Ah Hawaii… free porn video

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We’ve been in Hawaii for two days. Just enough time to remember each other’s bodies and how well they work together. It’s lotsa sun during the days and Mai Tais at night, and every kind and color of volcano-named drink we can try – including a real killer served in a big volcanic rock that takes two straws from a Polynesian restaurant that sports bamboo walls and waitrons in shorts and brightly colored shirts. We sat in a high backed, two seater wicker chair. The food is good, exotic, but not spectacular. We didn’t care. There’s an enormous terrarium with bizarre plants and wildlife that has a fake thunderstorm every fifteen minutes. We are sure they give smile pills to the people that work there. Aloud, I wondered where we could get some for us, but we decide that if we got any smilier, they’d probably lock us up as escaped mental patients. That was last night. We passed out before we could make love, almost desperately entwined around each other each other.

When I wake up this morning, I spend a few minutes gazing at how beautiful you are when you sleep. Your face is totally relaxed and your breathing deep and slow. I can’t believe that we’re finally seeing each other again. You turn to the side looking away from me and the sheet drops down your back. I see your amazing long back in detail… the fine bone structure covered with the skin I love to touch.

I pull closer to you, molding my body to yours. A perfect fit. I kiss you on the neck lightly, then pull you very close and luxuriate in the feeling of oneness that comes from such relaxed times. My arms are around you, cupping your breast. Then, remembering a thing you love so much, I feel a stirring down below. I want you now. I get very hard thinking about being inside you again. Then I reach behind me and get some lube from the nightstand and spread it over my cock. You love it when I surprise you like this. I – very gently – nudge you onto your back and then move on top of you. I place my cock on your vagina and slide it up and down a couple of times to make sure you’re wet enough, then slowly, firmly press my cock into your pussy. Your back arches in appreciation, but you’re still very sleepy. My movements are slow, deliberate, deep. Your body starts to respond as it always does and you begin to wake… breathing quickly and thrusting against me. I don’t know what you were dreaming about, but it sure must have been interesting.

Your arms reach up and out and grab onto the nearest piece of anything that feels grabbable, your left hand has the headboard and is pushing against it… your right hand has a handful of sheet and you’re pulling against it as your breathing gets deeper, faster and harder. I’m sucking on your nipples, occasionally biting them… each gentle bite drawing an appreciative gasp. We both feel ready to come. Your beautiful little moans as you’re about to come are one of the biggest turn-ons I’ve ever experienced. Your breathing is ragged and you hold your breath, then moan as you remember to breathe again. Then, I feel your pussy squeeze me VERY tightly and rhythmically as you moan longer and more low pitched and I feel my explosion building from somewhere beneath my toes. Then it happens… again.. that moment of perfect vulnerability. I lose total control and splash my come inside you… over and over again. I can’t believe there was that much come inside me. As I hold you closely, we look into each other’s eyes. Smile. Kiss. (Ah, that gorgeous lower lip of yours.) We hold each other very tightly until we close our eyes and fall asleep again, my (shrinking) cock still nestled inside you.

After a short nap, I sneak out of bed and make a pot of coffee… Kona coffee, of course. When I get back to the bedroom – our coffee in hand – you are sitting up and smiling at me with that early morning muzziness that always surrounds your first hour or so. We’re scheduled to be at the heliport by 10:00, so we have time to drink our coffee and nibble on the fruit and rolls that I had delivered as our breakfast. For a person who never eats breakfast, you seem awfully hungry. Me, too. I guess all our appetites are piqued. We decide to dress lightly today… we’re to be delivered to a secluded beach with a picnic lunch and then picked up late in the afternoon. We take towels, suntan lotion, and snorkel gear… everything else will be provided.

The copter takes off from the island and we fly over the ocean, looking at all the other islands… clear air… water that seems totally transparent… God it’s beautiful. We can see forever. The pilot takes us on a scenic drive-by of the island that’s to be ours today… there’s dense forest and long stretches of beautiful beach. No people, no houses, no phones. We will be totally alone for the day. We land on the beach against calm ocean waters and a stream that flows out from the interior. The attendant gets out and sets up a small cabana and a folding table with two chairs. He then brings out a huge picnic basket full of goodies and sets up for our lunch… total decadence. We ask him about bathrooms… he tells us to stay off the trails a little way and points out some paper in the lunch basket. He also advises us that at the head of the stream is a waterfall that is worth the walk to see. Everything in place, the attendant takes his leave and jumps back into the copter. They take off and fly away. Leaving us completely alone. This is the most beautiful and romantic place I’ve ever seen. We can’t stop smiling. My face hurts from smiling, which – of course – only makes me smile more.

Something takes over between us… we look at each other and start laughing. No one deserves to be this happy. No words pass between us… just laughter… like little kids that suddenly get tickled about something.

It’s a race to see who can get undressed faster. You win. Your new ‘muumuu’ comes off in a heartbeat and there’s no underwear to deal with, so you’re totally naked before I have a chance to get my zipper down. You decide to help me… my shirt buttons seem to take forever in our haste.

Finally undressed, we kiss. Long and lingering. Your pouty lower lip getting most of my attention. Then, ‘race ya to the water!’ We run. Naked as the day we were born. It actually feels like a rebirth of sorts. A new world. A new life.

You, of course get to the water first because you cheated and began to run as you said the word, ‘Race you to the water.’ Somehow watching you prance toward the water and occasionally look back at me… you are so beautiful to watch… made me forget you cheated – or maybe I just didn’t care so much. I made sure I was far enough behind to watch your every move toward the water… then we started splashing through the shallows until we were waist deep in the clearest most beautiful water anywhere. I start splashing you because you cheated and you, of course, splash back. It becomes a no holds barred… no quarter given or expected, winner take all splash fight. I – sensing no victory in the offing – choose to drop down under the water and swim right up next to you and then come up out of the water into your waiting arms. You wrap yourself around me and we kiss. For now. For this minute. We have found Paradise.

‘Hungry?’ I say.


‘Lunch is waiting’

As you rub your pussy against my cock, you say, ‘Let it wait.’

Lunch is temporarily removed from the docket. Your cunt is now pressed against my cock and as I get harder, I gradually slip inside you. We hold ourselves very close together to let this amazing thing happen to us. My cock gets harder and harder, and as it does, it slips inside you inch by (precious) inch until it is totally hard and nestled inside you. We have made no overt movements… just holding and kissing, and my cock is now buried deep inside you. We stay immobile for quite a while letting the waves move us up and down gently. Then you begin to rock back and forth… slowly… almost timed to the waves… we are in harmony with everything around u
s. I tell you to squeeze your nipples, then hold you closely and rock back and forth so your clit gets maximum stimulation. You start to come almost immediately. Shaking, barely able to hold on, you squeeze my cock and moan that wonderful moan of yours and the whole world seems to stop. Then we hug until all the spasms stop. Effortlessly floating in our private sea.

I lift you easily in the water and hold you floating in front of me. Your hair swirls around your head making you look like a mermaid in some Disney cartoon. My lips start to roam down your neck. You revel in the pleasure of the moment… knowing what’s coming next. You are floating in my arms… my lips find yours… I kiss and taste my way across your body as you float calmly… serenely… I spend extra time at your breasts… wonderful lingering sucking and pulling on your nipples. Your little gasps tell me you don’t hate it too much. Then I move slowly down to your pubic bone, kissing and licking and loving my way toward the place we now both want me to go. I’m teasing you… you’re laughing… I’m getting salt water up my nose… not that I care. I bring you to a small peak… no orgasm… just the beginnings of sweetness. I look up at you, you slide your body down from my arms and we kiss… together we taste salt water, musk, spices. Time to eat.

We walk slowly toward the beach and arrive at the cabana wanting to taste everything in sight. Lunch is fabulous. Paté, cheeses, fruit, a delicious, light white wine, nothing is left out. The breads are exotic and tasty. We lie on the blanket on the sand and feed each other, each juicy bite more erotic than the last. Finally, I know what that scene in ‘Tom Jones’ was about.

‘You didn’t come,’ you say.

I laugh… ‘Yeh, but I’m a guy… three or four times a day is plenty!’

‘Not in Hawaii, it isn’t!’

With this last, you bend down and lick my cock lightly.

‘Hmmmmmmm… you may be right.’

My now happy dick is growing under your continuing ministrations… I’m in heaven. I reach over and fondle your gorgeous breasts… than move my way down – slowly – to your inner thighs… we are both getting more excited as we continue. I nudge your leg slightly so you bring it across my face and I start giving you the kind of pleasure you’ve been giving me. My fingers slide inside you as I lick your thighs and labia… not yet touching your clit… the tension is building slowly but inexorably. Breathless, you turn over so you’re on top and facing me.

‘Fuck me.’

Never being one to decline that sort of invitation from you, I move you so you’re on your knees and enter you from behind… you’ve never been so wet. God I want you. I enter fast and deep. You arch your back to get all of me in, then spread your legs even more, so I can get deeper and deeper. I slide you down to lie flat against the towel and you lift your ass just slightly off the sand to give me room. ‘Yes, fuck me… fuck me…’ I feel your legs lifting up to pull my ass even closer to you… we are both gasping, groaning, humping… fucking intensely. Then I come… and so do you. We’ve always been good at coming together. I can feel you squeeze me… ripples of spasms that start at the base of my cock and move up… this is a deep one for both of us. I practically see stars. You scream. I groan from somewhere very deep… no neighbors here so we can make all the noise we want. Afterwards, panting, and laughing, we kiss and nap on the beach.

When I wake up, I see you beside me… beautifully naked and reading the latest ‘Cosmo.’ I reach out and lay my hand against your beautiful long thigh… then kiss your shoulder and walk toward the water…

‘Get back here, Mister’

I look back and smile… wondering what you mean.

‘Time for some suntan lotion or you’ll be red the whole time we’re here.’

On my return walk, you get out the SPF 30 and start to put it on your hands. You cover me well… especially the parts that never usually see the sun. I do the same for you. We both feel a stirring, but let it go, it’s still early.

‘How ’bout a walk to that waterfall,’ I say.

You smile… put on your sandals… and stand up. We walk down a marvelous path to what feels like another planet. Lush forest. A knee-deep stream we follow to its source. Arms around each other as we walk, we stop occasionally to kiss… our bodies warm against each other with the cool water at our feet. Then we see ‘the pool.’ Paradise again. crystal clear, cool water just over waist deep with an amazing wide waterfall cascading down a series of rocks… more like rock gardens really, since they are covered with ferns and other plants I don’t recognize. The white water against the green plants, black rocks and occasional red or blue flower is the most beautiful place we have ever seen. We stand in awe. A perfect moment of a perfect day. We walk into the pool. The cool water takes the edge off the heat of the day… again, we find you in the pool at the base of the waterfall… you’re floating in my arms…

I walk around the pool with you floating in front of me. As we approach the waterfall, I tell you to relax completely (as if I had to) and to go with the flow. I move us so that the lower half of your body is in the direct line of the water falling into the pool. It provides a delicious, heavy, constant pressure everywhere. ‘Spread your legs a bit.’ You do and I turn you so there is direct constant pressure on your clit. You gasp in surprise, but settle into it immediately… your eyes close as the delicious movement of the water takes over and you feel a sweetness building that’s different… stronger… luscious. I move you back and forth so the feeling changes constantly, from stronger to weaker, but never letting you go from its cool, sweet feelings. ‘Squeeze your nipples.’ As you do, you arch your back with the amazing feeling that is taking over, making your mind think of nothing else but the coming orgasm, trying to make it wait, but wanting the climax to be there right away, lost in the throes of complete surrender to the sweet moment. ‘Look at me.’ You open your eyes. You can see into my soul again. I can see into yours. Open. Vulnerable. Loving. Wanting. Then it hits. Your face is pleading me not to violate the trust of the moment. I don’t. You begin to shake all over as spasm after spasm hits you. Your legs spread further apart as you desperately try to fuck the water… the water doesn’t disappoint. Again and again you come… squeezing your nipples… looking into my eyes… it seems it will never end. ‘Oh, God.’ Then it hits you again – smaller, but deeper – my fingers slip inside you and you come one more time. You’re reeling, dizzy, overwhelmed by the amazing sensations that now begin to subside.

You can hardly breathe as I let your legs drop. You wrap yourself around me and I slip my cock into your very wet cunt. Your are filled with me and the feeling is wonderful. I walk us to the edge of the pool and lay you on the grass. We fuck. Needy greedy hungry fucking in the most beautiful place on Earth. I surprise myself and come again… this must be heaven.

As we stroll back to the beach, we talk about not wanting this day to ever end. We both know it’s magical thinking, but it doesn’t hurt to want it. By the time we get to our cabana, we hear the copter returning to get us. We scramble into our clothes and sit and wait for it to land.

On the way back, the pilot tells us we looked as relaxed as anyone ever has coming back. We have to agree.

Back in the room, we decide to nap before dinner… it’s been an exhausting day!

You wake first. I’m sleeping beside you, my very used shorter-than-ever-even-when-I-was-a baby limp dick lying and all-but-snoring in front of you. A smile comes across your lips as you lean down to give it a kiss. We were too tired to even shower when we got back so it still has our mixed odors and flavors surrounding it. Spice hangs in the air as you get closer to give i
t a little kiss. Not a stir. Challenged, you kiss again. Still no response. Now it has become a matter of honor. You take my cock in your mouth and wipe your tongue around and around it until you feel the inevitable stirring take place. He grows slowly now – much to your satisfaction. After all, a challenge is a challenge, and the little guy has never let you down yet. I – of course – begin to stir independently of my dick and groan happily as your ministrations continue. Knowing you’ve got me going makes you very interested in your own pleasure, so you move your cunt close to my face. As always, you don’t have to ask me twice. I start by kissing your inner thighs, lightly biting that beautiful tendon that leads to your cunt from your legs. We are both kissing, sucking, nibbling to our great mutual pleasure.

I decide to escalate a bit and put two fingers inside you… slowly, deliberately, then tell you to squeeze. As you squeeze, I push them in, when you relax, I pull out… all very slowly in cadence with your squeezes. Your incredible, beautiful, most wonderful clit is completely exposed. Hot, hard, desperate, it moves back and forth to the rhythm of your squeezes. I kiss and lick around it… touching only very occasionally when it is sticking out and begging the most. Your breathing becomes ragged… so does mine. You’re sucking very hard on my cock now, making it even harder to breathe.

Suddenly you sit up on top of me with your cunt lowered to my mouth. You begin to shake. I’m still teasing you and you’re trying to maintain the sweetness that starts to come and bring it down your thighs and up through your stomach. You do. your whole body now is filled with the ecstasy of the moment. Quickly you decide you need to feel me inside you so you crawl forward and sit on my cock. It slide in easily and quickly. We are both ready now, but I tell you to hold still, keep the feeling alive and rub your clit slowly and evenly. I have to remind you to breathe several times. We keep the slow build going. Then you feel a very lubricated finger playing with your asshole, slowly drawing rings around it and just starting to enter you occasionally… my finger goes in deeper now as you slowly rub your clit, moving back and forth across my dick and squeezing very hard. I start to fuck your ass with my finger now., in and out slowly, comfortably. Somehow you feel wonderfully violated. Your orgasm starts now, my finger is pushing you over the edge. Grunting powerfully, you feel your cunt squeeze me harder than ever, starting at the outside and moving all the way up. Your cunt is milking my cock, and my cock is loving it. You come, deeply, powerfully. Muscles are in spasm that you didn’t know you had. Over and over again, the waves hit you, then gradually subside, but it feels like they’ll never stop (not that you want to.) Then I move out from under you and shove my cock into you from behind. you collapse onto the bed, lying underneath me, your legs spread and your hips raised to receive my cock. I start pumping you faster and faster. You begin to come again. It hits quickly as you feel my come splash into you. My cock going through spasms of it own.

I lie down beside you with my cock still inside… holding you close to me from behind.

‘OK, Buddy… let’s hit the showers… dinnertime!’

I reluctantly loose you from my hug and we walk into the shower together. We get in and I wash your hair, then rinse. A kiss or two with the water running down our faces. Then I take the Oil of Olay buff puff and wash you all over. You do the same for me, then we get out and towel off, and go our separate ways to dressers and closets.

‘Wait…’ I say, ‘before you dress, I have a little gift for you that I’ve been saving for over a while…’ I take a bag from my drawer and pull out two orange/red balls tied together with a cord. I walk to the bedstand and get some lubricant and cover the balls with it. Then, I walk to you and put them against your pussy. ‘Try this, you’ll like it.’ You spread your legs and I slowly push the balls inside you. You feel full, but not uncomfortable. A string hangs down for easy retrieval.

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Peggy Sanford a Worldly Woman Ch 01

Author’s note: I had planned to take a break from writing and submitting stories to Literotica when I reached 300 submissions. I know I said that when I reached 100 and again when I reached 200 submissions but many of you loyal readers asked me to continue. Many of you also sent me story lines and topics to write about, some more detailed than others. Recently I received an e-mail from Peggy Sanford who has written several stories for Literotica and you can see Peggy’s profile and photo under...

1 year ago
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WeFuckBlackGirls Tiffany Tosh 11212016

With a couple hours before they open the restaurant, manager Kurt Lockwood is going over his employees’ duties. It’s a pain being a manager, and Kurt’s got to run a tight ship. Like all managers, sometimes he has to be “tough”, and make sure his workers are following through with their assigned tasks. One particular, Tiffany Tosh, has been the “weak link” lately. And there’s a reason for it: she’s done. Right in the middle of his meeting,...

2 years ago
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Anniversary DelightsChapter 24 And Punishments

The Chief Eunuch took the two women into the harem to prepare them for the rest of the evening's proceedings and the assembled worthies fell to eating and drinking. As they did so, the trained hostesses of the Emir's harem moved among them wearing only their harem gowns, feeding this one, sucking that one's penis, being fondled by another, and generally ensuring that everyone had a good time. The occasional slap could be heard and the occasional squeal of pain or pleasure. The Princess...

1 year ago
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Fuck in Front Seat Fuck

Sex in a truck Hello all, I'm back. I took a bit of a break from writing, one of myboys was very sick and spent some time in the hospital. He had a touchof pneumonia, and he's asthmatic, so he needed to be hospitalized. I'mhappy to say that he's doing just fine now. He's back in school, and I'mback at work.Right before my son got sick, one of my clients asked me on a date, ayounger man named Todd. He's one of my regular VIP customers and alwaysasks for me when he comes in for a massage. He...

2 years ago
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My Neighbors Fuck My Wife As Iam In The Driveway

I am at work and I hear "Hi Marty",Its my wife,back then girlfriend.She is wearing her tennis dress,and I ask "are you wearing any panties?". Yes,I put them on in the parking lot.She likes to wear this dress because she thinks she's not noticed as much if they think she just played tennis,when she shows that much leg. She came to get my keys because we are going to the mountains for a few day's with another couple.We are leaving from my place to meet Dave and his wife up in the...

4 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e19 Sharon Callaghan 37 from Newcastle

We begin with a mini-montage of life in Newcastle-upon-Tyne ... A shot of Gray’s Monument, of the busy Eldon Square shopping center, St James’ Park football stadium, before we find ourselves in a busy street, looking up at an impressive, and very modern looking 5 story glass fronted building. We can see through the glass walls, seeing the staircases and offices inside. And then, stepping into frame from the side, trying not the block the architectural masterpiece – another masterpiece of...

1 year ago
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Dealing With JessieChapter 4

Gary and Carolyn had been seeing each other since spring break. There’d been some heavy petting, but nothing else happened, no more blow jobs. He met her mother and got the impression she was the manipulative type; not manipulative like Jessie, no Carolyn’s mother liked to play the frail helpless but loving mom role. He liked her, but she was a whiner. He could see she had Carolyn wrapped around her little finger. He wondered how it would work out if he married her daughter, her personal...

2 years ago
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Heavy TrafficChapter 10

The one-hour time change allowed Sean and Amanda to arrive at the airport in Tennessee only minutes after their departure from Atlanta. Sean had previously arranged for a car and driver to meet them, so within five minutes of Jeannie Sexton opening the door of the aircraft for them, they were seated in the back of the car heading out of the airport. Sean had advised their pilot to check into the Wallace hotel property adjacent to the airport, where a room was reserved for her. He would...

3 years ago
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Harolds Bitch

Hi, I’m Shelia Broadhead and I hope you have read my first story about how I was assaulted and raped in Prospect Park in early June of this year. Well I’m back with another tale, this time I am searching for a dog for my very own. Since my encounter in the park I have had sex with two different men that I know but don’t work with. It was with just a couple of guys that I have had relations with before. I am back to square one again. Men just don’t compare with a good dog fuck. I have tried...

1 year ago
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Valentines day suprisex

my girlfriend is let’s say a little racist she says ew when she sees a black guys cock In porn so I thought I would give her a little treat this year on the holiday of romance. thanks to the help of a kind black gentleman I met online, a 35 year old african man with an 11 inche throbbing monster and I asked if he would help me out He was happy to help. 7:30pm valentines day night I walk my princess to his car she has a blindfold on and has no idea whats gonna happen I keep her from...

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As the midday hunger pangs strike, damn I really wish I wouldn’t have forgotten my lunch today. Looking at the time, I realize I can make it home, grab something to eat and check my lush account before my next meeting. As I turn the corner, I notice my husband’s car is in the driveway, that’s a surprise. As I walk in I hear moaning come from the basement and know he is masturbating, sometimes he can be so insatiable. I start to laugh inside and think I could have a little fun with this. I...

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Madeleine Ch 02

Paris, France February, 1915 It was cold, bitterly cold, as I turned up the collar of my overcoat and walked out of the embassy into the gathering gloom of the late afternoon. On impulse, I decided to turn down the little side street that was so familiar and visit Marcel’s again. I hadn’t been there since my return to France a few weeks earlier, and I found I missed it. So much had changed in Paris since those heady days of August, when the young Frenchmen had so eagerly sought out war. No...

2 years ago
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My SEXY Cousin


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The Ancient ProphecyChapter 5

It was another beautiful day in the Land of Lore. The sun shone brightly in the cloudless sky. The wind blew lightly, creating a soft song as it flew past the autumn leaves. The Gideon vast green carpet of tall grass blanketed the land. The weather was perfect to spend time outside. However, the land around it was not as friendly as it seemed. South of Gideon were the same long chains of impassable volcanoes. The air was uncomfortably hot and thick with the strong scent of sulfur. The land...

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My Cousin8217s Wife

Hello ISS readers . Its my first story on ISS therefore if I make a mistake or you didn’t like anything which I wrote please for give me .My name is Anita Brian And I 27 years old and I live in Toronto. My father was from India and mother from Canada and I have a sister Amelia who is 25 years old. We both live together and are lesbians and today I would like to share my story which occurred only three days back when I went tii visit my cousin and his wife. Sorry for the long intro I will come...

3 years ago
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Wild Sex Story With A Newly Married Girl Met In Bus

Hi friends, mera naam gourav hai. Ye meri pahli story hai. Main jaipur ka rehne wala hun and aur ahmedabad main job karta tha. Office main diwali par kuch din ki holidays li thi and uske baad wapas ahmedabad aa raha tha sleeper a/c bus main. Meri sleeper peeche ki side thi, single upper birth. And mere samne lower double birth main ek married ladki thi jisse lagbhag 1 ya 1.5 saal hue honge shadi k baad. Usne yellow colour ki semi-low waist saree pehni hui thi. And left shoulder par and right...

4 years ago
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A pick up at the bar and a taxi ride

I had gone with the girls to a local dance club that night.Everything looked to go so well…I had first seen that man in the dance floor. Something about him really caught my attention and I was getting aroused by the minute.In order to get a closer look at him, I dragged some of my girlfriends onto the dance floor near that guy. At that closer distance I liked what I could see even more: he was in his early thirties; was tall and well built and athletic, He was really a handsome guy; but the...

3 years ago
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Hunting Trip 1

“Are you kidding??” Was all Jacob could say to his father. The other three guys watching and finishing their dinner. His father would nod his no “you dint think you would be the youngster of the cabin forever did you? I mean let’s be honest now Jake your seventeen now.” Jake would just shake his head as big john spoke “you know I was kind of hoping you could help my kid out a little, we old guys aren’t what we used to be accept your old man.” Big john would continue talking as his laughed at...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Kasey Miller G181

Kasey is already on the bench and naked, the party started a little early this week, the guys were chomping at the bit to get to this little lady, and we can’t say that we blame them. She’s ready, they’re ready, it’s go time. They slide her back a little and get to working on that very very tiny pussy of hers. The guys take turns devouring that pussy, before they lay her back and all take a turn testing it out. Everyone seems to have a comment for how tight it is. Rey...

2 years ago
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Living the Dream

I remember the first time I saw my Momma, I was eight years old. My mother hated her because my father had left her for Momma. I didn't understand about things back then. Momma showered me with love and attention, always eager to accept whatever face I presented. At first I thought she didn't like me because she would quickly discourage me from acting like a girl. But then I noticed it was only when she was afraid that my Father would see. He wasn't a nice man, my body showed the scars...

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SSBBW Big Cousin Little Cousin

"Go on up there. I'll be up in a little bit."I was already standing at the top of the stairs. And she was struggling to climb up. Her feet were plopping down on each stair, her hands were clutching the railings, and she was wheezing with almost every breath.She was a super-sized pear-shaped woman. Fat in her upper body, and REALLY fat in her legs, hips and ass. I would guess she was somewhere upwards of 400 pounds. But not so heavy that she couldn't make it up the stairs...yet. And her...

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The Man in the Dress Shop

Growing up with very little, I knew what it was to want things I could never have. The only thing I did have was my body. I started developing early. By 13 I could already pass for 16, maybe even 18. So by the time I was 18 I was well versed in how to use my body to get what I wanted. I wanted material things and I wasnt afraid to use my body to get them. I grew up in a small town, my mother worked hard but she never really did much mothering. She would screw men to pay the bills. Rent was...

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My friends mom is my first crush

One day I went to my friends home as usual but the thing I experienced that day was life changing.My friend went to a important task to compete and he requested me to help her mother on some house hold work as they were planning for house warming festival in few days.I accepted to help her mom.While working we two were fully covered with sweat. That day she wore a white transparent colour salwar with a blue blouse and the sweat running over her boobs were clearly visible to my eyes as she...

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Lucky Sunday

Lucky Sunday This is a story to high light the penalty you pay to earn money especially those in the software industry in India to day. Rams was 34 and Vanathi is 32 both married after a courtship period of two years. When it comes to lust and wild sex hubby needs to know what is wife expects of him Rams was an excellent person in giving love to his beloved wife Vanathi, but you never know when those stupid fellows at the HR department plan to send you off for a weeks training. Just out of her...

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MonstersOfCock Marica Chanelle Marica8217s Anal BBC Surprise

We have a special one for you guys today. Marica Chanelle has to be one of the hottest chicks I’ve ever laid my eyes on. She has a fat ass, big tits, blonde hair, and those long legs. I’m getting horny just thinking about her! She struts her stuff for us and shows us the goods – she takes off her outfit and plays with her tits and then show us her pretty pussy. But she isn’t here to get fucked in the pussy, she’s here to get ass blasted. So we had our boy Freddy...

3 years ago
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The Naked Journey

My name is Kate I`m a 25-year-old women. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I consider myself a busty woman with the perfect size boobs and butt. This is the story about my naked journey.

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Three to Get Off of DespairChapter 8

We saw Michael and Joan frequently after that first evening of group sex and the sex became better and better, free and easy; it reached a point in which we had to plan our evenings carefully so that something more than sex happened. We went to movies, plays and bowling, then we went to either their apartment or our house and fucked. And always when we returned home after we have switched and fucked and each couple went to our respective homes, Lizbeth and I would make love, these times more...

2 years ago
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Seduction Of Daddy 8211 Part I

Hi guys! This is Tania from Delhi. I am a great fan of ISS from last 2 years. I have always been tilted towards my dad and always thought him more than just a dad. After reading the stories over here I tried to try out my luck. So here goes the story and I am Tania. I belong to a upper middle class family. My Family consists of Dad Santosh 41 years, mom Shilpi 39 years and me 20 years. This incident took place one year back. Let me tell you about myself. I am a college going girl doing my B...

3 years ago
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Pandemic Boredom Ch 3

As I continued pushing my way through this pandemic, my sexual desires were turning more and more complicated, for a better word. By early February, I was completely out of control with my sex life. I wanted more, more, more! I was thinking about sex all the time, and I felt addicted to it. My fantasies were getting more perverted; I was masturbating two and three times a day with my fingers and toys, getting off on cyber and phone sex with hot men talking crazy shit to me. I had met and had...

Straight Sex
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A Birthday Surprise for Jessie

"I'm going to make one of your fantasies come true this evening." Those were the last words that Jessie's husband, Sam, had said to her before he left for work. He had left her with a startled look on her face, her heart pumping. Her mind raced frantically, trying to absorb the words he had said before he hurried to his car and the long drive into the city. Today was Jessie's birthday, and she had been a bit depressed at the prospect of turning 30. She knew that she still looked 25, but the...

4 years ago
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3 Clan Amir Falcon FledglingChapter 14

In September, 2007, Colonel Gordon Mannheim, acting Regimental Commander of the Protector’s Own, the Shields, has the full regiment on the Carmel bluffs exercising. In company groups they’re rappelling down the three hundred metre cliffs to the sea drenched rocks and climbing back up. They’re using the half kilometre long central section of the bluffs. This area is restricted access because it has a thirty degree downward slope for half of its length which is followed by a sheer drop making...

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In Her Fathers Footsteps Ch 12

Erotic Adventures of Sexy British Super-Spy Jane Bond All day, Wendy Warmcox couldn’t stop thinking about the way she had sucked off Brad’s cock last night, and how sweet and tangy his rich cream had tasted on her tongue. Nor could she forget, even if her throbbingly-sore pussy would let her forget, the wonderful pounding that Brad had given her that very morning. She also couldn’t forget her fascination while watching Brad’s wife, British super-spy Jane Bond, suck even more love juice out of...

2 years ago
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Janice and Wayne

I met Wayne when we both worked at the old Park Lane college in Leeds. We went to the The Craven Heifer Inn on Grassington Road in Skipton. We had arranged it by email, he had sent a lovely invite to my address just after 12 noon. He parked the car then left the car to make a phone call outside round the back of his car. After the call, as we entered the Inn Wayne commented on the beautiful colourful flower tubs outside and the fact that the Inn had accommodation. We went to the bar and I...

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Night club

we were in a night club and spent the night sending sly seductive glances at each other across the dance floor, time after time we danced close to each other ,each time closer and more daring!who was this girl i thought! i coudnt help but stare at her short skirt and lovely legs how i wished to get close enough to touch her,the night grew old and i took the chance i had to take it the tension was buiding to much i slowly walked up behind you hoping to surprise you with a faint touch, as i get...

4 years ago
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Winter Forest

"Master, more slowly go! I pray you, less haste!" Ranulf reined in impatiently under the frost-rimed trees, brushing his red hair back from his forehead. The cold was growing more intense as they plunged ever deeper into the forest. His squire's hissing speech was slurred as the cold slowed all his bodily functions. "We'll make camp as soon as we find a place that gives us any shelter. That I promise." His voice was brusk but not unkind. The lizard man had served him well in his...

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For Natalie

I rolled over in my sleep, and for some reason I woke up. After a moment, I realized that the other side of the bed was cold. I had fallen asleep wrapped around her, and now she was gone. I missed her warmth, and her company, and her sexy little body. I could still feel a damp area in the sheets from where we had made it several hours earlier, and I smiled as I thought of her wailing through another orgasm before we collapsed into sleep. I thought at first that she might have just gone to the...

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