Aphrodisia Ch. 01 free porn video

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Jamie Sloane was an archaeology student. He’d got the idea that looking around for old relics was going to be his calling in life ever since seeing Raiders of the Lost Ark. So after acing his grades at high school he launched himself into an archaeology course at London University. Unfortunately they didn’t hand him a bullwhip and a fedora then sending him off to some exotic locale to hunt for lost treasure. Whilst he wasn’t naive enough to think he’d be saving biblical relics from Nazi’s Jamie really didn’t quite grasp just how incredibly boring the study of archaeology was until the end of his first year. Already somewhat disillusioned with the whole course the nineteen year old boy was relieved to find they were sending the students to an actual dig site. The site itself was in York where an old Roman settlement had been discovered a few miles from the city and needed to be excavated. Excited to be actually doing something rather than listening to lectures all day he jumped at the chance to go and get his hands dirty.

So it was then that two months later Jamie could be found struggling to stand upright in a very muddy ditch whilst holding something his professor thought might be important up to the light. It was a broken piece of hardened clay that might once have been part of a pot. It was obvious from the size of it that it wasn’t going to be that important but the professor had insisted he be shown everything that could be anything. After dismissing Jamie’s scrap as nothing more than a rock the deflated teenager went back to digging in the mud. Hours passed and night eventually fell causing most students to start packing up in gleeful anticipation. The inn they were all staying at seemed to call out to them with the promise of a warm fireplace and cold beer.

After packing up his tools Jamie made his way toward the ladder propped up against the side of the ditch and started to climb out. As the beam of his flashlight passed over the dirt wall he caught sight of something glinting within the muck. Without thinking he reached out and wiped the dirt to one side to reveal a very small glass vial embedded there. It was perfectly preserved and amazingly unbroken despite its age. Clawing at the dirt around the little treasure and freeing it didn’t take very long at all. Holding it in his hand and studying the thing revealed it to be truly remarkable indeed. From everything he had learned in the past year he knew that the ornamental vial was well beyond the talents of Roman glassworkers. The intricate little patterns and designs along its slightly pear shaped structure were so fine and delicate it was a miracle they had survived this long.

Without thinking the boy reached for the stopper and it came free popped immediately It was almost as if it was relieved to be open again after all the centuries it must have spent stuffed inside the neck of the vial. Immediately Jamie was overwhelmed by the scent that came out of the glass. The unimaginably sweet smell was like nothing he’d ever come across before. In his entire life the only thing that came close was when he had accidentally spilled a bottle of his father’s aftershave on the bathroom floor. Yet the oppressive and almost violent stench of the cologne was nothing like the lustrous and infinitely delicate aroma that was now gliding past his nostrils. He realised he’d been taking a deep sniff of the eerie and delightful scent and shook his head to un-cloud his mind.

Wondering if he had enough time to go grab something to eat before heading off to the pub with everyone else he checked his watch. It was midnight. Jamie did a double take on the time and then looked up to see that it wasn’t just evening but in fact the middle of the night. Considering he’d started packing up at seven o’clock he worked out that he’d been stood there for around five hours. After slipping the little stopper back into the bottle he realised that the night had become deathly cold. The boy literally couldn’t feel his fingers or his feet and he poked his head out of his ditch to find out that the rest of the dig team had long since left without realising he was still down there. Admittedly he wasn’t the most outgoing guy in the world but surely someone would have noticed he wasn’t with the rest of them? More worryingly what the hell was in that glass that had kept him stood there without any sense of time for five hours?

Shaken, he climbed out of the ditch after absently pocketing the vial in his cargo pants. Once he was up at the top he hurried off to the inn they were all staying at to go to bed. Tomorrow he might go see if there was a doctor in town since blackouts weren’t usually a good sign but for now he just wanted to get out of the cold. He gave a silent prayer of thanks when he found the door to the inn was still open and a few stragglers were still sat around finishing their drinks. This particular inn had an open fire place that was just too inviting to the frozen teenager to pass up. Taking a seat in one of the large soft leather chairs in front of the fire Jamie let the heat wash over him and closed his eyes.

It seemed he hadn’t realised just how tired he was because when he opened his eyes again it was because the bar-maid was gently shaking him awake with her hand on his shoulder. When his eyes groggily fluttered open then he found himself looking down into the valley between two of the nicest breasts he’d ever seen. Her shaking him caused the pendulous mounds to jiggle a little and thinking he was in a dream he smiled and enjoyed the view. It wasn’t until she spoke up that he realised he wasn’t dreaming at all and his eyes widened as he sat up ramrod straight in the chair.

‘Hey! Wake up! It was closing time like a half hour ago.’ She had a voice that sounded appealing despite the fact she was chiding him. Low and gentle with a slight natural huskiness to it that made a man pay attention to what she had to say.

‘Oh, erm…I’m sorry. I’m not drunk or anything I just guess I had a long day.’ He spluttered out the reply along with the excuse.

It was becoming clearer and clearer as he looked back up to her that he was speaking to the single most beautiful creature on the planet. She straightened up and put her hands on her hips. Looking around he saw they were alone in the room and that the bar had been locked up for the night. She’d apparently been cleaning up the tables when she’d found him there since there was a cloth in the hand that hadn’t been nudging him awake. Heaven only knew what she was doing out here tending a bar in the middle of nowhere in Yorkshire of all places. Surely all she’d need to do would be take a vacation in London or Los Angeles then modelling agents and movie producers would just start throwing themselves at her feet.

She had long golden blonde hair that flowed just past her shoulders and ended in a few pleasant curls. Her skin seemed to be naturally tanned giving her a slightly exotic look and it seemed to almost radiate a kind of warm glow in the dim lights of the pub. Elfin youthful features made her face a pleasure to look upon, with its straight nose and her full dark red painted lips that gave her mouth a slightly enticing appeal. Sapphire blue eyes were regarding him with a mix of curiosity and disapproval as if she’d heard the story he gave her a hundred times but seemed to believe him regardless. In contrast to a youthful face and flawlessly smooth skin she was clearly a full grown woman in her early thirties given the incredible figure she’d been blessed with. She was stood with her hands on her hips giving him a good view of her incredible hourglass figure. Yet despite wanting to eat her up with his gaze good manners dictated he had to reserve his gawping to a glance.

It didn’t help at all that she was wearing a rather small short sleeved crop top that exposed the delightful contours of her neck and her long slender arms. That they were a delight to look at without even glancing at the magnificent round breasts encased in the silky décoll
etage. The top revealed enough of her slim bare waistline for him to see the glint of a diamond piercing at her naval. The skirt she wore showed enough of her long bare legs to drive a guy crazy without being completely scandalous and the high heeled boots that covered her feet ran up to just beneath her knee.

‘You know if you keep staring like that I’ll have to start charging’ She said.

‘Huh!? Oh Sorry! I’ll pay! Um, shit, what I meant to say was…’ Jamie privately thought that a turnip could have been smoother than he was being right then.

‘Hey calm down kiddo I know what you meant to say. It was something like: ‘Holy hell you are a fine lookin’ woman.’ Right?’ The woman with the naughty lips flashed him a smile that was nothing short of spectacular. ‘I’m Allison. You’re with the diggers up there I guess. Get chased by any giant boulders yet?’ Allison winked at him and he couldn’t help but smile. The boy’s shoulders relaxed a little when she gave the Indiana Jones reference and he let out a breath.

‘No, too busy chasing Nazi’s to worry about giant boulders’ Jamie figured he was moving up from turnip to turtle in the smoothness scale. At least he could form sentences in front of the woman now. For her part she went back to wiping the table in front of the fireplace and replacing the beer mats for the next day. Still she was smiling as she worked and continued talking to him.

‘Oh yeah! Gotta watch out for them Nazi’s don’t you? Better be careful or they’ll steal your woman in a big basket and make for the desert.’ Jamie couldn’t help but glance at Allison’s bottom as she bent over the table. The woman’s rear was so perfectly curved that his penis gave a highly approving twitch beneath his pants. Allison gave a slightly knowing smile just as it did as if she knew the effect she was having on him.

‘It’s nice to meet another Raider’s fan.’ Jamie replied whilst thinking of old showers and large spiders to take his mind off of the sight in front of him. ‘I don’t have a woman to steal though I’m afraid. This digging for old junk business isn’t as glamorous as Harrison Ford would have us believe.’

‘Really? I thought a nice boy like you would have ’em queuing up to get a piece.’ Allison said, stopping her table wiping and started putting the chairs back straight. ‘You look to be well enough equipped for the job.’ Her eyes had lowered to his lap. This caused the normally shy boy to turn an almost disturbingly violent shade of magenta.

Looking down into his lap he saw that his member, despite trying to force its way out of his underwear beneath his pants, wasn’t showing any kind of noticeable bulge above the material. In fact the bulge she was talking about was coming from his pocket.

‘Oh that’s not…’ He caught himself before he blurted something out that would likely have made him go from magenta to beetroot coloured. Jamie reached inside his pocket to pull out the little glass bottle he’d found at the dig site. ‘It’s what I found today up at the dig. It’s weird. I mean from the depth we were digging at it’s not like someone could have dropped it in the past few centuries or so. Still it can’t be Roman. It’s way too well crafted for the artisans of the time. We’re talking Roman Britain here, ancient history.’

‘Well that is the prettiest little thing.’ Allison admired the little bottle and Jamie couldn’t have agreed more right then. Largely because the glass bottle was causing Allison’s eyes to glimmer with the light it was refracting from the fire. The barmaid looked from the bottle to Jamie’s eyes and then smiled at him rather impishly. ‘You know Jamie. I think if you didn’t turn that in. If instead you gave it as a gift to a girl you liked for instance. Then it’d almost make certain you wouldn’t be without a woman again.’

Now it’s important to pause here and to tell you that Jamie was not an idiot. He knew that if he gave Allison the glass then historians would never be able to find out where it came from. It probably represented a whole new way of looking at ancient glass crafting techniques. It was probably the greatest find in Britain since they stumbled across Stone Henge. There was no way any self respecting archaeologist would part with a find so important.

That was when Allison flicked up that skirt of hers to slide one leg over his lap and sit down. He caught a clear view of the tiny black silk thong barely protecting her modesty. The feel of her crotch grinding against his as she made herself comfortable almost made him cream in his pants right there.

Fuck archaeology.

Allison wiggled her hips in Jamie’s lap. The woman felt so good that her touch could probably have kept a starving man from a turkey dinner. Her left arm came to rest around Jamie’s shoulders and her right hand reached down between them and took the little glass vial out of Jamie’s loosening grip. She gave the beautiful little glass a long look before flicking her wrist and sending it hurtling toward the fireplace. It smashed against the hard metal framing into what must have been over a hundred pieces. Jamie had long since stopped caring about it. His arms gingerly moved around her waist to let his hands hold on to her hips.

‘There, that’s better.’ She purred.

‘Allison I’m not…’ Jamie didn’t get to finish his sentence however. This was mostly due to the fact that the gorgeous apparent nympho in his lap had leaned in against him. Her large breasts pressed softly into his chest allowing him to feel her breath tickle his ear.

‘I am.’ She whispered in reply to his unspoken protest. ‘I want to make love to you right here Jamie, right here on this chair.’ The sultry woman leaned back a little and used her arms to squeeze the deep curves of her breasts together. In the process she moved her hips in a way that was outright whorish and licked her lips like she was ready to eat Jamie all up. ‘I can’t though. It’s not the right time and you’ve got a little growing up to do first.’ He wasn’t quite sure what ‘growing up’ meant but he guessed it involved his ever growing erection. Her smile was affectionate and she lifted her hand to caress his cheek. ‘You need a shower.’ She slipped off of Jamie who immediately jumped up which hurt a little given how much his cock was straining against his pants.

‘S-sure I’ll be right back!’ Jamie said before turning to run to the stairs. The little bottle was now long forgotten as he went to shower for the sultry woman before him.

‘I’m in room twelve!’ She shouted after him with an impish little giggle. Jamie was already half way up the stairs. Tonight was the night! He was going to lose his virginity to this sex siren. He was a king. He was superman. He was a fucking god.

He showered in his room quickly and it didn’t take long for him to spray on some deodorant before pulling on some fresh pants. ‘Where I’m going I won’t need pants!’ Jamie thought to himself with a smile. Stumbling toward the hallway, he pulled up his fresh jeans. Shirts and underwear be damned. As he hurried past each room he looked at their door numbers. Rooms eight, nine, ten and eleven all hurtled by in a blur until he was outside room twelve. Taking a moment outside to check his breath and straighten out his wet hair he slipped inside.

Sure enough the door was open and the room was dark save for a dimly lit lamp. He immediately saw the bed and heard the shower going in the bathroom. Apparently Allison had decided to freshen up for him too. Wasting no time Jamie shed his pants and slipped under the covers to wait for her to get out. His penis was hardening just thinking about her showering, all that glistening water pouring over her unbelievable body. Then a thought occurred to him. Or rather a thought hit him hard enough to make him tense up with nerves.

He wasn’t going to last two minutes.

Sex with that woman would likely make the most seasoned veteran of bedroom frolics have to take a cold shower beforehand to last any decent length of time. Now here he was a vir
gin and basically ready to mess up her sheets if she gave him a look that even faintly suggested she wanted to screw him. This was not going to end well. Jamie seemed to have this dawning realization at the most horrid of times. Fortunately for him Allison happened to be a very understanding lover. She also knew enough about virgins to know that it helped to finish up the first time quick with a nice tease and a few strokes. Only then could you get down to the serious business of getting the guy up for his second wind and have a good time yourself.

Unfortunately for Jamie though it wasn’t Allison that emerged from the bathroom but his professor’s teaching assistant. She was called Sonya Vickers and she was a twenty eight year old single mother of two. He’d talked to her in seminars and she’d seemed quite strict although she never crossed the line into bitch territory. She walked into the room drying her hair and turned her back to the bed in order to sit down. Since she’d not seen Jamie he was faced with a choice of making his presence known or trying to hide under the bed. The poor boy was far too mortified to do either right then. It turned out either way that he was too late as Sonya noticed him in the mirror. She looked over to him with a yelp of surprise.

‘Jamie, what the hell are you doing here!?’ She pulled the towel she had wrapped around herself more securely into place. ‘Are you drunk?’

Was he drunk? Well if he was that would have been less embarrassing than crawling into her room expecting sex from another woman he’d never met until tonight. Sure, what the hell!

‘Uh…I had a few tonight.’ He lied. Moving his hand to his forehead he pretended to look drunk. ‘So this isn’t my room?’

‘No you bloody pisshead it isn’t!’ Sonya said and Jamie recoiled at the tone. This night was not nearly going as well as he thought it would. ‘Scram!’ She added and he immediately jumped out of bed. This turned out to be something of a bad move since he was now standing upright to find himself very naked whilst facing his teaching assistant. The woman gasped and looked right at his crotch, raising her hand to her mouth in a very ladylike manner. Then a strange scent swept over the room that was very familiar to Jamie. It was the same scent that had kept him entranced all through the night in his ditch at the dig site.

Sonya couldn’t help but take in a deep breath of that intoxicating aroma. Her eyes closed and she seemed a little dazed for a moment. Then she opened her eyes with a sharp gasp as her legs squeezed together. She wobbled a little before bracing herself by holding onto the bedpost. If he hadn’t been stood there completely naked Jamie might have gone over to help her. She managed to collect herself and stood upright again after a few seconds. Her head was lowered and she seemed to be breathing a little heavier.

‘Are you alright?’ Jamie asked. The boy was wondering what had come over her. Not to mention how it would look if he had to call for help. Him stood naked over his passed out tutor was sure to go down spectacularly with his professor and the rest of his class.

That was when Sonya stood up properly again and looked back over to the naked teen opposite her. Her gaze immediately became fastened to the long thick appendage hanging between her student’s legs. Jamie saw her run the tip of her tongue along her upper lip. He’d always thought of her as quite a plain looking woman and so hadn’t paid much attention to her physically. Seeing her here now he realised that couldn’t have been further from the truth. They stood in silence for a long moment as she stared fixated on his member and he drank in her body. Her dirty blonde shoulder length hair was still dripping and sleek from her shower. Jamie watched as a droplet of water slid down her smooth cheek to run along her delicately sculpted jaw line and drop from her chin. It fell past the distinctly feminine contours of her shoulders to trickle along sun-kissed flesh. Finally it vanished into the valley between her breasts and beneath the towel.

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Timmy had a future in baseball if it was not for his father. During one game he was taken out of the lineup at the last minute by the coach. Timmy's father was so angry he had run up on the field and started a fight. Mr. Smith the coach's assistant ran over tried to help and it became a pushing match where the father hollered quite a few racial slurs.The following week Timmy was benched and the week afterwards the same thing happened. Timmy's mother, Gina knew that they had narrowly avoided...

1 year ago
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Freeing Samir

I’d waited so long because I knew it was the last time. We were in the special place I had created. The sea lapped against the shore and the sun was setting on the horizon. It was casting beautiful warm colours across the sky. His hot, naked and toned body pressed against mine beneath the white cotton sheets. On our four-poster bed, surrounded by sheer drapes, my paradise island was around me, but the location didn’t matter because all I could feel was his huge phallus penetrating into my very...

3 years ago
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Time Off for Good Behavior

Pamela continued the internal argument she had been having since she left her office. This was foolish. She should have brought uniforms. She should have just had him brought in and not come here at all. That was procedure. That was all that was expected of her. But she just didn't want this case to go back to jail. Now every case had a sob story; six years as a parole officer and she was all but immune to them. Most of them were lies anyway and easy enough to check. The only reason she...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Alexis Tae Poolside Worship

The warm weather is nothing compared to the hotness of Alexis Tae in revealing pink lingerie, fishnet stockings, and black high heels. The skinny ebony cutie chills by the pool when Michael Stefano approaches her. The horny stud gives Alexis a wet kiss before shifting his attention to her bubbly butt and sexy feet. Michael kisses Alexis’ wrinkled soles and sucks her long toes before letting the ebony hottie give his cock a footjob. Alexis tears her fishnet stockings before Michael...

2 years ago
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Awesome Pantyhose Story

I love pantyhose. ??I love wearing pantyhose and I love having sex in pantyhose. ?A boyfriend introduced me to joys of pantyhose about two years ago when he presented me with the best pantyhose there are: Wolford. Putting them on and wearing them is orgasmic. No other pantyhose in the world feel like Wolford. I had always worn pantyhose before getting my Wolfords, but it was because I had too. I work in an office where women are required to dress in business attire; and that meant pantyhose...

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Charlotte And Her Parents

Biology was the one subject that Charlotte,a straight A student at the city's most reputed convent loathed. She had a very important exam the next day, and all Charlotte could think of was her long distance boyfriend,Adam. It was already midnight, and she hadn't studied a single thing,so she considered asking her father for some help. Leaving her pen on the table, Charlotte walked to her parents room, paying no heed when her pen rolled off the table and onto the ground with a thud. Stopping...

1 year ago
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Too Many SecretsChapter 2

Matti took off running towards the camp, stopping momentarily on the steps to the front door to grab his satellite phone. It was his link to the drilling crews, and he always kept it with him, or very close by. He delayed only long enough to clip it to his belt and engage the catch that would keep it there. From there he ran inside to grab his well-stocked first aid kit and his Carhartt jacket. It was only early June, and while he had been able to work up a sweat with his ax, he knew that the...

1 year ago
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First Time First Fuck New Porn Star

I am just a normal guy however I have what some would call an abnormal fetish. I am a 23 year old guy and I like to wear and dress up as womanly as possible. I am 5’9, a little chubby but can still pass as a woman, with brown hair, brown eyes and a 5 inch cock. One night I had gone out with one of my friends and had gone drinking to a few bars. As we went from place to place we started to get more and more people with us until we had a fairly large group. At about 2am, the friend I had...

3 years ago
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The Neighbors 18 yr old Nasty Daughters Fantasy Cu

How many of you have had the hots for the next door neighbors teen daughter? Be honest!!! I know I have, yet I thought it went un-noticed. I would do little things to get close to her, like work on her car... yet made sure no one suspected my desires. One of the little naughty things I would do is block off my deck from the neighbors vision, from the ground, so that I could sunbathe in the nude... all the time knowing that from her bedroom window on the second floor, she could see me anytime...

3 years ago
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First Time Threesome With Two Women

Hi to all ISS readers this is varun back to share another experience for mine and thanks for all your response for my last story and for those who don’t know me I am varun 6 feet tall 23 years old guy from Chennai with a 6 inch penis. All readers can contact me through This is my experience of mine having threesome with two ladies. I used to get responses for my stories I upload and some of them are from ladies asking about experience. I used to have sex chat even phone sex with them to...

2 years ago
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Snow White The True Story

the true story. by Miss Irene Clearmont. The wordsmith sits amongst her voluminous black velvet robes and blue silk and pauses before relating her tale. A mask of ivory, edged with ebony sits easily in her hand. It is the mark of her devotion to the muse Melpomene. She is an older woman, still attractive and alluring despite her fifty years. She sighs as she allows her mind to wander over the details of the saga that she is about to divulge. She speaks… ***** Once upon a time...

1 year ago
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Offering my nephew a helping hand cunt ass and mouth

Offering my nephew a helping hand, cunt, ass and mouth: I am a 50 yrs old housewife. I have a23 yrs old nephew who has just graduated and was preparing to start a career. One day he came to visit me. My husband was away so I asked him to spend the night in my place. I have a habit of sleeping while watching TV so he kept watching it while I went into deep sleep. As he told me later, my dress went up so he was able to see my voluptuous thighs. My underpants shifted so he was able to see the slit...

3 years ago
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Becky Loves Cum Pt3

It was the 4th of July weekend. Patty, Becky, and myself drove down to Keene to watch a parade, go to a carnival, and then at night watch the fireworks display. We all had a great time, and I even won a couple of of stuffed a****ls for my two precious ladies. It was after midnight when we got home. Becky was fast asleep in the back seat holding her stuff tiger. Patty could barely keep her eyes open driving from highway to county roads. I tried to fiddle with the radio looking for some classic...

4 years ago
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The Torture of Pauline

What the man looked like is not relevant to the story. Let’s just call him rather nondescript, looking like every other 40-60 year old man. For several weeks he followed her, to see if she ever changed her route from the school to her home. She never wavered, not one iota. Several times he followed her, at a distance of course, and found the perfect place to kidnap her. A copse of trees hiding her from prying eyes for about five minutes. This is where he waited, and soon the little girl came...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotGirl Aaliyah Hadid 22445

What’s hotter than banging your buddy’s sexy wife? Bangin’ her while his dumb ass is still in the house somewhere! That’s just how Aaliyah Hadid and her husband’s friend JMac push the limits to heighten the levels of their ongoing tryst. J is so horny for that pussy he climbs 18 stories up her building to come in the back door, only to find Aaliyah dressed up like a hot cop — leather boots, hat, handcuffs and all! She’s role playing with her husband to celebrate their anniversary, but JMac...

4 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 68

Barry looked as though he was going to do the questioning. He stood in front of us seemingly waiting for Molly to leave. He looked at her and she looked back as if to say, she was going to watch and enjoy it. So much for strong women bonding over a homemade fishing rod, I thought. Barry said, "It would be easier if, the one who sold us out owned up to it." "First of all Barry I was kept in the dark as to where to take the package until I picked up Bruce. You told us where to go, and I...

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the devils cum

The red hue of the man was so vivid, he stood naked with his huge cock plowing into a woman on her hands and knees in front of him, a look of pure rapture on her face. A young girl, laying on her back under the other woman, was sucking his big ball sac hungrily. His body heavily muscled and his skin had a faint smoky quality to it. His eyes, black as night, seemed to be actually looking at her. A long forked tongue slithered from his full sensual mouth. She starts to finger her hole fast,...

2 years ago
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The Naked Curse

For this story, you will create a male main character who gets cursed with perpetual nudity. First, use the second chapter to describe your man; how old he is, what he looks like, his job, etc. Then, title the next chapter with who curses him and start writing! Feel free to use my chapters as an example.

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The Menagerie

Hayley's head was still spinning dangerously as she tentatively opened her eyes. A piercing white seared across her retinas and she snapped them shut again. Too bright. Way too damn bright, she thought. She rolled over on the unfamiliar mattress, praying to God that her stomach wouldn't try to throw itself from her sweaty, hung-over body. She would have tried to recall where she had been or what the hell it was that she had drank, but at that moment her stomach tried to make a break for it and...

3 years ago
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Randal the Magnificent Part 3

As I stood there, I reflexively resisted Randal's grasp. I was shocked at my inability to resist his handling. Shannon's petite body just wasn't strong enough to put off Randal's manhandling. I twisted a bit against the grip he had on me he had on my underarms. "Randal!" I grunted a bit before continuing, "Y-you're hurting me!" Randal laughed as he pushed me away. The sudden momentum unbalanced me as I stumbled back on the high heels. I hit the chair, tumbling over it. When my fall...

2 years ago
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Guilty PleasuresChapter 19

After yesterday’s fun with Reese, his wife and Tabitha spent all afternoon in that room. When night fell, they left him with Kevin and had a ladies night. Tess and her sister were a great deal of fun, and in the seedy part of town where Tabitha knows all the right places, they had an even greater deal of fun. That fun went all through the night and into Tabitha’s hotel room. When she woke the next morning, her bed was empty, a reminder of George’s morning the day after his birthday. But there...

2 years ago
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My Mom Forced to have sex

MERA NAAM RAMAN HAI,, this goes back 2years my father was abroad me and mom were at home I was in college . After sometime passed I was in habit of watching ladies wit big boobs I use to masturbate a lot as my college was college was closed I use to stay in home one day suddenly I was about to go bathroom I saw my mom bathing I was shocked to see mom bathing it was shocking I was able to see her big boobs and ass her nipples were large and were erect my mom was a social lady her figure was 42...

3 years ago
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The Natural The Dream That Changed It All

Her thoughts fluttered away as her eyes closed and her mindrelaxed. Sleep was so good after a stressful day at work. She wished that she could’ve seen Jesse, but he went in for his graveyard shift before she got home from her regular one. He’d be here in the morning when she woke up and it would be all right. A lot had changed in the last few months with the relationship between Jesse and herself but none of the things she had always pictured had actually happened. Because of that she could...

3 years ago
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Halley Officer Peter and the Domestic Disturbance

I answered the door quickly when I heard the doorbell. It was only my second night at my new house in the big city, just outside Raleigh. I loved it here, the warmth, the beach within reasonable driving distance, being out of my parents’ house, having employment that utilized my college degree! And oh, the sweet southern accents that made my knees weak. My knees were not weak because of the accents at the moment though, they were quaking in fear. My not-so-friendly neighbors had gotten into it....

Straight Sex
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Age of the Succubus

The large doors to the throne room swung open with a heavy impact, the sounds and smells of sex flooding through. Lucifer glared from his obsidian throne at the woman who entered uninvited. Lucifer couldn't deny that the woman was gorgeous, and of course she was, she was Lilith L'Amore after all, the most powerful succubus of the known world. She had a perfect hourglass figure that was perfectly accentuated by her black leather lingerie. Her long, straight, white hair reached just above her ass...

3 years ago
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My Sexy Cousin

Hi friends mai Delhi ka rehne wala hu meri age 25 hai aaj mai apke saath apni life ki real story share karne ja rha hu. Mai apko apne baare mai btata hu English mai kahavat hai every lady dreams for a tall dark handsome Man or ye teeno quality mere ander hai mai apko btana chata hu meri ek cousin hai anupriya jo ki badi khubsurat hai or agra mai rehti hai uska rang gora or fig around 32 28 32 hoga she is damn sexy. Ye tha introduction ab akhani shuru karte hai. Baat aaj se 8-10 mahine pehle ki...

2 years ago
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Interracial Confession From A White Boy

For years I have been a huge fan of Black Men fucking pretty white women. It has always turned me on to know that the Black Man can effortlessly get plenty of white pussy while white boys like me have to beg for it and then get turned down. So I decided to do my part to help the cause by becoming completely pussy free. I quit even trying to get any pussy. I always got turned down anyway so doing without it was no big deal to me.Then I started trying to convince the ladies instead to just let me...

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Sarahs step mom shows us the ropes

Growing up I often felt a bit out of sorts, most of the girls in class used to talk about boys but I didn’t seem to really be that interested. I always thought I was a bit socially awkward when people were talking about this kind of thing. I’m a petit Blonde, with a nervous smile and an awkward mousy nature.I remember the first time I ever felt a slight attraction to someone, it was in the locker room during after Gym class. There was a girl in the class getting undressed and ready for the...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 15 Doctor Steven Taylor Wife Kyles surprise and Many Many Births

Introduction: The Continuing story of Ben and his extrodinary family My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 15 Doctor Steven Taylor & Wife, Kyles surprise and Many Many Births. Characters Introduced: Dr. Steven Taylor, 48, OBGYN, white, married to Jessica, 8 cock Jessica Taylor, 28, wife of the doctor, 54, white, Brown hair Green Eyes, 36D breasts Bob, 45, drunken neighbor of Crystals, white, 7 cock Gracie, 32, wife of Bob,54, white, Blond Hair Blue Eyes, 36DD Breasts Kelsi, 18, Gracies daughter,...

2 years ago
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Pakistani Couple In Chicago Part 4 The Final Step In

“Well, we are new and would take our time. So thanks” I replied but in these 5-10 seconds, my dick was massaged and Saima boobs were pressed several times perhaps. Saima was totally surprised but interestingly she did not resist much. We looked at each other, there was some sort of approval for going on with the situation. We did not want to get out of the club, which was encouraging in a way. We walked into a side corridor where there were several cabins. In each cabin, there was a big couch...

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90210 Donna Likes Mr Walsh

Mr. Walsh hated having to pick the girls up from pep squad. Especially on Saturday afternoons when he pre-ferred to be out golfing with his buddies. But he'd promised his wife he would do it, so here he was back after only nine holes. It was even more annoying because Brenda was old enough to drive but due to some recent heavy partying they had taken her license away - Cindy's decision, not his.Waiting in front of the school was Brenda, his daughter, and her friend Donna. Mr. Walsh noted that...

4 years ago
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My Dreams My Reality

Due to the limitations of plain text, I will be adopting a convention where the accent mark, ', will signify character thoughts for the Fictionmania version of this tale. My Dreams, My Reality By Kellie "Cowgyrl" Thomas "You coming with us tonight, Al?" Greg asked I hesitated. "I don't know. I..." "Oh, come on." He pressed. "It's the end of the semester. You need to unwind." He leaned in closer and whispered suggestively. "Besides this place has the hottest chicks...

1 year ago
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Angels Call Ch 0708

Thanks a lot to techsan who edited the story pretty quickly and turned it into a better one. * The next morning he met Mrs. Sanders at the reception area of the hospital, introduced her to staff he knew by then and explained her how Anna didn’t know about his involvement in the preparation of the house and the need to buy her some clothes afterwards so she should try to get Anna’s clothing sizes and that he would be paying Mrs. Sanders. She didn’t need to know more than the hospital provided...

2 years ago
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Gwenna at the Castle Ch 01

This is my first attempt at erotic writing, though not my first time writing. I hope you like it! There will be many types of sex in the chapters, so please do not think that the first chapter is the limit of Gwenna’s sexual exploits! Scottland 1386 Gwenna wasn’t listening to her Da. He was going on and on about the honor the chieftain was paying him by taking her as a housemaid. Gwenna’s new step-ma looked less than thrilled by the honor, and whenever Da took a breath, Ma spoke quickly about...

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Passion Wagon

I was in the US on business and had to get to my next appointment the following day. Unable to catch a flight I had to resort to the trains. I needed the overnight sleeper and managed to book a twin cabin online. I was told, however, that I had to share as this was a last minute booking and the train was full.I had shared before on such trips, but kept my exchanges light with my travelling companion, that was always male.I was late for my train, which didn’t help, and was quite hot and...

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