Jawani Ke Kisse
- 3 years ago
- 27
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Everybody told me how lucky I was. Lucky to survive, lucky only one side of my face was cut, lucky most of the damage would be covered by clothes. Stabbed thirty two times, over two hundred stitches, and yet there was no organ damage. Oh yes, that was me, luckiest girl alive. If it happened today they would offer me cosmetic surgery, and my life might be dramatically different. As it was… it happened in 1987, when I was 16. At an age when most girls are going to discos and ensnaring pimply boys with their sticky lipgloss and overuse of cheap perfume, I was engaged in a never-ending round of doctor and hospital appointments, my face bandaged for weeks like some unfortunate monster in a Hammer Horror film.
When the bandages finally came off I somehow expected to be healed, to be miraculously taken back to the girl I had been. Instead the livid gash stretched from my right ear to the corner of my mouth, pulling the right side of my mouth up into a hideous parody of my previous carefree smile.
You might have read about me in the newspapers, the right wing press loved my case as it showed the flaws in the care in the community policies being adopted. A violent man with known mental issues being allowed to control his own medication? It was bound to happen eventually and it happened to me. Luck of the draw, and as I said, Im the luckiest girl alive.
Overnight I became a ghost. Whenever anyone saw me I would watch them recoil in horror. The do-gooders would smile as though Id lost my mind when I lost my face, patting themselves on the back at their tolerance of my deformity. Does that sound bitter? Its not meant to, its just a statement of fact. It became easier to not be seen than to put up with the stares and the muttered comments, so I stopped going out in the daytime. I got my qualifications through the open university, and I did IT work from home. I could go weeks without seeing a soul, and that was how I liked it.
I did let my guard down at one point. When I was in my early 20s and the internet was in its infancy I used to post on a couple of techie bulletin boards. One of the men who posted there began an email correspondence with me. It seemed ideal, faceless interaction, a dream come true. Eventually he wanted to meet. I considered it for a long time then agreed, laying my rules down: just sex, fully clothed, in my car, then we would go our separate ways. As first times go it went pretty damn well until he brushed my hair back from my face and saw all the scarring. Nothing guaranteed to shrivel a hard cock more than realising your partner looks like the bride of Frankenstein, I guess. Still, Id at least done it – at least I wouldnt die without knowing how it felt, just once, for someone to desire me, even if it was short-lived desire.
So there I was, hurtling towards forty years of age without a friend in the world, no ties to any living soul since my mother had died over a decade earlier. Dont misunderstand that statement, I dont want your pity, this is the life I chose and I was happy in my solitary way. Life isnt a goddamn Disney film you know, not everyone needs a Prince Charming to validate them.
Money was tight (not much money when you work from home), and Id had to move to a cheaper flat. I didnt know the area, and as always, I chose to explore it by night, my hair carefully brushed over the right side of my face. As low-cost dumps go, the area wasnt a bad one. Plenty of green spaces, lots of walks. In the daytime Id imagine it was almost pretty, but in the isolation of the dark it was simply nondescript.
I started walking home and was about to step into the road when a car came spinning round the corner, clearly out of control. I watched in horror as it hurtled towards a car driving in the opposite direction. The driver of the second car swerved to avoid a collision, and hit a parked car instead, as the original car drove away without stopping. I ran across the road just as the driver opened the car door and staggered into the road.
Fucking maniac, did you see that? Didnt even fucking stop, motherfucker!
I went over to check the man wasnt hurt. He didnt seem to be, but I asked if he wanted me to call an ambulance, more for something to say than because I thought he needed one. He was a big man, he towered over me and he looked as though he could take care of himself, but I found myself wanting to maintain the human contact. He brushed my offer aside with rude disdain, and grew increasingly impatient when I told him I wouldnt leave until I was sure he was unhurt. Eventually he just ignored me, and when he mentioned phoning his insurance company I realised there was nothing I could do to help. I gave him my name and phone number as a witness, and then slowly walked home.
That was the first time Ive ever been reluctant to step indoors. What normally seems like a haven, a refuge, instead seemed like a prison to me. I lingered outside in the cool night air for as long as I could, before finally squaring my shoulders and walking through the front door.
I didnt sleep that night. I kept thinking of the man, of his solidity, of his size in the wool coat he was wearing, of the streetlight shining off his bald head and the rim of his glasses. Id wanted to touch him, to place my hand on his arm, to feel the warmth of another person. Idiotic, isnt it? Mooning over a stranger. A rude stranger at that. Someone who dismissed a genuine offer of help in such a graceless, abrasive way.
By the following morning Id managed to talk myself round a little. I knew I was being foolish, so it didnt take me long to dismiss the whole incident. I may have been unusually restless that day, with a vague feeling of dissatisfaction, but it probably wasnt related at all.
Mid-afternoon I was cleaning my already spotless kitchen when the phone rang. I ran to it and answered a little breathlessly.
Hi, is that Anna? A deep male voice, immediately dismissed as a telesales call.
Yes, this is she
A slight silence, a small sigh, and then the voice resumed.
Hello Anna, its Connor here. You know, your man from last night. I mean, not like that, you know… ah shit, Im fucking this up, arent I?
I couldnt help but laugh at his obvious confusion. If I didnt already know who you were your language would have given it away. Who raised you, a couple of dockers?
To my relief he laughed along with me. I know, Im such a charmer. Look, Anna, I felt guilty about how I treated you last night. You were so frigging kind and I just couldnt deal with it so I was really rude to you. Im sorry. Will you let me take you out for a drink or a meal or something as an apology?
Oh I cant begin to tell you how tempted I was. My silence must have told him that I wasnt going to accept, that I was trying to think of a polite way to say no, because after a short pause he carried on.
Im no prize bloody pig here, I know that, but Im not that bad and I promise you Ill try to get through the evening without making your ears bleed with all the swearing. Just… just think about it OK, just consider it. Shit, I never thought, are you married or something?
I laughed down the phone and even to my ears the laugh sounded bitter. Im not married, but Im sorry, I cant meet you. Im really sorry, I-I just cant do it.
As I hung the phone up I could hear him start to talk again, but I couldnt see any sense in continuing. Hed seen me in the dark, with my face covered. I couldnt bear to watch the disappointment and revulsion cross his face when he saw just what he was expected to spend an evening making polite conversation with. I liked the look of him too much for that. The phone rang twice more that afternoon, and both times I ignored it.
As night fell I got ready for my evening walk. As well as brushing my hair over my scar I put on a baseball cap to keep it there – I felt in need of extra security, discomposed by the unexpected contact. I went back to the park Id visited the previous night, and as I sat on the same bench I had the eerie feeling that someone was watching. Despite only venturing outside at night Ive never encountered any trouble – Ive nothing for a mugger to steal and as for a rapist, well… one look at my face and I figured they would run off screaming. Nevertheless I put my hand in my pocket and gripped my can of pepper spray as I waited for whoever was out there to make themselves known.
As Connor sat on the left side of the bench he startled me so much I yelped. For such a big man, he certainly moved quietly, and it was on the tip of my tongue to tell him so before I realised hed probably been waiting for me. As I made to get up he put his hand on my arm, and I relished the warmth of it, noticing how big and strong it was.
Dont go Anna, please. I know this looks a bit stalkerish, but you just looked so desolate when you walked away last night, I couldnt leave it, so I came back tonight hoping this would prove a regular walk for you. I just want to check youre OK, I swear, thats all. Well, maybe a little conversation would be nice as well. And if you ever did want to come for that drink I wouldnt object to it.
Youre checking Im OK? You have a crash and yet youre checking Im OK. Do you know how weird that is?
He chuckled softly and I noticed he hadnt moved his hand off my arm. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him looking at my face, and I was suddenly glad Id sat on the right end of the bench so he couldnt see my scarred side. As soon as the thought crossed my mind I cursed my own stupidity. How long would I be able to hide it? Better to get the cards on the table and watch him walk away before I got to know him, because I had a feeling I would really like this man.
I sighed deeply as I tried to come up with a response. Look, Connor, its not that I dont appreciate your concern, I really do, its just… its complicated, OK? Im not right for you, Im not like other women. You need to find someone more… more suitable for you, because Im really not. Im sorry.
My voice cracked as I apologised, and next to me I felt Connor stiffen as he took his hand back. The cold air felt brutal after the warmth of his touch, and I shivered. When he next spoke his voice was hard and cold.
I think I misjudged you, Im sorry. But Anna, if youre telling me you wont even talk to me because Im fat, then its your fucking loss. I know youre pretty, but Christ, thats fucking judgemental and I pity you for it.
I leapt to my feet and turned to face him, pulling my hair back from my face. Fat? I shrieked, I didnt notice you were. This is what Im talking about Connor, here, take a good look and then walk away in relief that you dodged a bullet, OK?
I put my face very close to him, making sure he could see how bad it was. As I looked I saw pity in his expression, but then he astonished me by reaching out to touch the scar. I jerked away as though he had made to burn me, nobody had ever touched my scar, and I told him so.
Oh Annie, what the fuck happened to you?
Connor reached up and took my hand, pulling me back to sit next to him on the bench. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his warmth. As I remained silent he kissed the top of my head, and then asked again, what happened Annie? And do you mind being called Annie?
I liked the name and I told him so, and as he held me sheltered in his warmth I told him my story. Not just the bare bones about the attack, but also the aftermath and how my life had been ever since. The whole time I was talking I was waiting for him to get up, to decide it was all too much drama and walk away. Eventually I ran out of words and we sat in a comfortable silence for a little while.
So… Connor I dont mind if you want to walk away, really, its fine, I understand, you dont know me, no reason for you to get caught up in all my shit… My voice trailed away as he gently turned my face towards him.
Your strength amazes me. Youve been through so much and yet here you are living your life, carrying on, stopping to help when you think a stranger is in trouble. Annie, Id like to kiss you if thats OK.
Even in the dark he must have been able to see my panicked blush because he took his hand from my face and looked away from me. I took his hand in mine, marvelling at how much larger it was, then held it back to my face. I dont know how to say this… Im just going to come straight out with it OK? Dont laugh, please God dont laugh, but Connor, Ive never been kissed and I dont know what to do. There. Now you know. Shit, this really isnt going to work, is it?
As he exhaled I heard him mutter oh Annie as he turned to face me again. He held my face so gently in both his hands as he lowered his lips to mine. Instead of kissing me straight on my mouth he kissed the left corner of my mouth, then kissed the right corner, softly touching the scar with his lips. I felt the tears spring to my eyes as I pulled away from him.
Im sorry, nobody has ever touched any of my scars, I just cant… My voice faded as I dissolved into tears, and Connor cradled me against him as I wept. Eventually my tears faded and I stood up once more. Im sorry, Im sure you never expected high drama when you came out tonight. Thankyou for kissing me, thankyou for listening, thankyou for caring. I cant possibly make more of a fool of myself, so Im going home now, but Ill never forget tonight Connor.
I felt my shoulders slump as I turned to go and I trudged back to the flat dejectedly. I wasnt sure which was worse, to be alone and not know what I was missing or to have had a taste of human contact and then screw it up with my own inadequacies. The tears fell as I walked, and I berated myself over and over for telling him Id never been kissed. 40 years old and never kissed, I had to tell him what a freak I was, couldnt have just gone along with it. And then crying all over him… dear God, was there any way I could possibly have humiliated myself more?
As I reached the flats I reached out to open the gate, then shrieked as a hand covered mine. I whirled around to see Connor standing behind me. I didnt mean to scare you Annie, but you left before I could give you this
Once again he took my face in his hands, tilting my face up as he lowered his mouth to mine. The kiss started soft and tender, his lips on mine, then became more demanding as his mouth moved over mine, his tongue touching my teeth and darting to touch my tongue. I was embarrassed when I heard myself moan, but felt reassured when Connor laughed softly into my open mouth. As he moved his face away I felt dizzy, and I wrapped my arms around him as he whispered in my ear Couldnt let you go without kissing you for the first time. Annie, Id like to do so much more, but theres no hurry, just give me a chance, please?
I took his hand and led him into the flats, fumbling a little with the lock of my door. Connor, Id like to do more, but… Im ugly. Really ugly. The scar on my face? Nothing compared to my body. Ive got no experience, Im not sure what to do, and I know this isnt going to come as news to you, but Ive got no confidence either. I may not be the 40 year old virgin, but I may as well be, and Im not interested in being with you while you take one for the team…
He cut off my stream of self-criticism with another kiss, and as his tongue explored my mouth I felt a rush of liquid heat deep in the pit of my stomach. I led him to the bedroom, and as he sat on the bed suddenly he looked a little lost and my heart sank as I realised it was the first time hed seen me in decent lighting.
Its OK Connor, youve given me so much tonight, you dont need to do anything more, its fine. Ill never forget tonight…
Its not that Annie, you foolish girl, I just dont want to get undressed. Its been a while for me and I… god damn it, I dont want to show you my fat.
In some strange way his insecurity gave me confidence, and I stood before him and waited for him to look at me. When he eventually looked up I pulled my sweatshirt over my head and unfastened my jeans, pulling them off me with trembling hands. I stood shaking before him in just my underwear, letting him see every scar, every hideous mark on my body. As he reached for me I stepped into his embrace and we held each other for a long moment, his head pressed against my abdomen as his arms wrapped around my waist.
He lay back onto the bed and pulled me down next to him, then he softly brushed his hands over my skin. He traced every scar, first with his fingers, then with his mouth, before he unfastened my bra and softly stroked my naked breasts. As my nipples grew hard under his fingers he moved his mouth down and took first one, then the other into his mouth. As his tongue stroked across the tender buds I felt the liquid heat return, and I arched my back as my breath caught.
His large hands moved over my skin until they were spanning my waist, then he moved further down and gently stroked one finger along the edge of my panties. The sensation made me gasp, and I found myself opening my legs, moving my hips to try and get the finger to stroke over my most sensitive spots.
He turned me onto my side so I had my back to him, then moved in tightly, one hand under my arm to stroke my nipples while the other arm rested on my hip, his hand exploring between my legs. He leaned his head down to me and softly began nipping at my shoulders, kissing the back of my neck, laughing as I moaned under his attentions.
The hand between my legs began to make more definate movements, one finger rubbing at my entrance through my panties. I arched my back and began to pump my hips at his finger, before reaching down, taking hold of his hand and pressing it more firmly against me. Not yet my lovely, he breathed into my ear, before taking his hands away and moving me onto my back again, smiling at me as he bent down to taste my mouth once more.
As he bent down and removed my panties I reached up to his face, stroking it gently before whispering please Connor, youve seen me, wont you let me see you?. He drew a deep breath and exhaled slowly, before pulling his fleece off and unfastening his jeans, kicking them onto the floor. As I ran my hands over the softness of his stomach, up to his chest and then down his arms I marvelled at the softness of his warm skin, tangling my fingers in his chest hair and softly scratching his nipples.
I loved the rolling curve of his belly. He felt solid to me, all welcoming warmth. I rested my chin on his stomach as I let my hands wander up again, listening to his breath catch as I lightly scratched him with my nails, enjoying the look on his face as I gently tugged at his chest hair.
Occasionally I would let my hands drift lower, stroking his cock through his knitted shorts. I was fascinated by the way it seemed to twitch as I touched it, at the wet patch that had appeared on the shorts, at the way they were distended as his cock grew under them.
We lay stroking each other until my breath was coming in short gasps. Id never felt a sensation like it, I felt as though my body was on fire, and if I didnt get Connors cock in me then I would surely die from the heat building up. Eventually Connor reached the same point, and drew his shorts down, his cock bouncing free. I couldnt help touching it, feeling the way the skin moved over the heavy hard shaft. As I watched, a bead of precum appeared at the tip of the shaft. Without thinking I rubbed my finger in it, then brought it up to my mouth to taste. As I licked my finger Connor groaned, shifting us on the bed so that he was lying between my legs, his weight resting on his elbows either side of me.
That has to be the hottest thing I have ever seen. Youre so beautiful to me my Annie, I cant hold back any more…
As he finished speaking he reached down and moved the blunt head of his cock between my lips. He teased me, moving it up and down, rubbing it against my clit until I was whimpering, desperate to feel him push into me. With a moan, he finally did, moving slowly and gently until his entire length was buried in me. Then he lowered his head to kiss me as his hips started to move against me, dragging his shaft back and forth, making me delirious with the friction and the blissfull sensation of fullness.
I didnt know what was happening as my orgasm started. Id never had an orgasm before and the build-up of pressure before the explosion, while exciting, was almost frightening in its intensity. As my body went into spasm I moaned in pleasure, gripping Connors arms tight as he moved and wave after wave of sensation flooded my body. As I calmed down Connor slowed down to let me catch my breath, then asked whether he should continue. In response I moved my hands down to his bottom and pulled him into me. With a roar he started plunging into me again, his hips slapping against mine with each thrust.
Annie Im sorry, I cant slow it… oh god… you feel so good under me
As he moved his hands back to my breasts I ground my pelvis to ensure his length dragged across my clit every time he moved. His movements became more jerky and more violent as I felt the tension build in me again, and I came around him trembling and gasping at the sensation. He grabbed my hips and buried himself deep within me as he came, and I could feel the jets of his warm seed spurting into me.
As he collapsed he was careful not to let his full weight fall onto me, but lay to the side of me. Our legs still entwined I curled into his chest, running my fingers over his beautiful body, enjoying the sheen of sweat on his soft skin as he held me in his arms and rubbed his cheek across the top of my head, softly murmuring endearments while we drifted to sleep.
That was a few weeks ago now, and since then weve been all but inseperable. You might look at us and see two damaged people who found each other, but I see a beautiful, wonderful man who brought me back to life with my first kiss. As to what Connor sees… well, youd have to ask him about that. One things for sure though, he sees someone who, for the first time in twenty-four years, smiles from both sides of her mouth.
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SeductionCh. 02: Gabriel Author’s Note: Sorry this took so long! Hopefully the next chapter won’t be as long in coming. Thank you for all the wonderful feedback, I’m so glad you guys like my story. Check my profile page for updates. As always, all comments are welcome. All characters are 18+ at the time of any sexual acts. Huge thanks to coloryourworld, azraeyl, and alwaysup4u2004 for their essential editing help. This chapter was written from Gabriel’s POV, and repeats some of the previous chapter,...
Author’s Note: So here we are, the last chapter. I’m sorry it took me more than a year to get this thing out, thanks for bearing with me. I’m planning on continuing the Ramirez family’s story, maybe even next, but I’ll wait until I’ve managed to write a fair amount before posting. Thanks to warrior_wolf and coloryourworld for editing for me, and another massive thanks to Tangledinyou for being there when I needed a friend. Also a huge thanks to everyone who’s read, reviewed and/or given...
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Straight SexPart 1"I'd really like to give you something extra special for your 18th birthday," said Mom, as we stood in the kitchen in the early evening, "but I don't know what."Well, I could think of something extra special that I would like to have my mother give me, but I wasn't foolish enough to say it. For years, ever since I had begun to have the slightest inkling of what sex was, I had had a tremendous craving for Mom's big luscious body. Thousands of times I had fucked her and licked her and...
“I’d really like to give you something extra special for your 18th birthday,” said Mom, as we stood in the kitchen in the early evening, “but I don’t know what.”Well, I could think of something extra special that I would like to have my mother give me, but I wasn’t foolish enough to say it. For years, ever since I had begun to have the slightest inkling of what sex was, I had had a tremendous craving for Mom’s big luscious body. Thousands of times I had fucked her and licked her and fondled and...
I’d really like to give you something extra special for your 18th birthday,” said Mom, as we stood in the kitchen in the early evening, “but I don’t know what. Well, I could think of something extra special that I would like to have my mother give me, but I wasn’t foolish enough to say it. For years, ever since. I had begun to have the slightest inkling of what sex was, I had had a tremendous craving for Mom’s big luscious body. Thousands of times I had fucked her and licked her and fondled and...
IncestYou watched the oven intently as the chocolate hardened in the metal shells and you waited for them to be ready for the sweet caramel filling you had prepared. Once that was done they were to be topped with white chocolate. As always the smell was mouth-watering as I waited for your sweet Valentines Kisses to be ready. I looked at you and noticed the stains of sugar and chocolate on your apron. As you eased the heavy tray into the cold room and stood up I came up behind you and circled your...
Part 1 "I'd really like to give you something extra special for your 18th birthday," said Mom, as we stood in the kitchen in the early evening, "but I don't know what." Well, I could think of something extra special that I would like to have my mother give me, but I wasn't foolish enough to say it. For years, ever since I had begun to have the slightest inkling of what sex was, I had had a tremendous craving for Mom's big luscious body. Thousands of times I had fucked her and licked...
I'd really like to give you something extra special for your birthday Mark," said Mum, as we stood in the kitchen in the early evening, "but I don't know what.Mum was not the kind of woman who would immediately cause any man's cock to give a jump. Her hair was brunette, and now at 35. She had big brown eyes that I loved to look into. She was rather tall, about 5 foot 7, and she was a size 12 dress size. She did have sensational tits 38D, and her arse was pleasingly broad, her legs were shapely....
He enters the room and sees that she is sleeping. Good. It will be easier this way. It is warm out and she is on top of the covers, half curled on her side and facing away from him. He had mentioned that he might be coming over and he is glad that she dressed for that possibility. She is wearing a matching satin camisole and tap pant set and the lustrous, pale pink of her lingerie only serves to emphasize her long legs, smooth arms and bare shoulders. Cascades of walnut hair spill onto her...
Introduction:Growing up in the same neighbourhood as Amy Jones and Samantha Williams, he'd known them from a distance since they were both knee-high to a grasshopper.Growing up in the same neighbourhood as Amy Jones and Samantha Williams, he'd known them from a distance since they were both knee-high to a grasshopper. But he couldn't remember a single time when the two of them were not together.If either of them had been in the least bit plain, they would have drawn snide comments from other...
I am kassandra.. female30 yrs. based on a true story *scrumptious, I thought... as aunt Kim locked the cabin door. The thunderstorm crashing on the windowpane. My breasts still dripping wett from the summer swim, shone glisning in the sun as I put on my hot pink robe. ( my pale breasts, curved over the top. ). Aunt Kim.. grinned.. gently and moaned. Stoking me between my legs. Rough.. ‘ hi...’ she whispered.grabing my vagina and twirling..’ let,s play.’.. she whispered softly.kissing up my...
These two separate tragedies where sad enough in this crazy world without the fact that each one of these two people had brought an offspring into the world with them and these kids had to experience the self doubt and guilt of wondering if they had done anything wrong to bring on this life altering change to their tender development. After the initial shock of the divorce had run its course, she took part of her rather large settlement and hired a contractor to engineer, design and...
Another story for one of the Literotica girls. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, hers was worth at least thirty-seven hundred. If only she would spend more time with us, post more, we would be in a constant state of bliss… * I’d known as soon as I saw her that I would rent her the apartment. It was her eyes I saw first, and it was those dark, dark eyes that had decided it. Christ, I thought, you could get lost for a week in those luminous pools, and their hypnotic effect had had...
They had made a bet when they won, she'd get a kiss. He didn't think they would win. She did. So they made that bet.They didn't talk about what kind, so when they won, and he kissed her on the cheek, maybe he thought that was it. It wasn't. During the evening of celebration, she prepared to make her exit. She said good night, and put something in his hand, and whispered in his ear as she hugged him goodbye. "So I can claim my prize later," she said.She felt herself blushing so she left without...
"I'd really like to give you something extra special for your birthday," said Mum. "But I don't know what."We were in the kitchen, cleaning up after dinner. I had an idea what I'd like to suggest for my f******nth birthday, but I wasn't foolish enough to say it."Anything will be fine mum," I said, handing her a glass to put away. "I can always use some socks.""Socks," she said. Since I had first gotten my first hard-on, I had craved after my mother. Obsessed over her is a better word. Once a...
Tummy KissesIt was my first semester away at school. I was desperate to fit in, anxious to please. I signed up to be on this party planning committee. Despite the drinking age laws, there was no shortage of beer, wine, and booze.Soon, it was time to time to decide who manned the booths. I don't know how it happened, but my name was down for the "tummy kisses". It was a variation on that old game where two people went into a closet for seven minutes, except I was to stay in the "closet".The day...
Hi there readers. I am Anand (fake name of course). This is the story of how I lost my virginity with my friend. I am a 22 year old guy from Kerala. I just completed my engineering in computer science. Back in my college days, there was a girl named Swetha. She was from a different branch. We became friends when we were both working on the college magazine. Initially we were not close, and then as time passed we became good friends. I used to give her movies and all in flash drive and she used...
Hello!! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for you are you enjoying them or not??? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. As you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. It is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts...
IncestI’m a twenty-nine year old stay at home mom with one son in the second grade and I love being at home, cleaning, cooking and doing all the traditional things that seem to piss a lot of women off. We had new neighbors move in two months ago, finally replacing the two assholes we had next door. Her name is Gina, her husband’s name is Tony and Gina and I have gotten very friendly. She is a stay at home mom too, she’s thirty-four with two kids in school and we have coffee every morning together...
LesbianWe are fraternal twins. Jacques is, by three minutes, my younger brother. We're both thirteen. His namesake is that famous Frenchman; our parents being marine biologists and having met the man many years ago, naturally named my brother after him. I'm plain old Betty. Go figure. Our folks being scientists spend a lot of time at work so my brother and me are left alone together a lot. The two of us are very close and always share everything. We live in a two story house. Our folk's master suit...
The Sexiest KissVersion 1.10By Maximillian Excaliber IntroductionWhile I try to make the sex as steamy as possible, I don't write stories that just throw to people in bed by the second page. And no, I'm not criticizing those who do. Hell, I read them once in a while myself.Except for my earlier stories, most of my work has a plot to sex ratio of somewhere between 75/25 and 85/15. So, unless you like your adult stories with a lot of much plot, you probably won't consider them 'jerk' stories...
Straight SexShe’d heard, just a little bit earlier that something crazy was going on outside. At first, it concerned her but when she “closed down” and got all her stuff so she could head home she found out what everyone meant. Emily, one of the newest employees walked out alone. She froze when she saw it. She could not believe her eyes. Buildings all around her, for whatever reason, were on fire. People were rioting and she had no idea why. She was frightened to death. Never before had the young woman...
Oral SexVersion 1.10 By Maximillian Excaliber Introduction While I try to make the sex as steamy as possible, I don't write stories that just throw to people in bed by the second page. And no, I'm not criticizing those who do. Hell, I read them once in a while myself. Except for my earlier stories, most of my work has a plot to sex ratio of somewhere between 75/25 and 85/15. So, unless you like your adult stories with a lot of much plot, you probably won't consider them 'jerk'...
Introduction: Girls night out Maryannes Story Secret Kisses One year after my husband Michael and I married and moved to Massachusetts, his company transferred him to Ohio, our first of many moves over the next twenty years or so. With the help of Pam, a wonderful real estate agent, we were lucky to find a small two bedroom house to rent not too far from Michaels work. Soon after unpacking and settling in, Pam called and offered to take me to lunch so I could get to know the area better and...
When we got back to the hotel room, Brian immediately went to his laptop and began downloading pictures of the elk. They had been magnificent creatures and he wanted to see his shots on the larger screen of the laptop. As I got ready for bed, he called me over to look at a particularly good shot several times. I was thrilled for him, of course. Snuggled underneath the covers, I had a beautiful view of Brian’s profile at the hotel room’s small little dining table. His face glowed in the soft...
Sissy Kiss & Cuddle I nervously knocked on the door. Too late now, I thought. I had traveled all this way to the outskirts of town, this isolated house out near the woods, to knock on this man's door on a November night wearing stockings, garter belt, satin panties along with a matching bra with inserts. My face was fully made up complete with cherry red lipstick and I was wearing an expensive red-blonde wig. My earrings matched my silver chain necklace and went well with my white...
Janice really liked her special occasions. Didn’t matter which one, Ney Years, birthdays, July 4th, May day, they were all good. Ever since last New Years Eve. She wasn’t really at the party, except it was at her parents’ house, and when the hour struck she was sort of hanging in the periphery, wishing she was part of it. She had been kissed before, but not like these guys kissed, long and so sensual. At the time she was only 16, almost ready to call herself a grownup, but not really knowing...
SwingerI had to move back in with my parents six months ago after splitting up with the wife. I found it a little weird and slightly disturbing listening to them fucking once a week, sometimes twice a week as mom is a little loud while begging dad to fuck her. It is hard looking her in the face at the breakfast table the next morning when you know what she has been doing, but our mornings can get hectic so that thought is soon banished.Dad is already away to work but mom and I leave at the same time...
The following was written rather rapidly. The following is all true. She is missed and loved. She always will be. She had my heart and soul…. I love her still. This is not erotic, just sad. I hope you read and can feel what i felt, what I still feel. I Hope you enjoy. ********* How could I describe it? How could I even call it ‘it’. It was magical when it seemed like the magic was gone. It was wonderful, when there was nothing more to wonder. I sat on the hard carpeted floor with my back...
If I close my eyes, I can see her face and the sultry smile that warmed the coldest of days. If I concentrate, I can feel her skin, run fingertips over its silky smooth surface and smell the light floral fragrance that lingers upon it. And, as I conjure that fragrance, I recall the heat of her body and the electric tingle that arced between us when we kissed. Romilly. I need her, I want her, and if I close my eyes…“Mum!”Snapped back to reality, I see Emma standing, hands on hips, one eyebrow...
MasturbationI have this recurring fantasy, that I'd love to make a reality.I find a woman that actually lives near me on one of the adult websites that I frequent. We have similar interests. I understand that she is very into having sex with black men, and she understands that I am very interested in watching white women having sex with black men and cuckold relationships. We chat online several times, which leads to a few phone calls. While she's only dated black men for the last 20 years, she is...
Copyright© 2000-2003 An old man at the Folies Bergere Had a jock, a most wondrous affair: It snipped off a twat-curl From each new chorus girl, And he had a wig made of the hair. I regretted it numerous times but none so vehemently until I met Gory, our photographer. My best friend June's smile was wide and her anxious pleasure obvious as she held my hand, to stop me from running away I should think. June introduced us, and Gory simply grunted and looked me slowly up and down...
I grab Naomi's chin with one of my hands and the small of her back with the other, pulling her toward me hard. I put my mouth against hers almost menacingly. Naomi pulls back. "Teddy, what are you doing?" "This is the only way to get your attention, my love," I say to her, taking her chin harder in my hand and pushing my mouth on hers once more. It is not my normal kiss, but I want to show her I am in charge tonight. I want to show her that I can be rough in my kisses, but still tender. Naomi...
Straight Sexby My Erotic Tale and Du Lac (Thank You Du Lac for the EDIT and adding your special touch to my tale. This story has been touched by the Du~ Thank You~) The Challenge~ Thundering rumble of horses in flight. Banded together in an all out spree across the burning sands of a scorching plane. Dust cloud bellowed behind the riders, racing toward the Tower of Love or Doom. Nostrils flaring with winded mane, neck and neck lashings to get the beasts to spurt into a lead ahead of the others. To win...
March 5, 1982, Circleville, Ohio “What became of that police investigation?” Mrs. Malenkov asked when I arrived at Katy’s house on Friday evening. “Nothing so far. They haven’t caught the rapist. The school added some security and started a service to walk girls to and from class or work after dark.” “Why did they check on you, specifically?” “The suspect has brown hair and is about 5’10” and I came into the dorm maybe an hour after it happened. At first they had reports it was a black...
I was still a virgin. I was 19, in my first year of College and had never even been on a date. I was terribly shy and studious and I got straight A’s in school. It’s not that I wasn’t pretty, but I lived with my ultra conservative father. He made sure that my curvy hips and rather generous breasts were hidden under over-sized shirts and conservative long skirts or pants. These clothes made me look dumpy compared to my classmates who wore tight fitting shirts and skirts which showed their...
The Kiss by Marina Kelly Telling stories is not just the oldest form of entertainment; it's arguably the highest form of consciousness. I make no claim at being an accomplished author, but I have been weaving yarns for most of my life. I have been an avid reader of FM for years. This is my first contribution. I have written nothing but technical papers since freshman English class. I welcome all comments, albeit they be in the form of; criticisms, suggestions, or compliments. I am a...
It was a warm summer’s evening in the middle of July; Jennifer and her husband Myron were attending the wedding of Myron’s sister. The wedding ceremony had been earlier in the afternoon, but the bride, groom and wedding party had gone off to have photographs taken, so there was a break of about an hour or two before the reception was due to start. Jennifer, Myron and their two children had gone with the wedding party to have pictures taken, but those had been over rather quickly, and now the...
Love Stories