Preachers Daughter Ch 8 and Preachers Wife 1
- 2 years ago
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Michael was in his mid 40s. He was amazed and relieved to be in his new country and his new community in a place that somewhat reminded him of his homeland Germany. Now he was in Tennessee close to the mountains he loved and more importantly in the country away from any big city and more importantly away from any large law enforcement agency that might look a little too close at his past. He believed he deserved a new chance to put his crimes behind him and get a fresh start. He was stunned by the kind and friendly reception he had received from his new community. This was the third place he had tried and this one felt right.
The people here were so friendly. They were also very naive about the world, geography, world news and the types of perversions that existed out there. They seemed quick to accept him into their community and once he had attended church with them he began to feel safe and trusted and like he had lived there all his life. They had no idea what he thought about, dreamt about or fantasized about and if they did it would have terrified them.
Michael had learned about sadomasochism when he was 20 years old and in University. He like most people was stunned when he found out the types of things people would do with and to another. What he was even more stunned by was what some people would allow done to them and the feeling of power and control over another persons comfort and pain was addictive to him. Soon after finding out about its existence Michael got heavily involved in the sadomasochistic society in Germany. He learned everything he could learn and began to spend every free moment he had in learning and participating in it. He found it completely ironic that he had no liking for pain himself but he quickly learned to love inflicting it on another person.
The biggest challenge he found was finding people and more importantly women who would allow him to cause them pain. While a very handsome man even with his good looks Michael found it a challenge to find women who would consent to the games he liked to play. Even more difficult was finding attractive woman willing to allow themselves to be tortured. For him it was all about the unlimited control. The challenge was to find another human being who would allow another to do anything to their body for the sadists pleasure. Most of the people participating in sadomasochism were not very serious about it and there were so many who thought they were but then would quickly change their minds once they experienced the intensity of the pain.
It took him several years to learn who was sincere and who was just playing out a fantasy without ever wanting reality. After finally learning how to tell the difference Michael began to discover what ended up leading him to trouble. He discovered that younger women were much more na? and more easily manipulated into allowing a man to control them. Slowly he began to try to manipulate women in their early 20s and then later women in their late teens.
It was fate that led to his next partner. One day he was on his way walking home when he saw a young woman on a motorized scooter have an accident. In the accident she had broken her arm. Michael of course rushed to assist her seeing the accident. Her forearm literally was turned out to the side. Michael of course wanted to call her an ambulance and to get her to a hospital but the girl was desperate not to do so. The scooter belonged to a boyfriend her mother had forbidden her to see and her mother had also forbidden her to ride the scooter because she was afraid of an accident.
The girl was only 15 and begged Michael not to call and ambulance and not to make her go to the hospital. After a strong debate he finally agreed. He offered to help her back to his home to try to help her clean up. She accepted. Once at his home they talked about what to do about her broken arm. Without going to the hospital there was no choice but for someone to try to set the arm. Michael knew that to do this would be extremely painful for her. They discussed and argued about this for quite a while. He finally agreed to do so.
Michael was right about the pain and the poor girl screamed and cried as he set her arm. He then thoroughly cleaned the wound with hydrogen peroxide and bandaged it thoroughly. He was stunned by her willingness to take the pain. Her strength and courage and willingness to accept the pain aroused him intensely. He allowed himself to kiss her and before he knew it that had made mad passionate love. And that became the beginning of their relationship. Over the next many months she became his new sadomasochist partner. Her name was Tasha.
While she was only 15 Tasha had been sexually active for the last three years. So Michael didnt really think too much about her age and since he had helped her keep her secret Tasha conceded to trying out Michaels fantasies. They had only been together a few months when the boyfriend whos scooter she wrecked found out that Tasha and Michael were seeing each other. He got very upset and jealous and without hesitation waited for an opportunity to catch them together and reported them to the police. With Tasha only being 15 Michael was immediately arrested.
With the fact that they were in his home and with the sadomasochistic equipment he had in his home he was easily convicted of statutory rape and other sex related and abuse related crimes even though Tasha had consented and agreed to everything they had done. Michael went to prison and spent the next several years there paying for his crime.
But that was all behind him now. He was in a new country, in a new community and determined to start a new life. He was doing his best to repress his fantasies and to focus on living. That was until fate struck again.
Michael out of boredom had been active with his new local church. While in prison he had found God and thought a good way to blend into his new community was to become active in his new church. He had begun attending services every Sunday and had even attended a few prayer groups. He was enjoying the after church luncheons that most of the families attended after services and was getting to know several people. The church was having a family lake fishing trip Saturday and he decided to attend since he was a fisherman for years in Germany.
It was mid afternoon and he had found a quiet place off to the side of the lake a ways down from the picnic area where everyone had eaten. He was becoming a little bit frustrated as a group of teenagers were slowly working their way closer to his location. Like most kids they were laughing, screaming and carrying on disturbing his solitude. But there was something about the next scream he heard that was not a playful scream but a cry out of pain. That sound Michael knew well.
He looked quickly in their direction and noticed the playful activity had come to a stop and that all the kids had huddled around one. He knew this couldnt be good and dropped his fishing pole and rushed to the group. He worked to the center of the group where a crying blond girl was kneeling her face full of tears.
DONT try to pull it out, he commanded in his heavy German accent to the teenage boy trying to back the fishing hook out of the girls flesh. The teens were all in their swimsuits and one of the kids had managed somehow to land a hook still with bait on it directly in the side of the blond girls breast. Everyone back up! he commanded again and knelt down next to the girl. Calm down and hold still Angel, he again commanded this time to the girl with the hook in her breast. He put one hand on her back to steady her and to get her to hold still. Then he pulled a knife from his pocket and cut the fishing line off the hook so it would not continue to tug at her aching breast.
He took a closer look and the hook had lodged half into the side of her breast and the wound was bleeding from the boy trying to pull the hook back out. The hook has a barb and will not come out without tearing the flesh it is meant to stay inside a fishs mouth, he said to no one in particular. By this time a few of the parents had seen the commotion and were now standing watching him along with the teenagers. Go find another place to play boys, he commanded knowing this had to be embarrassing for this girl. The adults now nearby made the boys do as he said and chased them away. Michael very carefully pushed the material of the bikini top off the girls breast and away from the hook.
Angel look in my eyes, he said to the girl, Can you be brave for me and hold very still I need to push the hook through so I may cut the barb off and remove the hook from your skin. The poor girls face was pale from fear but she had done as she was told and she was looking in his eyes as he explained what he needed to do.
Michaels heart was pounding. This pretty young woman was kneeling here next to him in pain. A metal fishhook plunged into the delicate flesh of her left breast. A bright red mark where the metal had penetrated the milky white skin of her young perky boob. Her pink nipple and areola now exposed to the outside air causing the nipple to constrict and harden. Michael forced himself to focus.
Now I want you to take a deep breath and hold really still for me. Can you do that? he asked.
She nodded. Trust me Angel and I will remove this nasty hook from your skin, he said to which she again nodded.
Very slowly and carefully Michael pushed the fishing hook deeper through the flesh but working the tip out of an additional would in the soft skin. The girl let out a whimper as he did it but held still. Thats a good girl Angel now keep holding still Im going to cut the end off of the hook removing the barb, he said softly to her in a soothing voice like only the two of them were there.
He was stunned how much he enjoyed working the hook deeper and then through the flesh until it pushed out making a new wound. He was struggling to resist his desires and he moved the hook just a tiny bit back and forth fucking the tender breast for just a moment with the metal hook. He again gathered his composure.
He pulled out a pair of needle nose pliers opening them wide to get to the base where they could cut metal. He carefully rested the pliers on the edge of her breast and gently slid them to the tip of the hook struggling to resist the desire to pinch the flesh with the pliers. Hold really still, he said and began to close the tool onto the hook. He carefully squeezed the tool closed until it had hold of the hook and then squeezed harder telling her to turn her head away so the tip would not snap off into her eye. She did as she was told and suddenly there was a snip and the tip of the hook broke off as she let out a little gasp from the sound of the snip not from any additional pain.
Thats good Angel your doing great. Its almost over now, he said gently. He then moved his fingers gently over the would of her breast where the hook had pushed through and very slowly carefully began to back the hook up pulling it back out through where it had gone in. She let out whimpers as she could feel the metal withdrawing from her flesh to which he replied with, Shhhhh its almost over.
Within a matter of a few more seconds the hook was out of her flesh and someone handed him a clean napkin to which he put against the fresh wound to capture the little bit of blood it was bleeding. Another parent brought over a first aid kit just then and handed him an antiseptic wipe. Michael gently dabbed the wipe at both the tiny wounds on the girls breast listening to her soft groans of discomfort. Each groan stirring an arousal inside him.
He cupped the soft breast a little bit longer, as long as he dared with so many people watching him before he finally moved out of the way and let one of the women, the girls mother he found out later pull the bikini back over the exposed breast.
Michael found his own hands trembling. If anyone saw they would have thought it from nerves but he knew the real reason, he was extremely aroused from having worked the hook through the young girls breast and then having again removed it. He told himself to calm down. He was about to walk back to his gear when the young girl pulled away from her mother and walked over to him. She took hold if his wrist and pulled him to lean down. Thank you, she said and then kissed him on the cheek.
Michael was stunned at his own bodies reaction. This girl was barely a teenager yet he found her appearance and her movements to be very attractive. He hair was natural blond long and straight. Her skin was porcelien white and she had freckles across her cheeks and nose that gave a natural pinkness to her face. Her lips had a pretty natural pink color and he was sure she was not wearing any lip stick at most maybe she had on lip gloss.
She had a natural beauty to her that didnt require makeup and she didnt appear to be wearing any. Her eyes were a pale blue that drew him to want to know her soul. But what aroused him most was her physical frailty. She had a petite thin frame and not an ounce of fat anywhere on her he could see. Considering she was wearing a bikini he could see her full shape. Her muscles had little definition but that just seemed to add to her frailty.
He limbs appeared long and her fingers looked long and thin. Her fingernails were natural without nail polish and seemed to be well maintained. From her hands to the feel of her small breast her skin was incredibly soft and smooth. To him her skin seemed like the thinnest delicate tissue paper and he understood how the fishhook found its place and pushed deeply into her flesh. When the boy jerked the pole that must have caused the terrible scream he heard.
The kiss on his cheek felt warm and soft and he was astonished at her self confidence to take hold of his wrist to pull him down to her petite height. After the kiss she made eye contact with him and then blushed and smiled and looked down. He lifted her chin back up to look at him and to again make eye contact and said, Your very welcome Angel. She blushed and turned and walked back to her mother who gave her a squeeze. Are you sure your okay Angela? her mother asked. And he realized his nickname for her was close to her name.
He walked back over to his spot happy to see the fish had not dragged his pole into the lake. He picked it up and reeled it in feeling his full erection inside his pants. He shook his head hard trying to make the thoughts leave his mind. He had hated every moment behind bars and he thought to himself that if he got into the trouble he did over a 15 year old certainly doing anything with a girl younger then even that would be worse. He shook his head again trying to clear his mind but no sooner then he did he again looked up and back in that direction and he saw her walking away with her mothers arm around her, her long blond hair swaying back and forth with each step.
All fish that were caught that day were cleaned and then brought to the grill for cooking. Michael tried to busy himself to clear his mind. Music was playing and he finally got the image of the young womans small breast out of his mind as he hummed the melody to himself. But no sooner then he had forgotten about the days adventure Angela walked directly to where he was sitting.
I wanted to bring you a slice of my moms cherry pie to say thank you one more time, she said handing him the plate with a large slice and whipped cream on the side. Thank you Angel, he replied which seemed to bring a shy smile to her face. Whats your name? she asked to which he replied, Michael. Well thank you again Michael, she said offering a hand to him to shake hands.
He couldnt help himself he took hold of her small soft hand holding it for a moment and then gently pulled it to his lips and ever so lightly kissed the back of her hand and replied, No thanks necessary Angel. She giggled and blushed and tilted her face forward letting her hair fall forward and hide her blush.
Why do you keep calling me that? she asked again making eye contact. Arent you an Angel from Heaven? he asked her in reply. She shook her head no shyly. Well you appear to be one, he said in reply with a soft smile of his own. My father used to call me that, she said softly. Well that confirms it then as your father would know where you came from, he said with a gentle chuckle. She let out a little giggle of her own and then spun on her heels and sprinted away turning back to take one more look at him and then waiving her dainty hand at him at him goodbye.
Why did these young girls have no modesty he thought to himself Angel still wearing only the string bikini allowing him to study her entire body during their conversation. He felt again ashamed as his cock was as hard as it had been in a long time. He knew he needed to put her out of his mind. He finished the piece of pie enjoying it quite a bit. He cleaned up after himself and decided to head home.
After getting home Michael prepared himself a scotch on the rocks. He thought to himself about the odd day it had been. He sat in his favorite chair trying to clear his mind. But the image of the small soft pale breast with the two pink puncture wounds kept coming back to his mind. He flipped on his TV and watched one program after another. Three drinks later and nothing very interesting to watch on the tube and he headed to bed.
No matter how hard he tried Michael could not remove her from his mind. He went to sleep that night only to dream more about the events of the day now only enhanced by further fantasies. He dreamt of her naked on his lap, his fingers working the metal hook back and forth over and over inside the wound in a slow gentle rhythm while feeling his cock inside her moving at the same pace.
Her gorgeous blue eyes locked on his eyes as she let him push another hook into her other breast. As he dreamt about moving his cock in and out of her over and over slowly adding more and more fishing hooks into the perfectly smooth perky young breasts. The sounds of her whimpers clear in his mind as he added each additional hook. All while she sat there perfectly still letting him wound her perfect breasts over and over for his own sadistic pleasure.
He felt himself explode inside her the climax unrivaled in his mind. It shook him awake from his dream and he realized he had just had an incredible wet dream.
Michael knew he had a problem. He knew it was not going to be easy to get Angela out of his mind. But he knew he didnt want to see the inside of a prison cell again or to mess up this new place this new home.
Pam, the 38D MILF preachers wife that had become my willing cum slut and sex slave had been getting fucked by me about once a week and before church each Sunday morning, although she did not know it, her husband, John, the preacher I was blackmailing him too.It had been two months since I fucked John but we would text or call on the phone and I kept him informed of how I was using his wife and 23 year old daughter, whom was pregnant with my c***d...he would jack off while I talked to...
For those following the story, Jamie is horny and thinking evil thoughts about a church man old enough to be her father, her d_ddy is a very busy preacher.I continued my forced seduction of the little slut, whom at 23 had maintained her virginity, but by now, I knew she was ready and I was sure I was going to fuck her.I showed up early one morning when I knew the preacher was going to a funeral, I was hoping his wife Pam would be away also, in case I got the chance to take Jaimie that day....
Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...
While my wife Charlotte was away at the ladies church retreat with the preachers wife (my number #2 sex slave slut) getting seduced and fucked by Pam, the preachers wife, Jaimie (preachers 23 year old daughter -- 24 next month!) whomk lived with my wife and I was left alone with me for a few days.She is VERY pregnant and showing with my baby (unknown to my wife that our nanny is carrying my baby).Jaimie has been getting jealous (as my first seduced and blackmailed number #1 sex slave slut) of...
As relationships strained in her house, her being pregnant, unmarried, preacher angry and ashamed, coupled with issues with her mom, as they were both my now willing sex slaves, although, it took some unwilling time to make that psychological leap to needing their Master's control to let out their inner slut. Jaimie would be 24 in a few months and she really wanted to move in with Master and his family.Pam and Jaimie would argue over petty things,for instance Pam would comment about her moving...
Pam, the hot 38D preachers wife who was now my willing cum slut sex slave, had just been getting fucked by me in her car or mine before church each Sunday morning, then going to the choir and church full of my cum, in her tummy, pussy and sometimes tight asshole.She was putting on dildo and masturbation for me on her bed facing the hidden cam that she now knew was always there. I had her 69 with her husband John and I had noted on hidden cam, that John and her were fucking like rabbits, more...
My wife, Charlotte, thought it was very nice and thoughtful for Jaimie, the 23 year old preachers daughter now moving with us, and unknown to my Mrs, Jaimie was carrying my baby, "Jaimie, thank you for all you did around the house today, but you know, you are not our slave, are our guest!" If my wife only knew, that Jaimie was "my slave" and number #1 cum slut.Charlotte was always wild in bed when alone or away in a hotel or when our k_ds were not home, date night always got me plenty of hot...
Well we arrived at my house and we all three carried everything into Jaimies room and unloaded it, I had both mother (Pam) and daughter (Jaimie) wearing summer dresses without panties and bras. Whenever I wanted, I would get a feel or reach under a dress to feel their pussies or asses or down the top to cup a breast. Jaimies young firm tits that I knew soon would be getting full of my babies milk as her 23 year old now sex slave cum slut to me, little preachers daughter, had become, with her...
Laura -- the preachers daughter continuation. Well, I went to sleep soon and Ray went to bed. I noticed Laura did get up and came to get a drink a of water, I could hear and sense her looking at me on the sofa. I adjusted my cock and had it semi hard and turned so it was showing outside my shorts, I could tell she lingered and looked. I was getting harder as I remembered how her ass felt and also how sexy and slutty she looked on her hubby's hidden cam of her masturbating. Finally she went...
Pam, the MILF preachers wife did as I ordered her. She did give me those panties from her cunt at church as ordered and when I called the Preacher's house the week after I first fucked her, I asked if her husband was home. Yes she said, very well, tell him you are going shopping at the mall and Christian book store. Go buy things at the book store first, then meet me at the pet store in the mall. You are to go into the bathroom at the Christian bookstore and remove your panties, and have them...
The ending of Chapter 14 as a lead in: "Ray standing there getting hard watching his wife on her knees swallowing my cum and some on her face and chin and Rachelle just smiling and smirking and saying, "Laura, you and I know better and we were not raised like this!" Laura embarrassed said, "I know" and at that time I told Ray and Laura that Rachelle and I were going out for breakfast, then shopping, then for a day of play at a hotel room. We would be back late that night. Laura was not happy,...
To set the stage, starting with the ending paragraphs of Chapter 13:"As we fucked Laura, Rachelle, watched in envy and fingered herself, she cum again as Laura cum. Soon Ray filled his wife's ass with his cum and then we switched positions, and I took her ass hard, pulling hair, calling her "our slut" and I used her and degraded her in front of Ray. The things I made her say. Soon she was Cumming again and again. Next she collapsed, used and spent with a stretched ass with cum dripping from...
For those following the stories, here is a update.Jamie, the 23 year old preachers daughter slut is pregnant with my baby, unknown to my wife, and she is living with us. I use her. Pam, preachers wife has been meeting me Sunday mornings and getting fucked before church and her husband knows about it, but has not confronted them yet. I told John, the preachers to wait. He is ashamed she loved sucking my cock and getting his virgin ass pounded. He has been enjoying fucking his wife Pam and I it...
Well, now I had enough video to blackmail the sexy young slut and I was sure she was masturbating thinking of me and also of her d_d_y fucking her m_m_y! But, I wanted MORE to seal the deal, so to speak!My wife and I had a wedding anniversary coming up and I got us reservations at a cabin and planned a nice get away. I knew she would love it, be horny, and I would fuck her all weekend! Although she is a hottie, sometimes I would think of her but other times of Jaimie, the preachers daughter...
With my wife Charlotte away at the church ladies retreat being seduced (I hoped) by my number #2 sex slave slut Pam (the hot 38D preachers wife I had blackmailed that was now a willing sex slut) and I home alone fucking my pregnant 23 year old Number #1 cum slut sex slave Jaimie (preachers daughter) during the day while the k**s were at school, I decided on day two to bring in Katrina (Katrina, the young 19 year old mommy who first fucked me for money, then I also blackmailed her into being my...
Blake How could things be the same after all we had gone through? It’s true that you can’t judge a book by its cover because sometimes the cover lied. Either it didn’t entice the reader enough to open the pages or it made you believe that the words on the inside were equivalent or better than the wonderful picture on the outside. That’s how we were, Samson and I. Sitting here on the 5th pew during morning worship made everyone think that he loved me so much. I was a strong woman but always...
If you have followed the stories, I first black mailed and fucked the preachers 23 year old hot daughter, Jaimie, she is now carrying my baby. See preachers daughter chapter 13 and preacher sucks for lead in to this story:Over two months ago I sucked my first cock and fucked my first man pussy, unbelievable, it was our preachers, so wrong but made me so fucking hard!He sucked and cum hard and recovered quick, he said he would be my sex slave cum slut #3. Well, I had been letting him wait as I...
Well, that Sunday at church she acted very uncomfortable around me, and around my wife. I sensed that 23 year old vixen was feeling guilty. Well, she would feel a lot more guilty soon, but a lot more relaxed as well as used.So over chit chat, I learned that both Preacher and his MILF wifey Pam would be out of town Thursday, and I suggested we might need a baby sitter Thursday afternoon (not really, just wanted to make sure Jaimie would be in town). In fact, I cooked up this story about I...
If you read previous stories, you will see at the church ladies retreat I had the preachers wife Pam, my sex slave cum slut, seduce my wife. Since that time, Pam had met with her 3 other times for romantic love making sessions, all of them caught on film.If you read my last story about the BBC gang bang my wife Charlotte had, this is the follow-on after she was devastated I found out she "cheated!"While I had my wife Charlotte set-up by Ed, her BBC 24 year old boy toy lover, and he had her...
Continued, so I decided it was time for some more forceful fucking again and I ordered Jaimie at church Sunday, to be at the mall Monday at noon, at the pet store.Sunday, Pam, the preachers wife did as told, she tried not to make contact with me and she was very nervous, but she passed we her wet panties that had been in her pussy (see previous post) and I briefly pulled Jaimies panties from my pocket and showed her, then returned them. I could tell there was tension when I was talking to both...
Well, for the next ten days I used her sex young cunt hole and mouth at least twice a week. I told her that Sunday before she got in the choir to sing she was to remove her panties and stuff them in her pussy. After singing she was to go remove them and slide them to me as she left the ladies room and I went to the mens room. What a sexy trained slut. Even in church she was now giving me her panties. So, it was time to get rougher with her and take that tight ass. Not make love to it, not...
She was 23, 5'3" brunette with a stunning smile and perfect young tight body. She had held her virginity through all those years, being homeschooled made it easier, but in college she almost broke down and she longed to be touched, tasted, used and to do the same. Her long time boyfriend she never allowed to do anything other than kiss and one time when she was daring she let him finger her and suck her nipple, she was u******e at that time. He left for college where she learned he turned...
Rachelle was horrified as she thought of how she had cum over and over again with a strangers (mine) cock in her married pussy, mouth and devouring and using her body. She was ashamed and guilty, how could a married preachers daughters do this! How could she fuck me and enjoy it so, when she knew it was so wrong and why did she slut herself so. It made her feel worse she had been fucking in her sisters house. But, Rachelle, also could not but get her sore pussy wet and her nipples would harden...
-IAN I saw her as soon as they walked in. Her face wasn’t familiar although I knew her husband. Was Samson her husband? I had never paid attention to Samson’s ring finger before and I couldn’t see it from here. Even trying to get a closer look during altar call didn’t help. She wasn’t what I called ‘fine’ but extremely sexy. The way she walked around the offering table…ummm. She wasn’t wearing anything revealing but cut to fit her body. A simple navy dress that skimmed slightly over her hips...
As I rode back toward Rays and Laura's I ordered her to be at a hotel I had already arranged, I ordered her to get a sitter, to bring her collar and leash, the HD short shirt and panties I had bought her, to be wearing bright red lipstick, to be all made up and I would call five minutes from the hotel. She was to be in the room waiting. She was to be on her knees, on the bed, faceing away from me with her ass toward me, her head down watching me between her tits and legs as I opened the door. ...
While waiting for Laura at the Harley Davidson shop I had bought a Harley dog leash and collar and put them in my saddle bag, she never saw them.When I retrieved my scoot that afternoon, I stopped and had a pet name tag made, on one side it said, "Laura" and on the reverse it said, "Bill's SSS"As I departed that morning, I handed Laura a key to the room I had gotten and directions looking into her eyes I said, "Laura, I need you one more time this morning, text me "ride safe" when you are 5...
From CH 5: " She was nervous, but I knew if she was getting a baby sitter and picking me up, alone, coupled with the fact she had masturbated herself to sleep after I teased her -- I had no doubt that before noon little miss brunette Laura, the preachers daughter, would be sucking my cock and riding me like there was no tomorrow! I just had to play it cool and make sure I had it recorded for Ray. So on the way to the Harley shop, I stopped and got my own hidden camera and recorder to make sure...
Katrina, the young 19 year old money who fucked me for money, then blackmailed into being my sex slave cum slut #3 for 6 months, had wanted to fuck more than once a week. Apparently, she enjoyed the control and hard fucking I gave her.Pam, the hot 38D preachers wife MILF I had black mailed and was fucking as my number #2 slut, was now trained and willing to do all my commands. Her most humiliating moment was her hard ass fucking and mostly when I had her and Jaimie, my 23 year old number #1...
Well the plan as outlined and stage was set as mentioned in previous story, "Preachers Daughter Chapter 18, Preacher and Preacher.The following occurred yesterday as follows for Jaimie's birthday on her 24th birthday:I arrived and Jaimie looked hot and ready. I kissed her and told her we would play and get very naughty for the next 3 or 4 hours. I had her dressed in stockings, garter belt, heels, makeup perfect, her six month old pregnant little belly showing, I tied her, blind folded her...
Although the last chapter gave me the clearest video and loud audio of her masturbating in daylight... another wonder session was captured at night. In fact, only a couple nights later. The best part was as I reviewed recordings from the preacher and preacher wife's room, I realized Jaimie was masturbating the same time her p______ents were fucking in the other room, where she could no doubt hear them.Again, what wonderful video for future use, when I finally show her!It was a Tuesday night...
About 2 weeks after pressing my hard cock into "Jaimie" at church, I played it cool and stood back. Kind of ignored her but could see her looking at me. It made me semi hard and I sat so she could see my buldge in my slacks.Then the preachers lawn mower broke down and his car was not usable, nothing serious, just a starter solenoid on the mower and a alternator on his car. I told him I would be glad to fix them for him. Well I timed my arrival for when he was going to see folks at the...
For those following the stories, we are at the point Jaimine, the preachers daughter is six months along carrying my baby. She lived with my wife and I, my hot wife Charlotte clueless about Jaimie.Jaimie 24 birthday was yesterday! So, what we did was I had my wife set up a nice surprise party for her at our house where she lives when she got home from her college classes before Christmas break. My wife had no idea, when she left for work and our k**s left for school, Jaimie, who lives with...
For those following the stories, we are at the point Jaimine, the preachers daughter is six months along carrying my baby. She lived with my wife and I, my hot wife Charlotte clueless about Jaimie.Jaimie 24 birthday was yesterday! So, what we did was I had my wife set up a nice surprise party for her at our house where she lives when she got home from her college classes before Christmas break. My wife had no idea, when she left for work and our k**s left for school, Jaimie, who lives with...
Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...
Fantasy & Sci-FiOver the next two weeks I watched and recorded a number of hot masturbation sessions unknown to the hot 23 year old virgin Jaimie, and a few of her MILF m_ _ _ _y and one of her parents fucking in their room. Near the end of two weeks, I even caught the preacher himself alone in Jaimie's room sniffing her worn panties and jacking off his little pecker over her bra, but that is another story for later!My favorite two masturbation recordings, other than her at night in the middle of the night...
After fucking Pam before church that Sunday I had her as I wanted her, obedient.I would watch her on hidden cam and she knowing the cam was there, would give me shows as I directed her too.I told her that when the church was told about Jaimie be pregnant, I would act shocked and in a few weeks talk my wife Charlotte into letter my number #1 slut move in with me. Pam did not really like it, as she knew what all I would be doing to her beautiful pregnant daughter. I wondered if it might be some...
Michele ended up sandwiched between the Predator and the stranger who occupied the corner of the booth. She heard her subjugator murmur something about 'red' which she didn't understand. She certainly understood the implication of the next sentence that he spoke, "Look what I bought us to play with!"Then she was forced to turn her face towards the Predator who kissed her and then he turned her towards the other man who also kissed her. The stranger had recently shaved and smelled of the shower...
The Predator was satisfied with his first taste of the woman who he had bent over the kitchen table and held captive; but he was far from finished with her. The snooty bitch had been taught her first lesson for the evening; his warm issue dribbling down her stockinged legs was evidence of that. "I bet she's never been taken in the rear before," he thought to himself. He was still befuddled why she was wearing pantyhose under stockings though? Maybe she had really bad varicose veins or maybe her...
My buddy lived next door to me. His father was a preacher at a big church in town. His mom was the typical conservative preachers wife type. Average looking, blonde brown hair, not over weight, a few wrinkles. Not wanking material at all. Any way I would spend the night over there and my buddy would spend the night at my house. So spending the night, you sometimes see things, which are not too big a deal. But some times they are a big deal. This night I spent over at my buddy's house. We were...
MICHELE AND PREDATOR - PART III By Michele Nylons The Predator was stunned; it dawned upon him what had happened; he had fucked and been fellated by a transvestite. A man dressed as a woman! He looked at the pathetic sight lying before him on the bed and laughed. He thought to himself that she was just as good as any 'real' woman he had fucked; and she sure wasn't going to be telling anybody about this evening, that's for sure; you could see the look of terror and disgust in her...
MICHELE AND PREDATOR - PART V By Michele Nylons The Predator walked over to one of the stalls and grabbed a handful of toilet paper from the dispenser and then strolled over to the ottoman. He looked at the transvestite whore lying there, her lovely blonde bob and white nylon blouse were covered in the biker's semen, her stockinged thighs spread wide crudely displaying her red nylon panties soaked in her own emission and that of the biker who had fucked her. With her leather mini...
MICHELE AND PREDATOR By Michele Nylons The predator peered through the bedroom window and smiled; he couldn't believe his luck. This woman was just to his taste; he felt himself begin to stiffen as his eyes devoured her; he couldn't wait until he had his hands on her. In his mind he played out the scenario that he envisaged would soon take place. His thickening member began to engorge and throb. The predator had been terrorising the city for months; always preying...
The predator peered through the bedroom window and smiled; he couldn't believe his luck. This woman was just to his taste; he felt himself begin to stiffen as his eyes devoured her; he couldn't wait until he had his hands on her. In his mind he played out the scenario that he envisaged would soon take place. His thickening member began to engorge and throb.The predator had been terrorising the city for months; always preying on attractive, middle-aged women who lived alone. He would break into...
Tonight was Rachelles last night in town at her sisters house before going home. She was going up with marks, sore and used and totally spent. She was spent from the day fucking, emotionally and physically. She talked about things she never told anyone and she got off so many times. She was a total whore now...for me. Tonight, she would be a total whore for her brother in law also.We arrived late at the house, and she walked in a mess. Hair, makeup, no panties, no bra, dried cum in her and...
MICHELE AND PREDATOR - PART VI By Michele Nylons Michele ended up sandwiched between the Predator and the stranger who occupied the corner of the booth. She heard her subjugator murmur something about 'red' which she didn't understand. She certainly understood the implication of the next sentence that he spoke, "Look what I bought us to play with!" Then she was forced to turn her face towards the Predator who kissed her and then he turned her towards the other man who also...
After finally spending half the day fucking my friends wife and secretly recording most of it for him on hidden cam, I played it cool the rest of the day and when my bike was done at the shop took a little test ride. I went and got a hotel in the town, just in case use it in the morning.That evening over dinner, my cock was getting hard thinking how I had ate his wife out and fucked her on the table where he sat eating supper. As we watched TV that night, we would exchange smiles and glances. ...
It was a Friday night, rainy, when I had "accidently" bumped my hard cock into Laura, a preachers daughter and my friend Ray's MILF wife. She is a hottie, pleasantly thick with curves in the right places, wonderful tits and ass, long sexy brown hair and pretty eyes. She has lips to cum over and a little mommy belly from having k**s. She is conservative and quite, but, damn I wanted to fuck her.I waited until I heard her up in the shower Saturday morning, she was the first one up. I watched...
This story is unrelated to others, but the story of seduction on a trip I made a friends house. He is married to a prim and proper preachers daughter, whom is also HOT.Her name is Laura, and she is pleasantly plump and curvy in ALL the right places. Nice hanging tits, beautiful long brunette hair, sexy face and lips, and a ass made for fucking. Although, according to my friend and her hubby, it has never been fucked. You see, he says she is a good fuck but very conservative. She reluctantly...
Pam pulled into the doughnut shop as ordered and went in, she looked at my car. I followed her and stood behind her in line, I pressed against her and she tensed. What is someone saw? I told her to buy doughnuts and coffee. Buy enough for the Sunday school class. I told her to put them in her car then drive across the street to the parking lot of a closed store and wait. Unlock your car doors and wait for me.I ordered coffee and drove across the street parking nest to her.I wondered if...
I was walking around campus all day wearing my shortest skirt and tightest T-shirt. And I could feel the predator staring at me. Wherever he or she might be. There were rumors of a predator roaming all over the campus. Male and female students had been attacked. And nobody thought anyone could do anything about it. Well, I decided to go on the hunt. Predators can and do get caught. No matter who they are and how tough they think they are. Men and women who prey on the innocent have a new enemy....
The Predator was stunned; it dawned upon him what had happened; he had fucked and been fellated by a transvestite. A man dressed as a woman! He looked at the pathetic sight lying before him on the bed and laughed. He thought to himself that she was just as good as any 'real' woman he had fucked; and she sure wasn't going to be telling anybody about this evening, that's for sure; you could see the look of terror and disgust in her eyes. He might as well enjoy the rest of the evening. He...
Michele ended up sandwiched between the Predator and the stranger who occupied the corner of the booth. She heard her subjugator murmur something about 'red' which she didn't understand. She certainly understood the implication of the next sentence that he spoke, "Look what I bought us to play with!" Then she was forced to turn her face towards the Predator who kissed her and then he turned her towards the other man who also kissed her. The stranger had recently shaved and smelled of...
MICHELE AND PREDATOR - PART II By Michele Nylons The Predator was satisfied with his first taste of the woman who he had bent over the kitchen table and held captive; but he was far from finished with her. The snooty bitch had been taught her first lesson for the evening; his warm issue dribbling down her stockinged legs was evidence of that. "I bet she's never been taken in the rear before," he thought to himself. He was still befuddled why she was wearing pantyhose under stockings...
The Predator walked over to one of the stalls and grabbed a handful of toilet paper from the dispenser and then strolled over to the ottoman. He looked at the transvestite whore lying there, her lovely blonde bob and white nylon blouse were covered in the biker's semen, her stockinged thighs spread wide crudely displaying her red nylon panties soaked in her own emission and that of the biker who had fucked her. With her leather mini bunched around her waist and her red high heels wide apart...
The Predator was satisfied with his first taste of the woman who he had bent over the kitchen table and held captive; but he was far from finished with her. The snooty bitch had been taught her first lesson for the evening; his warm issue dribbling down her stockinged legs was evidence of that. "I bet she's never been taken in the rear before," he thought to himself. He was still befuddled why she was wearing pantyhose under stockings though? Maybe she had really bad varicose veins or...
To everyone who takes the time to get to know me by reading my work, thank you. I hope that you enjoy this installment as well as the others posted previously. I also look forward to your feedback/comments. With sincere gratitude, K. Carmichael * IV. I planned on learning more about Blake from Tonya but when she cancelled her meeting with me I knew I had to take things into my own hands. Samson had told me that he would drop the forms off at the church but I knew that he would be out of...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
Well, sure enough sexy little Jaimie was carrying my baby! I had bred her good!So, as directed, she told her m_mmy who of course knew I was the father of her baby.Jaimie told her m_ommy what I had told her to tell her dad so Pam went along with the lie to John. Boy, was the preacher pissed. He even cursed! Jamie cried. She knew she could not go back to her Christian University in a few weeks so she was going to have to stay there, and they would have to tell the church. She would have to...