Boys With Their Toys free porn video

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Editing thanks to techsan and jazzygrirlinNC mistakes are my fault

Fourteen years ago.

I am in our family living room. My head hurts from where my mother hit it with a table lamp. My father is lying on the floor, gasping for air. My mother walks over to the fireplace and picks up the poker. Mother says, ‘You two have held me back long enough. That ends today.’

Mother walks over by me toward my father. I am scared but I unfold my pocketknife, and when I have my mother’s back I stab her on the inside of her left thigh. She turns and hits me with the poker, knocking me unconscious. According to father, mother keeps on screaming at him until she collapses from blood loss.

The prosecutor tried me as an adult, which was a mistake on his part. The standards of proof are much higher than they would have been in juvenile court.

My father testified my mother was in the act of killing both of us. The prosecutor tried to convince the jury that we two should have subdued my mother without killing her. The prosecutor eliminated all the lesser charges so that only a life sentence or the death penalty was available if I was convicted. He lost.


I am twenty-five today. I have taken the day off and my father gave me a party at Fridays. I have all these balloons tied to my wrist and one of the waitresses actually kissed me. This happens from time to time from women who don’t know my background. I am pretty good looking if I do say so myself. Oh, my name is Gerald Myers. Yes, the Gerald Myers who was tried for murdering his mother when he was eleven years old.

I go home with dad. Dad asks me, ‘What you going to do with the weekend?’

I told him, ‘I’m taking my truck and going up and spend Friday and Saturday night on the high ridge road camping.’

Pop looked at me sadly and said, ‘You should start dating, son.’

I responded, ‘Dad, we have been through all this. Women will never forget mom and who killed her. When you retire and we move away from here. That will be the time to date strangers. You know once they get to know us, our history won’t be held against us.’

He didn’t say anything else. I packed the truck with my toys for the weekend. I had a telescope for star watching, and several guns for target shooting. The high ridge area belonged to Amber Timber who dad and I worked for. We had the keys to the padlocks, so it was easy for us to get where other people weren’t.

I stopped by the grocery store and bought forty pounds of ice and other essentials for the weekend. I loaded the stuff in the two ice chests, cranked up my diesel Dodge and headed out the highway to the entry on the high ridge logging road. It took forty minutes to get to that point.

Once I locked the gates behind me, I put my truck in low range four wheel drive and headed up. This took two more hours but I got to where I wanted to camp just before dark. I leveled the camper, then raked the area clean of burnables. I looked up but it was a cloudy night, so no star watching.

I was too keyed up to stay still so I found my night gear and headed out on a night hike. I had my twenty-two pistol and a single edge sword for protection. I had my GPS so I could find my way back in the late night fog. I headed out for some excitement.

I had walked downhill toward the state park side of the timber property. I was making good time at night, averaging about two miles an hour for the two hours I had hiked. I was about to turn around and go back to my truck when I heard a cry of pain.

Now some people would go running around in the night to find out what happened, but the woods had been teaching me for the last twelve years. I got low and crawled toward the sound. The woods were about fifty degrees in temperature so no snake problem was likely.

I crawled up to a rise and saw a campfire with about sixteen or seventeen people huddled. Three men were standing around with their pants off, while four men with guns were watching the huddlers. There was a woman lying at the feet of one of the pantless men. I had found a rape session.

This presented me a problem, I couldn’t just go off and leave them here while I found the police. That would take a minimum of two hours to get to the CB radio in my truck. On the other hand a gunfight with four armed men and me armed with a twenty-two would be a bad joke on me.

I had an Israeli silencer necklace. Maybe I could assemble it and put the silencer on my twenty-two. I crawled back to a point where nobody would see a light, and assembled the thing. Fortunately all its parts were on the necklace.

I crawled around to their backside. The woman who had been at the guy’s feet was being raped. At least she was no longer crying. One of the gunmen said, ‘I need to take a leak.’ The others told him not to stink up the fucking place. He turned and walked straight toward my hiding place. When he stopped and undid his zipper he had to holster his gun. I shot him in his mouth. He sputtered but otherwise did not make a sound as he collapsed. He did finish his peeing.

I moved forward carefully and removed his gun from the holster. The holster was one of those police specials that you have to turn the pistol just so to remove it from the holster. I now had a nine-millimeter Glock with an extended magazine. I crawled away to make sure that nobody found me and got back to my high point.

I watched as the one of the gunmen got anxious and went looking. He found his friend all right and proceeded to shoot up the bushes where I had shot his friend. The rapist got up from his victim and the other pantless ones got back to their guns.

I heard their shouted conversation. ‘What you shooting at, John?’

John said, ‘Somebody killed Lewis.’

‘Did you hit him?’

John answered, ‘Hell, if I know.’

‘Well, get back here. You don’t have enough ammunition to shoot up the whole damn forest.’

John said, ‘But the guy is out here somewhere.’

‘Yeah, somewhere. Now get back here before you wake the local Mounties.’

One of the gunmen walked over to the huddled people and pointed his gun at one of them. I panicked and shot him in the temple in front of his left ear. The shot was only ten yards, even with the silencer it wasn’t that far. He fell forward on top of the person that he intended to shoot. The other gunmen ran forward to him to rescue his pistol from the prisoner.

I crawled back from my viewing point. I hoped nothing else would start to happen, but I couldn’t risk giving them a clear shot at me. They still had five gunmen to just one of me. I crawled toward the prisoner end of the clearing. I looked over the rise but under a bush. I watched the five gunmen having a confab.

They were showing more intelligence this time. They were whispering with each other. I looked behind me and saw a dry creek bed and a gully that I could get to and hide in quickly. With all of them so close together, I had a fifty-foot shot. I took the Glock and fired off four quick shots. I think I saw the first shot hit one in the small of the back and another hit in the butt. I ran for the gully while the shots paralyzed them. They shot the living hell out of that bush. I got to the gully and stood on the creek bed.

One of them stood up on top of the bush and looked around. This was only eighteen feet so I shot him in the face with the twenty-two. The bullet bounced off his right cheekbone into his right eye. He was hurt and screaming but he wasn’t dead. He just stood there for ten seconds so I took a second shot to his neck. I watched the blood spurting out. He might take a minute to die, but I could forget about him.

I ran low down the creek bed until I had lost the cover of the gully. My luck almost ran out but they looked the wrong way and I had time to get in the prone position. There were only three left now, and one of them was walking in pain from the butt wound. They had lost some
of their cunning, for they were shouting at each other. They yelled at the one who was reloading, ‘John, you missed him.’

John spoke angrily, ‘You missed him too. Now quit complaining. Do any of you have some ten millimeter bullets?’

They shook their heads. John started to head over to where the neck shot guy was. When and if he got to him I would have a forty-foot shot. That would be long for my twenty-two but I had no cover here, plus I had no spare ammo for the Glock. I wiggled lower into the old leaf mold and lined up my twenty-two for the shot.

John stooped over the neck shot guy, found a clip and stood up to put the clip in a coat pocket. I took the side of the neck shot, and watched the blood spurt again. He turned around and shot in my general direction twice. Then he fell forward on his face.

Butt shot and his friend said to the forest around them, ‘Hey, we’re leaving now. You can have all of them.’

They walked straight toward me. I put the twenty-two in my left hand and the Glock in my right. At ten feet range, I fired off the remainder of shots into their faces. They were now all dead.

I stood up and looked around. Nobody took a shot at me. I put a ski mask over my face, and walked over to the groaning woman. When I stood over her she seemed to be a teenager. She was naked and bleeding from where he had raped her. I asked her, ‘Where did they put your clothes?’ She pointed over at a bush. There was a shirt and pair of pants plus her underwear and her shoes. I went over and got them for her. I brought them back to her.

She asked me, ‘Please don’t look at me. Please.’

I turned my head and gave her the clothing. I asked the rest of the people, ‘Do you need my help freeing yourselves?’

One of the young women – they were all young women – said, ‘They tied our wrists with duct tape. I don’t think we can untie ourselves.’

I was tempted to cut them free with my sword but had enough sense to use a box-cutting knife instead. I had them turn over and show me their wrists so I could slit the tape.

I told them, ‘I’m wiping my prints off this knife. You can use it to cut your feet free. It is in your interest to not tell other people how you were freed. Think that through and you will understand. I’m leaving you in peace.’

I stepped back into the shadows. Funny, not one of the women asked my name or said thanks.

I made a wide circle of the rape scene, and watched them get their bonds undone. They finally started talking with each other. Mostly they were expressing relief with confusion. They were lost in the woods, and they knew it. Daylight would give them a chance to find their way out. After all, they had found their way in.

The rape victim was not getting any sympathy from the other women. I guess that she was not part of their regular group. Oh, well, I would bet that the papers would be full of this when I came home Sunday evening. I headed back to my campsite by a different route. I tramped through a running creek for about a mile. I figured that would mess up any bloodhound tracking.

By the time I had returned to my campsite, the sky had cleared. Since I was keyed up anyway, I got my telescope out and proceeded to look at the stars. About four in the morning, I turned in and got about three hours sleep.

Nobody bothered me Saturday. I guessed that either the women had decided not to say anything or were still lost at the rape site. As the site was about a mile from a state park parking lot, they should be able to walk out in the daylight with no problem.

Sunday morning as I was washing my breakfast dishes, the county sheriff came up the logging road to see me. He started his conversation with, ‘I know you’re guilty, but I’m not as dumb as that prosecutor.’

I said, ‘I’m glad to see you too. What am I guilty of this time?’

‘Why seven innocent little boys were playing with their girlfriends, when a big bad monster shot them and cut their bodies up with a box knife. The monster castrated all seven of those boys.’ Sheriff Connor roared with laughter.

I kept my damn mouth shut, waiting for the next shoe to drop.

The Sheriff said, ‘Gerald, seriously, the dumb fucks that work in the next county and the state investigators couldn’t figure the sun was shining if their eyes were open. I know you had something to do with it, but as long as you don’t run around bragging, none of them will figure you’re responsible.’

The Sheriff started to turn away but added, ‘Those dumb bitches didn’t find their way out of the woods until six last evening, or I would have been up here yesterday. None of them seem to know what happened, and they appear to be losing their memory rapidly. The problem for you is one of the young men is the son of State Senator Brown. That idiot is just dumb enough to press for an investigation of what really happened. ‘

Then Sheriff Connor left. I had never known what he had thought of me before. Well, I needed to pack up and go home before the television helicopter came out here looking for interviews. I followed the sheriff’s patrol jeep to the gate.

I was about a quarter mile behind him when I heard his siren go off and he lit out for the northern road. I watched a whole bunch of news people follow him. Damn, they had been waiting to interview whomever was up here. I owed the Sheriff big time.

I locked the gates up and headed home. Pop had attempted to go to church Sunday morning but some of the biddies were still giving him grief over his wife. They had long ago driven me out of any church in town. I wish that they wouldn’t take it out on him.

I, as they say, maintained a low profile for the next six weeks. Senator Brown had the stupidity to start accusing those women about doing something cruel to his boy. One of them smarted back that he had raped her and she might be carrying his grandchild. Then the senator lost the primary.

The woman that I saw naked on the ground lived in my town. Since I didn’t go out to any of the nightspots, I thought we would never meet, but one Wednesday at the Wal-Mart, I ran into her in the dairy section when she asked me to get her some half and half that was on the high shelf. I was dumb enough to answer her. That caused her to look very intensely at me. I hoped against hope that she did not recognize me. No, my luck had run out.

I drove my truck in a roundabout path trying to shake her if she was tailing me, but when I pulled in my father’s driveway, she had parked on the other side of the street and was waiting for me. The woman, Carol Hobson, said, ‘I just wanted to thank you.’

‘Thank me for what?’ As if I did not already know.

She smiled and said, ‘I want to shout it to the rooftops.’

I hustled her into my father’s house before she could say anything else. I said, ‘Woman, is what I’ve done so bad that you want me thrown in jail?’

She said, ‘Do you really believe that? Look, how can I thank you? A date, maybe. A nice dinner. What.’

‘If you really want to thank me, you will forget you even saw me. This town has wanted me in jail or dead for the last fourteen years. If the jury had been from this town, I would be in prison or executed. No deed I will ever do will be a good deed to them.’ I had just spoken more words to her than I had spoken to all the women in this town in the last ten years.

She said, ‘Look, Gerald – yes, I know your name – nobody believes that I didn’t deserve what happened to me. None of my old boyfriends wants anything to do with me.’

‘Shit, you were raped by men with guns. How can you have deserved that?’

‘I guess I don’t have to tell you people are strange mean. Gerald, I don’t have any boyfriends. I need some one male to pay a little attention to me. I’m not looking for a marriage proposal, just a quiet date.’

I was shocked so the next words out of my mouth were, ‘Are you asking me for a date? Nobody from this town has dated me ev
er. You’re even good looking.’

She interrupted, ‘You think I’m good looking?’

‘Girl, you’re a hottie. Why in the world would you want to be around me?’

‘Maybe because nobody else in this town is brave enough to date me.’

I hesitated at that. I really did not understand women, but I had a more than fine understanding of courage. I asked myself did I have enough guts. I asked, ‘Carol would you like to go out with me to a movie over in Springfield.’

‘Okay, but which movie?’

‘If you like comedy, The Forty Year old Virgin.’

‘I like comedy. When?’

‘Is Friday night okay?’

‘Okay, pick me up at my parents house at 1447 Woodbine St. Can you find it? My phone number is 387-2901. Ask for Carol. Tell them nothing else. I don’t want my parents to block this date.’

‘What time should I pick you up?’

‘If you’re off work by five, pick me up at 7:45. You won’t have to buy me supper then.’

‘Hey, if you would like supper, I could pick you up at 5:45 and we could eat at the Frosty Pony in Springfield. They have good steaks.’

‘Sure. Most guys never want to buy me supper, but I never turn down free food. Five forty-five it is. Call me if you change your mind.’

My luck had definitely changed. I did not understand why a good-looking woman would want to date me, but I was grateful for the attention. I won’t say the week flew by but nothing else of any importance occurred that week to me.

Friday afternoon after work I got showered, shaved and ready for my date. My father told me to call her and tell her I was coming. I rang her up and said, ‘Hello, may I speak to Carol?’

‘Who are you?’

‘I’m Carol’s date for the evening. May I speak to Carol?’

‘No, you may not.’ The phone went dead.

I got in my truck and drove over there. Carol ran out from across the street and hopped in my truck. She said, ‘Get the hell out of here. My folks are praying for my soul, that I may repent of my wicked lusts. Drive, I said.’

I got our butts out of there. We made Springfield in twenty minutes. There was no wait at the Frosty Pony. I ordered her and I filet mignons medium rare. She had rice and I had a baked potato with triple butter. We ate quickly to make the 7:15 showing.

The movie was humorous and we had a good time laughing at it. I had not enjoyed myself this much in the last two years.

As we left the movie and got in my truck, Carol said, ‘Gerald, I’m having a good time, but that will end when I get home. Would you take me some where that my parents can’t find me for a day or two. I’m not promising you sex, but that might happen if I can get over my fears. I really can’t face going home.’

There was another timber area about fifty miles from Springfield. That area was not in Sheriff Morris’s county. We stopped at the Springfield Wal-Mart Super store and got the food, ice and bug repellent. I had keys to the gate on that logging road too. My fuel tank was three quarters full and my propane tanks were equally full.

We got to the entrance well after dark. It took me another hour in low range four wheel drive to get to a high point to observe the stars.

When we stopped Carol got a little nervous. She asked, ‘Are you going to fuck me?’

‘Maybe some day, but not right now. Would you hand me a cold Coke, please? I’m going to set up my telescope over there.’ Carol seemed a bit puzzled.

She asked, ‘What are you going to do?’

‘The sky is very clear tonight. I’m going to watch the stars.’

The expressions on Carol’s face were priceless. First there was the relief that I would not be demanding sex followed by confusion and then embarrassment over my lack of sexual interest.

I told her, ‘If you will throw out my sleeping bag and ground pad, you can lock yourself in the camper over night.’

Her face went through the same range of expressions again. If I were a betting man, I would think that part of her problem with the rape was that she unavoidably had some arousal from it. If so, her conscience was beating her up big time.

Carol said, ‘I don’t see your sleeping bag. You’re going to have to come in here and find it.’

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The new toys

i received the email on a wednesday afternoon at 5pm. All it said was be my house friday night at 7:30 pm sharp! Do not dare be late. It does not matter what you wear as long as you wear a thong under your clothes and your 6" heels. The moment you arrive at the house you will strip and the rest of the directions will be given to you then. As i sat an read it i could feel my pussy already throbbing and getting wet. i knew Sir just got some new toys and wondered what they were and if He was going...

3 years ago
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First Time With Toys

(Can be read alone but is part of the series, "Daddy's Desires") My daughter and I have been having sex regularly for the past month. It was dangerous, because it was always so spontaneous. Neither of us stopped to grab a condom, or even think about the existence of such items. We just went for it, we did what we desired, we followed instincts that neither of us previously knew we had. We made love. We had sex. We took it rough, we did it slow. We simply could not stop. My adorable princess...

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First Time With Toys

(Can be read as a stand alone but is part of the series "Daddy's Desires") Mydaughter and I have been having sex regularly for the past month. It was dangerous, because it was always so spontaneous. Neither of us stopped to grab a condom, or even think about the existence of such items. We just went for it, we did what we desired, we followed instincts that neither of us previously knew we had. We made love. We had sex. We took it rough, we did it slow. We simply could not stop. My adorable...

2 years ago
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family Guy Testing The Toys

Peter Griffin was relaxing at home. His daughter Meg had gone out to the mall to do some shopping and his wife Lois had gone to town to do the same. Since like most men he was no fan of shopping hed decided to stay and relax by watching some of his old porn videos on their new 60 inch flat screen TV. His wife had been gone about 3 hours before she returned home. Lois was wearing a short black skirt and short white cotton top that showed off her well endowed breasts. To go with this she wore...

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Ladyboys Moving to Thailand and my first Ladyboy

After living in the Netherlands for 33 years I was ready for a big change. I had been toying withthe idea of moving to another country to get away from the stress of it all for a while.I had girlfriends in the Netherlands. Wives.I had one nighters and 2 nighters. I wasn't doing bad for myself.But, there was something missing on the girl side. I love variety. I think I've been withevery kind of girl I COULD be with in the Netherlands. I started thinking about other countries.Other girls. Other...

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Playing with toys

I was shopping for something sexy to buy my new girlfriend. Christmas was coming soon and I knew I wanted to be cumming too. (pun intended) I looked at silky gowns and wondered over to the toy section. I saw the strap on selection and thought, I wonder if there is anything in the to get the girl off other than just the thought of doing her man ? I ended up picking out a double dong and a small butt plug. I had a few experiences with other men and while I had chances to, I avoided having...

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Stress Toys

Dave sits at his desk, mountains of work piled up around him. There are files on his desk, files in stacks on the floor and more files stacked up on the chairs reserved for his clients. He looks up from his work and surveys the insurmountable pile of work around him.The window behind him is dark. It's well past sundown and he knows he won't be going home for hours. So is the life he has chosen. He grabs his pen and points his weary eyes down to the papers in front of him.Just as he's settling...

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My toys

I never was into toys. My first was a gag present after my first c***d was born. A black vibrator - nothing special. It was fun occasionally, but no big deal.Playing on here really made me think I wanted to try something else. I bought a dildo online (was pretty scared someone else would get the mail). It was more fun. It felt more real - at least in helping out some fantasies. I played with it for a while, sometimes while talking to people here.One day online I met someone who said she could...

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Incestuous Harem 10 Big Sis Plays with Her Toys

Chapter Ten: Big Sis Plays with Her Toys By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Cheryl Elliston “Hi, Mom,” my eldest daughter said, her face pale, her posture stiffening. “About what?” Zoey thought she was in trouble. And why not? It was after 3 AM, and she was just now getting home from her work at Dairy Queen. What had she been up to after her shift ended? I had fallen asleep waiting for her to get home and begin her seduction into Clint's harem. I sat in my bathrobe, naked beneath,...

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My first time with toys

My introduction to the world of toys!! It was another boring day in Portland. That kind of grey silvery sky that just makes you want to do anything other then what you are doing now which, was in my case getting ready for my half day at high school. I was an 18 year old senior I only needed 1 more credit to graduate so my school life consisted mainly of study hall and one science class. It was a wednsday and I didn’t feel like going. I jumped on trusty scooter and headed toward town. I...

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neighbors and their sex toys

I have been fortunate over the years to be surrounded by good looking and/or single female neighbors. Being one of the longest standing residents in the "hood" we are often asked to "bring in the mail/feed the pets” when they go out of town. Of course I always volunteer and make sure to go over when I can spend some time snooping around the house. Here is what I have found. I am using initials to avoid detection::J.A.:No sex toys, but a few years ago, she lost a lot of weight. One night she...

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The Geezer Pt 4Rachels Toys

This is the fourth installment of the Geezer series. It can be read as a stand-alone but it will make more sense if you have read the first three parts as there are references to what happened earlier. If you take the time to read it, please take a few seconds to vote and comment. It’s the only way I know what you think. Chapter 1 I woke early and checked the clock—6:17. In other times I would have reached for my cock and started stroking in the hope of getting off. But I hadn’t jerked off in...

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The Geezer Pt 4Rachels Toys

This is the fourth installment of the Geezer series. It can be read as a stand-alone but it will make more sense if you have read the first three parts as there are references to what happened earlier. If you take the time to read it, please take a few seconds to vote and comment. It’s the only way I know what you think. Chapter 1 I woke early and checked the clock—6:17. In other times I would have reached for my cock and started stroking in the hope of getting off. But I hadn’t jerked off...

3 years ago
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Ingenious Toys

Last week was the final hot week of an Indian summer that stretched all the way into April. The still, humid air made the school week hell, especially in the un-air-conditioned classrooms of the old wing. You go to a posh private boarding school and you'd think the expensive fees would stretch at least as far as air conditioning, but Mr Gallows (headmaster and ... secret boyfriend?) has been trying to get the Trustees to fund a refurbishment of the old wing for years. By the time the weekend...

4 years ago
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Playing with toys

Mr. Ronald came by the burger joint I worked at and asked me if I wanted to work my part time job that evening. I was glad that he put it that way so my coworkers would not know what I was doing after I left work. When my shift ended Mr. Ronald was waiting in the parking lot. I went to his car and slid into the passenger seat, Mr. Ronald told me 'there's no party tonight, I want you and me to have some fun. I've got some new toys and I think you will like them.' I asked him 'if it's just you...

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2 MILFs Theirs Teen Sons

So enjoy the story. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I always considered myself to be lucky to grow up in a vacation wonderland in New Hampshire, and even luckier to be able to live there as an adult. My father established a lucrative real estate agency in Laconia, and we lived in a beautiful home on Lake Winnipesaukee. My name is Ellen, and when I was five years old and just going into the first grade, an Indian family bought the home...

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Famous Fucktoys

It was just a usual day, Jack was watching TV at home after work. He was single although there way endless girl he’d like to fuck but he just never really had a chance, he wasn’t that much of a romantic guy and his relationships never went well. So he was sitting there alone as suddenly he hear a loud bang from downstairs. „Shit, on of the boxes fell down again…“ he thought and went down. But it wasn’t the boxes making this noise, it was something different. There was a huge red circle on the...

Mind Control
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Jessicas Toys

Jessica stood at 6 foot with perfect C breast and a sexual appetite that could make a nympho blush. She stepped out of the shower the water beading all over her body. She towelled herself off slowly she loved the feel of her fluffy towel on her skin. She loved the feel of the towel on her shaved pussy more; she was excited for what was going to be happening in a couple of minutes. Her pussy dripping and excited needed to orgasm there and then, she took the towel and rubbed her clit and her slit...

Group Sex
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Using the Sex Dol Twol Passions of the Rich and their Toys

“Oh, my heavens, Bill, you accepted my offer?” Coco happily blurted out, as she held his face between both her small hands! “Yes, I did, Doll.” Bill laughed in return, as he savored the feel of her small hands on him. “Don’t ever make an irresistible offer like that to a Texas horse trader unless you’re serious!” Coco and Bill hugged and kissed as they laughed and she cried from joy. Bill knew her young mind was adjusting to some awesome changes and stresses. He was just as avid in his...

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Sister finds mt Toys

My sister came to live with me about a year ago. I hadn’t planned for it nor did I especially want her to move in. It was just one of those things. When I was 18 years old, four years younger than my sister, I got my first job sacking groceries. I worked in the evening after school and I hated it. It was a terrible job with a boss who was a tyrant. I vowed then and there that I would work as hard as I could and retire as early as I could. And so, I worked until I was 36. I built up a small,...

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Little Broken Toys

Introduction: Older sister satisfies brothers curiosity Lucy stared down at her brother sitting at the kitchen table and pouring a steady stream of maple syrup over the pancakes in front of him. She was always amazed how such a scrawny boy was able to eat so much and not gain any weight. Are you even tasting that, Sammy? He looked up at her, cheeks full like a squirrel, and nodded. She couldnt help but smile. It was times like this that she had to remind herself that he wasnt her baby brother...

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Anal Fuck Toys

Join the CHYOA Fan Server and discuss this story and many more with the community: If you want to support me and my work, please check out my Patreon: This is the first and last chapter out of context. Here the premise will be explained, and all characters you may choose from are listed, each with a reference picture and a description! Premise: A new website by the name On it users may buy and sell anal fuck...

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U R Toys

Shuffling down the sidewalk, you past several stores and shops that blended to together to reach you car. "Why is this place so dead." you commented on your city's downtown, switching the bags in your hands for your keys. Not feeling them in your jacket pocket, you that a full stop to check the other. Still not feeling them, you put down your bags of food, and dish soap to check your pants with both hands. Giving yourself a quick pat down, you finally feel them in you back right pocket....

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HouseWife introduced to sex toys

The city I live in, like any other large city, has a number of sex stores. One of them, my favourite, is a female-exclusive store that is aimed at giving women a relaxed and protected atmosphere when shopping for toys, since we tend to be shy and embarrassed around men when it comes to our intimate desires. I love visiting there on occasion, because I'm always curious to experiment with new and different toys, find some stimulating "material", and also because it's the place where I get...

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School And Toys

Mindy was a very good looking 18 year old in high school, she had 36c breasts she was slim and tanned with no tan lines, blond, blue eyes, and she loved sex. All the boys fantasized about her and she enjoyed teasing them all. She was however already with someone named Nick. Nick was a 19-year-old guy he was slim but muscular brown hair and green eyes.Mindy liked sex so much in fact that all she couldn’t think about all day was Nick who wasn’t in any of her classes. One day she couldn’t stand it...

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How ive become a slave to my toys

HOW I’VE BECOME A SLAVE TO MY TOYSIt’s been a while since I have written a short story about things I like to do.  It has been a long time since my wife and I have had anything to do with each other as far as sex is concerned. Basically she stays in one end of the house and I the other, this is good for me in a way. There are many nights that I like to stay up late and search the internet for ways of playing with one ’s self. I am into bondage and always want to be punished hard; I like to go...

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My wife and her toys

My wife finds new ways to explore with toysMy journey into the wonderful world of open and exhilarating sex started out very slowly. Like most men, I seem to be constantly aroused and ready. This unfortunately is not quite the same for all the women I know. My wife and I initially had some great and almost regular sex. Like most cases though, this started to wane and almost became non existent. There were times when we did not have any intimate contact for up to 3 months. I know because I...

1 year ago
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Cowboys and Indians with my cousins

Note : This Story is Completely Fictional By I. L. Liesome My name is Eric. I am a 58 year old man and this story may seem childish to you but it was very hot stuff back in the day. This story began when I was just 18 years old. Yep, 41 years ago back in Oklahoma. My mom had a 5 sisters and each of her sisters had 2 to 7 kids. I had 23 cousins and 19 of them were female. They were all very cute and ever since I can remember they always made me horny, every one of them. The same year I turned...

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his exgf toys

He gad been with her for 2 years, at the start of our first semesterSimon had become my school buddy, we always did our university courses together and even if we didnt saw each other alot out of campus living 30 minutes aways each on one side of the cityHe was cuban. a bit taller than me and a bit bigger, i was better in fasy space spot and he was better in strenght one so we made quite the pairIt happened at his party at the end of semesterWe partied hard and were smoking weed outside when...

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Boy and Their Toys

As my son and I stepped into the old warehouse I almost tripped over a bright red Ford Mustang and then a shiny, black 1967 Chevy Camero ran over my toes. It careened crazily on two wheels for a ways before crashing. I jumped back, startled as a green and white 1954 Ford Fairlane came right at me and then t the last minute darted between my legs before racing away. Al the while my son was trying to get my attention by yelling at me and pulling on my shirt sleeve. I ignored him for a minute,...

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A mom a daughter and a few toys

-this story contains some rather hard femdom, you are warned. -be honest in your comments but be fair please. I just woke up and I heard my girlfriend getting out the room when i realised that i was still tied to the bed. I was lying on my belly with my hand bound wide open, kind of like a cross. I even think i still had some anal beads in me but i wasn't sure because she literally had fucked me senseless. We went shopping yesterday and our last stop was a sex shop. She bought a...

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Teacher Has New Toys

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE  ??????????????????????????????????????????????? TEACHER HAS NEW TOYS  By Sonya Esperanto ([email protected]) These are Mr X?s characters, a non profit story and for people above 18. Synopsis: About some superheroines who fall under blackmail and become the bdsm slave of a high school teacher who really hates their popularity. (This story takes place in an alternate world similar to DC Comics? Vertigo title ?Y the Last Man?, where a virus had been...

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Robins Loving FamilyChapter 22 Some new toys

Hours later, slowly moving, Robin awoke, noticing that everyone was still asleep, even though it felt like it was getting late. Turning, moving to get up, needing to pee, she saw her brother’s naked body lying against her and changed plans. Moving down, her head laying against his thigh, she slowly opened her mouth and slid the head of his soft prick into her mouth, beginning to suckle on it like a baby animal. She longed to make him happy with her, and with this one thing, she knew that he...

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Trying New Toys

I was waiting in the living room when you came through the door. "Hello my Pet." I said.You immediately recognize my greeting as a master calling on his submissive, and obediently knelt to the floor with your legs tucked under you and your back straight, posed proper waiting for your commands.I come up to you and begin lightly stroking your hair as you begin to purr."I have a surprise for you my pet. Come with me to the playroom."Your eyes sparkle with the excitement bubbling inside you, but...

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Mom and her Toys

Mom had so much fun with the toys that Brian had bought for me, that she had went down to the sex shop. It's the same shop that dad has been buying his videos. Mom is looking around and sees all these huge dildos.Mom picks up one, looks at it, asks the girl if she could hold the real thing in her hand. The girl opens it, puts in some batteries. She turns it on for mom, explains the different speeds and explains the different ways to use it.Mom is getting thrilled. She asks about the...

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Three Square MealsChapter 20 The girls have some fun with their new toys

John woke the next morning, feeling refreshed after the night’s rest. He stretched contentedly and then looked down at his girls, expecting to see them all curled up fast asleep. Three of them were still slumbering peacefully, but a beautiful pair of rich brown eyes looked up at him from under a mass of dark hair on his left hand side. He rolled over to his left so that he was facing her, pulling her close to him and the lovely Latina watched him with a warm smile on her face. He tilted her...

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