Another Addicted Story ch 3 5
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Introduction: Eddie Spedman thought he was living the American Dream, owned his own business and married to his highschool sweetheart with two wonderful kids. Until a freak event made him realize that he was living the American Nightmare. However that freak event also gave him something he didnt believe in, Sex Slaves This isnt my story, however I enjoyed it so much I wanted to share it.
It has 24 chapters and you can find it on storiesonline. The next section is long to conclude the story. If you dont like any of the themes, you dont have to read it. I hope you enjoy the story.
by Pariahsolo
Chapter 14: My Loving Wife
My day was fairly normal for me, I went to work and completed three small moving jobs, in between I stopped by Dr. Coles but only gave her one load for her to make some more lip balm with, I did let her suck what seed remained in my penis afterwards, then I went home and the kids and I had the chili I had made that morning and was in the computer room playing Madden with Chad when Ann arrived home.
When Chad quit sports, Ann complained that he and I never did anything together, which was a true statement at the time but a few years later when Chad and I had our reconciliation, Ann changed her tune and constantly screamed at us when we played Madden. Yes, we were very boisterous while we played, who cared if we were screaming, we were having fun together.
When Chad saw his mother walk into the computer room, I heard him moan, Oh great under his breath, sure that his mother was about to go off about our game.
Move over boys, I want to sit between the two of you.
I smiled at her request, it wasnt something I had asked her to do, I hadnt left any suggestions with Ann about tonight or any other night.
Chad was obviously surprised by his mothers request as he jumped to the far side of the couch so she could have all of the room in the middle.
Ann was very upset with me when I brought home the Xbox for Chads big Xmas present a few years ago and insisted I take it back but Chad had over heard Ann screaming at me and that night begged his mother to let him have it and Ann relented for her baby. Not so for the leather jacket I had bought for Barbara that year, that she would not yield to, insisting that a thirteen year old girl did not need a leather jacket.
That Xbox was what really bridged the gap that had grown between Chad and I. He didnt care to play sports in real life but he loved playing electronic versions of them with me. This actually led to us shooting hoops outside. Most games Chad was able to wipe the floor with me but I didnt care because we were doing it together.
Ann had started in the middle of the couch and slowly crept her tush closer and closer to me. Ten minutes after she joined us she was plastered to my side and her close proximity started affecting my control of the console game.
Ann didnt kiss me and she wasnt hugging me as much as she was mimicking she was a second skin, the entire time sniffing the air.
Smell good?
No, but I cant help myself. I laughed and went back to losing to Chad. After the quarter ended Ann spoke to Chad.
Chad, honey, do you mind if I take your father away from your game so we can talk?
Chad was excited about pwning his old man and was reluctant to let me go because he feared that our talk would end they way the usually did, with Ann screaming at me and giving me a list of chores that took me away from our game time.
But mom! He whined.
It is okay baby. Daddy and I are just going to talk. Promise, you can have him back in a bit.
Alright. I will save the game dad. Come get me when you are ready to finish getting spanked by me!
Will do Chad. And I let Ann drag me away for our talk.
Once we were in the master bedroom, Ann slammed the door behind us and dropped to her knees. Smiling, I didnt say anything as I was curious to what my puri-tyrannical wife would do next. She guided me to sit at her make-up bench but only after she had my pants and skivvies to my ankles.
She didnt hesitate before moving in on my limp dick and I watched her start to lick it. The licking was nice but nothing to cause my dick to fill. Flipping my dick so it laid against my abdomen, she zeroed in on the tip with the grayish mucous was still leaking slowly.
She didnt say anything as she licked, up and down the shaft and swirling her tongue in and around the hole that was leaking. I sat there enjoying her ministrations just watching my wife do what she used to hate.
After a while, blood was starting to flow but I still wasnt hard. And then the light went off in my head. She was still being selfish. She wasnt doing what I wanted her to be doing to me, blowing me, she was licking me while purring like a content cat.
Ann, did you want to talk about something?
Not bothering to look up from her treat, Nope. I got want I wanted right here.
You just want to lick it? You dont want to have sex or even suck it?
I felt my anger rise but moved to ebb the flow by changing subjects.
Ann, why did you schedule a breast reduction appointment for Barbara without talking with either her or me?
When I had talked to Ann previously about the appointment she walked away from the conversation and did not refute me after I told her to cancel it until the three of us talked about it further.
Because I was jealous, she replied not looking away from her treat.
Jealous? Of what? You constantly complain about how your breasts are too big and you are only a C-cup. A small C-cup at that.
Her abnormal monstrosities garner her way too much attention. She is a freak of nature.
And youre jealous of that? You dont like to stand out in a crowd!
I know, I dont like to stand out at all and yet I am jealous of her and her body.
But when you were her age, your body was equally hot! You had to beat the boys off of you. Guys drooled every time you walked by flaunting your incredible ass.
I hated that attention. And yet I loved it. It made me special.
And you are jealous of Barbara because of a physical attribute that makes her special?
I really wanted to slap Ann at this point, not just because she was being incredibly petty but she was doing so while she licked my dick like she didnt have a care in the world.
ANN, you are the parent here!
I never wanted to be a parent. I never wanted to have kids! I wish they were never born!
I couldnt control myself and violently yanked her off of my dick by her hair. I didnt say anything but I am sure the air sizzled around my head. Letting go of her hair, I took deep breathes to even out my breathing and cool my temperature. From what I understood of the effect of my controlling seed, Ann could not help but tell me the truth. I couldnt believe that she meant that, I just couldnt.
Ann, do you mean that? That you wish the kids, our children, were never born?
I am a selfish greedy person. As soon as they were born they took money and time and my freedom away.
I sat there dumbfounded. Ann didnt budge, I am sure the urge to go back to lapping me was driving her but she did not touch me.
And that is why you scream at us, at your kids so much?
Partially, yes.
Partially? What is the other reason or is it reasons?
To get back at you. I enjoy making your life miserable.
Over the years I had made jokes about Ann acting just that way, but they were jokes and never did I believe that could be the truth.
Do you love me?
Yes, but I hate you too.
WHY?!? I gave you everything you asked that I could?
You did, but I wanted more. On a good year, you will make maybe forty grand and no matter how many times I talk to you about getting a better job, you stubbornly stick with your stupid moving job. And I hated the fact that you made me pregnant.
But you were the one who decided to quit taking your birth control pills!
My parents had just died within two months of each other. I wasnt thinking straight and by the time I was thinking straight, you had already knocked me up. You took advantage of me and because of those pregnancies, I got the cancer!
The pregnancies didnt cause the cancer, Ann.
Maybe but I really think that was Gods way of punishing me for having kids when He knew I didnt want kids and knew I wouldnt be a good parent.
That comment made me roll my eyes wondering how such a smart woman could be so stupid with religion.
And you can still say you love me?
Yes, I tried leaving you twice but each time I would think about how great you were to me and how great you looked and how to please me you would do practically what ever I asked.
TWICE? You were going to leave me twice? When?
Once in our senior year, when I was serious about going to William and Mary and I didnt want to be tied to some jock a thousand miles away, second time was right before I got the cancer.
I thought about those two times, both of those times were rocky times but I knew our love would be able to survive and it did. Except…
Is that why you werent really upset with me about the Phoenix trip?
Yes. I set that trip up.
I worked with Sandra and she was whining about how she needed to go to Phoenix to be with her one true love. There was a guy we worked with who I had become close to. When I gave her a questioning look of disbelief, Ann added another, Real close. We hadnt gone all the way but we had messed around a bit. He invited me on a weekend get-a-way and after debating it, I decided I would take him up on his offer and if it was a success, I would leave you for him.
I just sat there, mouth gaping as she told her tale.
I needed a good excuse to get away and then I came up with the plan of getting you out of town and having Teresa watch the kids while I was called away because of work. I paid Sandra two thousands dollars to hire you at the last minute and I told her to keep you preoccupied so you werent calling home all the time. Sandra was a slut around the office, so I knew there was a chance that you would have sex with her, but I didnt care, I was only thinking about my own happiness.
You didnt leave me, what happened.
The things that I liked about Ralph, that was his name, Ralph Abbrogieger, was how suave he carried himself. He always looked impeccable and money was important to him. He also had a dick that was smaller than yours and I liked that too.
You had sex?
Oh yes. It was good sex too. Not great. His penis fitted me much better than yours and I had no issue felating him.
You willingly went down on him?
Yes, twice.
But you never did it willingly for me! I always had to beg you to do it.
I liked it when you begged me for it. I liked that I had control over you in the bed room. This is what went wrong with Ralph. I had a new start with him but I missed being in control in the bedroom and he was equally as selfish as I was and I knew I would really miss all the things that you do for me, things that he wouldnt think about doing. I knew it wasnt going to work and I knew that you loved me unquestionably, so at the end of the get-a-way, I called it of with Ralph.
Betrayal is an ugly feeling. While my mind understood that I had betrayed Ann during that same time period and that I was equally in the wrong, the pain from my gut to my heart screamed Ann had done me a great injustice.
Who was it in high school?
Marky Pressler.
Marky Pressler was a prick!
I know he was but we shared study hall together and he talked a lot about how great William & Mary was and how you were guaranteed a great job upon graduation and that is why I went with him and the others to visit the school.
William & Mary cant make that guarantee any more then the local community college can.
I know that now, I was just caught up in the moment. Marky was full of it and I liked what he was saying at the time. But that is why I didnt stick with him. And he had no clue what he was doing in the bedroom. I found out later that I took his virginity.
I pondered what she was saying, trying to add two plus two but coming up with five as the answer. She set me up with Sandra when she hooked up with Ralphie. I hooked up with Leticia when she was hooking up with Marky. Did she?!?
Did you know that Leticia called me to help her pack when you were gone to William & Mary?
Yes, I told her too. Everyone knew that she was carrying a torch for you something bad. I almost got in a fight with her once because she wouldnt stop talking about you.
So why did you tell her to call me?
So she could take your mind off of me with the plan being I would break up with you when I got back from the William & Mary trip. At least I got that right, the part about being cautious in breaking up with you. I couldnt wait to get back into your arms from that trip.
You were kind of happy to see me. But you went to William & Mary your freshman year while I went to IU, why did you join me in IU?
What I told you at the time, the school was massive and I didnt make their volleyball team and I was a nobody there, but mostly I couldnt see spending that much on an education when a degree from Indiana University was just as good as one from William & Mary.
And you never gave me grief about Leticia, never asked about her?
No, I asked other girls to put the move on you and you always rebuffed them.
How did you know I wasnt going to rebuff Leticia?
Two reasons, first, she was leaving the state the next day and would not be around to give you grief and secondly because she was Leticia Built like a brick shithouse Gladfelter. What guy didnt want a piece of her?
But I was happy with you.
I know, which is one of the reasons why I love you, no matter how I looked, you only have eyes for me.
The smile she gave me went a long way from soothing my aching heart, but it also cleared out some of the cobwebs in my brain.
What else have you lied to me about? Have you been with someone else?
No one else, I dont care for sex much and even when I wouldnt let you have sex, your wonderful mouth and fingers kept me satisfied.
That made me feel good until I realized she had a but attached to the end of that statement.
But you have lied to me about something else?
Yes, our finances. Years ago, when I took over the finances from you, I started a savings account that I kept hidden from you. Over the years I constantly funnelled money into it.
Because sex is important to you, money is important to me.
Even when times were tough and we were barely making it?
How much is in this secret account of yours?
Not much these days, I have been spending more than I have been saving lately. There is thirty six thousand, seven hundred forty three dollars and twelve cents.
I make more money at my job then I have told you. I make a good eight thousand more than the thirty four grand I have told you and when I do your books, I charge you for my services.
How much do you charge me? Why do you charge me?
Because I can, because I think my services to helping you with your books are worth you paying me. The amount just depends on how well you did that quarter. The most I charged you was ten grand.
Ten grand? Ten fucking grand? Why do I love this selfish, greedy bitch?
So all of those clothes that you said you bought at the second hand store?
I dont ever go to a second hand store. Nothing but the best for me.
And the cousins?
Yes, I spend a lot on the cousins. I was the one who paid for both of them to move out here from Suffolk County. I also paid for Ashley to move out here.
Ashley? Oh, that is right, Ashley. Ashley was another childhood friend of hers but one I really couldnt stand. She was an okay enough girl and nice enough to look at, both face and body, but she was raised as part of an offshoot religious group that to me defined the definition of a cult. Ashley had gotten in trouble three times with her religion and each time had to go in front of the Board of Elders, who passed judgment on her. Each time the judgment was the same, excommunication.
Ashley gave a boy who was part of their religion, a blow job. A blow job that he had begged and begged Ashley to give him but then felt guilty about it afterwards and told his mother. The mother told the elders and Ashley, not the boy, was excommunicated for a year. She wasnt exiled from her whacked out nut job of a community, no she just wasnt allowed to talk to anyone in that community for a year. She couldnt talk to her parents whom she lived with and she couldnt talk to any other person of her religion all because she had premarital sex and sex to them was strictly for procreation.
Her second and third offence was linked together, her first husband Skip. Her marriage with Skip was an arranged affair and Skip was more than happy to marry the harlot Ashley. Things didnt go as either of them planned as Skip asked for a divorce, a real no-no in their religion because Ashley, he claimed preferred oral sex to procreation sex.
The Board of Elders approved the divorce and excommunicated Ashley again for another year. Except as soon as the divorce was finalize, it came to light that Skip and Ashley were not very good with their money and debt collectors were calling. Skip, got smart and left the flaky religion and moved to Florida where he opened a strip club. That left Ashley with all of the bills and she had no recourse to file bankruptcy. After her second year of excommunication passed she was called in front of the Board of Elders where they excommunicated her a third time for the bankruptcy. The crazy thing to me was that Ashley STAYED with the silly cult.
A month after her third excommunication Ashley Monroe quickly married Devon Squire, a union the Board of Elders approved of. A few years ago, Ashley, Devon and their son Drew arrived in Indy. I met them a few times, Devon was like Ashley, nice enough except for his faith in a seriously whacky cult. Because their cult doesnt celebrate anything, except I think money, I never have to see them during the holidays which I am thankful for.
Is there anything else you are keeping from me?
Ann paused, the first real pause to any of my questions before she answered.
I think Trish is your daughter.
Daughter? I have another daughter? Trish? You mean Dish?!? How? Who?
Who does see share a name with? Her last name.
Gladfelter? Gladfelter…Leticia?
I didnt believe her when she nodded her head.
But you said that Dish was from Chicago! I had noticed the same last name, but didnt think anything of it. I met a Gladfelter on the road to Arizona.
She went to North-Western in Chicago for a year but she is from West Virginia.
Then how did you meet her?
I didnt. I got a phone call from Leticia who asked me as a favor to suggest you hire her.
Leticia knows what my business is?
Yes, she does. And after fretting over it for a bit, I think it is because you are Trishs father. Her age is about right.
But I was in high school!
You were man enough and we know you dont shoot blanks. Did you use protection?
No, I didnt think about it and it started very quickly.
There you go, that is why I think she is yours.
But Leticias dad…
That is the reason why I was upset that Trish wants to sleep with you, something very obvious to me. There was a rumor around school that Leticia was a bit too friendly with her dad. Jaime Hancock said that she saw him paw Leticias tit and ass once. Also there was a rumor that Leticia was moving back to West Virginia to marry her uncle.
I never heard any of those rumours.
That is because everyone knew you didnt like rumors, remember you beat up Billy Wilkins who had started that rumor that you were gay.
Oh yeah, I forgot all about that.
I sat there with my pants around my ankle trying to absorb everything that Ann had just shared with me while Ann continued to look on, waiting for permission to lick me some more. That pounding of betrayal in my heart twisted the more I looked at Ann and realized how much she had lied to me over the years. We werent the partners and friends I thought we were. I was a play-thing to her. Someone she could manipulate to her pleasure and like a chump, I took everything she threw my way and hugged her goodnight at the end of the day.
I looked around the master bedroom. The walk in closet was full of her expensive clothes and shoes, my god the shoes, what should have been enough space for the two of us wasnt, my clothes were hanging on poles down stairs in the basement. The artwork on the walls, even the paint on the walls was all her decision. Next to nothing in this house, except maybe the computer room was like that because that was my choice.
Chapter 15: Daughter Loves Daddy
The anger built up in me and I pulled my pants up and stormed out of the house. I drove the family van around for a long time trying to screw my head on straight. After two hours of just driving, I realized I was in the neighborhood of the bar that Dish was hanging out at. I turned around and pulled into the mostly full parking lot.
I sat there wondering, still not knowing what my future held. Prior to my world being turned upside down I was happy in life. I was able to pay the bills and put food on the table and I thanked everyday that my wonderful, healthy kids were a part of it. What better definition of the meaning of life was there?
Now that definition fell short. I, with the help of my stinky seed, held sway over those that tasted me. I apparently had a second daughter, whom unbeknownst to me, had been working for me for the last eight or so months. Both times I cheated on my wife, I was set up by my wife to cheat because she was considering leaving me.
I exited the van. If Dish was in there, then I wanted to see her, if she wasnt then I knew where she lived. The bar was a sports bar with an indoor sand volleyball court in the back. I didnt find Dish there, I found her hustling pool. She was wearing a mans shirt, tied at the waist and only buttoned to be even with the middle of her very full breast. She didnt have a lot of makeup on, she never did, but her hair was done up differently, to make her look more feminine. The do did wonders on her. With her tight jeans and collared shirt, she looked very good, pretty enough for a father to be proud of his daughter.
I stepped up just as the acne ridden boy, maybe a year or two older than her lined up his shot and she bent over opposite of him, purely to get a closer view of his shot I am sure but it also showed him her very deep cleavage and his shot went wide and his cue ball didnt even hit a single ball. I had to laugh and let Dish know I was behind her.
Boy, I hope you are enjoying being suckered.
Dish turned around and squealed like a little girl, EDDIE! You came! And she wrapped me up in a bear hug. As she hugged me, I smelled her essence to see if she smelled similar to Barbara or Leticia. I thought she did, but my olfactory senses werent that good.
Hey Dish, I really need to talk to you, can you blow off all of your potential suitors?
Dish looked around the pool table to all the guys who were either waiting their turn to play her or just ogle her body.
Sure. I am done guys. Thanks for the games.
As we walked out, she grabbed her leather jacket and finished what I thought was a coke.
So how do you keep the heathens from inundating you with marriage proposals? I laughed.
She raised her left hand and showed me that her ring finger had a gold band on it. Because I tell them that I am married. That made me stop in my tracks.
Are you?
No silly, simple parlor trick. This is my high school ring, see. And she spun her ring so the little fake ruby gem and the school emblem could be seen.
And that works?
Fooled you. Besides, I tell them that my husband is this big honking ex-football player and that is enough to keep them at bay.
Football player? Me? I dreaded asking.
Yeap. She said with a toothy grin
Uhmm, that is sort of what I wanted to talk to you about.
She grabbed my bicep and squealed again, Do you want to marry me?!
No, but my wife seems to think that I am your father. Do you know anything about that?
Oh. Was her reply, her mood immediately subdued. Mom said that Ann would keep that quiet.
Is your mother Leticia Gladfelter of West Virginia?
Smiling, very proud of her mother, Thats her.
And I am your father?
You arent the man whom I grew up calling daddy, but yeah, I come from your loins.
Why didnt your mother ever contact me and tell me about you? Hell, for child support at least?
Child support wasnt needed. Our family, my moms family takes care of each other. And mom said that she had me with you because you were all sorts of dreamy and my daddy couldnt have kids.
She knew she was going to get married when she left Suffolk County?
No, she didnt marry daddy, that would be illegal. They just lived together as husband and wife.
That is what I was afraid of hearing. I never wanted to cheat on Ann, but I did find myself remembering those two times that I did. I played that scene in Leticias parents sitting room over and over and again, the fact that she had no panties on and jumped on her daddy like that, showing him and the world her nakedness down there indicated an intimacy that society said was wrong.
A view that I agreed with but my own duality also recognized that taboo was not without its own form of enticement.
Dish, you want to have sex with me, dont you. A statement, not a question.
That is all I dream about these days.
Are you a virgin?
Of course not.
Did your daddy…
No, he was too old and takes nitrates so Viagra isnt an option, one of my cousins took my cherry.
My mind was a swirl again as we sat in my minivan.
Are you okay Eddie? You dont look well.
Just a lot to take in is all. Ann let loose a few other bombs as well.
So are you and I going to fuck?
I squinted at her question. I … I dont know yet.
So you have been thinking about it? Leaning over the center console she put her hands back on my arm while pushing her not so small chest forward for my viewing pleasure, eager.
Honestly, no, when I hired you, I never looked at you as a sexual object. That had her looking dejected. I am sorry, but even with your huge tits, I didnt look at you that way.
Why not? You didnt know me from Adam. Am I ugly? I know I am not as good looking as mom and even now mom has a killer body, I am just a big girl. I…
Dish, stop. I didnt look at you sexually because I like you too much. I didnt want you to feel uncomfortable around me and I was being true to Ann. I did check you out when I walked in to the bar earlier and you are a beauty, someone a father would be proud to call his daughter, but prior tonight, you had been my employee who I valued immensely and didnt want to lose.
So if I quit working for you, will you fuck me?
Will you?
I dont know. This isnt the craziest thing going on in my life right now and I need to work some of the wackier stuff out before I can tackle the thought of sleeping with a woman I just found out is my daughter.
Well, what is going on in your life? Let me help!
Actually, I think I need to talk to my doctor first.
After I said it that way, I wasnt surprised with Dish gasped and covered her mouth. You mean… ?
No, I am not dying or anything like that. I am doing great, but I still need to talk to my doctor.
Well, let me know if there is anything else I can help with, in or out of bed.
I talked to Dish until two in the morning, just finding out about her childhood and life in general. I was especially looking to see if her upbringing damaged her in any way but other then being raised in a very unorthodox family, she had a happy childhood and was taught that violence was bad and sex was good, when she had reached the mature age to be able to make her own proper decisions.
When I got home, Ann was still awake, crying on the living room sofa. I still did not know what to do about her, so I sent her to bed alone to go to sleep. I crashed on the larger overstuffed couch in the TV room shortly and I dont think I slept well at all.
A wet sucking sensation all around my body woke me up and I saw that Ann kneeling next to the couch with the light blanket that Ann kept on the back of the couch for dÃ,cor mostly covering her head as she felated me. She wasnt licking, she wasnt teasing, she was gingerly sucking while moving her head up and down.
She stopped sucking and when she looked at me I saw her bloodshot red eyes were still crying. Eddie, I am sorry. I am so sorry.
And I believed her, but the damage was done. She had lied, manipulated and denied me all for her selfish goals. I wasnt in a forgiving mood.
Get off of me.
Eddie? Her lips quivered as she was totally unsure about where her life was taking her.
Did you sleep any?
No, I couldnt.
Why? Because of what you did or because you got caught at it? Caught only because I had control over her now, if the grey mucous hadnt of showed up, I still would have been her puppet.
Because I hurt you. And I dont want to lose you.
Now you dont want to lose me? That is rich.
Looking at the clock I saw it was about thirty minutes before her scheduled time to wake up. Unfortunately, I had a job early this morning as well, which is the whole reason why Dish and I quit talking last night.
Go get ready for work or call in, I dont care but dont make one drastic decision all day. I will talk to you when I get home this afternoon. Do you understand me?
Yes Eddie.
Chapter 16: What to Do, What to Do?
I had two jobs that were going to keep me busy and I really didnt want to do either of them, but until I won the lottery, I had a business to run.
Dish didnt seem fazed by staying up talking until two AM and when she noticed me dragging a bit, she started to do more so we would get the jobs done properly and on time. I had called Shannon at Dr. Coles and told her that I needed to see Dr. Cole at eleven thirty. I didnt really think that I could execute my control over the phone and I wasnt trying to, when I arrived at the Coles family business Elizabeth was waiting for me but she wasnt alone.
You must be Eddie, Lizzie has told me all about you.
The bespectacled man in front of me was in his fiftys, balding and short, maybe five nine but over all was in decent looking shape.
Hello, Dr. Cole nice to meet you.
Please, call me Stephen.
Elizabeth was annotating a medical record and paying us no heed.
Ok, Stephen, is there something I can do for you?
Well, I was wondering how often you were going to be stealing my lunch date? We have been going to lunch together for years and it is something I really enjoy.
I called to talk to your wife because I need something answered, now and not later.
Ahh, so you arent here for her to suck you off? Looking at the mans posture, I could see that he wasnt intimidated by me and he wasnt jealous of what his wife had been doing with me, he was just making sure I knew where he stood about me and his wife.
No, I actually need to talk to Elizabeth about something that affects just me not her or you. However, I also plan on cutting back my visits to your wife to maybe once a week.
Elizabeth had been listening to our conversation and that one made her jerk her head up to look at me.
Once a week? Is there a reason for that? Lizzie has really enjoyed your visits.
I wasnt sure if Elizabeth told her husband about the control or the lip balm, something I would find out soon enough, but I had to get back to my second job, I had left Dish by herself to do the boxing and packaging.
I have been busy, work is demanding more of my attention.
Ahh, yes, work, I think I will go back to my work myself. Nice to finally meet you Eddie and enjoy yourself. Seriously.
When he left I looked at Elizabeth wondering what his issue was and I got my answer when she dropped her doctors coat and lifted off the black turtle neck sweater she had worn under it. Her big matronly boobies bounced nicely unimpeded by a bra and I saw both boobies were marked by numerous sucker marks.
Sex has been good lately with Stevie and as you can see, I really like my titties sucked.
So he was telling us to go at it when he left.
Yeah, he wants to hear all about it later as we fuck.
Does he know about the lip balm and my ability to control you through my seed?
Sort of. I told him I was addicted to the taste of your seed and that I like it so much that I have been making a lip balm out of it. But he didnt catch on and thinks I just crave its taste and finds the whole lip balm thing kinky.
Good, let him think you are kinky but dont tell anyone about my secret.
Okay, but why are you going to cut back on your visits? Finally going to start you own harem?
Maybe, I am not sure, that is what I wanted to talk to you about.
Can I listen while I suck on you?
Exasperated, I said yes and sat down, letting her do all the work.
I found out last night that Ann had been keeping quite a few secrets from me. Mostly monetary secrets.
You okay?
Other than feeling betrayed by someone who I thought was my best friend and life long companion, I feel like I was made a chump and she was laughing at me all those years.
So are you going to divorce her? If she has tasted your seed then you can get her to sign anything.
I know that but I dont think I want to divorce her.
So then are you going to turn her into the perfect wife?
No, I am too angry to do something like that.
But you have something planned?
Yeah, but I think it is crazy which is why I wanted to use you as a sounding board.
Thank you, I am happy you think so much of me. What is your plan?
A commune.
A commune, like a sixties commune?
Yeah, just like that.
But with the exception that you will be the man in charge and all of the women will be your sex slaves?
That is what I am not sure about. I keep asking, how much longer am I going to be excreting the gray mucous crap out of my dick? How lasting of an effect is my control. Does it wear off in three days or less?
You need a control, a test that will tell us how long your influence lasts.
Well, we could use Shannon, when she uses up all of her lip balm I wont give her another one.
I had thought about that but Shannon doesnt know she is under my sway.
That shouldnt matter.
But how will we know if her responses are accurate? How do we know that she isnt lying to us?
If we knew specific details about her, things that you can have her tell us that should help.
I dont like that idea.
Do you have an alternative?
Yes, I was thinking about you.
Elizabeth never really got started on sucking me once we started talking, she had fished my flaccid penis out of my pants and was fondling while we conversed, once I told her she was the one who I wanted to be my control, to quit smoking my cock, she grabbed her chest like I had punched it.
ME? But I like spending my time with you! Not because I am under your control but because I am having a blast sucking you off, fucking you and then fucking my husband. I havent had this much fun since before my kids were born!
This is why you would be ideal as the control.
Do I have a choice in the matter?
No, this talk has convinced me you are the one to test how long my control lasts.
But … but… I felt for her, she really looked distraught at my decision. But how will you, we do it?
Simple, I am commanding you to quit eating my sperm and using the lip balm made out of my sperm. You will still make the lip balm but you will make sure none gets near your mouth and no matter how strong the urge to use my sperm is, you will resist it. I want you to keep a diary, a journal about how you think you are doing. I will still come by here to drop off my sperm for you to make into the lip balm but they will be loads that I will have deposited into a container and kept under ice. Do you understand me?
The single tear running down her left cheek told me she did.
Now, I am not done with you. You will still maintain your sexual desires and urges but you will take them out on your husband and if he wants you will get back into swinging.
So I am never going to be with you again?
Not necessarily. If my dick ever quits with the control gunk, then I will gladly met up with you for some swinging.
And what if your penis never stops producing the controlling seed?
After we have validated all the pertinent information and there is no end in sight of my producing of the controlling substance then yes, you can have some more fun with me because then we can see if there is any change with you the second time you are under my seeds domination.
Thank you. Elizabeth let go of my dick and gave me a nice hug. You know, I think I might be able to help you with your commune idea.
You do? How?
We have this property that we havent been able to sell or rent for two years now. We have been using it as a tax write-off, but it just may be ideal for you.
What is wrong with it?
Nothing, it is located just south of Sunshine Garden. It is a block apartment complex with eight units, four on the top and four on the ground floor, the basement has storage and utilities.
Why cant you move it?
When the city rezoned, the bus line was moved a quarter of a mile away and its previous tenants were all elderly type and that walk turned out to be too much for them and so the owner sold it to us and retired.
Is it in a built up neighbourhood?
No, it sits a small hill by itself, the developer who originally built it went bankrupt and that was the only building he completed. No other developers have seriously looked at adding to it since there really isnt much over there. Other areas were picked to be developed instead. The worst thing about the building is that it is ugly. It is a square brick building.
Sounds perfect. And you think I can afford this? Or was you planning on giving it too me? Heh.
If you asked you know I have no choice but to give it to you.
I am not asking.
Thank you. Yes, I checked out your house when I started playing with your seed and would be willing to trade you this apartment complex for your house. I will be able to get you a nice loan and everything because I will be taking a loss on the building and the surrounding land but that can be turned into another tax write-off.
My wife has been hiding thirty grand from me, part of which she had stolen from me. Would that help?
Thirty grand? Wow, she must have been a busy little woman. Yes, thirty would be nice but my suggestion would be to only put ten down and use the other twenty to renovate the place.
Okay, I feel much better now. I came in here not knowing what I was going to do but everything is falling in place. Thank you Elizabeth.
No, thank you. My dick throbbed at the look she gave me and when she saw it jump, she licked her lips but resisted her obvious craving.
Can I ask you a personal question?
That got her to laugh. Like you need to ask permission of me right now. Your seed hasnt worn off yet. If you told me to go run down the street naked I would.
Okay, how would you feel about talking about a taboo subject?
Ohh, taboo subjects, my favorite.
Yes, you and I have barely scratched the surface on what I like sexually.
My dick bounced again.
What are your thoughts on incest?
Oh. I dont think she was ready for that question. You and your daughter?
Not Barbara, she is only sixteen. I just found out that I have another daughter from a girl I was with once in high school.
And your first thought was to fuck her?
God, no. I have known her for almost nine months now and just found out last night she was my daughter.
And you had been thinking about fucking her since you met her nine months ago?
No, not really, I mean she is really stacked up top but she has been a really valuable assist with my job.
So why do you want to fuck her?
I didnt, it wasnt me.
Ha, that is what all daddies who fuck their little girls say!
I knew she was teasing me and I wasnt comfortable with where my dick was leading me but I didnt snap at Elizabeth to be nice to me, I needed her assistance here.
When I asked her last night why she didnt tell me she was my daughter to begin with she told me that the whole reason she came to Indy was so she could fuck me and she wasnt sure if I knew she was her daughter if I would still fuck her.
And you havent already fucked her before finding out she was related to you?
No, I thought I was being faithful in kind to Ann.
And your new daughter still wants you to fuck her and with Ann screwing you over you are feeling like screwing your daughter, is that it?
No, I dont want to hurt my daughter.
How did she get her obsession to move to another state to fuck you?
I think her mother and her mothers family in West Virginia. Uhmm, incest with them is not a taboo subject.
Ahhh. How is she mentally? Healthy? Any odd quirks?
Other than flirting with boys while telling them she is married to me, no. She has a great work ethic and a great sense of humor. I have really enjoyed working with her, on the job she is definitely someone I can trust.
And is she a virgin? Or is she naÃ,ve in the bedroom?
No, she lost it to a cousin and apparently before she left home the family made sure she was given proper instructions in the bedroom.
Lucky her.
You have a bad experience?
Sort of. Nothing incestuous in my background, but my best friend did fuck her daddy and for my eighteenth birthday she let him take my virginity. He was nice enough but with me was basically a wham-bam kind of guy. When he was done, he rolled off of me and walked away and I cried because how sore I was. It took a few more relationships before I got my head on straight about sex and then I met Stephen and sex really took off for me.
So, Dish, do I fuck her or not?
Well, you are both over the age of eighteen, you have been snipped so you wont be running the risk of producing a backwards little Eddie. You appreciate her for who she is and not as just a set of big boobies and she has been around the block and has been craving you for probably a long time. Sure, I would do it.
And what do I do about the whole taboo, society says it is evil to do that with my daughter?
Shit, something taboo is great to get the juices running. As for society, you already do something that society says is not normal. Because of the invention of date rape drugs, I could see society bringing you up on charges because of your controlling ability. The date rape drugs give similar control over their subject matter, yours is just complete control.
So I am a walking violation of the law?
That is right, unless you become a hermit living in the mountains away from everyone or completely give up sex your existence is against the law.
So there is no reason to hold back?
Well there is that saying, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
So where do I stop? How far do I go?
That is the fine line you have to figure out for yourself. Hopefully, you wont tell someone to do something heinous, like kill themselves or someone else.
But taking control over complete strangers and making them do my bidding. What if I make a girl who cant stand the thought of homosexuality become a lesbian? Or simply make girls who dont know me fuck me?
Have you? Since your seed granted you control over other females, have you made any of them fuck you?
No. Well, yes, you. But outside of you I havent. I have planted my seed so to speak. I have given the lip balm to two other women outside of my wife and Shannon.
Well, I know I am not normal so you can fuck me all you want.
But I am worried about the girls who are normal, who dont get off on the idea of my commanding them to debauchery.
Power. That is power. That is what you have and it is up to you how you use it.
You are not helping Elizabeth.
I know that, I cant tell you how to act. I know how I would act, I would have a sex slave for every day of the week and I am a woman who is happy with sex only twice a week. But I would have one for every day because I could.
So … so you are saying that this ability, this control I have is strictly for my own pleasure?
Ultimately, yes, because even if you tell a girl to get off of drugs and go straight.
Or tell a girl to take a bath everyday?
Exactly, even though they are benefiting from your control over them, you are making them do whatever because you want them to.
What if I get bored and make females do whimsical things?
For someone to do the littlest thing, you first have to make the effort of telling them to do it. Whether it is a silly, sexual or atrocious act, you have to make that decision and all those decisions are based on the principle of pleasing you. If you tell me to beat you over the back with a strap, not because you like pain but because you feel you need to be punished, you are still getting pleasure out of my doing your bidding, even one that causes you pain.
I didnt respond to her and I am sure she didnt think I was convinced, didnt stop.
Do you break the law right now? Do you speed?
Not in my work truck but yeah, when I am in my van I speed all the time.
Why do I speed? I dont know, to get where I am going faster I guess.
I speed because I like the rush it gives me. I park my car where ever I want. I get parking tickets which I pay for and continue to park where I want. Why? Because I think some rules, some laws are stupid and dont apply to me. I dont commit murder and I havent cheated on my taxes in years because I am not willing to accept the possible punishment of said acts.
You want to murder someone?
All the time, I am a prime candidate for road rage because I let other drivers piss me off. Stephen insists he drives when we go places together because I have let my anger build up at another driver and do stupid shit.
Wow. You look like a sweet woman.
No one is perfect. But the point is you have to decide what you are willing to do, what consequences you are willing to accept and live your life that way.
I sat there nodding me head, finally coming to terms with what I could do and what I was going to do when I felt my dick go hard. Dr. Cole saw this and smiled, licking her lips asked if she could help me.
No mouth, hands only. Make sure you get everything into the specimen container and wash yourself real good afterwards.
She sprung around her desk like a spry eighteen year old.
In many ways I walked out of her office with more than one burden off of my shoulders. She was going to do all of the legwork for me to buy the block apartment building and continue to make the Ocean Breeze Lip Balm for me. She said the paper work should be done in a two or three weeks but suggested we hold off on moving in until most of the refurbishing of the complex was done. She had some plans for where most of the individual apartment walls were knocked out and larger rooms were built up. I was to meet with her in two nights time to go over the plans and paperwork. I told her to hold off on a contractor because I had an idea of who I wanted to use.
Dish had done a good job and we almost were done at the time I had told the client, I dropped her off at home and told her to come over to my place in two hours for dinner and to officially meet her siblings.
Chapter 17: Free Mans Rebellion
When I arrived at my home, I saw that Teresas jalopy of a van was parked on the curb which probably meant both Thing 1 and Thing 2 was inside. I heard the noise from the garage, someone was playing really loud music, something Ann had never allowed previously.
I found the culprits of the noise in TV room, which was full of people and all of the furniture was pushed to the side to make room for the exercises everyone present, including all of the kids were doing as Thing 1 led the room in a loud but simple aerobics exercise. I had to chuckle when I saw Chad awkwardly trying to follow along while watching all of the bouncing boobies.
When I got out of my shower, a sweaty Ann was sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for me. She didnt say anything as I dried off but I saw her lick her lips more than once when she would glance at my crotch. When I was done drying I didnt bother dressing before addressing her.
Ann, our marriage was based on trust. I trusted you, never in my wildest dreams did I think you could do something so hurtful and selfish behind my back the way you did.
The tears started coming as she started apologizing. I am so sorry Eddie, I really am. Please dont leave me, please!
I am going to give you a choice, so listen carefully. I knew wasnt giving her a choice but I phrased it that way for when, if, my control of her faded.
You can either leave this house, with the kids staying here with me or you can accept the following changes.
Anything! I will agree to anything, please dont leave me!
I felt real sad, why couldnt she feel this way to me without my having her over a barrel? Why did she have to act so selfishly? Yes, I spoiled her. I gave her everything that she wanted that I could give. Yes, I knew sometimes that wasnt enough but why couldnt she give me what I wanted as well?
First, I am in control of all of our financial assets from this point on. All bank accounts and anything else that is worth any value will be signed over to me. You cheated me financially. I would have been happy with everything staying jointly in both of our names but I did it this way to hurt her and her greed.
Secondly, if we do end up splitting, the kids will stay with me. Period. You will have no claim to them.
Third, no more screaming, not at me and especially not at the kids. You may not love them but they love you and you will treat that love from them with respect.
Fourth, we are moving. I have sold our house and we will be buying a much larger property. You have no say in this matter. When it comes time for the paper work, you will sign off on this house and your name will not be on the new property.
Ann just sat there with tears coming down her cheeks and listened, showing no other reaction.
Fifth, because you did not uphold your end of our marriage vows, I will no longer uphold mine. From this point on you can consider our marriage to be an open one. That means I will have sex with whomever, wherever and whenever I want. You say you dont like sex, fine, I will get sex elsewhere.
That got a reaction as she looked like a pitiful puppy, biting her lip while sniffling.
Will I be able to … to lick you? Down there? As she looked at my crotch.
Lick? No.
She welled up at my answer getting ready to start bawling I am sure before I finished my retort.
No more licking. If you want your mouth near my dick you will be naked and you will suck, not lick. You will suck for my pleasure not yours and never again do I want to hear about how your jaw is sore from sucking my dick!
Her face actually brightened at my admonishment.
Sixth, Trish is my daughter and she is now part of the family and you will treat her accordingly.
Finally, by agreeing to this, you are relinquishing all authority to make any decisions unless I grant you that limited authority. Do you understand me?
So what is your decision? Are you leaving or staying?
She did not hesitate and dropped down to her knees in front of me.
May I suck you, please?
I need you to say what your decision is.
I wronged you and now I want to make amends. I will do whatever you want, whenever you want. I agree to all seven of your stipulations. Gladly.
Then you can start sucking.
She still sucked at sucking but she put a lot of eagerness to please behind it and I am sure my being drunk on power helped her get my seed. She gagged when I shot but recovered good enough when I told her that she was to always swallow my seed. When she was done swallowing my ejaculate, she licked up without being told the globules that had dropped out when she was gagging.
Chapter 18: The Commune
Thing 2 had dinner ready when Ann and I joined everyone in the dining room. Dish couldnt contain herself and showed thirty minutes earlier than I had told her to, anxious to take down the facade she disguised herself with as I was revealing her blood relationship to Barbara and Chad. Chad was excited that Dish was his older sister, Barbara less so but neither had any real issue with the sudden change brought on to my family.
At the dinner table, I told everyone about the new place we were going to move to. When Dish asked just how big it was, I told her that there was plenty of room there for her and she gave me an evil smile with a twinkle in her eyes.
I then looked at Thing 1 and Thing 2 and told them if they could abide by my rules, then there was room for them and their kids but they would have to go off of welfare to help pay the bills and they would have to do their share around the house. Of course both eagerly agreed to my offer.
As we were breaking from dinner, I put two more tins of the Ocean Breeze Lip Balm in Anns possession, one was for her to give to Ashley and the second was for if she knew or met an unattached female whom I might like. I didnt specifically say as a sex partner.
Life got hectic real quick. Dish and I were busy with work but used that time to bond as father and daughter while at the same time we discussed the possibility of our having sex. She also shared quite a few tales with me about her other family in West Virginia.
Three days after Ann gave Ashley the lip balm, we invited Ashley and Devon over for dinner. I was quickly able to confirm that Ashley was susceptible to my whims and fed her the desire to nag Devon to take the contracting job I was going to offer him of doing most of the work remodeling the apartment block. He started working on it three days later.
Elizabeth was able to get most of the paperwork done on her own. The only issue I had to deal with personally was with the zoning of the building which had been zoned as a commercial property and it took two days but felt like forever to convince them that the building was not going to be used commercially.
Working with Elizabeths existing plans to remodel the building, we were able to come up with a rudimentary set that converted the eight, one bedroom apartments to a home with sitting room, living room, dining room, kitchen, den for me, a small auditorium style TV room and a great room/entertainment room on the ground floor. Upstairs would hold six bedroom suites and two large rooms for the kids that could easily be partitioned off for individual bedrooms when they got older like Barbara and Chad were. The basement was more of a cellar but the utilities area was already set up which included hookups for the two sets of washer and dryers we were going to install.
The sides of the back yard were going to be fenced for privacy while a patio was added with a hot tub attached. For the kids an above ground pool, slightly buried, was to be implemented after Thing 1 and Thing 2 got a job to help pay for that and a volleyball court. Sixty or so feet behind the back of the building was the beginning of a small copse of woods where the kids could play or make a bike trail.
Not everything went as planned though, Ann had left the spare tin of lip balm I gave her on her dresser since she had yet to decide on who to give it to and when Barbara had a cold sore forming she went looking for some ointment, finding the tin on Anns dresser she used the lip balm on herself. I was riding high by this time because nothing had gone wrong and when Ann told me what Barbara had done, I crashed back to earth, feeling incredibly sick to my stomach.
There was no reason for me to give Dish any of the lip balm, she willingly did whatever I asked of her, which meant being patient with me since I was not ready to sleep with her.
While Barbara certainly considered me special, I certainly wasnt going to abuse that relationship which is why the fact that she was now under my control bothered me. Not only did I inadvertently take my daughters freedom away, I would have to be very careful about what I said when I was around her.
From Elizabeths experience of withdrawing from the addiction of my seed, she suggested that I did not take the tin of Ocean Breeze Lip Balm away from Barbara because Elizabeth had suffered sexual urges that she didnt think a sixteen year old girl would be able to handle. I tried to argue that was probably due to the fact that Elizabeth had imbued so much of my seed, but she countered that with the question of whether I was willing to chance Barbara going through the withdrawal that she had gone through. Who wants to cause pain to their own children? Not I.
Three months and a day after I had signed the paperwork to buy the Commune, we were able to move in. Dish and I had been moving stuff piecemeal during that time, so the two of us were able to move the four families in two days. We were exhausted when we were done but I was quite proud of our new residence.
Ashley was not only able to convince Devon to take the contract remodeling the Commune but also to actually move in with us. From my talks with Ashley I found out that she did indeed have an oral fetish because it was taboo to their religion and that Devon over the years was not able to resist her wants, to the point that he was very much pussy whipped but by Ashleys mouth.
Ashley and Devon was also in financial dire straits because of Ashleys spending habits which had matched Anns. Just as I had cured Ann of her outrageous need to shop, so too did I diminish Ashleys. Devon thought I was up to no-good trying to convince Ashley to spread her legs for me when I offered to help them with their finances, I could have had her whenever I wanted and I had thought about it a few times because she wasnt bad looking, but during this time I was content with Ann sucking me daily.
Since we only had one mortgage that was almost equal to what Ann and I had been paying for our previous house but we had six incomes pooled together the Commune was making money hand over fist and I was, with Elizabeths guidance, investing what we didnt need while paying off existing bills.
Ann quickly became adept at sucking me to completion so she could swallow my load, but she continued to suck me whenever I would allow her, just to be sucking me, normally in my den while I relaxed watching TV or reading something, Ann would spend the time leisurely sucking me gently. When it came time for my weekly deposit at Dr. Coles I would pick her up for lunch and have her suck me off in Dr. Coles parking lot before having her walk the freshly filled specimen container inside. With all of the oral sex I was getting from Ann, I really didnt have a desire to fuck anyone. But that changed.
After we were living in the Commune for over a year, I examined our lifestyle and how we were doing. Financially, we were doing great. The building had no issues that Devon couldnt fix or replace. What made me proud though was the fact that everyone in the Commune was happy, all of the girls lost weight and were actually looking very hot. Teresa and Terry had the ugly moles removed from their faces and were no longer in the fugly category.
Terry did need surgery to remove the excess skin that hung on her from when she was one hundred and fifty pounds heavier. And she was not happy that her tits had lost so much weight while Teresas boobs maintained most of their original size.
I would call all of the adults to a Round Table session were we talked about any issues within the Commune and ask everyone if they were happy and if not, what would make them happier. All of the females, including Ann said the same thing. They were happy but they wanted more sex, specifically with me.
I did have sex with Dish eventually, about four months after we moved into the Commune. It was really good sex, but not as good as it had been with her mother. We still had sex periodically, but more often than not, she joined in with the Cousins who had taken their sexual frustration out on themselves and Ann.
For a while, after the kids were put to bed on Sunday nights, the vibrators and strap on dildos would come out and Devon and I would watch the mostly Sapphic love in front of us. Devon of course didnt have a say in the matter, Ashley would tie him to a chair and he could only watch as she and the other women went at it. The fact that his big dick was hard the entire time convinced me that he wouldnt have complained even if there wasnt a ball gag in his mouth. Sometimes Ashley would suck him off in front of us, sometimes she would take him back to their suite to fuck and other times she would not give him satisfaction until the next morning.
Dish liked to fuck the girls with a large black strap-on and she loved to make the girls munch her box after she was done plowing them. She definitely had more fun with the girls than she ever did with me.
Ann still wasnt keen on the sex with the girls but her resistance always breaks down. The first time anything happened with Ann and one of the other girls was a month before I slept with Dish the first time, Ann was giving me a blow job on the patio late one Saturday night and Teresa walked out on us. The obvious look of jealousy on Teresas face was soon replaced by lust as she watched Ann give her best at satisfying my dick. Without me saying anything Teresa stripped naked and started rubbing her pussy while pulling on her distended nipples.
Against the outside wall of the house was a couple of baseball bats and gloves one of the boys had not put away and seeing the bat, she grabbed the bigger of the two and started rubbing her pussy with it. When she saw me smile at her, she shoved the handle end up her pussy and went to town. Quicker than I thought she would she exploded in orgasm and fell against the side of the house.
And she still wasnt sated. Slowly she edged towards Ann and I and I was curious what she wanted so I beckoned her to us. When Teresa was standing behind Ann, she dropped to her knees and after looking up at me for approval, which I gave, she tentatively started licking my wifes ass. I had fucked Ann a few times in her ass, each time I had to take my time and be careful because it was such a tigh
I love cock.I love everything about it.The variety of shapes. The upward curve that often makes me gag even on a smaller cock. The downward curve that slides into my mouth so smoothly.The variety of lengths. Most cocks are five inches, give or take. Yet some are smaller... a four-inch cock is easy to suck without effort. A ten-inch snake is a massive task.The variety of thicknesses. Some are almost pencil thin and feel like sucking a blood-warm milkshake through a straw, while others are so...
This is a True Story and the only thing that I have changed is an occasional name or two. First off, let me tell you a little bit about me. I am a 65 year old white male that became addicted to sex at a very young age. My first sexual experience happened whenever I was 13 years old and the Lady was 31. (yes I said 31 ) She was the mother of my best friend at the time, and she always wore real tight clothes and looked so sexy, that I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. She always made sure that...
Female Teacher Addicted to a Cruel Teen GirlFaye Duncanf/F Humiliation, DependenceThis work is copyright (c) 2010 by Faye Duncan. You may download and keep copies for your personal use as long as the author's byline and e-mail address and this paragraph remain on the copies. Please do not post this story to any web site without permission from the author. All other rights reserved. No alteration of the contents is permitted.Author's note: Anyone reading in this delicious genre will know soon...
Addicted Part 1 I cackled with joy as I got home and dumped the paper sack onto my bed. “this is the best idea ever” I said to me self as I spread my new purchases out on my bed. Hundreds of nicotine patches, dozens of bottles of liquid nicotine that is applied orally and wont soak through the skin, its designed to replace smoking with nail biting but I had a better plan for it. I picked up and examined a small pouch that held a few ounces of a super concentrated nicotine/Prozac solution...
It has 24 chapters and you can find it on storiesonline. The next section is long to conclude the story. If you don't like any of the themes, you don't have to read it. I hope you enjoy the story. Addicted by Pariahsolo Chapter 14: My Loving Wife My day was fairly normal for me, I went to work and completed three small moving jobs, in between I stopped by Dr. Cole's but only gave her one load for her to make some more lip balm with; I did let her suck what seed remained in...
In the room, she quickly snatched up a small overnight case and sprinted to the bathroom, where she spent ten long minutes barricaded in preparation for the mating ritual. She emerged wearing a short, blue teddy with no panties. Her hair was down now, straight, shiny and very white. The makeup was gone, and she looked so young that I once again couldn't help but question the legality of this plan. But, oh my goodness, she was desirable! My cock felt as if it was about to burst. I had an...
It has 24 chapters and you can find it on storiesonline. If you don't like any of the themes, you don't have to read it. I hope you enjoy the story. Addicted by PariahsoolChapter 9: Where Do We Go From Here? Dr. Elizabeth's ass may have been sagging and had its share of cellulite but that didn't mean she didn't know how to use it. Her vaginal control was really good but I wasn't ready to blow my load just yet. I had gotten more sex from Elizabeth in the last two days than I...
Introduction: Eddie Spedman thought he was living the American Dream, owned his own business and married to his highschool sweetheart with two wonderful kids. Until a freak event made him realize that he was living the American Nightmare. However that freak event also gave him something he didnt believe in, Sex Slaves This isnt my story, however I enjoyed it so much I wanted to share it. It has 24 chapters and you can find it on storiesonline. If you dont like any of the themes, you dont have...
Im addicted to sex, its like a d**g i must take from time to time or i will just have a mental breakdown and probably go crazy, i loveeeee sex.My friends and other people who know of this such as my family think i should be more normal like the rest of my friends, that means no d**gs and not much sex. How can i give sex up when im addicted? its a hobby, its life.It all started with one incident that took place when i was 5. So here what happened. My family hosted a party at our house for people...
Rocky, I’ve got a special favor to ask that I don’t think you’ll mind doing. I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me over the years, and now I’m finally in a position to do something to pay you back. The woman who delivered this note to you is Dr. Candice Miller, one of those stuck-up, frigid, so-called expert psychologists from the prosecutor’s office. She’s made life miserable for me over the years, but now it’s time to even the score. If things go as planned, she won’t be a...
We weren't anywhere near the diner. It took me awhile to realize that we were many blocks away, over on Harper's Bay Lane. I yawned and stretched, and felt wonderful, and he told me we were going to walk a little more. He offered me his arm, and I tucked my hand inside his elbow and let him lead me. I could tell it was what he wanted. He was talking about his Naturals again, and just like in the restaurant, he sort of prattled on and on. But I think he was deliberately trying to embarrass...
It has 24 chapters and you can find it on storiesonline. If you don't like any of the themes, you don't have to read it. I hope you enjoy the story. Addicted by Pariahsol ---------- Chapter 6: Flashback Daddy Duties After hearing what my vivacious 16 year old just told me I remembered a conversation that I had with Philip Johnson, the starting defensive end at IU, all those years ago. He had a baby girl the same month as Barbara was born. We were at Visions Gentleman's Club...
Introduction: Eddie Spedman thought he was living the American Dream, owned his own business and married to his highschool sweetheart with two wonderful kids. Until a freak event made him realize that he was living the American Nightmare. However that freak event also gave him something he didnt believe in, Sex Slaves This isnt my story, however I enjoyed it so much I wanted to share it. It has 24 chapters and you can find it on storiesonline. If you dont like any of the themes, you dont have...
Author – Varun Following is just a fictional tale. Hi All, I am Neha. Married, a beautiful 24-year-old girl with wheatish complexion, 5.3” height and well-maintained and structured body with round firm boobs and curvy hips. Anyone seeing me will lust to have me in bed. When first time I stood nude in front of my hubby Navin, Navin told me “Hey your face looks very homely, innocent, cute and romantic, whereas your body structure looks like a top foreign porn model with firm erected round boobs...
IncestThanks for the E-Mails so I could continue my story' especially Nic andPamela who's E-Mails made me write this next part, I hope you enjoy itand please give me an E-Maill address and I'll write back, especiallyPamala T. who I now also give much better cocksucking and creamydelicious cum eating sessions as my mouth is now irresistible to a bighard sexy cum oozing horny man cock wanting and needing a sexy cum hungrycocksucking cum slut bitch like me to suck them dry of all that creamydelicious...
It started by accident one love making session, certain times of the month or maybe it's just when my wife is super horny she puts out a thick white cream that coats my dick and balls. I have an average size penis but I one very rare ability for a male, I can usually cum 4 to 5 times during any of our love making sessions, that's right can multiple climax. My wife can almost always handle our sex life but one occasions she wants me to cum faster as she gets sore or she gets tired of my banging...
For a long time she wouldn't look at me and I don't know how long she cried, but I am sure I heard a few sniffles. I let her in peace because that gave me time to wrap my head around the fact that she may indeed want to be enslaved by my seed. Why?, was the question I constantly asked myself Why would she want to be enslaved by me, made to do things that she has been upfront with, that she doesn't like? Made to be part of a lifestyle she doesn't agree with. It still made no sense to me....
Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 23: Addicted If you have been with me from part 1 until now, you know that Holly started out as a virgin, as did I, and has morphed into an all out nymphomaniac. I don’t know if I am the cause, or if she would have done this with anyone. Holly gives me the credit for turning her into a sex addict. She does go through phases. There was a week in which she insisted I keep fucking her in the ass. She couldn’t maintain that phase very long before it...
I'm 24 years old and I've always called myself straight even though I've fantasized about dick since I was 14. I've had girlfriends and I like pussy but the attraction to dick has never gone away. As a k**, dicks or anything gay was gross to me and I never would've thought that later in life I'd crave it; that I'd ever passionately suck on the most taboo thing: an erect penis. The craving got stronger and stronger and eventually I had to give in. I was hoping I would just get it out of my...
i was in prison when i had my first sexual incounter with a guy. IM ONLY ATTRACTED TO BBC BLACKED MEN. My wife Trisha feels the same way. IVE NEVER SEEN OR EVEN THOUGHT ABOUT MESSING WITH ANY OTHER MEN BESIDES BBC. WE FEEL ITS JUST A WAIST OF TIME. BUT YEA I MET A GUY NAMED COOPER. HE WAS BLACK, DARK SKINNED, BALDHEAD, ABOUT 41 AND IN GOOD SHAPE. so i woke up one morning to the C.O. waking me up to tell me i was moving. THEY DID the CELL MOVE FOR ME. I WAS SUPPOSE TO MOVE IN A ROOM WITH ANOTHER...
It was my second year as professor at Western University. I had a Ph. D in Fine Arts and was instructing first year oil painting.The curriculum was mainly still life and landscape but did include some figure painting.For the figure painting I employed a willing student who would pose for a stipend from my limited budget. Usually it was a female student but this year a well-built nineteen-year-old male volunteered.Brad had the body of Adonis. Was a blue eye blonde with well defined muscles. He...
Ex-wife, her divorce lawyer and a promise."You remember Francine?" my ex-wife Denise asked as she ushered her divorce lawyer past me and into my house. What an unpleasant surprise!"How could I forget?" I asked in reply. Francine smirked and I grit my teeth.She was a tall thin brunette that might have been pretty if everything about her didn't scream 'uptight bitch'. She had her hair in a bun of all things and always wore conservative suits. He glasses weren't overly attractive, but added to her...
Addicted to FistJim and Gus had fucked and fisted me with everything but the corner firehydrant. And as much as I had still begged them for even more, I'msurprised they didn't find a way to make even that happen.Our 24-hour pig marathon was without a doubt the wildest, raunchiest,roughest, most infinitely satisfying sex of my entire life. It was what I'dbeen secretly waiting for my whole life, going all the way back to my daysas a teenager when I discovered the thick inner joys of a...
This is a story involving explicitly described sex. If you think you might be offended by it, or you aren't allowed by the laws of the place in which you live to read such a story, don't. If you read past this warning, any offense you take or laws you break are your problem. I've warned you. Permission is hereby given to archive this story anywhere on the Internet, so long as I'm credited as the author, it is reproduced in its entirety (including this disclaimer!) and no fee is charged...
Might as well face it, you're... Addicted to Love Juice By Cum Bunny Chapter 1 - The Stranger "Andy, if she doesn't want to do it, you can't make her," reasoned Chris. They we conversing over a couple of beers at the Northburg, one of their favorite bars along High Street. Actually, it was their seventh or eighth beer. (It gets hard to keep count after five.) And it was still early on a Thursday night. "Thirsty Thursday," as Andy called it. Andy had no classes on Friday and...
Hi everyone, this is Nivedhitha . my family and friends call me nivi. Here I am going to tell you the true incident how I and my mother addicted to my brother’s stinky cock. First let me tell about my family. We are 4 people. My father(anand),my mother(kavi priya), brother(raghu) and me. We are a orthodox tamil Brahmin family. Me and my mom were good in shape and structure. We both look alike except my mom has huge boobs of size 38 well I have 32. My father is working as a bank manager in Delhi...
IncestHow did I become addicted to interracial porn? I am a middle-aged white married male, who had never really watched IR porn or avoided it out of racist jealously. One weekend, on a business trip sitting by the pool at my hotel, an attractive blonde was dancing on the deck drawing attention to herself. Needless to say I started getting hard, watching her dance along the pool. I managed to take a few secret pictures of her as I rub the outside of my swimming trunks. I’m a happily married man with...
How did I become addicted to interracial porn? I am a middle-aged white married male, who had never really watched IR porn or avoided it out of racist jealously. One weekend, on a business trip sitting by the pool at my hotel, an attractive blonde was dancing on the deck drawing attention to herself. Needless to say I started getting hard, watching her dance along the pool. I managed to take a few secret pictures of her as I rub the outside of my swimming trunks. I’m a happily married man with...
k so like ... i think it prolly started when i was just starting highschool... i used to go to my friends house after school and he had a big brother and like lots of his friends over like all the time.. and i would like get soooo excited to go over there cause there were all these cool guys over there all the time... and they would all like tease me really bad but like they would give me sooo much attention that like even tho they teased me and like made me blush constantly like i got addicted...
My name is Dan Dickerson and I’m addicted to sluts. It started at a young age when I found my father’s porn collection at fourteen. The more I snooped the more I learned both my mother and father were a little freaky, of course I didn’t know it was freaky at the time. When I begun dating, I knew just the kind of girl I wanted. Tammy was the first girl I dated. I only dated her because I heard she was easy, I did get laid on the first date, so that part was true, but she was too clingy, and not...
(This is the last part in a series of three novelettes that I've come to think of as "The Addicted Natural Trilogy," making up the rather protracted tale of how I caved in to the evils of temptation on several occasions and found myself in a somewhat enviable - albeit undeniably sinful - condition. If the various sections of this tome somehow find themselves scattered in the electronic spectrum, I'm afraid I must insist that you somehow locate the first two parts and peruse them as a...
It has 24 chapters and you can find it on storiesonline Addicted by Pariahsolo Chapter 1: The Seed I blame everything that happened on my insurance company. Granted it was a cheap insurance plan with a cheap company but because of that crappy plan, only one urologist who worked remotely close to where I lived took my insurance and that urologist started the roller coaster ride that my life has been for the last two years. I grew up in Suffolk County, Virginia. Because of my...
Introduction: Eddie Spedman thought he was living the American Dream, owned his own business and married to his highschool sweetheart with two wonderful kids. Until a freak event made him realize that he was living the American Nightmare. However that freak event also gave him something he didnt believe in, Sex Slaves This isnt my story, however I enjoyed it so much I wanted to share it. It has 24 chapters and you can find it on storiesonline Addicted by Pariahsolo Chapter 1: The Seed I...
Beth and I had indulged my cum addiction for awhile now, an addiction that included not only me eating my own sperm from her freshly fucked cunt or snowballing my load with her after she'd sucked me dry in her unbelievably hot mouth, but drinking it directly from the source –other men. We'd had our share of bi experiences with other guys that included me blowing them and eating their joy juice from my lovely wife's pussy, ass, mouth, you name it.I'm addicted to cum. But I guess you know that...
I'm addicted to cum, the taste, the texture, the smell, the stickiness, everything. And I have my wife to thank for that.She'd read somewhere about guys eating their own cum from the pussies of women they'd just fucked and what a powerful aphrodisiac it was for the women. Not so much the men because if you are a man you know that for all good intentions in perhaps wanting to eat your own joy juice, the post-orgasm blues just prevents you from doing it.Well, Beth, my wife, would have none of...
Author's Note: This story "Giving Carl Oral" was posted but removed for editing, I now have corrected the grammar and spelling. I would like to thank Lisa my editor for proofing this story. Lisa's editorial comments helped me to find the weak spots in the story line helping me to make the necessary. I have made some final changes to the story without Lisa's review so if there are still grammar and spelling issue I take the full responsibility. CindyUSA At the age of forty-three, I had my first...
BisexualChapter 8 - Changes It was Thursday morning and Chris had been laying in bed for several hours. Sleep would not come to him. "At least I haven't had the urge to jack off and eat cum," he thought. Okay, Chris had to admit that he still wanted to eat cum, but his limp dick had not given him the opportunity. He had tried massaging it to erection several times without success. The apartment was empty, Andy having left for class hours before. Chris finally decided that he should get up;...
I'm addicted to cum, the taste, the texture, the smell, the stickiness, everything. And I have my wife to thank for that.She'd read somewhere about guys eating their own cum from the pussies of women they'd just fucked and what a powerful aphrodisiac it was for the women. Not so much the men because if you are a man you know that for all good intentions in perhaps wanting to eat your own joy juice, the post-orgasm blues just prevents you from doing it.Well, Beth, my wife, would have none of...
Karin is respected at work and at home. She runs a tight ship at both places. She tells me when I can fuck her and how to do it. She mixes it up, but is always the boss. Sometimes she’s respectful, sometimes she’s tough. She’s always on top and always makes sure we both get off. On the rare instances when she sucks my dick, she bends at the waist and mechanically beats and sucks me to get me hard. I have never cum in her mouth. Once a year she grants me a wish on my birthday. My birthday...
It's rather difficult to write a story while one's pussy is being licked. I've tried to start this several different ways in the past few minutes, but Jennifer is too good at what she does. It's really hard to concentrate with her between my legs. We tried different angles in the open with the chair and the laptop, but nothing really worked until she finally crawled completely under the desk, reminding me of more than a few clichés. She doesn't care, though, because she's getting what she...
What had Menlo done to Brenda? For more than a year, I really thought I knew the answer to that. I'd found out about the "room below the room." I'd even "changed" Brenda in small ways, with regards to her low tolerance to alcohol, as well as her perception of my manhood. But while this really seemed to satisfy all the various theorems of hypnotic mind control as I saw the equations, it slowly, finally dawned on me that I had horribly underestimated the man. And by the time I discovered...
On a turbulent Saturday, when I didn't have a moving job, I was walking home from driving Shannon home in her car and thought a six or seven mile walk back to the Commune would be good for me, to give me a chance to think about the uniqueness of my situation and where I wanted to take it. The grey mucous had slowed but was still being produced. Elizabeth's journal showed that her urge to obey me actually lasted close to three months and not the weeks she had predicted and without extensive...
She touched me when I was craving for a hand to hold me. She came into my life when I was walking through the dark alley in solitude. These may sound like mere words of optimism to some of you readers but to me, it was a life changing experience. You know, we often meet that one person in the most unexpected time and there we are, hooked on to that person. Some of us, who cannot open up to people easily, feel deeply with just an erotic touch. Especially when we know that the person is not the...
Real HookupMe, I love raping some bitch more than anything. I love sticking it to them. Ramming my thick hard, thick 12 inch cock into some unwilling ass and pussy is the greatest thing in the world. It isn't so much the sex though that is damn fine, or even the way my cock feels, pulsing like it's going to explode deep in some dumb cunt's pussy; it's the power, the domination, the forcing of myself into the bitch's body, the violation of something so intimate to them. From the way you're...
They lay together in the bed of their cheap hotel room, the glow from the neon sign outside their window the only illumination. He watched her dozing, the heady satisfaction of satiated lust clear on her face. The window was behind her so her skin shone with the light filtering in through the window and there appeared to be a halo of red light around her. Fitting, he thought, since she was his vice, the she-devil on his shoulder whispering to his mind of carnal desires. He knew he shouldn't...
CheatingHe was up way too early for a Saturday, but he had a pick up to make. He stopped at Starbucks for a coffee before pointing his BMW south and commencing to drive. He glanced in the rearview mirror to check the traffic behind him and then caught sight of his own blue eyes."You're a weakling," he said to himself as he drove.He cursed himself along with the firm he worked they were partially to blame for this situation."If only they had kept to their regular routine I wouldn't be in this...
TransFANTASY I WANT TO BE REAL NOW I’M SO ADDICTED TO BLACK COCKSSo I just can’t get the idea of being humiliated and forced to suck black cocks due to me turning myself into the desperate little sissy white boi I am becoming But I tried to get it out of my mind and date women like I thought I should So long story short I ended up dating a beautiful woman that I met online but i was unaware that she had somehow hacked my internet and she knew all of my kinky hidden desires and I was a mean mistress...
Not mine, but I want to be him. Life of a cum addicted cukold-----------------------------------------------------------Published by samcolt19113 years ago Cuckold Savours The Smelly Loadby Balls Juice ([email protected])***This is a story about a man that who feels the need tobe cuckolded and convinces his wife to fulfill thisneed. She agrees happily with her husband's proposal,but asks him a special favour. The husband agrees anddiscovers the pleasure of eating another man's sperm.(M+/F,...
The job of a traveling salesman can be very lucrative, but being a road warrior can also be exhausting. This type of job is usually handled better by younger men, but I have been very successful. It is hard to give up the commissions and bonuses for a mundane desk job back home at our Minneapolis headquarters. I have been on the road an average of four days a week for the last twenty-five years. My name is Ed, and now at forty-nine years old it has taken a toll on my marriage.With me being gone...
“What are you doing in my room?” I asked as I opened the door of my room and found my eighteen-years-old neighbor, Ryan, standing near the bed. Ryan and I were friends, not really good friends but we did talk to each other all the time. I was two year older than him, so age factor was also there between our friendship. His parents were away for a week so he was staying with us in my elder brother’s room, as my brother was in hostel. “Nothing,” he replied and stood still. He looked scared, as...
Straight SexIt would be very helpful if you read part one of this story to get a better idea of the context of the situation and characters. But in case you just want to start here, I will provide a synopsis of the first story to provide a starting point for this one.My name is Ed, and my wife Sue and I were both forty-one years old at the time of the first story. We had just moved to the Atlanta area when our son Tommy was sixteen years old and going into his junior year in high school. Our home is only...
TabooAddicted to AMPs: Jewel Spa (Jersey City - First Visit)Since ‘The Man’ had many sites removed or blocked on the Internet last April, it has been tough as hell to locate good reviews for many MPs. Using good old research, I was able to put a little list together, and have slowly been (ahem) testing them out for you.Our first test run (since my heyday of visiting Times Square MPs in the 70s through the early 90s), was Jewel Spa located in the Jersey City Heights area. This place is an AMP lover’s...
I know that I mentioned in my story about my “Ebony Goddess” that I had never been with a black woman before. It had been true that I never kissed, felt the bare breast, or pussy of a black woman before her. HOWEVER, I did have a great deal of sexual contact with a young, black woman many years before that.It started when I had moved into my house – right next to a path that led to a side entrance of a small park. One evening, I decided to just go sit on one of the 2 benches there, which I...
He can't stay away from his ex-wife."Lori is something else!" my ex-wife Denise grinned."She's a slut," I shrugged."Hey!" Denise laughed. "That's my sister you're talking about!""It must run in the family," I said."You're probably right," my ex laughed as she reached out and took my cock into her hand. We were both naked on her bed.Denise was a well-endowed blond woman with curves that still drove me wild. I loved her heavy, milky white breasts. Her areolas were large and I took as much of one...
After Wendy told me about how much she loved my huge cock and how she had fucked her stepbrother after months of watching him masturbate at night, I could not get enough of her and she was so fucking horny all the time. She told me how lucky she was to find her dream cock!We fucked all the time, or should I say we had sex all the time. I would give her a lot of oral pleasure as well as fuck her. I loved her curvy big body, it was made for lots of fucking. She was just as often the initiator of...
I am not writing this to brag, but the fact is that I have a massive thick big cock!It is so big that most women run for the hills when we get close to fucking. More often than not I get a woman really turned on when she feels my cock through my pants, but when we get to my or her place and get naked. Then they get scared or they want me to fuck them slowly and gently, which I also do so I don't tear them apart. But after they cum, they want my cock out of them and never call me back! I have...
Addicted To Semenby Mimi XMy heart was pounding as I approached the room. I still wasn't sure why I decided to do this. I knew that there could be some danger. But the allure was stronger...The ad said some guys were looking for a woman who loves cum, and there'd be no forced or unwilling sex – just cum.I was intrigued, so here I am at the hotel – and I knock on the door.A well-kept man in his mid-40's answered the door and invited me in. He didn't ask my name, and I didn't ask his. I saw a...
This story describes my fantasy of the day I will finally meet my love for the first time face to face. To protect the innocent, or guilty, I will refer to my love as Kia and myself as Kane. Hope you all enjoy the story, please rate and leave a comment. It all started one perfect Spring morning, as I woke up and hurriedly checked the time on my phone to make sure I had not overslept. A huge smile came across my face as I saw that I had a text from my love, Kia. I imagined her sexy Texan accent...