The butchers assistant
- 3 years ago
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‘Oh, my Gawd, no!’
‘Josiah, I’d prefer it if you didn’t use such language.’
‘But Maw, I don’t like havin’ my photograph took.’
‘How do you know? You’ve never had it done before,’ Miriam Davis said, with as much patience as she could muster.
‘Why do we have to have our picture took?’ Willie asked, in the slightly sulky tone his mother hated.
‘Mr. Butcher is reckoning on making a pioneer history, and Pa figures that as we’re part of that history, we should be in it.’
‘But, Maw, we don’t have ter git washed for a stupid old photograph, do we?’ Josiah asked.
‘Indeed you do. Washed and smartened up in your best clothes.’
‘Not waistcoat an’ all?’ The 13-year old boy was horrified.
‘Quit squawking, Josiah and get on with it. Folks back East will be looking at these pictures and I’m going to make sure the family looks decent.’
Back East, it seemed so far away, not just in distance, but in time, too. It was sixteen years since newly-married Miriam had followed her husband, Charley, from her small home town in Pennsylvania to the plains of Nebraska. She had been full of doubts, but he had brushed them all aside.
‘What have I got here ‘cepting a life stuck down the black pits? My pa done that since he was a boy and now he lies in his six foot of earth. He weren’t no more than forty-four or five. Well, that’s not for me. There’s wide open spaces in Nebraska and under the Homestead Act there’s land going free. For no more than a ten dollar registration fee I can get one hundred and fifty acres, all I have to do is live and work on the land for five years and it’s mine,’ Charley had said eagerly.
‘But what about the Indians, Charley? She had replied doubtfully.
‘They’ve been cleared off to the reservations years ago. There ain’t nothing’ to fear from them.’
‘We’ve got no money for setting up home somewhere else.’
‘We don’t have much here, so we got nothing’ to lose. Now, I ain’t goin’ to have any more arguing’. My mind is made up. You marry me or not, as you thinks fit.’
That was quite a proposal, but totally typical of Charley. Twenty-two years old, he was tall and lanky with curly hair and a determined set to his mouth. When he started out to do something he did it to the best of his ability and once he had made his mind up, there was no changing it.
‘All right, Charley,’ Miriam had said after the merest hint of consideration. ‘As far as I can judge the Good Lord meant us to share our lives together. If I can’t stop you from going West, then I guess I’ll have to join you.’
The wedding took place only two days before Charley’s departure, so there was little time for love or romance. He was going ahead of Miriam to stake a claim and build a house, his wife would follow as soon as possible.
The ceremony was plain and simple, with only a handful of guests. To save money the bride wore her best silk dress instead of buying something special for the occasion. Somehow it all seemed to be over before she realised and it never was a day to remember.
Charley drew his savings out of the bank and closed the account. He had only 75 dollars and immediately had to pay out 23 dollars 5 cents for his train ticket to the West.
When he set out in 1877 almost the entire journey could be accomplished by rail, first to Buffalo, New York State, from there to Kansas City, Missouri, then on the Burlington and Missouri River Railroad to Lincoln, Nebraska. The journey took three days and three nights and at the end of it many people were put off by the endless flat plains. Looking at it, anyone could be forgiven for thinking that nothing would grow out there.
‘God forsaken!’ said one man. ‘I’m going back East.’
But Charley was not to be so easily put off. He hitched a ride on a freight wagon to Broken Bow, Nebraska, and then staked a claim to his 160 acres. By law he had to build a house 12 by 12 with windows, so this he set out to do using the locally accepted method. When it was finished he sent for his wife.
‘Oh, Charley!’
It was hard to say whether Miriam’s exclamation was induced by pride at his achievement, or horror at the mud hut she was gazing at.
‘It ain’t rightly speakin’ mud,’ Charley patiently explained. ‘That there’s prairie sod – a whole acre of the stuff.’
Miriam was uncertain about the difference between mud and prairie sod, but accepted what her husband told her.
‘And there’s your window.’
He proudly pointed to the plain, timber-framed legal requirement. It was Miriam’s window because Charley had run out of money before he got to it and she had to sell her silk dress to allow him to finish the job.
‘Does it open?’ she asked.
‘No – it’s fixed. Best way when the prairie wind blows. Less rattle.’
Charley could have added that it took all his ingenuity to make a window at all. A close look would reveal the joints were badly cut and far from square. Even so, he was proud to have built his own house and improvements could always be made later on.
‘It needs some pot plants and a frill of curtains to brighten it up,’ Miriam said, still gazing at the window.
‘Just as you like. The whole place needs a woman’s touch.’
Miriam thought that, even then, it would be an unprepossessing dwelling in a barren and hostile land. What madness it was for anyone to come to such a desolate place and expect to live. Yet, here she was and she had better make the best of it.
She brushed the dust off her clothes and wondered how she could get a wash.
‘Here’s the tub, Maw.’
‘Thank you, Daniel.’
Miriam smiled fondly at her third son, aged 11. She knew it wasn’t right to have favourites, but it wasn’t always possible to do right and Daniel was the one she took to best. He had dark, wavy hair which he always took care to keep tidy, and a willing, pleasant nature. He was always happy to help his mother with the household chores and had inherited her love of books and music.
‘Put some more cow chips in the stove. We’ve got a lot of water to boil up.’
‘Yes, Maw.’
Daniel set about the unpleasant task, pausing after a minute or two. ‘Maw.’
‘Yes, dear?’
‘This picture that Mr. Butcher’s takin’ will last for a long time, won’t it?’
‘For all time, I shouldn’t wonder.’
‘So we want to look our best.’
‘Most surely.’
A hesitation, then: ‘Maw, don’t you think I should have boots to wear? It don’t look right, me having bare feet.’
Miriam’s heart filled with sympathy. She hated any of her children going around with nothing on their feet. It was a symbol of their poverty, an indication of their failure to do more than wrest a meagre living from the prairie.
Over the years Charley had done his best to improve the conditions in which they lived and the sod house had begun to look more like a home. Miriam’s window was full of pot plants, which she had carefully nurtured, often helped by Daniel. There were two little cages hanging on the wall containing songbirds, whose sweet warbling filled the house with music. A neat fence enclosed a small garden in which herbs and vegetables grew. She could take pride in what had been achieved, but she still longed for a proper house built out of wood, with a floor and rugs instead of naked earth. But wood was in short supply in Nebraska.
Oh, there were plenty of other things, blizzards, dust storms, locusts, winds, drought and snow. But there was no timber. At least Miriam could be grateful for that, it meant that her neighbours were no better off. True, Mrs Wright, 20 miles away, had bought an organ which she was always boasting about, but it did look a little out of place in a sod house. Her children went around barefoot in the summer, too. Boots were an expensive luxury when the weather was warm and the ground dry.
When the winter snows came,
the barefoot children wrapped several layers of rags round their legs and feet. They also tried to stay indoors as much as possible. Eventually they reached an age when boots became an absolute necessity.
‘Twelve,’ Charley said. ‘When a boy reaches the age of twelve he’ll be doin’ a man’s work, so I figger that’s when I’ll get them boots from Montgomery Ward.’
Miriam gave her third son a sad little smile. ‘According to your Pa’s reckoning you’ve another four months before you qualify for boots. Anyways, Mr. Butcher is coming today to take the picture, so there’s nothing can be done.’
‘Yeh, I reckon not,’ Daniel said with a sigh. Then he hopefully added: ‘Maybe Mr. Butcher will come back next year to take another picture.’
Miriam laughed. ‘Maybe,’ she agreed. ‘We’d best start getting the water organised for the baths to be taken.’
‘OK, Maw.’
Every homestead required a good supply of water and that was a commodity hard to come by, despite torrential spring rains. The land often lay bone dry. When Charley first arrived he took his water from a creek, but that was over a mile away and it had a tendency to turn to dust in the mid-summer heat. Once the house was built and his wife settled, Charley had turned his attention to the problem of water.
‘What are you doing?’ Miriam asked early one morning as she saw her husband carrying a spade and pacing out the ground.
‘Gonna dig a well.’ He stopped his pacing and made a digging action.
‘How do you know there’s water down there?’ Miriam enquired.
‘Don’t,’ came the reply.
It took many days with both of them working to make a hole of any size. At first Charley scooped up the dirt with his shovel and threw it over his shoulder. When the shaft became too deep he rigged a windlass and set Miriam to cranking up buckets of dirt. She watched anxiously as day followed day and her husband disappeared farther and farther into the earth. She was thinking how ironic it was that they had quit Pennsylvania because Charley didn’t want to be a miner when there was a sudden curse from below.
‘What is it, Charley?’
‘Struck shale. Twenty-five feet down and there’s no water – just shale.’
‘Now what are you going to do?’
‘Try somewhere else.’
‘Oh no!’ Miriam cried, her voice full of anguish.
Charley climbed out of the hole. ‘Don’t worry. There are guys round here who have dug four or five wells – and they still ain’t found water!’
‘But you could look for ever and not find any. There must be an easier way.’
‘There ain’t,’ Charley said, as he began pacing once more, ”ceptin’ you believe in water witches.’
‘What are they?’
‘Accordin’ to them they’ve got some sort of mystical power. They walk around holdin’ a Y-shaped willow stick in both hands. If the stick begins to bounce around they say that’s the place to dig ’cause there’s water below.’
He stopped his pacing, spat on his hands and struck the spade into the ground. Miriam watched in dismay.
‘Don’t you think it would be a good idea to get hold of one of these water witches?’
‘Why not?’
‘Don’t believe in all that mumbo-jumbo.’
Charley kept on digging.
Six months and three holes later he struck pay dirt and water started gushing up only ten feet down.
Miriam heard the shout a mile away at the creek where she was washing some clothes. As usual they were clean for brown, but awful dirty for white because of a shortage of soap. She was often in dismay at how ineffective her efforts proved to be.
At the distant shout she became even more dismayed and worried. She was unable to tell whether it was a cry of joy or agony, so she quickly bundled up the clothes and ran as fast as she could towards the house.
Charley ran towards her waving his arms in jubilation. Miriam dropped the half-clean clothes as she was picked up and whirled around in the air till her head was spinning.
‘What is it, Charley?’ she breathlessly asked.
‘I’ve done it!’
‘You’ve found water?’ Miriam asked incredulously.
‘Darned right I have. We’ve got our well.’
‘Oh Charley. You mean no more going to the creek and fetching water?’
‘Never again.’
‘No more beating the washing on the rocks?’
‘You can have your own wash tub.’
‘Oh, Charley!’
She flung herself into his arms and they kissed – the longest and most passionate kiss they had ever given each other. Who cared if it was broad daylight? Who cared if they were outside? The nearest neighbour was miles away. There was no-one to see as they sank onto their knees, lips still pressed together. No-one to see as she lay on the ground, no-one to see as he raised up her skirt and pulled down her drawers. There were no prying eyes as he unfastened his trousers, lowered himself and entered her.
Nine months later their first son was born.
‘Get yourself stripped, James, and into that tub.’
‘Oh, Maw, I had a wash on Sunday.’
‘And you’re going to have another one now. All of this family is going to be scrubbed and clean and looking their very best.’ Miriam heard stifled laughter behind her. She turned and glared at her husband. ‘And what may you be laughing at, Charley Davis?’
‘Honey, Sol Butcher aims to photograph us sodbusters as we really are, not all fancied up and looking like we’re at a Sunday picnic.’
‘So you’re saying we’re really dirty, unkempt vagrants living in a mud hut in the middle of nowhere and we might as well look that way.’
By this time Miriam was boiling mad and Charley could tell he had put his foot in it. ‘No, I wasn’t meanin’ that,’ he said in a tone intended to pacify her.
‘For sixteen years I’ve sweated and slaved by your side to try and make this a decent place to live.’
‘I know that.’
‘I wanted to stay in Pennsylvania, but you had the wanderlust or something, so I followed you out here. I’ve put up with a dirt floor that’s open house for fleas, mice in my bed, snakes in my pans and the roof leaking mud into the food. I’ve waded around in here wearing a rubber cape and boots until the rains stopped, then been boiled alive in temperatures over a hundred degrees, before being half-frozen when the thermometer’s gone forty degrees below. I’ve cooked on a stove using cow chips for fuel and given birth to four sons without a doctor, and almost without any kind of rest before or after. And I reckon that after sixteen years it’s about time I let you know that life is too short to be spent under a sod roof!’
Miriam burst into tears and collapsed onto a chair, holding her apron over her face. She had just made the longest speech in her life and it left all the males dumbfounded and silent. Nothing could be heard but Miriam’s sobs and the low moan of the wind through the wooden vanes of the windmill.
‘You’re going to buy what?’ Miriam thought she had misheard.
Charley looked up from the farm journal he had bought on his last trip to town. ‘A Halladay Standard Windmill,’ he said. ‘It says here that it’s the only windmill awarded two medals and diplomas.’
‘What do we want with a windmill?’
‘You got mighty tired of traipsin’ down to the creek for water, didn’t you?’
‘And you were glad when I dug the well not a hundred paces from the house.’
‘Well, I’m sure as hell tired of pumpin’ that darned water up out of the ground.’
‘I do my share,’ Miriam indignantly proclaimed.
‘I ain’t sayin’ you don’t. It’s hard work for both of us and it’s somethin’ we could both do without.’
‘So what’s a windmill got to do with the water?’
‘This guy, Halladay, has designed one to withstand the high prairie winds and he’s put a crankshaft on it so that as the mill turns it pumps up and down. All we do is stand back and watch,’ Charl
ey triumphantly added.
‘Can we afford it?’
‘We should have a good crop this year, so I figger we can get by.’
It was a struggle, but they did it. Four months later they were gazing up at the wooden structure towering over their homestead.
‘Gee!’ exclaimed James, now five years old.
‘Gee!’ copied Josiah, one year younger.
‘It’s like a giant.’ James gaped in amazement at the mechanism without a vestige of understanding.
‘A giant,’ came the echo.
James cuffed his brother for copying him and they went into a clinch as Josiah fought back.
‘Boys, boys!’ Miriam cried.
They fell to the ground and rolled around, stirring up the dust.
‘OK, that’s enough!’ Charley pulled the boys up and held them apart. ‘Now, quit it, do you hear?’
‘He keeps repeatin’ everything I say,’ squawked James.
‘That’s just because he’s little,’ Miriam said.
‘Little and stupid,’ James venomously added.
‘Stupid yourself!’ Josiah retorted, putting his tongue out at his brother.
‘I’ll git you for that!’ James angrily yelled.
Both boys struggled to get free, but Charley’s grip was too tight.
‘Now settle down or I’ll wallop the both of you. This is supposed to be a happy occasion. We’ve got us our very own windmill and in future years it’s goin’ to save us all one heap of sweat and fury. Look up there at it turnin’. Ain’t that a pretty sight?’
They all looked up into a perfect blue sky and saw the vanes of the mill slowly rotating in the gentle breeze.
‘Seems to me,’ Charley said after a long silence, ‘that you kids had better do as your ma says and get yourselves scrubbed down.’
‘Boots polished too,’ Miriam sniffed.
The protests about to be made were quelled by a stern look from Pa.
The long-winded and difficult process of the entire family having a strip wash took all of two hours. The first one through the tub was the youngest, Willie. He was followed by Daniel, then Josiah, James and Charley. When it came to Miriam’s turn a blanket was strung across the room, dividing it in half.
This was a special occasion so she used her most expensive and sweetly-perfumed soap. She realised that a photograph would be unable to detect the scent of soap, but reckoned that if it made her feel extra good, then that would show up through Mr. Butcher’s lens.
She had only just finished putting on her best flowered skirt, with a blouse buttoned up to the neck, when she heard the sound of a wagon approaching.
‘Miriam!’ Charley called.
‘I hear,’ she replied, hurriedly making sure her collar was neat and her hair tidy. When she pulled away the blanket there were whistles of approbation.
‘By golly, Ma!’ Charley said. ‘You’re a sight fit fer a princess.’
Miriam blushed. ‘Oh, go away, Charley Davis. I ain’t got the looks nor the dress for such a being.’ All the same, she was pleased at the reaction to her endeavours.
‘Howdy, folks,’ Soloman Butcher said as he climbed down from the wagon. ‘All ready for the big event?’
‘We sure are,’ Charley replied.
‘The family’s looking a real treat, Mrs Davis,’ the photographer said admiringly. ‘Yes, ma’am, a real treat.’
‘Thank you, Mr. Butcher.’
‘Now then, boys, you can give me a hand with my equipment. But don’t be too hasty and take care, it’s heavy and easily damaged.’
Charley stood with his arm around his wife’s shoulders as they watched Sol Butcher unload the wagon. He was a large, friendly man in his mid-thirties. Born and bred in Nebraska, he had worked briefly as a photographer back East, but then hit upon the idea of producing an album of his fellow settlers. To that end he inserted advertisements in newspapers and for the next fifteen years photographed sodbusters like Charley Davis and his family.
‘OK, tell me what you want this picture to show.’
‘Well – I don’t rightly know, Mr. Butcher,’ Charley replied. ‘I figger that’s your end of the deal. I don’t know nix about photo-graphy,’ he went on, emphasising the second part of the strange sounding word.
‘You don’t have to know a thing, Charley. I’ll do the taking of the picture, but I want you to tell me what to take. Above all else, I want you to feel comfortable and as natural as can be.’
‘I think, Mr. Butcher,’ Miriam said decisively, ‘if we all stand in front of the house and you put your camera on the other side of the wicker fence, that would show everything we want.’
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It was a typical weekend, back home with my family. Since becoming an adult, weekend visits every other month became something to look forward to. You didn't have to do anything special. We often watched movies together, ate pizza and just had a good time relaxing on the front porch, watching the stars. Last weekend, we decided to look through the family photo albums together. It was interesting to see how much we changed over the year. Well, except for my Dad. He had the same crew cut...
After the three of us ate Sunday breakfast at my kitchen table and then some continued clean up from the party, I drove the two teens to the Dillon train station and watched them get on the ten-fifteen into the city where they’d change trains and head out to Westborough where they lived. I learned over breakfast that they occasionally left bicycles locked up at their home train station to speed the trip to and from home when they were using the train. I silently wondered what they did when it...
"Love, If you don't mind I would like to say something. " he said playing with her nipples. They were lying in bed. Anita was naked and Shekhar's body language distinctly showed that he was aroused.. "Sure, go ahead. "Anita was forthcoming. "Don't allow anyone who have sex with to discharge inside you. "he managed to say. "Why, you are jealous?"she teased. "No, I am not jealous. In fact I care for you. In these uncertain times, it is not clear as to who is carrying which disease. I have a...
Frank Even in her baggy dress, my bimbo wife Alice looked amazing. Her ass shook as she walked to our car, her curly, red hair falling about her shoulders. Yesterday, she had been a plump and somewhat doughty woman. I loved her despite that. And then she had injected herself with the bimbo compound I had discovered. Now she was a perfect woman, large tits, hourglass waist, beautiful face, flawless skin. She was also as dumb as a brick. She used to be a chemist like me. Well, I guess that...
After retiring I was at a bit of a loss as to how to fill my time and a friend suggested going to the University of the 3rd Age meetings and after checking the dates online I decided to go to the next one. On arrival one of the organisers explained to me how the U3A operates and gave me some leaflets about the special interest groups. The speaker invited that day gave a talk on 18th century pottery decoration which sounds extremely boring but I found it interesting as I like visiting antique...
I remember the first time I came across her profile. She had posted pics of herself. Only a few though but it was of the one part that separated her from the rest of the people on here. She had magnificent breasts. No they were not the largest I had ever seen but they were big. They had a huge areola at least three inches across but that wasn’t what made them special either. They had this shape to them they were long and cylindrical with a dome shape accentuated by the dome of an areola. Those...
Hi, pretty ladies and everyone else out there. This is Rohit back again with my 3rd real-life story which happened some months back. It sure has been quite some time since I last wrote. I have always thought about writing this out but was too busy to put pen on paper. Now finally I am able to write it. Hope all of you pretty ladies and lesbian couples haven’t forgotten this average looking guy. I would be eagerly waiting to hear from every one of you about your responses so kindly do mail me....
"You do understand the nature of the photographs we'll be shooting," Carl asked, "I just want to get everything out in the open so that later on we don't have a problem!?!" "I understand," the matronly female replied, "most of them will be me by myself, but some will involve other people!!!" "And just to make it even more clear," Carl responded, "those pictures with the other people can involve both men and women and are of the x-rated variety!!!" Glenna nodded her head slowly and asked, "And...
EroticThe butcher’s meat sales Author: RotnebSynopsis: Camilla were drawn into the weekly States Meat Lottery and had to follows the rules for human pigs.The story is only fantasyThe legal State Lottery- Then you are also within the meat lottery, Karen? - Yes, unfortunately I got my lottery ticket yesterday, as my 19 birthday gift from the State. I have been waiting for the lottery ticket, but I got a shock when I receive it. - It is not surprising to you. All we girls between 19 and 21 years are...
Well for a very long time i would go to a hotel room to dress up in my sexy outfits and set my camera on auto and take my own pics .After a while i got bored with that and wanted to do a photoshoot with a photographer so i rang around and found a guy who would take my pics .I went out and brought this sexy nurse outfit the day of the shoot this was the first outfit i wanted to wear .The night finally was here i am all dressed up make up on feeling very nervous but excited i reakon you could see...
I had a new bikini for my 14th birthday and was proud to be showing it off. A soft pink pastel colour and tied up with strings on the sides. As a teenager I had a very sexy body and as soon as my boobs began growing I gained a lot of attention from the boys and any men passing by for that matter. I suppose at that age I was skinny, tanned and had nice curvaceous butt and perky tits. My girlfriend Anna and me were soaking up some sun, it was a Saturday when a cute man approached. At first he...
I had a friend who was older than me, by quite a few years. His name was Warren and he was an established photographer. He got me into photography by giving me my first real camera when I was sever teen, taught me how to frame subjects, how to measure light, how to make the best of what light there was, how to use lighting and strobes, and shadows, and the dark room. He was into creative lighting and using fading and shadowing in the dark room. He taught me what poses really were, and how to...
Gay MaleI was looking to tranny photos on the beach so I started to think what if I was that photographerWho shoot those photos .... and wrote this. ...Nice ass and cute dick ... mmm if I was the one who's take that shoot ... I will slapping your ass and squeezing your dick and balls hard while I do that I would kiss deeply and suck your tuong ..mmmm yummy and bit your lips nicely mmm.. in turned you around and start massaging your asshole mmm what a tight asshole mmmm and so sweaty ass mmm.. you're...
This story is a true story and if you shouldn't bereading this then DONT! If you like it, tell me!I was hanging around the local strip mall sometime inmy 17th year around summertime. It was after closingtime and I was alone. I began to feel a twinge betweenmy legs and felt the need to jerk off. At this time Iwas so horny I felt as if I could do anythinganywhere.I began to walk towards a dark corner of the lot whena classic Mustang convertable began to circle the lot.Inside the car was an older...
This story is based on Savita Bhabhi comics which you can read in Savita was in the back of the restaurant trying to make sure everyone was working hard when her waitress, Deepa, burst in. She came and whispered in Savita’s ear. Deepa: That customer with the camera is back again, Savita. He’s been asking for you again. Savita: Tourist? Deepa: I don’t know…but I have a crush on him. Savita: He’s certainly not unattractive. Deepa was getting hot just looking at him. Deepa: Do you want me to...
"Ouch." It hurt like hell when she rammed me from behind with that supermarket shopping cart. I was bending over, trying to get a can of soup from the bottom shelf of the display. I almost took a header into a mountain of cans when she ran into me. At first she was embarrassed and then there was a slight lilt of amusement in her voice when she said, "Oh, please excuse me." "That's quite all right." Now it was a little funny to me too. I assessed my attacker. Perhaps my age, mid to...
My wife Kara and I had been married for over 25 years when the following incident took place. From the outside, anyone who saw Kara, knew her to be a hard working mother, wife and teacher. She was always very attentive to her kids, seldom missing a thing that they were involved in. This often took us out of town, and when I couldn’t go, she’d go on her own. We had a good marriage, except for the lack of sex. She had a strong belief that sex was for procreation, and after our two children were...
Introduction; Looking at the photographs of lovely old ladies showing off their bodies without any embarrassment got me thinking. How do the guys persuade them to do it? Some pics must be old lovers but still there are tons of similar pics on the net. That gave me the idea for this story.Look at this nice lady – a typical upright granny. Her name is Susan and she is attractive. Being a granny- lover I see her as attractive. In fact, she was my first model so to speak.Where I live on the south...
Laden with bottles of wine, empty cups, and snacks, the rough wooden tray thumped down heavily on the tavern table. One of the cups bounced, balanced precariously on its edge a second, then toppled. Prince M'hul cast a reproachful look at the harried Innkeeper, but the busy man was off waiting on another table. "The quality of the service personnel in the Kingdom leaves a lot to be desired!" the Prince boomed, loudly enough to be heard several tables away. The second man at the table...
When she had expressed an interest in the photo shoot, Fiona had specified that she was willing to go topless, but no further; her panties were to stay firmly in place. She had done topless shots in the past before working in the topless bar where I’d met her, but now she needed a bit more cash and so was willing to do a few more shoots. As she was nearing thirty she was finding it a little difficult to compete with girls in their late teens and early twenties, so she said she was interested...
--Monday, 24th May, 1999-- I grimaced as I pulled my sword free of a monster’s body, the four-legged, spiny creature – like the progeny of a rat and porcupine – still twitching as it died on the cold stone floor of the Tristram cathedral. I was already tired, and I hadn’t even found level two yet. I stared around the dark room, the only light coming from a single torch on a nearby wall and several standing candle racks. The dark blood on my blade glinted wetly in the dim light. The torches...
147. A Butcher`s maid. Mildred, a lady of middle years, tidy but no great beauty and well shaped for her age though she would be the first to tell you no hourglass! She had been married for 15 years 10 of them loveless to a sexual nomad, that now slept with whatever woman he had a fancy for, regardless of any vows or her feelings. They had no k**dies so that was a blessing and 2 years ago she had in frustration taken a lover, a chap she met at the local park with his large dog. The dog...
I called stage 1 my softening up phase. I'd decided that every day for a whole month, when none of the other family members were around of course, that I'd pay Mum a small compliment. Nothing provocative, just the kind of thing that any son could say to his mum. For example, on the first day I commented on how nice her hair looked. Next day I said her perfume smelled nice. At the end of the month all of these little remarks had had the effect I had wanted. Namely, that I could say them...
I first met him when I was eighteen-years-old at Kings Cross railway station in London England. I had run away from home and I was not quite sure of where I was going to sleep that night. All of a sudden, out of nowhere came this tall grey-haired man. He looked like he was at least seventy years old. He was a very charming man, the sort that instantly made you at ease when you talked to him. We chatted for what seemed like hours and then he expressed he had an interest in photography. He told...
FetishI've been fooling around with cameras since high school, when I saved up and bought my first decent one. You know, a 35mm job with two interchangeable lenses. I mean, it was always just a hobby, I never thought I had enough talent to make my living at it, which is why I became an accountant. Yes, just a boring accountant for a large CPA firm. Still, the 9-to-5 hours and decent pay make for a good life, except in March, when everybody throws their taxes at me at the same time. Anyway, I was...
"Your photgraph will be ready in another ten minutes," I said to my last waiting customer who seemed impatiant to leave my store. "I am sure that your family will be very happy with the results." "I hope so," the man said with little enthusiasim. "I paid good money for it." There was little I could do with such a customer other than to make all appropriate noises to assure him that his family would love the picture. After my customer left the shop I decided to close up the store for the...
IncestIt was the first of July and it was a nice and warm evening. Harold Berman had just finished up his very first meat sale. As he was cleaning up he wiped a bead of sweat from his head and smiled. "That was one hell of a day", he said to himself while smiling. He then looked at the picture on the wall of him and Mr. Green together. "I know you'd be very proud of how well I'm doing right now", he said. He swiped the last of the dust off the floor and on to the dustpan and poured it in the garbage...
148. A Butcher`s maid PT 2. The door opened and Sylvester came in, he looked tired, his apron bloody, and he accepted the tea gratefully, dumping a bag of meat and a crusty loaf on the table and sinking into the armchair and saying “he was sorry to have had to leave her to her own devices all day but ‘Oliver’ had been off unwell!” She realised from that that ‘Oliver’ was an employee as well as a well hung stud in the films. The tea brightened him somewhat and he said he would shower and dress...
149 A Butcher`s maid 3 A week past, things with Kenny had changed a little, she had returned to her home, and awaited his return; a new bravado had enriched her. He arrived swaggered in and she met him in the hallway on her way to the kitchen, “oh your home” “Yeh and knackered too that Susan was hot” he never missed an opportunity to rub her nose in his sexual exploits; she laughed, and said she “hoped he had enjoyed it!” She too had been out she said so he was not to expect any sex this...
I always knew you loved to show off, and that you were a terrible flirt, but I never knew how far you’d take it… When you tell me, in that mischievous voice of yours, that you want to spice up your internet dating profile with some sexy pictures, and that you’d like me to take them for you, I can hardly wait. I’ve always fancied you, and you’ve always taken advantage of it, leading me on, joking with me, but never quite letting me know whether you felt the same… I’m a nervous wreck by the day...
Matt had told Grace to surprise him with some sexy pictures while he was out of town. Doing this always made his absence a little easier and allowed them some fun with each other despite the miles between them. This week she decided she would go all out for him.At the house, she packed a little beach bag and changed into one of the swimsuits that always drove Matt crazy; a little black thong with an equally small triangle top. She knew some selfies in this suit would be a welcome surprise for...
ExhibitionismChris was someone I had first ‘met’ on the chat section of Lush Stories. And here I was now stepping into his flat in London. Just the two of us. Our initial chat interaction had expanded into further lengthy chats, followed by numerous e-mail exchanges. We seemed to hit it off on-line and swapped stories, lifestyles, pictures and praise for the content on each others Profile Page on the site. We had many common interests and each loved the substance of the videos, pics and stories posted by...
Nick was super excited. After saving up for a year, he finally had raised enough money to buy the camera he had been after. Paying for the $2,000 camera, he took it back to his apartment and put it on his desk in his home photography studio. Since he was a little boy, Nick loved taking pictures of things and when he found out about professional photography, he knew what he wanted to do with his life. Nick was a pretty attractive 19 year old guy, 6 feet tall, lean build, light skin and messy,...