Bowling League indian porn

1 year ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 61

After a quick breakfast, we loaded up to head to LAX. Sheila had booked us on Southwest Airlines to San Jose that night. We had a seven-fifty flight. Our return flight was scheduled for nine-thirty. She also reserved us two rental cars. We weren't taking any luggage so it was a breeze going through security. The only thing I hated about Southwest was the cattle car loading mentality. We all found seats. Tamara was between Marie and I. Michael and Michelle were together. Lena, Christina, and...

4 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 62

Waking up knowing we would be leaving made me sad. Mike would be staying on and working on the film. Michelle would be moving in with Michael. I would be putting Marie on a plane the next day. Tamara woke up and snuggled up to me. "Good morning, sweetheart," she said. "That was so beautiful last night." "Yes, it was," I answered. "Are you ready to get back into our world?" "Not really, but I guess it's inevitable. The boring, humdrum life in Albuquerque; which has been anything...

3 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 63

I crawled out of bed and went to the bathroom. I saw that it was five in the morning. Sometimes I wished I could sleep longer. The run with Mike in LA brought back my desire to get in a little better shape. I left the girls a note and took off for a morning run. I jumped my back fence and ran along the golf course. I ran by several of the greens keepers cutting the grass. I ran up to the clubhouse and then ran back home along the streets. It was six when I walked in the back door. I started...

3 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 64

I was up at five again. I put on my running shorts and took my shoes to the kitchen. I prepared the coffee to come on at six. I went out to the patio and began to stretch. I was startled to hear the French doors open. I looked back and saw Lena in her running shorts and sports bra. "Can I run with you?" she asked. "Absolutely," I replied. "I never would have guessed you would want to get up this early, much less run." "I used to run in high school but got lazy." She sat in front...

2 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 65

Lena and Christina were already in the hot tub sans clothes when we arrived. Tamara and I dropped our robes. Christina made some comments and whistles. I stepped into the hot tub and helped Tamara in. I sat down and Tamara moved up next to me on my right. Lena, who usually settled in on my left, let Christina take that position. Lena positioned herself across the tub from me and had her feet on my legs. You would think that with three naked women in the hot tub with me, there would be a...

1 year ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 66

I was driving home when my phone rang. It was Steve. "Where are you? You invited Susan over." "I'm sorry, Steve. Some 'John Kegler' shit happened." "So who did you kill this time?" "It's a long story. I'm coming from the hospital and I'll be at my house in fifteen minutes." "I'll drop Susan off." "Drop her off? Aren't you staying?" "I can't. Some 'Steve Roberts' shit is going to happen," he said laughing. "What time is Andi getting off?" "At nine. Susan is...

1 year ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 67

I left the girls to finish playing in the shower and headed back to the bed. Lena was sprawled out on the bed. I snuggled up next to her and fell asleep. I woke up and laid there for a few minutes and then glanced about. Tamara was up against me with Susan draped across her. Lena was also snuggled up to me. I thought back on the previous night. What had gotten into Tamara? I know I liked what was happening but I was in shock. Two months ago I didn't have a girlfriend and now I had four....

3 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 68

Bob called at six forty five; he and Lisa were heading to the house. I was en route to the house myself. Tamara had already called to tell me everything was on for that night. She had called Sheila and invited her and Frank. I arrived and there were already people at the house. Dee came up to me as I walked through the gate. She gave me a big hug and kiss. She said Tamara called her to throw together a smorgasbord for dinner. As I was talking to her, I felt a pair of arms surround be from...

3 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 69

I was sitting and watching my friends party. Lena walked over and began to rub my shoulders. "What's wrong?" she asked. "I'm just in a weird mood. I can't put my finger on it." "Your shoulders are very tense. Relax." "I'm trying." I reached up and put my hand on hers. She stopped rubbing and slid down so she could kiss my ear and cheek. "I love you," she whispered. "I love you, too." "I love the ring you got for Mom. It's beautiful. It matches the bracelet you gave her....

1 year ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 70

I woke up with a mouth working on my cock. I reached down and felt the hair; it was longer than Tamara's. I lifted my head and saw Susan's dark hair bobbing up and down. She stopped sucking and looked up at me. "Good morning. I hope you don't mind me waking you up this way?" "Not at all. After last night, I don't think I'll ever have to worry about Mr. Happy being lonely." "Would you mind if I put Mr. Happy in my pussy?" Susan asked. "I thought you would never ask," I said as...

2 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 71

I was in shock. The love of my life just told me she had cancer. Tamara continued, "I had the tests run again. I had another doctor examine me and he came up with the same diagnosis: ovarian cancer." I moved over next to her and hugged her. "How bad is it?" "They won't know for sure until they operate. My doctor thinks we may have caught it in the Class I stage. That means it is confined to the ovaries and hasn't spread to any of my other organs." "Why did you wait until now to...

2 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 72

The phone rang early. I answered it and Phil was on the line. He apologized for calling so early but he had a change in plans and didn't make it in the night before. He had a flight scheduled to arrive at ten-thirty. I told him we would be closing the land deal at eight but the golf course planning meeting wasn't until noon. We wouldn't get started until he was with us. I looked at the clock and it was six-fifteen. I looked over and saw Tamara snuggled with Lena. They looked liked...

2 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 73

I came to almost swinging. I realized I was lying on a lounger by the pool and there were cops and lots of people milling about. I glanced up and saw a paramedic holding a smelling salts inhalant. "Whoa, big guy. You're okay. You've been unconscious for about thirty minutes. We're getting ready to take you to the hospital." "I don't want to go to the hospital." I started to get up but my head was a little woozy. Michael and Tamara were both sitting to my left. "John, let them take...

3 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 74

I went to my study and turned on the computer. I didn't realize until my home page appeared that it was July Fourth, Independence Day. It made me think of the day I won the lottery; that was my independence day. So much had happened since that day. With it being a holiday, there wasn't any stock market activity. I checked my e-mails but there weren't any that needed answering. I shut the computer down and went back to join the women. Tamara and Susan were out on the patio drinking...

2 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 75

My internal alarm clock woke me at five AM. I opened my eyes and saw Tamara asleep next to me. I felt a warm body snuggled up to my back and remembered Susan had been there when we went to bed. I rolled over and sure enough my Jaclyn Smith look-a-like was there. I stretched and pulled the covers off both of us. She stirred as I crawled over her. She rolled into my vacated warm spot and snuggled up to Tamara. I noticed Lena was snuggled up to her mother on the other side. I made my way to...

3 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 76

We had a small caravan to the hospital. I pulled up to the front to let Tamara and Lena out of the Jag. I unloaded Tamara's bag and parked the car. I parked between Sam and Susan and we walked to the front together. Most of the admission paperwork had been prepared in advance. The admitting nurse led Tamara to an examination room. There was some triage that they had to do. The nurse told us where we could wait. Lena snuggled up to my right in the waiting room. "I hate waiting," she...

2 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 77

I was sitting beside Tamara's bed in the ICU. They had moved her there from the recovery area, and the doctor said she should be coming out of her drug-induced sleep soon. Lena, Audrey, and their grandparents were just down the hall along with Roy and Susan. The doctor allowed me to be there because of Tamara's pre-surgery request. I felt some animosity from Tamara's parents but the doctor had been adamant about me being the only one in the room until she came to. I was watching my baby...

3 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 79

I woke up in a tangle of bodies. I looked down and Lena's head was on my abdomen. Audrey was sort of spooned up to her sister yet her head was on my left shoulder. Susan was on my right and had her leg across mine almost in Lena's face. I was able to move my left arm to put my hand on Lena's head and I stroked her hair for a few minutes until she stirred. She moved her head down enough to kiss my cock good morning. Mr. Happy twitched and she shifted to take my cock in her mouth. Her head...

3 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 80

I opened my eyes when I felt the bed move. I saw a naked Susan sliding under the covers next to me. I turned my head to Lena on the other side. "What time is it?" "It's about eleven-thirty," Lena answered. "We went to the house for more clothes. I brought some for you for your meeting tomorrow." "Thanks for thinking of me." I pulled Lena to me and kissed her. I then rolled over and kissed Susan. I snuggled up to her and dozed back off. I woke to the alarm at five-thirty. I slid...

3 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 81

I woke to the alarm. Five-thirty came too early. I crawled over a body; I assumed it was Lena. The shower felt good. I brushed my teeth and shaved. As I strolled to the dresser, I heard a wolf whistle. "Good morning, sexy," I heard Audrey say in her sultry voice. "How are you this morning?" She had moved to lie facing the end of the bed. "Wonderful! I really enjoyed last night." "So did I. I am meeting your grandfather and Roy for breakfast in a few minutes. I put Jim Reeve's...

2 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 82

I woke to the light stroking on my back. I opened my eyes and was on left side facing the back of Lena's head. I lifted up and looked behind me to see Susan stroking my back. "Good morning," I said. "Good morning to you. We missed you last night." "I missed you, too. It was almost one when I got here." "Audrey was here until eleven and then she went back to her room. So I know you weren't with her." "Are you jealous?" "No... just curious." "I'll tell you all about it...

2 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 83

I woke up and Lena was still on top of me. Audrey was molded into my right side and Tamara was snuggled up on my left. I couldn't move without disturbing someone. Lena was the first to rouse. I saw her eyes open and then smile. "You make a great pillow. I like waking up on top of you." "I slept really well so I must like you on top of me as well. But unless you want to be a receptacle for some of my other bodily fluids, you probably should get up." Lena frowned and slid down my body. I...

3 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 84

I woke up and wasn't sure how long I had slept. I turned my head to see the bed empty. It was not dark outside so either I had slept for a long time or else I had a nice little catnap. I climbed down from the massage table and went into the bathroom to take a shower. I was very relaxed. Maybe I should have Lena as my personal assistant then I could get massages in the apartment at the office. Hmmm... she could do it anyway. I'm so bad. I finished the shower and was drying off when Tamara...

3 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 85

I wanted to destroy the alarm clock when it woke me but I knew I had to keep myself in shape. I untangled myself from the array of arms and legs. After my morning ritual in the bathroom, I put on my shorts and running shoes. I made my way to the patio to begin stretching. Roy was waiting for me and Michael came out a couple of minutes afterwards. Mike even showed up as I was finishing my stretching. We jumped the back fence and began jogging through the golf course. We ran at a nice pace...

3 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 86

Monday morning started early. Michael, Mike, Roy, and I worked out after our run. We finished breakfast by seven-thirty. Roy left after he showered since Sam had relieved him. Susan left for the office after breakfast. Lena said she was meeting Lisa at the office at nine. I told Audrey we would begin our day in the study about eight. Michael and Mike had to meet the film crew in Truth or Consequences by noon. I told them it was only a two-and-a-half hour drive south. Michelle asked if she...

3 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 87

I was stunned. Gordon Scott. "John, may I call you John?" Gordon asked. "For now. What's going on? I hear you have been traveling around the country asking questions about me." "Yes, I have," he said. "I have written a story about you. Before I finalized it I wanted to talk to you personally." Tom interrupted. "John, Gordon and I have mutual friends. When he found out you and I were associated, he called me." "Tom refused to divulge anything about you until I talked to you,"...

1 year ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 89

I awoke and glanced at the clock. It was only four-thirty so I rolled over and spooned up against Tamara. She moaned and pressed her ass into Mr. Happy. I really, really, really wanted to make love to her but I settled for just holding her. I must have dozed off for someone shaking my shoulder awakened me. I looked up to see Audrey smiling at me. "Good morning, lover. It's time to get up and get sweaty." "How about you get naked and we'll get sweaty in the bed?" "I would love to but...

1 year ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 90

I loved waking up and feeling a sea of arms and legs all over me. My little vixen was in her favorite sleeping position, on top of me. I enveloped her in my arms and squeezed her tight. She looked up me and I kissed her good morning. I rolled her to my right, which woke up Audrey. Audrey grabbed her sister and rolled her all the way to the edge of the bed and then she rolled on top of me. "You're not getting out of bed just yet," Audrey said seductively. She kissed me as she wrapped her...

4 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 91

Friday morning came... actually Friday didn't come but I did; several times the night before and once more that morning. Susan dragged me out bed and loved on me in the shower. Audrey was waiting for us to finish before reminding me we needed to work out. Roy and Sam seemed to be very anxious. Audrey was working on her third kata when they brought out pads. It had been a while since I had worn any protective gear and at first it was a little awkward. That soon passed as Sam and Roy gave me...

2 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 92

I woke up early and decided a morning run was in order. I didn't wake Tamara or anyone else. It was still dark when I left my backyard and ran for almost an hour. I could just see the effect of the sunrise on the other side of the Sandia Mountains when I ran up the driveway. I was doing my morning workout in the backyard when Roy came out and seemed a little upset. "Boss, did you go running by yourself this morning?" He seemed to use the term 'Boss' sarcastically. "Yeah, I enjoyed the...

2 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 93

I was restless most of the night; I kept seeing Mr. Badass. I needed to talk to Dan about Vinnie. I didn't know if Mr. Badass was truly connected or not, but if he was there could be more trouble. Since I wasn't getting any sleep, I got up and went to the bathroom. I then went to the kitchen to start some coffee. I wasn't too surprised when I saw Jeff sitting at the table sipping on a steaming cup. "Thanks for your help yesterday," I said. "It was my pleasure. You know I have no love...

3 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 94

I glanced at the clock when I awoke. It was four-thirty. That's what I get for going to sleep early. I felt, rather than saw, Lena. She was still on my right. What was different was Tamara's side of the bed was empty. In fact the covers were still intact. She hadn't come to bed. That fact startled me fully awake. I couldn't remember the last time she didn't sleep with me. I got up and did my morning bathroom functions. I grabbed my robe and went to the kitchen. The lamp in the den was...

1 year ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 95

I awoke and opened my eyes. I was looking at the angelic face of my sleeping beauty. Ever since Tamara came into my life I've experienced an awakening. I reached my hand up to brush a strand of hair away from her face. I remembered first telling her I wanted to be monogamous. I remembered the feeling the first time I held her. I remembered the love I felt when I held her hand and looked into her eyes. All those things flowed through my mind, my heart and my soul as I gazed upon her...

3 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 96

I didn't know how to react. Tamara and Trish apparently talked about this. First Tamara brings us out to the spa and gets us undressed. Then she let Trish spring that request on me. 'Let me join the circle.' Mr. Happy left the building. "What did you say?" "She wants to join the circle," answered Tamara. I was silent. I couldn't think of a response. "John... I love you," Trish added. Sexually I wouldn't have had a problem with Trish. But I didn't love her. I had too much...

4 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 97

When I awoke Monday morning I was in my bed with Tamara. I vaguely remember being coaxed into the bed off the massage table. I snuggled up to Tamara and the deep feelings I had for her rushed through my body. I snaked my hand down towards her love nest and she stopped my hand. She brought it to her breast and pressed her bottom into Mr. Happy. "Good morning, sweetheart," I said and kissed the back of her head. "Good morning to you too. Lena must have done a terrific job on you last...

2 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 98

I woke up refreshed and had a shower with Tamara. It had been along time since we enjoyed each other. There was a lot of tenderness. I made sure I caressed her every curve. I had almost forgotten how much just merely touching her caused my heartstrings to be strummed. Though she was waiting until our wedding night, I still used my fingers to bring her to orgasm while my lips were locked with hers. She melted into me and said, "I love you so much." "I love you too. Only four days until...

1 year ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 99

I awoke and untangled from the arms and legs that had enveloped me. I glanced to my left where Tamara had been snuggled up to me. Even though she hadn't participated with Mr. Happy, Susan had ensured she didn't go without an orgasm or two. The clock on the nightstand showed it to be seven-thirty. I went to the kitchen and started the coffee. As I headed back to the bedroom, I nearly ran over Donna. "Excuse me," she said. "It's my fault. I just started the coffee," I...

1 year ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 100

All the way to the jail facility, which was twenty minutes from downtown, Officer Tucker kept apologizing for having to take me in. Normally I would have told him not to worry about it but I wasn't saying anything. Getting booked was not a new thing for me as I had a run in with the law when I was a teenager; however things had changed a little since then. After I was fingerprinted and they took my mug shots, I was led to a holding cell where I had to sit and wait for further processing....

2 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 101

I handed Sam the keys to the Escalade and we left for dinner. I chose Pelican's because Cat was working there that night. Bobby, the owner, greeted us as we walked in. He said he would get us a table as soon as possible and led us to the bar area. We had just received our drinks when Cat came up and hugged me. She said she'd have a table for us in her section shortly. She asked if we needed anything while we waited and I told her we were fine. She gave me a sassy look as she walked...

1 year ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 103

As Donna brought her pistol to bear on the guy, he said, "Wait! I just have an envelope." "Ease it out," she commanded. He pulled out an envelope and she took it. She felt it as if to check to insure it wasn't a danger. "I'm sorry, sir, but we don't know you and we can't be too careful." "Actually, I'm happy to see that Mr. Kegler is that well protected." I took the envelope from Donna and she holstered her weapon. I think every male in the place watched her do that. Donna...

4 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 104

The door of the limo slammed shut as the vehicle accelerated. I was thrown back against the seat, as was Tamara. Surprisingly enough, she didn't scream, as you would assume most women would. I turned my attention back to the gunman. He still hadn't said anything. He seemed to be squeezing the pistol, like he was afraid to get it knocked out of his hand. In doing so, his arm was trembling. I glanced out the side window to see the limo speeding toward the guard gate. I tried to quickly...

2 years ago
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Futa Fight League

"So we're doing this?" A thing asked in a monotone conveying exasperation. Two figures stood in some gray and black plane covered in white robes that hid their features. The other being spoke with conviction. "Yes. We need to know." "Do we honestly or are you just too prideful to admit you're just a nasty pervert?" The other being said nothing. It went about its task and began using energy to open portals to other worlds. Viewing them all with keen interest. "Now, to bend wills to my fate and...

3 years ago
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Celebrity Sexfight League

El entretenimiento ha revolucionado. Ya no se buscan programas donde se realizan entrevistas a famosos o concursos donde se pone a prueba el conocimiento. La gente busca la humillación. Un grupo de famosas españolas, cansadas de no aparecer en TV y que sean ignoradas, se les ocurre crear una empresa de lucha libre, pero haciendolo mas picante. Todos los combates, seran sexfights, en la que la primera que se corra sera la perdedora.

4 years ago
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He s out of my league

I watched him everyday. He was my neighbor and he was perfect. There was only one problem. I had a boyfriend and Mr. Wonderful had no idea that I even existed. Well, maybe he did, but he would never go for someone like me. I'm kind of the plain jane type. I'm sure he goes for the model chicks. But, my boyfriend and I had recently broken up. Not that that was of any interest to him, I'm sure. I was watching for him out the window as I normally did, but today he wasn't there. Where is he? I...

3 years ago
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The Takedowns World League

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1 year ago
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The best friend that s out of your league

Have you ever hard a best friend that was incredibly gorgeous? That you wish you could fuck the life out of but she wouldn't give you the opportunity to? Well this is the story of how I finally fucked my best friend Simone. She's 19, 5'3", 36" 26" 30" body measurements, tattoos everywhere, lip, tongue, nipples (small sexy gumdrop nipples), and pussy pierced. Has the most beautiful big brown eyes you will ever see and her lips would make any guy hard to have her suck his dick. I mean from head...

2 years ago
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Sex with A Hot and Sexy Cooleague

Hey friends, Its Gopal again with a story. First of all thanx to u all for the gr8 response to my story posted in sep 2008. and I got so many invitations and so many mails on my yahoo account. And its really nice talking to u all as well.. u all are so frndly. Thanks to my phone frnds to make my life wonderful. Anyways.. come to my story now… its abt my office in gurgaon. When I joined my office everyone was so nice and supportive on work. And meanwhile I met a girl named smita. She is frm...

1 year ago
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MY FIRST SEX WITH MYCOLLEAGUE By: RAVI This is Ravi here to share my successful fucking experience with Sirisha two year back. This incident happened when I was working in small town near Vijayawada, where we were four people working in a department, sirisha was one among them, as she is married one year back. She was with enough structure of 26 30 28, she was 25 yrs old with good looking aggressive, we used to share work during office hours, once we all saw our horoscopes in internet, I saw...

3 years ago
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Indian Wife Cuckolds Drunk Husband And Fucks Colleague

I am Maheshwari, working as a teacher in a private school. I am married to a man named Ashok since 2016. I was 25 years of age during our marriage and Ashok was 28 years old. It was an arranged marriage. I had many relationships in my college, but none of them lasted for more than 6 months. Life with Ashok went quite well. He was a responsible man, who respects other’s feelings. He takes care of me like a gentleman. But something was missing in my married life, the routine was killing me and I...

4 years ago
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The MILFs and the Younger Colleague

Introduction: It is boring doing the late shift in the quiet home, so when the teasing and flirting between a MILF and a younger colleague reaches its peak, both cross the professional working boundary with no hope of ever turning back The MILFs and the younger colleague Jane and her younger colleague were sitting at the kitchen table in the residential house they both worked at. This particular house housed 4 elderly people over the age of 85 who were physically inactive and very much bed...

3 years ago
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Cheating On Wife With Sexy Married Colleague

I and my wife Swetha were a happy couple and ours was an arranged marriage. After 2-3 months of our marriage and a few steamy nights, I managed to get my wife pregnant. She was 6 months into her pregnancy when she decided that she will stay with her family in her hometown to get better care as it was an important time. It was also the tradition in our hometown. I stayed back for work at Bangalore. I was alone and these months of my wife’s pregnancy meant I was deprived of sex. Not that it was...

2 years ago
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Teacher seduced by MILF colleague

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Punishing Shoma my office colleague

I’ve been reading the stories of this site for quite a long time. I love to read stories about couples, incest with Bhavies, sister in laws, cousins, friend’s sister, and threesomes and last but not the least sex with horny maid servant. I’m Ziad (fake name) from Dhaka, Bangladesh. Let me introduce myself elaborately. I’m, currently, 33 years old. Good looking, tall (5 feet 9 inch), handsome (fair) unmarried guy. I’ve strong urge for sex. Just to inform you, I can masturbate 7 times in a row,...

2 years ago
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Filmed And Fucked Mom Cheating With Office Colleague

I was 19 when I started lusting for my mom. Let me introduce you to her. My mom is a yoga instructor and had a perfectly fit body. She has 36C boobs. Furthermore, she’s 36 years old and got married at a very early age, so she’s still young and hot. Due to her yoga exercises, my mom looks like she is 32 years old only. She has a nice pair of asses which can make any man go crazy. Let’s begin the story. My mother and I went on a trip to Shimla with my mom’s colleague in his car. I will call him...

3 years ago
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Filmed And Fucked Mom Cheating With Office Colleague

I was 19 when I started lusting for my mom. Let me introduce you to her. My mom is a yoga instructor and had a perfectly fit body. She has 36C boobs. Furthermore, she’s 36 years old and got married at a very early age, so she’s still young and hot. Due to her yoga exercises, my mom looks like she is 32 years old only. She has a nice pair of asses which can make any man go crazy. Let’s begin the story. My mother and I went on a trip to Shimla with my mom’s colleague in his car. I will call him...

3 years ago
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Three Colleagues

After a long night of drinking, my recollection of the previous night’s events and people were a little fuzzy, even if my pussy wasn’t any longer, shaved smooth and hairless, even if I can’t remember how right now, but flashes of how the evening unfolded and the degree of revelry began to shine through my morning-after fogginess, like a rays of a rising sun.Whoever shaved me, did a fine job, smooth and skillfully nick-free. Evidently, I paid for the service with my pussy, which was glazed with...

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work colleague

This happened 15 years ago for real and now i want to share it. I worked at a care home and had a girlfriend at the time but was interested in men but was not out and discreet. I worked with a gay guy who i got on with really well. He had a partner and they lived together. I was 37 and my work colleague was about 40 and his partner 52. One day we had training together and as we finished early we went the pub and had about 4 pints very quickly. He told me about the volatile relationship he had...

2 years ago
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Wild Bang Bang With Horny North Indian Colleague

Hello everyone, my name is John and I am from Hyderabad. This is my first story on ISS. I am 25 and I work for an MNC in Gachibowli. So, coming to the story. It was back in 2016 when I first joined the organization as a fresher and then I happened to meet this girl Priya. She was a north Indian and had a sexy butt of 34. Fortunately, we both were in the same team and slowly, she started speaking with me and used to ping me every day on Whatsapp. Initially, I was not interested in her as I had...

3 years ago
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Surprise Threesome Fuck With Sexy Colleague

Hello everyone. I am back with another lustful experience I had last week with my colleague after office time in Bangalore. Coming to my colleague, she is 5’10 feet tall, fair, 36D boobs and a very sexy ass. Well built body. I recently joined a company and was getting to know each and everyone. One day I met her and I was awestruck to see such a beauty. She was so hot guys. So hot like the moment I saw her I got a boner. Days passed by and I used to think at times how would it be to have sex...

1 year ago
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Wild Sex With Office Colleague

Hello Friends This story is not imaginative it’s just as real as you and me so sit back and enjoy. I was working for an MNC in Mumbai and this incident is 2 years back, let me describe you the two people involved first is myself name is Rahul am decent looking guy with good physique and was employed at a good designation with the company the second is my colleague Kiran with whom this story will go forward. Kiran was an good looking female with ample boobs, bee stung lips proportionate figure...

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Naughty Wife 8217 s Adventures 8211 Part 1 Fucked By Husband 8217 s Colleagues

Hi fellow ISS readers. My name is Aparnaa and I have been a part of ISS for a long time. The stories here inspired me to be more bold and also gave me the confidence to pursue my different fetishes. A little about myself. I am a married woman of age 27. My figure is 31-29-34. I have been married for 4 years now. My sex life with my husband was non-existent. He never had an interest in sex and also had micro-penis. I know the size doesn’t matter, but his dick was so small that it won’t even go...

2 years ago
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Threesome In Cottage With My HR Manager And My Colleague

Hey guys, this is Sameer and this story is about encounter with my manager and my colleague. About me I am 23 and working in Bangalore and sometimes Mysore depends on work. Mail me at for fun and time pass.(privacy is must). So I had sexual relationship with both of them, but we were always planning for a group sex so that we could experience this adventure also, both were quite excited also and guys this time me giving there real names as I have got permission from my sex mates for writing...

3 years ago
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Bangalore Guy Sex With Colleague

Hello friends’, I am harry from Bangalore. I am here to narrate an incident that just happened few months ago. After which I am now having pleasure in abundance and money equally too. This happened with a colleague of mine and after which SHE has introduced me to a lot of her friends and their friend’s friends and so on. It has now become more like a chain of network. you can contact me for anything and send me your comments to I am from Bangalore, 27 Years of age. This chain of incidents have...

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Fucked My Office Colleague

HI All, This is Anu I am from Indore age 34 and presently living in Mumbai.I am 5.7 and with decent cock size of 6.5 inches though not to smart but has a lean figure. But I look to Young from my age that is the reason girls always get confuse about my age. This is my first story so please bare my mistake. This is a true incident which happened in my life when I was 31. I am from Indore and this happen in 2011 in Feb. month with my office colleague. Now come to the real story. My colleague name...

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Fucking A Pussy Used By All My Colleagues

Hello, my name is Ajay. I am 28 years old and I work in a Software company in Bangalore. I come from Chittor in Andhra Pradesh. I am 5’10 and average built guy. Coming to the story. I joined this company 3 years back. I had a team of 5 people and there were other departments with who we work. On the day of my joining, I was very disappointed as I saw only 1 girl in my team. That too she was married. However on day 2, to my surprise, one new girl was sitting in our bay. Oh my god, she had bitch...

3 years ago
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Fun With Sexy Married Colleague

Disclaimer All credit to Jker original author. No Copyright Infringement is intended! story is pure fiction and bears no resemblance to anyone in real life. purely an erotic fantasy. Hello friends, hope you are all well and enjoying your life. Myself, little fat guy with somewhat good look, good dressing sense but little attractive. Without wasting time and spoiling your mood lets start the story. This is story of my being lucky to have fun with sexy married colleague. About my married...

2 years ago
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Desperate Hot colleague

I follow this site regularly and love the stories. Now I thought I will share my few stories which happened in my life. Working in an MNC (IT), I hope you guys know how the environment will be. I am of age 30 married, good muscular, athlete and football player. I always look for ladies who are married and elder to me. So coming to the story. I have a colleague looks similar to actress Sujithra Murali. Even she is Mallu, her assets are the same as of the actress. In my story, I call her Suji...

1 year ago
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Pool Fun With Colleague

Hey all, I am Anchal and would like to share a story of a time when I used to work in an MNC. I was in a long term relationship with my boyfriend. I was always sexually excited and naughty from the start. I am quite plumpy at 5 ft5 height and 75 kgs. This was during the time I was 25 years of age. Our project decided to go to Wonderla for a team outing and I was ready too. The earlier night, I decided to choose the clothes for the next day as a long black deep neck tee, a 3/4th shorts and...

1 year ago
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Having Fun During Trip With Married Colleague

Hello friends, hope you are all well and enjoying your life. Myself Joker, a little fat guy with a somewhat good look, no dressing sense but little attractive. Without wasting time and spoiling your mood lets start the story. This is the story of my being lucky to have fun with a sexy married colleague. About my married colleague, she is 35 but looks 25 and have an awesome figure of 30-32-30 for which my friends die for. Many of them tried their luck but none of them were lucky. This incident...

3 years ago
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Love Making With Divorced Office Colleague

Hi, All. This is Sam from Chennai, Age 29, Height 6 ft., Weight 80 Kgs. Now working in a BPO. So far, I have had sex with 3 women of different age category. My first was with my neighbor aunt who was 45 years old. My Second Experience was with a divorced office colleague who was 29 and the third one was with a girl I met at a computer training center. The sex story I am going to share now was with my 2nd Partner, a divorced office colleague when I was 21. Her name was Remya, a Mallu bomb. She...

2 years ago
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Sexy Muslim Colleague

Feedback contact me: I live in Bangalore alone in a flat and I’m working for a top company. I had a colleague who joined with me and she is a Muslim, but she is open minded and free to discuss any topics. We were working together for almost 3 years now and she recently married a guy from her community. He was a good person and I knew him for a long time. Coming to the story, it happened in March. She came to office and was very dull, noticing it I’ve asked her what happened and then I came to...

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Pregnant Neha Fucked By Office Colleague

This sex story is about me and my pregnant office colleague, where we fall in love/lust and fucked each other with fullest. I am a 29-year-old male, handsome experience guys, I had experience with different kind of girls like Chinese, American, Russian, North and South Indian girl. Any female/girl/lady from Bangalore want to have fun/sex, please feel free to write to my email , privacy is the top priority for me. Now, coming to the latest sex story, this is about my office colleague Neha...

2 years ago
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Sexperience With My Wife 8217 s Ex Colleague

Hello everyone..m Mayank again with another story of my recent experience with an ex-colleague of my wife. As you all know about me . I’m a 26 yrs old married guy from Gurgaon. And this story is about how I cheated on my wife with one of her ex-colleagues. So coming to the story let me tell u a little background of the story. My wife worked in a different school before marriage and we were dating back then. I once visited her school for an annual function and met many colleagues of her.  ...

4 years ago
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A Threesome Experience With My Roomie And A Project Colleague

Hello everyone, I really appreciate all the guys who gave feedback to me on Gmail,hangouts, and FB. I am a very big fan of ISS. I’ve started reading Indian sex stories from 16. Now am 24 years old working in an MNC.My name is Nisha (not my real name), fair color, 5 feet 3 inches and stats of 32b-24-34. I had sex for the first time when I was 18. Till now, I had a lot of sex experiences which includes FFM, MMF, group, threesome lesbian, group, submission and much more. I used to share this...

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How I Seduced My Friend 8217 s Colleague

Hi, Vishwa here from Bangalore. This incident and sex story happened with me in two months back when I met my friend’s colleague. Please forgive me for any mistakes as I am new in writing story. I went to my friend Office for some reason he introduced me as his friend to his colleague name Priya( Changed). We talked as usual, next time we met in their office. She came to me and we talked about our works and personal things as my friend is talking on other call. She has one business plan for me...

3 years ago
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Jolts In The Bus With Office Colleague

Waiting at bus stop-Atmosphere-A colleague comes-Rush-Standing behind colleague-push from the back- touch of genitals- feeling-deliberate next attempt-no bad response-pretension to talking-continuation of touch-push gets harder-and harder till bus reaches destination. It was July. The sun hid behind the dark clouds somewhere and the atmosphere looked dull. Cool breeze was blowing that signal the upcoming showers. Even though it had not rained yet, I could still smell the Petri core. I decided...

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Had Sex With A Black Tall Negro Who Was My Daughter 8217 s Colleague

Hello Friends, this is Sumithra Singh aged of 46 from Jaipur staying in Hyderabad. Am a married women having one daughter and one son. My Husband is a Businessman.we got married 26 yrs back. My self am a housewife, My daughter completed her Graduation and working in a MNC company, my son is studying engineering 1st year. Now coming to myself am 5.6 ft tall and have a good body with figure of 36 28 38. It was in the month of August when My Husband and My son went to Pune for getting admission in...

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A Hyderabadi HR 8211 Sexual Encounter With Fellow Female Colleague

Hi myself shank….Name changed…. I am from Hyderabad and a hr professional, so you can understand the encounters occurred in my life….I am 6 feet and can take any female for ride and I prefer women and matured girls for sex as experience counts. So let’s begin the story. I work as manager hr in one of the CMMI level company. I head the department I too have around 6 member team which consist of 4 men and 2 women. This incident happened in march 2014. We recruit fresher’s form colleges and...

1 year ago
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Sex With Busty Married Colleague

Hi guys this is sunny from Bangalore, I stay alone in a flat, about me I am average but very romantic and flirty very good on bed and stamina enough to satisfy any female and I love licking pussy. . Guys I am writing this story in short. I work for a software mnc and there was my colleague who was married and a transfer from pune. She was very joyful and used to mingle with everyone, her name is Pooja busty with good boobs and a ass to feast on. She was my senior and we used to chat a lot as...

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I Am A Fan Of My Colleague

This is Pradeep connecting with you all to share one of the happiest experience in my life. I am a 30 year old tall south Indian guy with light brownish skin and attractive brown eyes. I have a high sex drive like most of the other guys and I grew up in a conservative southern town where the chances of getting laid before/outside marriage is almost close to zero. But the god of fortune was in my side and I had some experiences like this. Let me share one of it without any further delay. Please...

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Bang With My Colleague

Hi ISS readers this is Rahul narrating my first experience with my colleague Sandhya (both names changed). I work for a BPO in chennai and I am married, have a son. Sandhya works in the same floor. i used to interact with Sandhya’s team and we were just friends. Sandhya is a very straight forward and very strict when someone try to flirt with her. She has a 38′ boobs, average height, very homely and ever smiling. She added me in FB and last year. she was missing from work for over 10 days. i...

2 years ago
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Sex With Married Colleague

Dear all My name is Ashish and I am here to share with you all my experience of having sex with my married office colleague which till date is going strong as ever. This incident started 3 years back when I was working for an MNC in Delhi and this colleague of mine Nisha was also a part of our back end team as is the case with all companies we were also good friends and we had a group spending time together. Let me describe Nisha she was a good looking female not those stunning beauty types but...

1 year ago
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My Sexy Colleague

Hi guys. I am Panda. I live and work in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Any ladies of any age from Dhaka specially divorced or widowed, who are not getting sex, are not sexually satisfied or are depressed and need friendship, can get in touch with me through this email: Your confidentiality is 100 Percent secured. I promise. This is the story between and my horny colleague at work. I am around 33 and I am married, but my mrs. stays abroad. My colleague, happens to be a divorced lady and about 37, not very...

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My Hot Official Colleague

Hi guys and I have been reading some of the stories in my free time and fantasised on those few times and as I had an experience recently and I thought I would share that with you and contribute. This is the story about me and my ex-manager and me and her name is Monsoon and I don’t want to state her full name as she is still my colleague and we are working together. I am a normal Indian guy with an average physique. M was my manager initially in my office. But she was shifted later on to...

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My Hot Colleague

By: Sizzlerxx Hi all! I am a single woman, 36, living with my family in Mumbai. I work for a corporate giant. I have had this incredible relationship with a really hot and exciting colleague at office and I wanted to share this with the readers of ISS. I really need to share this on ISS coz I do not have many friends with whom I could share this. I hope you enjoy reading it and would love to see your comments. I joined this office in 2007 and among others I had interacted with this colleague...

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Fucked my married colleague

She was very fair, even though a South Indian. She was short and she had big eyes. She used to wear a big mangal-sutra and put thick sindoor. Always wearing traditional dresses, she was a typical Indian married woman. She never even revealed her cleavage, one had to imagine her milky breasts with pink nipples, and later as I discovered, her pinkish brown choot. Her ass had an appealing curve and thighs were thick. In short, she was a perfect fuck for me. Her name was Padma, having two daughters...

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Best Birthday present to office colleague

Hi, I am anil from hyderabad , with new story of mine with a girl named Rani. She is working my office and she from other city. She lives in there alone and working as Executive in my company. I always stare her boobs, butt when she comes to me to goes away from me. She is having her birthday on 22 Feb. On that day, She had dressed for the occasion. She was wearing a red saree with a sleeveless blouse that had a halter neck that showed off her shapely arms. Red lipstick, red nailpolish and red...

4 years ago
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Fucked my office colleague

Hi dear readers this is my real story which incident happened to me. This is a real and first story that how I fuck with my colleague. My name is Deepak and I am 29 years old. I am from Bhubaneswar, Orissa. I am a Computer Engineer. My story is about me and my colleague. Her name was Sila. She was also working with me but her work was communication officer. I always like her very much. She has a huge pair tits and a round, heavy ass, she was 39 years of old .She had a very tight and a good...

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Fucking my hairy colleague

This is the story of how I fucked my colleague Tasnim at her house one night after dinner. Tasnim and I are colleagues in the same office and we sit side by side in the same room. Our office room is small and there is only space for another person to sit, which means we sit very close to one another. Tasnim is a very attractive looking slim girl with sharp facial features. Even though she has bro-zoned me because she is married but I have always felt that she wants to hook up with me. Tasnim...

2 years ago
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REEMA with 3 Colleagues

This is an incident in which I was a participant. I have changed the names as she still works with us and we have great fun once in a while. I hope she doesn't read this! Those of you who are familiar with India and it's style of dressing will know what a 'saree' is - as for the others, go look it up in the dictionary!It took only a moment for the pill to react. As Reema sipped her Coke, she felt her world beginning to spin around her, gathering momentum, till the can slipped out of her hands...

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Birthday Party To Threesome With Busty Hot Colleagues

Hi guys, I am Ram. I am just 23 years old and working in Bangalore. I am a simple guy of about 5’6″ with a decent cock of 6 inches. I am a quiet person but only my close friends know my inner demons. I drink and smoke occasionally. Enough about me, let us get to the story. This is a true incident happened two months before on my birthday week. This is my first story, so pardon me for my mistakes. It will be quite a big one, so please have patience. I am working as a graphic designer in...

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Ice Breaking Session With Female Colleagues

First of all, I would like to introduce myself as Ashok (23 years old) from Kolkata. Right after the end of my university, I got a job where my immediate colleagues in my department were girls. There were 3 in number and all of them were senior to me. In terms of age the chronological order of my female colleagues: Shreya 27 years of medium complexion (34-26-36), Riya 26 years of medium complexion (34-24-32) and Deepa 25 years of fair complexion (36-32-38). Since joining, I was put under strict...

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Threesome With Office Colleagues

Dear Readers thanks for liking my previous two stories which were posted in the Gay section as I’m a bisexual. However this incident took place 4 months back and is a bi-sexual three some incident. A little bit about me. I am 35 year old married fair skinned, having a very soft plump body. Main attractions of my body are my ass and my breasts. Yes breasts. I have tiny cute breasts like a high school girl with exactly same female like nipples and brown dark circles around them 100% like a woman....

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PornWorld Eveline Dellai Stretched Out and Ruined During Interracial DP with Colleagues

Eveline Dellai and her two colleagues Yves and Tony cant seem to find a solution to a problem thats been plaguing their business for some months. As the frustration mounts between the group, Yves and Tony propose that a break is taken to destress. During the break, the mood becomes lighter as the threesome begin to joke around. Out of nowhere, Eveline strips down to her underwear and becomes quite sexual. The two black men like what they see and take the opportunity in stride, pulling their...

1 year ago
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Bowl Me Over

Tim walked into the Plaza Lanes Bowling Center pulling his four ball carrier behind him. It was moderately crowded for a Saturday, but he needed the practice and the manager always gave him a discount. It had been a few weeks since the fall bowling season had ended and Tim had decided to bowl in a spring league to stay sharp for the numerous tournaments that he had entered for the spring and summer. Tim was a very good bowler, certainly not good enough to be a professional, but he was one of...

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My Colleague

My name is Christine, I am 35 years old. In the company I work for there is a really cute guy, my colleague Danny. Danny is 28 years old, he has got short black hair and a really sweet face with a sensational smile. He is really tall and has a well trained body and a nice little ass. What makes him even more sexy is the fact, that he usually wears jeans that are quite a little bit too tight, so that you see the mood he is in if you know what I mean. And what he shows under his jeans is quite...

2 years ago
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My Fuckbuddy Work Colleague

I had worked in my current job for about 4 years and from the first day I fantasised about the receptionist. She was attractive to look at and was only 4 feet 11 inches tall (I’m 6 feet 1 inch). She also had a knock out figure. Actually my crush on her started before I began working there. I was smitten with her when I attended an interview for the job and she was so sweet and helpful, putting me at ease. If I wanted the job before I now had another reason to work there. However, I was in a...

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