- 4 years ago
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I’ve gotten quite a few emails asking me to post a little faster, and I really appreciate the enthusiasm. I realize how frustrating it must feel to have to wait so long for each chapter, but I really don’t want to rush this story and quite possibly ruin it. I feel that at least every two weeks to a maximum of one month should be a good time frame to churn out good chapters. I can write as I feel the inspiration come to me, let it simmer, and then go back and edit. I feel like chapter 4 came out so much better than the others due to the fact that I went back reread from the beginning and made the right adjustments. I also appreciate any corrections anyone might feel I need to make. I’ve already changed the coconut trees to palm trees because someone pointed out there are no coconut trees in California and I took them at their word. I do plan on publishing this so your help/comments is vital probably more so than the actual voting. Again, Lit is taking off votes, most often than not the score actually goes up, so please don’t double vote. Lit deletes those scores. It’s not fair to me or other writers here. Thank you.
Abigail acquired a used car and then stopped at a shop and purchased a cell phone. The attendant had showed her an entire wall of technological wonders, way too complicated for her impatient simplistic mind to grapple with. She’d walked out with a small white phone and a basic understanding of how to deal with its functionality.
Back outside, a shiver of apprehension had her gazing repetitiously over her shoulder. The eerie feeling of being watched followed her all the way to where she’d parked her cheery red, 1999 Volkswagen Beetle.
Slipping quickly into her new car, she closed the door and engaged the locks, breathing out a sigh of relief.
Hands gripping the wheel tightly, she glanced through all the mirrors before looking skyward, remembering Gabriel’s mention of paparazzi in helicopters. It’s how they’d managed to get her picture that first night with him.
The sky overhead was a brilliant blue with only one or two insignificant clouds making it picture perfect. No helicopters.
Starting the car she’d affectionately christened as El Chapulin, she glanced at the clock and headed for Irvine.
She’d considered never returning to the hospital, but the memory of Anna Maria’s pleading eyes to keep an eye on Gabriel wouldn’t leave her be.
Somehow, she’d get the woman’s number and call her after checking in briefly on Gabriel. Then she would go apartment hunting.
Her new car had only cost her a little over three thousand dollars and the phone only twenty-five with a monthly based plan of fifty dollars which included unlimited everything.
She felt proud of her accomplishments thus far. Excitement on her upcoming apartment hunting had her grinning like an idiot as she checked and adjusted the mirrors of the car.
Switching on the radio, she eased into traffic. A soft sigh escaped her as her thoughts returned to Gabriel. What unpleasant scenario awaited her today? She hadn’t gone the day before needing a little time away from the circus of attention he drew, though staying away hadn’t been easy either. He invaded her every waking thought.
Abigail was accustomed to a quiet, simple life. As beautiful and enigmatic as Gabriel was, his lifestyle was far from alluring for her. She would never be able to actually be with a man like him, an adored rock god. It was too much for her.
The sound of a haunting melody and equally mesmerizing voice had her turning up the volume of the radio. The man sang of love, its heartache, and complications, the loneliness of it when it wasn’t returned fully. His voice was so heartrending, so powerful and full of anguish, Abigail’s eyes misted over, her nose growing itchy.
By the end of the power ballad, she was actually sniffling, loving the song and the hair-raising whine of electric guitars that made it more enthralling. It had moved her and she gasped when the DJ jovially announced that it was Diavolo’s latest hit.
He went on to mention Gabriel’s accident, and how he and millions of fans hoped for a speedy recovery.
It took her about twenty minutes to finally make her way to the familiar imposing medical center. Having prepared before hand, Abigail tucked her blond braid under a floppy hat and switched her glasses for a dark pair of sunglasses. She made her way to the emergency room entrance and the familiar guard that always helped her and the band members make it to Gabriel’s room.
She smiled at the guard. For a brief second he only scowled at her, but then he flinched, his eyes going over her sundress-clad figure before rising to her dark glasses again.
‘Ms. Brown?’
Abigail nodded, feeling very self-conscious. She’d bought the baby-blue dress on a whim, loving the delicate lace around the elastic shirred bodice and the little tie up straps. The skirt flowed from an empire waistline to mid-calf. She paired it with a pair of low-heeled, white espadrilles, and a white crocheted sling bag.
‘Right this way, miss,’ he replied once again regaining his professional composure.
All seemed quiet, almost back to normal except that she noted the increased amount of security just about everywhere. On Gabriel’s floor, the nurses at the station eyed her with a frown as she walked past. There was shouting at the end of the hall and Abigail wondered briefly who the problematic patient was. Some people just couldn’t handle being sick and cloistered in a hospital. She used to make frequent trips with the nuns at the convent to hospitals and even jails to visit the unfortunate.
As she neared Gabriel’s door, she realized in dismay that the shouting emanated from there.
The guards were still at the door and stepped aside to allow her to enter.
The scene that greeted her made her mouth gape.
Gabriel stood, fingers wrapped around a metal walker leaning with an angry scowl toward Rafael.
‘You’re fucking crazy, man. You just had surgery yesterday. You can’t leave. Be reasonable,’ Rafael shouted, hands gripping Gabriel’s bulging biceps.
‘Get the fuck outta my—’
Gabriel’s yell stopped the second his burning green eyes fell on her.
‘Abigail.’ Her name whooshed from between his lovely lips, sending a shiver through her.
Rafael turned, his hands still tensed on Gabe’s arms.
‘Bout time you finally showed up,’ he snapped, making Gabriel scowl at him anew.
‘Don’t fucking talk to her that way.’
Rafael turned back to him. Abigail couldn’t see Rafe’s face anymore but his tone was scathing. ‘Like hell. You’ve been a prick since waking up from surgery yesterday morning because she wasn’t here. I’m about to strangle you with the damn morphine line.’
Abigail’s heart tightened. He’d been through surgery while she’d been cruising around town absorbing the scenery? Guilt had her tripping forward, her eyes traveling over him.
The silly hospital gown hung down around his elbows probably from the tussle between him and the guitarist. It put on display all of his upper body. His long hair was a mess around his shoulders and his jaw stubble was now more of a beard. Her whole body clenched at the sight of him.
Rafael stepped away when she approached. She looked intently for any signs of bandages to show where he’d been cut. Her eyes watered at the thought of his beautiful skin being marred by a scalpel. The bandage he’d had around his head was gone and he had a few stitches near the corner of one brow.
Abigail reached for the grayish blue hospital gown with the dark blue polka dots, intending to set it to rights when his head dipped down and his mouth sealed over hers.
She was a vision, fucking more beautiful than he remembered. Forgetting about the fact he’d acquired a metal spike driven into his right femur less than twenty-four hours prior, he re
leased the walker, desperate to wrap his fingers around Abby’s slender waist and haul her against him. His mouth touched hers, his tongue finding the heaven within, before pain roared with unforgiving intensity through him. He began to go down seconds before Rafael’s arms went around him from behind with a grunt and a curse.
More pain blazed through him, his broken ribs protesting the male arms that held him in a vise grip. He ignored it all.
Rafe holding him up, Gabriel fused his mouth to Abigail’s again, one hand gripping the cursed walker, the other wrapped securely around her.
‘This is fucked up,’ Rafe protested tightly. His hold was slipping. ‘Fuck, Gabe,’ he gritted out in an almost squeaky voice. ‘You’re too fucking heavy. Grab that walker properly, god-damn-it. My balls are about to hit the fucking floor.’
Reluctantly, whole body throbbing like hell, Gabriel let Abigail go and gripped the metal walker again. About to call Rafe a wimp, the world turned on its axis as everything wavered before his eyes, the edges of his vision going black. He was going to pass out.
He heard Abigail cry out in alarm before they quickly maneuvered back to the bed.
His back hit the mattress. Someone yanked his legs up onto the bed, flashing his ass and balls in the process of straightening him upon the hospital bed. Gabriel could care less. He reached out blindly for Abby and encountered a bulky male form.
‘Easy,’ Michael muttered.
‘Abby,’ Gabriel called out, blinking against the dizziness.
‘Calm down,’ Michael ordered. ‘She’s right here. ‘What the hell were you doing up? And with your arm out of the sling? You probably fucked up your collarbone again.’
Yes. Gabriel felt like shit. His body was one big ball of misery, but he’d wanted to find Abigail. He’d been desperate enough to chance walking out into the mob at the entrance of the hospital. Anyone down there would have been more than happy to drive him wherever he asked. Fans were cool like that.
Using the walker had been pure agony, but the nurse that attended him that morning said they’d have him put weight on his leg later during the day. He’d just wanted to speed things up a bit.
No matter though. Abigail had finally shown up. He blinked his eyes open and fixed her with an accusing glare. Yesterday had been hell, waking in pain and alone with nothing but his band mates and Diamond for company.
Abigail smoothed his hair from his face, her eyes earnest.
‘Where have you been?’ he snapped.
She flinched and moved back, her pretty face flushed.
Next to her Michael and Rafael glared at him. Fuck them both.
Abby folded her sunglasses and tucked them in her bag before she retrieved her glasses and pushed them up her nose.
It was like a kick to his gut, those big blue eyes behind those adorable glasses, her suckable, pouty, heart-shaped lips, and that amazing rack nicely displayed by her pretty dress. A floppy straw hat was perched on her head and made her look like something out of a country couture catalog.
‘I had things that needed attending to,’ she replied in her sweet breathy voice.
He didn’t miss the way she squared her shoulders before looking him straight in the eyes to answer. Still she gripped her bag with white fingered intensity, her body stiff as if waiting for him to do or say something unpleasant.
His right shoulder was throbbing in agony and his hip and leg were no less painful. He extended his left hand to her and was relieved when she came forward.
‘More important than me?’ he murmured taking her hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it.
She bit her lip in response, looking extremely guilty and repentant.
‘I could’ve died under the knife while you were out shopping probably.’
Abigail flinched visibly, making his eyes narrow on her.
‘Don’t be so fucking melodramatic,’ Michael chastised walking around to the other side of the bed to retrieve his arm sling. ‘Up,’ he snapped poking Gabriel in his ribs, which sent a new wave of seething agony through him.
Gabriel was barely able to bite back the cry of pain. He would have given the lead guitarist hell for having poked him in his broken ribs, but Abigail as doing a pretty good job of handing him his ass as it was.
‘Move away from him,’ she snapped snatching the sling from Michael’s hands. ‘You need to be gentle. Can you not see he’s in pain? How can you prod and shove him around like a sack of potatoes like that? Have you no common sense? My goodness gracious. Now either treat him more delicately or move out of my way so I can help him into this.’
Gabriel smirked at Michael who looked properly chastised, but fixed his expression to a pained one before Abigail turned back to him.
Rafael just shoved his hands into his pockets, his dark eyes twinkling in amusement.
Carefully, with the help of Michael, the sling was anchored around his shoulder and his arm propped again.
Gabriel settled back into the pillows as Abigail tucked the white bed sheets around his legs and hips. He winced when she inadvertently bumped against the immense bandage at his right hip. Her eyes swung up to his, wide and questioning.
‘They opened me up yesterday to hammer a metal rod into my bone so I’d be able to walk again,’ he said with a frown. He almost felt guilty at the panicked look she gave him.
‘Oh,’ she said blinking rapidly. Her lips pouted and it was all he could do not to rear up and kiss the pout away. ‘Does it hurt very much?’
Like a motherfucker, but he’d resisted overusing the morphine, not wanting to get addicted to it. His gaze swung to Rafael who was grinning like an idiot. The band didn’t need another addict.
They hadn’t managed to right his hospital gown. Now that the sling was back in place, it would be more difficult to cover that mesmerizing nipple he had exposed. He didn’t seem to notice it, his glassy eyes constantly roving over her.
Abigail fidgeted with her glasses. Gabriel held his arm out. When she just looked at him in puzzlement, he patted the area next to him with a seductive grin.
Her heart did a funny little flip in her chest as she gulped.
‘Humor me,’ he said in his sexy, growly voice, the same voice that had crooned that hair-raising, tear-jerking song minutes ago over her car radio.
She tried to sit gingerly on the bed, next to him, not sure she should. Wasn’t there a rule about how people were not allowed to sit on a patient’s bed?
Gabriel’s left arm going around her waist to haul her into his side had her thoughts screeching to a halt. He was so much bigger than her, she fit perfectly into his side.
‘So,’ he began, his lips brushing against her temple, ‘tell me what was so important that you abandoned me yesterday.’
‘I needed to buy myself a car,’ she began.
‘I swear, Gabe,’ Michael was saying, interrupting her, ‘I got there early, but she was already pulling out of the driveway with Edvaard.
Abigail frowned and turned to catch Gabriel glaring at Michael.
‘Don’t be angry at Michael,’ Abigail blurted in alarm, garnering Gabriel’s attention once again. ‘If I’m to remain in California I need my own transportation.’
‘The guys would be more than happy to give you a ride wherever, Abigail.’
She leaned away from him a bit, leveling him with a stern frown. ‘I don’t need to sit and wait for people to drive me around to do my errands. I’m perfectly capable of caring for myself.’
‘Geez, Abigail, but you didn’t have to spend money buying a car. I’ve got five sitting at home right now collecting dust. I could’ve loaned you one of them for now.’
‘Absolutely not,’ she said tipping her nose up a bit.
When she tried to rise from her perch next to him, he tightened his hold around her waist and grunted in pain. She gasped when his eyes slammed shut in agony before
opening them a few seconds later to glare at her.
Heart thudding, she did her best to wipe the worried expression she knew she wore to one of determination.
‘I can manage on my own, thank you. I think it’s high time I take my life into my own hands.’
Gabriel’s scowl lessened. His eyes darted to Michael’s who nodded at him.
Abigail frowned at both of them, wondering what secret message they were communicating to each other.
‘What else did you buy, Abs?’ Michael questioned now, big arms crossed over his chest.
Abigail arched a brow at his smug grin. ‘I…uh…bought a cell phone.’
Gabriel’s face lit up. ”Bout time. Let’s see it.’
Abigail fished around in her purse until she found her little phone. The lavender case she bought to protect it looked too feminine in Gabriel’s big hand when he took it from her with a frown.
He shook his head, nose wrinkling to her dismay. ‘Aw, baby, what is this?’
Her cheeks heated. ‘I-it’s my new phone.’
Rafael was sniggering at the foot of the bed. Michael reached over and snatched the phone from Gabriel, his thick brows virtually touching over his blunt nose.
‘You should’ve gotten yourself a Note like mine, or at least an iPhone Six,’ Gabriel was saying as Abigail watched Michael swerving his finger all over the screen of her phone.
Abigail turned to look into Gabriel’s face, feeling annoyed. ‘I am not going to spend a thousand dollars on a phone. That’s ridiculous.’
Gabriel’s brows furrowed. ‘How much did you pay for that?’
‘Twenty-five,’ she answered haughtily.
At the foot of the bed, Rafael doubled over laughing. Abigail glared at the top of his poodle curled dark head.
‘Say cheese,’ Michael called out.
Abigail blinked up at him in surprise as he aimed the phone at her and Gabriel.
Next thing she knew, Gabriel was swiping his hot wet tongue up the side of her cheek as Michael chuckled and snapped pictures.
Aghast, she turned, mouth gaping to Gabriel. Big mistake. He took advantage and pressed his mouth against hers, his tongue shoving in deep.
She was about to struggle to get away but remembered his injuries and just froze instead.
‘Hey, I want in on the pics too,’ Rafael called out.
Gabriel reared back with a snarl. ‘Fuck off.’
Abigail blinked at the other guitarist who was laughing hard at Gabriel’s other side. He stuck his tongue out throwing up the horns sign before following it up with his middle finger at Michael who was still happily snapping away pictures.
Abigail took the opportunity of Gabriel’s lapse of attention to spring away from him and make a grab for her phone.
Michael grabbed her around the waist instead and pulled her against him. Abigail blinked up at the screen of her phone as Michael held it over their faces with a big grin and snapped a picture.
‘Here,’ he said giving her back her phone, ‘now one of the three of us.’
‘What are you all doing?’ Angelo said waltzing in.
‘Hurry,’ Rafael called out. ‘Abs is about to get a picture of all of us.’
‘Ooh, wait,’ Angelo cried scampering over to the bed. He positioned himself behind Rafe as Michael occupied Abigail’s spot. They all leaned in closer to Gabriel who grinned seductively at her, naughty little nipple still on display.
Abigail snapped two pictures before Angelo noticed Gabe’s hospital gown and protested. ‘Hey, why does he get to be the sexy one? I’m supposed to be the sexy one. Here take a pic of this,’ he grinned yanking up his t-shirt to show off his fuzzy chest. Just as Abigail smirked and was about to snap the picture, Rafael turned his head and bit Angelo’s left nipple, making the drummer howl in indignation.
Abigail stared at the screen of her phone, biting back a grin at the picture of the guitarist’s teeth nipping Angelo’s teet while Gabriel looked on in disgusted amusement, and Michael laughed.
A few moments later, a stern-faced nurse came in and scolded them on the noise level, as well as the number of people in the room.
The boys left, leaving Abigail alone with Gabriel.
He beckoned for her to sit by him again. She walked up to the bed and pulled up the guardrail instead. His eyes narrowed at her as his lips drew tight.
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The next morning at breakfast, Sean handed me Mark's cell phone. We decided that it was about time to get phones of our own. It was an expense I really didn't want to take on yet, but there are times, like today, that cell phones are handy. And when is the last time you saw a working pay phone? After Sean left for his class I went to the bedroom to decide what to wear today. I knew it would have to be sexy. But he hadn't told me anything about what he had planned so I didn't know what...
“You seriously need to get laid, girl,” my best friend shrieks as we enter the math class.“Shush,” I attempt to hush her from speaking so crudely. She is so fucking loud.“What?” She looks at me innocently. That bitch.I just shake my head and walk to my seat. I put all my stuff down and sit myself down. She also takes a seat beside mine.“Don’t you think our professor is so hot?” She asks me that every single class. My answer is also always the same. “Nope” Though, in all honesty, he is very hot....
College Sex“Are you guys ready yet?” called out Jessie’s mom. “Nearly!” called back Bjorn. “Jessie’s just pulling on her jeans. Won’t be long.” In the other room Bjorn was making final adjustments to his hair as Jessie Harper pulled her jeans up over her hips then zipped and belted them in place. “There!” she said. “All ready.” Jessie then looked across at Bjorn standing by the door. She then walked up and flung her arms around him from behind and said, “I’m sorry, Bjorn, for making such a fuss...
Helen was enjoying the Saturday afternoon drifting through her favorite mall. She was not really out to buy anything specific, but she enjoyed the leisure. It was a rare treat for a single mother to have an afternoon for herself and she wanted to make the most of it. Irina had volunteered to have Larissa for the afternoon and Helen much appreciated the offer. Of course, Irina would spoil her granddaughter rotten, but to Helen’s mind that was far preferable to her own parents’s...
Suzette wrapped her tiny arms around me much as I had her beside the water two years before. "I got here as fast as I could, Jay," she said. "You should have gotten mom and dad up last night." She and Jeff put their arm around my waist and helped guide me toward the locker room. The local television stations were there as were a couple of larger market newspapers. The Associated Press picked up a picture from one of its subscribers of the three of us walking toward the locker room....
We were in Thailand for 2 weeks, before going there we joined adult swinger websites in order to have some people to meet when we go there.We have been thinking of trying a couple for a long time and since the M loves Asians and the F likes western guys, we were trying to meet a mixed couple like ourselves (which Thailand has a lot of ;) ) After a few emails to the profiles we liked, we finely found a nice couple. The excitement was overwhelming!!When we got finely arrived, we stayed in a...
I happened to visit the city years ago with my girlfriend at the time. Although it was a trip for professional reasons, we've had some time to visit the city. Among other sightseeings, we entered a curiosity called "erotic museum" or something like that. We watched the exposed material, pictures and various erotic tools most of them. At a moment i noticed at a rather isolated semi-dark corner of the place a man sitted on a chair looking at something in a tv monitor. Ignoring our presence (we...
We walked into KMart, my husband and I, in search of my Master. I still didn't know your name, but that didn't seem to matter. For now, all that mattered was getting my life back on track, keeping my marriage intact and retaining a firm hold on the only man who'd ever managed to make me feel like something more than just a dowdy housewife -- you, my Master. We found you easily enough, since I took him directly to the security office in the back of the building. You were there, watching us...
Like a few of my other stories, this one clawed and scratched at the inside of my skull, getting in the way of other stories until I acquiesced to let it out. I’ve configured it as a Weird Pulp style for brevity’s sake. There is no graphic sex here. It just wouldn’t fit. Special thanks to Sbrooks for the editing and Crkcppr for Beta reading it for me. Any remaining errors are entirely mine -- probably added after their assistance. The Song of Farwalker and Deadgirl: The Long Night of the...
I got to the middle of the piano seat, saw two of the nicest butts I could remember and fell over... I woke up in the same ER I had been in before. Dammit. I had on a mask with oxygen. At least I didn’t have that stupid tube down my throat. My eyes fluttered open... “He’s awake -- Michael is awake!” That was my Jennifer. “Michael, can you hear me?” a doctor asked. I took Jennifer’s hand as I clumsily answered, “Yes.” She squeezed my hand and said, “I love you, Michael.” “I know,” I...
Blair continued to kiss Casey as she caressed her breast using Jacob’s now cool expelled nucleus as a lotion. She was getting the most out of two of her five senses, taste and feel. Blair was tasting Jacob’s tangy core as well as feeling his slickness coat her best friend’s firm frontal projection. Blair had always wanted to enjoy Casey’s company this way. Now she was doing it with an audience. Casey fell into the touch of her best friend. It was something she could not help. Her body was...
visit on www.papahaxx.com website to see top rated stories like theseBeing Naughty for Daddy,H my name is Christy and I love telling stories, especially ones where my daddy and I are fucking the hell out of each other. Its just so happens that I have one of these naughty little tale that I wound love to share with you tonight.You see a little over a week ago daddy and I had one of the best fuck sessions, I can not remember the last time we had sex like that. I knew that mother had stopped...
The beginning of our date was centered around negotiations. ‘You know I didn’t intend to upset you, Sir.’ ‘I know you didn’t. But you did. It’s been a few days, I am not upset any longer, but you do understand that, per our agreement, there are consequences, don’t you?’ ‘Yes, Sir.’ ‘And ultimately, those consequences are rewards, aren’t they, dear?’ ‘Oh, yes, Sir. I do like it when you are very harsh with me.’ ‘I know you do. You are a good girl, after all.’ ‘Thank you, Sir.’ With that,...
Not gonna lie this was the most amazing feeling, coming home after a long day of school and having your balls drained by the milf next door who was cheating on her husband for my young cock. I'd never broach the subject of fucking her pussy because I was too ecstatic being sucked off that I didn't want to ruin it but I started to feel bad that all she was getting from this was the enjoyment of sucking my cock so I started doing research and asking friends how to eat pussy. The mix of...
Chapter Two: The Unicorn's Prowess By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Anton – Tol Via Village, Kingdom of Athlos “You're blinded by Biaute's cunt,” cursed Stefan as I marched towards the dark edge of the Rothin Forest. “It's dangerous in there. The unicorns will gore you. They're monsters.” “She's in there,” I growled. My Cherise had always been so fascinated by the forest. “Something's happened to her.” “Yeah, the cursed unicorns gored her,” my friend snarled, seizing my arm....
After having my mind blown and the manner in which I learned of my wife’s cheating, the sex that followed was electric. We didn’t get an opportunity to speak until later that evening, which created a strange atmosphere in the house. When we did get to speak privately later on, we both agreed that we still felt close to each other, Stacey said that she felt we needed to clear the air. I stopped her and said that no matter what she said, I still loved her and our family. She held my hands and...
Main nay usay apnay pass khayncha or us k honton per kiss kernay laga kiss k doran us ka hath mayray dick ki teraf barhanay laga main jab us nay mayray dick ko pakra tu hayran ho ker boli kia bat hay is koi kaysay teyar kertay rahay ho zalim admi mujhy marnay ka irada hay 7 inch or mota. Main bola don’t u worry is say aj tak koi naheen mera ager merna hota tu last time jab dhokay say aik k bjaeay or bhi log tum per chaher gaeay thay tut um Mer jati is per wo hansnay lagi kameenay admit um nay...
6th Day Violation (Based off the movie 6th Day) Andrea Gibson was a veteran pilot at Extreme Express, a company that would fly clients to high peaks for the purposes of hiking, climbing, skiing, etc. Andrea had always had a fascination with flying but due to her controversial history decided not to enlist in the US Air Force. Instead, she became an expert in the new helicopter jets. Extreme Express had two helicopter jets in stock, each of them having helicopter blades and...
"Honest to God Marge, I'm just hanging in there until he becomes vested in his pension plan. Then when I leave him I can get the court to award me half. What? No, I should be all right until I can land some one else. Sure. I'll get half of everything he has and the beauty of it is that the court will order him to pay my lawyer out of what he has left. No. Hey, he's a nice enough guy, but he just doesn't satisfy me sexually." I had smashed my thumb at work and had gone to the clinic....
"Mrs Carson?" I'm Daryl from Daily Construction; you accepted our quote for a new conservatory and patio."For a few seconds, Sandra Carson stood with her mouth open, looking at the man standing on her doorstep smiling at her. He was by far the tallest man she had ever seen. He dwarfed her slim five-foot-three figure by at least a foot, maybe a lot more. She estimated him to be about thirty-five with a muscular black skin that just oozed fitness."Oh, I'm sorry, didn't mean to stare, you...
InterracialRecently I split up with my long term partner after I found out she had been shagging her boss behind my back. We had already booked a two week break on the Greek island of Crete and initially my only thought was to cancel the trip and get my deposit back but the travel company told me that the smallprint clearly shows that no refunds are made unless it was illness or death. They did however offer me a smaller apartment on the small resort at half price. After giving it some thought I...
Comments appreciated. Just Before the Auction I got to BTS national house right before 3 just like I was supposed to and rang the bell. No one answered so I ended up going around back to this service entrance where the door was open. I went into a hallway where I ran into – almost literally ran into – a kind of old but not really old, like 30 maybe, not too bad looking, medium build but not very tall guy dressed very casually who was carrying these big heavy looking cases of bottles . He had...
…While I was laying, so many thoughts came into my mind. Omar trusts me a lot, and he has allowed me to come this far all alone and revealed much, because of his trust on me. But now, what am I doing here? Still, I felt myself lucky because though imad seemed like a tough man, he really cared about my pain as well. That was so good of him. Thank god he was like that. I looked at him. He was sleeping like an innocent giant, I may say. His embrace was loosened by now so I could roll off and stand...
Tim was waiting for Janice when she came out of the bathroom after her shower. "I have a reservation at seven at Gerardo's. I've laid out everything you will need to wear. However, when you're dressed, I have one little addition." Janice looked at him suspiciously as she put on the pretty summer dress. The dress was bright yellow and made of a thin cotton material. It was short as usual but this time it was also low cut with little spaghetti straps holding the material covering her bare...
1. At the Office "Kelsey, you have a package up front," the call came from reception. Kelsey walked up front to find a basket, wrapped in a translucent paper, with a small note "Happy Birthday." "What is it?" the receptionist asks, having already read the card. "I am not really sure," Kelsey says, opening the paper a bit. The first thing she saw was the cap of a bottle of champagne. Krug. There were also a couple of small boxes, each one individually wrapped. She returned to her...
My name is Eric Samson, I'm thirty five years old and I'm looking in at my newborn daughter through the viewing window at the maternity ward. Her mom, is resting comfortably, and I'm waiting for a nurse to come out and suit me up, so I can hold my daughter again. For some reason, the nurses always want to put me and other visitors in scrubs, and clean us up before they allow us to touch the baby. I guess it makes sense because I wouldn't want anything to happen to my precious little angel...
Insemination "This is your last chance," Mazie said. Mazie was my best friend. Her son, Terry was the same age as my son, Danny."You tell me the same thing every month," I said as I poured her another cup of coffee."Some month it's gonna be true. If it already isn't true.""What are you saying?" For the first time, I was scared.Mazie took a sip and hesitated before saying, "Well ... you don't even know if YOU can get pregnant anymore. It might not just be Mel. It's been so long.""I still get my...
"Hello there! Welcome to the world of POKEMON! My name is OAK! People call me the POKEMON PROF!" "This world is inhabited by creatures called POKEMON! For some people, POKEMON are pets. Others use them for fights. Myself...I study POKEMON as a profession." "First, what is your name? ... Right! So your name is Red!" "This is my grandson. He's been your rival since you were a baby....Erm, what is his name again? "That's right! I remember now! His name is Blue! "Red! Your very own POKEMON legend...
Hi friends i m sahil malik 4m Allahabad India yee meri real story hai meri behan jis ka name maryam hai 20age hai fig size 36 32 34 hai buhat mast hai mujh ku us din dey achi lagne lagi jab mein ne us barish mein nahatey time dekha us k kapray us k jism sey chepak chukey thay jis ki waja sey us pora jism nazar aaa raha tha mujh ku dekh jab woh apne room ki taraf gai tu us ki gand buhat achi lagi bas tab sey us ka dewana hu gaya pher raat ku us k room jaa ker us ku tuch kerta halke sey kaheen...
Based on a true story.Once Me and My Ex wanted to meet secretly to enjoy each other. So we thought of possible ways how to do that. I came to the idea of taking my stepfathers car and drive somewhere hidden, after I picked her up. Said and done. We chose a saturday night to it. I had to be the first one to leave the house, so she just waited for me to start leaving. Until that time we texted. When my parents and sisters and brother finally slept, I slowly and silently started to leave my bed....
The train ride to remember By rough riding tender cowboy I had looked forward to this trip for a long time. Hubby couldn’t or wouldn’t leave the farm for long and I wanted to visit my sister on the coast. I decided that the train trip out there was just what the doctor ordered. I packed books and comfy clothes and planned on watching the scenery day dreaming, reading and sleeping for the 5 day trip. I boarded the train and unloaded my suitcase in the sleeper compartment, took a walk around...
Hello friends, my name is Sumit () and I am from Bangalore. My height is 5’9″ and this is my first post on ISS. So, please forgive me if I am wrong anywhere… Now lets come to my story. Ye ek desi sex story hai and baat 2015 ki hai jab main pune mein job karta tha. Mera ek friend bhi pune mein he job karti thi, jo ki meri kafi saalo se friend thi aur uska naam anamika(name changed) hai. Dikhne mein ek dum maal thi, height 5’6″ thi uski aur boobs 34C the. Jab main Pune gaya toh uske next day main...
A COMFORTABLE BRA By Persephone Jack Mewls was an ordinary kind of guy. Nothing special but nothing bad either. He was twenty four years old, stood five foot eleven inches and had a reasonable build on a medium frame. His complexion was clear and he had reddish blond hair that had a natural wave to it. He tended to put off getting haircuts so it was usually down to or over his collar. His eyes were a light grey that would take on the colors he was wearing or the room around...