Becky’s Marine Ch. 03 free porn video

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Thanks to everyone who has stuck with me. The opening events actually happened to me in twenty-nine palms during training. I was the ammo runner who plowed into an infantry Sergeant.

Rate, comment and enjoy. More is coming!


Chapter 3

‘Sergeant Anderson, we have guests.’

I looked over and saw one of my best Marines, Lance Corporal Ronny Tyler, leading several Marines to our gun.

‘How’s it going? Sergeant Andrew Anderson,’ I said shaking hands with the group. ‘You guys the grunts they sent to watch us?’

‘Yes Sergeant. We were told we could come watch, so we decided to see how the other side lives,’ a short, stocky Corporal said.

The infantrymen greeted us warmly, joining us in sharing past experiences and just generally bullshitting. I took a moment to brief them on what to do when we get a fire mission.

‘When we get moving, stand either at the back of the truck, or off to the sides. Most importantly, stand out if the way. When we get rolling, we won’t stop to dodge you, but will plow through you, got it?’

‘Got it,’ they replied together.

Not five minutes later, we got the call. ‘Fire mission!’ Came the voice on the radio.

‘Fire mission!’ Everyone yelled, getting to their assigned spots.

Fire direction control gave us our mission, now it was on us to get ready. The mission had the special instruction, ‘at my command’, meaning we had to call back ready and they would tell us when to shoot.

‘Get that round up here!’ I called, seeing a young PFC carrying the 100 pound shell.

‘HE,PD!’ He said, referencing the High Explosive shell and Point Detonating fuze screwed into the top. I gave the fuze a hard twist to verify it was in place correctly.

‘HE,PD verified!’ Called our recorder, who verifies what we give him against FDC’s request.

‘Load it,’ I said, seeing the powder man coming my way with the powder charge.

The round was placed on the loading tray and dropped to the opening of the breach with a hydraulic lever. A second Marine came up with the ramming staff and together, they pushed the shell into the barrel with a grunt and a dull thud.

‘Charge 8 stick!’ The young Marine said, showing me the cardboard tube containing the propellant.

I heard a smack of kevlar on kevlar and a thud as someone fell. Turning to look, I saw the infantry Corporal laying on his ass as the Private with the ramming staff began laughing.

‘What the fuck! Come here Private!’ The Corporal said, more than a little pissed.

‘Belay that! James, carry on,’ I said, defusing the situation. The Corporal looked at me as I turned back to the matter at hand.

‘8 stick verified!’

‘Load it,’ I said, seeing him place it in the breach with the red end out. One end has a small red pouch of powder on it, to be lit off by the primer, much like how a bullet works.

The powder man held up his hands, indicating he was clear of the breach. ‘I see red, clear!’ He called.

‘Clear!’ Said the assistant gunner, closing the breach with another hydraulic lever. He flipped the priming handle down and jumped off the trail he was standing on. ‘Primed!’

I verified the deflection and quadrant, which is the same as angle and altitude, then checked to make sure the other three rounds we had to fire were fuzed and ready.

‘Tell ’em gun 2 is ready,’ I said, proud of how quickly we got set up. Even with Corporal asshat getting steamrolled, we were ready in 25 seconds. I headed over to talk to him.

‘What the fuck Sergeant, you just gonna let him run me down like that?’ He asked, trying his best to keep calm.

‘Yes, I told you to stay out of the way. Since you didn’t listen, he did what he was supposed to,’ I told him, a small amount of anger flaring inside.

‘I just..’

‘No, you didn’t listen, so you got put on your ass. Go stand over by the ammo truck, that’s where you can watch safely.’

‘Aye aye Sergeant,’ he said, going to where I told him.

‘Battery, stand by!’ Came the radio.

‘Standby!’ I shouted, seeing the gunner grab the lanyard and prepare to pull.


It came from the radio, then a second later I shouted it. The gunner twisted his hips, pulling the cord attached to the firing mechanism. The cannon roared and shook dust up as the shell left the barrel. The force caused by the charge 8 stick propellant dug the trails in deeper and pushed the 10,000 pound gun back about six inches.

I sat up in bed, groaning and stretching. This was one of the more pleasant military dreams I’ve had lately, as it didn’t involve combat or me dying. I looked at the clock and saw it was 5 AM.

‘Fuck it, might as well go for a run’ I thought, swinging my legs over the bed and getting ready. I put on my running shorts, a shirt and my sneakers before grabbing my iPod and heading out the door.

Two weeks later, Becky got a job working as a receptionist for the local dentist. She was very excited, mostly because she wanted to be a dental hygienist and, even though she hadn’t taken classes yet, she figured it would be a good way to learn some stuff by observing first hand.

I decided to congratulate her, sending her a text to see what she was doing. It was still early, 11:43 AM by the clock on the wall.

To Becky:

Hey beautiful

From Becky:

What’s up troublemaker

To Becky:

What are you doing tonight?

From Becky:

Nothing but the usual. What’s up?

To Becky:

I heard a celebration is in order. Dinner tonight?

From Becky:

Sure. Where we going?

To Becky:

Nowhere fancy. I figured I’d cook up something for us

From Becky:

OK, what time you want me to come over?

To Becky:

I’ll pick you up around 5:30. We can make a night of it

From Becky:

What about the food?

To Becky:

I have a plan. Why do you always doubt me?

From Becky:

Because.. You.

To Becky:

Ouch. I’ll see you around 5:30

From Becky:

OK. See you then.

I went to the store and grabbed some steaks, potatoes and veggies. On the way home I stopped by the liquor store and got some alcohol, whiskey, wine and beer. I went home and did all the prep work, finishing with several hours to spare before I had to pick her up.

I loaded everything in a cooler, grabbed the old Coleman camping stove my dad had passed down to me as well as some other stuff, then went to set everything up. I wanted it perfect for her.

After a quick shower I headed to her house, knocking on her door at 5:33. I could hear her bounding down the stairs to see me. She opened the door and made my heart skip a beat. She was wearing a faded flannel shirt, denim shorts and a pair of work boots. Not exactly the dress of a princess, but I was captivated. The way it complimented her figure had me hooked.

‘You’re late,’ she said, crossing her arms on her chest.

‘Fashionably so, how are you my dear?’

She lept into my arms, almost knocking us back down the couple of steps that led to her porch. ‘Great now that you’re here.’

‘Glad to be of service,’ I said, straining against the sudden weight. She wasn’t all that heavy, but she caught me off guard.

‘So what’s this plan of yours?’ She asked as I let her down.

‘Grab a blanket and I’ll show you,’ I said.

She went and grabbed an old blanket before we headed to my truck. She spied the cooler and alcohol, giving me a smile. I opened the door for her, closed it behind her and hopped in on my side. We drove a while and bantered until we came to a good size hill, where I stopped.

‘This is your plan? Camping?’ She asked, sounding a bit upset.

‘Up there is the best view I can possibly give you,’ I said.

‘Let’s go the
n,’ she said. I dropped us into 4×4 and we trudged up the hill. I parked under an old pine tree, letting her soak up the view.

It was a clear evening, the moon was full and visible in the fading sky, just rising over the mountains in the distance. The sun had yet to set behind us, painting a sky several shades of red, orange and purple.

In the small meadow on top of the hill was a small table with a set of chairs. Candles and a blue tablecloth set the mood along with the nice china my mother had given to me. I had the stove set up on a stump as well as a small table next to it for holding plates of food. A small fire pit had been dug to cook the potatoes in and I set a grill on top to cook the steaks.

‘Oh my god, this is amazing,’ she whispered, taking in everything. ‘You set all this up for me?’

‘What can I say, I like ya,’ I said, pulling her close and kissing her. ‘Come on, lets get dinner going.’

We hopped out of the truck and grabbed the cooler, napkins and alcohol out of the back. I also grabbed a box with paper plates, pans and other cooking utensils, setting it down by the stove and starting the fire.

‘It’s so beautiful up here,’ she said, sitting in a chair, ‘how did you find this place?’

‘Google earth.’

She laughed at me until she realized I was serious, then she laughed harder. I got the fire going and lit the stove, setting a frying pan on it. I turned and looked at her as she watched me work.

‘You want something to drink?’ I asked.

‘Wine sounds great right now, and you got my favorite kind. How did you know?’

‘I asked around. For a small fee, Kenny told me what you always order at Smokey’s,’

‘Nice. I underestimated you, well played sir,’ she said smiling.

I grabbed the corkscrew and opened the bottle, pouring each of us a glass. We took a enjoyed a glass as the grill and pan heated up. She poured us another as I began to cook, the sun disappearing below the horizon behind us.

‘So what’s on the menu tonight?’ She asked, coming up behind me as I sautéed some peppers and onions in the pan. The steaks were on and the potatoes were ready to go in the coals, wrapped in foil. I also had green beans fresh from the farmers market cooking.

‘Filet Mignon dressed with peppers and onions, potatoes with the works, and some green beans.’

‘Mmm, sounds amazing. Smells amazing too,’ she said, wrapping her arms around my waist.

‘Only the best for you.’

She kissed me on the cheek and let me finish cooking. We talked about her new job and about how work was going for me. A short time later we were eating, candles illuminated the table perfectly, as the sun had finally gone down and the moonlight only added to the intended effect.

I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. She was so beautiful with the moonlight shining on her hair and the candles lighting up her striking blue eyes. She must have thought I looked good too because she couldn’t stop watching me.

One dinner for two and a bottle of wine later, we had the site cleaned up and everything but the chairs and table packed. We sat by the moonlight and enjoyed our last bottle of wine. She eventually moved closer to me, taking my hand and kissing me on the cheek.

‘Thank you for this. This has been the best night of my life,’ she said, resting her head on my shoulder.

‘You’re welcome. You mean a lot to me Becky, I just felt I had to show it.’ I stroked her soft hair, lightly brushing it away from her face.

‘Nobody has ever done something like this for me,’ she said, tears starting to form in her eyes.

‘Well, no offense, but I don’t think many people saw you as anything but a piece of ass,’ I said. The look she gave me told me I was right.

‘I know, what do you see me as?’

‘The most perfect creature to grace this planet.’

She smiled at me, a genuine smile of happiness. Then, she smacked my leg.

‘Kiss ass,’ she said with a grin.

‘I meant every word.’

She laid on my chest for a while, drinking a few more glasses of wine before grabbing the blanket and covering us.

We finally left around 2 AM. She cuddled up next to me on the drive home, softly singing songs played by a local country station. I walked her to her door, got a goodnight kiss and headed home to rest. Sleep was peaceful that night, my dreams being about Becky.


It had been almost 2 months since my second date with Becky, which turned out to be probably the most incredible night of my life. I sat in the smoke shack at work, enjoying a break from the hustle and bustle of a Wednesday day shift when my phone rang. I checked the called ID and saw it was Becky.


‘Hey trouble.’

‘What’s up?’

‘Nothing, just helping out on a friends farm and thought I’d take a break and call you. How’s work going?’

‘It’s going, been a bit busy today but nothing I can’t handle. What are you doing tonight?’

‘Smokey’s probably. Will you be there?’

‘For a bit, but I can’t stay too long because I work tomorrow.’

‘When are you off again?’

‘I finish up Thursday evening, then I go back on Monday night for some overtime.’

‘Sounds wonderful.’

‘Is that sarcasm I’m hearing?’

‘Maybe. We should go on another date.’

‘Sounds like fun, what did you have in mind?’

‘I don’t know. What do you wanna do?’

‘Well, the Marine Corps Birthday Ball is coming up. Would you like to accompany me?’

‘Maybe, when is it?’

‘Well, the Marine Corps birthday is November 10th, but the ball isn’t until the 12th.’

‘Sounds fun actually. Will I get to meet guys you were deployed with?’

‘Probably, depends on who shows up.’

‘OK, its a date!’

‘Great, I’ll get all the details for you and keep you updated on any changes. I gotta go now, back to slaving away for the man.’

‘Alright, talk to ya later Devil Dog,’ She said with a laugh and hung up before I could respond. I hated being devil dogged. It was a name given to us by the Germans after the battle of Belleau Wood and is commonly used as a motivator for Marines. More often than not it’s heard right before one got in trouble, such as ‘hey Devil Dog, come here!’

I emailed her all the information for the ball and within a few days she had a dress all picked out. I had to get my dress blues dry cleaned and ready, which took the better part of two days. The ball was to be held at a casino outside of Temecula, CA which meant we had to take a trip. I had some money stashed aside for just such an event so on November 10th, we boarded a plane to LAX.

Upon arriving in LA, I rented us a car and we drove to our hotel in Temecula which is about an hour or so from LAX, just down I-15. We had a nice dinner that night and the following day went to Knots Berry Farm to ride some roller coasters. I had been there plenty of times before in the seven years I was stationed at Pendleton, but I wanted to make sure she had a great time.

The following day we had breakfast at a local spot and by 4:30 we were both getting ready for the ball. She had on a short red dress and a pair of black boots, while I was in my dress blues. I had just finished getting everything on but my jacket when she walked out of the bathroom, her boots clicking on the tile floor caught my attention and I looked up.

‘You look ravishing,’ I said kissing her hand.

‘You’re not looking too bad yourself,’ she said looking me up and down.

‘I don’t even have the jacket on and you want to rip these clothes off? Wait till later and maybe, if your a good girl, I’ll treat you to something special,’ I said with a wink. She gave me a playful slap in the arm and grabbed my jacket of the hanger.

She held it for me while I put it on and buttoned up the buttons, then helped me with the clasp on the collar. I turned to look in the mirror and she stood behind me with her
arms around my waist.

‘You look so handsome,’ she said smiling and kissing my cheek.

‘We make a pretty good pair don’t we?’

‘Yes we do. What are all those medals you have?’ I turned so she could see them. Most were things which took little or no effort to get, like the national defense and sea service deployment medals. As she studied them she came across two which stuck out.

‘What are these two?’ She asked pointing to the two medals.

‘This one here is the Bronze Star with combat ‘V’ and take a guess what that one is.’

‘That’s a Purple Heart.’

‘Very good.’

‘Will you tell me how you got those?’

‘That, my dear is a story for another time. We need to get going.’

She gave me a pouty face look and grabbed her coat. I grabbed my hat and we were out the door. 20 minutes later we arrived at the casino, following the signs for the event and found ourselves in a large ballroom with a wooden dance floor in the middle and large round tables and chairs around the outside. Against the left-hand wall was a full bar and several tables of food. The rest of the room was decorated with potted plants and several pictures of landscapes and far off locations.

We were looking around, trying to decide where to sit when I heard a familiar voice.

‘Holy shit on a shingle Batman! Is that Drew?’

Two Marines were walking towards us, one had the insignia of a Corporal and the other bore the single chevron of a Private First Class. The Corporal was about 5’11 with close cropped brown hair and a rather boyish face, while the PFC was only about 5’7 with short blonde hair and scar on his cheek which ran from about the corner of his lip to his ear.

‘Why if it isn’t little Lance Corporal Tyler, all growed up,’ I said turning to face the pair of Marines.

‘That’s Corporal Tyler now,’ he said as he turned to show off his stripes. ‘How long has it been?’

‘Three years at least, well met brother,’ I said, giving him a hug. ‘My god, where are my manners? Becky this is Ronny Tyler, Tyler this is my date Becky.’

‘Pleased to meet you,’ she said.

‘The pleasure, is truly mine,’ he said with a grin.

‘Ok, quit hitting on my date. I know how you are.’

‘I have no idea what your talking about,’ he said with a sarcastic look on his face.

‘Oh yes you do. You’ll fuck anything that moves.’

‘Not anything, just most things.’

We laughed as if we had spent no time apart. I looked to the young Marine standing with Tyler. He hadn’t said a word and judging by his lack of ribbons had just gotten out of boot camp.

‘Hey man, I’m Andrew Anderson, but most everyone here calls me Drew, and this is my date, Becky.’ I said presenting my hand.

‘PFC Danny Ryan, good to meet you Sergeant.’ He shook our hands nervously.

‘Wow, I haven’t been called that in a long time. You don’t have to address me by rank, I’ve been out for three years now.’

‘Got it. Nice to meet you both.’

‘Where were you planning on sitting Drew?’ Tyler asked.

‘Wherever’s clever man. Close to the bar preferably.’

We found a table along the wall near the bar and ordered a round of drinks. Unfortunately for Ryan, he was too young to drink, so he got a Coke. We chatted and had some food before the ceremony started, retelling old war stories and stories of drunken revelry, much to the embarrassment of several people. The ceremony began with words from the commanding officer.

‘Welcome Marines and honored guests, to the Bravo Battery Marine Corps birthday ball. We are glad you could join us on this, our 240th birthday.’

He received a short applause before continuing. He gave a short speech as well as gave the traditional reading of the commandant’s remarks and Marine Corps order 47. When he finished a pair of caterers wheeled out a large, 5 tier cake which was cut by the oldest and youngest Marines present.

When the ceremony was over, music began playing and people began dancing. After several songs, the DJ requested all couples to the dance floor.

‘Let’s go,’ Becky said as she pulled me out of my chair, getting laughs from some of the guys.

‘I’m coming, I’m coming,’ I said as she lead us to the dance floor.

The music came on and we began to dance, quickly becoming lost in each other.

‘Are you having fun?’ I asked as we danced.

‘I’m having a great time. It’s funny to see you with all your old friends.’

‘I’m glad your having fun.’

‘They’re all watching us,’ She nodded her head towards our table.

‘Well let’s give them something to gawk at,’ I lifted her up off the ground and kissed her. We kissed for I don’t know how long but I remember her lifting her legs up to her ass and us twirling around.

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Becky and her son 2

Becky and John continued to make love multiple times a day as Becky's pregnancy progressed. She was beginning to show and her tits had grown. Of course John loved that. They had experimented with almost everything two people could do and loved it all. Then John came home one day and said he had had an interesting conversation with his best friend, Andrew."Mom, Andrew told me something today that floored me. You won't believe this, but he said that he and his mother have been having...

3 years ago
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Becky Comes Out Of Her Shell Chapter 7

Chapter 7 - (Last night at the hotel, Becky met Derek at the bar and was really turned on by him. Later in their room, Ben tied Becky to the bed, blindfolded her, and fucked her, making her think it was Derek the whole time. This is Becky and Ben's last night in the hotel.)I had to work the next day. Becky was just going to hang out at the hotel and sleep in, hit the gym, go shopping, stuff like that. I wondered all morning what she was doing, where she was, and WHO she was with? 'What if she...

Wife Lovers
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Becky in the Blizzard

(Beckys life is changed forever when she gets snowed in)"Brrrr" said Becky, stepping out of her beat up SUV and walking up the driveway. It was the middle of February, and the snow had just begun to fall. She was dressed in sheepskin boots and gray sweats that had her school logo on the right hip, with a bright green zip-up hoody that was underneather her warm, brown winter coat that had fur on the fringe of the hood. Even though her clothing was for comfort, Becky knew that she still looked...

3 years ago
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Becky and her son 1

To the outside world Becky Loudon was a typical middle class mother; divorced with one son and living in a small town in a friendly community. The neighbors were friendly enough and gossiped about each other like people in all neighborhoods. Becky liked the neighborhood, but didn't know many people, which was okay with her. She was pretty much like them with one exception; she had an overwhelming desire to make love to her son.It started two years earlier, after Becky's son John graduated from...

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Becky and Scott part 1

As Becky began unpacking in her room she was greeted by her new roommate. "So you're my new roommate" Scott said greeting Becky with a hand shake. "I'm sorry who are you?" Becky asked. "I'm your new roommate Scott. Now I know what your thinking 'I thought I was going to have a female roommate' but unfortunately things aren't what they seem. This is one of the few co-ed universities where both a guy and a girl are placed in the same room together. Now I know that may not seem like...

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Becky In Charge Chapter Three

Becky had been so looking forward to the afternoon which was a granny and granddaughter tea arranged by one of granny Ella's best friends, Janet.Like Susan and Sarah, granny Ella was her step-granny but she always referred to her as her granny Ella.Seventeen-year-old Becky was dressed in a sleeveless red shortie dress and as it was summer she had bare legs. She walked the short distance to her granny's smiling all the way as she had just spanked her mum once again. Her mum had talked back to...

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Becky Gets Cross

Things had definitely improved in terms of taking responsibility for themselves since seventeen-year-old Becky had taken charge of thirty-eight-year-old Sarah, thirty-eight-year-old Susan, and sixty-two-year-old Ella. Whilst she referred to them as granny Ella, step-aunt Sarah and mommy Susan, none were true relations but they had come together through separate relationships with her dad before he went away and left her. They had all succumbed to Becky’s discipline for different reasons, but...

2 years ago
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Becky Takes A Lover

I’m 31 and Becky is 24. She likes to dress very provocatively, rarely wearing a bra, and giving all the men who see her a big thrill. Her breasts are just right, not so big they sag but more than enough to play with. Her braless thick nipples are always saying look at us. She has a slim waist with nice rounded hips, her long sexy legs complete a package that says come fuck me. Becky has always been a ‘hotty’ and as much as I give it to her, she always seems to want more. She...

4 years ago
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Becky has her first black guy

The second night of my trip to California was equally as nice as the first night! Becky and I spent the day catching up with the past few years we have not seen each other. We talked on the phone, but always kept those calls casual until I was ready and over the loss of Kelly. Becky sat me down and said she wanted me to know something. She said “If you want to invite a bunch of guys over and see me having sex with them, I will. I want to do whatever it takes to make you happy.” I...

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Becky and David

Author’s Note: This is by far my favorite collaborative story (my contributions are in focus largely on Becky - the italic bits). I really loved the way it developed and that it just didn’t end with mutual orgasms or falling asleep. There are days when things work, and there are days when things don't. David knew he'd have to come to terms with this, but the situation since he'd stepped onto the airplane had been positively abysmal. The flight hadn't been delayed, but he had been forced to...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Becky In Charge Chapter Two

Becky heard her step-mum come back in to the house which was good timing as she desperately needed her computer which her mum was picking up from the repair shop. She left her bedroom and went downstairs to see her mum and get her computer. Becky had been back from College for an hour but was still in her school dress which was a green and white short-sleeved gingham dress with a white belt. She was seventeen-years-old and at the sixth form College of girls sixteen and over and so didn't have...

1 year ago
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Becky In Charge Chapter One

Becky had had a busy day at school. She had spent the last week taking exams and was pleased with the way the week had gone and was pretty sure she would get good enough grades to get in to the sixth form. The last exam was yesterday and today was netball and she was in the first team. The game went well and they won.This afternoon was supposed to be relaxing. Well not exactly relaxing but as her step-mum was away she was staying with her step-aunt who had got tickets for a music festival....

4 years ago
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Becky goes to Korea Part 4

~~Start of Part 4~~ Late in the evening after we had finished with dinner, the phone rings again and Becky goes over and gets it. She is gone for a few minutes and then comes back in. She looks at the girls and then at me and says, “Looks like this flu thing is getting pretty bad and the Army is getting worried, they now have a full battalion up on the “Z” they are rotating out, sending in a detail cleaning crew and then bringing up a rear division unit to cover until they get they back to full...

2 years ago
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Beckys Lover

I'm 31 and Becky is 24. She likes to dress very provocatively, rarely wearing a bra, and giving all the men who see her a big thrill. Her breasts are just right, not so big they sag but more than enough to play with. Her braless thick nipples are always saying look at us. She has a slim waist with nice rounded hips, her long sexy legs complete a package that says come fuck me.Becky has always been a 'hotty' and as much as I give it to her, she always seems to want more. She especially likes the...

3 years ago
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becky lynch spooklemania

note this story is a standalone not connected to my usual saga. as such it is non canon to those stories. Monday night raw is in full swing as Becky Lynch takes on Charlotte Flair. Becky bounces off the ropes and runs forward as she clotheslines Charlotte flair knocking her to the mat making her huge breasts bounce and jiggle nearly coming out of her low cut top. Charlotte enraged climbs to her feet and prepares to meet Becky as she charges forward again. this time Charlotte is ready and...

2 years ago
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Becky Goes to Korea Part 2

~~Start of Part 2~~ I am up at about 0530 as is normal for me now, and I get in the shower and do my essential ‘S’s and go out to the main sitting area and order some breakfast from room service. They leave it by the door as the do not disturb sign is still out, so I go over and get the tray and bring it in and shovel it down in about 2 mins and put the tray over by the door. I go over and wake up Becky gently and say, “bathroom is open, and I am good to go and will be dressed by the time you...

3 years ago
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Becky and Scott part 21

"Dear Becky I hate to tell you that I can't date you. I'm sorry I couldn't be faithful so you're free to do as you wish. I found someone whose shown me a new definition on the word love. Please enjoy your life - Jason" Scott said reading the letter. "Ouch..." "That ass...We said we'd try and stay faithful" Becky said. "So what the hell am I?" Scott asked. "Look, Right now, I don't know what we are... I just need to be alone" Becky said as she lied down with the sheets over her...

3 years ago
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Becky and I 1st night

So Becky wrote her side and I told her I would write my side too.I went to California to help my daughter celebrate her birthday. Since Kelly died and I moved to Washington, I would fly her up her on her birthday because it was still so painful for me to be there. To get from the airport to her, I had to pass the very corner that Kelly was killed. I had to work up the nerve when I started to come to that corner, but I did it. As I passed through that intersection, I did look up and tell...

3 years ago
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Becky Goes to Korea Part 5

~~Start of Part 5~~Becky looks at me and says, “Ok hon, what are you feeling and what are you thinking?”“He is not bad for an older guy, but I have just not thought about it really since high school…back then we knew if we played with each other at least we could get off…but now…I am just not sure how Sis and Mandy would feel about it…that worries me the most really…”Becky looks at me and says, “Do you remember that evening when Mandy swallowed really hard and asked you if you would mind if she...

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First part: Girl Scout Troop 6969 It was several months after the events related in Girl Scout Troop 6969 and winter break was upon us. Becky had decided to come home rather than go someplace warm like Florida. It was really nice having Becky home as I had been missing the girls. When she walked in, it was like she had never left for college. I took her out to dinner the first night to celebrate. Of course, the next day Maria, Jamie, and Lindsey showed up to see Becky. It was uncomfortable...

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### CB-4315 ###Neighborhood Babysitterby Steve GoldenFOREWORDA question often asked by those who deal with psychological problems is: What is normal? The answer to that seemingly simple question will probably never be answered.The people within a particular society usually are well aware of what is considered acceptable behavior from them. And therein lies the problem of the main character of this story.Becky is a woman possessed of deep and abiding passions, passions which control her life...

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Becky Goes to Korea Part 1

~Continuation of the stepsister series~~~Start of Part 1~~ It was another suck ass day working on the ‘Z’ for us, we were just coming in from a fence line check patrol and are all covered in mud and dirt and generally in a bad mood, except we knew it was almost over. We are getting close to the barracks now and the platoon sergeants tell all the fire team leaders to take their teams and start recovering and cleaning up the weapons. Having just made PFC about a month ago, I was fire team 4’s new...

2 years ago
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Becky Goes to Korea part 3

~~Start of Part 3~~ Becky looks over that the girls and tells them to come over. They get up right next to us as I am still slowly stroking my half hard cock in and out of her and she says, “I would like to try something with all of us together if you two would like to join in?” Mandy and Sis of course are up for it and ask her, “what are you wanting to do?” Becky tells me to pull out of her and then lay on my back on the bed with my butt right up to hers and our legs bent up. I do and then she...

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Becky and Her Friends Dad

Becky had walked the few blocks to the Megan's home after her club meeting at school. She'd made plans to hang out for a while with her friend Megan. She still had on her school uniform, a plaid skirt and white blouse, but in her bag she carried a pair of jeans and T-shirt to change into. When she rang the doorbell Megan's dad answered it, informing her that Megan's had popped out with her mother and that she should be back soon. Becky accepted his invitation to wait rather than walking...

2 years ago
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Becky Made Me Do It

(MF, MM, BI, MMF, 1st-gay-expr)Hello, my name is Jason, and I'm gay. This story is essentially about a gay experience I had, or more accurately a Bi-sexual experience that I had a couple of years back. I thought it was unusual enough to share, so here it is... It all started when I met Becky Anderson. She was a real hotty! She had a body that a guy might dream about while masturbating, you know the type; big innocent eyes in an exceedingly pretty face and a body that would be at home naked on...

1 year ago
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BeckyChapter 3

"Kevin!" she barked at me, her voice concerned. "Wake up!" "Huh?" I started, reluctantly opening my eyes. I was drenched in sweat, particularly on my chest, where Becky's warm body had been lying. My hair was matted to my face and my balls ached dully. I didn't know how long I'd been asleep, but it had been a while. I was no longer stoned. My mind was slightly groggy from sleep and the aftermath of marijuana intoxication, but when I'd drifted off after Becky had sucked me to my...

3 years ago
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Beckys DP fun

it was a bright hot sunny afternoon when becky got home from the gym feeling all hot and horny more than usual it was perhaps because of looking at the toned men and the heat and her imagination running dangerously wild in her mind. All that was certain in her mind right now was that she needed to cum! She burst through her front door and ran upstairs to her room not bothering to shut it behind her and began to strip off like there was no tomorrow. She was hot her pussy was wet aching to be...

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Becky Part 3 War Comes to Lake PeaceChapter 6 Becky is Queen of the Jungle

For just a second, time stood still. The girls were electric with excitement as Becky’s enormous bicep trembled with power, seeming to grow as she stared down at Jake. The boys murmured nervously as Jake’s whole body trembled with fear, seeming to shrink as he stared up at Becky. Then she brought her fist down onto his face, sending a shower of blood and teeth across the ring as a sickening cracking sound filled the air. It was the most violent, one-sided display of power that I had ever...

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Becky White a 42yrs. mother of two one boy Hank 21 married and living in a small town about 34 miles away from home. Then Kara she is 19 tall slim a models body with a great ass and a ton of boy on the trail after her. She still lives at home with Becky and Jim her father a tall well mattered man who runs a office. Becky watches her daughter sometimes and a feeling of want for the attention Kara gets grips her,. Kara on the other hand just acts as if the boys we're around. Like yesterday the...

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Becky Part 3 War Comes to Lake PeaceChapter 2 Becky Makes a Deal

My first order of business was to make sure Henry the chef had everything in order. As I approached the cafeteria, I could hear Henry arguing with someone. I snuck up to the kitchen door and peered inside. Becky Finklestein was dressed in an XXL version of our powder blue sweatsuit, which was a little baggy on her, although her overdeveloped bustline still protruded visibly. She was holding a piece of paper, and her face carried a look of disgust. “Gwoss! No you can’t touch them!” she...

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Becky Part 3 War Comes to Lake PeaceChapter 7 Becky Teaches and Megan Learns

That afternoon I went out to the lake to inspect the canoes. We didn’t let the kids out on the lake until the third week, when we had them under control, but I wanted to be ready. On the way to the lake I passed the gym, and peaked through the windows. All the girls were packed inside, some of them using free weights, and some of them doing pushups, all under the direction of Becky Finklestein, who strode about the gym in a powder blue shorts and t-shirt that clung to her monstrously muscular...

4 years ago
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Becky and Mommy

It was a lovely July afternoon. Barbara had arrived home from work a couple of hours earlier than usual, and was seated at the kitchen table, glancing through a magazine when her eleven-year-old daughter Becky entered the room. The girl was wearing a pair of tiny cut-off shorts, and a skimpy halter top thin enough to clearly outline her nipples. In spite of her best intentions, Barbara felt her pulse suddenly quicken at the sight of her scantily-dressed child. Not so very long ago, she would...

2 years ago
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Becky Cried

Gino's was open for lunch, but I was the early bird. Becky, she's the night owl, with big round eyes and always a half-hour late. A half-hour late for lunch, a half-hour late to the dentist, a half-hour late for church. She scared us when she was late for her period last month, but we sighed and kissed and told ourselves, even so, would it be such a bad thing? Becky and Baby and Me? I kissed her bare belly and pressed my ear against her tummy, listening for what I don't know. Becky...

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Kat sees Becky a 34yrs 5'6" about a buck ten nice tits great ass red hair Kat's answer to a deep long dream, in the store. Becky has a short dress open in the back low in the front enought to see lots of tit with a man kinda a wimp buying flim Kat can hear them talking Becky saying come on we will be late and I really don't want to hear your mom bitch! Kat being Kat walks up behind Becky while they are in line and indrictly runs her hand over Becky's ass OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY Becky looks at...

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Becky Part 1 Broken Hearts and Broken BonesChapter 7 Brute Strength

I was sick and tired of Becky Finklestein. I hated the way that she bullied me, and I hated the way that Courtney swooned over her. But I couldn’t do anything to stop her, not with muscles like that. I needed an advantage. So I made a phone call. Ernesto Valderrama was Miss Valderrama’s husband. They shared a dojo, with Ernesto teaching boys and his wife teaching girls. Lessons were over by the time I got there, but Ernesto said he would make an exception for me after I told about how I was...

1 year ago
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Becky Part 3 War Comes to Lake PeaceChapter 4 Beckys Fan Club

On Wednesday morning I was so tired that I needed three cups of coffee. I let LaToya and Rosita check in all the girls so I could take it easy. Then a sharp knock came at my door. “Come in,” I called. The door opened, and in walked Becky Finklestein. She had her hair up in a ponytail and she was wearing a powder blue camp sweatsuit and carrying a small bottle. “Hi Megan,” she said. My heart stopped as Becky closed the door behind her, and I tried to ignore what I felt in the gym and during...

4 years ago
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Becky gets fucked up at school

When Becky got in the car, her mother forced her head down on to her own vagina "you will fucking lick my pussy all the way to school you dirty whore" becky accepted her fait. Becky had a lot of sexual experience for a 14 year old, ever since she was a little girl she was forced into performing sexual acts for he mother. As beckys mum pulled out the drive she pushed beckys head down harder, becky began to lick more rapidly trying to investigate the vagina she knew so well. Her mother let...

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