Friendly Neighbours
- 2 years ago
- 29
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In the bathroom, Dan undressed me slowly. I closed my eyes as he caressed my skin, his hands trailing over my shoulders, down my back, over my hips. I sighed softly and pushed my body into his hands, willing him to keep going. Dan misread me and pulled my body into his. He looked into my eyes before taking my mouth in a fierce kiss. It was impossible not to melt into him, and impossible not to press against his growing erection. Almost impossible.
‘Dan, stop.’ I gasped, leaning away from his heat. ‘What are we doing?’
Dan furrowed his brow in confusion.
‘This, Dan. We met yesterday, and look what’s happened. And what’s about to happen.’
‘Does that matter? People meet in bars, and on Tinder, and have one night stands all the time.’ He reasoned.
‘We live next door to one another, though. We can’t avoid each other.’
‘Do you want to avoid me?’ The confusion on his face had turned to hurt.
I had known Dan for such a short time, but I already knew that avoiding him was something I didn’t want to do. I doubt I could if I tried.
‘I don’t do this kind of thing, sleeping with random men.’
‘I’m not a random man, Em. At least, I don’t have to be. Yes, this happened quickly but did we do anything you didn’t want us to do?’ Dan lifted one hand and tucked my hair behind my ear.
I shook my head. I had definitely wanted what we did and I definitely wanted more of the same.
Dan slid his hand across my jawbone and tilted my chin so that our noses touched.
‘So then, we won’t make this a random, one time only thing. Let’s make this whatever we want it to be.’
My heart fluttered and soared. Dan wanted more than just hook ups. Of all the things I expected so soon after experiencing such devastating heartache, falling for my new neighbour didn’t feature on the list.
‘Shall we?’ I said, reaching into the shower to turn it on.
‘No.’ Dan took my wrist and pulled me away. ‘I have something else in mind now. How do you feel about getting a little dirtier first?’
The smile on his face was sly and excited as he led me out of the bathroom and down the hallway into my bedroom. He laid me down on the bed and I watched intently as he got undressed. Blood pounded loudly in my ears as I waited for him to take off his jeans. Dan hooked his fingers into the waistband and I had to cross my knees as his jeans went down over his ankles. His cock stood proudly erect above a thick thatch of dark blonde hair. He was so aggressively male that I couldn’t stop myself from reaching for him, but Dan took my hand and guided it to his mouth.
Kissing my palm, Dan stepped toward me, bringing his cock just inches from my face. I licked my lips in anticipation, waiting for the feeling of his heavy member against my tongue. The sensation never came and Dan chuckled as he walked away from me and to the other side of the bed, coming to lie down beside me. He used one hand to uncross my knees, continuing to over my thigh until his hand rested over my mound, his thumb sliding over my slit. I turned my body to face him, trapping his hand between my thighs to make sure he wouldn’t leave me with out his touch.
‘It feels good, knowing that you get this wet for me.’ Dan’s voice was husky as he pressed his digit gently at the entrance of my warmth. ‘What’s your last name?’
Well that was right out of left field. I didn’t answer, but rolled my hips in an attempt to find some satisfaction. Dan read me though, and pulled his hand away from where I most wanted it.
‘Nuh uh. Answer.’ He commanded.
‘Jensen.’ I said, and I was immediately rewarded with pressure on my clit. Not enough, but it was there. ‘Yours?’
Even in my state of needy desire, I couldn’t resist making fun of him.
‘Ohh, I’m Lord Daniel Pratley the third, pleasure to mee-‘ I started with an overly posh English accent, but I was silenced when Dan forcefully pressed a finger inside me.
‘Hmm, I knew that would shut you up.’ Dan groaned. ‘How old are you? Where did you grow up?’
‘I just turned 30, and in the inner-city. I only moved to the suburbs a few years ago. You?’ I answered, my breathing laboured as Dan teased me.
’36. I grew up here, in the suburbs.’
‘But your accent isn’t from here.’
‘Very observant Ms Jensen. My family moved here from Portland when I was 12. I never lost my accent.’
Much to my annoyance, Dan removed his hand from between my legs. He tapped his chin with the same finger he had inside me, a mock display of hard thinking. When he lifted two fingers to his mouth and sucked them, I nearly died. He put his hand back in its rightful place between my thighs and gently pushed his two fingers inside me.
‘That’s so good,’ I groaned ‘but your fingers can’t compare to how good your cock feels.’
‘Be careful what you say Emily Jensen, I may just ravish you and then our little game will be over.’
‘That sounds wonderful, if you wouldn’t mind.’ I tried to entice him, but Dan was relentless in his quest to get more information from me.
‘Since we find ourselves naked on your bed, I am going to assume that you’re single. So what is a drop dead gorgeous 30-year old woman doing buying a house on her own in the suburbs?’
My heart sank. When I realised the day before that something was sparking between Dan and I, this was the conversation I was hoping wouldn’t arise, at least not for a long while. I gently pushed at the hand between my thighs and felt relief and regret as Dan slid his fingers out of me. I rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling, trying to formulate my words. To Dan’s unending credit, he was patient and waited for me until I was ready to speak.
‘I’m newly divorced, Dan. Very newly. My husband and I used to live in a large home in the south of the city, he earned a much better salary than me. When everything happened, I had to downsize. I came here because it’s nice but affordable and near a few schools, so I thought it would be an easy place to get some students.’ I didn’t cry because I had no more tears to shed. I was just hoping that Dan wasn’t put off.
I needn’t have worried. Dan took my hand and held it in his own.
‘What happened?’
‘He was unreliable. I don’t know if he cheated on me, but it was just like he didn’t care about me. Not until the end. Then he finally started showing emotion, drowning me in flowers and gifts but the damage had been done. I had spent most of my twenties trying to get this man to show me that he loved me that by the time he did, I had checked out. Leaving him was hard, probably the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but it was worth it. I don’t spend my nights crying myself hoarse anymore.’
Dan wrapped his arms around my body and pulled me into his body.
‘Baby, I know you don’t need me to tell you that you deserve better than that.’ Dan whispered into my hair in between kisses on the top of my head.
Somehow, my newest acquaintance (if I could call him that) knew the heart of me. He knew that I needed comfort but that I didn’t need to hear one more piece of cliché advice. How did he just get me? I didn’t know how to put that into words, but I wanted him to know.
I shuffled up the bed so we could make eye contact on the same level. I breathed his name before practically launching at him. His mouth accepted mine, willingly. I poured my need for Dan into every kiss, into my nails digging into his shoulders. Dan responded perfectly, grabbing at my ass to grind into my body. He hooked a hand under my knee and lifted it over his hip, instantly moving between my legs. The velvet head of his engorged cock pressed urgently at my opening, and I pushed my hips down to accept his girth. Dan’s looked at me with hooded eyes and parted lips as his breathing became heavy.
‘Let go, baby.’ He whispered.
Dan kept his hand on my knee, gripping tighter and taking control. I took
a deep breath and relaxed all the muscles in body, allowing Dan to reign over me. He remained inside me as he gently pushed me onto my back and took his place above me. He cupped my head with his hands. His eyes burned hot with desire but his movements remained gentle and calm: soft kisses on my lips and neck, tender thrusts into my body. He claimed me so entirely, bodily and emotionally, leaving no space for anything else.
I raised my hips, inviting more of him as Dan made love to me. As he pulled out and then buried himself into me, his thrusts became urgent and I became needy. I begged him for more, harder, and more again. The more Dan drove into me, the higher I floated. I was beyond thought and beyond bliss as I came. I called for him loudly, Dan’s relentless energy pushing me from one orgasm and into the next. I was breathless and falling to pieces when Dan growled as he released into me, and I felt every pulse of his climax.
Dan rolled onto his back, pulling me into his side. Our bodies were dewy with perspiration and we both sighed contentedly. I felt so satisfied, something I hadn’t felt in such a long time. More importantly, I felt desired and wanted. I looked up at Dan, and when I saw he was looking down at me with a warm glow in his eyes, a buzz ran through my body. Yes, definitely wanted.
‘I’ll say it again: You are actually amazing.’ Dan complimented me while he stroked my face.
My cheeks flushed. I didn’t know what was amazing about making love with a gorgeous man, but I wasn’t going to fight him if that’s what he thought.
‘How about that shower now?’ I asked.
Showered and dressed, Dan and I ate a late lunch of left over pizza and polished off a couple of beers each. The sun was turning orange in the afternoon sky.
‘Thank you for your help with the bed,’ I paused, unsure of how to continue, ‘and for your kindness, understanding and all that.’
‘You don’t have to thank me, Em. What’s not to understand? We’ve all been through tough relationships.’
‘I didn’t ask you: what’s a handsome 36 year old man doing living on his own in the suburbs?’ My stomach tightened even as I asked the question. I suddenly felt intrusive, nosey, and jealous of the small time I had spent with him.
‘I’ve always lived in the suburbs, I like the peace and quiet. Besides, do you know how much it would cost to have a combined work studio and home in the city? I don’t think I could ever afford it.’ He rubbed the stubble around his chin. ‘As far as relationships go, I haven’t had anything serious in years. After my last relationship ended, I just threw myself into my work.’
‘What happened, if you don’t mind me asking?’
‘We just wanted different things. She wanted to go out, she loved the clubs and that whole scene. I tried for her but it’s very obviously not my thing. I think she also wanted to be free on those nights she was out, and I can’t blame her. Who wants to be stuck at home with me and a pack of dogs?’
I wanted to scream ‘Me!! I do!!’ at the top of my lungs, but I decided to err on the side of caution and smile weakly at him instead. Smooth, Emily. Real smooth.
‘So, when can I meet your pack?’
With in minutes, I had locked up and we were at Dan’s doorstep.
‘Just brace yourself, ok?’ Dan stood in front of me as he opened the front door to his home, and four huge dogs came barrelling towards us.
We barely managed to shuffle inside the door. I sat on the ground, and was instantly covered in wet mouths and hot breath as Dan’s dogs learned what they had to about me. I giggled with every lick on my cheek and in my ear and I tried to reach for every wagging bum I could. Over all the excitement, I could only just make out Dan calling the dogs to sit by his feet. I scrambled to standing and finally got a good look at them all. They were all mutt-crosses of some kind or other, and all of them big.
‘Who do we have here? We’ve got Ace the Retriever, Attila the Rottweiler, Mathius the Bernese, and Conrad the Dane. They’re not pedigree, but they’re amazing, aren’t you?’ He said, rubbing the head of Mathius who looked up at him with huge black eyes.
All of the dogs sat patiently as I scratched their heads and necks, introducing myself the only way I could. Excitement aside, they were well trained and very sweet. Dan started walking to the living room and they all got up and followed him, all but Attila. He stayed by my side, only following the other dogs when I did too.
‘I think someone likes you.’ Dan laughed as he took a seat on one of the three couches that filled the space.
I was about to ask why one man would need so much furniture, but when the dogs got up and took their places on the sofas, my question was answered. Attila still remained by my side, and when I sat beside Dan, Attila curled up on the other side.
‘So when I go back home, I’m taking this one, cool? Cool.’ I said as I played with Attila’s soft ears.
‘And what, pray tell, will you do with him?’
‘During the day, he can sit outside in the sun. At lunch we can go for walks, and then at night we can cuddle in bed.’ To say that I was completely enamoured with this dog was an understatement.
‘I don’t think I like my dog taking my place in your bed.’ Dan said as he squeezed my arm.
If the room were dark, I would have been surrounded with a nuclear-like glow. With every passing minute, Dan was becoming more perfect to me than a Disney prince ever could have been. It was surreal, and too good to be true. The thought that this could all be for show saddened me, probably because it had been so long since I had experienced true passion. But I was in a new phase of my life and I was resolved to just take what came at me with out over analysing every little thing.
‘You want to come with me while I walk the dogs? I promise you can hold Attila’s lead.’ Dan broke the silence.
Our sunset walk together was pleasant but sad. We let the dogs run around in a park while we sat on a bench in the shade and talked. I learned that Dan was the only child of two only children and he was particularly close to his mother growing up, but that he lost both of his parents in a car accident when he was in his mid-twenties. He had inherited his family home but sold because he hated living in so much empty space. He had built a network of close friends, but nothing would be the same as his parents. The tears that threatened to spill in his blue eyes broke my heart. I couldn’t even begin to imagine his lonely ache.
I straddled his lap and took his head in my hands. I didn’t need to tell Dan to put his arms around me, that was a given. I kissed all over his face: his cheeks, chin, forehead and nose. I wanted to pour every sorry, every bit of care and tenderness I felt into him. I wanted him to know that, despite whatever this was, I would be there for him when he needed it.
‘Thank you.’ Dan whispered as he rubbed my back. ‘Should we head back home?’
We walked back hand-in-hand, the dogs by our sides. It was unnerving that I felt more at home being like this with Dan than I ever felt in my marriage. It was downright scary.
‘Good night.’ I said to Dan, leaning in to kiss his cheek when we got to his front door.
‘Wait! You’re not staying for dinner?’ He asked. It was obvious that it was the only option he had considered.
‘I really should go.’ I waved him off and walked back to my house.
I heard his front door open and close behind me, which is why I nearly jumped out of my skin when he grabbed my arm as I was putting the key in the lock of my door.
‘Jesus Christ, Dan! You couldn’t have said something?’ I squealed, trying to regain my breath after my shock.
‘You wouldn’t have turned around. Why did you run away like that?’
‘I didn’t run, I walked home.’
‘You know what I mean.’ Dan sighed with exasperation.
‘What’s happening between us Dan, it’s taken me completely
by surprise. I’m just feeling overwhelmed.’
‘I get that baby, I do. But does that mean you want to go back to your house where Attila doesn’t live and watch TV alone? Or would you rather come back to mine, use me for my dogs and body, and watch a movie and eat some grub?’
He was making himself irresistible. He knew damn well I didn’t want to watch TV alone. I let him take me back to his house.
I woke up all too warm, with thick drool on my shoulder and heavy breathing in my ear. Focussing my eyes on the hot mass in my arms, I saw Attila sleeping peacefully, and Mathius at my feet. I didn’t remember falling asleep Dan’s sofa, but here I was. I glanced around the room and saw Dan sleeping on one of the other sofas in what I assumed was solidarity. I looked back at Attila in my arms. The soft rise and fall of his chest was mesmerising and relaxing, and before I knew it, I was drifting back to sleep.
The second time I woke up, I was much cooler and a cup of coffee was being wafted near my face.
‘Well good morning there, bug-a-lug. Sleep well?’ Dan said as I sat up and took the coffee from his hands.
‘I’m so sorry, I really didn’t mean to stay!’
Dan leaned in to kiss me, and thinking of my morning breath, I kept my kiss closed and chaste. But Dan wasn’t having it. With the same strong male force he showed me in bed, he forced me in to a kiss more passionate. He kept one hand firmly on the back of my neck, not allowing me any room to move, and he enslaved me with his tongue. I was helpless against him as he commanded more from me with out words. I didn’t notice when the coffee cup in my hands was gone, I just slowly came to realise it wasn’t there anymore.
With his hands under my knees, Dan spread my legs wide over either side of his hips while he kneeled on the floor. He roughly hooked a thumb into the crotch of my panties and pulled them aside, his breathing ragged.
‘Always ready to be fucked, aren’t we Ms Jensen?’ Dan growled as he plunged inside me.
I lifted my hips, giving back whatever I could. I began quivering as soon as Dan’s finger flicked at my clit, and I came vocally. My pussy clenched around Dan, but he remained inside me only until my orgasm subsided, his eyes closed in concentration. When he pulled out, his dick was glistening and I watched breathlessly as Dan rubbed frantically at his hardness and came in thick ropes over my stomach.
I felt used in the most delicious way. Dan slumped forward, his head resting between my breasts. He looked down at his come that was now pressed between our bodies.
‘Come on.’ Dan pulled me to my feet and kept me steady as my head spun with a dizzy spell.
‘What the hell was that all about?’ I asked, still sensitive between my thighs.
‘I wanted to kiss you. I just pushed my advantage.’
Dan ushered me into the shower and washed me with soaped hands. This wasn’t something that would lead to fucking, this was tender and sensitive touch.
He invited me to stay for breakfast, but he graciously accepted when I made my excuses to leave. I truly needed time to think.
Back in the seclusion of my own space, I unpacked my stereo and began the labour of emptying the boxes that were still cluttering my home. It was mindless work, and my thoughts wandered to Dan.
Sure, I wasn’t opposed to another serious relationship, but so soon? Was this even going to become a serious relationship or were we just going to sleep together and slowly become friends in the process? What did Dan want? More importantly, what did I want? My head was swimming.
By the time night fell, most of the boxes were unpacked and I found myself in bed, wishing that I had seen Dan just once more. After all the questions I had asked myself, the only answer was that I wanted to have him in my life. I didn’t know much more than that.
I was tossing and turning in bed, unable to sleep, when one thought came into my head unbidden: you should find Dan on Facebook.
I grabbed my phone from my bedside table and immediately put it down. I scolded myself before picking up the phone again. I searched his name, but not one profile looked like the Dan I knew. Was I interested in a man who was so mature that he didn’t have Facebook, even? Frustrated and relieved, I threw the phone back down and stared at the ceiling.
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The older I get, the more I think back on my life. At 55, I wonder about how I would do things again if I had the chance. I certainly would tried to have experienced more beautiful pussies for sure. I have not lost the urge to admire women discreetly but, having being married for almost thirty years, I never actually pursue them. That changed when new neighbours moved in next to us a couple of years ago. Erica and Bob are in their late thirties and have a couple of young kids. They are a...
Straight SexI live in a small town in Central England, on a very secluded road, which has just six houses. In the early summer a newly married couple moved in next door. I’m twenty-seven years old, long dark hair, five feet six inches tall, blue eyes, slim athletic body developed from swimming every day and smallish boobs. I’d only seen the new couple briefly, long enough to say hello and tell them my name was Joanna and for them to say they were Vicky and Ian. From the day they moved in it was clear that...
ExhibitionismI started to wonder whether everything they did on a daily basis was just to piss me off. It had gone from petty stuff, like ‘forgetting’ to drop round parcels that had been delivered when I was at work or letting their dog jump the fence and scare the shit out of my cat, to hanging pictures up at 11pm and parking their car right outside my driveway. I’d always hated my neighbours, and what made it even worse was there was nothing I could do about them. The police didn’t want to know, they...
CheatingWhere wife Sarah, son Rick, daughter Christina and Sarah,s late parents lived in London our neighbours normally couldn,t see in our large garden and none overlooked us so nude sunbathing was the order of sunny rare summer days. Next door neighbours Rob and Katrina had teenagers two sons Brian and Steve. Brian actually dated Chris when she was s*******n, but they just didn,t get on that well. One summer Rob decided to get tree surgeons in to trim back some large pines that were growing more on...
My wife Jenny and I recently moved from the South West to the Midlands to a small village. We have been married for just over a year, Jenny is 29 and I am 32. She is quite attractive with a curvy figure but doesn't tend to show herself off much. She has great tits but likes to keep them covered!. We have a great sex life but Jenny is generally quite shy and very innocent. I have asked her many times about her exes and past exploits but she doesn't like to say much and tends to get...
Keya, 35 yrs old, a classic beauty, figure is 36-32-36. I used to joke with her that she is having the sexiest ass in the locality. She used to poke me, and then you have checked all the asses around. We laughed together. I told her many horny things about internet, like wife swapping, nude lifestyle; one day I explained her one party dominated by ladies in foreign countries – CFNM (Clothed Female Naked Male). She was very eagerly listening to that.I want to share with you one incident happened...
THE STORYIt’s a drag moving house. The first few weekends were spent unpacking and putting things away. Slowly our routine was established. The new house was in a hilly area, and it was easy to see over the fence to our neighbours place. I noticed the lady next door, like me in her 40’s. She had fair skin, red hair, a nice body for her age (in fact nice for any age). Sometimes she sat on her back veranda, dressed in a bikini, reading a book or the newspaper. I also noticed her husband or...
It was a hot sunny Sunday afternoon, Leanne and Dean were in the garden pottering around in bikini and shorts when they heard someone speaking.“Hi there, we’re your new neighbours, I’m Julianne, Jules for short and this is my hubby Sam, we moved in a couple of days ago but we haven’t had a chance to meet you until now”Leanne and Dean went over to the fence to greet their neighbours and introduce themselves, Jules, about 5 foot 3, black hair and well tanned was in a skimpy top and shorts set and...
Hello all my friends, myself Sumit (19 years) from Lucknow. I am here to narrate a story told to me by a 48 year old man , who got a wonderful chance of group sex with her neighbours . This story originally belongs to him & his neighbours. I’m desperately waiting for your responses on “” especially from the female [Gals, bhabhis, aunties] readers of Lucknow. Now Enjoy the story………….. This is a real incident which happened to me on valentines day this year, I am 48 yrs happily married with one...
I consider myself to be a very fortunate person; at the age of nineteen I own my own house. I inherited from my Uncle, along with an extensive library of erotic literature (most of it is simply porn) and what is probably one of the largest private collections of implements designed to cause pain; his ?Cabinet of Curiosities? a true sadists delight.It is a nice house too, detached with three bedrooms, a living room, a dinning room and a kitchen to die for. It also has a good size study, which I...
Fiona was going shopping. She had just closed her front garden gate when she turned to see Kathy and Michelle walking towards her with large grins on their faces. Kathy and Michelle were neighbours of Fiona. They shared a flat three doors away on the same street. Fiona had met them for the first time two days ago at Mary's hen party. Both girls were twenty years old, much younger than forty one year old Fiona but they had enjoyed embarrassing and humiliating her, as did the other women at the...
Introduction: amy and her 21 year old neighbour This is my first ever story. All comments welcome. I was sat having a cup of coffee and a chat with Sandra, my next door neighbour, when in walked this tall hansom young lad. OH MY GOD Sandra shouted. You werent meant to be home till next week she said as she ran up to greet him with a hug. I thought Id surprise you and come home early oh thats wonderful. Amy you remember my son Andy dont you? yeah of course I do. Although the last time I seen...
I had just moved into a new apartment, but after a week was beginning to regret it because my neighbours were very loud.Now I'm talking about then having loud conversations, or shouting at each other, or arguing, I'm talking about sex!Yes, I could hear them at it day and night, they were like horny non stop rabbits and after a very long sleepless seventh night, I had finally had enough.I quickly marched out of my apartment, down the hall and stopped right outside their door, before I banged on...
got home to find a card through my door 'parcel left at Number 14' five doors away so went to go get it. got to the gate opened it up and saw my neighbours wife sat there on her own in a low cut maxi dress, J***t is 53 the same age as me but doesn't look no were near that she still got a great body unlike me. as I walked over to were she was sat my eyes were fixed on her tits which were squeezed into a bra that was to small for those big tits of hers, every step closer I got to her the harder...
We decided to down size and my wife found a bungalow in the next village which was ideal. On the day of moving our new neighbours introduced themselves, one side was a widow named Iris, a skinny flat chested woman about 5ft-3” in her mid-70s and the other side was Lizzy a chunky woman who had quite a round belly with tits to match, she was married to Albert. My wife Sandra and l hadn’t seen Iris or Lizzy for 3 or 4 days then one morning l was seeing Sandra off to work, Iris was on her way to...
Friends and NeighboursThe two families have lived side by side for the past ten years. The k**s have grown up together, attended the same school and even gone on holiday together. At 17 years of age Karen, Bob and Izzy’s daughter, has grown up into beautiful young lady, the image of her mother. She knows how good she looks and uses this to mercilessly tease the two brothers from next door. Les is 19 and David 16. They lust after Karen and put up with the teasing in order to stay close to...
“Bugger,” Sharon tilted her laptop backwards and checked underneath, half expecting to see its innards hanging out. “Piece of shit computer.”Marcus finished chopping the onions and through teary eyes checked out the computer.“What did it do?” he asked. “Did any message pop up?”“Nothing,” she said and forlornly pressed the power button. “And yes it’s fully charged.”She mashed at the keyboard before slamming down the lid and pushing it across the kitchen bench.“Why do they always shit themselves...
Because of my work we moved to a new town and a new house next door to a slightly older couple called Marge and Bill. We quickly made friends and were often round each other's houses just talking and having a laugh. Bill was a Welshman and totally into Rugby and we could hear him shouting his support for his national team through our dividing wall whenever there was a match on the TV! Marge on the other hand hated all sport, let alone Welsh Rugby! She was Cornish (from Cornwall, England for...
We'd been talking about a spa break for a while now. With Ann's upcoming birthday and a special offer at one of the hotels we'd been looking at, now seemed the right time. So we made a weekend spa break booking. Ann and I both liked staying in hotels. Having someone makeup your room each day and cook food for you was a luxury. We also liked fucking on all the furniture and trying different positions afforded by the room layout.The hotel we'd chosen was a country house mansion with lots of...
SpankingThree years had passed since Katherine Cook had first visited one of her tenants, Ellie Mitchell, and confronted her over the non-payment of rent. She had punished the girl with a spanking and had not had to repeat the punishment for non-payment of rent since then. However, Ellie had become a regular recipient of corporal punishment from the ex-governess. She had needed it in her life and Katherine had enjoyed dishing out the occasional over-the-knee hand spanking and caning to the younger...
SpankingI was 17, school holidays and bored, then I found out we had new neighbours. I didn’t see them move in but my mum informed me at the tea table. They were a “Friendly coloured family” she described them as. She never said “black”. “The first coloureds in the neighbourhood” she proudly proclaimed, as if she had just won a prize “And right next door to us too” she went on. Now O.K. there wasn’t any “coloureds” around the neighbourhood but they certainly weren’t a novelty, as my mum seemed to...
Paul and Jane were both social and welcomed me to my new life in the country. Paul was a pretty quiet guy and loved to spend time in his garden which was quite spectacular with so many different colours and sizes of blooms. It was Jane however, who chatted to me the most and she was usually around when I got home from work in the evening. She liked to ask about my work and how different I was finding living here from what she called the ‘hotbed’ of London. “Now come on Tom,” she would urge,...
Introduction: Mother and daughter feast Starts slow but builds up. Hope you like it. Constructive criticism welcomed. If you are going to be negative please let me know what you have written so I can take pointers. I was 17, school holidays and bored, then I found out we had new neighbours. I didnt see them move in but my mum informed me at the tea table. They were a Friendly coloured family she described them as. She never said black. The first coloureds in the neighbourhood she proudly...
I started to wonder whether everything they did on a daily basis was just to piss me off. It had gone from petty stuff, like ‘forgetting’ to drop round parcels that had been delivered when I was at work or letting their dog jump the fence and scare the shit out of my cat, to hanging pictures up at 11pm and parking their car right outside my driveway. I’d always hated my neighbours, and what made it even worse was there was nothing I could do about them. The police didn’t want to know, they...
It was after a good deal of search that Zoya and Rehaan had finally chosen this house. It was in an upmarket locality of the town. Although the house was small, it was compact and the neighbourhood was good. That is what the agent who had got them this house had told them. Zoya was all of twenty eight years old and married four years back to Rehaan, a software engineer employed with a multinational. Yet another added advantage of this locality was that their immediate neighbors were known to...
Dan lives in a nicely secluded house by the sea, somewhere on the south coast of England. In his early thirties he runs his mail order company MOG from home, happy to be enjoying himself after a number of years slogging away in the city. He's no gym bunny, but was fortunate to be born with a good overall physique, broad shoulders and a good bum. Once a month or so he travels off to different parts of the world to talk to suppliers and look at ways to expand his catalogue. Occasionally a...
On a sunny day, Arie Neuteboom is going to work in his garden.Arie Neuteboom is a 74 year old man. He livestogether with his wife Karen Neuteboom, she is 72 year old, in a big house in a wealthy neighbourhood. Since last winter they have new neighbours. They haven't see them since they moved into the house. Today is the hottest day of the year. " Arie, i you go outside, do not forget to wear a hat." says Karen."I am already wearing it hun, do not worry." Arie goes outside and starts pruning the...
Kinky Kay got a lot more of ferocious fucks after the 'surreal' sex at that unusual couple in their first evening together. Luckily, three of her major turn-ons occured to her with that guy during the remaining days of their hot holiday: awesome anal, explicit exhibitionism and voyeurism. A brilliant balcony sex scene and the funky follow-up of it, is the memory she is most fond of.Kinky Kay again answers most of my curious questions in the intimate interview about her hot holiday in Greece,...
My Step-step-sister 05 – Watched by our neighbours.Nichole my stunningly sexy step-sister pops into the back garden. “The folks have gone.” I’m not surprised. They’re off for their anniversary meal.Being late summer it is a warm evening. The sun dropping promises a panoramic sunset. I’m lying on a lounger just relaxing; shorts and T-shirt. Nichole steps into to my sun causing me to admire her tight curvy body only in silhouette, between me and the fading sun.I smile, she giggles and steps over...
A TALE OF TRUTH & FANTASY3 doors around from where I live, 14 yrs ago a young Pakeha family moved in, mother gorgeous to look at but she has a potty mouth, father handsome enough is a career person with a little pot stomach, the daughter spotty nosed teenager and about 10 yrs ago the family adopted a black African Boy.The daughter has had a trail of boyfriends since finishing Senior high the same year my boys did, she is now 23yrs old, the Africa boy has just started Junior High...
I noticed that new neighbours had moved in next door, 2 guys. Thought I would wait a few days before I knocked to say hello but a couple of days later, as I was putting the rubbish out, one of them came out. "Morning" I said. "I'm Jan. Hope you have settled in". "Hello Jan. I'm Greg and my housemate is Joe. Don't know the area well as we are from up north" he said. "Well if there is anything you want to know just knock on my door and ask" I replied. "Great. Thanks. We will". We both went back...
"Bugger," Sharon tilted her laptop backwards and checked underneath, half expecting to see its innards hanging out. "Piece of shit computer." Marcus finished chopping the onions and through teary eyes checked out the computer. "What did it do?" he asked. "Did any message pop up?" "Nothing," she said and forlornly pressed the power button. "And yes it's fully charged." She mashed at the keyboard before slamming down the lid and pushing it across the kitchen bench. "Why do...
I folded the newspaper and laid it on the table, all bad news I thought as I drained the last half-inch of coffee from my mug. Gail was at the sink washing the breakfast dishes. I never tired of looking at my wife; it was always a good sight, particularly the way she was dressed now, in shorts and a t-shirt. I gazed at her shapely legs and lovely ass and felt a twinge in my loins. She had splashed some water onto her shirt and I could see the profile her large, left breast and hard nipple...
Erotic FictionIt has been so long I haven't written to you all. Actually nothing exciting has happened in our life, we have been having a lot of sex with each other's husbands but there has not been a new dick that we have had. But on Saturday evening my husband had to leave for work and was not going to be back for a week. I was going to be at home for a week. But on Sunday morning I decided to do a little gardening. I put in my blue tube top and black hot pants and was cutting the grass when i saw a merc...
Cheating WifesSo I was out in my garage working shining up the Harley when I noticed a newer looking SUV pull into the empty house driveway next door. I heard that someone had bought the house but not sure. As I was cleaning the bike making sure all the chrome had a good shine on it a large moving van also pulled up so I was sure this was the new neighbour now. I was just inside the door of my garage so I was not sure if the driver of the SUV could see me or not but I had a good view. The drivers door opened...
My wife Sandra and l hadn’t seen Iris or Lizzy for 3 or 4 days then one morning l was seeing Sandra off to work, Iris was on her way to the Newsagents for a paper and asked if l wanted one, l didn’t need a paper, but l did need milk so asked if she could bring me a pint back. About 45 minutes later Iris was knocking at the back door, l asked her in for a coffee, Iris pulled out some sticky cakes to eat with our coffees. She was telling me about people in the village and their strange ways,...
It was late evening, about nine o'clock, when there was a knock on the door. Being sat naked as usual in the evenings, I slipped my robe on, wondering who was calling. Most of my friends and family phoned first before coming round. It was my sexy next-door neighbour, Alison. Once inside, she hugged me, hands cupping the cheeks of my bottom."Mmm, I was hoping I would find you like this," she confessed, "I am afraid I have a problem that needs your help, darling.""Well sit down and tell me about...
CuckoldI noticed recently that a new family had moved in opposite, I had seen the woman a couple of times, she was quite cute in a plain sort of way, early 30’s at a guess and quite a slim figure but I didn’t know until yesterday that she had a daughter, I had never seen a man so thought it could be interesting.The first time I saw Lucy (the daughter) was yesterday morning, I had got out of bed and pulled the curtains and saw her come out her front door in her school uniform.Good job the window ledge...
Jack knew it had been wrong. It was just that he had been taken by surprise. He had stood looking at the girls playing in the park and as usual he had his hand inside his trouser pocket and was playing with his penis. His now erect penis. Jack was fifty-two, single, and worked at the local shopping centre in the department store. He was a manager in the men’s clothing department. As he stood watching the girls Hayley saw him and went over to have a chat. Hayley was eighteen-years-old and lived...
SpankingAfter taking out the trash this morning, I saw that I had a new neighbour. I went over to her house just to say hi, and make her feel welcome. When she opened the door, she was one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. Her long, blond hair, d****d over the top of her breasts, and her perfect ass shook just enough to make my dick get hard. I said hello, staring at her perfect tits, which were bulging out of her low-cut top. She offered me a cup of coffee and we got talking. Soon her...
The two families have lived side by side for the past ten years. The k**s have grown up together, attended the same school and even gone on holiday together. At 17 years of age Karen, Bob and Izzy’s daughter, has grown up into beautiful young lady, the image of her mother. She knows how good she looks and uses this to mercilessly tease the two brothers from next door. Les is 19 and David 16. They lust after Karen and put up with the teasing in order to stay close to her. They know that...
A good few years ago I lived in a little flat in the suburbs. It was a small, two-story block, with only 6 residences and a little parking area with garages out the back. I was living there with my girlfriend at he time, a dark haired, B-cupped woman with whom I argued incessantly.Often, on my way out to work in the mornings I would pass one of the neighbours, a woman of about thirty with shoulder length, mousey hair cut into a neat sort-of bob. Her eyes were amazing. The little laugh lines at...