The Geezer Part 2 Teaching Rachel Suzy
- 4 years ago
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Intro: This is a continuation of The Geezer Makes Out. It takes place after their first weekend together. Reading that story first will help make it easier to understand what happens here. I hope you enjoy it.
Chapter 1
I figured that if I ever tried to describe the events of the previous 72 hours, people would surely think me delusional. Maybe I’d spent too much time in the sun (although it was winter) or fallen and hit my head (but I had no cuts, bumps, or bruises). It was real all right, so very real! It was also exciting, exhilarating… and… extremely exhausting. We never slept too long. We’d finish fucking or some other group activity and fall asleep. A few hours later I would wake feeling a hand or mouth on my cock or wetness on my face. I looked up one time to find Rachel straddling my head. I could see her smile between her firm breasts. “I’ll give you reason to smile,” I whispered. I licked her labia, and fucked her with my tongue. I could taste the remnants of our last session, a combination of my cum and her secretions. When I had brought her to orgasm she squirted delightfully all over my face. I looked over to see Becky taking it all in. She smiled at me as Rachel crawled off. She climbed over me, placing her mouth over my once-again erect penis and her cunt directly in front of my mouth. I leaned forward and tasted her for what seemed the twentieth time. That was ok, though, I couldn’t get enough. I licked her with zeal. She was my oasis, I was a thirst-crazed desert wanderer who wanted nothing more than to drink from her well.
It had all started Friday afternoon when Rachel seduced me in the school parking lot, and then the following day when her mom, Becky, invited me to dinner. Now it was Tuesday evening, the end of our four-day weekend. I had to go home, I had things to do. Rachel pleaded with me to stay over one more night, but I begged off. My cock felt like it was going to fall off and my ass ached from the four (or was it five?) sensational reamings I had received from Becky and her magical strap-on. “I can’t, my poor penis is sore from everything you guys did to it over the past three days.”
Rachel gave her mom that look I’d come to recognize so well. “I think we need to kiss it and make it better, don’t you, Mom?” she said as she dropped to her knees and started to remove my pants. She’d learned a lot since Friday, and this was clearly something she could now handle with expertise. Becky joined her once my pants were down. They could see all the rub marks and hickeys on my hurting cock. They kissed them tenderly but I wasn’t fooled. This was just a prelude to some serious cock sucking and I wasn’t getting away until I blew my load. The sight of these two gorgeous women on either side of my cock made me weak in the knees. I staggered to a kitchen chair to steady myself and steeled myself for what was to come. After a while—a long long while—I released into their welcoming mouths. Once they had licked me clean I was able to go—barely.
We had a lull Monday afternoon when Rachel said that she needed a shower, “Look at me, I’m covered in cum and pussy juice. I’m sticky all over.” While she showered Becky and I talked. Of course, we didn’t waste the opportunity to play with each other, just to keep the heat going between us. I fingered her wet cunt, she stroked my cock, taking time to lick it while I was speaking. We talked about how Rachel was growing into womanhood. Becky then told me about two problem areas—Rachel’s hair (she’d worn the ponytail since she was four) and her kiddy underwear.
“Sounds like we need a good old-fashioned burning,” I replied.
“A what?” she asked with a perplexed expression on her face.
“We need to burn all the kiddy stuff, sort of a rite of passage. We can do it Saturday morning. Then I’ll take you to Victoria’s Secret for replacements. We can go out to lunch, maybe at the country club, and then how about Chez Paul to get her hair done?”
“Michael, that’s a wonderful idea, but I can’t afford all new underwear, especially at Victoria’s and Chez Paul? The most expensive beauty parlor in the area is out of the question, even if we could get an appointment on such short notice.”
“Leave everything to me. It’ll be my pleasure to pay for all of it and don’t worry about an appointment. Paul owes me—big time. He’s a good friend and he was my neighbor for nine years before I sold my home at the country club.”
So I called Paul during my short drive home. The phone rang twice. Marti, Paul’s wife answered. “Michael, how are you? Where are you? Paul tried calling you all day Sunday about playing golf and all he got was your answering machine.”
“Uh, sorry about that, I was tied up all weekend.”
“Well, I’ll forgive you, but only if you promise to come to dinner Friday. Paul’s sister has a good friend who is just dying to meet you.”
“Sorry, Marti, it’s too late. That’s why I was busy all weekend. I met someone and spent the weekend with her.”
“Wow, she must be pretty special to get you for the whole weekend. I hope, at least, you got laid for your efforts.”
“Marti, you know a gentleman never tells, but… yes… and more than once to be honest.”
“Way to go!” she said. “It’s been too long for you. Oh, here comes Paul.” Then, to her husband, “Paul, it’s Michael. He met someone, and guess what? He got laid…more than once”
“Hey, G-man, nice going! It’s about fucking time!” It was Paul. “So, you going to tell me all about it? What’s she like?”
“Actually, Paul, it’s two she’s, not one–a mother and daughter, and, uh… they’re really…uh… nice.”
“Holy shit, G-man, two, huh? So, uh, how old is the mom?” he whispered into the phone.
“Michael, your phone must be breaking up. I could have sworn you said she was thirty-three,” said Paul.
“Nothing wrong with my phone, Paul, I did say thirty-three.”
“Holy fucking shit, how old is the daughter? Then to his wife, “Marti, you aren’t going to believe this. You’d better pick up the extension.”
“Actually, Paul, the daughter’s sixteen. “ Then I proceeded to tell them how Rachel had flashed me in class and seduced me, leading eventually to the three-day orgy. All Paul could say was, “Holy shit! Holy shit.” I left out all the details. I wasn’t bragging and they probably wouldn’t believe me anyway. Finally, I told him I needed an appointment at Chez Paul for both Becky and Rachel Saturday afternoon.
“Michael, Michael! You must be kidding. First, you know I always close at two on Saturdays and I’m booked solid, as usual. I could probably get you an appointment in about a month.”
“Paul, I need it for Saturday. I hate to remind you, but you owe me… really…really big. Remember about a month ago… when you and Marti wanted to get away for that long romantic weekend… and your Mom had to cancel at the last minute? Remember that, Paul? Now what were your exact words? Oh yeah… ‘Michael, I will do ANYTHING…ANYTHING if you will just watch the kids.’ Does that sound remotely familiar to you?”
Marti spoke first, “I do remember that, Paul, you did promise him. Just have them come in around two. You can come home late. It’ll be ok, we don’t have any plans.”
“Ok, you win, Michael. I hope these two are at least good looking.”
“Well…uh…yeah, Paul… I guess you could say they’re ok. See you at two on Saturday.” I hung up before he could respond.
Chapter 2
Wednesday morning I was back in school. Steve Jackson, the principal, stopped me on the way in. Mrs. Peterson, the teacher I was subbing for had her baby and had told him that she would come back to work in about six weeks. That was ok with me, I figured to quit so I could spend more time with Rachel and Becky. I was very pleased when I took attendance in third period. Rachel was, for the first time in about three weeks, wearing panties. She saw me checking and gave me a big wink. The day was uneventful until dismissal when I heard a voice at my door. “Mr. G, I could use some extra help. Can I stay tonight?” It was Rachel. We had planned to get together again Friday evening so I wasn’t expecting her. When I walked to the door I realized her words were for snooty, nosy Mrs. Collins, the teacher in the room across the hall. She was always minding everyone’s business with her holier-than-thou attitude. As Rachel walked into my room, Mrs. Collins commented, “Well! I wonder why an “A” student needs extra help!” “Probably to get an “A+,” I replied turning my back to her. Neither of us knew, but her comeuppance was just around the corner.
Once in the room I motioned Rachel to my prep closet. “I can help you but I also have to prep for tomorrow’s class,” I said for snooty Mrs. Collins’ benefit. Once in the prep room she moved into my welcoming arms. She looked into my eyes, closed hers and kissed me, putting one hand on my crotch and the other on my butt so she could pull me close to her. While we kissed she unzipped my pants and pulled out my strengthening cock. “I’ve been waiting all day for this. I need you now,” she whispered. With that she slowly knelt before me, licked the tip and all around the head, then up and down the bottom of my shaft. She had really improved since Friday. Was it only five days since she first hesitatingly sucked and licked me? I bent over, cupped her breasts and rubbed her nipples, causing her to moan. Fortunately my cock muffled her sounds but her moans caused vibrations which added wonderfully to the sensations I was feeling. I moved her up to the counter of the prep sink and spread her legs. I hooked my finger under her panties, releasing her womanly scent. Then I licked her all the way from her ass to her clit. I had to cover her mouth with my hand to keep the noise down. I repeatedly shoved my tongue into her now dripping cunt, soon bringing her to orgasm. She leaned into me while she recovered. I held her close then kissed her before we left and headed home. Once again, I was glad she used no makeup or lipstick, I didn’t want evidence of our tryst for all the teachers to see.
She showed up again on Thursday afternoon. This time I positioned her on the counter, fingering her pussy to get it good and wet. I dropped my pants and eased into her now familiar velvet tunnel. I held my finger up to her lips to remind her to keep quiet, so she kissed me while we fucked. Her pussy made a slurping sound as I drove my cock deep into her. She used her vaginal muscles to clamp my cock, greatly increasing my pleasure. Suddenly she moved her legs up over my shoulders forcing me out of her pussy. Her eyes said it all—“Fuck me! Fuck my ass!” My cock was already lubed with her pussy juice so I aimed carefully and entered her needy sphincter. She moved forward forcing me deeper into her bowel. We kissed again as we rocked together. Soon we were ready. We came and collapsed into each other. I loved cumming with her, she drained me dry every single time. I used the sink to clean up before we left. I drove her home and when we got there Becky was waiting.
“I see you two are up to it again, aren’t you?” We just smiled. “Good.” Then, “I’m glad you’re here, Michael. I got Saturday off from the ER but I’m going to have to work Friday night and Saturday night, the 4 to 12 shift.” She smiled, “I’m sure you won’t mind being here alone with Rachel both nights, will you? Just make sure you’re in my bed when I get home. I’ll probably need some relief after the stress of the ER, God, the things that happen over the weekends!” I smiled, “Were you referring to the ER?” Rachel and I just laughed while Becky frowned at my lame joke. We welcomed the chance to be alone both nights and I’d love to welcome Becky back home. It would be the best of both worlds. On the way home I called a friend and we decided to eat at the club. It proved a momentous decision.
It was very late when I got home from the country club. I never did get to eat so I was really hungry in the morning and I had a lot to do. When I left for school I was all prepared for the weekend. I had packed a small bag with my clothes, toiletries, and meds. I had a small brazier in the trunk with some kindling and lighter fluid. One thing missing—pajamas, I was sure I wouldn’t need them. I saw my “friend” Mrs. Collins while I was opening my classroom door.
“Is that little tart going to stop by again this afternoon?” It was more a comment than a question.
I was tired of her shit. I couldn’t wait until tomorrow when I knew she’d get hers in spades, but I just said,” What’s wrong with trying to improve your self? If more students worked as hard as she does our jobs would be a hell of a lot easier.”
“Well, she’s always sticking her boobs out at everyone and her mother is no better. I understand that she doesn’t even know who the father is.”
“That’s pretty low, even for you, PENELOPE!” I responded, knowing she hated her name. “You know, a little kindness would go a long way.”
“Well, I never…. You’ve got some nerve!”
“That’s right, I do. It’s about time someone stood up to you. Who the hell do you think you are? You’re no better than anyone else around here, and, frankly, not as good as most. One of these days you’re going to find that out. When you do I hope people will show you a little compassion. That’d be a lot more than you’ve ever done.” I turned into my classroom to prepare for the day. D-day for her was only a little more than twenty-four hours away.
I was on my way back from lunch when Principal Jackson stopped me. I could see the hand of that bitch Penelope Collins in this. “I understand you’ve been seeing a lot of Rachel Foster lately,” he said.
“Yup,” I wasn’t volunteering anything.
“May I ask why?” he continued.
“Well, for one thing she’s one of my students. For another, she’s been coming in for some extra help recently. And finally, not that it’s any of Penelope Collins’ business or yours either, but I‘m seeing her mother, so naturally I’m also seeing a lot of Rachel, too. Any more questions?
“Listen, I know she can be a royal pain in the ass, but when someone suggests possible wrongdoing I have to look into it. You can understand that, can’t you?”
“What I understand is that it’s always a good idea to consider the source. She’s a no-good busybody who thinks she’s better than everyone else. However, that’s about to change,” I replied.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“You’ll find out. Just wait and see.” I returned to class just as the passing bell rang.
Chapter 3
I met Rachel in the parking lot as planned. We didn’t kiss but I did open the car door for her as we headed home for another great weekend. Becky was still home when we got there but she needed to leave in a few minutes to make her shift. She kissed Rachel on the cheek and me on the mouth. “Have fun, you two!” And to me, “Just be sure to save a little for me.”
Once in the house Rachel wanted to get right to it. She threw her books on a chair and started to strip. But I stopped her from going any further. “Do you remember telling me you wanted me to teach you everything?” I asked.
“Yes, and I want you to. Will you?
“I’ll teach you a lot, but not everything,” I replied.
“Why not?”
“Because, Rachel, I believe that sex is an important part of love, a gift from God. But there are some practices that I don’t consider loving. In fact, they are humiliating. I won’t have anything to do with things like that.”
“I’m not sure what you’re trying to tell me, G.”
“Let me give you some examples, Rachel. Do you know what water sports are? And I’m not referring to water skiing, or snorkeling. Some people think it’s a turn-on to pee on their partner. Then there’s ‘femdom’ where women punish their male partners, and ‘bondage and discipline’ and ‘S & M,’ in which people like to inflict pain. I’m not talking about a little nibbling or even spanking. I’m talking about real pain. Is all that part of love? I don’t think so. So don’t expect me to teach you about them. If you want you can read about them on the internet. But… I will teach you everything I know about loving sex.”
“Does that mean that you love me, G… and Mom?”
“Yes, Rachel, I do love you and Becky. Not quite the same way, but, yes, I do love you very much.”
“Oh, I’m so glad, G,” she squealed, “because I love you, too.”
“I’m glad, too. Now, let’s decide what we want to do for dinner. Shall we go out or bring in?”
We eventually agreed to bring in Chinese. I showed Rachel how to use chopsticks. We laughed at her ineptitude. When we were finished I told her, “Ok, now we need a shower.”
“G, I just took one after P.E. class. Honest, I’m already clean.”
“Rachel, I didn’t say YOU need a shower. I said WE need a shower—there’s a big difference.”
She was hesitant but went ahead into the bathroom, removing her clothes as she went. She turned on the water and, when it was hot, stepped into the shower. She seemed quite surprised when I stepped in behind her. She looked at me questioningly until I smiled and said, “Remember, Sweetie, I said WE needed a shower.”
We shared the soap. I went first, soaping her back from her shoulders down her spine to the crack between her glorious firm buttocks, then down the back of her thighs and calves to her feet. I was very careful not to touch her sex, that would come later. When I finished I gave her the soap and turned around. Now she used the soap on me. Her sudsy touch was silky and slick. Her hands glided over my skin. Now it was time to rinse. I knelt when I rinsed her butt and leaned in to lick her anus. “OOOOOH!” she squealed. I thought she would jump through the ceiling. I continued, and when she started to moan nonstop I pushed my tongue into her forbidden hole. We’d had anal several times so I knew she loved it but this was the first time my tongue was in there. She reached behind her and pulled my head forward, forcing my tongue deeper into her ass. I reached into her slit with my fingers and started to fuck her fast and hard. She came almost immediately. We turned to face each other, she was still gasping. I grabbed the soap starting at her neck and working my way down. I rubbed the foamy soap all over her breasts, paying extra attention to her areolas and nipples. Then I moved on to her hard stomach and flat abs. I gently licked her navel, treating her to a new sensation. I transferred my ministrations to her vulva, slit, and, eventually to her legs. I gave her the soap and she mimicked my actions. She had to reach up to do my neck but when she got to my chest she paid extra attention to my nipples, squeezing and pinching. She had already learned that what was good for the goose was often just as good for the gander. She washed my stomach and moved quickly to my penis and balls. I had started the shower semi-hard but after all that had happened it felt like it was made of stone.
She got the jump on me as we rinsed, kneeling so she could impale her mouth on my cock. I was so hot I felt like it was longer and thicker than it had been in years. But I didn’t want to cum—not yet, anyway. I pulled her up and turned her around. Soaping my cock and her butt simultaneously, I bent her forward so I could fuck her ass. Rachel wanted to learn, and now she learned what a great lube soap and water could be. There was only the slightest resistance before my cock head slid past her sphincter. Now I was able to fuck her hot ass with ease. The sight of her bending before me, her hips and oh-so-firm ass staring me in the face, combined with her sphincter’s unyielding pressure on my dick was as much as I could bear. I put two fingers into her pussy. Damn, she was dripping wet. I couldn’t decide if I should move my fingers and cock into her together or if I should alternate—fingers in, cock out, and vice versa. So I let her decide. I tried both and worked off her reactions. She seemed to like the alternating motion best so that’s what I did, but not too long. I felt my balls clench as my stream started its journey up and through my cock just as I felt her ass and pussy tighten. Her orgasm rolled through her body just as I exploded into her ass. We fell to our knees exhausted as the water streamed over us. Unfortunately, we ran out of hot water, ending our reverie. We toweled each other until we were dry. She still had to blow dry her hair so we took a couple of towels with us as we dragged ourselves to Becky’s bed.
“I really love it when you fuck my ass, G. I didn’t think I would, but I do. Do you like it when Mom does it to you?”
“Rachel, men have the same anatomy there that women have. It’s only logical that I would have the same feelings in my ass that you have in yours. So, yes, I do enjoy it when Becky does it to me.”
Rachel closed her eyes and leaned in close to me. “Hmmmm… hmmmm, she said. I could tell she was thinking, and that usually meant something good for me. I put my arms around her, and glanced at the clock—it was only 8:30. The night was still young. We fell asleep in each other’s arms.
I woke when I heard Becky’s car in the driveway. The clock said 12:25. I got up and dressed—ok, not really dressed. I put on my shirt and my pants, but nothing else. I sat in one of the living room chairs just as she entered.
“I wasn’t expecting you to be up,” she said. “How was your evening?”
I just smiled, “It was great. We had Chinese and took a shower.”
“Somehow I think there was more to it than just getting clean,” she said as a smirk came to her face. So I gave her the blow by blow description. After all, she is Rachel’s mother.
“You know, I think I could use a shower right now myself,” she said as she rose from the couch.
“That’s nice. I’ll be here when you’re finished.”
“That’s what you think, buster! If you can do it to my daughter, you can do it to me. Get out of those clothes and give me what I need. Now!”
“I guess I was destined to be really, really clean. Ok, let’s go.” Rising from the chair I dropped my pants and shrugged off my shirt. It was only a few steps to the bathroom. I passed Becky as she was ripping off her nurse’s duds. I warmed the water and we entered the shower. We kissed immediately, our tongues dancing as the water ran over us. It was a very sensual experience. Becky pulled me close, her hand found my cock and balls, she massaged my balls before starting a rhythm stroking me to erection. I put my left hand on her neck, leaving my right hand free to explore her pussy, but, once my hand was lubed with her juices, I ran it around her rosebud before entering her ass. She moaned in ecstasy as I finger fucked her tight anus. “Oh, yes, Michael. Fuck my ass. Stick your cock in it. I need it so badly. I’ve been dreaming about this all week.” I grabbed the soap, rubbed it all over her butt and up and down my rigid cock. I turned her around and bent her over, elevating the angle of her ass to my dick. I lunged forward, meeting only token resistance before plunging deep into her. “OOOOOH…MY…GOD! That is so fucking good! Fuck me hard, Michael! Fuck my so very, very hard!” She wanted it hard and who was I to deny her, so I did. I held her hip with my left hand and inserted two fingers into her soaking cunt. “Oooohhhhh…I’m going to cum and it’s going to be a really…really… BIG…ONE!”she screamed. She shuddered over and over again as her orgasm subsided. We stood there exhausted as the hot water poured over us. She turned, “Oh, Michael, I’m drained. I need to go to bed. Will you help me? Please?”
I turned the shower off. We got out, she barely made it. I toweled her first before drying myself. I put my arm around her and we staggered to bed. After sleeping alone for so many months I really enjoyed being squeezed and warmed by two lush and loving bodies. We fell asleep immediately.
Chapter 4
I was semi-conscious when I heard some whispering and felt weight on my arms. I opened my eyes, it was light so it must have been morning. I looked right and saw beautiful Rachel weighing down my arm with her two large firm breasts. When I looked left there was Becky with her even larger breasts on my left arm. “You don’t have to restrain me, I’ll go willingly,” I said with a smile.
“I’m glad we woke you,” it was Becky speaking. “I was just telling Rachel we should try a daisy chain with you.”
“You two are probably going to kill me with all your loving. Just point me in the right direction and tell me what to do.”
“Ok,” Becky said. “Roll over here and face Rachel. Rachel, you get the best part first. Put your head down by Michael’s…well, you know where to put it. We need to make a triangle. I’ll be the last side, eating your pussy, while Michael eats mine. When I tell you to move, shift around 180 degrees. Ok, let’s start.
I have to admit it was both hot and fun. I was eating Becky, she was eating Rachel, and Rachel was sucking away at my cock. Rachel was doing wonders with me—licking, sucking, and applying pressure on me. I rimmed Becky’s ass before licking her labia, sucking her clit and tongue fucking her with abandon. I assume she was doing a good job with Rachel who was moaning nonstop. Then Becky called the move. Now, I was on Rachel, Rachel on Becky, and Becky started in on me. Rachel was dripping wet when I moved my face into her. I was rewarded at once when I went for her clit. I sucked and gnawed at it. I sucked so hard the whole clit was in my mouth where I could both suck and lick simultaneously. She erupted into my mouth. Meanwhile, Becky was giving me something I’d never experienced. She held my dick in her hand and, like a vacuum cleaner, sucked it past her lips into her mouth. It felt like a human penis pump and I responded accordingly. My already stiff erection swelled in her mouth. I didn’t think it could get any bigger without breaking. It was exquisite agony. I knew I couldn’t hold out long, and why would I want to? I splurged into her mouth over and over until my cock went dry. She drank every drop. I hoped it was early because there was no way I could get up now, or any time soon. We collapsed back into bed, one arm around each of my wonderful lovers. Thank God, it was only 6:00. I needed to sleep.
I woke again around eight. No sex this time, thank God. I can normally cum maybe twice in a week and so far this weekend I’d made it three times. I loved it but there are limits. Becky was making a quick breakfast when Rachel came in. “Mom, I can’t find any underwear, even in the wash. What happened to it? I need to get dressed.”
“Well, my young and beautiful darling,” I stated, kissing both cheeks, “Your undies are in this brown paper bag. I am about to start a small fire and we will have a ceremonial burning of your unmentionables.”
“Huh? What am I going to wear?”
“Rachel, you didn’t let me finish. After everything is suitably destroyed, we are all going to Victoria’s Secret for some more appropriately adult garments. And if your mom behaves herself we may find something for her, too. “
Becky laughed and came close to spilling the eggs on the floor. Fortunately, she made it all the way to the table and we started our breakfast. While we ate I told them that I had made a reservation for lunch at the country club. “Wear something hot and slinky. I want to show you off. I want to see all those other geezers drool.” I left the table early to get the brazier from my trunk. I placed it in the back yard, lit the kindling, and waited until the fire was roaring. Then Becky led Rachel out of the doublewide. Together we lay the underwear on the fire. It charred rather than burned but the effect was the same—no more kiddy underwear. I doused the fire while they made for the SUV, the site of my initial escapade with Rachel.
We arrived at Victoria’s just as it was it was opening. I had Becky on one arm and Rachel on the other. They looked more like twins than mother and daughter. They had selected skin-tight black Capri pants and thin short sleeved pullovers, also very tight—so tight it looked like their breasts were struggling to escape. We walked right up to the cashier’s station. I told the saleswoman I wanted fourteen matching sets of bras and panties each for both Rachel and Becky. “And I want them measured. I read that most women wear the wrong size bra.” I found a chair near the dressing rooms and a three-month old copy of Sports Illustrated. I was on page 11 when I heard a “Psssst!” I looked up, Becky was modeling a lacy bra and matching thong just inside the doorway. When I smiled and nodded my approval she was replaced by Rachel. I never did get to page 12. They also selected some really sexy nighties so I knew I was in for another good time before the weekend ended. Rachel moved close on the way out and whispered, “They measured me, G. I’m a C+ almost a D.” Becky, not to be outdone whispered, “I’m a D+, not quite a double D.” Then they both kissed me. It was a great way to say thanks.
We walked into the country club dining room at 11:55. We were seated by the picture window overlooking the eighteenth green. I gave them the view. What I wanted to see would be inside. Sure enough, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Collins (I know what you’re thinking-“Tom Collins!” What are some parents thinking of when they name their children?) entered for their weekly appearance. They seemed somewhat miffed to be at the back of the room. It wasn’t long before George Martin and Bob Cleary, the president and secretary of the club, asked to speak with Tom. They went into the bar for just a moment. When Tom returned he was fuming. He grabbed his wife by the arm and pulled her out of the chair. “What are you doing? I haven’t even ordered yet.” I heard her say. “Let’s go, we’re out of here!” he practically screamed. Naturally, everyone in the room noticed. They were all shocked except for George, Bob, and me. I had known all about it since Thursday evening when I called George to fill him in on what I had seen.
We had a truly enjoyable lunch. Rachel had the cheeseburger and fries, Becky and I had the chef’s salad. Becky and Rachel loved the club and, from all the attention they received, it was obvious that the members appreciated them–the male members anyway.
Our next stop was Chez Paul, the real reason I had asked my girls to dress provocatively. When we walked through the door Paul’s eyes jumped out of their sockets. He was definitely lusting. Wait until I tell Marti! “Hi, Paul, I want to introduce Becky and her daughter Rachel.” It was one of the rare times Paul was speechless. Eventually, he motioned to his assistant, “Uh…uh…Loretta, let’s have a wash for these ladies. I’ll be outside, I need a quick smoke.” Then he grabbed my arm and pulled me along with him.
“You son-of-a-bitch! You lying scumbag!”
“What?” I feigned innocence.
“Oh…uh…I guess they’re ok,” he imitated me. “Yeah, right! You lied to me, you rat, you lucky, lucky rat! I haven’t seen women like that in the salon in years.”
“Gee, Paul, maybe you would if you didn’t charge so freaking much. Who can afford you? Only old biddies—old, fat biddies.”
He grinned and we both laughed. I confessed that I had them dress especially for him. “Thanks, now I’m going to go home this afternoon and fuck Marti silly, thanks to you.”
“Tell Marti I said she’s welcome,” I said and we laughed some more. Then we went back into the “salon.”
Paul is a genius when it comes to hair. He couldn’t do anything with mine—nobody can. But he turned Becky’s short do into something very chic and very sexy. She was hot before, now she was smoking. He cut Rachel’s hair into an uneven shag, shorter in the front and longer toward the back, that emphasized her high cheekbones and made her look about twenty-two. Think of Rod Stewart with great boobs and a hot ass. All the guys at school would be falling all over her come Monday morning, not that it would do them any good.
We got home around 3:40. Becky had to get ready for her shift so Rachel hugged and kissed me, thanking me for the new and sexy lingerie. She then treated me to an up-close show, one that was certain to arouse the sleeping tiger in my pants. After Becky left Rachel asked if we could have another shower. “I really like taking a shower with you. I even have a new bar of soap. C’mon, G. C’mon!”
As we entered the shower I said, “Something new today.” I showed her the razor and shaving soap. “We can shave each other,” I explained. “I’ll go first. I knelt in the steamy water, shaking the aerosol. I shot a bit onto my hand and smoothed it onto her lower abdomen and around her pussy. Carefully, I shaved all around her cunt. Soon she was baby smooth.
“Now, its your turn,” I said, handing her the razor and soap. I stood with one leg on the side of the tub, holding the door frame so I wouldn’t fall. I laughed as I said, “For God’s sake– not to mention mine– don’t slip!” She grinned, but said, “Don’t worry. I have plans for this so I need it in working order.” She applied the soap. Then, stretching my scrotum, she drew the skin taut and slowly pulled the razor toward my cock. Then she shaved a circle all the way around it. “This is great, G. No hairs in my mouth. This is such fun. Now let’s put these things to use. As long as I’m down here….” She never finished that sentence. It was lost when my cock plugged her throat. She was making me hard and hot. I could probably have cum right there in her mouth, but I knew where she wanted it—right in her ass. I pulled her up, spun her around, and bent her over. She held her ankles with her hands making her ass totally accessible to my throbbing dick. I soaped her hole, inside and out, and moved effortlessly into her. Soon, I was humping away and she was meeting my thrusts. She returned as good as she got—better. She worked her ass and my cock felt like it would explode. Then, it did, soaking her bowels with my semen. Shortly after, her orgasm shook her from head to toe. She collapsed in the shower and, because my cock was still in her, I fell on top of her.
“Remember , G, when I said you were really heavy?” she giggled.
“Yeah, but you pulled me down with you. You could hurt an old geezer like me doing stuff like that.”
“Well, you may be an old geezer but you fuck just great! I want to do it over and over with you. You can do my pussy, and my ass, and my mouth, whatever you want.”
“Just keep in mind that you have THREE holes, I only have ONE cock. You’re going to wear it out. And if you don’t, then Becky will, for sure.” I couldn’t stop smiling. Soon we were rolling in the tub in uncontrolled laughter.
We spent all day Sunday hugging, kissing, and, especially, loving—sharing all our body parts with each other. I hated to leave Sunday night.
Chapter 5
Monday morning I got to school early. I went in to Jackson’s office. “I need to see you,” I stated in my most authoritative voice.
“Can’t it wait? I’m kinda busy,” he replied.
“No, I’m afraid not,” as I closed the office door. “I’m pretty sure you’re going to have the press here today, and maybe the cops, and you are going to need a plan.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
So I told him, ”Thursday evening I went to dinner at the country club. I met Morton Jeffers there. We always go in through the locker room entrance. We heard some muffled sounds coming from the men’s lockers. When I opened the door we saw Tom Collins with his pants around his ankles, fucking one of the Irish waiters. He turned as we entered. I finally realized why he was so obnoxious and pushy—he only has a three-inch cock. Anyway, there is going to be a huge scandal. He has been kicked out of the club. Sex, even consensual sex, with an employee is forbidden in the by-laws. And homosexual behavior ? Well, you can imagine the reaction from that ultra-conservative group. I’ll bet Penelope has no idea, but I’m sure she’ll find out soon enough. You just can’t keep something like that quiet too long. You might want to call the superintendent and I bet you’ll need to cover her classes when she finds out.”
I didn’t have to wait long for Mrs. Collins. She hadn’t even reached her classroom when she started her diatribe, “I can’t believe you brought those two sluts to the club Saturday. I certainly hope I won’t have to witness a repeat of that.”
“Well, Penelope, I do plan on taking them there a lot but since you won’t be there it shouldn’t be a problem.”
“What do you mean? You know that Tom and I always have lunch there on Saturdays and I don’t want a repeat of THEM.”
“I’m sorry, Penelope. I had hoped that Tom had told you. But since he didn’t, I will. Your membership has been revoked. You’ve been thrown out. That’s why he was so pissed off Saturday.”
“I don’t believe you. Why would they do that?”
“I hate to be the one to tell you but I guess I have no choice. . I went to dinner Thursday night with a friend and we caught him in the men’s locker room fucking one of the waiters. He was having unprotected homosexual sex, and from what I understand it wasn’t the first time.”
“I don’t believe you. You don’t like me so you’re making this up. You and one of your stumblebum drunken friends. Nobody will believe you.”
“Penelope,” I said softly, “the friend was Morton…Morton Jeffers.”
She went pale. There was no more respected man in the community than Morton, or should I say Rev. Morton Jeffers. I continued, “You’re right Penelope, I never liked you and I still don’t, but even you don’t deserve this.”
Just then the bell rang and the students rushed into the building. Our conversation was over. I had been looking forward to knocking her down a peg or two, but now that it had happened I didn’t feel very good about it.
The scandal became public knowledge very shortly thereafter. There were lots of questions, of course, from the kids and later from the press. They were easy to deal with. “No comment. That’s all I have to say—no comment.” The kids were harder. They couldn’t be put off. When they asked about Mrs. Collins I reminded them that she was a victim, too.
That afternoon Rachel stopped by for some more “extra help” and after the day I had I could use some of her help, too. At least we didn’t have to worry about Mrs. Collins snooping around. She left right after our talk, apparently too embarrassed to face everyone. It was a lesson for Rachel—not the kind we’d been having, but a lesson all the same.
“Rachel, I don’t want to do anything here. Let me take you home where we can be free to love each other completely and openly.” So we left the school and drove to her home. Becky was there. She rushed out to meet us. “I heard at the market and again at the gas station. How terrible for you, Michael to have walked in on something like that. I have a feeling you are going to need us as much as we’ve needed you in the past weeks. Let’s go in.”
We walked straight to the bedroom. When we got there Becky and Rachel quickly disposed of my clothes. I lay on the bed while they disrobed. “Lie still,” said Becky. “Let us do all the work.” They started by massaging my body, Becky on one side, Rachel on the other. Starting at my feet and legs, they slowly worked up to my buttocks and back, kneading the soreness and fatigue out of me. It was clear that Becky had done this before, maybe during her tenure as a nurse. When they finished with my back, they kissed me from head to toe, and rolled me over, now using different techniques on the front of my body. They limited the massage to a few select parts of my body. Rachel rubbed my chest and twisted my nipples until they hardened. Becky spread my legs so she could handle my balls more effectively. She rubbed and rolled them, starting my erection. When she licked them, moving her tongue in concentric circles, my cock responded, doubling in size. I lay there, eyes closed, totally in their control. When my cock had reached its maximum size Rachel climbed onto the bed. She straddled my face bringing her sweet yummy cunt in contact with my mouth. Leaning forward she swallowed my cock, licking it while she moved it into and out of her mouth. Becky then put my balls into her mouth. She sucked them lovingly, pulling on my scrotum and licking vigorously. When she stopped, she removed Rachel’s mouth from my dick and replaced it with her pussy. She rocked back and forth, rubbing her clit against me. Soon my cock was coated with her secretions. She lifted her body and repositioned so her ass was perfectly located over me. She slowly lowered herself onto my erection. The natural lube she had provided made my entry easy. She knew what to expect so she was relaxed and that made it easier, too. Rachel was watching incredulously. Becky was giving her a valuable lesson, one she would try with me very soon. My resistance in that unyielding cavern dissipated rapidly. I could feel my orgasm coming, and coming strong. Becky leaned forward and kissed me as I shot my load deep into her bowel.
“Thanks,” I could barely whisper, “I needed that.”
“Me, too,” replied Becky and Rachel simultaneously. We all laughed and slipped under the blankets while I recovered.
Chapter 6
Rachel and I fell into a rhythm for the remainder of my time in school. We had to be careful, we were almost caught by a custodian cleaning my classroom one day. If anyone suspected what was happening they kept their opinions to themselves. Soon enough, I was once again retired.
Now Rachel came to my condo after school. I gave her a key, just in case I wasn’t there when she arrived. On one such occasion I opened the door to find her reading something I had left out for her—The Kama Sutra. “This is really neat, G. Can we try all these positions?” This was when I learned that Rachel had taken dance and gymnastics lessons when she was younger. Not only was she lithe and limber, she could do all kinds of splits and hand stands. One afternoon, while we were running through the Kama Sutra positions, she told me that she had made up her own exotic ways to couple. First she tried “Plowing the Field.” She balanced on her hands opening her legs, I held them around my waist, positioning her at about a 45-degree angle. When I entered her it was like using a plow—very interesting and HOT! Better though, was what she called “Drinking from the Fountain.” For this she did a hand stand up against a wall and a split, exposing her tasty slit for me to sample. My name for this was the “Lickety Split.” The only problem—when she turned on she tended to shake and fall. We’d wind up in a heap on the floor.
One Friday night there was a movie Rachel wanted to see. “Will you take us?” Rachel pleaded. “Hmmm,” I answered, “Tell you what. I’ll take you both, but there is a condition. You have to wear skirts and leave the undies at home.”
“Oooh, G, that sounds like such fun. Can we do that, Mom? Please?” Rachel pleaded. I was sure Becky would agree. She was always up for a good time and having one in public just made it more enjoyable. “Ok, sounds like it might be entertaining,” said Becky.
“G, can we get popcorn and soda, too?”
“Sure,” I replied, “but you’ll have to feed me. I think my hands will be occupied.”
We may live in a small town but we do have our own multiplex. We found the right theater and moved to the back row. Naturally, I sat in the middle. Rachel had the popcorn, we all had sodas, Becky was holding mine. “I don’t want anything to get in your way, Michael.” When the theater darkened there were maybe forty people there, just enough for what we were about to do to be daring. I pulled each of the skirts up toward their waists and pushed their legs apart. I moved my hands right down to their respective pussies. I rubbed their outer lips causing them to swell. Just a light touch of their clits was all that was necessary to make them gasp. I was wondering what the other viewers thought about the inappropriate noises coming from our row, mostly at inappropriate times. I rubbed each pussy up and down. Soon they were dripping wet so I inserted my middle finger into each hot tunnel. Once they were lubed enough it was time for a second finger. Now I finger fucked them, slowly at first, then faster and faster. Becky was able to maintain her silence (mostly), but Rachel’s moaning drew a few looks from others in the theater. I whispered to her, “Eat some popcorn, and I’d like some, too.” When she looked at me I kissed her hard. Of course, she kissed me back—just as hard. Once I had some popcorn I moved right to their clits. Some gentle circular rubbing was all that was necessary to bring them over the top. We definitely got some glances then.
Now I was able to help myself to popcorn. “Um, gee,” I whispered to Rachel, “this seems to have some special flavor I just can’t place.”
‘”I can place it, G,” she whispered back. “It’s from right between my legs,”
I was done for a while, so I settled back to watch the movie. When I thought we were about fifteen minutes from the end I went back to work. “Oh, Michael,” Becky cooed, “Again?”
“Oh, yes! And wait until we get home.”
We got some really strange looks when we exited the theater arm in arm. Rachel and Becky had to stop by the ladies’ room to wipe the drippings from their legs before we headed home for some more hot sex. Going to the movies became a real favorite for us. Sometimes we actually watched the movie.
Chapter 7
One afternoon, as I was expecting Rachel, the door bell rang. When I answered it I was surprised to see Rachel—and another girl I recognized as Suzy from one of my classes. “Hi,Rachel. Hello, Suzy. C’mon in.”
“G, don’t be angry with me. Suzy’s my best friend. I told her all about us. She’s a virgin and she wants to have sex. She doesn’t know what to do.”
Suzy was a real contrast to Rachel. Next to her Suzy appeared immature. She was shorter, about five feet two and really thin—maybe 85-90 pounds at most. Her chest was barely developed, an A-cup at most. She was cute in her own way, even with the pigtails. I could hardly believe she was actually older than Rachel. “Tell me yourself, Suzy. What do you want me to do?”
“Oh, Mr G. Rachel has told me how you’ve made love to her. You know, how you fucked her pussy, and how you licked her…uh, well you know, and how she sucked on your…um, your…uh, penis, and how you fucked her in her…rear end. I’m almost seventeen and I’m still a virgin. At the rate I’m going I’ll probably be forty before it finally happens. I don’t want to be a virgin. I want to be a real woman. Will you help me, please?”
“Suzy, I’m willing, but you have to do something first.”
“What, Mr. G?” she replied. “I’ll do anything…anything.”
“You have to talk to your mom and have her call me. I don’t want you sneaking around behind her back. I’m sure you know that Rachel’s mom enlisted me to teach her. It helps a lot that I do love Rachel, and Becky, too. I want your mom to know where you are and what you’re doing. If you’re old enough to have sex, you’re mature enough to discuss it with your mom. Here’s my cell number. She can call it anytime.”
Then Suzy left. “Do you think she’ll talk to her mom?” I asked Rachel.
“I think so, G. She’s really horny and she definitely wants to fuck. It’s all she talks about. I’m sorry I told her. It was the only thing I could think of.”
“Don’t worry about it. We’re not exactly sneaking around back alleys ourselves. People have seen us around town and, of course, Becky knows what we’re doing. Hell, she’s doing it with us. If people find out and don’t like it, that’s their problem.”
After Rachel and I had an interesting session interpreting the Kama Sutra, I left the condo en route to the country club for dinner. I was surprised when my cell rang. I didn’t recognize the number but I answered it anyway. “Mr. G? Hi, it’s Barbara Stone, Suzy’s mom. I’m not sure why I called except that Suzy begged me to. I can’t say that I approve of what she suggested.”
“Barbara, I want you to understand, it doesn’t make any difference to me what your decision is in regard to Suzy. I’m sure she told you I am involved with Rachel.”
“I can’t say I approve of that, either, a man your age chasing after a sixteen-year-old. Really!”
I explained to her exactly how everything had occurred, including how Becky had helped Rachel plan it all. Then I said, “Barbara, in my experience, when a girl wants to lose her virginity, she’s going to. The only questions are—with whom, under what circumstances, and with what consequences?”
“I see what you mean. I certainly wouldn’t want her hurt or to contract some disease. And, I definitely don’t want her to become pregnant. I have to agree with Becky on that. I have to think about it. How will I let you know my decision?”
“Well, you could call me again, or if Suzy shows up with Rachel after school some day I’ll assume she has your approval. Ok with you?”
“Yes, thank you. I must say you’re not at all what I envisioned when Suzy spoke to me this afternoon. Thank you for that, too.”
We said our good-byes and I headed out to the club. There was one more call I needed to make—Becky. I was falling in love with her and I wasn’t going to cheat, even with one of Rachel’s friends. Understandably, she agreed right away.
Chapter 8
I wasn’t surprised when Rachel showed up the following afternoon, but I was surprised to see Suzy. “Hi, Mr. G,” she said. “My mom said it was ok. I can’t wait. Can we do it now? Please?”
“Is that ok with you, Rachel?”
“Sure, that’s why I brought her to you. Can I help?”
I led them into the bedroom. Sitting on the bed I took Suzy’s hands in mine. “Have you ever kissed a boy?” She looked down and shook her head. “Well, that’s the first thing we’ll change.” I said as I pulled her to me. She stood between my legs as I tenderly held her head and moved it to mine. Our lips touched gently, then with more force. Tentatively, she opened her mouth just a little. My tongue moved forward and made contact with hers. I could feel her react. She opened her mouth further and wrapped her tongue around mine. She was obviously very hungry and very ready for what was to come.
I lifted her easily to the bed and began to unbutton her blouse. Once off, her bra was next. She had only small mounds on her chest but her nipples were almost as big as Rachel’s. Maybe that meant good things were going to happen to her. I lowered my head to suckle her, taking the nipple into my mouth and biting so very carefully. She responded immediately, arching her back, which forced her tit deeper into my mouth. She started moaning and she didn’t stop. I removed her slacks and panties. She had shaved and I’d have bet it was the first time today. There was a little razor rash on her abdomen. I licked her slit several times. I guess she enjoyed it, she writhed all around and humped my mouth. I stood up, moving her hands to my belt buckle. She looked at Rachel, already naked, who nodded her approval. She unbuckled and opened my pants. I slid them down and removed my shorts. My cock was ready. I took her hand, placed it on the shaft and showed her how to stroke it.
“Suzy,” it was Rachel. “Lick the tip and around the head. You’ll like it, believe me.”
Overcoming her shyness and uncertainty, she moved her head to my cock then started to slowly lick it. Gradually, she became bolder and took it partially into her mouth. She looked at me for reassurance. “You’re doing great, Suzy, really great. I think you have a natural talent. You’ll make some guy really happy one of these days.”
“Yeah,” she said, trying to talk with my cock in her mouth, “if someone ever gives me the chance.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll show you how to attract boys. By the time I finish with you, you’ll be beating them off with a stick. Now, take it all into your mouth and move up and down. That’s it… good…good.”
I was standing and she was on the bed. It was easy for me to reach her cunt. Not surprisingly it was soaking wet. I slid a finger into her to get her ready for my cock. I gave Rachel a glance and she nodded. She knew what was next so she moved next to Suzy. I climbed on top of her and positioned my wet cock head just above her tunnel. I rubbed it over her slit several times before initiating my entry. Suzy looked into my eyes and I returned her stare then moved down to kiss her again. She was a tiny girl so I expected her to be really tight. She was, but she was so wet I had no trouble penetrating her. I put it in about an inch. Carefully, I pushed a little farther. I expected to meet her hymen’s resistance and was surprised when there was none. It was only a second before I was in all the way, enveloped in her vise-like tunnel. “I should have told you…I broke my cherry horseback riding last year. I had blood all over my panties. Mom took me to the doctor and that’s what he said.”
“Good, Suzy, now relax and try to move with me. That’s it. You’re doing great…really, really great.” We humped wildly, faster and faster. If I didn’t know better I would have sworn she was much more experienced than she was. It didn’t take long before I sensed her orgasm coming. That’s one of the great things about being a beginner—it’s so easy to cum, and did she ever! When it hit she bucked at least eight inches into the air driving me all the way into her womb. I could feel her cervix clamp around my cock head. Then she repeated again and again. Finally, she collapsed beneath me.
“OOOH…MR. G! I… can’t… believe… it… was… so… wonderful,” she panted. “ It was so much better than I thought it would be…so… much… better! Rachel, I’m really jealous of you. I wish I could get it all the time like you do.”
“Trust me, Suzy,” I whispered. “You are going to get lots and lots of sex. You just need to use the right approach, and advertise your assets. Lots of guys love your look and because you’re small you’re really, really tight down there. Guys love that. Too bad I’m taken. I’d be chasing you all over town.” That remark got me a playful jab in the arm from Rachel. “Just don’t forget you’re ARE taken, G,” she kidded.
So began my tutelage of Suzy. I taught her all the nuances of fucking and sucking, of giving and receiving pleasure. We did all the standard positions and some from the Kama Sutra. She watched me with Rachel and then wanted to try it herself. So it was that she was introduced to anal. Imagine the three of us in the shower. Rachel and I were old hands by now but it was all new to Suzy. “Watch this, Suzy. It’s my favorite trick,” Rachel told her. Then I soaped her butt and my cock. Suzy was amazed when it disappeared all the way into Rachel’s ass. “Doesn’t that hurt, Rachel?” she asked.
“It can hurt a little at first, but you get used to it. Believe me, it feels great and the orgasms are just incredible. Watch G, he’ll put some fingers into my pussy and fuck me in both places. I’m not kidding, it drives me crazy. You should try it, Suzy. G will be really gentle with you, won’t you, G.”
“Of course. Sex is for enjoying, not hurting. Hurting isn’t much fun. We can try it if you want, but I won’t force you. Maybe you should watch Rachel so you know what to expect.” At that point I started to finger Rachel’s cunt. The sensations took over her body causing her to hump and grind me wildly. She was literally screaming, right up until her orgasm gripped her entire body. As usual, she collapsed in a heap, but this time I was able to remove my cock before she fell.
“Rachel, are you ok?” Suzy seemed worried.
“Trust me, Suzy. I have never… ever… felt better. It’s something you have to experience to understand. My mom loves it, too. But, I get to do it more than she does ‘cause she has to work.”
“I think I’d like to try it, Mr.G, but I don’t want it to hurt.”
“Suzy, I’ll go very slowly with you. Rachel is used to it so I could go faster with her. But with you, it will take time for your muscles to adjust to having something , in this case one or two fingers, in there. I’ll use lots of lube, not just soap, ok?”
She stood in front of me and turned around. By now Rachel had regained enough strength to move out of the way. I took some KY from the shower shelf and applied it to my finger. I carefully daubed it onto her anus. Then, carefully, I pushed inside. There was lots of lube so there was no pain. I moved my digit in and out, finger fucking that tight hole. She started to relax. “Wow, Mr. G. that feels pretty good. In fact I like it…a lot.”
“Ok, Suzy, I’m going to put in another finger. That’ll help stretch and relax your anal muscles and prep them for my cock.” I lubed my middle finger and glided it into her. She handled it well. I rotated my fingers to evenly stretch her. When I thought she was ready I lubed my cock. “Ok, Suzy, here we go. Ready?”
“Oh yes, Mr. G. I trust you. Go ahead.”
I pressed my cock against her. There was some resistance, but I slowly penetrated her sphincter. Once my cock head popped into her I said, “How are you doing, Suzy? That’s the hardest part. Now relax and enjoy. I’m going to start moving it in and out.” I gently pushed all the way in and unhurriedly pulled it back out, but only about three-fourths of the way. I did it again and again. She started to move with me, gyrating her ass around my dick. She was relaxing now so I moved forward, inserting a finger into her dripping cunt. She loved the alternating action I used with Rachel. Soon her whole body was trembling with delight. Her legs collapsed when her orgasm hit. I had to hold her up so she wouldn’t hit her head on the tub.
“Well, what did I tell you, Suzy? Wasn’t that fucking incredible?” Rachel asked her.
“I never experienced anything like that in my life. I can’t wait to do it again. But, not today, Mr. G, I don’t think I could handle it again today. In fact, I don’t think I could handle anything else today.”
I’d had many phone conversations with her mom. She called me after Suzy had gone home that first day. “Mr. G,” she said, “I haven’t seen Suzy look like this in years. She is absolutely glowing and seems so self-confident, so I guess everything went ok, then.” I reassured her and told her I’d be glad to give her progress reports. “I don’t know. I don’t want it to look like I’m prying into her business.”
“This is an important time to maintain open lines of communication. Be reassuring and non-judgmental and everything will turn out fine. Trust me.” That’s what she had done. I asked Suzy every day how things were going with her mom and she told me she couldn’t wait to get home and share everything with her. I wish more moms had that kind of relationship with their daughters.
I taught her self-confidence in her sexuality. That’s all she really needed. Like Rachel, she was an avid student. It took less than a month until she was ready. One Friday the high school had a half-day session. Rachel and I borrowed her mom’s SUV and took Suzy to see my buddy Paul. I told Paul to make her look really hot. He cut her hair very short. It was cute and adult at the same time, and, best of all, it made her body look more mature. He showed her how to use just a little makeup to accent the lines of her face and helped her select just the right shade of lip gloss. Then we went to what women call a boutique and I call a clothing store for a few new sexy outfits. We finished up at Victoria’s Secret. She was definitely ready.
We don’t have a local mall so we decided to go bowling –Suzy, Rachel, and me. A lot of kids hang out there on weekends. We were bowling, having a good time, when a group of high school boys walked by. Suzy was on the lane, facing away from us. She was wearing
Suzy and I had been married for six years when she began to change. At first I didn't notice but that soon changed. We had recently moved into a new house with lots of extra space for c***dren. Suzy and I had known one another for twenty of our twenty six years. We were sweethearts by high school and married at college. After graduating we took high paying jobs in our respective fields and saved for a house and family.Everything was going according to our plan. We had everything we wanted...
KENT TENNIS CLUB During a pause in the game, the umpire took the opportunity to give a summary, "Ladies and gentlemen, we are in the third set tie-break between Miss Suzy Smith and Mrs Jane Porter. In the first set: Smith, four; Porter, six. In the second set: Smith, six; Porter, three. Final set currently being decided by tie-break, first to ten points. Score - Smith, seven; Porter, seven." Jane brushed her red hair out of her face as the umpire read off a summary of the championship...
This is the fourth installment of the Geezer series. It can be read as a stand-alone but it will make more sense if you have read the first three parts as there are references to what happened earlier. If you take the time to read it, please take a few seconds to vote and comment. It’s the only way I know what you think. Chapter 1 I woke early and checked the clock—6:17. In other times I would have reached for my cock and started stroking in the hope of getting off. But I hadn’t jerked off...
NovelsSuzy woke me up Saturday morning with the sweetest blowjob ever. It was in those moments of the morning where a man's bladder is just starting to become uncomfortable and his morning hard-on is raging. That was when I felt her lips wrap around my cock. I became fully awakened when I felt the head of my cock slid into Suzy's throat and her chin rest on my bloated nuts. Then slowly she began that wonderfully agonizing trip to the tip of my dick. Her tongue was very active on my gland and her...
Every year, a few friends and myself attend a charity auction to benefit our local public library. It gives us a chance to dress up, have some fun, and raise a little money for a good cause. There’s always plenty of good food and a cash bar too, making it one of my favorite events of the year. This time however, I was the designated driver, allowing Laurie, Kay and Suzy to have a little fun.Some of the items up for bid included artwork, tickets to sporting events, golf passes, vacation...
Chapter 1 My name is Michael. People who know me call me usually call me Mike (no surprise there) or “G.” That’s because I’ve been saddled with one of those eastern European names with eleven consonants (two z’s) and only 4 vowels. I can’t shorten it, let’s face it, what can one do with “Grzb?” I am the first to recognize and admit that I am an old geezer. After all, I am in my late 60’s, grey hair except for the huge bald spot that runs from my forehead all the way to the back of my skull,...
Chapter 1 My name is Michael. People who know me call me usually call me Mike (no surprise there) or “G.” That’s because I’ve been saddled with one of those eastern European names with eleven consonants (two z’s) and only 4 vowels. I can’t shorten it; let’s face it, what can one do with “Grzb?” I am the first to recognize and admit that I am an old geezer. After all, I am in my late 60’s, grey hair except for the huge bald spot that runs from my forehead all the way to the back of my skull,...
First TimeMy wife, Marge, and I had known Don and Suzy for three or four years. Don is medically retired from the military; something with his heart. Suzy sells real estate near our second home. Ever since we found our mountain cabin through another agent, they have been giving us a hard time about not using through them. My wife became a senior partner at her firm, so we had to look for more property, or at least more expensive property for our second home, for tax purposes. I called Don, told him I...
MILFSuzy sat in the drawing room her petticoats in ice blue and chiffon white lace underneath Beautiful black stockings and sling backs in shiny black leather ooohhh the fragrance and beautiful design showing her reinforced heel and peep toes showing the blackness of her toes..He wanted her the moment he laid eyes on his dungeon slut...Black silk gloves held her champagne the maid Sonia had provided as Suzy licked her lips as a beautiful insatiable slut seeing the two of them her Master and his...
It was about a week later that something happened that led to a chain of events which I shall never forget. To say they changed my life would be an exaggeration. But they certainly changed my relationship with my wife Suzy. The neighbours' boy, whose name was Greg, had been playing with a ball as he came up the stairs, as kids will, and he had managed to knock the bike I had by the door to keep it out of harms way. The thing had tipped over and bounced down a couple of stairs, making a real...
Chapter 1 I was finished now with Suzy. Rachel and I had worked to help her learn about sex, not only the physical aspects, but the emotional giving and taking, as well. In the end Suzy had partnered with Brian, and, from what Rachel had been telling me, they were behaving like rabbits every day. “Brian’s dad bought him a car,” Rachel began, “so he’s driving to school every day. Suzy says they are either fucking or sucking each other off every morning and again after school. Hell, yesterday I...
Chapter 1 I was finished now with Suzy. Rachel and I had worked to help her learn about sex, not only the physical aspects, but the emotional giving and taking, as well. In the end Suzy had partnered with Brian, and, from what Rachel had been telling me, they were behaving like rabbits every day. “Brian’s dad bought him a car,” Rachel began, “so he’s driving to school every day. Suzy says they are either fucking or sucking each other off every morning and again after school. Hell, yesterday...
Group SexLovely Mistress SuzyMistress Suzy answered the door, quickly, as if she had been waiting.She was dressed in her bathrobe, nothing exciting at first glance."Upstairs, my bedroom and strip" she said, I went upstairs, I stripped, shaking and wondering what was about to happen.Suzy led me towards the bed and told me to lay face up and took hold of the straps she had already fixed in place, after a bit of readjusting, she strapped my arms and legs down and I lay spread-eagled and helpless.She...
Suzy was the latest in a long line of girlfriends for 21 year old Gabe. She was 16 years old, blonde, petite with a nice face, and an equally nice body. My 35 year old eyes had checked out her form on numerous occasions when she had come to support the team that both Gabe and I played in. Gabe was playing that hot Saturday afternoon, and I wasn't - I was being rested. I had still come to watch the first part of play before heading off to catch up on some other tasks. I noticed that things...
I was not happy at the current situation but at least she had big tits. My mate Steve had persuaded me to make up a four with his wife to be, Suzi, and this big girl Carol. We were out for a drink and a laugh and I knew that I would be expected to fuck Carol when we got back to Steve’s place. Anyway, the night went better than expected as she looked better the more I drank and she was very accommodating in bed and eager to please, those tits were magnificent and looked even better with my big...
Rachel entered the large room through two heavy wood oak doors that opened in the middle. The sign just outside the door said Spa Retreat. "It was just as the brochure had shown," she thought to herself, but only nicer. Rachel had never been to a resort before; and was surprised by the spaciousness of what she imagined a simple spa room might look like. "This room is bigger than my entire house," she said softly while standing in semi awe. She thought it reminded her of pictures she had seen of...
Mistress Suzy answered the door, quickly, as if she had been waiting.She was dressed in her bathrobe, nothing exciting at first glance."Upstairs, my bedroom and strip" she said, I went upstairs, I stripped, shaking and wondering what was about to happen.Suzy led me towards the bed and told me to lay face up and took hold of the straps she had already fixed in place, after a bit of readjusting, she strapped my arms and legs down and I lay spread-eagled and helpless.She climbed up and straddled...
Right after I finished college, I couldn’t wait to get my own apartment. I ended up renting a half a house from a guy named Bill. He was about 60 and was a real nice guy. He looked and acted younger than he was and we got along well. We had a lot of common interests and he was cool for a guy almost 40 years older. He was fit and active, always outside doing something, and we had a lot of interaction. He wasn’t a father figure, he was more like a hipster uncle, but he was all right.After I...
Introduction: Thanks so much for all your encouragement, feedback, and ratings on part one! Hope you like this one too. I write them as fast as I can but my private time is scarce so bear with me. It was not going to be a typical, lazy Saturday morning for Rachel… instead of slowly waking hours past normal, stretching luxuriously, running her hangover-cure bubble bath with the peppermint oil… her body almost jerked awake not long after her weekday time… at least, she felt like shed barely...
Introduction: This is my first attempt on any kind of site… Ive previously only written stories for individuals on a personal level. I hope you guys like and I welcome CONCTRUCTIVE criticism and live for praise ???? (The.Aftermath) I shouldnt have liked it… There must be something wrong with me… Rachel stares off into space, the person complaining in her ear about her cell phone fading to an incoherent mumble as shes swept up in thoughts of what happened over the weekend. Flashes of memory...
I saw an on line advertisement on social media where a neighbor was offering up her seventeen year old daughter to baby sit. As a single father with twin five year olds, I was thrilled to see the advertisement. Finally, I thought to myself, I can have a social life. A babysitter for the weekends when I had the kids would allow me a small amount of time to rebuild my life after a nasty divorce. Rachel was a cute and bubbly young lady. She came with her mother to check out my offer. As we sat at...
Seduction"I shouldn't have liked it... There must be something wrong with me..." Rachel stares off into space, the person complaining in her ear about her cell phone fading to an incoherent mumble as she's swept up in thoughts of what happened over the weekend. Flashes of memory assault her senses, bringing back even the smells... let alone the feelings. Her hands clenched tightly in her lap, she tries to smother a tiny whimper as her pulse starts to beat dully in her clit, dampness spreading...
The house of the middle-age industrialist from Quebec was possibly the most modern structure on the beach. The design was austere inside and out, the décor all white or gray, including the furnishings, which were dramatically stark. Robert Bissett’s dinner guests, Amy and Rachel, were bedazzled, not only by the house, but by their host as well. Amy’s infatuation for the man was obvious from the clothing she selected for her first visit to his home. She pulled on a white T-shirt that advertised...
Lesbian“Hi, Uncle Andy” I heard a voice behind me. It was Morgan, Rachel’s best friend and nearly constant companion during the school year. “There goes my chance for any pussy” I thought to myself. “Good day, Morgan” I replied cheerfully. “How has your summer been so far?” “Oh, very good” she said. “I’ve had several wonderful new experiences”. She looked me directly in the eye and winked. “What’s that about?” I wondered to myself. Morgan and Rachel couldn’t look further apart but were best friends....
The sudden sharp yank from her fall and her cry had served to wake Josh, and after a moment of disorientation at the strange surroundings and then blind fury that she had pulled the rope, he realized what had happened. He watched,amused, as she pissed herself explosively, and he could see quite clearly that the large puddle of steaming urine was running right toward her pretty, still blindfolded face that was half-smashed against the floor. "Morning, sunshine..." he rasped, untying the rope...
This story takes a slightly different turn from Part One and Two. It deals more with the aftermath on how Rachel's husband Tim deals with finding out the truth of what has gone on with his wife, along with a plot twist for future installments. To better understand I recommend reading both parts one and two before this installment. Tim watched in silence still hidden in the nearby closet as both Steve and Rob finished getting dressed before exiting the room one behind the other. He could...
My plans with Rachel are frustrated but another temptation arises.StephanieAlthough Rachel was an attractive girl and was pretty sociable she did not have a large group of friends, she tended to socialise with the c***dren of her parent’s friends. Mom and Dad had a wide group of friends most of whom had c***dren in their teens so there were plenty of people her age to be with.She did have one particular friend outside this group and that was Stephanie. She went to Junior High with Rachel...
Introduction: Sorry this took so long guys, hopefully you wont have to wait so long for Sunday, which I PLAN to try to do in one piece. I have another story trying to claw its way out of my brain and it may kill me if I dont let it out ::grin:: Thanks again for your encouragement. Hope you enjoy. =) (Saturday.Night) It was funny, Josh mused as he made his way back to Rachels bedroom, a bowl of tomato soup in one hand, glass of water in the other… Friday night when he decided to find her all he...
Rachel: Fire and Innocence – Part 2 – The Fun Begins When I opened my eyes, I looked up to see Rachel straddling my outstretched body, and patting my bare chest with a cool, damp wash cloth. I could feel a cool cloth folded on my forehead, and another one behind my neck. I could also see right down Rachel’s dress, as she leaned over me. Her breasts were perfectly round and firm and her nipples were aroused. She asked me how I was feeling, poor thing, as she continued to administer her version...
Rachel: Fire and Innocence - Part 2 – The Fun BeginsWhen I opened my eyes, I looked up to see Rachel straddling my outstretched body, and patting my bare chest with a cool, damp wash cloth. I could feel a cool cloth folded on my forehead, and another one behind my neck. I could also see right down Rachel’s dress, as she leaned over me. Her breasts were perfectly round and firm and her nipples were aroused.She asked me how I was feeling, poor thing, as she continued to administer her version...
It was funny, Josh mused as he made his way back to Rachel's bedroom, a bowl of tomato soup in one hand, glass of water in the other... Friday night when he decided to find her all he could think about was how badly she needed to pay for her "sins", and now different thoughts entirely dominated his thoughts. Upon further contemplation, he wondered if she might could come out of this not just chastened but a better person; the idea nagged at him as he walked into her room. He paused and was...
Rachel and I had changed from brother and host sister to something altogether more sexual.Rachel part 2Over the following few weeks, whilst others in the family would have seen nothing different, we continued this teasing and exploring. She started to touch me through my trousers, realising that I had become hard, aroused by her. She would trace the shape of my erection through my trousers.I started to massage the heat of her crotch through her jeans, my hand wandered under her t-shirt and I...
Rachel - Crossing The Line X By Rachel Moore November 22nd, 7:12 PM I hate being late! I rushed from my new Miata to Dr. Hanson's office door and absently clicked the alarm button behind my back. The parking lot was empty except for an older Ford of some kind and I felt lucky to be driving my new car, courtesy of James Calstrom and our evening together. I smiled in the dark and reached for the handle of the office door, pausing as muffled voices on the other...
Suzy sat at the front of the class,stroking her black stocking tops under her desk, her school uniform skirt just ending at her tops, Suzy’s teacher Mr. Wilson could see Her hand stroking her white cotton panties knowing exactly where to stroke…Her lips swelling and bulging her cottons, her swollen lips outlined and finger stroked by her hand. Her Teacher was mesmerized in lust watching her tease her lips through the panties, stroking and moving her cottons to show her pussy in class, pinching...
I was nervous as I looked at the board telling us who was roomed with who, it was our first day at college and we were all looking forward to the life of a student.I'd never been away from home before except on holiday or at boarding school, so it was with some trepidation that I followed the signs to room E2, the one I'd been allocated along with someone called Suzy Nicholls.I followed a lovely blonde girl upstairs trying not to look at her sexy little backside swaying beneath the tight, white...
LesbianSuzy sat at the front of the class,stroking her black stocking tops under her desk, her school uniform skirt just ending at her tops, Suzy's teacher Mr. Wilson could see Her hand stroking her white cotton panties knowing exactly where to stroke...Her lips swelling and bulging her cottons, her swollen lips outlined and finger stroked by her hand. Her Teacher was mesmerized in lust watching her tease her lips through the panties, stroking and moving her cottons to show her pussy in class,...
I was nervous as I looked at the board telling us who was roomed with who, it was our first day at college and we were all looking forward to the life of a student. I'd never been away from home before except on holiday or at boarding school, so it was with some trepidation that I followed the signs to room E2, the one I'd been allocated along with someone called Suzy Nicholls. I followed a lovely blonde girl upstairs trying not to look at her sexy little backside swaying beneath the tight,...
Authors note: Thank You to everyone who have left comments or contacted me directly. If you are registered I try to reply to each comment left via your email address given to the site (might wanna check your junk mail folder). From the beginning of this story I knew where I wanted it to go, how so many threads could / might come together and maybe make an interesting garment (story). This is the last chapter in this series. It pains me to end the saga - but I think it's time to try some...
Introduction: Rachel and Tim get invited to a private party at the owners mansion only to both be drugged as Tim watches helplessly as she is taken by both men roughly The Resort Part 2 – Rachels Odyssey Continues Rachel sat down in Carlas stylist chair still slightly wet from taking a long and soothing shower. She looked at herself in the mirror and stared into her own eyes seemingly lost in deep thought as her hair was cut and teased. She was feeling a little tired, and her breathing was...
Rachel moments: memoirs of my cousin sister Part 1Rachel – my best friend, my confidante, my cousin sister. Rachel and I were born 4 months apart, and we grew up together – spending some of our most pivotal moments together. When we were young enough so we were still close, but not so young that I don’t remember those times – Rachel was the first sexual experience I had. We were sitting in the Jacuzzi together when Rachel got out to shower. I continued sitting when to my surprise, Rachel got...
I looked up. Rachel's face looked cold and dark as a trail of smoke trailed up from the barrel of the nine-millimeter she had just shot Becky with. I knew what I had done. It was my fault. If I hadn't given in to temptation this wouldn't have happened. I couldn't believe I let Rachel down like this. Rachel lowered the gun and looked at me, her expression changed quickly as she began to sniffle and tears began to stream down her face. "Oh god Brad what have I done!? I can't believe I did this....
IncestAuthors Note: Been a while since I've had a chance to pen another adventure of a character I love. Hope you enjoy... Thanks for reading and all the feedback given in the past. Didn't have a chance to work with an editor, so errors - all on me. Sorry it took so long to get this out there. Rachel M. Moore (All right reserved) December 2, 9:05 AM Bzzz, Bzzz, Bzzz, Bzzz... It was the second time I'd hit the snooze alarm and I could feel the dread of the day weighing on me already. ...
Rachel was a senior in high school - Kate was also, both been on the cheerleading squad they both had guys hanging off them. They were always been asked for sex, especially by the guys on the football team. While in the locker rooms after cheerleading practice, after everybody had left for the weekend Rachel asked Kate if she wanted to spend the weekend at her house - explaining her parents were away in Florida for the whole week. Kate agreed and said she's be there after school because she had...
LesbianWell I just turned 18, I was your typical teen. A bit shy, kind of a loner, grew up in shitty lifestyle. My dad was out of the picture, my mom, well my mom should not have been a mother. She basically let me raise myself while she was out drinking, using d**gs, sucking and fucking anything with a dick. Good times! But because of being raised like that I grew up fast and became interested in thing most teens wouldn’t. I use to spy on my my mom when she would bring guys home. Loved watching her...
Authors note: Thank You to everyone who have left comments or contacted me directly. If you are registered I try to reply to each comment left via your email address given to the site (might wanna check your junk mail folder). From the beginning of this story I knew where I wanted it to go, how so many threads could / might come together and maybe make an interesting garment (story). This chapter introduces, maybe not so subtle at first - but by the end you will know, something bigger...
Angry and horny would be the words I would describe April at that very moment. I could tell she didn’t know about Becky and for that I was very glad. It was however obvious in this very awkward moment that she know about Rachel and myself. I quickly grabbed my clothes putting them back on, slightly embarrassed from April’s presence. “And how do you suppose we work this out?” April asked softening her tone. “Well,” Rachel hesitated thinking ‘what could I possibly offer her?’ Just then April...
IncestWe were back on the road heading to our parents house. "Only thirty more miles" I stated out loud, reaching over and holding Rachel's hand. I found that I really enjoyed the slightest physical contact with her. Even holding her hand somehow comforted me, knowing that she too wanted to hold my hand and that she too was feeling the same comfort I was feeling. A few more minutes passed by and we reached our parents home. It wasn't the house we grew up in. They had moved I left for college three...
IncestI decided to ride my motorcycle for the initial trip to my new post and return to bring my pickup down later. The ride down was great ,with lots of wonderful winding roads. By the time I finished the bulk of the trip and arrived in the town where my sister was living, I was feeling refreshed, recharged and a little excited. I had looked up their address on a map and figured to surprise them with an early arrival. I rode up to a nice little duplex on a quiet street and pulled in. There was no...
Rachel and Kate were the last in the changerooms after Friday gym class. Rachel was wearing a very loose kaftan dress she had pulled on after class and Kate was wearing an oversized mens polo shirt. Rachel went over to Kate and slid her hand up her dress and squeezed her boobs. Kate moaned with delight and pulled off her polo revealing a set of mountainous tits. Rachel kissed down her neck and eventually stopped and her boobs, beginning to suck her left nipple while teasing her right with her...
LesbianIntroduction: Rachel wins a vacation through her work but soon finds herself being taken by the owner of the Resort The Resort – The Odyssey of Sweet Rachel Rachel entered the large room through two heavy wood oak doors that opened in the middle. The sign just outside the door said Spa Retreat. It was just as the brochure had shown, she thought to herself, but only nicer. Rachel had never been to a resort before, and was surprised by the spaciousness of what she imagined a simple spa room...
Rachel entered the large room through two heavy wood oak doors that opened in the middle. The sign just outside the door said Spa Retreat. "It was just as the brochure had shown," she thought to herself, but only nicer. Rachel had never been to a resort before; and was surprised by the spaciousness of what she imagined a simple spa room might look like. "This room is bigger than my entire house," she said softly while standing in semi awe. She thought it reminded her of pictures she...
Continued from Chapter 3: Unexpected Treasure In A 55 Plus.I absolutely cannot flipping believe this. Never in a million years would I have even dreamed that I would be doing this. I'm standing in the shower letting my sexy and voluptuous daughter Rachel, deep throat my dick. The baby girl that I brought home from the hospital and doted over for twenty plus years is so adept at giving head, she could put any porn star to shame. Hell, she would be better off financially to drop out of college...
NovelsAll Rights Reserved - Rachel M. Moore (pen name). December 1, 1:42PM The day had started out fairly well, that is until Lisa had called to tell me Krystal had an appointment with Dr. Hansen, "Dr. Bill" as she liked to say probably because it sounded like Phil. The appointment was at 11:30 AM, which at the time of the call gave me no time to casually slide into the day. Gone was starting the day at a leisurely pace or reveling in my exploits from earlier this morning with Brad....
It was Monday morning and Rachel was back in the shop. She couldn’t stop fantasising about the really pretty grey haired lady she had served a few weeks ago. Actually she wasn’t grey rather a very dark brunette but she had lots of grey in her hair. Her eyes were the most beautiful brown to die for. She wasn’t the most attractive woman in the world by any means. Rather flat chested, but there was something about her. Very coy perhaps. Not the sort of woman you would expect in her shop. God she...
It was Monday morning and Rachel was back in the shop. She couldn’t stop fantasising about the really pretty grey haired lady she had served a few weeks ago. Actually she wasn’t grey rather a very dark brunette but she had lots of grey in her hair. Her eyes were the most beautiful brown to die for. She wasn’t the most attractive woman in the world by any means. Rather flat chested, but there was something about her. Very coy perhaps. Not the sort of woman you would expect in her shop. God she...
Lesbian“Hello! Anybody home?” Rachel shouted loudly as she pounded on the door to her home. It wasn’t her home actually it was her parents home, Rachel had just forgotten to put her keys in her purse before she took off to her class. She pounded on the door again getting frustrated. Finally after what seemed like hours she heard someone run to the door and unlock it.“I’m sorry it took so long, I just got out of the shower.” Rachel’s half brother Daniel said as he hurried to open the door for her.She...
IncestI remember that summer like it was yesterday. It was the summer of 1987 and my twin sister and I had turned sixteen a few months before. We lived in South Africa, which was a very conservative state that had banned all forms of pornography including topless pictures. This was pre-internet so I’m not lying when I tell you that I was a sixteen year old boy who had never seen a picture of a naked woman. The only woman I had ever seen naked was my mother and that was about ten years before.My...
IncestPlans change and we climb the tree again.Just Stephanie and meI found her in the living room with the pizza menu and phone, I suspect she knew what she wanted already."Shall I order or do you want something in particular?""No, you go ahead, I don't mind what I have." she dialed and in no time our order was placed with a promise that it would be with us in no more than 30 minutes. I went to the kitchen and found some paper napkins for us, which I brought back to the living room.Just as I arrived...