Bitchin’ Betty Ch. 03 free porn video

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Darbe led the grinning assassin down a winding labyrinth of corridors, access shafts and more corridors. He finally stopped at a non-descript doorway with the same faint outline as the bridge’s door. He looked over his shoulder at Diego who returned the gaze with one of cherubic innocence.

‘What?’ said Diego, struggling to keep the impish grin from returning without much success. A few moments passed and Darbe couldn’t take it anymore, he burst out laughing.

‘I suspect you’re a bit cross with me for not letting you know a bit more.’

‘Cross? Me? Never.’ Diego replied in mock indignation.

‘Oh yes, you’re the image of purity you are.’ Darbe walked through the door, tuning out the generic ‘Hi, welcome to Diego’s quarters, have a nice day’ chime. Surprisingly, Diego didn’t toy with the door this time and followed Darbe in. He took a quick glance around the room and frowned.

‘These are my ‘possessions?”

Darbe looked around, somewhat embarassed, ‘Well, yes… that is… errr…’ he trailed off. Diego fixed him a piercing gaze then grinned.

‘My own fault I guess.’ He stepped around the room, taking in the small bunk that was his bed and the smaller closet next to it. He peeked into the closet, pulled out a dusty footlocker and set it on the bed. Fumbling with the latch for a few minutes, he took a deep breath and then snapped it off. ‘I don’t suppose you knew the combination did you?’ Darbe shook his head and Diego turned back to the now open footlocker. ‘Good, neither did I.’

He reached in and pulled out a pocket-sized, entirely alien looking tool and pondered it briefly before turning to Darbe.

‘You don’t–‘


‘Mmm.’ He tossed it over his shoulder and it landed in a corner with a beep. He put his hand in again and pulled out two small cylindrical objects which Darbe shifted away from nervously. Diego noted the motion and held them daintily by the tips of his fingers. ‘And these?’

‘Those are your… err… weapons of choice. Betty would know how to use them.’


‘Oh right, your memory. Betty’s the AI unit in your helmet.’ A look of recognition crossed Diego’s face and he looked down at his helmet suspiciously.

‘She’s only there when I put it on right?’

‘Yeah.’ Diego nodded and set the weapons down carefully, then returned to the footlocker. The last item that he pulled out was a small palm-sized panel with no apparent knobs, dials or buttons to fiddle with. He looked at it, puzzled, and was just about to open his mouth when Darbe spoke.

‘That’s the hologram device that you’ll use to communicate with Captain Embers. It’s keyed to the word ’embers,’ that’ll turn it on and display a hologram of you to her, and if you tap the top of it like so,’ Darbe took the pad from Diego and tapped one of the sides, ‘then it displays a hologram of her as well.’ Darbe handed the device back to Diego and he studied it carefully, trying in vain to remember which of the identical sides Darbe had just touched.

‘Well I guess I better get going then.’ Diego grabbed the strange tool he had thrown over his shoulder, stuffed the panel into a pocket in his suit and gingerly picked up the two weapons he had lain on the floor. He searched for a suitable place to stuff them and then noticed the two holsters on his back in a reflection from the door. Cool, I feel like one of those old-time samurai guys. He posed briefly, much to the amusement of the sergeant. Patting himself down and checking to make sure everything was in place, he made to leave the room and then thought of something. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the small hologram pad. He turned it over several times in his hands then remembered the key-word.

‘Embers’ he murmured softly to it. It beeped back at him. He lifted it up to his face and peered at each side of it, absolutely convinced that the two were identical. He was just lifting his finger to tap experimentally on one of the faces. Just before his finger touched, the familiar soft voice of the captain floated out of it.

‘Ah-ah-ah. Other side.’

Diego frowned and turned it over, then tapped it once and waited for something spectacular. Darbe coughed and Diego turned to look at him.


‘You’re holding your finger over the display.’

‘Oh, right…’ Diego’s mind raced to figure which of his fingers was over the display, then lifted apparently the right one, ‘I knew that.’ Darbe nodded.

‘Of course you did, I was just reminding you.’ There was a soft chuckle from the hologram of Embers.

‘What? I did!’ exclaimed Diego. The small image of the captain smiled up at him and made a motion as if to pinch his cheek.

‘You’re a cute one aren’t you?’ Flustered, Diego hunched his shoulders and turned a pouty lip.

‘Fine, fine, have your laughs. I was just going to say that I’ll be leaving now.’

‘Oh, I almost forgot. Your data-card.’ Darbe said, tapping Diego on the shoulder and turning over a rather beaten-up chip of plastic. ‘It’s uh, seen better days I suppose.’

Diego shrugged, ‘It still works right?’


‘Then it’s good enough for me. Say, how much do I have on this thing?’

Captain Embers scrunched her nose in thought, ‘From what I know, it plugs into your helmet and records everything you do or say or think. It’s like Betty’s journal.’ Diego frowned at the chip and held it as if it were a venomous snake poised and ready to bite. ‘You’re going to have to get used to her you know, she won’t go away and we can’t replace her.’ Diego’s frown deepened then he sighed and placed the hologram on the bed, lifted the helmet to his head and lowered it.

Weeee, you’re back! came the small voice.

Diego shuddered uncomfortably.

Stop being a baby. You used to like my company. Betty sounded like she was pouting. Then an image of a short, cute girl appeared in his mind. His eyes opened wide and then he shut them tightly. The image didn’t go away. The little girl sniffed and was just about to break out into tears when Diego opened his mouth.

‘I just need some… time… to get used to this.’ That seemed to calm her down. Cautiously he opened his eyes again and caught the amused expressions of Darbe and hologram-Embers. He fixed them both with a fierce glare that spoke volumes, then stuck his tongue out at them. Embers giggled girlishly and Darbe averted his gaze with a grin.

You can talk to me up here, just think at me. chimed Betty amused with the whole situation, her previous pout forgotten. Diego nodded and decided to give it a try.

So you’re uhm, how old?

I’m 19, coming on 20 this fall, chirped Betty.

And I am…?

26, and ‘not my type.’ Betty seemed put out by this last bit. Or so you tell me time and again. Puzzled, Diego stored that bit of information for later prying, worried at what he might discover.

So uh… ok I can’t do this. ‘Much better.’ he finished out loud.

Suit yourself.

‘Now how do I plug this thing in?’ he said, half to Betty and half to Embers and Darbe.

Just press it into the slot in the back of your helmet. Betty chimed, a split second before Darbe and Embers said in unison: ‘Just press it into the slot in the back of your helmet.’

‘Ok, ok… I got it.’ He lifted it up to the nape of his neck and felt around with his fingers for the slot, found it and pressed the chip in. A flood of images and memories rushed through his head in a jumble and he sat down heavily on the thin mattress.

I’ll deal with this, don’t worry. Diego breathed a deep sigh of relief at that.

‘So what does my account balance look like?’

At the moment it’s… there was a slight hum then, hovering at about 2.3 million credits.

‘Oh. Wow.’ The mental image of the girl, of Betty, smiled and continued.

Yes, we’re doing quite well for ourselves.

‘Hey! My memory might not be what
it was, but I’m smart enough to realize that I didn’t consider myself a couple with an AI unit in my helmet. So no funny business trying to rearrange my memories ok?’

Betty’s image pouted again, Spoilsport. Embers seemed to take particular interest in that last statement, then straightened herself out.

‘Anything else that you need me for?’

‘Ah… no, I think that was all. Thanks for the dinner, I’ll pay you back some time.’ He promptly turned the hologram off, leaving the captain to herself to try and decipher what he had meant. Darbe headed out the door and paused with his hand on the frame, then spoke back over his shoulder.

‘You take care out there Diego, you’ll be sorely missed if you don’t.’

‘Aye aye…’ then with an impish grin added, ‘Cap’n.’ Darbe winced and then sighed. Incorrigible devil, he thought. Some day he’ll meet his match.

Finally left alone, Diego stuffed the hologram into his pocket and stood up. Giving the room a last cursory look, he spun on his heel and walked out into the corridor.

‘Alright Betty, point me in the right direction.’ The little girl pointed in a random direction and giggled. Diego’s eyes narrowed.


Ok ok. A small tugging in the back of his mind was telling him to turn right, so he did. Finally oriented in the right direction he started off down the long hallway at a jog, Betty chattering incessantly in his head.

Arden huh? I always wanted to go there. It’s supposed to be really pretty. Think we could get a souvenir? Maybe a new outfit for me? Diego rolled his eyes.

‘Yeah sure, we can get a new outfit for you.’

Betty beamed and did a twirl in his head which was altogether unsettling.

Goodie! Oh, turn right here. The small tugging in his mind returned and he angled off down a somewhat narrower corridor.

‘So where are we now?’

These are the escape pods. Diego flinched again at that word.

‘I hate pods.’

Baby, Betty teased and stuck her tongue out, They make great conversation. Diego briefly wondered what an AI unit and an escape pod might talk about then stopped that train of thought deciding it wasn’t conducive to good mental health. Betty continued to talk, trying to make light conversation with Diego but got nothing more than a ‘yes’ or ‘mmhm’ in reply and shortly gave up. Betty started to amuse herself with sorting out Diego’s old memories and Diego studied the escape pods around him. The entrance hatches were small and round and after peaking into an open hatch, Diego could tell that the escape pods themselves were small and round.


There was a dim red light flooding the corridor that didn’t seem to be coming from anywhere in particular and plenty of buttons, cranks and wheels. Betty’s voice came to him faintly, as if through several aisles of old and dusty books.

We’re coming up on our pod.

Diego nodded and slowed to a walk, taking a closer look at the pods around him. Just about every one of them had a small panel over the entrance, detailing it’s pre-programmed destination. All but one of them was headed to Earth. Correctly guessing that the one pod he saw that wasn’t heading to Earth was heading to Arden and therefore was the pod he would be taking, Diego stepped into the hatch. There was barely enough room for him to turn around inside, and several control panels on opposite sides of him for maximum ‘convenience.’

Press that button to your right.

Diego looked to his right. Pause.

‘Which button to my right?’

The one that says ‘Warning!’

‘Oh, you mean the big red button that looks like it really shouldn’t be pushed?’

Yeah, that one.

‘Ok.’ Diego pushed the button and waited. Nothing seemed to be happening. ‘Now what?’

Juuuuust wait…

Diego waited some more. Just as he was about to hit the button again, there was a rush of compressed air and the kick of the small engine starting up. Diego slammed up against the hatch and muttered, ‘Could’ve warned me about that.’

But what fun would that be? Betty replied with a grin.

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Bad Luck Betty

Bad Luck Betty is exactly how she sounds. She's a clumsy girl who is not on the side of Lady Luck as she often finds herself in humiliating, unexpected, uninvoked scenarios. She's 21 years old. She has small boobs, a small butt, long light auburn hair and gray eyes as well as light freckles that dot her face. But what will her scenario be?

4 years ago
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The Healing Hands of Nurse Betty

Ever since I was a little girl all I ever really wanted to be was a nurse. When I was still in Catholic grade school, I would play with the nurse and doctor toys pulling my younger brother along beside me as an unwilling doctor to assist in my healing endeavors. Later on, when we were supposed to be making our choices for vocation just before graduating from high school, I put nursing down as my first, second and third choice much to the dismay of the vocational counselor. I almost didn't get...

1 year ago
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Visiting Aunt Betty

Note : This story is completely fictional! Friday night I come in from high school and dad greets me with " Boy,old fat ass has some work for you at her house." " What? " I reply. mom says " Aunt Betty needs some help this weekend and wants you to come over and spend the night,so you can get an early start in the morning." After supper I pack a bag and say good-by to Mom,Dad is just laughing and says " say hello to old fat ass for me." I think I know what she wants,but I can't be sure. I arrive...

3 years ago
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The Bouncing Bettys

Disclaimer: All characters in this story are at least the proper 18+ years of age. As always postive feedback is always appreciated and always feel free to directly message me if you want to talk about or possibly co-write custom made chapters anytime! It all started during a simple outdoor camping trip as 4 college friends were just getting started setting up their camp site in the middle of a nice looking forest clearing, well...3 of them were anyway as the fourth was sitting on top of one...

3 years ago
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aunty betty

The year was 1979, and I was in the final year at a very exclusive girls boarding school just outside London. Being a a very tall striking blond with an outgoing personality made me extremely popular and some people even considered me rather arrogant. However I was really quite unassuming. In fact I never assumed as this would only lead to assumptions. The school I attended was very prestigious and very high standards of behavior were expected from all the girls.  Any girl who did not meet...

2 years ago
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“Hi, David. It’s about time you started to mow this place. For the past two weeks, I’ve seen you going in and out of the house with what looked like your instrument cases, so I guess you’ve been playing a lot.” “What? Lemme shut this darned thing off. I see your mouth moving, but I can’t understand a word you say.” I undid the rope on the “deadman” and let the mower shut itself off. Leaving it in the middle of the yard, I walked over toward Betty’s house. “Now, what were you saying?” I asked....

4 years ago
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Pregnant and Horny My first Time With Betty

Sex has always been something that I could take or leave. It was never very important to me. I could go for weeks without sex and it didn’t bother me. Then I became pregnant for the first time and that all changed. Suddenly all I could think about was sex. Suddenly I was horny all the time. Then, I gave birth last fall but my new need for sex remains. I’m just as needy now as I was during those nine months of insatiable horniness. My hormones ran wild during those nine months. Since then my...

1 year ago
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Bitchin Betty Ch 01

Sergeant Darbe chewed thoughtfully on the end of his cigar, turning it in his mouth while he absent-mindedly punched a series of numbers into the glowing red keypad at his fingertips. His chewing paused for a long moment… then the keypad beeped twice and turned green. His chewing resumed. In front of him a man-sized pod began to disassemble to a symphony of clinks, clanks and hissing air. Eventually the front fell away and the thing inside made to take a step out of the chamber. Its foot...

2 years ago
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Bitchin Betty Ch 02

Darbe’s booted heels clicked down the corridor with the shuffling echo of the young man behind him. Still struggling to put on his boots and eat his frozen waffle at the same time, he hopped on his left foot for a couple of steps, grabbed his helmet before it could fall out from under his arm, then stamped down on his right foot forcing it into the boot. Finally comfortable with his helmet under his arm and the rest of his suit put on in the right places and the right order (after many...

2 years ago
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Bitchin Betty Ch 04

Diego sat with his chin in hand, playing idly with the two-day old stubble on it. They’d been hurtling through space on a very specific course, but what that course was he didn’t know. Betty would chatter to the navigation computer every now and then and there would be a slight adjustment in the flight, then it would continue for hours with no excitement. ‘Are we there yet?’ No, stop asking. We’re still 6 hours away from Arden. Diego yawned and turned onto his side. Something was digging...

3 years ago
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Aunty Bettie

As a young boy, to enable my parents to continue going to work without worrying about leaving me alone at home, each time the long school summer holiday came around I was packed off to the country to stay with a lady I called Auntie Bettie. Auntie Bettie and I were not related, she used to live next door to us with her husband and they were good friends with my parents. She moved away to the countryside after her husband was killed in a car crash but always stayed in contact with us and it was...

3 years ago
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In the shower she was taken

Introduction: A story of rape My name is Misty and Ive got a job working as a secretary for my husband Mikes law firm. We are a rather sexually experimental couple and we constantly discuss doing things together and even on occasion have brought others in on the fun too. We have a list, a bucket list of sorts of things that we want to try before we die. I am a 28 year old Latina woman, about 5 11 with curves in all the right places. My most attractive feature according to my husband are my...

2 years ago
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Poolside Fun part 1

Let me tell you a little about myself. I was your average eighteen year old, having just graduated from high school. Average height, average weight, brown hair and green eyes. This helped me get through high school, but it didn't help when it came to girls. It wasn't that I was bad-looking; on the contrary, I had been very popular with many of the opposite gender in high school. It was just that I had never had had a girlfriend, though I did like a number of girls. One in particular, I had...

Straight Sex
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For The Baby Day1 Lots Of Toys

Hi, I am Niharika, I described myself and my husband Nikhil in my last posts, you can check out on ISS. This time I came back with my recent experience. Apart from the last two times, this time if you are looking for sex experience then this is the one. It’s already one year and three months since my marriage and I am very happy with my in-laws and husband. But now our relatives, my parents, and my in-laws are asking for good news. Although I and Nikhil are very active in sex, we were regular...

3 years ago
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Pirates and Other Nice PeopleChapter 10

It was quite a night, Jane and the twins loved it behind the bar and all the attention they received from Sean's gang, a representative from the brewery was there too and commented that he hoped there would be many more nights like this, "Especially when we start charging for our supplies" he added and drifted away to speak to someone else, "What did he mean by that Jane?" I asked the pretty new landlady, "They supplied the booze tonight for free" she replied, "This is what's...

2 years ago
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Sweet Teen Daughter Spices Up My Sex Life 8211 Part 3

Hi all, this is Jay aged 40+years, height 5.6ft, working in MNC (Software) abroad right now on deputation. I am a big fan of ISS but never thought I get involve into incest until a few years ago. Finally decided to share my experience here with fellow ISS fans. I and my best friend fucked my teenage daughter, Mangala, aged 19, who is doing her college. We fucked her at various locations, our house, my friend Kishore house, swimming pool, abroad, in the car, outside in open fields, etc. This is...

1 year ago
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SeeHimFuck Clara Trinity Some Light Rimming

Relative newbie Kale (I think? ? I didn’t receive his bio in time) makes his See H?️M Fuck debut this week, and we paired HIM up with the lovely Clara Trinity ❤️ for this on-time update! After our very own Logan Xander, who’s making his ?? directorial debut with See H?️M Fuck today, helps us learn a little about HIM, Kale begins to disrobe for us. He pauses when he gets down to his See HIM boxers ? so Clara can start to lube HIM up ? followed by a very girthy reach-around handy....

1 year ago
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MyDirtyMaid Yumi Sin Yumi Cleans and Fucks

We ordered a maid service to come and clean our house, but we didn’t expect her to be so fucking sexy. Yumi Sin enters the house ready to clean, but while watching her, we can’t help but beg for more. We offer her double her pay if she’ll clean naked. At first shes nervous that she’ll get in trouble with her boss, but after letting her known that there’s no way the boss will find out, she agrees. She takes off her clothes and shows off her perfect boobs, thin body,...

3 years ago
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Relationship With A Divorcee 8211 The Beginning

Hi, I am Siddarth and 24 years old.(Name change and all names and details on locations here are changed for obvious reasons). I am 170 cm high with well built body weighing 70 kg, and hailed from Bangalore. I am not hyper muscular but have a well toned body with decent amount of muscles with no fat and a greatly shaped abdomen. Though having a nice body and great face, I was not attracted to girls as I have a negligent attitude towards my-age-girls. I like ladies who are older than me. Who want...

1 year ago
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Pune Diary 8211 Episode 1 8211 Hot Brunette Housewife Fucked By An It Guy

Hi friends, I am Saurabh Sharma. Starting with my introduction, I have been god gifted with 6 feet height, athletic built as I am gym addicted stud :-p, charm on the face (as a compliment by girls at the office ) and the monster on the bed (compliments by babes on bed). Any girl/bhabhi/housewife/aunty feel free to contact me for frndship at my email id – So without wasting your precious time, lets come to the story. Well I am working in pune in a reputed it company located in hinjewadi...

1 year ago
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Rooming with my sister

I was in a bind. My roommate had just dropped out of school and was leaving. He had lasted only one month in college. Now I would be stuck with all that rent, which was an expense I couldn't afford. I also knew I couldn't turn to my parents for help. They were struggling to make ends meet as it was. They lived on a farm back home. Dad did the farming, but he also fixed cars and did a little welding on the side. Mom was the typical farmers wife. She cooked. She cleaned. She basically did what...

3 years ago
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After the Event

Introduction: about a group of teenagers left after the rest of the humans have been wiped out There were 8 of us, that was it we knew of no one else who had survived its quite possible that else where in the world there were others who had survived but we didnt know where and it would be foolish to try to find them when we had what we needed to survive here and had no way of getting anywhere other than walking. i was the eldest at 18 years old the others were my twin brother Alex, my younger...

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