Airgasms Induce Orgasms
- 4 years ago
- 33
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This is a sequel to Airgasms Between Orgasms and you will miss much if you haven’t read that.
As he turf-surfs at high speed a mere few inches above the ground under his parachute, he looks so graceful and confident that I suddenly see him as the master of the sky that he is. He hits the ground running and slows to a stop right next to me.
‘Don’t try this at home. We’re what you call, professionals.’
I laugh, ‘Yeah, join him next weekend on Assbusters.’
‘Hey, that was pretty swift.’
I honestly can’t remember how long it’s been since I laughed as much as I’ve laughed this weekend. I’m sorry to see it ending. I ask Karl to drive on the way back to the city. Workland we call it. I guess the weekends are spent in Playland and I like the sound of that. As I program my phone number into his phone and his number into mine, Karl explains the ‘jump credit’ that he and the other instructors work for at the school. I shudder to think about the tax implications if they could ever even sort it out.
I paid a lot of money for my jumps and the instructors earned jump credit by jumping with me so they could jump free on their formation jumps. My cash went to pilots, fuel, planes, rent, gear, etc. Karl also gets jump credit for teaching the Accelerated Freefall class and editing the student videos. I’m sure the ski bums worked similar arrangements with the slopes, but they never went back to Workland for five days between their two play days.
I text a quick message to Toni.
‘Lunch tomorrow? Much to tell.’
Her response is quick. ‘Sure. I can’t wait.’
I ask Karl about his hockey helmet preferences and order one for him online.
‘It should be delivered Thursday.’
‘You didn’t need to do that, Randi.’
‘That’s your brain in that bucket. It controls your tongue.’
‘Oh. Hehe.’
I drop him off at his apartment after running him past my apartment so he knows where to find me on Wednesday. When I get back into my apartment, I pet Bootsie and start writing to-do lists for being prepared for next weekend. I can’t believe how good I feel after two days of good sex and two days of adrenaline rushes. I somehow manage not to diddle myself that night, mainly because I crash without it.
At work the next morning, I’m wrecked. I can’t get a thing done, but I let the word out that I’ve got a new BF and that I went skydiving on the weekend. The guys I work with want to talk about the skydiving. The women want to hear about the new BF. My boss is a woman, so I get some tolerance for being distracted.
I sit in the cafe and look around, noticing people. I handsome man comes up and asks if he can join me for lunch. I notice the tan line on his ring finger. A cheater. Ordinarily I would be upset, but I just laugh and say, ‘No, thanks anyway. My sister is joining me and your wife probably wouldn’t like to hear about this, so it’s better if I don’t learn your name.’
He turns a strange shade of tan and walks away mumbling. Life’s definitely different for me now that I have a fella.
‘Details, Randi. What’s all this about being a skygoddess? and how was your jump?’
Six jumps, well five really. I was only freight on the first one.’
‘What? That must have cost a fortune.’
‘It was worth it. Got a humble man out of the deal.’
‘What? Karl?’
‘Yep, I met him. He sort of flew into my life on my first jump. You were right. He’s a dreamboat.’
‘Wait a minute. You’re just too happy. Did you guys bump uglies?’
‘Nothing ugly about it. He’s a good guy if I can keep him. And not just because he saved my life.’
‘Oh my god, Randi. Start from the beginning.’
I’d been having fun dropping bombs on her, but since I had to thank her for her part in my good fortune, I gave her details. Well, not all the details, but the sister-to-sister stuff.
‘And this is how you’re going to spend your weekends now?’
‘When the weather cooperates.’
‘Good for you. It’s good to see you alive again, Randi.’
‘Thanks, Toni, for all you did for me.’
I can barely keep my mind on my work or my classes for the next few days. I keep replaying jumps and time spent with Karl. My toys help me get to sleep at night, to thoughts of him flying up and landing next to me, then taking me on the ground. On Wednesday night, he shows up only a half hour late, but he’s got pizza and the edited videos from my jumps. We watch the videos as we eat and he’s set them to music, dropping the volume just in time to hear me shout, ‘That was fuckin’ awesome!’ on my tandem jump. The videos made by Dew Drop are much smoother and more serene than Skybox and Sensei’s. I laugh as I see Racer X fall off on my first AFF. I wish I had video from my first freefall attempt. I’m curious about the leg. I want to believe that I could have stopped the spin if I knew what the problem was and countered the problem.
‘You can’t beat yourself up over that, Chess Nut. I don’t think I could have countered an asymmetry that big, not without going fetal and that would get me to 180 miles per hour and I’d probably still spin. I don’t even want to think about opening a square at that speed. It could explode. It might even break bones.’
‘Really? Wow.’
‘Yeah, this was a new one for the school. Brian’s checking out all the other suits and sewing or tossing all the suspects. He’s put the word out to other schools. It seems simple but nobody’s seen a spinnaker spin before. You’re gonna be a legend. The girl who kept jumping after almost bouncing on her first solo freefall.’
‘Oh, god. Really? You’re the one who deserves the legend label.’
‘Yeah, well. It’s hard to be humble when you’re me.’
‘I’ll bet.’ The thing is, I know he’s partially embarrassed about the reputation he has. I’ve seen so many people come up and ask for his advice and I can tell Brian relies heavily on him. And now he’s mine and when I think about that, it just rocks me. It’s like dating a prince or something. I could get lost in his shadow and be fine with it, but I feel like I’m being spotlighted and that’s something I would have to live up to.
‘Hey. You got quiet. What are you thinking, Randi?’
I smile. ‘I’m just wondering if you had the foresight to bring clothes for tomorrow.’
‘Um, yeah. They’re in my car. I remember how you like to wake up in the morning. Nothing could be finer.’
‘You might want to go get them, now. Then you won’t have to streak down to get them later.’
‘I like streaking.’ He’s walking out the door as he talks.
‘But I don’t want my neighbors to see how lucky I am.’
I leave the door ajar and run off to my bedroom.
I’m glad that Randi’s feeling lucky to know me. I think that many women initially find a skydiving guy to be sexually interesting, but the allure wears off quickly for the women who don’t jump. It’s a focused activity and it takes up weekends and it’s a culture of self-exiles. I feel lucky to have found someone who so far likes the sport enough to stay involved, but I know that the real test of our relationship will come later. If she makes it to the 50 jump mark, then even if she quits, she might stick with me and just accept me for what I am, but it would be one important thing that we no longer share.
If she makes it to the 200 jump mark and she’s still with me, I’ll start to think I might have found a true soulmate for life. Anywhere between 50 and 200 is where she’ll either give up on me or not. That’s where the real strain from all the attention other guys pay her will come. In the meantime, I just have to keep her safe and interested without being too protective. I think about all this as I take the elevator down to the parking garage and retrieve my go-bag. I’m a bit delayed in catching the elevator back, so I take the stairs up 5 flights. I’m not a big fan of these beehive apartment buildings, but it’s clean and seems safe for a woman like her.
I push into her door and close it behind me. There’s a single candle lit in the front room and I see the flicker of light coming through the open door of another room. I blow out the candle in the living room. No point in lighting where we won’t be. My heart is racing a bit, because this brings back memories of Layla. Good memories of how she could be sexy when she wasn’t being wanty or pouty. I walk up to the door.
‘Whoa! I wasn’t expecting that.’
‘Do you like my surprise.’
‘Oh fuck, Randi, my cock is trying to rip right out through my jeans. You are so sexy.’
She’s spread-eagled naked on the bed with faux restraints holding her wrists to the corners of her large bed. She likes to sleep — and fuck — in luxury. She has a spreader bar keeping her ankles apart. There are candles on the furniture around the bed and the level of light is enough to show her beauty, but so sensually that it wakes up a primal, predatory desire in me.
There’s a box beside her on the bed. I remove my shirt and slip off my shoes, thinking that a slow reveal might drag out the pleasure for her. I go to the bed and remove the lid from the box. It’s got sex toys in it. I guess that she would have removed any that she didn’t want me to use and I’m a bit surprised to see nipple clamps. I’m not really into causing pain, but I know how to use them. I lift them and test the spring tension, which is minimal, and I watch her eyes as they follow my hands.
She can easily slip her hands out of the loops that she has wrapped around her wrists, but she doesn’t, so I clip the clamps onto her nipples, which draws a small gasp from her. These are the only things I would consider torture devices, although there is a third that I could clip to her clit, but it’s early for that. I pull each toy out in front of her, testing each for suitability and develop a plan. Then I notice that she has a sleep mask looped over the handle of the drawer on her nightstand.
‘Ah, this looks useful.’ I put it over her eyes and she tenses. She wasn’t counting on this, but she keeps her hands in the loops. I remove one clamp and wait for ten seconds before placing it back on. Her reaction is minimal. With a loud noise, I pop the top on a tube of lubricant and put some on a buttplug. I grab the spreader bar and pull her legs up over her head. I can actually hook it over the headboard, so I do that and leave her there. It’s not a comfortable position, but it raises her ass nicely for the insertion of the plug. I ease it into her and she grunts as it pops into place. I tongue fuck her pussy and she’s very wet. Then I lick her clit and lower the spreader bar back down.
I loudly unzip my pants and strip the rest of the way, my hard cock swinging around as I move. I remove the other nipple clamp and she moans as the circulation restores briefly before I reclamp it. She’s writhing in anticipation now so I kiss her. Her lips and tongue are greedy for the pussy juices I share with her.
‘Would my little floozie like something to suck on?’
‘Yes, Skygod.’
‘Good little floozie. Suck on this.’ I slip the head of my cock into her mouth and she sucks and licks it, until I take it back away.
I pull the nipple clamps off and suck one nipple while pressing a vibrator down on the other. As the circulation comes back, her writhing intensifies. ‘Oh Skygod, this is torture.’
‘No little floozie, this is torture.’ I put the clamps back on her nipples and she moans and begins humping air with her pussy. I spank her mound gently with my hand and her plaintive, ‘Anh!?!’ begs me for more. I kiss her again and and her tongue tries to dive down my throat. I slide a dildo into her pussy and fuck her with it as I rub her clit with the vibrator. She screams with joy and comes, rolling and bucking her hips to ride the toys.
When her humping decreases in intensity, I pull the nipple clamps back off and continue working her clit with the vibe. Her orgasm intensifies as her nipples fill again. She clamps down hard on the dildo as I slide it in and out while pressing the vibrator hard on her clit. Her body is twitching now and I can’t wait any longer. I raise the bar and remove the buttplug, stuffing my hard cock into her gaping asshole. I begin to ram it in over and over as I pull the sleep mask up and look into her eyes. They’re rolling around deliriously as she comes again. I feel her spasms gripping hard on my cock as I spill my cum into her tight ass.
Her ring milks me dry as I continue working the dildo in her pussy. I pull it out and lick it and then put it to her lips. She sucks it in as she has another small orgasm.
‘That was incredible Karl.’
‘Hmmm. You can surprise me like this any time, Randi.’
I ask him, ‘Where did you learn to do that with nipples?’
‘She was educational in the bedroom. Our problems were in the rest of the world.’
‘Well I could definitely thank her for that.’
‘You won’t see her. She got run off the DZ. She went after a married man. We froze her out.’
‘Not him.’
‘He was the first to freeze her out. She wouldn’t take no for an answer. We got behind him. She left.’
‘Good to know.’
‘What about you? Did Ski Bum have any pluses?’
‘None you haven’t already surpassed.’
‘Good to know.’
We sleep well, have a nice morning romp, and for the first time in a long time, I go to work with that marvelous fresh-fucked feeling that makes the whole day seem better. On Friday afternoon, I pick up Karl and a ton of gear and we head to the DZ as quick as we can. Karl surprises me by telling me that if we have eight jumpers to make a load, Brian can fly us before dark. When we get there, Faceplant is already putting the load together and we get the load filled when Racer X and Dew Drop show up.
I give Sensei his new helmet and he gives me his backup rig.
‘I rigged a virgin pud on it. You’ll be the first to pull it.’
‘I can’t wait. Do I need to pack it?’
‘The reserve is up to date. I packed the main. We have time if you want me to show you how it’s done.’
‘I can wait. Anything I need to know about flying it?’
‘It will drop faster than the school’s rigs but slower when you put the breaks on, so you’ve got more control on landing, but try not to need it. Haul down hard at the very last second and you could be backing up when you touch.
We have two four-mans in the plane with me as base for the second one with Sensei, Dew Drop, and Racer X. The first four are all single guys, Skybox is divorced and Stinky, Faceplant and Bill are students from Sensei’s University.
‘No skyname for Bill?’
‘Bill is his skyname. His real name is Jason, but he looks so bland, that people call him Bill.’
‘Oh my god. That’s funny.’
We’re in the plane in the ascent box, an area of airspace a little ways from the airport where the jump planes climb to altitude with a series of turns before their jump runs. Sensei’s altimeter is reading 9000′. Suddenly the engine noise level drops a lot. The engine on the door side of the plane is quiet.
We hear, ‘Shit! Fuck me!’ from the cockpit, then Brian yells, ‘Everybody out! Now!’
Racer X and Dewdrop finish their wedding ring ritual and smile while I’m thinking about the plane coming apart. Bill is the first guy to the door and opens the cargo net that blocks it during climbs. I hear Stinky shout ‘Eight man star!’ and the other jumpers shout variations of, ‘Fuck yeah!’
Skybox is base, but Bill goes out first as the ‘dive floater’. Skybox and Stinky go out together, then Faceplant, me and Sensei together, Racer X, and Dew Drop. I’m not really sure what’s going on, but Sensei stays connected on my right and Racer X suddenly appears and grabs my jumpsuit at my left wrist. Suddenly we’re turning and flying down to the specks in the distance that are the first four guys. Dew Drop flies past with her arms swept back like the wings of a jet plane. ‘Tracking’ it’s called, and she looks beautiful as she joins the 3-man of Skybox, Stinky and Faceplant.
Racer X and Sensei fly me into the formation just as Bill joins from the other side. We expand out into a circle, all facing each other and smiling. The guys on the other side start rocking their heads like headbangers and then Skybox shakes his hands and everybody splits up. Now I’m not sure what to do because I’m really supposed to be the base of a four man, but Skybox sticks his arms out and backs away with a wave as Sensei looks around and gives me the pull signal.
I pull, check my new canopy, pump the slider down and find Sensei flying beside me. All eight canopies are open and Skybox is lowest. Racer X shouts, ‘Skybox, got a wind line?’ It hadn’t occured to me that landing out in the crops would deprive us of a wind speed and direction indicator.
Skybox shouts, ‘Hayfield! Follow me.’ and we do. He lands first, quickly throws some grass in the air and lies down on the ground with his arms out in a ‘t’ configuration about 10 degrees offset from the line he landed on. Sensei says, ‘Feet to head, Chess Nut.’ but I’ve already figured that out. A human wind direction indicator, what an idea.
I line up on Skybox and land my new canopy about 100′ past him, falling to my knees and adding some grass stains, but completely jazzed from the novelty of the whole experience. We gather up our canopies as we laugh and whoop it up. We’re walking toward the road when a minivan and a pickup truck with a crew cab drive down the road flashing their headlights. Brian’s wife Lily is in the minivan and Wyld child is in the pickup. They help us get all stuffed into the vehicles and make sure we don’t close the doors on lines, canopies or pilot chutes.
We get back to the DZ and Brian and a mechanic already have the cowling open on the left engine of the plane. Brian’s got a cell phone to his ear and he’s gesturing wildly, despite the fact that the guy on the other end can’t see him.
We’re picking our spots in the packing area when Wyld Child shouts, ‘Dinner’s gonna be a little late on account of y’all not having the good sense to land in that perfectly good airplane.’
We laugh, even Brian, and then Sensei teaches me how to pack his chute. During the bonfire I arrange with Dew Drop to make the first morning dive together, taking Sensei up on his advice to pay for half her dive in exchange for flying lessons.
In the morning, I’m very comfortable in the air with Dew Drop and complete my first freefall backflips and barrel rolls and track and stop twice. As we get to the packing area, I see Sensei coming in from an AFF jump from our same load. I wait for him and that puts us in an area very close to the observation area where the whuffos are supposed to stay behind a sign and a low fence. Sensei has warned me that people who pack here sometimes get questions, but that doesn’t bother me. I’m so new to the sport that I haven’t had time to get as jaded about whuffos as some of the other divers.
I’m straightening lines and flaking cells when I see three girls looking at me. They’re college age and I remember hearing that Brian does some advertising at colleges within 100 miles. One’s an obvious floater and one’s a base. The third is in between. The floater is also pretty and seems confident compared to the base and a bit ditzy compared to the other girl, who seems quietly intense. She decides to speak up. ‘Hi. Can we ask some questions?’
‘As long as you don’t ask me why I jump out of perfectly good airplanes, ’cause let me tell you, I jumped out of that one last night and it was far from perfect.’ The fact that the mechanic is still working on the engine proves my point.
Floater laughs and says, ‘Well why do you? Parachute I mean.’
I put my hand by my mouth to act mock sly and say, ‘Ever had an orgasm? Well when we skydive, we have airgasms. They’re not as fun, but they’re the most fun you can have with clothes on.’
‘What’s it feel like?’
‘Why don’t you come around the fence and we’ll talk. Just you three. Stay by that bag and try not to step on anything.’
When they get around, I say, ‘Have you ever skiied down a slope or ridden fast enough on a motorcycle to get a thrill?’ I get nods from all three. ‘Well it’s like that on steroids.’
‘What’s it like being a girl jumper with so many guys around?’
I’m startled by her question. At age 28, I’m old enough to appreciate being considered a ‘girl’ by younger women who are twenty-ish. I’ve always had a big sister, but never a little sister and I sense that these young friends are looking at me with something like admiration.
‘Wow, what a good question. I’ve been getting a little jaded about guys lately after having a few bad experiences with cheaters and parasites, but I just didn’t know where to look for the decent guys who were looking for something other than a fuck-toy. The ratio of single guys to single girls who stay in this sport is like 10 to 1. These guys tend to be pretty decent guys. They’re here on Friday and Saturday nights instead of cruising the meat markets. But some of them are hot with a capital H-O-T. There’s this one instructor named Stinky, who smells fine to me, and I saw him with his shirt off last week. Awesome chest and pierced nipples. I mean real eye candy. If I didn’t have a boyfriend, I’d go for him.’ I can tell that Sensei’s hearing me as he packs his main, because he gets a sly smile.
‘A lot of these guys have nicknames like those guys in Top Gun. It’s fun to learn the story behind them. And I’ve got only good things to say about how friendly everybody here is. They seem to treat women really nice. We have bonfires at night and I think the fact that the guys love the sky makes them less sleazy than guys you might meet at a bar or a party. Not that the humor doesn’t get kind of raunchy. Something about this sport brings out the lust in us, but it just seems like it’s respectful and honest rather than nasty. I met my boyfriend here after weeks of trading emails and we just connected. I used to sit at home on weekends and watch rom-coms. Not anymore.’
‘How long have you been jumping?’
‘Since last weekend.’
‘Really and you already have your own parachute?’
‘Well it’s my boyfriend’s spare chute. He’s letting me jump it. I made my eighth jump this morning and this is my second jump with it.’
‘And that pretty pink suit?’
‘A gift from a new friend. Like I said, the people here are great. You thinking of jumping?’
‘Thinking about it. How did you get started?’
‘I did a tandem jump. That’s where a guy is right behind you the whole time. It’s the cheapest and quickest way. I loved it so much I did the Accelerated Freefall course right after I landed. Then I made my first AFF jump the same day. Then four jumps the next day, one last night and one today.’
‘What’s your nickname?’
‘Chess Nut.’
‘Because of your hair?’
‘Well that’s a story for the bonfire, I’m told, so I’ll keep that a secret.’
‘Can I be called Bonegirl? I’m an archaeology student.’
I call out to Karl, ‘Sensei, can she be called Bonegirl?’
‘I’ve never heard of another one, but she gets the name after the first AFF.’
I turn back to the girls. It’s time to reel ’em in. ‘So, you can have your first jump under your belt in about an hour. Can I show you where to sign up?’
The girls start to talk among themselves. All this time, I’ve been finishing packing my chute, but only for the practice. I know I have to lay it back out and pack it again in case I was too distracted, but I want to haul it away from the whuffos when I do, so I can concentrate. The girls finish their little courage-building session and floater says, ‘Okay, we all want to try the tandem.’
I take them over to the manifest office and Lily seems surprised, but the busted airplane just got put back into the rotation and students get priority, so she calls on the PA system. ‘I need three jumpmasters for tandems.’
The guys who are rated jumpmasters for tandems look over and about 8 hands suddenly shoot up. Lily says, ‘Okay Stinky, Bill, and Faceplant, You’re up.’
I haul my rig away from the Observer Area and just as I finish repacking my chute — I didn’t make any mistakes the first time — Brian walks up to me. ‘Karl and Lily told me what you did, Randi. He says you hooked ’em like fish and landed ’em. How would you like to be my VP of whuffo relations?’
I laugh, ‘Let me guess. No salary, jump credit.’
‘Yep. One jump at twelve-five per three tandems. Starting with those three.’
‘Sure, but that’s too generous, Brian. Make it four students. After today. I’ll take this free jump because I had to repack.’
Brian smiles, ‘Okay, but if they go on to AFF, you get credit for that too. Wear free DZ T-shirts and you got a deal.’ We shake hands and I become a staff member. I’m already wearing the T-shirt from last week.
Dew Drop, Racer X and Sensei get busy with AFF students, but Skybox agrees to let me jump with him as base and try to pin him. Sensei and Dew Drop both give me a few tips and we make a jump together. We run out of air before I get level with him, but he gives me some tips during the post-dive. I make another jump, this time with Sensei as base and I almost crash into him, but the jumpsuit responds quickly when I expand my arms to put on the brakes. I overcorrect and back away, but I come in slower and pin him. He kisses me and I want to extend it, but we’re out of air and he waves me off and pulls his pud. I pull mine and we fly down together, with him giving me some flying lessons on the way.
Before I really notice it, the big formation dives are all that’s left and Sensei’s on one of those loads. Dew Drop and I watch as they put both big planes up and do a 16-man attempt. It ‘frommels’ before they get it completed, but it’s fun watching all the brightly colored canopies open and watching some of the guys connect up their canopies to fly together.
I’m having thoughts of jumping Karl’s bones before the bonfire, but the final jump is so late that the timing doesn’t work. I’m also a bit nervous about telling my flat spin story to a large crowd, but Sensei assures me that it’s a good story that people will learn from. After the chow down, Dew Drop calls for my story. I first tell them the story behind my name. I won a chess championship during my junior year in high school and the name got pinned on me and I kept it. Then I tell the whole story of my flat spin on my first solo freefall, including the part about not being allowed to ride Sensei’s horse. It takes a few minutes and when I finish, I stand to display the open seam in the jumpsuit. I get a bit emotional as I toss the suit into the fire, and Wyld Child gives me a hug.
I think that I must look like a fool, crying over a damn piece of cloth, but people start thanking me for the story and I know that I’ve brought the mood down, but I feel like I’ve given something back to the tribe. I’d noticed that Bonegirl and her girlfriend with the base body had left after their tandem jumps, but the other girl with them had stayed and made her first AFF, and she was there at the bonfire staying close to Stinky. She catches my eye and smiles, just as Stinky says, ‘I want to hear how Sensei ‘tackled’ a spinning body. That seems like it would be pretty hard to time, and I think that’s something us other instructors should know.’
Other people start agreeing and soon everyone’s chanting, ‘Stor-ee, stor-ee, stor-ee…’ until Sensei suddenly transforms before my eyes from humble man to storyteller. He stands right away and captures his audience. I feel a twinge in my pussy just from looking at him and I suspect I’m not the only woman there who gets the fire down below.
‘You’re right Stinky, this is worth knowing. There I was…,’ a few people chuckle at the classic opening for a half-bullshit jump story that we refer to as a pud-puller, ‘…at terminal velocity at eleven-five with my newly de-whuffoed priority student, I mean girlfriend. She’s spinning in front of me and I really don’t like the idea of getting kicked in the head. I really don’t trust these newfangled Automatic Activation Devices that have saved so many lives, so I decide not to let her keep spinning beyond a certain point. I watch for a bit and admire how she attempts all the right moves to counter the spin. She must have had a great instructor.’
He pauses and some of the listeners give a collective, ‘Uh-huh,’ in mock agreement.
‘But this gigantic spinnaker that’s ballooned out from her leg is just too much for her to overcome and seeing how I don’t want to ruin my reputation for never bouncing a student, and of course how I don’t want to lose yet another girlfriend before I’ve had a chance to impress her with my vast estates, I prepare to crash in and hump her leg back down to size so she can pull her pud, despite not having any idea how to avoid getting kicked in one head or the other in the attempt.
‘But then I happen to think about a lesson I learned from the hottest and wickedest flyer in the sky. Some of you will probably know what I mean right away when I say that I pulled a Dew Drop out of my toolkit.’
I hear, ‘Oh, no,’ and a groan from Dew Drop, who covers her face as if she knows how bad it’s about to become.
‘But for those of you who don’t, our resident flying ace, Ms. Dew Drop, used this technique to bag Racer X, who was missing all her other signs that she was receptive to the idea of flying united with him.’
He makes the gesture of an airplane flying low right over his forehead. Racer X and Dew Drop and most of the rest of us are chuckling at her embarrassment now.
‘So she gets the very subtle idea of flopping onto her back, dropping below and flying missionary position right underneath him so he’ll be in her burble and fall right right smack into her.’ He spreads his arms and legs and gyrates his torso. His voice goes falsetto, ‘Oh, Stevie, do drop right on in.’
Dew drop starts to laugh much harder now and Racer X, starts nodding as if he nailed her perfectly.
‘Well, it worked for her and they’ve been flying united ever since, so I decide to try the same thing and let Chess Nut come to me. It works and I grab her with my arms and legs. We tumble and she ends up on her back with me riding her cowgirl, just like Dew Drop did to Racer X.’
He pauses long enough for someone to take the bait and Faceplant falls for it, ‘Cowgirl?’
‘Well she did have a rig strapped on, and it did have a pud.’ He starts whipping his ass with his hand in mock cowboy fashion and neighs like a horse. The laughter is starting to get uproarious now.
‘So after I have my fun with her, I flip her around to get her ass pointed in the right direction, and I give her the pull sign…’
Now he circles his fingers and gives the ‘jack-off’ gesture instead of the pull sign we normally use, ‘… and she looks at me like, ‘Are you crazy?’ So I think to myself, ‘And you thought there was no such thing as a dumb question. You fly up way up in the sky, jump out of a…’
He waits and everybody says, ‘Perfectly good airplane!’
‘…fall facing your doom for two miles and then pull your pud.’
He repeats the jack-off gesture. ‘Can you possibly be anything but crazy?’
Some people are laughing so hard they’re holding their sides. I’m one of them, but I’m also feeling incredibly turned on. Apparently my funny bone is connected to my sex juice delivery system.
‘So I look at her like, ‘That’s a really dumb question! Pull your pud, NOW!’ and give her the pull sign again.’ Another jack-off gesture.
‘So she pulls her pud and suddenly I’m thinking, ‘Well aint that a kick in the head — literally’ — as I watch my helmet go floating away. Then I’m thinking, ‘I oughta just freefall down to two-five and let her fly down alone’, but then I think, ‘at least she didn’t kick me in the important head’. So I pull my pud and see that Dew Drop has taught her to death spiral and she’s almost caught down with me.
‘So now I have to talk her into jumping again before she has time to remember that I’m the guy who talked her into getting into a sport where she almost bounced on her first solo freefall. And I’m sure glad I did, because in case y’all haven’t heard, Brian made her VP of Whuffo Recruitment, er, Observer Relations, today after she talked three young ladies out of the whuffo bin and into tandem rigs. One of them is this new diver right next to Stinky. She completed a tandem and two AFFs today. She took the name Stink Bug, and it wouldn’t surprise me at all if she isn’t the reason Stinky got all weak kneed and frommeled the formation today. That’ll teach you to call me out for a story, Stinky. So now you know how to bring a spinner to you. You just point your belly at theirs and do what comes naturally.’ Now he’s humping the air. ‘If you’re lucky, they’ll kick you in your big head instead of your pud.’
Sensei takes a bow and receives the applause and thanks for a well-told pud-puller. I have to admit to myself that any comparison between Karl and the ski bum has flown right out the cargo door. My panties are drenched from watching him work his magic. I get up to get another beer and Stink Bug meets me at the cooler.
‘That’s some guy you’ve got there.’
‘I think I just discovered a new side to him, and I like it. My Earth name’s, Randi.’
‘I’m Lauren. I’m staying in Stinky’s tent tonight. Thinkin’ of hookin’ up.’
‘Grab life by the balls and take it for a ride. Just don’t forget to put a helmet on his little head and don’t kick it off.’
She laughs. ‘I really want to thank you for talkin’ with us today. What you said about watchin’ rom-coms on the weekends really got to me. That’s what I do when I’m not studyin’ bugs. But not anymore.’
‘That’s how you picked the name Stink Bug?’
‘Yeah. Entomology major. Stink bugs are cool.’
‘I’ve been curious how he got the name Stinky.’
‘I’m afraid I might find out tonight. He calls his sleeping bag a ‘fart sack’.’
‘Ugh, typical guy.’
‘Yeah. I have brothers, so I’m not worried.’
‘Good. I’m so glad. I look forward to seeing you around. Dew Drop’s teaching me how to fly. You should think about that. Pay for half her jump and it will be money well spent.’
‘Thanks. G’nite.’
I turn around and there’s Karl behind me. He’s been listening to me and Lauren. ‘Hey Gomer. I sense a cowgirl in your future. Got a trailer handy?’
‘You’re not planning on strapping on a rig in my trailer, are you?’
‘Nah. I’ll save that for Wednesday night in Workland.’
We walk off hand in hand, until I take my hand out of his and squeeze his ass instead. I’m not sure how far I want to go with his ass. I’m not sure I could handle pegging him or if I would feel the same about him afterward, but I like the idea of earning that level of trust and just imagining humping him does make me consider putting it on my bucket list. I’ll try him with other toys first, but in the security of my own apartment. In the meantime, I’ve got hot shorts that desperately need to come off and a hot guy that I desperately need to come on.
‘Tell me, Karl. Was that whole story made up on the spot or did you rehearse it?’
‘A little of both, actually. Being asked to tell it was kind of predictable. Instructors want to learn from each other. Turning it into a pud-puller makes it memorable through the one or two or more beers that it has to get through. So I planned how to tell it. Adding Stinky and Stink Bug were last minute changes.’
‘Pretty smooth.’ We head in to the trailer. ‘I’ve got a pretty smooth reward for being so nice to me.’
‘Nice? I was a little worried you would think I was picking on you.’
‘I’m not that delicate, Karl. You got Debbi really good.’ I’m stripping out of my clothes as I’m talking to him. ‘And you told everyone that I’m your girlfriend. That felt good.’
‘You called me your boyfriend when you were talking to the whuffos today. That felt good, too. You feel good, too.’ He gives me a big hug and it feels like more than just sex. It feels like the L-word. Then his hand drops down to squeeze my naked ass and my nipples get hard enough to cut glass. I stick my hand down the back of his shorts and inside his boxer briefs and return the cheek-squeeze.
‘I got so hot watching you tell that story.’
‘Aw, shucks.’ Even his mock humility is sexy. ‘You’ve done an amazing job of fitting in with everyone, Randi. I’m feeling so lucky and so glad I left you that note.’
‘Well let’s get these clothes off you do we can get down to getting lucky.’
We crawl naked into bed and start kissing. I stroke his cock and he reaches straight for my pussy, ordinarily not a good approach to me, but just perfect tonight, considering that the foreplay started when he stood up at the bonfire. ‘Oh, you are wet, Randi.’
‘Mmmmmm. And you’re getting good and hard.’
We mutually stroke each other until I can’t wait any longer. I push him onto his back and make good on my cowgirl promise, taking his hard cock deep into my wet hole. I start out riding my stud slowly and he puts one hand up to caress my breasts and slips the other in to rub my clit. I rock faster, up and down on his cock, and roll my hips in a circle to give us all the variety I can. His fingers stay on my clit and I buck harder as I start to come. The mood is right and I have a long sustained orgasm, my favorite kind, as I ride his cock until he arches his back and comes into me. I drop down and start kissing him, grinding my clit against his now trapped fingers and milking his cock with my pussy muscles until we are both spent.
I fall asleep knowing that I’ve become comfortable in a culture I couldn’t have imagined just one week earlier. A tribe of sky-junkies. Living on the edge of sanity with the prospect of injuries and even fatalities, in a way that defies reason, if I ignore the fact that excitement is a reason, and that full membership in this community is a reward.
This is a sequel to Airgasms Before Orgasms and you will miss much if you haven’t read that. ‘Just you, me, and the sky then.’ ‘I like the sound of that.’ ‘Does that mean I can bum a ride back to town with you tomorrow?’ I knew right after I said it that something was wrong. Randi tensed up like she’d just heard a pilot say, ‘Oh shit.’ She rolled off me and turned her back to me and I could sense the heat getting sucked out of her opinion of me. ‘Hey. What did I say?’ ‘It’s nothing.’ ‘It’s not...
This is a sequel to Airgasms Before Orgasms and you will miss much if you haven't read that. "Just you, me, and the sky then." "I like the sound of that." "Does that mean I can bum a ride back to town with you tomorrow?" I knew right after I said it that something was wrong. Randi tensed up like she'd just heard a pilot say, "Oh shit." She rolled off me and turned her back to me and I could sense the heat getting sucked out of her opinion of me. "Hey. What did I say?" "It's nothing." "It's not...
Love Stories"god damn it it's not working." You say out loud. You are laying on your couch in your livingroom: The windows and doors to your porch open. Letting in the gentle breeze from from the ocean which caress your naked form as it fans you in the summer heat. You lift your hand which is slick with your pussyjuice and look at it disappointingly. You then rub the juices onto your massive pregnant belly, rubbing them slowly into your flawless, baby-soft, fair skin.Your other hand is idly massaging one...
The following document is a rough draft of a novel that has been copyrighted. Its contents are meant to be freely distrubuted and are not for publication on any pay site. I want this to remain Free to anyone unless they wish to have paper publishing rites and then only by permission of the author, Leslie Josette Gill. To anyone who reads this work, it is in progress. Much research is needed in several areas. I wrote what seemed to be correct from what I know about Television...
The following document is a rough draft of a novel that has been copyrighted. Its contents are meant to be freely distrubuted and are not for publication on any pay site. I want this to remain Free to anyone unless they wish to have paper publishing rites and then only by permission of the author, Leslie Josette Gill. To anyone who reads this work, it is in progress. Much research is needed in several areas. I wrote what seemed to be correct from what I know about Television...
My thoughts were confirmed when Suk told me that the women worked in a massage parlor downtown. She told me that they were strictly massage therapists with certificates attesting to the fact. And that they wore white, nurse type uniforms on their shifts. I was skeptical, but I trusted Suk, knowing that she never prostituted herself. Suk always seemed to keep me informed of the conversations that she participated in. Alter awhile; the women suggested that she could make more money in...
Reddit Orgasms, aka r/Orgasms! Another great subreddit for you to marvel at, and it’s called r/Orgasms/. Reddit is a free site filled with all kinds of shit, from entertainment, to serious topics or porn. You just have to choose your poison, and in case you are here to watch some hot babes get down and dirty, while cumming and having everything shared, I think that you will love r/Orgasms/.While I really think that r/Orgasms/ is self-explanatory, I am still here to talk about it, and you are...
Reddit NSFW ListReddit Forced Orgasms, aka r/ForcedOrgasms! Most of us usually think that orgasms are a good thing. Like, you're solo, or you're with a chick, and after a while of banging, you nut. The same thing goes for women, it's pleasurable, it feels good, and we all look forward to it. But, of course, as usual, nothing in this industry surprises me anymore. Today, I have to announce that some psychos even managed to turn orgasms into something frightening. Of course, and it's obvious to guess by this...
Reddit NSFW ListDr. Michael led Joanna to the ominous looking gynecological exam table. It was more of a padded, black leather chair than a table, fully adjustable to go from upright at 75 , all the way down so that the head would even be lower than the rest of the body. Most foreboding were the stirrups as they not what she had expected. These were sleek troughs of metal, each bent sharply to the sides, the walls almost as thick as a leg, connected with strange gears and levers. Joanna’s mind made her...
Paul pulls out the chair for Sarah as she sits down for dinner at their favorite restaurant. Their anniversary is always a special occasion for them, but this year they are also celebrating another milestone, an empty nest. After twenty-three years of raising kids together, they were starting a new chapter in their lives. They make small talk throughout their dinner, laughing together and discussing their newfound freedom. However, Paul could sense that there is something else on her mind.“What...
Wife LoversJust divorced from her first marriage. She'd gone into that first marriage as a real, true virgin; never having had sex or even so much as kissing and petting with any other until her husband. Then after marriage, when she knew that he should have at least taken the same kinds of initiative she had already observed in common a****ls rutting, her husband turned out to be hyper-shy...afraid to so much as touch himself, lying flat on his own back on their bed and leaving it up to his wife to find...
I was breathing hard, as hard as I could with the gag biting into my lip. I could feel the table’s cold leather beneath my back, pressing the flesh where the straps bound my thighs and ankles. My arms were raised above me, my legs splayed open, vulnerable and exposed.I had wanted this, right?Damn, I had begged him for this. “Please Daddy,” I could still remember the desperation in my voice. “Take me further,” I had said. This man owned me. Owned me in a way no man had ever come close to....
BDSM"THAT'S ENOUGH!" The Orgasm Queen's scream of fury made everyone freeze and stop what they were doing to turn and look at her. Those familiar with the Orgasm Queen knew what that look of pure wrath and rage meant. Hannah actually jumped up and got in front of Ron's naked body, not wanting her Master castrated any time soon by Lana's dark side. "Umm," Trixie said nervously from on top of Roberto, not liking the look Lana was throwing at her at all," now don't get mad, we're all...
Janet was laying on her back, knees pulled up and spread wide, feet flat on the bed, while Jason slid his dick in and out of her pussy. They had just started actually screwing, and already her mind was wandering. In all of her more than 19 years, she had never had an orgasm. In fact she wasn't sure that all the talk of orgasms wasn't just hype. Or perhaps, it was just her who was different than everyone else. But she wasn't thinking of that at the moment. She was thinking of other lovers. Other...
"What's the worst thing that could happen to you?" asked Frank. The five men were sitting on Frank's rear deck having a beer in the Sunday afternoon sun, leering at a 24 year old bombshell while their wives prepared the barbeque."I guess it would be if my dick was so small, I couldn't have sex," laughed Henry."Well, I haven't been getting much lately, so I guess it would be the loss of my right hand," countered a morose Greg."Hey, both those things must be true for Jimmy," laughed Dave.But...
I have just about thirty minutes before Kevin is due. I decide to start getting ready. I wonder if Kevin will think I'm pretty. I'll try to look my best for him. I put on some cologne and light make up. Now I need to decide what to wear. I have some laying on the bed. I pick up a semi sheer white shorty. It comes to just below my ass. It should get his attention. I don't want to look like a hooker. I get out a condom and lube putting it on the nightstand. I'm all ready go watching TV till he...
Mary Wilson had been sitting on the side of her bed, watching the tall thin young man as he worked on her computer. A faint smile played around the corners of her mouth as he asked the question. The sexual scenes that had been running rampant through her mind as he worked would have probably scared the poor boy to death, if she were to verbalize them. The rumors around the neighborhood coffee clutches, had been running wild for the last few months, about the young computer geek that was hung...
I had met her in the mall a few weeks ago. She had her beautiful blonde hair pinned up in a bun. She was wearing a tight white top that revealed just a little cleavage. She had very nice breasts, probably C or D cup. She had on a very short sexy pink mini shirt. I become aroused the moment I saw her. I just had to meet her. I was barely able to speak to her. I was so overcome by her sheer beauty. Plus, I'm not really used to talking to girls, let alone hot ones. I was somehow lucky enough to...
It was a first date that took some convincing for the both of them. Jenny had just left her husband a short 6 months ago, and Tom was enjoying the single life. Both were doubtful that anything of real significance would ensue from one innocent date, so they took the advice of their trusted mutual friend and set it up. Jenny was petite, not only in stature, but personality. Standing only 4'11, she had striking blue eyes. Eyes that conjure up memories of lying on a Caribbean beach, drenched in...
I knew the coming discussion would change my life, yet I debated with myself whether it was for the better or worse. My wife decided that we could not live together anymore and filed for divorce. The court served papers on me today.In recent weeks, maybe the past three months, one of my neighbors, single and in her early 30s, spends a lot of time helping around the property and helping with garage sales. We enjoy having dinner together, having a couple beers or glasses of wine together. We have...
I noticed her as soon as we entered the party. A stunning, curve-hugging purple dress, straight jet-black hair, pierced nose and eyebrow, and a smile of recognition when she saw my boyfriend, Al. So I was a little surprised when he steered me away from her. Actually, really surprised, since he’s seldom assertive, and because that took him straight into the very large embrace of the host’s mother.Everything about Joyce Whittaker was very large – her smile, her voice, but especially her body.She...
HumorI noticed her as soon as we entered the party. A stunning, curve-hugging purple dress, straight jet-black hair, pierced nose and eyebrow, and a smile of recognition when she saw my boyfriend, Al. So I was a little surprised when he steered me away from her. Actually, really surprised, since he’s seldom assertive, and because that took him straight into the very large embrace of the host’s mother.Everything about Joyce Whittaker was very large – her smile, her voice, but especially her body.She...
HumorSusan woke up feeling like something was missing. She was waking up like that a lot these days. It was a major dry spell and her dreams were making it harder for her to deal with it. Checking she felt that familiar moistening between her legs and she knew she needed to make herself come soon. Looking at the clock, Susan groaned, there was no time for her vibrator today; she was going to have to use her shower head again. What good is masturbating if you can't take your time and enjoy yourself,...
With quick, practiced ease, Diana brushed her long dark brown hair and pulled it back into a sleek ponytail that fell midway down her back, brushing against the back of her knee-length deep blue dress. It dipped low in front, almost showing the black lace bra wrapped around her firm 36DD breasts. A set of sapphire earring studs and pendant tied the outfit together and perfectly matched her big blue eyes. As she slipped on black ballet flats, she smoothed her hands over her taut stomach and wide...
As I waited for my friend Lisa to finish up her tennis match, I straightened out my short black tennis skirt and gray spandex top. I could see the guys waiting for their lesson staring at me as I flipped my head over to put my hair up in a ponytail. I must say, I did look pretty hot in my tennis outfit. The short skirt complimented my long legs, and the tight top accentuated my 34b breasts. I saw Lisa finish up and I called to her to hurry up.We jumped into Lisa's convertible and began talking...
I was going to put this in my blog but it was too long really so I'm posting it as a story. This happened yesterday....It sucks to be working on a sunday, luckily I had the day off but Rachel didn't. I'd spent a horny day on the computer waiting for her to come home because normally sunday is our big sex play day. What with her working and having a bit of an upset tummy there was a good chance of no sex at all let alone lots of lovely kinky play. Rach got home about 6pm and I made her a nice...
It was the beginning of May and the days were getting much warmer so I would sit out on the porch after I put the k**s to bed. A guy, that lived with his parents, next door, started sitting and talking to me. I felt so lonely and it really felt good to speak to someone.His name was Bobby. He was 22, not terribly good looking and was about 5" 8". But he was nice. This went on for about a week, He would always come right to the porch and sit next me and just talk, mostly about me, for a couple of...
I was young, when I discovered those tingly funny-good feelings, altho I'm not sure I'd call it masturbating as such; I had no idea what it was, just it was something that felt good. I don't even remember a first time as such. My mum likes to tell the stories of how I would do it in my booster seat in the car, bucking myself back and forth and rubbing against the little raised bit in the middle. I don't really remember that though. The first ones I do remember were around 6 or 7 years old and...
Sarah and Paul awaken to Sarah’s cell phone ringing on the table. It’s late in the afternoon now on Saturday, and Sarah realizes she never called her friend Kelly as she had promised. Paul lets her up and watches her sexy frame move quickly across the living room.“Hey, girl! I am so sorry I didn’t call you today,” Sarah begins.As Sarah tells Kelly about the evening before, she finds Paul and motions for him to follow her to the bedroom. She lays back against the pillows on their bed and opens...
Wife LoversSarah’s eyes open the next morning to find her husband softly sleeping next to her. He is lightly suckling on her breast as he sleeps, and the feeling arouses her immensely. She can’t remember ever having so much sexual desire before, and she wonders where this has been all her life. Feeling the wetness building between her legs, she reaches down and begins to stroke his semi-erect cock to full mast. Awakening at the sensation, he moans and begins to suck more on her breast and massage...
Wife LoversA few years ago, I was dating a lovely young woman; for the sake of this story, we will call her Carolyn. She was my ex’s best friend, and we always knew we had chemistry. Needless to say, when things ended with my ex, Carolyn swooped in and claimed me for her own. I definitely wasn’t complaining.Carolyn was definitely petite, coming in at five-foot-two-inches, ninety-five pounds. The thing that got me was her 28H breasts and the tightest, tiniest pussy I’ve ever experienced. She was a...
Threesomesif she wanted breasts.""Oh no. That's the amazing part. The more I dressed him the more femininehe became. By now I'd moved him her and her clothes into the otherbedroom. She wasn't happy with that but we came to an agreement; I'd milkher once a week and she would sleep in the other room with all herfemale clothes. I'd even started teaching her to flirt with a guy althoughI didn't tell her what I was teaching her or why. She really was becoming areal woman. She'd grown her hair and I taught...
Mom and Dad got married twenty years ago when they were both twenty years old. Last year Dad sold his dot-com company to a comglomerate and became an instant billionaire. He pleaded with Mom to give him a divorce and got what he wanted. Mom was phylosophical about it. Probably one of the reasons was that Dad was more than generous in the divorce settlement. The other reason could be that their marriage had already ended at least five years earlier when they had more or less stopped having...
Chapter 1: In Search of Adventure Kyle didn't realise it was raining cats and dogs until the mall was closing; it was pitch dark and pouring when the teenager stepped outside, shivering as the wind whipped gusts of spray around under the side entrance canopy. He turned around to pound on the door, but the security rent-a-cop was nowhere in sight and more lights flicked off inside even as he watched. The boy's shoulder length hair flicked round his sagging shoulders as he tried to figure out...
The next morning I woke up lying next too my tenant. He was laid out like a Greek god. His young body glistened in the morning sunlight and his cock lay across his stomach in all its hard morning glory. That huge 11 inch manhood that had fucked me so hard and given me such a royal good seeing too, was now again rock hard and ready to please me again.I looked down at my naked self. My big tits had dried cum on them and my well fucked pussy still tingled and dripped from the massive cock pounding...
I've been married to my beautiful wife for some years. Through this time we have experimented often trying to do things to satisfy the other's sexual needs. I honestly think I get more pleasure out of helping her reach a good climax than I do from having one of my own. During our playtime I discovered quite by accident that I could buzz her clit with my tongue and lips and bring her to a very satisfying orgasm. I've since learned that this is sometimes referred to as "motorboating". Liken...
I am going through a divorce and living in an apartment trying to find that special someone in the near future. In the interim I am seeking a super sex charged release after months and months of no sex with my soon to be ex-wife. So I join an online swinger site and put up a profile to see if I can get any takers for my sexual exploration.Being a white male I search the people in the nearby area and within a 25 mile radius, I receive back a message from a five foot 36DD chested ebony princess...
Michelle was a plump girl riding in her new car. She stops and askWant to ride with me? I got in and introduced my self. just bought this new and want to show it off, she told me. I ask where she is going? and why did she pick me to ride around? Well I am going anywhere you want to, and I ask cause I been watching you for some time. Wanted to ask you out, knew you would not want to. So I figure a new car might get your attn. Where should we go? What you want to do? want to go...
As any 38 year old woman can tell you, there are times when you just want sex all the time. I am a horny lady who loves sex and need it almost every day. I am very orgasmic and love to masturbate. I have been doing this for most of my adult life. I have had several affairs when I was married, but since my husband could not keep pace with my sexual needs and desires, I have since divorced him.I have medium length brown hair and deep blue eyes. I am always being told that I look younger than my...
He placed his hand on my leg and started to caress me. It felt so good my body started to tingle. As he kept doing this, my eyes were shut. I could feel my pussy getting wet from his touch. His hands were so soft and inviting. I kept my eyes closed for a little longer as I could feel him getting higher.I had on my skirt and thank god I didn't wear stockings, as his hands went under my skirt I could feel him touching me. I separated my legs open more, I could feel him rubbing me more. My...
I love my boyfriends. I love to fuck. I love to fuck my boyfriends. Some days I fuck one boyfriend. Other days I fuck two, three or all four of them. They are not jealous because they know each other and know I love all of them the same. And they know that if they get jealous they cannot be my boyfriend any more. I am 21 now and have been fucking since I was 18. I agreed with my mom and our doctor that I should not have babies so they fixed me so I won’t get pregnant. I can just fuck for...
I had been working as a consultant for a few years and had seen many clients for all sorts of reasons, but this one was new to me, I had a client consultation with a woman about 35 I guessed as I never ask my clients their age only what they want to achieve and a few simple questions to find out what they find relaxing, so I can create a suggestion script utilizing what they told me . It was a slow day and she was my only client on that rainy Tuesday afternoon, I had my receptionist greet the...
My sparkling, frothy and countless orgasms. © by GeileNadelDarmstadtThis story is true and happened about ten years ago. By now, I got so bored here in Australia and I write this down from my memories. I'm writing from myself in the 'third person'. That is something of 'Voyeurism' my opinion. Have fun reading and I appreciate your comments! @geilenadeldarmstadt@The young blonde wife stood in front of her dressing mirror contemplating her marriage. Her husband had always been...
I have often said that there is no greater gift a man can give a woman than an orgasm - that is other than several orgasms, perhaps!For me one of the pleasures when a woman reaches this exalted state is not only to watch her face as she cums, but to hear the noises she makes in her ecstasy.Of course, there is the variety of methods I might use to bring her to the 'brink' - perhaps even holding her there until I decide that she shall have her reward. (A man must show the woman he is in charge, I...
Then Lissa continued, "I know, way back, Jason said we would do simultaneous orgasms. And I said that, this morning, too. But I've been thinking that it would be more interesting, at least for me, to, like, take turns. I mean ... so we can watch each other?" She ended on that funny questioning raised tone teenagers sometimes seem to use when stating something that requires agreement. Denise and I exchanged shrugs. "Like I said, you're in the driver's seat, hun," Denise said. Lissa...
I cant remember the exact age, but it was when i was 12/13. I would practice goal keeper dives onto pillows onto my bed. Once the action of falling on my front and my trousers rubbing along the bed caused things to stir down below, thing never felt before. Not knowing what this meant i ignored them and carried on. The more i did it though the more the feelings came. I cant say they were pleasurable like one knows now but they were intriguing enough to just jump straight onto my front and...
Since writing my last piece, I have had the opportunity to visit R. a mature woman who, as I said, told me she gushes. The first time with her was such a fantastic experience that I have returned twice more and will do so again.Appearing before me in exquisite lingerie, I found her irresistable and once on the bed my hand was soon between her legs with my fingers seeking to enter her. She was already wet. Very wet. As I stimulated her she not only climaxed but gushed a copious amount with...
After my last break up, she'd finally decided to take control of her life and start looking for men she wanted instead of settling for whatever came her way. Since she was young, she had always lusted after men but the opportunities to make her fantasy a real relationship never truly worked out.Stan are IT tech was your typical guy a work ,glass ,thin , tall ,pocket protector, nice butt just normal Tech Geek not the kind of guy I get the hot's for. But what the hell it's time I started...
I have this insane sex drive, and I've always known it. Being 20 years old, lean, tan, and toned, with sandy blond hair and I'll admit a gorgeous face (I've been told), I've always had plenty of opportunities to exercise it. But some days, I even surprise myself with what I wind up doing and how many times I can cum. This was one of super fun days of sex where everything just happened to go my way.I woke up to a blow job in progress to start with. Julie had spent the night, and we'd had sex...
Sighing softly to myself, I look at the clock just in time to see it flick to two am. The red glow from clock is bright; I can’t seem to get any sleep tonight. The fan blows softly over me, tickling my skin against the sheets, Mmm I love that feeling. It’s dead silent except the chirps of the crickets. It’s one of my favorite sounds, lying here listening to them is so relaxing. I know I need to get to sleep, and it’s not like I’m not trying, I just can’t seem to stop my mind from thinking…...
MasturbationTen years ago when Jean and I were returning from the West Country she mentioned she was getting hot from the sun streaming through the windows. We had been on the motorway for a couple of hours, the air con was on and it still felt warm in the car. Jean was wearing a summer dress and to cool down she pulled the hem of the dress up to her waist, opened her legs and directed the passenger air vent down to her knickers.Jean sitting there with her legs apart and dress pulled up was a distraction...
I have always had a thing for small breasted women. Probably goes back to the second girl I ever had sex with. We'd been friends all through high school but never anything more."Hey Lee, want to watch a movie?" "Sure Danielle, come on in. I'll make some popcorn.I made some popcorn and we were on the couch sitting together watching the movie.She was 5' nothing and 85 pounds on a fat day, blond, green eyes. Looking down at her, watching her laugh and squirm away from me tickling her I couldn't...
James was, in many ways surprised how many women needed his services. In fact, all of his clients came from referrals. He had never left a woman unsatisfied, either by his fucking or by not becoming pregnant. And, being financially frugal, the money he made he invested...wisely. He had become very professional at his business. He began when he was only 19. He had a college professor who taught chemistry. She was in her late 30's. Every day that he sat in her class, he couldn't help but imagine...
Introduction: When a girl tells you not to come, you better listen. I was already deeply regretting how easily I had followed her lead. Now here I was, standing up against the wall, my hands secured tightly into metal cuffs. She looked me up and down, obviously feeling clever. So, you comfortable?, she asked. I scoffed. Hardly. She let out a soft hum. I stared at her breasts and felt my cock grow hard. She sank to her knees and took me in her mouth. I felt a reluctant Aah-sound force itself...
I am a Muslim house wife.My name is Feroza. My husband's name is Qaiser. We have two grown up daughters. They are single and want to enjoy sex life before marrying. They live in the upper story of our house and we have given them full freedom in sex jubilees. They get cousins and boy friends visiting them and as for them, they also visit their girl friends and enjoy life with their brothers and cousins. We share some mutually liking sex movies and my daughters have made me their friend and...
(This story is fantasy)Knock. Knock. Knock. She tapped on the door. She was running a few minutes late she was nervous he wouldn't see her. Her back was in knots after a long week at work and he was the best around. Jenni has only had a few massages in her life, but it had been a few years since her last one.After a few seconds the door opens. She sees a tall good looking man blue eyes with long blonde hair reaching down his back. He had also had a short beard but the second he saw me a huge...
My First Love George..I Was His Wife....The boy next door first noticed one Halloween back in 1971, My sister helped dress up in one of her cheerleader uniforms. In the seventies I wore my hair shoulder length. Blue and gold. To hide my penis, (Not that it took much hiding) She put me in a tight panty girdle. The funny thing was, that my tiny testicles went right back up into a pocket just above the point where the penis came out. My sister was just amazed and had never seen this and ask if it...
As outrageous as they seem, a lot of what we see, actually happens in real life, to girls like myself, only too willing to follow a man's lead and do what he fantasises, but only if it leads to me getting something out of it.For me, it was always about my own pleasure first, and if it worked, I would do it again and again until the excitement paled and by then I was onto the next big thrill and the many ways I could milk it for its worth. This willingness to explore makes you a better person,...