Fairmount Palliser free porn video

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‘The Palliser,’ I said. ‘Call me when you get to the parking garage.’

Finally! We had been waiting for months and now we were to meet. Twenty minutes later another ring.

‘Suite 531, just like your birthday, the door will be open,’ I told my beautiful partner.

Now I relaxed in the oversized chair for the most desirable woman in the world.

The door silently eased open and there she was. Blue jeans and a white blouse were hardly the proper attire for the Rimrock Restaurant, but slung over her arm was clothing bag.

‘Nice white dress?’ I chided. She had always worn black, the white dress was a special request.

Closing and locking the door, she scrunched up her nose and moved into the bedroom of our corner suite without a word. The rattle of hangers and running water in the sink were the only sounds. A soft, feminine chuckle followed the water being turned off. Then she appeared in the doorway.

You have never seen such a sexy, promising smile as she walked over to me. I watched. Standing in front of my knees, she kicked off her shoes and sat in my lap. While kissing me she swung her legs over the arm of the chair on my left and ground her ass onto my cock. We both moaned as our fulfillment began.

As we kissed, I kept my hands away from her body and caressed her hair, ears, neck and forehead. She in turn kept arching her back wanting attention. As I ran my fingernails down the side of her neck she had finally had enough teasing. With a whimper her right hand captured mine and moved it to her blouse buttons. One at a time, slowly, oh so slowly, I slipped the first three from the holes holding them. Her tongue moved more rapidly, her breathing became more ragged. My hand moved back to her neck and followed her neck to the center of her chest.

‘Right or left?’ I pondered. A pair of 36C’s caused my consternation. The lacy yellow bra was only a minor distraction. Each breast was perfect. The nipples both sought attention.

‘Definitely right,’ I decided. I moved my hand up and ran my fingers around her areola over her lacy garment. She was rubbing her thighs together, grinding her ass harder and pulling my head to her lips waiting for me to rub her nipple. I slid my hand under her bra.

‘Oh YES!’ she moaned as I attended to her hard nub. She moaned from her depths. Obviously the months we had been separated had created a volcanic effect in her and she was about to blow higher than Mount St. Helen. The rubbing, the grinding, the kissing and the pinching of her nipple were enough for a tremor to begin in her body.

‘Oh NO!’ she next groaned. Her body went rigid on my lap. Then the quivering began. I gave equal attention to each breast and kept her peak going as long as I could…a considerable amount of time.

‘Oh MY!’ she finally sighed as she stretched her arms over her head. She lay back and tried to relax. Sensing my opportunity I ran my hand down her belly past her belt and cupped her mound. The heat was intense. I rubbed her pussy through her jeans and moved my other hand to her breasts. She tried to sit up but I easily held her down with my right hand. My left began loosening the belt and removing my obstacles. My hand slid inside her yellow lace panties and discovered two wet, puffy lips.

I inserted two fingers into the most beautiful pussy with resistance. Was she tight! As I moved them methodically in and out she tried to sit up with more urgency.

‘No, NO, NOOOO NOT AGAIN!’ her body rose as if levitating. Only her shoulders and the back of her knees made contact with the arms of the great chair, not including my hands on her pussy and breasts. Her head snapped back. She held herself rigid but her body quivered like a tuning fork. My fingers continued to gently strum her sensitive clit. I moved my fingers from her breasts to her mouth and she sucked them in. I could feel her tongue bathing them. Finally I took pity on her and let her come down.

‘Two to nothing,’ I observed.

‘Three, four and here comes FIVE,’ as she rubbed her thighs together. She looked incredible as she came. Her face suffused with color. Her mouth open and her eyes screwed shut, she somehow managed an angelic smile. The last button still held on her blouse and her jeans were now half way to her knees. As her ass lifted from my lap I slid my hand under her and squeezed her cheeks alternating with caresses.

‘How incredible! Do you do that on all your first dates?’ she asked.

‘Of course, or you may not be back for a second date.’

‘And how can I be sure you’ll be back?’ she asked. Not waiting for my answer, she kicked off her jeans and slid to the floor between my knees. I knew where this was going.

‘I think it’s time for dinner,’ I told her.

‘I know,’ she said as her hands unbuckled my belt. This time I tried to sit up only to be gently restrained. As she pushed me back she pulled my slacks and briefs off.

‘Ummmm,’ then she dove for the first course. As her tongue caressed the tip of my cock her hands moved under my shirt. As her lips captured my crown her hands ripped my shirt apart. As her mouth slid down her fingers slid lightly over my nipples. As she took me into her throat my hips bucked up and she grabbed my ass cheeks and squeezed.

She began a rhythm and started me to the edge. I was so distracted that I lost the location of one of her hands. As I enjoyed the action between my legs, this squishing sound captured a portion of my hearing. One of her dainty hands had remained on my chest while the other had moved between her legs and was rubbing her clit.

‘Ummmm,’ sounded again from her throat, sending vibrations to my soul. She moved her hand from her pussy and placed it by my lips. I began to lick and suck enjoying the flavor of the tasty digits. Her other hand moved from my chest to refill the void between her legs.

‘Ummmm,’ again as she now took me into her throat. She moved her hand from my mouth to my nipples and the other from her pussy to my cock. She coated the base with her juices then let me lick the fingers clean. Then she went all the way down my cock and I could feel her tongue recapturing her juices. This continued until…..

‘Ummmm,’ we both moaned as I filled her mouth again and again as she sucked. There was a brief pause as she came. My cum splashed down her throat and some came back out as she couldn’t swallow it all. She collapsed forward and licked the cum off my body. I couldn’t move. She hugged her arms around my waist as her head rested in my crotch. I could feel her rockhard nipples against my legs as she rubbed them sensuously. Minutes passed as we reveled in our sexual haze.

‘The shutout is gone and the score is EIGHT to one!’ she stated. ‘We’ll go for extra innings after dinner. Now are you going to feed me?’

‘Of course, I want you to keep your strength up.’

We moved to the bath and washed each other in the shower. The temptation was great but we resisted so we could play a riskier game.

‘Now get out while I get dressed,’ she knew what would transpire if I remained. I had the pleasure of watching her apply her makeup. Every man should have the pleasure of watching a naked, beautiful woman primp. But now she was asking for her secret time. This was the time where each woman prepares for romance. Chastised, I moved to the parlor hearing the door close behind me.

Twenty minutes. That’s how long it took Milo to sculpt Venus. The door opened to a vision. Beautiful hair, more than lovely face with a Mona Lisa smile. The dress was a feat of engineering: white as requested with a cowl front descending to below her breasts. Tied behind her neck leaving her perfect back exposed. White thigh highs and three inch heels completed the package that the public would see.

‘Panties?’ I wondered, but a gentleman would never ask. I knew I would find out later and the suspense would drive up the heat. A quick spin and we were out the door.
The restaurant was on the first floor and the elevator trip was uneventful. Rrrighttt! She stood as far away as possible from me. She would turn to look in the mirrored wall (and give me a view of her ass and bare back). Then she would turn to the front and adjust her dress. The bulge in my pants showed how uneventful the ride was.

Marcel, our maitre d’, met us and was speechless. We had to shock him back to the present. I had reserved a corner booth with windows overlooking the street on two sides. Semi-private was just fine and in my plan. As Marcel moved the table aside for her to sit I realized I was out of position and he somehow was right where he wanted to be. You crouched down and gave him a view to your navel and then turned your body, legs open and dispelled any doubts about the status of your panties. Now he knew something I didn’t!

The service for our dinner was over the top. Four servers, Marcel and a knockout English babe served us water constantly. Together they gave us their complete attention. After all, who could ignore such a dashing couple! I looked like a distinguished gentleman, 6’2′ about 195 pounds and in excellent condition. OK, my present partner eclipsed me. Who could get passed a beautiful brunette perfectly coiffed. Her 5’7′ body was perfect for her 3′ heels. For three hours we enjoyed each other’s company. With our sexual edge satisfied in the room, we became reacquainted intimately by conversing and laughing. Dinner included some touching but more anticipation-building. We had a great time enjoying each other. Did we eat??

The water or the wine had your kidneys swimming and you excused yourself to find the Ladies Lounge…all the way on the other side of the lobby. As soon as you left the restaurant our English water server came over to fill our glasses AGAIN. This time the message was different.

‘Pardon me, sir. I have an offer for you and your woman. Me.’

Oh boy! My mind spun with the options. Sandi, her tag read, was incredibly luscious in her conservative skirt and uniform blouse.

‘Well, Sandi, I love your offer but my partner may not want to share our time together. Tell you what. I’ll apprise her of your generous offer when she gets back and we’ll let you know. Alright?’

‘Wouldn’t have it any other way,’ she said and turned to go.

‘Excuse me Sandi. I need some proof of your intentions…your panties.’

The look in her eyes was priceless. ‘I’ll be right back,’ she said.

‘No! Right here and right now!’ I tested her.

This was her challenge. Give in, submit, or move on. She moved back to the table which gave me my answer. She moved as close as she could to me and placed the water carafe on the table. With a cryptic smile on her face she pulled up the center of her skirt with both hands exposing two very long legs in thigh high stockings. I received only a glimpse of the Promised Land as her hands moved to the side of her waist. Bending over as little as possible she pulled one leg free then the other. In front of me on the table was a nice pale blue pile of damp lace. Without a word she turned and left.

The scent of her arousal rose to my nose. While inhaling deeply I heard your laugh and returned to the present. Marcel had you cornered at the concierge station. He kissed your hand and appeared to graze your breast. He obviously hoped for more but you moved quickly and returned to your lover. He thought to follow but sadly shook his head and yelled at the next people in line!

This time you sat down without assistance and appeared extremely flushed. In front of you there was that pile of blue lace. In your hand you held out a pile of very damp white lace. This was turning into a panty raid.

‘You certainly were busy,’ we said at the same time.

‘My trip to the lounge was almost very eventful,’ you began. ‘Marcel left people in line to escort me to the lounge. He was ready to follow me in when several women came in from the ballroom. I sat and laughed as I removed my surprise for you and waited to be sure he left. But as I came out he was still there. He grabbed my hand with the panties and felt the moisture. As we walked back he sniffed his hand and knew what I had. He tried so hard to get me to open my hand but had to settle for a kiss on the hand. He wants me!’

‘Of course he does,’ I said. ‘It must be something in the air.’

She gave me the whites and picked up the blues. ‘Nice! And pre-scented!’

‘Let me explain.’ I told her my story and her eyes sparkled. ‘What do you think? I have no interest in being with another man. Have you ever considered a woman?’

You fidgeted with her panties and moved them to your nose. Inhaling deeply you nodded your head. ‘Why not? She is beautiful and she can be my gift to both of us!’

Did I mention I love this woman!!

The blues disappeared under the table as you slipped them on. I reached over and pressed them into your pussy. Gently you moaned. ‘Rub your nipples,’ I said. As I slipped two fingers around the center strap into your pussy your right hand slid into your dress. Now both your juices and Sandi’s were on the blues. You slumped forward and vibrated.

‘When you’re ready, it’s time to go. I’ll pass Sandi a note with our room number on the way out. Do you think an hour after we leave will give us enough time to conduct our business?’ All you could do is nod. I helped you from your seat and got the view Marcel enjoyed earlier. You walked unsteadily through the restaurant holding on to me. Sandi smiled as I took you passed her and I said an hour would be great. I slipped her the note with our room number. The note was wrapped in white lace!

When the elevator came I forced you into a corner and removed your breasts by pushing the cowl to each side. I only got two quick licks in before the car stopped at the second floor. You didn’t have time to cover up so you wrapped your arms around my body and forced your chest into my side. Four middle-aged business types joined us and fell silent as the doors closed. One of them pushed ‘8’. This would not be an easy exit for you.

Ding-ding-ding… The fifth floor. As the doors opened you shocked me when you pushed me aside and bare breasted walked between the men and off the elevator. I was rooted to the spot. You turned and said, ‘Are you coming?’ Five cocks rose instantaneously and four chins dropped. With your hands on your hips you cocked your hip. ‘Not yet,’ I said beating the others to the punch. I exited just as the doors closed. We could hear the groans as the car left and someone punching the buttons belatedly.

‘What a wonderful evening!’ you said. Now you untied your top and let your dress cascade to the floor. Now you started off with only your pale blues, stockings and heels.

‘Hey! I like this dress!’

‘It’s yours,’ you said.

‘OK,’ I said picking up the dress. ‘But you’ll need this.’

Turning you saw me hold up the room key. You walked back to me and held out your hand. I took that opportunity to kiss you and slide the card key into the front of your blues.

‘Cool!’ you moaned as the plastic hit your clit. This time you walked to our door rubbing your nipples. I followed at a distance enjoying the view.

You reached the door before me but couldn’t open it. ‘Damn. I can never get these things to work.’

‘Perhaps it’s not lubed enough,’ as I took it from her hand. ‘It’s a little known fact that the wetter these things are, the better they work.’ Sounds good. I slipped the card back into the blues. My hand followed over the top of the card and my fingers bent up in between her lips forcing the plastic against her clit. Oh the lube flowed! You leaned into me and bit my shoulder. I then pushed you against the cold door.

‘ENOUGH! OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!’ Never before has a door opened so quickly. You slammed the door and pushed me toward the bedroom. Shoving me onto the bed you ripped off the blues. Like a panther you attacked my belt
pulling my pants to my ankles. Seeing my cock drove you into a frenzy. With my cock standing tall and hard you climbed on the bed and positioned your pussy above me. Down you moved taking all of me on the first stroke. You held that position like a statue. I could feel the heat and the motion inside your body. Then you began to rock. Then you would move up and down. Then you would stop. This drove me wild seemingly forever. I was holding out as long as possible. I felt you begin to move faster, your breathing more ragged.

‘YESYESYESYES……..’ We came together. You collapsed onto me as I grabbed your asscheeks. We both fell asleep immediately. What an incredible six hours with more to come!

I woke to an empty bed. The clock showed about an hour later and there was a soft, but insistent, knocking at the door. I quickly got up wondering what happened to my vision. When I cleared the bedroom door I saw her.

She was in the chair we had previously made use of and she was again making use of it. She was in her own world. Slouched with eyes closed, one hand held a breast the other was buried between her legs. I beheld her while I groped for the door handle. I opened it without looking. Sandi stood there looking at me, at first. She followed my gaze. Mesmerized, she moved toward the chair. As she moved, items of clothing began to hit the floor. I closed the door and leaned against it watching.

Beauty moved to Beauty. Sandi tossed her blouse and bra aside. Then she shed her shoes. As she stood near the chair her hands moved to her waist. Skirt and white panties slithered down her long legs as one item. She bent at the waist allowing me an incredible view and pulled the clothing away leaving only her thigh-highs. My Beauty never stopped and never opened her eyes since I first saw her. Her moans were coming more rapidly. Her hands moved more quickly.

Sandi fell to her knees and placed her hands on two vibrating knees. Both women smiled as Sandi slid her hands up those soft thighs. Nicole was smiling, then she opened her eyes. A shock appeared on her face as she realized it was Sandi between her thighs. I began to move forward. She looked at me and the smile reappeared. Her eyes closed again as Sandi licked the moist place where Nicole’s hands had been.

‘OHHH, OHHHHH, OHHHHHHHH,’ Nicole exclaimed. Sandi was riding a bucking bronco with her mouth. Nicole had both hands on the back of Sandi’s head entwined in her hair. Sandi was tugging at both breasts and pulling the hard nipples. I knelt behind the offered body and slowly moved my diamond hard cock into the tightest of pussies. Not expecting this intrusion Sandi raised her mouth from its succulent feast and groaned to the depths of her soul. Nicole wasn’t having any of it and pulled Sandi back to her previous endeavor. I held myself still and my conjoined partner went back to work. Seconds later Nicole exploded. Her body jumped from the chair. Sandi grabbed Nicole’s ass cheeks and pulled her even closer, sucking the flowing juices. Sandi’s movement forced her back even deeper onto my cock. As Nicole humped Sandi’s face a rhythm developed. I felt Sandi’s pussy grabbing my cock, milking it. Nicole collapsed back into the chair and Sandi lay her head on a very satisfied, vibrating pussy. Sandi had her arms around Nicole’s waist as I began to pleasure her. She moaned on every stroke. Nicole bent forward and rubbed Sandi’s back and pulled her hair. Sandi’s orgasm hit. Nicole held her as I pumped my load into her spasming pussy. Nicole rubbed my nipples and played with Sandi’s tight rosebud. As I was finishing Nicole pulled my cock out and placed it between Sandi’s cheeks. She used my fluids to insert her index finger into Sandi’s nether hole and take her to greater heights as her second orgasm hit. Nicole pumped her finger vigorously as I rubbed Sandi’s clit. She now was jabbering an unknown dialect. She REALLY lost it! We had to hold her through her pleasure. She went on this way for what seemed to be minutes. Then she went limp, unconscious.

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Vasanti My Sex Doll

Meri bahn ka naam Vasant kaur Sokhey aur mera naam Ajeet Singh Sokhey hai. Jahan tak mujhay yaad hai hum bahn bhai hamesha se aik dousray ke buht close rahay hein. High school ke zamanay mein jab hamaray parents’ ghar se bahar hotay, Vasi meri babysitting in charge huwa kerti thi. Voh mujh se koi 6 saal senior thi aur buht samajhdaar thi. Mujhay yaad hai keh voh wash up mein meri buht help kiya kerti thi aur drying ke waqt meray little penis par special attention deti thi. Voh esko short horn...

3 years ago
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       When you wake up bound to the bed frame and realize that this is the best you could’ve asked for, you know that you’re broken. The question is whether it bothers you or not. For me, waking up with my wrists and ankles encased in steel, warmed from my body heat over the course of the night, is a pleasant morning. Squirming, a slight moan works up my throat. Last night’s invader is still firmly in place, stretching me deliciously.        Many men claim that they can get ‘rock hard,’ but...

2 years ago
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Mom Ke Anjane Mein Usse Rat Bhar Choda

Mera chuti hua tha toh meh mom ke sath gaon gaya tha.Wahan humare joint family hai..Papa ki naukri ki waje se wo wahan rehte hai. Yeh bat last din village ki hai uska agle din meh mom wapis ane wale the. Us din dopehr ko gaon mein bohot barish hua jiske karan current chala gaya aur pata chala ki ped girne ki wajah se wire cut gaya h aur usi din current nae ayega. Barish toh band hogaya but tha toh summer so humidity bohot tha and ghar mein bohot garmi ho rae thi but bahar acha hawa chal raha...

2 years ago
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You knew you'd blacked out last night & had no idea how you got to be in the warm bed. You got up & found that you were shackled to an eye in the floor by a single ankle, the length of chain allowing you to move freely around the room & even through one of the rooms doors to a nicely appointed bathroom completely different to the rooms you'd been in before. The chain stopped you just short of the window & the other room door, which presumably led into the rest of the cabin.The...

4 years ago
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AudryChapter 7 High Society

Hazel Parmentier Steele Lemmer looked over the ballroom-a look of distaste momentarily marred her patrician features. She'd lots rather be shagging George out in the hayloft of the barn, on their Long Island estate. But George's friends had insisted and he agreed that it might be good for business. So here she was, guest of honor at a reception in Manhattan-that she and George had to pay for! 'Quit bitching, Hazel!' she sternly told herself. 'You knew that some of this went with the...

4 years ago
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The Convent part 2

After that day, Sarah went to the mother superior to tell her some of her thoughts about her and me. As an heir of the kingdom I was meant to become the king one day and I told Sarah that I didn’t wanted to lose her. She was more than happy to follow me in the outer world but she told me that she could not build a family with me; her destiny was to be my whore and no more.Mother superior was in her cell when Sarah went to visit her. She was a tall woman with blonde hair and still with a...

2 years ago
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Vacay in the Va jay jay tribute to Erika and my b

Mmmmmm Erika sighed as she woke up to Sonjays soft lips on her pussy. “Good morning baby. “She said. Sonjay completely ignored her and continued to gently lap on her pussy. Bathing her face in Erika’s juiciness. Her moans began to echo throughout the room. Arching her back as Sonjay wrapped her arms around her thighs for security. Erika bit down on her bottom lip and clinched the sheets. “Oh baby. “ she whispered. Sonjays tongue darted in and out of her tunnel and traced her around her clit. ...

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The Devils Pact Tales from the Best Buy Incident Playing at Cuckoldry

Introduction: Bill cant stop thinking about his wife Erin fucking other guys while they were under Marks control. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 The Devils Pact, Tales from the Best Buy Incident: Playing at Cuckoldry Note: This takes place a week after Chapter 3 involving Bill and Erin Connar and how their lives were changed after the Best Buy Incident. The car pulled into the my driveway. It was Saturday night, and I was hiding in my bedroom closet, naked, waiting for my...

1 year ago
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Becky Goes to Korea part 3

~~Start of Part 3~~ Becky looks over that the girls and tells them to come over. They get up right next to us as I am still slowly stroking my half hard cock in and out of her and she says, “I would like to try something with all of us together if you two would like to join in?” Mandy and Sis of course are up for it and ask her, “what are you wanting to do?” Becky tells me to pull out of her and then lay on my back on the bed with my butt right up to hers and our legs bent up. I do and then she...

1 year ago
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Petite Indian Wife Part 2

When I got married I had small boobs. My figure was 29 28 30.But my hubby and my servant helped to develop my boobs. Within 6 months my figure was 32 29 32. I used to wear boy like dress with boy like hairstyle and stayed as a boy for few months. But it was the holi when my servant Raju came to know that I am a girl. After few months my boobs were standing like two small mountains. I tried to wear tight inners for few months to hide my identity from others, as per my hubby’s wish. My maid Gita...

3 years ago
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Lauren Gisal II In South AmericaChapter 32

Choosing what to wear proved to be the most difficult task for Lauren on Saturday morning. She wanted to wear something that would encourage Felix as they had a stroll through the local hills, but nothing that would shout 'take me now'. She knew that attack from mosquitoes was also a possibility so long sleeves were best. Jeans and her father's shirt won, with a full bra that would emphasise her shape under the loose fitting shirt. She showered and washed her hair before dressing and...

1 year ago
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Author’s note: This story is inspired by rachlou’s wonderful story series, ‘Show Me Heaven.’ There is nothing much similar about these stories, except the basic premise of a shy girl who is lured from her shell by a caring girlfriend and a patient man. ^ ^ ^ ^ Jane Smith finished filing the last of that day’s work, and neatly stacked the leftover documents in her In box for when she returned to work on Monday. She was particular about leaving work with a clean desk, a trait that extended to...

2 years ago
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Nokrani Ki Gili Choot Na Kia Chudai Ka Ishara

Hi dosto mea Depak ek baar fir new kahani lea kea aaya hu Meri shaadi ke 3 saal ho chuke hai. Ek bar meri biwi maike gai hui thi. Meri nokrani Laxmi bai ki umar 30 ke andar hi thi. Lekin mene kabhi usko sex karne ki nazar se nahi dekha tha. Sunday ka din tha, me wife ghar me thodi safai kar raha tha. Dopahr ke 2 baje the, muje bhukh lagi thi kuchh khane ko nahi tha isi liye me beer pi raha tha aur saath saath kam bhi. utne me door bell baji, Me sirf pajama pehna huva tha. Pasina nikal raha tha...

3 years ago
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used by my black co workers

Used by my Friends It had been a week since I'd been in the store room. I'd taken off 2 shifts so I wouldn't have to see Cliff. I couldn't bear the thought of seeing him and knowing what he must be thinking of me. How could I have let him humiliate me like that? As much as I hated him for doing that to me, I couldn't get it out of my head. I was so constantly turned on by the mere thought of him cumin on my face that I was soaking wet all the time. The day I went back to work he was supposed to...

3 years ago
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Cheer Raider SABRE Panther Episode 5

"All characters participating in sexual activity are age 16 or older."[Opening Theme: "Violet Skies" by In This Moment]The doorbell rang. Jennifer hurried to the door and opened it, revealing a smiling Theresa. Both girls squealed with excitement. "Get in here, you," Jennifer said, grabbing her arm and pulling her inside. As soon as she got the door closed, Theresa pushed her against it and kissed her. Jennifer returned the kiss, and said after Theresa finally pulled away, "Not so shy about...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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THROUGH THE BLACK DOOR OF EVIL:: CHAPTER 2 The 1st chapter has just ended with Little Momma just having gotten another potion injection right on each side of her cunt lips at the joining of the mound. She lay there writhing and twisting and churning with hot fire this one gave her even more of and caused her pussy as before to flower out and stretch open loosening to take what soon was to come for her. All the while our new "Guest" had...

2 years ago
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Birthday Present Part 2

It had been three weeks since Tom and Natasha had sex together. Saturday arrived and he came over to see if Natasha was home.   Tom stood near the door to the patio where Natasha lay in a lounge chair getting a suntan.   She was wearing a yellow bikini.   As he made his way over to Natasha she lifted her head and saw Tom approaching. For a long moment, Natasha rested her eyes on the bulge in his shorts before raising them to his face. "I bet you want to put that big, hard cock in my pussy...

Straight Sex
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RIBBON.TXT by Cindy V. femdom, TV, humiliation You are a closet crossdresser. You are too embarrassed to dress publicly, so you satisfy your urges during the working day by tying a little ribbon to your cock and wearing it all day at work under your suit and underwear. A harmless little ribbon. In fact the cheapest article of feminization there is - 15 cents for a tiny piece of ribbon. But you can feel it all day, and it makes you feel wonderful and sinful that you can wear it and nobody...

3 years ago
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PissedOff Neighbors

I had been staying in the beach house for a few weeks without meeting any of my neighbors. So when the mailman mistakenly left me a package for Donna and Sarah, the girls next door, I decided to do them a favor and take it over. I heard giggling from the other side of the gate, so I pushed it open a little to say hello. What I saw made me forget all about the little introduction I had prepared.Sarah and Donna were sitting on lounge chairs, totally engrossed in each other under the blazing sun....

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From 24 to 18

Your name is Johan Mayburn. You are a 24 year college student ready to finish your last year of studies. A little notice about appearence stands in the following. Name: Johan Mayburn Gender: Male Age: 24 Ocuupation and Job: College student and (job can be various). Hair Color and Style: Short and swept red hair. Eye Color: Bright Auburn Height: 5'5 (You didn't gain much height during puberty unfortunately.) Dick Size: 7 1 inches with 3 inch thickness. (In main story) You were ready for your...

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Part 2 Little Missys Disobedience

...Previously on Little Missy's DisobedienceAt work she's known as Store Manager Sarah but she's Little Missy when with me, even if she is in a foul mood. Mondays tend to be Sarah's busiest day so I tend to go easy on her but today she isn't so deserving of such a reward. Only last week I warned Sarah if you don't deal with Paul now he will cause you major issues and today her store failed her company's audit, all thanks to Paul!Even after 2 years though, that sexy uniform of hers never gets...

2 years ago
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Thanks a Lot

Authors note: Not my usual sort of story, but hey! I'm reposting this because many readers accuse me of having only happy endings. This was written for a Halloween writing contest a couple of years ago. (Note: there are tons of intentional errors in this! It's not easy to be crazy! Give me a break!) MAIL CALL Solange looked at the box that came in the mail. There was no return address, just the box. Opening it she found an old 45 record. "Shit," she thought, "I haven't seen one...

3 years ago
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Winning the Lottery

Every week, since I turned 21 ten weeks ago, I started to buy a single lottery ticket from the same market between my apartment and where my folks lived. The numbers I'd always played were one of the last two digits of the year everybody in our family was born — there's my Dad, Jerry — born in '61 — Mom, Ruth — born in '65 — Me, Richard — born in '91 and my sister, Susan — born in '94! The final two numbers were my age, 21 and Susan's age, 18. We're all natural blonds and blue — eyed....

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Caleb and Samantha Part 1

I couldn’t help but stare at Caleb, my best friend’s son, as he helped my husband with some yard work. He was nineteen and I was old enough to be his mom, but I didn’t have any maternal thoughts towards him, I was glad he was legal.“Hun, I need to go into work, there’s a problem with a transformer, Caleb is going to stay and finish up; I left money for him on my dresser.” My husband ran into the house to quickly change and he was gone.I continued watching as Caleb pulled weeds, edged the yard...

2 years ago
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Purgatorys ChildrenChapter 4

Benni felt as if he had just laid his head down when a shout from the doorway awoke him. A seeker was waiting at the gate for "the documents man." Benni disengaged himself from the pleasant weight of Shasa, who wasn't his even if everyone else thought so. He tried to push the pleasure of the pressure of her frame from his thoughts as his den mate urged him to hurry. Pulling himself together, he took the packet from the seeker only to find a message from his master requesting his early...

3 years ago
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The DefencemanChapter 28

Last night's sleep was terrible. I had tossed and turned over Mr. Peterson's attempt to bribe me. It really pissed me off yesterday that someone thought so low of me to do that. I had finally fallen asleep but dreamt of Lisa, Vicky and Becky all night, with one of the three catching me with the other one or both. I even had a dream that the three of them got together and I caught them. Maybe that was more of a fantasy, but all in all, it was a pretty restless sleep. And adding to that...

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The Favor

"Jamesy Amstel Light." I said as I sat down in the bar stool. As the bottle appear before me I take a look around the bar. Normal Thursday after work crowd. Usually I don't go to the bar right after work but Mel had said she needed a big favor during lunch and that she would tell it to me here. As an executive assistant she usually worked an hour or so later than the rest of us. Most times I'd stick around and distract her for a little while but she shooed me out of the office right at the end...

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A Broken Heart Ch 03

Heidi slipped into a tight red dress. It was one of the few dresses she owned, since she hardly ever had a place to wear them. She had gotten it for a friend’s wedding, it was a splurge and she was glad she was having another chance to wear it. ‘Mommy?’ Fitzroy walked into the room as she was struggling to zip up the back. ‘Where are you going?’ ‘I’m going out to dinner, baby,’ she told him, picking him up and setting him down on her bed, ‘What do you think?’ ‘Mommy looks pretty,’ he told...

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Brad Gets Out of Controlbysun_sea_sky©All characters are 18 or over. Warning: contains nuts.Also contains i****t, non-consent, occasional male-male sex, prostitution, blackmail.BREAKFASTBrad entered the kitchen, stood behind his mother who was eating her breakfast cereal, and plunged his hand straight down her pajama top, fondling her breast. Jane closed her eyes for a moment, and then opened them and kept eating. She was used to this, used to being under her son's absolute control. Summer or...

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CHAPTER 11: ‘EXOTISCHE EROTISCHE SOCIAAL’ = EXOTIC EROTIC SOCIALWhen I thought I had detected some movement outside while Hein, Chris and I were engaged in our activities in the living room, I had discounted it for all the reasons that flashed through my mind, the most significant being the dogs hadn’t sounded an alarm. And, they certainly would have if anyone was outside other than a member of the household. Of course, that would turn out to be the key differentiating factor.* * * * *After...

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Becoming Masters Kitten Ch 1

Driving to your home, my heart is racing. “One more chance…..that is all I have to make this right,” I think to myself as I drive the 30 minutes to your house. You have offered to collar me once before, but the time wasn’t right….my mind wasn’t right….to accept your gift for life. “I wonder if he will really see the new me…the changed me,” I think to myself. Life had not been the easiest for me until I met you, and until that point, I had chosen to play the victim and retreat so that no one...

4 years ago
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The first sense was that of total freedom, release of all inhibtions. As soon as the red light on the camera beamed. From now it was for all to show and I was gonna enjoy it. Daisy shuffled up to me as I was lying in the middle of this big soft bed, pillows sprawn all over. I looked at her red satin panties, that promising bulge and I was gonna unwrap very slow. As one should unwrap any precious present.I, 25 then, tall, skinny had met Daisy three weeks ago in a gaybar. I went there not...

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Home Schooled

It was when I was in junior high that I realized that being home schooled, I definitely grew up different than other girls who went to public schools. I wanted to experience my 11th and 12th grade years with kids my age to you know go to Proms, and School football games. I know my grades were good enough to even apply to a good collage with out even going to a formal Graduation. The thing is, I would be going with out you know interacting with kids my age. I had a great friend who did go to...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Kiara Lord Gaping Anal Girl

Voluptuous, redheaded Euro-Babe Kiara Lord shows off her curvaceous bod in a flower print summer dress. She strips naked and slides a clear butt plug into her sphincter. Director/stud David Perry twists the toy in her tight aft porthole. He quickly whips out his big cock for Kiara to swallow. David fingers her cunt while she gives him a lusty blowjob. In the stairwell, he bends her over for a buttfuck! David feeds Kiara his tasty cock ass-to-mouth. She sits on his pole, and then he spoon-fucks...

3 years ago
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Spice PlantationChapter 8

We brought some lunch back in by the fireplace and ate with me sitting on the floor and Judy sitting on my lap. Of course we were both still naked. I was coming to find - and I think Judy was also - that spending the weekend naked was great. Neither of us had ever spent a long time at a stretch in the nude, but now we hadn't worn anything since Friday afternoon - almost three full days so far. We no longer thought it odd to head to the kitchen to get food or downstairs to the playroom or...

1 year ago
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Greek Salad

Chapter 2Greek SaladI opened my email box as usual to find the normal quantity of spam. As I scanned the addresses I noticed one from my friend, Aunan from Greece. Aunan and I had been emailing each other for several months after we found out we had a mutual interest, namely my wife, Ann. I had sent some intimate photos of her to him as I found the thought of another man seeing her naked and masturbating over her, extremely erotic. Aunan had immediately taken to Ann and shown how much he liked...

2 years ago
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Mother Knows Best 2

After my last story about my mother and me there has been a lot of interest in how things progressed from there. I have also been told by a few people that I should make the next account longer. Well if that's the way you want it..................................... As you would imagine, after my mother had introduced me to the delights of her body and sexual intercourse generally or 'shagging' as we called it at school,; curiously although we all used the 'F' word on a...

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