Distribution Ch. 13 free porn video

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Chapter 13: Separation sucks

The downpour of winter rain monopolized my mind from the time I hit the city limits. Paige talked me through the unfamiliar streets, saying she would remain inside the building until my truck was sighted.

‘I’ll run out and jump in when I see you coming down the street,’ she said, cautioning me to drive carefully.

‘These people are crazy. Is it always like this or is it just the rain?’

Paige laughed. ‘The kids are out of school this week. They’re in town to exchange gifts that are the wrong size or don’t suit them. The rain is a contributing factor, but yes, it’s always like this.’

The windshield wipers struggled to clear my view of the street, and I didn’t see her until she squeezed between two parked cars. I stopped as quickly as possible, causing the guy behind me to squeal his brakes.

Paige dropped the small case she was carrying, and threw her body at me, dripping rain from her hair, eyelashes, and off her nose as our lips collided. She pulled away, gave me an appraising look, and spoke in excited amazement, ‘You came back to me.’

If she heard the barrage of horns and abusive language going on around us, Paige disregarded its existence. She pulled me to her for another steamy kiss before shaking her head and laughing at the way cold droplets hit me in the face.

I felt the truck shake, and looked in the rearview mirror to see the guy in the small car behind us shout something. I couldn’t make out what he was saying, but from the way he was battling the elements to put his point across, he was not exchanging pleasantries.

Paige directed me to the highway, and we drove southward. We didn’t talk because the rain was monopolizing my concentration.

We entered the house, saw the mail on the kitchen table, turned up the heat, and went upstairs to the bedroom on the pretense of drying our hair and getting warm.

We huddled under the covers, and wasted no time in getting into position. I don’t know which one of us was hornier. After a vigorous workout, we rested, laughed, and eventually talked, about our short separation, about our kids, and about our concerns.

‘What are we going to do, Brian?’

I knew what she was getting at. She wanted to know how we were going to cope with an impossible situation. We were from different backgrounds, our homes were hundreds of miles apart, and we had responsibilities that prevented us from even considering a long-term life together. I did have a half-baked idea, but it was too soon to talk about. It probably wouldn’t work anyway.

‘I hate to admit it, but we may be in for a life of misery. Let’s not become depressed about our situation. Let’s live for today,’ I suggested, and watched her turn her head and run her hand across her eyes.

We got dressed and went to a small café to have dinner. I tried to keep the conversation upbeat. ‘We have three more days and nights. Let’s make the best of them,’ I said.

‘Five nights,’ she corrected me. ‘I’ll catch an early bus on Tuesday.’

‘That’s even better,’ I said.

We put gloom behind us and did our best to enjoy the weekend.

We got up on Friday morning to find the refrigerator virtually empty. I opened the mail and updated the estate’s financial picture while Paige went shopping.

I paid bills and wrote checks for a distribution. We mailed my parents’ check, Paige was to deliver her parents’ check, we dropped checks for the Library and Church off at the judge’s office and we took the one for the food pantry to Nadine. She invited us to a New Years Eve party at their home.

We thought we knew everything about each other. We had talked continuously over the last four months. We knew the names of each others friends, their personality quirks, and what made them unique. I knew about Paige’s affair after Patrick’s death and she knew about my day and night with Georgia. I knew her body, intimately, and she had heard the story about how the scar on my thigh was the result of a bicycle accident when I was eight years old.

We talked incessantly, and there was no subject that we didn’t agree upon, we thought. Why did such a trivial matter as choosing a realtor to market the house cause such a major dispute? When I took her to the bus early on Tuesday morning, we were no closer to agreement than we had been on Friday and we were still hung up on the method. We hadn’t interviewed anyone.

We argued about minor details, like the sex of the realtor. I would have been happy with a duplicate of Lois Barns. Paige said that males were more thorough. I cited my experience with rental property. Paige countered with her years of dealing with realtors all over the United States.

What should have been a simple matter of picking a realtor was stalled. I knew that if we put it to a vote of the committee, we would be divided with forty-four votes each way. Could I count on Nadine’s vote? I knew which way Nancy Dickens would lean and she could probably sway Gordon McMahan to vote with her.

The following weekend, I told Paige that I was becoming impatient. ‘I have nothing else to do here. I have responsibilities at home.’

‘You keep telling me how well John Larkin manages your business.’

‘John can’t see my children off to school or tuck them in at night,’ I said, appealing to her motherly instincts. She agreed to interview realtors.

We invited representatives from six companies to tour the house, appraise its value, and to give us an overview of the marketing campaign their office would conduct.

There was a wide variance in the estimates of what the house would bring, but there was one common theme, winter was a slow time for a sale of a home of this type. It would be spring before we could expect to move the property.

It took another week to narrow the choices to two candidates. Paige liked a male, who claimed ties to a nationwide chain of offices, saying that we would have thousands of realtors working for us. I preferred a female with a proven track record in sales of antique homes.

We were at odds. I was stubborn, but Paige knew I was anxious to leave. She had the upper hand. I held out for another week before relenting, accepting her choice of James Harvey. Paige surprised me by saying that she had changed her mind. She would go along with my preference.

We reported that we had signed the agreement for a ninety day exclusive to the other members of the committee, and I made preparations to leave on Monday. Charlie took possession of Mackey’s tools, agreed to keep watch of the house, and I directed the post office to forward the mail to my home. I considered taking Mackey’s computer and the four drawer file cabinet, but decided to leave his office intact.

Paige cried after we made love for what was to be the last time. She admitted that she had held me hostage by disagreeing with me about my choice of the realtor. I told her that I knew what she was up to, but didn’t blame her. ‘I held out because down deep, I didn’t want to leave.’

February 2008

After nearly five months away, it took a couple of weeks for me to get up to speed on the status of the business. The inventory was higher than I would have liked, but cash was flowing, and the dealers were happy. I told John that he’d done a good job while I was absent, and I expected to rely on him to continue in the role of general manager. I’d lost interest in the day-to-day operation of the business.

My involvement in the estate was minimal. I kept in touch with the realtor and Charlie, and kept the judge informed when there was any change in the financial picture.

Paige and I talked frequently, about our families, our work, but mainly, we talked about the weekends we’d had together. Eventually, the frequency of the calls tapered off, until we only talked once each week. Hearing her voice gave me the same thrill, but we were tired of talking about
the same cloud that hovered above. There was seemingly no solution.

March 2008

Reconnecting with my children was going slower than it should have. I decided that they resented my deserting them for five months with only one short trip home.

I told Paige that I was going to make their birthdays a special occasion, but at the end of the day, I had to report that things had not gone as smoothly as planned.

First, they wanted separate parties, which I vetoed, reminding them that it was a tradition to celebrate their births with one party. As a concession, Mary baked two cakes, and we had two sessions of eating cake and ice cream, singing happy birthday, and opening gifts.

‘That sounds like a practical approach,’ Paige said when I called her.

‘I had group activities planned, but Phillip and his friends wanted nothing to do with the games I suggested. They preferred to go outside and kick the soccer ball around. The snow is gone, but my backyard is muddy. I expect to get a phone call from the mother whose kid fell down and got his best pants muddy.’

Paige laughed. ‘Boys will be boys.’

‘That’s not the worst of it. Amanda invited two girls and three boys, but only two of the boys showed up. The girls wanted to dance. The two boys wanted to eat their cake and call their parents to pick them up. I can’t say that I blame them. Have you heard the music kids are dancing to these days?’

This struck Paige as funny. ‘Poor Brian, wait until Amanda becomes a teenager.’

‘I think she’s already there. She asked if I was boinking you.’

‘What?’ Paige asked, not laughing now.

‘The guests were gone, and we were looking at the gifts the kids had received. By the way, the sweaters you sent are very nice. They fit perfectly.’

‘Where did she get the idea that you are…boinking me?’

‘Your daughter. It was Mona’s suggestion that Amanda find out.’

‘I’ll speak to Mona. I wonder where she heard that word.’

‘I asked Amanda that question. She told me that she knows all the words, but she was only repeating what Mona had written.’

‘Oh, my, I hope you denied that you’re…boinking me.’

‘I couldn’t. Amanda knows me too well. I told her to come to me if she wants to discuss the words that she’s heard.’

‘Brian, that’s not the way to handle this. You need to sit her down and tell her about the birds and bees. Do you want me to do it?’

‘When?’ I asked. She was making the ‘talk’ with Amanda sound like it needed urgent attention.

‘I was thinking of coming to see you next month…that is…if you want me? There’s a spring break around the fifteenth.’

‘Of course I want you,’ I answered, excitedly.

April 2008

Paige’s visit became the main topic of conversation at dinner. Amanda was just as enthusiastic as I was. Phillip and his grandmother were indifferent.

Sleeping arrangements became an issue. I could see that Mary resented another woman taking her daughter’s place in the home. It was decided that Mona would bunk with Amanda, Paige would occupy Phillip’s room, and the boys would sleep on air mattresses in my room.

Paige was devastated when I broke the news that we would not share the same bed.

‘Mary bore the brunt of my long absence. She never complained, but I’m sure she knew what was drawing me back after my short visit. I know her. She’ll see us together and she’ll accept the fact that you’re right for me.’

‘I hope you’re right,’ Paige said.

Everyone did their best to make the four-day visit a success. The meals Mary prepared rivaled her finest work, ever. Paige and I found ways to be alone, two afternoons, in two different motel rooms, and the four kids got along famously. As I watched them play together, it was apparent that Amanda was the leader. No matter what game they were playing, she made sure everyone got a fair turn, but when a question arose, she deferred to the youngest member of the group, her brother.

Paige noticed it too. ‘You should be proud of her. She and Phillip are especially close.’

‘Amanda knows she only has two blood relatives. She’s lost her father and mother at a very young age. She has a right to cling to Mary and Phillip for all she’s worth.’

‘She’s especially close to you, too,’ Paige argued.

‘Yes, she is,’ I agreed, ‘but I’m just her dad. We’re not blood relatives.’

When it was time for our company to leave, Mary hugged Paige and her children, saying that they would be welcome any time they wanted to come back.

All in all, it was a very productive four days. It gave Paige and her children the opportunity to see the community where we lived, and to meet some of our friends.

It was some days later when I found out about the talk Paige and my daughter had had. Amanda came to me first, saying that she liked Paige, and later, Paige confirmed that they had talked, but neither would disclose the content of their conversation.

The Peoples’ house had not sold. Mrs. Irene Cousins told us there had been nibbles, and spring would increase traffic. I knew differently, there had been a slowdown in the real estate market. We took a vote and extended her exclusive agreement for three more months.

May 2008

Everything was running smoothly. I was settled in, coasting really. Two telephone calls disrupted my serenity.

‘Brian, have you seen Mark?’

It had been months since I’d heard Marian’s voice.

‘Mark Leach?’ I didn’t make a habit of visiting the hardware store. As long as the rent checks came in, I let the Leach brothers go about their business. ‘No, not lately,’ I told her.

‘He hasn’t called me for three days, and he doesn’t answer his phone.’

‘Have you tried the hardware store?’

‘There’s no answer. It just rings and rings.’

‘What about Max? Have you tried to get in touch with him?’

‘I don’t know him very well. He makes me nervous.’

I muzzled a chuckle, thinking that she may know Max better than she thought. Could it be that she’d been fucking both brothers without detecting the difference in the size of their cocks?

‘I’ll check on them and let you know what I find,’ I said The second call was from Henrietta.

‘I think the Leach brothers have flown the coop. Customers are finding the hardware store locked.’

‘Marian said she couldn’t reach Mark. I’ll check it out.’

I took the keys, hoping the Leach brothers had not changed the locks. No luck. The door on the store would require a locksmith to open. However, Mark had not been so careful. My key opened the outside door to the loft. I went downstairs and asked Henrietta to accompany me as a witness that I did not disturb any personal belongings.

The loft was empty. Mark’s clothing had been removed, along with his furniture. Even the drapes were missing. I looked at Henrietta, showing disgust. She must have known that this was no time for wisecracks. She made a face.

Unfortunately, the door leading from the loft to the store was locked, and I didn’t have a key. I kicked the door, regretting that I’d ever met the Leach brothers.

‘You need to contact an attorney to find out your rights before you break down the door,’ Henrietta advised.

‘I will, but first I’m going to visit the house I rented to Max.’

What if Max, his wife, and Mark were there, suffering from some rare disease?

No such luck. Looking through the front window, I could see that the furniture had been removed. A neighbor told me that she had seen a rental truck being loaded.

‘When was that?’ I asked.

‘Midnight until about two AM. It didn’t take them long,’ she said.

I knew my rights. I contacted a locksmith before I called the lawyer. He advised me to enter the store and the two residences, but to have the police accompany me. ‘File a report. If any fixtures are missing, you can charge them with theft.
Otherwise, all you can sue them for is breaking the leases.’

The inventory had been removed from the store, but no fixtures were missing. I filed a police report, giving names and descriptions of the brothers, Max’s wife, the rental truck and the cars they drove. I didn’t have license numbers for their cars or the truck the neighbor had seen. The police said they could track it down through the rental company.

The Leach brothers had disappeared into the night and I was stuck with an empty store, along with a vacant loft and house.

Marian called, wanting a shoulder to cry on. ‘I was foolish for falling for his lines, but you’d been gone a month and I was lonely. Mark came into the bank every day. He was handsome and friendly. When he asked me to help him decorate his apartment, I couldn’t say no.

‘You were gone, Brian, and you wouldn’t tell me when you would be back. Mark was here, and he was very attentive. Will you ever forgive me?’

‘There’s nothing to forgive, Marian. All that’s important is that you had fun while it lasted.’

She began to cry. ‘I should have suspected something when he didn’t make a single deposit last week. He came to my house on Tuesday night. He seemed bewildered, like he had heavy issues on his mind. I didn’t think it was especially strange. He often forgot what we’d done the night before. That’s the last time I saw him.

‘On Thursday, I found out that one of the store’s checks had been returned for insufficient funds. I called the store, wanting to alert Mark that his account was overdrawn. His brother told me that Mark was unavailable. He promised to have Mark call me, but I didn’t hear from him. More of their checks bounced on Friday. That’s when I decided to call you.’

‘I’ve filed a police report. Hopefully, they’ll be found and returned to stand trial.’

‘I never want to see Mark again. Can you forgive me, Brian?’

I told her that she was forgiven, and a week passed before I heard from her again.

‘Have the police found Mark?’

‘Not yet.’

‘I’m so sorry, Brian. I feel responsible for contributing to your financial setback.’

I assured Marian that I didn’t hold her responsible for the Leach brothers’ sudden departure. What I didn’t tell her was that my business had suffered very little financial loss. John Larkin was going to move into the house, and Henrietta jumped at the chance to occupy the loft. It only took an hour to move her furniture from the apartment. I took the bed and some personal items in my truck, and John took the kitchen table and more personal items. As of the first of June there would be one empty apartment. Otherwise, I’d fared very well.

The empty store became a personal challenge. For the first time in months, I had something to replace the emptiness I felt for the loss of not being with Paige. As I told her, ‘instead of constantly thinking of you, I wrestle with a problem that I am capable of conquering.’

‘I’m happy for you, Brian, but please, don’t give up on us,’ she said, imploring.

‘I’ll never give up on us. You’re the first thing on my mind every morning, and you occupy my thoughts before I go to sleep.’

‘Are you going to find someone else to take over the store?’

‘That would take too long.’

‘What about replacing the inventory and operating it yourself?’

‘We didn’t make it before, and apparently, the Leach brothers couldn’t make a go of it either. The competition does a better job attracting the locals.’

‘Think about it, Brian. What made you successful in your core business? What is your niche?’

I was about to respond that Peg had made us successful when she answered her own questions.

‘You don’t rely on the locals. You advertise in cities with greater populations. You cast a wide net.’

What she was saying made sense. It also proved that she’d been paying attention when I described the business that Peg had set up.

‘I give my dealers the opportunity to make a profit in exchange for accepting risk. They pay me up front. That allows me to work on a small margin. We offer quality products at excellent prices.’

‘Have you considered doing more of the same?’ she asked.

‘Thank you for having a keen mind.’

She laughed, and told me she was looking forward to hearing the details of my plans for the store.

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Hi everyone. Below is a conversation between a work colleague and I. She was doing her best to not get turned on but failed miserably! It might not be the easiest thing to follow but basically it's me (Neil) and Michelle talking. During the chat I tell her what happened between me and another girl (Lilly).I should probably have changed all the names, but fuck it !PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know in the comments if it makes sense and is interesting to read?thanks, Inhales[12:12:25] Michelle...

3 years ago
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Beth Naked in SchoolChapter 9

Friday "No retreat," was the phrase that came to mind as I faced the door, ready to head off to school. I was carrying my book bag, and in it were books, nothing else; no undies, no skirt, no blouse. Nothing. I had nothing on but my loafers, my gold cross and my glasses. It meant I was committed to my plan, though I suppose there are some people who will say I should be just plain committed. Once I walked out the door I had nothing to cover myself with until I got home again that...

2 years ago
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Running Away

I was naïve in believing that divorce would solve all of my problems. My problems had only just begun. Now where did I get this nugget of wisdom? From the same place I get most of my truly wise insights, school. But not just any school. I learned this from what I jokingly call the school of hard knocks. Here I sit in this little airplane seat thinking how truly intelligent and wise I am but what I really am, is fucked! My self-esteem is fucked, my health is fucked, my belief in justice is...

4 years ago
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Seth II CarolineChapter 23 Conclusions

1876 M. Peter Holmes stared down at the man with the big pistol in his hand, feeling his pulse quickly increase, his stomach churn, his eyelids flutter. The flickering gaslight was behind the gunman, and Holmes could not make out his bristly face. He quickly reached for his whip, and the man smashed his forearm with the barrel of his heavy weapon, a Navy Colt from the look of it. "Git down," he demanded. "Be quick about it. Ain' gonna tell you agin." Holmes stepped to the brick street...

1 year ago
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When I had anal sex for the first time with my boyfriend Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

Varun was my boyfriend and we were in a relationship past the three years. Although, lately we were doing a lot of long distance as he had to travel for work. Soon, it was going to be his birthday and I wanted to plan something special for him. Also, I did not want to spend it away from him. That’s when I had anal sex for the first time. Thus, I thought of planning a surprise for him. I casually asked him his schedule and decided to visit him. I planned everything and even packed a lacy...

4 years ago
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My favorite dream

My favourite dream This story inspired by a dream I had recently..... They sat in anticipation as they tried to figure out a way to leave again, without his roommate following them. The man sat in his recliner Xbox controller in hand glancing at her with wanting eyes. The music from his system playing softly. He grabbed his phone. "Fuck it.. lets just go" he texted. She smiled and nodded. They stood up and walked out the room, his roommate looking away in disappointment. Once outside she...

Straight Sex
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The Club Pt1

# The Club Part 1 ## Foreword Fucking piece of shit. It's been years! Years of no sex. Most of the time we ignore the unsolvable problem, but every few months we fight over it. Last night was one such time. And here I am, waking up on the couch after a restless night, again. We've been to church, counseling, and sex therapy. We've read books together and separately. I've seen my doctor about possible testosterone issues. I've taken Viagra. I've quit porn and masturbation for...

4 years ago
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Once Upon an AlienChapter 11 The Seekers Questions

Cody walked out of the cell followed by his mom, who was leading Jamil. "Let's go, Mahdi," Cody said over his shoulder. "We have an appointment upstairs." "I sent my men up already," Gabir said, as he guided the Sergeant around Cody and towards the stairs by the elbow. "Two are watching the back, and two are watching the front. I'll stay with you." Cody nodded, following his chief of security up the stairs. Cynthia turned to the remaining men and asked, "Would you gentlemen go...

2 years ago
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Watching TreyChapter 5

Sunday night dinner at the Morse's was pot roast. When he arrived at Lindsey and Trey's house the delicious aromas had his mouth watering in just seconds. As he closed the door behind him, Trey came flying down the steps and jumped up to wrap her arms around his neck, her legs automatically circling his waist in a tight hug. Clasping his hands together under her butt, Robbie carried her into the kitchen where Lindsey was putting the finishing touches on dinner. "He's here! He's here!"...

2 years ago
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Eleanor Ch 05

‘Shhhhh will you Cal! You want the bastards to hear us?’ Domhnall whispered. ‘You’re sure you saw her come here?’ ‘Yes, I saw here arrive with the gypsy whore’ Cal replied. ‘Remember Cal, Eleanor’s mine, you kill anyone who tries to come after us, stay in the woods.’ Domhnall spoke, the venom barely concealed. Eleanor was going to pay for not being in the village last night, his Da might have been saved if the barbarians had been given the bitch. Well, he was going to have his fun with her...

1 year ago
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Sex Education from a lovely mother 8211 Part 3

“Now I get why you were staring at my navel all the time. Ahh! Ouch!” Nandu was going crazy at his mother’s navel and was slobbering saliva all over it. Several bite marks near her navel became reddish within a few minutes since his skin was as soft and pale as milk. “Slowly, honey. I’m not going anywhere.” “Ma, your navel is so fleshy. I could kiss it all day.” “Yeah. You wish!” she laughed. When Nandu probed his tongue into her navel hole, his mother moaned and curled up her toes. “There is...

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fishing story fictional but hope it comes true p

it was a nice warm day, i had just gotten up and decided to hit the lake for fishing and skinny dipping, as i got out the door, Sean the the delivery boy from the grocery store came up to me, and said what are you doing, going fishing i said, kool can i come, now Sean was really nice for a boy heading into collage, he was about two inches taller, but slim build like me, i said u off today he yeah for the weekend, mom says i can spend the weekend with you if it's okay, sure why not i said and...

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When I was in highschool, my granny use to come over all the time and visit with the family. She was a big time church goer and she didn't drink, smoke or do ANYTHING that I thought was fun.She would attend church several times a week and usually had her bible with her everywhere she went.She was a pillar of the community and everybody in town knew and respected her alot.One day, she asked me to come over to her house and help her clean out the garage and attic and to toss out some old boxes,...

3 years ago
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Voyeuristic sister

She knew for certain there would be a surprised reaction from her little brother, as she gained the courage to push open his bedroom door and reveal her voyeuristic self; but nothing prepared her for the startling yelp that leapt forth from the very core of his being when she did just that. Nor was she even remotely prepared her for the sight that followed. It was as if he had tried to jump up, but became immediately paralyzed by the moment of his orgasm: his young body all-at-once tensing and...

4 years ago
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My sister and my friend

One of my very good friend Nihal, who is working abroad, was in station last month. He used to visit my home often. I never had any doubt about in my mind about him, as he is very nice person. But one thing is sure that he is very handsome man, any female looking at him will surely like to meet him once. One day when my wife had gone to her mothers home with kids my sister had taken off from court for the reason which I dint know. I had forgot some important document while going to my office so...

2 years ago
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A Wilderness OrdealChapter 23

(March 10, 2005, Arctic Fox Lodge) Surprisingly the Iditarod guests were reasonably civil as one might suspect. The one exception was the two men from Tacoma, Washington who brought an electronic tracking scanner supposedly to locate a homing beacon that was attached to his backpack that was abandoned when their cross-country hike was ended by the weather "somewhere northwest of Shaktoolik." Immediately Grif suspected they were plants from the AFF. Donna and Carol, who stayed out of sight,...

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25 May 2008Chapter 2

“For those of you listening to this game on NSN radio, the Spokane Chiefs are the home team, courtesy of their three round-robin wins, will play from right to left,” Jim mentioned. The players on both teams stood or leaned against the edge of the bench, the Referee at centre ice raised his arm and dropped the puck. The fans in the capacity-filled arena cheered as the game began. Mark’s clear, sharp voice described the play by play, “Referee Bob Cormier drops the puck and the game is...

2 years ago
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What He Needed

What He Needed What He Needed    "So you want to see me naked," remarked the statuesque, thirtyish beauty.  Seating herself and crossing her legs, she pondered aloud, "I wonder if you're ready to pay the price."  Her voice was stern and her words held a note of challenge, as if to suggest that I might not be up to what lay ahead.    Kneeling naked before her--blindfolded, collared, cuffed and gagged--I was unable to answer on my own.  If I'd been permitted to speak, I'd have rushed to...

1 year ago
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1979 Beth I Hear You Calling

The Place:Helix High School, San Diego areaThe Cast:Beth Wilson aka Beth, LizbethJim Hanson aka Jay Are (JR), Junior, The Junior (and the storyteller!)Cathy Thomas, friend of BethDoug Russell, aka RowdyMike Julius aka Doctor JAlan Julius aka Little J, Little DipshitSteve Danner aka “D”, Big DByron Roberts aka FleabagAmazing inventions of 1979Sony Walkman — that music device in Guardians of the Galaxy. It played cassette tapes. Was very expensive and nobody could afford one, yet. But, wow,...

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The SparkChapter 36

I wasn't sure what had happened. The last thing I remembered was Peter boosting the shield I had in place with the power he had been collecting and storing all day. I was sure he had said something to me but with what was happening around us, and me, trying to control what I had started, I missed what he had said to me and now his voice was quiet, gone from my head. As to the time, I had no idea as I was still working through everything that had happened. Thinking about the shockwave, I...

1 year ago
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Beatrice meets Joseph Drake

Drakes eyes fixed her on the floor. Unable to move she looked on the floor. His eyes wandered over her body. She was kneeling, naked except her heels and her short skirt, on the hard floor. Her hands and legs spread from her body, her knees on the floor, the legs pointing away from her center. Goose bumps all over her skin made her shiver. Slowly he walked around her, pausing sometimes, admiring her from different angles. He didn't touch her, yet. This just made her more crazy. She wanted...

2 years ago
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The old swimming hole

Betty called me up as she usually does several times a week, but I could tell from her voice this was something a little different. “You know the pond where we’ve gone skinny dipping a few times” she asked. Of course I knew it! It was a silly thing for two 30, almost 40 something moms to do, but it was so much fun…especially when we both had not too perfect, but not too bad bodies. “Yes, of course I do” I replied. Well, I was down there this afternoon, enjoying a little swim, the...

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Uncle Evan comes to visit

Sabrina high school sophomore. 5’2, 105 lbs, red hair, green eyes and a tight little body that made the high school boys drool over. Not to mention a few older men who sometimes gave her the creeps with their staring. Mom Nicki 34 year old wife, mother and ruler of the roost. A tad over 5’, maybe a hundred pounds soaking wet with sparkling red hair which her only daughter inherited and a spectacular hot body, despite her barely noticeable tits. Dad Andy 37 year old husband,...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Audrey Royal The Stretch And Swap Pt2

The new year has come, starting Audrey and Kara on their goal to get in better shape. Everyday they go for a run around the neighborhood and do some yoga after. They are usually on their own for this, but today both their dads had the day of from work and were just chilling at home. The girls noticed their dads peeking at their stretches from the corridor, and they decided to invite them over to maybe assist. These papas switched daughters and began to stretch them out. One of them even popped...

3 years ago
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Im Not A Sex Robot

Sure, she smiled as the class laughed watching her skateboard on a giant screen even though she had never stepped on one before. The regret came weeks later, when a pleasure robot designed with her scan, an exact replica of herself, became the biggest-selling model in the entire world. Her baby face, short stature, slim physique, and D-cup breasts had everyone fall in love with the Rape Me Mindy bot. It was programmed to resist and cry but to be easily overpowered, kind of like her, too....

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The Final

My darling sat by his reading table banging away at his typewriter day and night. He was on a deadline, or at least that’s what he told himself. A Styrofoam filled with coffee sat not too far from his right elbow, a pencil rested at the nook of his left ear, and a cigarette dangled from his lips while his hands remained busy stomping on those keys like an accountant tallying his records. He seemed not to notice my presence even though I was there with him all through, from beginning to the...

1 year ago
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Dans le Murs Part 3

Dans le Murs – Part III Synopsis: Colin has been gripped by the lure of filmmaking with the JOKER organisation, has met and made love to the captivating Anne-Marie. Selection of students at l’ecole has been completed and a start is about to be made with the film. Now read on. Part III - Filming Begins After thanking all those involved we made our goodbyes to Claude-Yves and Anne-Marie and drove, via a nice little cafe, back to the studio. We had arranged that I should become a semi-permanent...

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My YouthChapter 22 Mary Part 3

We’d added a new lady to our little relationship, Krissy, a thirty one year old knockout. She just booted a philandering husband and came to us with nearly zero sexual experience, save laying there while her hubby got his nut. Her initial contact with me was a nightmare, her calling me a ‘kid’ and relegating me to the general male population of self-centered numbnuts and dickwads. Krissy got her first introduction to oral giving and getting, and several vaginal orgasms early the very first...

4 years ago
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Welcumm Home

You just get out off the shower, still hot, wet, and steamy. The soft smell of vanilla body wash lingers as you walk by barely naked. Your towel drops to the floor and you thick legs and ass are exposed. You bend over to pick it up and expose your juicy pussy to me. I am hard. You turn around and start fingering your sweet spot. I get harder. You crawl up the bed, unzip my pants, and start suckling on my balls. You lightly stroke my dick and I moan. Your tongue is hot as it swirls around my...

2 years ago
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Morning Has Broken FChapter 3

Ceremony Jen Saunders looked out over the congregation just before 11:00. The pews looked almost crowded. She should get married more often. Her parents and grandmother had come out from Chicago. So had Rachel and her fiancé, Peter -- a guy Jen had barely met. David’s mother and his sister and her family had come from the east. All the rest were locals, many of them nominal members of the church. It was just that almost nobody was missing. Most of the missing were probably hospitalized....

1 year ago
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Tushy Adria Rae Cassidy Klein I Just Went With It

Adria and Cassidy are really bored. It’s the summertime, and both of their families think that the girls are a bad influence on each other. Until Cassidy has the idea of sneaking into the neighbor’s house and having some fun while he is out. He’s a hot European businessman and is never home. While they are checking out his awesome property, he comes back unexpectedly, finding the girls being intimate in his bedroom. These naughty little troublemakers are going to be punished....

2 years ago
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TRUE LOVE & INFIDELITY   This is a true story.   I have changed the names to protect their privacy.   I am a seventy year old retired Federal Investigator and in earlier years a Naval Officer.   I have been a widower for six years.   My name is Bill.   This is the story of my two closest friends, Jim and Dot Hanson.   Jim is seventy-one and Dot is sixty-nine.   They have been married for forty-nine years.   Jim and I became close friends when we served together in the Navy in the late...

3 years ago
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Shower Fantasy

He sits up in bed and thinks about what she is doing in there. In that small room in their house, where they have had many adventurous times together. He notices that the water is running and has been for some time but hasn’t heard another sound coming from that room. Putting down the book, he swings his legs out from under the blankets and begins his walk to the bathroom. As he approaches the door, he hears a soft moaning coming from within. Immediately a grin comes to his face and he knocks...

3 years ago
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Debbie Gets Her Wish

This story is total fantasy, written by a wannabe she male who has realised he should have taken the step to femininity. Feel free to copy this story and distribute as long as there is no financial gain involved. I am 16 and yet again, in a nice quiet wooded area, I make my way to an old workmans hut hidden by trees. I go inside, shutting the door behind me and take off my boy clothes. The excitement is bad and I have a big erection, but I prepare myself knowing it will go down. I...

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Chantelle Sunday Afternnon

Sunday Afternoon Hearing the first car arrive excited the girls, far more than I would have thought, actually. The three of them were chattering and giggling, thrilled at the prospect of what was going to begin happening in a very short while. I told them to go to the bedroom, and remain there until I called for them. I heard a second, and then a third car arrive before the occupants of the first car had even entered the house. Five of my friends were already here, and apparently the...

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A Natural Slut

Nick, a teenage boy seduces his uncle John. The story charts his evolution from a shy infatuated lover to an accomplished slave-concubine. Nick becomes Nikki and relishes his role as a sex-slave. Uncle John is a stern master who uses Nikki in every possible way.A Natural Slut By Nikki Part 1 Nick was getting out of the cab in front of his grandparents' home for the first time. He had never met them. He was alone at 18, his Mom having been killed in a car accident. The youngster was nervous....

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