Freeing Kirsty Ch. 05 free porn video

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SO FAR: Divorcee Merrick Jamieson (35) visiting New York comes into contact with the moll of the mysterious Spiro. The spirited Kirsty Fallon has reason to fear if she so much looks at another man but after a brief association with Merrick, Kirsty (25) finds she has become attracted and follows the photo-journalist to his homeland and begins working with him. Merrick deals with a retriever sent to return Kirsty and goes to New York and wins her freedom from Spiro. The couple plan to marry in Los Angles in a couple of months which begins an exciting and eventful countdown.


Driving to the Auckland CBD in drizzle to collect his transparencies Merrick wished he and Kirsty were back in the south enjoying Queenstown’s cool but fine alpine weather. The counter assistant read a note on the job bag and asked Merrick to see the manager.

‘Hi Merrick,’ greeted Fred Sharpe, a former newspaper photographer. He’d often worked alongside Merrick, then a reporter, in ‘the good old days’. They chatted and finally Fred revealed the reason for the meeting.

‘As you know, our staff peruse every tranny and print passing through this place, looking for any foul-ups by us, any grossly unacceptable stuff such as porn or mutilation and, of course, for the pic of the day, week, month or decade. You must have had a boring time down in Queenstown mate. No porno on you films.’

Merrick said, ‘Wouldn’t say it was boring, there was this hot Austrian bird…’

‘Seen her mate, she’s on most of your exposures. Wouldn’t mind getting a leg across myself. But the one I really would pay big money for the privileged for going camping with for a week was that six foot blonde with those magnificently shaped compact boobies. She was only in a few shots, who is she?’

‘My fiancée.’

‘Oh gawd, mate. Sorry about what I said. I didn’t know.’

‘Take it easy, Fred. She’d be really flattered by your interest. She likes to be admired and I know it sounds odd, but I rather feel proud when I see the look of admiration in the eyes of men and women.’


‘Yes, most guys don’t appreciate even women like perving at a good looking or well constructed babe. But carry on, I guess you want one of my pix?’

‘Yes – a shot of the jetboat roaring up Skipper’s Canyon with those Jap tourists waving at you in the helicopter. You were flying so low that the blades must have been almost striking the canyon walls.’

Fred flicked through a couple of pages of his jotter pad, ‘Here it is, film seven, frame twenty-one.’

While Merrick dug through his packets of trannies for the Film Seven exposures, Fred pushed a button and a screen came down through an enclosure in the ceiling. Merrick found the appropriate strip and Fred said, ‘Give it here and I’ll bring it up on the projector.’

Shots of bright red, water splashing jetboats roaring up through Skippers Canyon near Queenstown are old hat because of sameness, but not like this shot. It was superb. The jetboat was on a lean, spray was flying everywhere, it was only inches away from the canyon wall and everyone was looking up waving at the heli-photographer, even on this one frame the skipper had obviously taken a quick glance and was waving.

‘A classic shot, but so what?’

‘Look at their faces,’ said Fred. ‘Obvious someone aboard thought your chopper was going to hit the canyon wall and they were warning him off. That’s near terror on some of those faces.’

‘I see what you mean,’ Merrick grinned. ‘But we weren’t as close that we sometimes were in the old days in search and rescues hovering between the masts of pitching ships and going into mountainous country to winch guys out of crevasses. My pilot here was Joe Mapper, ex-Army and ex-search and rescue. He’s one of the country’s best chopper pilots. I saw where we were and had no fear knowing he was the pilot.’

But Fred had more to add. ‘Look, all of those guys in the jet are in suits and because of the lean of the boat they’re all holding on with their right-hand and waving with their left hand, even the skipper is with his right hand hard down on the wheel turning away from the cliff face.’

‘That’s quite remarkable,’ Merrick agreed.

‘Yeah, and to cap it all off there’s the incredible lighting – the sun is shining just at the right angle to penetrate fully into the canyon and to brighten the cliff face – look how it has brought out the colors, and there is even lighting bounce back on to the cliff from sunlight hitting the water. It’s a stunner, Merrick. One of those one-in-a-decade shots, I feel.’

‘So, you want it for company promotion purposes. You can have it in return for you and Elle taking Kirsty and me out to dinner on the company tab.’

‘That’s very generous of you mate, but I want to sell this shot and to destroy all five directly associated shots to make it a unique exposure.’

‘OK, it was just a shot I took as our target was the next boat up the canyon. Would a grand be asking too much?’

‘Mate, this is a giant Japanese corporation, and these suits in the boat include the company’s chairman, chief executive officer and their top agents from around the world. If asked to pay a grand they would suspect something wrong with the tranny.’

Merrick cocked his head and suggested ten grand.

‘A bit steep, but I could give it a go.’

‘Make it eight grand then, no eight grand, eight hundred and you take eight hundred as commission.’

‘That’s pitched about right in my opinion. The director of corporate public affairs is coming in tomorrow for some other stuff we commissioned photographers to take for them at other resorts.’

‘Tell him it’s eight and a half, take it or leave it.’

‘Oh he’ll take it all right, I’ve already met him and he’s a real pro. He’ll see this shot on the cover of the company’s most important publication of the year, and they’ll send a publication on the New Zealand tour featuring this photograph to their suppliers and clients around the world.’

As Merrick was leaving, Fed called, ‘We’ll still have that dinner mate, I want to get a close-up of your honey-pot.’

Merrick arrived home an hour later than estimated. That was ignored by Kirsty but she noticed his expression.

‘So that’s what the cat looks like when it’s got the cream?’

The grin went even wider: ‘I may be paid eight grand less tax for a single exposure from Queenstown.’

‘What, one of my shots?’

‘No, one of mine in Skipper’s Canyon.’

‘Ah, yes. When you returned you were raving about the light in the canyon. It must be a pretty big spender to pay that amount for a single exposure.’

‘Yes, a multi-national Japanese corporation.’

‘Oh,’ Kirsty said, losing interest. ‘What do you fancy for lunch,’ she asked wickedly, cupping her right breast.

‘Nothing I can think about for the moment,’ Merrick said, straight-faced.

After sex and lunch, he began the long task of looking at 697 exposures shot on the Queenstown trip. The original tally was 703, counting the five to be destroyed by Fred at the film processing studio and the one to be sold.

‘How many do we need to look at?’ asked Kirsty, in a thin robe, having just come from the bath.

‘Six hundred and ninety-seven.’

‘My God, what a tremendous waste of film. How many will you submit to ‘Dream Resorts Magazine’?’


Kirsty attempted a mental calculation.

‘So that’s one film for each exposure you will email to them?’

‘More than one and a quarter films actually as the 120 films are only twenty-four exposures. The twenty we select will be couriered as the job specification calls for transparencies as they prefer to do their own scanning.’

‘But why the high wastage ratio?’

‘I had explained that to you – we were in high altitude where reflections are rampant especially off snow and water, we were mostly capturing the
facial expressions or freezing body movements of four people in usually quite difficult circumstances and on top of all that we were working at a fast clip. Those pressures induce mistakes and general foul-up, which is why we bracket shots and also take them at different exposures. Film and procession is dirt cheap compared with the real cost of not getting a required shot of excellent quality. But that’s enough of this. Drag that pretty butt of yours over here to this light table. I’ve got a couple of things to show you.’

On film seven Merrick choose a strip of the foursome on the jetboat in Skipper’s Canyon and then he selected another strip from another film.

‘This is the shot of the foursome on the second run they had up the canyon. If you remember on the first day I was on the boat with them but we were offered a freebie on that second day. I had them at the rear of the boat. We were hovering in the canyon as they came thundering up and at the skipper’s signal they stood up and everyone waved. Here it is.’

‘It’s a lovely shot, and the lighting is fantastic. Oh the colors and patterns on the canyon walls, the colors are so rich.’

‘Yes, a lovely shot, but not the greatest shot.’

Merrick then described his shot-of-the-decade, actually it was his best shot ever.

‘I would like to see it.’

Merrick made a phone call. Kirsty heard him saying that he promised to comply.

‘Just in time, Fred at the film processing bureau has retrieved one of the five exposures going off to the shredder. I can have it so long as we do not show it to anyone within the next six months. I promised I wouldn’t. He will personally present it to you when we go out to dinner, Fred rather fancies you.’

‘Does that worry you?’

‘Nah, his wife will be there and she watches him like a hawk. Anyway, he’s only around five-five.’

‘Good God, while would a short man like that take an interest in me?’

Fred is a tit man. He knows you are over six foot which makes your breast roughly at eye level for him. I bet he makes you stand up for the presentation. His wife won’t catch on to that and he might even manage a sneaky touch.’

‘Yuk, men like that need putting away.’

‘Fred’s a good guy, a little quirky, but a good guy. Now, take a look at this.’

On the light box was Kirsty’s shot with a wide-angle lens of the helicopter hovering for the photograph. She’d managed to get in a bit of the Skyline Restaurant with lake and snow covered peaks in the background.

‘Look – look how clear the faces are inside the helicopter,’ she trilled. ‘How did I manage to do that?’

‘I persuaded the helicopter company to wire in a flood light and I was crouched down out of sight holding the lamp covered with a piece of cheese cloth to cut back the strength of illumination to light the faces of pilot and passengers. We’ll choose the shot we want and will give the rest to the chopper company with our thanks, They went extremely close to breaching regulations in placing me in the optimum positions in Skipper’s Canyon.’

‘What! You took extreme risks just to get a lousy picture.’

Merrick stroked her cheek, telling her that she better stick to being a writer rather than trying to become a photo-journalist.

‘People who take the risks usually get the best pictures which is what magazine photography at the leading edge is all about.’

‘Well, if you get yourself killed, there will be no more sex. You better keep reminding yourself of that – and no baby and no big daughter and no loving wife to be at your side.’

‘Baby? Are you pregnant?’

‘I don’t think so, but I’m feeling incredibly horny, which is why I jumping you all the time.’

‘Darling, just allow me recovery time between bouts and you may have me as much as you wish. Why don’t you take a nap while I sit here generation a powerful batch of tadpoles. When you wake up you may wish to present us with a candle light dinner over which we shall sweet talk and when we are ready we shall slope off to bed, leaving the dishes.’

‘All right, except you can do the pots and pans while I’m attending to the desert and then serving up.’

‘OK, and please wear my favorite little black dress – no bra.’

‘Certainly, and will you please wear your full dinner suit. Just seeing you in that makes me swoon.’

While Kirsty was having her nap Merrick slipped out and bought a dozen white roses for the dinning table.

Beginning work at 6:00 next morning, Merrick was joined a little over an hour later by his still sleepy partner who was particularly welcomed as she arrived with a coffee pot and two mugs.

‘How are you progressing, lover,’ yawned Kirsty, pouring.

‘Better than fair, in fact I’m rather pleased.’

Merrick took his coffee from her. ‘Ah, the first fix of the morning is one of the day’s best.’

‘I don’t understand why you wait for me to make the coffee if your addiction is so great.’

‘It’s the servitude factor, it adds to the drinking experience, the impatient wait that ends with delivery by a pretty face. You can’t beat it.’

‘I’ll beat those sexist remarks out of you if you continue to harbor them. I’m miffed that you regard me as a kitchen wench.’

‘Nothing could be further from the truth, my sweet flower. Come here and let me stroke your petals.’

Kirsty failed to hold back a grin.

‘You can be such a chump at times. I’m not here to be petted. I want to learn. Tell me, why is it that my trannies are those small oblong ones and at least half of yours are those much larger ones that are square?’

Merrick sighed, thinking she should have cottoned on to this unassisted. She’d picked up his larger format Bronica SQ-Ai several times.

‘Smaller film cameras – that is, the majority of film cameras – use standard film referred to as 35 millimeter whether it’s the regular negative used to produce prints or so-called slide film also know as transparency film. The not so common, larger and therefore heavier cameras use a variety of film sizes.

‘I was using my Bronica which, when using 120 film, produces an image 55.6 by 55.6 millimeters which is 3.5 times larger than the 24 by 35 image of the 35 millimeter camera. I can also run 35 millimeter and even Polaroid film through the Bronica by switching film holders.’

Kirsty indicated that she understood those explanations but she had another question. ‘If that Bronica is so flexible and opticially superior – I gather that’s what its called – why use a smaller camera?’

Pleased at that glimmering of insight, Merrick mentally patted her on the back.

‘The more compact cameras are easier to carry around and point and shoot. I use the Bronica for portraits and group shots. For example, you may remember I used it when our adventurers came down that steep incline four abreast. I would expect to get a sharper image with greater detail for enlarging than using a 35 millimeter camera because of the much larger image captured on the 120 film.’

Kirsty smiled her understanding.

‘Now, be aware of this – every type of camera has its optimum use. Thirty-five millimeter cameras come closest to performing most roles with distinction and now they are being challenged even in the cheaper mass market by better quality digital cameras. If anyone wanted to capture a stunning scenic shot for a calendar they probably would use a medium format camera in preference to their 35mm. For portraits the well equipped photographer would use the medium or even a larger format camera. But having said that, some of the greatest photographs in the world were taken on 35mm cameras at a 5.6 exposure using film brought from a neighborhood pharmacy. They say a classy golfer can play excellent golf using steel-shafted clubs borrowed from old Uncle Bert. Likewise a classy photographer can pick up Aunt Maud’s beaten-up camera and take shots that when developed will amaze her that th
ey came out of her camera. They do that through their understanding of light, composition, camera settings and timing, and make decisions that help them to be in the right place at the right time to be lucky.’

Merrick stood up and kissed her in one of her favorite snap-kiss positions – just under her right ear.

‘Come over here, I’ve set up my old light box for you here, with a swag of the Queenstown trannies for you to examine. Note the film number and exposure number of any exposure you believe is worth considering for the final selection and put one of these small stickers on the edge of the film like this – you use blue, I’ll use white. We will then compare notes and debate which ones should go into the final twenty, with me retaining the power of veto because I’m boss. Usually it is fairly easy to glance at them to sort the wheat from the chaff, but still look closely at every image as even apparent rejects may just have something that can appeal – and remember defects can be cropped out or upon scanning digitally edited and enhanced.’

Kirsty topped up his coffee.

‘For exposures that look similar or worth taking a closer look, use this magnifier – it’s called a loupe. This one magnifies times six. This is how you use it. Try it.’

He blew into her ear as she used the magnifier as instructed.

‘Good, well off you go. Don’t worry about making a mistake. I’ll go through the whole lot anyway as I like to examine my ‘chaff’. Have fun.’

‘Thank you master, you explained that very well.’

Just short of an hour later, with her eyes feeling a little ‘pulled’, Kirsty went and made coffee and called Merrick out to join her on the back patio, where they sat under a leafy climber curled out over the wood ‘egg-crating’. He arrived rubbing his eyes, but said that would be OK within minutes.

‘You’ll find you will suffer eye-strain from long sessions, but one gets used to it, just like you do when reading under candle light.’

Kirsty looked puzzled so decided to challenge that statement.

‘Who reads under candle light these days?’

‘Nuns for one.’

‘What a ridiculous thing to allege. You’ll have no idea whether that is true.’


‘Is that all you have to say for yourself?’

He nodded, she called him a chump. Life with him was never going to be boring!

Merrick went out and returned with a folder which he handed over.

‘What’s this, more South Island shots of excellence?’

Opening the folder Kirsty’s body stiffened and she whispered ‘Oh God.’ She was looking at the winning photograph in a 1988 International Photojournalism Competition, still photography, photographer Merrick Jamieson, New Zealand. It showed two nuns reading facing each other at a small table against a stone wall. Their illumination was a single candle.

‘Will you accept sorry as an apology, or do you want something else?’

He just grinned.

With her guilt dissipating, Kirsty asked, ‘What have you decided as the heading for our submitted article?’

Merrick scratched his head, watching a thrush on the lawn with its head cocked, listening for worms working their way to the surface. At least he presumed the bird was listening for that rather than conversational titbits from the table.

‘Something along the lines of an adventure Down Under. Northern Hemisphere travellers know that means down this way somewhere, though they probably think of Australia.’

‘Right – ‘Adventure Down Under’ it is.’

‘I wasn’t suggesting that as the title.’

‘Well I am, unless you have something better.’

Rubbing the corners of his tired eyes by sliding a thumb and forefinger up and down the top of his nose, Merrick thought why not. It had everything but the location, but neither New Zealand nor Queenstown were words that looked particularly good in headings.

‘Readers will focus first on the lead picture anyway, and finding out where is this fantastic place where one can jetboat wildly up a canyon, they will be encouraged to start reading the article, achieving the editor’s goal.’

He told Kirsty to write her draft story to that theme, and use ‘Adventure Down Under’ as the heading. As he said that he saw the thrush swallow a worm, pause for a second and then fly off.

Thank God New Zealand doesn’t have snakes, he mused. ‘That worm had looked rather large.’

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by Vanessa Evans It was a Sunday morning in late January 2020 and 2 students from the Central University of North Torquay were laying on their bed in one of the University’s Student’s Accommodation Houses just down the road from both the Medical School and the Computer Sciences block. Sophie was a 3rd year med student and Lewis was a 3rd year Computer Sciences student. They’d met at a frat party just after they started their first year at the university and been together ever since. One of...

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Free Cities Stories

In the 21st century the old world declined and crumbled to dust. During this downfall the Free Cities developed: Places living after the principles of neo-capitalism were money is all and everyone and everything can be owned. The Free Cities are built as clusters of arcologies, each of the arcologies governing itself, depending on the distribution of the shares of an arcology as the singular rule of the majority shareholder or as some kind of democracy in which every shareholder has a certain...

2 years ago
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Free To Use For A Week

In 2450, the US implemented a new system to combat the ever growing problem of sexual assault. This solution was the Forced Nudity/Free Use Act. This Act states that a group of women between the ages of 18 and 50 would be picked each week to be Free Use Slaves. The number of Free Use Slaves would be at a ratio of 1:1000 with male citizens, though any adult would be free to use them as they pleased. With the Act came a strict set of rules regarding the rights and duties of Free Use Slaves. These...

2 years ago
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Free For The Taking Leave As Found

 1.She binds me gently.“Almost classic C.F.M. pose.”Face pressed to the pillow. Thighs, belly, and cock flat on the soft bed. My knees bent—feet in the air. Legs spread wide. I grip my own ankles and curve like a triangle while she ties the spiderweb ropes in tiny, beautiful knots to my wrists.Isn’t her voice too deep to be a woman’s? Or does it just seem that way because I want her to be a man?“Jude, what’s classic C.F.M.?”She lifts my hips off the bed, jerking me in one motion to my knees and...

4 years ago
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Free MagusChapter 2

I reached out to touch the mirror and noticed someone in the reflection whom I hadn’t seen since waking up. No, it wasn’t Greta, though I did wonder why she hadn’t mopped up the floors with these guys yet. It was Rho. Standing behind Walker in the reflection, she shook her head, “no.” What was she trying to tell me? That I wasn’t allowed to do this? That I wouldn’t be allowed to enter the vault due to the situation? What? I looked back toward Walker to look directly at Rho, but she wasn’t...

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Free Trader Marys DreamChapter 4 A quiet time Shadows Deepen

“The trip to Geghast” Having vacuumed DEFENSTRATOR clean of anything useful, we prepared to depart. Before we did, we left a salvage beacon, to properly mark its location to salvage crews. One moment of levity came when Crystal was in the middle of a, well, I don’t want to say rant, only because I don’t think AI’s can be programmed to rant, but let’s say an extended diatribe on the pirate’s sloppiness. She had commented on the fact that the ship’s sensors could have theoretically picked up...

3 years ago
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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 42

XLII The teacher taught They found Elspeth sitting up in bed, bare-breasted but not caring, looking dazed but definitely conscious, and radiantly happy. Laura ran up to her and grasped her hand. ‘Elspeth, are you all right?’ Elspeth appeared to have trouble focusing on this difficult question. She blinked. ‘Laura? So it was you earlier?’ ‘Yes, I was in here before but I didn’t think you were awake.’ ‘I was. I could hear you but I couldn’t move or speak, I just felt so lovely all over. I...

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Free use fandom city

Welcome to Free use city, a place where female charcters from all media have come to settle down into a simply city way of life. However this city is diffrent for her male residents have the right to use any of the female residents as they see fit as such the name free use city is one you'll hear being used aroud here. Never the less with the basic explained about this place its time to start, if your ready to hit up an adventure with the nameless resident of Free use city please select new...

3 years ago
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Free Use Fantasy

Join the CHYOA Fan Server and discuss this story and many more with the community: If you want to support me and my work, please check out my Patreon: The developed nations of the world have gone free use! Anyone, provided they are healthy and of age, can and is encouraged to participate! URBAN DEFINITION free use A fetish where partners are allowed to fuck any part of their partner at any time. "My girlfriend is a Free-User we...

3 years ago
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Free Use Romance

Join the CHYOA Fan Server and discuss this story and many more with the community: If you want to support me and my work, please check out my Patreon: The developed nations of the world have gone free use! Anyone, provided they are healthy and of age, can and is encouraged to participate!URBAN DEFINITION free use A fetish where partners are allowed to fuck any part of their partner at any time. "My girlfriend is a Free-User we...

2 years ago
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Free Use part 2

Danny learned that evening that he could get access to the alternate Danny’s bank account, so he stayed the night in a 4-star hotel. On the morning of his second day in this world, Danny went to the lobby of the hotel for breakfast. He was eating pancakes, bacon, and scrambled eggs and watching a show in the dining area. Two female and two male hotel workers were going around the dining room to each of the hotel guests and offering them head. The workers were all bisexual. Danny heard them...

4 years ago
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Free the Nipple

During a trip to Coney Island, NY, Sue explored all thrill rides while I watched safely from the ground. She loved the parachute drop and rode the Ferris Wheel twice—once on an outer, fixed gondola, and again on the inner, sliding cars. She was a dare devil and thrill seeker. Though she enjoyed the rides, she wasn’t thrilled. We stopped at Nathan’s Famous where we had their infamous dogs. I braved eating frog legs for my first and last time. They were split, breaded and fried. Though I found...

2 years ago
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Free Students Covid19 Symtoms Checking

It was a Sunday morning in late January 2020 and 2 students from the Central University of North Torquay were laying on their bed in one of the University’s Student’s Accommodation Houses just down the road from both the Medical School and the Computer Sciences block. Sophie was a 3rd year med student and Lewis was a 3rd year Computer Sciences student. They’d met at a frat party just after they started their first year at the university and been together ever since. One of the things that...

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Free HouseChapter 1

The dinger rang announcing a customer. Old Purdy, the owner's big yellow Labrador, raised his head and barked softly once. That told me there really was a car at the gas pumps and it wasn't those Perkins kids riding their bicycles over the bell line again as a joke. I stepped from under the old Dodge on the hoist. The oil would finish draining while I was gone. Grabbing a rag I began wiping the grease from my hands as I headed outside. Whenever I'm alone, I do everything; gas, repairs,...

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Free food from the grocer

_________________________________________________________________________________ I was born and raised in a slum neighborhood in Detroit. Mom was an unwed mother who lived on food stamps and other government handouts or the safety net, whatever you want to call it. We lived in a small apartment in a complex run by the city. It was pretty run down, not very well cared for or very safe. I was always a skinny kid. I wore used clothes that she bought at the charity stores and played with...

1 year ago
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Free Balloon Animals

Free Balloon Animals Perhaps I need to start out by telling you something about myself first. I make animals out those long skinny balloons. Normally I’m paid by some committee or other to go to a festival or craft show and draw attention by giving out free balloon animals. I seem to draw the right demographic crowd for events like that. Basically the eighteen to thirty-five year olds spend most of the impulse money with older grandparents running a close second. They just happen to...

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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 13

XIII Off my chest The situation was surreal. Here we were, hurrying off to inaugurate a sexual relationship, yet we were sitting as far apart as the size of the cab would permit, staring angrily out of opposite windows without a word to each other. I was furious with Fran for having forced me to give way when all I wanted was for her own good, and I could see she was equally upset at my reluctance to give her what she wanted. But she was still eager, when we got to the flat she fumbled with...

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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 01

I ‘Drink it’ Those more innocent times seem impossibly remote now that they have gone for ever. It astonishes me to reflect that it was actually less than a year ago that a sudden loud knocking heralded the unexpected late-night appearance of a policeman on my doorstep. This is an event that would terrify me if it happened today, but in those days I was still the epitome (errors and omissions excepted) of middle-aged, middle-class, middle-England respectability. My conscience was entirely...

3 years ago
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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 27

Vidi, vici, veni I fumbled for my watch. ‘Christ! Is that the time?’ Gina, of course, was gazing ceilingward in glassy-eyed bliss and could not reply. I scrambled into my clothes and hailed a cab, and as it carried me to London Bridge Station I rang the client and gave some excuse for my lateness. This particular client was based in an inconveniently remote south-eastern suburb, the principal thing I remembered from my only previous visit was that there was evidently some kind of college in...

4 years ago
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Free Spring Break Accommodations Ch 01

LEGALESE: Don’t read this if you are underage, if it is illegal in your area, if it is offensive to you, or if you cannot distinguish fiction from reality. This is a work of fiction. All sexually active characters are above the age of consent on their planet of origin. ___ Copyright (c) 2016 by Acup A word of warning, I write good stories, I hope, with some decent sex in them. If you’re looking for a stroker look somewhere else. For all my faithful readers, thank you for sticking with...

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Free food from the grocer

Introduction: young Doreen is introduced to sex and helps her mother keep their heads above water Of course this is just a story and not true. Nothing like this should ever really happen but I am afraid that it does. Please read it just for your entertainment. The publishing rules say that everyone in these stories has to be at least 16 so even though the story is totally fiction, everyone in it is at least 16. Enjoy. ...

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Free use world

This was the first story I wrote and I'm very sorry for all the errors. Bad writing, bad story. But hey, at least it's free -EnvyWest _____ 200 years ago, in the age of enlightenment, men found out that women have no soul. It made men believe women are nothing more than things to be owned. Stealing or damaging any owned woman is still illegal, but it is seen as similar to breaking or stealing someone's car. That is why being owned is very important for a girls savety. Girls are owned by their...

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Free Greek nude camping pt1

Early summer, I clot from everyday life and I realized that is Saturday morning that I have no obligations.Oops I'm thinking, I will go to the sea. I make a couple of phone calls to some girlfriends, but naught.Checking forecast, fickle weather.Fuck the weather I say, I am loading the necessaries for a nudist beach with free camping and I depart.Noon'm there. Loaded tents, mattresses, food, etc., descend the cliff of about 150 meters to get to the shore and ... there I am.On another planet, the...

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Free Bianca

Free Bianca. By Tanya H. Sleepy sex... oh, my favourite. Love that feeling, coming to - warm and heavy - sleep soft, dreamscapes fading to find your body is more awake that you are. Mmmmm... I'm on my side, facing the wall with my back to my lover. Bold, but gentle hands weaving magical patterns over my skin; my waist, the rise and fall of my hips, the curves of my behind. And there, a warm finger edges along the good place between my cheeks with the promise of penetration to...

2 years ago
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Free at Last

I had been living in this town for three years and never had a date. I will get to the why in a bit. When I moved here it was the first time since junior high school that I had not been in a band as either a drummer or a singer. Music was always my hobby, my second gig, my secret identity. During the first year I found myself looking for a social outlet since there was no music. I tried local jams and open mics, but nothing appealed to me. Then I stumbled upon Monday nights at my now favorite...

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Free MagusChapter 16

“Did we do the right thing?” I asked aloud without realizing it at first. Then I looked at Ruby. She followed a step behind and looked at me when I looked at her. “With the succubus, I mean.” She arched an eyebrow. “What do you think we should have done?” I shook my head and looked forward again. “I don’t know. I just feel like something more should be done to keep anyone else from falling into her trap.” “You and I escaped,” she said. “You should be thankful that we did. I don’t want to...

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Free Clinic Part 1

I'm 18 years old and at my first semester of college away from home. I'm paying for it myself and applying for any scholarship or grant I can get my hands on. As part of an initiaive to prevent cervical cancer, my college was offering a two percent discount on tuition for any woman current on schedule for her well woman exams and up to date on her hpv vaccinations. The college clinic was offering them for free along with a free massage to those completed before the semester begun. I am a vrigin...

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Free Kittens

I’m thirty-seven years old and I have found a new way to meet women. I like kids too and that’s a plus when you are my age. You see when you’re this old and still single you cannot find any women that are really available. If the women get to this age and are still single it’s because no one else wants them. So every woman that is available has been married and divorced or has kids. So now how do you find them? If you go to bars you find the drunks that the other guys wouldn’t put up with....

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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 15

XV ‘I was the first’ After work I hurried to meet Alicia. I was ten minutes early but she was already there. As I saw her, I felt a pang of conscience. She was so young, so pretty, so innocent, so wholly unaware of what was happening to her. And I, instead of looking after her and protecting her, was planning to take her home and fuck her and keep on fucking her to my cock’s content. But, I reflected, it was pointless to think this way: my experience with Fran had shown that Uncle Albert’s...

1 year ago
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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 05

The weakness of the flesh Several hours of clearing up at Uncle Albert’s house brought me no real reward. It was arduous, unpleasant work on such a sultry day, and I felt terribly invasive going through the old boy’s things. The reflection that now they really belonged to me made me feel slightly less uncomfortable about it, but it did not make the work any easier. I decided to tackle one room at a time. So I started on a pile of old magazines at one end of the front room and took it from...

4 years ago
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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 29

XXIX ‘Any woman out there’ We went upstairs to the main bedroom. The girl was clearly coming out of it. She was breathing in long, deep, happy sighs and she turned her head when we entered the room. Her eyes, no longer glassy, sparkled as they fixed on me, apparently hardly noticing Wendy. I walked to the foot of the bed and stood there with my legs somewhat apart and my arms folded as I tried to assume a pose suggesting a confidence and mastery I was far from feeling. I looked at my...

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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 44

XLIV ‘A birthday to remember’ The rest of the day was spent as idyllically as I could have hoped. I wandered about the house and grounds, watching Gina’s fucking class, or looking at the girls watching the porn (I felt little need to watch the actual porn films themselves, my life having turned into one), or simply enjoying the topsy-turvy world in which you first of all fuck a girl to unimagined levels of ecstasy and only later do you chat her up. Still something of a slave to societal norms...

2 years ago
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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 07

VII Girl next door The events of the day had stunned me. I had had no idea things might go this far. Not only had I just rendered worthless the marriage vows on which I had based my life for twenty years, not only had the sex been utterly out of this world, but to cap it all this sexy, vivacious young woman, her whole life before her, had just pledged herself unconditionally and with every appearance of desperate sincerity to a fat, bald, middle-aged married insurance manager. I thought long...

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‘Just take it- what’s the big deal?’ ‘I just can’t, Jason… it’s.. I don’t know… ‘ she put a hand to her forehead. This just wasn’t the time. ‘Look- we have to know one way or the other. I’m not going to *watch* you take it, if that’s what you’re worried about,’ he pressed. ‘I just..’ ‘Yeah. Whatever,’ Jason’s voice had a biting, petulant edge to it that cut Ren to the core. The only thing worse was the slamming door as Jason left, then the other slamming door of his own apartment. A week...

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Free Spirited 02My Birthday 1997

Introduction: My name is Kimmy and I have had a weird transition from goodie, goodie early teenage girl, to what I have become today. A not so goodie-goodie late 20s woman, I am trying to remember as best I can. This story follows Free Spirited..The Beginning (1997) Moomba After Easter the next big event in my life was ANZAC Day 1997, it was also my 15th birthday. Leanne had spoken to Jason about my special request for the day, the guys were all very eager to take part. My request was to be...

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Free Use Laws SPACELINK Quantum Entanglement

This story follows Emma from the SPACELINK programs in Free Use Laws: Human resource Management. Emma is recently 33 year and now officially free of the SPACELINK programs. However, like many other recently retired woman she often feels empty now, both literally and figuratively. She had been part of a generation of women who spend their adult life with the constant overdose of intense sexual activities. Those experiences were intense and not suitable for women's health over the age of 33. Some...


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