Flawed Red Silk 12 linked stories
- 2 years ago
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Brock found himself whistling softly as he unlocked the door to his house. The look on Hailey's face when she learned that she could take her little brother to a baseball game had made his day.
His smile widened when he saw Meredith bustling around in the kitchen. She was wearing a green pullover and a black skirt that ended well above her knees. He loved watching her curves as they shifted beneath her clothing. He closed the gap and kissed her on the cheek.
"You look beautiful," he said. "Something smells really good."
"I decided to bathe today instead of waiting for the weekend like I usually do," Meredith joked. "It's just something simple – grilled tuna steaks and rice. I hope that's OK."
"It's great," Brock said, adding a second kiss to her cheek. Meredith hooked him around his neck and directed his lips to hers.
"You seem like you're a in a good mood," she told him. "What sort of endorsements are you looking at?"
"Don't know," Brock related. He filled her in on his day and she joined him in smiling as he told her about dropping off the tickets. "She was so happy. It made me feel really good to know I had a small part in that."
"When you see her again, let her know about the possibility of a scholarship," Meredith suggested.
"I thought about that on the way home," Brock admitted. "I don't have much to do with it anymore. Mel took over as my personal attorney and she coordinates everything with my accountant."
"And I'm sure Susan, Jen and Tara help to determine the candidates," Meredith said.
"And Zoe now," Brock replied. "I put her on the board, too. It makes it easier to slip them money if they need it."
"You're a good man, Brock," Meredith said. "I probably should let you know that more often."
"I think you're a good woman," he replied with a smile.
"I'm serious," Meredith said. "You were so young when the money hit. You had no one to oversee you. You could have done anything with it. You could have easily turned out like Leah."
She sighed.
"You could have turned out like Randi," she said.
"Maybe it will pass," he suggested.
"I don't know," Meredith said. "I saw a side of her I really don't like. I know there are reasons but to say some of the things she said ... I'm not sure I can forgive them. Well, I guess I can forgive them but I'm not sure I can forget them."
"What did she say to you?" Brock asked.
"It's more what she said about you," Meredith admitted. "She said some stuff about me, too. But that didn't bother me. What pissed me off was the way she acted toward you."
"Oh, hell," Brock said. "Don't worry about that. If you heard some of the things I said about you when I was 18, you probably wouldn't be sitting here."
"What sort of things?" Meredith asked.
"Oh, I can't remember them all," Brock admitted. "But the words 'spoiled, ' 'selfish' and 'ungrateful' were the mildest."
"And I'm sure they were used in their correct context," Meredith said with a frown, "because I was all those things and more. But what she said about you isn't true."
"They might be," Brock said. "I'm a pretty complex person."
Meredith's smile returned in force.
"You are about the least complex person I know," she said, poking him in the chest for emphasis. "God, there is so little nuance to you that it throws people. People try to parse through what you're saying to find the meaning and sometimes never figure out you meant exactly what you said. If you call someone an asshole, it's because you think he's an asshole."
"Yeah, subtlety isn't really my strong point," he confessed. "I probably could have broached the subject with Randi a little gentler."
"No," she said. "You did it exactly the right way. Brock, she was asking us to do things that were uncomfortable for us. She wanted a favor. You told her what it would cost."
"You seemed comfortable with it," Brock replied.
Meredith gave a small shrug.
"That's something else I pondered while I was locked away," she admitted. "I thought about what it would be like to have someone totally under my control. It sort of intrigued me. But the closer I got to the actual time, the less I was comfortable with it. I started to have misgivings but I was determined to follow through because it meant so much to Randi. I wish I had had been brave enough to step forward earlier. I could have really screwed up that poor girl."
"Or you could have helped her in a way that worked for everyone," he said. "I was heavy-handed. But I don't think therapy was a bad idea."
"She said you were jealous of her success," Meredith said. "And she said you wanted to make sure you were the most important person in the relationship."
"I don't think I've ever viewed myself as more important than anyone else," Brock said as he sat down at the table.
"That's what I mean," Meredith said. "That's when I realized she was rationalizing her behavior. She couldn't justify how she was acting so she started to make up excuses. But there are other signs that this part is affecting her in more ways than what we noticed. She completely refuses to listen to anyone else. I don't mean about big things. I mean about anything – from the color of her shoes to what to eat for breakfast. If someone suggests one thing, she picks something else. I pointed it out to her last night just before I left. I told her if that wasn't a sure sign that something was wrong, I didn't know what was. Then I came home and snuggled up to my honey – who didn't even notice, by the way."
"Sorry about that," Brock said. "I haven't slept well in a few days. I was a little more concerned about what the doctor might find yesterday than I let on."
"Why didn't you say something?" Meredith asked. "You let on that everything was routine – that it was just something the team needed to cover its ass."
"You had enough to worry about," Brock said.
"I want you to understand this," Meredith said, moving over and crouching in front of him. She reached up and put a hand on either side of his face. "There is no one more important to me than you. Yes, I have some I view as equally important. But no one is more important. We're a team. If something is bothering you, I want you to tell me. Even if it is something you think I won't care about. I want to know."
"I'll try," Brock said. "Look, I've never been good at sharing that sort of stuff. I worried about it but I knew there was nothing I could do to change it. Having you worried wasn't going to change anything either."
Meredith frowned and stood back up.
"Maybe not," she said. "But a burden shared is a burden halved."
"Wow, you're going all Zen on me now," Brock joked.
"I'll go all Zen on you, Mister," Meredith replied, but she was smiling, too. "So, anything else worrying you?"
"Nothing you're not already concerned about," Brock told her. "I mean, you know, the situation with Randi needs a resolution."
"I consider it resolved," Meredith said. "I think I finally came to the same conclusion you did. That part of our relationship has to be over. It was fun. Don't get me wrong. I found it exciting for a while. But it's hard enough to make things work with two people without adding a third."
"And what if she realizes what's going on?" Brock asked.
Meredith shook her head.
"It won't matter," she replied. "At least not to me. I'm not pissed off at her. But I realized that part of her problem was ... well is a lack of maturity. I'm not saying you and I are much better. I proved that at Halloween. Still, we've lived a little more, seen a little more maybe. If Randi came through that door in five minutes sporting ponytails and sprouting angel wings, I would still say this portion of our lives is over and it's time for us – you and me – to move forward."
It was more like 10 minutes – and there were no angel wings or ponytails in evidence – but Randi did show up shortly after Meredith made her pronouncement. Brock had set the table while Meredith finished dinner preparations. She was pulling a bottle of wine out when the doorbell rang.
Brock opened it to find Randi standing there, staring at her feet.
"Hey," he said. "Forget your key?"
"I wasn't sure I was welcome," Randi said softly. Brock put his arm around her shoulder and ushered her in.
"Always," he said, leaning down to kiss her on the top of the head. "How are you doing?"
"Confused, Embarrassed," she admitted, finally looking up. "I could go on. Do you guys have a few minutes?"
"We're just getting ready to sit down for dinner," Brock said. "You're welcome to join us."
"No thanks," Randi replied. "I ate with Mom. I'll come back later."
"You can stay if you want," Brock told her just as Meredith poked her head around the corner to see who their visitor was.
"Hi," she said in what she hoped was a cheerful voice. "You're just in time for supper if you're hungry."
"Mom and I just finished," Randi said again.
"Well, you can sit and watch us eat," Meredith joked. "Watching Brock stuff his face should give you nightmares for a month."
Brock ushered Randi through to the dining room. The food on the table looked wonderful and he was glad he hadn't eaten when the rest of the guys had.
Randi glanced down at how she was dressed and then at how Brock and Meredith were attired. Brock wore a tan Oxford over green cotton slacks. Randi wore a pair of cutoff sweatpants, an old University of Alabama sweatshirt and her pink Dodgers cap.
"I don't want to interrupt a date," she said.
"You're not," Meredith said. "Brock got some good health news yesterday and we're celebrating. We'd love to have you join us."
"Health news?" Randi asked with concern. "I thought things were going fine."
"They are," Brock said.
"The doctors were worried about his heart and lungs," Meredith cut in. "I didn't find out about it until today either."
"But you're OK?" Randi asked, genuinely concerned
"I'm fine," Brock confirmed. "They said everything is normal for 24-year-old athlete. There is nothing to worry about."
"Thank God," Randi said.
Meredith poured two glasses of wine and looked questioningly at Randi.
"I'll just get some water," she said. Meredith stilled Randi with a hand and went back to the fridge while Brock ushered Randi to her normal chair. Meredith returned with a bottle of water and another wine glass.
"So, how was your day?" Brock asked the table at large.
Randi glanced toward Meredith to see if she planned to answer.
"I did nothing but a whole lot of it," she said with a smile. "Actually, I was a Domestic Goddess today. I did some laundry, took Brock's suits to the dry cleaner and cleaned the kitchen."
"Thanks," Brock said. "I meant to get to that yesterday but got sidetracked."
Meredith smiled and winked.
"I had lunch with Tiffany Wells," Randi said. "I'm sorry about how I was acting. Things got away from me."
"It happens," Brock replied. Randi slid a piece of paper across the table toward him.
"I'm seeing Dr. Sharon Keller tomorrow afternoon," she told them. "It's just a preliminary evaluation so I'm not sure I'll stay with her. But I'm committed to making sure this opportunity doesn't alter my personality."
"It probably will anyway," Brock said. Randi looked at him quizzically.
"Everything we do shapes us in some way," he explained. "This is no different. You'll grow from it. You'll come out of it different than you went in. The main thing is to make sure you come out of it better for having done it."
Randi nodded her understanding and sighed loudly.
"Just like I've come out of our situation better than I went in," she said. "I don't really know how to say this so I'll just come out with it. I don't think our friendship will survive if we don't change our relationship."
She gulped some water and waited for one or the other of her (now former) lovers to speak. They sat silently.
"So you've come to the same conclusion?" she asked after a pause.
"Separately and together," Meredith said with real sadness in her voice. "I've truly enjoyed the time we've shared together. But I enjoy being around you outside of that portion of our lives. I don't think I want to watch that evaporate."
"I know I don't," Randi admitted. "There are a lot of things that played into my meltdown. The role sort of overwhelmed me. I know that, now. But I was already feeling a little overwhelmed, I think. I sat and talked with Mom for a long time today. She gave me a lot of valid reasons why it didn't work out. In fact, I think she was surprised that it worked as long as it did. There are two main reasons I think we should end things. First, I'm not as committed to it as you two. It took me thinking about the future before I could admit that to myself. But there really is no future. There can't be. We're just too visible.
"Which leads me to my second reason: This role is really going to put my face out there. Right now, outside of big events and blind luck, I can pretty much live as I want. Sure, my name turns up on websites a bunch. But no one really tries to follow me places or looks for things to discredit me. This role is going to change that. I'm OK with it. I accept it as part of my job. But I don't accept it as part of yours. I know Brock would be extremely upset to see his personal life played out in the tabloids. Merie, I think you'd feel the same way. This role would assure that if we stay together."
Meredith bit her lip but nodded.
"I've considered the alternative, too," Randi continued. "I thought about dropping the role and trying to make things work out here. I'm not sure that is possible. I still want to experience true independence. I still want to feel like I can make a decision without having to consider other people. In a year or two, I'll probably regret this choice. But for now, I think it's the only one I can really make and be happy."
Brock nodded his understanding. It was exactly the choice he had made when he left California the first time. Of course, he hadn't counted on all of his friends coming with him. That brought a fresh thought to his mind.
"Would you still like to live here?" he offered. "I'd welcome it if you do."
"Really?" Randi asked. She had resigned herself to finding an apartment or a house away from her friends. She could have stayed at home but with her new stepfamily coming in, that might have proven awkward. She glanced toward Meredith for confirmation that she agreed with Brock.
Meredith smiled toward her.
"I think that would be good," she said. "You'd have freedom but you'd also have support. We care about you, Randi. I hope you know that anything we've done or suggested is because we thought it was best for you. I'd like to have you here."
"I didn't want to put you on the spot," Randi said, "but I'd like to be here. You were right when you said this place feels like home to me. Most of it is because you two were here. But it's also the place where I figured out I could be myself and people would still like me. You guys are so great."
January and the new year brought a host of changes to Brock's world. He, Meredith and Randi finalized the deal in late December to purchase the house from J.C. It was a strictly cash purchase, with each of the trio putting up $2.8 million. Randi moved into a room as far away from the master bedroom as she could find. Still, she seemed happy as she was getting ready to film the pilot for her new TV series.
One by one, friends came to move into the houses in the new subdivision. The homeowner's association was initially leery of having three unmarried people owning a house in their area – but relented quickly when Brock told them if they balked (or forced him to join) that he would simply move into one of the houses in the subdivision and sue them to remove to gates that blocked the access to his new home.
Zoe was the first one to arrive. The lease on her mother's apartment ended in December – it had been renewed just before the woman's death – so she moved in right after Christmas. The others were locked into their leases for varying amounts of time. Tara's lease expired in January; Mel would move in February and Susan would come out in March.
The two holdouts were Emmy – who was reluctant to move in with Zoe – and Jen – who insisted that Brock had spent enough money on her already. Jen was the one who could have moved in first – having no lease at all since she was living with her sister. The rest of the group finally talked her around and she took up residency shortly after Zoe.
Emmy still fought the notion until Esmi got involved. She and Al had agreed to front the money for Emmy's house – once they learned she didn't plan to move in with Zoe just yet. After much discussion, Esmi finally pointed out that Emmy was already paying more to rent an apartment than she would if she took over a mortgage payment on a house. Just before classes started in January, Emmy relented and moved in next door to her girlfriend.
She insisted upon a mortgage for the full amount in order to pay her family back but no one really thought it would work out that way.
On a professional front, things didn't go nearly as smoothly for Brock or the Dodgers.
The Dodgers pulled off a deal in late December that sent Eurebal Cardozo and a Class A pitcher to Baltimore for a catcher who spent the previous year as their backup. Josh was worried but Tara said she would rather Brock didn't risk her source by going and telling Josh what the plan was for him.
Instead, Brock urged him just to keep an open mind about what the team had in mind for him. Josh immediately started asking questions and Brock finally told him the truth – not about the position the team envisioned for him but that Brock couldn't tell him what he knew.
"It's not bad," Brock assured him. "Really, I would tell you if I could. But I gave my word. Don't worry about it and things will shake out by Spring Training."
Josh accepted Brock's words at face value – helped along by a call from Jim LaCross assuring him that his playing time would not decrease.
The free agent market was slow and the Dodgers really hadn't made much of an attempt to sign any of the few decent players out there. The team had let several players go without any attempt to re-sign them – and they didn't offer a contract to two players who were arbitration eligible, making them free agents as well.
Upper management had decided to make a concerted effort to bring in quality players who also were high-character guys. It hadn't taken them long to realize that every piece of negative publicity the team received had been courtesy of a few players. Those players wouldn't return if the team could find some way to move them.
The new philosophy showed when the offseason signings picked up after the World Series.
The Dodgers picked up a pair of relief pitchers and a backup infielder. The team was content to head into the season with much the same cast that had performed so well the season before, so long as they could get rid of a couple of "problem children" along the way.
Then news came from Venezuela in early January that Armando Guerra, the team's starting second baseman, had been the victim of a kidnapping attempt and had been gravely wounded protecting his family.
Guerra's life wasn't in danger but his livelihood was. He had been shot in the left leg and would miss the season.
Carlos Pena, who backed up Guerra and Brock the season before, had been released and had signed with Philadelphia. There were no decent second basemen left in the free agent pool and few teams were dangling anyone who didn't have an inflated contract as trade bait.
The only decent infielder left unsigned was a shortstop who was a year or two past his prime. He would be a serviceable backup at second base but he couldn't be counted on to perform on a daily basis. Likewise, the utility infielder the team already signed was workable for a game or two but he wasn't ever going to start for a contending team.
A corresponding problem for the Dodgers was what to do with Toby Cerutti, the team's starting third baseman. He was a problem in the clubhouse but his contract was such that no one would touch him in a trade without the Dodgers picking up most of the $21 million left on the deal. Even then, they were only offering marginal prospects in return.
The team also wanted to rid itself of Lou Stimson, who wasn't a good fit in the new-look clubhouse. He was considered a decent closer but he wasn't going to unseat an established relief pitcher. He was also going to ask for the moon at the end of the season when he hit arbitration. Teams were leery of taking him on, despite the league's constant need for relief pitching, fearing he would continue to be a disruption in the clubhouse and that they would wind up losing his services after one season when it came time for arbitration.
The second problem resolved itself first. The defending World Champion Twins were dealt a serious blow to their hopes to repeat - just before it came time for pitchers and catchers to report in early February. Their star relief pitcher was denied an entrance visa and was arrested on identity theft charges in his home nation of the Dominican Republic. Word leaked out that the player was actually three years older than the team thought and had falsified his records by exchanging identities a decade before with another man on the island.
It would be several months before the issue was resolved and the Twins were forced to make a move. They offered a pair of Double-A players for Stimson and the Dodgers shipped him off without a second thought.
Cerutti's situation lingered longer. Everyone in baseball knew the Dodgers wanted more than anything to trade him. They were committed to Josh Hart at third base and told their former third baseman that he would make the team as a pinch hitter if he made it at all. They even took the unprecedented step of permitting Cerutti's agent to contact other teams to seek a trade.
Brock was finalizing his preparations to head to Arizona in early February when he received a call from Jim LaCross, who was already in Arizona at the team's facilities in Glendale.
"Hey, Skip," Brock answered. "How do things look down there?"
"It's weird," LaCross admitted. "I've been in this organization for 20 years as a player, coach and manager. Every year it was off to Dodgertown in February. I knew all the restaurants and bars. I've lived in the same house down there for almost a decade. Now we're here. It's still shiny and new but I'm not sure I don't like the old place better."
"Yeah, sometimes new things aren't necessarily an improvement," Brock said. "What's up?"
"A couple of things," LaCross said. "I wanted to see if you were still coming down early."
"I'll be there in three days," Brock said. He wasn't required to report for three more weeks but he wanted to get a head start on ensuring his sophomore season went as well as his freshman year had.
"Good," LaCross told him. "Look, I want you to think about something. You know we've been trying to move Toby. Well, we have a proposal from Seattle. It's not a bad deal. They're willing to take his entire contract. We have to take a bad deal in return but we think it will help us more than having Cerutti on the bench at $10.5 million a year."
"OK," Brock said. "What's the hold up?"
"I wanted to talk to you about moving to second base," LaCross said. "The Mariners are offering Driesbach straight up. The thing is, I don't think he'll want to move to second base. You're a better shortstop. I'm not saying you aren't. But he'll do and I think you'd be fine at second."
"I haven't played second regularly since high school," Brock said. "But if you think it'll help, sure, I guess I'll give it a shot."
"You should contact your agent before you decide," LaCross urged. "I don't think it will cut your value but it might."
"I'm not worried about that," Brock told him. "Driesbach is a decent player. I'm more worried about what happens if it turns out I'm a crappy second baseman. I mean, he's getting paid $13 million this season. I still have options left. I don't want to learn to play second base at Jacksonville."
LaCross smiled to himself as he heard Brock's reaction.
"We don't foresee that happening," he said. "You'll be fine at second base. We're not looking for a reincarnation of Roberto Alomar. You're really the best option we have available. That became obvious early on. The market on second basemen is pretty thin. We're either looking at a move like this or going into the season shorthanded."
"Sure, I understand," Brock said with a frown. "Do we have someone who can help me out? I mean, I know both of our infield instructors are former shortstops."
"If you're OK with it, we're going to bring in a guy to help you out," LaCross said. "Are you sure this isn't going to create an issue for you? You're a big part of this team, Brock. You're going to be a big part of this team going forward."
"I'm good," Brock replied. There was little else he could say and not look like a total dick. "I'll be there by Friday and we can see how it's going to look."
"Good man," LaCross said with relief. "We'll have things sorted out by the time you get into town."
Meredith had watched the expressions on Brock's face change throughout the conversation. He walked outside early on and she couldn't hear what was discussed. But she recognized the frown when he came back inside.
"Problems?" she asked.
He gave a shrug.
"The found a taker for Cerutti," he answered. "And a replacement for Guerra."
"That sounds good," Meredith opined.
"It's who they want to replace Guerra that's the problem," Brock said.
"They did not go out and get Repling!" Meredith hissed.
"No," Brock said with a smile. Meredith virulent dislike of Carter Repling and everything associated with the Diamondbacks was always amusing to him – considering she had never met the man and had never watched a baseball game at Chase Field.
"Then what's the problem?" she asked. "Don't tell me they found someone worse."
"Maybe," Brock said with a sigh. "They want me to play second base this season."
"That's stupid," Meredith announced. "They had no one to replace you last year and look what that got them. Nothing they've done during the offseason will fix that."
"Seattle is willing to send Matt Driesbach over for Cerutti," Brock explained.
"Wow!" Meredith said. "That changes things. That sounds like a great deal for the Dodgers."
"He's no better than I am," Brock replied angrily.
"Whoa!" Meredith told him. "That's not what I said – or what I meant. I've heard you and Al talk about Cerutti and I've seen Cerutti completely forget about defense when he strikes out twice in a game. I'm just saying that getting anything for a guy like that would be a good deal for the team and it sounds like a deal any team would make."
"I guess," Brock said. "Still, I'm not really happy about changing positions. I barely made the team last year because I was learning how much faster the game is at this level. I was sort of looking forward to having a chance to build on what I started – not completely start over."
"Is it that much different?" Meredith asked. "I mean, I see guys who play both. Every team has a guy like that. I know you played some second base in the minors."
"A utility infielder," Brock clarified. "He's a guy who is passable at both positions but not very good either. I don't want to be that guy. The footwork at second is completely different – it's backward. It's like dancing. You can't switch leads in the middle of a song. I was good with working at second in the minors if I meant I got to Cleveland faster. For the first year or two in Cleveland, that was going to be my role. But I thought I proved myself last year."
"I'm pretty sure you proved yourself to everyone," Meredith said soothingly. "This is about getting rid of a cancer and improving the team. Let's face it; you're going to be head and shoulders above anyone else the team could put at second base. Yes, you'd be more comfortable at shortstop and you'd be just as good if not better than Driesbach. But would he be a good as you at second?"
"Potentially," Brock said. "We don't know how good I am going to be there. You have to change your natural reactions when you change positions. I'll have to remember to cover first on a bunt or second on a grounder to third. My cutoff responsibilities change, too."
"I think you will be able to remember which side of the field you're on," Meredith said with a smile. "What's really bothering you?"
Brock sighed.
"I guess it just irks me that they brought in someone to replace me," he admitted. "Guerra was a good player. He wasn't great by any stretch but he was, I don't know... , reasonable. I thought I was the team's long-term answer at shortstop. It's where I like to play. It's where I'm best. STATS said I had the second-highest range factor in the league last year. Plus, well, I thought I was the anchor of the infield. They call the position 'The Keystone' because it is. It's where the best fielder always plays."
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His name was David and I think he was the most beautiful guy in school. We were both about 5’9” at the time. I had short brown hair and baby blue eyes. There was only one time I spoke to him and that was when we were forced to be partners for an assignment. He was so beautiful, he turned me on everyday. I sat in first hour dreaming about what came second hour with him in it. Then came the magical moment when the bell rang and everyone scattered to class, this would be the moment I got to sneak...
Hello, Indian sex story readers, I am Rajesh() from Chennai (Name and City changed) but currently working in Bangalore(unchanged). This is my 4th sex story in ISS. But for those of you who don’t know me, a short intro: I’m 24 years old, 5’5 tall, little dark(typical south Indian look), gained a bit of weight now, 8-inch cock and I’m a wild sex lover. Without wasting your time, let me get into the incident. Actually, after those stories which I have posted earlier, I got many women approaching...
Author's note: the word slavey is a synonym for a drudge: one who does menial work, specifically a household or kitchen worker. Aaron, Tanith, and Dana spent an uneventful night camping off the side of the road. He took the last watch and woke his mates at dawn, where they shared a quick breakfast and after extinguishing the fire continued on their journey. The tendril of blue mist split in two and followed along on either side of the road, hugging the ground flitting from tree to tree, or...
Identical Opposites, Dejevu' By Malissa Madison David Kimball, Director of the Bureau was sitting in his office going over some reports that had been Faxed to him from an Over Seas contact. He was studying of all things the DNA evidence reports. More specifically ones that didn't match. But on his computer screen were three different sets of finger prints taken from three different people. The problem was that the Forensics lab couldn't tell them apart, hence the DNA tests. He...
Dave and Kate lay next to each other on Kate's bed, catching their breath. "Oh, you make me feel so good, Sir David," Kate said to him. "The feeling is mutual, Lady Katherine." "Hmmmm. It's nice to be in a bed for a change. Not that there's anything wrong with the back of your car, mind you." Dave laughed. "I agree with you. I still can't believe your father left you alone in the house." "That's only because Ellen was giving him crap about not going out. And even Dad said...
I had just turned 21 a few weeks before the night that I stayed home with my parents drinking. We were all a little tipsy when a few of their friends stopped by. It was a couple and another man. The man was attractive, but well into his late 50’s or early 60’s. I noticed that he was nice looking when he introduced himself to me, but I didn’t think anything of it. I had never been with anyone over 25 and had never wanted to either. Everyone sat around talking and drinking for a few hours. I was...
This for Canadians and for others who may be familiar with Canada. Yes, I am a Canuk! You are just going to love this and I hope it makes you smile no matter where you live in this great country of ours... TOP REASONS TO LIVE IN BRITISH COLUMBIA 1. Vancouver : 1.5 million people and two bridges. You do the math. 2. Your $400,000 Vancouver home is just 5 hours from downtown. 3. You can throw a rock and hit three Starbucks locations. 4 There’s always some sort of deforestation protest going...
You don't care for me, I don't a-care about that You got a new fool? Ha! I like it like that I have only one burning desire: Let me stand next to your fire! —Jimi Hendrix, "Fire" (used without permission) Thursday, August 23, 2:19 AM Pain. Despair. Frustration. Helplessness. Rage. Fear. All of those awful feelings I had experienced throughout the summer, paled in comparison to the gut-wrenching terror that welled up inside when I saw the smoke and flames pouring from the eaves...
Chapter IIThumping the snooze button on her alarm clock, Angela with bleary eyes registered the time as six AM in the morning. As much as she would have loved a sleep in that morning, it wouldn't have made a for good first impression turning up to her new employment late and flustered.Stretching her long slender arms and rubbing the sleep out of her deep brown eyes, she slowly arose from her bed and made her way over to the shower and commenced her morning ritual of getting ready for work.With...
The First Timewritten 1/1/2019"Do you think she would like a younger man like myself being intimate with her?", you ask me?I do. I think Becky would feel powerful that she could attract a younger man. Think about it. She is 52. She exercises a lot, but still has self body image issues (like most women). To be able to interest a younger man...To be able to see you focusing your attention on her alone, when there are so many other women. That would be a huge turn on for her. Not just to have your...
Monday, Monday, Can't Trust that Day. The old song seemed to sum up my feelings as I again woke earlier than my mates. Sunday was a long day and Monday seemed fated to be even longer. I had mixed feelings about having declared myself the leader. I knew that I could easily be swamped with the day-to-day details of running the base to the point that nothing would get accomplished. My hope was that nothing would change. As it was, Sheila was in charge of the physical side of things, Tom...
Mike didn't see any of his family other than his dad the next day at work. As usual, his dad made the rounds of the office on the first day back after the paid vacation. John chatted with everyone as if they were old friends. As Mike watched him make his way down the hall he realized again what made his dad such a great boss and company owner. John had the gift of making everyone feel important and valued.Mike and his dad traded a few friendly words. John acted as if nothing at all out of the...
It’s been tough dealing with the sex. Your husband isn’t enough for you anymore. You still love him and don’t want it to end but you also have needs. Needs that need to be helped. And if he isn’t going to do it, someone else has. Wendy Hot Wife and the Young Stud - At Home It’s been tough dealing with the sex. Your husband isn’t enough for you anymore. You still love him and don’t want it to end but you also have needs. Needs that need to be helped. And if he isn’t going...
MILFThings had been moving well with Mike, he was proving to be a good friend and we had so much in common, a man’s man with benefits.I decided to show him my AirBNB profile and suggested that he give it a try although he did mention a small problem in that he didn’t have a spare room, I suggested a perfect solution would be for Jenny to come stay with me as and when he got a booking, she could even leave some clothes at mine in the event of immediate bookings.I told him I would speak with Anika...
Millie stood in the center of the office. When Andrew turned to watch her, she started stripping out of her clothes. She didn't shed her clothes in the manner of a stripper, but in a business-like fashion that was strangely erotic. She would remove an item of clothing, carefully fold it, and then place it upon a chair. Andrew always had the impression that he was a voyeur watching a woman undress for the evening. Once she was undressed, she approached him. Normally, she would get under the...
Day Eighteen - Thursday I woke up because I was having trouble breathing. I was enclosed by,,,,,,,, oh, yeah, Sue. We had turned toward each other during the night and she was hugging me, holding my face into her breast. This was nice but they are so big and firm there is no give to allow a little room to breathe. I moved to turn my head so I could breathe, unwilling to totally leave the wonderful pillows I was luxuriating on. The movement disturbed her and she hugged me even more tightly....
I watched her and saw the twinkle in her big eyes as she kissed her way down my body. I saw the silky skin of her thighs exposed to me, inch by inch. The tight fabric of her dress hitched higher up her legs as she crouched. The hem rolled high enough to bring a peek of her pink knickers into view. The sight of her panties and flawless skin set my heart racing and my mouth watering. I felt the brush of her lips across my covered manhood. I jumped and she giggled. Wiggling her hips and...
Well she had working at the BBQ shack for four months , September was almost over but it was still warm here in Georgia. Someone at the shack came up with the idea to have a summer is over party. Well being that we have a house and pool my wife said they could have it here. Most of the other wait staff was made up of college aged guys and girls that lived either at home or in an apartment. So they all agreed with the idea the party was going to be here. My wife came in and told me we where...
I put my elbow out to escort her, and a few seconds later I felt her hand slip in and grab my bicep. I kind of wished it was bigger. She gave me a squeeze. "Take lead." We walked up and through the outside door. In the vestibule a man opened the door for us, letting us in, and the noise of the festivities out. There must have been close to 100 people in there, and it was crowded near the door. I felt Sheri's hand grip my arm tightly. "Dan," I said. He stepped around us, and started...
On Monday morning, Denise found Stan early, before he'd even taken his jacket off. "Stan, I think we need to talk. C'mon," she said, beckoning him. "Now?" he said. "Yes, Stan, now." Stan looked at Denise and said, "Yes, you're probably right." The Manufacturing Meeting Room was on the opposite side of the office from the main windows where morning sunlight streamed in. They went into the room and closed the door. "Denise," began Stan, but Denise interrupted him,...
Friday night after supper I went to Ms Baker's house. She hadn't mentioned anything more about a fire but I thought I would push it by just showing up and starting one. I had a fire going for at least an hour almost ready to give up when my beautiful Ms. Baker came out of the house wearing her jeans and another of her loose flannel shirts. No bra again! I saw that she had a glass of wine in her hand as she took a seat next to me on the bench and said "Hello Jimmy. I really didn't expect...
Dear friends, This is a true story about a father his daughters not one or two but all there daughters he produced during 20 years of marriage bond. First let me introduce myself i am a guy of 25 years tall handsome and loveable boy and am a student of local post graduation college.Lovey eldest of all three girls along with ruby and pinky was my classmate in degree course. We use to study together in our house for which i was being paid for by three girls not sisters(two other classmates) Rs...
Mrs. Thompson It was a friday morning and beautifully sunny too without a cloud in the sky. I pulled into Mrs. Thompson's drive-way ready for what should of been half a days work flooring out a loft space. I parked up and rang the doorbell thinking about getting this job done quick so I could have the rest of the day off. A beautiful lady who I assumed was Mrs. Thompson because I had only spoke to her over the phone, answered the door. Now Mrs. Thompson was at a guess, early thirties and...
This story is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters portrayed here to real people living or deceased is entirely coincidental. The author retains all rights to this work, except in allowing that it may be archived and distributed for non-commercial purposes, providing all text remains intact, including this notice. This story deals with 'adult' themes of a highly sexual nature, including 'fetishism', bondage, domination, non-consensual sex acts, use of sex-toys,...
One of my deepest desires is to be used by the two women next door. The first is the mother Carol. She is certainly no looker by any stretch of the imagination, and the thought of her in any kind of sexual way does disgust me a little. She is 5?5?, with short brown hair, a hoarse voice and not a single curve on her body. Probably in her late 40?s at best, though it?s really hard to tell. There really isn?t anything sexy or attractive about Carol at all. However, her daughter Theresa is very...
The intruders were huddled on the floor, their masks askew. None of them had been able to defend themselves in any way because they couldn't see her attacks, and their hands were too busy trying to fend off blows. Those hands had been reduced to bloody lumps. While Jack and Nigel stopped, staring at the astonishing scene before them, she whacked each one an additional time. She could have stabbed them, but did not. "Bastards," she panted. "You think you can violate my privacy, and do...
Enslaving Rico chapter 3 Milky Revenge Rico couldn’t decide what to wear today because for one thing, he neither has thick briefs nor boxers to cover up his condom wrapped dick with a taped vibrator inside. He was not hard because the vibrator wasn’t turned on yet but oh the horrors he was about to face was going to be unbearable. He decided to put on a jock strap and on top of that, a boxer briefs to really hide his humiliating endeavour. Surprisingly Ben texted him earlier that...
The next morning, Bailey woke Gabriel with an enthusiastic blowjob to make up for passing out on their wedding night. Then they made love long and slow to fully consummate their marriage. Then it was time to move on to the next chapter of their lives. After her initial enlistment, Morgan stayed in the Navy. She retired with thirty-one years of service; her final duty station was as Command Master Chief of the USS Enterprise. Though she was often far from her home and friends, she was a...
I've found the wildest BDSM checklist ever. I'm very much a subbie and a bit of a masochist but only to *proven" Dom men and Masters.Are you looking for full time D/s or P/t: 24/7 when husband is away from home (usually 2-3 wks at a time)Are you a SUB or SLAVE: I am a sub but would easily become a mans slaveDo you Smoke: I do notDo you Smoke POT: How Much: I don’td**g User: How Much: I do notDo you Drink: How Much: I do notYour Name your Phone # Clare Ransome and only real contacts that would...
A group of three college boys were approaching. I turned my back on them and started looking outside a window to stop them from seeing my boobs through the now transperant white crop top. Rushabh had thrown it into water while he took me in the ladies washroom and now my boobs were clearly visible. The guys stopped near me and asked what I was doing here. This was a boys college. Without turning I answered that I was waiting for someone. The boys told me that they ll have to call security, if I...
Chapter 7 – Everyday Routine I had daily routines that I was starting to follow. Or at least certain things I would expect on different days of the week. Part of my routine was being monitored by Mr. Savage in every way, some days more closely than others. He would weigh me, measure me, and control what I ate. He had an exercise regimen for me. I felt fitter and healthier than I ever had. My skin was healthy, my hair shone. He cared for my nails. He accompanied me to the hairdresser. My...
My wfie works at a place with a crazy (but awesome for my purposes) dress code. It requires women to either wear pants and a jacket or a skirt and a blouse. Since their air conditioning isn’t that great, coupled with people using space heaters at their desk anyways, it’s always hot. My wife, therefore, chooses the skirt choice, which also results in her wearing heels or wedges. In the winter it is even better, because if women wear a skirt, they have to wear nylons with them. For a heel/nylon...
Neelam came out after her shower in a sexy blue salwar with wet hair to serve me lunch. At the dining table, I saw Neelam closely. She was between 5’7” to 5’8”, slim waist, almost flat stomach, silky mid-back hair, and big black eyes. Everything about Neelam is almost perfect. Perfectly shaped dark eyebrows, long eyelashes, sharp lip liner, because she had her lips tattooed. “Manoj told me you are going to stay with us till you graduate. Where is your college?” asked Neelam. Yes bhabi, also,...
Saturday Night We decide to sleep in your room. All pretense of teasing and games are gone. We get undressed and get into bed. The three remaining condoms are within easy reach. I have them right next to the massage oil. You are on your back and I immediately kiss you and rub your tits. You coo and murmur as I kiss, suck and pull on the nipples. I rub my beard over them and they get even harder. Your hand is busy jerking my cock. You request the oil and I put some in your hand. The oil is...
This sex story was written as an adult fantasy. The author does not condone the described behavior in real life. “Well, young lady, it’s about time you got home. You’re two hours beyond curfew. Where have you been?” “Uh, just out?” “Parking with your boyfriend again I expect. Well, how far did you let him go this time?” “Daddy, we were just talking – that’s all.” “Sure. That’s why your blouse is buttoned up...
My Mother Ch. 3 An explanation from Mom After the first day that I spent with My Mother and her friend Jane, things around the house only got better. I got to meet the other two bi-sexual friends of Mom’s. Wendy about 39, who was a tall blonde lady who measured about 38C-26-36; and Gina, about 40 and was about 40–36-38. Gina was married with 2 daughters who will join in the fun at a later date. As stated earlier, I had so wanted to become intimate with my Mom for so long, I...
IncestStirring slowly, I flip over onto my side. The silence of the room and the coolness of the night’s air bit my skin, the softness of the comforter – bliss. I mumble something to myself, something I would barely remember in the morning to come. But, now it is just me, my bed, silence and darkness. I am rudely awaken by a slight uneasiness, something, yet I cannot tell what. The items and furniture in my room are of different shades of grey and black, the darkness is certain. As I try to sit up...
SupernaturalI hate Mondays. They are the worse day of the week by far. It is the first day back to work and I sooooo don’t want to be there. I am tired from the weekend and I have to get up way to early to suit me. I am a night owl and always will be. As I get closer to work I start trying to come up with ideas for our Monday morning meeting. I have none as usual. Why anyone thinks Monday morning is a good time for a meeting I will never know. When I get to work I notice a new car in the parking lot. I...
Straight SexNote : This story is completely fictional! One year me and my best friend were planning a vaction to New York City for the summer of our senoir year of High School. When my friend called his uncle who lived in New York City to tell him me and him were comming to new york for a month he told us we could stay there at his place. When we got to his unce apartment we just relaxed for the day and plus it was raining outside. When that night came my friend went to bed and i was still up with his...
Drunk sexIt was six months now since my “episode”, as I liked to term it. I had started to tell my friends about what I had experienced, but their reactions were such that I soon decided to keep quiet about it. My memories were as sharp as if it were yesterday, and while I continued my usual like of work and play, the occasional sexual encounters that I had left me empty and wanting. It was, altogether, a poor state of affairs. One night I was in my bed, thinking about that day and slowly masturbating,...
SupernaturalAs he recovered from his third explosion deep in her eager throat, Luke’s mind nibbled on the chewy rind of a nagging but ripening guilt. She’s been sucking me off for well over an hour, and by the look in her eyes I can tell we’re nowhere near done. We’ll get up to something kinky in the shower, have a little breakfast, and then we’ll be right back in bed. All the early signs of a day-long bacchanal are plain. Bill’s coming back on Thursday, so this is our last full and uninterrupted day of...
Each fondle, sigh, and bat of her long eyelashes was leading the pirate to madness. Did she even KNOW? Warmth was now the very least of his problems; Calypso was like a blazing fire, searing all of his body, continually stoked within him by her ministrations. She shimmied into his lap gracefully, his hands sliding down to nestle in her falling chiton.Her thighs squeezed Ragetti snugly."Cozy?""Fabrizio, you are so smug. But yes…"At this Ragetti relaxed and let his eye lavish her form. It was...
He rang the bell, cursing at himself for not bringing his keys and waited. A few moments later the door opened and lucky for Josh, Vanessa opened. “Yes, can I …” she started before recognizing Josh. “Oh sorry Mister eh, Josh” “No problem” Josh smiled “I am just glad it’s you opening the door, the others don’t know me yet so that would have been awkward.” Vanessa just smiled and opened the door further letting him in. “Anyway, it’s good that you’re here because I need your help” Josh...
Get to know this sweet mid 20 indo-chin girl few years back. During that time, our r.ship is like brother and sister. As a brother, i can;t control my temptation for her. She is young, fresh and have a good figure..nice round bum and a Cup C boob.During that time, i teach her how to kiss and also how to DIY for him. This DIY was at her house playground, she was shy to try but i assure her this DIY skill is important in order to satisfy your future bf. I unzip and then teach her the way to...
Io non dissi niente ed iniziai a camminare trattenendo le lacrime. Pensavo di fare molta pi? fatica con quei tacchi. In realt? camminavo abbastanza bene e non ero molto preoccupato di cadere. La mia preoccupazione andava al fatto che non sapevo bene cosa aspettarmi. Continuavo a girare intorno al letto provando tanti movimenti diversi per vedere dove ero limitato. Chiaramente non potevo correre e non potevo neanche piegarmi di scatto, ma la mia mobilit? era decisamente buona e mig...
Archive name: game.txt (MMF, wife-sharing, exh, voy)Authors name: JetLag ([email protected])Story title : Party Game-------------------------------------------------------= This work is copyrighted to the author © 2000. =-Please do not remove the author information or makeany changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area ofcommercial sites. Thank you for your consideration.------------------------------------------------------Party GameBy...
When Jeff, Roberta and Tiffany arrived at the front desk, Christopher had gone off shift, and had been replaced by Arianna, who was working her way through college. She was professionally courteous, just like Christopher, and was happy to take them all to the same room Christopher had taken Jane. She wasn't as experienced at guessing sizes, though, and simply opened drawers so they could go through them. "You can try them in over there," she said, pointing to another doorway, that led to...
Hi this is rocky here 26 male from indore mp. Maine app logo ko jyada bor nahin karunga direct story par atta hoon mere story garma garm bhabhi par atta hoon ye baat koi 6 months pehle ki hai. Hum log Ek appartment maine rehte hain 3rd floor par aur mere parivar main mere wife, mom, aur ek choti sister hain 6 month ago mere parivar wale 1 week ke liye out of station gaye the mere badi sister ke yahan jiske shaadi hoo chuki hai maharashtra mai. Aur appartment ke 1st floor par ek couple rehte...
Mom and Dad went shopping while we started another load of clothes. Britt was bent over putting clothes from the washer into the dryer. She was wearing her gym shorts that had wide legs. I could see her slit and pushed my hand into a leg and slid a finger along her slit. She moaned and, to my surprise, was wet! I pulled my cock from my shorts and pushed into her through that open leg. She moaned and said, "I've been wanting that all morning but Mom never gave us enough time. Oh! Do it! I'm...
Monday seemed to start with a relief. The college was like a ghost town. There were a few people in the administration building and the dorms for the most part were deserted. There were a few dozen students loading family cars with bags of clothes and other possessions. The only thing that was moving was construction on the last dorm and correcting flaws in the first one that the inspectors had found. Next fall the college would grow by an additional 250 students. Patti had several weeks of...
I met Lisa on a dating site for married people. I always knew that I wasn’t the only person in a sexless marriage but I had no idea how many were out there. I met some nice women on the site but I also had some strange and some scary moments. There was the cop husband who hacked into his wife’s e-mail and threatened to find me. One of the most surprising was a gorgeous brunette who was young enough to be my daughter. She wanted me to buy her a car in return for whatever favors I wanted her to...