Donna from Day Care Ch 01
- 4 years ago
- 28
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The next morning, Kevin was awakened earlier than he really wanted to be by Kerry climbing on top of him. He had been having a beautiful dream, in which he was snuggling with Donna in that same bed, and he hated to have it end so abruptly. His son didn’t seem to mind, though, and was eager to get his own day with Donna started. Kevin was too, but he would have preferred to have been allowed to sleep a little longer. However, the thought of spending a whole afternoon, and maybe an evening too, with the sweet lady spurred him to get up and start doing what was necessary. After completing his own morning ablutions, he helped Kerry with his, and in getting him dressed, and bathed and dressed Katie. He chose something festive for both children and for himself, because he hoped the day would be a festive one.
Following a healthy breakfast for everyone, Kevin began marinating five steaks in barbeque sauce, with the smallest one being intended for Kerry. Two were for Fred and Wilma Brown, the friendly neighbors, whom he had induced to join him in a conspiracy. They had moved into the apartment next to his about a month after the departure of Carla, and treated Kevin like a son. Their own son and their two grandchildren were thousands of miles away, and he had no objection to him and his children being their substitute family.
Donna did not wake up early, because she had little to do, except get herself ready. After her shower and breakfast, she went to her favorite grocer, selected the best vegetables there and brought them home to prepare the salad she had promised. She still had some doubts as to just where she stood with Kevin. Even after telling him her terrible secret, he still seemed interested in a relationship, although Donna couldn’t understand how or why he might be interested in a failure of a woman, such as herself.
At a few minutes after twelve, Kevin arrived, and Donna invited him into her studio apartment, assuming he would be accompanied by his children. They greeted each other with a warm embrace and a long kiss, until she realized he was alone.
‘How are the kids?’ she asked. ‘Did you bring them with you?’ Donna didn’t actually believe that Kevin would have left them on their own, either at his apartment or in his car, but she did wonder where they were. Even as she wondered, she took advantage of their absence to hug and kiss their father again.
‘The kids are fine. I left them with the neighbors.’
‘The neighbors? Are they okay?’
They’re more than okay, they’re really great. They’re grandparents themselves, and their own son and his kids are a long ways away, so they try to spoil Kerry and Kate instead. The kids love them too, almost as much as they love you.’
She blushed slightly. ‘Kerry and Kate are a couple of real sweeties.’
‘That they are. I love them, of course, but they can be a handful.
Donna decided to try to find out a little more about Kevin’s views on any more children. ‘Did you ever think about having any more?’ In order to avoid letting Kevin know how important she considered his answer to her apparently casual question, she asked it while she had her back to him, going to the refrigerator to remove the bowl of salad.
‘Well, Carla was absolutely dead set against it. I don’t know that I’d want any more either. Like I say, the two I already have are quite a handful.’
Her heart soared when she heard his answer, but Donna was still playing it cool, and she kept her back to Kevin while she set the bowl on the counter by the sink. He stood behind her in the entrance to the kitchenette, admiring the flare of her hips and ass under her tan Bermuda shorts. His ex-wife had kept herself as slim as possible, especially back there, and her hips had already been narrow. He wondered why anybody would do such a thing, and why anybody, any man at least, could regard a figure like Carla’s as attractive. He stepped into the kitchen, directly behind Donna and rested his hands affectionately on her shoulders.
She really liked the feel of Kevin touching her, especially when he started gently kneading her shoulders, and she leaned back against him so he would continue. For a few minutes, neither of them said anything, and the impromptu massage continued, both of them enjoying the intimacy. Donna finally turned around, with her face raised to be kissed. It was the longest and warmest kiss they had shared yet but she was puzzled about something. Kevin seemed to be trying to poke his tongue into her mouth, and she couldn’t figure out why.
‘We’d better get going,’ she said after moving away.
Kevin agreed, although he would have preferred to continue with what they had been doing. While Donna carried her vegetable creation, he opened the doors ahead of her and closed them behind her, including the one to the passenger side of his car.
On the drive to Kevin’s apartment, she leaned as close to him as she could while safely belted in the bucket seat. They chatted, mostly about the children. Both of them seemed to feel that a milestone of some sort had been reached that day, but they couldn’t explain what and how, so neither said anything about it. She held the salad on her lap, until Kevin pulled up into his covered parking space outside his apartment building.
Donna was quite impressed with his apartment. The living room was bigger than her whole studio, and his kitchen had all the conveniences and appliances that her tiny kitchenette lacked. The view from the balcony, where he would be doing the barbequing, was sweeping, rather than being a blank wall. Neither Kevin nor Carla had ever had much interest in the view, and they had selected the apartment for its other qualities.
While he did the cooking, Donna got to know Fred and Wilma, and they mostly talked about Kevin, his children, and children in general. When she mentioned working in a day care center, they expressed a certain amount of envy, at the way she was around the little darlings all day.
‘Yes,’ Donna replied. ‘I really love children, all of them, and Kate and Kerry are so sweet.’
The older couple had noticed that Donna was not accompanied by any children of he own, but were tactful enough to refrain from asking why, although they were a bit curious. It was about that time that Kevin announced the steaks were ready, and that everybody had better dive in, or he would pig them all down.
Wilma had prepared a big bowl of macaroni salad and, with the steaks and Donna’s salad, they all ate enough to feel stuffed. Even Kate especially enjoyed being fed her more conventional baby food by Wilma, who had insisted on being allowed that privilege. Shortly after everybody had finished eating, and were sitting around talking about how good the food had been, Fred put Kevin’s plan into operation.
‘Why don’t you young folks go out somewhere by yourselves?’ he suggested. ‘Wilma and I can clean up here, and keep an eye on the wee lassie and laddy while you’re gone.’
‘Oh, I couldn’t ask you to do that,’ Kevin demurred. That was part of the plan too. He was hoping Donna might want to go to a movie, or something, and they could continue developing their relationship.
‘Don’t be silly, Kevin,’ Wilma chimed in. ‘You now how we feel about the kids, and it’s no trouble to us. If we didn’t, we’d just sit around and watch television and rot our brains, and we don’t need that.’
Kevin turned to ask the object of the scheme. ‘Well, what do you think, Donna?’
‘I think I’d like that, if you want to,’ she said to Kevin. ‘And if it isn’t too much trouble,’ she added, directed at Fred and Wilma. She knew she would like that, and where she would want to go with Kevin, but didn’t want to say it out loud. She didn’t know the older couple all that well, and didn’t want them thinking of her as loose or immoral.
‘That’s settled, then,’ Fred announced. ‘Now, you two, shoo, and let us get started with the cleanup.’
With p
retended reluctance, Kevin got up, helped Donna with the light sweater she had worn, put on his jacket, and escorted her out the door. The plan had worked perfectly, but he didn’t know just where she would want to go, and what she would want to do. Wherever it was, being there with her would make it the right place.
Donna knew, but she was embarrassed to say it out loud, even to Kevin. After they were seated in his car, but before he turned the ignition, he asked her. She leaned over, whispered into his ear, and sat back in her seat, embarrassed at even whispering it, but not regretting her action.
Kevin didn’t regret it either. He smiled at her suggestion, it would have easily been his first choice too, but he wouldn’t have dared suggest it. He backed out of his parking space and pulled into the street, hoping he wouldn’t get a ticket for driving too fast, he was so eager to reach their destination.
He had driven from there to his apartment several times lately, but that morning had been the first time he had ever driven the opposite direction, and that afternoon was the second. Kevin parked his car in one of the visitors’ parking spaces and opened Donna’s door for her and closed it after she exited. She opened the doors to the apartment house and to her studio, closing and locking the latter behind them. Donna reached down and pulled off her sneakers, as she usually did as soon as she entered. Also wanting to be comfortable, Kevin removed his shoes and went her one better by peeling off his socks as well. Donna giggled, and matched him, and they laughed at each other’s bare feet while wiggling their toes against the thin carpet.
The first thing that caught Kevin’s eye was the love seat where he had spent some happy moments, but not enough of them, the night before. After hanging up her sweater and his jacket on the hooks fastened to the front door, they sat there together, holding each other so closely they only took up half of the space on the seat that was designed for two. Their first kiss was the best one yet, and they both hoped it would be the first of many, and they would get better. Kevin hoped they would get much, much better and, hopefully, lead to more, preferably in her bed, because the love seat would really be too small for what he was thinking of.
Donna didn’t know exactly what she hoped. Definitely, she wanted to continue with what they had been doing the previous evening and that morning. She thought she knew what Kevin would want to do, and the notion both excited her and frightened her. Although she was sure of her feelings for him, and thought they were the same as his feelings for her, she still had some misgivings. Donna had been brought up in a church that preached that sex was the most sinful deed possible, unless it was for the purpose of ‘making babies’, and even then was not to be enjoyed any more than could be helped.
Although she no longer had any connection with that church, and wanted none, a lifetime of conditioning is not easy to break, even when she very much wanted to break it. Donna hoped that the man in her arms would be patient and gentle and considerate, and would make her want to do what was contrary to her childhood indoctrination. Knowing Kevin would be calling on her, she had folded the legs on her bed and lifted it up to swing it into the adjacent closet that morning, but it could be easily swung back out.
He was well aware of her religious upbringing, and Kevin wanted to overcome it, and help her overcome it, but he wouldn’t try to force Donna to do anything she wasn’t ready to do. Just as she hoped he would be, Kevin was patient and gentle and considerate, and he regarded the woman in his arms as being too sweet and beautiful and wonderful to risk losing through trying to push her into something she wasn’t ready to do.
Whatever happened that afternoon, and however far they went, they were truly enjoying themselves getting there. On the second kiss, Donna once again felt Kevin trying to insert his tongue into her mouth and, this time, she parted her lips and let it slide in. She was amazed at how good it felt, and how erotic and, when she licked the underside with the tip of her own tongue, how it got so much better. Donna hoped Kevin would continue, and that they would open that door and unfold the bed legs again.
Kevin hoped much the same thing. He had never seen Donna’s bed, but he was aware of how Murphy beds operate, and had surmised that she had one at the end of the short leg of the ‘L’ shaped room. Perhaps even more than Donna, he hoped the bed would be on the floor, and they would be on it before the evening ended. Certainly, her licking his tongue while it was inside her mouth was a good indication that it would.
He soon got another very good indication. They continued kissing, Donna’s tongue quickly matching the aggressiveness of Kevin’s. On the next kiss, they met in the center and in the next one, hers was inside his mouth. She had seldom kissed Daniel, certainly not with any passion, since both of them considered such things to be improper, even between a husband and wife. However, sitting side by side as they were, with their bodies twisted toward another wasn’t as comfortable as she would have liked. She solved this by swiveling on her ass and lying down with her upper body across his lap. This quickly became less than optimum when she saw how much Kevin had to lean forward for the kissing they were both enjoying so much, so with one arm around his shoulders, she pulled herself upright so she was sitting on his lap.
That was much better, because their faces were closer together, and they could kiss more easily and more intimately. However, her exertions had caused her blouse to become partially untucked from her shorts, and some of the buttons had loosened. She pulled it out the rest of the way and, when that wasn’t good enough, unbuttoned it the rest of the way. Donna was very glad she had made the adjustments because, when Kevin resumed his embrace of her, he slipped his arms under the open garment. His warm hands made her tingle wherever they touched her bare skin, especially when they moved around in gentle caresses.
Kevin enjoyed it too, of course, every bit as much as she did. Her skin was soft and smooth, and the flesh underneath was firm, but not so firm that he couldn’t tell she was all woman. He looked at her exposed bra, and the small amount of cleavage showing, and wondered how to get that unfastened and removed, after first getting her blouse the rest of the way off. She would definitely have to take off the bra herself. He had never in his life removed a bra from a woman.
‘Does it seem rather warm in here?’ he asked.
Donna, whose temperature had been steadily rising, replied. ‘Now that you mention it, yes it is.’
‘I hope you don’t mind if I take my shirt off.’ Kevin was already unbuttoning it.
‘Not at all. I’ll help you.’
Donna held the nearer sleeve while he pulled his arm free, and reached around to pull the shirt off his other arm and hand it to him. He tossed it onto the unoccupied part of the love seat and quickly took hold of the shoulders of her blouse, so she could pull her arms free. That garment joined his shirt. He was bare above the waist, while she was still wearing her bra, but Kevin hoped to change that before very long.
Their kissing continued. Both of them knew they should be using their time together to talk about personal things, and to get to know each better, but they were having too much fun to want to stop. Donna especially enjoyed the way Kevin was caressing the bare skin of her sides, back and even her belly. Sometimes she thought of herself as fat, in comparison to the svelte working mothers who left their children at Mrs. Ortiz’s or the other day care center she had worked for. Kevin, however, seemed to enjoy running his hands over her, and didn’t seem to think of her body as unattractive. He seemed to be having a problem stroking her back, however, because h
er bra strap was in the way, and it was too tight for him to slide his fingers under it. It felt rather uncomfortable for her anyhow, and Donna had a sudden daring thought.
‘Do you want me to take it off?’ she whispered, as his fingers fumbled under it.
‘Yes,’ Kevin whispered back.
Donna reached up behind her back for the catch to her bra. As she unhooked it, she realized that this was a big step in their relationship. No man had ever seen her breasts. All her doctors had been women, at her husband’s insistence, and he avoided looking at her body for fear of arousing sinful lust. The catch was unhooked, but she had a sudden attack of shyness, and held the cups over her breasts.
‘Are you sure?’ she asked.
‘Only if you want to. Only if you’re comfortable doing it.’
She was comfortable with Kevin, Donna realized, more than with any other person who had ever been part of her life, even including her parents, who always seemed so judgmental. Last night, she had told him her darkest secret, and he had taken it in stride. After deciding she didn’t want to keep anything secret from him, she smiled, pulled the cups away from the treasures they had been hiding, and added the bra to the small pile of clothing.
Kevin was enraptured. On the previous night, he had noted her breasts were large, and they looked firm, but he hadn’t realized until that moment just how large and how firm, and how they jutted from her body, and how pretty and pink her nipples were. Gently and carefully, not wanting to frighten Donna by any abrupt moves, he cupped his hands under either of the twin beauties. The skin was exquisitely soft and smooth, but her breasts were firm and vibrant in his hands. Slowly, he bowed his head and kissed her nipples, noting they were more rigid than he had expected.
‘Do you like them?’
‘I love them. They’re beautiful. And you’re beautiful.’ Kevin bent his head to kiss Donna’s sweet pink nipples again, before raising his head and sharing a long kiss with her, with their tongues caressing each other.
During Donna’s legally non-existent marriage to Daniel, there had never been any kind of foreplay before sex. It was forbidden by the church, on the grounds that it might turn a solemn occasion, a man impregnating his wife, into fun for the couple involved. There had never been any hugging or kissing, except for an occasional peck on the cheek in public or on the lips when in the sanctity of the couple’s own home. Caressing of any kind was strictly forbidden. Of course, there had been no way for the church to enforce those dictums, but Daniel had been a true believer, and had followed their rules as closely as possible. Even during their efforts to make babies, he had sometimes chided Donna for seeming to enjoy the effort too much. As a result of these bans, she had never actually been sexually aroused, not even on their wedding night when she lost her maidenhead.
That was changing that afternoon, and Donna relished the strange feelings that were filling her body, which seemed to emanate from her nipples, where Kevin had started licking her. She liked it so much, she wanted to help him so, rather than continuing to sit on his lap, where he had to bend his neck to get at them, she moved up to sit on the arm of the love seat. This put her breasts level with his mouth, and she also cupped them in her hands, so his tongue could reach them more easily. Kevin very much appreciated this, and he put his arms around her to hold her steadily in place, while his tongue and lips continued their caresses.
The strange, new, and wonderful sensations continued for Donna. She felt moisture collecting between her legs, and there seemed to be a connection between her nipples, where Kevin was licking, and a place just above where she felt the moisture. She had accidentally touched herself there a few times, and had been dismayed by the tingling she had felt. The feelings she was getting from Kevin’s mouth were something like the others had been, except so much stronger, and she wanted them to continue. Donna thought about getting down the bed so they could lie on it together, and Kevin could more easily continue his ministrations that were making her feel so good. She would have done it, but she didn’t want to interrupt what they were doing.
Donna ran to the front door when she heard the bell ring. She opened the door. John, her boyfriend, stood there with a seductive smile, “What’s up babe?” Donna smiled back, “Mom and Dad went to the mall. Their night to shop and eat out.” “Way to go good old mom and dad.” John stepped inside and pushed the door closed. He wrapped his arms around Donna’s slim waist and kissed her hard. She kissed back until she had to pull away to catch...
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IncestDonna and her best friend, Susan, were both barely sixteen when they became lovers. They had grown up together, almost like sisters, and had only gradually become aware of their budding sexuality, without ever really talking about it. Neither could put a label on her feelings for the other. They were close friends and it felt good - that was all that mattered. Donna's parents had gone away for the weekend and she was sent to stay at Susan's house. There was a spare bedroom available, but the...
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As Donna drove home she was getting more and more anxious As Donna drove home she was getting more and more anxious. She had just failed the CPLP certification exam and knew she would have to tell Master. He had been telling her for weeks to study, but she kept putting it off. Now it would cost another $750.00 to retest. There was time to think of a solution. She would cook a really nice dinner and plead her case. Things had been stressful lately. Work kept her on the road a lot. Surly...
This is a continuation of Parts 1 and 2 of ‘Donna from Daycare.’ For more details about how and why this happy couple starts out in bed in her apartment, and for more information on their backgrounds and general information, please read those two parts. * Knowing they had to get out of bed and be responsible people, and wanting to do so were two different matters. For a long time, Kevin and Donna happily lay together in her Murphy bed, either of them whispering to the other how wonderful he...
To all regular readers of my smutty stories: Bless you, and may you live long and prosper but, if you are expecting to find a lot of sex in this tale, you will be disappointed. There is only one scene and a little more by reference. You can find some in previous romantic stories about this couple, but not much even there. * On a Monday morning in the middle of February, Donna and Kevin O’Brien awoke at virtually the same time, as they did almost every morning, looked at each other and smiled...
Donna was her own worst enemy. Along with her ‘who-cares’ attitude, she had many fascinating experiences. She also had ones that were not so nice. At present, she tried to look around the room, unsure of how or why she was there. Donna had drunk too much, that she knew, but ‘what the hell!’ her daughter had just got engaged and everyone was celebrating.That was it, she thought, she was still at home. Her daughter and fiancé had invited had invited a whole slew of friends over. They were having...
As luck would have it Donna and I were doing some shopping in town when we passed Amy, the teenage chubby chav, I fucked a couple of months back, in the street, and she stopped to speak to me as her friends lingered by. When we broke apart Donna asked who she was and as we had a coffee I was telling her.I could tell she was thinking and after a few minutes she said “Perhaps we could take her home” “Now that’s a good idea”, as we walked on I got my phone out and rang Amy, she answered straight...
Donna and Nellie’s Indiscretion I arrived late one evening at the pub which we always refer to as the Jill and Whistle. I was rather taken aback when I saw Nellie standing beside Donna. This would not normally arouse my indignation but on this occasion I was surprised because Nellie was holding the front of her skirt raised above her waist and Donna was staring intently at the revealed parts. I could not share the view because Nellie had her back to me. Nellie’s skirts are so short that lifting...
LesbianWinter had ended and spring was in full bloom on the Friday morning when Kevin O’Brien looked at the calendar in the kitchen of the apartment where he and his family lived in loving closeness. It was April 15, probably the hardest working day of the year for him, as managing partner at the local branch of the big CPA firm where he had worked since graduating from college. He also noted the following Friday, April 22, was Earth Day, and decided the day following that, since it would be Saturday,...
Besides being one of my entries in the Winter Holiday Contest, this is the fifth story in the Donna and Kevin series. It’s mostly about a supremely happy new family celebrating their first Christmas together in a traditional way, but there is also quite a bit of sex in it. * Donna and Kevin and Kerry and Kate O’Brien were about as happy as a family could be. Every day, either of the adults marveled that they could have been so undeservedly lucky as to have found the other, and felt eternally...
PLEASE NOTE: This is a continuation of the stories ‘Donna from Daycare’ and ‘Donna and Kevin Together.’ Unlike most of my stories, there was a limited amount of sex in those earlier parts, and there isn’t very much in this one either. * Kevin O’Brien woke up and smiled at the sweet face of Donna on the pillow next to the one he was using. He loved her so much as to almost constitute worship, and he knew that she returned his feelings. Both of them had been involved in extremely negative...
This is a spin off from “Curious Daughter”. Here is a link to the original story: woke up before her alarm range and at first she wondered why but then she heard the steady thumping of two people fucking. She smiled as she thought of Gary fucking their daughter.She listened as she heard the muffled moans of someone having an orgasm and concluded that it was Amber as the tempo of the fuck was steady. Donna's fingers found her wet pussy and...
I had been chatting with Donna for days now .......she was very hot and the more we chatted the hot things became between us ............. Donna want her first lesbian experience and although I had only had mine last year I was more tha willing to help her............We start off with the normal chat Me - hi your a stunning stylish women if you fancy finding out more about me let me know WendyDonna - hi there thanks for the message !!:) if u wanna chat then feel free do Me- so how you liking...
Characters Andrew Martin — A 35 year old attorney Donna Stains-Martin — A 32 year old attractive woman, wife of Andrew Sam Spade — A 36 year old Stockbroker, boss of Donna William Stains — 56 year old father of Donna Martha Stains — 52 year old mother of Donna Donald Martin — 60 year old widower father of Andrew, a retired judge. Act 1 [The sitting room at the Martin's. A beautifully decorated room where Andrew is sitting with his wife, her parents and his father.] Donald —...
"You guys get the fuck out of here"reggie ordered." I don't think so " bill answered again. Rob's never had any ass this hot and i think its only fair.Reggie looked at Rob. " I don't really give a fuck, as long as i get mine " he said and relaxed back onto the cot. Donna realized things had gone further than she had intended but was too horny to care, and the attention of the two men watching had her almost in a dream like state. As she watched bill stroking inches away. Her body spasmed with...
I had seen Donna many times on a wife posting site that her husband was active on. She had an incredible body and legs to die for. Her pussy looked so smooth and sexy. In a nutshell, she was a dream fuck. The pictures that her husband Steve posted often included her with a ball gag in BDSM poses and some sweet pussy spreads. I chatted with him several times and found out that she liked to be bound and had a fantasy about being bound and used by multiple cocks. After corresponding several more...
‘You are about to enter Box.’ Donna looked at me, her mismatched eyes curious. ‘Explain.’ We were on a train, travelling from Bath to London. Donna had been invited to a prestigious London art gallery to join the opening of an exhibition by an artist she had shown some months before. Her boss had not altogether approved of Donna’s selection of this particular artist, whose work is representative and to some eyes, apparently, a little passé. To my own and Donna’s, it just looked good. Her...
LesbianNote : This story is completely fictional!Jenny took her 18 year old to the basement. Her husband was sleeping late. She unzipped his fly and jacked him off. He gasp when his prick shot sperm on her dress.,"Did you like that Ted?""Oh god yes" he said smiling.Jenny played with his prick until it got hard again."This time put it in my mouth" Jenny watched him jack off and when he was ready to cum and he put his prick in her mouth. Ted filled it with warm white sperm and she swallowed it...
IncestDONNA BY JANICE It was Thanksgiving morning; this Thanksgiving was going to be the best ever. My sister and I were going to have it at our house and were inviting all our girlfriends, Tracy, Sally and Barbara, naturally Laura was going to be there. I hardly ever assumed my Laura persona at home; I usually did it at the girl's neighborhood where I was known as Laura. My boyfriend Hal was spending Thanksgiving with...
As she took another sip , she thought to herself…. ” i'm tired of being alone , I want to share my life with someone…someone I can support and mentor ” but she didn’t know where to start.. So she went to the one place she knew had all the answers…. “Google” … and after a couple of hours she landed on “seeking”, she made an account and started looking for prospective partners. After weeding out many fake and desperate profiles, she came across a profile. It was of a...
Donna and the Fish ‘It’s all a matter of juxtaposition.’ Donna looked exquisite. It was another exhibition at her gallery and she was wearing a beautiful pair of black, high cut trousers supported by red braces over a white shirt beneath which was a white, silk camisole. When earlier I had commented how beautiful she looked, she said, ‘I have to conceal my nipples, College. If exposed they would cause a public nuisance, people might fall off bicycles. These are proper nipples, not like yours....
LesbianDonna was in her late 30's and had gained a few pounds since having our first child a few years ago, but I still thought that she was hot, and had never tired of giving her a good fuck. Lately when I would slide a couple fingers into her she would ask me if she could suck my cock at the same time. I'd get on my knees up near her head and let her suck me. I started to think about another guy fucking my wife while she gave me oral. The thought crossed my mind that Donna had this fantasy as well...
Group SexAs luck would have it, Donna and I had just been in the shower and were having some 'us' time, I was feeling her up and she was getting quite turned on. Then someone knocked on our door, I ignored it but the knocking carried on. Throwing my pants on I came downstairs to see who it was. Donna wasn't far behind me. When we opened the door there stood a bible basher.I looked at Donna and she looked at me, remembering what had happened when the telephones were down, I invited him in. He was 29...
Donna and Nellie’s Tits (again) One evening, while waiting for Donna in the pub I was chatting to Nellie at the bar. It was quiet and no other customers were there. Nellie was moaning about her chest again. She had, so she told me, been out to a posh family do the weekend before and one of her tits had made a bid for freedom while she was dancing. She explained that her frock had not been suitable for a bra to be worn under it, since it had no back and she is singularly proud of that piece of...
LesbianDonna and Nellie’s Tits I arrived at the pub late one evening after a tense day at work. I found Donna sitting at ‘our’ table with Nellie who was wet eyed and sad looking. I enquired what was the matter. ‘I’m going to have them off,’ said Nellie. I was not clear what she meant. ‘My tits,’ she said, lifting them pointedly. ‘Nobody ever remembers Nellie the charming barmaid, just Nellie with the big tits. Nobody at work says, “take it to Nellie the first class secretary,” they just say give it to...
LesbianDonna and Dave - Their Lives I am writing this in response to the reviews I have received, when we left Donna and Dave they had assumed each others lives and were living happily as a couple, a lot of people wanted them to undergo SRS but bare in mind these are not a rich couple so paying for this surgery is beyond their means. However as is usual in my writing I'll see how the story develops and respond to any reviews I get. Hi, it's Donna again, Dave and myself are really...
Her name is Mrs. Kelly and she is the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen, much less met. In her early 30's Mrs. Kelly is 5'10," has beautiful red hair and bright green eyes. Her skin is perfect, not a blemish anywhere and her smile when we were introduced took my breath away, and I'm a woman. She looked so elegant, tall and slender, perfectly dressed as the HR person said, "Dora Kelly this is Donna, your new intern for the summer." "You're gorgeous," I gushed. I probably blushed, I...
I lost my virginity when I was at a large high school in the East Midlands. There was a girl in my English class who had a rather sexy reputation, her name was Donna, she was a bit chubby and by no means the prettiest girl in the class but she was known rather unkindly I thought for being what my school mates called “easy”. Donna lived just up the street from me, and I would often walk home, watching her sexy big round bottom swaying in front of me. Eventually, she and I began to chat about the...
Alison and I used to visit each other’s houses on alternate weekends during school time, mainly as we were best friends, we were also having sex with each other. On this particular Saturday I made my way up to her house and knocked on the door, her mum Annette, answered and let me in. “Hi Donna, she’s not back from swimming yet but you can wait if that’s OK” I nodded, and we walked into the kitchen. “Coffee” she asked and I said, “Yes please”.With a mug of coffee in my hand I went and sat on...
This happened in 1999We had just bought a new bed and the guy in the shop said they’d deliver for free, we arranged a date and a time, the following Friday. Friday came and went, after ringing up to complain they said they would deliver the following Monday. Monday morning, half past ten and there was a knock on the door, Donna answered it and there stood Keith, 26, Ian 23 and Andy 25.They brought the bed in, took it upstairs, removed the old one, and then came back in. Donna was in the bedroom...
December 21st 1988, my wife Donna was going on her works Christmas party at a local restaurant,as she doesn't drive we'd arranged for me to pick her up at 1:00am. As I was bored and tired and it was a beautiful crisp evening I decided to go early and wait for her in the car park. I arrived at 12:30 and there were a lot of activity, cars and taxi's etc.As I sat there around 100 yards from the entrance having a cigarette, I could easily see others coming out, laughing and carrying on in a drunken...
I was sitting around the house one evening when the phone rang. It was Donna asking if I could bring the business folder over to her home so she would have it in the morning. I got it from Lorene, and headed over to Donna's house. She answered the door wearing a knee-length light green satin robe and sneakers. "Hey...thanks...come in, I want you to meet someone," she said. She seemed to be a very good mood as we walked into her family room. An older man - I put him at around 70+ was sitting in...
Donna, Finally Female. For those that have not followed this story, my birth name was David Johnson, I was an orphan, I made friends with Donna Wilkinson also an orphan, we both found out we were trapped in the wrong body, so with the help of hormone pills stolen from Donna's place of work we simply became one another, I became Donna a buxom size 24 girl with a 42-34-42 figure, while Donna became Dave an slightly overweight guy who now loves sport and works as an apprentice...
My name is Donna and I reside in a wonderful, albeit, small town. I am considered a proper Lady in my circle of friends and certainly in my church. I am marries to a wonderful man and have two very nice teenage son's. Up until a week ago no one and I mean no one was aware that, to satisfy certain urges I surfed the internet for stories, pictures, videos and even film clips of an erotic and frequently pornographic nature. If my friends had known or even suspected this they would have been...
FRIDAY It was almost six months after spring break in Ft. Lauderdale that I decided to visit Don at his college in the Midwest. Carol couldn't travel with me, but we had become roommates as soon as we returned and I had learned to really love the taste of her sweet blonde pussy. We had both kept in contact with Don. He was such a stud! And when I found myself with just enough cash to make the trip, I went. Don met me at the airport and, even though I had reservations at a small motel near...
As I was willing to learn more, Margaret, the lady in charge of the office, gave me more responsibility, soon I was ordering parts that the firm needed. On my second week I had finished the order and it was posted to the firm, 3 days later the delivery turned up and there was a problem. I was called into Richard’s office and asked, “Donna did you make out this order” I looked at the invoice and said “Yes”. There were 2 columns and I’d put 12 in one instead of 1 in the first column and 2 in the...
Donna has pissed me off. She's dinged my car by being careless and she didn't even seem too bothered. Right, she knows the penalty. I tell you all one of the stories I'm not allowed to tell anybody. That'll bring her back into line.Hmmmm? which one? Donna and I had been dogging on and off for a few years. She was about 20 and loved older guys. They really tried harder to please such a hot, young slut and she was always satisfied after they'd fucked her. We're not talking 25 to 35 year old guys...
Donna was doing some overtime at the store one evening in April. It was her job to check that the goods leaving were the correct stuff. As the lads emptied the massive artic they were sent on a break thus leaving Donna and Sam, the manager, and Donald the driver in the part empty container as one lad pushed two cages full of goods in, Donna started to check them off.As she bent up and down this 8 foot cage, Donald the driver was making sure his truck was stable, as Donna bent down to check some...
"Donna" I had just finished my two years at community college and was ready to pack up and move out but decided to keep my apartment when I answered an add in the newspaper for a position opening dealing with files, records and doing computer work for a local insurance company. The work seemed easy and the starting pay was enough to get by on so after being offered the job I accepted and started work. I talked it over with my landlords, Bob and Doris Fuller that evening after...
We'd spent a very plaesant afternoon/evening at a friends barbecue. I was driving and Donna had spent the time drinking and flirting. She was very frisky and kept coming over and pinching my arse. We left there around ten pm and as I drove home she moved her hand onto my crotch and gently rubbed my stiffening cock. "Lets stop off somewhere for some fun" she suggested so I diverted to one of our favourite dogging spots but there was no one there. I drove the short distance home with a frustrated...
Donna the dog lover went to the country to get a change of scene from the boring details of her boring life with the boring servants and the boring young men that only wanted her to let them pull down her knickers and let them have a go at her juicy middle-aged cunt. She had done it with her uncles and her cousins and even the odd tradesman and the dodgy bin man with his oversized cock. When she graduated to taking lovers of the four-legged variety, Donna grew to appreciate the uniqueness...
When Donna was a teen, aged around 18-19 we loved going down the local bar. I had a flat in the middle of town so it was really handy for getting wrecked in the local 50 yards up the street and getting home. We both loved playing pool and she would flirt like crazy with all the guys. By the end of the night we were both a little worse for wear and she was always real horny so back at my flat we'd fuck like rabbits till we drifted off to sleep. If the weather was good we'd sometimes go down the...
When Donna goes clubbing she always gets chatted up. If she's in the mood it goes a bit further and if she's really horny she'll fuck their brains out. One particular club can be handy as right next to the club is a dark secluded car park which she has been fucked in a few times.Over Christmas, when she was about 21-22 years old she wanted to go out a few times but her usual clubbing friends were all busy. I told her I'd take her but she said that the men their wouldn't chat her up if she was...
Donna and Equality ‘If,’ said Donna, ‘all men are created equal, what about women?’ She had the ability to raise such matters at moments when I was not entirely able to reply, this time being engaged upon a mission to return a favour she had bestowed upon me earlier. Her thighs were clamped fairly tightly to my ears which made me unsure I had heard her correctly. I raised my head but she tapped it. ‘You concentrate on the task in tongue, College, and let me muse a while longer.’ Her fingers ran...