Satan Knows… free porn video

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Introduction: This story is set in present day, and it meant to be completely fictional (im a wiccna myself, please be gentle with my critisim… ITS MY FIRST STORY! ???? )) The morning sun shone in through my window as I lay on my homely little twin bed. I ran my fingers through my long dark hair wondering what time is was exactly. My name is Sasha. I am 18 years old and I live in a peaceful village at the base of a large group of mountains. My family is large and very religious in the Christian ways. I am not however I have always questioned the Christian beliefs, and because of that My father had forced me to work at the farm alone most of the time, as he would not want anyone in our village to find out I was not a believer I recently found that I have strange abilities, to will things to happen I guess. For example though, I have to concentrate very hard, and flick my fingers and I can knock something off a shelf. I worship nature and everything around me. Not some God I cant touch, or smell. I am constantly being preached about the sins humans commit, and the liberties they take with one another. I often fantasize about what it would be like to have a man enter me. To just throw me down, and thrust in as hard and as deep as he could. My fantasies are usually interrupted however.– just then my father yelled up the stairs at me, Sasha!! Its time for your chores! Sighing, I jumped out of bed, put on my white cotton dress that I loved so much and headed for the pasture. Chores werent so bad, I got to be alone at least. I would carry the bucket of feed out to the center of the pasture where there was a small grove of trees, and dump it in the horses feed box. There I would find my favorite weeping willow, climb its long knowing branches and sit with my eyes closed imagining what it would be like to finally escape this awful place. At times I would find my hands rubbing my sex and caressing my nipples. I loved thinking about how I would treat a man in bed. I knew I would be in charge-I would draw one of my long fingernails down the center of his sternum and just tease him until he couldnt stand it anymore. Licking just behind his ear to drive him wild… I began to notice how wet I was and began to push one of my fingers in and out of my virgin cunt, moaning long low moans trying to be as quiet as possible. Reaching a point where I almost couldnt stand it anymore, I heard a branch break in the distance. I instantly retracted my hand and looked around- expecting to see my father or brothers lurking around, wondering what has been keeping me. I saw nothing. Not trusting my own eyes, I slowly climbed down out of the tree. Branch by brand I lowered myself to the ground quietly. Suddenly something grabbed me from behind, squeezing my round breasts very hard making my cry out in pain-only to find that some sort of plant had been shoved in my face. Then everything went dark….
I awoke to find myself dressed in a short red silk dress, on a large four postured bed. The room was very large and intimidating. There were huge vaulted ceilings and looming windows all covered by dark drapes. A fire place burned in one corner creating an almost comforting glow. As strange as all of this was, I looked down at myself and I felt strangely sexy. Id never referred to myself as such, and I liked the idea. I wanted to fuck something-bad! It was like someone had turned my sex drive on over load! I could feel every inch of my young body, and I wanted someone to touch me-anything to touch me. I was on my knees on the bed searching around the room hoping to see someone, anyone! Just then I heard an echoing laugh and approaching footsteps. Out of the darkness came a large horned figure. He lingered in the shadows and simply asked how do you feel my dear? I was instantly attracted to his voice, and longed for him. I would feel a lot better if you would come closer I instantly responded. I was surprised at myself, it was like I was trapped in someone elses body. His laughter came at me again as he stepped beside the bed. I stared into his beautiful green eyes. I did see what he was, but I didnt care. I wanted him and I could tell he wanted me too. I crawled across the bed to meet his embrace, running my hands up his chest and along his neck. His strong arms wrapped around me tightly and I could feel my pussy begin to moisten. My heart was pounding-then he spoke again as he unwrapped from our embrace. My darling, you seem to be enjoying yourself here, are you not? I was so filled with lust, my only response was to kiss him. As soon as my lips touched his I felt like butter melting… He tasted like honey, and I could feel the hardness of his cock pressing against me. Calm yourself my love, do you not see what I am? I ran my hands up the side of his face onto his long horn that looked like those of an awful bull. I do see what you are, but I also cannot contain myself any longer! He stepped back away from me, and I lowered myself out of the large bed. My silk dress flowing around me. I stepped close to him once again and he smirked at me. I see that you have left the Christian way, even against your familys wishes? Staring into his bright eyes I just smiled. Almost as if someone had flipped a switch, I realized who he was and where I was. I became almost panicked and asked him, What did you do to me? Drug me? I was about to make a run for the door when he grabbed me and thrust his hand under my dress, shoving three large fingers deep inside my virgin pussy. As I opened my mouth to scream, he kissed me again. I tried to push away from him but his fingers just went in deeper. I felt a horrible rip in my pussy, I knew hed torn my hymen. Tears were streaming down my face when suddenly he let me go. I backed into the bed, spun around and ran for what looked like a miniature door. When I reached it and opened it, it was like a deep floorless hole. I didnt care, I needed out of here now! I jumped in head first.
I remember nothing of falling or landing, but when I woke up I was in the woods again. I reached under the red dress to find my pussy was bleeding. What would my father say?! I slumped down next to a tree and began to cry. I was so ashamed of myself! Why would I let that happen to me?! It must have been that strange plant he had. I cried there for at least half an hour, and finally drifted off to sleep. I had the most amazing dreams while I slept. Nothing but sex, sex with everything! Human and animal alike! I had no shame or inhibitions!! When I awoke I looked down at my body to find that my boobs had grown from perky B cups to perfectly large and round D cups. My skin had an almost glow to it, with no signs of imperfections at all. I felt like I had slept for 12 full hours! Upon standing up I felt taller. In fact, I WAS taller! At least 60 tall. I was shocked and utterly happy! Not many people were considered good looking when theyre only 55. I was completely enthralled with myself. I ran my hands along my entire body, I looked like a super model! He must have done something to me with his fingers I thought… Suddenly I felt someone watching me. I held up my hand in the direction I felt the energy and the trees moved apart to see him standing there. My devil. My sin incarnate. My first instinct was to run to him. My second was to stay put. I went with my second one. My pussy ached with need, and my nipples hardened to thimble size. Suddenly as I stared at him he changed form into that of a giant dog. The dog lurched forward running directly at me. I turned to hide in a nearby bush, but as I bent down to crawl inside the huge dog mounted me from behind. I cried out as I looked back at his huge pointed cock. It had to have been 9 long and 2 thick! I did my best to get away from the dog, but as my dress was already short, he had a perfect shot at my sopping wet pussy. OW!! I screamed out as the dog thrust all of its huge cock deep inside my pussy. His claws were digging into my lower abdomen, and he was biting the back of my neck like dogs do with their bitches in heat. The dog began pounding away at my tight cunt faster and faster. I felt the tip of his cock against my cervix and was thankful he wasnt penetrating that far. I thought too soon apparently, just then the dogs cock began to swell at the opening of my pussy. I knew this was his knot. I began to pull away, only to have teeth sunk into my neck. After that pain I obediently propped myself up on my elbows and took the cock. After 10 seconds of hard thrusting the dogs knot popped into my pussy! It felt like someone had shoved a tennis ball inside me. I knew better than to fight back now, so I thrust back against him. And tightened my muscles inside my cunt. Just as I did that I felt an awful pain deep in my tummy. The Dogs cock has successfully pushed into my womb. It was a bitter sweet pain. For some reason now I was talking to the dog, yelling FUCK ME THEN! CUM IN ME!! I WANT ALL OF IT!! The dog and its huge cock continued to thrust and fuck me hard for another minute or so and finally slowed down. When he slowed I started grinding my hips against him Why are you stopping?? noooo please dont… I want more fucking!!! The dog shuddered a little and began to shoot hot dog cum directly into my womb. He held me tightly in place until he was done. His cock began to shrink down but I stayed put. I honestly loved the feeling of being plugged by his huge cock. I wanted it to last longer. I wanted it again and again! Suddenly the cock was gone and my devil stood over me smiling. Was that what you wanted to you disgusting girl? Youre more of a whore than I thought you would be! he laughed triumphantly. I had rolled over to my back, into the soft dirt. I began to finger my pussy… It hurt a lot, and was quite swollen and red. I looked down at the ground expecting to find a puddle of cum. There was hardly any on the ground. Oh, you didnt really think Id let MY cum go to waste did you?? When you take my dick, youll take it all or nothing! I smiled and said Yes, I understand. I will do as you want me to from now on… no more fucking around… I promise As I spoke me slowly stood up placing a hand on my distended belly. Because you were in beast form I will not become pregnant will I? –You may, you may not. What will come of this union will be a magnificent being to say the least… Did you not notice your gift was heightened? … I thought about when I moved the trees with merely a swift hand movement. Yes, thank you… I know you are behind all of my new wonderful looks, and powers. I am now in your debt, I am fully willing now… please take me He stepped toward me taking his long finger nail and tracing a pentagram over my left breast, and as blood ran down over my nipple, he said Witches make the best lovers… He took my nipple into his mouth and began to suckle hard, licking up all the blood he could. I threw my head back and moaned deeply. His tongue ran up over the pentagram and when it did, it burned permanently into my skin, almost like a bright red tattoo. He then grabbed me in a tight embrace and when he let go, we were there in the bedroom from before. I turned and walked to the bed instantly, as I strode- I lifted the silk dress up and over my head, letting it drop to the floor I climbed into my new bed. I laid down and said, Enough games, lets fuck again! Mmm havent quite been satisfied have you my dirty little whore? He purred…Ill never be satisfied… I can promise you that. He climbed on top of me and began to lick my neck gently at first, and then he sunk his teeth into my neck, just as he did in his beast form… I threw my head back and wrapped my legs around him, rubbing my pussy against his rock hard cock. I felt him drinking from me deeper and deeper. It was pure ecstasy… and I wanted my turn at it as well. I pulled my head from him and wrapped both of my hands around his neck, flipping him onto his back. I took two of my own fingernails, and ran them just down the center of his sternum-where I knew it would really hurt… He cried out in painful delight, and grabbed the two bedposts at the head of the bed. I began licking up the blood that ran from his chest, and was surprised to find the taste was that of wine! Sweet delicious wine that I could drink forever. I found myself licking and sucking like a starving kitten at its mothers teat. Finally he grabbed my chin ever so gently and smiled at me… Were one now you know? Never again will you be normal, or able to fuck another. It will be only me for eternity. I smiled at him and lowered myself to his cock, where I took as much in my mouth as I possibly could, making sure he was pleased I twisted and turned my head around and rotated my hand that was stroking the rest of his huge cock. I kept looking up at him with my best innocent eyes and smiling. As he was arching his back and yelling out in this deep ominous voice, I knew I was pleasing him… Unfortunately, I didnt want any of this to end that quickly. I climbed up onto him slowly and lowered myself down onto his throbbing cock. My eyes rolled back and I gasped out as soon as it was half way in. I began to bounce up and down on it, putting it in as deep as I could without hurting myself any more than before. He reached forward and grabbed my tits squeezing quite hard, causing some milk to come out. I was shocked and wondered why in the hell that was happening? My dear, when I want something I get it. Regardless of what youre body thinks. It WILL do my bidding. He then took my breast in his mouth and drank deeply. The feeling of him drinking from me was almost unbearably amazing. I lost my footing and his entire cock thrust deep into my cervix once again. I could feel some of the cum begin to leak out all over his balls, making him thrust into me. I had my hands on his horns holding him in place as he drank my newly found breast milk. Suddenly he wrapped his arms underneath my legs, and stood up… carrying me over to a heavily draped wall, he slammed me against it and began to fuck me unbelievably hard. I was screaming so loud now, YES!! OH FUCK YEAH!! FUCK MY TIGHT LITTLE CUNT!! MAKE ME BLEED!!! I was scratching into his back with all my strength and I could feel the blood and skin beneath my nails. He was laughing and moaning at the same time saying, THATS IT YOU LITTLE WHORE!! YOURE DOING EXACTLY WHAT YOU WERE MEANT TO DO! FUCKING LITTLE WITCH, TAKE IT DEEP!!! UGHHHH!!! he slowed down then, and lowered me over so gently onto the stone floor, and began to dump his huge load into my womb. I could feel every burst of cum filling my insides. It was amazing. I laid there with him on top of me just loving every feeling that came with being the devils fuck toy. I lifted my arms above my head and began to flex my pussy muscles once again. He smiled at me. Youll keep what I give you slut. Dont try to push it out. I slapped him in the face. Fuck you, if you think youre in charge. He jumped up off of me with lightning speed. I could see the smirk had returned to his face. Witches, always using what they have against me…. What shall I do with you…? Youve already made me your whore, what else could you do?? We were both in a defensive stance at this point, both ready to pounce on one another. I ran over to the other side of the bed, laughing…We could always fuck again….It solves everything AH AHA!! You were not lying when you spoke of your insatiable sex drive… Im intrigued…

To be continued….

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Mioki could think of nothing else the next day except the man who had become the focal point of her world. When Cathy had suggested that she again accompany Mioki to the painter"s home, Mioki had dismissed the idea. She had assured the disappointed Blonde that she felt at ease and no longer needed a companion for safety. Perhaps closer to the truth was the fact that Mioki now wanted to be alone with the handsome artist who she still found a bit frightening, but also so experienced and...

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The next morning found Mioki anxiously waiting at her easel, not because of her desire to paint -- art had suddenly become secondary in her mind -- but rather because her heart ached to once again see the man who now meant so much -- everything -- to her. She smiled as he walked in, hoping to catch his eye, but he quickly took account that all students were present without even glancing at her. "A small problem has arisen, our model, is out sick today..." He turned and looked directly at...

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Satans BrideChapter 8

Despite spending the day telling herself that Darius's request was simply too outrageous, too demeaning, that she could not even seriously consider it, Mioki found herself, disbelievingly, slipping her most provocative lingerie into a small bag and hailing a taxi as the clock approached eight-thirty. "You sure this is the address?" asked the cabby. "that's not a part of town a nice young girl like you wants to be in, and the Three Nutted Squirrel has a pretty shady reputation." She...

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Satans BrideChapter 10

The next morning they both slept late. Mioki's carnal education had lasted until close to sunrise. After calling Cathy and receiving the usual trepidation and warnings, Mioki had retuned to bed and her lover. Darius, even though in human form, possessed the intimate and even secret knowledge from the beginnings of time of how to pleasure a woman, secrets which would make the Kama Sutra look like Dr. Seuss. He had introduced his pupil to an astounding array of positions, techniques and...

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Satans BrideChapter 11

"Shouldn't we be getting up?" she asked, "We have class in an hour and a half." "Not just yet," he answered, "Actually I called and canceled class today, just so we could spend some more time together. Would you like some breakfast?" "Only if I can have dessert first," she responded, rolling over on top of him and burying him inside her. "For you my delicious little slut," -- he noticed the term didn't even bother her -- "I will gladly provide not only dessert, but the...

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Satans BrideChapter 12

Much later that night, Mioki rested easily in the arms of her lover as they lay in bed. "And what did you learn tonight?" he asked. She was a bit reluctant to discuss her evening's adventure, but she realized her embarrassment was foolish, especially with Darius, and so began. "My lesson was obviously humiliation. When I got to the address, it was an old deserted house. I went in and found a message and a blindfold lying on the table. The note just said "Put on the blindfold and...

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Satans BrideChapter 13

And so the lessons continued. The following night Mioki experienced triple penetration for the first time at the hands of three muscular young men. Although no match for the length and breadth of Darius, each was still well endowed and gave the young woman a reaming she would not soon forget. And again, after the men had filled her body with simultaneous ejaculations for the fourth time and Mioki had experienced multiple orgasm after multiple orgasm, she begged the exhausted men for...

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Satans BrideChapter 14

The following night Mioki learned seduction. She was sent to the home of a beautiful woman with a taste for young women. Twenty-five years her senior, wealthy and with a suavity, magnetism and sensuality which was overwhelming, Claudia had vast experience at the art of seducing even those, at first, unwilling and so Mioki posed little challenge. Even though she had become quite sexually experienced, the young woman of Asian decent's naivete played right into Claudia's hands and before the...

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Satans BrideChapter 15

"Mioki, are you all right? I've been so worried about you," cried Cathy hugging her friend and roommate at the door. "I'm fine Cathy and I want to apologize for staying away so long." "The last few days have been interminable. Even though you called, I was still so worried. Darius is quite handsome and obviously talented, but when you suddenly agreed to stay with him for almost a week..." "He is a passionate man," remarked Mioki, "in bed and with his art." Cathy reddened and...

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Satans BrideChapter 16

The two naked bodies lay entwined on the couch some two hours later. Cathy, like a small child, lay suckling Mioki's nipple as her seductress ran her hand slowly through the blonde's hair. "I love being with you, Mioki," whispered Cathy "Of course and you're a beautiful and desirable woman yourself." "No, I mean I LOVE you. I want to be with you... forever." "Isn't it a bit soon..." started Mioki, letting the other woman interrupt just as she knew she would. "It isn't too...

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Satans BrideChapter 17

A week later, Darius and Mioki lay together in his bed, their naked bodies resting after an especially vigorous round of copulating. "How did you know?" asked Mioki. "Know... ?" "Know that Cathy could be seduced and enslaved so easily. She follows me around now like a puppy, just waiting to do favors for me." "Cathy is no different from most women. Few could resist you Mioki. You are a captivating and irresistible woman." "Very flattering, but how did you know her surrender...

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Satans BrideChapter 19

It was almost eleven-thirty when Darius and Mioki reentered the house to see the dog riding the young woman mercilessly, her whimpers those of a woman, her spirit broken. Draped across a low stool, her arms and legs had earlier been chained. That was no longer necessary, however, as much like a horse broken to saddle, the young woman was now accepting her fate without resisting. She grunted as the Labrador thrusted especially vigorously, but made no attempt to scream, her gag no longer in...

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Satans BrideChapter 20

As the luxury car pulled into the driveway, bringing them home from a nightcap at a small but posh restaurant, Darius looked over at his companion. "You've been rather pensive tonight." "I just can't get that image out of my head -- Cathy with those tears rolling down her cheeks." "Mioki, you sold her. You didn't have to. You could have kept her for yourself or simply turned her loose, but you didn't. You negotiated well with Al Fah Karim, getting a far better price than I ever...

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Satans BrideChapter 21

Mioki was delighted that Darius had agreed to their being married in her Wyoming home town. They were winging their way there now to spend the weekend with her parents and brother, she already having called them to break the news. They had both agreed to a small, private wedding, only her family and a couple of her closest friends to be in attendance. Darius had informed her he had no family but had endeared her by asking if her brother Tachi would stand as his best man. Mioki looked out of...

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Satans BrideChapter 22

The next morning Mioki's father invited the prospective bride and groom for a horse ride to show Darius the ranch. Tachi also asked to join them. Mioki thought with an inward smile that Darius was probably right about her brother. She had caught him twice sneaking peeks at her when he thought she didn't know and although he had quickly averted his eyes when she had turned to face him, she was aware of his somewhat more than brotherly interest. Since he was already somewhat inclined in that...

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Satans BrideChapter 23

That evening Mioki was delighted to hear her father suggest that he, Darius and Tachi drive into town for drinks at the local pub so he could introduce his soon to be son-in-law to his friends. "Now don't wait up. We've got some serious drinking to do," laughed her father as the three got into the family pick-up truck and drove off. Mioki and her mother finished the dishes went into the living room to relax and chat. Her mother although almost forty-two, was still quite fit and...

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Satans BrideChapter 24

That night, Darius reminded Mioki that she still had one challenge to meet. Mioki tried to beg off, but her lover was insistent and so, it was with severe feelings of trepidation that Mioki finally fell into a troubled sleep. The next afternoon, Tachi indicated that he would be going into town for supplies. Nikita said she also needed some things and would accompany him, so Darius, providing Mioki the opportunity to be alone with her father, asked if he might also come along. They willingly...

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Satans BrideChapter 25

Mioki was heartened the next morning at breakfast to see her father walk up behind Nikita, put his arms around her and kiss her on the neck. She turned, they embraced and a lingering kiss ensued. "I had the most wonderful dream last night," said Kishi. "Oh really," replied Nikita playfully, "I hope she was good!" "She was! She was very good! The best!" he responded letting his hands roam a bit. "Kishi! What will our daughter think?" smiled Nikita, glancing over at Mioki who...

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Satans BrideChapter 26

Having caught some sleep on the plane, the honeymooners were not as jet lagged as they expected and so, upon their arrival at their luxury beach front hotel, donned their swimsuits and spent the afternoon soaking up sun and resting. Darius excused himself for over an hour, saying he needed to make arrangements for Mioki's wedding gift. "Going to eat a few dozen oysters?" she giggled as he got up to leave. "Not exactly, but I think you will find what I have in mind just as effective,"...

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Satans BrideChapter 27

In the next few weeks Mioki found herself engaging in one sexual odyssey after another. While on the beach one afternoon, Darius had her disrobe and entice no less than three men into making love to her at once. The stares of passersby were mortifying enough, but when a small crowd gathered to watch and even urge on the participants, she wanted to melt into the sand, to disappear, yet she not only continued, but intensified her efforts to please the leering man who was her husband. The...

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Satans BrideChapter 28

The next morning Mioki watched, saddened and remorseful, as she saw the young wife, Marie, enter a waiting taxi and drive off as Jacques pleaded unsuccessfully with her to stay. In the days which followed, Darius's demands grew in audacity and depravity, but Mioki never faltered, never failed to please him no matter how outrageous the request. One night at dinner, Mioki sat toying with her food. "Deep in thought?" asked her husband. "I was just wondering about Cathy. You said she would...

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Satans BrideChapter 29

To her credit, while Cathy's will to resist had been broken in a little less than three hours, it took Mioki's masters almost two days. Upon arrival at the old castle, she had been introduced to her third owner, an attractive woman in her mid forties, Mistress Tanya, who immediately put whip to flesh and continued for well over an hour. The three took turns with her and were especially vicious when Mioki cried out for Darius. They assured her she would never see him again and the sooner she...

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Satans BrideChapter 30

Mioki knew there was every possibility she would not survive. Darius had told her the woman at the night club had bled to death. The horse her masters had chosen was not one of the largest breeds, but its shaft was still twice as large as even Darius's. "Mistress, may the lowly cunt speak?" "What is it?" asked Tanya. "Is Darius willing to buy back the lowly cunt?" "Perhaps, but all that matters nought if you don't take that cock," answered Tanya. But the "perhaps" was all...

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Satans BrideChapter 31

"You are a very lucky woman," said the doctor standing beside her hospital bed with Darius, " If the... penetration had gone any farther, we would have lost you and the baby." "Baby?" cried Mioki. "I'm sorry. You didn't know? You are four to five weeks pregnant." "Do you know... ?" "It's a girl," responded the doctor, anticipating her question. Mioki looked to Darius who smiled broadly. "Looks like I'm going to be a daddy," he laughed, using his demonic power for only...

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Satans BrideChapter 32

As Darius and Mioki entered the spacious living room where the party was in progress, conversations died and heads turned. Over forty sets of eyes looked with erotic delight as Darius led his slave wife to the center of the room. Around her neck was a collar similar to that her masters had used to train her. Attached to that was a long leash, Darius holding the other end. But what commanded the attention of everyone present was the fact that Mioki wore nothing else. The attractive woman stood...

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Satans BrideChapter 33

As the weeks turned into months, Mioki's despair deepened. The child in her womb was healthy and Darius saw that she ate well and exercised and he accompanied her for her periodic check-ups, but there was hardly an evening that went by that Mioki was not commanded to perform sexual favors for complete strangers, often in large numbers. "Your belly is beginning to swell," commented Darius one morning as the nude woman -- she was never allowed to wear clothes except when they went out, and...

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Satans BrideChapter 34

The young girl was naked, tied face down across a padded rail similar to that which had been used to break Mioki. She was crying uncontrollably, the lovely face and body filled with fright. Darius had just given her her first taste of the whip, a few lashes which had stung and shocked but were only a mild prelude to what would follow. Mioki stood, her eyes transfixed on the girl's nest and anus. She was a virgin and her bush was only now beginning to appear, a golden triangular haze barely...

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Satans BrideChapter 35

Over the next few weeks there was a significant change in the relationship between Darius and Tiana. Not only were they sleeping together every night (Mioki spent the nights on a rug on the floor at the foot of their bed where she was forced to listen in silence to the ecstasy taking place only a few feet away), but Darius also no longer used the deprecating nickname he had given her and allowed Tiana to drop it as well when she referred to herself. In the last few days Tiana had begun...

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Satans BrideChapter 36

The next few days were insufferable for Mioki. Tiana not only taunted and whipped her unmercifully, but Mioki's sexual services were again called upon. Mioki was ordered by her new mistress to crouch naked on all fours, head lowered, on a small table next to the hors d'oeuvres at a party being hosted by a wealthy couple for their friends with "unique" tastes. With her rear elevated the men felt free to avail themselves of her anus throughout the night while the women found pleasure from...

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Satans BrideChapter 37

In the days which followed Tiana was away much of the time. In her absence Darius administered Mioki's discipline although his whippings were not nearly as severe as his bedmate's. He was putting the whip away when Mioki dared ask. "What will happen to our child?" "Not OUR daughter, Mioki, MY child. I shall raise her in a life of luxury..." "And decadence!" Mioki dared to interrupt. "She will have what she wants and anything else, she will learn to take! She will not be weak like...

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Satans BrideChapter 38

"Mioki!" smiled the swarthy Arab," how nice to see you again." "Mr. Karim," smiled Mioki in what she hoped would be a coy and confident manner. It was difficult to maintain such composure, however, when you are standing completely naked. Mioki had begged Tiana to be allowed to wear something, anything, but her Mistress had been adamant. The Sheik's son had requested a private meeting with the pregnant slave. While Tiana disapproved, she had, at Darius's urging, allowed the meeting to...

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Satans BrideChapter 39

"Six hundred thousand," bargained Tiana, holding the leash of the otherwise naked woman. "Brunettes are not so unusual in my country. I will give you four hundred thousand," countered Al Fah. Mioki stood mutely in the corner of the room. The three naked, blindfolded women had been brought in by Darius, each with a collar around her neck and a leash attached. The Arab's manservant stood stoically to the side as the Sheik's son inspected his merchandise. "Five hundred thousand," said...

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Satans BrideChapter 40

The room was cast in semi darkness. Darius had carried the unconscious woman to an upstairs bedroom where she now lay drenched in sweat as the labor was going badly. "Maybe we should call a doctor," said Tiana, empathizing with Mioki's agony despite herself. "No need," stated Darius, the sow won't survive the birth. It's the baby I want and it's the baby I shall have! Leave us!" "But..." Tiana started to object. "I said leave us!" Darius growled in a voice she had never heard...

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Satans ScriptChapter 2

I barely had time to arrive at Mulligan’s when I noticed that the bar was packed pretty heavily for a post-pandemic night. Damn, word got around already, didn’t it, that coronavirus was history! No doubt, the doctors would be shaking their heads and yanking out their hair to learn what was up. So would the scientists, of course. Immunologists in particular. I grabbed the fountain pen and wrote down that, “All of the women are easy sluts tonight and the men are all horndogs. All of them will...

3 years ago
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Satans SonChapter 2

As was always the case the day following the recurring nightmare, Mary was depressed and tense. What happened so long ago still weighed heavily on her mind. She'd almost forget, but then she'd have the vivid dream and it would all come back -- in every minute detail. She was doomed to never forget. "I guess it's my penitence," she'd tell herself. The ringing doorbell startled Mary. She stared at the TV -- it was a different show than the one she had been watching. Shaking her head she...

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