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It was Katarina’s fault. Had it not been for her I would have continued living a basically monastic life as I had done since the death of my wife, in an auto accident, three years ago.

Katarina Florentina Magdelana Corianna . . . , or Kat, as I call her, is my youngest daughter, who graduated from our local university last year. For reasons of anonymity and to protect her privacy I’ll not say which university. It would not be difficult to determine who we are, and I don’t wish to cause her, or any of her older siblings any angst.

Kat lived at home with me the last three years of her college career following her mother’s death. She had attended a major state university on a volleyball scholarship, but felt it was more important to return home and to look after me while she finished her education. I’ll not say I was unhappy to have her at home. Kat is seven years younger than her youngest brother, and has always been the one with whom I was the closest of my kids. She has a loving, gentle disposition away from the volleyball court, and I know she will make an excellent nurse if she ever gives up coaching. Her gentle way of caring for people has always been a hallmark of her persona.

Ignatz is my name, but when my parents brought me to this country as a young lad I didn’t like the way Americans mispronounced it, and I hated being called Iggy. My parents left a repressive regime in Eastern Europe to find freedom in America, and I am so happy they did, because it allowed me to pursue my dreams of science. As a teen I made a discovery in high school physics class involving space exploration that ended up with a full-ride scholarship and an internship with NASA each summer of my college career, and in turn the opportunity to form my own company upon graduation. It also was the genesis of my nickname, Coppernicous, a bastardization both of the early mathematician and of my family’s name, which, although similar, are not the same names.


My wife, Marja, retired after twenty-five years of teaching school, and we purchased a large farmhouse on several acres of land. Her dream always was to have a bed and breakfast establishment. We built on to the original farmhouse, adding an extra eight bedrooms to the four original ones, built a pond with a sand beach for swimming and a sand volleyball area, and added a lot of other amenities. Marja was killed in the crash one week prior to our grand opening. Needless to say, running a bed and breakfast was the last thing on my mind. I couldn’t even bear to run my own business any longer, and I sold out to my managers and chief scientists and settled back to live out the rest of my days as a recluse in my now way out-sized home. Money was no issue. I could never spend all I had left, and I had nothing worth living for that I wanted to spend it on.

Although it was only four weeks before the start of the fall term, Katarina had no problem transferring to our local university, and the school was ecstatic at the opportunity to offer her a scholarship to play on their volleyball team. Kat was indeed a world-class athlete, and a candidate for the US Olympic Team if she decided to go that route. Schools all over the country had pursued her. The new volleyball team is where everything in this story began.


Because of the last minute transfer, Kat was unable to get an exemption from the NCAA in time to play for the team her first year, but she was able to practice, and she worked closely with the freshman team coach, helping the new athletes, and she quickly adjusted to the school and made friends.

One week before Thanksgiving, Kat called me from school:

‘Dad? Look, I need a really big favor. Coach Thorson and her boyfriend broke up last night, and she has no place to go. I told her she could stay with us until she has time to get her feet on the ground. You don’t have a problem with that, do you?’

What could I say? Of course, I didn’t have a problem with it on the face of things, but I didn’t want it to look like I was trying to make a move, either. ‘I guess she could stay in Jenny’s old room for a while. How long do you think it will be?’

‘Thanks, Dad. You’re the best! I knew you would come through for me. You’ll like her, I know.’

‘Now, wait a minute! You aren’t trying to set me up, here, are you? I’m not interested.’

‘No, Daddy, I’m not trying to set you up.’ Her exasperation fairly dripped out of my phone. ‘She’s just a nice lady, and I know you will like her as a person was all I was saying.’

I sighed and apologized. ‘I’m sorry, sweetheart. I didn’t mean to jump on you that way. I’m just a little sensitive right now.’

‘I know, Daddy. Love you. We’ll see you later. I’ve got to go with her to get her stuff right after practice. We’re meeting the Sheriff at her place, then we’ll be home.’ A click and a hiss in my ear told me she had hung up.


I did a quick check of Jenny’s room, and ran a dust rag over the furniture and ran the vacuum over the carpet. I don’t think the door had even been opened in the last six months, and even though Jenny has been married now for four years, there were still a lot of her things on the walls and dressers. It looked a lot more like a teen/college student’s room than a college volleyball coach’s, but for short term it would have to do. The price was certainly right. I thought about using one of the rooms we had set up for the B&B, but decided she would probably like to be closer to Kat, so I left Jenny’s door open for her.

I wasn’t prepared, though, when Kat’s car was followed into the drive by half a dozen others! A laughing, chattering, mob of girls burst through the front door behind Kat and a slightly older lady that I surmised was the coach.

‘Hey, Daddy! I want you to meet Coach Thorson, and the rest of my team. They all wanted to help bring her stuff over, what we could of it.’ She reached an arm out to a tall, lissome, blonde, and said, ‘Stephanie’s boyfriend Brad is bringing some of her furniture over in his pickup. I told Coach Thorson we could store it in the garage for her for a while.’

All I could do is nod, then I stepped forward and put out a hand toward Coach Thorson. ‘It is indeed a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Thorson. I wish the circumstances were better, but you are most welcome.’

A demure, ‘Please, it’s Darlene, and I thank you very much,’ was murmured. ‘Kat said you have a large place, but I really had no idea.’

My throat tightened so that I couldn’t get a word out. A nod had to suffice. Kat understood and led the way down toward Jenny’s room, with the gaggle of excited girls following. As they walked away I thought how happy I was Darlene was not much older than the girls. She was much too young for someone to try to match her up with me. The scabs had not yet peeled off of my heart from the loss of my wife, and another woman was the last thing I wanted to think about. Seeing the cute asses of the girls bouncing down the hallway did stir my juices, but I tried valiantly to put them out of my mind.


Two weeks went by with Darlene staying with us.

Darlene looked at me with tears in her eyes when we finished dinner that evening. ‘Toomas,’ (It’s my middle name.) ‘I don’t know what to do. I can’t find any place in town I can afford by myself. I make just too much to get subsidized housing, and I can’t live in student housing. I’ve been mooching off of you for too long already. Do you have any ideas?’

‘Darlene, you have not been ‘mooching’ as you call it. Katarina invited you to stay, and we are in no hurry to put you out. Something will open up for you. Just take your time.’

‘I can’t keep sponging off of you forever, though. It isn’t right. Damn Phil anyway! I don’t know what I ever saw in him.’

‘I’ll tell you what. Sometimes after semester ends places open up. Give it until then and see what happens.’

‘Are you sure? I hate to put
you out. Can I at least pay you some rent for the time I’m here?’

I shook my head ‘No.’ ‘I don’t need the money. You just make yourself at home. When something opens up, take it. Until then, you are more than welcome.’

Kat just sat there silently all through our conversation, but after dinner as she was clearing the table she stopped and gave me a hug. ‘Thank you, Daddy. Coach has been all torn up over this for two weeks. She thinks she’s in our way. I think you are really sweet!’

I grunted. Sweet, I didn’t think so. I just try to do for others what I would want someone to do for me or for my kids. Besides, she helped keep Katarina and me from being alone and thinking of my Marja.

The next night, Darlene fixed a special dinner for us in thanks for what we were doing for her. It was the first time I really ate since Marja was killed, and it was good. As far as I was concerned, all debts for her staying with us were paid.


A week later and Christmas break came. Darlene left for her parent’s home when all of the students did. She would be gone for the next three weeks. Kat mentioned her as we ate dinner together.

‘Thank you so much for letting Coach stay with us, Daddy. I’ve really enjoyed having someone else to talk with around the house. You and I kind of rattle around here like b-b’s in a boxcar.’

‘No problem, Kitten.’ Kitten was a nick-name I gave Kat when she was just a little girl, and I hardly ever called her that any more. ‘I’ve enjoyed having her here, too. She helps keep things lively and keeps me from brooding.’

‘Do you like her, Daddy?’

‘Yes, I like her, but if you are asking, ‘Do I like, like her,’ the answer is ‘No. She’s a very nice young lady, but I’m not looking for anyone else. I loved your mother, and there is no one who can take her place.’

Things were quiet around the house for the three weeks of Christmas break. I found myself missing Darlene’s presence and her cheerful attitude. No, I did not miss her romantically, just personally. It would be nice to have her back, if nothing else, just to give us another b-b to rattle around in the house.


Spring brought with it the beginning of the sand volleyball season, and Kat was participating for the first time. Her former school did not field any participants in the sport, so it was new to her. As with everything she did, Kat threw herself into it whole-heartedly, and we often had three or four other girls hanging around the house, hitting the ball around on our court. Darlene often got involved in the games as well, and I must say, seeing the girls bouncing around in their little skimpy bikinis was interesting, at the least.

The girls seemed to gravitate to the swimming pond, too, and often were laying out working on tans when not either swimming or playing volleyball. I asked Kat about it one day.

‘They like coming out here, Dad, because you don’t creep them out, and you aren’t constantly hitting on them like the guys at school do. Some of those guys are just pigs! They hang around ogling us and making comments. One of them even tried to rape one of the girls a while back, but the university didn’t think it was a big deal and just gave him a warning.’

‘They are most welcome of course. I was just curious.’

Kat gave me a hug. ‘Daddy, you’re the best.’


Spring Break found the team staying around the university because of a tournament. Of course, most of the time they all spent out at our place. I even opened up some of the B&B rooms so they didn’t have to return to the university at night. I got all manner of hugs and thanks for this. I have to say I felt a stirring in my loins I had not felt in some time.

The day before spring break ended turned things around for us in a major way. I woke up to the smell of smoke and jumped from my bed to look. I breathed more easily though when I looked out the front window of the house and saw smoke was coming from the town. That the fire was a large one was obvious. I clicked on the local news station in time to hear the tail end of a blurb about a large fire in a dormitory at the university. Nothing more was said pending further reporting from the site. Shortly thereafter, word came across the radio that the athletics dormitory was totally involved in the fire. It was an older building that did not have some of the fire-resistant building features of newer buildings, and the fire was not able to be localized and limited. Before all was said and done, the entire building was a total loss, leaving the university scrambling to find housing for all of their athletes. Only a limited number of them could be absorbed in the other dormitories.

Needless to say, all of the girls were worried about what they were going to do, and not much else. A lot of hugging and crying between them went on as they moved from one cluster to another and started the process over again. I caught Darlene’s attention and waved her over to a quiet spot where we could talk without the others overhearing. ‘What would you think about moving the volleyball team out here? I’ve got the room. I don’t know if it would be doable or not, but if it would help, we can at least be certain the girls have a place to stay through the end of the year.’

Darlene gave a squeal of delight and threw her arms around my neck. ‘You would really do that for us? Thank you so much, Toomas! We couldn’t let them freeload off of you, like I have been, though. Let me call the athletic director and pass along your offer. I know the girls will love it! They have all been talking this week about how much fun it has been to be out here.’

Five minutes later, and an excited Darlene came running from the house. ‘Thank you, so much, Toomas! Dr. Cook is so grateful! She asked if she could give you a call in a day or so, once things settle down a little bit for her, and you two can work out the details.’

‘Certainly. You can go ahead and tell the girls if you like. Take the worry off of their minds, at least.’

Darlene put two fingers in her mouth and let out a shrill whistle, then waved the girls over in a cluster around us. ‘Girls, you can set your minds at ease about where you will live. Toomas has offered to allow the volleyball team to live here, at least through the end of the school year.’ She tried to say I would be meeting with the athletic director, but she was drowned out by the excited yelling of all of the girls, who surrounded me and all tried to hug me at once. I even got several kisses on the cheeks, and felt quite a number of tears as well.

It was later that Kat caught me alone and gave me a big hug. ‘Thank you, Daddy. That was sweet.’ I didn’t need any more praise than that.

It was not until Wednesday of the following week before I met with Dr. Cook, who came out to the house. ‘I met with Coach Thorson and Kat on yesterday. I was more than satisfied with their descriptions of your place, but our legal counsel required I come out and check it out for myself. I hope you will pardon me for doing so.’

‘It is no problem at all. I’m glad to have you. Is there anything in particular you would like to see?’

Dr. Cook shook her head. ‘I can see all I need to from here. It is obvious you have excellent facilities for the girls.’ She stopped and looked down at the table and shuffled some papers around nervously. ‘Please don’t misunderstand my question, Toomas, but I must ask it. Understand I mean nothing derogatory by it, but what is your relationship with Ms. Thorson? I understand she has been living here with you for some time now?’

I had expected something of the sort. ‘Darlene needed a place to go when she and her boyfriend split up. Kat, that is Katarina came to me and said she needed a place to stay until she could find another, and she asked if we could put her up for a while.’ Dr. Cook nodded. ‘When she was unable to find suitable lodgings that she could afford I told her she was welcome to stay on.
Katarina has been working with her and the freshman team, and she has become very fond of the coach, as have I. She’s just a year older than my eldest daughter, so it is like having another daughter staying in the home with us. With the unfortunate passing of my wife she has done a lot to keep us from being maudlin, but beyond that, there is nothing going on.’

‘I was certain that was the case. I did a little background checking on you, and everyone I’ve spoken with has given you the highest recommendations as far as character.

‘The university is giving her the added responsibility of acting as dormitory supervisor, as it were, being responsible for the girls beyond just coaching. Now, I understand you have not been charging her any rent?’

I nodded. ‘I don’t really need the money, and she doesn’t cost me much. She does help out with the groceries and all.’

‘Well, the university will be, as part of her additional remuneration for her added responsibilities, paying you a fair rental for her room, and we will also be paying you the amount we would charge the girls for room and board if they weren’t on scholarship. You’ve been very gracious to allow them to stay, but we can’t impinge on you any further.’

Dr. Cook slid a contract over in front of me, and I was amazed at the numbers on there. I don’t really need the money, but since they were willing to pay me, I’d find something to do with it. I pulled a pen from my pocket and with just a cursory glance at the paperwork was prepared to sign it.

‘Aren’t you even going to read the contract? You may feel free to have your attorney look it over first if you would like.’

‘Thank you. Normally, I would do that, but I see nothing that will be a problem to me. I really don’t need the money, so I’m not going to quibble over little things.’ I signed my name and dated it, then slipped the papers back over to Dr. Cook.

‘One other thing, if you will,’ she said as she put the document into her attache case. ‘I don’t know that we will be able to rebuild the dormitory in time for next fall’s school opening. Would you be willing to work with us on housing the girls next year as well?’

‘We’ll have to take a look at it as the spring progresses, but based on what I’ve seen of them over the last couple of weeks I don’t believe it would be a problem.’

So that’s the way it all got started.


In retrospect, having the girls move into the property is the best thing that could have happened to me at the time. They kept me from brooding and looking back at the past. We only had a couple of instances where the girls pushed the envelope a bit on the rules, and Coach Thorson was on them quickly. We did have to make a few adjustments because of the number of girls involved. For spring break they had been willing to double up in some of the queen size beds, but I knew that was not going to be a long term solution. I used a chunk of the moneys from the university to go out and purchase twin beds and bunk beds, and the necessary linens to fit out enough rooms to take care of the freshmen and sophomores. It worked out so that we were then able to house the teams, with seniors getting twin bed rooms, and the lower classes had two sets of bunk beds per room. Everyone was happy with that arrangement, especially since even those with double bunks had more room than in the old dorms, plus they had private bathrooms. The older girls found they had more space than they knew what to do with.

Of course, minor maintenance issues came up all of the time. That many girls with long hair kept me busy with clogged drains. I got embarrassed more than once when I would go to one of the girl’s rooms to fix a problem and find her to be less than fully dressed, only to get a smile and a wink before she covered herself up. No, I didn’t take any liberties. I’m not that kind of a guy, but they did keep my right hand busy many nights.

I also found I was eating better than I had before. Coach Thorson was careful of her girls’ diet, and since they prepared many of their meals in the house and ate there, I ate with them. Occasionally, I would be called on for some light tutoring in the sciences when one of the girls had trouble understanding, which gave me something to do, and I found I enjoyed it very much. Perhaps I should have been a teacher.

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Suburban BlissPart I: MichaelLooking back, he still kicked himself sometimes. So much time wasted. Years and years. Searching in all the wrong places. When in the end it was all so simple. The solution was always right in front of him. In retrospect you always wonder why you didn't come up with that brilliant idea sooner.  On the other hand, maybe he had needed all that time to develop his ideas. Mature his thoughts. Had it materialised too soon, perhaps it would have all have gone wrong. Who...

4 years ago
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My Virgin Lost For Sexual Pleasure 8211 Part 2

After my first sex night experience with Roopa my cock was still very hard hot rocked in bed morning. I saw Maid Arvind and Akash shell shocked seeing naked body with big hot 7” rock. suddenly my eyes fell on a beautiful, hot and sexy girl dressed in saree a serving girl. Her figure was beautiful, Cute face, juicy lips, lightning eyes and full of sex appeal stunned by her beauty she’s the sexiest woman I have ever seen. She have very big boobs and ass which is enough for me to jerk off. asked,...

2 years ago
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Megan 2

Her heart started beating fast trying to work out how she had gotten herself into this situation, it had all started innocently enough, she was just chatting to random boys on the internet when this guy, Dominatus, had started chatting to her. He was very strong minded and dominant and she had decided to play along, but what she hadn’t realised was that when she handed over her email address she allowed me to stalk her on facebook and find out her real identity and when she downloaded his...

3 years ago
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Stuck at work while the wife gets fucked

I was stuck at work the other night, trying to correct some problems with my company’s facility. When I texted the wife that I would be working late, she replied back to take my time. She then explained that our two boys were sleeping at one of their friend's house and she currently had the fat cock of a guy she just met, filling her holes. To add insult to injury, she added that she had him banging her on my side of the bed. She only asked that I tell her when I was heading home, so her lover...

2 years ago
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The Suspicious Wife

I had the idea to write perhaps half a dozen short stories on the theme of the baddy getting their comeuppance. This is now my fiftieth in less than a year! I hope they have proved entertaining and although I have another couple in outline, I can't promise to be as prolific in future! I would like to thank the writers of kind comments and especially those who have made constructive criticism, it really is appreciated. Kriz THE SUSPICIOUS WIFE Colin Matthews wasn't happy with...

4 years ago
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The Girl Next Door

Chad prepared himself for the jump and at the precise moment he lifted the handle bar of his Mountain Bike and it flew off the sidewalk and landed perfectly on the street. He continued peddling as hard as he could and a few minutes later he came to a screeching halt on the driveway to the house where he lived with his parents. He got off the bike and put it against the wall and then doubled over breathing hard. He was sweating profusely from the heat and from exercising. After a few minutes, he...

First Time
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In My House

***Story written by request.This is a long one.I know, I know -- "That's what she said."***Instatweet1 new messageI heard my cell phone's Instatweet alert chime, and looked at it. I was surprised, as I didn't get many messages, other than someone in broken English inviting me to view their webcam, provided I go to some site to verify my age. Since they invited me, I would assume they know how old I am, but, I digress. It was a bigger surprise when I discovered the message was from Lilly. We had...

1 year ago
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After Closing Time

I have been going to the Sunrise Bar for over 30 years, so I do have an innate knowledge of the many happenings that have gone on there. However, it was a closing time one night that gave me an intimate knowledge of the bar itself. It was a Tuesday Night, I was bored of the regular TV, so I decided I would head down to the old smoky sunrise bar. I didn’t work until Thursday, so I knew I could tie one on and not worry about working with a hangover. I walked in the bar at about 10:30pm, and...

Erotic Fiction
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Dana Becomes a Woman

All her life, Dana had felt different. Born a boy, she always preferred dressing in girl clothes and playing girl games. She was mistaken for a girl from the time she was toddling - her feminine face and manner always convinced people. By the time she graduated high school, Dana discovered her main sexual interests were in . She didn't care for gay men, and acted as a lesbian when she was with women sexually. She had no interest in taking the male part and thrusting her cock inside of them....

She Males
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James Bondage QuickiesDevils Night

The cool breeze sent dead leaves rustling across the courtyard. The sun had disappeared below the horizon many hours ago. Primitive lamps hung from the front of various buildings, lighting the thoroughfare of the humble, rustic town. Scattered members of the community were still out and about, concluding their business. Some were closing their shops. Others were saying goodbye to neighbors after a bountiful harvest meal. The streets would empty by the witching hour. It was All Hollow’s Eve...

1 year ago
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BackscatterChapter 16 Birth of Atlantis

Five weeks later. Time: Sunday, August 24, 2053 5:20 AM The buzzing of the intercom by his bed woke Hannibal from a deep sleep. He sat up and yawned and pushed the green icon by the speaker. "Yes?" "Hannibal, it's Edom. Time for breakfast." Another yawn, and a quick look at both the clock on the intercom and the pre-dawn light through the eastern window. It looked like a fine summer day coming up. "Right. Thanks. Be there soon." Hannibal pushed the red icon after hearing an...

2 years ago
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Hot in the Sauna

Whilst living on my own for a while, I was feeling a little lonely and what with not being in a long term relationship, my horny thoughts were getting the better of me. Thinking back to my past experiences, I felt the need for some hot male sex. I decided to visit a sauna I had seen in the city centre. So, one Saturday, I spent the morning ensuring I was clean and shaven all over, not a body hair in sight. I had read that the sauna was open 24 hours but decided I would rather go after lunch, in...

1 year ago
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Beckys Marine chapter 11

Becky and Lauren had just told me of their incestuous love affair, which got me all hot and bothered. I wanted them, I needed them, and Becky had agreed that I could have one thing with no reprisals tonight. "I want you. Both of you. Tonight." I said as smoothly as possible. Both women looked at each other, checking for any sign the other wasn't willing, yet finding none. They smiled at me, but Lauren held up a hand. " OK, but.. We want to make tonight special for you....

3 years ago
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Bathroom Sex With Hot MILF Neighbor In Mumbai 8211 Part 2

Hello everyone. It’s great to be back again, especially after receiving so many comments from different parts of the country. I’m Daksh, aged 30, staying in Mumbai and working in Delhi. Requesting to please read the previous story before reading this story. I am requesting not to ask for pics due to privacy reasons. I believe earning the trust of a woman is one of the most precious things. I am not the type of guy who will break it for sure. So, bring your imagination to the fore and let your...

3 years ago
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Hello, how are all of you Desi Stories Fans. I don’t know what am I doing here but I think this is a good source of finding people of same taste. I always liked these sex sites and used to masturbate while watching nude Pics and reading stories but now I thought of sharing myself with you all and who knows may be I’ll find someone out there. Before I should start let me introduce myself to all of you. My name is Ahmed, 33 years of age. I had passed Engineering and I am 5ft 9 inch tall have...

2 years ago
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slpover at johnnys

‘JanCarlos Rodriguez!!…come and eat’..i woke up as my mother yelled..went to sl**p late cuz my mom was bitchin at me cuz da kitchen wasn’t clean yesterday round 11 pm. i brushed my teeth, did my hair nd went to eat. ‘pull dem pant up.’ ..’ay ma. leave me alone’, i sat down as my bestfriend joe, came trough da kitchen nd whispered ‘good morning sunshine’ in my ear. i instantly got a hard on. he is so sexy i thought to my self. He had a wife beater on. i didnt want to eat so me and him left for...

2 years ago
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From Friends Mother To Mother 8211 Part 1

Hello, All, This is the continuation of the sex story where relation for Ankit turned from Rubina to his own mom. Please write to me on ‘’. Getting rebuked by Rubina for a demand, Ankit felt disheartened. He was not in his own senses and he is not able to think that whether he will get any chance with her or not. But since he tasted the most awesome juice in this world, he could not hold back for long. He was craving for some action but his ego was stopping him for approaching Rubina. At the...

4 years ago
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You Have Three WishesChapter 7

This was the life - laying back naked on my office sofa with a milk-producing tit in my mouth and a soft female hand wrapped firmly around my long fat cock. Both the tit and the hand belonged to my beautiful princess from India - also known as Lavanya. She was just back from her short maternity leave - she had birthed a baby boy just over 4 months ago. She had always been a friendly face in the office, and I had been jealous of her husband for knocking her up. So when I had the chance to...

3 years ago
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They were children when they first kissed.Growing up together in the same neighborhood, Kaori and Samuel didn’t know each other from the start. Kaori had just moved to San Diego from Tokyo, Japan. Her father was an architect and found a better paying job in the US. Her mother was a housewife that mostly took care of her young daughter and husband. At 10 years old, Kaori could speak enough English to get by in school, but ridicule was part of her day-to-day life in the classroom. The other...

2 years ago
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Die Liebestropfen

Zu seinem Leidwesen ist Martin mit seinen 18 Jahren noch eine männliche Jungfrau. Schuld daran ist jedoch keineswegs sein – wie er selber meint – durchaus passables Aussehen, sondern vielmehr ein Mangel an Gelegenheit in der anonymen, tristen Hochhaussiedlung, in der er zusammen mit seiner Mutter und seiner Schwester in einer kleinen Mietwohnung lebt. Das theoretische Wissen für das erste Mal hat er sich aber bereits angeeignet bei seinen häufigen Besuchen im Erotik-Supermarkt. Auch heute...

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Rebecca and the school janitor

Richard Cherry whistled softly to himself as he moved along the deserted hallway of local Elementary School. He'd been working there for fifteen years now and he never got tired of his job. It wasn't so much that he enjoyed being a janitor or cleaning up after all the spoiled teachers who mocked him. Richard enjoyed the fringe benefits of being an elementary school janitor, the chance to spy on all the sexy teachers. He would never touch any of the them, but he enjoyed looking! Richard smiled...

2 years ago
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Where Will It EndChapter 9b A Slutty Revelation Without BE

I understand some people are not into bestiality and I did not tag it at the beginning. For this reason, I have made two versions of this chapter. This version does not have bestiality. Chapter 9a has. This is fiction. No part of this story is true nor do I wish it to be true ... If you are not 18, you should not be reading this. If you believe this is real, you should not be reading this. It all comes from an overactive imagination. She was to grant three wishes to her son’s soccer team if...

4 years ago
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Fire Smolders Within

Thousands of times a week my eyes fall on the picture I have of you on my wall. You are such a precious person to me. Your beauty is far more than skin deep. Each time I activate my cell phone, your smiling face greets me and I feel better, no matter what problems I may be facing. I close my eyes and can visualize you naked. Your body excites me like no other. You have fulfilled my wishes for happiness and I long for you to again quench the fire of my lust that rages within my soul. Fire...

3 years ago
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SargeChapter 26

I hoped the Marshals were phony, but it would leave me with a lot of problems if they weren’t. If they were real, I had a lot of problems back in Siler City. I could call Tonya and have her check, but I didn’t really want to know that badly. We would know when I returned, which was soon enough. “So who did you piss off this time?” Bitsy asked. “What do you mean, this time?” I asked in return. “One of those so called marshals said you had bad luck with your house. Someone fire bombed it...

1 year ago
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Facebook Friend

Jane was sure she knew Charlie and that she knew him well. After all, she and he had been friends on Facebook for several months now. Thanks to Mark Zuckerberg's ingenuity and generosity, they'd been able to chat and discourse for hours on end without once having actually met one another. And tonight was the evening when, at long last, Jane would actually meet Charlie in the flesh. Jane was also sure she knew what Charlie looked like. She viewed his profile picture every time she visited...

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Ladies in Waiting Game DayThe Slither in the Dark

& “We could go a different way, perhaps?” Randia asks nervously. The dungeon down here was less worked hallways, and more natural tunnels. Much of which had obviously been widened to allow easy passage. Ahead of the group stood a cavern. In the center of which were some large boulders and a handful of huts. Around a dozen goblins milled about. Tending to daily chores. The six women watched from the shadows. Each reduced to merely their lingerie. Except for the rogue who still had soft...

4 years ago
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Trume oder Alptrumen

Der Tag war anstrengend gewesen, aber der Abend dafür auch sehr schön. Im Büro hatte es wieder jede Menge Schreibkram gegeben, Ärger mit Kollegen und defekten Kopiergeräten, dazu eine kaputte Klimaanlage und jede Menge rauchende Besucher. Schon am Mittag hatte Helena der Kopf gedröhnt. Ein äusserst hübscher Kopf in dem auch eine Menge drin steckte. Schulterlange glatte blonde Haare rahmten ein hübsches Gesicht mit strahlend blauen Augen ein. Der Mund war voll und sehr anziehend geformt und...

2 years ago
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Trip to the Bathroom

Strong hands pulled mine behind me, and I felt and heard the unmistakable sensations of a nylon tie-wrap locking my wrists securely behind me. A deep brown voice whispered into my ear, ‘Well, well, well, what do we have here? Looks like I got myself a little piece of white meat to play with’. A very large black hand clasped tightly over my mouth prevented me from responding, protesting, or finding out what the fuck was going on, the voice continued: ‘I tell you what Whitey, we’re going to try...

4 years ago
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Idle HandsChapter 2

“Is it safe?” Dey asked. A moment later, Loki managed to translate her question, which came out of her cellphone in what the locals sometimes referred to as ‘English’. The muggy heat of the uptown Georgetown was filled with the babble of dozens of human languages and dozens of alien languages and a truly preposterous number of mosquito. Despite the best efforts of mosquito tracking lasers, semi-intelligent electrical webbing, and a few pushes to genetically engineer the pests into extinction,...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Sister8217s

Hi Vivek here. I stay in Hubli, I belong to middle class family where we have to tell our every needs to our parents we r 5 members in our family my mom,dad,2 sisters and me my sisters r 2 and 3 yrs elder than me. They both r very sexy with big boobs, beautiful face and very sexy legs. Their names r Arpana(25) and Vanita(23) our cousin(Manish) stays in a room with his friends in the neighbor area. He is around 26 yrs. He is good in flirting with girls. He is whenever he comes to our home he...

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BangBrosClips Valerica Steele Kay Lovely The Fang Bros

After a canceled Halloween party, Valerica Steele and Kay Lovely are left without their yearly halloween hookup. They resort to having sex with each other but they soon realize that they need dick to fully satisfy them. This is when Kay remembers the old urban myth about the legendary vampire duo known as the Fang Brothers. They say that if you go in the mirror and repeat the name three times. FANG BROS… FANG BROS… FANG BROS. The remaining Fang Brother will appear and have sex with any girl...

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Old Love Revived

I guess I am a bored housewife! I am twenty nine years old, married to a kind, loving husband. I have three children two boys and a girl. We live in a luxurious house in a nice suburb near Birmingham Alabama. My husband owns a new car dealership and is very successful. I am a typical "Modern Mom". I feel as if I am a taxi driver for my kids. All three are in school now. I am constantly taking them somewhere. Between keeping house and the time I must spend with my children I have little...

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Tracy in TroubleChapter 39

Now that Tracy and Rachel both had dirty rags instead of nice clothes, they made them put all the things away in boxes at the back door. They had to wad them up and throw them in. Each day, they would randomly pick out something to wear, but they could not see as they picked the clothes out. Whatever they grabbed would be what they wore. School was to start in two days, but the football team had already started practice. They had gone through all the tryouts and those that were left would be...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Ryder Rey Naughty School Ryder Rey Needs Spanked LIVE

Ryder Rey is feeling naughty and Will Pounder might just have to teach her a lesson during this sexy show. Ryder loves to flash her thong panties and give you that mischievous smile that screams fuck me now! Will will do just that but first he wants to devour and eat that pussy! Ryder tastes so sweet and he just can not get enough! Ryder backs that ass right up on that cock so Will can fuck that pussy as deep as he wants. Pick her up and fuck her or put those legs almost behind her head. As...

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Art Studio

The Artist Studio It was a cool damp morning, the mist clinging to the streets like a heavy blanket of soggy fleece. I was hurrying down the street, as it would not make a good impression to be late the first day. I had signed up at a local art studio for free art lessons, and this being the first day, of course I had slept in. Bus was late, and the crowded streets, full of slow shuffling pedestrians was not helping at all in my effort to be on time. Finally getting to the small...

2 years ago
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Double VisionChapter 6

“That ... was INCREDIBLE!” “Yeah, for me too, “ Jenny agreed. “Do you want to do it again?” “Uh, yeah, “ Ron chuckled. Did he want to do it again? It was all he wanted to do for the rest of his life. He had just had the most intense feelings he had ever experienced. In comparison to the ecstasy he had felt, his nightly jackoff sessions were almost painful. Did he want to do it again? That was an absurd question. “Good, because I sure do, “ Jenny answered, “but I need to get a drink...

1 year ago
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The Puppeteer Mage

"Ah, magic." The ebony skinned man thought as he sat back in the generously stuffed chair, "It makes all of life's desires possible. And what I desire now is food and drink." As if on cue the doors to the den opened and in stepped an albino beauty. Nearly white locks tumbled past her shoulders in thick curls. Pale, almost invisible grey eyes stared at him defiantly; her deathly white skin was accentuated by the deep purple silk dress she wore. The tight fitting, low cut gown emphasized...

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