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(Author’s note: This story is dedicated to singer/songwriter Dan Fogelberg, who passed away on December 16th, 2007, due to prostate cancer. He was 56. The song ‘Same Old Lang Syne’ has always been a favorite of mine, and it is upon this song that the following story is based. I hope you enjoy.)


For the first time in my life, I was not looking forward to Christmas. Jaclyn and I had separated five months before, following almost a decade of marriage. We didn’t split because of infidelity, I had never cheated on my wife, and to my knowledge, neither had she ever been unfaithful. We had just lost the magic, and we knew it.


The clerk’s voice startled me slightly as she spoke from the other side of the deli counter. She was indicating the pile of thinly-sliced turkey upon the deck of her slicer, a questioning look on her face.

‘That’s fine,’ I said, then forced a smile. ‘Just that, and the Muenster.’

I tossed the two plastic bags into the basket I held, which already contained a jar of sliced pickles, two beefsteak tomatoes, a jar of spicy mustard, and a loaf of potato bread. The following day, I knew, I would be gastronomically spoiled by Mom’s traditional Yuletide feast. For the evening, however, I simply wanted a good, old-fashioned ‘sammich.’

And a beer. Or three. Those I already had, chilling in the fridge in my apartment.

The massive grocery store was bustling with last-minute shoppers getting those ‘damn, I can’t believe I forgot’ items, as well as depressingly familiar sad-sacks such as I, who had no sexy Christmas elf to go home to. Not that Jaclyn would have ever dressed up as an elf. Our sex life had been pretty vanilla, to be honest. Pattern of my life.

I wandered around the aisles, looking at displays of various ‘special items’ on sale. I chuckled ruefully as I passed a bulk stack of three-foot-tall artificial Christmas trees, complete with lights and tinsel. I had not graced my simple one-bedroom apartment with holiday decorations, that seemed a pathetic gesture to me. But for a moment, I considered the tree-in-a-box. I had never had a Christmas without flashing green and red lights in the living room. It seemed a shame to abandon such a tradition, even though I now lived alone.

As I contemplated the stack of trees, another man, about my age, perhaps a few years older, approached and hesitantly took up one of the boxes, placing it in the cart he pushed. Eerily, I noticed that the other contents of his cart almost perfectly matched mine, except he had a twelve-pack of light beer as well.

‘Never thought I’d ever get one of these stupid things,’ he said sourly, not looking to me as he spoke. ‘But, hey . . . it’s Christmas, right? Even if the bitch left me.’

The squeaking of the wheels on his shopping cart seemed to be the only sound in the world for a few seconds. I watched the guy trundle away, thinking how . . . sad he was. Dejected. Morose.

And then I realized I wasn’t much different. I looked back to the stack of tiny artificial trees, tasting something sour that rose up from my throat. No . . . that’s not me.

I made my way back through the aisles, wanting to get home and make a world-class sandwich, pop a beer, and pretend to enjoy sitting on the couch in my underwear with crumbs on my chest while watching some lame show on TV that my wife hated. And then, suddenly, in the Sauces and Pasta aisle, there she was.

I passed right by her, barely noticing the soft, sunshine-colored hair above a slender frame wrapped in a beige jacket. I caught a whiff of perfume, something faint but sweet and flowery. It enticed me, making me glance back over my shoulder.

I only saw her face in profile, framed by soft, curling wisps of light golden hair. However, there could be no mistaking that round little nose, the way she nibbled her lower lip as she considered the merchandise before her. I found myself staring, stopping in my tracks. I blinked a few times, wondering if it really was her.


She looked up, turning her face toward me, that cute little furrow forming between her ethereal brows. Her eyes were just as blue as I remembered, and they stared at me for a long moment before suddenly flashing open wide, accompanying a broad smile which revealed fine, alabaster teeth. ‘Dan? Holy shit!’

I smiled back, unable to keep myself from looking her over. It had been over a dozen years, yet Angie looked almost exactly as I remembered her. She had gained a little weight, but not much, her face looked a bit fuller, her hips a tad roomier. She still looked great in jeans. ‘Wow,’ was all I could say.

For a moment, we just stared at one another, neither of us able to speak. In the space of an instant, my mind flashed back to our senior year in high school. Holding hands in the halls as we went to class. Laughing and joking as Angie sat on my lap in the cafeteria. Sharing our first kiss at the Homecoming Dance . . . .

‘So . . . how’ve you been?’ she asked, still beaming. ‘Wow! Look at you! Been keeping in shape, huh?’

I blushed, shaking my head at this strange coincidence. The last time I had seen my high school sweetheart had been at graduation. Now, here we were, face to face in a grocery store, twelve years later. Just like that.

‘Um . . . good,’ I said at last. ‘Ups and downs. You know how it is.’

She nodded, eyes glittering. Jesus, even in the stark, fluorescent light of a supermarket aisle, Angie still had that ability to look radiant. I had a hard time seeing the thirty-year-old woman before me as anything other than a cherubic, skinny young cheerleader who loved chili-cheese fries and Aerosmith.

‘Yeah,’ she said, her initial exuberance fading, replaced by . . . something. Nostalgia, I assumed, since I was feeling the same thing. Her eyes darted down to my left hand briefly. ‘So, um . . . you got married.’

I smiled, somewhat painfully. ‘Uh, yeah. Nine years.’ I noticed a good-sized rock on Angie’s finger. ‘You, too.’

Her cheeks colored. She shrugged. ‘It’s nice, isn’t it? Having someone to come home to.’

I pursed my lips a moment. It was . . . ‘Sure is.’

We just stared at each other, sharing another of those awkward moments before we both laughed self-consciously. ‘Hey, uh . . . so how was Baylor?’

Angie rolled her eyes. ‘Not worth the tuition,’ she said with a dry laugh. ‘Really, it was all right. That’s where I met Sam, so I guess it was worth it.’

‘Sam . . . your husband?’

Angie nodded. She blushed again. ‘He, uh . . . he was one of my professors.’

I chuckled, clucked my tongue. ‘Bad girl,’ I said playfully.

‘No, it wasn’t like that,’ she said, then looked away slyly. ‘Okay, I had a crush on him when I took his Psych class, but we didn’t start seeing each other until after I graduated.’ She rolled her shoulders in, giving me a coy look that simultaneously seemed a little sultry. ‘I was a good girl in college.’

I laughed softly. ‘You look good, Angie. Really. Your husband’s a lucky man.’

Angie’s eyes dipped slightly. ‘Yeah, um . . . .’ she laughed self-consciously.

I had a rare moment’s understanding. The memories were infecting both of us, and while the nostalgia was pleasant, there remained that feeling of . . . what if. We both felt it, and it was dangerous. Not so much for me, but apparently a serious threat for her.

I took a step back. ‘Good seeing you, Angie,’ I said.

Her last look upon me was wistful, perhaps even regretful. ‘Yeah. You, too.’


The bag felt heavier in my hand than it should have been as I trudged out to my car. The parking lot of the supermarket was a sea of grey slush. Fresh white snowflakes fluttered down like intermittent butterflies from the cloudy sky overhead, sticking to my face and making my hair damp. What would have otherwise been a pleasant ‘winter wonderland’ scene was instead annoying to me.
Well, ain’t that a kick in the head, I thought, fishing out my keys as I neared my car. I get kicked to the curb by my wife, lose my business, and now I meet my first love in a grocery store, who’s happily married. Thanks, God. Thanks a whole fucking bunch.

‘Dan! Dan! Hey!’

I looked around over the roof of my car, finally seeing Angie bouncing up and down beside a silver mini-van, the sliding door open. I suddenly wondered if she had kids.

Angie jogged around the cars between us, her light-toned hair becoming dark as snowflakes fell into it. She stopped a few paces from me, eyes wide and bright. ‘This is stupid,’ she said.

I frowned. ‘What is?’

‘This! Us!’ she cried, thrusting her hands out before her. ‘Jesus, Dan, we haven’t seen each other since high school graduation, and all we can do is say, ‘have a good life?”

I let out a short, harsh laugh. ‘Well, to be honest, it hasn’t been all that great,’ I said, leaning on the slippery, slush-covered roof of my car.

Angie smiled sympathetically. ‘You wanna get a drink?’

I laughed for a long moment, then nodded. ‘Sure.’


Christmas Eve. Wouldn’t you know it? Most of the bars were actually closed, at least in the particular area of town we were in. I left my car at the supermarket parking lot and rode shotgun in Angie’s comfortable mini-van. I noticed a few scattered toys, of the variety that belonged to toddlers and infants, laying on the floorboard and in the back seat. There was a child’s car seat in the middle row behind me.

‘How many kids?’ I asked, after Angie had parked the van at the end of a business park. We had managed to find a liquor store that was open, and I had picked up a six-pack of Hefe-Weisen.

‘Two,’ Angie said, sipping her beer. She glanced to me with a sheepish smile. ‘Curt’s four, and Tracy just turned one a month ago.’

‘Congratulations,’ I said, holding out my bottle.

Angie tapped hers against mine, and we drank again. ‘You?’ she asked. ‘Got any kids?’

I shook my head. ‘We found out a few years ago that Jaclyn can’t have kids,’ I said. I let out a short laugh. ‘And trust me, we were trying.’

Angie smiled broadly at first, but it faded. ‘I’m sorry.’

I shrugged, watching snow flakes falling on the hood of the mini-van. ‘I’m still young,’ I said.

‘You’re not with her anymore, are you?’

I sighed at Angie’s question, looking down at the bottle in my hands. ‘We’re . . . separated,’ I said.

She settled her hand on my arm. Her skin was cold at first, but the contact sent a warm rush through me, reminding me of heady, passionate nights in which Angie and I – repeatedly – nearly consummated our relationship. ‘I’m, sorry, Dan.’

I took a breath, smiled upon my first love. ‘Not every relationship can be perfect, right?’

Angie’s eyes softened, glistening wetly as vicarious tears formed upon them. Or maybe they weren’t vicarious. ‘Not too many are,’ she said.


‘. . . he’s a kid!’ exclaimed Angie an hour later, as we were finishing our second beers. ‘Sixteen years old, and he’s actually hitting on me!’

I laughed, took another swig from my beer. ‘Hey, can’t blame a kid for trying,’ I said. ‘At least he had good taste.’

Angie shot me a look. ‘Think I wanna end up on the Today Show, another teacher who boffed one of her students?’

I shook my head, still grinning with mirth. ‘And you always said you were going to be a psychologist.’

Angie huffed, tilting back her beer. ‘Sometimes, I am,’ she said. A forlorn look crossed her face. ‘Jeez, Dan, these kids . . . I mean, even at my school . . . these kids come from good homes, rich homes, most of them . . . but they’re still fucked up. I feel like I’m their mother half the time. Or, not even their mother. More like a sex counselor.’

‘What do you mean?’

Angie fell back in her seat, cradling the beer bottle against her chest. She had opened her jacket, since the heat was running in the van, revealing a baby blue blouse underneath. I noticed that her breasts had gained a cup size. They were no longer the perky little buds on her chest that I remembered.

‘Last year, one of my freshman girls came up to me after class. Asked me what a blow job was. Turns out her boyfriend pretty much gave her an ultimatum. Full-on sex or a blow job.’

I shook my head. ‘Damn. What’d you tell her?’

‘What could I?’ Angie practically shouted. ‘I can’t tell one of my students what a blow job is! I could get fired, lose my certification!’

‘So . . . .’ I prodded.

Angie shrugged, breathing in deeply through her nostrils. ‘I told her to talk to her mother,’ she said. ‘And, I told her that any boy who gives an ultimatum like that isn’t worth her time.’

‘So what happened?’ I asked, finishing my beer. Automatically, I took the last two from the case and popped the tops.

Angie shook her head. ‘I get a call, three days later, from the girl’s mother, telling me I have no right suggesting oral sex as a means for a girl to keep her virginity. She wouldn’t listen to a thing I had to say, and obviously didn’t listen to her daughter. She just wanted to blame me for being the person her daughter came to when she needed answers. Stupid bitch.’

I couldn’t help but chuckle. ‘Well, obviously, you didn’t lose your job over it.’

‘Almost,’ Angie said. ‘Had to go through ‘arbitration and interview.’ I was cleared, but Mrs. Albright still demanded a transfer for her daughter to a different school. The girl was crying that last day in class, telling me I was her favorite teacher. That just about broke my heart, Dan.’

I was silent for a moment, contemplating my beer. ‘I’m not a teacher, but I know it’s not an easy job.’

It was a long time before Angie said anything. We sipped our beers quietly, staring out at the world as the snowfall became thicker, practically obscuring the world around us. ‘Dan?’

I watched Angie as she finished her beer and accepted the fresh one from me. She curled her legs up on the seat, turning to face me. Her eyes were glowing like bright blue flames. I felt something thick in my throat as I tried to swallow. ‘Yeah?’

‘I still think about Prom Night, sometimes,’ she said.

I smiled, staring back. ‘I do, too.’

She studied me for what seemed like an eon, her eyes darting around my face. ‘We could have,’ she said at last.

I nodded, feeling a pang of regret. ‘Yeah, we could have.’

Angie took a deep breath, let it out slowly. ‘You know, it’s funny,’ she said. ‘I think about that night, making out in your crappy little Honda—’

I laughed, a nervous reaction, but said nothing as she continued.

‘—I mean, you knew I wanted to, right?’

Now it was my turn to take a breath. The circumstances of that night, of my decision, ranked amongst my Top Ten of failed opportunities. I nodded, slowly, hesitantly. ‘I knew.’

‘But . . . you didn’t want to?’

I rolled my head toward her, meeting her bright, beautiful blue eyes. ‘That’s just it,’ I said. ‘I wanted to. But not in my car. Not like every other girl in the world.’

Angie stared at me, her eyes a little red, her cheeks soft and full and flushed. Jesus, was she sexy at that moment. Sexy and beautiful, the girl of my dreams having grown into the woman of my dreams.

‘I never felt like just any girl in the world with you, Dan,’ she said softly, her voice barely more than a whisper. ‘I wish you had known that, then. It didn’t matter where . . . I wanted my first time to be with you.’

Her words stung. In high school, I’d heard all the time about having sex in a car. That was how it was done. But it was so typical, I figured. And Angie was too special. So, that night after Prom, I had stopped things when they became too hot. And Angie had figured I spurned her. She broke up with me a week later.

‘I wanted you,’ I said truthfully. ‘I just fig
ured you deserved more than . . . doing it in a car. Maybe, if I’d thought ahead—’


I gritted my teeth, staring down at my bottle. ‘What.’

I heard her move, felt her fingertips brush my chin. I flinched slightly, but quickly gave in to her touch, closing my eyes as Angie caressed my face. She leaned close – her perfume washed over me, and I could feel the heat of her body – and brushed my ear with her lips.

‘Let’s pretend it’s Prom Night,’ she whispered.

My heart began racing. Automatically, I slipped my hand to her hip, feeling the gentle firmness beneath. Our faces were inches apart. I could smell the sweetness of the beer on her lips. We were too close to actually look into one another’s eyes, and that closeness brought back all those memories of fumbling nights and heavy petting. I was getting hard already, in anticipation of finally consummating, after more than a dozen years, my love for my first girlfriend.

But . . . .

I took her hand. ‘You’re married.’

‘Not tonight, I’m not,’ she whispered. I didn’t stop her, nor did I retreat as she pressed her lips lightly to mine with a soft, yearning moan.

That singular kiss made up my mind, and I pulled Angie to me, across the gap between our seats. Angie moaned as she settled herself upon me, fumbling with her jacket. I slipped the garment off her shoulders, never breaking our kiss as it escalated in passion. Angie was hungrily sucking on my lips and tongue, making it clear she wanted me.

Angie pulled back, just a little, so she could see my face and catch her breath. Her eyes flickered, and she looked dazed. I could imagine she felt a hint of doubt at that moment, but it vanished as she smiled devilishly. ‘Let’s get in the back,’ she suggested.

I trembled a little, following the woman who, as a teenager, I had once called ‘Imp’ because she was so mischievous. Just as Angie had gone from teenager to adult, I wondered if the ‘imp’ had become a succubus.

I didn’t care. I had been a fool to turn her down once, I was not going to be a fool again. Angie crawled between the captain’s chairs to the middle bench seat, necessarily stopped over so that her firm and well-formed ass was placed on display for my appraisal. Angie had always possessed an incredible ass, but never had I been in a position to see it from quite that angle, not so close, at any rate. Arousal spiked as I realized I would finally have the chance to see it uncovered.

She fumbled with the baby carrier for a moment, unhooking the seatbelt that kept it secure. Her fingers were slightly shaking, telling me she was as nervous as I. Angie did not look at me as she pushed the baby carrier up and over the back of the seat, out of sight. For a moment, she just sat there as I crouched on the floor of the mini-van.

‘Angie—’ I began.

‘Don’t talk me out of it,’ she said simply, looking into my eyes at last. ‘Jesus, Dan . . . you know what?’


‘I thought about you, when we drove in the other day. Soon as we passed the theater we always went to, I thought about you.’ She smiled slightly, the blush returning.

I smiled, as well. ‘Toy Story,’ I said, remembering. ‘I still can’t believe we did that.’

Angie’s eyes glowed again. ‘Sam wanted to get that movie for the kids,’ she said. ‘I told him no, that I hated the movie. I mean, I couldn’t exactly tell him that, every time I see it, I remember jacking off my first boyfriend in the theater.’

Her words, and the memory, only made my cock harden even more. ‘Sometimes, that seems like last week, when I think about it,’ I said.

Angie smoothed her hands upon her jeans, licked her lips seductively. ‘As far as I’m concerned, right now,’ she said. ‘It was last week. And I want to do a lot more than give you a hand job.’

She slid to her knees on the floor, lifting her hands to unbutton her blouse. I watched her trembling fingers, her moist, parted lips, her intense eyes. She opened the blouse, slipped baby blue fabric from her shoulders. Her bra was white lace, through which, thanks to the glow of a street lamp outside, I could just make out the dark rose of her nipples.

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Shauna Robinsons Interview Part 1

‘Mr. Klein, Mr. Keller and Mr. Kaplansky will be free in 10 minutes,’ said the pretty blonde secretary. ‘They’ve asked me to give you a glass of champagne while you wait. They even said I can have a glass too! You must be so excited. I can’t remember the last time the Mr. K’s took on a new partner…’ The little blonde sat next to Shauna and clinked glasses. ‘Wes so deserves this, he’s worked so hard and all of us girls here just love him. I guess you’re really proud of him, right?’ Shauna...

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Panties Tailor

I had this fantasy since I was young. It included me and an older very sexy lady that works as a tailor the weird thing is that she works as an underwear tailor and especially panties. I used to fantasize about would she take my measurements and that she would make them very small just to play around them and try to fix them on me while I get the most wonderful sensations. At that time (I was probably six or seven years old) my sensations were purely genital and non sexual and I didn't know...

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My First Time Dogging

I decided I was going to do it …. After few weeks of feeling turned on at the thought of going dogging I finally plucked up the courage to do it.I had a bath and everything a girl does before she Is going for a night out. I got into a tight mini skirt, stockings, gather belt, knee high boots and a low cut vest top fortunately for me it was a lovely summer’s evening. I applied red lipstick, sexy makeup, got into my car and started heading to a dogging spot in the area that I heard about in the...

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Kate schlft mit Tysons Vater

"Auf Wiedersehen! Fangt viele Fische“, sagte Kate winkend, als ihr Mann mit ihrem Sohn zu ihrem Angelausflug am Wochenende fuhr. Sie wartete ungeduldig darauf, dass sie außer Sichtweite waren, bevor sie herumwirbelte und in ihr Haus raste. Der Gürtel ihrer kurzen Robe löste sich bereits, als sie ins Haus rannte, aber Kate war das egal. Sie hatte eine Sache im Kopf und das war, der Schwanz des besten Freundes ihres Sohnes. Tysons schwarzer Teenager-Schwanz hatte sie zu sexuellen Höhen geführt,...

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Nowhere Man Book OneChapter 29

“But I don’t know any details about this mysterious army!” “Don’t worry. The story will get embellished as it get passed on. The details will be added by the tellers of the story, I assure you.” “When do you want to know the directions and distances?” “As soon as you are satisfied that they make sense to you. Report back here again, and we can take it from here. Have you enough supplies to keep you going, or do you need more?” “The fisher village seem to have a high regard for you, High...

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Want to see tiny porn at Exxxtra Small? The term “spinner” has become increasingly popular in the last few years. For those of you whom are unfamiliar, a spinner is a term of endearment used to describe extremely petite girls—tiny girls who you would love to fuck. Why are they called spinners, you ask? Well, that’s easy. Because of the fact that these girls are so small that one could, conceivably, sit them on his hard dick and spin her ‘round and ‘round like a top. Although really small girls...

Premium Teen Porn Sites
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OpportunitiesChapter 10

“Hey stud,” Susie called out to me as I was leaving the girls’ dorm lobby. “What’s happening, Susie?” I answered. “Not my business, but one of your addle brained cheerleaders is flying the coup,” she said sarcastically. “Yeah, I heard about it tonight,” I said still confused by what had transpired with Misty. “No big deal, I’ll live.” “Well I have some good news for you,” she said smiling. “The good-looking babe next door, you know the little rich girl cheerleader, Delta? She was all over...

1 year ago
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A Taste of Whats Coming

I have a grass cutting and yard business during the summer and currently have five customers so I make a fair amount of spending money. I do the yard for my new neighbors who moved in last January, they are a young couple, Corey and Rachel, he's about twenty-seven or eight and she's twenty-four. They are a very attractive couple and this fourteen-year old guy has taken lots of looks at her in her tiny little thong bikini when they're out by the pool. I've gotten to be friends with them...

2 years ago
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Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Linda Coville went to her closet. The 18-year-old girl wanted to make sure her turquoise ribbon party dress was ready for her big date on Saturday night. Even with the big night out being two days away Linda wanted to make sure her outfit was ready to be worn. What good was it to have a dress that was elegant, modest, and fun if it was dirty when wanted. The dress had the look she was going for that night. That was the perfect look for where her man, Sam Gracia was taking her, the end of...

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The ordeal of Katheryn Wynnick

The sun started to break between the thin opening in the curtains of the hotel room. The bright rays shone right on the beautiful face of Katheryn Winnick, tangled in wavy blond hair. The brightness and warmth of the sun rays slowly woke her from her sleep as she stretched out and brushed her hair out of her face. She rolled on her back facing the ceiling of her modest hotel room and tried to remember what she had to do that day. “Ah yeah. Gotta catch my plane this afternoon.” she said with a...

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Sex with collage wali 2

Hi desi hot sex dosto ek bar fir mai apni sachi story leke hazir hu.. Aap sab me se bhut logo ne meri pehli do stories padi aur like b ki. Ab mai apni 3rd story leke azir hu. Jese ki mene apni 2nd story mai batya ki kese mene apni class mate ke sath sex kiya jis ko mai like nhi karta tha . Iss story mai b same ladki ke sath kiya but this time in chandigarh . So story kuch ese hai ki near about 3-4 saal phale jab mai apni studies delhi se finish karke chd mai job karne laga aur mai akle hi 1bhk...

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Uni with Sandra part 5

My name is Danni, I'm 27. This is the fifth story based on my diaries and memories from my first year at university. My first story was about how Sandra introduced me to girl on girl sex. My second was about how Sandra introduced me to threesome sex with her and her boyfriend, Pete. My third and fourth told of further lesbian and threesome stories.I had a very good and varied sex life, I loved having sex, whether it was with my boyfriend Martin or with Sandra or a threesome with Sandra and...

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My Girlfriend and I Have Sex in Front of Her Sister2

My name is Alex. It was a Friday night, and I was sitting in the basement of my girlfriend’s parents’ house. My girlfriend, whose name is Brittany, sat next to me on a couch to my left while her slightly-younger sister Melanie sat across from us on a different couch. "Can you go get me a water bottle from the fridge?" Melanie asked. "Me too, please," Brittany said. "What do I get in return?" I joked sarcastically. As I was standing up, Melanie said, "I'll flash you my tits!"...

3 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 7 Chapter 8 Passions Illusion

Book Seven: Illusory Passion Chapter Eight: Passion's Illusion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Knight-Errant Angela – The Lamp My tongue passed the honey-covered date back and forth to Saniyya, the dusky-skinned and citrine-eyed jinn. The flavor of the date sent a heady rush through me, fogging my brain, making me relax as she lifted my arms to her bed's posts where golden manacles lay. I was in her lamp. I entered it The date tasted so sweet. Her lush body writhed...

2 years ago
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Adventurous Couple And A Horny Man 8211 Part 2

Thanks for the overwhelming response to the first part of the story, which was published a few months ago. After having the ‘sumptuous’ lunch at my place, Supriya (28 years, 5 feet 7 inches, 34C-28-36) invited me for an early lunch with her husband (30 years, 5 feet 8 inches). I was super excited to have my first threesome with two men. I have had threesomes with two hotties but never with two men. She added that her husband would be a passive partner. He is not allowed to penetrate her during...

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Agent Baker A Homecoming Of Sorts Chapters 14

Chapter OneThe ruggedly handsome and physically fit six-foot-four man was celebrating a little too much at the bar. Really, he had been drinking since three that afternoon. Between the misery and the birthday, he had enough reasons that night. He met a little red-haired gal with a nice pair of tits and a curvy ass. They had been dancing and rubbing on each other for about an hour, her nipples pushing through her tee shirt and his hard dick pressing against his jeans.He whispered, “Let’s get out...

1 year ago
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All the Way to Heaven

At the precise moment of our birth, each and every person who has been blessed enough to take just one, single breath of life is given a special gift from the Most High God. It’s a gift so special, so sacred, that it can only be given once. It belongs entirely and completely to that individual and the exact moment that gift is given and all the details surrounding that event will be FOREVER remembered by them. Sharing one’s virginity, an act symbolic of entry into adulthood, the awakening of...

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No name cleaner

Currently I am a temporary IT worker, I tend to work long hours meaning I can be the last to leave at night. The office where I work is cleaner by contract workers mostly the same people. I have noticed an Indian lady probably about 35 years old medium height long black hair tied back. She is slightly tubby with an amazing pair of large tits. I always try and speak to her and try to make her laugh as she has a beautiful smile with lovely white teeth. I have invited her out for a drink several...

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55 MPH Hand Job

My cottage is on small lake about two miles long. It is perfect for small boats and PWCs which are always buzzing up and down the lake. My red seadoo is lots of fun and can hit 55 mph under the right conditions. On a hot day, it is great feeling the cool spray as the boat bounces off the waves. A friend down the lake has a daughter, Jackie, that at 27, is half my age. I had watched her grow up into a beautiful young woman and despite the age difference we had teased each other for many...

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Saturday delight

I was trying to set up a gangbang for myself with a friend of mine but for some reason he could not find anyone.So I did the next best thing.I made 3 dates in one day.I started my Saturday at 10 am at Tom's house.We stripped got in bed making out for awhile.I slid down and started to suck his 9" cock.He wanted to kneel and fuck my mouth.He actually got on me with his legs on each side me flat on the bed.He pulled my head up and shoved his cock in my mouth.As I was sucking him he reached back...

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Playtime Stories 22ndash Mistress Grsquos Slave

Playtime Stories 22– Mistress G’s Slave I crashed at the motel and was surprisingly well-rested when I went to work. Once at work I began counting down the minutes till I would submit to Mistress Genella. I’d decided to tell my boss I’d away from the office following up on business. I left at lunch.At half-past one in the afternoon I arrived at the doorbell I was told to ring twice. I was greeted by the driver from the other night and guided upstairs to a changing room. I remitted the...

2 years ago
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MotherInLaw Sex Pt 3 Neighbour Lady Love

After that first week making love with my wife’s wonderful grandmother, followed 6 months later by that very pleasant sex with my mother-in-law, I no longer bothered my wife; she seemed to have lost all desire for any sex – in fact, I wondered if she had a boyfriend somewhere, or a girlfriend, as I knew she had previously had a lesbian relationship for several years before me. She seemed contented enough, so I was fine with whatever. Mae, my mother-in-law, now lived around the corner, in a...

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Relaxing Ride Chapter 2

      Relaxing Ride Ch. 2      by       Comments are welcomed.       Please do not copy or distribute this story.       This is chapter 2 of a story involving sex between a middle aged and a 21 year       old woman. This is a subject near and dear to me. If anyone has any       lesbian stories involving age differences, I would appreciate reading       them.       *            By now I was hornier than hell and secretly lusted for her body but wondered       if she felt the same. My pussy...

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Braking all the rules 2

He was creepily touching her torso still, breathing heavily."Because that's how you tell them to mate with you. You show them your genetic superiority over other women, and persuade them to give you a c***d. I didn't figure that we are all just a****ls until after I had married your mother. I figured out that I'd resigned myself to a small-breasted, average woman. I lost at the only contest that mattered.""But I had faith. I had so much faith in you k**s. That they'd be great people, and all my...

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Upar Wali Aunty

Hello all bhabhies, girls aur hot aunties. I am Avi, 23 years old from Mumbai. Mei apni life ki sabse second sex dastan likhne ja raha hu jismai maine apni (upar rahene wali aunty ko choda.) Maine bahut se sex kahaniya padhi hai. Aur blue film bhi dekhi hai.Toh dekhne ka experience toh mera bahut hai par kabhi kuch kiya nahi. Ha lekin kabhi mauka mile toh mei chodunga bhi nahi.  Chahe wo koi aunty ho ya koi ladki. Aaj mei jo kahani share karne ja raha hu, yeh ek real story hai. Jo mere aur mere...

2 years ago
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DriveIn Seduction Chapter 14 Dedication

Two and a half years later, a soldier drove down the empty dirt road alongside the river in an old, familiar pickup truck. It had been cold for days, and the wind had just started whipping around earlier that morning. Now, as he drove alongside the river, the snow was just starting to fall, in bursts of snow squalls. Suddenly, he spotted the large boulder in the middle of the river. He pulled into the open space surrounded by bare trees and climbed out of the pickup. He limped to the water’s...

First Time
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Blood MoneyChapter 7

We arrived in Bloody Gulch well before mid-morning. There were very few people around, and that was good. The fewer people around—the fewer people who could get hurt in the ensuing melee. I went up to the saloon window and looked in. As I expected, Jake Holbein was not there. That probably meant that he had not yet finished breakfast. I suddenly got a wild idea. There was a good chance that his gang would disperse with no further shooting if Jake were out of the picture. Therefore, I was...

4 years ago
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Get Naked With Me

Last week’s triple homicide shocked my normally quiet town. Things like that just don’t happen here. To make matters worse, the police had few leads to go on. Understandably, the neighborhood was on edge. My usually overprotective parents became unbearable and I wasn’t allowed to go out alone. If they were at work, I was to stay home. My already anemic social life was now on live-support. I occupied my time by doing some sporadic studying and going online. I was home alone one afternoon, when...

Straight Sex
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The Big Issue seller

I was upstairs watching some video’s on xhamster and was in desperate need of a long good wank, the wife was at work and we hadn’t had sex for a couple of days so I only had to look at a naked woman and I was fucking hard. I’d done the usual wanking methods, got hard had a bit of a pull let it go soft, half hour later the same and so on, but now the time was right.I was watching one of my favourite video’s and was into it when there was a loud knocking on the back door. ‘Fucking hell’ I...

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Ed Kilpatricks Caught Witout Trousers

Ed Kilpatrick's Caught Without TrousersSetting the scene:This particular story was prompted by my first ever story, "CAUGHT." I've only ever been caught cross dressed and in bondage once before (so far) and I vow that it will never happen again (I hope). This doesn't stop me fantasying about the passivity of being caught by my rather attractive and single next door neighbour.Anyway, hope you enjoy my latest tale, written during august 2010.Saturday 1st August 2010:I'd been away on business all...

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The High School Bully Part 1

"Honey, it's just for a little while until his bed arrives. Please, just do this for Mommy, okay? It won't be for long, I promise.""Mom, it's not fair! I'm nearly twenty-one! He just turned eighteen. I'm over that whole teenage bullshit. I'm a goddamn adult! "Her golden eyes darkened to whiskey, hands flying to her hips. "Don't you use that language with me, Todd! I won't have it." Her look softened, her hand reaching up to cup my cheek. "Please, baby. It was his idea! He thought it would give...

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Friends Mom

This story is back from my teenage years and involves the same woman as my "A Friends Mom" story.When I was younger I used to go round to my friends house to play video games and have a laugh. His mom worked as an account manager so frequently wore business suits with skirts. She always wore either navy blue, smoky grey or black pantyhose with her suits as well. I enjoyed it when I was there and she came back in from work, usually finding an excuse to try and catch a glimpse of her in her suit...

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Salamander 2 Part 1

Salamander 2 part 1 By EMW Monday, 26th of November, 2035 Prologue Our team met in an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town. We only ever gathered like this under exceptional circumstances; with the state of current politics, our duties were becoming even more treacherous. We knew each other only by code numbers, taking pains to conceal our true identities. We were all dressed in plain black...

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Fallout 4 A Brave New WorldChapter 4

The location that Preston had given him was just on the other side, and up a small slope, of a small dam. The dam seemed to be okay, no signs of cracking or leaking. There were a couple bandits on the top, but when he unslung the minigun, they decided they could move along after all. It had taken Juan a good 4 hours walking to get to the site from the Abernathy farm. The site was obviously someone’s idea of a rural retreat. There were a number of cabins set in a rough circle in the small...

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The Arisato Family

[PLEASE NOTE] While this story features everyone age 18 or older, the heights may seem suspect. This is not me trying to sneak in under the rules because this is a story made by both myself and my lover, whom while over 18 was born with a body looking much younger at a height under 5'. I will keep heights 5 and above so as to be able to get this story out. We open up on a massive 7 bedroom home with a modest garage, a sizable pool, and a magnificent garden. Of course that's not the important...

2 years ago
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My Danish DaughterChapter 5

Monday, May 14, 2018 Copenhagen Airport, Kastrup, Denmark “There they are! Robert, Magda!” Inga rushed at me with real enthusiasm, no doubt drawing a bit more attention to herself than even she tended to have. “Come here, you!” I held Inga very tight before she slipped me a very hot French kiss in public. “Welcome to Denmark, lover. Your new, adopted country! You will not regret moving here, trust me! It’s a bit ... more expensive, yes, but we’ve discussed that, I believe. It will be...

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