Reddit Lesbians
- 2 years ago
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Alex checked her hair in the mirror. Her hair had not been down for several days, because she had been on one of the most action-packed adventure trips in her life! She went whitewater kayaking, car camping, and rock climbing all in the Midwest! She went with eight other guys and had a blast. She didn’t shower for nearly 5 days and smelled like crap when she came back.
Now that Alex was back at college, she had retrieved her new key to her first dorm room. She would be meeting her roommate in the next few days. Alex in lived in an older-style dorm which was only four stories high. She loved it too! The dorm had this great mission statement that accepted all — even homosexuals! Alex was homosexual (and pretty obvious about it), but never felt the need to say so explicitly to people.
Alex was sitting in her dorm room thinking of a lovely lady she had left almost 600 miles. Alex met this lovely lady, Susan, at a camp she worked at. In fact, this lady was her boss. Alex felt like there was so much between them, but after she confessed her love, Alex found out that Susan was very flattered, but only straight. Alex couldn’t help but think, ‘That’s what she thinks…there was so tension between us.’ As Alex helplessly looked at her camp pictures of Alex and Susan together, she heard a light knock on the door.
Alex was slightly nervous to begin with that morning. She knew people would be introducing themselves to her. She lived on a floor with easily 40 girls on it! Alex raised her head at the knock. A young woman, with short cropped blonde hair a little longer than her eyes, said ‘Hi!’
Alex barely looked at her.
‘Are you a freshman?’
Finally, Alex looked up. One second of surveying — the blonde hair, brown eyes, very tan, long shorts, and a T-shirt. ‘Damn!’ Alex thought. Alex could feel her hormones happily agreeing with this girl’s appearance.
‘Oh, Hi! Uh, Yeah, I’m a freshman!’ Alex kept staring. ‘What’s your name?’
The girl walked farther in. Alex got up out of her chair clumsily when the girl shared, ‘Chrissy.’
‘Nice to meet you.’ The two girls shook hands.
‘What’s your name?’
Alex would never forget that Chrissy was one of the first girls she met on her floor. She would be the last girl Alex could never forget. The two talked about majors, where they were from, etc.
Many days went by where the two never saw each other. Alex was doing a lot of shopping, because she had not been home all summer to have time to do all of that. She hated taking the campus buses, but at least they weren’t that busy for right now. Her university consisted of nearly 50,000 students. Those buses could get busy she heard!
Eventually, school started and the two got into the groove of the things. In the beginning, the floor had many meetings to which Chrissy and Alex would both attend. During these meetings, Alex couldn’t keep her eyes off Chrissy.
When their residential classes started, Alex discovered Chrissy was in her class! The class was very easy, consisted of maybe 15 people, and was only 1 credit. Alex was pumped about having Chrissy in her class and couldn’t contain herself. The class kind of forced the two to talk because they both saw each other often. Alex discovered that this Chrissy character was definitely straight, feminine, and seemed kind of well stuck-up. Alex eventually forgot about her and her thoughts kind of naturally drew to Susan. ‘Why do I torture myself like this?’ Alex, always asked herself.
About once a week, Alex would find time during her hectic schedule to go play basketball on a basketball court away from campus about a mile away. Since she didn’t have a car, she rode her bike there. She could escape from her feelings and feel independent and grand all at once. She loved it there! Sometimes, she couldn’t wait to go play basketball. She could even get away from her gravely annoying roommate. After the long journey and exercise, Alex felt reenergized almost always.
By the end of Alex’s first semester, she found the courage to come out to her family during her Thanksgiving break. She had come out on facebook too (lol) and even told many of her friends. It wasn’t a secret anymore that she was gay. Because of the great community she lived in, many of them accepted her and embraced her. Chrissy kind of squeezed the info from her, because well she had suspected due to Alex’s nature, but could never ask outright.
Chrissy always asked ‘So, are you interested in any guys?’
And Alex would just reply simply, ‘Nah, not really.’
Eventually Chrissy found all the details. From Susan to more. Alex had never kissed a girl, but Alex knew she was gay, because well of the attraction and feelings she developed for women. Chrissy found this puzzling, but it made sense to Alex.
By second semester, Chrissy and Alex had become even closer friends. Chrissy and Alex shared one core class. Chrissy constantly found herself staring at Alex’s long long brown hair when she wore it down. Other times, she couldn’t take her eyes away from Alex’s strong muscular arms and torso. Alex sometimes noticed her looking, but Alex was used to looks, she wasn’t your average skinny girl — she was different. Chrissy wasn’t even beginning to process the attraction, the emotion, but boy was it there and did she respond.
Lots of boring movies were shown in their class and Alex had to admit, she loved it when Chrissy placed her little head on Alex’s shoulder. It would never be for long though! Just long enough to get a surge from her lions and ‘Pop!’, Chrissy’s head would be up. This always managed to frustrate Alex somehow.
Alex loved to tease Chrissy.
‘Pink! You always write in pink!’
Chrissy just looked at Alex and colored a pink on her page.
Alex laughed and shook her head.
‘Why not blue?’
Chrissy responded by getting a blue felt tip marker out of her backpack and writing with it.
‘I was kidding Chrissy. I just love making fun of you!’
The two laughed and Chrissy affirmed, ‘I know Alex.’
About twice a week, Alex would stop by Chrissy’s door and say hi. The two sometimes ended up talking till midnight. Alex would always promise her time to leave, but she could never leave. The two would dance to music, sometimes do stretches together, other times…act like kids and be incredibly immature. On rare occasions, they would have very stimulating intellectual conversations. Chrissy loved Alex’s company, because Alex never cares if she burps or even farts, but of course, Chrissy could never bring herself to fart in front of Alex. In fact, Alex thought it was adorable when Chrissy would burb, but she never told this to Chrissy.
Sometimes, Alex got annoyed with these moments, because Chrissy loved to divulge into conversations about her ‘unofficial’ boyfriend. He sounded like an ass to Alex- always getting in trouble with the law and in fights. Alex always wondered how Chrissy could be so stupid. However despite Alex’s thoughts, she still listened to Chrissy and gave her advice if she felt Chrissy might like some. Chrissy loved to hear Alex’s words. Sometimes, Alex would hold back, ‘No, I’m not going to say something I might regret later.’
‘No, Alex, I don’t care! Tell me…NOW!’
Alex couldn’t ignore a comment like that! Her loins got set on fire once again and Alex responded!! Ha!
During one of these moments, Chrissy and Alex both shared a particular emotional wave. Chrissy and her neighbors had recently become involved with an ancient game or whatever you choose to call it, ‘Ouija.’ Alex played on several occasions, kind of enjoying the game for fun before getting really involved.
‘You have to play Chrissy! It’s crazy shit!’
Finally, Chrissy took Alex up on her offer.
They were all in Chrissy’s dorm room — Alex and five other girls. They all knew Alex was gay and felt pretty comfortable with her. The lig
hts were off and everyone was particularly tired at this moment, but they were all feeling very addicted to the game. All fingers on the piece.
They called out for a spirit.
The spirit spells his name, ‘M-A-R-K.’
‘Do you know any of us here?’
He responds, ‘A-L-E-X.’
Alex nods her head. ‘It’s my father.’
‘Do you want to ask your dad anything Alex?’
At this point, Chrissy can’t take her eyes off Alex. Chrissy wonders, ‘What’s Alex thinking?’ Chrissy half wishes that the lights were on and she could see Alex’s facial expressions. No such luck.
Alex doesn’t respond to the question. ‘What do I ask him?’ Alex thinks.
Stressed silence.
Finally, Alex asks just a lot of verification questions to confirm that well, ‘Mark’ really was her father. The spirit answered correctly who Alex’s older brothers were, when he was born, etc. She had a burning desire to ask one more question!
She did it, even with everyone in the room…’Do you regret the way your died?’ Her voice croaked on the word ‘way’ like an adolescent boy.
The room was silent. The piece floated to ‘No.’
That was it. Alex was crying. Everyone was way too fucking tired, annoyed, and stressed out. Alex didn’t want to look at Chrissy’s reaction, but she did in the corner of her eye. She looked humbled by Alex. She was observing her, just kind of watching. Alex could tell she really did care.
Everyone huddled around Alex. She knew they meant well for her.
‘Are you gonna be okay?’
‘Can I do anything?
The questions wouldn’t stop coming. Alex needed to be alone. She cracked up again with tears. They had never seen her like this. She normally smiled, all smiles, and laughter. The tears were a whole new Alex for them.
Alex was tired of trying to act okay. Eventually, Alex finally took liberty while tears were streaming down her face and everyone just wouldn’t shut the fuck up and leave her alone…she said, ‘I’m gonna go to bed’ and she ran out the door.
Chrissy followed. She followed…fast.
Alex could hear her steps. She acted ignorant.
‘Key in door,’ Alex thought. ‘Key in door.’
She did it almost, but Chrissy beat her. Or did Alex let Chrissy beat her?
‘Alex.’ Chrissy whispered.
Chrissy saying her name like that was enough for Alex to cry more. ‘Why did things have to be different? Was she really this sensitive? Why did it matter so much to people?’
Chrissy knew the story. She knew that Chrissy’s father had committed suicide. And it hurt her like hell to see Alex crying like this.
Chrissy pouted her bottom lip out and her hips and said sweetly, ‘Me no like to see Alex cry like this.’
Alex cried even more… She tried to hide her face with her sweatshirt, but eventually, Chrissy took charge.
‘Do you need a hug?’
Alex couldn’t say no. The two meshed together almost perfectly. Chrissy smelled great to Alex. Alex tried to hold her hands higher up than instinct demanded and her hips farther back than she desired while hugging Chrissy. The hug was still amazing even though Alex held back. It lasted centuries and the two of them secretly never wanted to let go!!!
Unfortunately, both of them let go. And it hurt Alex the most.
‘Do you need to talk Alex?’
Alex was walking inside her dorm room.
‘No.’ Alex wiped some tears off of her face.
‘Are you sure?’ Chrissy emphasized the ‘sure.’
All Alex could do was shake her head. Chrissy walked away and Alex’s heart fell. Alex couldn’t introduce this load of baggage to Chrissy. Why would she want to hear about it? Later, Alex realized that was a mistake. She wanted Chrissy to know…so they could become even closer. It was a perfect opportunity. It really was.
Days passed. Alex discovered that ‘Ouija’ really preyed on one’s subconscious and she lost all otherwise creepy and weird feelings from the game. People forgot about what happened and worried more about themselves.
Alex and Chrissy started communicating online via AOL instant messenger (AIM). Alex was surprised to find out that Chrissy IMed her first. Alex always wanted to, but she held herself back once again. She loved talking on AIM, because well it allowed her to say more that she was probably more afraid of saying in person to Chrissy herself. Chrissy likewise.
The two started working out together. Chrissy liked the company and she did not always like going to the gym by herself. Alex was confident and did not give a shit what others thought.
On one chill Thursday night, Chrissy invited Alex up to her room to dance to oldies music. It was great for Alex — something spontaneous as well as surprising. Alex accepted the invitation without one moment of hesitation. The two danced goofily but spectacularly. From the C-walk to bootie pops to Hispanic music to robot-style to randomness. They laughed at themselves and enjoyed the time they spent together.
Chrissy, more than once, stuck her butt out in Alex’s direction and slapped it on several occasions. Alex looked briefly and then looked away. ‘Was that an invitation too?’ Alex wondered.
Alex tried to do headstands. Yoga had helped her some, but it wasn’t quite enough. Alex balanced first her head on the ground, then her upper body. From there, Alex followed her knees on top of her elbows pointing out. Chrissy watched in quiet. At this point, Alex’s ass was straight up in the air right in Chrissy’s air. Alex wavered in the air usually by this point.
Alex was wearing a tight beater, black shorts, and white socks. Alex’s beater would fall down a bit and her blue checkered American Eagle boxers would be exposed. Chrissy then spotted them and shared, ‘I like your American Eagle boxers.’
‘Thanks.’ Alex just laughed and silently thought, ‘Does she realize she could be gay?’
The dancing continued that night before Alex and Chrissy both had to leave.
Before they left, Chrissy asked, ‘What are you doing tomorrow night?’
‘Work, 2 meetings, and maybe getting drunk.’
Silence. Alex furrowed her eyebrows. ‘Why?’
‘Well, I thought maybe we could hang out tomorrow.’
‘We could get crunked together!!’
Chrissy smiled and agreed.
That being that. The two planned to get drunk that night. Friday went by incredibly slow for Alex. However, for Chrissy, Friday soared by because she got to sleep in past noon.
Alex knocked on her door, ‘CHrriiiiisssy!’
Chrissy answered the door with alfalfa hair and green eyes a-blinking.
‘Awww, were you still sleeping little baby?’
‘Don’t call me that!’
‘Sorry…you’re just so cute.’
Alex couldn’t bring herself to look in Chrissy’s eyes.
Chrissy was smiling though.
‘So you want to hang out tonight girl? Chrissy asked and punch Alex’s shoulder.
‘Yeah, so long as you’re not mean to me like that.’
‘Don’t worry Alex. I’ll try to be nice.’
Alex smiled.
Alex ate some food, called some employers to inquire about jobs for the summer, and then left for work. Chrissy was spending time with her family that night. After Alex got off work, she spent about 30 minutes unwinding. She took a shower and put on some nice tight stretch dark denim jeans along with a tight T-shirt that said, ‘Do you do it outdoors?’ and on the back it said. ‘I do!’ Alex was ready to be herself this evening. No secrets.
At this point, Chrissy returned home from eating dinner with her family. She was online and just relaxing. Eventually, Alex got online and the two planned to meet up at Alex’s friend’s place.
Chrissy started off with vodka when Alex started off with some strawberry beer. Alex’s friends were both Emma and Jim who were dating. Thankfully, Jim was of age to buy them the alcohol, but no one needs to know that!! Chrissy and Alex got off easily, because they didn’t have to
pay for any of the booze.
When the alcohol set in, Chrissy immediately just kind of took a seat, plopped down, and was very chill. She listened and was more mellow than Alex had ever seen her.
However, after some more beer and several shots of vodka, Alex was loopy, gabby, and giddy! Her hormones felt out of even more wack than normal. Ha! Chrissy started to laugh at Alex in her response to her alcohol.
‘Are you laughing at me?’
Chrissy looked at me like a puppy. ‘Maybeee! Is that okay?’
‘Anything is okay Chrissy when it comes to you.’
‘Why is that Alex?’
Alex managed to take a seat. She took a deep breath and said, ‘Becauuuuuse you’re great. You’re wonderful! You’re everything a guy wants.’
Chrissy laughed. ‘You’re so drunk Alex.’
‘I know. But isn’t it the greatest feeling in the world?’
Chrissy laughed again. ‘You need to get drunk more often Alex.’
‘This is my fourth time!’ Alex held up three fingers.
Alex stopped. ‘Wait a minute! Four times!’ She switched her fingers finally to four.
‘There you go little Alex!’
Alex stood up, ‘I’m not little! I’m BIG!’
Alex flexed her toned muscle.
‘For a girl you are,’ Emma chimed in.
Alex ended up sitting down chanting, ‘Ahhh, society!’
Jim stood up and asked, ‘TWISTER anyone?!’
Everyone screamed and giggled!!
‘Twister! I love twister Alex! We have to play!’
Jim was going to be the facilitator why Alex, Chrissy, and Emma played. Emma was out almost immediately. She was a little toooo drunk.
Alex could hold her motor abilities fairly well for being drunk. She could hold her limbs in place and find the colors accurately. The only thing she sucked at was distinguishing her left from her right (even sober, she sucks). She had to look at Chrissy and follow her direction.
Jim started to pick up the pace. Alex got confused. Emma was laughing at Alex. She really did look goofy!! At one point in the game, Chrissy lost her balance and touched Alex’s ass for support. Alex, on contact, flexed her ass and got turned on even more because of all the buzz she had inside her.
Alex said it without thinking, ‘Chrissy, quit touching my ass. You’re not gay!’
Chrissy’s eyebrow shot for the ceiling.
‘Don’t touch a gays girl’s ass if you’re NOT gay!’
Chrissy stepped back from Alex. Was Alex angry?
‘What’s up Alex? Are you made at me?’
‘No. It’s just…’
Chrissy waited…waited for Alex’s words that she so needed to hear.
Emma and Jim kind of watched, but quickly fled to the kitchen to let them have their space. They had a clue that Alex liked Chrissy, but Alex wanted to handle this herself.
‘No. Nevermind. It’s not important!’
‘You can’t do this Alex! You were gonna fucking say something! What was it?’
Alex listened, nodded her head, and responded, ‘Okay, give me time!! All right! I don’t like pressure or the tone of her voice.’
Chrissy finally calmed down. When Alex noticed this, she shared, ‘I got upset Chrissy, because….you…you drive me insane!’
‘INSANE Chrissy! To the point of being nervous and not being able to function!!’
‘Why insane? Do you hate me?’
Alex laughed. ‘You don’t get it do you Chrissy? I like you. I think you’re hot. I think you’re the sweetest chick I’ve ever met in my whole life. I want to date you. I want to kiss you. Get it?’ The words flowed out of her mouth fast and smooth.
Emma and Jim were quiet, poised for Chrissy’s response.
Chrissy looked into Alex’s eyes.
Chrissy hugged Alex. Alex wrapped her arms around Alex loosely. She whispered in Chrissy’s ear, ‘Are you scared? Did I scare you?’
Chrissy backed away, ‘No. No not at all.’
‘You can be honest with me Chrissy.’
‘That’s the truth. You know I wouldn’t lie to you Alex.’
Alex just nodded her head. Alex needed a response.
Chrissy grabbed Alex’s hand. ‘Let’s go for a walk.’
Alex told Emma and Jim ‘We’ll probably be back..’
‘Or not…’ Added Chrissy.
‘Don’t wait up for us.’ Alex added one last time.
The two walked out of the apartments and started to make their way back to their dorms together. ‘I’m glad you’re here Chrissy.’
‘Friend or girlfriend?’ Chrissy asked.
Alex laughed. Then she answered, ‘Friend, but you know how I feel. I don’t want my feelings to ruin our friendship.’
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If you have not read my first part, please read it, else you will miss a nice background. Shall not give anymore background here, let me directly come to the story.. Rakesh was dreaming of fucking off his innocent sister like a slut. He wanted to fuck her ass in front of her mother in-law. Along with his sister, he wanted to seduce her MIL and fuck them both together.But all these were in his dream only, he was not that talented to plan and execute it. But everything was coming on his way by...
Hi all, Raki again. Thanks for all your feedback.If you have not read my first part, please read it, else you will miss a nice background. Shall not give anymore background here, let me directly come to the story.. Rakesh was dreaming of fucking off his innocent sister like a slut. He wanted to fuck her ass in front of her mother in-law. Along with his sister, he wanted to seduce her MIL and fuck them both together. But all these were in his dream only, he was not that talented to plan...
IncestThroughout the week, Liam made sure to fuck the tiny Asian throughly. He made her give him regular blowjobs every other day after school. She got better and better every time she tried. In just two weeks after the little asian met her white master, she went from being an innocent baby girl to a blowjob slut. It was amazing how quickly she could drain Liam’s balls now. Every day after school, she’d report straight to Liam’s tesla and wait for him to come to her. He’d order her into the car,...
brother when she was 28 . At that time i was around 18 years old . Since i was close to my cousin , she was always really friendly with me . She is a fun woman and at the same time insanely hot . With a slightly wheatish complexion and long black hair , she is a perfect Indian woman . She mostly wore tshirt and jeans and other western dresses . But whenever she wore indian attire she would look like a goddess . Her big breasts always trying to burst out of her chest . Any guy would get...
Sophia read the curt text and sighed. She had essentially been forced to give up everything else in her life just to pleasure Master Liam. Instead of going to culinary club on Thursday during lunch, she spent the time sucking on his balls in the Tesla. Instead of going to get boba with her friends on Sunday, she was going to lose her virginity to a senior she had only met two weeks ago. Sophia was terrified of the pain of losing her virginity. She read online about how painful rupturing your...
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After a long shower where I replayed the final seduction of my mother, I smiled at how successful it had been. I then shifted my focus to the next part of my master plan…to seduce Olivia. I got out of the shower, tossed on a robe and went to mom’s room with an idea of emailing Olivia while pretending to be my Mom but was surprised to see she was already on her computer sitting in the middle of her bed. As soon as she saw me enter the room, she quickly closed her computer, her red cheeks...
Kimberly “Kimmie” Michael I pulled my car into the parking lot before the Pink Pussycat. The sex shop didn’t look too sleazy. It had a bright, neon sign with a cat perched on the end of the sweeping cursive words. There was something bold and suggestive about the pose of the mascot. “I can’t believe we’re going in there,” Natalie said. My friend was a more strait-laced Christian than I was. I had been into the sex shop a few times to buy the naughty schoolgirl outfits to wear in the bedroom...
As a brief résumé of my situation,my name is Shirley,i run a lesbian escort agency and have a lovely clientele of gorgeous ladies,many of whom are married,yet crave the sexual attention of another woman.Yes,i was married to Paul for 3 years and our sex life was good while we were together and I loved sucking his big black 9 inch cock. I refer you to my early blogs where I describe my lovemaking with him. I may be a lesbian,i have discovered my true feelings,but please do not be surprised at my...
I am Pranav and thanks to all fans of Indian desi stories for appreciating my first story “My First Encounter with Real Mistress”. I posted this story 4-5 years back and from time to time, I am getting email from readers appreciating the story and asking for the realness of the story and praising how lucky I am. I got to know the same story was copy by some reader and again reposted in 2011. Sorry, as I failed to post the second part of the story due to some reasons. Mostly emails I got are...
School started on a Tuesday, and on the first day of band practice, Liam couldn’t help but notice an adorable new Asian girl in the clarinet section. She was only about 5 feet tall and still had baby fat on her cheeks. Her tits seemed pretty large for someone her age, but still small compared to the girls he’s fucked before. Her ass only had a hint of curvature, but what made Liam really turn on was her face. She had big innocent brown eyes, no makeup, and a small mouth with pouty lips. He...
Alright, it’s time for you wizard addicts to come out of the woodwork. I know you Harry Potter lovers aren’t in this shit for the plot. You can’t fool me. You horny bastards can’t get enough of Emma Watson and her perky tits. But let’s not be weird about it, okay? I’m talking about the newer movies where she’s a rockin’ hot legal-aged slut. And don’t even get me started on that MILF professor Mcgonagall and her massive milkers and dump truck ass. I’d love to stick my wand in her golden snitch...
Free Sex GamesI hadn’t seen Paul, my husband, for a quarter hour or so, but the party was good, and I felt safe in the company of Eric. We were dancing close, like teenagers at the prom, but like those teenagers, I was innocent of carnal thoughts and thought Eric was too. I didn’t know him well, but everyone here knew someone else, so that was like we were all friends, right? Anyway, we danced, and stayed together between dances, if only because everyone else seemed to be paired off too and had no interest...
SwingerSean Hall was the epitome of male beauty. He had the eyes of a Greek God, and the body to match. Girls practically fell over with their legs open when he walked by, and he seemed oblivious to it all. This led to many doubts as to his sexuality being on the hetero side of the spectrum. How could a young man in is early twenties be so oblivious to his own sexual power over women? It was one of the great mysteries of life that needed to be solved. I entered college as a sophomore and was blessed...
Hi I'm Ian, 18 years old and always gagging for it. I never met my father as my mom fell in puppy love when she was 14 and had me soon after. Michael, my father soon disappeared and my mom along with my grandmother had to bring me up. Now my Grandmother's gone and my mom's a successful lawyer, having educated herself whilst bringing me up. Mom and I have always been close and have always been touchy feely and full of physical love for each other. I got hugged to school, hugs when she...
Hi I'm Ian, 18 years old and always gagging for it. I never met my father as my mom fell in puppy love when she was 14 and had me soon after. Michael, my father soon disappeared and my mom along with my grandmother had to bring me up. Now my Grandmother’s gone and my mom’s a successful lawyer, having educated herself whilst bringing me up. Mom and I have always been close and have always been touchy feely and full of physical love for each other. I got hugged to school, hugs when she returned...
IncestHi I'm Jane, 18 years old and always gagging for it. I never met my father as my mom fell in puppy love when she was 14 and had me soon after. Michael, my father soon disappeared and my mom along with my grandmother had to bring me up. Now my Grandmother's gone and my mom's a successful lawyer, having educated herself whilst bringing me up. - Mom and I have always been close and have always been touchy feely and full of physical love for each other. I got hugged to school, hugs when she...
IncestHi I'm Ian, 18 years old and always gagging for it. I never met my father as my mom fell in puppy love when she was 14 and had me soon after. Michael, my father soon disappeared and my mom along with my grandmother had to bring me up. Now my Grandmother's gone and my mom's a successful lawyer, having educated herself whilst bringing me up. Mom and I have always been close and have always been touchy feely and full of physical love for each other. I got hugged to school, hugs when she returned...
IncestPlease read my previous parts else you’ll miss a lot of jerks. Most of you got disappointed that Rakesh didn’t fuck his sister yet. But surprisingly he got lucky to fuck her mother in law first. Now his dick is expecting his sister’s pussy desperately. The next day morning, it was around 8am . he was still sleeping nude, next to him his sister’s MIL sleeping nude, both under same blanket. He saw other side of MIL, his sister was not there. MIL was sleeping like a whore who had came to him for...
Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Hi, I am a horny teen boy. I have a hot sexy mom who is innocent. She believes everything I tell her. I fantasize all perverse things with her, even while standing with her she doesn’t know. I will explain some of such events here. Once my friend was with me in my room. We were supposed to study. We were fooling around on his laptop watching some porn etc. He had a boner and wanted to jack off. I showed him the washroom. That’s...
IncestHi all, Raki again. Thanks for all your feedback. Please read my previous parts else you’ll miss a lot of jerks. Most of you got disappointed that Rakesh didn’t fuck his sister yet. But surprisingly he got lucky to fuck her mother in law first. Now his dick is expecting his sister’s pussy desperately. The next day morning, it was around 8am . he was still sleeping nude, next to him his sister’s MIL sleeping nude, both under same blanket. He saw other side of MIL, his sister was not there. MIL...
Incest(Copyright 2020 Kaizer Wolf) Submitted to Sexstories: March 18, 2022 Tags: harem, supernatural, shifter, big tits, redhead, blonde ***** - CHAPTER 2: Revealed - After a few long minutes, Gabriella finally stepped down off the last step and began slowly walking in my direction, toward the couch. I was facing away from her, but I knew she could see that I was sitting up. She carefully walked around the corner and then stopped when she saw that my face was completely hidden against my...
Just a short little fantasy, nothing in this happened but wouldn’t it be wonderful to be Larry in this situation?“This may be wrong in so many ways,” I said as I saw my sister between her best friend Pamala’s legs and finger fucking her with Pam’s panties pulled aside. Both were still fully clothed and their sexual contact occurred with Carol still wearing her panties, girdle, and stockings.Like previous times I had spied on the two of them engaged in their lesbian love making my cock went from...
Elaine parked the car, got out, smoothed her skirt and walked down the path to Olivia’s door. People in their front yards gawped as her heels clicked on the cracked pathway. She smiled nervously as the neighbours outside their doorways eyed her with curiosity. She pressed the doorbell and waited, surveying the gardens, with toys strewn everywhere. ‘Will someone fucking get that?’ she heard a woman’s voice from inside. ‘Oh fuck it then, I’ll get it myself as fucking usual!’ The door flung open,...
Hello readers, I am sharing a series of my life incidents with my cousin with you all. For those who have not read the stories, please read the previous stories. In the last part, you read that Deepti and I were having a good time in our guest room. Ankita caught us in the act and joined our fun. As you have read in the sixth part, about how Preeti and Meenal started their lesbian journey. This part will tell you what happens when Gaurav came to know about their relationship. So, starting the...
IncestI am Amita and my friend Sony were at our empty house. We were in my bedroom watching a movie on the TV. One scene showed a close up of a girl's leg and it was smooth like anything. Sony made a remark on it and casually asked me to show my legs. As I wearing a skirt, I moved it up to my thighs and Sony moved closer to have a good look. She put her hand on my shinbone and moved it upwards and commented that though it was smooth, it will become smooth as silk if I shaved it. With this she moved...
LesbianDonna and Catherine had been experiencing feelings toward each other for quite some time. They were not sure how to tell each other or deal with it. One afternoon Donna and Catherine were on the road to go meet some friends in at a convention. The trip was going to take more than a day, and they would have to stop at a hotel on the way. They made reservations at a Holiday Inn and stopped for the night. Before bed they decided to go to the indoor pool for a swim. While swimming their feelings...
LesbianHi friends. I am a 25-year-old guy working in an IT firm in Chennai. I was also born and brought up in Chennai. Prologue: This is an introductory brief, people who aren’t interested can jump to the story part below. From my 11th standard, I have been watching porn videos and used to masturbate but this ‘sex stories’ is something I am new to. Recently, I started reading these stories and became a fan of them. I am someone who has had around 8 sexual encounters in my life till now. So, I...
It was August 22nd Monday Night around 9 P.M. It was raining heavily outside. This is my room, a bit small with one attached bathroom. I got it at very less rent because this area is a newly built area and there are very few houses around in this area. And my room is almost isolated as their are yet no houses constructed nearby room. There are just distant street lamps around and its completely dead silent during nights. But the Highway is just some 500 meters from where there you can find...
Hi ! This is Anuj here 24 years old. This story that I am sharing happened a year back. I am from Bangalore. Doing my post-graduation. I am good looking guy, I love body building. I have 6 inch penis and its thick. This story is about a cute, innocent and pure sex-story between me and my girl-friend chuii. If you want to enjoy do keep yourself into characters place. First time I m sharing this forgive my mistakes, its long story so have some patience. I m basically from Bangalore and gal was...
Hello guys, this is my second story in ISS. I use ISS only to post my stories. My first story was in ‘Office/ Teacher’ section with title ‘Revenge of my HR’. Hope you liked it. This is my second encounter in my life which is as below: I am Sonu. 26 years guy, very fair and handsome. But always horny. I am working in Bangalore in an IT company. On one weekend, we friends planned to go to a pub. It was a long time that we didn’t go there. So wanted a nice night life to hang out as well as to get...
IncestHi friends, Myself Ram.Mai iss ka bhut bada fan hu aur kafi stories padhne ke baad,mujhe feel hua ki mujhe bhi apni aap biti aap sab ke sath share karni cahiye.Ye story meri aur mere neighbor priya ki hai jo ek innocent ,simple and sweet ladki hai jo mujhse kuch saal choti hi hai.Ye mera phla sexperience hai kisi virgin ke sath. Aapko priya ke baare me btata hu ek sweet innocent girl hai rang gora aur figure to aisa ki dekhte hi lauda khada ho jaye.Ab story pe aata hu priya mujhse bhut close...
Hello, dear readers. This is Sonia again. This story is the continuation of ‘Innocent College Pussy.’ Rohitha came to my flat and was in the middle of confessing what had happened to her. Let’s continue with the story in her words. In Rohitha’s words: The next day, I went to college as usual but feared getting caught cheating in tests and sexcapades. When the class started, I wondered where is Sujeet, the asshole who blackmailed me. Since he was late, I thought he didn’t make it to the college...
Alan smiled as he went with his parents to visit the Morgan's. The fact that he was already bored out of his skull was hidden under that well practiced smile. The only bright spot he had to look forward to was that his pious parents and the holier-than-thou Morgan's would fob him off into Clare's care.He liked Clare. She was smart, even if a little naïve. OK. Even if she was hellishly naïve. Her parents fault, of course. They controlled every aspect of her life, never giving her the slightest...
Kara walked at her friend’s side through the Halloween Festival grounds, feeling as if the world was closing in on her. Never comfortable in any social situation, the vast number of people patronizing the fair made her feel anxious – on edge.Jamie let out a quiet moan at her side and said, “Look, there’s John. God, he’s so fucking hot.”Though she did instinctively follow Jamie’s gaze, the sight of the handsome, popular guy filled her with a combination of longing and despair, causing her to...
HorrorHi everyone this is my first story.i am afooking from Bangalore age 20.this story is about me and my maid.her name is rani.age 18 stats 32d-30-34 height 5ft. Coming to story. this incident happened 2 years mom and dad hired a maid from take care of household my parents work in gulf and come once in a year. Coming to story i was in 11th when this incident happened my parents had provided me a computer.i used to watch lot of porn and masturbate in my room.once my maid...
It was after my success at getting my daughters friend to eat my cum (see previous story) that I thought about the fact that I could get other girls to do the same, but I did also think that it could become a bit of a habit and probably wasn’t a good idea to keep doing it. This thought however, went straight out of the window at the first opportunity to repeat my little trick. It was on a weekend and I was at home with my wife and one of her friends was coming round. I had met this friend...