Strip Pool free porn video

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Tim, an old friend that had moved up north and two of his buddies had been passing through on their way to Spring Break when they stopped by. Dave had invited them to stay the night and continued their trip in the morning.

Throughout the night Barb and Tim exchanged good natured shots back and forth with each other, as they used to when Tim still lived in the area. Several times during the night Tim mentioned that if they only had a deck of cards they could start a game of strip poker. Barb would just roll her eyes and continue going about being the gracious hostess.

As the night continued and Barb made her rounds she noticed that Tim’s two friends kept checking her out. One was Richard. He was tall, muscular and quite handsome in a rugged, boyish way. She caught the other one, Doug, watching her from time to time, but he would blush and turn away when he realized she spotted him looking. It pleased her every time she caught one of them checking her out. But something about the way Richard watched her sent a slight shiver through her.

As the night wore on people started saying their goodbyes and thanking their hosts for another great get-together. Pretty soon all but three guests had left.

Dave, Barb and Tim ended up in the kitchen talking about old times. Tim again teased Barb that if they only had a deck of cards they could all play strip poker. “Well we don’t”, she replied. “And besides, everyone is either gone or asleep.” They all looked around. Richard and Doug were the only other people left, and they had both passed out watching a game in the living room. “I know, you’re just scared,” Tim shot back. She glared back at him, rolled her eyes and finished her beer. Dave had been listening to their frisky banter all night and decided to find out how tough they both were. “Well, there’s always the pool table,” he said. They both looked at him for a second and then looked at each other. Then a big grin spread across Barb’s face as she turned to get a fresh beer. "Well Timmy boy," she called over her shoulder, “it’s time to put-up or shut-up.” With that she walked out of the kitchen. Tim looked back at Dave a little confused. “Hey, you started this whole strip-poker thing, it’s your own fault.” Dave stated. Dave got up and grabbed two beers out of the fridge and handed one to Tim. Then they both followed Barb through the living room and into the den. Barb stopped at the sliding door, then closed it when both had moved into the room. “What’s the matter,” Tim chided, “afraid they might wake up and see you losing.” “We’ll just see who they find losing,” she answered.

Some time, and few beers later Barb found herself in a little bit of trouble. She hadn’t really considered Tim a serious threat. After all, it was her home and her pool table. And she was pretty good. But all she had left were her shorts, bra and panties; he still had on jeans, shirt and a t-shirt. If he made this shot though then her shorts were the next to go. She was glad she had decided to wear panties tonight. If he was going commando then they would be even. If not, then she needed to get busy. She watched as he lined up for the shot. He kept looking from the cue ball to the eight ball to the corner pocket. She began to shift from one foot to the other as she waited for his shot, but he kept looking from the eight ball to the pocket, spending a great deal of time eying the corner pocket. Dave broke out laughing as Tim suddenly put his head on the side of the pool table. Barb looked from Dave to Tim and started to get pissed.

"What’s so funny?" she demanded. Dave stopped laughing and looked at his wife. "Honey, I think Tim's having a hard time concentrating." Barb looked from cue ball to the eight ball to the corner pocket. Then back to the eight ball and back to the pocket again. Then she looked straight down and began to blush. She was leaning up against the pool table, her pool-stick between her slightly spread legs, and the shot was lined-up perfectly with her crotch. Without thinking her hands slid down her pool stick to cover her crotch. Dave started laughing again and Barb could feel her face burning red as she almost trip over her pool stick trying to move away from the table. Tim took a deep breath and lined up for the shot again. With a long, single, smooth stroke he knocked the eight ball into the pocket.

Barb watched as Tim made the shot and got that little grin that was so, Tim. As he began to rise from the shot he paused and looked at her. Her breath caught as his eyes followed the contours of her body until they were looking at her face. And when their eyes met a small shiver gently shook her body. She had never really considered her playful shots back and forth with Tim as flirting, but suddenly the look in his eyes somehow changed that. She felt a rush of passion sweep through her as she continued to look into Tim's eyes. Suddenly Tim turned away and reached for his beer. Finishing it he half turned and said, "I'm going for another beer, anyone want one?" "Ya," said Dave, "bring us both one."

Dave turned back towards Barb when Tim left the den. "Well," he said.

"Well what?" she replied.

"You appear to be a little over dressed at the moment," he stated as he looked her up and down.

"Oh, and you're just loving this aren't you?" She said, placing her pool stick on the table.

"Yup," he replied, "it’s not every day that I get to watch someone get the best of you."

As she unbuttoned her shorts and began to slide them down her legs, she realized that Tim had left the door to the den open. She felt a bit flushed as she thought of what would happen if Richard came through the door. Just then she noticed Dave grinning at her. "And just what do you find so funny?"

"Oh, nothing," he replied, "Just haven't seen your cheeks blush like that in quite a while."

"Keep it up mister and you'll find yourself sleeping on the couch tonight."

"I guess that would mean Tim's friends are going to have to sleep in our bed." He said looking thoughtful. "That could be interesting."

She was stepping out of her shorts and was about to fold then when her breath caught in her throat. She had just been thinking about Richard walking through the door and catching sight of her when Dave said that. Again, she felt her cheeks flush as the thought of Richard lying naked beside her flashed through her mind. She barely realized she had dropped her shorts as she heard Dave chuckle. Embarrassed, and suddenly pissed off she snatched the shorts off the floor and flung them into the chair where the rest of her clothes lay. Storming back to the pool table she began to rack the balls as Tim came back in and shut the door. He stopped and looked at the two he had just left. Dave was trying to stifle another chuckle and Barb looked upset about something.

"Um, do you guys just want to call it a night?" Tim asked.

"No, we're fine." Dave replied

"Hell no!" Barb fired back “We're going to finish this game and I'm going to see you naked before I go to bed tonight!" She froze when she realized what she had just said and refused to look at either of them as she replaced the triangle and grabbed her pool stick. As she sat down she finally looked over at the two men and almost broke out laughing. Dave had a crooked grin on his face as he looked at her, but Tim's mouth was still hanging to the floor. "Come on Tim, let’s finish this."

Once again, she lost and she didn't even turn around as she reached behind her, undid her bra, letting the straps slide off her shoulders and the bra fall to the floor. Again, she racked the balls for the next game as Tim went for more beer and Dave headed for the bathroom. When both men were back in the den Barb looked from Tim to Dave and said, "I don't care if I only have one item of clothing left. This is my house and I'm not getting naked without a fight!" Barb realized that she had had a lot of beer already, but it made perfect sense to her at the moment.

"OK, so what happens if you lose the next one?" Dave asked.

“I don’t know, but I’m not going to be completely naked while he’s still mostly dressed, so think of something.” Barb said.

“OK, well since Tim has been fetching the beers this whole time if you lose the next on then you get the next round.” Dave decided.

“Right, like I’m gonna walk out there practically naked to get caught by Tim’s drunk friends.” She shot back.

“Well then, I guess you’ll lose the panties next round,” Dave said.

“Fine, IF I lose, I’ll get the damn beer.” Barb conceded.

Of course, as luck would have it, she lost again. Setting down her pool-stick she didn’t look at either of them as she crossed the den. But as she prepared to open the door her confidence began to waver. Barb hesitated only a moment before opening the door to the den. As she crossed the living-room she was relieved to see that Tim's friends were still passed out on the couch. She walked into the kitchen and quickly retrieved three beers from the fridge. She quietly made her way through the living room and back into the den, closing the door behind her.

Again, they played until she had the eight-ball lined up and ready to sink. Finally, she thought. I’m finally gonna get a break. But as her stick hit the cue ball she slipped, and the eight-ball found it’s was into the wrong hole. Damn, she thought. As Tim began to rack the balls again Barb made her way to the door.

"You know dear,” Dave said with a grin, “if we run out of beer before this game is over, you’re just gonna have to drop those panties.”

The last thing he saw of her as she walked out the door was her upturned finger. Barb was so ticked that she was halfway across the living room before she realized that Doug was the only one still passed out on the couch, Richard was nowhere to be seen. Barb froze, unsure of what to do next. She couldn’t hear any movement and she didn’t see him in the kitchen, what part she could see from here. If he were at the sink she would walk right in on him and not know it until she was in plain view. On the other hand, if she stayed there, he was bound to come back and find her, standing there in only her panties (a slight shiver ran up her back at the thought of Richard, tall and handsome, finding her right like this). Of course, Doug could always wake-up and see her only a few feet away, at which she hurried to the kitchen as a blush spread over her cheeks as she thought about getting caught almost completely naked by Tim’s handsome friend. As she entered the kitchen she peeked around the corner. Richard was nowhere in sight. She quickly crossed to the refrigerator and grabbed three more beers before heading back for the den. As she peeked into the den Doug was still asleep on the couch, but Richard was still missing. As she quietly moved toward the door to the den she heard a toilet flush and the door to the hallway bathroom open up. Barb darted the last few yards to the den and almost dropped a bottle of beer trying to get the door closed. Dave laughed and said, “you know, if you spill any alcohol you’ll have to pay a penalty for the party foul.” When Barb caught her breath she shot him a dirty look. She only just realized that she was breathing heavy and wasn’t sure how much of it was from the sprint to the den and how much was from the thought of Richard catching her semi-nude holding three beers in the living room. She could only imagine what Richard might think, or do, in such a situation (a chill ran up her spine at the thought).

As she handed out the beers and the game began again Dave realized that this was going to get interesting very soon. Though Barb was actually quite a good pool player, normally, she had consumed several more beers then she usually did when she was playing to win. And he realized that she wasn’t aware of how it was affecting her game. Her cocky attitude told him she really thought she was going to win this despite that fact she was standing in their den, almost completely naked and Tim still had most of his clothes on.

Just as Dave had thought, Barb lost yet another round. But he was quite surprised when she chose to lose her panties instead of getting the next round of beer. He almost asked her why, but then decided against it. Barb on the other hand knew exactly why she didn’t want to get the next round from the kitchen. She hoped she didn’t look as flushed as she felt. She realized she had no choice, so she with her back to Dave and Tim then slowly began to push her panties over her ass and down her tan legs. She decided to have some fun at Tim’s expense, so she made sure to take her time and give him a good, long look. Maybe that would give him an image to take his mind off his game. It did seem like a good idea at the time. As she stepped out of her panties she took a look behind her, and nearly fell over laughing. Tim was almost drooling with his mouth open like a stuffed big mouth bass. “Now don’t you look intelligent, staring like a schoolboy seeing a girl's panties for the first time,” she laughed. “Well, ya, least I’m not the naked one here,” he managed to stammer out. Barb laughed all the harder. Dave just shook his head and tried to hide his grin. Barb wasn’t sure exactly what Dave found so amusing, or why he had allowed this to go this far. But right now she didn’t care. Tim was not going to win this contest, no matter what. Dave said he’d get the next round and left the den. Tim began inspecting something on the floor as Barb began to rack the balls for the next round, but she caught him sneaking peeks when he thought she wasn’t paying attention. When she put the triangle back under the pool-table she again took her time while bending over. When she straightened up and looked over her shoulder Tim suddenly turned around, blushing bright red. Barb was satisfied with the effect she had on him and hoped it would give her an advantage. She had no idea how Dave planned to keep the game going with her being completely out of clothes to wager, but she wasn't about to let Tim have the satisfaction of beating her at pool in her own home. Honestly, she wasn't sure how far Dave would let this go, but the way he'd been grinning through the whole thing he just might be up to something, and that thought gave her a slight shiver. Tim had obviously been shooting a lot of pool in his off time to have gotten this good, and it was time to even the playing field. Barb decided it was time to up the stakes a little. She had accidentally distracted him once tonight, now it was time to 'lay it all on the table'. The thought of what she was about to do made her feel a bit saucy.

When Dave returned Tim picked up his pool cue and leaned over the first shot. Just then Barb stepped up to the side of the table, with her thighs just touching the edge, and leaned over slightly to watch him shoot. Tim paused for a moment, then lined up the shot and started to draw his arm back. He found it difficult to concentrate on the shot when out the corner of his eye he could clearly see Barb’s smoothly shaven mound, not more than six feet away. He had caught glimpses of it after she had taken off her shorts, but now it was in full view and she obviously knew it.

Barb smiled as she watched his discomfort. This was exactly the affect she had wanted. Now maybe she could get some of his clothes off. As he made the break the balls scattered, but none fell into the pockets. With a knowing smirk, Barb sauntered around the table until she found the shot she wanted. She took her time lining it up and then dropped the ball she shot at. Again, she took her time circling the table until she found her shot, and then made it. On the third shot she missed but was quite pleased with her change of fortune.

Tim had been watching Barb the whole time she was taking her shots, particularly when she leaned over the table with her tits just touching the felt. He made his first shot, but just as he lined up for the next Barb moved to please herself right in front of his line of sight. Or more precisely, her crutch right in his line of sight. As Tim took the shot Barb took a half step to the side causing her legs to part slightly. Tim missed the shot and Barb began circling the table again. During the round Barb continued to distract Tim every time he started to catch up to her lead. And every time he’d fumble the shot. At one-point Barb noticed that Tim had a bulge in the front of his pants that was partially hidden by his shirt. That thought brought her back from her little high. She suddenly felt very naughty. The game progressed and she finally won. “I’m sorry Tim, but I think you lost your concentration there,” Barb chided him.

As Tim began removing his shirt Dave got up and head to the door. Barb quickly followed him.

When he saw her coming he said, “I thought since you won and Tim was ditching his shirt that I’d get the beer this round.”

“Yes, but I have to pee,” she said.

“Then why don’t you fetch the beer while you’re at it?” Dave replied.

“Don’t be an ass, just go!” she said back.

As they headed into the living room Barb saw that Richard was back, but now stretched out on the recliner. She watched him to see if he was really sleeping, but he didn’t move. When Dave turned to head into the kitchen to fetch the beer Barb headed for the hallway and to their room. But before she got too far, she turned and met Dave in the kitchen. He was just bending over to get more beer when she came up behind her and squeezed his ass. Dave quickly stood up and turned around.

“Just what it the hell do you think you’re doing? I thought you had to pee?” He said with a surprised look on his face.

“Oh, I just thought I’d tell you that when I’m done with Tim I’m gonna take you to bed and have my way with you.”

“So, when you’re done having your way with Tim then you’re going to take me to bed? Are you sure you’re going to have enough energy left over?” He said with a grin.

Barb hit Dave in the shoulder and said, “you know what I mean.”

“Just sounds like you’re getting a little frisky. Is showing off for Tim exciting you that much?”

“Actually, I think it is. That’s why I wanna finish this and take you to bed.”

“Well if he starts winning again, we might have to find another way for you to make up for your lack of clothes to lose,” he replied.

“Well I’m not worried about losing, because I’ve got my secret weapon in play. I think I can keep his mind off the game long enough to get him naked and win this. Then, I’m gonna get you naked and let you totally ravish me,” she stated.

“Well darling we’re almost out of beer, and I don’t think THAT weapon is a secret anymore,” he said.

“Wait a minute, what the hell does running out of beer got to do with anything?” she asked.

“Well, if Tim starts winning again then we’ll have to find something else for you to do when the beer runs out. Your secret weapon may come into play a lot sooner then you planned tonight,” he said winking at her.

“Oh, you’d like that a lot, wouldn’t you?” she asked with a disgusted look on her face. With that Barb turned and headed for her bathroom. A few minutes later she came back into the kitchen and found that Dave was nowhere to be seen. ‘Son of a bitch,’ she thought, ‘The bastard left me.’ She peeked into the living room and saw Doug on the couch and Richard on the recliner. Both were apparently asleep. She hesitated a second, then her heart beating quickly she tip-toed past the sleeping men and into the den.

As Barb closed the door she turned and shot Dave a withering glare. "What’s that for?" he asked innocently. Barb didn't say a word, but pick up her pool cue and leaned against the small card table. Her heart was still racing slightly with the thought of getting caught naked by Tim's good-looking friend Richard. She was just thankful that he had gone back to sleep instead of investigating where everyone was at.

As she stood there thinking about Richard she jumped when Dave cleared his throat, “It’s your break my dear.” She blushed deeply almost as if he had caught her doing something. She moved over to the pool table, somewhat distracted by a lingering feel, and took her shot. The cue ball only glanced the #1 ball and barely broke up the triangle formation. No balls dropped as a result.

Tim walked up and surveyed the table briefly before selecting his shot. The cue ball hit the center of the loose triangle formation and sent balls in all directions. Three balls fell, two striped and one solid. “I’ll take stripes, thank you,” he announced with a grin. Tim proceeded to sink three more balls before missing a shot. Barb took and made her next shot, but missed the following one. Tim dropped the last two striped balls and lined up on the eight ball. Dave had walked up to Barb and as Tim dropped the eight ball Dave whispered, “Not sure what you were thinking about, but I hope it was worth it.” Barb realized that while she was thinking about Richard, she had completely forgotten about distracting Tim. Barb realized that this meant she was going to have to walk through the living room again to get the beer. As she stood there a moment thinking about walking naked past Tim’s two, hopefully sleeping friends, Dave asked if she was ready to concede defeat. She thrust the pool cue at him and stalked to the door of the den, opened it and walked into the living room.

Though she had boldly stepped into the living room, she now was trying to close the door as quietly as possible. Richard and Doug were still asleep where she had last seen them, so she felt safe crossing into the kitchen. Barb carefully opened the refrigerator door and reached down to where the beer was kept. She pulled out two bottles and was bent over searching for a third when suddenly there was a bright flash from behind her followed by the whirling click of a camera. She immediately stood up and turned around and came face to face with Richard as he walked up behind her with a camera phone in his hand.

“Now that’s a beautiful picture,” he said, still admiring the image on his phone. He then lowered the phone and began looking her up and down. As he raised the phone to take another picture Barb immediately spun around to face the still open refrigerator. Her heart was racing as Richard stepped up behind her. He leaned over her shoulder and whispered, “You know when I first saw you going back into the den with only your panties on, I couldn’t believe my eyes. And when you came back out later without your panties I thought I was going bust my jeans wide open. You are a beautiful woman and Dave is a very lucky man.”

With his soft, deep voice whispering in her ear and his warm breath caressing her neck Barb felt an involuntary shiver work its way through her body. And when she felt her nipples harden like marbles she wasn’t sure if it was because of the effect he was having on her or the fact she was standing in front of the still open refrigerator, or both. Barb looked down and suddenly realized that with the refrigerator door open and Richard leaning over her shoulder he had a perfect view at her breasts and her rock hard nipples. Quickly she moved to shut the refrigerator door, but in doing so she had to back up slightly into Richard. As she pushed into him she felt his hands come to rest on her hips and the bulge in his pants. Her breath caught in her throat as he pressed forward slightly with his hips.

Barb suddenly stepped forward away for Richard. His hands lifted reluctantly off her hips and she sensed him step back from her. “I sorry if I was too forward, I just had to get closer to see you. You have an amazing body,” he said.

“I have to go…to get back…to the game that is,” she managed to stammer out.

“Are you sure,” he asked?

“Yes, I do need to get back,” she said with a calmer voice.

“Well, may I take just one more picture, to remember this moment,” he asked, sounding very sincere.

Slowly Barb turned around and stood there before him. As he stood there looking into her eyes, by the dim light coming in through the kitchen window he smiled in a very warm and disarming way. Barb realized she was clutching the cold beer bottles to her breast and forced herself to relax enough to drop her hands to her sides. When he cocked his head slightly and his smile widened, she completely relaxed her pose, shook her hair slightly and smiled back at him. Richard slowly raised the phone up and again the room filled with the flash of its camera. He slowly lowered it and again and just smiled at her. As Barb moved to pass by him he leaned over into her path slightly. At first, she feared he might try and kiss her. Not that that would be a totally unpleasant thing, but she wasn’t sure how far it might go. Her body was in high gear and she really wanted to finish this pool game and take Dave to their bedroom. Hell, the way she felt right now she just might kick Tim out of the den and have Dave take her right there on the pool table. But as Richard leaned closer he whispered, “Thank you.” As she moved passed him she felt a sudden rush of relief and disappointment. It has been a long time since someone other than her husband had made her feel that way, and she really didn’t know at this point if she would’ve have stopped what she almost hoped he was about to start.

When she finally got back into the den Dave and Tim, who were standing there chatting, both turned and looked at her. Tim almost immediately turned his head back towards the pool table. Barb just couldn’t believe how boyishly cute that was at the moment. “Damn Barb, for a minute we thought you might have run to the store to get more beer; and forgotten that your clothes are still on the chair over there.” Dave chuckled.

“Well, I couldn’t find a third beer in the frig, so I’m gonna pass them to you two.” She said back.

“I see. Well, with no more beer to fetch I guess you’re just gonna have to forfeit the game,” Dave said thoughtfully.

“Oh, hell no I’m not,” Barb shot back. Suddenly the encounter with Richard took a backseat to her ego. “This isn’t over until he’s as naked as I am!”

“OK, since we’re all out of beer then what would be fair if you lose the next round?” Dave asked.

"Well I have no idea what would 'fair' for your entertainment, but I'm not going to be the only one naked here so come up with something," she replied as she walked up to him. "And I really need you so think of thing quick, please!" she whispered in his ear.

"Ok, ok, I gotta take a piss,” Dave announced as he got up from his chair, “you guys think about it and I’ll be right back.” He crossed the den, but before he opened the door to leave he turned and said, “You two behave."

As Dave closed the den door he thought about the situation. Barb appeared be somewhat flustered, and really excited at the same time. He knew she was serious about beating Tim, but he wasn’t sure what else he could come up with to keep the challenge fair, and interesting. He had never seen her quite this worked up and horny at the same time before. As he passed the kitchen Dave realized that there was someone sitting at the table. And by the porch light coming in through the window it looked like they were drinking a beer.

“Well,” Tim asked, “any ideas?”

“Well, what do YOU think would be fair?” Barb snapped back at him.

Tim realized Barb had her mind elsewhere at the moment, as did he. Here he was playing pool with beautiful, naked woman with her husband’s permission. Tim had known Dave and Barb a long time and never in a million years could have imagined being in this situation. In fact, he had never thought he would ever see her nude, though he had fantasized about it many times. He kept glancing her way when she wasn’t looking to take in as much as possible. This situation was like a dream come true. A weird sort of dream, but a dream non-the-less. Barb felt bad about snapping at Tim that way. It wasn’t his fault she kept thinking about his friend in the next room. “You know Tim, it’s ok if you look at me. You’ve earned the right to so far.”

“I know, I know…it’s just this is a little weird for me.” He replied.

“Why,” Barb pretended to sound wounded, “don’t you like my body? I’ve worked very hard to stay in shape and I thought I had a nice body. Your friends have been watching me all night.”

“No, no, that’s not it.” Tim stammered. “It’s just that we’ve been friends for a while and I’ve never really thought of seeing you naked.”

“You’ve never thought about seeing me naked,” she asked, “or never thought you’d have the opportunity to see me naked?”

Tim blushed slightly at the question and said, “Well of course I’ve thought about it…I’m mean…you know…you have a great body.” He said.

“Then why don’t you look at it, I mean really look at it.” Barb said. “You’ve been sneaking peeks at it like a schoolboy ever since I started losing my clothes, but you really haven’t LOOKED at it.” As Tim turned and really looked at her Barb felt a small rush of excitement. She shifted her hips and cocked her head slightly as she watched him watching her. “Do you like what you see?” She asked.

“Yes, I like it a lot.” Tim said, as he began to look her over. With her giving him permission, almost challenging him, he started to feel bolder as he looked her up and down. He couldn’t help pausing every time his eyes passed over her full breasts or hairless crotch.

“You know Tim, it makes a married woman feel good to know that she’s still desirable to other men.” She commented. “Please feel free to enjoy the view, while the game lasts that is.” With that Barb turned and replaced the triangle, giving Tim a good long look at her ass as she bent over. When she turned back around she saw that he was still watching her closely. She smiled as she walked around the table. “Have you ever thought about touching my body?” She asked as she looked at him.

Tim suddenly looked away for a moment, then looked back and said, “Yes, actually I have.”

Barb thought about that for a second. She had started feeling frisky even before encountering Richard in the kitchen. At this point she was feeling very turned on by the fact that she was standing naked in front of a man who was obviously excited by her nudity. She was giving serious thought to a suggestion if Dave couldn’t think of anything.

Just then Dave came back into the den. As he closed the door behind him, he set something on the floor, then he didn’t make eye contact with either of them until he walked across the den and was standing next to Tim. “Well, have either of you thought about something fair and appropriate should Barb loose again?” He asked, looking at them both. Tim shook his head indicating no. Dave looked to Barb and saw a very peculiar look in her eyes, but she didn’t say a word. “Well, let’s see. It’s late and we’re all tired, and I’d like to go to bed soon. But I can tell we’re going to have to finish this one way or another, so here’s my plan. First off, to make things interesting, I’m going to set up the camcorder.” Tim looked from Dave to Barb then back to Dave. Dave looked at Tim and said, “Don’t worry, we occasionally video some of the more interesting things that happen in the house for our own pleasure or amusement.” Tim saw Barb turn away suddenly and noticed she was blushing slightly. “No matter what happens here tonight, no one will ever see this tape but the three of us.” When Tim suddenly looked at Dave, Dave continued, “Yes, that means you can come back and watch it with us if you like. Now, that part is for me having to part up with the two of you carrying on like teenagers. And, because if Barb loses I will enjoy this tape for years. Deal?”

Barb turned back with a smirk on her face and said, “Fine with me, deal.”

Tim said, “OK with me, I guess. But what do you mean I can come back and watch it?”

“Well, anytime you’d like to come visit us we’ll pull the tape out of storage and watch it if you like. Whether you win or lose.” He replied. When Tim looked uncertain for a moment Dave looked over at Barb and asked, “Barb?”

Barb looked down, smiled, then walked over to Tim and placed a hand on his shoulder before saying, “Yes Tim, anytime you’d like to visit we’ll all sit down and watch it together.” She then reached up kissed him lightly on the cheek. She then looked at Dave before resuming her spot by the pool table.

“Now, as for what will happen should Barb lose again,” Dave began, “since there is no more beer, and she has no more clothes to wager, if Barb loses this next round then I’ll invite Tim’s friends in to watch the rest of the game.”

“WHAT?!?” Barb shouted, astonished.

“What?” Tim, somewhat confused, echoed her almost in unison.

“You heard me.” Dave replied. “As much as I like to watch you run around naked, my dear, and as much fun as you’re having at Tim’s expense this could go on all-night. So, I figured that we might as well make things interesting. Besides, Richard is awake and just sitting in the kitchen all by himself. He knew we were in here but has been very polite and not interrupted us. As hosts I figure it’s the only polite thing to do.” Dave looked at Barb and added, “Unless, of course you wish to concede Tim the victory.”

“No, we’ll play it your way.” Barb said. She didn’t feel as confident as she thought she sounded, but she had invested too much in this contest to just give up now. Besides, Richard had already seen her naked. In fact, he had pictures to prove it.

Dave began setting up the camera as he watched Tim grab his pool cue and walk to the table deep in thought. Barb just stood there watching Tim, also deep in thought. He planned to up the stakes each round that Barb lost. Either she was going to quit, and let Tim win, or this was going to get very interesting. Richard had admitted that he had seen Barb go into the kitchen naked, but that was all he said. Dave wondered if that was all that had happened, because of how distracted Barb had seemed when she came back to the den. But he trusted Tim as a friend not to bring someone into his home that might not be trustworthy in that regard. And he trusted Barb enough to know that she would have said something had anything happened she didn’t approve of. Of course, in her admitted state of arousal what she might approve of could be interesting. He had upped the ante and was prepared to see how far his naked wife was going to take it. Either way he would have it captured on film. ‘Ya, life was good sometimes,’ he decided.

As Tim broke, Barb moved around the table trying to distract him from his shots. On a couple of shots she stood on the opposite side of the table on her tippy-toes with her feet should-width apart. Tim just could not keep his focus and blew both shots. She even leaned over the pool table so far for one of his shots that the cue ball barely missed brushing her nipple as it went off course under one breast. Tim lost that round and took off his t-shirt. Now the bulge in his pants was evident to all.

On the next round though, Tim got focused and try as she might Barb couldn’t keep him from sinking the eight-ball. As Dave got up to invite Tim’s guests in to watch, Barb couldn’t fight a slight shiver at the thought of Richard watching her, especially when she made her shots. Tim began racking the balls and had just finished as Dave and Richard stepped into the den. Barb couldn’t look up as they both came into the room and get comfortable. Dave returned to his bar stool and Richard sat back on the couch along the wall. From there he had a clear shot of the one side of the pool table and the spot where she’d have to bend over for the initial break. As soon as Barb realized this, she shot a look at Dave. Dave looked over at her and said, “By the way, Doug was crashed out pretty hard, so we decided to let him sleep.” He winked at her and grinned.

As Barb stepped up to the table, she had to take a moment to steady herself. Not that she, at this point, was afraid of exposing herself to an almost complete stranger in her own home, but of the effect his presence was having on her. She kept thinking of how she felt when he was standing right behind her whispering into her ear, his warm breath caressing down her neck. She shook her head to try and clear that thought. This was not going to be easy, so she better start cheating. She made the break, but nothing fell. She quickly remembered their new spectator was sitting behind her and stood up from her present position. As Tim surveyed the table for his first shot Barb glanced at Richard and confirmed what that he was following her every move. She wasn’t sure if it showed, but she felt her cheeks go flush. As Tim made the shot Barb realized it was time for drastic measures. At first, she positioned herself opposite of Tim and pressed her thighs against the table’s edge so that her pussy was setting right in his line of sight. When Tim made that shot too, Barb decided to start playing dirty. She was determined to break this losing streak. As Tim lined up for his next shot Barb made her way around the table to stand right beside Tim. Tim glanced to his left and was greeted by her right breast practically in his face. As he drew back of the shot he felt a finger trace a line down his back. That was so unexpected that he hit the cue ball across the table completely missing his intended ball. As Barb circle around the table to look for a shot Tim turned around and looked at Dave. “Is that fair?” he asked.

“That’s a very good question,” he noted, “Barb, your thoughts?

“I’m the naked one here and it’s my house.” She replied as a matter of fact.

“Sorry Tim, but I’m only a co-founder of the house rules.” Dave said. “And since I’m not the naked one my vote won’t count for much tonight.”

Barb found and made an easy shot and began to circle the table again. Again, she found and sank her ball and smiled a wide grin at Tim. Tim looked toward Dave again and all Dave did was shrug his shoulders. Barb had a choice of two shots, but the easy one would require she bend over right in front of Richard. She took the harder of the two and missed. But when Tim got up to take his shot Barb was right there to distract him. This continued until Barb sank the eight ball and Tim just stead there looking at the table.

Barb walked over and stood just a few feet away looking Tim up and down. Tim knew what he had to do, but suddenly turned towards Dave and asked, “Wait a minute. You never said what was supposed to happen if Barb had lost this last round.”

“But I didn’t lose,” Barb replied, “and you’re forgetting something.” She looked down at his shorts.

“No,” Dave noted, “Tim’s got a point. Considering how Barb won this last round if she loses the next then you get to ‘distract’ her during her shots. That seems fair to me.”

“And just how am I supposed to win another round if I never get the opportunity to ‘distract’ her?” Tim asked.

“Tim, old friend, Barb’s been naked for most of this game. I can’t help you on this one.” Dave said.

With that Tim proceeded to take off his shorts. Much to Barb’s disappointment he hadn’t gone commando. But she planned to fix that.

The next round went very similar to the last and Barb could all but taste victory (so to speak). Barb couldn’t help but notice that Tim had a serious erection going on in his tighty-whities. Fortunately for her he didn’t think to use that as she had used her naked body to distract him. Unfortunately for her, as she lined up to sink the eight ball one more time, Tim was standing in such a position as to grant her and very good look right at his crotch. It was straining against the fabric of his underwear so much that she could tell that he had a good size to him and that he was circumcised. Barb had to force herself to focus on the cue ball vs. looking at his dick.

But just as she was taking the winning shot, she leaned forward enough to cause her nipples brushed against the felt of the table. The feeling this contact caused was one thing, but she actually saw his dick twitch and stretch inside his underwear. She struck the cue ball off-center and scratched. She slowly rose for the table, not believing what had just happened. Her body was still a tingle from both the feel of the felt on her nipples to the sight of Tim’s dick actually moving in his underwear. She realized that he must have seen her nipples brush against the felt and that excited him enough take cause his dick to twitch. And now he was going to be able to touch her while she made her shots. The whole time Richard would be watching him do it, probably wishing it was him. And her husband would be letting him do it, probably wishing it was both of them, or all three of them. Barb felt a tingle begin inside her that caused her breath to deepen slightly. She finally got her breathing under control and looked to see where everyone had went.

All of them were sitting on or near the couch watching her. Her mind raced at what they might be looking at. She started to look down to see of her nipples looked as hard as they felt. She was almost afraid that they might actually be able to see what she felt; that she was starting to get wet with excitement. As she tried to figure out what exactly they were looking at she looked to Dave. Surely, he wouldn’t let her humiliate herself like that. Finally, Dave said something. “Sweetheart, you lost that one. You need to rack the balls for the next round.”

Dave could tell by Barb’s demeanor that she was pretty horny already. She was acting like a schoolgirl who had followed the football team to the boy’s locker room and had no idea what she was going to do next. So far this had all been innocent enough, but he was about to change that. If Barb persisted in playing this out then he was not only going to let her, but he planned to help her along that route. By now he was starting to get a little excited with the possibilities of where this could lead. And he really couldn’t wait to find out how far she’d go.

It was Richard that broke the silence hanging in the room. Looking over to Dave he asked, “So what’s the bet now if Barb loses?”

Dave had been thinking about that very question for a while now. He had an idea of how he wanted the evening to go, but he knew that if he didn’t play this just right then she’d catch on and she’d never go for it. He really needed to put his wife in a situation that would cause her to want to take the next step. And then he just had to make sure the following steps kept her going down his desired path. It didn’t take much to get her fire lit, and that fire had been slowly burning hotter as the game wore on. He just had to keep stoking that fire until she was red hot. This round was going to really turn up her heat, but he needed something to get her to the next level. Then it hit him.

“Hmmm, let’s see,” Dave mused out loud, “we need something interesting in the event Barb loses. Something equivalent to the loss of an article of clothing. Hmmm…how about a spanking? Say, one swat for each ball you leave on the table?”

Tim’s jaw hit the ground. Richard got a huge grin on his face. And Barb’s breath caught in her throat. She couldn’t imagine what Dave was thinking. He knew the affect a spanking had on her from their rougher sex play. She thought, ‘he must really want to end this game and go to bed to pull that one out.’ But she was not to be bullied in her own den.

“Fine,” she said, “but it sure as hell won’t be Tim who gives it or he’ll make sure I can’t stand for a week.”

“OK, fair enough,” Dave replied, “so I guess Richard will have to administer the spanking.” Barb just stood there, her heart racing. The thought of her bent over the pool table with Richard slapping her naked ass, and both Tim and her husband watching stirred something deep within her. She realized she was really starting to get excited by this whole evening and hoped no one had noticed. She wasn’t sure what to do at this point.

Dave had noticed Barb flush slightly at the news and had noticed other signs of her arousal as the game progressed.

“You know Barb, it is getting late so if you want to call the game then that’s fine with me.” He lied, trying to look somewhat concerned.

After a moment Barb said, “No, I don’t think I’d ever live it down if I gave in now.” Dave inwardly chuckled to himself.

‘One way or another, giving in is exactly what you’re going to have to do tonight my dear.’ He thought.

Tim stepped up to the table ready to break. Barb was right there softly running her fingers up the back of his thigh. It took him several tries before he finally hit the cue ball. It almost missed the formation of balls completely. Barb moved over and chose a shot from the side of the table. Tim moved over to stand beside her, but made no move to touch her. She looked back at him several times before taking the shot. Just as her arm began its forward motion Tim reached over and slid three fingertips up the back of one thigh all the way to her ass. Barb lunged forward so fast that Dave stood up to make sure she hadn’t torn through the felt of the table. The cue ball spun across the table hitting only the side walls. She turned and gave Tim a murderous look. Dave realized that was going to be a long round.

The next round was longer than the previous rounds as Barb and Tim tried different ‘tactics’ to distract the other. Most involved light touching only, but the tactics got bolder as the round continued. By the end of the round Barb was sliding her hand between Tim’s legs from behind and lightly grazing Tim’s balls. Tim on the other hand had figured out how sensitive Barb’s nipples were and had developed a ‘breaststroke’ with a nipple-tweak. In the end, the breaststroke won out.

By this time Barb had developed a permanent blush, and her breathing was quite noticeable to all.

Shortly before the eight ball fell Richard had gotten up to talk to Dave. “Hey Dave, I gotta ask you a question.” He asked in a hushed tone.

“About spanking Barb?” Dave asked.

“Ya, about spanking Barb.” Richard said.

“Richard, are you telling me that you’ve never spanked a woman before?” Dave asked as if in mock disbelief.

Richard chuckled softly before answering, “Of course I have. Before sex, during sex, and sometimes both. Some women love it.” He stated.

Dave reached up and placed his hand firmly on Richard’s shoulder and said, “Then Richard, you already know the answer.” Dave then turned to watch the end of the round. Richard did his best to keep a shit-eating grin off his face.

Barb realized what was about to happen and still couldn’t believe it. As she walked around to the pool table Richard met her halfway. She stood in front of him, completely naked and looked up into his baby blue eyes. With one hand he took for her pool cue and with the other he gestured toward the pool table. As she turned, she saw Dave watching with that stupid little grin of his. She slowly bent forward and placed both hands on the green felt. She was pretty sure the others could see how deeply she was breathing, but she just couldn’t control it. Her first encounter with Richard in the kitchen had stirred something deep within her, and now he was about to place his hand on her naked ass. As she braced herself, she saw him walking around the table to face her from the opposite side. Barb had no idea what he was going to do from there, but she stayed in her current position, looking into his eyes, almost obediently. When he was directly across from her, he reached out and grabbed both of her wrists. Gently he began to pull her wrists toward him until her thighs were pressed against her side of the table and her elbows were resting on the table itself. He then released her wrists, slid his own hands down over top of hers, and gave them a soft, reassuring squeeze. Slowly he stood up, never taking his eyes off of hers, and began to walk back around the table.

Barb waited for what seemed to her forever before she felt his hand on her ass. He pressed his hand softly on her ass cheek as if he were gently copping a feel. His left her for a second, then SMACK! Her thighs pressed hard against the side of the table as the first blow landed. She gasped at the adrenaline rush that hit her system and waited for the next blow. She had four balls left on the table and three more swats to go. SMACK, two. SMACK, three. Then she felt hand rest lightly on her other cheek for a second, then SMACK! Her breathing by now came in short, deep gasps. As she started to regain some control of her breathing Dave walked up beside her and asked if she was OK. Dave knew now how turned on she was by her breathing and the look on her face. He asked if she wanted to call it a night. She hesitated before shaking her head no. Slowly Barb rose up and off the table and turned to see Richard standing there. He didn’t say a word, but offered her pool cue back to her. He then returned to the couch and sat down.

By the time she was fully ready to begin the next round someone had already racked the balls. Tim was at the head of the table waiting.

“Are you ready for the next bet?” Dave asked her.

“Do I have a choice?” She responded.

“Only if you want to continue, otherwise Tim wins.” Dave replied.

“Ya, right. Like I’m going to just give up? Not gonna happen my dear, so what’cha got in your little bag of tricks now?” Barb shot back.

“Well, first off I think I need something to drink. Be right back.” Dave said as he headed for the door.

Barb stood there a second, and then followed him out. As she left the den and was crossing the living room she realized Doug was still passed out on the couch. She hurried to the kitchen and hoped he didn’t wake up. As she entered the kitchen Dave was filling up the party blender with ice. As he placed it back on the motor section Barb looked at him and asked, “Won’t that wake Doug up?”

“You’re right, it might.” Dave said. He turned back to the freezer and put more ice into it. He then placed it back on the motor section and began adding stuff to the ice.

“Smart-ass, you know what I meant.” Barb said as she looked toward the living room.

“Well then I suggest you get back in the den before I fire this up.” He replied.

“And just what do you have in mind for the next bet?” she asked, in a slightly cautious tone.

“Actually, something you said gave me an idea.” He replied as he added some lime to the mix.

“And what exactly did I say to seal my own fate?” She asked.

“You’ll find out in a few minutes, or more exactly, if you lose again.” He smiled back at her.

As Barb left the kitchen the blender fired up. She didn’t even look at the couch as she bolted for the door to the den. As she shot through, and closed the door behind her, both Tim and Richard looked over at her. She tried to catch her breath without looking like she was trying to catch her breath. She was very conscious of fact that she was butt-ass naked and they were both looking at her intently. Barb decided there was no use playing the embarrassed schoolgirl routine and walked between them back to the pool table. As she stood at the table with her back to them, she glanced at one of the decorative mirrors on the far wall. She could see that both of them were looking at her ass. She leaned forward and placed both hands on the pool table. She watched in the mirror as both of them follow her movement. She then moved to her left a couple of feet and continued to watch them through the mirror as they again followed her movement. Tim tapped Richard and leaned in to say something. Richard never took his eyes off her ass, but nodded as if in response to the question or statement from Tim. Barb started to feel a little frisky by all this attention and started to arch her back seductively. She could tell by their expressions that they were both surprised and pleased by her movement. Suddenly both of them turned to look behind them. Barb tried to follow their gaze through the mirror, but could see much beyond them. She then realized that there were two possibilities. She suddenly spun around and found Dave staring at her with a big grin on his face.

Barb stood there a moment longer knowing that she’d been caught as Dave placed several glasses and the margarita blend on the table. He dropped something at his feet, but she couldn’t see what it was with the guys moving toward Dave for drinks. When Dave moved away from the table brought with him two things. A drink, presumably for her, and a medium sized leather satchel. The rosy glow that had graced her cheeks all evening turned white.

“Dave, what are you doing with THAT out here?!” She whispered with frantically. She looked over Dave’s shoulder to see if the other two had any clue what was in the bag.

“Sweetheart, you can’t possibly be thinking about opening that up out here? Not in front of Tim and Richard!”

“Well, first off I’m going to be here no matter what happens. And you know that if anything happens or you think something is going to happen that you really feel uncomfortable about then all you must do is say stop. Plain and simple. Other than that, this is just a game and we can stop anytime you want to. But from what I saw a moment ago I think you’re enjoying yourself quite a bit. I think you like all this attention.” Dave said.

“I know…and I guess I do. It’s been quite some time since I’ve gotten reactions like this from another man, other than you, and now I’ve got two man literally following my every move.” Barb admitted. “I’m sorry, but I just got excited by the thought of the affect I was having on them. I like it I guess.”

Dave chuckled softly before adding, “And you should. You’re a sexy, desirable woman and they want you.” With that he handed her the glass and set the bag on the pool table. Barb didn’t need to look at it as she knew all too well what it held. Barb gulped her drink and wasn’t surprised to see Dave bringing not only a drink for himself, but also the pitcher to refill hers.

After refilling her glass Dave set the pitcher down on the floor and then reached into the top of the leather satchel. “Gentlemen, if my lovely wife loses this next round then I’ll reach into this bag and pull out an item. Tim will get to exercise his imagination and use the item for 60 seconds, but then must stop so we can move on to the next round. I’ll be the official timekeeper. After that, every round Barb loses I’ll pull another item out of this bag, add an additional 60 seconds to the last time, and you both may use your imaginations with any items out of the bag, until I call time of course. This process will continue until Barb wins or I run out of things in the bag.”

Richard looked at the bag and then at Dave and asked, “And what happens if you RUN out of things in the bag?”

“Well, then I guess I just may have to use MY imagination.” Dave replied. “But just to make things interesting, let’s see what we have here.”

Barb was speechless as Dave announced the new rules. She knew the things that were in that bag and could not imagine Dave pulling them out in front of anyone, much less letting them use them on her. As Dave raised his hand into the air she looked up with an equal measure of dread and curiosity. The bag had been the center of many interesting nights in their home. When she saw what was in his hand, she sighed a breath of relief. Dave held up a leather blindfold for all to see. “This of course is for Barb to wear while you use the items from the bag. Any questions?” Dave asked. When Tim and Richard both shook their heads no, Dave announced, “Game on.”

Tim made the next break. Barb and Tim knocked the balls around the table for about twenty minutes and half of them were still on the table. Two were Tim’s and five belonged to Barb. Even though Barb taken an early lead by doing what Dave thought of as a reach-around tickle maneuver, Tim quickly gave up the breast-stroke tactic he used last round. Now when Barb bent over to take a shot Tim would reach up between her legs from behind, cup her pussy with an open hand and then lightly drag his fingertips down over her mound and back up her ass. And Dave was pretty sure by her reaction that Tim had trailed a finger through the crack of her ass when he did it. By Tim sank the eight ball fell, Barb was fit to be tied.

Dave walked up to Barb and placed the blindfold on her head and over her eyes. He then placed his hand inside the bag and slowly rummaged around. A moment later Barb heard Tim and Richard “oooh” and “aaah” at the first selection. Barb heard someone move up behind her and she felt them place their hands on her hips. She was about to protest when Dave whispered in her ear, “please spread you legs slightly and raise your arms away from your sides.” After she did as instructed Dave stepped away and called, “Go.”

Barb didn’t have to wait long until she felt a light touch caress her skin. It started at her hip and glided down her outer thigh. Once it got just past her knee it moved across the front of her calf and began to track up her inner thigh. It then lightly brushed across her out labia before making its way down her other thigh. It had crossed over and was on its way up her outer thigh when she heard Dave call, “Time.” She stood there trying to catch her breath when she heard something being moved across the carpet. Shortly after it stopped moving someone removed her blindfold. Dave smiled at her before turning and stepping over to the small table someone had moved closer to the pool table. She watched him place the blindfold next to the feather that had just been used on her. Dave had watched the whole thing and inwardly smiled. He watched for the signs that would tell him how excited she really was, and he liked what he saw. From sucking her lower lip in and biting down on it, to arching her back ever so slightly. Barb was on her way to giving in to his silent desire. They had talked about introducing others into their love making, and it really got her hot. He would sometimes describe to her what the ‘others’ were doing to her to make her cum. It was always a great turn-on during sex, but after she came out of her euphoric state she’d usually just blush slightly and say that she couldn’t really bring herself to do such a thing.

Barb walked right up and put her arms around Dave’s neck. “I NEED you, right fucking NOW!” She whispered into his ear.

“Sweetheart, I’d love to take you into our bedroom and fuck you senseless. Hell, I got half a mind to just kick these guys out of the den and take you right there on the pool table. But I just can’t do that.”

“What?” She asked in disbelief, looking him straight in the face.

“Barb, you’ve made a wreck of these guys. Just look at Tim.” Barb turned her head and saw Tim standing there, fingers tapping nervously on his pool cue and a hard-on that just wouldn’t quit. “Sweetheart, he’s been sporting wood since before you were completely naked, and that was over an hour ago. He’s one of our oldest friends and I wouldn’t feel right leaving him on the couch with that hard-on and a case of blue-balls while he listens to you getting your brains fucked out just down the hall. You’re not exactly quiet when you cum, you know.” Barb blushed even more at Dave’s mention of how vocal she was when in passion. “And Richard has probably been sporting wood since the first time you broke the balls.” Dave waited to see the affect this would have on her. “I just wouldn’t feel right about it, that’s all. I mean, maybe if you just beat Tim then that might be fairer then just walking out and leaving them like that.”

Barb look into his eyes again before nodding her head. “You’re right, Tim would be miserable all night.” She said. She didn’t trust her voice enough to comment on Richard’s condition. She had been thinking about him since the kitchen encounter. Barb thought long and hard on the events leading up to this point. With a look he couldn’t quite read, she kissed him on the cheek and returned to the game.

Tim made the break and dropped two striped balls. Barb made no attempt to distract him either on the break or as he lined up for his next shot. After Tim made that shot he realized Barb was standing across the table just watching. He looked to Dave and Richard as if to ask what now. Dave shrugged his shoulders. Secretly he hoped that Barb was considering other ways to ending the evening than trying to win. Unbeknownst him, Barb had realized by now that at this point she wasn’t likely to win. Tim made the next shot, but missed the following one. Barb walked around the table and looked intently at her possible shots. She then selected a shot, bent over the table and took it. Dave, Tim and Richard could only stare at the beautiful ass staring right at them. She missed the shot, but no one noticed until she finally, slowly stood up. Tim just stood there a moment until Dave cleared his throat. Tim stepped back up to the table took his next shot.

A short time later Tim sunk the eight ball. Barb set her pool stick down and walked around the table to stand near the small card table. Dave placed the blindfold over her eyes again and she heard him reac

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Kara Grows Up the Pool

Tommy and Kara had been next-door neighbors since shortly after the death of Kara's mother, five years earlier. Both were now eighteen and had graduated from high-school a few weeks previously. Tommy's sixteen year-old cousin, Bill, was visiting while his and Tommy's parents were gone to the beach for a few days. Tommy, Bill and Kara had met in the morning, after Kara's father had left for the office, and agreed that they would get together for an early afternoon swim in Kara's...

3 years ago
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Summer at the Neighbors Pool

My parents met T.J. and Lisa through a gourmet dinner club that they joined. The club met every couple of months at different houses and enjoyed a dinner cooked by the various members who were attending. They really enjoyed the people and the food; I enjoyed the leftovers. I was not invited to the big event, which was totally fine with me. Being a junior in High School created other interests which I was happy to indulge.What I found out later was that T.J. and Lisa only lived a couple of...

2 years ago
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The Pool

The Pool After searching around for the right house, Donny pulled up outside a two-story detached house. The front of the house looked immaculate; the lawns looked they belonged on a golf course. The small shrubs lining the pathway were trimmed to within an inch of perfection. Donny turned to his two work colleagues, 'no fucking about on this job boys’ with that they both looked at the house and whistled, the house shouted money. Donny knocked on the front door, and after a few minutes, it was...

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Wallys Pool

Elements of this story could qualify it to be in Group, in Erotic Couplings, or perhaps some other category. I put it in Novels or Novellas because there it doesn’t tell the reader what the focus of the story may be. If you are reading it after 28 Sept. 2011 you are reading a revised version of the story. As always I encourage feedback, especially feedback that may help me improve as a writer. *** I just wanted to make things better for my family. When Shanna and I’d been married five years...

3 years ago
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First time cd crossdresser with daddy at pool

A Day at the Pool One of my buddies and I were at his dads house doing what mostunemployed graduates do, laying around being lazy smoking pot. We had justbought a bag and a six foot bong and were smoking it for the first time.We had no idea what to expect from the bong and my buddy, Ted,jokingly said to me 'Ryan if you can't take the whole bong you're a pussyand have to wear a bikini around the pool all day'.I laughed and responded 'okay, but if you can't you're a biggerpussy and have to wear a...

3 years ago
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Fucked in the Pool

Before taking off on business for the three hour drive to Calgary, I always log onto Squirt to see if anyone is playing, either right away in Edmonton, or somewhere along the route. One trip last summer, I wasn’t logged on for more than five minutes when an interesting profile caught my eye.“Secluded estate. Lounging naked by the pool. Anyone traveling nearby.”The profile said Sherwood Park. I couldn’t think of any secluded estates in Sherwood Park, but reading the rest of his profile, I was...

2 years ago
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My Cousins Jayne and Sally Part 1Chapter 2 Free Style In The Pool

One thing I forgot to add before was that we had an in-ground swimming pool in our back yard. Much to my joy, it was heated and could be used earlier in the spring and longer into the fall than other pools in our neighborhood, so I was accustomed to lots of lounging by the pool and plenty of swimming. I loved to swim! In addition, sections of blind with staggered spacing, which were about 6 feet tall ringing the pool and blocking any view of the pool or anyone in it. The blinds were spaced...

4 years ago
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cleaning the pool

the wife and i were on holiday and the lady we hired the villa off said that it will be all cleaned out ready for us the only thing to do is clean the pool,the man who was doing it got hid dates mixed up. that's ok we will just visit the beach until its done..we arrived in Miami for our dream holiday and it was great to get away from the hustle and bustle of work,we got to the villa and it was stunning even the pool looked great but we decided to wait like the lady said it would be done soon....

4 years ago
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A Friendly Game Of Pool

A Friendly Game Of Pool This story is inspired by the story Friendship Is Valuable by Zedd and others that use a first-person universe-change style such as Five Days (?). He's a tremendous author, and I dig his (her?) style of transformations. I'm sure you can see where my kinks lie, so this kind of story fits perfectly. I'm not spending so much time on the plot anymore, because my most popular stories are the quickies. This one is somewhat a preview of the idea that I had for my...

3 years ago
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The Swimming Pool

It was a sunny day and Tara and Nicole decided to go to the community pool. It was late morning and the sun was almost to its highest point of the day. The beams were bright and the air was hot. They got to the gate and let themselves in with the pass card. There were only a few people there; a few playing in the wade pool to the side, and a few other scattered groups around the large pool. The girls found just the right set of lounge chairs to lay out on.They jumped in the cool water to cool...

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My New Neighbors Pool and New Pool

I couldn’t stop staring at the woman unloading the boxes from the small moving trailer next door. Ever since my girlfriend moved away from our quiet little cul-de-sac, it was just me and my husband living at the secluded end of town. We had moved to the neighborhood together, and had been quite happy as best friends for the past five years, and now it was just me and Bill stuck her all alone. Don’t get me wrong, we had a beautiful house with a beautiful yard, and all the privacy one could hope...

3 years ago
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The Pool

The Pool - by: Jayne Willard The first time was when I was a young boy of five or six years old. I think I had started school, but I don?t think I was in grade school yet. I was the youngest in the family and I had two older sisters, Mary and Stephanie. They were about 12 and 14 at the time, so they were developing young women. They had a number of girl friends that came over to the house and they were always doing something. I was alone. From time to time I would play with...

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The Pool

This is the second part to my story ‘The Accident’ Feel free to read it, though it is a different type of story, it is part of this one, and describes one of the characters in the following story. Hope you enjoy this one.Samantha was lying on a sky blue body tube, sunbathing in her pool. She was wearing pink bikini bottoms, with no top. Her breasts were perky, with small nipples, about the size of a quarter. She was a size 36B, and her breast seemed to pop from her slender, athletic figure. Her...

2 years ago
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A Day At The Pool

Introduction: A day at the pool going great….. I am 51 and my wife is 47. We are both a little overweight yet still attractive. My wife has nice, firm tits and large nipples. We were spreading out the towels to lie on and I noticed 3 young men behind her enjoying the view of her ample round ass. As we lay down I informed her of her audience and she giggled. She asked which one and I pointed them out as they dove into the pool. We lay there making small talk when I saw my wife open her legs...

1 year ago
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Fucked in the pool

So firstly I am Asif from mumbai, mahim anybody close by interested in catching up for a fuck contact me on 7738338626. So its been a year after my first gay fuck with Aaron and its been a nice year as he is been fucking me almost every week and I have never pass on an opportunity for a blowjob when ever we were alone. Aaron is my only boyfriend and only one who know what a cock hungry slut I have grown into. We talked a lot about our urges and sexual encounters with others guys and girls. But...

2 years ago
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A Day At The Pool

I am Rahim & 51 and my wife Aisha is 47. We are both a little overweight yet still attractive. My wife has nice, firm tits and large nipples. We were on vacation and were spreading out the towels to lie on and I noticed 3 young men behind her enjoying the view of her ample round ass. As we lay down I informed her of her audience and she giggled. She asked which one and I pointed them out as they dove into the pool.We lay there making small talk when I saw my wife open her legs wide on the...

3 years ago
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It Started At The Pool

Since my divorce (7 years ago) I've been dating, but have managed to not find anyone that I've been interested in sufficiently to marry or have a permanent commitment with. Within the past year, that had changed as the relationship I'm in with a wonderful woman I met at the YMCA matured, but didn't meet Cindy directly at the pool. Rather, thats where I met her daughter (Jen), and she's the that got us together. Meeting Cindy I visit the local YMCA to stay in shape, and my...

2 years ago
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My Story part two at the pool

“What the hell Chris, why’d you tell Kristin I had sex with Jon?” I asked Chris. “Sorry I didn’t think it was a big deal to tell her cuz she introduced you two” Chris replied. “I guess but did you tell her not to tell anyone else?” “No, but I’m sure she didn’t. What does it matter? He doesn’t even go to our school.” I texted her back “Yeah, we had a great night and it just happened. I didn’t mean to tell Chris and the guys but they tricked me.” “So what you guys wanna do...

1 year ago
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Our Stories Summer Evening in the Pool

The summer after the prom was amazing. We spent so much time together and really couldn’t get enough of each other to boot. Sheri got a part-time job working in a clothing store in a mall a few towns over. I would pick her up from work the nights she had to close. She’d let me in the back door of the store and we’d fuck in the dressing rooms or on her bosses desk. At first, it was different and exciting, but we did it so often that it became common place. Sheri really liked the idea that we...

Wife Lovers
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Moonlight at the Pool

On one of our summer trips back to Rascal’s parent’s house, she provided me with one of the most erotic and sensual experiences that begged to be recorded for the art that it was. Unfortunately, I did not have a camcorder, but images are still fresh in my mind as if it just occurred even though it happened over 15 years ago. So let me start the story. The day was a hot August day in the south. The air was so thick with moisture that we spent most of our time indoors during the day. Of...

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Almost Getting Caught The family Pool

In my last story I told you about how my ex-girlfriend loved fooling around with the chance of getting caught, we almost got caught not only by her dad but also her sister which we fucked a mere 5 feet from her.There are a ton more stories but I wanted to share this one because it was her fantasy cum true. She always wanted to fool around in her pool. We met in October and her dad closed down the pool for the year already. She would always say she wanted to fool around in her pool because it...

1 year ago
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Moms Changes An afternoon in the Pool

Note : This story is completely fictional! The summer was in full swing and the weather was hotter that day than usual. I had just gotten up as I had worked the night before. The time was about 1:00 in the afternoon and the house was quiet. All the lights where off. The only thing I could hear in the back round was the humming away of the pool filter in the back yard, it was a sound that I had come to enjoy because it meant that the pool was open and that meant that the day's heat could be put...

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What Happened at the Pool

So here is what I missed.......I hope you all enjoy...Angelique.....xxxxx Later that year me and 2 other friends from school were staying with another friend from our class. Her parents were very wealthy and they had an indoor pool. We used to like to skinny dip and lay about around the pool naked together, her parents were cool about that, especially her father, and we used to giggle at the silly excuses he made up to come into the pool room when we were all there naked. If her parents...

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A Day At The Pool

We lay there making small talk when I saw my wife open her legs wide on the towel and expose herself to the young men hanging on to the side of the pool. She sat up and started rubbing sunscreen on herself and I sat up to help. I took the lotion and rubbed her neck and back slowly, enjoying her soft smooth skin. I then unzipped the front of her suit about 3" and slowly rubbed her chest while flickering with her nipples which were very erect. She took the lotion and rubbed her legs...

1 year ago
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My Wife Fucks a Black Man in the Community Pool

“Go ahead and take the car, I’ll walk home when I’m finished.” I shouted to my husband as he walked out of the gym, wanting to get in a few more miles on the tread mill. Shortly after my husband left a tall handsome black man came into the gym and started running on a tread mill next to mine. He was about 6’5” in great shape with a muscular build, short buzzed dark hair and dark skin. After jogging for a few minutes the man removed his sweat drenched t-shirt and tossed it on the floor behind...

2 years ago
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Wet by the pool

Hi, I’m Robyn and there’s a story I want, no - NEED to tell because it’s just too good to keep to myself. I’m thirty-one, single by choice and just moved into a new apartment with my best friend Emily. She’s twenty-eight and is adventurous as I am. It’s one of the reasons we get along so well. That and, well, she’s ridiculously sexy. More on that later.Emily and I have been friends for about six years and have been inseparable since we met at a mutual friend’s birthday party. It was a backyard...

Group Sex
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Double Delight At The Pool

It had been a long day, not in hours but intensity. Susan felt the tension in her arms as she slipped into the pool for her daily laps. Her company’s big project was scaling up and that meant more work, more stress and more knots in her shoulders.She felt her age more every time she went to the pool, (not from the workout, she kept herself in good shape, a pleasing sight for a woman expecting to be crowned a grandmother sometime in the foreseeable future) but rather she felt dismayed by the...

2 years ago
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The Pool

The street was deserted, and I parked the Vespa against the wall of the building. A dog crossed the street, and I wondered how his paws could handle the sweltering heat coming off the asphalt. I looked up and down the street and saw no one, so I walked over to the large dumpster that stood empty on the other side of the portal. After putting on my backpack, I climbed up on the dumpster and then jumped up so I could reach the top of the wall. When I pulled myself up and straddled the...

4 years ago
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The Pool

It was a hot, sultry night in the deep South. Jasmine lived in a small apartment with just one room air conditioner. She was sweating all over as she sat in her apartment with the air cranked up as high as it would go. She decided she couldn't stand it anymore, she needed to go to the pool. She headed to her room, stripping her clothes off along the way, leaving a trail behind her. She arrived at her dress completely naked, soaking wet from the sweat. She opened the drawer and pulls out her...

Straight Sex
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Cindy by the pool

            Cindy smoothed the last of the oil on her body, luxuriously rubbing it into her skin.   When she finished, she picked up a tube of sun block, SPF 35.   Carefully, she squeezed a small amount into her palm.   With one finger, she took a dab and traced the white tan lines around her crotch where her bathing suit would normally be.   She took a little more and covered the small amount of white she still had left on her cute butt; then spread more over the other white parts,...

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Indiscretion in the Pool

After a week and a half in the all inclusive resort, I was going a little stir crazy.  The band sounded like the one from the previous evening and the cocktails weren't going down as well as usual.I decided to take a wander and get away from masses for a bit.  I walked a little way away from the bar and to the smaller of the complex's pools.  The water looked inviting in the moonlight.  I looked around, there was no one about.  The pool was round a corner from the bar and no one could see me. ...

Group Sex
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The lady by the pool

Note : This story is completely fictional! First about myself. I never knew my father, when I turned 18 my mom walked in on me while I was jerking off and afterwards she told me that the reason I never knew my father was that the one time she and he had sex she was 18, and that she had gotten pregnant with me, she said she cared a lot for him but that sex with him hurt her, so she told me that she had refused to see him any more because he was rough with her even though he knew she was having a...

3 years ago
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The benefits of a pool

I know I should have just turned around and walked away. The guilt took in an instant as I realized what I was doing. After all it’s probably not a normal thing for a man to stand in the shadows watching his only daughter masturbate. As quickly as the guilt took hold my mind started racing to rationalize my presence there. She shouldn’t be doing that, especially not there on the couch. I had gone upstairs to go to bed well over an hour ago so I’m sure she thought I had long since...

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The Gazing Pool

I wrote this as a long string of text messages for my baby doll. It’s not specifically erotica but there are hints throughout. So please forgive any punctuation or minor editing errors. She asked me for a princess story. OP delivers. ***** Once upon a time there was a princess who lived in a far away castle. She was beautiful and kind and the people of her father’s kingdom loved her. She would walk in the market and every day the merchants would present her a gift because they loved her so...

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The Recrutier III More fun at the pool

While Tiff got ready for our evening, I decided to stay by the pool and relax. I  sipped on my whiskey and leaned back in the lounge chair watching the party unfold from the cabana.  The joy and freedom of Vegas.  Where the thoughts of What happens in Vegas - Stays in Vegas always rang true here at the pool.  Once the alcoholic beverages begin flowing and the music thumps harder and harder, the bodies begin to grind, clothes are lost, and inhibitions are thrown to the wayside.  Of course, it...

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My 40 year old fiancée Suzie lived about 250 miles from me. Our engagement was the result of a year long long-distance relationship.Her parents were wealthy, lived in an elite suburb and held family gatherings on every holiday. The summer ones were the best, because they were held around the family swimming pool.Suzie's was a family of women. She had two older sisters. They ranged in age from the mid forties to forty (Suzie was the baby).Her father was quite a bit older than her mother, ages 79...

4 years ago
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One Friday, around midnight, we arrived home from a boring dinner party thrown by a colleague of Martin, my husband. I took a quick shower and then flopped naked on the bed, I was feeling quite tired and ready to sleep. But Martin had other ideas, his head nestled between my legs and he began to lap at my pussy with a slow and deliberate pace. After more than twenty years of marriage he knows exactly what I like and when I like it. Ten minutes later, I came with a huge gush soaking his face. As...

2 years ago
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Thomas Theodore Randle the FourthChapter 4 Sisters by the Pool

My sisters were on their backs. Their young tits were covered with oil and baking nicely in the sun. They were so quiet they could have been asleep. I put my gifts on the table beside Grace and dove in the pool. I swam to the far side and turned to see all five girls lined up on the other side looking at me. Grace had a scowl on her face and the others were similar. I swam back towards them and Grace said.”Where were you? We were worried when you didn’t come down to the pool.” As I neared...

3 years ago
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The Motel Swimming Pool

The Motel Swimming Pool My parents own a motel in our small town and I am the lifeguard. At sixteen I am in charge in the pool area. The pool hours are posted and I have the key. Usually I get to check out a very nice variety of teenage girls and their sexy mothers. I love my job because we have a fairly small water slide. Most of the girls loose their tops at least once letting me check out their tits. Of course wet bikini bottoms cling to firm asses like a second skin. However,...

1 year ago
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The Community Pool

I really hated the community pool in our housing development. Well, not actually the pool itself, but the fact that the place seemed to always be overrun with screaming kids and surly teenagers. I really wanted to be able to swim laps and get some sun while reading (and quaffing the occasional adult beverage); but found these tasks to be hard to accomplish due to the aforesaid. I was seriously thinking about giving up my pool membership, when a petition made its way to my door. Apparently, a...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Sunning in the Pool

My name is Jill, 45 and I'm a married bifemale with three grown children ages 25 (son) 23 (son) and 20 (daughter). I really don't know where to start this or how to explain what happen to me last month but I think I need to tell someone just so I can get it off my chest I guess. I grew up on a farm with four brothers and three sisters in a home that I'd say was somewhat strict when it came to the subject of dating and sexual things. When we raised our children we tried not to be that way and...

2 years ago
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A long day in the pool

I remember it was a very hot July afternoon when I pulled up to the house on my lunch break from work. My wife's car was in the driveway and my sister-in-law's was parked on the street in front of the house, so I pulled around and parked across the street. I will admit I was a bit peeved at that, as I trudged up the front porch and into the house. No one was in the living room, so I headed through the kitchen to the back deck to see if the ladies were out there enjoying the sun.I came out...

2 years ago
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Aunties Pool

I had moved into the apartment a month ago and was settling in nicely. It wasn't big but it was mine alone, which I preferred to having to share a place. The whole trying to find flat mates and then making sure everyone paid was a hassle I was tired of. I had a few friends over for a house warming a week later and then settled down to the daily routine of work and getting out on a Friday night and meeting women. The local was a great place to meet women so that always made for a night to look...

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Anyone up for a game of pool

I got a call from my sweetheart about spending a week house-sitting for his parents while they were away on vacation. I said yes, thought it would be fun spending time in the house where he grew up. I met him at the home with my overnight bag in hand, knocked on the door and he opened it with a big smile on his face. That was the first time I had been there so I was curious about it. He opened the door and let me in, took my bag and asked me to follow him to the bedroom. It was a small ranch...

Straight Sex
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Nude By My Pool

I’m Cara, forty-two years old. I’m a middle school science teacher. My husband Tom works for a biotech company. During the school year, I keep my nose to the grindstone. Summer is “me time” to get myself back in shape by running and stand up paddleboarding. Also, I hate tan lines. We live in Southern California; our house is on a cul de sac. We’re lucky to have a pool in the back yard. Our back yard is secluded; only one house has a view into the pool area. Our neighbors, Keith and Sarah, both...

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Sharks in the Pool

She thought of just leaving, but the pool, now glistening in the moonlight, caught her attention. It was deserted and Vicky decided that an evening swim, all by herself, would be peaceful. So she slipped out through the patio door, walked to the poolside cabana, and changed back to her bikini swimsuit. Soon she was doing laps in the tepid water, while her thoughts returned to Doug. They had started dating casually, but all too quickly Doug had wanted more intimacy than she was ready to give,...

2 years ago
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In the pool

One of my first girl friends (we will call her "C") , was around 45 years old and was a fairly short lady of about 5'2". I am 6' tall and 25 years old. She was a little on the plump side with large breast (I guessed double D's)and bright red hair. Because I was vary shy, we were introduced to each other by a guy that I worked with at the printing company . One of the things she did that I loved(and he knew it) was that she wore dresses most of the time, expressly summer dresses. You know the...

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