Seeking Escape
- 3 years ago
- 24
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The sky was growing lighter. I'd hardly slept. It was because of the two moons. Whenever both are visible above the horizon I can never sleep. The night sky was just like that when they took my father and brother.
My name is Suzy and I am unregistered, which means I officially don't exist. I live alone in one of the deep tunnels. Lots of unregistered people live in the tunnels, most are young like me. There are no men here. They were taken, most of them in that one night, the night of the two moons.
I am one of the 'word runners' in our tunnels. I collect written messages and take them to the big board where the tunnels intersect. It's called Times Square, I don't know why. There's lots of things I don't understand but usually I ask one of the Seniors. The big message board is full of useful information about what's going on above ground, but much of it is untrue. I don't believe the men will come back.
Many of the others have set up home together sometimes in little groups or three or four. They paint the walls of their tunnels and hang up coloured cloths to make it look nice. I want to be on my own though. I don't have a special friend and I don't earn enough units to buy coloured cloths and pretty things. At night I can see the sky if I go to the edge of my tunnel. Sometimes I sleep there if it's warm and there's no fighting.
We are all gang members. My gang is called Vixen and our tag is VXN. Our gang tries to do only good things. We gather bits and pieces from the surface and sort them out and give useful things to those who are too afraid to leave their tunnel. There are about twenty of us and I get on really well with the others. They are kind to me. I was unwell after they took my father and brother. They found me on the surface and I was very very unhappy.
We make our own uniforms from clothes we find on the surface. I have a lovely pair of boots which I guard with my life. I cut off the legs of some trousers I found and with a sleeveless jacket, more like a waistcoat, that's the everyday me. I've cut my hair really short and wear a red scarf around my neck. I like the way I look. I'm lucky because I have very long legs which is why they made me a runner. There are scars on my legs dating back to the time I was very very unhappy. I'm much better now.
Today I must run lots of messages because the Vixens are going to have a big celebration. Two of our gang are getting married. We have put all our units together so we can buy nice things to eat and drink. I know the couple who are marrying very well. They are both so beautiful and so much in love. Every Vixen loves them. We will build a nest for them in a quiet part of the tunnels so they can be alone together and love each other properly.
I suppose you could say our gang runs the communication system. There are other runners, some write important messages and if another gang wants to send important messages then they come to us. They pay us with units or the things their gang makes. Some gangs make useful things for the home, chairs and beds and places to store your things. Others will help carry things from place to place (not everyone is strong and fit). There are lots of gangs down here doing good and useful things but the gangs on the surface only want to fight and steal and they steal people too. I lost a lovely friend that way. We were very close and we looked out for each other. Once we went to bed together. We both liked it very much and we were planning on being together all the time. But one day, when she was on the surface, they took her. I don't like to talk about it but I cried for many days and many nights.
I mentioned the Seniors earlier, they are the older women who were sent here long ago. They are full of wisdom and are very kind. They are not a gang but they do live together in a special place we are not allowed to visit. Instead they come to us. They come at meal times or when we are having a party or when there is something important for us to know. I can ask them anything I want and I do have a favourite. She is so beautiful. The most wonderful eyes. The way she looks at me makes me feel all peaceful. She listens to me when I talk about my fears and my family and how lonely I am. She lets me sit on her lap while she strokes my hair and my back and sometimes she kisses me too. When I told her about my friend, the one who was stolen, I told her about when we went together and she asked me about what we did and she smiled while I told her and she stroked my hair and I felt so safe and cared for.
Only three days to go. Three days to get everything together for the wedding. I must have run a hundred miles getting all the messages out. All of us runners have been to the ends of all the tunnels and back and that is a very long way. Thank God for my boots, they cost hundreds of units and it was all I had and most of my Dad's savings. But without good footwear I just couldn't survive. There is a gang that makes shoes and boots, they are pretty but no good in my job. The girls that wear them are usually members of the sex gangs. I stay well clear of them, some people say they take girls and use them for sex and hurt them. I'm told their leader is very tall and beautiful. I have never seen her but some have caught sight of her on the surface, near the ship. They say she always wears a long black leather coat that nearly reaches all the way to the ground.
Our gang doesn't really have a leader, we sit and talk about things and we all get on really well. I think that's the best way. We all have different skills. I am fast and alert, I can spot trouble a mile off, I'm not very strong but I'm quick witted. I can usually talk my way out of a tricky situation. A girl I often run with, calls herself George. She is physically very strong and she shares with another girl who's equally tough. I'm glad I know them because they would definitely protect me. They are lovers and I smile to think of them making love because they are both so big and strong!
I haven't been with anyone for ages and I definitely need to be with someone who is kind to me and who would protect me. It would be nice to cuddle someone and giggle together in bed. I would spend absolutely ages touching her and helping her have her orgasms. I have an orgasm most days, I do it myself but it would be nicer to have someone to help. Sometimes in the darkness I hear 'cries of joy' echoing through the tunnels. It makes me feel lonely. Some of the girls in my gang pair up just for the night. It is mainly for comfort and mostly they spend the night kissing and cuddling. I don't do this though, I want someone I can get to know properly and love for a long long time. I want someone who I can tell things to who will listen quietly while she holds me and I will do the same for her. And once we have shared our stories we will kiss each other absolutely everywhere.
Now it's the big day. The wedding. No time to feel lonely because I am going to be super busy carrying messages. It's good fun actually. Girls ask me to pass messages to people they would like to talk to and I carry the messages back. It's fun and everyone is happy and relaxed. I have to say that I have dressed up a bit. I spent my last few units on a sexy little dress. It's handmade of course but it's really short and loose and shows off my legs. It's got prints of strawberries all over it. I don't need a bra (confession... I don't even own one). But I found something to wear down below. Normally I'm in my shorts and it doesn't matter but tonight I must be chaste!
I never knew what life was like 'before' I only know what we have now with our scavenging and our tunnels. Some believe that there is a better life on the surface but I don't believe that. The Senior that I like so much told me that I was safer underground and it would be a very long time before anything changed. As long as the lake survived so would we. Did I not tell you about the lake? I'm sorry. It's beneath us, beneath the tunnels. Its water was formed before anything else existed. It rises to the surface all by itself and it flows into tanks and the Seniors guard it and distribute it. No-one questions this system, ever.
Back to the party! The music is loud and everyone is dancing. The oil lights flicker and it all looks so lovely. We are all drinking a sort of punch with an 'additive' made by one of the gangs. God knows what it is but it's pretty wild. Oh My God! The happy couple look fantastic. They are both topless. It's a tradition. It's supposed to symbolise femininity and vulnerability but actually it simply looks so super-sexy. They are both wearing long scarlet skirts and white sashes around their hips and their breasts are really beautiful. They look fantastic and they are so in love they can't keep their hands off each other.
The ceremony begins with a Senior reading a beautiful poem and then they have to promise to take care of each other forever. At this point everyone claps and cheers. Then the Senior tells them they are married, they stand facing each other and then they move towards each other. Each cups the other's breasts and they then carefully touch their nipples together and they look into each other's eyes and they stay that way for ages. It's called the four kisses. I don't know where this beautiful ritual comes from but it's very moving. The Senior makes a wonderful speech and she leads them away. No-one knows what happens next but I think the Senior does something very special with each of them. Something very intimate. Something very personal.
It's quite a crowd, it's all the Vixens plus neighbourhood gangs and everyone is giving each other little gifts. Just simple things... a homemade spoon or an embroidered bed-cloth. I've made some gifts from scraps of metal from the surface. I flattened them with stones and made patterns on them with one end of a pair of scissors I found.
More punch, more additive, more dancing. Some of the girls who had been dancing together were kissing and holding each other tight. Later I expect they would sneak off into the tunnels and love each other. Additive can be quite stimulating. People lose their inhibitions and become very loving to one another. I longed to go into the tunnels with another girl. I would be so nice to her and kiss her absolutely everywhere. I kiss lots of my friends and am kissed by lots of people. In a situation like this, we cup each other's left breast as we kiss, it's a lovely gentle custom.. But right now I put all that to the back of my mind and dance my sexiest dances and get lost in the music.
I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and it was a Senior in her long scarlet hooded cape. It was the Senior that I liked, the tall one with the lovely blue eyes. It was quite common for seniors to visit when a party was underway, they drank additive too and some of them danced. They all wore long red hooded capes and they were kind and friendly to everybody.
"Hello Suzy."
"Hello Madam" I said and lowered my eyes.
The Seniors do not tell us their names, all must be called 'Madam' and we are not allowed to speak unless we are spoken to first. It sounds harsh but everyone accepts it and the Seniors are all good and kind to us.
"Come with me." Said the Senior.
As she turned her cape swirled about her. She held out her hand and I took it and the woman led me away from the party to the narrow tunnel that led to the surface. The Senior never spoke and so we travelled through the darkness in silence. I wasn't afraid, Seniors were always kind to us but I was unsure about why she was taking me. Perhaps she wanted me to run a special mission. I was quite excited actually because I did like her very much and I loved the way she stroked my hair and give me little kisses.
After walking for a long time up a long slope we came to an iron door.
"I must blindfold you now Suzy. The next part of the journey must remain secret."
I held her hand so tight. I could tell we were walking on rough ground and I could feel the acid vapour in the air on my skin. I wasn't wearing much and if I stayed out here for longer than an hour, my skin would start to blister. I was glad of the blindfold actually otherwise my eyes would be stinging like crazy.
I held tight to my Senior's hand, I trusted her and I knew I would be safe. Suddenly the ground was smooth and I sensed we were inside again. The air tasted of nothing... fresh air! Where were we? More walking and then I heard a door being unlocked and the ground became soft and warm. The blindfold was removed and I blinked in the bright light.
"Welcome to my home Suzy."
I could not utter a single word in reply. It was so overwhelming. One wall was all window. We were very high up. The window went all the way from the floor to the ceiling. I looked down. I could see the ship, and further away, in the distance, the dust storms. And on the other side of this huge room. It was all a mirror, one huge mirror. Running all the way In front of the window was a long window-seat covered in brightly coloured cushions.
"Sit Suzy. I will bring you something to eat."
For the next hour I sat on the window-seat while my Senior brought me plate after plate of the most delicious food, things I have never even seen before. And a glass of real wine, not 'additive'. As I ate I looked around. There was a door which perhaps led to other rooms. I guessed that through that door was somewhere to wash and to sleep.
"Perhaps you'd like to take a shower Suzy."
"Oh yes please Madam." I said.
"Good girl, follow me. You can take as long as you want."
The shower was wonderful, I stood under the hot water for ages and ages. There was real soap and lovely shampoo and all sorts of creams and wipes. I washed everywhere and then started all over again. My God, the feeling of being really really clean was so lovely. I dried myself and went to get dressed but my clothes had gone. I walked back to the room with the towel tucked round me. My Senior stood up and walked towards and led me to the wall that was all one huge mirror. She turned me to face the mirror and she stood behind me. She put her hands on my shoulders and looked deep into my eyes.
"Suzy, I am going to tell you my name. My name is Ana and I want to see your body."
Then she reached round and unfastened the towel and let it fall and I was completely naked and I felt dizzy but I wanted it to happen. I did not know precisely what would happen but my body was crying out for it whatever it was. I wouldn't even mind if it hurt a bit. I knew some sort of sex thing was going to happen and my body was stirring inside and I simply longed to be touched.
"You have a beautiful body Suzy, now turn around for me... "
I knew Ana was looking at the reflection of my bottom. I was very proud of my bottom, lacking very much on top it was my best asset. Ana reached down and ran her soft hands over my skin. I thought I must be in a dream and now I was being led to the window seat and Ana undid her scarlet cape and I saw her... her breasts and tummy and tummy button and her triangle and long legs and I almost fainted.
(But I didn't faint and so I can tell you exactly what happened!)
Ana settled herself at one end of the window seat with her back against the wall and stretched out her legs and she invited me to sit between them and to lean back against her. I could feel her breasts against my back. I could feel her nipples growing hard against my back. Her hands were on my breasts, cupping them and rolling the tips between her fingers. I could feel her lips on my shoulder and neck, covering me with little butterfly kisses. Not a word was spoken. I loved the way that Ana had of trailing the backs of her fingers against my skin. I was all goosebumps and she stroked my sides and all the way down to my waist, then my hips then my thighs.
There was silence, just the liquid sound of Ana's kisses and the pounding of my heart and the blood roaring in my ears.
Her fingertips drew lazy patterns on my tummy, lower and lower. I lifted my hips in the hope of being touched down there but the feather light touches continued. Now the insides of my thighs were being stroked oh so lightly and gently. I lay back against this wonderful woman and watched the clouds passing by.
Then it happened, then the teasing fingers found me and I just lay back and let it happen. I love not being the one in charge. I love submitting. She opened me with such care and gentleness. I reached back to touch her but she moved my arm away.
"Maybe next time Suzy." She whispered and she parted my inner lips and found my entrance. The clouds floated by, God knew how high up we were, her finger entered me, and then another. A slow easy rhythm. And in the quiet of the room the little sounds of wetness. I felt the fingers of her other hand press at the base of my tummy. How did she know I liked that? So far my clit had been ignored but now it too was caressed so beautifully. Ana seemed to know me so well.
In seconds she had found that 'sweet spot' on my clit (we all know where ours is) and she homed in on it remorselessly. She used my body like an artist. She led me to such sensations and as my body tensed in readiness, she changed course and moved to another area, another technique. My hips rose as the tension in my body grew stronger than I had never known. One of Ana's hand supported my hips while her fingers continued ravaging my sex. Then I felt it. The lightest touch, but on my anus. I tightened and tried to pull away. This is taboo. Very taboo. The finger was insistent for a moment and then withdrew. I did not what to think but I knew I was more aroused than I had ever been before. A kiss and a caress and I relaxed back to the rhythm of the fingers that were leading me to a place unknown.
"Such a good girl." Ana whispered as she caressed my sex. I couldn't help lifting my hips and helping her go deeper. The rhythm was changing, more urgent, fiercer, faster. My clit was sandwiched between two fingers and those fingers were driving me right to the edge of reason.
I knew Ana was taking me to the limit because as I felt my climax drawing closer, the fingers slowed and paused and the feelings subsided only to begin again, harder and faster. Her lips on my neck turned into a bite and her teeth closed on to my flesh and everything went white and my climax crashed over me like a tidal wave and swept me so far out to sea I could no longer see the shore.
I know I screamed out, my throat was hoarse afterwards. I felt myself being lifted up and I felt the cool breeze and I was in another place. Ana was different too and her eyes were very bright and I think I had another orgasm. I'm not sure of anything really except that I was in love with Ana and I wanted to be entirely hers.
I have no recollection of my journey back to my place in the tunnels. Once I was alone I sat and tried to reason it out. I had been screaming, my sore throat was evidence of that. But my nipples were really sore too. The skin around them was red and tender. My pussy was okay and everything, but my mind... my mind had definitely been through the mill. Thoughts were all jumbled up, disorganised and scattered. I looked into the piece of polished tin I use as a mirror. I didn't recognise myself... yes it was me but something in my eyes was very different. I sat and looked at myself for a while. I poured myself some additive and tried to relax. All I knew is that I had to find Ana to understand what had happened. But now, time for sleep. I had to be up early and do my work running the words of others.
Days passed but my longing only grew stronger. After much thought and a discussion with the others, it was agreed that I should return to the surface to try and find this wonderful woman. The acid in the air was much less dangerous at night and so it was safer to travel above ground. The dust storms died down too but it was still very unsafe. The gangs that operated above ground were to be avoided at all costs. I would need to use my speed and my quick wits to protect me. I never carry a weapon. In my world it is more dangerous to carry one because it can be taken from you and used against you. I wore the same little dress that I wore when my Senior found me.
I retraced my steps and entered the narrow tunnel. I found the iron door and soon I was outside. Only one moon showed in the night sky and that encouraged me a lot. I walked trying to remember the direction, mainly from the feel of the ground beneath my feet. My only clue was that I was looking for a high tower. There were no lights above ground just the moonlight and then I saw it and as the dust cleared I saw the vast shape right in front of me. It was the ship. I could see the great gash in the side. I knew at once I had gone the wrong way. I turned to go back to the place where I started. Then it happened, right there by the ship.
All I can remember is something soft with a disgusting bitter smell covering my face. A high pitched whistling sound in my head. Orange lights in my head, hands reached out to hold me and then nothing. Just wild vivid horrible dreams.
My head ached and my mouth was so dry. I tried to touch my face but I could not move my arms. I looked up. In the semi darkness I could see that my wrists were fastened to a metal bar over my head. My next thought was to look down to see if I still had my boots. Yes! Thank God. I could hear the wind blowing through the holes in the side of the ship. I pulled hard against my restraints but it only hurt my wrists and there was no escape.
As my head began to clear I tried to figure out a plan. I kicked my feet against the thin metal behind me. It echoed through the empty ship. I pulled hard on the cuffs holding my wrists but it hurt too much. I was very very frightened. I felt tears welling up. My tummy was all cramps and I wanted to pee.
Then someone was behind me, a hand gripped my head and turn it to face her. It was a girl about my age. She was holding a battered tin cup.
"Where am I? Who are you? Please let me GO!"
"Drink this." was her only reply.
She had a paper straw and she held the end of the straw to my lips and I drank and drank I was so thirsty. It had a bitter taste but I was grateful for it nonetheless.
"More please." I said.
The girl laughed and offered me the straw again and I drained the cup. The girl looked at me in a strange way and shook her head. I listened to her footsteps grow fainter then silence again. No more footsteps just the sound of the wind whistling through the ship's hull. God knows how long I was left there alone. My wrists hurt and my arms were aching and I was beginning feeling sort of detached from everything.
Footsteps again. I waited. It was the girl who had given me the drink but she was not alone. With her was a woman, tall with piercing blue eyes. Her face was framed by long dark hair and she was wearing a long black leather coat. The leader of the most dangerous sex gang.
"So, what have we here?" The woman said.
Her voice was mocking, menacing and I felt very afraid.
"And such a pretty dress too, Suzy the word runner."
The woman stood right up close, now her voice was soft, intimate, almost a whisper.
"What are we going to do with you Suzy?"
I couldn't speak. I saw the knife in her hand and I froze. She pulled the shoulder strap of my dress to one side and she cut though it with a single stroke. She sliced through the thin cotton down the front of my dress and now I was just in my panties. She pulled the waistband and cut the last piece of clothing from my body and I was all naked except for my boots.
As the girl watched, the leader squeezed each breast in turn and pinched each nipple hard. I was determined not to cry out. The woman looked into my eyes and ran a fingernail slowly down my bare skin from my neck all the way down. Then looking intently into my eyes, she put her hand between my legs and felt me there.
"Oh Suzy what a soft and smooth little puss. Let us see if we can awaken it a little!"
She stepped back and moved behind me. I felt her hands slide down my back and stroke my bottom.
"Very nice, perhaps we should start here." The woman said and laughed.
She turned to the girl who was standing grinning at me.
"Ocean, whip her arse."
In the corner of my eye I saw the girl pick up a long thin cane. I closed my eyes tightly and braced myself. Bright lights flashed in my head. I bit my lip hard. It was so painful but I would not scream.
Again an explosion of pain that seemed to reach every nerve in my body.
"Please no more... you will kill me."
I was crying and could hardly see through my hot tears. I felt the hand going between my legs again and feeling me. She was gentle and I wasn't expecting her to be.
"Well well, I do believe little Suzy is getting a little moist... is she may be one of those who responds to pain by getting hot?"
I was so angry that my body had betrayed me. But it was true, being helpless and at the mercy of this woman was turning me on. My bottom was burning, I felt the leader touching it gently. What was so disturbing was the fact that I was being hurt but in the next moment I was being caressed. This woman had the power of life or death over me and the way she looked at my naked body was really arousing. .
She squatted down and used her thumbs to open me. She pushed my outer lips apart and looked closely at my vulva. A finger stroked down my clitoris. My clit is quite prominent when I'm all open like this. I have seen my other Vixens and some have clits that are more hidden. It doesn't matter of course, it's what's inside that matters but mine starts quite high up. The tip is tiny though and super-sensitive. After I've come I can bear to touch it.
The woman turned to the girl. Was I going to be whipped again?
"Lick her cunt Ocean, lick her until her cream dribbles out of her."
Ocean squatted down and patted my clit with her finger tips. Then she licked me all the way up and down again. The way her tongue flickered over my labia and the whole length of my clit. The way she moved the soft skin, my little soft hood. As she licked, Oceans fingers crept round and she held my bottom and touched between my cheeks. I tried to pull away but there was no way. Tears came into my eyes as I realised that I was going to have my anus touched.
The leader's face was close to mine.
"Oh dear, such tears when we are about to give you so much pleasure."
Ocean continued licking and touching. Her tongue and fingers were everywhere in all my special secret places and I could feel myself responding. The girl was very skilful and I could feel my climax rising up deep inside me. Oh God, please don't let me come like this.
"That's enough Ocean... we need to mix some pain with the pleasure, don't we Suzy?"
The girl stopped but not without stretching my labia painfully with her teeth. The woman had something in her hand. It was shiny metal and there were wires and a long then stalk ending in a bulb-like tip. I was going to be tortured. I held myself tense and I shut my eyes tight and kept them shut.
"Keep very still Suzy."
I felt something cold slide down my front. From the top of my chest, all the way down between my breasts and all the way down to the bottom of my tummy. I tensed my muscles and I felt the metal thing press hard into me. Then it happened. My insides were on fire one moment and frozen solid the next. I pulled hard against my restraints. Something happened. I began to feel more aroused than ever before in my whole life. It was the most exquisite feeling and I longed for it to go on forever. The leader looked deep into my eyes, ice blue. I felt she could see into my soul and I was afraid that she would see how much I longed for her touch.
The tip moved lower and came to rest on my clitoris, looking down I saw her probe stroking each side, it was such a powerful feeling. There was no pain now, just little surges of pleasure.
"You like this don't you Suzy. I think if I keep doing this you might actually come!" And she laughed.
"Now let's do this... Suzy you must keep very still for me.. "
The bulb was parting me, opening me, sliding into me. I felt it going deeper and deeper and then I felt a stab of pain and it felt as if the tip was inside my womb. There was a rush of exquisite pleasure and I thought I was going to orgasm but just as I strained to reach my climax, the sensation ceased.
Now the probe thing was touching my other opening.
"No! Not there, please... "
But as I said the words I knew that I wanted it. And it slid in so easily, I was so wet and everything was slippery wet down there and the tip went just inside and I held my breath. I waited, I knew it would hurt and part of me wanted that and part of me wanted to come and be tied like this all the time and be used like this, be abused like this.
"Please make me come...!" My voice was almost a growl.
My whole body arched and strained, I looked up at the sky, I saw two moons. There was a deafening sound and I couldn't see or hear anything but someone was holding me around the waist and lifting me up and I was a broken doll and I cried for the friend I lost and the pain I felt and I cried as I remembered the way she lay in my arms afterwards we had made love that night.
And then there was no more remembering. There was nothing at all. No memory, no pain, no fear. I was in bed, cool clean sheets, the room was brightly lit. Colours, beautiful things I had never seen before and rain falling. I tried to gather my shattered thoughts... I am Suzy, I am a Vixen.... I am Suzy the word runner... I once loved a girl and they took her...
"My boots!"
I sat up in bed in panic, then I saw her. Ana, my Senior. She was here and she was sitting on the chair next to the bed.
"I love watching you sleep Suzy."
"How long have I been asleep?"
"Two days."
"My boots?"
"... are here Suzy, right here."
And she held them up so I could see and then I burst into tears and Ana pulled back the sheet and, slipping off her gown, got into bed beside me.
We kissed and kissed and she held me and I felt so happy and safe. I felt her move until she was astride me. Her face was so beautiful and everything in the room shone like gold and Ana was naked and she lowered her breasts onto mine so our nipples were touching.
I watched them melt into each other, merging, melding. I wasn't afraid. Ana was high above me, her eyes shone, a sapphire blue light. And our breasts melted into each other and our tummies too. She lifted her hip and I felt her enter me. Her hands found me and parted me and spread me wide and she was inside my womb and as we kissed her tongue travelled deep inside me and I felt a joy I have never experienced.
"I'm caressing your cervix Suzy!" And Ana smiled down at her and her eyes flashed blue and I saw that she loved me.
"Take everything Madam, take ALL of me... even there." God how I longed to be touched there.
And my prayers were answered and I felt something caressing my anus, I was so pleased! It was EXACTLY how I wanted to be touched. Was it another tongue? Ana was inside me there, swelling my rectum, widening my anus. I felt so proud because I loved her. I wanted to be touched there so much.
I felt myself rising and I felt Ana lifting me and I looked up and she was liquid and so was I, and we merged and melted. And as our separate colours ran together I felt my clitoris and Ana's clitoris touch and then blend and then bond together as every nerve ending was shared between us. It was as if we were both falling into each other's reflection. We were ourselves and each other all at the same time and I have never ever been so happy as my tongue slid into her and found her tongue and at the entrance to my vagina was where they danced.
Ana's smile widened and I knew that I was now possessed utterly and totally.
I hear her voice, it was inside my head.
"Just KNOW you are loved Suzy."
My heart burst and filled the room with butterflies.
"Come with me Suzy."
The air was filled with the exquisite scents of the love that can only exist between women. Our orgasms came at the same moment and became one orgasm that belonged to us both. Then darkness and that perfect moment to fall asleep when you are with the woman you love and both your bodies are so content and fulfilled. All I felt was joy and then no more...
In between cool clean sheets. My mind was calm and clear. I lifted the sheet and looked at my body. It was me. Complete, intact. I was also ravenously hungry. Ana was nowhere to be seen, I slipped out of bed and opened the door. I need to find some clothes!
The whole place was quiet. Curious now, I opened a door and found Ana's wardrobe. So many beautiful clothes, such colours I had never imagined possible. Silks, beautiful briefs and panties and slips. Then I saw something incongruous hanging from a peg at the back. It was a long black leather coat!
And Ana was behind me and she wrapped her arms around me.
"There is much I need to teach you Suzy and in time you will understand... I love you very much."
My head was spinning, I turned in her arms and she kissed me and her hands went to my bottom and gently squeezed.
"This is our home now Suzy."
And saying that she ran her finger down the valley of my bottom and her fingertip touched my taught little aperture and without hesitation I wriggled against it and by opening a little, I helped her finger slip into my anus. I felt Ana's lips kiss my shoulder as her finger slid even deeper.
"Such a good girl Suzy."
The End
Helen Simpson and Simon Corbett were both in their late fifties and were part of a group of six or seven couples that often met at dances or for a drink or a meal.Whilst some of the group were loud and gregarious neither Helen nor Simon liked to be the centre of attention although they were both sociable and happily joined in conversations.Helen was married to Colin and Simon to Elizabeth but unbeknown to each other and to the rest of the group neither marriage was happy.Simon found Helen to be...
MatureI was 20 when I saw the request pop up in my MySpace message inbox. A young, lean, White dude who was probably a little older wanted me to come to his apartment...and step on him. I remember the confusion that washed over my face as I stared back at the message.Step on him? Me?I would kill him. I was 250+ pounds at the time, still wearing tracksuits on purpose, still trying to find myself, still talking to horny little internet boys my age trying to meet up and fuck, running around AFF like a...
The answer comes back quickly: "Coming up right behind you, partner! Did you get a make on the car?" Tom checks his rearview mirror. Sure enough, there's his backup partner, fellow officer Matt McClint's cruiser, weaving through what little traffic there is, pulling up fast on his right. "It's a white Lexus RX-330. Haven't got the license yet, but--there he is, right ahead!" Officer Blake is just rounding a bend in the road and manages to catch sight of the white cruiser just...
This has been an incredible six months. I still can't believe it. From sexual awakening to school and then back home for Christmas. My mind was in a whirl. We had never in my memory had so many people visiting over the holidays. I was still trying to sort out the problems that I had caused since I had overheard that casual conversation between my mother and the doctor. Christ, what a mess! Just coming home meant I had to deal with my lovely mother and sister. Truly a pleasure. With the...
The train was waiting at the station to begin the last part of it’s journey, the four Bengali boys were the only passengers in the end carriage, they all looked when the well liked Cindy boarded the train, they noticed the top three buttons on her blouse were open. Cindy went and sat a few seats from the boys just as the train pulled out of the station on it’s two hour journey to the next station. After a short while Abdul went to the toilet as he passed Cindy he stole a quick glance and saw...
Approximately 1:30 a.m. I woke to Carrie sucking on my cock. By the time I had totally awoken, my cock was 100% hard. She smiled at me, "Good morning, lover. I just woke up from this terrible dream." I bit again, "What dream was that?" Carrie smiled, "It was a nightmare. You weren't making love to me." "Well, we better fix that, shouldn't we?" "Oh, most certainly." I turned her over on her back and mounted her pussy. It was wet and ready for my cock. I thrust balls deep...
Now all the girls wrote in my yearbook “to the cutest boy”. I was cute with light blue eyes and sandy colored hair. I had dated girls but had always wonder if I could be gay. More than once I had seen Mark naked. And I always made sure to look at his beautiful, big cock and nice body. But I didn’t want to be queer. Now this was a time that the worst thing in the world you could be was gay if you were in school. It was a tag you did not want to have. To be considered a queer meant...
Sam loves hanging out with Carly, but she feels slightly awkward around her, she makes her feel so strange. She finds out she's not the only one who feels this way when she goes over to Carly's house. BTW-I still don't own iCarly, and my chinchilla is forever awesome*SAM*I was on the couch watching some show about a guy and magic hamster, eating ribs covered in Carly's favourite yellow blanket. She was probably talking with Freddie about how she made such a huge mistake, and must've gone...
If the naked, hotly curved young blonde suffered from anything, it was brassy over-confidence. She knew she could inspire a frantic lust in her teenage friend using the same cunning tactics the music teacher had wantonly used on her. But she couldn't really know how shattering an effect it would have on the innocent girl. Her blood singing wildly in her ears, Sylvia lay on top of Cindy. She showered kisses on her friend's throat while she rubbed her lush tits against Cindy's hot breasts....
This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn't get an account here), I'm posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story aren't specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. It's a work in progress, with currently 8 chapters and counting. Chapter 1 serves as a prologue. Chapter 2 is the actual start of the story, with Chapter 3 onwards containing the real...
My G/f and Me needed to pick up a few dollars , so We saw a post at the food store , It said needed can use a couple to help with home with pay . So We called the People an they said they were willing to pay Us to do some work , so the next weekend we went . The Lady who came to the door had long straight brown hair she wore a short summer dress , she smiled and asked us in . The Husband came out an said hello . They said the bathroom needed some plumbing work and the house needed...
Shocked does not describe it. This weekend had been weird enough already, but now I felt like I was entering the Twilight Zone. As I sat there alone in Abbey’s room, I could already feel my cheeks flushing with embarrassment. What would I have done if I’d opened the bag whilst Ms. Kingston had still been sat there? I didn’t even want to think about it. I’m not sure what I had been expecting to be in the bag, a new top or a CD maybe, but I was well off the mark. Sex toys would certainly not have...
Day 2I must be dreaming? I feel a warm embrace, moving, sucking, licking my enlarging dick. I feel a hand on my sack, playing with my balls. The other is stroking the root of my shaft, soft fingers encircling my erection. I open my eyes, feeling the sensation becoming more tangible and not just a fleeting and dreamy excitement. In the dim red light of the alarm clock, I see a shadow bobbing at my waist. I find the light controls and illuminate the room just a little bit. I see Akari, between my...
Fantasy & Sci-FiAlice found herself in a very familiar setting; her father’s study, but not quite as she remembered it. Thankfully, she was wearing a dressing robe, for the idea of being naked in this most sacred of places would have left her completely flustered.‘It is a dream, after all,’ she reminded herself. ‘And I am not suddenly returned home.’Looking about the room, she took note of what belonged and what didn’t. Her father’s plush reading chair and ottoman, his shelves of books, his side table (upon...
MasturbationThe International Women's Freedom Front Part I By Katie Dale John Tallon's father Paul was a successful doctor, so successful that John's mother Beth was able to stay home and not work. She was happy with that. They were a traditional Christian family with traditional - maybe old fashioned - Christian values. They went to their local church every Sunday, and were always volunteering for various church charity functions. Paul was considered one of the best Gynecologists in...
The girls were playing a juiced up game. When the girls took the field at the top of the sixth they were up 13-4. They were starting to look like a team, both on and off the field. They played hard together and partied hard together. Kevin and I were relaxing on the team bench leaning back against the chain-link fence and watched as the girls made it three up and three down. Hannah Murkowski was sitting between us. "Joe, what should we tonight?" Hannah was pounding her drum for a little...
My husband, Ken, and I have been married 15 years. It has always been great, as he is truly my soul mate. There is nothing that I wouldn't do for or with him. About three years ago, we decided to add some extra excitement to our sex life by letting me seduce and have sex with another man. Before I tried it, I made sure that it was ok with Ken. He assured me that it was. I found that Ken really got off on knowing that another man was giving me orgasms and I was doing the same to him. I always...
“Oh I love fucking!” said the fourteen-year-old blond as the man who had just deflowered her put his cock back in for another go. The lightly-fur-framed hole was an easy entry because his two friends had also filled it and added their lubricant while he reloaded. He’d sent them on their way after their dicks were drained. This pussy was all his for the rest of the evening. She thanked him for his thoughtfulness in providing so much pleasure. “Oh I love fucking!” said the high school senior as...
CHAPTER 1 Darcy Farnsworth was tiring of world travel and seeking to be hired to do whatever when within sight of his last dollar, Euro, Rand or funny money if he were in one of the smaller nations. Derrick — or Darcy as everyone including his mom called him — had left home three years after graduating to see how the other half lived. It was now ‘been there, done that’ and nothing to show for it and worrying that all the good babes at home would have been snapped up. Well, perhaps he’d find a...
I noticed her right off the bat. She was sexy as hell. Gorgeous long, tan legs and a perfectly shaped, tight curvy ass, wearing a nicely filled tank top with a hint of nipples showing through, and shorts that barely covered her cheeks. My cock stirs just staring at her. She even had strappy high heels on. I love when women’s toes are painted and hers were a crimson red. Perfect! I was leaning against the wall watching her every movement like a sleek panther stalking his prey waiting to see who...
Stacy hugged me tightly and then pulled back. I fervently hoped the doubt and concern I felt weren’t plainly graven upon my face. I unconsciously held my breath as she looked up at me. When she smiled, her eyes were no longer misty and I felt tremendously relieved. I smiled in return and she ground her pelvis against me. “I’m still on the pill,” she said suggestively. “Oh?” I definitely wanted to have sex with her, but I was still more than a little upset by what had just happened....
Hi Indian sex stories readers, this is Vignesh 24 from Chennai 5.7″ tall, slim body. Currently working in a mnc. Earning fine. This story is all about how I was seduced by an neighbourhood aunty named Lalitha and now I am working as a part time gigolo for money and for fun. Please don’t mind if this story is too long as this is my first time writing. Actually I am very much interested in pets especially birds.. I am living in an rented house with my friends. And lalitha age 33 homely having...
The prow of the wrecked ship hit the Kestrel with a sickening crunch. Swabs went to their knees. Riggers hung on to their ropes as they were whipped back and forth by the jarring impact. A few unlucky sailors even found themselves bowled completely over, or found themselves hanging in the air, suspended by their safety lines. Rope burn, splinters and scraped skin abounded. Those at the front of the ship fared the worst. Danica and Mister Lynch were thrown backwards from the prow all the way to...
Fantasy & Sci-FiEverything with Scott and I seemed to return to normal. We held hands walking around school and I ate lunch with him and the football team rather then Elizabeth. I was worried about this because I didn’t want to hurt her after all she had done to help me make cheerleader but I just couldn’t face her and figured she was mad at me anyway. And of course with it being Wednesday we had a freshman game that night. I was very happy when I saw Scott there and he sat close and waived at me...
We separated from them to get some food to take to our room. I’d swear I heard him having a coughing jag. On our trip to the room, I told Jenn that I didn’t have a clue what the list of things I had mentioned might cost. I have some homework, don’t I? Catching up with the other girls, I declared, “As beautiful as the three of you are, I have no time this evening to have some fun time. I have an important meeting in the morning.” “Not even a blowjob ... from each of us?” Brigitte...
WHEN I RETURNED TO THE LOWER LEVEL bearing two bottles of Prosecco, a bottle of peach juice, and the required ten glasses, the first thing I noticed was that no one had dressed. At least not in clothes. Melody had produced a dozen strips of fabric and the girls were busy draping them partially over their bodies, apparently making sure that their most delectable bits stayed exposed. The tableau setting had been rearranged and it looked like they were getting ready for another sketch. I groaned...
It’s so hard to find a job when you’re sixteen. Summer finally arrived and I needed a job. Since no one would hire me I asked my mother if I could use the lawn mower to try to make some extra cash. She told me it was fine. I had made up fliers and put them in some mailboxes. I got about a dozen replies and set up a schedule to mow the lawns once a week.My name is Jimmy; I had just graduated tenth grade. I was 5’10” with a thin build and I played first base on my high school baseball team as...
TabooI couldn't go outside dressed like that could I?Here I was forced to dress like a slut in locked on heels, barely black stockings, mini skirt, frilly white blouse with which could clearly see my black bra and 38d breastforms and heavily made up face. I would have looked like a reasonable vision of a woman, albeit a very slutty woman other than the fact that my new Master and my ex-wife had failed to give me a wig. So to anyone seeing me it would be clear that I was in fact a feminised male....
Helloo Elrigu namaskara, en gurugale elru mast mast story submit madthira aadhre yaaru kannadadhalli bareyo prayathnane madalwalla…irli bidi nannu barithini, aadhre story alla nanna jeevanada nijavada ghatane..Nanu Rohit sumne helodhalla naavu thumbane shreemantharu Dad olle buisness man and amma kooda aste high position in a reputed company dodda mane, car adhu idhu otnalli ee kalakke estu hi-fi beko astu idhe haage nannakka Monika, nanagintha 2 varsha doddavalu andhre 24 years, naanu...
I was sitting at my kitchen table when I heard the front door bell. To my surprise, it was Jimmy Clayton my neighbor from across the street. ‘Jimmy, what a nice surprise, when did you get back? Please, come in would you like some coffee?’ ‘Hi Mrs. Fallon, I just got back yesterday and I would love some coffee. I’ve officially completed my obligation to the Army and other than some reserve meetings, I’m done being a soldier. Is Jessie here?’ ‘No, I’m sorry Jimmy, Jessie’s not here she...
Steve awoke slightly confused. He was spooning with Anna, her full breast in his hand, but there was another woman pressed against him from behind, her erect nipples making little dents in his back. He looked down, realized that the woman he was holding wasn't Anna, and finally woke enough to remember the night before. Mary had been torn about her sexuality ever since the rape; she'd had a very pleasant lesbian experience, but she was still both strongly attracted to Steve and dreadfully...
The next morning, I awoke much later than I normally would. However, I did awake feeling refreshed and with much less pain. My first thought was of the incident bathing. It brought a big smile to my face. Sometime during the night, Dawn had snuggled up to me and laid her head upon my shoulder. I carefully propped a pillow under her head, so as not to disturb her. I didn't want to wake the sleeping beauty. I stared at her for a very long time. Even her freckles were perfectly placed. Why do...
Part 15Oh god, this could not be happening!“Mmmm...aren't you a cute little girl?” She got a tight grip in my light pink hair, and pulled my head back. “I see why my useless thing of man wants to fuck you! Harrold, you need to pleasure this girl. Or can you not even do that right?” She looked at Luis, just laying there in the middle of it all, with his big black cock out, but she didn't care. “Does it feel good while my husband is fucking your tight little pussy?”Harrold got turned on, and...
Hi readers.this is my first story of my first sex experience.this happened 2 months before when i was in us but now i am in india i think u would like it.this is my id – .you can contact me for a notty chat or for a sex relation. It was the end of summer, end of august, and my parents were planning a weekend away before the weather began to cool down. Recently our family had become friends with the edissons family who live down the street. The edissons have 2 daughters, natalie who is 19 and...
Introduction: Summer ends with our incestous family vacation. Incest Vacation This story is told from the view of Fran, the daughter, but there are parts where she was not present. Those parts are told from what she was told or from more of a third party point of view. Hope you enjoy it. _____________________________________________________________________________________ My twin brother, Bobby and I were fucking in the back of our minivan as Dad drove and Mom rode in the passengers seat. We...
38 fantasy Birthdays treat for a scribe Another birthday, spent with the wife, a Tuesday in March, usual sort of birthday , a meal with the family the highlight, to most just a meal, to me a mark of the fact I had passed another year and those that matter most have survived with me. On Saturday I am to receive a present that money can`t buy, and it`s not from my family it`s from a woman I have never met, a married Mum who has a very open sex life which I document for her as well as I am...
I was rather disappointed to wake up this morning, and realize Mom hadn't come in to see me last night. Had I done something to offend her? If so I needed to make amends. But first things first, I had to pee.I walked out to the kitchen, hoping to catch Lisa before she left for school, but heard her driving off instead. Mom's bedroom door was closed, so I knocked with me knee, but got no answer. I checked the garage, and saw that her car was still there, so went back to try her door again.Before...
"We have a problem," Amber told me as she walked into my bedroom. Looking up from my laptop, I had to smile. Even at seven months pregnant, the woman was beautiful; her long red hair framing her small face, her pale skin glowing with the radiance that only pregnant women seem to possess, and her blue eyes always twinkling with some sort of mischief."What is that?" I ask. I can tell from her look that she isn't angry with me, something I try to avoid at all costs, since our one and only fight. I...
The day had dawned bright and clear with a deep lapis lazuli sky, quite at contrast with the murky overcast days of the last week.Amanda hummed to herself in her kitchen, listening to birds chirruping in the garden and smelling the first summer scents wafting in through the open window.‘It’s gonna be a hot one’ she mused to herself, idly watching a dragonfly buzz over the river behind her cottage while she emptied the dishwasher.She loved her little chocolate box cottage, the rose trellis...
From just this side of slumberI hear her soft voice tell me that she can't sleep,and yet to me she seems so deepinside a dream of my own making.She slowly turns away and I feelthe soft, round flesh of her bottom brushagainst my slightly bent leg -- a rushof electricity every time.She pushes back further untilI feel the delicate dampness between her cheeks,and with no sound this movement speaks,and I am always ready to listen.Pulling away the sheet to expose our naked flesh,I glide my open lips...
That big black cock of Jonjon makes Bridgette B wet instantly. The blonde babe with green eyes and absolutely breath-taking 34DDD/E / 75G tits can’t wait to seduce him in the living room for some absolutely epic hardcore fun! Watch her big tits unveiled and see him suck her big nipples before she bends over to give that dark-skinned stud a blowjob. Jonjon can’t wait to dip his tongue deep into that blondie’s dripping wet cunny and licks her tasty pussy before sliding his...
xmoviesforyouI never thought anything like this would happen, certainly not with my friend Gregor's uncle. Gregor and I went to the local Parochial High School. Because I opted to to walk home after school and we took the same route we began walking together. If I wore my school colors the Cops would give me a pass, if not inevitably someone would call about some Black k** wandering through their neighborhood. Gregor walking with me usually made it okay but occasionally we got stopped. My neighborhood...
Note: This is the last chapter BlackIrish was able to edit for me. Monday September 7 Today was Labor Day, so I didn’t have anything I had to do. Tami had been shocked by my revelation last night that I was no longer in love with her, and for the first time in my life she didn’t have anything to say. She’d just left me so I could get back to sleep. When I woke up, I went downstairs looking for my uncle. He and I had to have a talk. I found Aunt Bonnie. “You want some...
My mom had spoken to my Landlord. That's what had happened. She was the only one I had told. So that explains how mom knew. The 'Mom's Network.' Amazing! "When did you speak to her?" I asked, with Lindie and Michelle Bubble-Wrapping me comfortably. "She called on told me. "I guess while you were driving here from Stewart City," "Really," I said. "She mentioned you had talked to her Thursday evening," my mom explained. "After work, I guess." "I will admit that I...
Six months have passed since the party. Six months since Harper stumbled into Anthe McAlister’s room. Six months since she put on the strap-on that changed everything. That night Harper had gone to bed extraordinarily happy though exhausted and woke up fearful. She worried Anthe would tell her father, that she’d be out of a job and maybe worse. But nothing came of it. Damion McAlister never said a word. Hell, she hasn’t seen or heard from Anthe since. Then of course there is the issue of...
Tuesday nights are popular at Zoey Reye’s dance studio. She teaches a class called “Stripping For Your Gal”. The class is just as it sounds: Zoey teaches men how to seduce their ladies through sexy dance. Sounds crazy, but you know what? She’s got five slots open for that particular class…and it’s been a sell out since Day 1. You’re about to find out why: what starts as a sexy dance class soon turns sex at dance class. Zoey Reyes has always had a thing...
xmoviesforyouIt was the evening of the Kink Collection party. Cerys was bleary eyed and coughing. Her nose was streaming from a particularly unpleasant cold. “It’s no good,” she said, “I’m in no condition to go to this thing tonight. “You sound awful,” Allison responded, sympathetically. She had come to meet up with her friend on the way to the Kink Collection event but Cerys was obviously not well. “I quite understand.” “I think the only way I could do it would be wearing a gas mask with a block of...
Hello everyone, my name is Ajay Kumar and I am based in Visakhapatnam. A little introduction about me. I became bi-sexual under different circumstances. I was later diagnosed with erectile dysfunction which made me more drawn towards the bisexual world. The following story is a work of fiction, which I hope happened in my life. It’s a bit lengthy and sorry for any grammatical errors. I am an active member of gay dating sites looking for Dominant Masters and Couples. I was browsing through...
Gay MaleThe Truth About Life II - by: InnocentGuilt Chapter 3 - Club 69 The entranceway of club 69 was an offset crimson gray with metallic black hedges flowing to the surface. At the front door was a tall, well muscled, black man. "You guys had better be on the list," the bouncer said. "Hello! We are two people in cop uniforms who just happen to have a car parked in the rear of the building. I think we by pass any list requirements," Roger said, pointing to his badge. "We see...
My mind was dizzy and confused, and yet the mist and pain were gone. I found myself unexpectedly in the present, or was it the past? With a sense of d'j ... vu, I found that Christine was swaying in front of me, full of nervous expectation. "You're the daughter of the Marquis," I asserted blankly as if this would come as a surprise to her, which, of course, it didn't. For me, it was still an upsetting surprise although the more I looked at her, the more that I saw the likeness. I felt...
My life.I nervously went into the doctor's room. Not at all sure what I would say tohim. However it had got to the point where I really wanted to give up on life, Iknew that despite being heterosexual I would never be with a woman."Pencil dick, pencil dick" the teasing rang in my ears. Whilst I love sport Icould no longer go into a changing room with my schoolmates. You see, theywere correct my penis was tiny compared to theirs. Everywhere I went I heardor at least thought I heard the sniggers...
I have two friends named Brendan and Tim. They are both bisexual and have recently become partners. Brendan was a huge 25yo stud, and Tim was a 19yo twink with blue eyes and blonde hair. One day, as they were preparing for their second sexual experience, they were watching some nude wrestling porn. They were both supporting different people. Tim said "Go fuck him," towards his wrestler. Brendan responded "did i say you could talk, Cunt""Why are you my manager""Causes i fucked you last time. I'm...
The sun was low in the western sky with the mountains casting long shadows on the thin ribbon of pavement and the surrounding land. A light breeze was blowing the few clouds that were visible in the darkening sky. While it was Spring, the temperature was somewhat cooler then normal. A new model car approached a small parking area on the top of a hill — — slowed down and stopped. The driver got out and leaned against the front of the car. He looked down toward the long valley. For several...
Note: This is part one of two. The Second Part is called ‘Give It Away – Reprise’. I can’t get this song out of my head so I might as well write about it. It’s by George Strait and I consider it to be one of the finest country songs ever – and I know that takes in a lot of territory. ‘Give it Away’ has great lyrics, a compelling rhythm and melody and one of the smoothest singers – George Strait has that impeccable sense of timing that the very best singers have. The lyrics and music for this...
Gracie let go of Candy’s hand when they got outside to the car. Bleep, bleep rang out as she opened up the locks. They got in and Gracie started the car. “I can’t believe the time we had last night, Miss!” Candy cooed. “I feel like it’s a dream.” Gracie leaned over and kissed Candy passionately and pushed her tongue deep inside her mouth, where Candy sucked on it. “Mm,” she moaned with her Miss’s tongue pressed against hers. “Does that feel like you’re dreaming, baby?” Gracie purred. “No,...
BisexualFiction! Any names resembling you is pure coincidence. BEWARE THIS IS A LONG DETAILED STORY. Please Enjoy For those who didn’t’ read the story before this, I am a 18 year old girl, 5’7 golden blonde hair baby blue eyes with long slender legs and a nice firm rack proportional to my body, 34C. I tip the scales at 120 lbs. My boyfriend took my virginity from me last night, but that’s not all I got. His mom ate me out and his dad anal fucked me. The next day Mark called me and told me how he...
EroticThe third day of the Arnold's vacation began the same way the second one had, but this time Kitty didn't bother trying to seduce her disinterested husband. Instead, she told him she was going to spend the day sightseeing. Don scarcely noticed when his wife left the room for the day. Kitty went to the lobby to ask for directions to town, but the young man who had checked them in earlier was nowhere to be found. "Hello, anybody here?" Kitty called in the direction of the partially open...
I was much, much younger and living in an apartment building with my folks. I would often do random jobs for many of the other tenants to earn a little extra money. Mr. Lowes was already friends with my parents when he moved into the building. He worked a lot and hired me right away to do simple tasks for him, water the plants, take out the trash, etc. He even gave me my own key so I could come and go as needed. After all, he was hardly there anyways.It was in his bathroom where I found a stack...