Beauty–Remastered Ch. 04 free porn video

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My dear readers, I’m SO sorry I haven’t updated in…oh goodness, 2 months! Lots of happenings in my life, good and bad, but that’s hardly an excuse. I’m working on chapter 5 of Beauty Remastered as hard as I possibly can, while attempting and reattempting to start Piper, which is Joey and Danny’s story =) Wish me luck, my loves. I promise, Chapter 5 will be super exciting and wonderful and out soon! Cross my heart. For everybody who commented and voted on the earlier chapters, you are the best ever, and I adore all of you! And thank you for the encouragement, because it’s what keeps me going at times. I’d love to hear what you think of Chapter 4…hint hint. <,3



Scarlet awoke alone in a cold, dark, unfamiliar room. She reached down to pull the covers up from where they had been shoved down by her feet and realized that her hands were no longer bound. Donovan must have released her before he left the room. Memories raced toward her.

She glanced around, blushing. The heavy curtains were drawn, so the room was still too dark to really study, but she could just make out shadows of furniture in the gloom beyond the bed. There were no lights or candles, and any illumination would have to come from the fireplace once it was lit. What was it with her husband and darkness? She knew he lived in it, but that didn’t mean she had to!

At the thought of her absent husband, she shuddered and drew the blanket up to her chin. Last night, the bastard had…she didn’t want to think about what he’d done. But the thoughts came anyway.

Thoughts about how, hours after that one time, she’d finally drifted into a fitful, erotically dream-filled sleep — dreams laced with touches and mouths, tongues and panting breaths — only to have him wake her with his teeth and tongue teasing her breasts, while his fingers massaged her mound. Again, he’d brought her to the brink, this time let her teeter forever at the absolute edge before stopping to take care of his own needs. The third time, she had sobbed when he at last took his pleasure-giving hands and mouth away. By the time he came at her a fourth time, she was exhausted and too worked up to do more than lie there and accept him. He didn’t even let her get close before he stopped and went back to his side of the bed. Perhaps he knew she wouldn’t last long.

Scarlet’s eyes filled at the memory of how the third time, she’d begged him incoherently through the gag, the promises she’d made to be good. To obey. To do anything and everything he wanted, if he would just let her come. He’d ignored her completely, silently working her up and up, knowing exactly when to stop.

Her tired, aroused body ached from all the memories. He’d been undeniably gentle with her, hadn’t even penetrated her with a single long, tapered finger, but all the aches he left unfulfilled had expanded and meshed together and she *needed* to sate it.

Her blush intensified as her hand slid below the covers to hover above her warm, deprived core. She’d only done this once before, in all her eighteen years. And it hadn’t been with a set, illicit agenda, she had simply explored, years ago. Now, though, she was going to actually *do* something.

For a moment, she faltered, but her entire body throbbed, as if insisting she continue. Scarlet slowly lowered her hand to slide along her lips. They were slick with her arousal. Her shaking index finger penetrated the damp folds and bumped across her clitoris. She yelped at the burst of pleasure that speared through her belly to join the other stored tendrils he had ignited the night before.

She remembered him focusing his long, agile tongue there for ages, it seemed, the third time. She touched herself there again, biting her lip at the sensations. Her inexperienced touch was less earth shattering than Donovan’s, but she could still bring herself to that release. She rubbed that small button gently, and then harder and faster when that wasn’t enough. Her hips moved unconsciously, humping against her hand.

Without even thinking about it, she raised her free hand to her bare breasts and pinched her tight nipples gently. A low moan slipped out as the dual feelings took her higher, closer to that release.

And for one glorious moment, she just barely reached it.

‘Having fun?’ A deep voice from the side of the bed asked suddenly.

Scarlet shrieked and pulled her hands away guiltily. ‘I-I didn’t hear you come in.’

He smirked, his teeth bright in the shadows. ‘I’m not surprised. You were otherwise occupied.’

Her anger came back at his soft, sarcastic tone. She pulled the covers around her and scooted to the far side of the bed. God, he was so unfair! So frustrating. Why wouldn’t he just let her finish? The sick sadistic ass.

‘I just came to let you know that I’ve hired a seamstress to make you a new wardrobe, seeing as how most of your clothes were unfit. She will be here in two hours.’

‘I can’t go into town to buy some? I’m sure it will be less expensive.’

He turned and sauntered to the door. ‘No, I think not. Money is no object, Annabelle.’

That confirmed her suspicion that he was keeping her here. Fear made her pulse race. She was likely to never see anybody other than her husband and the butler again! This wasn’t her home, it was a prison.

Her arousal had cooled to a painful almost nothing. She still needed that damn release, but after his interruption, there was no chance in hell she’d try again. For all she knew, Donovan was probably lurking in the hallway outside, just waiting for her to begin again. Was this a part of his ‘punishment’? Not letting her come unless he wanted her to? Did the arrogant bastard honestly think he could control her body like that?

Unfortunately, Scarlet held back a sob and rolled to bury her face in the pillow, he *could*.


Dominic paced his room at the top of the house, raking his long fingers through his hair repeatedly. Thoughts of Annabelle whirled through his mind. The feel of her soft skin beneath his fingertips. The way her hair smelled — subtle and spicy, like nutmeg. The soft moans and cries when he licked a path up her stomach. The sweet taste of her skin as he teased at her breasts and down to…

‘Fuck!’ Donovan collapsed into an armchair in front of the unlit fireplace. Last night had been torture. He wanted so badly to let her go over that edge, to let her tumble with a scream. Maybe her voice would have gone hoarse while she screamed, like it did in the study. Maybe she would have even screamed his name. Just the thought of his name on her luscious bruised lips was enough to turn him to stone.

He palmed his hardening member, groaning with frustration. He’d already gotten himself off twice today — once when he woke up with Annabelle sleeping fitfully beside him, and not ten minutes ago after he’d accidentally interrupted her pleasuring himself. Added to the three times yesterday, he was well on his way to setting a week’s record. Before that, though, he might actually wear himself out. Even if he did, he knew he’d still want her.

He reached to the small table beside his chair and picked up a book. Opening it, his fingers danced across the Braille, effortlessly reading page after page, but he paid no attention to the words his sensitive hands found. His mind instead brought back the way his fingertips had read her body, and coaxed those damnable sounds from her.

Damn her. He hadn’t expected to be this attracted to his wife, even after all that time in the past. In all honesty, he hadn’t even expected to go as far with her as he did. Their marriage would have been just that, with no feelings or intimacy involved. But after that first kiss…all hell had broken loose.

His body tightened even more when he remembered her warm, frantic rubbing against his leg. He was harder now, after everything they’d done, than he had ever been in his life. He cursed himself fo
r not simply taking her in the study, when he had the chance — when his hard body was crushed between her dewy thighs, when he felt her wet heat surging against his. He decision not to take her against the wall seemed stupid now. And the promise he’d made would be almost impossible to keep.

Surging to his feet, he began pacing again, refusing to allow his hands anywhere near his pulsing erection. This was ridiculous! He, as a husband, had a right to her body. But now that she knew he couldn’t have it without her consent, that right was obsolete. A quiet knock on the closed door pulled him from his angry thoughts and he pulled it open quickly.

Abner studied his master. His dark, unseeing eyes were angry and pained, his mouth set in a familiar furious way. The long, lean body was taught with frustration. The poor boy.

‘What is it?’ Donovan demanded.

‘Your wife requested a walk in the grounds, sir.’


‘But, sir,’ Abner stepped forward. ‘It isn’t right to keep your wife a prisoner in this house.’

‘It makes no difference whether she’s in the house or out, Abner. She is my wife and when I say she stays inside, she stays inside.’ Donovan growled, flinging himself down into the chair again.

‘Sir, if I may –‘

‘You may not.’

Abner did anyway. ‘You’ll never win her if you insist on treating her this way, sir.’

‘I don’t have to ‘win’ her. You see, that’s the funny thing about marriage. She belongs to me.’

‘Her body, yes. But not her heart.’

Donovan scowled and turned away. Even her body wasn’t truly his, thanks to that damn promise. ‘And what would I do with her heart?’ Abner didn’t answer, and the door clicked shut quietly. Donovan slumped further into the chair, cursing angrily to himself. Abner knew too much. For a few brief moments, he sat still in the chair, and then he jumped to his feet and pulled open the door again. The hall was silent. ‘Stay with her out there.’

‘Very good, sir.’ Abner replied cheerily as the door slammed shut again.


‘Thank you, Abner,’ Scarlet gave him a small smile as they slowly circled the huge garden behind the house.

The sky was overcast and looked ready to let loose at any moment, but the sun cut through the clouds every so often and lit up the flowery wonderland that was her new home. She hadn’t seen any of the grounds in the short time she’d been here, and now she was almost thinking that maybe staying here — for the smallest amount of time possible — wouldn’t be so horrible if she got to go out to be in this wonderful space. She hardly even remembered her husband here.

‘It’s my pleasure, milady,’ Abner held out his arm like a gentleman and she took it with a soft giggle. His master was a lucky man, that he got this lovely young woman to ‘have and to hold.’ And from the looks of things last night, they’d be doing a *lot* of holding.

‘How long have you been with…him?’ She paused when it came time to say *his* name. A delicious warmth shuddered through her body at the mere thought of her horribly attractive husband. How could he affect her so easily, make her want him with everything in her, while she despised him at the same time?

‘Oh, I’ve been with Lord Alford’s family before he was born. I practically raised the boy.’ Alford proclaimed proudly, drawing Scarlet’s attention back to the present.

‘You could’ve done a better job!’ She thought to herself morosely, turning her face away. Her face had always been very readable, and she didn’t want him to see what she was thinking. She didn’t even want to know what she was thinking. ‘This is a lovely garden.’

‘Thank you, milady! I did most of it. Before the old Lord Alford passed, the lawns were a mess, the garden was overgrown with weeds and the like. When the new Lord Alford took over, he gave me free rein to do whatever I liked. And I liked roses.’

‘I do too,’ She leaned over to examine a particularly beautiful specimen. The many petals of the small buds were a pale cream color, and the tips seemed dipped in a deep, blood red paint. ‘This one is…’

‘That’s my favorite. Rosa Helena, my own little experiment. I named it after my wife, Helen.’ Reaching into the bush, he carefully plucked one flower. After vigilantly breaking off every single little thorn, he tucked it behind her ear. ‘You look like her, you know. Same pale skin and scarlet lips.’ Abner studied at his young new mistress. ‘Just like the day I met her.’

‘What happened to her?’

‘She died. Ten years ago.’ He resumed their walk. ‘Oh, don’t be so downcast about it. It was her time — she was sick for a long time. But we had our love story and lived it like it deserved. And when it came time to say goodbye, we couldn’t regret a single moment of it.’

‘Will you tell me about it sometime?’

‘Of course. You could learn a thing or two about love. The real, true kind. I’ll tell you this, milady, when you love someone, all that matters is the seconds you’re together. And you feel different — new, almost. Things you’ve never felt before race through your body like darts. And when it’s love at first sight –‘

‘I don’t believe in love at first sight.’ Scarlet interrupted. She was flustered by his words, as if he knew exactly what was going on inside her every time she saw her husband.

Abner’s eyes twinkled as he turned toward the house. ‘Yes, milady. I suppose we had better go in. I have to work on dinner.’

Scarlet stared sadly up at the house. She wasn’t ready to go back into that awful darkness. Her breath caught when she noticed a tall figure looming in one of the windows at the top of the house. She could almost feel that dark, searing gaze on her. Heat blossomed in her cheeks and she quickly followed Abner inside, out of *his* blind sight.


Scarlet had no choice but to eat with Donovan. He cornered her in the hall, emerging like a ghost from the shadows as she attempted to find her way back to her — their — room. When she refused to follow him, he lifted her over his broad shoulders and carried her, kicking and screaming, into the dining room. Their meal was quiet and tense while she fumed and he let her.

Scarlet shifted in her chair constantly, aware that her groom’s eyes were on her. He couldn’t see her, but she still felt that somber gaze. Her own eyes drifted around the room, studiously ignoring the man across the table. Like almost every single room in this big house, the room they were eating in was dark and shadowed. Twin candelabras on either sides of the long table provided only minute illumination, and she knew it was probably because of her. Abner didn’t serve them throughout the meal — he brought out their plates at the beginning and let them eat alone together.

‘Did you enjoy your walk today?’ Donovan spoke suddenly, making Scarlet jump.

‘Yes, thank you.’

He waited for her to continue, but she didn’t say another word. ‘I see Abner has given you one of his Helenas.’

Her head snapped up and around to his, her hand flying to the rose she had left tucked in her hair. How did he know? ‘I –‘

‘They have a very distinct scent. Like apples.’ *Apples and nutmeg — a tempting mix.* ‘Would you like more wine?’ He poured it before she could reply. She watched his fluid grace, shocked into silence, while he managed to fill her cup perfectly, without spilling a single drop. He smirked knowingly. ‘My senses are –‘

‘Better than most,’ she finished for him, scowling at the glass he offered. She took it, but didn’t drink any. ‘So I’ve heard.’

His smirk disappeared into that familiar frown. ‘What is your problem, Annabelle?’

‘Would you like me to bring out the whole long list or just the ones that pertain directly to you?’ She snapped back.

‘I know you have problems with being my wife. I don’t particularly like being your husband–‘

‘Oh, I’d say you have the husband part down just fine, if last night was anythi
ng to go by!’ Scarlet heard the words escaping her mouth, but she knew *she* wasn’t saying them! Her face paled and she groped blindly for her glass.

He was quiet for a moment, before he leaned toward her. ‘Not as well as I’d like. As you would like, I’m sure, Annabelle.’

His soft growl sent chills up and down her spine and her hand shook as she reached for her fork again. For several minutes, she stared sightlessly at her full plate. Her appetite had deserted her with his last comment. ‘I think I’d like to go to bed.’

‘How coincidental, I was thinking the same thing.’ His smirk made that heat that had been stewing in her belly since last night flare and she glanced down and away from him again.

She clarified quietly. ‘I’m tired.’

‘Not as tired as you could be.’


He stood and walked around the table. She shrank back in her chair when he leaned over her. His hand slid behind her head, tilting her face up. ‘Please what?’

‘I want you to make me come.’ She whispered, losing herself in his dark gaze.

The words felt dirty and foreign and…*right* as they slipped from her dry mouth. She was so aroused, so needy. She didn’t care what he did, as long as he let her come. His other hand pulled leisurely at the hem of her dress, sliding it up. Goosebumps erupted across her skin when his fingers lightly trailed across the freshly bared skin. Her thighs parted unconsciously as his burning touch neared her core.

‘Please let me come. Please.’

‘What was that?’ He asked. He sounded so far away.

Scarlet’s head jerked up, and she stared at the man sitting across the table. Her heart stopped. She was daydreaming? ‘W-what?’

‘You said ‘please.’ What do you want, Annabelle?’ His voice was missing that sexy rasp she had imagined. It didn’t matter, he was still arousing without it.

‘I’d like to go to sleep. I’m tired.’ What if she had said those words she was thinking? Would he take her up on them? Probably.

‘Of course.’ He stood and walked around to her chair. Scarlet couldn’t resist scooting away from him, like she had in her daydream. Even when he wasn’t trying to seduce her, he was sexy. ‘Let’s go.’

He offered her his arm and she stared at it for a moment, too long. He scowled and quickly left the room. Scarlet had to run to catch him before he went off along one of the many dark hallways.

Donovan didn’t speak to her once they entered their room, and Scarlet watched him pass through to a huge closet she’d discovered that morning. The large bed drew her gaze and she swallowed. After that sizzling daydream, she had no intention of spending another hopeless night in his bed.

Donovan entered the room again. He immediately knew that Scarlet had gone. With a sigh, he walked slowly to the door. He had memorized his room—his house, he knew where every single thing he owned was. Except his new wife.

He could smell her faint scent lingering in the air and he followed it. She smelled…warm. His mouth almost watered. He felt like an animal, stalking her by her unique smell. But it was the only way he could find her. The thought of it was almost arousing, even.

He passed many doors, he could feel them as he went by. Seven closed doors. The eighth was open, only slightly. He entered silently. The room was freezing. Why had she left his warm room for this one? ‘Are you ready for bed, Annabelle?’

Scarlet stared at him, embarrassed that she was almost completely naked, wearing only her underpants, but realized that he couldn’t see her. Still, she clasped her long nightgown to shield herself. How did he find her? She had gone quietly while he was changing.

She took in what he was wearing—not wearing: meaning his shirt. Black pants covered the lower part of his body, and the upper half was bare. She stared at his naked chest. It was broad and muscled and covered in curly, black hair. She wanted to touch him, caress his chest, to test the softness of the hair that spread over his chest and thinned and meandered down in a line to disappear into his pants. She blushed at her thoughts.

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Aunties home Tuition pt10

The next time Silvia saw me wanking l was having a soak in the bath with my eyes closed soaping myself especially my hard cock using the lather as a lubricate working up a nice relaxing rhythm, l don’t know why, but opened my eyes to see Silvia sitting on the toilet taking a pee, l instinctively tried covering my stiff cock which didn’t go too well she smiled and commented on my size saying l should be proud of that and smiled. When she left l rinsed off and went to bed, but thought this time...

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The Builder Ch 02

‘Damn it to hell!’ she shouted as she burst in the door. Julie was so angry she didn’t care she just broke the door with her slam. Julie tried to get the door closed and made it worse. Now the damn thing wouldn’t close at all and he was going to have to fix it she thought. Its all his fault anyway, if he hadn’t said that then she wouldn’t have been so mad and wouldn’t have stormed away which made her slam the door! Damn men! Who needs them any way? They just cause trouble and heartache. ...

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8220Kumkum8221 8211 Pride And Honour

This story is about Kumkum living in Mumbai with her husband Sumit Singh and five years young girl Arshi. Kumkum is 26 years, 5″5 long with fair looks and have exquisite features, sensual curves, black hair, blue eyes, round face and a great body to die for. April 1, 2013 Monday 1:45:00 Police ki 6 gadiyan badi hi teji se aakar Sumit ke ghar ke bahar rukin aur utni hi furti ke sath 20-25 police wale un gadiyon se utar kar Sumit ke ghar main dakhil hue.Ghar ke bahar khadi police ki gadiyan apne...

2 years ago
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Son Showed Me A Glow Of Sex Part 8211 8

Hey, guys and girls this time I am back in a very short interval. I’ll say why at the end. 7th part was a massive hit. Mails getting pouring and so many positive feedbacks. Many ones said some suggestions too. Respects for them! I am very happy. I hope you too had fun on that part. I’m getting both angry and a pleasure to write this part. because here I faced my first rival in my life. And that bitch learned her lesson. Ha ha, she should. The intro is enough to let’s jump into the course.!   I...

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Encounter With an Enkantada Part 2

Without a word I understood what she wanted to say, I pulled myself out of the waters and climbed on top of her. Slowly I kissed my way up to her, starting from her long smooth legs, up to her tummy. But there’s something weird about it, she doesn’t have a navel. Puzzled by this I stopped and looked at her, she stared back at me with a faint smile. I could have sworn her eyes changed color from blue to green, to yellow and back to blue again. I know I should be scared and must quickly move away...

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CherryChapter 11

I’ll continue my story from where I left off in part 10 but before I do I just thought that I’d mention that my little titties have grown a bit and I would say that they are definitely an AA cup now. They’re still as pointy and my nipples seem to be getting bigger. Either that or they’re permanently hard; maybe it’s the weather getting a bit colder. My butt has grown a bit and uncle Ben sometimes calls me bubble butt. My pussy is still just a slit with my little clit just poking out. I...

1 year ago
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A trip to the alps

A trip to the Alps I look at my pocket watch, quick calculations let me know that we will be arriving in ten minutes. Great thing about German rail is it always runs on time, if we were in England we would have no idea when we would be arriving. I look at you sitting across from me, I know that you wore that dress on purpose. I had told you, when you bought it that it drives me wild. I slowly make my way down your body with my eyes taking in every beautiful inch, the way your hair slides down...

2 years ago
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Serena my bisexual friend

I am a married female aged 52 living on the south coast of England. I am very bisexual and having an affair with my friend Serena who is 43. My husband Rob knows I am bi and knows what I am doing with Serena. Her husband Mark does not even know she is bi.She visits me twice a week for lunch and we end up fucking and sucking each other. Rob would love to watch us having fun but Serena won't let him. I give him all the details when he gets back from work and I usually wank him off while I'm...

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Pretty Girl

There was a time when I would see something beautiful, and I’d wish that I could have it. Or devise a way to get it. Or think of who I’d like to give it to. Or if I saw someone beautiful, I’d think they were more powerful, more special, just… more than me. Now when I see beautiful things I see waste. I see time wasted. I see days upon days melted away into nothing. Pictures that bring back no memory, faces that no longer make my pulse race. When I see beautiful people, I feel sorry for them....

1 year ago
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They That Have Power Book IIChapter 3

Tuesday, June 15, 2010 “Dinner was a little weird last night,” Jan said. “Did you serve aardvark?” Jake asked as he drove west down the farm-to-market road. The sun had just risen directly behind him, throwing long shadows before the car. “No, the menu was normal. It was a diner who was strange.” “You served dinner to an aardvark?” “No, smart ass. The strange diner was Christine.” “Strange how?” “She was distracted. Even Mark noticed something was off.” “Did you ask her about it?” “I...

1 year ago
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Three Wishes

One day, there was a college student walking upon the beach during the annual Spring Break when he found. a magic lamp. "Greetings Master, I am the Genie of the lamp. For freeing me, I shall grant you three wishes." "Are there any restrictions on the wishes?" "I can not interfere with Free Will nor will I kill another, other than that, there are no restrictions." "Then for my first wish, I want to be in perfect health and become a woman." "Your wish is granted, What is your...

2 years ago
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The Spiral She Led HIm Down

The Spiral She Led Him DownBy Anise Pemberton PART ONELife had not always been so good.So Corinne Beswick mused as she relaxed on the sofa lapped in indolence; her every reasonable and achievable desire catered to by the handsome older man on the carpet before her.A handsome man whose attention was concentrated on the slender foot resting in his lap, its unblemished and smooth whiteness standing out starkly against the navy apron she insisted he wear when performing his chores. His eyes seldom...

3 years ago
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Bad Teacher Ch 06

Next morning I overslept, so I hadn’t any alone time with Carmen as Tony was present all the time. As Tony and I was ready to leave for school I just walked up behind Carmen and whispered, ‘Meet me at my place after school.’ I didn’t wait for her reaction as I just walked out of the house. — As usual school wasn’t very exciting but the time went past and after I had dropped Tony off at the auto-repair shop to get his own car, I drove home to my own house. I watch the video of me fucking...

4 years ago
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What Do You Think HappenedChapter 10

When we came to a stop in Chicago at the Civic Center, there were four people waiting for us there. That was a new way of finding new people, and surprisingly disconcerting. All of us ran from the two RVs and, in the shadow of the great Picasso statue, greeted the newcomers. There were two boys — African-American siblings, the older twelve years old, his brother only four. There was a young woman, about 25, and her father, a wheelchair-bound man of around 50. The boys were Edward (the...

4 years ago
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Sex Files from a Therapist

Carol and Zach had been fucking for twenty minutes. He was on top of her slowly riding her. She adored the feel of his long, thick cock filling her up and slowly pulling back to where only the head was inside her and then slowly reentering until his balls were rubbing against her groin. She had already cum twice and was building toward a third. He was picking up the pace again, but maintaining the long strokes. That always guaranteed a big bang for her and ultimately one for him as well. He...

2 years ago
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Kate Abducted

Kate Abducted - Part 1 ======================"Kate you're fired!" yelled a voice across the call centre startling Kate who'd just slipped back into the room after a slightly longer than allowed cigarette break."But Steve!" she exclaimed, shuffling towards her desk, "It makes my voice more sexy.""That's the fourth break you've had this morning, three too many!  You're out!" he shouted, striding angrily across the room and blocking Sarah's path.Kate surveyed the room for allies but saw only the...

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Just a Jab Ch 14

Welcome to the latest instalment. Please start reading this series from the first chapter. Thank you very much to those who have left encouraging and helpful messages. These are really appreciated showing that somebody is reading my scribblings. This is on the short side compared to recent chapters, but having taken so long to get this far I am posting it now. My apologies to anyone who picked an error in my previous chapter. Yes, I got my days mixed up. Wednesday should have been day 31. ...

1 year ago
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The Making of A SissyPart Two

As Bella blossomed physically, Jane ensured the girls took control of her; she was made to know her place amongst females and was still subjected to their choosing her outfits. Bella was habitually made to pose before a full length mirror as Jane and the girls scrutinised her feminine shape; the girls were especially pleased on those occasions when Bella was held naked before the mirror as they stroked and admired her sweet white thighs and bottom, cupped her deliciously formed breasts; the...

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You would close your eyes, as the water caresses us, my fingertips following the water drops. Tracing the curves of your beautiful body, as lips would be softly touching your skin, kissing your shoulders, and nape of your neck. Relishing in touching your body with my fingertips, making your breathing heavier by the second. They slowly move around your breasts, in circular motions, gently squeezing them. While one hand lingers there, the other one caresses your tummy, tracking the flow of the...

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The Red Haired Waif Chapter 3

A few minutes after arriving home, an annoying buzz came from the panel by the entrance door of his apartment. Anthony went to the intercom panel and pressed the 'talk' button to ask, "Who is it?", and then pressed the 'listen' button. "It's Melody", the voice said through the speaker, "I'm looking for Rain". His finger went back to the talk button, "She's here. I'll buzz you in. It's the first door on your right." Anthony held his finger on the 'door' button until he...

3 years ago
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You Only Live Once 8211 Part VI

While coming from Satara I thought of gifting BIL with Zahra and told mom that I am taking Zahra for few days as I was alone telling that our maid will be going for 15 days on leave. Mom told her to pack her bag. I had to change my sari to a salwar only to tell mom when she asked I won’t be comfortable traveling in a sari. BIL was excited to see me and more excited when I told Zahra is her gift. A new cunt every man loves and that night we 3 slept together banging each other. Next day BIL had 3...

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Sex With My Widowed Aunt

Hi friends its Mohit again to write a true incident which involves my real uncles widowed wife i.e, My aunt kalpana and me. I would like to inform you all that 2 years before our family faced biggest tragedy till now my parents and my uncle had gone to attend one marriage function and while traveling they met an accident none of them survived. From that day there are only 3 persons left in my family i.e, Me my 38 years old aunt and her 15 year old daughter. After the loss, the whole...

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Learning From A Movie

Learning From a Movie----------Amanda, my Uncle Tim's daughter, and her brother Aiden, had only been here just over a week before I really had time to talk to Amanda. While we had spent some quality time in the shower to get 'acquainted', the remainder of her time had been spent showing her the ropes of the farms operations. Learning the feeding and exercise routines for the horses was perhaps the most taxing for someone that had not been around horses much. She was a quick learner however, and...

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Alien DebaucheryChapter 2

The next few days are boring for Serori. She and Jo hang out both at school and at home. They watch videos and play with themselves like they have for the past year. But no matter what Serori does, she just can’t get that little white room out of her head. Several times when they masturbated, she sucked on her dildo, pretending to suck someone off through the wall. Jo never really catches on, and if she does, she doesn’t say anything about it. The strange thing is, Jo hasn’t mentioned the...

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Masishen StrandedChapter 27

The Masi'shen take prisoners "If we send the submersible under the ice to follow the trail, there is no way to send assistance if they run into opposition," Gunter Hahn warned. He, Captain Otto Hartmann, and chief technician Keller sat around the conference table in Captain Hartmann's dayroom. They planned to send the ship's mini-sub to investigate the apparent terminus of the penguin autobahn on the coast of Siple Island. "Yes, it is a difficult decision and a risky situation. But we...

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Teresa Scalia Halloween Havoc

Many months had passed, in fact, nearly a year now since Teresa and Barbara clashed at the Woman of the Year Formal Ball. Terri's last humiliation actually had some beneficial effects on her personality. She was no longer the haughty, domineering, social diva that she had once been. She had actually become courteous and attentive to others in her social circle and no longer used leverage to gain her own way in matters. The change wasn't left unnoticed by others in this Connecticut town and...

2 years ago
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Harriet Part 1

I smiled when I saw Harriet get out of the taxi in front of my friends house. That house had certainly been the setting for some adventures, and Harriet was about to have her first here. Harriet cinched her trench coat tighter and walked up the path to ring the doorbell.I thought back to when I first met Harriet. She was at school in the town I live in and lived a few streets away with her mother, a single mother as her father had died a few years ago. Harriet is a strapping girl, a jolly...

4 years ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 134

As they went toward the County road, Francis felt a warm soft hand go around his. Essie was smiling at him, and, when he turned to look at her, leaned over and kissed him. "I'm so glad for today. I got ta meet a feller that can match me, an' keep goin. Later, when th' time is right, I'll maybe share somethin' with ya. Fer now, though, I'm gonna have me some fun." She was so beautiful, and he was wondering why she had told them that all 3 of the girls were engaged. He had met girls that just...

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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 67 Whippets

February 11, 1984, Rutherford, Ohio “Hi, Mike!” Emmy exclaimed when Liz and I arrived at the apartment she shared with her cousin. Liz and I greeted her and she let us in. “What’s the plan, Em?” Liz asked. “The other girls will be here soon. We can go out or just order pizza and hang out here. My cousin bought a video cassette recorder, and she has some movies, or we can rent one from the store down the street, or we can go to the theater.” “Do you care, Mike?” Liz asked. I shook my...

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He Tamed Her with Passion

The women in my family tend to be very highly sexed. We like sex, and need it on a regular basis. One of my most intense sexual experiences occurred after I had been single for about six months. It was making me crazy I thought about sex all the time. But I was in a new city and didn’t know very many people. All I could think about was having a big hard cock slamming into me over and over. I had made friends with one of my neighbours and had mentioned my desperation to her. That night she...

2 years ago
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Caught by my sister and her friend 9

Miss Stone had asked me to stay after class, as it was my first day I expected a lecture about what was expected and what sort of behaviour wold be tolerated, blah blah blah etc. Boy was I wrong, she indicated that I was to sit in the front row directly in front of her desk and went and locked the classroom door. She then returned to her desk but rather than sit behind it she sat on it right in front of me and only a few feet from me, I swallowed hard and started to sweat as I looked at her,...

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Jay The Gym And Sexercise Ch 2

Over the next couple of months, Juice and I trained together several times a week. She continued to critique my form and pushed me past boundaries that I never thought possible. As a consequence of my massage sessions, Juice’s stiff back began to loosen up and she was seriously training for the first time in several months. One Thursday evening when I arrived at the gym, passing through the reception area, I saw Juice was finishing a training session with one of her clients.“So, Juice, what are...

Straight Sex
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Reform School TutorChapter 9 The twins

The hospital released me ten days later, on the Tuesday. Had I been a NHS patient I'm sure they'd have kicked me out before but the school had medical insurance so I was in effect a private patient. My face looked a mess with vivid bruises still covering most of it but the swelling had gone down and I could talk and eat fairly well although with facial muscles still sore, I had difficulty in getting some words out properly. The rest of my body was not much better; I walked like an old...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 79

The cat wouldn't come in, so I was alone on a Friday night. It wasn't my first Friday night alone, when I didn't want to be alone. Life was just like that sometimes. I could have stayed at Jen's but I most likely would have been alone there as well. If you weren't able, or didn't want to play their games, you were left to your own devices. Jen was my best friend, but I recognized her for what she was. Then again she recognized me for what I was as well. First I removed Jen's tight...

1 year ago
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Twin Love part 1

Twin Love : Part 1 *** This story is fictional and any resemblace to any living person it is purely coincidental. The author does not condone Incest this was writen for your enjoyment only. *** This is my first story please let me know what you think. I have a sequel planned for this story but only if you want me to continue. Several years ago after I had become widowed, the following incident occurred. When I became widowed I was left to raise two kids. A set of 18 year old , my son‘s name is...

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Teresas Lines

She wasn't the prettiest girl, but she was pretty, and she was a bit of an outcast. She stood at 5'9" tall and weighed roughly 200 pounds. She was chunky but you couldn't tell from just her face. Her jawline was impeccable and her cheekbones carved by angels. Her aquamarine blue eyes changed from blue to gray to green-mostly staying at blue. Her neck was sexy and slender, her shoulders were boney. Her breasts were unusually small for a chunky girl, size 36B. Her breasts protruded out...

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