joey and Danny’s story =) Wish me luck, my loves. I promise, Chapter 5 will be super exciting and wonderful and out soon! Cross my heart. For everybody who commented and voted on the earlier chapters, you are the best ever, and I adore all of you! And thank you for the encouragement, because it’s what keeps me going at times. I’d love to hear what you think of Chapter 4…hint hint. <,3



Scarlet awoke alone in a cold, dark, unfamiliar room. She reached down to pull the covers up from where they had been shoved down by her feet and realized that her hands were no longer bound. Donovan must have released her before he left the room. Memories raced toward her.

She glanced around, blushing. The heavy curtains were drawn, so the room was still too dark to really study, but she could just make out shadows of furniture in the gloom beyond the bed. There were no lights or candles, and any illumination would have to come from the fireplace once it was lit. What was it with her husband and darkness? She knew he lived in it, but that didn’t mean she had to!

At the thought of her absent husband, she shuddered and drew the blanket up to her chin. Last night, the bastard had…she didn’t want to think about what he’d done. But the thoughts came anyway.

Thoughts about how, hours after that one time, she’d finally drifted into a fitful, erotically dream-filled sleep — dreams laced with touches and mouths, tongues and panting breaths — only to have him wake her with his teeth and tongue teasing her breasts, while his fingers massaged her mound. Again, he’d brought her to the brink, this time let her teeter forever at the absolute edge before stopping to take care of his own needs. The third time, she had sobbed when he at last took his pleasure-giving hands and mouth away. By the time he came at her a fourth time, she was exhausted and too worked up to do more than lie there and accept him. He didn’t even let her get close before he stopped and went back to his side of the bed. Perhaps he knew she wouldn’t last long.

Scarlet’s eyes filled at the memory of how the third time, she’d begged him incoherently through the gag, the promises she’d made to be good. To obey. To do anything and everything he wanted, if he would just let her come. He’d ignored her completely, silently working her up and up, knowing exactly when to stop.

Her tired, aroused body ached from all the memories. He’d been undeniably gentle with her, hadn’t even penetrated her with a single long, tapered finger, but all the aches he left unfulfilled had expanded and meshed together and she *needed* to sate it.

Her blush intensified as her hand slid below the covers to hover above her warm, deprived core. She’d only done this once before, in all her eighteen years. And it hadn’t been with a set, illicit agenda, she had simply explored, years ago. Now, though, she was going to actually *do* something.

For a moment, she faltered, but her entire body throbbed, as if insisting she continue. Scarlet slowly lowered her hand to slide along her lips. They were slick with her arousal. Her shaking index finger penetrated the damp folds and bumped across her clitoris. She yelped at the burst of pleasure that speared through her belly to join the other stored tendrils he had ignited the night before.

She remembered him focusing his long, agile tongue there for ages, it seemed, the third time. She touched herself there again, biting her lip at the sensations. Her inexperienced touch was less earth shattering than Donovan’s, but she could still bring herself to that release. She rubbed that small button gently, and then harder and faster when that wasn’t enough. Her hips moved unconsciously, humping against her hand.

Without even thinking about it, she raised her free hand to her bare breasts and pinched her tight nipples gently. A low moan slipped out as the dual feelings took her higher, closer to that release.

And for one glorious moment, she just barely reached it.

‘Having fun?’ A deep voice from the side of the bed asked suddenly.

Scarlet shrieked and pulled her hands away guiltily. ‘I-I didn’t hear you come in.’

He smirked, his teeth bright in the shadows. ‘I’m not surprised. You were otherwise occupied.’

Her anger came back at his soft, sarcastic tone. She pulled the covers around her and scooted to the far side of the bed. God, he was so unfair! So frustrating. Why wouldn’t he just let her finish? The sick sadistic ass.

‘I just came to let you know that I’ve hired a seamstress to make you a new wardrobe, seeing as how most of your clothes were unfit. She will be here in two hours.’

‘I can’t go into town to buy some? I’m sure it will be less expensive.’

He turned and sauntered to the door. ‘No, I think not. Money is no object, Annabelle.’

That confirmed her suspicion that he was keeping her here. Fear made her pulse race. She was likely to never see anybody other than her husband and the butler again! This wasn’t her home, it was a prison.

Her arousal had cooled to a painful almost nothing. She still needed that damn release, but after his interruption, there was no chance in hell she’d try again. For all she knew, Donovan was probably lurking in the hallway outside, just waiting for her to begin again. Was this a part of his ‘punishment’? Not letting her come unless he wanted her to? Did the arrogant bastard honestly think he could control her body like that?

Unfortunately, Scarlet held back a sob and rolled to bury her face in the pillow, he *could*.


Dominic paced his room at the top of the house, raking his long fingers through his hair repeatedly. Thoughts of Annabelle whirled through his mind. The feel of her soft skin beneath his fingertips. The way her hair smelled — subtle and spicy, like nutmeg. The soft moans and cries when he licked a path up her stomach. The sweet taste of her skin as he teased at her breasts and down to…

‘Fuck!’ Donovan collapsed into an armchair in front of the unlit fireplace. Last night had been torture. He wanted so badly to let her go over that edge, to let her tumble with a scream. Maybe her voice would have gone hoarse while she screamed, like it did in the study. Maybe she would have even screamed his name. Just the thought of his name on her luscious bruised lips was enough to turn him to stone.

He palmed his hardening member, groaning with frustration. He’d already gotten himself off twice today — once when he woke up with Annabelle sleeping fitfully beside him, and not ten minutes ago after he’d accidentally interrupted her pleasuring himself. Added to the three times yesterday, he was well on his way to setting a week’s record. Before that, though, he might actually wear himself out. Even if he did, he knew he’d still want her.

He reached to the small table beside his chair and picked up a book. Opening it, his fingers danced across the Braille, effortlessly reading page after page, but he paid no attention to the words his sensitive hands found. His mind instead brought back the way his fingertips had read her body, and coaxed those damnable sounds from her.

Damn her. He hadn’t expected to be this attracted to his wife, even after all that time in the past. In all honesty, he hadn’t even expected to go as far with her as he did. Their marriage would have been just that, with no feelings or intimacy involved. But after that first kiss…all hell had broken loose.

His body tightened even more when he remembered her warm, frantic rubbing against his leg. He was harder now, after everything they’d done, than he had ever been in his life. He cursed himself fo
r not simply taking her in the study, when he had the chance — when his hard body was crushed between her dewy thighs, when he felt her wet heat surging against his. He decision not to take her against the wall seemed stupid now. And the promise he’d made would be almost impossible to keep.

Surging to his feet, he began pacing again, refusing to allow his hands anywhere near his pulsing erection. This was ridiculous! He, as a husband, had a right to her body. But now that she knew he couldn’t have it without her consent, that right was obsolete. A quiet knock on the closed door pulled him from his angry thoughts and he pulled it open quickly.

Abner studied his master. His dark, unseeing eyes were angry and pained, his mouth set in a familiar furious way. The long, lean body was taught with frustration. The poor boy.

‘What is it?’ Donovan demanded.

‘Your wife requested a walk in the grounds, sir.’


‘But, sir,’ Abner stepped forward. ‘It isn’t right to keep your wife a prisoner in this house.’

‘It makes no difference whether she’s in the house or out, Abner. She is my wife and when I say she stays inside, she stays inside.’ Donovan growled, flinging himself down into the chair again.

‘Sir, if I may –‘

‘You may not.’

Abner did anyway. ‘You’ll never win her if you insist on treating her this way, sir.’

‘I don’t have to ‘win’ her. You see, that’s the funny thing about marriage. She belongs to me.’

‘Her body, yes. But not her heart.’

Donovan scowled and turned away. Even her body wasn’t truly his, thanks to that damn promise. ‘And what would I do with her heart?’ Abner didn’t answer, and the door clicked shut quietly. Donovan slumped further into the chair, cursing angrily to himself. Abner knew too much. For a few brief moments, he sat still in the chair, and then he jumped to his feet and pulled open the door again. The hall was silent. ‘Stay with her out there.’

‘Very good, sir.’ Abner replied cheerily as the door slammed shut again.


‘Thank you, Abner,’ Scarlet gave him a small smile as they slowly circled the huge garden behind the house.

The sky was overcast and looked ready to let loose at any moment, but the sun cut through the clouds every so often and lit up the flowery wonderland that was her new home. She hadn’t seen any of the grounds in the short time she’d been here, and now she was almost thinking that maybe staying here — for the smallest amount of time possible — wouldn’t be so horrible if she got to go out to be in this wonderful space. She hardly even remembered her husband here.

‘It’s my pleasure, milady,’ Abner held out his arm like a gentleman and she took it with a soft giggle. His master was a lucky man, that he got this lovely young woman to ‘have and to hold.’ And from the looks of things last night, they’d be doing a *lot* of holding.

‘How long have you been with…him?’ She paused when it came time to say *his* name. A delicious warmth shuddered through her body at the mere thought of her horribly attractive husband. How could he affect her so easily, make her want him with everything in her, while she despised him at the same time?

‘Oh, I’ve been with Lord Alford’s family before he was born. I practically raised the boy.’ Alford proclaimed proudly, drawing Scarlet’s attention back to the present.

‘You could’ve done a better job!’ She thought to herself morosely, turning her face away. Her face had always been very readable, and she didn’t want him to see what she was thinking. She didn’t even want to know what she was thinking. ‘This is a lovely garden.’

‘Thank you, milady! I did most of it. Before the old Lord Alford passed, the lawns were a mess, the garden was overgrown with weeds and the like. When the new Lord Alford took over, he gave me free rein to do whatever I liked. And I liked roses.’

‘I do too,’ She leaned over to examine a particularly beautiful specimen. The many petals of the small buds were a pale cream color, and the tips seemed dipped in a deep, blood red paint. ‘This one is…’

‘That’s my favorite. Rosa Helena, my own little experiment. I named it after my wife, Helen.’ Reaching into the bush, he carefully plucked one flower. After vigilantly breaking off every single little thorn, he tucked it behind her ear. ‘You look like her, you know. Same pale skin and scarlet lips.’ Abner studied at his young new mistress. ‘Just like the day I met her.’

‘What happened to her?’

‘She died. Ten years ago.’ He resumed their walk. ‘Oh, don’t be so downcast about it. It was her time — she was sick for a long time. But we had our love story and lived it like it deserved. And when it came time to say goodbye, we couldn’t regret a single moment of it.’

‘Will you tell me about it sometime?’

‘Of course. You could learn a thing or two about love. The real, true kind. I’ll tell you this, milady, when you love someone, all that matters is the seconds you’re together. And you feel different — new, almost. Things you’ve never felt before race through your body like darts. And when it’s love at first sight –‘

‘I don’t believe in love at first sight.’ Scarlet interrupted. She was flustered by his words, as if he knew exactly what was going on inside her every time she saw her husband.

Abner’s eyes twinkled as he turned toward the house. ‘Yes, milady. I suppose we had better go in. I have to work on dinner.’

Scarlet stared sadly up at the house. She wasn’t ready to go back into that awful darkness. Her breath caught when she noticed a tall figure looming in one of the windows at the top of the house. She could almost feel that dark, searing gaze on her. Heat blossomed in her cheeks and she quickly followed Abner inside, out of *his* blind sight.


Scarlet had no choice but to eat with Donovan. He cornered her in the hall, emerging like a ghost from the shadows as she attempted to find her way back to her — their — room. When she refused to follow him, he lifted her over his broad shoulders and carried her, kicking and screaming, into the dining room. Their meal was quiet and tense while she fumed and he let her.

Scarlet shifted in her chair constantly, aware that her groom’s eyes were on her. He couldn’t see her, but she still felt that somber gaze. Her own eyes drifted around the room, studiously ignoring the man across the table. Like almost every single room in this big house, the room they were eating in was dark and shadowed. Twin candelabras on either sides of the long table provided only minute illumination, and she knew it was probably because of her. Abner didn’t serve them throughout the meal — he brought out their plates at the beginning and let them eat alone together.

‘Did you enjoy your walk today?’ Donovan spoke suddenly, making Scarlet jump.

‘Yes, thank you.’

He waited for her to continue, but she didn’t say another word. ‘I see Abner has given you one of his Helenas.’

Her head snapped up and around to his, her hand flying to the rose she had left tucked in her hair. How did he know? ‘I –‘

‘They have a very distinct scent. Like apples.’ *Apples and nutmeg — a tempting mix.* ‘Would you like more wine?’ He poured it before she could reply. She watched his fluid grace, shocked into silence, while he managed to fill her cup perfectly, without spilling a single drop. He smirked knowingly. ‘My senses are –‘

‘Better than most,’ she finished for him, scowling at the glass he offered. She took it, but didn’t drink any. ‘So I’ve heard.’

His smirk disappeared into that familiar frown. ‘What is your problem, Annabelle?’

‘Would you like me to bring out the whole long list or just the ones that pertain directly to you?’ She snapped back.

‘I know you have problems with being my wife. I don’t particularly like being your husband–‘

‘Oh, I’d say you have the husband part down just fine, if last night was anythi
ng to go by!’ Scarlet heard the words escaping her mouth, but she knew *she* wasn’t saying them! Her face paled and she groped blindly for her glass.

He was quiet for a moment, before he leaned toward her. ‘Not as well as I’d like. As you would like, I’m sure, Annabelle.’

His soft growl sent chills up and down her spine and her hand shook as she reached for her fork again. For several minutes, she stared sightlessly at her full plate. Her appetite had deserted her with his last comment. ‘I think I’d like to go to bed.’

‘How coincidental, I was thinking the same thing.’ His smirk made that heat that had been stewing in her belly since last night flare and she glanced down and away from him again.

She clarified quietly. ‘I’m tired.’

‘Not as tired as you could be.’


He stood and walked around the table. She shrank back in her chair when he leaned over her. His hand slid behind her head, tilting her face up. ‘Please what?’

‘I want you to make me come.’ She whispered, losing herself in his dark gaze.

The words felt dirty and foreign and…*right* as they slipped from her dry mouth. She was so aroused, so needy. She didn’t care what he did, as long as he let her come. His other hand pulled leisurely at the hem of her dress, sliding it up. Goosebumps erupted across her skin when his fingers lightly trailed across the freshly bared skin. Her thighs parted unconsciously as his burning touch neared her core.

‘Please let me come. Please.’

‘What was that?’ He asked. He sounded so far away.

Scarlet’s head jerked up, and she stared at the man sitting across the table. Her heart stopped. She was daydreaming? ‘W-what?’

‘You said ‘please.’ What do you want, Annabelle?’ His voice was missing that sexy rasp she had imagined. It didn’t matter, he was still arousing without it.

‘I’d like to go to sleep. I’m tired.’ What if she had said those words she was thinking? Would he take her up on them? Probably.

‘Of course.’ He stood and walked around to her chair. Scarlet couldn’t resist scooting away from him, like she had in her daydream. Even when he wasn’t trying to seduce her, he was sexy. ‘Let’s go.’

He offered her his arm and she stared at it for a moment, too long. He scowled and quickly left the room. Scarlet had to run to catch him before he went off along one of the many dark hallways.

Donovan didn’t speak to her once they entered their room, and Scarlet watched him pass through to a huge closet she’d discovered that morning. The large bed drew her gaze and she swallowed. After that sizzling daydream, she had no intention of spending another hopeless night in his bed.

Donovan entered the room again. He immediately knew that Scarlet had gone. With a sigh, he walked slowly to the door. He had memorized his room—his house, he knew where every single thing he owned was. Except his new wife.

He could smell her faint scent lingering in the air and he followed it. She smelled…warm. His mouth almost watered. He felt like an animal, stalking her by her unique smell. But it was the only way he could find her. The thought of it was almost arousing, even.

He passed many doors, he could feel them as he went by. Seven closed doors. The eighth was open, only slightly. He entered silently. The room was freezing. Why had she left his warm room for this one? ‘Are you ready for bed, Annabelle?’

Scarlet stared at him, embarrassed that she was almost completely naked, wearing only her underpants, but realized that he couldn’t see her. Still, she clasped her long nightgown to shield herself. How did he find her? She had gone quietly while he was changing.

She took in what he was wearing—not wearing: meaning his shirt. Black pants covered the lower part of his body, and the upper half was bare. She stared at his naked chest. It was broad and muscled and covered in curly, black hair. She wanted to touch him, caress his chest, to test the softness of the hair that spread over his chest and thinned and meandered down in a line to disappear into his pants. She blushed at her thoughts.

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Lady Beatrice screamed at the first touch of Marie’s tongue. She fought the men holding her with desperate but futile strength. The pirates whistled and clapped and urged Marie on, their excitement quickly becoming visible in the erections that strained at their breeches. Constance, frozen in place by the porthole, looked on in mingled embarrassment and horror. She knew that she should not watch this cruel abuse of Beatrice, that she certainly should not be warmed by it, and yet she was...

2 years ago
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Just for you

Squeezing her thighs together so tightly she could hardly take a breath. His rough hands circled her soft skin , reaching under the straps of her vest top, gently stroking her shoulders reaching down to the middle of her back. He grabs her neck , her mind wandering as she expected him to grab tightly instead he lightens his touch making every sense in her mind spike. Her sensitive skin tingling and she finally takes a breath . A sigh releases deep from within her stomach. breathing in the...

2 years ago
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Giving her a good soaking

It had taken long enough to organize, but it was worth it. Finally she was there, lying on her back, her white thong already darkening where it pressed against her wet, ready pussy. But we weren't here for pussy. No, the 6 of us, footballing mates from a Sunday league side, were here to fulfill a fantasy - hers and ours - that centered on her tits and our cum. And now, as she lay in front of us, coyly looking each of us in the eye, running her tongue over her lips, we couldn't wait."Oh boys,"...

4 years ago
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Facebook meme:You know what’s really uncomfortable?  A bra.  But we still wear one in public.  Not for me, for others.That was posted by my hiking partner, a woman in her early sixties who is in excellent shape because of her hiking and her work as an occupational therapist.  Whenever we go out into the woods, I’ve always been happy to let her take the lead so I could enjoy the view.  Such a nice ass wiggle. I commented back, You don’t need to wear one on my account.We’ve spent a lot of time...

Oral Sex
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City Pussy Meets Farmerrsquos Cock

the heroin of this story is 31 years old,[/i][/b]still maintains her figure and her status are 34-30-36. She is very beautiful and looks more like the Tamil actress sneha. We make a perfect couple as she too is always in need for sex.Sumi and I had been married for 8 years and in those 8 years of sex life was just amazing, as we are very open minded couples and had a desire to try out everything possible in sex. We have tried bondage, threesome, foursome and...

2 years ago
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Better Than The Alternative Chapter 15

***Rebecca's note*** I finally was able to finish this chapter, it took me way longer than it every should have. For that I am sorry. The past few months life has decided to add a few more challenges, and sadly my writing has had to take a back seat to more pressing matters. I am truly sorry for that, although I will make a promise. To all those that have followed this story, I will see it to its conclusion. I promise you that... Sadly it might take me longer than I had originally...

5 years ago
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The Power of Bribery

Brian Taylor was an ordinary high school student. However, when his 18th birthday came around at the beginning of his senior year of high school, he was finally able to take control of a vast fortune that he inherited from his father who passed away when he was young. His father was the founder of a massive tech company worth hundreds of billions of dollars. Now, that vast wealth was all his. Brian decided to head downtown to put his fortune to good use at some of the local stores. While...

3 years ago
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A Flawed DiamondChapter 44

Brock found himself whistling softly as he unlocked the door to his house. The look on Hailey's face when she learned that she could take her little brother to a baseball game had made his day. His smile widened when he saw Meredith bustling around in the kitchen. She was wearing a green pullover and a black skirt that ended well above her knees. He loved watching her curves as they shifted beneath her clothing. He closed the gap and kissed her on the cheek. "You look beautiful," he...

4 years ago
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My Fiends Are VampiresAnd They Want To Use Me and My Friend For Sex

I don’t know why I asked. I knew perfectly well who he was. Ian Somerhalder. The hottest guy on campus. Every girl was after him, including my best friend. What I should have asked was “why are you here”; at least I wouldn’t have sounded like some uneducated freak then. I didn’t need to know who he was, but why he was there, sat in my apartment, on my desk, half naked, when I don’t even know him, I did need to know. I had been drooling over this guy in the distance since starting at this...

3 years ago
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My Niece and Her FriendsChapter 8

As I started speeding for home, I had to make a conscious effort to lift my foot off the gas. Listening to Emma tell me what had happened between her and Dr. Fran had gotten my incredibly turned on. In my rush to get home and get her working on my cock, I noticed I was exceeding the speed limit by a fair bit. The last thing I needed was to get stopped by a cop with a bag containing women’s soiled underwear sitting out in the open in my car! As I slowed back down to a more reasonable speed, I...

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 185

WINTER PARK Greg McMasters, head of procurement at the hospital where Caitlin was employed, hit a speed-dial number on his cell phone. Two rings later. "Yeah? What do you want on a Sunday afternoon?" Aaron Solomon, McMasters' assistant, answered, knowing it was McMasters by the number shown on the phone. "We need to talk." "So talk. I'm just..." "Not on the phone. Meet me downtown at the park," McMasters curtly interrupted, hanging up before Solomon could answer. A few minutes...

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FullOfJOI Megan Maiden Kitchen Clit Rubbing

How long have you been sitting there watching me? Oh, not too long? Well, I want you to stroke it for me. Look at the way I play with my favorite cock shaped foods. Its only so I can imagine what your dick would feel like inside of me. Close your eyes and slide your boner inside my tight MILF pussy. I know you have been dreaming about it forever. I have seen you watching me. I cannot wait to feel your cum all over my body. You made a mess all over your stepmom, now I have to clean up… Love,...

2 years ago
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A Week At The CC Mr GouldMonday

ONE WEEK IN THE LIFE OF "THE SISSY." Monday--Mr. Gould "To succeed in this world we do everything we can to appear successful." This was my mantra during two decades of making The City Club what it is today. But now that apparent success is on a par with the actual, Jameson Gould honors only a few guiding principles: Discretion, discrimination, taste. Respect, respectability, and never fucking the staff. The latter isn't so difficult for me, as I'm straight as they come. ...

3 years ago
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Strange RelationshipsChapter 34B Randalls Reputation

Paul, uncharacteristically, had lied. He was sitting in his small apartment, flipping channels on TV and trying to figure out why he was even entertaining the idea of bedding a skinny, wasted-looking black woman. But the crazy bitch set him off... It made no sense; she was a professional hooker -- not even high-end -- and a druggie. He was a professional, and she was his client -- that was reason enough to avoid her right there. But she didn't care... What the Hell did she see in him? And...

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Dudleys DilemmaChapter 8 Confrontation and Confession

Dudley, Luna and Petunia sat down to their meal. The conversation flowed between the three. At one stage Tunie asked."Luna, are you going to visit us often?" "Would you like me to?" She asked. "Yes" said Petunia. "You don't get upset when I do things or talk about things like how I speak to animals." "That is because I can do strange things too Tunie. We will talk about that between ourselves and with your daddy. But you should just go on letting other people think you are...

2 years ago
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mysterious neighbor Chapter 6

I guess at some point she pulled the thing from my ass and took her finger away from my clit but I just lay there, my body wracked by convulsive spasms that just wouldn’t stop. I felt her cleaning my anus with a cool cloth, but other than that, I can’t remember what happened for several minutes. She rolled me to my back and crawled up to me to kiss me over and over while I learned to breathe properly again. I knew that whatever she’d used on me took me out of action for the foreseeable future...

4 years ago
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Bad Decision Maureen Ch 02

After The Patio Party Maureen It has been three months since the patio party where I made a very bad decision that cost me my fiancée,I have re-run that day in my mind and analyzed everything as honestly as I can. I came to the conclusion that I was not the only one making a bad decision, Ron also had to share the blame. He did not have to run away like a little kid.He should have maybe gone and done what he felt he had to do regardless of my objections.I had told him to go,true, but just off...

3 years ago
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The Devils Pact Hell Chronicles Chapter 8 Seduction

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Eight: Seduction Notes: Thanks to b0b for Beta reading this! Lamia – The Abyss “I wish to parley with your Lord,” I purred, staring at the women and the charred, skeletal demons that had us surrounded. “Let me tear them apart,” growled my sister Cora. My sister was a brute. A manticore. She towered over me, her body a mass of muscles. I touched her arm and whispered, “Force is not the answer. We are outnumbered. And we need allies if we...

2 years ago
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Andies Adventure

Andie's Adventure by Jojo My life as Andrew began to undergo serious changes six months ago when my cousin Sara and my older sister, Hannah, asked me for a small favor. Sara was not doing well in calculus at the university the three of us were attending while I had already aced the course the prior semester. As a Fine Arts major Sara was annoyed at even having to take a mathematics course and this may have accounted to her underachieving. When she found out that unless she passed...

3 years ago
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Another Night at the Bad Girl Inn

Hello again, Jack here. In case you forgot I am the night auditor at a local hotel. For the most part I was an average guy standing around 5’8 with short cut black hair. I neither had a stomach on me or a six pack. My equipment was above average at 6.5 inches and I had a fair amount of experience using it, with largely good reviews. So while I wasn't a hunk I was not out of shape or unattractive but I was a little shy, probably a big part of the reason I enjoyed working over nights.  Up until...

Straight Sex
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Friday Afternoon in Parallel Worlds

If the fate exists and there's only one path for you, one choice you are destined to make in your world - then would making a different choice create a new world for you? Or would it have always existed with you in it? The choice you made the only logical one to make? If so - let the choices define you, and let them define the world you live in! Which world will you end up in? One where all the women are naked? One where all man are? One where owning humans is normal, or the one where all...

2 years ago
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Honey moon cruise part 2

So after the sex my wife had with the Philippino guy and after he left our cabin that night wife and I had a shower and went to bed.Next morning we had a chat about what happen the night before and we both agreed that we liked and we must continue! Of course now I was an official cuck with the rings on! Day went very relaxed.We had breakfast and we spend it near the pool of the ship.We didn't went out to the next port.Wife was tired and wanted to relax and I felt bored to go alone.We didn't...

3 years ago
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BB Tryst Episode 4 Midnight in Marshland

As soon as the door clicked shut, I dropped my bag and grabbed my sexy tryst partner to push her up against the wall. She didn't resist, letting me take control, passionately making out with her, holding her face, shoulders, hips, waist, neck, moving my hands to each area of her body as she did the same with me. We both needed this release, and leaned into each other without inhibitions for a good two minutes, feeding each other's desire for hot, steamy sensual contact. I felt her breasts push...

4 years ago
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The day I get a step brother Part 12

Today me and my dad are moving in with his new girlfriend Katie. I had a sister but my mom took her and I got my dad. My dad's name is Jeff. A couple of days ago I found out I'll be having a seventeen year old brother named Keegan. I'm kind of glad. After we got done putting are stuff in he took his charger and I drove my challenger. I wouldn't say we're rich but just to say my dad owns a big business. When we got there I grabbed my purse and hopped out. They had a huge house! Bigger...

4 years ago
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Mummys true passion part fifteen final chapter

Mum drove, May and her will- less slave shared the rear bench. Since mum’s vagina still was a little sensitive from the piercing session and she had just taken my load while we showered I thought this was a good way dealing with the situation. I sat on the right side and may on the left. I didn’t know the way too this mysterious Chinese restaurant so I thought if mother wouldn’t have turned out to be a sexy lady with a strange but still super hot past, I would have wondered why the bloody...

2 years ago
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The Pale Man Ch 01

‘Is this our man?’ Isaac squatted in front of the body, his elbows resting on his knees, cellphone wedged firmly between his ear and shoulder. He gazed into the dark, cavernous openings where the girl’s eyes used to be. There was something calming, soothing about the emptiness. The glare of two suns bathed the beach in a brilliant, sparkling light. One beating down from the clear blue sky just above the horizon, and another – languishing on the surface of the waves, a misshapen, distorted,...

5 years ago
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Claudias Condition the HealingChapter 16

They dressed their normal sexy way and Dan drove to St. Pete’s beach. He parked at the Grand Plaza Hotel parking lot and this time called ahead of time to Spinners restaurant for reservations at four pm. He asked if Camille was working, and if yes if, she could be their waitress again. “I hope the same boy is working again when we rent our rollerblades,” Allison hoped, holding hands between her new parents. “And why is that?” Dan teased. “Because he’s cute looking!” “I think you’re...

3 years ago
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Three Wanton Lesbians Talk Dirty As Their Pussies Quiver

Jade walked nervously toward the centre of the bridge where she and Hannah had agreed to meet this time.  As she looked up and saw Hannah’s gorgeous figure in front of her, nerves turned to a warm, fuzzy sensation between her thighs. Hannah caught Jade’s eyes and held them, then turned her gaze out over the river, both their bodies facing the edge of the bridge while people passed by behind them. Without a word, Hannah’s hand brushed against Jade’s thigh. Jade sighed involuntarily, sinking...

1 year ago
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My Sister Part 3

Note : This story is completely fictional! This is the next installment of the "My Sister" story. Part three begins directly where part two ended. I look forward to all your responses as you enjoy reading this installment. Thank you for all your comments. Thanks! From where I was in the closet, I could see everything that was going on and it was one of the most erotic things I had ever seen. My sister was laying on her bed with a blindfold covering her eyes. All the while, my new girlfriend,...

2 years ago
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A Cruise Ship Story

We are lying out on the deck of our cruise ship by the pool. It’s a beautiful day and we are enjoying ourselves. You are in a bikini lying on your back. You decide you need to turn over and ask me to apply some suntan oil to your back. You get up from your chaise lounge and stand up. I sit up in my chair and look up at you. I spread my legs and put my feet on the ground. I motion for you to sit down on the chair between my legs. You sit down at the end of the chair with your back to me...

4 years ago
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They Cant Hide Forever

By Woodmanone Copyright March 2016 This is a true story. I’ve embellished and dramatized the plot line a little (I couldn’t help myself). The basic facts are true and horrific. Mike Harmon is based on a friend who was the Special Investigator in the actual case described in the story. He and others do a difficult job with their own satisfaction for justice as their main reward. All names and locations are fictitious and have been changed to protect the innocent. Any mistakes in the time line...

3 years ago
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Looking for big black cock

After Marie taught Julie how to take monster cocks she has had an insatiable desire for more and different.. Even though her hubby has a sixteen incher he can’t supply her with it as often as she needs.. He knows that she fucks other guys and does so with his blessing, Even at their home if she wants too because it’s the other guys that taught her how to take his cock and they have been very happy ever since.. He works night shift and leaves home a 2:30 pm arriving back home about...

2 years ago
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The Pleasure Of Submission Ch 2

The first week Dee got accustomed to her new job.  So far, it was mainly getting coffee for Patrick, answering her work cell phone and taking messages, getting to know which clients Patrick deemed important and which he blew off on occasion.  She did notice that her first judgment of him was correct; he was very arrogant, demanding, and could be an asshole; not to her so much but to others.  He treated his employees very well however but tolerated very few mistakes.  She made a rather important...

4 years ago
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Als het druk is in de metro sta je tegen elkaar

[FIRST_NAME] = mannennaam = John [LAST_NAME] = vrouwennaam = Doe Het is spits uur en er schijnt een voetbalwedstrijd in de stad te zijn. De metro die er aankomt is al afgeladen vol, evenals het perron waar ik op sta. Nadat de deuren geopend zijn wurmt zich eerst een aantal mensen naar buiten, waarna ik min of meer gedragen door de menigte de metro binnenkom. Ik kom tot stilstand tegen de rug van een vrouw, die net als ik niet in supporterstenue gekleed is, tenminste, dat gedeelte wat ik van de...

3 years ago
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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 12

I found out my first challenge of the school year on Tuesday third period in Pre-calculus/Trigonometry. My teacher was Mr. Witman. He was a young guy, probably 23 or 24. This was his first year teaching. He was very soft spoken and dry. He nearly put me to sleep discussing logarithms. I realized that I was going to have to study a lot on my own if I wanted to learn the material for this class. I just couldn't follow Mr. Witman's convoluted explanations. During class I glanced over at Penny....

2 years ago
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Computer training

I am Subash, a engineering student, 21 yrs old, and 5’5″ tall with average body. I stay in one of the Bangalore’s western suburbs with in a typical middle-class society. My mom had a friend name ulka, who used to stay in our society. She was a very pretty lady even in her late 30’s, she had a divine body with very fair skin. She had a significantly large pair of boobs with very long hairs, nearly reaching her bottom. To talk about her bottom, I am now also getting an erection just visualizing...


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