Busted Cherry indian porn

2 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 59

Halfway across the Rockies, Heather Sanford gave up on the idea of going to Walden Pond. Any way she could cut it, it was another three thousand miles to drive, and she realized she'd be spending all her time behind the wheel of the little red Omni she'd bought. It was only two years old, seemed to be in pretty good shape, and didn't have a lot of miles on it. It seemed like a lot solider a car than her Honda, and the gas mileage would have to be almost as good. She'd thought of buying a...

3 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 60

Once Heather got back to her room, she took off her bikini and started to dry off for real, but as she did, there were quiet second thoughts that started to creep in. Maybe she'd brushed this Pacobel guy off a bit too quickly; he seemed like a nice guy, and she could have pumped him for a lot more information about the town. Besides, so what if things got a little hot and heavy? It had been a long time. And, maybe she'd been a little suspicious, anyway; Pacobel hadn't exactly made a pass...

4 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 61

John's advice to try the Westwood Apartments had been good, Heather realized. The apartment was nothing special, but it was cozy and clean and in good repair, and at the mention of his name the manager had brightened. She did indeed have an apartment looking out over the lake; it was on the upper level, but the manager said that since they weren't full, she could have it at lower level prices. After her grubby apartment in L.A., looking out at a wall at twice the price, it was like Heather...

2 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 62

Blake was waiting as Jenny walked down the boarding ramp into the arrival lounge at L.A. International. She was smiling, and he thought that was a good sign. "Welcome back," he told her. "You have a good trip?" "Wonderful," she said. "Best time I've had in years. How did yours go?" "Not so well," Blake admitted, "But, I'll tell you about it later." He took Jenny's carryon, and they started down to the luggage pickup area. As they walked along, Blake slowly became aware that...

3 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 63

A quarter mile from Mark and Jackie's house, Josh and the others could look out in the field to their left, and see four dogs dragging a four-wheel ATV up a path cut through the grass. It was still light enough to see that it was Mike McMahon riding the ATV, and through the open window, they could hear him yell, "Haw, Cumulus, Haw!" Josh parked the car, and they got out. They could see people sitting around a picnic table in back of the house, so they walked out there, to find Mark and...

3 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 64

Kutzley got the message early on that this was going to be a bigger than normal council meeting, so he had Harry Masterfield roll out all the fire engines from the fire barn, and had a crew from the Department of Public Works bring a truckload of chairs over from the school and set them up. Mike's story in the Record-Herald the week after the first one hadn't done much to settle down the anger in Spearfish Lake, or at least in parts of it -- the parts shown in red shading on the two-color...

3 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 65

The days were noticeably getting shorter now; it was already dark as Josh and the others drove back toward Spearfish Lake from Albany River. It had been another late-starting date. Football conditioning had started the first of the week, in the mornings, and then Josh had had to make a Kremmling turn, while Danny had done the way freight to Camden. Bud Ellsberg, the president of the Camden and Spearfish Lake, had been a football player once, and a pretty good one for the Marlins at that, so...

4 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 66

This was going to be one Wednesday morning that he didn't have to mess around in the mail room, Mike thought to himself as he walked into Kutzley's office the next morning, carrying a handful of the first papers that Webb had brought back from Camden. Fortunately, he'd been able to get that Sanford woman off into a corner following the meeting, and get a little more detail about the Endangered Species Act and its impact on the sewer problem than what he'd heard at the meeting, so his...

2 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 67

August, 1987 Something had changed, Josh realized as he looked out the window from the fireman's seat of the Rock. It was subtle, but it had changed, and he was sure of it. Things hadn't been quite the same among Marsha and Danny and Amy and himself since the night the week before, out at West Turtle Lake. He and Amy had stayed in the water of the lake for a long time, still hugging and kissing until their feet got cold. Afterwards, they'd wound up on the sand of the little bay, sitting...

2 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 68

"What's on your mind, Chief?" Musgrave asked Kutzley. "Well, I hope I'm not taking you away from anything," Don asked. "With this rain, I know you've got concerns about the plant." "It'll hold for a while," Jack replied. "The rain's supposed to let up this afternoon, and it's been dry, so we may not overflow." "Well, good," Don said. "This probably won't take long." He leaned back in his chair, and put his hands behind his head. "I've been thinking about this whole...

2 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 69

When Jenny was working on the movie set, there really wasn't a lot for Blake to do. Makeup came early, and the days were long, shooting scenes over and over. Still, Blake tried to stay around Jenny, in case he was needed, and it could get pretty boring. He'd learned long before to take a book with him, but even with a book, the twelve and fourteen hour days could get boring, indeed. Some days, though, he wouldn't be around the set all day. He could get the shopping in, and occasionally do...

3 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 70

It had been a long, hard, not very productive day of hogging around in the swamps. As usual, Heather and Pam hadn't seen any Gibson's Water Snakes, and Heather was wondering more and more if it wasn't a wild snake chase, after all. She was tired and sunburned when Pam dropped her off at her apartment, clothes wet and muddy. She peeled them off, and decided that a dip in the lake would be worth the effort. After all, this far north that wouldn't be an option much longer. With that...

4 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 71

With two-a-days now under way, it was getting harder for Josh to fit work in around football practice. The practices where held in the mornings and evenings, to get around the peak of the August heat. Even so, it could get awfully uncomfortable in the mornings. When Coach Hekkinan finally called, "Showers!" Josh was glad to have the practice over with. He hurried to the shower; he was going to have to hustle to make it over to the C&SL office on time. He knew that Bruce was bringing a...

2 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 72

Ever since Kirsten had Susan, she had been staying home days, with only an occasional stop by the office, to exchange copy and computer disks, but more often, Mike brought them out to the house on the lunch hour. Tiffany was now old enough to really be a help with Susan, so after some discussion, Kirsten agreed to let her stay home for a few days and try it out, rather than going to the day-care center out at the club. That still meant that Henry still had to be taken to day care each day,...

2 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 73

It was too difficult to want to talk too much in the cab of the GP-9, so after a while, the conversation died off. Josh slumped in the fireman's seat and stared out the window, thinking about the offer Bud had made to him. The question of college had been coming up all summer, and Josh had been kicking it around. Amy had something to do with it, of course; Josh had known from the first that she'd planned to go to Athens University, and it had helped him focus his thinking, a little. But,...

4 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 74

"The women are going to kill us," Mark said. Mike shook his head. "Blame it on me," he said. "After all, I'm the one with the soft head." "I should have known that, after the last time we went to the pound." "Blame it on me," Mike replied. "There's no point in you getting in trouble with Jackie over it. We'll tell the women that it's the start of my team. I don't think Kirsten wants three fatherless children." "If we get back, and Henry Toivo's shown up while we've...

5 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 75

With four new dogs to train, it was back to the basics for Mark and Mike. It had been obvious that they didn't want to try to start with the four new dogs and four experienced dogs, so they had started out by running one new dog at a time in wheel, the closest dogs to the ATV, until they got the idea. They soon moved on to two new dogs in wheel, and amazingly, it worked out pretty well. After several days, one evening when Josh was over they decided it was time to try it with all the new...

2 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 76

It was really too cool for swimming on this, the last Saturday of August, but going to the Spearfish Lake city beach seemed like the thing to do. Josh and Amy and Danny and Marsha had spend a lot of time at the beach over the course of the summer, and it seemed like the logical way to end it. The water was cold, and they didn't stay in long. After they got out of the water, the girls curled up in towels while sitting on the sand, with Josh and Danny on either side, mostly looking across the...

2 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 77

September, 1987 Heather looked out the window of her apartment at the lake. It was a brilliant blue, reflecting the brilliant blue of the morning sky. In only a few weeks, it had chilled noticeably, and even though Labor Day wasn't here yet, the beach was empty. The kids were back in school, and had been for a week now, and it seemed lonelier than ever. She sighed, and turned back to the laptop. "So, all in all, not much has happened," she wrote. "Everything has been fairly quiet here,...

4 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 78

It was noisy in the locker room. Everybody was up, in high spirits. Josh peeled out of the muddy uniform and threw it in the laundry bin, then sat down on the bench in front of his locker and slowly took off the pads, savoring the moment. There was a crush of activity in the locker room, as guys got out of football gear, headed for the shower, and got dressed. Many of the guys had dates waiting outside the locker room, and the pizza joint would be full. Josh knew that nobody was waiting for...

2 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 79

The sky was threatening in the west, making darkness come early. It seemed to Mike that the woods were getting deep in shadow, and by the time he finally drove the eight-dog team up to the side trail that ran to the runway in back of Mark's house, it was getting to the point where it was nearly too dark to see. He was depending on Cumulus -- and a little on Ringo, too -- to find the way in the darkness, as much as his own knowledge of the trail, but Cumulus apparently figured that it was...

3 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 80

Mark had learned the hard way to load up on Bromo even before he left the house for one of the Toivo Expedition meetings. He really didn't care much for Vietnamese food, and it didn't set well with him, but it was part of the planning. For his own part, if the expedition ever came off, he didn't intend to eat Vietnamese any more than he could help it. In the permanently-packed baggage he kept ready for the trip, there was a good two weeks supply of backpacker's freeze-dried meals. That,...

4 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 81

Though Blake was gay, watching Jenny while she was shooting the climactic sex scene with Richard Riley got to him a little. As usual, they had to shoot the scene over and over and over, and watching Jenny and Riley caress each other and roll around in the bed perked up an interest he wasn't sure how to handle. He wondered a little how Jenny would have made out in the scene if she hadn't been brought up as a nudist. Though the American version of the film would be carefully cut to avoid...

3 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 82

Jackie was already in bed, sitting up and reading a book, when she heard the pickup drive in. It was late, and even though it would take a few minutes to get the dogs staked out, she expected that Mark would be in before long. After a while, she heard Mike's Rabbit start up, and a few seconds later, she heard Mark come in, and come right up the stairs. "How did it go?" she asked. "Pretty good," he told her as he stopped off at the bedroom door. "Mike's really one happy camper...

4 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 83

The phone rang on Jack Musgrave's desk. He put his feet down, and leaned forward to pick it up. "Waste Water Treatment Plant," he answered. "How's it going, Jack?" the voice in the phone said. Jack realized it was Don Kutzley he was talking to. "Pretty good," he said. "Plant's running smooth, right now." "You got a few minutes so we can go someplace and talk?" "Sure, Gary's here, he can keep an eye on things," Jack said. "I'll be right up." "Not here," Don said....

2 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 84

October, 1987 "Aunt Jenniferrrr!" Tiffany cried, streaking across the room, Henry hard at her heels. "You've grown a lot since last summer," Jennifer told the little girl. Well, not little any longer; she was up to her chest, now. She remembered when she'd babysat for Tiffany, when she had been a baby. The years did fly by. "Well, come on in and sit down," Kirsten told Jennifer and Blake. "Mike's not home, right now, but he should be back before long. You know my neighbor, Jackie...

5 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 85

"I can't believe you're still here," John said. "I find it a little difficult to believe, myself," Heather said, reaching for her wineglass. "There's not been much of anything happening." Their dinner was in the dining room of the Spearfish Lake Inn. Heather wore her swimsuit under her clothes; after dinner, John had arranged for them to use the hot tub. It would be something different to do. For more than two months, Heather had been having dinner with John, on the average of...

2 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 86

Just sitting around talking, it soon got to be late. Mark and Jackie had a cup of coffee, and then went home. Then, it was time for Tiffany and Henry to be off to bed; it would be a school day tomorrow. The four sat around and talked for a while, and finally, Kirsten said, "I've got to get the dishes done, and the dishwasher isn't working. Gil is supposed to come out and work on it tomorrow, but I'd better get going on it." "I'll help," Blake offered. "Well, aren't you the nice...

2 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 88

It made Mark a little sad to look in the full length mirror in Mike and Kirsten's cottage. It had been a lot of work to get the costume together. He did have on an Air Force flight jacket; he'd always wanted one, and that made the $89.95 a little more palatable. Over one breast, a blue name tag had "GRAVENGOOD" lettered on it in white letters; the silver leaves of a Lieutenant Colonel were on his shoulders. On the helmet, which had an oxygen mask dangling from one side, was lettered a...

4 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 89

"This sure is a hell of a party," the lead guitar player of the country-western band thought. "I just wish Karen hadn't been hitting the punch so hard." Karen, the lead singer, actually could do pretty well for a country-western bar band. She had one of those thin, screechy, nasal voices that country-western fans kind of like, and she sounded a little hillbilly when she sang. But now, as she was trying to pick her way through "Your cheatin' heart," she wasn't doing too well. Halfway...

4 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 90

"That was pretty good," Jackie said. "Did you see the way she was bouncing around in "Goin' to the Twist and Shout? I didn't know she did stuff like that. "She's working on a new album," Mike said. "She says she want to do something a little rocker than her usual torchy stuff." "You should have been here for the show she gave back in July," Kirsten said. "That was a lot better." "Yeah, I'm sorry we missed it," Mark said. "That must have been something to see." "You...

4 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 91

By the time the witching hour was approaching, Mark was sure he was navigating on instruments through a thunderstorm, and the instruments were lying. His head was more than a little light, and vertical didn't quite seem vertical any more. He hadn't been this wasted since he got out of the Army, and he was very sure that Jackie had never been that wasted, period. The party hadn't died down much, although there had been a few celebrants felled early, and heat and noise and booze had made a...

2 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 92

Mark was sure the short-stack 180 Lycoming on the towplane years ago was running full bore in his head. The light was coming in the window, and he couldn't squint his eyes closed enough to take away the pain. Slowly, a little sense began to pump its way into his hammered brain. He was in a bed, which meant that he had to have gotten back from Commons somehow. His bladder was aching so much he couldn't stand it, and he wasn't sure he could feel his way to the john without opening his eyes....

3 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 95

Both Mark and Mike felt like they could go on to Warsaw from the top of Turtle Hill, but it was clear that the snow wouldn't last, so it was with real pain that they turned homeward. The trip back was slower; they stopped to rest the dogs a couple of times, and to further drain the thermoses. They stopped briefly in Mark's yard. "I'll give Kirsten and the kids a ride," Mike said. "Then, let's go to town and have breakfast. If the snow holds, maybe we can go out this...

3 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 97

The day before deer season opened was a Saturday morning. The town was filled with men in orange jackets, driving out of state cars and trucks, and so was the Spearfish Lake Cafe when John Pacobel dropped by about ten in the morning, to find Heather Sanford in a booth. "Mind if I sit in?" he asked. "No, go ahead," she said. "You know, after the Halloween Party, I was beginning to like this place. Now, all of a sudden, it makes me sick." "Deer season?" John asked. "It's one of...

4 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 98

Since it was cold enough to be blowing snow outside, this time Kutzley couldn't leave the fire hall doors open, although the trucks were outside, gathering snow. The building was even more packed than it had been for the meeting in July, when the special assessment district had first been brought up. For the hundredth time, Kutzley wondered who the hell had told Mike McMahon about the retention pond, and in deer season, too. That wasn't good; half the cars in the back would have...

3 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 99

"The beauty of this particular part of the plan," Harris Harper said, "Is that essentially, it allows the organization to buy the 61-footer for us, and totally legally, too." "Ingenious," Dale McMullen agreed. The two were discussing PLAN SAIL, which was Harper's plan to turn the Defenders of Gaea totally and untraceably legitimate, over a three year period, which would allow them to retire without fear of prosecution. They wouldn't have to have their fingers on the keys any longer...

4 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 100

With hunting season over with, Mike thought that it was safe to move the dogs outside again. They hadn't much liked being locked in the barn, and seemed gloomy, not seeing the sun, or being able to go out for their accustomed run. Mark's prediction hadn't quite worked out; there hadn't been much snow during hunting season, but the day after it was over with, several inches had fallen, and Mike and Mark had both taken off work early to get the dogs out and take them for a run up the...

2 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 101

Jim Horton lived right on the edge of Warsaw, not far from a two-rut that would take Mark and Mike to the North Country Trail. When Mike called a couple of days before, he'd said he'd be glad to let them park Mark's truck there overnight. "Been a long time since they's been a dog team in this yard," Jim told him. "Be good to see one again." "We'll be there about noon," Mike said, "Unless something comes up." Nothing came up, and right at noon, Mark drove the pickup into the...

4 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 102

It was a Monday morning. An onshore wind had blown out much of the LA smog today, and the view from Harris Harper's office was all that the Los Angles view should be. Like many other people, he didn't want to get to work this Monday; he preferred to just look out the window, and wish that he were elsewhere. That day was drawing closer, now that the retirement plan was falling into place. He heard his door open, and turned around to see Dale McMullen walking into his office, carrying two...

4 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 103

December, 1987 After the last council meeting in November, Mike had avoided the Spearfish Lake Cafe for a week or so, reasoning that Ryan Clark might well be there. Not that Mike was avoiding him, but he didn't want to get into a washup of the events of that night. That wasn't the case with the first December meeting, which had been held the evening before. Mike thought it was nice to have a free Wednesday morning, one when he wouldn't have to be in to work till nine or so; he could have...

2 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 104

With only a couple of days to go before Christmas, Spearfish Lake was really getting into the holiday spirit. It was snowing merrily, if not heavily, and all hopes for a white Christmas seemed to have been answered. The town was dressed for the season, and spirits were high with anticipation. The children had been out of school for a week on their Christmas vacation, and perhaps their anticipation was running the highest of all, with hopes of a big haul from Santa Claus. Certainly Tiffany...

3 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 106

Mark was only a little way out onto the lake when he began to feel a little remorse. That was a cruel thing to do, he realized, although he felt good about it. He was still shaking from being mad. That woman just didn't have the good sense to keep quiet, just once, when someone did her a favor. But no, she'd mouthed off, and for once, she'd gotten hers. With all the trouble she'd caused Spearfish Lake, it felt good to be the one to pay her back a little. Still, he knew that he'd stepped...

2 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 107

As the dog team disappeared into the driving snow, Heather scurried around, trying to retrieve some of the papers that had been spilled from her briefcase, but the wind was taking them, and she was only able to salvage part of them. There were papers there that she didn't want to lose, mostly concerning the lawsuit, but the wind and pure chance controlled what she could save. In only a few minutes, it was clear that she had saved all she was going to. She went over to where her car was...

2 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 108

Mike stared at the letter, time passing without notice. What a windfall! The information he had there was dynamite that could blow up the whole impasse over the sewer separation system -- if he could figure out how to use it. Under the circumstances, using it might seem a little unethical, but fortunately, he had time to figure out how to use it properly. The overt tone of the letter indicated that the Defenders of Gaea's interest in the Gibson's Water Snake was mild, at best. Everyone had...

4 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 109

"Sure looks like a scam to us," Andy Bairnsfether said. "We were just talking about it the other day, but we haven't done anything on it." "Why not?" Mike asked. "Hell, Mike, you taught me yourself that there's sometimes a hell of a difference between what you know and what you can print. We poked around the edges, and found enough to smell, but without some hard evidence, there's nothing we could do about a story. What's got you so interested in the Defenders of Gaea?" "It's...

4 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 110

Heather didn't make it back to her apartment Friday night. Nor Christmas Eve. Nor Christmas Day, or the day after that, or the day after that, or the day after that. She did manage to get dressed on Sunday, but only because both she and John didn't feel that it was right to eat their Christmas dinner in bathrobes. It wasn't turkey, but John managed to find a couple of steaks in the freezer. It was quite the nicest Christmas she could remember; certainly the best she'd had in many...

3 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 111

One of the things that had bothered Heather the most about Spearfish Lake had been the inaction. She had trouble doing nothing, and it caused her trouble. However, when the time came for action, there wasn't much that could slow her down. John was waiting when she got back to her apartment, still coatless and shivering, but mad enough not to notice. "Where have you been?" he asked, a little concerned. "John, can I borrow your computer?" she asked, ignoring his concern. "I've got to...

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Busted Axle RoadChapter 112

January 1988 The New Year's day weekend proved to be pretty decent. It was fairly warm, for winter, although nowhere near the freezing mark, though it was blowing pretty good. The day afterwards, Saturday, was beautiful, and Mike got up in the morning with an itch to run the dogs. He was still pouring himself a cup of coffee when the phone rang. "You want to go for a run today?" Mark asked. "Might as well," Mike replied. "God, I'm sick of football, after yesterday. Where do you want...

2 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 113

Mike had just put the dogs away Sunday evening, and was settling down to watch the TV news when he heard a knocking on his front door. He got up to answer it, to discover Heather Sanford and John Pacobel standing outside. "Can we talk to you a minute?" Heather asked, subdued and a little downcast. Both of them looked bedraggled, and a little tired, like they hadn't been getting much sleep. "Sure, come on in," Mike said. "Can I get you some coffee?" "That's be nice," John said....

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Busted Axle RoadChapter 114

Heather Sanford's phone was ringing, ringing, ringing. She was in a deep sleep, and at first she thought she was dreaming. She'd missed a lot of sleep in the last few days, and was out like a light bulb. Finally, she realized that it really was the phone. She had to clamber over John's sleeping body to reach it; her weight pressing on top of him woke him a little, and he groaned. Finally, she made it to the phone. "Yes?" she answered, looking at the clock. 2:10 AM! Who could be calling...

4 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 116

It was slow for a Thursday morning in the Record-Herald, so slow that Mike was working on his old dog musher stories when Heather Sanford and John Pacobel walked into his office. "How's it going?" he asked. "Pretty good," John said. "I heard your kid stirred things up at school a little bit yesterday." "We really don't need a newspaper in this town," Mike laughed. "Things get around. I've got to give her credit, though. She didn't want to miss school. Can I get you some...

4 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 117

Freda, the city clerk, wasn't very happy about having to fill in for the city manager, and she had tried to put off what she could until the new one arrived, hopefully in the next month. Still there was business to take care of, and sometimes it couldn't be put off. Since Kutzley had left, back at the end of November, Jack Musgrave had been dealing with most of the items to be done with the sewer system, and she let him have all of the mail unopened that looked like it might have something...

2 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 118

"Where the hell did this shit come from?" McMullen raged to Harper. "How the hell did the L.A. Times come up with this stuff?" "Hell, I don't know," Harper said, looking at the front page again. The headline read, "SCAM OF THE EARTH". "There's supposed to be nobody that knows some of that but you and me!" McMullen said, even more pissed. "I haven't talked to this Bairnsfether character. It must have been you." "I didn't say anything," Harper said. "Dale, I've got just...

2 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 119

February 1988 The sun was low on the horizon, and would be setting soon. It was cold out on the ice of Spearfish Lake, a quarter mile out from the shoreline, off of the city beach; a stiff wind was blowing, but at least it was clear. That wasn't entirely a blessing; while it would mean that they'd have a moon after a while, the clear, windy night would be cold, and there were a lot of places where the railroad line ran through open country, where the wind could get at them. Mark felt...

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Busted Axle RoadChapter 120

The snow was wet and dirty in the street lights, piled along the street curbs, not like the clean, pure, fresh snow of Spearfish Lake at all. There were crews out picking it up with loaders, piling it into dump trucks to be dumped in the river. Unlike Spearfish Lake, this town wasn't used to snow. It had been a real snowstorm, and it brought the town to a near halt. It was getting cleaned up now, but it had held attendance down at the meeting. There had been more reporters there than...

3 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 121

Josh and Jackie were totally amazed when they drove the pickup into Warsaw about 1:30 in the morning. They'd expected lights on in the fire station, and maybe Fred Linder to be hanging around, but there were people lining the street, and the fire station was full, with all the trucks sitting out in the snow. In front of the building, stretched across the street, was a banner, reading "WELCOME MUSHERS" handlettered on it, with a fire truck light playing on it to make sure it could be...

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Busted Axle RoadChapter 122

It was just getting light when Josh and Mike left Warsaw. The crowd, if anything, was bigger than the night before, lining the streets for a couple of blocks. Unfortunately, the fire department hadn't laid out a wide enough path for a racing start that had never quite been anticipated, and only Mike knew the way out of town, so it was a fairly quiet start. The dogs had come back a long way from their run the night before, and Mike felt better for having four hours of good sleep. He still...

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Busted Axle RoadChapter 123

Kirsten and Jackie and Tiffany were with Mark in the tub room when they heard a pounding at the door. "What the heck?" Kirsten said, getting up and going to the door. "If that's the guys, they'd have just come on in." It proved to be Josh. Kirsten looked over his shoulder, to see the ten dogs rigged together, the two sleds rigged in tandem, and Mike bundled up in the basket of the front sled. "He's got the flu too," Josh said. "He fainted out on the trail." Kirsten didn't bother...

4 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 124

Mike was feeling better on Tuesday. He wasn't all the way back to normal, yet, but it was Tuesday at the Record-Herald, and Tuesday was a day you didn't miss unless you were the subject of a funeral. Kirsten left Susan with Jackie, and came into work, which helped. She stuck her head into the office door, and said, "Hey, hon, we still need your column." "I'm working on it," he said, turning back to the computer, where the words appeared on the screen: "In the end, it took the...

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Busted Axle RoadChapter 125

Mike was feeling better on Tuesday. He wasn't anywhere near back to normal, yet, but it was Tuesday at the Record-Herald, and Tuesday was a day you didn't miss unless you were the subject of a funeral, so he worked all day, at no more than half power, then took Wednesday off to recover. He slept late, then got up, got a cup of coffee he really didn't want, then plopped down in his chair in the living room. He felt like reading, but didn't really think of anything that interested him....

2 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 126

"I'm still not too sure about this," Mark said as he and Josh rode down the highway outside of Camden, a hundred miles south of Spearfish Lake, the following Saturday morning. Mike, Tiffany, and the wives were in Mike's car, behind them. It was a nice day to be out, clear, with a gentle breeze. It was still cold, but showed promise of warming up. "At the worst, we're bound to learn something," Josh said. "Face it, everything we know from Jim is from thirty years ago, or longer than...

3 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 127

"All right Tiffany, you're up," Mike said outside a few minutes later. "I figure we can run Ringo and George, and Cumulus if it's all right with Mark." Tiffany shook her head. "No, Daddy. I'd really rather run Ringo with David, and King, if it's all right with Mr. Gravengood." "David and King?" Mike frowned. "Those are about the two dumbest dogs we've got." "Yes, Daddy. But they're also the fastest. I'd really rather take George in the lead. He's faster, but he's not...

1 year ago
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Busted behind the gym

We lost the 3rd. game in a rowel and he was pissed. Push ups, Sit ups, running laps. No mercy what so ever. I saw him distracted by a concerned parent. I run down the tunnel and out the back door. Outside it was a beautiful day. Sunny and 70 degrees. A crisp cool wind blew. As summer gives way to fall. From the other direction my girlfriend and future wife Misty approached. She's an 18 year old busty blonde. We have been dating and fucking for about 2 years now. See stories First date, After...

Erotic Fiction
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Busted On My First Root In The Car

Me and my partner Tim got invited to a mates party,so I jumped in the shower and washed my hair and body making sure I gave my pussy a good clean cause I was planning on breaking his ute in after the party. I got out while he jumped in after me and put on my red lacy bra and matching g-string(the one that he bought for me on my birthday), I was going to wear my jeans but changed my mind cause I remembered that he like seeing me wear my ass tight black pants that tie up on each side and and a...

Group Sex
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Busted by stepdaughter Part 2

100% fiction! Nadia and I lay in each others arms for some time after playing together , after a little bit she whispered in my ear would you like to watch me finger my pussy , how could i refuse yes please i could love to watch you , she made herself comfortable on the lounge and spread her legs , she started by teasing her nipples pinching them pulling them they were so hard. Then she slowly ran her hands down over her smooth flat tummy between her legs and looked me straight in the eyes as...

1 year ago
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Busted by Mom

Note : This story is completely fictional! I have always been afraid of telling my mother that I'm a tranvestite. She was always one of those in style moms, some of my friends called her a MILF. She always had the fashion of a teenager, even though she was now 40. She looked young, as if in her late twenties. I was 20 and my parents were divorced when I was 17, I had been living with my mom since then. And you guessed it, thats the way I had access to my clothes. And I was finally filling in...

2 years ago
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Bob takes Candys anal cherry

Introduction: Totally fictional story The only thing Bob could think about for three days was Candys tight, wet, virgin pussy around his hard cock. Bob had never raped anyone before. But Candy was special, she was a temptress, a Lolita in the making. He called Sandra from work and told her he was coming over and made a special request. Have Candy shave her pussy and go buy her some special underwear. Bob planned to go straight to Sandras house after work. When he arrived Sandra opened the door...

3 years ago
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How Laura lost her cherry

“young lady, how many times i have to tell you...” She stopped in the middle of the sentence because of Laura bursting in cry. “What's happened??” “Mark drop me” Laura said. Usually the conversation between her and her step mom was just about pas the salt or get hurry because the bathroom isn't your propriety. Victoria sighed and sat on the bed. “what's the problem this time?? did he watch another girl?? or is he too much time with his friends??. Laura sobbed many times and added.. “he...

2 years ago
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Bob takes Candy s anal cherry

When he arrived Sandra opened the door and showed him to the living room. "I want to make myself clear Bob, no more freebies. I want $500 each time you fuck my daughter." Bob wasn't pleased, but he thought Candy was worth it. He agreed and pulled out $500 from his pocket and threw it at Sandra. She scrambled for the money, like a whore. Sandra called Candy into the room. Candy entered wearing a silky robe. He hair was down around her shoulders and she was wearing her mother's black...

3 years ago
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Let me first describe myself to you .i am 5'7 ,slim, athletic and i have got 5 and half inch long dick when erect and my cousin nancy is 5'2 ,slim ,have firm breasts which i reckon are a full B-cup and a ASS to die for.The best part about her is her ass it is round and uncommonly large .It always shows when she wears jeans .Almost all the boys in our locality wanted to have sex with her and they wanted to bang in her ass and play with it . This incident occured when i was 17 and she...

2 years ago
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Paula and Ian Cherry

Tina was abso-fuckin-lutely just chipper after her deflowering. Her and Mark were like sickening examples of love and joy. I had been moved to the side car of Tina’s life. It sucked. “Why so glum, chum?” Ian said coming up to my table. “You are such a fucking dork.” I said. “Dork? Man, you must be out of it if that’s the best come back you have.” Ian said. He sat down and slipped a CD across the table at me. “What’s this?” I asked. “It’s a CD full of old-school Goth music. Try it, you’ll like...

4 years ago
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Torched Cherry

Xavier was away studying in college which was just fine by him because he and his stepmother just didn’t get along. Now he was coming home from Miami for the holidays. I never took well to Xavier, he was a bit effeminate though naively I never suspected he was gay. His personality rubbed us all the wrong way, nothing was ever good enough for him. The food was always too cold or too hot and his elitist attitude made it hard to warm up to him. But the thing that pissed me off the most was his...

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You let yourself in with your key. The room is dark except for a line of votive candles in red glass holders, in a direct line from the living room to the bedroom. The air smells of a sweet scent – sandalwood?. It’s too faint to be sure. You smile, put your purse down on the couch and kick off your shoes. Whatever comes next, it’s going to be nice to get off your feet. You undress, folding your clothes neatly and leaving them on the couch. Only when you’re completely naked do you venture to...

3 years ago
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The Taking of Pamela s Anal Cherry

Lesley is my wife, she is a self confessed raving bi-sexual, in fact if we hadn’t been married I think she would have been a raving lesbian. Sex was always high on Lesley’s mind. Because of this we started to experiment early on in our relationship. Firstly it was with other men, then it progressed to couples and eventually we found ourselves entering the swinging scene. It was total sexual liberation for me and for her. We both loved nothing more than to see each other give and receive...

2 years ago
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My sexy french teacher takes my cherry

It was a warm summers day well to be precise it was the week before end of term and the summer holidays I couldnt be happier. Let me tell you about myself first I am called Jason, quite tall around 6.2ft brown haired hazel eyes and quite muscular 160lbs(because I have been working out at the gym lately and Im also on the rugby team )for my age Im 17.I go to seaview high and today will be my last day. I was in second lesson(French)With my favourite teacher Mrs. Parry she is 5.5 120lbs about 30...

4 years ago
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Popping my anal cherry

My boyfriend and I had been together for nearly a year, meeting when I was 17 and sexually inexperienced, we had enjoyed discovering each others bodies. One thing we hadn’t yet done was anal sex but it was something my boyfriend had mentioned doing a few times. He was very keen to try, I was more reluctant. The few times he had pressed his cock against my bum hole it had felt uncomfortable and strange. I had seen many examples of it in porn we had watched and decided it would be worth a try but...

3 years ago
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Claires Awakening 10 Bye Bye Cherry

I lost my virginity on a Friday. It was a crisp autumn evening. A few days before Scott had convinced me to put on a kind of show for Mr Williams, my pervy neighbour. Something so rude would have never occurred to me before I met Scott, but since our first encounter I had changed. The days of quietly rubbing my clit late at night, only occasionally fingering myself, were a thing of the past. I don’t know how he did it, but he somehow unleashed the sexuality from deep inside me. My aching pussy...

3 years ago
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Mum took my cherry

I was only 15 and I remember it well. Being an only child, Mum and I are close. Often we would sit together on the couch and just watch tv. I thought everyone was like this. This night was just like that. Dad had gone out for the night so it was only Mum and I at home. Mum had changed into her nightie earlier as she wanted to be comfortable after a long day. It was coming to the end of winter and as we snuggled together watching some movie, Mum had her arm around me and was lightly stroking my...

2 years ago
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When Seth Popped My Cherry

Seth and I were approaching our third month anniversary and my ass was so sore from the poundings it was getting daily. In case you missed my last story, "Losing My Anal Virginity," I was sixteen and under a lot of pressure to have sex with my sexy boyfriend. After a month of dating, I compromised and finally let him fuck my ass. I wasn't a prude but was saving my pussy for love.Seth was tall, almost six-feet, half Asian and White, and so sexy. He was also a junior and I was a sophomore, so I...

First Time
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Amy s Cherry

You are a freshman in college. You have been dying to deflower as many women as you can get your hands on. Unfortunately, all the good ones were plucked in high school most likely on prom night. You're very experienced but have always wanted to be the "first" with at least one woman. You have competition though as other guys are looking for the same thing. You have some choices left though. Do you try to go out with the sexy but shy and reserved brainy college co-ed or just give up and hit on...

4 years ago
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Butch took my cherry

I had just got out of the bath and gone to my bedroom, house was empty, parents out, just me and the dog, Butch, a crossbreed, labradoodle if you like!I'd knelt on the floor at the foot of the bed, rumaging underneath for my porn stash with a view to a nice relaxed wank session! My towel had fell off and my arse was up in the air as I selected a magazine to wank to. I heard butch bound up the stairs and enter my room, as he did quite often and thought nothing of it. However the dog obviously...

2 years ago
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This recollection is not about me or my daughter as my wife is still very much alive, but a good friend who liked to confess over a few strong whiskeys. Why he confessed to me I can only guess because I,m a good listener and yes from time to time I had an affair with my daughter Christina though that was some while ago and she is now happily married and has c***dren of her own. I,ll call my friend John though of course that,s not his real name. None of the names I used are real names for...

2 years ago
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Teenage Cherry

I’m sat on the couch, Adrian has just introduced me to a lad, he’s 16 apparently, and now Adrian and his father have gone out. I have seen him several times before, he’s one of our married friends’ sons, and I have been fucking his father behind his wife’s back for just over ten years now. I’m not friends with his wife, and my husband Adrian only knows her passingly, but he’s been good friends with the father for at least 50yrs. This father was the third man to fuck me, after being had by...

3 years ago
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How I Lost My Cherry

This is the story of my first proper sexual experience. I had fumbled around in my early teens with the odd girl but never had sex. Mrs Wilkinson changed all that !It was 11 am on a lovely sunny Saturday morning, in the summer of 1979. I walked along the street to my friends Steves house bouncing the football I was carrying as I strolled. I was not prepared for what was going to happen that weekend.I arrived at his house and knocked on the door. His Mam answered."Is Steve in?" I asked. "Oh...

4 years ago
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Losing my cherry

My name is Susan and I am 18 years of age and I want to tell you of my early sexual experiences. My father worked for the Forestry Commission and he came home from work one day and told my mother and I that he was being promoted and that we would be moving house into the far north of Scotland where he would be an area manager. With great excitement we began to get ready for the move. When we arrived at our new home it was set in a wonderful scenic location with mountains and a sea loch. In the...

4 years ago
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Popping my cherry

I was in my early twenties, and one weekend whilst shopping locally I was caught short and had to use the local public toilets. As I sat there, I noticed all the well drawn pictures of transvestites taking cocks in all their available holes and the stories that accompanied them etched onto the back of the cubicle door. I have to admit, I had never considered gay sex, let alone thinking about a glamorous transvestite, but my cock was now pointing at the ceiling, pulsating with every line of gay...

2 years ago
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Chelle helps her sister lose her black cherry

Chelle had just found herself a new master, even though she had a boyfriend once she met her master Chelle just knew she could not pass up an opportunity to be stretched in every way. Her reality, her lust, her imagination and her sensuality were going to be expanded way beyond what she thought or even dreamed possible. Then there was the actual physical aspect of course underlying all the mental aspects. She would be taken from being an awkward slut to a deft whore who could serve even the...

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zoey s cherry

"it was well before puberty, that much i remember, i know it was a few years before i got my first menses. all three of us were bedded together. the sheets were cold, we giggled and snuggled and shrieked until gene's mother scolded us and shut off the light." zoey's voice was somewhere between husky and whisper as she told me her tale of sexual awakening. she lay naked on her side, head in hand. her eyes nervously watched my face to see if i flinched at her honesty. she took a sip of her...

2 years ago
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Susana Gives Up Her Ass To Save Her Cherry

This is part three of a series you can read it as a standalone story, but if you really want to get the characters read the other parts of the series first. Part One isn’t essential, but Part Two sort of is.I was in heaven as the love of my life an eighteen year old virgin was in my bed with me and she had a butt plug in her ass prepping herself to take me inside her ass for the first time.She said, “I think it is time for the bigger one now.”I slowly pulled the smaller one out of her butt and...

2 years ago
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Taking Sis s Cherry

Its a bit big story hope you all will like it.I have been ogling my younger sister, Andrea, for as long as I canremember. I'm Dave, twenty- eight and she has just turned nineteen; we share the house our family has lived in since our parents bought the place years before either of us were even thought of. They died in the crash of a commercial airliner during their annual tour of Europe a few years back and left us with the house, their two autos and a good chunk of cash. Andy is a small gal,...

3 years ago
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took my anal cherry

I Really Like GuyS ...Don't Get Me Wrong , I Think Women Are Beautiful Creatures That Deserve The best But There's Something About Boys That Gets Me Over The Edge.Maybe It's Because We're All Interconnected Or Because I Know What Makes Them Tick. Whatever The Reason I Have Always Found Them Irresistible.When I Was Younger I Attended An All Male Boarding Private School Parent Placed M There because They Thought I Would Be More Focused With Girls Out Of The Picture....Little Did They Know That...

2 years ago
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I lost my Cherry

I was walking my dog in the park today and i got talking to a couple who also were walking there dog,she was called Tracy and he was Craig they were a lovely couple,we walked round the park together cos our dogs were really getting on and loved playing.we got talking about all things and they asked where my wife was i told them she was at work and she was on a late so it would be a cold tea for me..as they were such a nice couple they asked if i fancied calling round for tea and a nice glass of...

3 years ago
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UK Uni Freshers Week Popping my Cherry

They always say that new experiences happen on Freshers week. When I left my rural town to go to Manchester Uni I knew I was in for a life changing experience, just not the path it took me.My names Ashleigh and I went off to Manchester to study Maths. It was daunting going in on the first day not really knowing anyone. Plucking up the courage I chatted to a few people on the bus in, in the halls and in my first lecture. I really began to settle. I settled so much that in my first week I...

4 years ago
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The Taking of Pamela s Anal Cherry

Lesley is my wife, she is a self confessed raving bi-sexual, in fact if we hadn’t been married I think she would have been a raving lesbian. Sex was always high on Lesley’s mind. Because of this we started to experiment early on in our relationship. Firstly it was with other men, then it progressed to couples and eventually we found ourselves entering the swinging scene. It was total sexual liberation for me and for her. We both loved nothing more than to see each other give and receive...

4 years ago
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Anisha Leads Me To Manisha 8211 Pt 4 Popping Manisha 8217 s Cherry

Manisha and I were left alone as Anisha went out to get some drinks. Manisha was now ready for a fuck and wanted me to be the one to take her virginity. We were turned on and we were completely wet. Her alluring body aroused me to the core and had set the mood for a raunchy encounter. I moved my hands up and started to squeeze her melons little roughly. She moaned and held my fingers and asked me to squeeze then hard. I took a little cream from the dining table on my palm. I gently applied them...

3 years ago
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Lost my ass cherry

ok so one day after work i decided to go to the local XXX theater to see what was on. nothing really good in the straight theater. so i went over to the next theater and saw some gay porn. it was a twink being rimmed by a tranny. I decided to go in and in the far back corner of this theater there was a group of 3 men and when i walked in they came up to me and asked if i wanted to "play". so i said why not. so they all took out thier dicks and their sizes were outstanding. the white guy had at...

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