Bad Day Sex free porn video

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Introduction: Michael has a bad day and shows Silk just how to ease it. Ok its been addressed in comments. I am Mystress_Carlie on here as well but I wanted to fix my stories and whatnot and xnxx doesnt work with its writers very well on this plus I wanted to post under my pen name that I am know on other sites for so I made this new profile. Xnxx is supposed to be taking down the Mystress_Carlie profile but has yet so just bare with me people. I am not stealing her work as she is ME…

Also please dont spam our stories in our comments. I am asking admin to looking removing these comments especially since I got one from some 16 yr old girl trying to pick up men. The comments are not for spamming and picking up dates. They have sites for that. I suggest you go look at or if this is your need. Otherwise get a life and spam else where.

That said here is a new story for you to rub one out on or whatever it is you do with them… LOL

Current table of contents
13. The Party Pt1
14. The Party Pt2
15. Feeling Hidden
16. Raping Silk
17. Bad Day Sex
18. Club Cane – Coming Soon
18. Blurred Lines Defined – Coming Soon
Please send me love…

Michael had a bitch of a day at school. The station wasnt much better either. Everything was just turning into a shitty day all the way around. Michael hadnt done his homework the past few nights opting to spend time with Silk. She was proving to be a delight Michael couldnt get over. He had to spend time with her like he needed air. The intensity amazed him but, he greeting it with open arms.

At the station things didnt get much better. There was shit and it usually ran down hill. This time it happened to be him at the bottom on this problem. One of the students claimed sexual harassment by another student and since it was one of Michaels duties to deal with student matters he was slammed with it. He now had to interview every student to see who knew what and then interview the two students in question with the Head Program Director. The interviews started that afternoon.

He had interviewed 5 students by the time Silk was done with her show. He was planning to stop then also. He was in a terrible mood and the interviews werent going well as everyone had a different story. When Silk came to get him after six he was ready to go home, finishing up the interview he cleaned up his office so he could leave.

Silk watched him while he picked up his desk. She could tell he was in a bad mood. She had talked to him before her show and she knew he wasnt having a good day but she didnt know about the station mess yet. Finally he was done so they went to his truck. When he saw the flat tire she felt his stress level hit the roof across the air.

She went back inside to wait while he changed the tire. When he was done he came to get her to leave. She saw hed cut his hand as they drove home and knew he was pretty pissed off. She knew he wouldnt take it on her by yelling but she left him alone all the same. Hed speak when he wanted to. This she knew well.

They got home and he went straight to the dungeon without a word. Silk could pretty much figure out what would happen next and this excited her. She knew he would take it out on her by whipping her first then he would please himself and her too if she did well She had already grown to love this aspect of the lifestyle. Michael would be rough on her but she could tell there was more emotion then anger in his actions.

It was that part that made her submit to him and made her happily and comfortably call him Master. She wouldnt call it love yet as it was all still new to her but she knew it was close and if things went as beautifully as they had so far she knew it would become love. She just knew somehow he was the one. Already after a month and a half she was sure she knew but she kept this to herself for now. Shed wait and see making sure it was real and returned.

Silk sat down to wait, pretending to watch TV while she waited for him to call for her. She knew the routine so she wasnt surprised when he came out 20 minutes later and waited for her to notice him. She pretended not to see him for a minute just to up his level. When she finally looked up she secretly smiled to her self at the dark devilish look on his face. He crooked his finger at her so she got up off the couch, turned the TV off and came up the landing to meet him.

He hooked her collar and pulled her up close to his face till their lips almost touched, Ever heard of bad day sex?

She blinked and said, No, but her mind was already figuring it out so she licked her lips in anticipation.

He smiled at her anticipation, she was already too used to this lifestyle. His heart swelled knowing she was the one. He thought of this a lot in fact but right now it was the farthest thing from his mind. Right now he needed to relieve the stress of the day and he knew just how and she was going to help him. If she helped well shed receive a reward with him, if not hed have one anyway.

You will soon and then you can tell me your opinion, He laughed and led her to the dungeon.

Once inside he led her to the lower floor. He turned on some music then took a seat in his chair and ordered her to strip, Strip for me like a stripper. Make it sexy. Make me want you or pay the penalty, He told her.

Silk did a slow strip tease for him starting with her shirt. First she turned her back to him, she was glad it happened to be a snap up shirt. Quickly she ripped it open but then slowly peeled the shirt down her body exposing her naked back to him while she glanced sexily at him over her shoulder to see his expression and made love to him with her eyes.

When the shirt hit her waists she turned towards him to show him the front. As she did this she freed her hands from the shirt and tossed it to the side. Next she went up to cup her breast encased in her black bra. She pushed them up to cause her tits to push out the tops giving him teasing glimpses. Then she put her arms back and undid the bra, dropping her shoulders dropped the straps down her arms and then she teased him with more flashes before dropping the bra all together. She did all this while dancing to the rhythm of the music also.

Next she turned back around and bent over. First she smiled at him between her legs then reached up and lifted her skirt. Once out of the way she began to peel of her thong and dropping it to her feet where she slickly danced out of them. She kicked these to his feet in offering. She was glad when he picked them up and sniffed her scent. Next she danced around some more then slipped her skirt off. This left her in just her garter, stockings and heels. She wondered if she should finish.

When he didnt tell her to stop after a few moments she kicked off her shoes and danced closer to him. She straddled his lap teasingly, rubbing her tits on his face. She felt his control by how he just allowed her to play so she stepped things up a bit. Standing up and pacing her left foot on the arm of the chair she unhooked her stocking and rolled it down her leg. She did this to flash her wet pussy at him. Once it was off she put her foot down and stepped back and turned her back to him again. She bent down and took her other stocking off too. Finally she faced him, and with hips swaying she took off the garter belt. Finally naked she dropped to the floor into kneel then leaned forward and placed her head on his feet.

Michael was impressed anyway by how she made love to him with her eyes while she stripped but when she ended it by dropping to her knees and then lowering her head to his feet he knew shed earned a reward but hed have his first.

He stood and clapped his hands, Very well little one youve earned a reward, Bending down to clip a leash on her collar he growled in her ear, After Ive had mine first. He jerked on her to follow him.

He led her over to the hooks he had hanging down near the bed. He told her to stand and then cuffed her wrists. Next he clipped her cuffs to the hook he had hanging down above her head. Then he took a blindfold and placed it on her eyes. He loved taking away a slaves sight, made their anticipation even greater.

Once he was done with securing her, he noticed her hair was still in a braid down her back so he took the tie out and began to comb his fingers through it to un-braid and straighten it out. Once he had it like he wanted it he began to gather it all into his hand, satisfied with it he jerked lightly on it tipping her head back and to the side. This gave him access to her neck which he took full advantage of. Biting it at first then easing up in to sucks and kisses.

Soon he grew bored and began exploring her body with his hands. He started on top running his hands gently down her arms, back and front. He cupped and played with her breast even pinching her nipples till she hissed in pleasure. After he fully examined her upper body he made his way to the lower half by kneeling on the floor.

Once on the floor he slapped her thighs reminding her to keep her legs spread leaving her pussy front and center for him. He could see her wetness pooling at the entrance to her pussy. Taking a finger he swirled it around between her legs, spreading it all over her from her clit to her puckered asshole. Once lubricated, he couldnt resist so he lifted one of her legs over his shoulder and fastened his mouth to her wet center.

Silk jerked her head in surprise when she felt Michaels mouth on her pussy. Normally his pleasure came first. Silk was confused but she didnt let her bother her. Michael would do what he wanted when he wanted to. She didnt have to be confused long anyway, Michael brought her close, sensing it he stopped before she could even begin to taste pleasure.

Michael knew hed confused her by licking her pussy. He didnt care though, he just had to taste her. Only giving into a small amount of temptation he played till her felt her orgasm stirring then stopped. When she moaned in disappointment he smiled to himself and went back to exploring her lower body. Running his hands up and down her legs first then up to her ass and waist, he totally ignored her pussy. Inspection done he stood back up.

He pulled her close and said, Did you think youd get that reward before I had mine slave?

No Master, She mumbled.

Michael just laughed at her. He knew she was confused and that he had stirred her fires. As he stood there he noticed her nipples were bare so he found her clamps. Turning her he grabbed the riding crop and slapped each nipple till it was hard. He then placed the clamps on them and smiled at the hiss that escaped her lips.

Next he took the crop and alternated between slowly caressing her body with it to slapping select places. Once he had her warmed up he switched to the flogger.

As he caressed and slapped her with the crop, Silk knew it was only a warm up and more was to come. When she felt the first stroke of the flogger, she moaned in pleasure. She loved the flogger most of all.

Michael flogged all the places allowed till her body glowed red with slash marks. He kept control as he moved around her prone body, allowing her hisses tell him when to ease up. As he slashed, he watched her noting she mostly leaned into the hits. When he felt she had enough, he stopped.

Grabbing the paddle, he came up behind her and grabbed her hair once again and tipped her head back to speak into her ear, More, he asked.

Silk shook her head yes so he swatted her ass with the paddle and watched her dance on her toes. Each time she eased back down, he swatted a different check. Just when she got the rhythm down he switched on her swatting the same cheek, Anticipation is the bane of every slave, He told her.

Finally he knew shed had enough s so he removed the blindfold and let her down. Once her hands were free, she dropped to her knees and he dropped his pants. Taking his cock, he rubbed it on her lips till she got the hint and opened her mouth. She opened wide, as was expected whenever his cock was near her lips. He guided his cock in and out of her hot, wet mouth finding pleasure.

Oh, slave, you are so good at that he said as he began to pump in and out of her mouth.

He let her suck him till he felt the need for more. He pulled his cock out of her mouth and then stuck his thumb in her open mouth and pulled her to her feet. Giving her a wicked smile he pushed her toward the bed by her mouth.

She fell onto the bed on her back she now knew not to turn or try to position herself on the bed, hed put her where he wanted. She did place her arms above her head as was expected. She was surprised when he pushed her on to her back though, normally he opted for on her knees or stomach.

Michael climbed over the top of her and pushed up on the bed with his thighs placing her where he wanted her. He also grabbed a pillow and her leg, pulling her up he placed the pillow under her ass. Then giving her a twisted grin he began pounding her roughly. After about ten or twelve thrusts he could feel her orgasm approaching and hissed, Dont cum yet or else.

Silk knew this was coming and slowed her approaching orgasm by breathing and tell herself no. This was still hard for her but she controlled it well. Soon he stopped and she was grateful as she was about to lose control anyway.

Michael didnt want to stop be he could feel she was losing the battle. He knew she was still new at this so control was hard for her especially since she came so easily. He held still for minutes watching her till he felt her temperature lower. As he felt it lower, he started again just as rough as before. As before he drove her close and stopped again, only this time he pulled out and ordered her to turn over.

Silk did as he commanded quickly and rolled to her knees and returned to the spot in front of him. After she was in position, she dropped her top half to the bed leaving her ass up in the air.

Michael smiled at her eagerness. Time for some real fun he thought to himself as he reached back and grabbed a tube of lube. Opening the bottle he let it drip out onto her upturned ass. After he felt he had enough he dripped some on his cock. Closing the tube he dropped it on the bed and returned to the task at hand.

Silk wasnt sure what was coming but when she felt the lube drip on her, she had a guess. As she felt the lube she couldnt control a shiver that crept up her back. She had always liked anal sex once she relaxed into it but Michael had turned her into a fiend with his mastery of her body. She went from a few times a month with Reed to at least twice a week with Michael. At this point she was sure she would do anything he asked.

Michael saw her shiver and this made his cock throb. He knew he had turned her like of anal sex into an obsession. One he shared too. He liked doing it anyway with Silk but anal was so personal and a gift that not many slaves gave up thus he relished it greatly. Leaning forward he pressed into her tight ass and as his head popped past the rosebud ring, he reached his hand around and rubbed her clit also. He wanted her to relax and allow him entry without any pain.

As he pressed deeper Silk couldnt help to let out a moan. There was a point his cock hit that made her head swim. She called it the point of no return because no matter how much it hurt in the beginning, if he made it past this point she was too turned on to stop. Soon she felt him all the way in and then a slap on her ass.

Breathe slave, Michael ordered.

Silk caught her breath not realizing she was holding it. She had mastered the breathing aspect except during anal sex. Often as he entered her, she forgot and held her breath.

I shouldnt let you come now for that, Michael told her knowing full well he wouldnt do it. He liked it when she came so it would have to be a very bad deed for him to deny her.

Silk begged, Please no Master. I am sorry, it was so intense I forgot.

Michael didnt answer, just started pounding her ass. After only minutes he knew she was close. Hold it, he told her as he watched her.

Silk groaned in response and held it longer. She hoped he would let her come soon. It was beginning to boil inside her. Her mind was hazy with the need to explode.

Michael slowed to help her control it and once he felt her cool, he started again hard and fast. This time as he felt her near he growled, Beg for what you want slave.

Silk was almost out of her mind so it took a lot of control to speak, Please Master, she panted. Please let me come.

Michael liked her panting. Pounding into her even harder he said, Come now slave, and felt her explode.

After her orgasm lessened Michael felt it was time for his own release so he allowed it to build. Silk begged again for an orgasm but he told her not till he did.

When Michael told her to hold it till he came she hoped it would be soon because she still wasnt able to control when he took her anally. Just as she was about to lose it, Michael ordered her to come with him.

Michael felt her temp rising and timed his own with hers. When he felt her breath catch he told her to come and let go himself. When it was over he pulled back from her and got off the bed. Without as much as a word he slipped on his jeans and left the room.

Silk was puzzled by this but didnt spend too much time on it. She got up, grabbed her clothes and headed to the bathroom to clean up. Once clean and dressed she went out to where Michael sat at his computer.

Michael looked up at her and noticed she looked a little hurt by his abrupt leaving so he smiled at her and said, Sorry little one. I have a mess of school work to catch up on. Spending time with you these last weeks Ive neglected my work and now Im way behind.

Silk smiled back and said, I understand but when you left like that I thought you were mad.

No not at all, He told her, I just needed to relieve some stress and after it was either crash or get up and get on my school work.

Silk understood so she told him with a laugh, Okay I understand. Just wanted to be sure youre not mad at me. Ill just do my work, I too am a little behind also. Youre not the only one distracted around here. She then took her school work and went to the bedroom.

Michael watched her leave then forced himself back to his work. It was really hard to do his work with Silk so close but he pushed himself, reminding himself he was the one in charge here.

They both caught up on work, only stopping to make a bite to eat. About ten-thirty Silk was done so she told Michael she was going to shower and go to bed. Tomorrow was an early day. Michael told her he was far from done so hed stay up and finish. As she walked to the bathroom she reminded him that he too needed sleep.

Again Michael desperately wanted to follow her but forced himself to stay put and work. He had to get as much done tonight as possible or he was going to fail his courses. So he just stayed put and worked.

Silk took her shower hoping Michael would join her. She was still keyed up and needed Michael. When he didnt join her she was disappointed. As she dried off she noticed her cuffs next to her collar. Hoping to tempt Michael she put them back on and even went to the dungeon to get her leg cuffs which she also put on. After she dried her hair and put her collar on she went back out into where Michael sat completely naked save for her collar and cuffs.

He watched her walk out to where he was and noted her cuffed wrists and ankles. He groaned to himself wanting very much to take what she was so obviously offering but knew he had to finish what he could tonight. So instead he just ignored her and when she finally gave up and went to bed he felt like an ass even thought he knew it was for the best.

Silk tried to get Michaels attention but failed, when this happened she sadly went to bed. She decided to sleep naked still trying to tempt him to come for her but soon she fell asleep.

Michael also noted she was in bed naked, cuffed and collared but still he finished his school work. He worked on it till about one the morning and finally felt he was caught up enough to please his professors. He still had about one more night of work to do but he was too tired to do anymore. He put his books away and shut off the computer. Next he went into the bedroom and again noted Silks lack of clothing. This and the thought that she tried to get his attention turned him on so he decided to act, but a shower first.

He left her there, sleeping while he went to take a shower.

When he returned to the bedroom his was hair sopping wet, water dripping down his naked form. Silk was still sleeping on her stomach and half covered. This caused sensation of arousal in Michael once more.

Noting her wrist cuffs were still on he gently fastened them behind her back. As he did this she stirred finally waking. Lifting her head up, she met his gaze and noted the look in his eyes.

Before she could speak he said, Stand up,

Silk struggled to stand since she was cuffed behind her back. Once up he led her, prisoner style to the dungeon bed and pushed her face down onto it. Michael took his place at the head of the bed, his back resting against the headboard.

Get me hard, He ordered

Silk struggled to bring herself to her knees to make her way between his legs. She hated giving a blowjob without the use of her hands, but she made the most it. Slowly she began to suck him till he was hard as she did this she felt Michaels hands in her hair. As Michael helped guide her she could feel herself getting wet and hoped Michael would please her also.

Michael sensed this immediately. He knew she would respond to anything he did. Soon she had his cock standing at attention after a few moments of her skilled mouth. As he watched her lips sliding over his erect cock he felt the desire to kiss her.

Give me your mouth, he demanded.

The sound of his voice sent chills through Silk and she moved to comply immediately. She knelt next to him while trying to keep her balance as she bent over to kiss him. When their lips touched, Michaels mouth devoured hers.

Mount me, facing the foot of the bed. He demanded when he ended the kiss.

Silk moved to comply. She turned her back to Michael and saddled his hips. As he entered her, he held her bound arms like a horses reigns with one hand while the other grabbed her hair and pulled her back to bite at her neck.

Michael said nothing as he began thrusting his hips in sync with her bounces, watching her instead while he bit and sucked her neck.

All too soon Silk neared orgasm and begged for it, Please Master, may I come?

How bad do you need it? He asked.

Silk moaned at his response, Bad Master, and then, Please Master.

Michael waited feeling her orgasm just on the edge before finally saying, Come now.

Silk exploded and moaned loudly while rubbing her hips into his. She felt her head swim as it over took her. When it was over she felt ready for more.

Michael waited as she finished and then decided to change the game up a bit. Letting go of her arms he reached over next to the bed and grabbed the flogger off the nightstand. Okay slave, Im going to use this while you ride. Your goal is to see if you can come while I do it, He told her with a grin.

Silk glanced back and almost smiled. This would be easy as pie she thought to herself and continued bouncing on his cock. The first slash was a sting but it didnt cause her to stop.

Michael smiled when she took the first hit without stopping. Noting this he kept it up growing in intensity as she rode him. When she finally came, he smiled again with pride.

Silk felt the flogger on her back and noted he was being a bit rougher then normal but there was no pain in it as the sensations only served to bring her orgasm closer with each hit.

Once her orgasm was over Michael ordered her off his cock. As she got up he ordered her down so she dropped her chest to the bed with her ass up in the air just close to the edge. Michael stood up as she arranged herself and got behind her. Once she was in place he grabbed her hips and slammed into her. This caused her to cry out but Michael knew it wasnt from pain.

Michael thrust into her roughly till he felt her near orgasm once more. At the precise moment he was sure she would beg, he pulled out and stepped back. Watching her cool off, he decided what to do next.

Glancing over his shoulder he noticed the swing. Silk hadnt got to try that yet, he thought to himself. Turning back to her, he ordered her to stand up with a jerk to her cuffs.

Silk stood and decided she liked his cold attitude. He wasnt being overly cruel or mean, just cold. She stood waiting to see what he had in mind next.

Michael didnt make her wait long as he slapped her ass and said, Follow me slave, then turned toward the swing. He led her to it and said, Stand here and dont move.

Next he went over to the remotes hung on the wall. Taking the remote to the swing, he lowered it to the floor. He then walked back over to her. He watched her glance back when the swing started lowering and when she turned back to him, he gave her an evil grin. Reaching around her to unclip her cuffs, he whispered in her ear, Do you like swings slave?

Silk swallowed hard, Yes Master, she whispered back. The idea turned her on so much she felt breathless at the very thought.

Michael bent down to help her place her legs in the right holes then once she was settled he told her, Reach up and hold on while I lift you.

Silk did as he asked and once she was lifted just where he wanted her, he told her to adjust herself till she was sitting so she could swing. Once she was situated, he showed her what that evil grin was for by re-clipping her cuffs over her head. She wasnt sure what to make of it, she felt like she might fall over backwards but she trusted Michael explicitly.

After he had her hands up, Michael tipped her hips up to meet his still hard cock. Grabbing up her hips at just the right height, he entered her. Then holding nothing but her hips, Michael began to thrust in and out of her allowing her to feel that falling feeling he knew she would have.

Silk didnt like it too much at first. She felt like she would fall and just when she wanted to stop Michael, he seem to know and stopped.

Whats wrong slave? He asked voice full of concern.

I feel like I might fall Master. It scares me too much to enjoy, She told him in a soft voice.

Michael was touched by the sound of her voice so he decided to be nice. Reaching up to her hand, he flipped down two loops and told her, Grab these.

When Silk grabbed them good and tight, he resumed his thrusts and asked, Is that better?

Comfortable now, Silk purred, Perfect Master.

Michael continued thrusting making Silk cum and cum. Soon she was so wet Michael could hear her wetness with each thrust. The smell of her was all about them like a cloud. It filled Michaels mind with a lust filled haze. He knew he was addicted to Silk at this very moment and that he had to keep her somehow. The depth of his feelings actually astounded him but he also knew it was too soon.

So on that note Michael went out of his way to show Silk in every way that no other was more perfect for her. He was good to her in ways most never thought about, he gave her anything she desired regardless of whether it cost or not and he gave her mind blowing sex. While the later didnt make a relationship Michael knew it could break one so he made sure she would never desire another.

Silk was so lost in the lust filled haze as well. Michael was by far the best lover she had ever had. She was spoiled for anyone else in that field. She too felt strongly for Michael but she was just taking it easy, no need to jump in head first. They had all the time in the world but right now Silks mind was on the wonderful things Michael was doing to her body.

The swing Michael had put her in was something very new to her but she tried like she did in everything Michael showed her, to adapt. The feeling of falling was to great however and she couldnt relax into it. Michael however the ever patience Dom that he was, had a solution so he gave her some loops to hold on to which helped greatly. While she still felt like she was falling to a point, she wasnt afraid anymore. Now she could enjoy it and Michael made very sure she did.

Michaels need to cum soon came and he knew by the exhaustion showing on Silks face she too was ready for it to be over so he stopped and stepped back. At Silks look of confusion he took the remote and lowered her to the floor. Helping her out of the swing he led her to the bed once more and pushed her onto it. Flipping her over on to her back he placed a pillow under her hips and entered her once more.

Silk was confused for a moment when he stopped and lowered her to the floor but when he led her to the bed and put the pillow under her hips all became clear. Michael was ready to cum.

Once on top of her he slid back into her hot wet center effortlessly. Michael marveled at the tight fit as he thrust deeply. While he thrust into her he looked deeply into her eyes. He could almost read her mind he felt but was to scared to believe what he thought he saw. Instead he kissed her deeply allowing the kiss to suck at both their souls. He put all that he couldnt say into the kiss.

Silk too felt stirrings of something more but her mind screamed, no its too soon, so she left it unsaid opting to put her feelings into her kiss. She didnt realize what was reflected in her eyes, had she of she might have been more careful.

All too soon Michael felt the stirring once more and linked their hands above Silks head. He broke the kiss as they neared the crest of their lust and once more looked deeply into her eyes. When she began to close them, Michael commanded in a hoarse voice, Look at me Silk and dont close your eyes. As they came together Michaels heart flared at the love he was certain he saw but he kept the thought to himself and just enjoyed the moment of cumming together.

Afterward he fell exhausted on to her body. He felt Silk let go of his hands but before he could protest, she wrapped them around his body. He felt her sigh in contentment and gave a similar sigh himself. Soon he worried he might be to heavy so he rolled them over so that she was on top. When she looked up into his eyes he couldnt help but kiss her once more.

Soon the kissing felt like it could lead to more so Michael eased back, when Silk pouted he laughed, What arent you satisfied yet little one?

Silk looked up, No its not that but if youre going to tease Master… She led off.

Michael laughed again, Oh so its all my fault? He tipped her off the top of him so that she was nestled into his side. Giving her a swat on the ass he said, Well if you insist then I guess I could put you back in the swing.

Silk gave him a funny look, Whatever pleases you Master. She had picked this up from the other girls. It meant not really but if you want to.

Michael knew this expression as well and gave her another swat on her ass, Thats what I thought. You do realize its almost 4AM?

Silk jumped up and glanced at the clock, Oh shit, she muttered, Well I guess well be dragging ass today, She said with a laugh.

Michael agreed and decided it was time to take them to bed so he got up and pulled her up as well. Turning out the lights as they left the dungeon, he led her to the bedroom. Once there he pushed her into the bed and joined her, pulling her up close to spoon. Good night little one, he said as he settled into sleep.

Good night Master, was all Silk said in return as she snuggled into sleep as well.

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Chapter 1: Doomsday in Metropolis It was just a normal Tuesday in downtown Metropolis. Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, and Diana Prince were in the middle of ordering coffee at the local superhero themed diner to enjoy civilian life for once. “I’ll take mine black” Bruce said to the waitress that was dressed as Wonderwoman. “Typical, let me guess you’ll have the toast extra dark too.” The real Wonderwoman said in jest at the brooding billionaire. Clark smirked, though they had faced down gods together...

4 years ago
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Sarah Carerra Chapter 16 Holliday Dinner

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: January 4, 2010) Chapter 16 - Holliday Dinner Dad, acting as our agent instead of my dad (I hoped), had made us reservations at an upscale restaurant. I also found out that pulling a limo up to the door was not exactly the best...

2 years ago
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Vo Teen Mahenee Kee Mast Chudayee 8211 Part I

Hi! Mera naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname Suckhot1 (mail id: ) se apnee nett dostto see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek spicy story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sacch haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa. Meree abhee ek nayee net frend baneee haa. Uskaa naam ha- Reena. Ab aggee kee chudayee story Reena kee sexy aur methee Shabdoo mee- Hiee , mee Reena Uttar Pradesh kee sabsee badee...

4 years ago
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The Dayton Hillbillies Ch 02

California… Anaheim… Disneyland And suddenly, the loudspeakers all over the park announced, ‘Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the Dayton Hillbilly Marching Band from Dayton Ridge, Texas.’ A momentary hush fell over the crowds, until from beyond the Matterhorn came the sound of drums and then the sound of horns, cymbals and washboards as the band played ‘The Horse’ and marched to their position directly in front of Cinderella’s Castle. The people all gathered as the drum majors silently...

1 year ago
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TMKOC Daya ke bukhaar ka ilaaj 8211 Part 3

Pichle parts mein aapne padha, ki Daya ko bukhaar ho gaya. Aur hospital mein usko doctor Karan ne choda. Udhar Daya ka pati Jethalal nurse Shweta ke sath rangraliya mana raha tha. Ab wapas chalte hai Daya ki taraf. Karan se chudne ke baad Daya ki chut shaant ho gayi thi, aur woh aaram se so gayi thi. 12 baj chuke the, aur Daya so rahi thi. Woh ek taraf karwat leke soyi hui thi. Tabhi ek hath Daya ke boobs par aaya, aur uske boobs dabane laga. Fir woh hath uski shirt ke andar gaya, aur uske...

1 year ago
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TMKOC 8211 Goa Ka Trip 8211 Part 2 Daya ka sarke pallu Bagha ne usse choda

Pichli mein aapne padha, ki kaise Jethalal aur Madhavi ne train ke luggage compartment mein maze se chudai kari. Ab thoda peeche chalte hai flashback mein. Sab log gaadiyon mein baith kar station ke liye nikalne waale the. Daya ne aaj yellow saree pehni thi, uske sath blouse bhi yellow hi tha. Uska blouse deep-cut tha, to uski mastani cleavage dikh rahi thi. Cleavage mein uska latakta hua mangalsutra dekh kar to kisi ka bhi mann dol sakta tha. Jab Jethalal client se milne chala gaya, to...

1 year ago
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TMKOC 8211 Goa Ka Trip 8211 Part 4 Daya ko akela dekh Iyer ne faida uthaya

mein aapne padha tha, ki kaise Jethalal ne Sonu ki paison ka laalach deke choda tha. Ab thoda flashback mein chalte hai. Jab Jethalal Sonu ko window mein se dekh kar uske peeche jata hai. To woh room ka darwaza band karna bhool jata hai. Jethalal ke room se jaane ke baad Daya akeli hoti hai. Woh is baat se anjaan thi, ki Jethalal room ka darwaza khula chhodh gaya tha. Aur woh befikar hoke bathroom mein nahane chali jati hai. Koi 10-minute baad Iyer Jethalal se koi baat karne ke liye uske...

1 year ago
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Tmkoc Bapuji ne Daya ko kiya majbur 8211 Part 1

Baat hai Gokuldham society ki. Ek din Bapuji jaldi subah uth ke bathroom ki or jaate hai. Waha unhe darwaja khula dekha aur andar paani chaalu tha. Bapuji: Are yeh paani kisne chaalu kiya? Jarur Jethiya bhul gaya hoga, hmm akal vagar no dhandhiyo. Lekin woh jaise hi darwaje ka paas gaye to unhone Daya ko nanga dekha aur turant waha se chale gaye. Yeh sab Daya ko nahi pata tha. Fir jaise hi Daya bahar nikli to Bapuji andar naahne gaye. Aur unhone Daya ki panty aur bra dekha to unka lund khada...

2 years ago
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Dont Open Till Doomsday

Music wafted through the warm spring air like ribbons of sound, reaching my ears in jumps and starts as I went to answer the phone. ‘…Don’t open ’till doomsday, destruction’s not far away…’ It was the Misfits, playing through my crappy two dollar speakers at the other end of the house. When I reached the phone it had already rung six times. I was really hoping whoever it was would give up, I hate phone conversations. Of course, I had no such luck. ‘Hello?’ I asked, in that...

4 years ago
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Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashma Pt 1 Daya Ke Photos

Hello guys my name is Rahul and I am 18 years old studying in college. Please puri story padiye jise ek acha sa mahol banee aur imagine karte jayie jis characters ki baat hoti hai jisse jyada maja ayega. ALL THE CHARACTERS IN THE STORY ARE 18+ ADULTS. Iss serial ko introduction ki koi jarurat nahi hai yeh meri aapki aur sabki favourite serials mein se ek hai ‘Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah.’ Toh iss story ki characters toh aapko pata hee hai toh sidha story pe aata hun! Toh start karte hai...

1 year ago
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PansiThursday and Thursdays past

Thursday (and Thursdays past)--Pansi "emasculated" It's the rare word so special to allow it inked on my blemishless skin--twice actually. The script is delicate cursive (timidly uncapitalised) written across a spray of darling little pink and yellow stars. It's on the sensitive inside of my right wrist. It's tiny with muted colors, so more of a personal thing than to be noticed; something to give me a lift if I'm feeling too much like a boring girl. The other is the same but...

3 years ago
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Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashma Pt 2 Daya Aur Tapu

Namaste aap sabko yeh 2nd part hai puri story samaj ne ke liye hamara 1st part padhiye. All the characters in the story are 18+. Toh jaise ki aap logo ne pehle part mein padha ki kaise Tapu ne apni mummy Daya ko ek hot nighty mein photoshoot ke liye manaya. Aur Tapu TV pe photos dikhane baithta hai. Aab aage Tapu aur Daya dono sath mein sofe pe baithe hote hai. Tapu ki nazar sirf uski maa pe hoti hai aur dono photos dekhte hai. Daya: He maa mataji Tapu yeh tunee kaise photos kiche hai? Mujhe...

2 years ago
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TMKOC Daya aur Roshan ka sonswap

Gogi ko ek school project ke liya kuch important file aur document internet se download karna tha. Lekin uske pass apna computer nahi tha. Gokuldham mein Gogi ke sirf do doston ke pass hi computer tha. Tapu aur Sonu. Gogi ne socha ki kyun na Tapu ke pass jaya jaye? Udhar aacha khane ko bhi milega aur Tapu se project bhi karwa lunga. Gogi Tapu ke ghar jane bahar nikalta hai. Udhar dekhta hai Tapu aur Bapuji kahan bahar ja rahe hai auto mein. Gogi- Oye, Tapu kahan ja raha hai? Tapu- Aare Gogi,...

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Baday Ghar Ki Ladki

I am Mahesh , 26 years old guy. I am a chartered accountant by profession. I stay in Punjab. I am 5`11″ and have a very good built. I am very smart and handsome guy with very hairy body. My cock is 7. 5 inches long and is very hairy. This is a real story of incest, which happened 6 years ago, when I was 20 years old. It was in the year 1996, at that time I had just completed my B.Com. Final year. So I was just free for one month as my registration for Chartered Accountancy was to be done in...

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Faraday Serum II Best Laid Plans

The Best Laid Plans By: Light Clark and Meridian Synopsis: Almost two years have passed since the Protean serum capable of changing men into women was brought to Aurora in an effort to save the people of the world from extinction. The Aurorans have since organized the Faraday Initiative, a program calling for volunteers to undergo the treatment and begin bringing women back to the planet. Two lowlifes from the streets of the opulent city's underground volunteer in the hopes of...

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Daya Bhabhi Ne Babu Ji Aur Kamwali Ki Chudai Dekhi

Tarak Mehta ka oolta chashma ke stories ke fans ke liye ek aur kahani pesh hai aaj.  Fantasy hai ye jisme Babu ji apni kamwali ki le rahe hai. Unhe Daya bhabhi ne  dekh liya aur chut mein ungli ki. To chaliye ab time waste na karte hue khani par  chale. Daya bhabhi kamre mein ayi to usne dekha ki Babu ji kamre mein nahi hai. Chai ki pyali ko table par rakhi. Woh jhaadu padi hui thi kamre mein use side mein rakh ke kitchen ki taraf chal padi. Tabhi ek sath uske dimag mein do sawal aaye, “Babu ji...

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Mayday Mayday Mayday

It was one of those balmy early Fall days, the leaves on the trees overhung the river dressed in Magenta and Gold. I could see them from the huge deck I had built on the West side of our house overlooking the water, just a half mile away. I knew the Fall Chinook would be arriving, it was early for them but still, such a pretty day, worth a shot. I asked my wife Kay if she wanted to go fishing, she knows I love days out on the river. But her fear of water shows in her reluctance, often she...

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Living In Dayton Town chapter 11

The women. The women in Dayton county were some of the hottest ladies you could hope to see, let alone talk to. This wasn't bragging. From the 18 year old girls at the local high school to the mature married milfs who lived in the neighbourhood to even our very own police force which had at least 25 female members were as hot as hell. Secretaries, 2 judges, the 70+ married women still in their twenties, the 90+ single women still in their twenties, the 100+ mature Milfs, the High...

2 years ago
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Doomsday Cruise Delight

John hadn’t caught her age as things had just moved too fast. She was no teenager, but she couldn’t be more than twenty-five he figured? My god what a body, what a flat stomach and look at her firm tight ass. As her plump raspberry tinged lips enveloped John’s hard cock he groaned again and she giggled at his reaction. She looked more vulnerable and sexy than John thought a woman could be capable of looking. Their wild bedroom antics had tousled her hair and her make-up was streaked and smudged...

Love Stories
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Nicoles MayDay Party

Nicole's MayDay Party Nicole has some friends over and Larry gets out of hand again. Nicole and her friends give Larry some lessons on behavior. May had arrived in Salem. May is the time for planting and for people to start looking for things to do in the warm weather. Nicole always had a MayDay party. She planned it for the first Saturday in May. She did that so her and friends didn't have to worry about getting the time off from their jobs. When she was younger, school. This year...

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Islamabad the ultimate sex

Hello ISS name is rehan. I m 23 years old guy from id is is a true story that I wish to share with my co-readers. It happened last year with a girl’s named is Seema. She was one of my Junior Executives at the office where I work as a Management Consultant and was supposed to be having an affair with a collegue Malik. Very sexy babe. Good soft but firm tits. Gorgeous figure of 37-26-37. Used to call me Uncle by way of Joke. Ofcourse, I used this relationship to...

1 year ago
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Hyderabad Chat Sexperience

This sex story is surely not for those who just want to get into the action without garnishing their inner self. I can assure you that as we move further, there are surprises, jerks, thrills and aesthetic feelings you would surely mesmerize. This happened a year back but the memories are as fresh as the dawn of the mornings. There was this stupid chat website online which I searched from google and I ended up getting a huge crowd of men and women. I tried my luck with few women and nothing...

4 years ago
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Islamabad Se Peshawar Tak

Hello every buddy!I m rehan from age is 23 .my id is Today am going to share a true incident which happened to me. This is my third story. Today on the request of two of my very good friends (two sisters) from Islamabad Ill narrate my true incident in Urdu & English, which I already mailed them but they said its hot and very sexy one, so it should be online for everyone coz it will really make every one hot. So here it is just for you all sex lovers, on my friends request. Tu...

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Badge Bunnys Birthday

It still hurts. Even if they don't say anything to me outright, seeing the looks, watching them whisper to each other, not even bothering to hide what they're doing... it hurts. I remember when I was just a little girl, hiding out on the stairs of our house, hearing my mom in the living room talking with her friends about female solidarity, and how all women were sisters. It hurt like hell, learning that was all a lie. I try not to let it bother me, and I'm getting better at that,...

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Daytona Day 1 of 5

Daytona Day 1 of 5 I am only going to set this up once so… Master had 5 of his buddies over last Sunday (2/21/16) to watch the Daytona 500. It was in the mid 40’s so my naked ass was outside grilling some food and the guys were just sitting around shooting the shit. For those that don’t know, I am a 24/7 sub/slave for my husband/Master so at home I am always nude. Anyway, eventually the talk turned to the race and who they thought was going to do what. I am and always have been a big Dale Jr....

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Islamabad Mein Pyar

My name is rehan, I m 21 year old, . I m doing ACCA from skans.i m a well educated guy. I live in islamabad..agar koi larki/aunty /married /un married pakistan mein especially rawalpindi and islamabad mein mere sath kisi b tarah ka relation ,phone sex,real sex mukamal raazdari k sath rakhna chati hain to muje mail kareen at so howa youn kay main shroo hi say apni cousin per khuwaar hon she is such a smart girl 38 will be figure so u can just imagine but i have tested aik din main apni nani kay...

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Bday Gift Ani Chepi Nanu Lanja Laga Vadukunadu

Hi Indian sex story readers, andaru bagunara nenu mi Vinisha Ni, nenu share cheskuna na first story ki response Baga adirindi thankyou all. Chala mails vachayi kani konitki reply ichanu time saripoka. Nenu hyderabad lo untanu nadi recent ga graduation complete aiendi. Naku sex ante chala istam and na structure gurinchi chepkovali ante nenu chamanchaya colour lo unta height 5’7 inka 36-30-38. Nanu contact avali anukunte na mail address Eedi na bday roju aiendi. Nanu lanja Laga marchina Vishal...

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A guy and his 55 Doomsday

Gen - Jakes first Jinn                                                                Tina - Rita's daughter Jinn - What the genies are called                                             Trully -  second Jinn doc Rasmir's little sister Tommy Sinclair - Friend of Jake's and fellow worker           Nyrae - Juno's powerful Jinn   Mary - Boss's daughter                                                              Nuha - Leader of Deadly Trio     Juno - Jakes big Boss and Mary's...

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IslamabadRawalpindi Encounter

I am 24/m from Islamabad/ Pakistan.To tell u about my self, I am not a casanova. I am 5.9? well built but a little overweight and very horney. The experience, I am telling u has happend just 2 weeks ago. I would say that this happening is not a story of a Resputiene and Russion Queen, but between a normal 34 years man and a plump lady of 30. I was in Super market, for some shopping,when I saw a fat woman wresteling with a flat tyre of her car. I observed few boys laughing at her, for her...

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Islamabad mein Choudai

Hi This is Ali I live in Islamabad I am very big fan of human digest and I have been reading stories for about 3 years this is my first story ever I told to any body and this is 100% true story which happened to me. My English is bit on weaker side so please don’t mind and I don’t know that way to write my story but here is my little effort to let u know about my sex experience with a sexy lady First let me tell u about myself I am a typical Pakistani guy with a fair looks I had 6 feet height...

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Islamabad ka waqeya

Hello dear readers This is me, marriam peerzada again. After quite some time I m back with my new story, it’s the real story and all characters are alive and few are very close to me, let me start it then. As u know me m marriam that time I was 19 years old I was living in Lahore, but I had to move to live with my tayyaba baji in Islamabad. She works for a firm that gets contracts from army so she actually has a flat in an army area (can’t.). I moved with her because she fell ill and there was...

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on my 19th bday i was tookn out to the strip club now my bday is christmas eve but celeabrate it one boxing day bars are closed on boxing day here but got lucky with finding this strip club open they were haven a vip party that night i just said it was my 19th n was lucky to be lett in with my entourage now after a few drinks n tossing money at some sexy strippers n seeing some fine asses n pussies i took a break to walk ard the club checking out the fine females came across a table of 6...

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on my 19th bday i was tookn out to the strip club now my bday is christmas eve but celeabrate it one boxing day bars are closed on boxing day here but got lucky with finding this strip club open they were haven a vip party that night i just said it was my 19th n was lucky to be lett in with my entourage now after a few drinks n tossing money at some sexy strippers n seeing some fine asses n pussies i took a break to walk ard the club checking out the fine females came across a table of 6...

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Bighairyharleybike Daytona Rich Bitch used as a Sl

Another true biker story.If you are a biker and live where it snows there is only one thought that gets you through the long winter:Daytona Bike Week!I been going to Daytona Bike Week since the 1970’s and damn has it changes over those years. Gone are the days of rampant nudity, fights, Outlaws vs. Hells Angels, and general tearing up the town. From the days of 50 guys wearing colors walking down Main Street to moms and k**s every where, One way or another it’s a homecoming to find old friends...

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Corvinos Defense of Homosexuality

Corvino's Defense of Homosexuality By Cal Y. Pygia Note: While it is true that not all transvestites are gay, many profess to be. In any case, this essay is likely to be of interest to many, regardless of their sexual orientation, and to members of the wider gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community, many of whom have gay, lesbian, bisexual, and/or transgender friends themselves. In his essay, "Why Shouldn't Tommy and Jim Have Sex?," which appears in Contemporary Moral...

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Ahmadabad Aunty

I have been a regular reader of ISS and I have published two stories earlier. I am Arjun, now in Ahmadabad. Now I want to tell you what happened 10 days back. Once I came to Ahmadabad, there was not much people whom I know. I have taken a flat in a luxurious apartment and there I met a family. Uncle, Aunty and their son. Let me tell you about aunty, Her name is Deepa (name changed). She is now 35 years old, well built with 36-32-38. I met them in the lobby one day and after talking to them, I...

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Chudayi ke Din Chudayi ki Raaten II

Main Sudha, ek bar fir se aoni chudayi ki kahani jari rakhti hoon. Mera raat ko Papa ke saath mausi ki chudayi dekh kar utejna se bura haal ho gaya tha aur fir meri behan Namita ne mujhe jo maza diya, maine kabhi sapne mein bhi nahin socha tha. Meri behan beshak mujh se chhoti hai, par chudayi mein meri guru hai. Usske bheege huye chumban essey thay ki meri chut se ras ki nadiya behne lagi thee aur jo maza mujeh apni behan ke mukh se aur haathon se mila, kabhi nahin mehsoos hua tha. Usske baad...

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WednesdaysChapter 8 Wednesday Dana

I was crammed into a corner of the booth with Toni, Ned and Fran, when Toni asked, "What do you do for them?" She meant at work. "I'm International Sales Manager. We have a lot of retail customers overseas, mostly in Europe. They're my job. There's not much travel, but some." "You study Marketing in college?" she asked. "What I do is really logistics — distribution, not really Sales. No, I was good old English Lit. When I went to work for them, I was just an assistant in Sales....

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bad day1

Her mother would drink all day. How she could afford it, Julia didn't know. Her family was piss poor, and she still lived with them to help out a little. But also because she was being blackmailed. The sad truth was that her parents were actually in love once. Then her mother became a drunk and Julia thought for sure that she was on some kind of drugs. When her mother turned to the drugs and alcohol, her father turned to her. She always the thought the reason was because she looked...

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BBs Nursery and Daycare Chapter 2

BB's Nursery and Day Care Chapter 2 Sunday morning came with the sun shining and the birds chirping. Edna was already up. She had a lot to do to this morning. She was fully dressed in a typical navy blue business jacket, matching skirt, white silk blouse and low heeled shoes. She always felt high heels were for the young and the vain, and she was no longer either having celebrated a 55th birthday a few months ago. This was what she usually wore back when she was working every day at...

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Sarah Carerra 228 A Staple for the Holliday

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: March 21, 2011) Chapter 28 - A Staple for the Holliday There were already a number of people standing around when the limo pulled up to a door at the Staples Center. For a moment I worried that things would become complicated...

2 years ago
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Randi Ki Chudayi Pahli Baar Jungle Me

Mai pratik c.G. Se ye meri pahli story hai . Tou time waste na karte huye sidhe kahani pe aata hu. Mai 25 saal ka ek ladka hu ye tab ki baat hai jab mai chudayi k liye tadap rha tha . Girl friend se v brekup ho chuka tha , maine suna tha hmare city se 20 km. Dur ek jungle hai wahaa randiya bahut milti hai gao ki . Tou ek din mai aur mera ek friend udhar he ghumne chle gye randi ki talaash me par koi nai mili, aise he 5-6 din tak hum roz jaate par koi naimilti .Mai thak chuka tha aur chudayi k...

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Marathon Chudayi

Aaaahhhh…. Ye kya kar rahe ho sanjuuu… ufff.. Chus chus kar hi mujhe jhada doge.. Kya… ohh tumhari jeebh…haaiiiii…. Mar gayiiiiiii.. Haann.. Aur andar.. Uffff… ye kyaaa… ummmm.. Ohh… meriii choooooot.. Ohh… itnaa…paaniiiiii… bahut achcha ..lag..rahaaaa.. Pehali..baar.. Choot me jeebh..ohh maaa… maa…. Sanju..aaj marr..daloge kyaa..” Prabha bhabhi ki choot mere unh ke upar thi.. Dono pair mere sar ke dono taraf aur choot se paani bina ruke tapak raha tha.. Aur bhabhi apne chootad kabhi mere munh...

1 year ago
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Brazilian Transsexuals

This morning, somebody sent me a link and told me it was a good place to find Brazilian transsexuals. I guess my head was still a little bit fuzzy from last night’s binge on Viagra and hookers, so I immediately wanted to know, “How many is a Brazilian?” I understood my mistake as soon as I loaded up the front page of the aptly named Brazilian-Transsexuals. Oh, right! A Brazilian!So, how many is a Brazilian? Well, the digits at the top of the landing page at puts the...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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BBs Nursery and Daycare Chapter 3

BB's Nursery and Day Care Chapter 3 Mrs. Nelson, Head Mistress Rose Valentine, Judge Marion Sanderson and Mr. Gray were on a group call in the BB's conference room. Edna and Rose were in person, Marion's screen showed her home office and as always Mr. Grays screen was blank. Mrs. Nelson was wrapping up the discussion "So we are agreed with how we handle Janice's wife?" There were nods and a sigh from Judge Marion. Mr. Gray was, as always, just an observer. He almost never spoke up...

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Ahmedabad sex

Hi it is me Atul (name Changed). I am 25 years old boy from Ahmedabad. This incident happened in my childhood. My friend name is Ruchi. Ruchi is having very slim fine figure. She is always wear tight churidar kameez but very decent color one, no jazzy type. She is very mature type thinking and also very much devotional to god. She is always going temple and like that. But her face is always having mirchi look. Like she will biting her lips with teeth and look from corner of eyes at me sometime....

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Meri Behen Ki Chudayi 8211 Part 2

Hi dosto, aap ko meri paheli kahani pasand aayi hogi. Ab aage meri bahan veena ki mast chudayi ki kahani aap ka land khada kar degi.Ek lambi chudayi ke baad shayam aur veena bed pe aaram kar rahe the. Tabhi mera phone baja aur mere dost ne bataya ki aaj raat woo nahi aayega. Office me party he me bhi bahut khush ho gaya aur socha koy na ye baat me veena ko bata du ur dekhu ye dono aage kya gul khilate he. Mene veena ko phone kar ke ye bataki me nahi aa unga. Veena ne bhi ye baat shayam ko bata...

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Islamabad ki aunty

Hello resdrs mera naam ALI hai aur main Islamabad(PAKISTAN) main rahta hu meri age 21 year hai, aj main jis aunty ki kahani sunane jar aha hun wo aunty hamary mohalla ki rahne wali hain aur married hain magar unka koi bachha nahi hai .aun ke husband army main hote hain aur kabhi kabhi ghar ate hain aunty k sath aun ke saas rehty hain lakin wo aun dino apne bete k ghar kise village main gaye hoe thyn. Aunty aksar auqat hamary ghar main aty aur hamare ghar walon se kafi frank the main college ky...

2 years ago
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Bad back bad sexlife

My wife had always been a horny woman and we had a great sex life. Now when we got a bit older, she was very much in control of her sexuality and her needs. We still made love at least once a day, after 20 years of marriage. I know that she often would masturbate during the day when she was home alone. She was a house wife and had raised our k**s and run the home when I went out to work. We were lucky that I could make enough money for her to stay home. When the k**s grew older she started...

3 years ago
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Bhabhi Ka Bday Gift Meri Viginity

Hello Sab log, Kaise hai aap log,Umeed hai khush hi honge ya khushi(pleasure) dhundh rahe honge iss story k madhyam se apna apna hatyar leke hath main… Yeh story hai mere aur mere pados wali bhabhi k beech ki,k kaise unhone mjh main ek pleasure partner dhundha aur kaise mjhe viginity ek pari k dwara khone ka mauka mila To story pe aate hai,Main jaise ki pichli story main bataya maine ki main college jata hua ek mast maula ladka hu 6 se lamba hu aur hai dono jaise aap samjhe, Ab aate hai...

2 years ago
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Melody Smiths Schooldays

Melody Smith's Schooldaysby Eve AdorerChapter 15 – My Vacation Vocation Supremely aroused as I had become holding the divine Deneel in a tender embraceas the ultimate phase of Maiden Mead making had been given over to me,a long tepid shower was needed to lower the summit of my ardour and saveme from the evil compulsion to touch myself. My body came down from its peak of heat but very slowly. My mind continuedlost in the maze of lust for the remainder of the sleepless night through whichI...

3 years ago
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Meri First Chudayi

Hiiii… Aaj Me Aap logo se jo story share karne ja rahi hu wo Meri khud ki real story hai. Jise me aap logo ke saath share karna chahati hu. Mera Naam Riya hai, Age 25 year, figure 34, 2, 34, brown rang, me ek school teacher hu. Dosto Ek Age Ke Baad Sab ko Apana Bistar Suna Lagta Hai, Har Ladki Chahti Hai Ke Raat Me koi ho us ke saath jo puri raat use apni baho me le ke pyaar kare, us ke bubs ko dabaye, us ki nipal’s ko suck kare us ki chut ko chume or us ki chudayi kare. Me bhi Aisa hi Sochti...

2 years ago
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Mom Aur Ki Chudayi Ki Dastan Aur Mai Bhi Chud Gayi Dad

By : Nilammamu Dosto maini apni pahali kahani me aur dusari kahani me bhi bataya hai ki kaise mai aur mom mere boyfrinds se chddi aur kaise humane lesbin bane ek din ki bat hai meri mom jo 36.34.38 ki figar wali hai unake sat dopehar ko nage hoke mai soyi thi dad office me the aur mere boy friend bhi busy tha apane office me hum dono ne lesbin sex kiya aur ek duasre ki bahome soyi thi tab mom ne kaha aj shaniwar hai aj shayad tere dad mujhe rat ko chodenge mai ne kaha kya dad sirf Week me hi...

3 years ago
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The Dayton Hillbillies Ch 01

‘Well, what a fine band trip that turned out to be,’ Jason was heard repeating over and over. I really can’t argue with him about it, because it was quite a trip. Another way to say it would be: We got off about 20 minutes late, and then the band competition at the Convention Center in New Orleans ran a bit more behind. The center is very nice and since our bands competed last, we were about the only ones there. I helped unload the instruments, but because we had three bands competing one...

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