The Young Master And His Ebony Slave (Part One) free porn video

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Introduction: A married woman, basically seduced by a young man. What could be sexier than that? Another day&hellip,in my pathetic life&hellip,in this sad pathetic world.

Sighing to herself like she did at the end of every work day, Denise Noble gathered her things from her locker, slammed it shut, and made her way to the bulletin board to clock out.

Hey Denise. Rough work day?

Her co-worker Amy had just came to relieve her. Her long blonde hair was tied up in its usual high ponytail, two long strands of hair hanging in front of her face made her look like a character from an anime. She had pale white skin, even though Amy was always out and about in the sun. Her bright blue eyes always sparkled with laughter.

Denise nodded. Yeah you could say that.

She clocked out and slipped her hand in her purse pulling out a small black and red brush. She ran it through her red dyed hair, which she made a mental note of, needed to be re-dyed again. Her hair stopped just in the middle of her back. She was black with a Native American background. Her hair was always long and somewhat manageable. Tying up her hair into a loose bun, she shoved the brush back into her purse and waved back at Amy.

Alright, Ill see you guys again next week.

Before Amy could say anything else, Denise had left the staff room and made her way through the clothing store until she reached the front doors. She shivered slightly.

I dont understand as to why they have the air conditioning on full blast up here. She growled to herself and opened the door, letting the warm summer air hit her face. Much better.

It was the middle of June, basically the beginning of fun and excitement. Looking around the parking lot, she spotted her car and quickly made her way toward it. She smiled as she eyes greeted her orange-red Camaro. She got this baby when she graduated from high-school. It was the last gift her father gave her before he passed away. She loved this car more than anything in the entire world.

She was just feet away from the car when a burgundy Impala almost ran into her. She fell over from the shock of it all, and she watched the car park next her Camaro. Her heart racing, she sat there glaring at the car. The sound of the door opening and then closing, and rushing footsteps were heard and she breathed heavily.

You jack ass! What the fuck is your problem! You almost hit me! Did you not see where you were&hellip, she stopped mid-sentence.

Looking up her eyes widened and her heart seemed to stop mid-beat. Her mouth hung open as she took a look at what was probably the sexiest being that she ever laid eyes on.

His long black hair was a little ruffled, with soft streaks of blonde that could be mistaken for pure gold. Soft, creamy white skin that was tinted with a little touch pink, most likely due to the heat. His lips werent too thin, there was just enough plump for her to nibble and suckle on and turn an even darker shade of red. He was tall, at least over 6 foot, medium build, a strong chest, and arms that she could lick for days. All that aside, it was his eyes that she was drawn to the most. They were the most beautiful silver that she had ever seen. In fact, it was the first time that she had ever seen silver eyes. They were softly hidden behind long thick black lashes.

She felt like such a creeper, just staring at him, though she couldnt help herself. He was just sexy. He leaned forward sticking out a large hand that looked as if had seen its own share of hard work, but was still rather soft looking.

A-Are you ok miss? I didnt mean to startle you like that.

Oh my god! His voice! It was as if his voice was hand crafted by the gods of lust. It was low and silky, yet masculine. It rang in her ears and she was begging to hear of more it. Shaking her head, Denise placed her small dark hand into his large pale one.

No its ok. Dont worry it. Its my fault for not paying attention. She replied quietly as he helped her up. She looked down at his hand and her face grew hot. Oh no! I gave him the wrong hand!

He looked down at her. He was just over 6 foot, being as she stood at an average 5 foot 6 inches. He smiled softly at her. Pearly white perfectly shaped teeth shone brightly, almost blinding her. She quickly looked away. His eyes continued down her body.

She wasnt in the best of shape. Maybe just a tad bit overweight, but there was plenty of her to love. She had slightly large hips, and an ass that every man wanted to grab onto. Her chest was rather large, she hated it, but if it meant getting attention, then why the hell not right? Her eyes were large and almond shaped, a beautiful shade of dark chocolate brown, and hidden behind short dark eyelashes. Her lips were full and never needing anything more than the occasional Chap Stick. She had a round face that had never seen a single pimple or blemish. She wasnt perfect, but she still didnt like the way she looked, no matter how many people told her she was beautiful, gorgeous, or sexy.

The longer he looked at her, the tighter his grip on her hand seemed to get. His eyes finally made it to their hands. He raised a perfectly arched eyebrow and his smile widened.


Quickly removing her hand, she placed it behind her back and continued to avoid eye contact with him.

Y-Yeah. Going on a year actually.

Her dark skin continued to heat up. If she wasnt married, she wouldve asked for his number by now. Of course she had the feeling that she might get rejected in the long haul.

He chuckled. Well then, marriage is a serious thing you know. Of course I wouldnt know. I dont plan on being married for a very long time. He placed his hand that held hers into his pocket and stared at her more.

She finally turned her head and smiled weakly. Well, hopefully you wont rush into it like I did. Im only 24. Sorta missed out on wanting to experience a life filled with fun and excitement.

She shrugged and folded her arms under her chest. She looked up him, regardless of how gorgeous he was, she was still annoyed over the fact that he almost ran into her.

Wow youre only 24? I thought you were younger than me at least. He chuckled again and ran his other hand through his hair.
I love it when he laughs. So umm, exactly how old are you?

Denise was usually into older guys. Her husband was 5 years older than her, and she found him to be very handsome and a gentleman. She loved him to death.

Im 19. His smile again burned into her.

She wasnt sure if she was going to be able to contain herself. Yeah she met a dozen guys before, and they had amazing smiles, but his smile was&hellip,
Wait! What? Youre only 19? I-I pegged you to be older than that! I mean look at your body! And the car youre driving! I thought you wouldve been in your late 20s early 30s.

Hehe, you like my body? His eyes swam with laughter and something else that she couldnt quite grasp. His smile widened more, showing her all of his perfect teeth. His hand clutched onto his hair and he moved a little closer to her. You know, Im liking your body too. Got everything in the right places. But you know, the hand that was in his hair lowered and he brought it to her chin lifting it slightly so her dark brown eyes could swim into his silver ones, Im really loving your eyes. Theyre such a delectable dark brown, like dark chocolate.

He leaned in closer, her heart was racing, pounding loudly in her chest. She lost her breath for a moment, his lips were so close. She wanted to taste them more than anything. Her lips parted a little as if giving him an invitation to take her right then and there. The hands that were clutching her purse loosened. Her gaze lowered to his lips, those rose tinted full lips. A soft moan left her own as his face continued to move closer to hers. Less than a centimeter separated them from full on contact. He stopped and chuckled once again.

Im not going to tease you like this. Youre married after all. He let his hand drop and he stepped away from her. Taking his keys out of his jeans pocket, he locked his car. Well, it was nice almost running into you. Who knows, maybe we might cross paths again, and this time, it wont be where I almost kill you. He pivoted on his heel and walked away. His pants hugging loosely around a firm shapely behind.

Denise cleared her throat and shakily remove her keys from her purse.

I cant believe that just happened.

She unlocked her Camaro and walked the last few feet to the drivers side door. Opening it, she tossed her purse inside and sat down in the seat. She slammed the door shut and sat there staring at the parked cars in the parking lot. Why me? Her head fell forward and smacked into the steering wheel. She groaned and just let it sit there. I cant believe that just happened! I almost lost myself for a moment. Her legs began to shake a little, and she raised a hand to her chin where his fingers had touched. She smiled to herself. Im just going to pretend that it was all a dream. I cant get too worked up over a dream.
With that said, she sat up and stuck her key into the ignition. She hooked her phone into the charger and blasted the radio. Fall Out Boys Immortals blared through the speakers.

Hell yeah! This is my shit! Rolling down the windows, she put the car in reverse, backed up and then put it into drive. She peeled out of the parking lot, her eyes scanning the shops to see if she would spot the young man. When she didnt, she just shook her head and exited the shopping mall and onto the main road.

Jessie, you just dont understand though! Ive been working there for over a year and Im still not getting the credit that I deserve!

Listen Den, I know that youre working your ass off, but do you honestly think that they really care for you there?
Denise was in the middle of her kitchen in the middle of making dinner for herself. Her husband wasnt going to home that night, on a last minute project for his job. She sighed as she stared at her laptop, her best friend on video chat with her. Setting down the small knife she was using to slice cucumbers for her salad, she sat down at the table and stared at her friend.

I know, but I feel that if I do work hard enough, I might just get promoted.
Jessie shook her head and nibbled on some orange slices. In the background, Denise could see the large 50 flat screen that was in her living room. Jessies German Shepherd, Willow and Chocolate Lab, Buffy, sat on the couch their tails wagging as an anime played on the screen. Denise giggled at the sight and went back to focus on her friend.

Den, weve known each other since what? 8th grade? And we both know exactly whats going to happen: youre going to work your ass off. Then when you feel as if youre going to get what you deserve, you get excited and hyped up. All too soon, you find out that your best wasnt good enough, you get pissed off, and then quit. Jessies dark green eyes burned into Denises.

She right. I always get pissed and angry when I dont get what I rightfully deserve. She dropped her head onto the table and started to whine. But Jessie! I dont want to quit! I love working there. The customers that come in are so nice and sweet. Plus I really do enjoy the clothing.

Jessie giggled. I know you love it there. But honestly sweetie, is working there really going to make you happy in the long run?

Denise shrugged. Maybe&hellip, I dont know.

A clicked and the shutting of a door could be heard on Jessies end. Hey babe, Im home. Jessies fiancé, walked into the camera view, wearing his waiter uniform. His short blonde hair combed back and showing his cool blue eyes. Oh, hey Denny! He kissed Jessie on the forehead and chuckled.

I told to stop calling me that Matt! She raised her head and glared at him.

Oh you love it. He smiled at her and looked back down at Jessie. Im going to get started on dinner ok?

Well then, thats my cue to help him. We both know that hes helpless in the kitchen.

Hey! Dont hate on my cooking skills! He left the screen. Talk to you later Denny!

Im seriously going to kill that damn man. Denises eyes widened as she then remember of the boy from earlier. Hey, if you two arent humping like rabbits later, can you call me? Theres something I want to talk to you about.

Jessie nodded and brushed back her long red hair. Of course, though I have a feeling that we are going to be humping like rabbits tonight. He just took off his apron. Mmmm, so sexy. She giggled. But Im going to go help him in the kitchen. Ill catch ya later Den. And with that, Jessie disconnected the call.

Denise stood up and walked back to her half made salad. She smiled to herself as she thought of the boy from earlier. Picking up the knife she sliced up a few more slices of cucumber, placed them on her salad and went back to the table. Bon appetite.

After a hot shower and 2 hours of watching Youtube videos, Denise laid in bed. She wore an oversized black skull and stars t-shirt. She laid under the covers and stared up at the dark ceiling. Thoughts of him ran through her mind. She couldnt stop thinking about him. And his voice! She played his words over and over again in her mind.

A soft moan seeped through her lips. Well, Im not going to be getting any tonight. Guess Ill just do what I always do every night. She thought. She grabbed the hem of her shirt and slowly lifted it up. Arching her back as she did so, she kicked the blanket off her body, the shirt finally made its way to her large breasts.
The 44DD large mounds jiggled a little as she pulled the shirt over her head. Tossing the shirt to the floor, her left hand grabbed onto her left breast and
squeezed it a little roughly.


Her nipple hardened almost instantly. She bit her lip and ran her fingers across the tightened small nub. Her nipples were always at their most sensitive when they were hard. If she played with them enough, she would cum within minutes. She felt a dampness between her thighs, but she decided that her moist hole would have to wait. She wasnt ready to play with her just yet.

Her right hand went to her mouth. Slipping a finger inside, her tongue immediately began to attack it. The warm muscle was always a favorite of hers. She enjoyed how warm and wet her mouth was. Sucking deeply on her fingers as if she was giving a blowjob. The sensation of having something in her mouth always turned her on.

She rubbed her tongue with the tip of her finger, pressing into it. Feeling the tiny taste buds separate beneath it. She stroked her tongue delicately, not wanting to be too rough with it. Another finger found its way into her mouth, and she hungrily greeted it. Her mouth produced more saliva, she coated her fingers with it. It always tasted sweet to her, with an almost syrupy texture. She loved how sticky her breasts always got whenever she drooled all over herself.
She shoved her fingers a little more into her mouth, muffled moans echoed around the room. The hand on her breast squeezing more roughly, her fingers pulling and pinching at her dark Hershey colored nipple. Her back arched higher and she raised her legs slightly. She tasted her fingers deeply, her tongue slipping in between the appendages. They tasted like the strawberry coconut oil that she used after she got out of the shower. So sweet.

Her hand moved over to her right breast, her arm causing the left breast to squeeze into the right one. She moaned louder as her fingertips brushed against the nipple. Her fingers forced their way further into her mouth. She closed her eyes tightly, waiting for that almost gagging feeling that she craved whenever she did this.

Her throat squeezed tightly as the tips of her fingers reach the back of her throat. She had a bad gag reflex. It took a lot for her to get that gag feeling. She had to slip another finger into her mouth. Her lips stretching wide, making her look like a rather erotic female Joker. She groaned deeply in her throat, and moved her fingers into it. Her stomach clenched and her throat squeezed even tighter. YES! This is it! She then proceeded to move her fingers in and out of her throat, furthering the gagging. She pinched her nipple and flicked it. Her body trembling as she fucked her mouth with her own hand. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, her face becoming drenched with drool, it spilling down her cheek and neck down to her chest and shoulders.

She squeezed her thighs together and for that brief moment, he popped into her head. Her eyes flew wide open and she kept her fingers down her throat, muffled screams vibrating her throat and through her hand. She came hard, her knees bending slightly, her toes curling, her pussy throbbing wildly.
She laid there her fingers still in her mouth, her other fingers clamped tightly around her nipple. Legs wide open, thighs stained and wet. She slowly removed her fingers and coughed looking at them to watch the saliva leave her lips. They were soaked and dripping, the drool almost like a clear syrup. Panting she laid her hand to the side.

Why did he pop up in my head all of a sudden? And when he did, why did I cum so hard like that? Thats never happened.

She laid there just questioning it. But the more she questioned, the more turned on she became. Before she knew it, her drool covered right hand found its way to her throbbing, cum throbbing cunt. When her fingers found her clit, she almost jumped off the bed.


She felt the heat from her cunt warm up her fingers. She gently rubbed the sensitive bud that was her clit, she felt it become a little more engorged as she rubbed it. Her left hand felt foolish for not doing anything, so it moved down as well, teasing her outer lips. She bit her bottom lip and arched her back again.
She moved her legs up and spread them a little.

Her heavy breathing filled the room as her fingers worked their magic. She closed her eyes and thought about him. His smile, his laugh, his fingers on her chin. She longed to feel those fingers on her body, exploring every inch of her.

She moved the fingers from her left hand deep inside. Two fingers became wrapped around her warm wave textured moist walls. She gasped softly, her right fingers still teasing her clit. She rolled her bud between her thumb and forefinger, at the same time she pressed her other fingers into her g-spot. Her eyes closed tighter as she thought of him deep inside of her, filling her to the brim and stretching her to his size.

She rubbed harder against that sensitive little bean inside her. Releasing her bottom lip she panted harder. Her climax building, her cunt throbbing harder the longer she thought about him taking her from behind and pounding against her cervix.


She moaned loudly, the walls almost seeming to shake as she did. Her pussy clenched tighter around her fingers.

Im&hellip,Im gonna cum! FUCK!

She screamed loudly, her heart racing her hips raised as she had all of her weight on her feet. She fucked her cunt harder, it continued to build, her womb almost feeling as if she being filled with his hot cum.


Her voice could probably be heard throughout the apartment complex. She shook almost violently, a rush of hot fluid flowed past her fingers as she pressed against her g-spot. She felt it run down her wrists and thighs. Finally collapsing on the bed, her chest rising and falling fast, she opened her eyes and stared at the dark ceiling once again. Her cunt throbbed almost uncontrollably. Her legs were still shaking as she removed her fingers.

Bringing her them to her lips, she opened her mouth and gently sucked on them. She moaned softly and lapped at her fingers, like a kitten drinking milk from a bowl for the first time. Her taste sweet like candy, which was only made sweeter by the drool from earlier. She sucked her fingers clean and dropped her hand to the side once more.

I really do hope I get to meet him again. She smiled before her breathing steadied. She had one image of him in her mind of his smile and the laughter in his eyes before sleep took a hold of her.

(To be continued)

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Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Life Changing Slave Master 1

NOTE: Comments on the story are welcome. To those people thinking they are so much smarter than other people. There are typos, bad spelling and grammar in all my stories. If you can't over look my amateur mistakes and enjoy the story content. I just don't give a damn about your opinion. So don't waste your time pointing them out to me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...

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Milking Time B3 Chapter 12 Ebony Gets TripleTeame

Chapter 12: A Night To Remember - Ebony Gets Triple-Teamed"All right, girls," said Ebony, as she addressed Tiffany, Clyda and Dee. "Here's how it's gonna be tonight. You're right in the fact that I haven't been fucked for longer than I care to remember. And when I was, it usually wasn't with anyone who could fill me or satisfy me. So here's what we're gonna do..." Ebony reached up to the head of the bed, and grabbed several of Tiffany's pillows. She placed these at the end of the bed in a...

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Milking Time B3 Chapter 9 Ebony Duz Dee Dee

Chapter 9: A Night To Remember - Ebony Duz Dee DeeEbony stood by the side of the bed, and playfully motioned for Dee Dee to come to her.As Dee Dee rose from the chair, she unclasped her skirt in one swift movement, baring and displaying her huge flaccid cock to Ebony. Dee Dee reached behind her back, and easily undid the knot holding her bikini top on. With a deft flick of the wrist, she had it off, and proudly displayed her firm breasts to Ebony. Dee Dee walked over to the bed and knelt...

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Milking Time B3 Chapter 10 Ebony Duz Clyda

Chapter 11: A Night To Remember - Ebony Duz TiffanyTiffany strode over to Ebony, and reached out her arms to embrace her. Tiffany placed her hands on Ebony's and leaned over so that she was sure to feel her large breasts on either side of her head. Ebony moved the side of her face to nuzzle in closer to Tiffany's right breast. Tiffany smiled to herself and held Ebony's hands tightly as the two girls groped closely together. "You always did love a great set of tits, didn't you, Ebony?" asked...

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B5 Chapter 8 Two New Milkers Ebonys First

Chapter 8: Two New Milkers - Ebony's First MilkingEbony stormed off to her quarters after her confrontation with Barocca and Jeanne. It had taken all of her concentration to avoid strangling the two upstarts with her bare hands. But Ebony had promised Tiffany that she wouldn't do anything to Barocca or Jeanne that might endanger the Island, until they'd had a chance to resolve things at the contest. Ebony had barely arrived at her quarters, before there was a knock at the door. "Come in,"...

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Milking Time B3 Chapter 2 Barocca Confronts Ebony

Chapter 2: Barocca Confronts EbonyBarocca and Ebony sat together in Barocca's quarters, watching a delayed video broadcast of the final moments of Jordan finishing her afternoon of sex with Clyda. As the final scene came to an end, Barocca pressed the button on the remote control and turned off the monitor. She let the remote land loudly on the end table next to her. "I don't believe it. I simply can't fucking believe it!" exclaimed Barocca. "Neither you or Clyda could manage to put that...

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Milking Time B3 Chapter 10 Ebony Duz Clyda

Chapter 10: A Night To Remember - Ebony Duz ClydaEbony knew that she was ready to find another mate, and fuck someone senseless, and now Clyda was next on the list. Clyda reached out her arms, and eagerly embraced Ebony, as they began to explore each other's bodies. "Hello, Ebony," said Clyda. "I haven't had you in the longest time. After seeing what you just did to Dee Dee, I hope there's enough energy left in your cock for me." "Don't you worry about me, Clyda," replied Ebony. "Me and my...

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Milking Time B3 Chapter 7 Ebony Changes

Chapter 7: Ebony ChangesEbony made her way through the West sector of the Island, running an inventory and a check on all the wall jacks and the extension numbers, as Dee Dee had suggested. This was something that hadn't been done in a long time, and the activity helped take Ebony's mind off her thoughts of Barocca. It was the middle of the morning, and just about all the quarters were deserted, as the girls were off at their various duties or assignments. As head of security, Ebony had a...

4 years ago
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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

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B6 Chapter 8 Ebony Fucks Vantha

Chapter 8: Ebony and Vantha - Ebony Fucks Vantha Ebony listened to Vantha's words with a mixture of shock and delight. She'd received constant lectures and warnings from Tiffany, Dee Dee and other girls about forcing herself to hold back whenever she had sex with any of the girls on the Island, because of her tremen-dous size difference. Up until now, the only time she'd really felt true release had been during her Milking session. And now someone was actually demanding that she pull out all...

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B6 Chapter 6 Vantha Eats Ebony

Chapter 6: Ebony and Vantha - Vantha Eats Ebony Ebony and Vantha arrived at Ebony's quarters shortly after leaving the banquet hall. Ebony immediately shed her clothes, and embraced Vantha in her arms. "Well it's nice to see you aren't wasting time on formalities, girl," said Vantha, after she returned Ebony's kiss. "After watching you on the table tonight, there's only one thing on my mind," said Ebony. As she embraced Vantha, Ebony was amazed at the power and strength that she could...

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B6 Chapter 7 Ebony Sucks Vantha

Chapter 7: Ebony and Vantha - Ebony Sucks Vantha "Prepare to be impressed, Ebony," said Vantha. With that, Vantha exerted her mental concentration, and her naked slab of cock meat appeared as if by magic in front of Ebony's eyes. Each girl admired the other, as Vantha's cock grew rapidly to its full length and hardness. Ebony tossed her head back, smiling and radiant, as she stared at Vantha. And Vantha drank in Ebony's features with approving lust. Ebony's dark black hair flowed down her...

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B6 Chapter 9 Vantha Fucks Ebony

Chapter 9: Ebony and Vantha - Vantha Fucks Ebony "All right Ebony, now it's my turn to show you how to fuck," said Vantha. "Get on the bed, and lie down on your back." Ebony did as Vantha instructed. "Along with not being able to cut loose on the girls around here, Ebony, I can also tell that there's probably not anybody who can really fill you up either. Am I right?" Ebony nodded as she watched Vantha stroking her cock, keeping herself erect. Ebony's brain whirled with the absolute...

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Masters slave serve his desires

In 2000, when I was a student, I was renting my own house together with my boy for two years. My boyfriend was my master and we passed some of the best fantasies together. Aside from constantly fucking me and using me as a toy of sex, he shared me with other men, ordering me to satisfy them in every way they wanted. Κostas, so was his name, was 2 years older, he had a polished and shaved body and a 21cm dick and fat enough. Most nights he forced me to sleep with his sperm inside me, after a...

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EBONY!ByAnne GrayAuthor’s Note:  For more than two decades it has been my honour and pleasure to write stories that have been well received by more than three million readers.  I have received several awards from the world of bondage enthusiasts for which I will always be grateful.Time, however, is a hard taskmaster that has delivered several on-going health problems including two heart attacks and several mini-stokes.At one time when I was writing my fingers could not keep up with the thoughts...

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B6 Chapter 22 Ebony Possessed

Chapter 22: Ebony Possessed As Summer, Vantha and Rayleena strolled through the corridors of the Island in search of Rhiannon and the other Vectran girls, they passed by the infirmary on their way. Tami was still at the infirmary tending to Jordan, after Dee Dee had her moved there. They saw Jordan's body on the bed, still red and flushed from her forced ordeal, thanks to Rhiannon, and barely recognized her from the girl they had seen at the contest the other day. Tami informed them of the...

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Ebony in the Jewel of Desire an Eros Shared World Story

In the mist filled dusk, holding her hands against the wall of a wooden building on a hilly backstreet of the port city of Kumatos along the great western shore, Ebony had no idea who the man ramming his cock into her cunt from behind was. Nor to be honest, did she really give a dam. “Oh yeah, fuck me harder!” she cried out. That was about the limit of her concerns in that moment. She looked back over her shoulder. It was her first look at him to be honest. Less than a minute ago she’d been...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Master milks his perfect slave

I am a submissive slave to a strict but loving Master. I knew I would always be his and do whatever pleases him the moment we meant. About six months ago he announced that he wanted to see how committed I was.“Your slut will do anything you ask of her Sir”, i replied.“Good slut with your fat tits I feel that I am not making enough good use of them!” He said as he pulled and twisted my nipples.I did not know what he had planned until the next morning. I knew one of the reasons that he chose me...

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Milking Time B3 Chapter 8 A Deal With Ebony

Chapter 8: A Deal With EbonyAfter dinner that night, Tiffany, Dee Dee and Clyda waited anxiously for Ebony to arrive in Tiffany's quarters. "Are you sure this is the right thing to do, Tiffany?" asked Clyda. "I mean, inviting Ebony to your quarters of all places." "Where else do you suggest?" said Tiffany. "It couldn't be in Ebony's quarters. The three of us could never get there unnoticed, whether we went singly, or all at once on that side of the Island. And this is really just about the...

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Ebony Mystique 200 330000

Ebony Mystique was born in Connecticut on November 23, 1984. This bitch is a unicorn. Not many porn stars come out of Connecticut, let alone black ones. To be fair, she didn't stay and grow up in CT. Her family packed up and moved to New York while she was still young.Not much is known about her youth, but I can say I get a lot more New York from Ebony than CT. Only New York could have built Ebony into the woman she is today. She carries that high-energy New York vibe into the porn she makes,...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Service To My Masters As Slavepart 1

Hi Friends This is Shruthi again with latest encounters. for previous stories please visit After the 3 guys who used me as slave left me, I was not sure on what to do next. I went to the same hotel to stay for a week and then decide on what to do next. When I was reception, Manger saw me and gave a naughty smile. he gave one slip which has mobile number and asked me to call if I need fun. at first I ignored him and left to my room. after some time I thought of calling him. me :...

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StripChat Ebony

Some men like white girls, some like Latinas, but all the experienced pimps like me know that you have to give black women a try before you know what real sex feels like. Why is this? Well, it’s because black sluts have the most experience and because they’re the feistiest of the bunch, at least when it comes to America, which is where I think most of my readers looking at this review are from. Anyway, if you’re into ebony girls and you know how nasty they can get, then you probably want to see...

Live Black Sex Cams
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Master Reunites With His Slave

15 minutes later a knock was heard at his hotel door and he went to it and looked through the peep-hole. It was his slave. She'd recently graduated from the army academy and was here to see him for the first time since she entered it. Opening the door he welcomed her in and closed it behind her. Knowing the rules the slave immediately stripped naked save for the collar she wore and waited with her head bowed. "You're a naughty girl you know that Keke?" The master said as he circled his...

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Complete Sex Slave To My Master

Hello friends, I live in Pune and writing a story which is a fiction but someday would like this to be turned true. Please send your feedback on and any girl who wish to make this story true, please mail me on above id. I and my girlfriend are living happily in a live-in relationship. We have a good understanding amongst us and good sex life. It has been 2 years and wanted to try some new things to keep our relationship warm. My girlfriend – Vibha (name changed) once had gone to her parent’s...

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Masters slave serve his desires pt2

As we arrived to the sauna we parked the car to the parking and start to walk to the entrance. Kostas: “You will do as I said and you will have an unforgettable fun. Will you slut?”Me: “Yes Master, I will do whatever you command me to do.”In the parking there were about 12-15 cars parked, so I thought it will have a lot people inside. It was a Saturday night and as we got in the sauna we went to the front desk to pay our tickets. It had 3 sofas where they were sitting 3 guys, drinking their...

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Meeting Ebony

Introduction: A story I wrote awhile ago, most of it was inspired by reading stories on here. I would like to write more, but I wanted to get an idea how posting and view worked. Anyway, hope you like it. After some time, Ebony finally got a place of his own. Speaking with Agatha she arranged some work and money for him to be able to support his own place. For the price he was paying for it he was indeed impressed. The apartment loft was huge. Just a giant empty space for him to do what ever he...

4 years ago
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Slave and her master

This is a story my slave wrote for me hope you guys enjoy it as much as i didI'm trembling with anticipation as I sit in the taxi you sent for me. I have no idea how long it will take or how far there is left to wait.The taxi pulls up outside a hotel and I walk past the reception and up to the room number you've given me.I knock on the door and it swings open. Nervously I step into the room.It's dark and I can only see the outline of your body as I shut the door behind me.'Hello slave''Hello...

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Ebony Pulse

Ready for Ebony Pulse TV? Well, let's browse to EbonyPulse and see what they have in store for us? I don’t know about you, but this is how I like my pussy; black on the outside and pink on the inside. That’s right. I have a fucking fever when it comes to the ebony flava. And what is it about these ebony beauties that make us go ga-ga over cocoa pussy, you ask? Well, I for one would have a luscious black ass bouncing on my lap any day of the week and don’t even get me started on how the black...

Black Porn Sites
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White Master Son Slave Mom

Her Yoga Trainer Mike left, with a kiss on the cheeks, and sweat drying up on his forehead. He always has a smirk on his face, that says , "I love how you suck my dick making spew my load down you lengthy throat, and ride me like a cowgirl until you bucking; moaning, "white master, fuck me harder. please make me cum, don't stop, Stahop, Stahop, Stahop." "where i let my load go deep in your dripping wounds.". I get jealous of that smirk because i be wishing it was me. Mike was about...

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Meeting Ebony

She welcomed herself in, walking past the dazzed Ebony and headed straight for his fridge. Setting the basket down she bent over as she placed most of the bottles into the big empty fridge. Giving Ebony a full on eyeful of her backside, and for the life of him he couldn't peel his eyes away from her as they lingered over her small tight body. Shutting the door when he saw her finish. She walked over to him with two beer bottles, he nodded taking the one she offered him. "well thank you,...

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Reddit Ebony Porn

Reddit ebony, aka r/Ebony! Do I really need to specify what exactly r/Ebony/ is all about? It is there, in the name, so I am sure that you already fucking know. So, if you are here to see some gorgeous black girls expose their beauty, and do all kinds of naughty shit, you are in for quite a treat. Take your time and explore; you are bound to love what this subreddit has to is a free site, so you can browse as much as you want. If you are new to this place, the first thing you...

Reddit NSFW List
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Sissy Slave To My Master Kamal

Hello master and mistress , I am your sissy slave Arvind alias Ananya . I am novice in story writing so please ignore my grammatical mistakes . I am working in a private firm , I am a regular visitor ISS . I really fond of gay story and submissive and feminine character story . Read many stories related to above topics and loved to be sissy sex slave to any man (masters) and women (mistress) . Let me come to the story , due to this interest I started chatting with guys to be my master and treat...

Gay Male
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What A MasterMistress Should do to a Slave

101 ideas to make Your slave feel Owned (i.e. loved)One of the main factors, for me in feeling truly Owned is to be constantly reminded throughout the day of Master's control. These reminders can be subtle or really obtrusive. The more often a slave is reminded of her submission, the deeper it becomes....and the more fulfilling. So here are some ideas You might want to try... And no matter what rules You decide to make Your own, consistent. If You are unwilling to take the time to...

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