Grand Opening Ch. 01 free porn video

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Chapter 1

In 1958, construction on Highway 27 began. Working its way North-northwest, it extended, on paper, from Jazz Beach, Louisiana to Elgee, Louisiana.

In January 1960, Union strikes halted the progress just as the two lane blacktop reached the north side of DeGarde, Louisiana, right as it entered Bender, Louisiana. The private contractor, under a deadline from the state, pulled in scab workers.

The striking workers came armed with pick axes, sledge hammers, lead pipes.

Matt McElroy calmly walked over to his truck, pulled out his two Colt .45s and put a bullet between the eyes of the union leader. The union workers let construction continue that day.

The next morning, Matt McElroy started his truck. The explosion shattered every window in the home he and his wife and three children lived in, as well as the neighbor’s home as well.

There was no more work done on Highway 27 until September 1962, when the state of Louisiana reached an agreement with the union.


In July 1960, Jack Eastman was escaping an attempted homicide charge in New Orleans. Driving east on the Evangeline Throughway, he, on a whim, decided to turn north onto Highway 27. He was unable to stop in time when the road suddenly ceased to be, ripping the driveshaft from his automobile as he ran over a broad tree stump.

So Jack lay low in DeGarde, picking up menial jobs here and there, all cash. A widow of World War Two rented him a room in her home for ten dollars a week. This included breakfast and dinner. Jack quickly found reason to skip these two meals, Nettie Duvalier couldn’t cook.

Nettie was loathe to let Jack use her telephone freely. He would have to contact the operator first, give the operator the telephone number he wished to contact, then at the conclusion of the phone call, had to get the charges from the operator, and then pay that amount to Nettie.Once a week, Jack would call his mother to see if there was still a warrant out for his arrest, and once a week, she would tell him there was still a warrant out for his arrest.

On Sundays, Nettie would make Jack rise, shower and shave, and put on his suit and accompany her to church. Then, she would make him eat her Sunday lunch. Afterward, they would sit in the living room and read aloud from her large Bible.

Jack was convinced that Nettie’s husband didn’t really die in battle, Mr. Duvalier had wisely decided not to come home.

Nettie and Mr. Duvalier (she never did refer to her deceased husband by his Christian name) had no children. His only living relative had died in an automobile accident in 1959, and Nettie had no living relatives. So, Jack became her ‘son,’ and had to pay ten dollars a week for that privilege.


Jack couldn’t help but chuckle when he got hired by St. Elizabeth courthouse as a maintenance man. It was a good job, and it paid the handsome salary of twenty three dollars a week. Of course, they didn’t know him as Jack Eastman, they knew him as Jack Duvalier and had Mr. Duvalier’s Social Security Number on file.

‘I can remember when didn’t have no social number, hell, my daddy didn’t even have no birth certificate,’ Herman Voision, his supervisor commented. ‘Had him a baptism recorded, so they figured his birthday had to been maybe a week earlier, so that’s the day we said was his birthday. Nowadays, got to have this and that, hell can’t even get you a pack of cigarettes don’t have no paper, know what I’m saying?’

‘Uh huh,’ Jack said and extinguished his cigarette in the urn.

‘That’s what I like about you, Jack,’ Herman said, putting his own cigarette out. ‘You don’t talk much. Don’t waste nobody’s time all that yakked yack-yack. Had one little n*gger boy here, hell, don’t even remember what that boy’s name was, but damn, little n*gger could talk, never shut up, just yakked and yakked, damn near talked my ear off.’

‘Uh huh,’ Jack agreed.


In March of 1961, Nettie began to complain of being tired all the time, but also said that it would pass soon enough. But when Jack found her, on the floor of her bedroom, she couldn’t object to him putting her into the back seat of her car and driving her to Doctor’s Hospital in Baton Rouge.

‘Now, who’s got this kind of money, huh?’ Nettie complained bitterly when the doctor insisted on admitting her to the hospital and insisted on running several tests. ‘Need to bring me down to the V.A. Hospital, know where that is? My husband, God rest his soul, he was in the service….’

Jack was concerned about his hostess’s health, but he couldn’t help but smile that he could finally get into her kitchen and make his own dinner that night. And his own breakfast in the morning. His only meal of the day was normally the lunch served in the cafeteria of the courthouse.

‘Now why’d you bring me here?’ Nettie complained bitterly when he picked her up five days later. ‘All they did was stick mall kind of needles in me, poke me and prod me and they still don’t know what’s going on with me, I swear.’

‘Told me it was leukemia,’ Jack corrected her.

‘That’s what they think it is but they don’t know,’ she argued.

‘Made three phone calls, wrote them down and here, here’s a buck fifty,’ he said, handing her the money.

‘A buck fifty?’ she gasped. ‘Where’d you call? France?’

‘No, Japan. France was too expensive,’ he said.

‘And probably been driving my car all over the place too,’ she muttered to herself.

‘No, just to Las Vegas, committed three bank robberies, and then high tailed it back here,’ Jack said.

He looked over and smiled as he saw the corners of Nettie’s mouth quiver up into a little smile.

‘Well, did you at least catch any of the shows they put on up there?’ she asked.

‘Nope, figured you’d want to use the car before too long so came on back,’ he shrugged.


He quit calling home to his mother. The last time Jack had called home, his mother informed him that there was no longer a warrant out for his arrest for attempted homicide. The man had died of his injuries so it was now second-degree murder. He told his mother that he loved her, and was sorry he had let her down. Then he hung up the telephone and never made another call home.


Jack drove Nettie to Lafayette, then to Houston Texas, but those doctors told her the same thing, it was Leukemia.

‘Well,’ she sighed as he drove back to DeGarde, Louisiana. ‘I guess that’s it. Guess it’s time for me to go see Mr. Duvalier again.’

‘Tell him I said ‘hi,” Jack said.

‘You’re a good boy, Jack,’ she said.

A few people from her church came to the funeral but Jack was the only one shedding any tears. Annette Catherine Hale Duvalier had been a cold, aloof woman that had kept all at arm’s length. The only reason Jack had gotten to know her was because of his little quip about taking the car to Las Vegas. Nettie had possessed a wicked sense of humor and had welcomed someone to trade barbs with.

A letter from the law office of Hebert, Leblanc & Roberts arrived, addressed to Jack Duvalier, so he drove to the dingy office, located on West Congress Street, Lafayette, Louisiana.

There, Samuel Leblanc informed Jack that he was the recipient of Annette’s estate. The home, the automobile, and a savings account of fourteen thousand dollars were now his.

Jack thanked the bone thin man, got in his car and simply went back to work.


An overheard conversation between Gus Voision, the mayor of DeGarde (and Herman’s brother, the only reason Herman had a job at all) and one of the union representatives alerted Jack of the real estate available at the dead end of Highway 27. Gus had bought up several acres but was watching the value of the land plummet and continue to plummet each day that the construction was halted.

Jack went home, looked at a map of the plot of land, mad
e a few calculations, and then made a decision.

The next day, he approached Gus and boldly offered the man two thousand dollars for the twenty five acres Gus had on hand.

‘It’s worth at least…’ Gus tried to bluff.

‘It’s worth nothing right now and in two weeks you’re going to have to cough up another three hundred in taxes on it,’ Jack said. ‘Tell you what. Forget it. You just keep losing your shirt on it.’

After the two men struck a deal, Jack began construction on a bar. St. Elizabeth was not a dry parish, but Gus Voision belonged to the local Baptist Church and frowned on alcohol consumption and would not grant a liquor license to anyone in the DeGarde proper.

Joseph Gemelli, the mayor of Bender, Louisiana, however, would happily give Jack the license, and give Gus the finger.

Jack named his new bar the ‘Dead End Bar.’

Chapter 2

Jack patterned the Dead End Bar after the bars of the French Quarter, in New Orleans. The drinks were watered down and over-priced, the music was supplied by a tinny sounding juke-box, and a low stage had not so young women dancing and shimmying out of their clothes.

Up front, the girls adhered to the letter of the law. Areola was discretely covered by pasties and pubic hair was covered by cloth. In the ‘Hurricane Room’ however, the only laws were dictated by the dancers. If they were okay with peeling the adhesive pasties off and letting their customer see their nipples, they would peel the pasties off and let their customers see their nipples. If they felt like peeling out of their panties and letting the customers see their pussies, they would peel off their sweaty panties. All of this, of course, came at a price above and beyond the twenty five dollar ‘room fee.’

It was rumored that a few of the women would even have sex with customers, for exorbitant prices. It was only rumored, though. No one actually knew of anyone that would admit to paying the ridiculous price to have sex with a pudgy woman that looked tired and reeked of cigarette smoke. But they always ‘heard of this guy that…’

When labor again began on Highway 27, Jack even took to opening at eleven thirty to provide hot meals at reasonable prices for the crews. He was also gentleman enough to allow the construction men to use his restroom and didn’t charge them for the use of the facilities.

Jack made the money back, in spades every Friday, just as soon as the men got paid. The girls also made money, hand over fist, on Fridays.

‘Eating steak on Friday, bologna sandwiches on Monday,’ he smirked as he counted out the tally.


‘Honey, you even old enough to be standing here?’ he smiled at the unattractive red-head.

‘Just turned twenty one,’ she assured him and put an obviously forged ID on the bar.

‘Well, um, Penelope,’ he said, squinting at the card.

‘Everybody calls me Penny,’ she said.

‘Uh huh, well um, Penny, come on, how old are you really?’ he asked.

‘Nineteen,’ she admitted.

‘Honey, eighteen’s the age limit, why’d you bring me this useless piece of paper?’ he asked, smiling at her.

‘Damn it!’ the girl snapped, face an angry splotch of freckles. ‘My stupid cousin Tammy said I had to be twenty one!’

‘Well, Tammy sounds like a real genius,’ Jack smiled and pulled out a standard application form.

The girl bent to the task of filling out the application and Jack walked down the bar to one of the construction men.

‘You ain’t hiring that, huh?’ the man asked, jabbing a finger at the girl.

‘She’s old enough,’ Jack shrugged.

‘Uh huh, men will be paying her put her clothes back on,’ he sneered. ‘Now, give me six of them specials today.’

‘Its pork chops,’ Jack said and bent to the task of preparing the plates.

‘Don’t matter. Ain’t none of my guys Jewish,’ the man guffawed.


Penny could dance, could really dance, but didn’t make much in tips. The gangly, slender girl had small breasts and almost no waist hour hips to speak of. Her face was mottled by freckles and her hair was kinky carrot orange and stuck out at odd angles.

Only one customer, an extremely drunk man, had ever paid the twenty five dollars to have a private audience with Penny. He did leave with a large smile on his face and Penny looked extremely uncomfortable for the rest of that evening.

The other girls were pleasant enough, she was no real competition, but they didn’t encourage her either.

‘I must really be stinking up the place,’ Penny said dejectedly as she nursed a Dixie longneck.

‘Don’t know what to tell you,’ Jack shrugged. ‘Hell, I think you’re pretty enough.’

‘Come on Jack, give it a rest, huh?’ Penny said tiredly. ‘You don’t even look at me twice.’

‘When you up there dancing? I’m looking, I’m looking plenty,’ Jack assured her. ‘Want another beer?’

‘Nah,’ she said, wandered over to the juke-box and dropped a nickel in.

‘Know how to cook?’ he asked her when she sat back down.

‘Yeah, my mom made me cook supper every night for my three brothers,’ she said. ‘Dad ran off so my mom had to get a job, works for Dr. Prentiss, the dentist. Isn’t that funny? Prentiss the Dentist. Almost sounds like he should be on the Saturday morning cartoons, huh?’

‘So, here’s what we’re going to do,’ Jack said.


One Saturday, Jack asked Penny if she’d like to get together and do something on Sunday.

‘Like what?’ she asked, scrubbing down the grill.

‘Hell, I don’t know, um, how about a picnic?’ he stammered.

‘Wait a minute, you mean, like you and me, out? On a date?’ she asked, looking up from the hot grill.

‘Well, yeah, what’d you think I meant?’ Jack asked.

‘I don’t know, I just figured,’ she shrugged.

‘Hey, I told you, I think you’re plenty pretty,’ he said.

‘Yeah, but I mean, you’re what, thirty or something?’ Penny asked, turning off the overhead fan.

‘Twenty eight,’ he admitted.

‘Yeah, I guess so,’ Penny shrugged. ‘What time?’

‘Pick you up at eleven?’ he asked.

‘Okay,’ she said.


She wore a pale yellow sundress for their picnic. She even had her unkempt hair pulled back and clipped down with a single silver hairclip.

He drover her out to Baylor Lake, claimed an area for them, put a blanket out, then smiled as he pulled two kites out of the trunk of the car.

‘You are kidding!’ she laughed.

‘Bet I can get mine up higher than yours,’ he challenged.

Standing shoulder to shoulder, she was the same height as he.

‘So, what do I win if I get mine higher than yours?’ she asked as the wind from the nearby Gulf of Mexico buffeted the two kites.

‘A kiss,’ he decided.

‘And if you win?’ she asked.

‘A kiss,’ he said.

‘So either way, you win,’ she said.

‘And you do too!’ he protested.

‘Nah, I’m kissing some old guy. You’re the one kissing a sweet, innocent nineteen year old girl,’ she smiled.

‘Right now, I’m not so sure about that ‘sweet’ bit,’ he groused.

‘I can be very sweet when I want to be,’ she assured him, and kissed him on the cheek.


Jack and Penny married three weeks later. Of course there was much speculation that the two ‘had’ to get married. The speculation was wrong but Jack knew no amount of protestation would change that opinion, so he didn’t try. For her part, Penny would just shrug whenever any of her mother’s friends would ask the circumstances of their hurried wedding.

‘He just couldn’t wait one more minute to get to my hot pussy,’ Penny would say, and then smile sweetly at the scandalized expressions on their faces.

‘Penny, really, must you?’ her mother would huff.

‘Mom, those bitches come up, all smiles and sweetness. All they want is some juicy gossip. Good church going women? I hardly think so,’ Penny would

‘For me, all right, for me, stop saying ‘pussy,’ it’s so vulgar,’ her mother demanded.

Mrs. Scandurro stopped mother and daughter in the butcher’s shop and snidely asked about the hurried wedding.

‘I promised my mother I’d quit telling you nosey bitches that Jack couldn’t wait to fuck my hot pussy, so I’ll just tell you he couldn’t wait for me to suck his cock but knew I wouldn’t put my mouth anywhere near it unless we were married,’ Penny said.

Mrs. Scandurro fainted. Penny’s mother just looked at her daughter, shook her head, and walked out the shop, still clucking her tongue at her daughter’s impertinence.

The butcher, however, was laying across his counter, laughing hysterically.

‘Mrs. Duvalier, here, here’s a rib eye, on me,’ he finally hooted. ‘You and your husband enjoy it, it’s a wedding present from me, all right?’

‘Mr. Early, we won’t buy our meat from anyone but you, hear?’ she promised and took the free rib eye and the rest of the meat purchase for the Dead End Bar.

Chapter 3

November 23, 1963, America watched, stunned, as their President was slain. When the numbness wore off, the tears began.

In Lafayette General Hospital, Penny Duvalier sweated, cried, sobbed, and groaned and finally gave birth to Victoria Annette Duvalier. Because of the complications, the doctor performed an emergency hysterectomy on the young mother, but declared the child to be of fine spirits.

‘It’s a girl,’ the nurse told Jack and he sobbed with relief.

Behind him, the television screen continued to show the horrible images from Dallas, Texas.

When he was allowed to see his wife and daughter, Penny tearfully told him that they’d have no more children.

‘Who gives a fuck?’ he said, shocking the nurse. ‘Damn it, Honey! You’re alive! My little girl’s alive! Yeah, we both wanted five or six brats but so what? You’re alive!’

‘I love you, Old Man,’ she said.

‘And I love you, Sweet Bit,’ he said.


Vicky grew up behind the bar. She was potty trained by her mother and the five dancers. She learned to ride her bicycle in the asphalt parking lot. When she learned her ‘ABCs’ she learned to spell all the brands of whiskey, vodka, gin, and rum sold at the Dead End Bar.

Hot Dogs were added to the menu of the bar, as was macaroni and cheese and tater tots.

Vicky was heartbroken when she had to start attending school. At five years old, the skinny red head was already an old soul, and didn’t fit in very well with the children of St. Richard’s Elementary School.

The cafeteria workers thought it was a hoot when the kindergarten student asked for a ‘Jack and cola,’ and frowned when they handed her a small carton of milk.

‘Cow juice?’ she asked, wrinkling her face. ‘Who drinks this stuff?’

‘You do,’ Sister Bernice snapped.

When she refused to eat the carrot salad, Sister Lucille snapped that there were children starving in Asia that would love to eat the food Vicky was so carelessly wasting.

‘Then box it up and send it to them ’cause I’m not eating it,’ Vicky snapped back.


The Vietnam War was a cauldron of mishaps and misfires. Many of the soldiers were returning to hostilities in the United States that were almost as vicious as the hostilities they’d endured in battle.

The Dead End Bar, however, welcomed the young men of DeGarde and Bender with a free meal and a free beer. Most of the dancers would welcome the battle weary and battle hardened men with a hug and a kiss.

‘I salute you,’ Jack would say to them, and would indeed give them a sharp salute.

Because of the harsh welcome others would give them, however, many of the Vietnam veterans of DeGarde and Bender slipped out of society. The Dead End Bar was a refuge to them.

By 1970, the Dead End Bar was a biker hangout. Most of the bikers were Vietnam Vets. Some were into heavier things than watered down booze.

Because of the bikers, and some of the heavier things the bikers were interested in, the DeGarde and Bender Police Departments also took an interest in the Dead End Bar.

One of the officers, glancing at the wedding photograph that Jack and Penny so proudly displayed behind the bar studied the man’s face carefully.

Charles Villeaux then went back to the office and looked over a file that had been sent to the DeGarde Police Department in 1961.

He found the police report in the rear of all the dispatches sent in from the New Orleans/Orleans Parish Courthouse.

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Grandpas Incest Humor

Grandpa’s Incest Humor When my grandfather died Mom and I got on a plane and flew out to Oregon to attend the funeral. Mom’s two sisters were on their way too with their daughters. We were met at the airport and taken to a place way out in the middle of nowhere. Mom, Aunt Delilah, and Aunt Dominique were a year apart in age. Oh, Mom’s real name is Daphne. Mom was the oldest at thirty-six, Aunt Delilah was thirty-five, and Aunt Dominique was thirty-four years old. They had a lot...

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Grandmas Secret

Chapter 1 He had watched her for a week, from what he could tell, she lived with her daughter and granddaughter in a fairly secluded home out in the country. He had staked out her place and been out to 'check' up on them at varying times of the day, he finally figured he had it all worked out. She wasn't a bad looking woman and her daughter looked even better, but the one that had caught his interest was the granddaughter, he wanted all three, but the granddaughter was going to be the...

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Grandmas Farewell Party

Grandma was beautiful at 60. At 5'9", she was a reasonable 150 lbs. A little plump in places perhaps, and her tits weren't as firm as I'm sure they once were. In fact, they were quite large and sagged somewhat, but that just added to the attraction. They bounced around a lot since she refused to wear a bra. But I noticed men still watching her when we went to the mall or to the movies.I guess you could call Grandma an eccentric; she always knew what she wanted, and she always found a way to get...

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Grandmas Farm

Grandma Hazel had four siblings; all boys. She was the third child and the only female of the five children. Thomas was the oldest child followed by, George, then Grandma Hazel, later Earl and Walter, the youngest boy. Her brothers were very protective of her and chased off any boyfriend that didn’t meet the high standards they had set for her. Grandma Hazel worked the farm right alongside her brothers and was considered by most as being a tough, but beautiful girl. She could toss a bale of...

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Grandfathers Cock Orgy for Eight

Author's Note: In Grandfather's Cock Was Too Large For His Jock, Kimberly and her BFF Cissy did some girl on girl before Cissy turned Kimmie over to her brother Neil to have her cherry broken. Kimmie goes home to find Grandpa watching a porn flick while he baby sits Kimmie, whose parents were away for the weekend with Cissy and Neil's parents. It turns out that Grandpa was the star of the film, one of many films, and that his leading lady was Kimmie's Mom. Kimmie and Grandpa proceed to fuck...

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Grandfathers Paradox

GRANDFATHER'S PARADOX ? by: SsiRuuk25 Alex Harrison walked out of the bathroom, in deep meditation. Today was the day he had been waiting for, hoping for, for as long as he could remember. Today he would undergo a genetic replacement treatment, a highly experimental treatment developed by some biotech company he had never heard of. But when he heard what they were offering, he jumped at the chance. There were no guarantees, of any kind about anything, but the chance to be what...

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Grandmas Rocking Chair

She came home with one of those sick headaches that happens once in a while. There was a paleness about her that betrayed how lifeless and drained she was. He never knew just exactly what to do except quiet rest and the medicine. Today as she came in, he just went to her to help her in and she just fell into his arms and he enveloped her with his big bear like hug. He held her gently and with his hand he pressed her head into the soft cushion at the base of his neck. ‘What can I do for you?’...

1 year ago
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Grandmas Secret Sex Life

100% fiction! My parents died in an auto accident when I was young and I was raised by my grandparents. Since I never knew my parents, I thought of my grandparents as my mother and father, though they made it plain to me, early in life, who my parents really were. We had a happy life, really. Then one day even as a boy I realized that something seemed wrong between Grandma and Grandpa. I didn't know what exactly had happened between the two of them; all I knew was that suddenly they stopped...

2 years ago
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Granddads fingers were a welcome Penetratio

Married at eighteen and now, three years later, I hate the sight of him.I should have listened to others, advising me about throwing myself head-long into this relationship, but another saying 'You never know someone until you have lived with them', now rings hollow, as it reverberates in my head.Last week we were at a family reunion and he just got drunk, and began to talk down to me, continually correcting and belittling, honestly if I had a knife, I would have castrated him, but something...

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Grandpas EducationChapter 5

The house seemed empty after Jerry and Fancy left, and if it hadn't been for my daughter rummaging around in the kitchen, I might have fallen victim to that depression that being alone brings. I was at loose ends while she worked around the house, however, and excused myself to tackle some more of the writing that brought me a sense of purpose. It wasn't long before Angelina was leaning over my shoulder, trying to read the tale I was attempting to weave. "What's the story about, Dad?...

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Grandpas Secret

Wow, What a day, turning 17 sure was fun! I lay back in my bed trying to recall what had just happened.  I came home from school at 5pm to find a note on the table from mum telling me to go round to grandpa's to thank him for my present. So I ran upstairs to change.  As I passed Uncle Toms room I glanced in, the dirty old git was at it again, laying on top of his bed wanking his enormous cock.  I moved back a little so that he did not see me and watched as he pumped his manhood harder and...

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Granddads Girly Gals 2 Initiate Ingenue Ing

Grandfather GREGORY Goracy-Goral Gives Granddaughters GALA & GINA Great G-spot Groping===========================================================================Gorgeous Gala Gives Great Granddad Greg Her Horny Hot Head Initiating Intimately Ingenue IngaGreedy Gala Goes all the Way Wild Wanton Women Wants Shy Sister See Self Some SLAVE SEXGorgeous Gala Gives Great Seductive Sensual Slow Show So Ingenue Inga Immediately InterestedGreedy Gala Gives Great Hot Head to Energise & Erect...

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Natalya (Natty to all her friends) is the assistant admissions coordinator at State University and on this particular afternoon she was sitting back in her chair and staring at the pictures of her family that were prominently displayed across the front of her cubicle. In two large decorative frames were pictures her late husband Charles, her daughter Mary and her husband Frank and, of course, the love of her life, her grandson Billy. "Thinking about your grandson again Natty?" Caught...

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Grandpa and Grandma come for a visit and the entire family enjoys an incestuous orgy

“We’re here!” Grandma cried as she and Grandpa came through the front door with their suitcases. “Grandma!” the children shouted as quickly the five of them surrounded their Grandparents. Grandma and Grandpa hugged them all – letting their hands grab the firm young asses of their grandchildren. Grandma took special care to press her massive bosom against their chests feeling her nipples harden as she did. Grandpa’s large pecker had been hard since...

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Grandpa DanMy Neighbor part two

Sweat rolled off of Grandpa Dan's face as he positioned Sherry next to me on my Mother's bed. Like Me,Sherry was trussed up like a turkey waiting to be stuffed! Her thin,bare legs were raised in the air,and he had tied her wrists to each thigh,just above her knobby knees. He had also secured her ankles together,thus insuring an unobstructed view,and access,to her sweet,pink,little cunny and light brown,tightly puckerd butthole.He wasn't the only one sweating,but while Grandpa Dan's was from the...

2 years ago
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Grandpa Tucks Me In

Grandpa Tucks Me InChapter OneOne year, I went to spend my summer vacation with my grandparents. I hadn't seen much of them for years after they retired and moved away. So I wanted to be with them while I could, before I went away to college, or got a job or something. My clearest memory of that summer was discovering my awakening hormones. I remember one night touching myself underneath my summer pajamas. I was fascinated by the intensity of my feelings. A few minutes later, Grandpa crept...

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Grandpa DanMy Neighbor Part One

Every neighborhood has at least One. Do You know what I'm talking about? It's that,"Old Guy",some people wonder and gossip about. Well,Mine was Grandpa Dan. He was my friend Sherry's Grandfather,and He lived just down the street from me in the the trailor park that I grew up in. I knew from the start that He and I would be great friends because when we were introduced,Grandpa Dan got down on one knee and gave me a great big hug! It was nice having his strong arms wrapped around me,and I didn't...

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GrandDoll 1 aka Mrs Dalton

Mrs Glenda Dalton Glenda, the new Mrs Dalton, were acclimating well into their new life. They had their “lies” straight that they had been married since the boys were 4 and knew her as “Mom”. Everyone believed them to be in the mid to late 40's. They had 1.5 acres with a Ranch Style house. The neighborhood had welcomed them, grown use to his Diesel rumbling through once a week. Glenda and the boys were often seen manicuring their yard and the boys had made several friends. Their yard became a...

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GrandDollMature, Age Play, Family role Play, Taboo Glenda's cell rang, “Is your cunt wet? It should be, I've been thinking of it all morning”. She replied, “Russ, of course your boys are here”. He laughed, “they're close huh”? “Yes”, she said. Russ told her that he would chat with them in a minute but he called to say he wanted them to spend the night with her. He was on the road 2 days out and heard they were going to get hit with some nasty weather. He needed to know she and they were...

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Granddads Sissy

Granddad's Sissy by Steve Andrews Part 1 The following is a true account of what happened to me when I was 21 years old and began one of the most exciting and yet frightening periods of my life. I had moved out on my own shortly after finding a management job out of college. As a child I had been diapered for bed wetting up until I was 12 years old and it had set the tone for my interest in wearing diapers. I was an only child to well-to-do parents who spent more time...

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Grandads Sissy Continued Parts 8 through 14

Granddad's Sissy - Parts 8 through 14 Part 8 I woke up the next morning and the house was still quiet the effects of the oatmeal and prune juice were working and I knew there was no way of avoiding the inevitable fact that I would be soiling my diapers for the first time today. It was almost 10:00am by the time Granddad had finished his breakfast and now took the time to spoon feed me a big bowl of ?Cream of Wheat? and 2 bottles of juice. I was still in my night diapers and...

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Grandslam Pussy 100 True

Hey xhamster readers if you are not familiar with my stories their all true, and if you have read my Indian Summer stories this is a still naughty one , just with a different girl.This story takes place 3 weeks ago.It was a nice summer day in the city, I was excited to wake up to a naked girl in my bed, that i met at a party the other night, I didn't kno her name but knew she was a great lay . After exchanging numbers and walked my new fuck buddy to her car, my roomate grinned at me and said...

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Grandaddy8217s Huge Dick Took My Virginity

I look alike a bimbo Barbie doll. Thin waist, toned legs with thigh gaps, almond eyes, plump lips but my boobs are large. Well!  My GD (67) is really fit; he works out every day, dusky complexion, tall and in my words sexy old man. He was working as a chef in CA for ages so since my birth I didn’t meet him. Suddenly he came to my home for a long holiday, first he was like a stranger. Later on I was interested with him because I loved listening to his American Life. Then he grew closer with me,...

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Granddod Gaia GreatGranddads GirlyBoy 3


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Granddod Girly GreatGranddads Gal 1 intim

Granddad's Experimental Erotic Educator Pedagogical Psychiatrist & Socio-Sexual AnthropologistGranddaughter Cute Chrissy Comes to see him Seeking Sexual Schooling Enlightenment & Advise================================================================================Great Grnddad Openly Offers Girly Granddod His Hot Horny Hairy Big Bend Banana As Breakfast:================================================================================# 1: - S H E - G O E S - A L L - T H E - W A Y...

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Granddaddys Love Chapter 01 Kissing my granddaddy

I’ll always love you, grandpa! I was hiding in my bedroom, hugging my ragged stuffed bear, waiting for the storm to pass. I had considered crawling under the wooden frame, but I was no longer a child. My curvy ass and generous boobs were making it impossible to use my old hiding places and short of instantly becoming invisible, this was the end of the line for me. There was nowhere else that could be safer, except outside. But it wasn't safe for me to bolt out now. My mom was drunk again...

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In 1983, John Smith took over Smith's Garage from his father. The business, including the building that housed it, had been in the family since 1949. His father, having taken over the gas station from his father in 1969, had converted the business from pumping gas to servicing cars after the gas crisis of the 1970s. It wasn't a big operation. There was an office, two primary work bays, and a third bay that was used for storage. It provided a livelihood for three people, John, his wife, Jane,...

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We lost Granny a few years ago, and while I still miss the hell out of her, I’m glad to have all the fond memories. I think back on all the time she spent giving me baths, letting me stroke her kitty, and giving me a lot of cooking lessons where we got pretty messy in the kitchen. She’s the reason I know how to make a creampie so well. Maybe I had a different kind of grandma than the rest of you guys, but I think the old ladies at GrandMams would have gotten along with my

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Grand Dadz! A couple of decades ago, a lot of old dudes just kind of aged out of the sexual marketplace. At a certain point, their dicks just didn’t work anymore. Drugs like Viagra and Cialis have changed all that. Giving back grandpa his ability to fuck is great and all, but there are a lot more horny elderly dudes than ever before. Not only are they stroking out while getting laid at the nursing home, but they keep popping up in hardcore porno movies. Have you seen GrandDadz yet?

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Note : This story is completely fictional! My grandmother has been dead for about 18 years now and i lost contact with my grandfather and father. when i turned 16 i got my permit and started to go to my fathers house which was about four city blocks from my grandaddies. before i get to much into this story let me tell you a little about myself. i am a blonde with glacierblue eyes athletic body with 32 24 34 for my messurments. i am 58. i just started my summer and decieded to go visit my...

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Granddaugther Love

Note : This story is completely fictional! When I heard my granddaughter was comming home from college I was realy excited,she has always been my favorite. My wife have a small lake place and the kids love it there.We went to my son's house to welcome home Mary,we had not seen her in 2 years.Mary was more beautiful than I remembered and this summer she will be 21.When we arrived she hugged and kissed us both.It was so good to see her.We had a great night. The next day Mary called and wanted to...

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Grandaughter and my home

Note: This story is completely fictional! Once a month 4 of my mates and I have a poker evening at one of our homes.we where all in our 80s old and lived in arms house accomendation. My 19 year old grandaughter, sarah, was statying for the night as she had an interview the following afternoon. everyone in my home fancied her. she was a indentical to elisha cuthbert and even worked as a look a like for local events etc. I’m Mark, aged 85 and my mates, Ed was 88, Tim 81, Geoff 93 and Tony 85. Our...

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Grandpa Jackie 4

Introduction: Grandpa helps Jackie seduce her dad Ok folks, part 4 here. If youve read this far youre about done. I finish it here. Oh yea I hope I am not too late here. If incest, slutty girls and dirty old men bother you, you should not read this. Well the rest of this story seems almost academic. Ellen finally, for the first time in her life began to trust, depend and lean on her sister Margarie. After stealing Margaries potential boyfriend, marrying him, ignoring him and then enlisting...

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Grandpa Jackie 4

Well the rest of this story seems almost academic. Ellen finally, for the first time in her life began to trust, depend and lean on her sister Margarie. After stealing Margaries potential boyfriend, marrying him, ignoring him and then enlisting Marge in helping her to divorce him, she finally found betrayal. Probably worse betrayal then she has ever given to anyone in her life, but that is probably because no one trusted her enough to let her that close. Ellen began calling her...

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Grandpa Made My Mom Happy And Pregnant

Hello everyone, Shawn here with yet another incest story. Now, I am getting few requests from my readers to write a story in English, so I have tried the same. This story is from a fan named Nikhil. So here goes: Hey readers, it’s nice communicating my real story with you. It’s about my Grandpa and my mom. Let me tell you about my grandpa first. He was 62 when this happened. In his youth, he had natural muscles and a nice big mustache (as in his early photograph), he had a fashion sense exactly...

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Grandson and Grandfather

The day after his nineteenth birthday my grandson, Brandon came home early from his college class. About an hour earlier I had serviced one of my regulars with both my mouth and ass. I took a shower, put a light robe on and proceeded to my home bar. I poured a three finger shot of Jack Daniel’s in a glass.I was sitting on the porch bench swing sipping on my drink when Brandon came in. He saw me on the patio and came to where I was sitting.“Hi, Ray,” (both he and his mother Myia call me by name...


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