The girl with the matches
- 3 years ago
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The New Housekeeper
‘Harvey, please come in here and show me how you like your bed made up. Look, I’ll tuck the top sheet in at the foot of the bed, but do you want it tucked in on the sides or left out loose? And the pillows, do you want them laid on top of the top sheet, or should I just pull the top sheet up over them and leave it that way?’
‘Out loose on the sides and don’t put the top sheet under the pillows. If you do, then when I pull it out this gets tangled up in the sheet.’ I lifted the middle pillow of the three on my king size bed and revealed the holstered 357 magnum revolver lying there, where my hand can find it in a hurry if I need it. ‘Are you familiar with firearms?’
‘Oh, that’s a surprise, but it’s not a shock. Back when I was growing up on a farm there were always guns around, and we didn’t think they were anything out of the ordinary. Every farmhouse had a shotgun by the back door for foxes and other critters that tried to get our hens, and another favorite was a 30-30 rifle for the occasional deer that would come along to nibble the kitchen garden. They were always good for a few steaks and a pot roast. To me, a gun is just a tool, like a hammer or a shovel, and they don’t scare me or anything. Don’t worry, I can just pick this up in its holster and set it over here, and then put it back after I’ve changed the sheets and pillowcases. I won’t fool around with it, any more than I’d play with any other tool. Tools all have their purposes and they all have to be respected or somebody can get hurt.’
‘Well, that’s good, because you may come across other weapons in places where they’re out of sight but easy to grab if I need them. They’re simply a necessity of life when you’re old enough for everybody in the neighborhood to think they might be able to do a number on you. When you’re young you can scramble around better, but anybody whose hair has gone gray has already lost a step or two, and there’ll be some drug addict out there who thinks you’d be easy picking.’
‘Did your last cleaning lady have any problems with loaded guns tucked away?’
‘No, not after she got used to seeing them pop up when she’d be vacuuming the sofa or whatever. She grew up in a barrio in Chicago, and guns are pretty common there. Having guns around the house is a real problem when there are kids around, but I’m way past that point. Now my kids have kids of their own, and they don’t live within a thousand miles of here.’
‘Well, enough chitchat. I’ve got to get hustling because I want to get a load in the washer and be able to dry it and put everything away before I leave. If there’s anything special you want me to do, just let me know.’
Later, when she was cleaning up the kitchen, she had to ask me where I wanted the pots and pans and cooking utensils put. ‘Those spatulas I keep right here, where I can reach them while I’m cooking. But the strainer and those pots and lids go down here. If in doubt, think of me trying to save as many steps as I can while I’m fixing meals, and your hand will go right to the places where I keep everything. And if you can think of a better way to arrange my stuff, just let me know and we can talk it over. When Grace was doing my housekeeping she had a lot of good ideas, and I’m always open to suggestions. She knew a lot more about kitchens than I ever will, and I’m sure you do too.’
‘What happened to Grace? Did you fire her?’
‘Oh my gosh, no! She was wonderful. But she moved away, to live with her brother in Oklahoma. His wife died recently and he needs her there to help him, and it’s a good deal for her because it really reduces her living expenses.
‘I’ve had good luck lately with part time help. Grace worked for me for two years and I never had to worry about the place being neat and clean, and everything being where I could find it. I had another lady before her who was pretty good, too, though not as good as Grace. But before that, it was a nightmare. There was one who did a great job as long as she was broke, but when she got a few dollars ahead it went for drugs and she was like a zombie. So that one I fired. And there was another one before her with a drinking problem. So if you plan on getting high on something that will alter your personality, just tell me now and I’ll fire you in advance. I just don’t need those problems.’
‘Not a chance. I know what you mean. I got rid of a husband who seemed real nice at first but turned out to be a drunk and later got hooked on cocaine, and he left me with a very strong dislike for the things that chemicals can do to people. When I get together with my sister and her family at Thanksgiving and Christmas, I take a glass or two of wine with the meal, but that’s the extent of my wild side for the rest of the year.
‘Another thing I ought to mention is that I respect your privacy, and I never gossip about any of my clients and what goes on in their homes. You could be carrying on a wild love affair with a goat, and as long as it’s your house and your goat, it’s nobody’s business but your own.’
‘That’s good to hear, but I promise you, no goats. No women, either, not for years now. I sort of miss that part of my life, but that’s what it’s like when you get old.’
‘Actually, that surprises me. Usually I hear from senior citizens that the women outnumber the men, and what men there are left can take their pick.’
‘Maybe you haven’t met many of those old women. The reason they outnumber the men is that they’ve worn their husbands out, physically and mentally, until the old guys just gave up and died. And every one of those old women is trying to get her hooks into any man who will stand still long enough. So I’m very cautious around them, and I always have someplace I have to go to right away. Talk with one for five minutes and she thinks you’ve fallen in love with her. Another thing I do is spread the word that I’m in serious financial difficulties. If I have to, I can even invent some kind of disease that I need so see the doctor for.’
‘Do you really have a lot of medical problems?’
‘Not me. I’m healthy as a horse.’
And so the light conversation went, while Helen washed, dusted, swept, vacuumed, and generally tidied up my house to take away the usual signs of a week of bachelor living. As I was paying her we discussed scheduling her weekly visits, and I opted for the middle of the week, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, and left her to pick the day, acknowledging that she might have to change her routine some weeks. One advantage that I have in retirement is that to me every day is like every other day, and I can be flexible about what’s going to happen when.
Considering that I had just picked Helen out the classified ads with no advance knowledge of her work habits, I figured I’d done pretty well. She worked while she talked, a lot better than a few I’d had who thought I wanted to pay them by the hour for sitting down and running their mouths, either talking to me or calling everybody they knew on their cell phones. I may not have much of a social life, but if I’m going to pay a woman by the hour to keep me amused it won’t be for conversation. Helen worked hard to make my house look good, and it did ,after she got finished doing her thing every week. And in the course of many casual conversations, we got to know each other pretty well. One day, while she was arranging the knickknacks after dusting the shelf by the television, she asked, ‘Why don’t you ever date any more? You said that your friend Susan moved to Florida to be near her grandchildren, but why haven’t you ever found a replacement? You ought to get out more and socialize, and that’s hard to do when you don’t have anybody to enjoy it with.’
‘Oh, I guess I’m just too old for that. I think my skirt chasing days are behind me.’
‘Well, it’s your life, but you don’t seem over the hill to me. I’ve seen the things you’ve built in your workshop, and I’ve watched how you move around. You’re not really old,
like feeble. So I’m surprised that you don’t want to have any female companionship. You wouldn’t have to move in with a woman, but you could just go out with somebody now and then. We’ve talked about all those women out there who seem to be looking for a man. Maybe you ought to think about picking one of them to spend some time with. Or maybe you’d do better to pick two, so neither one thinks she’s caught you.’
‘I’ll put that idea on my list of things to think about, but it won’t be up near the top of the list. Part of my trouble is that I always had active, attractive women in my life, and the old ladies that are my age now just don’t appeal to me. The last one that I spent a lot of time with was fifteen years younger than I was. The last woman my own age that I had anything to do with was my wife, and she died a long time ago. After that, I got involved with women younger than I was, but now I’m so old that no younger woman would want to waste her time with me. They all want young men, and I can’t blame them. I’m just too old for the women who would appeal to me. I’m an alumnus now, a graduate of the school of social interaction. And whatever you do, please don’t try to fix me up with someone.’
‘All right, but I still think you’re making a mistake. There are a lot of women out there who would love to meet a man like you, with your intelligence and refined tastes and your cheerful outlook. And they’re not all old hags, either. You could have your pick of some really nice ones, and you wouldn’t have to make any commitment you don’t want to, either. Oh yes, I see you shaking your head, but if you finally get feeling lonesome enough, let me see if I can help you out.’
‘What are you, a matchmaker?’
‘Don’t you worry about what I am. Just stop and figure out what you are, and what kind of a life you want to have. I think you’re missing out on fun and companionship. And I’ll tell you what’s going to happen: tonight or tomorrow night, when you go to bed . . . alone . . . you’ll remember this conversation and you’ll wish you’d listened to me.’
The Prophecy Comes True
‘Helen? You were right. I lay in bed last night and all I could think of was what you told me before you left on Tuesday. What exactly did you mean when you said you could help me out?’
‘What, you called me at eight o’clock in the morning to tell me that? You must have been lying awake all night thinking about it.’
‘No, but I woke up early and it was on my mind again. Why’d you go planting those ideas in my head, anyway? I was contented the way things were, until you messed with my mind.’
‘I don’t want to sit here talking about this on the phone. Are you going to be at home this morning?’
‘Yeah, I don’t have anyplace that I have to go to. Why?’
‘I just finished my coffee. I’ll tidy up the kitchen and then I’ll come and see you. Say, nine o’clock. That okay with you?’
‘Perfect. See you then.’
I jumped into the shower. No. Let’s start that over. I stepped into the shower. I don’t jump into anything any more. After I’d got all cleaned up and refreshed, I selected a shirt that would look good with my pants, a deliberate, decision making process that I seldom bother with any more when I’m getting dressed. What the hell, nobody cares what I looked like. I have three or four shirts that I like for the warm weather, and I usually just grab whichever one of them is hanging nearest to the closet door. But that day for some reason I felt different, and I dressed casually but carefully.
The doorbell announced Helen’s arrival, and she came in carrying a small notebook that had so many papers stuffed into it that the whole bulging package was held together with several rubber bands.
‘Talk to me about what you were thinking last night in bed. When you were very sleepy, ready to nod off, what were you picturing? What exactly did you think of that you didn’t have right there at your fingertips?’
‘A woman, what else? You still thinking about a goat? That was your idea, not mine. I guess I was thinking about how nice it would be able to snuggle up to a woman in my bed.’
‘What kind of a woman?’
‘Oh, not too big, but not skinny with bones sticking out all over. Say about five foot two or three or four, maybe a hundred and twenty pounds or so. Nice looking. Not real young, but not all wrinkled either. Maybe about sixty years old, but well preserved. You getting the picture?’
‘Tell me more. What about her body? Buxom? Flat chested? What?’
‘Oh, medium sized boobs. B or C cup. They wouldn’t have to be real perky like silicone specials, but not real droopy either. Say if she’s lying on her back they’d flatten out a bit but they shouldn’t wind up in her armpits.’
‘Her stomach: what would that look like?’
‘Well, not all blubbery and floppy, but it wouldn’t have to be flat as a board, either. A little curve to it would be okay. If she looks pregnant then she’s too fat for me.’
‘What about her legs and feet?’
‘I do like pretty legs. I’m not a foot fetishist, but I don’t like feet that are all misshapen from being jammed into stupid, too-tight shoes all her life. Big bulging bunions are pretty ugly, a definite turnoff. But I don’t care if her feet are tiny or big, high arched or fairly flat. Nicely trimmed toenails with a neat paint job in a subdued shade of red would be nice.’
‘So you’ve got some pretty definite ideas in your mind about what she should look like. Let’s switch to something else. When you’re having a conversation with her, how should that go? Do you care what she says, or how she says it?’
‘I guess I do, although I haven’t thought about it. I like to be able to have a pleasant conversation without having to work hard at it, and I couldn’t stand for every response to something I say being ‘Oh, gee,’ or ‘Like wow,’ or ‘I don’t know anything about that.’ You know how it is when you’re working here and we’re talking about something, anything. Last week I mentioned the Border Patrol agent who got shot, and you knew what I was talking about, and you had some opinions on it. The words flowed easily, and we went from one topic to another in a relaxed, natural way. It’s nice to be able to talk with someone like that, nothing forced or artificial about it. I’d hate to have someone in bed with me who looks terrific but never reads a newspaper. If it’s like talking to a wall, then I’m probably better off with a wall. And if I happen to say ‘shit’ or ‘fuck’ I’d hate to have her faint from the shock.’
‘What about cultural questions, like race or ethnic group or religion or politics?’
‘Well, I’m no bigot, but for a woman to share my bed I’d like to have her sort of like me. Caucasian, nominally Christian, or I guess Jewish would be okay. Any political party, speaking pretty good English although I don’t mind western European accents. As for grooming, I’m accustomed to women who shave their legs and armpits. Pubic hair could be trimmed, but if it’s all shaved off it can get stubbly. On the other hand, if she has a huge, shaggy bush it’s a turnoff.’
‘What about smoking and drinking?’
‘Smoking is out. Oh, I suppose I could tolerate a woman who smokes five or six cigarettes a day, as long as she doesn’t do it in the house or car. The smell really bothers me, I guess because I smoked so heavily that it made me sick and I had to give it up years ago. Taking a drink now and then is okay, but I don’t want anything at all to do with a drunk. Been there, done that, don’t need to do it again, ever.’
As we had been talking Helen had been making marks on a piece of paper, but I couldn’t make any sense out of them, so I asked her what they were all about. ‘This is just an easy way for me to remember what you said you want in a woman. There’s a line for every item of your specification, and the little marks I put there are just my own shorthand for your preferences. If I don’t know what kind of a woman you’re lonely for, I can’t possibly know whether
I can help you out.’
‘And just exactly what do you intend to do to help me out? Do you have a warehouse stocked with women of all sizes and descriptions, lying on the shelves waiting for you to pull one out to fill my order?’
‘It’s not that complicated. I’ve lived here most of my adult life. I’ve been active in church groups, parent-teacher groups, library committees, girl scout troop committee, voter registration drives, all that sort of thing, and I’ve met a whole lot of women. Some years ago I was asked to fix up a couple of people with dates, and one of them took root and turned into a happy marriage. That got me to thinking, and I decided to try to sort out who liked what, in case the opportunity ever came up again. As time went on, there were changes in people: some moved away, got married, got divorced, got religion, had kids, whatever, and I kept updating my file on the women I knew around town. If I were just starting out now, I suppose I’d have a computer with a data base. What I have instead is a bunch of pages in my little notebook, one name to a page, and I can shuffle through them pretty fast to find possible matches for people who are lonely. It’s not a business, but I suppose you could call it my hobby.’
‘With all the information you must have collected on people, you could probably become a blackmailer.’
‘That’s true, which is why I have to keep all this information under wraps. People don’t want their personal information to become public knowledge. This is like the CIA.’
‘What about your family? Your husband must know where you keep the notebook.’
‘Two solutions to that problem. First, all the information is coded. I know what it means, but nobody else does. Second, no husband. I got rid of him a long time ago, after his love affair with vodka and cocaine, and I’ve been living alone ever since.’
‘So all this talk about how I’m missing out on a chance for happiness and companionship is just your sales pitch. If it’s such good advice, how come you don’t apply it to yourself?’
‘First rule of parenting: do as I say, not as I do. Actually, I’d probably latch onto some guy if I found one who’d be compatible with me. It’s just like that song in Snow White, ‘Some Day My Prince Will Come.’ Just have to be patient.’
‘And how long has it been since you tossed your husband out?’
‘Ten years. But I was so mad at him and so down on men that it took me at least five years before I even started to feel lonely. Of course, doing housekeeping for people gives me a chance to be with people all the while, so I don’t get the feeling that I’m living like a hermit. Whereas you, on the other hand . . .’
‘Okay. I don’t need that whole lecture all over again. Now that you’ve asked me all those questions, what’s next?’
‘I’ll go home and sort it all out. I take a few pieces of paper and jot little notes as I go through my notebook, working at the kitchen table where I can spread it all out in front of me. I’ll try to pick out two or three ladies that I think might be suitable for you, and I’ll call you with the information on one of them in time for you to call her up, introduce yourself, and ask her for a date for next Friday or Saturday night. Then you’ll get back to me and tell me how it went, but you won’t be obligated to do anything else with her unless you want to. If you want to try somebody else, we’ll go through the same routine the next week with another lady. Unless you’re really very picky, or there’s something wrong with you, by the third try you ought to have at least one who’ll be suitable. Simple, huh?’
‘So all I have to do now is sit and wait for you to call me up with a name and phone number?’
‘You’ve got it. Expect me to call you later today, or maybe tomorrow morning.’
Hey, Got a Match?
Sure enough, just before suppertime, the phone rang. ‘Harvey, call Julie Morris. She lives about five miles west of you, just off Route 87.’ She gave me the directions to Julie’s house and her phone number.
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He couldn’t sleep. The clock next to his bed glowed green numbers, 12:48 AM but he was as wide awake as if it were mid-afternoon. He slapped the pillow in frustration, he kicked the blankets to the foot of the bed, restless, sleepless, head full of what might happen the next day. He had a high level of anxiety because at 11 the next morning he was going into the first match against the State middle weight high school wresting champion for the last two years. Literally going to the mat. He had a...
"Doubles match?" "Sure, why not?" Michelle had stopped me outside of class, accompanied by her teammate and roommate Nicole. Michelle was my former friend/now girlfriend whom I'd hooked up with about a month earlier. While Nicole had joined us in that first sexual session, Michelle and I had split off into a more personal one-on- one exclusive relationship. Still, I spent a great deal of time at the girls' apartment and gorgeous Nicole flirted with me more than ever, and sometimes...
It was the Sunday of WWE Royal Rumble. My girl and I was having a royal rumble party. We had a few friends over to watch it. She had 5 of her friends and I have 3 of my friends over.… It was the Sunday of WWE Royal Rumble. My girl and I was having a royal rumble party. We had a few friends over to watch it. She had 5 of her friends and I have 3 of my friends over. We were all chilling in the living room, eating, talking loudly, and laughing. It was a good old time. My girl call me in the...
ExtremeAuthor’s note: This is an entry in the 2012 Literotica Valentine’s Day Contest. Enjoy! Roses are red, violets are blue.Cupid is clumsy, Psyche’s aim is true. ~~~~~ ~ A Strange Encounter ~ Aaron suddenly felt anxious. He had expected some uneasiness, but his day had been extremely busy. Morning classes, lunch with colleagues, afternoon office work, the hectic schedule left little time for self-doubt. Now, with just ten minutes to go, he finally felt the butterflies in his stomach. A quick...
I'm an athletic and fun-loving guy in his mid-20's, average height and weight. Trim and good-looking, I'm a pro shoot wrestler, and it shows in my lean, muscular build. I've recently married the love of my life, a beautiful mixed martial artist. My wife is just a couple years younger than me, and a perfect blend of cute and sexy. Though she trains hard at the gym daily and is a fierce competitor in the cage, she's the sweetest woman in the world. She's curvy, but it's all muscle, her only fat...
FetishSaturday afternoon I was at home getting bored; but then my loving hubby said he had arranged with some of his friends to go to a bar to watch a soccer match. Victor asked me if I want to go with him.When we got there the bar was really crowded.I was wearing a tight short dress and high heels.I loved to show my long legs and my cleavage, although I was not really into watching soccer…Victor moved with some friends at a corner and I managed finally to get a drink and have to stand by a high bar...
Tags : shower sex, hot friend, kissing Hello, everyone, this is Raj is from Pune. You can contact me at This is the story where I and my friend Trisha had sex after a badminton match. Trisha is one of the hottest girls in my college. She carries any outfit with confidence and looks great(as she was athletic). We met on the first day of college and have been friends since. She is a flirt and was single and I was too. I enjoyed her company, sometimes we used to chat a lot but none of us fell for...
Valerie’s Monday night tennis matchValerie always looked forward to her games of tennis with Jill. In the summer they would play outdoors but in the winter they continued to play in the local school hall. Although she enjoyed the tennis it was really the after match sexual activities with Jill that she enjoyed the most. Both Valerie and Jill were happily married mothers but for several years now they had been enjoying satisfying each other sexually.Valerie was getting ready for her Monday night...
Time Stands Still Chapter Thirteen: A Match By 1:30 p.m. Sanchez moaned as I moved my hands over his under garments and body. He was enjoying the feeling as much as I was. I was slipping the strap of his top off when I heard the sound of footsteps. A voice came from outside the closet. "Uh, Detective Sanchez, we've found a close positive match." At the sound of the lab tech's voice, I knew that Sanchez had forgotten about me and was all cop again. We smiled...
I have been a soccer official for almost fifteen years. I have been to small towns, large towns, huge communities, big schools, small schools, and have spent more time driving around to cities and communities that I'd never seen before. I have enjoyed it all the years I've done it. And it's one thing to do the things I love, but it's more enjoyable when things happen that I don't expect. What happened after my match on Tuesday night was one of those unexpected crazy things I will forever look...
TrueSince returning to Norfolk after Simon disabled the Palladium, he and Arabella had been confined to the Little Creek Amphibious Base housing area. The days had been fairly calm; a few hours at work, early afternoons at the beach, and then enjoying warm nights together in the exciting city sprawl of that Norfolk and the rest of the area had become. As martial law had tightened its grip on the massive military and industrial complex in the Hampton Roads area, what had been a collection of...
Phil was a football nut; at least he had been when he lived up North. While living in Leeds, he had been a season ticket holder at Ellend Road, and he had also only missed fifteen away games in three years. When his job took him to London, in the middle of the football season, he had to sell his season ticket. He hadn't been to a footy game since. It wasn't as if there weren't teams he could go and see. Stamford Bridge, and Chelsea's cosmopolitan team, was very close. Arsenal had the best...
It was the early part of June, 2005, when Howard T. Hallowell walked in as Gloria was sweeping the store. He watched for a moment and then said, ‘Swabbing the floor, huh?’ ‘Deck,’ Gloria said. ‘Huh?’ ‘It’s a deck, not a floor.’ Gloria straightened and then added, ‘and, no, I’m not swabbin’ it, I’m sweeping it.’ Howard chuckled and said, ‘You know Andy Zimmerman, the Sheriff in Carrolton?’ ‘Not really. I saw him a few times in Carrolton, but never met him.’ Howard grabbed the dust pan and...
It was Friday night, and time for the big sexual wrestling match that would be broadcast on pay-per-view nationwide. Jordan Driller was set to face Jillian Juggs in a inter-sex match. In this company, the winner gets to fuck the loser on national television, no strings attached. Jordan went to the gym around two to prepare for the match at Seven. He started his routine at the punching bags. He was magnificent at his kicks, with the grace of Bruce Lee as he performed them. His punches could...
My wife and I had moved from a busy city to a small town around twenty years ago. I joined a local tennis club soon after, and that was when I first met a lady called May. She too was married, but at the time, she was going through a divorce. We got along well and I helped her get over it by just being there for her. After her divorce and during the next few years we became very close friends. She confided many things to me, that she knew I would not pass on to another soul, not even to my...
Wife LoversHi dosto ye meri pehli story hai aur real life insident hai jo mere sath delhi mai hua tha Mera naam jack(changed) hai aur mai delhi mai ek it company mai job krta hu toh agar koi girl ya lady mujhse chat krna chahe toh mujhe pr mail kar sakti hai Chaliye story start karta hu, baat 2016 ki hai hike messanger ne tinder ki tarah ek match making service start ki thi . Maine bhi vo service start kri aur match found hue. Unme s maine kafi ladkiyo s baat ki aur ek ladki laxmi nagar k pass ki hi thi...
One time when I was relaxing on a Sunday, my girlfriend thought it would be nice to have her friends come over so 20mins later 2 of her friends came over and we was all hanging out talking 'til we got into a debate over which music genre was the best (as me and my girlfriend love rock but her friends aren't keen on it) and so for a laugh my girlfriend said she'd wrestle them and the winner of the match wins the argument lol and so they stripped off into some real small shorts and bikini top and...
"Hi Darling", I said. "Hi Dan", she replied, "my Boss Ted let me go early because I said that we would go to his house tomorrow afternoon for a social game of tennis with him and his wife Barbara, now I don't want any complaints or you will be over my knee, besides this will good for my career", added my wife. I should explain, my wife, Janet, had been spanking me for a few years. It started as mutual spanking as part of our lovemaking, but soon she decided she preferred just to spank me, so...
SpankingThe sports club usually closed at ten thirty in the evening but this had been a grudge match between two girls who did not particularly like each other and therefore neither would agree to a draw or a postponement when closing time came and as a result they were the last two in the gym. Jane was tall and fairly slim with long blonde hair, tanned legs and arms which were shown off to advantage by her white skirt and blouse. In contrast Alice was a little shorter, very slim and dark haired with...
A gentle kiss woke Sue. Opening her eyes, she looked up into the smiling face of her big brother. She grinned and returned his wake-up kiss then wrapped her arms around him and pulled his naked body down on top of hers. After a night spent making love, it was incredible how good she felt. There were no twinges of guilt, no feelings of remorse, just a delicious sense of unconditional love and happiness. They had needed one another: he after coming back from a year in combat physically sound but...
It was probably just about 7 o'clock when a man's voice came out of the speakers. "Good evening, my name is Jim Tracker. I am the chairman of this Spring Strip Wrestling Extravaganza." That was the first time I'd heard that name. The tickets just called it a Fund Raiser, and listed the names of the fraternity and two sororities. Most of the girls, all of us still wearing our bikinis -- a condition which would end for some very shortly gathered on the corners of the stage. The speaker...
(This is a First-Timer story. If you would like a Part II, let me know…) It had been another wasted day on the picket line. As Taya and I walked to the bus stop, I had the opportunity to check her out. She was dressed in a light-blue shirt, a slightly-faded jean-skirt and white tennis shoes. It was easy to notice her shoulder-length, silky midnight black hair, supple firm legs and a taut candy-apple sized ass. Being of Asian background, she had beautifully shaped eyes the same color as her...
Loripetny Posts & storiesBlack band returnsSo this past Saturday night at the Banquet hall where I work the black band from PA was back and of course they saw I was working and we chatted between songs and they already invited me back to party at there suite and said there was several different guys playing with them tonight who would love to meet me which really meant love to fuck me, they said they had their masks ( see other story)only better for Halloween I was like we will see, it took...
(This is a First-Timer story. If you would like a Part II, let me know...) It had been another wasted day on the picket line. As Taya and I walked to the bus stop, I had the opportunity to check her out. She was dressed in a light-blue shirt, a slightly-faded jean-skirt and white tennis shoes. It was easy to notice her shoulder-length, silky midnight black hair, supple firm legs and a taut candy-apple sized ass. Being of Asian background, she had beautifully shaped eyes the same color as her...
InterracialA blinding white light, so intense it might have been the interior of the sun and the loudest sound I had ever heard, it was so loud, combined with the light, that I lost consciousness. That last I should have remembered, if that much, but I realized that I remembered much more than that, I remembered much more than that. I remembered everything. I knew I was in the hospital at the medical center where I had spent so much of my time over the last 3 years. I remembered - - that the woman...
The tremendous thunder storm had caused the organizers to cancel the entire softball tournament after a two-hour delay and a forecast that it would continue for the entire weekend. We were a very good team and pretty much figured that we would be in the final game on Sunday night, so we planned on going home on Monday morning. The guys and I went back to the hotel and checked out two days earlier that we had planned. I hopped into my SUV and began my drive home. Except for the high cross winds...
The Ref blew a blast on his whistle to signify the end of the match and Phil, Nicole and the rest of the supporters of the away side, Leeds United, sprang up out of their seats to celebrate victory. It was a well deserved win against a very good side in Chelsea. Phil turned and hugged Nicole, who was wearing one of Phil’s old football shirts. Nicole didn’t support Leeds like Phil, but she was happy that her friend’s team had won. Phil’s friend Tony turned to him and...
That Saturday Victor looked excited, since it was a very important day: his favorite soccer team would face some kind of finals and my beloved hubby had arranged going to a local bar, to watch there the game with some of his friends…Once we get there, I noticed the bar was really overcrowded.I had dressed to impress Victor’s friends, as usual. I was wearing a very short mini black dress and high heels, showing my long legs and my deep cleavage. I looked myself in the mirror before going out and...
Tara is a slut and always has been. Even before she let the most popular jock in our school pop her cherry she was an oral freak who loved to suck cock. After her first taste of a prick in her cunt, she went fuck crazy, spreading her legs for all the guys in town. The same was true after her first butt-fuck. In our town, I was probably the only person who wasn’t screwing her. And not because I didn’t want to, but because she wouldn’t let me.I’ve known Tara most of my life. For me, it was love...
VoyeurThere are many things that change how people live and nothing is really the essence of the dating and marriage. It is marriage brings balance in people's lives and make sure that you are ready to change how you live and life map. A dating site is one of the places you should check if you are looking for a system; a dating partner brings your way.It is very important to know that a changed little in life more and more effective so don't miss the big picture. Most important thing is that many men...
Well, this was certainly a long time coming, wasn't it? It's been what, a year, since I've posted any actual content. Ah well. I've been working on various long, uncompleted projects, but I got this idea based on a dream I had last night and had to put it down before I forgot about it. This has all the basic copyright stuff, it's mine, and you can post it anywhere you want as long as you notify me and it's free to do so. Game, Set, Match By Tanto I was walking alone through...
At last! I think I just didn't want to finish the story. What do you do when you know you've done a good job; drawn characters that you want to live; created a story that you don't want to end? And then, with it starting so well, can the finish ever live up to the expectation? I always knew it would end this way, the story was always drawn out this way, but so many times I wanted to change it. Still, finally, I got it down, and hopefully the way it needs to be. I hope you find...
My name is Rachael and I always had a thing for women and face sitting with women. I always would be the submissive type in the relationship. I 'm cute, 5 '5", 125 pounds, with beautiful long blond hair that goes past my shoulders with some cute freckles on my face. I 've been told I have a great body too. One Saturday night I met my match when I went out to this bar in the city. I was wearing a black short skirt with thin see through silk blouse. I had some of my cleavage showing through my...