Neighbor kids part 1 1
- 4 years ago
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Introduction: What an afternoon in the woods and we had company! My story continues in the woods where we are all having fun on a nude hike.
After we had been sitting for a few minutes I thought I could just hear the faint voices of some kids in the distance. Sure enough, from our vantage point at the top, I could just pick out the bobbing heads of some people coming up the path! I said shit. Kids, we gotta move! Bobby wanted his shorts but I told him we didnt have time just move quickly I said. There is a side trail that were going to turn onto and then, if we need to, we can put on our clothes. The side trail came up on the left and I led the kids down that direction. We were moving quickly but quietly as our bare feet generated no noise at all. Bobby and Susie asked what was down that way? I said there is a cemetery at the end of this trail.
What? The kids stopped and said they didnt want to go to a cemetery! I teased them and said why are you afraid? Susie refused to admit any fear and Bobby just looked uncomfortable. Look kids, Ive been there before. Its not scary at all. Its a very small cemetery and its in a clearing with lots of sunshine. Its actually a very nice place! Ok, if you say so the kids said. They didnt sound all that convinced. I just patted them gently on their naked little asses and urged them along. I no longer heard the other people so I told Bobby and Susie that we were safe now and there was no need to get dressed. But then they remembered I had told them we would do some practicing too. So they insisted we try. All right. So I shrugged off the back pack and handed them their clothes. They quickly donned them in less than 30 seconds. Good job kids! Theres no way anyones gonna sneak up on us and catch us naked! Satisfied, they pulled off their clothes again and handed them back to me. The trail was narrow at this point because not too many people took it to the cemetery. They tended to stick to the main trails. The kids giggled as branches and plants tickled their bodies as they brushed on by.
A little while later we came to a clearing that would lead to the cemetery. The kids stopped and waited for me to catch up. I said see kids its nice and sunny. Doesnt look that scary to me! There was no fence. Just a group of about 25 or so plots that someone was taking good care of. There were even brochures that talked about the people that were buried there. They gingerly picked their way around the plots peeking at the marker stones. Susie said she wasnt sure we should be walking on the graves. Well Susie, if I were buried here, I would much rather a barefoot person walk on top of me than someone wearing shoes! The kids got a laugh out of that one. That helped to break the tension for them. We spent about ten minutes there and the kids were quickly getting bored. Ok kids, we have to go back the same way we came so lets get started.
Im thirsty Bobby said. Id forgotten that I had water bottles in the back pack. So I gave them each a bottle and they drank thirstily. They handed me back their bottles and we started back down the path. Then I heard voices again! This time I quickly shrugged off the backpack, grabbed our clothes and told the kids to get dressed quickly! I didnt notice right away, but in the rush Susie had ended up with Bobbys shorts and Bobby with Susies! Then the other party came into view. There was a mother and her two pretty daughters. They looked to be about 10 or 11 years old. Very pretty but sadly wearing shoes. They saw us all barefoot and asked mom if they could go barefoot? Mom looked at us a bit strangely but refused to allow her daughters to go barefoot.
I extended my hand to her and introduced myself. She said her name was Mary as she took my hand and shook it. She asked why we were all barefoot. I said, well the best answer I can give you is to take off your shoes and see for yourself! She laughed at that. I said seriously, its a wonderful feeling! Well, I dont know. Please mom! Her kids cried. She gave in that time and they excitedly took off their shoes and socks. Ahh, more beautiful barefoot girls! I would love to have stayed longer, but I wanted to get the kids moving. I knew we only had a certain amount of time before I had to have them home and I wanted to get in another lesson for them. Enjoy girls! I winked at the mother and then excused us. Her girls were giggling as they watched us go. It was then that I really noticed how tight Susies shorts were on Bobby! Geez sure hope the mom didnt notice!
After we were out of sight again, I told Bobby you probably ought to get out of Susies shorts there bud! Bobby and Susie then laughed. They gladly took off their clothes again and I put all of our stuff back in the back pack. We made our way back to the main path and I took them a bit further until I found another side path I wanted to take them down. This was a much more secluded path that dead ended in a swampy area. This time I got in front of them and took some pictures of them in the front. They had such cute lovely bodies! I was going to enjoy these pictures for a long time! We came to the end of trail then and I announced that if they were interested, I thought this would be a good place to have another sex lesson. They were more than happy to learn!
What are we going to learn now Mr. Victor the kids asked excitedly. Well, how about some anal sex? Anal sex? How does that work? Well, it just means that a boy or man pushes his cock inside the other persons asshole and fucks them just like he would if it were a pussy! The kids werent too sure about this. I said to Bobby now youve enjoyed having my finger up your ass, right? Yeah, but its a lot smaller than your cock! I know Bobby, but you will be amazed to see how much a persons ass hole can stretch. Its kind of like a girls pussy it can stretch a lot! So who wants to try it first? Susie raised her hand and said she would but she asked if Bobby could do her first since his cock was much smaller than mine.
I smiled and said, of course as long as Bobby wants to try it. Bobby said he would really like to try it! Ok, but first we have to get you nice and hard. Susie, do you have any ideas? She smiled broadly and nodded her pretty little head vigorously. We were on a narrow boardwalk and she knelt down in front of Bobby and grabbed his cute little cock and started stroking it. Soon, Bobby began to get hard and Susie began sucking him all the way into her mouth while she stroked his balls. She decided to try tickling his asshole as well to which Bobby responded with some delighted moans! Of course, I couldnt help but get hard myself and just had to stroke in time with Susies motions on Bobbys cock. Mmmm mmmm MMMMGH! What a hot fuckin site!
Unknown to any of us, we were being spied upon by the same family we had encountered earlier. Little did I know they had taken off all their clothes too and the girls were busy rubbing their naked pussies as they watched the hot action between Susie and Bobby. Mom was just as enthralled and had stripped naked herself and had two fingers busily fucking her pussy.
Meanwhile, Bobby was hard as a rock now and I told him I think youre ready bud. Ok, Susie, let him go before he cums before he gets it in your ass! So Susie pulled off of Bobbys cock. I told Susie to get on her hands and knees and for Bobby to get behind her. Ok Bobby, now take your cock and guide it toward that beautiful puckered asshole of Susies thats it! Right on target. Susie, do you feel Bobbys cock? Yes, but Im afraid its gonna hurt! Dont worry darling, you just need to relax. It may hurt a bit at first, but you will get used to it quickly, I promise. Ok Bobby, now go ahead and try to push inside.
Bobby pushed firmly and at first he didnt seem to be making headway, but then suddenly, his little stiff boy cock disappeared all the way inside! Susie let out a gasp as she felt Bobbys hard pecker fill her rectum. I told Bobby to stop. This way Susie could get used to the feel and let her muscles relax some more. You OK Susie, I asked? She said yeah and it was starting to feel better now. Good! Ok Bobby, I think you can try fucking her now. Go ahead. Bobby began to thrust enthusiastically now and I watched in amazement as his little cock rammed Susie in and out in and out! Susie was grunting with each of his thrusts and was starting to moan loudly. She reached between her legs and started rubbing her clit. Meanwhile, I was stroking my cock and enjoying the intense pleasure all around me.
Susie began to moan louder and said she was about to cum. Suddenly her whole body went stiff and she shuddered violently as a powerful orgasm raked her beautiful nude little body. Oh it was SO hot! Just then Bobby lost it too and he groaned loudly as his young body spasmed. He pulled out of Susie and sat down on the boardwalk. Susie sat down next to him. They were still breathing heavily and were covered in sweat. How did we do Mr. Victor Susie asked? Kids, that was a hot fucking sight to see! It was beautiful! Cant you tell see my rock hard cock? The kids giggled as they looked at my cock.
Susie then surprised me when she started to gently stroke my cock. Oh, her hands were like velvet! I couldnt resist the urge this time. I had wanted to taste their sweaty bodies before and this time I leaned over while Susie was stroking me and licked her salty arm. Very tasty! She giggled as she felt my wet tongue licking her arm. That tickles she said. The next thing that happened just about gave me a heart attack!
I had both Bobby and Susie in front of me clearly in sight. So when I felt a pair of hands squeeze my ass from behind I just about jumped out of my skin! I said oh shit very loudly and spun around. My jaw dropped and my eyes bugged out when I beheld the incredible sight of Mary and her two daughters all completely nude! I was speechless. As my mind began to grasp at the details, I realized that they really were indeed completely nude and that maybe I wasnt going to be missing out on the rest of my life as a free man after all. I then swallowed hard and began to admire Mary and her very lovely daughters. The girls were not much older than Susie and Bobby and their pussies were both still very naked with no hint of pubic hair yet. The older one was showing definite sighs of developing breasts but they were still very small. I also couldnt help but notice that both girls were rubbing their pussies furiously as they stared at my very hard cock.
Mary apologized for grabbing my ass and sneaking up on us. She explained that it was pretty obvious that something was amiss when she and her daughters noticed the shorts Bobby and Susie were wearing. They suspected something was going on. So, Mary joined her daughters in taking off her shoes and socks as well so they could quietly follow us without being detected. Mary explained that they got close enough to watch but did not want to be obvious. When it was clear what I and the kids were doing, they decided to just watch and enjoy. When it looked like we were at a good breaking point, Mary explained, she decided to come up and see about joining in the fun.
Join in the fun my mind was reeling. Did I just hear what I thought I heard? I answered with a stammer that it was ok that she had grabbed my ass especially now that Id heard the entire story! I complimented Mary on her very lovely daughters. She said Im glad you like them would you like to fuck them? I was shocked again and stood their speechless. Its ok Victor, I can see that you like them and I know they like you! They have been having sex with each other all summer but they really want to know what its like to feel a cock in their pussies and up their asses! Oh my, can it get any better than this? Mary explained that she also liked kids and complimented Bobby on his performance a little earlier. Bobby blushed and said thank you. It was fun. Im glad Bobby how would you like to try sticking that hot little cock of yours up my ass? Wow this was turning into a bona fide orgy in the woods!
For the next hour, there was a whole lotta fuckin going on! I had the sheer joy of fucking the 10 year old and her 11 year old sister in their pussies and their asses. Oh was I going to be sore after all this! Bobby got to feel Mary sucking on his cock and when he was good, hard and wet, Mary had him mount her like a dog and he fucked the crap out of her ass! It was a blissful afternoon. Eventually, it had to come to an end and I was afraid I was going to be late in getting Bobby and Susie back to their parents if I didnt stop soon. I told Mary I really had to get my young friends home but I hoped that we could get together again soon!
Mary and her daughters were most agreeable to the idea of getting together again. Mary asked me if I had plans for dinner and I said I did not. So, I had an invitation to go over to Marys house for dinner and dessert! Wow, I didnt know if I could take that much action in one day. Mary said, you know Victor, I rather enjoyed walking barefoot in these woods! We all laughed at that never mind that wed just had a mind blowing orgy! I watched in amazement as Mary and her two lovely daughters padded away on bare feet down the boardwalk with their lovely asses moving back and forth. I had no idea how far back they had stashed their clothes but I didnt have time to wonder about it.
Bobby and Susie we really need to get moving. Your parents are gonna kill me! With that we quickly strode back along the trails until we got close to the parking lot. I said hold up kids, time to get our clothes back on AWWWWW! The kids moaned. Look guys, I would love nothing more than to stay naked, but you know we cant. Reluctantly, we all got our bit of clothing back on and got into my car. They kids climbed into the back seat to strip again so they could put on their undergarments. I didnt bother waiting for them to finish since I was cutting it close as it was. I didnt even bother to put on my own t shirt. After a couple of minutes, I saw two pairs of bare feet being placed on the center armrest and I smiled and stroked their pretty feet. I looked in the rear view mirror and was shocked to see they were still quite naked!
Why arent you dressed yet? We like being naked in your car! They said. Well, I do enjoy it, but you are going to have to eventually get dressed! I admonished them. They promised they would once we got close to home. Before I knew it, they were both sound asleep. Oh man. As we got closer, I pulled over and got my camera out a quick couple of shots of their darling naked bodies and then I woke them up. Cmon guys, get dressed were almost home! They groggily sat up and pulled on their clothes. I stopped at Bobbys house first and watch him as he walked barefoot up his driveway and waited until he got in the house. His mother waived at us so I drove off to Susies house. Same sequence and then I was alone. I was pooped. I knew I had a couple of hours before I had to get ready for my dinner date, so I went into my apartment and slumped onto my bed and feel fast asleep.
To be continued&hellip,
Introduction: This is a fantasy about a 9 yo girl and boy. My first story so be kind! This is a fantasy only. First a little background. I love young barefoot girls. They just turn me on so much! I like the ages from about 9 to 14. I love them when they are petite, small breasted, nice tight little asses, nice legs and of course pretty bare feet! There is something about their freshness, innocence, and smiles that is captivating. I also like petite women for pretty much the same reasons minus...
Hello i am Aryan back with my second story. My First Story “RELATION WITH COUSIN SISTER”() was posted few days back.. Received many mails for that. Thank you for writing to me. If you want to write anything about that story also then write to me on my new mail id i.e. I just want to say that all the stories which i will post here are my true experience. I don’t have time to post fake or fantasy story here. Any girls or Bhabhi want to contact me for satisfaction or for chat then they can...
Several days went by as life continued on its normal journey. Work, sleep, masturbation while I thought about those lovely kids, and so on. I had been thinking of a way to continue our lessons and was hoping I’d have a chance to invite Bobby and Susie on the journey with me this weekend. It was Friday afternoon and I had just gotten home from work. Susie was outside playing and she saw me drive up. We waved at each other and I was pleased to see her in shorts and t shirt and barefoot. ...
Introduction: The kids come back at midnight! I posted my first chapter under a different id mistakingly. Sorry about that. After I woke up from my nice little nap, I began to wonder if what had happened earlier had just been a dream or not. When I saw the dry cum on myself, I began to realize that it had been very real indeed! It had been so much fun having those two 9 year olds with me earlier. It was clear that we were destined to have a lot more fun! That assumed, of course, that someone...
After I woke up from my nice little nap, I began to wonder if what had happened earlier had just been a dream or not. When I saw the dry cum on myself, I began to realize that it had been very real indeed! It had been so much fun having those two 9 year olds with me earlier. It was clear that we were destined to have a lot more fun! That assumed, of course, that someone didn’t find out and call the cops on me. It was a very dangerous game I was playing. But that was also the part that...
After we had been sitting for a few minutes I thought I could just hear the faint voices of some kids in the distance. Sure enough, from our vantage point at the top, I could just pick out the bobbing heads of some people coming up the path! I said shit. Kids, we gotta move! Bobby wanted his shorts but I told him we didn’t have time – just move quickly I said. There is a side trail that we’re going to turn onto and then, if we need to, we can put on our clothes. The side trail came up...
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I padded barefoot to my car and drove the 20 minutes to Mary’s house. I always enjoy the feel of the pedals on my feet and I was hoping for some nice foot action this evening too. I figured there is a reason our feet are so sensitive so might as well enjoy it some more! I was pleased to see Mary’s house was very nice and at the end of a secluded driveway. I drove to the top and parked. Apparently, the girls saw me driving up and already had the front door open with big beautiful smiles...
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Introduction: My first, and last, girlfriend Neighbor girl: Sorry if this has typos or is not quite a smooth read. It was a late night, quickly typed story with no spell checker, and no proof read. Enjoy the first story I have ever written, anywhere. I used to notice her on the bus in elementary school, staring at me. Blonde hair not always combed, slightly dirty face now and then, clothes not always clean and she often looked like she dressed herself. But she was still cute as heck, well...
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FetishI've been in Dallas for almost a month, haven't made many friends yet and have been pretty lonely. I was walking into my apartment when my neighbor stopped me and said hello. Her name was Beverly. She's in her late 40s and said she had lived in the same apartment complex for 5 years and watched many neighbors come and go over the years. When she offered me a beer I figured I would stay a while. She told me that she got lonely and I said I did too. She made a comment about a young stud like...
Hello dear Friends, This is my first time ever am sharing my true story/incident with such blogs & am reading stories on this blog from a couple of years. I have not explained the fucking session in deep but I have concentrated how this relation from friends converted to fucking friends Lets move on with the incident.. This story is 4 years back when I was studying engineering & my parents rented a flat in mumbai for studies. In this flat, my mom used to visit alternate days as my...
Neighbor Girl Chapter 1 They must have been roses. Viewed from the outside, the curtains were light,either white or beige, with darker spots in no apparent pattern. He could rememberwhen they, his neighbors, had first put up the curtains. What had he been,twelve? The absolute time or age did not matter; he remembered it was the summerhe and Jessica had spent nearly all their time at the little lake near town,the summer when it rained so much. Of course they could not be expected totake swim...
I had some work to do at home and was at my desk editing some photos on the computer when I saw the light go on in the bedroom and then neighbor woman and some man enter. My room was dark to work on the pictures and so they never noticed me and they did not pull the shades. Well it seems she was having an affair and it got hot and heavy right away. He all but ripped her clothes off and she did the same to him. Before his pants were completely off she was sucking his cock. This was...
After my massive orgasm and ejaculation in the jeans my sexy neighbor offered me a tissue. When I reached out to take it she noticed that my hand was shaking. Therefore she suggested that she can clean my hand on her own. Of course I didn’t have any remarks on this idea. She took my hand and gently wiped up all the semen. “There you go horny” she smiled to me. “Now that you came and you can think straight for a few seconds, without your hormones influencing your mind, it is good opportunity for...
Hello, guys and girls. My name is Rohit and I Live in Delhi. This is my first sex story, so pls do ignore mistakes. I am 29 years old and my dick is 8′ in size. This sex story is about my first experience with my neighbor whose name was Priyanka. I was in the 12th grade. She was a 27-year-old housewife who got married at the very early age of 23. Her bra size was 36C and that too at this age. Her husband was working in Gurugram. Mostly, he left early in morning and returned by 9 PM. So most of...
Hi this is me again with another interesting story. Those who don’t know me I am Nithin from kerala, 23 years of age, 5’7 in height and cock size of 5.5. My mail id is I always love and fantasize about woman than girls and those woman who are having huge and nice boobs and ass. Friends forgive me as my English wont be that perfect. This is about my experience with my neighbor aunty and how it turned my life. So this happened when I was staying in my home after completing my studies and I was...
Hi Friends, I am a big fan of Indian sex stories and I have previously shared some of my experiences if you have read. About me, I am an IT guy, well settled working in a reputed organization at a respectful position in Hyderabad. I just love girls with bog boobs and sexy swinging ass. We this story is about a neighbor of mine and me. I took a 3 BHK flat on rent in a posh locality in Hyderabad. However, I stay alone in the flat since I need to work from home as well during nights sometimes...
Hello guys, I am also a big fan of Indian Sex stories as like you guys, actually ISS helped me to take next step of my sex life, I’m 22 years old male from a remote place near Bengaluru. Currently living in Bengaluru doing my engineering in the reputed college, I have a decent dick size of 7 inches and thickness 3 inches, and my sport hobbies helped me to keep my body in good physic and to keep my stamina for a minimum for 3 shots you can find me at (i’m not 42 4 for 4 girls and 2 for 2 holes...
Hi folks..I am Rajat(fake name) from Kanpur with 6 feet height and normal Punjabi body with its style.I am pursuing mba with dad’s business.The story starts after my graduation.My neighbor bhabhi priya(fake name) is a housewife with two children,a boy and a girl with age 7 & 9 years respectively.Her husband is in merchant navy and remains at home for 5-6 months.Her stats are 38-32-42.She looks damn sexy. In our locality there is a big gym with all amenities and it worked in my luck.I used to go...
IncestSo after all members went away my new routine was to have breakfast, lunch and dinner at neighbor bhabhi’s Place. At night after dinner i use to wait there for some more time as me, bhaiya and bhabhi use to play cards or do talking.. Best part of that routine was the lunch period in which we were alone and we use to spent time holding hands and hugging a lot thus making us comfortable with each other before we goes to next level. First 10-12 days went like this only… Nothing happened as i was...
My name is Sandesh and I am living in Vizag. This is a true story happened in this summer how i seduced and fucked neighbor aunty. Please give your valuable comments on this story to This is some what long story and my 1st story so please forgive me if any mistakes are there. I am Sandesh of height 5.10 feet and average body and fair complexion with smart look. Now about beauty of the story Mani of wheatish complexion and long hair upto hip and smooth sexy and waxy hands and legs with a...
This is Sunny and I would like to tell you one of interesting scene of my life. It happened when I was in my engineering college. I had not taken hostel in final year of engineering and taken an independent flat in Delhi. It was not so posh colony but had middle class families in the society. I am very flirty in nature and love to flirt with girl. I was very popular in college for this nature and I was same in society. Being my good nature, all neighbor loved me and I used to do flirt with all...
Hello to guys and girls following ISS. Firstly, I would thank ISS for this wonderful forum which I am following since 2007; I regularly read a lot of stories out here, of which half I genuinely find it true. This gives me confidence in writing a true story which took place in Feb 2015 between my next door neighbor aunt, Seema and me. Please send me your feedback to my mail id: Being my first attempt, apologies for any mistakes. I am Pratik, 25 years of age, standing at 5’11”, having an average...
I Vishwash and I belong to a joint family, and I have completed my graduation and now I work for a software company in Hyderabad as developer in latest technology. Frequently follow this web site and also in facebook. I am very much interested in studying love, romantic story and now those habits got converted now I have started reading sex stories from various websites and now I like all stories very much and I follow this ISS website regularly. When I was in school I use to climb a pole while...
Do women know showing skin makes guys excited? I arrived home and opened the door to the back yard only to find my 40 year old neighbor working in her backyard wearing these tight cotton flower print shorts and matching top so loose I had a view of her boobs hanging freely. Her ass was towards me and her milky white thighs were making my dick grow, she really looked good working there. Too horny to care, i made sure she couldn't see my torso and pulled my dick out and started stroking to her...
This happen a couple of years back when I was still living at home. I have changed our name to protect our identity. The house next door had recently sold, and to be honest with you, I was sorry to see the old neighbor leave. A divorced mother of three, (all grown and out of the house) 48 years old; she had a tendency to leave the shades and curtains open. Now I’m not a “peeping Tom,” but anytime a woman walks around the house in various states of undress, it draws my attention. Mariam was just...
After my massive orgasm and ejaculation in the jeans my sexy neighbor offered me a tissue. When I reached out to take it she noticed that my hand was shaking. Therefore she suggested that she can clean my hand on her own. Of course I didn’t have any remarks on this idea. She took my hand and gently wiped up all the semen.“There you go horny” she smiled to me. “Now that you came and you can think straight for a few seconds, without your hormones influencing your mind, it is good opportunity for...
MasturbationNEIGHBOR GIRL?S NIGHTMARE NEIGHBOR GIRL?S NIGHTMARE Devin was basically a born troublemaker. The 17-year-old was always having problems at school and was a pain on his parents at home. By contrast, his younger stepsister Katie was an angel. She was in high school English and math despite only being in 7th grade. Her success only fuelled the rebellious streak in Devin. When Devin arrived home from school on Friday, he saw his family packing for a trip. ?What?s going on? Where are you...
Hi, I am Akhil from Hyderabad. Now I will submit my recent good fucking I had with my neighbor lady Padma. She is 25 years with a female baby of 5 months. She is of 32-28-34 size but medium complexion and lean. But her sizes are very good. Her husband is working in a software company and busy with his duty. They are tenants of my opposite flat. At the beginning, I have no intention of fucking this young lady but when she talked to me while moving from my flat to going down, I found some...
This is Rajesh from Hyderabad. I am narrating my encounter I had with my neighbor Aunt, who was my sex partner earlier, which was already sent to KE for publication. After fucking my beautiful aunt, I fucked her maidservant Latha. This is happened recently on June 20, 2007. The fucking session is arranged by my aunt only. The encounter starts like this. In the afternoon, I returned to my house from my office, since I am not having any work in the Office. While I am reaching my house, I noticed...
Jake had always considered himself the neighborly sort, helpful, sharing and certainly caring. He had lived in this neighborhood for over thirty years and together with his wife Helen they had watched a variety of neighbors come and go, raised their two children and sent them off to college and enjoyed each others love, affection and company. Then two years ago Helen was diagnosed with breast cancer and even the radical surgery didn't help. Jake had taken her home and tried his best to help...
Ok guys so it's been quite a while since I've posted my last real life experience story. The wife and I have had a few get togethers with others since then but nothing like the story. Pretty basic experiences with mostly shy guys. This true experience happened to me not too long ago and Only 2 other people know about and I just feel like I need to tell someone. So here it goes...Where I live is considered a duplex apartment, side by side units. We share a back patio that has a view off into the...
Two years ago our extremely distressed 40 year old neighbor, Florence, banged on our door while screaming for help. When I pulled it open to see where all the noise was, I met Flo for the first time nearly a year after she had moved in. A quick scan showed me her hair was bloody and completely disheveled; she held a bloody towel against her bare chest and her yellow panties were blood smeared. She was otherwise naked and pressing a hand against her upper right thigh as blood overran it, poured...