Babysitting. 02 free porn video

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“That was pretty weak,” Christy said, again pretending to be a boy, my date. “ I’m surprised that you haven’t been ****d before, but I’ll tell you this, I don’t care what you want, I’ll do whatever I want to do with you, and if you give me any trouble, you’ll wish that you hadn’t.” I think she really meant it even if she was pretending to be a guy date.

She was kissing and licking my body from my waist, to my tits, my neck and then locked onto my mouth, I was aroused more than I have ever been but at the same time, afraid.

My body, however, responded on its own and I was kissing her back. Then I felt her hand go down and push my panties down until she had complete access to my pussy and she slowly started massaging the side of my clit. I felt my juices flowing down my crack.

“Well, my horny slut, I see that your cunt honey is running down to your asshole. How does it taste when you finger fuck yourself and then suck your cum off of your fingers?” I mumbled that I‘ve never tasted it. “I don’t believe that for a second but if you haven’t before I’m going to give you a mouthful now.”

She took her fingers and went deep into my love hole to get as much of my juices as she could, and then suddenly stopped as her two fingers went all the way to my cervix, she then pulled out her fingers, dripping with my juices, and put them into my open mouth

“You slut.” She was still playing the role of my male date. “You led me to believe that you were a virgin and I find out that you don’t have a cherry, who’ve you been fucking?”

I whimpered out that I was a virgin but my hymen broke last year when I fell off my bike and hurt myself.

“better for me,” she answered as she put her mouth back on mine and then continued to play with my pussy. She knew exactly how to do it to another female, and it wasn’t long before I knew that she could make me cum any second.

“Oh, please stop.” I said tearfully, I didn’t want this to happen to me this way with another person, especially with another female. “Please don’t make me cum. I’ve never cum when anyone was around. I’m afraid, I‘m too embarrassed.”

She pulled her mouth away from mine and then started sucking on my hard and sensitive nipples, she wasn’t about to stop. She raised her head, looked me straight into my eyes and said. “ I want you to look into my eyes, I don’t want you to shut your eyes for a fraction of a second, just keep them wide open and stare into mine.”

She was saying this to me softly as she was touching me in all the right spots, the right way,. As if it were her own body and knew what I was feeling, my body was responding the way a female body reacts just before cumming, but this was much more from what I experience when I masturbate myself to sl**p.

“You’re enjoying this, baby, I can tell,” as she looked into my eyes. “I can see the excitement in your eyes and I know that you’ve never felt this much when you did it yourself. But you’re going into a whole new place, way beyond where you have been.”

Her one hand was holding my back and reaching around my body and pulling on my nipples as her other hand was in and out of my love hole, teasing my clit and then pressing on my mound area. She was driving me insane and yet I was loving her more.

As I looked right into her eyes, as I started breathing faster and faster, my pelvis pushing up on its own, I softly said. “Oh please Christy, please stop.” but it was too late. My entire body responded to her soft touch as she moved her two fingers into my hole and her thumb on my clit. “Oh god, oh god I’ve never felt like this before. Oh god I’m cuuming.” I cried out as I looked straight into her eyes. Then I broke my look from Christy to watching us in the mirrors as I was going through the throes of my orgasm that was so different from what I had experienced when masturbating. Christy mumbled “me too“ as she tightly squeezed her thighs together, as we watched each other cumming in the mirrors. The beauty and the pain I saw of our facial expressions at our peak, blew me away. I closed my eyes and tried to catch my breath.

After about fifteen minutes, I opened my eyes and noticed that we were lying on the bed and without me being aware of it, she had taken off my shorts and panties, I was completely naked, as she was. I was on my back and she was on her side, cuddling me. Her one arm under my neck and on my shoulder on the opposite side of her, and her other hand just delicately caressing my entire torso as she looked at me with a warm smile on her face. I just wanted to yell out, Christy, I love you, but I knew that it would sound c***dish, but I felt so much love for her, she could do anything that she wanted with me.

“Well, my sexy kitten, did that feel as good as when you did yourself? You looked so damn beautiful when you were cumming, and I could see all the fireworks go off as I looked into your beautiful eyes. Now do you feel like a woman? I mean a real woman? Also, my love, you’re going to learn to have one beautiful orgasm after another and enjoying the pleasure of many multiple orgasms.”

“Oh my god, I was so embarrassed, and at the same time I never realized that it could be so beautiful. Thank you so much, I’m so glad that it was you who gave my first ever real orgasm. Uhm, please don’t laugh at me when I say this, but I love you so, so much.”

“I love you very much as well, but we will talk about that later. Right now I want to talk to you about your career as a model. First of all I want you to get out of bed so that I can get a good look at you and your sexy body.” I hated leaving her warm body that felt so great, like I wanted to stay like that all day, especially with her hands caressing my body.

It was a little embarrassing standing in front of her completely naked, but for some reason it didn’t seem to bother me. Was it because I loved her and she me? Then I remembered something I wasn’t sure if I heard her right. “Christy, did you really cum with me?”

“I sure did, sweetheart. I got so turned on by looking at you as you came, looking deep into your beautiful eyes, I just came by how sexy you looked and your reaction.

“Okay, now let’s get down to business. I think you’ve got what it takes to be a super model because you got the looks, the right facial structure, plus with your black hair, olive complexion and bright green eyes you have a very exotic look about you. Also you just passed the first test, being able to have sex with me. You see, Lez, in this business most models, male or female, are either lesbians, gay or bisexuals .. Also you have to accept and comfortable being naked in front of strangers of either sex that constantly touch your naked body to fit you properly. Do you think that you can be comfortable with that, even if the touch you in a sexual way?”

“I’m, well uhm, I guess, well I think that I can. I mean that I’ll really try. But, well, I really love the way you touch me, Christy, I‘ve never cum like that..”

“Thank you, sweetheart, I love you too, believe me, we will touch each other as often as we can, everyday as long as it doesn’t interfere with our getting you in shape to be a super model. In a couple of weeks three of the girls that work out of the same agency as I do, are going to visit me, as well as our agent, you’ll really love her, she is a doll. I haven’t seen them since I had my baby so make sure you don’t make any plans for that week One more thing, we have to get rid of all that hair covering that sexy pussy of yours. But don’t worry about it, I’ll take care of that later.”

“Oh my god, that would be super and I’ll make sure that I don’t make any plans for then. But this coming week I won’t be able to come over because we’re, a couple of my girlfriends, are making plans for our graduation party. But if you really need any help I’m sure my mom will be glad to come over, I mean dad’s going to be away for the next month or so and helping you will give her something to do.” I was so excited about all that we did and what she had said, but what did she mean about taking care of my pussy hair? Was she planning on cutting it off, or shaving me bald?

“Great, that will be fine with me. You know, since we’ve been living here I’ve thought of inviting you, your mom and dad for a Barbeque some weekend or evening, but every time I think of it, my husband is gone, well one of these days. I think that your mom is very pretty but all we have ever done is wave to each other, I’ll look forward to getting to know her better.”

The next day she called me over, now she didn’t say anything about baby sitting, just “come on over.”

When I got there she told me to undress because she had a lot to do today and was in a hurry, I didn’t ask any questions and did as she asked. She took me from the bedroom to her bathroom and then told me to get into the shower and to sit on the bench.

“Well, Lez, it’s time to get rid of this growth between your legs.” and when I questioned why it was necessary, she answered, “first of all, my sexy slut, it covers that beautiful pussy of yours, and for another thing no other female would want to stick her tongue into that forest and have pussy hair stuck in between her teeth. Also all models are bald.”

“What am I going to say to my doctor if I have to have a physical and she sees my pussy is all bald, I mean why not just a bikini trim?” My doctor will think that I’m a uhm, a slut and that I …you know, have sex all the time.”

“First of all most women do it for sanitation reasons, as well as smell, but as far as your doctor goes, after she takes one look at your sexy, hairless cunt lips, she’ll want to down on you, that’s if she has any libido at all. Now sit still so that I don’t cut you. Once you become a model and make some money, I’ll take where they remove all your hair with a laser so that we don‘t have to go through this every couple of days.”

Very professional like, Christy took her scissors and started cutting away, then she lathered the entire area all the way to my asshole and started shaving me bald. I know that she didn’t do it intentionally but my pussy was aroused from the second that she started cutting my hair until the time she finished shaving me and rinsing me off. When she put some lotion on to stop any irritation and bumps, and seeing how my juices were flowing, she gave me a little smile and with her fingers quickly made me cum, much to my relief.

Two days later, when I was away and busy getting together with my girlfriends for our graduation party at a girlfriends house, Christy called mom.

“Hi, miss Delano, this is Christy from next door. I wondered if you would like to come over this evening for a bite to eat so that we can get to know one another as we have a drink. By the way, your daughter is beautiful and super nice.”

“First of all, my name is Shari, to tell you the truth I would love that very much. I’m really ashamed of myself for not coming over long ago and getting acquainted when you first moved in. Leslee has told me how much she enjoys being with you and she never forgets to tell me how beautiful you are, really, she always glows when she comes home after she’s been with you, it kind of makes me a little jealous. Hehe.”

When I called home, I told mom that I would call her if I might just stay over at Emile’s house because we wanted to get it all decorated for the party, she was fine with that.

Mom got into a new, sexy outfit for the evening, and was very excited to be enjoying a drink with a model and she wanted to make sure her clothes looked like she knew what the younger women were wearing these days, she didn’t want to look drab and old. She wore a black skirt that to her was a mini but it was really only two inches above her knees, it fit tight but had a slit all the way from the hem almost to her waist, I have to admit, I’m sure she knew what she was doing when she bought this because it really showed her sexy butt.. She also had a white transparent blouse and you could see her sexy black sexy bra. She never wore this outfit when my dad was around, but I have to admit, when she put it on to show me, she really looked hot.

Christy didn’t want mom to think that she walked around the house half naked the way she dressed when I came over so she put on a beautiful, light blue dress that she knew hugged her sexy body as if it was her own skin, you could see the outline of her sexy breasts, her nipples as well as the outline of her pretty pussy mound along with her clit sheath, and was only about three inches lower than her butt. It was a very seductive dress and she probably meant it to be, and I knew that she rarely wore underwear. Also she had on a pair blue satin strapless sandals with slim four inch stiletto heels. She had tried this outfit on once when I first met her, I got wet just looking at her.

When mom got to her door, Christy opened it, looked at mom with a smile and kissed mom’s cheeks as she hugged her. “Well Mrs. Del… I mean Shari, finally we get to know one another, with Lez, uh, Leslee, all excited about graduation it gave us a great opportunity to really get to know one another. Your daughter is not only beautiful, she is also a fantastic companion. Please come on in and let me pour you a drink, I’ve already poured myself a martini and made enough for you, how about it.”

“I’ve never had one, besides I’m not much of a drinker, I’d hate to pass out on you. Hehe. But I like the looks of it, it’s the same shade of blue as your beautiful dress.”

After making some small talk, Christy said to mom. “I thought that you and your husband both worked and that you worked locally, the reason I say that is both of you seemed to be home every evening. Oh, that didn’t sound right, I mean I don’t spy on my neighbors, but the fact that both your cars are usually in the driveway.” I could just imagine mom thinking that with the dress Christy was wearing she could be naked just as well.

I didn’t know if Christy did spy on us, but I don’t think so, however I caught mom, not that I ever told her, looking into Christ’s bedroom after dark. Mom was in our guest room, and in the dark she was watching Christy. I know that Christy is, as a rule, naked when she is in her bedroom, when mom came out about fifteen minutes later, she looked flush and went directly to her room, I wish I knew what she saw Christy doing.

“We were,” mom answered Christy, “but I quit a week ago and now my husband has a job that pays twice as much as his old job, but he also has to travel a lot. I guess from what Leslee tells me about your husband, he travels a lot as well.”

“That he does, but he makes too much money for me to complain about it. But you want to know the truth, it doesn’t bother me at all. Oh, I’m sorry, we’re sitting talking away and we need refills on our drinks.”

“Thank you Christy, you go ahead but I think that I’ll pass, it seemed like a very strong drink.”

“Just a little, Shari, I hate drinking alone, you’ll think that I’m an alcoholic. Besides if you get d***k I’ll call a cab for you. Hehe.”

Christy didn’t wait and poured mom another drink. I know that when my mom drinks to the point of getting a little tipsy, she gets a little silly and says things that she would never say when she completely sober.

Mom sipped on her second drink and the first one was already taking its toll. “You know, Christy, I think that I’m going to enjoy a little privacy myself. I mean I love my husband but I always have to take care of him, if you know what I mean, hehe.”

“Well, Shari, we all have our little secrets don’t we. But you can’t blame him, my god, you are so beautiful and sexy looking that if I was him I’d want you to take care of me all the time. You know, my hubby is the same way. By the way, I know that I shouldn’t be asking you this, but how old are you, I mean really? Lez tells me that you’re in your forties but you look like you’re not even in your late thirties.”

Mom had reached the stage where she was giggling at just about anything Christy said. One thing that I do know about mom for sure, the only time she encourages dad to hurry to the bedroom is after they have had friends over and she has had more than one drink.

“That’s a very nice compliment coming from such a beautiful woman as yourself, Christy.” mom said as she continued her giggling. “I‘m forty five but sometimes I feel like I‘m your age. But when I see your body, I mean it‘s magnificent, it‘s so perfect. And those lip tattoo’s that you have on your butt cheeks are adorable.” Mom should have quit after the first drink, now Christy knows that mom has been spying on her.

“Shari, sweetheart, you have never seen my body, how would know that my body is so perfect and that I have those tattoo’s? Have you been spying on me?” Christy asked mom that question with a sharp tone.

“Well, no, oh no. I mean once I saw you, but, I mean I wasn’t spying on you, it was quite accidental. I, uh, needed something out of our guest bedroom and just happened to see you when you were, uh, naked.” I thought that mom was going to start crying.

Little did mom know that Christy was aware of the fact that mom spied on her when dad was away. What Christy was doing is seducing mom while knowing very well that mom was watching her and would masturbate with her toys. And now in retrospect, it evidently worked. Also as I think back, I believe mom went to the guest room frequently for a while. Yes, and after she would always go back to her room, she only did this when my dad was away.

Christy gave mom a hug, “Shari, I’m not upset about you watching me, after all we’re both women and we both have the same kind of anatomy, and I’m sure that we both masturbate the same, like most girls and women do. Don’t you agree?”

“Well we, uh, I mean Leslee, well I don’t think that my daughter, well she doesn’t.”

“She doesn’t what Shari? You don’t think that she masturbates like we do? How naïve. How about you, now you’re not going to tell me that you don’t masturbate.”

“Oh no, I think I’ve had too much to drink, Christy, I think I better go home now.”

The phone rang and Christy answered it. “Hi Christy, this is Leslee. I called home and my mom wasn’t there so I guessed that she might still be at your place. Anyway, would you please tell her that I’m going to stay at Emilee’s house tonight along with some of the other girls.”

“No problem, Leslee, I’ll tell your mom. But listen, since you have this opportunity, being that you’re going to sl**p there, I want to see if you have what it takes to be a model, I want you to parade in front of the other girls, naked. Don’t flaunt it, but just walk around as if you were home alone.”

“Christy, I know these girls. I mean do I have too. And what if one of them gets the wrong idea, you know, like she might want to touch me? And oh my god, my bald pussy? I know some of them trim for their bikini‘s, but bald, what will they think?”

“Leslee, just do it, and if any girl wants to have sex with you, you do that as well. Now that is all I’m going to say and I want a full report when you come home. Also be sure to put that overnight pouch where it will view the entire room like I instructed you. Bye.”

“That was your daughter, Shari, she just called to tell you that she was having a great time and was going to stay there overnight. It’s so much fun to be young and free, unencumbered , throw caution to the wind and just do anything that excites you, having fun. Oh, so where were we when she called? Did I mention how beautiful you look?”

“Thank you again for saying that, compared to you I think that I just look like a plain Jane. I mean I don’t feel beautiful at all.”

“Well love, I’m going to show you otherwise. I’m going to transform you into a raving beauty. Have you ever seen a model or an actress before they are all made up? Well, I’m going make you up just as if you were about to go on the stage. First of all you are extremely sexy looking even without any special makeup, but I want to show you what it‘s like, do you think that I model without any makeup on?”

Will Continue.

Same as Babysitting. 02 Videos

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Here comes another site "The B Archive" that looks like 4Chan. As a matter of fact, The /b/ Archive is a 4Chan archive, and all the content found here (or 4chan trash lol) originated from that website. Now, if you know 4Chan, then you know it is quite a popular platform teeming with perverted freaks, weirdos, creeps, Internet geeks and what have you sharing all kind of random shit including, you guessed it right, fucking porn. That’s the kind of content that you will find on this site. You will...

Porn Chan Sites
1 year ago
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Naked beach

One day, I woke up and I decided to go to the naked beach. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do when I get there, but I thought that I will see how I feel.I walked for a while along the beach and looked around. There were just few people sunbathing naked. There was a couple kissing. Looking at them I started feeling a little horny. I decided to go in the dunes and see if there is anybody there. I was alone so I decided to lie down and play with myself for a bit.I sat on the towel and took my dress...

3 years ago
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Laura Her sister and Friends

I have been dating Laura for a year now, and things have been going great. At 25, she's a full 15 years younger than me, but we get along fine.We usually have sex at my apartment, since even though she's a buyer for a major NYC firm, she still lives at home with her mom and younger sister Michele. This weekend though, with her mom out of town, I was going to spend the night at her house for the first time, which meant, aside from the fact that I was going to spend the weekend banging my...

3 years ago
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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 18 End of the Beginning

The royal delegations were given the run of the castle as they awaited Joseph’s return. The dungeon was the only place they were not permitted entry, much to Prince Junius’ consternation. He had tried to bluster his way in but the guards didn’t budge. He had tried to sneak in but had been caught quickly – and chastised by the man who had caught him for ignoring Lady Elena’s orders. Junius was already upset at having to deal with a woman in a position of power and he refused to be ordered...

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Just a SecChapter 30

The atmosphere around Jennifer’s house, however, was definitely one of optimism! Matt and Jennifer had decided on getting married right after the end of the school year. They had consulted with Haley and Connor, of course, and the teens had agreed, as long as they could invite Philippe and Ginger to be their ‘Plus-Ones’, and a couple of other special people, for the civil ceremony to be held at Miz Jan’s house. Yes, Jan Pittman had seized control of the wedding planning this time as well....

4 years ago
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Best Friends are Best

‘It’s a beautiful evening’ I thought to myself as I sat on my rooftop and watched as the sun began to set, staining the few remaining clouds in delicate shades of red and orange. No artist alive could capture the natural beauty of such a sight and as I appreciated that beauty, I allowed my thoughts to drift amoungst themselves. It had only been a few days since I had broken-up with my woman, and I was yearning for her tender touch. Just thinking of her soft, delicate fingertips and long nails...

1 year ago
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Spying on my sister in law

This whole thing started when we purchased this home and I was painting the master closet. I was taking all the switch covers off and realized when I removed a solid cover down low that it only had one screw on the top. So this thing would swing back and forth. So as I remove it I see there's a one inch hole. So I look in and see it goes right into the guests bathroom. We haver forced hot air and the hole came through the back of that resister and someone had painted it black so nobody could...

3 years ago
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fucking sailors

I went out on Friday night down town. I was dressed a little to skimpily for the weather and as i walked down the street a car sped past and sprayed water over me. The wanker never even stopped, but a bloke did who came over to see if i was ok. He was in the Navy, on a ship called the XXXXXXX i think. How do i know this? cos i started crying when he came to help me and he offered me a lift home in his car. He was so nice and caring i soon cheered up and i thought he was a real nice man so when...

2 years ago
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Making Friends at the Swing Club Part 3 of 3

In Part 1, Dawn and I met and became friends. In Part 2, we were pleased that our spouses wanted to become friends, and they left us to explore each other while we continued our adventures. Our explorations paused for a moment when Dawn’s spouse came looking for us.~~~~~He actually swallowed hard, and then mumbled, "Just a moment." He stepped out of the room for a moment, and then my wife joined him at the doorway."Hi dear," I said to my wife. I am sure she could tell that I was still enjoying...

Wife Lovers
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Whacked Round Ass Lass 5 Whipped Reporter Anal LostChapter 3

Here, I was, Charlotta, King High’s court’s runner up queen all those years ago back in high school. When Martha Ann, me and Art the same guy now staring down at me and my friend and fellow teacher, Martha Ann. Wood, yes, best described what I saw at that moment. I realized just not that he was spying on us, but it was crystal, I mean perfectly clear. Yes, indeed he had been watching the show with a hot interest. From my vantage point, I could see that his penis was pink. Hard, a real...

1 year ago
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Mukuneiu 4 Cinders

-----"It's... so amazing, Erika." Adra said, her eyes half-filled with tears of joy, her voice soft and angellic. "Not nearly as amazing as you, my darling. Besides, I figured it was good time to have a nice dinner out with you like this, after all, we did just move in together." The voice that soothed her was so peaceful and loving, suiting the loving arms that bound her close. She was in Heaven. Perhaps it was not a fairy-tale world, and perhaps it was not paradise, but for now there...

2 years ago
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Wishing Herself into a Sweet Dream

I'll tell you a little about myself to fill in some space. I was taught to write in the concise style and may do it to a fault. I write about the real only because, for the most part, it's not easy to write about the unknown. For what we're here for, I share myself, and share my view of the man I love. I'm thinking each story will tell a little of this which, in a good day can consume me. Hope you enjoy.Already undressed she sits comfortable just home from the airport where she dropped her man....

1 year ago
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Elizabeths story sibling love Chapter 2 the aftermath of my sin

Chapter 2: dealing with my sin I remained in the shower for an extended period of time, trying to deal with the conflict that was overwhelming me. I could not quite get my mind around what had just occurred; and what I had done.In a moment of weakness, I had crossed a line that our society has deemed uncrossable. I had violated one of the most fundamental taboos that exist; a taboo that has existed since biblical time.I was ashamed, and guilt ridden; at the same time I was excited and confused....

3 years ago
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Incestuous Flesh Massage Chapter 6 Brothers Dominating Instructions

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Six: Brother's Dominating Instructions By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I loved the shock in Mr. Armstrong's eyes as he witnessed what a lying bitch his wife was. He was aghast as he watched his supposed faithful, Christian wife getting wild with my mother and me. The slender man trembled in his doorstep. His hand shook as he stared at the tablet held in my brother's hand. Clint's plan was well...

1 year ago
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Introduction: I start my tour of america with a bang, if you know what i mean I stood in the pouring rain soaked, teeth chattering, and clothes plastered to my skin. My bag next to me, I was sure that all my stuff would be ruined. Suddenly, a gust of wind sent me stumbling, tripping over my bag, I collapsed into one of the many lakes of muddy rainwater on the side of the road. Tears flowing down my cheeks, I stood up, my sodden clothes covered in mud. This wasnt what I had had in mind when I...

4 years ago
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Husband finds out wife has been cheating on him

Carol’s job was hosting a Christmas party. She decided to wear a skirt and no panties. I was turned on by the idea. The company party was being held at a hotel about a half hour from where we lived. She said that they expected about 30 people to show up.We arrived at the hotel that evening. The parking lot was almost full but we found a place towards the back. We entered the lobby and made our way to where the event was taking place. As we entered the room, one of Carol’s co-workers, Darnell,...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Anie Darling How Sweet It Is

Ricky Rascal is working from home when his girlfriend, Anie Darling, emerges from the bedroom wearing nothing but one of Ricky’s shirts. Grabbing a lollipop, Annie observes the situation and tries to determine the best course of action to get her needs met. She decides to tackle Ricky’s inattention head on with an approach that may not be subtle, but which is effective. Strutting to the mirror that Ricky can see just out of the corner of his eye, Anie peels off her shirt and slips...

4 years ago
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Georgia Goes to UniversityChapter 2 Still Settling In

The next morning I woke alone on my back on my bed, my right hand on my wet pussy. “I really must get a motion activated camera and stick it between my legs when I go to bed.” I thought as I lay there for a few minutes trying to decide if my head hurt or not. It didn’t and I got up and went to the bathroom. Twenty minutes later I walked out of the bathroom feeling refreshed and ready for the day. I put some coffee on and started making a mental list of what I had to do that day. It was a...

3 years ago
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Me and Shubi Ch 03

Coming back to work from that new years eve was a pleasant surprise. . . the atmosphere in the office was crackling with Shubhi’s vivacious laughter and wisecracks. The days passed by quickly and we were coming to an end of another financial year. I was practically living out of office spending almost 16 hours at times out of which 10 were on field. We doubled our turnover and profits. The team got a good raise and incentive cheques were distributed. That Saturday evening we planned for a...

3 years ago
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Getting seduced by my bhabhi

Getting seduced by my bhabhi Hi, this is the story about the initiation into the lovely world of sex for me. Let me take you back to the time when I was 23 years old. Let me warn you, if you are looking for a short story, forget it. This is a true one so be prepared to imagine what I have written and enjoy it. We were two brothers. My younger brother was five years younger to me. My parents has just shifted abroad as my dad had got a very good job offer there. Since me and my brother were...

2 years ago
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SamChapter 6A

I woke to the sound of the clock radio as a man described the warm weather that would be moving inland from the Gulf. I turned it off and ran to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth. In a rush, I did my hair, checked my makeup and applied some perfume. When I was ready, I went across the hall to Bud's room to give him his wake-up call. When I eased open his bedroom door I could hear snoring. I tiptoed across the room and slipped into the bed with Bud. I had been planning this ever...

2 years ago
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My foster brother

I can't even tell you when he did it. But suddenly my little brother of 10 years was way more than grown up. He came out of the shower one day into the livingroom and I couldn't help but notice his rock hard sixpac and the water glistening on his brown skin. I was home on leave for a couple of weeks and somewhere in between me going to bootcamp and being gone for a year and a half. He'd developed a lott! He didn't know I was home yet, or if he did, he planned it pretty well. Either way,...

2 years ago
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Singing Jasens Song Part 4

Introduction: Sorry for the delay with this one. Couldnt get things quite the way I wanted them. Forewarning, there is no sex in this part of the story. If youre looking for a tale of meaningless sex, you should look somewhere else. To fully enjoy, please read from Part 1. Thank you to everyone for reading, rating and commenting! -SS Jasen rapped heartily, pausing to note the sideways 8 and chipped paint that adorned the discolored door. Despite dozens of car rides and even more conversations,...

2 years ago
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Caught part 4

“So your name is Bonnie?” Marcie tentatively asks.“Yeah. So how did you get here?” replies Bonnie.“I was at the bar with a good friend when this person runs up behind him and hits him in the back of the head. Next thing I know I’m handcuffed here and having sex with this person. I thought she was a man because of her short black hair but then she got naked and he was a she.” Marcie rambles. “I felt someone watching me all night at the bar and we locked eyes for a minute but I didn’t thing...

2 years ago
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Fun With A Young Couple

I had just dropped off my wife at her s****r’s for a couple of days. She lives an hour away and they spend those days going to plays and shopping. I looked forward to it because my wife lost interest in any sex years ago. I could use this time to look at some porn and gettting myself off a few times without being interrupted. I stopped at a bank near there to get some extra cash and then stopped at a store nearby before the 1 hour drive back. As I pulled into the store parking lot, I noticed a...

3 years ago
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Live a super life

It was the year 2019 and superpowers had become all the rage. Things you read in comic books, watch in movies and spent half of your lifetime going to conventions for, had metaphorically come around to hit you in the face. The saying; with many superpowers comes many superheroes and villains too... had never been truer, at least in this case. The first breakout of superpowers in the year 1999 led to a near catastrophic incident that made the need for capes and tights men and women to arise. And...

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Married Crossdressing Fun Ch 3

“Mikki?” Caz asked. “Yeah, babe?” “I’ve been thinking...” “Always a dangerous thing,” I said, cheekily. “Yeah, whatever. Seriously, I’ve been thinking about what happens next.” “What do you mean, what happens next?” “Well, you are really beautiful but I was thinking of stepping it up a notch.” My wife Caz is the most beautiful woman I know. I love her with all my heart. She is sexually voracious. We played a little game a while ago. She saw how turned on I got when she treated me like a bitch...

2 years ago
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He was the most beautiful man I had ever seen. Don't get me wrong, he was not one of those androgynous men, those who look like little boys or those who you cannot tell if they are a boy or a woman. No, he was fully male, but with the looks of an angel. He reminded me of the cherubs you see in some religious art, all grown up. He just sat there in a corner, looking around the club with eyes that looked like they could see your very soul, but with a slightly bored look on his face. I guess you...

Gay Male
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Tracis Abduction and Rape 4

It has been almost two years since Traci was taken to a remote building by her kidnapper. He had tied, whipped, caned, vibrated, and fucked her in all her holes. She thinks often of the pain and pleasure he forced on her using and abusing her. Each time she relives the experience with her unknown abductor she gets wet and masturbates to very hard orgasms. She has dated and had sex many times since the last time he used her but nothing from any of her dates gave her the pleasure she felt...

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Lets Go for a Drive ch 2

My friend Dave and I just took a sexy drive in the country, one where I was wearing no clothing. I have never been that aroused for awhile. We just drove up to my place and I led him by the hand into my house. “Things are about to get a little hotter, I cooed, now that we are alone.” Dave is his sixties; his hair is brown with flecks of grey. To me age is just a number, as when there is snow on the mountain there is always a fire in the furnace. His tanned face, bold nose, and strong...

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BrattyMILF Kagney Linn Karter My Stepmom Is Fit For A Fuck

Kagney Linn Carter is trying to keep her bigtit body in shape by doing some yoga, but it’s not easy to nail some of the positions. When Kagney’s stepson, Codey Steele, finds his hot stepmom and takes the opportunity to perv on her, Kagney is initially irritated. She soon sees it as an opportunity for fitness and fucking, though. Directing Codey to come closer, Kagney tells her stepson that since he’s here he can help her with some of the stretches she’s been having...

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Julianna Part 3

I awoke with a foot grinding in my face. Julianna was standing above me and smiling down at me. She was still nude. "Wake up, slave," she chirped, "You've got breakfast to cook." She kicked the blanket off me. The smile left her face and her eyes narrowed. "What's this?” she asked, pointing her big toe to the dried cum on the blanket. "I--I couldn't help it," I stuttered, "I was so horny. I needed relief." Julianna was genuinely angry. "Get on your knees, NOW!" she ordered. I obeyed. She put...

4 years ago
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mij friend

after exercise we went showering. I dropped my pants pockets, and my dick came out. I saw one in his underpants bobel arise, and I asked him if I could bring down his underpants. like he said. There was a rather large and thick penis appeared. my dick was instantly huge and stiff. My boyfriend asked if I wanted his cock and took hold of mine. Slowly we began each others dicks subtracting. I asked him if he wanted to lick my dick. He did only too happy. I began to suck his dick. We were both...

2 years ago
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Nurse Demoness Chapter 3

Ashkrath was an even lesser succubus than Rathae, but she ruled one of the nine districts on the plane Vitae named Desert. The demon was not having a good day, and she was listening to one of her subordinates, an imp named Pu. He was sputtering on about the current problem she was facing. "M-m-master, I can't answer where all of the souls are going," Pu said. Ashkrath looked at the imp in disbelief. How did she ever employ such a thing? She knew the answer, which was that this far...

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Mall Santa

MALL SANTA Back when I was in high school, I was told I needed a college education if I was ever going to have the American dream – you know, house in suburbia, wife who is even hotter now than before our 2.5 kids were born, a nice SUV for her, a cool truck for me, golfing, maybe a little boat to use for fishing on weekends, all that shit middle-class kids are told they'll want when they grow up. There was one major problem with all of that. I was a decent enough student to get into a...

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DesiderataChapter 11

Isobel glared back up at him but he never flinched. It was too dark to read his eyes but his tone of voice while brooking no argument had been gentle. All the same, she was not going to capitulate. Her adrenalin was still pumping. "Not like this we're not." "Do you promise to be good if I let you up?" "Yes." He climbed off her and helped her to her feet but did not let go of her hands which he held gently. "Your car or mine? I've left my engine running." She shrugged. He let...

3 years ago
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The Education of Heather Part 2

The Education of Heather Part 2 Heather receives oral instruction Saturday arrived quickly. Heather had completed her costume shopping after school Friday evening. She found a cute little lingerie specialty shop and bought some thong panties that were embarrassingly small and a beautiful powder blue silk kimono. When she tried it on, she was surprised that it barely covered here groin, but in modeling it in front of the stores dressing room mirror, she liked the fact the sensuous garment was...

2 years ago
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My Naked Mother And Me 8211 Pt 2 An Amazing View

The 8th day of my summer vacation is when I got an amazing view. I was in the shower again, enjoying the ice-cold water pouring over my whole naked body. At the same time, my mom was cooking lunch. I yelled once again: Me: Shit, amma! I forgot my towel again, sorry! Please could you bring it to me? Mom: I’m busy, just get it yourself, it’s all right! And there it was, my golden ticket! What I was expecting. My whole body was smiling, and my dick came back to life. I opened the door, went...


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