My Father s Garage
- 3 years ago
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These are not ‘Stand alone’ Chapters. I suggest reading from the beginning.
Part four of five: A date gone bad, Halloween
This story is the product of a diseased and febrile mind. As such, it is fiction. Having said that, All my stories are true, even the ones I make up.
Copyright 2007 L_D_Darrow
Of course it wasn’t all easy as that, Laura’s mother showed up at the shop with all kinds of accusations. It was a bad call on her part. All three girls bit right back at her, they never gave her another chance to speak. Finely she left. A half hour later the police came in checked my business license, the girls ID’s and apologized. I knew it had made Laura sad. We went for ice cream after work.
That weekend I did get them to agree to continue college, they signed up on the ‘Eddy’s Garage Scholarship.’ The college was a rare four year school, a university without any student housing.
I had to put up more drapes down stairs too. There was always the chance of semi-naked female bodies upstairs and down. We found a bed frame for Laura and got her off the floor. Leia moved into Paul’s place, they were frequent visitors to our place. They were truly happy from what I could see.
I managed to qualify as an on the job training facility with the college, so Laura was able to work four hours of the school day for us. Paul gave two cars small needing only minor work for the effort. So they all had vehicle they could drive.
One of the four students I had working OJT with me, seemed to be hitting it off with Sandy for a while, then it dried up. She never talked about it to me. Then Karen and a guy from the college started going out. Sandy and Karen were on BC pills, I hadn’t asked about Laura, she seemed content to set and watch TV with me. The girls had TV upstairs too, and another computer.
We were all down stairs, Karen was out with her guy, it was a Friday night. My phone rang, I answered. It was a hysterical Karen.
‘Honey slow down and tell me where you are… Ok we’ll be there, if he starts to move kick his nuts hard.’
‘Clothes girls fast! I’m leavin’ with or without you in two minutes.’
I went out and started the truck, the girls were putting their shorts on as they came out the door. Ten minutes we were on the road that had Karen said. She called Sandy’s phone and said she had been forced to kick his nuts, as he started to move again. Then she saw head lights I flicked them off and on and she saw that. We pulled up seconds later.
She flew into my arms crying. The girls hugged her and cried too. I went around as they huddled together and found her clothes, they were ripped, mostly useless. The guy was starting to stir, I removed his keys from the column. I asked Karen if she had been raped, she was still to upset to be coherent. Sandy and Laura got her dressed as best they could and set her in the truck. Laura came back to me and said. ‘As close as we can tell he only got his finger in her.’
I said. ‘What should we do with this pile of crap?’
‘I’d like to push his car off a cliff with him in it, a very tall cliff.’
‘This part of the country don’t have cliffs.’
Sandy came up and said. ‘She’s sleeping, sort of.’
Laura said. ‘I know what to do, pull him out of the car, and lock it, but get all his off clothes first. We will take his clothes and keys to a sorority house I know on the campus. He can claim them from there.’
I went to the truck and checked Karen, she was out for sure, I started feeling the first stirring of fear. The girls had finished what they were doing and had come back. I took a flashlight and checked Karen’s eyes and didn’t like what I saw. The girls had found the number to the sorority house and were talking to someone there. I hustled them in to the truck and spun around, throwing dirt everywhere.
‘Eddy, what’s wrong?’
‘Karen isn’t sleepin’ she’s been drugged. Call 911 and tell them what’s goin’ on, Let me drive.’
We pulled in to the emergency entrance and they were waiting for us with a stretcher, Leia and Paul showed up a few minutes later. Leia was in with her now, and to sign the paper work. We sat in the waiting room. Sandy and Laura borrowed Paul’s car but were back in fifteen minutes. A police sergeant and a lady cop came in, I told him about the phone call, the rescue and Karen passing out, the rush to get her here. I said nothing about what the girls had done. The girls followed my lead.
An hour later Leia came out and we huddled together to hear her. ‘She will be ok, they pumped her stomach, it was a heavy dose of a depressant, she could have died. They found sperm around her anus, and in it, they found some in her mouth, but nothing in her vagina, she will have to be tested for HIV and other things, The police are preserving the evidence, a charge of reckless endangerment, oral and anal rape, so far.’
We agreed on a schedule for us on watch here at the hospital, I took the girls home, they weren’t dressed for public, just sleeveless shirts and shorts.
They felt dirty and both used my shower. Then they got dressed. ‘Not because of you, Eddy, because we want to be ready to go back it we have to.’
‘I understand. I was just wishin’ I had kicked him a few times.’
‘We did that for you, Eddy.’ Said Sandy.
‘Then when we got him on the dirt we stepped on his cock.’ Said Laura.
‘Good.’ I said.
We huddled together on the couch and slept some. It was daylight when the phone woke us we were all stiff from the couch. Sandy answered she listened and said. ‘Yes mom, we will leave in a few minutes, love you.’
There was round of bathroom calls, the door was left open so we could all hear Sandy. ‘She’s out of danger from the drugs and awake. She’s asking for all of us but only I can go in before visiting time. But that won’t be long now. I’m going to get her some clothes.’
She ran up the stairs, Laura latched on to my arm and said. ‘If she wants to see all of us, that’s a good sign isn’t it?’
‘I certainly hope so.’
We took the car that Laura was driving, I scrunched in the back. Sandy went right in, Leia came out in a few minutes. Paul was sleeping in a chair. We exchanged hugs and handshakes. Leia said. ‘I think they will let her out tomorrow, will you guys be able to take care of her? … No. Forget I said that. I know you will. We should go home now.’
Laura and I only had to wait twenty minutes or so, then they let us in. I hung back not sure of her reaction. She looked ok.
‘Eddy come here.’ Her voice was horse.
As soon as I got in reach she grabbed me and kissed me, but not right on the lips. She said in a whisper. ‘Come close all of you, I want you to hear this. I don’t know why I went out with him. I kept thinking of you at home, I wanted to be there with you. But Eddy wants us to meet guys so we aren’t hung up on him so much. He loves us so much. He wants only the best for us. But Eddy ease off, don’t push us out. Right now you are the best thing for us. I just want to come home.’
We stayed there the whole day, at least one of us was with her all of the time they would let us. Karen slept a lot. Leia and Paul came in just before the end of visiting hours. Karen was nearly chipper again. When they kicked us out of her room, I invited Paul to come home with us for supper. Leia told him to go.
Leia had Karen’s phone and promised us to stay in touch. The four of us crammed in the little car, good thing it was a short ride.
Laura and I made supper, Paul and Sandy sat the table and talked. After we moved to the living room and Paul and I talked, the girls slowly faded out. After an hour or so I said. ‘You grab Sandy, I’ll carry Laura.’
We carried them up the stairs, Paul was puffing at the top. I lay Laura on her bed, and went to help Paul and Sandy.
Paul said quietly. ‘What are you doing?’ As I started to undress Sandy.
‘If I didn’t do this, I’d never hear the end of it. You don’t have to watch you know.’ He stuck it out, and handed me her night shirt, after I got her bra off. Then we slid her tight jeans off, I was glad for the help there. I pulled up the covers and kissed her brow. Then we headed for Laura’s room.
‘Are you sure this is all right?’ Whispered Paul as I unbuttoned her blouse.
‘I can’t show any favoritism, they all get treated the same, ask one of them the next time. Hand me her night shirt, it’s under the pillow.’
‘Wow that’s quite a scar, they really ripped her open.’ Said Paul.
‘Does it repulse you?’ I was curious.
‘No. She’s so beautiful. It’s more of an accent.’
I slid her shirt down. Laura’s pants weren’t so tight But it’s still easier with help. There were spots of blood on her panties. I said. ‘Hang on a sec.’
I looked around her room until I found her pads, Paul looked away as I pulled her panties down and installed it for her. Then I covered her up and we squeaked back down the stairs.
I asked. ‘Problems?’
‘No. Not really. I’m just starting to see how much you love these girls, I’m having trouble adjusting to it.’
‘Well you’re right, I do love the girls, I love Leia too.’
‘Why didn’t you and Leia, you know.’
‘We rub each other the wrong way, There would always be fightin’.’
‘From my altered point of view, that’s a good thing.’
‘You are good for Leia, I see it in her eyes, when she looks at you.’
He thought about it for a while. ‘So what are the rules here with all the sex running around? I’m sorry, I don’t know how to ask it well.’
‘The girls are safer here then anywhere else, I won’t molest them, even if they ask for it. The only exception is my room at night. If one of them comes in my room at night they do so at their own risk. I on the other hand still wouldn’t molest them without a fight. I don’t tell them that of course. I’ve told them, You come through my door at night, you might as well drop your panties and bend over. They may even believe me.’
Paul thought some more. ‘Laura seems to look at you differently then the others.’
‘I think Karen and Sandy are playin’. They have this captive male they feel safe to be around and to flash panties too. I know they love me, but it’s a crush type of love. Laura is much more in love with me. But she loves her sisters too. So far, it all balances. I think that Sandy and Karen will find someone and drift away.’
‘And Laura won’t?’
‘I’m not sure, She has a big hang up over her scar, we all work on her to get over it. She may find the world is open to her. I could loose her then.’
Sandy’s phone played the opening bars to a song, I said. ‘Hello?’
‘Hi Leia… Just a sec.’ I handed the phone to Paul.
‘Hi hon… No we aren’t. How’s Karen?… That’s good… I miss you too, I love you… Sure, give me a few minutes, can I bring you something to eat?… Ok, will do… sure I’ll tell him. Bye.’
‘She thought we would be setting here drinking. She sends her love. Karen’s fine. Can I get a ride to the hospital?’
‘Take Sandy’s car, the keys are on the hall wall.’
A few minutes after Paul left, Sandy’s phone rang again. ‘Hello?’
‘Hi Eddy, can I talk to Sandy?’
‘Sure, she’s upstairs sleepin’.’
‘Oh, don’t bother her then, I forgot how late it is. How are things there Eddy?’
‘Quiet at the moment. Paul took Sandy’s car a few minutes ago.’
‘That’s not what I meant Eddy.’
‘Then ask what you want to know Leia, don’t try to sneak up on me.’
‘I’m sorry. Are you screwing my daughters yet?’
‘No. We have rules here.’
‘Forgive me, I’m stressed Eddy. How about you and Laura?’
‘That’s not really in your space, but no. Why are you doin’ this Leia?’
‘Karen keeps calling your name in her sleep. I’m feeling a little jealous I guess.’
‘Karen knows you are right there Leia.’
‘Yeah, I’m really sorry Eddy. I’ll be better when Paul gets here. I always feel better when he’s with me.’
‘It’s called love Leia.’
‘Yeah, you’re right. I don’t know why you put up with me Eddy.’
‘It’s called love Leia.’
‘I love you too Eddy, thanks. I’ll see you tomorrow, bye.’
‘Today, Leia. Tell Karen we miss her. Bye.’
I listened at the foot of the stairs, it was quiet. I went to bed then.
‘Hey! You going to sleep all day?’ Laura called in from the door.
I started moving, she just watched as I stripped and headed to the shower. She was fully dressed. She came in and sat on the toilet. ‘Sandy took my car to the hospital a while ago. Karen can get out at noon to day. I thought it would be nice if we showed up.’
‘What time is it?’
‘About 10am or so. Eddy, the girls talked me into getting BC pills last week.’
She helped me dry off. She paid special attention to some places. Then I shaved. She sat on the toilet and watched. ‘Thanks for fitting a pad on me Eddy. It would have been messy, if you hadn’t… What would you have done if I were wearing a tampon?’
‘I would have woken you up.’
‘You could have put one in me, I wouldn’t mind. Or does the blood bother you?’
‘No, the blood doesn’t bother me. But I won’t put nothin’ in your vagina without you tellin’ me to. Besides Paul was havin’ a tough enough time, as it was.’
She huddled, as if to hide her scar. ‘I don’t think I like that Eddy. I don’t mind you or the girls seeing me. But another guy, is a bit much.’
I wiped my face and knelt in front of her. ‘You don’t mind that he saw parts of the rest of your body? Just your scar?’
‘Both, Eddy.’
‘I am very sorry, I was only thinkin’ of makin’ you comfortable. And I was enjoyin’ seein’ your body. Knowin’ you trusted me. I embarrassed Paul too. He refused to look at you. But I was wrong. I’m sorry. Paul helped by carrying Sandy to bed and I needed help gettin’ those tight jeans off her, I don’t know how she puts them on. He didn’t seem to have a problem with her, We came in to you next, I just didn’t think.’
She placed her hands on my face and kissed me a long slow kiss. When she pulled back she giggled. ‘Ah, Eddy, maybe you should put some clothes on now. I quite forgive you. But you are the only male I want looking at me.’
I headed to my room, she followed, I said. ‘Hey, you caused this. You don’t know how difficult it is to get dressed with one of these.’
She watched, very interested. When I had put my socks on and started looking for my shoes she wrapped her arm around me and stayed with me.
We fixed a quick breakfast of toast and juice, then waited in the living room.
She cuddled close to me, as we were sitting in the same chair there was no other way. She was looking across the room at nothing. Her head tucked under my chin. She was idly playing with one of my hands, the other she had placed on her thigh.
‘Yes, love?’
‘What did Paul say about my scar. The truth, please.’
‘Ok, you should ask him. He thinks your scar is more of an accent to your beauty, not a detraction. I quite agree.’
‘I couldn’t ask him. I just couldn’t. But that’s why you deliberately showed him my scar, you’re trying to repair my self image.’
‘I suppose that’s a part of it. You’re a smart girl Laura, you know it’s not as bad as you seem to see it.’
‘I guess, my family here keeps telling me that. We’d better go.’
We took the pickup, my truck needed gas. Laura sat close to me, my arm tight to her breast, my hand between her knees. She shifted for me.
Leia and Paul brought Karen home, the rest of us followed. We had a party, some of their girl friends came over too. They all seemed to love the upstairs. Paul put Leia in on my bed, and closed the door. She had been very short on sleep and had just dropped off in the middle of a sentence.
Paul and I watched TV, the main party was upstairs, at last count there were sixteen girls up there. Paul looked at the stairwell and said. ‘Would you dare go up those stairs with all of them up there?’
‘No. But I might die happy.’
He laughed, but he was having trouble staying awake.
‘Paul, go in with Leia, close the door. It will stay closed until one of you open it.’
He didn’t argue, he closed the door.
I dozed a little, rousing up to let girls in and send them up the stairs. Some left but there had to be twenty or more up there. I was sure at one point Karen was telling her story, it was quiet, just her voice floating down the stairs. There were the occasional ‘Eewu’ from the mob. Then Sandy and Laura finished the story. There were a few cheers for parts of that.
It was getting late, I was thinking of breaking up the mob, but realized it wasn’t my job. A few minutes later in twos and threes the girls started leaving. They all stopped to kiss me and say good night. Most of the girls I didn’t even know.
My girls came down in t-shirts and panties and we all set close on the couch, Laura at my feet.
Sandy said. ‘When did mom leave?’
Before I could say anything a naked Leia dashed out to the bathroom. She didn’t bother to close the doors. On her way back, at a much slower pace, she stopped to kiss Sandy Karen and me. She looked at Laura, Laura jumped up over me to kiss Leia. I got a face full of boobs for that.
‘We won’t be much longer Eddy.’
She closed the door to my room after her. Definitely a very nice body on her.
Sandy said. ‘Having second thoughts Eddy?’
‘Yeah, of course. Fortunately it’s past me now.’ We all heard the squeaking of my bed. Without a word we all moved to the table. Sandy put on some music.
I looked at Karen. ‘Honey are you all right?’
She looked me straight in the eyes. ‘No… Not really. But I’m in the best place to fix it. They offered me rape counseling, should I take it?’
‘There is a reason they offer it love. I’d consider it if I were you.’
‘It’s not the rape that bothers me the most. It’s the loss of control of the situation leading to it.’
‘But honey, that is the rape, the theft of your control. If you were in control it wouldn’t be rape.’
‘They have sessions in the early evening, would you take me Eddy?’
Leia opened my door and with their clothes in hand led an embarrassed naked Paul into the bathroom. It didn’t help when the girls all whistled at him. We all laughed at that and moved back to the couch. They were in the shower for a suspiciously long time too. Leia was glowing as she led Paul out hand in hand. Leia wasn’t the least bit shy. She kissed all of us good night and they left.
Sandy got up and looked in my room, she came back out and asked. ‘Eddy, where do you keep your clean sheets?’ She got them from the closet. Karen asked. ‘Eddy would you carry me up stairs?’
Laura went to help Sandy. I went up the stairs with Karen. She was already in her night clothes, so pulled the covers back and sat her down.
‘Eddy, if it had only been you I wouldn’t be having these shadows in my mind. Kiss me Eddy, please.’
I kissed her to show my love. She pulled my hand between her legs and rubbed the front of her panties with it and cried.
‘Karen my love, every day will get better. Just remember there are many people that love you, the three of us here especially.’
She had stopped moving my hand, I pressed lightly until she fell asleep I moved the covers up over her. When Sandy and Laura came in I was stroking her brow.
‘Somebody should stay close to her for a few nights.’
‘Laura and I will take turns sleeping with her.’ Said Sandy.
Sandy slid in with her, speaking her name and other calming words. I pulled the covers back up and kissed them both. I said to Sandy, ‘She’s not well, so no funny stuff, you hear me.’
She stuck out her tongue at me and smiled. I went with Laura across the hall and tucked her in bed too. Our kiss seemed a bit longer. She smiled and closed her eyes.
All the lights were out except the night light in the bathroom. I stood there for several minutes listening to the soft breathing.
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Hai indian sex stories readers. Im chaitanya from andhra pradesh. I’m a regular reader of iss. This is my 1st story in iss. So please forgive my mistakes. I’ll narrate my story in telugu from now onwards. Na peru chaitanya. Nadi vizag. Ma intlo 4members vuntam. Ma house 2floored house. Ground floor lo garage vuntadi. Na height 5.5inches and weight 665kgs with muscular body. Nenu apudu inter 1st year complete chesi holidays lo 2nd year records rasukuntuna. Ma inti aeduruga oka family vundaevalu....
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I am 30 years old and have been married to the man of my dreams for 5 years now. My husband and I have a very good sex life and have sex on average about 3 times a week. I love to give my husband blow jobs and to be fucked regularly, but 3 times a week is not always enough for me. I have an insatiable appetite for sex and like it a little rough. I also have voyeuristic fantasies and love porn. Around the middle of September, I just couldn’t get enough sex. I...
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TeenHelena and me in her garage That morning I had stayed at home while Anita had gone to her office. It was strange to me receiving a phone call from Helena, my wife’s best friend. I asked if Ana was with her, if everything was fine, but then I was surprised when she told me she was alone at her home, feeling horny and looking desperately for a nice hard cock. I could not believe what I was hearing, that sexual goddess talking to me about sex??? I asked her for her husband Jorge, but she said...
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In The Garage I needed to work on my Cobra Mustang I'd put a newly modified engine in this weekend, a Saturday. I went out to the garage, opening the door, and going in. I'm about to pull the door nearly down to about two feet or so off the ground, when my neighbor buddy hops the fence & comes over. The chain-link fence was by the driveway on his side. “ Need some help?” Darren asks. “ Sure, man, c'mon on in!” I quickly reply. We got under the back of the car to tighten some bolts on the...
I had not fucked Helena in several months; although I had always met her in the neighborhood, the mall or every place. My beloved wife Ana knew that her slutty girlfriend was horny thinking about me and my hard cock; so she would not leave alone and she called me at least one time an hour, just to check where I was, or why I was so late…But one afternoon I found the perfect excuse. I called Ana and invited her to have lunch with me around the corner. I knew that I had to attend a business...
Helena and me in her garageThat morning I had stayed at home while Anita had gone to her office. It was strange to me receiving a phone call from Helena, my wife’s best friend. I asked if Ana was with her, if everything was fine; but then I was surprised when she told me she was alone at her home; feeling horny and looking desperately for a nice hard cock.I could not believe what I was hearing; that sexual goddess talking to me about sex???I asked her for her husband Jorge, but she said that...
I was sixteen when I started to work on Saturday mornings at the local garage cleaning cars and running errands. I had been there for about a month when the boss told me to take a package to an older man, Peter, who worked in a small building at the back of the garage. I knocked on the closed door and there as no reply so I pushed the door open and could not see anybody. Peter made me jump when he called “Come in”. He told me that he repaired various car parts which was why he had his own...
I don't know why but what happened in the garage with John was lying on my mind. A few days later I was passing and saw Dave go out in his breakdown truck, pulling in and parking up I entered the garage and there was John with his very pretty girlfriend, he looked shocked to see me, as he approached me he was shaking his head from side to side mouthing the word 'no'.His girlfriend must have been 18 or so and she said "Hi can I help you?", I looked at John and he looked very embarrassed, he led...
My car is acting up and I take it up to the local garage. My friend Sammy works there and he told me to bring my car up, so he can put it on the lift. I leave while he is looking to see what is wrong with my car.I"m finishing up with the brownies that I made for Sammy and the boys at the garage. My phone rings and Sammy tells me that my car is fixed and I can come up and get it. I wait til 4 o'clock, when the shop is closing. I'm hoping to get Sammy alone for a little bit of action.I get...
Sophie had been planning this for days. She'd frozen the key in a big glass of water, bought three big tubes of silicon-based lubricant and blocks of wood, and so forth. Being 1pm, she only had to check her design and then the rest of the afternoon was hers.She'd chosen her garage as the best place because if someone came over, they'd never look there and just assume that she was gone. In front of her, and secured as best she could manage, was her latest adventure in a series of what she...
Real history.Me, 56 years old.It was in February, an evening with friends who all work in a large commercial building. What a business incubator.We all had to dress in an outrageous, colorful and fun way.I went there without asking too many questions and without a second thought.No clothes to put on me that could be fun for the occasion, but calling a friend, I explain to her and she asks me to pass because she will probably lend me some clothes (we have the same size).We have a drink together...
I am a well developed adventurous attractive 15 year old girl and like to show off my good looks and sexy body. My brother is always taking advantage this and is getting me into compromising situations where I am loosing the clothes that I am wearing. His mates work at a garage and he bet me to give them a tease. Even though I am only 15 I am quickly learning about the effect of my body has on men. I have been told that I am becoming a exhibitionist well know in town. Let me describe myself. My...
EroticYou’ve got that medicine I need. Fame, Liquor, Love, give it to me slowly. ———————————- I looked over my choice of outfit once more. I was sure I looked good, if not sexy even. Still, it had to be the right one for my plan to work. After all, he’d been slaving away in that damn garage for weeks, and as much as I appreciated the fact that it was my baby he was working on, I still missed my man. So I was going to do something about that. I walked to the front of the house and made sure the...
“Finally,” Brenda sighed. Another late night at the office was behind her. And the project was finished. She was relieved, and happy to go home. She’d sleep in a little tomorrow, to celebrate. She glanced at the clock. 12:30 AM. How did it get so late? She picked up the phone and called her husband. “Hi, babe,” came his sleepy response. “I’m done. On my way home.” “Oh, good. Wow, look at the time. Be careful, I worry about you out by...
This was going to be good, he just knew it, there was no doubt about it. They had been playing for months now but tonight he was here at her house and he knew he was finally going to have her. He knocked on the door but there was no answer, how could that be, they had talked, she knew that he was coming. Then he saw the light on in the garage, was she there? He figured he’d give it a try so down the drive he went to see if she was there.Yes, she was, looking so hot, it took his breath away for...
Oral SexSaturday morning my sweet wife had gone to her office as I stayed at home.Before midday I received a phone call from Camilla, my wife’s best friend. I asked if Ana was with her, if everything was fine; but I then was surprised when she told me she was alone at her home; feeling horny and looking desperately for a nice hard cock.I could not believe what I was hearing; that sexual goddess saying this…I asked her for her husband; but Camilla then she said that useless man was out of town and...
My mother in law had come to visit us during some days.I was glad to see her at the airport, where Ana and I went to pick up her. Ofelia had been a very beautiful woman when she was younger.Now at early sixties, she still was able to make my cock get hard and ache in my trousers…That afternoon I had gone to my office by train, since my lovely wife had borrowed my car to go shopping with her sexy mother.Anita’s car was there lying in the garage, engine out of order.As I got home, I noticed my...
Carla wanted to feel like an a****l. She wanted to happen across some body on the street, bend over, and get fucked with no introductions, no romance, no finesse, and no regrets. The closest she was going to come to it, was now. Her heels clicked and echoed in the parking garage as she walked to the almost empty far end. There were plenty of cars around, and some foot traffic, but he had parked at a fairly unoccupied section. It would give them the best view of people walking around, and even...
I had been waiting for just the right time and this seemed like it. You were so turned on after our bathroom activities I think you would have done just about anything I asked. I had you drive back to the house. That way I could run my fingers through your hair and rub your thighs and anything else I could do to keep you turned on. I wanted to be able to wring your juices from your boxers when I got the off of you. I think I was doing a good job. I then reclined my seat and pulled down my...
Late night in a lonely garageI moaned as I knew another late night at the office was behind me. I felt relieved and happy to go home finally.I glanced at my watch and saw now it was past midnight. But Victor was not waiting me at home; as usual, my loving husband was in a boring long business trip away from town…Then I turned off the lights and walked out from my office. The building was mostly dark, with a few lights on to make the halls navigable. I took the elevator to the lobby. The night...
It had been some five years since I’d fucked Nancy, I was older and then so was she. We were talking over the fence when I asked her if she’d had anything since the last time we were together, and she replied that she hadn’t. I was feeling quite horny and she was dressed in a lemon blouse and a grey skirt, we made some more small talk.After a while it became obvious to me that she needed to be fucked again. “Where is your husband” I asked “Gone to get the caravan ready he’ll be a couple of...
It had been some five years since I’d fucked Nancy, I was older and then so was she. We were talking over the fence when I asked her if she’d had anything since the last time we were together, and she replied that she hadn’t. I was feeling quite horny and she was dressed in a lemon blouse and a grey skirt, we made some more small talk.After a while it became obvious to me that she needed to be fucked again. “Where is your husband” I asked “Gone to get the caravan ready he’ll be a couple of...
My car needed a good service so as I passed a garage on a back street when I took the wife to work I thought I'd ask in there. I walked in and this bloke of around 35 years old called Dave asked me what I wanted, when I told him he said he would be happy to service my car as he didn't have much work on at the moment, I thought Perfect.Two weeks later I drove the wife to work and called in the garage, a younger lad was there, he said he was an apprentice for his dad. His dad recognised me and...
I hadn't seen Ryan since that last encounter in the hotel but I'd thought about him every now and again in the last couple months. I knew it wasn't going to be an every week deal, and I like for my random hook ups to be few and far between due to the chance of catching a disease so I asked my husband to call him again and to arrange a meet.A few days later my husband said we were going out Saturday night. He said Ryan was very busy but had agreed to meet us on the roof of a parking garage...
“Finally,” Brenda sighed. Another late night at the office was behind her. And the project was finished. She was relieved, and happy to go home. She’d sleep in a little tomorrow, to celebrate. She glanced at the clock. 12:30 AM. How did it get so late? She picked up the phone and called her husband.“Hi, babe,” came his sleepy response.“I’m done. On my way home.”“Oh, good. Wow, look at the time. Be careful, I worry about you out by yourself so late.”“I’m fine, John,” she replied. “I...
“Finally,” Brenda sighed. Another late night at the office was behind her. And the project was finished. She was relieved, and happy to go home. She’d sleep in a little tomorrow, to celebrate. She glanced at the clock. 12:30 AM. How did it get so late? She picked up the phone and called her husband.“Hi, babe,” came his sleepy response.“I’m done. On my way home.”“Oh, good. Wow, look at the time. Be careful, I worry about you out by yourself so late.”“I’m fine, Hubby,” she replied. “I...
It was a warm summer night and we just had a wonderful nighton the town. Nice dinner, a few games of pool, and a lot ofdancing close all night. Teasing each other with soft kissesas we dance close and enjoy eachothers touch. Walking backto our car at the top level of the parking garage you put yourarm around me and keep me close. Once we get to the car, youunlock my door first. Before you open it, you push me up againstthe car and plant a long wet soft kiss on my lips. Then as youpull away to...
I needed to work on my Cobra Mustang I'd put a newly modified engine in this weekend, a Saturday. I went out to the garage, opening the door, and going in. I'm about to pull the door nearly down to about two feet or so off the ground, when my neighbor buddy hops the fence & comes over. The chain-link fence was by the driveway on his side. “ Need some help?” Darren asks. “ Sure, man, c'mon on in!” I quickly reply. We got under the back of the car to tighten some bolts on the rear suspension....
This story as told to me by my real life friend and my husband's ex Wanda. This is what she wrote to me. I had set up with a guy on a web site to take me by surprise ...kind of a role play real bad guy having his way with me. I had never met him before and thought this would be very exciting done by a total stranger rather than some guy that you had a relationship with.I am in the Circus Circus parking garage in Las vegas. .I am bent over the back of my suv in the trunk and my...
Another Saturday here at the garage. I’ve been running these departments for what seems like forever now. Every day, the same thing. Cars line up to get fixed, we try to fix ‘em, no one’s ever happy. 730am it starts, 7pm its over. Back for more. Saturday’s are the worst – talk about tedious – it’s just babysitting. Could be home doing a lot of things that aren’t this…but that check keeps coming in and, in reality, after 25 years, what else do I know how to do? Not much – it’s been my only job...
" Come to my place then?" I ask, winded. I pull up to a Luxury apartment complex in the exclusive part of Dallas. The car is hardly parked before she is out of it, hurrying around to meet me. I unlock the front door and it is shut behind us. She is very nervous now ... jittery with sexual excitement. Her heart is beating faster, and her breathing increases with the palpably erotic situation. I then pin her against the wall, my chest pressed tight against her back, my hands seizing her ribs...
This is a story of something that happened to my wife a few months ago. My wife is 42 years of age, she is thin and has a nice shape to her body. I have worked really hard at molding her into becoming that sexy wife that she currently is, I would tease her as we made love, tell her how it would be better if she had a larger cock abusing her and stretching her out. She finally started to surprise me wearing tighter tops and showing more skin. My wife came home one day after work telling me how...
On the ride home I sit contemplating how I could make my escape to the bedroom as soon as we got home. Maybe I could plead a headache and go take care of my ache with a few toys. We had spent the afternoon at a company barbeque. As we spent the time socializing, you with the guys and me with the wives, occasionally our paths would cross. When they did I would make sure to brush up against your crotch or touch you in some way. Even in the short ride home I tried to get a reaction out of you by...
SpankingThat afternoon I was horny as hell. I was going down in the elevator of the building office and just wanted to happen across somebody as soon as possible; bend over and get fucked with no introductions, no romance, no finesse, no mercy and no regrets. My beloved Victor had flown to Puerto Rico on a business trip and from there he would continue a long voyage to Buenos Aires, to visit his old mother, who was ill resting at the hospital.I heard my own heels clicking and echoing in the deepest...
She was dancing when she saw him. What was he doing out tonight? She turned away and tried not to look at him, her pussy was moist from just seeing him. Why did he have this effect on her? She went to the toilets and checked herself in the mirror, her tanned body looked good in the black dress and her legs looked amazing with her heels on. She brushed her long brown hair and took a deep breath. She wanted him so much, she couldn't stop thinking about him.She went back to the dance floor and...
It was early in the day, about 11 in the morning, and I was finishing up some errands I had to run on campus. I hadn't figured on it being a very interesting visit to campus, do some paper work, run a few errands, head home. But this day had much more in store.I was walking across the campus grounds when I felt my phone vibrate. I was surprised to see that the number was my ex's sister. She and I hadn't been all too close, but we hung out a few times along with my girlfriend and some other...
Quickie SexAnother Saturday here at the garage. I’ve been running these departments for what seems like forever now. Every day, the same thing. Cars line up to get fixed, we try to fix ‘em, no one’s ever happy. 730am it starts, 7pm its over. Back for more. Saturday’s are the worst – talk about tedious – it’s just babysitting. Could be home doing a lot of things that aren’t this…but that check keeps coming in and, in reality, after 25 years, what else do I know how to do? Not much – it’s been my only job...
NovelsThis is the first story about Nathalie, a beautiful sissy who gets herself into all sorts of sc****s.Nathalie is shopping for clothes. In the changing room she tries on a very sexy mini dress and she shows off her fantastic tits as she tries it on. The tits cost a small fortune but were worth every penny. She looks at herself in the mirror. Her boyfriend will love this dress. She changed back into her skirt and blouse and took the dress to the till. "It fits perfectly" she said and the pretty...
Chapter 1 I was thirteen in the summer of 1964. I was, as the saying goes, young, dumb, and full of cum. I did a lot of crazy things in those days. Of some of those crazy things I am not too proud. I took money, from my mom's purse, so that a friend and me could sneak out and see "A Hard Day's Night" at the old Tower theatre. After the movie, we realized that we didn't have enough money for the bus-fare back so (at eleven o'clock at night) we walked the ten miles home. I snuck back in...
Blond and balding, divorced and ready to give up on women, Eddie Cox closed his toolbox and walked out of the computer room of the small branch of Albion United Bank, swallowing the last of a tomato sandwich. He stopped abruptly, a shotgun pointed at his belly. ‘Who are you?’ asked the gunman, blue eyes looking coldly through eye slits in his hood. ‘The computer guy,’ Eddie croaked. ‘I don’t know the combination to the bank’s safe.’ ‘Of course you don’t,’ snarled the gunman. ‘It’s on a time...
“Good holiday?” Eddie asked as he handed Kerry a bunch of keys. “It was lovely, thanks. We really had a great time.” She told him. “All over tan?” He asked with a twinkle in his eye. Kerry laughed. She liked Eddie, her next door neighbour. He was a sixty year old retired widower and he had a great sense of humour. He was also trustworthy and whenever they went away they would leave the house keys with him to feed the cat and look after things. “Just a couple of white bits!” She teased. ...
Wife LoversEddie was waiting for the girl to show up after waiting a good 20min a black tinted window suv pulls up the back doors open and Eddie jumps in. “heyy sexy girl-------“ Eddie looked at two guys naked next to he can see their fully erected dick “what the fuck” Eddie says then he trys to leave he get grab by one of the guys right next to him. They were huge like fuck Eddie tried to struggle and scream but he got closer and closer toward the man holding him. “suck my cock u slut u Gonne keep me...