Diavolo Ch. 09 free porn video

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He’d never come so hard in his life. The sight of her rubbing herself on him had blown his fucking mind. Hell, waking up to find her licking his cock like her favorite flavor of lollipop had nearly done him in. He nearly shot his load into her mouth when she’d wrapped her pretty lips around the head of his cock, but then he’d noticed her glassy-eyed look and wanted to cry in frustration.

She’d come awake slowly, the surprise at what she’d been doing dawning on her face, but at the same time excited. She wanted to pull away, he could see the uncertainty in her eyes, heard it in her stuttered apology.

Really? Apologizing because she was sucking his dick? Someday they’d both laugh about that, he was sure.

He’d rushed her, yanked her up his body, and seduced her before she changed her mind. Seeing her bloom into a sexual creature almost made him weep. The sight of her arching her back and screaming his name as she gushed and came all over his dick actually did make him shed a tear. It pushed him over, his ejaculate shooting all over the both of them.

He kissed her hard, loving the feel of his juices making her flesh slide erotically over his. He wanted to smear it all over her and mark his territory.

And then, he’d opened his mouth and spilled his guts.

‘Marry me.’

The sound of those words still echoed in the room and he’d felt her tense up.

He had to tamp down his damned possessive anger. His hand cupped her ass and he rolled them over, ignoring the searing pain it caused across his ribs and in his leg. He caged her beneath him, the loose strands of his hair coming down around her face.

She gazed up at him, dazed.

‘We’ve barely known each other two months now,’ she replied in a quiet, almost frightened voice.

Great. First time he asks a chick to marry him and she doesn’t jump at the chance. His male ego snarled like a vicious dog at that.

‘I don’t need any more time to figure out you’re the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.’

Her mouth opened and closed, eyes searching his. Suddenly, to his alarm, they began to well, big blue eyes swimming in tears.

‘But, why? You can have anyone you want. Why me?’ she whispered, voice choked.

His heart melted. ‘Why not?’ He used his thumbs to brush away the two tears that spilled over. ‘You’re beautiful to me, Abigail. But it’s more than that. I love every exasperating thing about you.’

She winced. ‘Exasperating?’

He frowned down at her. ‘Yeah. Like how you always play down your best attributes, like your hair in that infuriating little knot. I just want to bury my hands in it, but can’t, and how you cover yourself up too much. Baby, I’m all for being demure and dressing classy, but you go overboard.’

She frowned back at him. ‘But that’s who I am, Gabriel. I refuse to dress like a—like a—’

‘Floozy?’ he asked.

She bit her lower lip.

He began to chuckle. ‘I’m too jealous to let you dress that way either, but no more black dresses that come up to your ears and trail a foot around you either.’

She let out a pent up breath and broke eye contact with him. ‘Hey,’ he said cupping her cheeks, making her look at him again. ‘I love you Abigail. I’m sorry for pushing so much, but I really do love you.’

Her eyes welled again. ‘I love you too, Gabriel.’

He kissed her then, slowly, firmly, trying to transcend his feelings for her in his kiss. He could feel himself growing hard again and ached to take her.

‘Never be ashamed of what we share between us, Abby,’ he said finally letting her breathe again. ‘What we do belongs to us. I’m yours and you’re mine. I don’t want any shame in what we share.’

She closed her eyes making him worry.

‘It’s just that…’ she took a deep breath. ‘I was taught—’

‘Well, I’ll unteach you, Abby. We’ll go slowly. I promise not to penetrate you until we walk down that aisle, but we are definitely going to explore and learn each other.’

Her gaze slid to his. ‘Yes, Gabriel,’ she said softly, eyes focused intensely on his. Goosebumps rose over his body. ‘Yes, I’ll marry you.’

Gabriel couldn’t contain the grin. He was going to get her the biggest rock on Earth. She’d need a wheelbarrow to carry it around on her finger.

‘God-baby. I just want to lick you all over and eat you out until you squirt my face.’

She gasped loudly, her eyes growing round and face turning scarlet. ‘Gabriel!’

He chuckled and nipped her neck. ‘Sorry,’ he growled, not really meaning the apology one bit.

‘What is this sticky stuff on us?’

He laughed some more, and rolled over, sliding his fingers in the remains of semen on her belly. He trailed his fingers lower until he smeared it right between her legs. Someday he’d come there. Someday soon.

She flinched at his touch and slammed her thighs shut tight, her face going red, and gaze darting away in embarrassment.

He gathered her close to his body as his lips brushed her nose. ‘You’re mine, Abigail soon to be…’ He stuttered to a stop. ‘My wife,’ he finally murmured.

His surname. Over his dead body he’d give her the surname of the bastard that had gunned his mother down. He needed to do something about that damned name. Raven was only his stage name. Legally he was still Brinks.

‘Let’s get cleaned up and get a bite to eat.’

She nodded, her fingers twining in the loose locks of his hair. She looked so shy and sweet, his heart nearly burst just looking at her.


The restaurant was beautiful, with a breathtaking view of the Pacific. Gabriel had opted for a table on the outside terrace. The sun was just setting beneath the horizon painting the sky in dramatic hues of deep blues, pinks and reds. The balmy breeze made the fronds of palms rustle and blew strands of her hair across her neck. The flickering candle set in the center of the table made Gabriel’s eyes look like glowing jade. He grinned at her as he sucked down his sixth oyster.

The waiter had brought an enormous shell-shaped platter filled with ice and a dozen oysters. Again, he’d pulled his hair back into a tail at his nape, but he wore a long-sleeved charcoal Henley and a pair of washed out grey jeans. Where he’d gotten the extra clothing, she had no idea, but he looked utterly drool-worthy.

She’d donned a pair of cropped, white, linen, drawstring pants, with a delicately crocheted pale-grey top that bared her belly button. It was unlike anything she’d ever worn, but she loved it. Especially the strappy little beaded sandals. He’d taken her to the spa where they’d pampered her from head to toe. Looking down at her fingers, she grinned at the cute French manicure that matched her toes. They’d even painted a little daisy on her ring finger.

Gabriel grabbed her hand and kissed it again. Her belly always flipped when he did that. Under the table, her toes curled when his leg brushed against hers.

He looked like he wanted to eat her alive, the same intense gaze he had as they’d showered together. Another first for her.

Would it always be this way? This intensity, this feeling of free-falling through the clouds. Would she splatter into a million pieces when she hit the ground?

‘Don’t be scared,’ his million dollar voice purred.

She gulped. How easy it was for him to read her.

‘We’ll date a while, but I’m not dragging this out for months. You’re it for me, Abigail. I’ve never meant anything more in my life.’

She just stared at him. What was she supposed to say to that? To the intensity in his eyes?

She swallowed. ‘I want to be on my own a while.’

He flinched and suddenly there was fire in his eyes. He leaned back to study her, clearly unhappy.

‘I’ve been too sheltered all my life, Gabriel. I just wanted to be on my own a while. It doesn’t mean I don’t want to be your girlfriend or marry you. I just wan
t to have my own little place and work. Live normal.’

His gaze lowered, thumb rubbing over her knuckles. ‘I can get a smaller place if you want. I already contacted my broker and put the beach house up for sale.’

Her jaw dropped. ‘What? Why?’

His brows drew tight over angry eyes. ‘Rafe brought a bunch of people over last night. I don’t want anyone knowing where I live. I need to get away from it all sometimes. I don’t want the fucking paps sitting on my doorstep every time shit hits the fan.’

She nodded, understanding. The circus of media around the hospital was reminder enough of what he meant. She’d hated every second of it. ‘Yeah. I understand, but…’ How to tell him? Her gaze strayed to the rolling waves surging up onto the sand, leaving sparkling white foam in their wake.

She felt him tense, making her nibble her lower lip in unease.

‘But?’ he growled.

‘I want to have my own little place for a while.’

When he remained silent, she dared turn her gaze to peek at him again.

His face was a mask of stone, only his eyes blazed scarily. Slowly he nodded. ‘I don’t like it, but if that’s what you want—’

She didn’t let him finish. Grabbing his face, she kissed him fiercely. His hand landed on her thigh, squeezing, a low groan sounding in his throat.

Off to her their right, she heard chuckling and sprang back from him, mortified by her brazen display.

Gabriel leaned closer and nipped her earlobe, sending more heat into her cheeks.

The table next to theirs had two couples staring and laughing at them.

Abigail readjusted her glasses on her nose and cleared her throat as Gabriel pulled away just enough to look her in the eyes again. ‘At least let me pay for the apartment, and get you what you need.’

‘Absolutely not,’ she said arranging her napkin on her lap when the waiter appeared with their lobster dinners.

Gabriel clenched his hands into fists. ‘Damn-it, Abby. I’m supposed to take care of you.’

‘We’re not married yet.’

The waiter’s eyes widened before he asked them if they needed anything else.

‘We’re good,’ Gabriel snapped, his eyes never leaving Abigail’s face. He leaned closer. ‘You won’t live with me, you won’t let me put a roof over your head. I feel like I’m being emasculated here.’

She gaped at him. ‘Gabriel, honestly. You’re being a caveman about this.’

‘I told you I was a caveman.’

She almost wanted to back down and let him have his way, but that was how she always acted, letting people walk all over her. She’d been pulled from the safety of the convent, her eyes and mind rudely awakened. She needed to take control over some part of her life before becoming nothing more than his wife.

‘I won’t change my mind,’ she said looking down at her fists in her lap. ‘It’s just not fair, I always have to give in to what others want. I just want this one little thing. To feel like I can be a real person—’

His hand cupped her face and turned her to him.

‘Baby, he whispered. ‘I don’t want to take your choices from you.’

She bit her lip when she felt it tremble.

He stroked it tenderly, making her release it from between her teeth. ‘I just need to know you’re safe. I don’t know how the hell I’m going to sleep at night when you’re not with me.’

‘But we only slept together last night.’

‘And I’m already addicted, baby. I need you.’

Oh-God. Her throat felt choked up at the pleading way he said that.

‘But, I’ll just deal. I’ll give you your Abby-time.’ His eyes narrowed then. ‘On one condition.’

She frowned at him. He was putting conditions? The choice to personal independence was supposed to be hers.

‘I get to scope out the place with you. If I don’t think it’s safe enough, you are not moving in. That is non-negotiable.’

She blinked up at his stern countenance. He wasn’t going to budge on that, she was sure.

‘And we get an alarm and surveillance system installed before you sleep there alone.’

‘Now wait a minute—’

‘No. That’s it. Final. You’re mine and I’ll be damned if something happens to you because I let myself get swayed by this silly little urge to live separately. Tomorrow we’ll discuss whatever plans you have for the wedding and I’ll have someone come by afterwards to help coordinate everything.’

Abigail flinched. So fast. Everything was happening too fast.

Gabriel gripped her chin with two fingers, leaning close. ‘I want you legally, papers drawn and signed, big fucking ring on that finger. Mine, and I’m not waiting months for that.’ His gaze softened. ‘Don’t you want me as much as I want you, Abby?’

He fought unfairly. One minute she wanted to hit him over his hard head, the next she just wanted to kiss the daylights out of him.

‘Tell me you love me,’ he whispered.

‘I love you, Gabriel,’ she got out on a shaky breath.

He touched his lips to hers, making her melt.

The light clapping at the other table made them spring apart.

One of the men at the next table raised his glass and saluted them. ‘Congrats on the nuptials.’

Gabriel straightened, and nodded.

They ate their dinner, but she could tell Gabriel was moody again. Obviously, he’d disliked the eavesdropping people at the next table as much as she did.

Would there always be this lack of privacy with them? Everyone watching, listening, as if they were some public reality show?

Just beyond Gabriel’s shoulder, she watched the Ferris wheel of the amusement park sparkle with iridescent colors. Laughter and screams could be heard, as well as the thundering rattle of the rollercoaster.

Gabriel looked back and turned with a smile lighting his beautiful face again.

‘Wanna go?’ he asked jerking his thumb over his shoulder.

She gaped at him. ‘But your leg—’

‘I’m fine. We’ll get the crutches again and take a walk down there.’ His eyes suddenly heated up a thousand degrees. ‘Unless you’d rather go back to the room and roll around on the bed some more.’

She reared back, completely aware she was making her fish face again, but how could she not? Her boyfriend was completely wicked.


They retrieved only one of his crutches as well as a baseball cap he pulled low over his forehead. The salty breeze was turning a bit nippy, so she pulled on a long black cardigan that was inside one of the many bags from Lillian’s boutique.

Pacific Park was full of people having a grand time. They walked around, his hand holding hers tight. Some people turned to gawk at him, a few asked for pictures, but for the most part, they were left alone.

They went into the Fun House and laughed all the way through. It took them almost an hour to find their way out.

Gabriel tried his hand at a few games, and spent a small fortune winning her a giant stuffed teddy bear. She carried her prize proudly under one arm, gripping her hot boyfriend’s hand with the other.

He led her to the Ferris wheel. Always a bit wary of heights, she was a little reluctant to go on, but he convinced her, promising to keep her safe.

How could a girl refuse such an offer?

‘Baby, why so tense?’ he murmured licking his way up her neck to her ear.

Abigail panted, a mixture of fear and desire making her heart race. ‘I’m fine,’ she lied.

The ride started up again with a jerk to let the next riders on. She yipped in fright and clutched Gabriel.

‘Oh-hell-no,’ he laughed. ‘You’re scared?’

‘I’m fine. Just don’t make it rock,’ she whined, opening her eyes to see in dismay they were almost at the top.

‘Rock? You man like this?’

The evil rock star shifted forward, tipping the little umbrella shaped gondola, making Abigail scream. Gabriel laughed and wrapped his arms around her.

‘You’re so mean,’ she whined, and then squeaked in fright when the ride l
urched yet again.

This time they rose to the very top before swinging to a stop.

Abigail whimpered, clutching him tight. It was a little more than one-hundred and thirty feet to the pier now.

‘I’ve got you, baby,’ he purred into her ear, tongue darting out to lick the sensitive shell.

Abigail shivered, this time for different reasons.

He tilted his head and sealed his mouth over hers, hand coming up beneath her top to grip her breast. Abigail arched her back and gasped when he pulled the cup of her bra aside to pinch her nipple. Moisture flooded her panties.

‘I fucking want you so much I hurt, Abigail.’

She wanted him too. Wanted him so much she was about to throw all her convictions aside and beg him to take her back to the room and love her fully.

She gripped his ponytail and opened her mouth to let him plunder it, mimicking another act with his tongue.

The Ferris wheel jolting back into motion had her turning away with a gasp. He chuckled and just held her tight.

After the initial panic, she settled in to enjoy the beautiful sight around her.

The moon was full and lit a silver path across the ocean. Below, the lights of the park glittered brightly in a array of neon colors. Gabriel kissed her every chance he got. At one point, he plastered his mouth over hers and she heard the hoots and whistles of the people below waiting their turn to get on the ride.

Embarrassed, she turned her face away. Gabriel just chuckled and grinned at the crowd as they passed.

As their gondola soared back up, he grabbed her again. Abigail turned her head and bumped his cap. It went flying off below somewhere.

‘Oh,’ she gasped.

They watched as someone caught it and raised it up like a trophy.

Abigail stared wide-eyed at Gabe. He just shrugged and pulled off his hair-tie.

‘What-the-hell. It’s not like I was actually fooling anyone.’

Dark hair tumbled around his face and shoulders, the breeze sweeping it all over to one side, a few strands coming over half his face. He looked like the male models of the cover of magazines. She was pretty sure he’d graced quite a few.

Afterwards, he’d bought them both blue slushies, and they’d shared a bag of popcorn as they watched the little children squeal in delight on a plane ride that took them around in a circle.

Abigail’s heart clenched at the sight of them laughing and waving at their parents below.

‘Like kids?’ Gabriel nuzzled her ear.

She bit her lip and gazed up at him from beneath her lashes. ‘Always have. Never thought I’d have any of my own though.’

His gaze heated, sweeping over her. ‘I can just imagine you all swelled up with my baby in your belly,’ he growled. A shudder went through her as smoldering green eyes rose to hers. ‘Jesus. I swear, Abby. If it weren’t for…’ He stopped himself and looked away for a second before turning back to her with a frown. ‘If I had it all my way, we’d be on a plane to Vegas right now to get hitched and you’d be pregnant before the sun came up or I’d break my back trying, baby.’

She sucked in a harsh breath at his candor.

His brows pinched over the bridge of his nose. ‘Your tongue is blue.’

She blinked at the sudden change of topic. ‘So is yours,’ she managed to say over her breathlessness.

‘Gabriel, can we take a picture with you,’ a couple of blonde girls squealed, bouncing up and down.

He looked away from her, but not before she saw him frown at the intrusion.

His face changed to an easy smile as he stood though.

‘Sure,’ he replied.

Abigail noticed him leaning more on his left leg. It was probably time they headed back to their room.

The blondes bounded over to him, one of them practically shoving her phone under Abigail’s nose.

‘Could you, pretty please?’ she said with an ear-to-ear grin.

Abigail smiled back and took the phone. She walked a few paces away from the bench where she and Gabriel had been resting. When she turned, she was confronted by the view of the girls plastering their overly large breasts to Gabriel, clutching at him with big lusty grins on their spray-tanned faces.

Gabriel’s smile did not reach his eyes, merely a tilt of the corners of his generous lips. Still, he looked hot and, of course, the picture would probably be one the girls would boast about for a long time.

They asked for a kiss each, and Gabriel pecked their cheeks, even though they were obviously trying for his mouth.

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Romantic (I hope), but no sex until after conclusion The story I ended up with is not the story I set out to write. Almost feel like I channeled this. I hope you enjoy. Jb7. WE HAVE TO TALK Chris Davis had just finished his two-mile run and was letting himself into his three bedroom ranch house when he heard the phone start to ring. He pulled the towel from around his neck and used it to wipe his face as he looked at the caller ID. He recognized the San Francisco area code, but was puzzled...

2 years ago
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Ammaye Kalikkan Sahayicha Aniyathi Part 8211 1

Contact me at   Ente peeru varun. +2vinu padikunnu. Veedu thiruvanathapuram. Enne kootathe achan amma aniyathi kootunnathanu ente kutumbam.   Raavile 7 manikk aniyathi vilichapozhanu njan ezhunnetathu. Pallu thechu kulichu computeril kayari. Mail check cheythu kazhinju aarelum varunnundo ennu nooki thundu video kaanan thudangi. Ente kuttan mundil ninnum purathu varan thudangi, ente oru kai kondu njan patuke adikkan thudangi, speed koodi paal vararayappol aniyathi book edukkan avidekk oodi...

2 years ago
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Mexican Painter

I painted a 4-foot tall painting of an alien angel. It was admired by an older Mexican woman that I kept flirting with, but could never make a move on. I wanted to, but couldn't think of what to say. She asked me to sell her the painting a day after I brought it back home from the gallery. We made plans to meet at her studio the next day. I carried the painting from my apartment to her studio. When I got there, she offered a trade instead of the $300 I was asking for it. This is not uncommon...

1 year ago
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Why I Met Your Mother Chapter 1

Normally Phil would’ve objected quite vigorously to this turn of events. He’d been an enthusiastic bachelor for as long as he could remember, and it wasn’t in his style to just let a casual fling turn into something more permanent. But Sadie could cook, the sex had been explosive to start with, and, most importantly, she brought Kiara with her. Kiara was Sadie’s thirteen year old daughter and ever since the first day she’d wandered shyly into Phil’s place, a rucksack of her meagre belongings...

3 years ago
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They Lived Spankily Ever After

“June!” George hollered into the kitchen one Saturday morning. “Where’s that little bag of screws I bought last week? It was on my workbench.” “I haven’t seen it, George.” His wife was busy cleaning out the pantry and wasn't too concerned with helping him find the latest thing he had lost.“You moved them somewhere, my workbench is cleaned up again, and it wasn’t me.”“Well then, they should be where they are supposed to be!”“And where is that? I’ve asked you a million times not to clean up my...

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You are in Charge Baby Cuckold

It was a rough and rocky road getting to this point in our relationship. Denise and I had been married less than three months when she cheated on me the first time. He was a guy she worked with and she was his superior at work. Denise was always sexually aroused by being the dominant half of any relationship. Making the "target" (a man in this case) bend to her will was such a turn on for her that she was actually addicted to it. To call her a control freak is a total understatement. Sexual...

3 years ago
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Suzie for Hire

I had been sleeping with cute and busty bisexual Sarah from work for months now. We frequently engaged in mutual fantasies regarding other attractive women from the office where we worked together. One day another coworker of theirs, Suzie, came into Sarah's office and closed the door. Suzie was a petite small-breasted brunette with straight dark hair and a beautiful heart-shaped face with dazzling blue eyes. She faced Sarah and said, "I need to talk to someone. I'm in big trouble." Sarah...

2 years ago
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Out Of The Blue Part 3

Rachael and I sat and talked, waiting for Lynette to arrive. It was 3:30 p.m. and there was no sign of her.I asked Rachael about her clothing choices and was she not interested in fashion.  Rachael’s answer astounded me.  She explained that her mother had drummed it into her and her sister that men only wanted one thing and it wasn’t very nice.  She had been taught that dressing up with suggestive clothes and make-up would just encourage men and she would regret the attention that this brought...

2 years ago
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The Rebel Universe Part I

THE REBEL UNIVERSE (c) 2015 by Anthony Durrant As I ran toward the HMS Precision's airlock, I put on my boots and handed my I.D. to one of the security officers guarding the airlock. "You're Commander Rogge?" one of them asked, and I nodded, then entered the airlock chamber through the door and headed into a turbolift, where I said: "Please take me to the bridge!" The turbolift took me to the top of the Precision's saucer section, and when the doors slid open, I stepped out...

4 years ago
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He needed my Ass Badly

I chat with guys online all the time. I have a girlfriend i'm bi-sexual but she doesn't know. She think I'm only into women. I'm feminine. so is my girlfriend. I've been doing this for over two years. Just chat with guys all over the world. 99percent of them are trying to get me to take off my clothes. I do most of the time. Just to see what they would do. It's a lot of fun. I let my best friend Irene send her brother a picture of me. She told him he NEVER have a chance with me...

3 years ago
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The Bitch and the Jerk

This story is a fiction. It does not relate to any real incidences or real persons. This work contains explicit descriptions of sexual activity. Anyone who may be offended by such contents, or persons forbidden by law or any regulations, should not read, hear, touch, smell, or download this story. Re-distribution, posting, and anything other than personal enjoyment are subject to explicit authorization by the author. Special thanks to Morgan for editing this story and giving invaluable input. ...

1 year ago
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Claires Year

The Master had given Claire a new collar, it was baby pink like the old one, but it had her name on it. She loved her new collar, she thanked the master everyday for it. And he’d say ‘It you really want to thank me, you’ll take care of this.” And he’d unbutton his pants, she’d undo the zipper and suck him off. She had her own bedroom now too, though this was really nothing special because so did Susanna and Stella. It was decorated in all pink furnishings the same color as her...

1 year ago
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Malmoe Maiden III the send off

I was invited to join these two beautiful women for dinner. A short walk and we were at a cafe with outside tables. The menu had a wide variety of entrees, Sasha explained the first few to me - but I said that grilled chicken and greens was what I would like. We hit the bread, cheese and wine quite heavily as we waited to place our order. It was much the same as mainland Europe, bread, wine and menus were what you got for the first 30 - 45 minutes. If your order was placed within an hour,...

2 years ago
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TY AND I part 3

I had been keeping Paul abreast of my new relationship with Ty---with Ty's full permission. He was delighted with the spanking with the bible and provoked a loud laugh as well as a sturdy erection. It was inevitable that he would have to meet Ty in the flesh, but as of late Ty's grandmother was growing suspicious of our friendship. What might a man of my age have in common with a boy his age so we tried to be careful about our meetings. Any length of time away saddened both of us. I had grown...

3 years ago
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Jim The Cuckold Ch2

Dana arrived home well before Jim and quickly fell asleep. It had been years since she'd been sexually satisfied like she just had been. Perhaps, she pondered as she drifted off, the experience that night may have been the most satisfying of her whole life! *********************************************************** Jim drove home after his shower and went over what had transpired that night in his head. He got so horny thinking about Dana being fucked by Kyle, that he had to pull over and jerk...

3 years ago
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Sex Clubs

Jack and Sara were married over forty years. They now have twelve grown c***dren. Jack loved to brag about keeping his bride knocked up. He said all he had to do was get a hard-on and she was full of a baby again. Sara always said fucking Jack's thick cock was a pleasure. Since they are alone they have all the time to really satisfy their sex fantasies. They moved to a private sex community where sex was often and fun. They had key swapping and nude sex parties. They also belonged to a swingers...

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The Bounty HunterChapter 12

Bright light assaulted his senses almost as soon as he opened his eyes, forcing him to shut them once again, for fear of getting a migraine. He struggled to gather his bearings as he tried to recall where he was. He opened his eyes once again, slowly this time. Looking around, he found himself in unfamiliar surroundings, making him wary almost immediately. The room he was in resembled a hospital of the old world. He wasn’t aware that such a place existed anymore. Whatever this room was, it...

2 years ago
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1 Tag Bonewell House DickChapter 2

Taggart Oliver Bonewell reported for his new job as house dick of the Wellington Hotel on a Monday, not only on time, but an hour early. He wasn't due to log in until 11:30 a.m. and it was now only 10:25. As he stood in the hotel lobby, his immediate overall impression was one of old money with distinct overtones of new money. Rich folk live here, Tag thought, make no mistake. Ostentatious and gaudy rich folk, judging from all the fake gold trim and the fake marble this and marble that....

1 year ago
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Fun at Delhi trade fair

My heart full thanks to all my readers who enjoyed my story and posted their comments. I am really surprised and happy to inform that so many females had now started commenting on their desires and internal fantasies. Most of the time it were Husbands only who want o know more or want to try new things but slowly trend is getting changed as more couples are feeling that they can make a big difference and can enjoy lot of new things if they are ready to give it a try. For all the readers who are...

2 years ago
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Penguins Preference a Toby Wakefield storyChapter 2

Looking up at the clock I saw that I had little more than one minute to go. I had learned early at St. Bart’s that when I lingered and was late, I got a harsh scolding from Mother Superior who was obsessive about time. Walking slowly back to the wing with the cells I went to the last one and knocked on the closed door. “Come in Toby,” wafted through the door. Opening the door, I was shy and tentative. The room was tiny and dimly lit. Blinking to clear my eyes I opened them wider. Mother...

4 years ago
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Mr Officer

I have been a part of the New York Police Department for some time now. I have made many arrests. Some criminals give up easily, some want to play rough, and some try putting up a fight. They even try to escape, but in the end, they never win.Well, let me tell you about today. As I start off my day like any other, I wake up in the morning and get dressed in my uniform. I'm looking sharp, and just hoping for a good day.I usually work the day shift, from five o'clock in the morning until five...

Straight Sex
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My neighbour Part 2

I called back home to collect my computer when the door bell rang it was Joan the neighbor she said how pleased she was I had called home because she had locked herself out of the house whilst hanging out the washing so i grabbed a ladder and went in through a first floor window. I went down and opened the door to the kitchen. As Joan came in with a big thanks we both turned to her television which was on and she had been watching a porn dvd. The guy on screen was fucking a and she was...

Cheating Wifes
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How ruchi became a top whore

This story starts in a sleepy village of maharashtra called asgaon, there lived a wealthy man called r p patil. He had a huge palatial house and had with him lived his wife samitra and 17yr old daughter ruchi. His step brother kk also lived with them and they had a lot of servants. One of them manju was taking care of ruchi. Kk was a man with evil intentions and was a smuggler and also dealt in selling women and gay men to brothels. He knew of the wealth rp possessed and wanted it for himself....

3 years ago
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A short history of masturbating the sister i

I had my first orgasm a few weeks before my thirteenth birthday. My older brother (he was fifteen) was always flashing his hard at me. Most mornings the pare of us would wake with hard on's. The two of us would run around our bedroom flashing our cocks at each other. He had a loads of sex magazines under his bed, he's show me the picture of all the naked woman, we'd both get hard on's looking at the images. That when he showed me how masturbate. I'd been having wet dreams for mouths. I'd...

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Monis first time with new neighbor

Our new neighbor Let me tell you how it all started with our new neighbor Rick. Back in the mid 80's we had a new neighbor move in next door. Hubby Marc introduced himself and learned he was a police officer transfered here from another province. Hubby told me he was divorced and asked to be tranfered to a new detachment. He was older than we were by 10 years but we soon became friends. We were all into the outdoors so when we decided to go camping one weekend Marc invited Rick to come along...

2 years ago
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flower joint local sg gal

it was abt 1 year ago, me and my friend went to a flower joint club to hav some drinks...looking at those dancer(thais) dancing and mingle with us..then suddenly 2 gals carrying tequila shots come to our table, said they need to put down the tray for awhile cos their hands is tired carrying the tray...I chat with 1 of them(local), she look like mix-blood...asking her Chinese or malay...she said her father is a Chinese and her mom is a baba...not bad looking for a gal... so I buy 2 tequila shots...

3 years ago
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The Creation of my Slave Chapter 22

The morning after, Nic was so excited he woke up well before 9 am. What if she didn’t come? He wasn’t quite sure what he would do. At two minutes to 9, he heard the door open quietly and someone coming into his apartment. He lay there, listening to the sounds from the his kitchen. He heard the frying pan, he smelled bacon and he could hear the water boil. It would seem she was doing her job. After a while he heard her movements stop and the room go quiet. He knew she was done, and that she...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Amber G86

Welcome back friends! This is part 2 of Episode 86, and as you’ve already seen we get to know miss Amber a little better at the bar over some food and cocktails, get some sneak peeks of those lovely tits, and some blowjob action in the back of the car. Now it’s back to the station and up on the bench for some fucking and filling action. Did you notice how much she looks like Velma from Scooby-Doo? The green skirt, orange top? Only thing she’s missing is the glasses....

3 years ago
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Pit of Desire

We’re sitting on the bed in our underwear and shirts, me in between his legs, with the TV playing unwatched in front of us. He’s singing softly in my ear. I have my arms wrapped tightly around him with my hands knotted in a few ringlets of his hair. ‘HEYYYY, SEXY LADY!’ He grins and catches me when I nearly fall off of him at the sudden volume change. I push him away playfully, put an angry face on, and shout, ‘What view?! WHAT SEXY LADY?!’ He pulls me close again and attacks my neck with...

4 years ago
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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 123

Back in the limo, Jess spoke quietly to me. “You did very good on your list; better than any of the rest of us. You didn’t quite complete it, BUT I’m willing to let it slide if you are willing to help out Amelia later back at the apartment.” I frowned and considered asking what I would be helping with but figured it was a waste of breath. No way she would spoil the fun like that. And whatever it was couldn’t be much worse than the binder clip. Could it? “Sure thing,” I answered. “Sounds...

4 years ago
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Edge of MadnessChapter 3

She awoke late the next morning and remembered she had an appointment with Dr. Miller. Her husband insisted she see this psychiatrist and this would be about her 7th visit in the last year. He was a kind gentle man and he would listen to her. She would tell him of her fears and problems. She felt she could talk to him and reveal the dark things in her life and they'd be safe with him. And also he was one of the few people in her world that didn't personally know her husband so she felt her...

3 years ago
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I Too Have Love Story 8211 Part I

Hi… this is Rohit.. This is first time i am writing my experience n how i lost my virginity to one of my friend. About me i am from greater Noida, working in IT; well-educated from good family. My height is 5.9 inches, weight 65 kg age 24, and good looking guy. This is true story which happened in 2012, i had roommate named Sunny, and he had gal friend whose name was Pooja.. We used to enjoy weekends, going out having fun together, going to movies. But once Pooja came with her another friend on...

1 year ago
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ExpeditionChapter 28 Dancing Chief to Chief

Oddly enough, it was Two Voices who rounded up the asians. She hunted down several of the High Muckymucks wives, and brought them back to the fire. Then she started telling tales of the Valley Idiots. Pretty soon, she had them laughing at the antics of Jo, the Cheese, Bill, Jimmy and Big Stick Kurt. She got to the, "I heard that." part and they were in stitches. "Oh, Goddess! My husband is just like that," said Chien, the Chiefs wife. "His voice is so distinctive I can hear him across...

3 years ago
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Was Julie ever aware

A company bash! It should have excited me a little more than it did, But it was my partners party along with her friends. I like to go along of course but it often means I have to sit and listen to the usual inter office gossip whilst sipping my drink. We arrived on time and made our way to the large office suite that had been reserved for the party, As usual at this time of year it was a grand event and dress code was in evidence, the guests were beginning to arrive to enjoy the hospitality...

2 years ago
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showing my boobs pt2 dancing

Hi, my name is Lori and this is another of my stories. This took place a little over 10 years ago while my boyfriend Joe and I were on a vacation. The previous evening, I had stripped at a club full of men for the first time and I was still shaking a little from adrenaline. It was 6 A.M. and I was wired. I got up and showered, when I got out Joe was up. He got a quick shower and we decided to go for breakfast. I put on a hot pink spaghetti strap top and a pair of white shorts. For those that...

1 year ago
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My Sister My Lover Part 5

I was stunned. She took my hand and led me through the house to the master bedroom. I knew what was happening in the room before we walked into the room. Liz and Linds were in a sixty-nine embrace both face deep in the other's pussy. Crystal whispered in a sultry tone, " They are cleaning the load I put in each of them." My cock jumped in my jeans with that comment. Chrystal rubbed my cock through the fabric covering it. My eyes were glued to my wife and sister as they moaned in time...

1 year ago
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Lindsay and the 400 Shots

Introduction: i hope you like my story Lindsay and the $400 Shots Lindsay quickly shut the front door and the blinds all over the house, put down her bag, and pulled out a decorative wooden box. The box was really old and worn, she found it in the basement and thought, it would hold what she just bought nicely. She was wearing a sweatshirt and under that was a tank top and some yoga pants. Lindsay was 17 years old, 5 foot 9 with dark hair she had with blond highlights. In it she had brown...

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