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We went to bed spooned, as we often do, but this evening I just couldn’t seem to fall asleep. My mind wouldn’t relax, and my body, though comfortable, wouldn’t really let go. You know how that happens sometimes. The mundane niggling events of the workday just wouldn’t leave my head. I tried to distract myself with songs, memories, even sheep for goodness sakes, but nothing worked.

I was about to excuse myself from the bed and go to the den to read or watch the tube or something, but stopped as I moved my hand to tap my Matt’s arm. He was fast asleep. His long deep breaths were an instant giveaway. He rarely pretends to be asleep, but when he does, I can always tell, his breathing is never quite the same.

I sighed. It would be a chore to get him up if I really wanted to. Matt sleeps like a hibernating bear. It would take something akin to an air-raid siren in the bedroom to wake him when he’s really asleep. His left arm was wrapped possessively over my side, elbow by my navel, hand resting against my right breast. His right arm lay under both of us, passing under my right side with the palm and fingers of that hand resting on the top of my right leg. Though we often slept in positions similar to this I never wondered until now whether his arm ever fell asleep like that. Matt never mentioned it, at least.

I was curled in basically a fetal position, with Matt wrapped around me like a giant cape. I’m pretty petite, and he’s not, so I always feel… enveloped when we lie like this, only rarely do I find it uncomfortable or feel stuck. Almost always its more a feeling of security and warmth. This evening I was even more aware of it as I listened to him breathe and felt his chest expand and contract against my back. I felt totally safe. I felt happy. I dropped my left hand onto his and snuggled into him, content just to listen to and feel him for the rest of the night, or at least for now.

Sometime later I felt him get hard. A little shiver passed up my spine as I thrilled to the warm stiffening pressing between my legs. I read that most men get erections several times a night while they sleep, even if they aren’t having sexy dreams. My Matt is no exception. His cock was pointing down between our legs along our bodies. It pressed into the joining of my legs as it tried to rise. I wondered what he was dreaming about, if anything. Was it sexy? Was it about us? We’re monogamous, but we’ve both shared and play-acted fantasies and dreams of course have no moral restrictions at all.

Images and memories of past dreams and games played in my head, from silly things like ‘speeder seduces cop’ and ‘quarterback nails cheerleader’ (or vice versa) to elaborate candle and rose petal bath scenarios. From there my thoughts drifted to heavier stuff like ‘interrogating the prisoner’ and ‘knocking up (name Matt’s infatuation of the month).’

I realized I was getting turned on.

A familiar pre-arousal tingling spread through my abdomen to my sex. But while I’d been fantasizing, Matt had subsided. I still felt his member between my upper thighs, but it was softer now, not pressing into me. I thought for a while. I could push my way out of our cuddle, roll him over with effort and get his attention. He doesn’t wake up to noises or jostling, but past experience has shown that a little brunette swallowing or impaling herself on his prick did work as a reveille call. But no. Even though sleepless, I was tired, and it felt too good now simply to have him around me.

If I moved my legs a bit, I could probably play with myself, masturbate in the embrace of my sleeping lover. That seemed like a decent idea, so I gave it a try, raising my left leg a few inches and reaching my left arm down over his, sliding over my belly into my pubic patch, to start teasing myself with slow caresses of my own fingertips. I was a little more ready – and randy – than I’d thought, and my own wetness quickly coated my fingers. I tried to keep as still and quiet as I could – an instinct I followed even though I almost certainly didn’t need to worry about waking Matt. I couldn’t help, however letting out some small sighs of pleasure and wiggling my lower body back against Matt just a little bit as I played.

It didn’t take long before I felt Matt rising again, whether from his own natural patterns or in unconscious reaction to me, I didn’t know. His hardening cock pressed against me again, but this time rose between my slightly parted legs. I opened them further to let it grow unrestrained. When I felt it press up against my perineum, I lowered my leg, trapping it there, and squeezing my own fingers still sliding slowly along my labia. I felt his cock throb in its captivity and felt its heat reflecting my own. If I reached down further, I could touch the head, rub my juices on it, maybe even tickle that extra sensitive spot on the underside.

I’m no penis expert, but am still grateful to the powers in the universe who/that were responsible for endowing my husband. He doesn’t have one of those porno ‘monster cocks,’ but whatever it is (Actually, we did measure it once I’m just not telling) it is the perfect size and shape for me. The head is a little pointed, but widens enough that the feel of him entering me is like a force of nature stretching me open and seeking my center. Its long enough that, when we’re making love just so, I can feel him ‘bottom out’ and press against end of my tunnel. When he cums that deep in me, I can imagine feeling his semen shoot right into my womb. We’ve been doing it just so allot, recently.

Now, I wanted him. I was all hot and bothered by the flights of my mind, my own fingers, and the hardness between my legs. I wiggled forward and back a bit, trying to somehow move myself to get his cock and my pussy to connect. I grasped gently at the head to guide it to me and arched to get my body to line up right. But was too constrained by our body positions. Erect, he jutted too far forward for me to cpature him in my slit. His organ throbbed from the additional stimulation of my squirming. I stopped moving for a minute, realizing I might actually get him to climax while frustrating myself.

The solution was simple in concept, but hard to execute given the state I was now in. I had to stop everything and wait for him to relax on his own. So I tried. I let go my hand, and raised my leg again, so my body didn’t squeeze him.

A long time passed. And I got hornier by the minute. I listened to Matt breathe, felt the hairs on his chest and legs tickle my skin, and waited for the stiffness pressed up between the junction of my legs to subside. The anticipation was agonizing. Every place we touched felt electric, especially down there, where he was so close to where I wanted him to be. I felt drips of my own excitement run over my leg to dampen the bedsheet. I grew cross with the cock, annoyed that it expected satisfaction right now when something so much better lay in store for it if it would only relax. I considered bringing myself off anyway, and to hell with the big lug. He wouldn’t know what he missed. But I rejected that thought as it came. I knew that right now I wanted, needed him inside me.

I was getting ready to heave him over and jump on him when I finally felt him start to relax. I slowed my breathing to concentrate on feeling what was going on. I didn’t want to move too soon, lest I end up right where I’d started, and I wouldn’t be able to stand that. My heart was already beating fast from arousal, and now suspense added to it as I waited. Finally, the pressure was all but gone, and I could feel his mostly flaccid length lie on my upper inner right thigh.

I spread my legs a little wider and carefully reached down with my left hand. I grasped the soft, pliant glans of Matt’s penis in my fingers, pointed the head right between my wet and waiting labia, and held my breath.

It didn’t take long. Even in deep sleep, gentle direct manipulation of his cock got a reaction from Matt. He began to stiffen for a third time. And I almost lost him, too. My lubricated fingers slipped a bit and the head of the growing rod pointed off the wrong way for a moment. But I recovered quickly and poked him back into me. And that’s all I had to do. The lengthening, stiffening cock pushed into me by itself. I kept my hand there to prevent him from slipping out, but after that first heartbeat or two, it was really unnecessary. I let my left leg down.

He grew inside me, and oh, god, it was the most erotic feeling! With each beat of his heart, his cock throbbed larger and longer, pushing deeper and deeper into me. I was so wet by now that the organ had no trouble nosing as far as it wanted to go. I exhaled loudly, like he was forcing air out my lungs with his steady penetration. My left hand reached back and grabbed his muscular thigh as I arched and pressed my ass back into him. It was like a hot balloon inflating inside me. No, not a balloon, it was too substantial. I was so sensitized from my torturous wait, I felt every ridge and vein of the thickening meat slide against my inner flesh. It was such a turn on. I whimpered as I felt it pulse, fully erect and buried in me. My inner muscles squeezed it in return.

I let out a low, catlike purr. But now what? Part of me wanted to just stay like this and keep him inside me all night, or forever, whichever came first. Part of me wanted a real fuck – Matt would wake up, growl, grab me and start thrusting, maybe even flip us into a doggie style so he could really ‘do’ me, or pull me back against his chest and plow up into me like a machine. Part of me wanted to get off by myself, with him firmly inside me, along for the ride. It would be so nice to drift off to sleep satisfied, with a hot cock buried in me. Who knows how we’d wake up?

My left hand again sought my sex, and I shuddered at my own touch. God, I was already so close! My stretched pussy clamped around Matt’s cock and the organ responded in kind with a twitch of its own. My index finger found my erect clit and circled and stroked it. I wanted to cum so badly, but teased myself to prolong the feeling. I realized I was shaking. Perspiration beaded on my exposed skin and made our bodies’ contact areas slick. Finally I couldn’t take it any more, and pressed into my clit, rubbing it earnestly up and down.

I came hard, my body jerking and quaking as the contractions hit me. I let out strangled grunts of climax, my efforts to keep quiet only making me want to scream louder. My pussy squeezed and squeezed Matt’s cock, its presence in me perfect in every way. I came… for a long time, subsiding into ragged breaths and the occasional shivering twinge of aftershock.

I slid my hand down further between my thighs, allowing them to close on my wrist. My palm rested on the junction of Matt’s cock and my pussy, my fingers lightly cradling is heavy balls. My body relaxed in the way that had been eluding me all night – the kind of letting go and settling that is essential for sleep. I took a deep breath and let out a long contented sigh.

Then, I heard an echoing deep intake of breath behind me. Almost imperceptibly, Matt’s left arm tightened around me, drawing me fractionally back to him. Deep within me, I felt Matt twitch…and expand…and throb. His hips moved, humping forward once in sleep. I felt the skin of Matt’s scrotum tighten against my hand. As I lay finally limp and passive in his bear-like embrace, his cock shuddered and erupted. Maybe I was already dreaming, because I imagined I could feel every jet of semen originate in his balls and surge into me. I counted three, four, five, more! Matt’s nocturnal emissions were apparently even more copious than his waking ones. The sheer quantity created a palpable additional fullness inside me. I hardly recognized my own low, breathy groan at the strange sensuality of the event.

My pussy instinctively squeezed him, repeatedly coaxing from him all he had to offer. With his bulk filling me so completely, I supposed there was nowhere for the volume to go other than deeper inside. A small shiver ran up my spine.

Final questions fought to keep me awake. Would he soften and slip out? Would he wake up and wonder what had happened? Would this time be the one? Interesting and distracting as they were, they finally could not hold my mind awake any more. I felt myself smile the smallest of smiles as I at least drifted away, Matt’s final throbs beating the path into my dreams.


The sun from the window falling on my eyes woke me into a red haze. God, what a set of dreams! I could barely remember the details, and what traces remained were already fading, but the intense eroticism still echoed through my foggy brain. It felt deep, animal-like. Eyes still closed, I took a deep breath and began to stretch from my position curled around Lyn. I froze, though, as two sensations hit me simultaneously. The first was the heady, strong scent of sex – Lyn’s and mine. And no wonder, for the second sensation was the feeling of my hard cock embedded in my wife’s heavenly pussy. That explained the dreams, I thought, but how did we manage that in the middle of the night? Was it (lucky, fantastic) happenstance? Was it somehow her doing? Was I somnopulating?

Pretty quickly, I realized that I didn’t really care. There I was, wide awake, already impaling my beautiful bride, who smelled so ready I was nearly drooling. I had to have her. Who am I kidding? I already had her. I wanted to… to _take_ her. I thought back to the times I’d awakened to her straddling me, lifting up and lowering herself on my cock, me barely awake as I felt my orgasm overtake me and shoot into her. Now I could return the favor, if I did everything right.

It took a few minutes. I moved slowly and carefully, trying not to wake my Lynnie up. She’s not a light sleeper, but unless she’s really exhausted, the strangest things can disturb her. After getting rid of the light sheet that covered us, I moved my pillows in front of her, and slowly, carefully rolled her over onto her stomach. I held her close, both to keep me buried in her, and to make sure she didn’t fall suddenly and wake up. I moved my left knee between hers and pushed out, separating her legs as she settled on her stomach. At the last minute, I moved her left arm so it wouldn’t be trapped under her body, which might have become uncomfortable enough wake her up. I took my weight on my arms and knees so as not to press into her too much, constantly resisting the desire to start plowing her roughly and immediately. She stirred once or twice as I arranged her, and I stopped moving when she did, hoping she’d settle back down. Of course, if I failed and she woke up at any point, I’d just start screwing her anyway. But I now knew how I wanted this to go.

Finally we were there. Lyn, still sleeping, lay under me. The two scrunched up pillows under us raised her ass and already cock-filled pussy to me. Both my legs were between hers, knees apart, spreading her open. My knees, left elbow and left forearm supported my weight, with my hand insinuated between the mattress and her left breast (Lyn told me once that her left nipple always seemed a bit more sensitive than the right. I believe in equal opportunity, and like to pay attention to both her tasty orbs when I can, but when I _have_ to choose one…). My right hand wormed between the pillows and her belly, fingers burrowed through her soft pubic hair, barely touching her mound. My chest kissed her upper back and my head was right above hers. I’d pulled her long dark tresses out of the way, so I could gaze at her beautiful, peaceful face in profile. The smell of sex had only increased though my preparations, and I’d felt the slipperiness of Lyn’s arousal along my shaft and groin as I moved her and touched her. She’d been mine from the moment I’d woken up, and now I was going to prove that in spades.

I started with my fingers, rubbing and teasing her gently. My left hand could do little where it was, except gently squeeze and kneed her breast. I did get her nipple between the lengths of my index and middle finger, though, and gently began pinching it between them. My right teased the folds of her sex and her little button.

I flexed my hips so that my cock slid in and out of her fractionally. She was so tight, but also wetter and more slippery than usual. Maybe she had or was having some sexy dreams, too. Well, if not now, she never would. It didn’t take long before I felt her respond. Tiny movements in her hips pushed her back onto my cock and forward onto my fingers. A tiny whispery moan escaped her lips, but I’m pretty sure she was still asleep or mostly so.

I rubbed her hardening clit with my middle finger, sliding the index and fourth along her labia on either side of my slowly, shallowly pumping prick. Minutes drifted by and I reveled in the slippery tight feel of her around me, the little motions so clearly responding to my touches. Lyn’s movements and sounds both increased, so I upped my pace as well. Then, I felt her startle beneath me, and gasp. Her eyes opened wide.

That was my cue. I let my right hand go wild, stroking and circling and vibrating her clit with abandon. I groped her breast with my left, squeezing her nipple between my fingers. I drew my cock over half-way out of her and pressed it back home, pushing her down into my hands and the pillows, simultaneously lowering my mouth to her ear to start whispering to her, telling her to cum for me.

And she did. She stiffened and shrieked as if stung. Then she shuddered, jerked, and grunted as the spasms wracked her. Her pussy squeezed me like a fist. God, how I love that feeling. Her eyes stayed open but unseeing through it all. I kept moving my fingers and hips slowly to keep her afloat, whispering to her, asking if it felt nice, telling her what a good girl she was, and that I had more for her.

She was till shaking from her cum when I started in earnest. I didn’t want her to come down completely just yet. I moved my right hand from her pussy to the bed to help support me while I withdrew my cock most of the way, and spread my knees apart further, opening her legs more. Lyn’s half moaning/half cooing voice rose as if in question, only to end in a sharp grunt as I thrust into her.

I fell silent. For the next minute or so I fucked her, plain and simple. I was fast and unsubtle, humping into my lover’s sweet pussy as it still clenched and relaxed from her recent climax. Lyn’s voice rose again, ululating as I pistoned in and out of her. She was confused, still part asleep, partly orgasmic, and I didn’t let her get oriented. Her fine, round ass jiggled as I slapped into it repeatedly.

It felt fantastic. I wanted her so badly and she was mine. Knowing that I had given/was giving pleasure to her was just an incidental feel-good buzz to the pleasure I was taking from her… in her, now. I wanted still more, and I took it. I pushed hard off the bed with my hands, reared back and grabbed her hips. Keeping the momentum, I pulled her backward and up, never letting my cock slide more than part way out before slamming back in. I ended up kneeling between her widely splayed legs still buried to the hilt, with her upturned ass pulled against my abdomen and her chest and head still lying on the mattress, a dazed expression on her face.

Now, I pulled back with my hips and forward with my hands, then reversed, ramming into her almost savagely. The slap of her ass and thighs on my skin was impressively loud. The sensation was so good that I grunted low at the same time she squealed. Here we were in heaven now. I repeated, pulling us apart and slamming us together, hearing the same sounds and loving them. I’m no macho man, but rught then I felt a more intense, self-aware rush utter of _maleness_ than I recall ever feeling before. I was fucking my woman, the best lay on the planet, and no one on earth had anything to say about it.

I fucked Lyn. We’ve made love countless wonderful, deeply fulfilling times, of course. We’ve played sexy games that ended up in bed (or on the table, or car hood, or radio tower…). Only rarely have we just fucked. Like this. No, never quite like this before. At one point, I didn’t think I could or would have stopped for anything. The scents of our arousal, the sound of our slurping, smacking skin and our mingled animal voices (I never make noise during lovemaking) mesmerized me. My own roughness surprised and thrilled me – I shoved her on and off my cock as much as I drove my own body into hers. The feeling of her sliding up and down my shaft was incredible. Her sheath squeezed almost like it was trying to make me cum more quickly to spare a prolonged assault. It just made me want to drive further and harder.

My orgasm started the base of my spine, rising through my body, and finally rocketing to my brain and penis at the same time. I had the presence of mind to slam her back into me and grind forward into her one last time before my muscles locked up. I remember a slight bump of contact, my cockhead at the end of her passage, then everything went white. I can’t remember any details, only impressions. There was sound – from both of us, I think. Repeating pressure and release. Consuming pleasure. Emptying. Love. Possession. Satisfaction. Power. Maybe even God.

Then, like coming down from an hour-long headrush I was back in myself. I opened my eyes (I hadn’t realized they were closed). Lyn looked back at me from the bed, breathing heavily. Here eyes were now clear and intense. With some effort, I released my grip from her elegantly curved hips. How I loved those hips. Now they had red marks where I’d held her. I sank back on my haunches, my finally dwindling prick sliding out of her red, swollen pussy, followed by copious amounts of our combined cum.

I exhaled, and sank sideways, back to where I’d been sleeping, trying not to land on Lyn’s right leg as I half-fell into place. I thought about reaching for a towel or something, but just couldn’t right now. Lyn rolled onto her left side and faced me. I suppose I looked about as roughed-up as she.



‘Lynnie, I…’

‘Shhh, Matt. I know,’ she put her index finger to my lips. Her finger smelled like sex. Everything now smelled like sex. It was fantastic.

‘What day is today?’

‘Saturday, Matt’

‘Thank God.’

Lyn threw her right leg over my left and snuggled in close, her head under my chin. I heard her breathing slow and deepen, and felt myself slide back into sleep.


The sun crept higher in the sky, more fully illuminating the sleeping couple on their bed. They faced each other, legs and arms draped carelessly, one over the other’s.

The clock read 9:42.

The man stirred, stretching his long legs down and his arms out, both over and under the woman’s torso. The woman leaned her head back, opened her eyes, and looked into the man’s.

‘Good morning’



‘That was some dream I had last night,’ he said.

‘Me, too.’ She smiled at him, then blinked a few times.



‘I’m pregnant.’

‘…! Hm? How do you-‘

‘I just know. My mom said she knew it with both my brothers and I, as soon as it happened. And her mom before that.’

‘You sure its even the right time?’

‘Oh, yes. I know, we should test in a few days or weeks, I guess. But I’m right. I didn’t know that I’d know, I didn’t know how. But I do now.’

‘That’s crazy,’ hs said, looking off out the window.

‘Is it? I can’t really explain it. I just… know.’

‘Are you _sure_?’

‘Yes, Matthew. Look at me. I’m positive’

‘Oh. …Wow.’

‘Yes. Wow.’


‘This is good, right? This is what we wanted?

‘Ohhh, yes, my love. This is right. This is perfect.’

‘I always thought we’d find out by looking at stripes on little sticks or something. This is much better. …Is it a boy or a girl?’

‘How should I know? It doesn’t work that way, silly.

‘Oh. Just checking. …I love you, Lyn. Hey! You’re going to be a Mom!’ the woman shivered at the words.

‘Love you Matt. And you’re going to be a Dad.’ The man’s arms closed around the woman’s body and hugged her to him. ‘…Now, fuck me.’

‘You want to make love after whatever happened last night… this morning… whatever?’

‘No. I want you to _fuck_ me. Like last night. Please.’

‘Oh, yes. Yes.’

The two bodies moved on the bed…

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Cheerleader CampChapter 2 Accidents happen

I made it over to the tumbling area where the girls were practicing the various elements of cheerleading routines. They would jump, dive and roll in a coordinated activity. As one of the girls dove she let out with a scream and landed in a heap holding her ankle and crying. I rushed over to her and since I had first aid training I tried to see what I could do to help her. Her ankle had started to turn red and it looked to me like a strain. The area instructor asked me if I could get her to...

1 year ago
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First Time Ever Having an Orgasm

My name is Alex, at the time I was a 16 year old teen with crazy emotions. I was tall, 6'1", I was very athletic and was on the football team in high school. You can say I was one of the few nerdy popular kids. I got straight 'A's and was just handsome enough for the girls to like me.One hot June afternoon, my parents went away to go shopping and I was all alone. I went on Youtube to see if I could get a good laugh at some videos. As I'm watching my favorite video, I notice that there is a...

4 years ago
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My eyes return from the doorway back to dinner table, back to murmur of conversation and laughter. Back from the beautiful distraction. Back to reality. "Let me take those for you Lynn," I offer seeing her begin to reach out across the table for the remaining dishes. "If you insist" she responds with a bubbly grin, before sitting back down. "Such a gentleman!" jokes Jim to a ripple of laughter. I smile, expecting no less from the larger than life character, whose personality matched his...

3 years ago
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My sisters Friend Part 1

Im a 15 year old virgin, had a couple of girlfriends, got jacked off a couple of times, I didnt give it much thought, and I had never lusted for anyone before.My popular sister, had many friends and was always inviting them round to stay, they were all good-looking but one stood out in particular, her name was Louise, she was 14, nicely sized tits, a perfect ass ( better than anyone's at the school), she had long blonde hair, and cute lips, she was always wearing red lipstick. I got on well...

2 years ago
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Down in the Dunes

Robbie laid on his beach towel and watched with interest as two young girls stopped less than 20 yards away. Carefully, he positioned the camera under his shirt, which had been placed in a heap in front of him, and got ready to shoot. He had been on the beach for around thirty minutes already, but had yet to shoot a single frame. It was only 10 o'clock, and he knew it would be another couple of hours before the early June sunshine tempted out the tourists in greater numbers. But now, he...

2 years ago
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Craigslist Meet A True Story

The following is a true story and happened to me recently. All of the details are 100% true and not embellished at all.I am a married 37 year old guy in a stagnant, boring relationship. The sex isn't interesting any more. More often that not, I find myself coming to this site and jacking off nearly every day. I have to find other forms of sexual titillation to excite me. My wife has an "Adam's Cock" dildo that I fuck my ass with when she isn't home. I also love shooting a load on that dildo and...

4 years ago
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Holiday Threesome With Mother in Law

We came to that time in our life when the ki ds are to growing up to come on holiday and it falls to you to start and take your parents away with you instead. We decided to take the mother in law Jenny away, seeing she was newly widowed from Kelly’s step dad and couldn’t face going anywhere by herself.It was one of those late arrivals at the hotel, time the bus travelled around the island a few times by the length of the journey. A quick drop off of bags in the apartment and change of clothes,...

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A Levelheaded Dancer

I was born and raised in a rural county in the hills of Tennessee. My parents named me Brian Patrick Donovan after my two grandfathers. The youngest child, I had two older brothers and two older sisters. Daddy worked in a sawmill and drove a log truck on the side. Mom was a stay-at-home housewife until I started school. Then she got a job at a poultry processing plant. Both of my parents worked hard to support our family. We always had enough to eat and clean clothes in good repair even if...

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2 Virgin Fucked At The Same Time 8211 Part II

Hey readers, this is Atul once again from Mumbai and today, I am going to narrate the second part of the incident, where I fucked 2 virgin sisters during my tour in Madhya Pradesh and I am sure that you must have read the first part of the story. Hence, I will start the second part without any delay. At 7:00 am in the morning, suddenly I saw my watch and then got up immediately from the bed both Aisha and Avanti were playing with my pubic parts. I told them that I have to leave at 9:00 am and...

2 years ago
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How A Women Dominated Me And Make Me Cry Part 8211 2

Hi guys thanks for the likes and ur response to my previous story and here is the continuous of the story from where I left. After thrown from the flat I went to my room and took a bath and reminded what happened and I am very happy for that and I got a message from Mistress that next week I have to come again to her flat at weekend and I replied “No” mam, I can’t come I have work then she laughed and messaged me I know how to make you come after 5 days passed on Friday morning she messaged me...

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MILF Next Door

Well not technically next door, more like a few blocks away. I had post on Craigslist looking for a wuick hookup in my area. I was 18 and couldn’t be any more horny. When I got the reply from her I knew I was in luck. She was a 50 something librarian, with a very curvy BBW style body. She explained how she was recently divorced and looking for some fun. We agreed on a time that I would meet her at her place. I got there late around 10pm and quietly knocked on the door. My heart was racing for...

2 years ago
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The dreams began exactly three months before, on the eve of Ostara. They were sultry, salty wisps that wrapped around Mary’s subconscious while she slept, filling her mind with images of craggy cliffs topped with grasses that waved in the briny breeze and terminated in the breaking waves of a cold, grey sea. Sounds assaulted her, echoing between canyons of rock, sounding like honking or barking. In the roiling waters, sleek silvery shapes streaked to and fro, much too fast to identify, but...

1 year ago
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Fucking My Aunt

Hi all ISS readers ..finally i got courage to submit my real stories which happened to me @ the age of 20 ..now i m 22 …let me describe about me ,i m Shahul and my age is 22 and i m from a decent family and living in Chennai.this stories i m going to post is about my aunt (cousin’s mom) .well everything started wen i m 20 and i m on semester vacation.i went to my cousin house and he is my best friend ,i m very close to him tat i see blue films with him and jerk off in front of him ..then think...

3 years ago
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Allein zu Hause Part XXI

In der Cocktail BarSo bekleidet und mit dem angetrockneten Sperma von Herrn Dr. Seifert zwischen meinen Schenkeln und auf meiner Rückseite verließ ich die Wohnung dann etwas später und machte mich auf den Weg zur Bar, wo ich etwa gegen halb 10 ankam und mich dort an die Bar setzte, einen Cocktail bestellte und über die Geschehnisse nachdachte und dabei nur meinen Kopf schüttelte...Ich hatte mich von meinem Ex-Lehrer „Ficken“ lassen, was ja nicht neu war, aber dass die "Eltern meines Freundes"...

2 years ago
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Let Go

“Wait, what did you say?” I was in my wife’s office. She was the head honcho of the division, the big cheese. Me, I was a lowly accounts representative, quite a bit down the food chain. I was a little nervous at first when she came on board, but there were several levels of management between us, so it was all good, I thought. Maybe not. “You’re numbers are way down, Mr. Waxman. You were the worst performer of the year in your division. I’m afraid we had no choice. X is waiting outside to...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 65

"No! No! No! No! ... You stupid bird ... come back with that! Damn it all to hell, David, that wasn't supposed to happen!" Andrea shook her fist at the gull. He did circle back ... and shit on the deck ... missed her by inches. So ... let's do a little time travel of our own. The Pretty Penny had out run the storm ... not exactly ... the Penny had outlasted the storm. It had become necessary for them to sail to Houston Texas to pick up new cameras. National Geographic had won their suit...

3 years ago
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Locker Room Lust

I was running late – again. I finished my morning workout and took a rushed shower. I was drying myself off in front of my locker – and so were lots of other guys too – when I felt a pair of eyes on me. I looked up and saw him, and he was definitely checking me out! He was right across from my locker, standing there with a towel in one hand, but totally naked. And he was definitely into me! I’m bisexual and my gay desires are almost always limited to black guys, but this time was different....

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Uncle HarryChapter 7 Friday the Cunninghams Come to Visit

When I woke up I got up and had a piss then came back to be with Sandy. I started to quietly and softly tease her to wake her up. I blew on her nipples and on her pussy and occasionally ran my tongue across them. I also took some time to lightly tickle her ears and neck. Finally, she opened her eyes and smiled at me. "Mmmm. What a way to be woken up. A girl could get pretty used to those kinds of 'wakeup calls'." She said with a smile. "How about this kind of a 'wakeup call'?" I...

1 year ago
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DGIRL SORORITY pt 1 Sam and Bella

_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Jake, caucasian, tan, brown hair, 7.5 inch cock Katie, caucasian, pale, blonde hair, medium size tits Samantha "Sam", caucasian, tan, chestnut hair, big tits, fit, 7 inch surprise Annabelle "Bella", latina, dark tan & tattooed, dark brown hair, small tits, big ass, 6 inch slender surprise ____________________________________________________________________________________________ The rain...

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Against the Odds Ch 05

THE FINAL: Successful small-city lawyer Ellis Jefferson (33), the illegitimate daughter of an Elliot, is unloved by many people in either family inherits a huge amount of property in the city with more to come from her great-uncle. She brings in man, Troy Gardiner, a graduate from her old university just back form seven years in South Africa, to consolidate her property interests and manage them. Ellis is kidnapped and Troy and two useful buddies set out to find Ellis and bring her and the two...

2 years ago
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Bring semester College life 35

Corey and I arrived late at my house on Friday. We were late because ofwaiting for Corey to get off work. On the drive there, we had our plan inplace for the summer. There waiting on us was Mom though she looked likeshe had been asleep in her chair. She greeted both of us with a kiss andhug. As always it was easy to see how happy she was to see me. The onlything she wasn't happy with was seeing two giant loads of laundry we cartedinside to be done along with clothes I didn't need any longer....

1 year ago
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first time cock sucking

i was the star football player of Campbelltown High School in New South Wales,i had spent my bus money on smokes and needed to thumb a lift the ten miles to home in Appin. it was a sealed country road, it had started to rain when a car pulled over and i climbed in. after a little chit chat the driver who was as old as my father asked me to undo the zip in his suit trousers and pull out his cock. .the rain started pelting down and i figured that if i said no he would pull over...

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Sears IslandChapter 6 Second Base

I put on a small party for the architect, head contractor, the interior decorator and the lawyers. The lawyers approved of the place. It was deemed "distinguished and handsome" in their words. We sat about the fireplace sipping decent wine and discussing different choices and trade-offs that I'd made. In the morning the lawyers released the rest of the construction account to me. I opened a local working account with it, arranged for a debit card and checks, made the post office and...

3 years ago
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The Date Part One

The Date - Part One- Jane Smith I entered the chat room, looking for a date tonight, not sure what I would find, however he sent me a private message. Look at his profile and thought lets chat and see what happens. While chatting, he said he was free now, but I was not so sure, I was already dressed in a black basque enclosing my soft squeezable breasts, black stocking, black lacy thong, top and short skirt with a revelling front split.. My face made up and 4? shoes waiting to...

2 years ago
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My little sister Lily Chapter 1 Loving Lily by F

I’m Danny, six years after I was born my parents had Lily. I think it was an attempt to save their relationship and thankfully for me having a new baby around the house worked for a little while but I left home, then for the military as soon as I could. My little sister would call me and send me letters. We were always close. She had gray eyes and was so caring. She would sit on my lap and I wouldn’t be able to see her face through her long brown curly hair, it was beautiful. I was always tall...

4 years ago
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The Last Police ChiefChapter 22

Two days later Allison decided she would spend the night and hike the next morning. It was of course perfectly alright with me. I slept with her and then we went to sleep for real. The next morning she and I took the walk around the A course. It was my course which was the easiest to negotiate. “God this course just keeps getting longer,” Allison said. “Hon you should walk it everyday. If you did that, you would find it easier to manage,” I said. Of course nobody wants to hear advice....

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Sraddha 8211 My Shower Mermaid

It’s been cloudy since morning. The cricket match would be cancelled if it rains today which I don’t want. I was thinking about these sitting near my window. The match would start from 2pm. So by one I had completed my lunch. Rahul was already informed to call me around 1.30. Rahul is my friend; he is also the opener of our cricket team. In last match me and Rahul teamed up for a partnership of 96 run which resulted in winning the match. After that our fame has grown. I don’t know when I had...

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Helping MIL

My wife and I have been together over 20 years. When we first started dating her mom seemed to be somewhat of a bitch. I don’t know if it was because I was 3 years younger than her daughter or what. My relationship with her daughter blossomed, got married and had k**s. Over the years my mother in law warmed up to me, and we developed a great relationship. Over the years I had grown attracted to my MIL. She’s not overly attractive, but she’s not pond scum ugly either. She’s around 230 lbs give...

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PremonitionsSnark                        pre?mo?ni?tion:                        1. a feeling of anticipation of or anxiety                           over a future event;                        2. a forewarning.        It was around 11:00 am on a Monday when Carol noticed the e-mail alert icon in the bottom right corner of her computer monitor. When she opened it, she noted that it came from the VP of Sales and Marketing, the subject line "The Show".  Her hands trembled a bit as she opened the...

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Me and Nancy in the Garage

It had been some five years since I’d fucked Nancy, I was older and then so was she. We were talking over the fence when I asked her if she’d had anything since the last time we were together, and she replied that she hadn’t. I was feeling quite horny and she was dressed in a lemon blouse and a grey skirt, we made some more small talk.After a while it became obvious to me that she needed to be fucked again. “Where is your husband” I asked “Gone to get the caravan ready he’ll be a couple of...

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Surprise 3way turns regular part 2

It had been a couple of weeks since the surprise 3-way with the neighbor's daughter down the street. I wasn't 100% sure who our guest was, that incredible evening, yet I knew that the experience was unlike any other that I had experienced. My wife knew that I wanted it again, and even more. I also respected her decision to try and spend some alone-time with this young lady in order to bring her along. I finally couldn't stand it any longer and when my wife, on a recent evening, asked what I...

2 years ago
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Attorneys WifeChapter 4

The next morning, Stacy awakes to find herself, as she has been for the past few day's, highly aroused, and slides her hand down between her legs, slowly caressing her sensitive clit, moving her other hand to rub her erect nipples, "I would have though after cumming so much last night I wouldn't be so horny." Continuing to masturbate herself, she hears her mothers voice once again. Relucently, she stops, getting herself out of bed and into the shower, "I guess the only way I can get...

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Replacement Ch 01

Merle shivered a moment, feeling the tension build up inside her. She looked down at the pretty but uncomfortable dress she was wearing, wondering if she really looked as beautiful as that strange servant said she looked. Tera opened the door in front of her and stood beside it. ‘After you, Mistress.’ Merle nodded and gave her a weak smile. She stepped through the door and looked around the dining room. The walls were panelled with wood and a few paintings hung between the thickly curtained...

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Boat Mom

Shellie lay on the small deck of the houseboat, the hot sun burning into her already golden flesh. She rested on the foam mattress, on her stomach, her bikini top untied and her tits smashed beneath her. The bottoms of her bikini were so skimpy that the luscious sweetness of her swelling ass was half exposed. The sun heated her body, and she writhed sensually, opening her legs to allow the rays to touch her inner thighs. Shellie was slender, like a fashion model. But still,...

4 years ago
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CANDY FOR BREAKFASTI have quite a few favorite hobbies or habits, depending on who you ask. Next to sex, traveling is my favorite hobby. I live for vacations, holidays, weekends, and any other opportunity to get away. There’s just so much to see and experience, that I can’t resist the temptation to pick up and go.Quite by accident, I ended up taking a trip to Virginia four years ago. My boss’ niece needed help moving, and since I was the most trusted employee Mike Kelly had, he elected me to...

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Successfully squirting like a sissy

After getting home from a long day of work i realized i would be alone for a few hours. I haven't came in a week. An all time record for me! Then i thought about using my toys on my sissy hole. My cock stands up throbbing with agreement. I thought about trying to make my cock squirt just by use of toys sad that i don't have the real thing.I showered, cleaned out with a douche and stripped naked i sat down in front of my computer my cock rock hard.Looking on xhamster i found a few sissy trainer...

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GangbangCreampie Angel Smalls G113

We’re back with part two of our fuck-tastic adventure with Angel. We’re just back from the interview and we wanted to try a little something new this week. The #Cocksmen are waiting in the black room for our little Angel. As soon as we walk in, she’s gonna go right into the room, and #Greet that meat. She gets almost a whole new batch of Cocksmen this round, and she lets them all know who she is. Her skills in coitus are unrivaled, as she drains 6 creampies from the guys,...

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First Book Third Testament

The rural postal delivery man exited his vehicle as he heard the screams. Something was wrong—very wrong. A massive harvesting machine with an opening easily twenty feet wide was moving across the field below him. It appeared to be going faster than it should have been. It was no longer following the crop rows—it was moving diagonally. He quickly scanned the scene, the sheer horror of what was unfolding before his eyes sent a chill through his body. In the distance, behind the giant harvester...

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Forcibly transformed into a sissy

It was a warm summer?s day when it all began; I was a successful 34 year old, businessman man, with a large house, flash car, and a beautiful wife.As it was a Sunday I was out for any early morning walk, having just finished making love to my 27 year old wife Lorna, when suddenly a large black car screeched to a halt just before me.In a flash 4 burly men jumped out and I was unceremoniously shoved into the back.At the time I thought it may be some kind of kidnap attempt, little did I know...

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Taming Fire

Just a small story that came to me. Hope you enjoy it. Please remember to vote and leave comments. Thank you! –~~– ‘How badly do you want this guy?’ Jessie Quinn lounged on her best friend’s couch, sipping her tea, and quelling the urge to celebrate her friend’s frustration. Her small, shapely body was the epitome of comfort, her bright blue eyes gleamed with amusement, and her usually long wavy strawberry blond locks were tucked up in a fashionable black pageboy hat. Tessa Elroy paced back...

2 years ago
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1 Stormy MondayChapter 14

The hopeful crowd of searchers was gathered at the bottom of the hill at dawn, being held back by the police until they determined there was enough daylight for it to be safe. Collette and Dave's parents were there, as were Patty's parents, along with Scott and Teresa. Morton's parents arrived last. They and Morton's sister Leticia had first gone to the hospital, as in the excitement Morton had forgotten to call them with directions to the crash site. At the hospital they found Dave...

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Pleasing The Black Lawn Man

Got a new lawn man in the spring, Had been searching for one and seen a guy one day with his truck a few streets over so I stopped and asked him if he taking on any more in the area, he said yes and would pass over later and look at it .I told him it was a small yard and he said ok....He stopped by an hour or so later and gave me a good price .I invited him in and he come inside ....Would you care for a drink I asked him yeah some water is fine and asked if he could use the bathroom sure it...

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Squirting My Neighbour8217s Wife

Hello ISS readers.This is Shardule. I am new to this site which my friend recommended, but truly friends this site is off the hook! It is an amazing site where people can share their most intimate encounters just like the one i am gona narrate. But firstly let me tell you something about myself, I am good looking 21 years old and a final year IT engineering student from a reputed college in mumbai. I stay in mumbai, i am 6 foot tall have a average build and a long and strong dick.. but in spite...

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