Choice Heavy indian porn

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Laura packed up her things and left work. She slung her bag over her shoulder, and headed out door. Just like every other Thursday evening, off to the train for her ride home. The first thing to catch her attention was the limo parked right outside the door. The second thing was the man in the tuxedo holding a sign reading "Laura". "Can I help you?" she said, glancing around looking for an explanation. "You must be Laura, I'm here to pick you up." "Why ... who sent you?" "I can't...

4 years ago
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Choices The Birthday Gift

Barbara Clausen stepped from her car and handed the keys to the valet. He took them and handed her a receipt. Giving the young man a smile, she headed for the glass doors leading into the restaurant side of the sprawling building. She saw her image reflected in the glass. She also saw the young man pausing before getting into her car to park it. He was watching her with a bit of admiration on his face. Well, it was nice to be admired. Barbara was 56 years old but had stayed in good shape,...

1 year ago
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Choices Are Not Always Easy

He watched her slim brown body walk towards the door after she gently cleaned him. Soon he heard noises from the next room whose occupant was enjoying the lubrication he had just put in her in the same way that he had enjoyed that brought to him from the room across the hall. He had rarely felt the silky slipperiness of another man when he was sliding inside a woman and it was erotic. He slept, satiated. The next morning as she was bent over pouring his coffee, nude like the night before, her...

2 years ago
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My thanks to ErikThread for editing this and making it a much better story. As happens more often than not — I fiddled with the edited version a little. So, any errors that you still see in the story were introduced by me. My wife was carrying on with her boss and everyone knew about it except, of course, me, the husband, who was the last to know. My first reaction was, understandably, anger. I wanted to hurt her badly and to execute a revenge that would become a benchmark in days to...

2 years ago
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Choices Made

I was killing time in a quaint little import shop a stones throw away from Picadilly Circus in the heart of London. I wasn't really looking for anything just browsing the curiosities they had on display. "Hello, Michael." I heard a familiar feminine voice softly call out a name I hadn't been addressed by for some time. I turned and fell into a set of brown eyes that still found a way to make my heart skip. It's amazing the range of feelings that can come over you in a split second. I felt...

3 years ago
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ChoicesChapter 2

Kevin followed her to the gate. As she put the key in the padlock, he noticed a metal sign above the entrance. It said "Ai-lara" on it. "I see you've named your estate," said Kevin, trying to relieve the tension. Amanda nodded, as she put the proper key in the lock and gave it a twist. "I named it for... an old friend." Kevin followed Amanda mutely through the gate. The remnants of the old gravel drive were rapidly disappearing under a growth of weeds. In a few years, you'd be hard...

1 year ago
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ChoicesChapter 1 The stage is set

September 1999 The first week was pretty much a blur. We (the grad students) had planned several activities to welcome the first-years, culminating in an overnight trip to a cabin in the Pennsylvania countryside. I remember being preoccupied with an experiment that hadn't been going well. The machine I was using kept on munching my sample with nothing to show for it. Time would later reveal that it was part blind alley and part faulty machinery, but it didn't help me then. The night before...

2 years ago
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ChoicesChapter 2 The end of the beginning

(By now, you might be a bit impatient with the pace. It speeds up a bit, but not too much--this is real life.) When we got back, I dropped off my stuff at my place, and went to lab. Mostly to check e-mail and flip through a few websites. As it turned out, I noticed that Liz had also come in--she worked in the lab adjoining mine--to pick up a few papers she needed to read, I found out later. So, it seemed only natural for me to stop in and say hi. We ended up staying and talking for hours....

2 years ago
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ChoicesChapter 3 The departmental retreat

In our department, there was normally a formal reception for the incoming students. In addition, later in the school year, the professors usually gave a presentation of their individual research topics in order to help the new students select a thesis lab. This year, the chairman had the brilliant idea of combining the two, getting the whole department involved, and holding it at a resort in western Maryland. By then, I had mostly eased off the agonizing over Liz, and resolved to get better...

3 years ago
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ChoicesChapter 5 Wrong way right place right time

Saturday morning. A quick glance at the clock revealed that it was just before seven-thirty. I shook my head, trying to clear out the cobwebs and remember why I'm awake at this unholy hour. As the knowledge slowly percolated through my brain (assisted rather rudely by the sunshine in my face), I groan loudly, and crawl out of my bed for my monthly BME. BME stands for 'Book-Movie Extravaganza.' Once a month, instead of lounging at home or going out with friends, I bury myself in the local...

3 years ago
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ChoicesChapter 6 An enchanting evening

The spot proved to be as good as advertised. After a few minutes of traipsing through little-disturbed underbrush (the near-full moon helped), we emerged into a grassy clearing, bounded by trees on three sides and gently moving water on the fourth. If Maddie hadn't told me otherwise, I'd have sworn that no one had ever been here before. "It's beautiful," I breathed. Turning to her, I asked, "How did you ever find this place?" "Rachel and I used to come here a lot. We stumbled across...

3 years ago
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ChoicesChapter 7 The day after

We stayed to see in the sunrise. Not much else happened physically; I knew exactly what a sixteen-year-old would be doing in my place, and managed to fight down the impulses. Besides, the kiss earlier was just about as far as I dared to take it at the moment. So we talked. I found out that she would be starting her sophomore year in the fall. She was the youngest of three children, and literally the baby of the family (her sister and brother are eighteen and fifteen years older,...

1 year ago
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ChoicesChapter 8 Friends new and old

The rest of the evening went swimmingly. At around eleven, I pleaded work tomorrow, and we headed back to our respective homes. Before I showered, brushed my teeth, and went to bed, I had some time to reflect on the evening. Morgan was a bit sharp-tongued, I thought, but she was pretty nice once you got to know her. Not much more thought than that, however. I went into lab Monday morning around nine-thirty, my usual time. When I came in, Eric--my lab's senior grad student--waved hi and...

3 years ago
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ChoicesChapter 9 The beginning of a dilemma

After Jim and Mark cleared it with Max (the bartender and owner), we spent about thirty minutes getting in some practice. The three guys had an amazing command of anything--from the latest hits to Beatles tunes. To be completely honest, I love to sing. However, I know perfectly well that my ability comes nowhere close to my enthusiasm, and try to avoid singing in public. As you might have noticed, my self-control isn't really up to the task. As luck would have it, the bar was amazingly...

3 years ago
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ChoicesChapter 10 Untangling threads

The next two days were more sedate. Unlike college students, us graduate students don't get summer vacation. Not the three-month we were used to in high school and college, at any rate. Maddie and I spent Wednesday night together--our first time alone since the day we met. She came over and I made us dinner, after which we relaxed on the couch, idly watching TV. "So, what do you think of Morgan?" she asked lazily. "Very intriguing. If you weren't around, I might be interested." "You...

2 years ago
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ChoicesChapter 11 And now for something completely unexpected

I headed home around six. After some thought, I decided to whip up dinner, just in case. The apartment underwent a bit of cleaning as well, which didn't take long, what with the sheer abundance of furniture (a couch, dining table, bed, dresser, and sundry small items) at my place. The salad was chilling in the fridge and the chicken was in the oven when the phone rang. "Hello." "Hi, Jordan. How have you been?" A voice I hadn't heard in over a year came out of the receiver. "Hi,...

2 years ago
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ChoicesChapter 12 Picking up the pieces

The phone was ringing when I got back home. Ignoring it, I stuck the two bills in the To-Pay file and the ads in the trash, and went into the bedroom to change. My answering machine clicked on. "Hi, it's Jordan. You know what to do." Direct copy of Chandler, but I'm fond of it." "Jordan, it's Morgan. Please pick up. I know you're there--I just saw you go in five minutes ago." So, she was outside on her cell phone. "If you don't want to see me, pick up the phone and tell me....

2 years ago
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ChoicesChapter 13 Voices from the past

Morgan left around an hour later, after we fed each other breakfast (of the cereal and juice kind; get your mind out of the gutter), and cleaned up a bit. We kissed each other good-bye at the door, with her promising to call tomorrow--her parents had a thing tonight that she needed to attend. After the door closed behind her, I tossed the sheets into the hamper, and judiciously concluded that I should probably do my whites today before I ran out of underwear later this week. While waiting...

1 year ago
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ChoicesChapter 14 Let s take it from the top

The dinner was quite enjoyable. Mr. and Mrs. Fenwick were very cordial, though they were clearly assessing this young man whom their daughter was apparently taken with. I fielded the usual questions about my family and future plans, and inquired in return about their work. It turns out that they were both naval officers. Mrs. (or rather, Commander) Fenwick was the XO of a commodore at Norfolk, while Mr. (or Captain) Fenwick headed a liaison group between the Navy and the NSA. "You're not...

3 years ago
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ChoicesChapter 15 Back to basics

The rest of the day went by quickly. When the carillon struck four, I was halfway between Mudd and the library, and not in any particular hurry. Let her wait a little, I thought. And yes, I can be that petty. Not often, but enough. Amy was sitting at one of the tables in the back. The place was fairly busy, but she had picked a table away from most of the crowd. She looked up as I approached, an uncertain smile on her face. "Sorry I'm late," I said as I slid into the seat opposite hers....

2 years ago
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ChoicesChapter 16 The second time around

We spent Tuesday and Thursday evening together, though she left at around eleven both nights. She showed up Friday night with a small overnight bag. "I told my parents I'd be staying over." "And they didn't give you an earful, I see." "No, just a brief good-night and a 'Be careful' from my mom." "'Kay. Ready for dinner?" "You're spoiling me, you know." I raised an eyebrow as she continued. "All these wonderful home-cooked meals. How can I stand to eat my own cooking for...

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ChoicesChapter 17 Reconciliation

Morgan didn't disappoint. "We need to sort out our relationship," she said as we were having breakfast the next morning. "It's a little early in the day for it, but you're right. Mind if I go first?" "Not at all." I took a deep breath and looked into her eyes. "From that Monday night, I knew that we had something. I didn't consider pursuing it then, but simply recognized its existence. As it turned out, we were given an opportunity to explore it, and the last week has been...

2 years ago
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Barbara Clausen woke with the first light of dawn as it crept through the curtains. Moving slowly and carefully, she slipped from under the sheet and swung her feet to the floor. She stood and tip-toed to the chair where her clothing lay. She donned her dress, picked up her underwear, pantyhose, shoes and purse and left. She stood in the bedroom doorway and looked back at the bed. Lee's dark hair was scattered over her pillow, hiding her face. The sheet had slipped down, exposing one bare...

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ChoicesChapter 19 Everything s fine isn t it

Morgan called an hour later. "Miss me?" "You sure you have to stay up there for two weeks?" She didn't pick up on the undertone of urgency I hid beneath my bantering tone. "I wish I could come back earlier, but I've got too much stuff to do. How's work?" "Same old, same old. I was nominated for the Nobel, got inducted into the National Academy of Science, you know the drill." "I'll bet. How's Maddie?" "We ditched today and went to the beach." "Out to...

3 years ago
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ChoicesChapter 20 Birthdays and other catastrophes

I botched an experiment Friday morning--I had gotten distracted, and lost count of... let's just say that I added too much of something in the first few steps of an experiment, and it ruined the entire thing. Unfortunately, I realized this at around two in the afternoon, when a preliminary test turned up the wacky results. Feeling rather disgusted with myself, I set up a few culture tubes to grow over the weekend, and spent the afternoon going over drafts of a paper I was writing. The...

3 years ago
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ChoicesChapter 22 A hint of things to come

Ever had someone smack you with a baseball bat? If this wasn't the equivalent of a tap to the noggin with a Louisville Slugger, I don't know what is. "But you said-" "I know what I said. And I was lying through my teeth." She started pacing around the room, never looking directly at me. "By the time I realized what a silly fool I had been for letting Callista get to me with her stories, Morgan had already made--with my blessing--her play for you, and succeeded. What else could I do...

3 years ago
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ChoicesChapter 23 Settling in and a belated cri de coeur

If you had told me, back when I graduated from Cal three years ago, that I'd be working a bona fide job now, I wouldn't have believed you--even I couldn't have finished a Ph.D. in less than three years. And if you had continued to say that a prestigious law firm would hire me before I had even received my doctorate, I would have nodded politely, knocked you out when you weren't looking, and made an urgent call for the men in white to cart you off to a padded cell somewhere. Yet, here I...

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ChoicesChapter 24 Back on the merry go round

I wrapped up a few reports by five, then headed home a bit earlier than usual. There was a play I wanted to catch at the Stuart Street Playhouse--some long-winded title about the pitfalls of modern dating. I thought that laughing over someone else's dating follies would be nice for a change, and the play had gotten complimentary reviews. Even though I had chosen the early show, the place was still packed. Luckily for me, there was a single seat in the middle of the fifth row that was still...

2 years ago
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ChoicesChapter 25 Dredging up memories

Jerry and Lana pled exhaustion shortly after dessert was served, and left Sara and I to 'catch up on old times.' As they headed out the door, Sara remarked with amusement evident in her voice, "I wonder what excuse would they have used if we hadn't known each other." "Oh, probably something along the lines of 'letting us young kids get to know each other better.' Though I think that they would have taken you home had we not gotten along." "God, I hope so. Good thing we did, then....

3 years ago
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ChoicesChapter 26 A run for my money

The Green Lantern was more of a diner than an actual coffeehouse, though their coffee was pretty good. The owner was--and is--a big comic book fan, though one might have guessed that already from the name of the place. We were introduced during some society function or other, since we were both Berkeley alumni; he was the chief PR guy for the FBI's Boston office, of all things. I was comfortably ensconced in a table by the window by the time four o'clock rolled around. A minute later, I...

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ChoicesChapter 27 Dancing the night away

We headed back to our respective places to clean off, and agreed to meet at seven for more of 'me trying to keep up with her, ' as Claire put it succinctly. The driving arrangements took a bit of doing, however. "My car or yours?" she asked. "Does it matter?" "Well, where we're going, your spanking new Integra might not be out there when we come out. My hatchback's less, um-" "Chop-shop worthy? Why, that's very sweet of you." "Besides, I like to drive." I clutched my...

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ChoicesChapter 28 Petals on the wind

We left the club at around three, as Claire was finally starting to look a little tired. I had gotten my second wind at around one, but probably looked worse than I felt. The trip back to the car was uneventful, and we didn't talk until she had gotten us back into the more respectable side of town. "So, what next?" she asked five minutes later, as we were waiting for a green light. "Got any more ideas for things to do up your sleeve?" I raised my bare arms. "No sleeves, so that's...

2 years ago
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ChoicesChapter 29 Just when you think

"So, how did you and Penny become friends?" Claire and I were over at my apartment, where we had ended up after an afternoon of blading on the river paths. I knew enough to pace myself properly to avoid yesterday's huff-and-puff session. The last time I was that winded, I had woken up fifteen minutes before my GREs. I managed to sprint to the testing site on time, but didn't start breathing normally until halfway through the exam. Even now, my body was still complaining bitterly to my...

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Hot Heavy

Seamus was headbanging to the loud, metal music. He jumped around in the mosh pit, throwing himself against people, flailing his arms and legs. He had been hit in the face, the ribs and kicked in the legs, but he didn't care. He was having too much fun. Concerts were always a big deal in Dublin and since retiring from the Army a year earlier, Seamus got to enjoy going to them more often. He got lost in the music every time as he continued to jump around until he felt his legs grow weak. Turning...

Quickie Sex
1 year ago
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Hot lsquo n heavy

As you come up from behind me you grab onto my hips, slide your hands down my hips to my inner thighs brushing past my pussy. Up my stomach feeling every soft silky smooth inch and grabbing my breasts. You kiss the back of my neck and it makes me shiver and moan. I turn around to face you and place my hands on your chest as your arms are holding me tight and close. We look into each others eyes and start to passionately kiss. I slowly move my hands up your chest and slowly move up your neck to...

1 year ago
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Had this Dream About You

I’ve had this dream about you more than once … it’s something I want to do to you … with you … more like I need to do it – as if I can do this to you then it will satisfy the core of my being. Every time I have this fantasy, it’s in Washington because it begins with a flashback to that moment when I flew over Mt. Rainier and I could feel my breath catch in my chest. I wonder if that was my body’s way of saying something as significant as Mt. Rainier was about to happen in my life … We agree...

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My Evil Landlord

This is my 2nd true story of my transexual life and the things that have happend to me in it. I moved into my own flat when i was 17, i needed the space away from my mum who was always drinking and getting fucked by strangers who she would bring back after a night out, many a time id hear the bed banging in her room and her screaming out a different mans name at night. Id find wet cum stains on her bed during the day or a pair of her panties lying somewhere that she had thrown and forgot about...

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Samantha Grandma s GiftChapter 4 Cleaning up a bigger mess or making the biggest mess of all

"Let me get this straight. You want me to shower with your daughter?" I couldn't really believe that Mandy had suggested that. "Well, it's not like Samantha could see any more of you, and you should be safe now. You've cum three times in twenty minutes now. Not that you're even going to want to do anything with Samantha right now, but if somehow you did manage to do something, you've cum so much that I don't see how you could have anything left to pose any sort of pregnancy hazard...

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Son of SleepChapter 2

My mind was in chaos, my thoughts spinning in circles so fast I felt like I could barely keep a coherent idea in my head. Still, I somehow managed to stumble through the words I spoke to the man who had suddenly appeared in the corner of my bathroom. “You’re telling me that your name is Hypnos. You’re the ancient Greek god of sleep and trance. You slept with my mom 18 years ago, making me. And when I finally ‘became a man’ you decided that your birthday gift was going to be to ... what?” I...

3 years ago
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Older Women can be Awesome

‘Yes,’ Gramma answered, ‘But not now.’ She took my cock in her hand and slowly stroked it. ‘Right now, I want you cum on it. Not in it.’ She pulled me closer and rubbed her clitoris with the tip of my prick. ‘I want to feel your hot cum spurting on my clit and running down between the lips of my pussy.’ She moved my cock up and down, sliding the crown up and down her slit. I awoke with a full blown hard-on and an urgent need to pee. I jumped out...

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Sakshi ki shaadi

Hi, my name is sakshi and the incident i am about to tell all of you is a reality and not a story or fantasy. Let me first describe myself to you. I have a very sexy body with large boobs and firm round arse. My figure is 36 26 38. I have pink nipples and pink pussy which i shave regularly. I have big brown eyes and silky black hair that reach up till my shoulders. I generally keep them open as they add to my sex appeal. I usually wear deep neck tops and shirts without bra so that guys have an...

1 year ago
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GotMylf Rocky Emerson Bang For A Buck

People wonder about what goes on in the back of the worlds most exclusive strip clubs. Rocky Emerson is happy to give you a peek into her world. She bends and sways her bodies through the dark backrooms of the world, meeting high end clientele who want the best bang for their buck. She is the perfect girl to rock the world of a stud with a wad of cash to blow, and that is what she does tonight. She takes our studs hard cock between her lips and lets the drool drip down both sides of his shaft....

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Understanding the G SPOT and Female Sexuality

Understanding theG-SPOTand Female SexualityA 10-Step Guidefor Unleashing the Ultimate in Female Ecstasyby Donald L. HicksUnderstanding the G-Spot and Female Sexuality:A 10-Step Guide for Unleashing the Ultimate in Female EcstasyCopyright © 2001, Donald L. HicksAll rights reserved.No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrievalsystem, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical,photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without writtenpermission from the author.Cover Photo:...

1 year ago
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Bird Protection Boredom or

Bird Protection************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan March 2005The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************I wasn’t paying attention to the announcements just before the coffee break. I...

3 years ago
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Den of Iniquity Ch 02

What the fuck was I doing? I liked my life. Simple, straightforward. No mess, no fuss. "Work hard, keep your nose clean," my Dad always said. God rest his soul. I hadn't been out at night in months. Work, study, work, study. Get the job done. Prove my ex-wife wrong. I towelled off my hair and flossed. I shaved. It was unlike me to be doing something like this. Who was I kidding? The place I lived in looked like a motel. Half my clothes were still in a suitcase for God's sake. It was actually a...

1 year ago
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Letter From Ithaca

LETTER FROM ITHACA ? Dear Shoeblossom, ? I am worried that my BDSM tendencies were created by my Mother, who I still live with. For instance, my butt is still stinging from the other night, when I got home late from work. "Leland, where have you been?"Mother asked me. She is a striking woman, and once won the Cayuga County Joan Collins look-alike contest. ? "Mother, the bus was late...I wish you'd let me get a driver's license." Really. I'm thirty-three years old, Shoeblossom, and Mother won't...

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Lost in a Strange Land

Chapter 2 The Auction: Claire followed the other people from the bus back into the main room of thebuilding. She noticed that the chairs had been organized and arranged so thatthey all faced one side of the room. Most of the people were sitting down,although a few still remained standing in the back. The lighting was dark exceptfor one end and it became clear that everyone's attention was focused on thisarea. This still seemed like just a bad dream. Certainly Mei had been exaggerating,but...

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FreeUseMILF Haley Spades Penny Barber Fuck Doing Chores

Penny Barber tells her stepson Billy Boston that his stepcousin Hayley Spades is visiting so he must do everything possible to make her feel welcomed. Billy knows exactly what that means so when Hayley gets there he immediately starts fondling and touching her while she talks to Penny about different things that they can do together. Penny runs a free use household, and Hayley is ecstatic about Billy using her body whenever and wherever he pleases to fulfill his naughty cravings. While having...

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The Runeswords

The Orion sector, Rito III, 3158 GST (Galactic Standard Time) Reginald Ravensblade, Harpist of Time, sat idly watching the roulette wheel spin as the small gold ball travelled around in the opposite direction waiting to find its home. He was in the Maytag Casino, the largest, most prestigious gaming establishment on Rito III, a pleasure planet known for its gaming establishments. Reg had been on the planet for a week and had just finished his latest quest, another task where time had been...

1 year ago
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Love Never ChangesChapter 6

“I’m guessing that from the lovely shade of red you turned after you kissed Gwen that a public display of affection was frowned upon before the war,” Piper said. We were walking by Diamond City, and she hadn’t let up about how things were pre-war. “It’s not that they were frowned upon, it’s more complicated than that. It’s that, well, we’re not related by marriage or blood, and we’re the same gender.” Nick chimed in. “I have memories of Nick’s ... the original Nick ... about some of that....

3 years ago
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Where the Hell Am I Chapter 14

The first trading caravan was mostly a proof-of-concept trip, but this caravan was a pure money making endeavor. As such, the caravan was going out by the same route, but it was coming back by a different road. The first trip had lasted only about a week, but this one might run as long as a month. The weather might play a part in setting the length of the trip, but Homer also had some discretion as to what route to follow. The only limitation on Homer's choices would be that he had to take...

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I knew you were a Fag Gay

This is the story of how I sucked my first cock.It was 7pm, just beginning to get dark, I knelt down and pulled the knot on my laces tight. Standing up I looked left then right before starting my evening jog. I kept up a leisurely pace towards the park where I liked to jog each evening. These days it's the only thing that keeps me in shape. Let me tell you about me quickly. I am 20 years old, athletic/stocky and a student. Until two weeks ago I would have said I was an alpha male straight lad...

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The Ravishing of Constance Ch 06

Breakfast the next morning was an ordeal for Constance. She had managed to discreetly leave the room last night as Eva, Enrique, and Robert succumbed to their weariness. While they slept on the carpet, in the midst of their strewn clothes, Constance sought the solitude of her own bed. She had been awakened early by Rob, who was cross with her for leaving. He told her that unless her manners improved to the point that she did not desert her duties when they had company, she’d regret it. ...

2 years ago
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My Best Friends Fiance

I never wanted to hurt Thomas, my boss and friend since c***dhood, in any way, so i never told him our secret. I knew who his 4 k**s father really happened to be. 2 boys, 2 girls, all beautiful and all my k**s.Melissa was one of the sexiest white chicks i had ever seen, she always told Thomas that on their wedding night he was gonna be her first. She went looking for bridesmaid dresses but because the maids were all at work, she had them give her their measurements and called for Thomas's limo...

3 years ago
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My perfect boyfriend

I am just able to sneak in my room and throw myself on the bed, sobbing and wet my pillow with my stupid tears. Why I am not a whore like others and I can't just open my legs and let boys fuck me while I take care of my nails? I return on reality hearing a knock at the bathroom's door and my brother's voice asking, whispering, if I am OK and if I am in need.. “Fuck you and leave me alone.. I Hate you!! I reply instinctively “Open this door or I'll wake up dad and we will see who...

2 years ago
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office daydream

Hi its me again, haven’t had much time to write my diary recently but I’ve made some time without completely ruining my innocent image, you know a white lie here a headache there, but you get to the point where, you just need a little me time and that is what I’ve got and I ‘m going to use it.   Wow what a few weeks, work has been crazy, new accounts landing so fast that we not only can’t service the demands we are beginning to lose track of what they were.   The orifice day is just one...

3 years ago
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Old School

The bus stopped at the shelter and Reggie got on. It was only about four miles to the downtown area, but why walk if you could ride. Besides it was just a quarter. Loose change. He was there in ten minutes after making just one or two stops along the way to pick other passengers. It was a weeknight and few were out. The mesquite smell was strong from the warm breeze passing over the landscape near town. The weather was warm and pleasant but Reggie was wearing a sweater over his tee shirt. Most...

1 year ago
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The Cafe

This is my first attempt at some writing. Please feel free to comment, good or badIt starts like thisWe meet in a cafe for lunch on a sunny day, not too hot and not too cold. You're wearing jeans that hug your butt and a top that shows off your wonderful cleavage. Not too much exposed but plenty for the imagination. I'm dressed in jeans and a short sleeve shirt.It's a slow day at the cafe and we're the only couple there at a booth near the back. We have our drinks and we're talking about this...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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College Fuck Off

She had graduated from high school in the beginning of June, and spent most of her summer working, hanging out with friends, and shopping for supplies for her freshman year at Arizona State. May was excited to move out of her small town and finally face the real-world head on – as well as play a shit ton of volleyball! May decided to scroll through her Instagram feed before taking a nice nap – she didn’t have to work again until tomorrow afternoon – but all of the posts were of the...

2 years ago
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"Tommy"By Gentile---------Louis Dega & Henri Charriere discuss what for them will be their final escape attempt:Louie: "Will it work?"Pappy: "Does it matter?"---------Papillion, Nebraska, Fall 1974. Nebraska Hwy 370."We'd just passed the water tower that had been painted with a Butterfly in honor of the motion picture "Papillon" and were headed back to Omaha.We'd spent the afternoon at a carnival there in Papillion. It'd been a good Sunday. The sun had set, the moon was fixing to rise. A...

1 year ago
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Office Manager Destroyed My Newly Married Pussy

Hi all, my name is Radhika and I used to read the stories on this site from the age of 18. At last, I got the courage to write my own experience here. I hope you like it. So, let me introduce myself. As I said, I am Radhika, 26 years of age, and the most important part which you like the most is my figure which is 32-28-38. Do not ask me why I have such a huge ass because as a teenager, I felt anal was less risky as I want to preserve my pussy for my husband only. That’s all. I have been...

4 years ago
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Mom s Summer Camp SwapChapter 4

Mavis Richards lay in the darkness of her own bedroom with her mind confused, her nipples hard, and her pussy dripping wet. This was unreal! Being this horny twice in one day? Horny enough the first time to... to do what she had done that afternoon, and so horny this time from hearing her own children actually balling in their bedroom! She should have been outraged. She should have gone storming in on them and given both of them the whipping of their young lives. But she hadn't. She...

3 years ago
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Alice In WonderlandChapter 2

After supper that night, everybody, even the children, wanted to see me breathe smoke. I had already assured them that the smoke was not dangerous to them, it was just a sign of the god's favor to me. I probably laid it on a little too thick, but I gave a real performance lighting my cigarette and puffing as much smoke as I could manage. Anybody who happened to breathe in some of the smoke immediately started coughing. I made a point of how that proved that the gods had reserved the smoke...

2 years ago
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My First Time Out Chapter 4

My First Time Out-Chapter 4 It was Sunday morning at eight o'clock when the phone rang. Shayna's eyes felt like they were glued shut but managed to answer the phone on the third ring. "Morning," said Shayna as she was still half-asleep. "Good morning Shayna. This is the Bell Captain calling. I have an envelope addressed to you from a Sir Dominique. I know it's early, so I can have it slipped under your door," suggested the man. "Huh?" Said Shayna drowsily. "This is the Bell...

2 years ago
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Sex In Class

Hi friends how’s u Mere bare me jaante chate ho Height 5′11 land ka size 8 inch lamba or 3inc mota ha To me apko apni story bata hoon ya kahani un dino ki ha jab ma 10th ma padta tha mare ak english ki techer thi name tha unka ponam wo dikna ma kafi sexy thi un ki age 24 or thi or mare age 18 ki thi un ka figer kafi mast tha un ka figer ka size 34-28-36 tha.jab wo class ma padthi thi to mare najer un ka uper he hothi thi. jab wo chalthi to ma un ki gand ko dake karte tha Class ma kahi bare mane...

1 year ago
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Dawn of the Federation Book II Darkness on the Edge of SpaceChapter 17 Pen Pals

Hoshi was sitting on the desk writing her letter and smiled as she heard a soft snoring from the bunk. As arranged before, she had fetched Trip from the captain's mess at precisely 23:30 By the looks of it, either Trip could hold his drink much better than Commodore Archer or their former captain had just drunk much more; Trip had been quite heavily buzzed and quite wobbly on his feet, but not hopelessly drunk. His older friend, however – well, she could imagine that he would not feel all...

4 years ago
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Die letzten Sommerferien

Mia hatte ihr Abi gerade in der Tasche. Manche Leute würden sagen, dass es doch ziemlich überraschend war mit welch gutem Ergebnis. Insgesamt hatte sie eine glatte 2,2, trotz ihres Rufes als Schulmatratze. Ausgerechnet das Ergebnis in der mündlichen Matheprüfung in Mias ausgewiesener Schwächedisziplin war eine 1,7. Zwei der drei Prüfer waren männliche Lehrkräfte und es kam der einzigen weiblichen Kraft im Raum fast schon unheimlich vor, dass Mia tatsächlich auf die Fragen immer genau die...

2 years ago
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Author's note: There are times when we have dreams so real that they conflict with our memories. Which are the memories, and which are the dreams? Sometimes, it gets confusing. Sometimes, we have to wonder whether the memories really are memories, or if they are something else covering a deep dark secret. I welcome feedback on this story - good or bad. Please take a moment to let me know what you think. Elrodw email:...

4 years ago
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Sex Club Level 2 The Twins

Introduction: Felix joined Sex Club, having passed his initiation. Now he has set his sights higher. Sex Club Level 2 – The Twins After that first day, I was hooked on Sex Club. I went to the pool every day. When Elliot had to work, he obviously couldnt meet with the club. Instead another member, Kyle, ran the meetings. And when I say ran the meeting, I really mean supervised all the sex that would go on. I learned that my initiation was an event, and that most of the time the club members...

2 years ago
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Finally Fucked In The Ass By Mistress

Now, mind you, i'm not new to anal play. I've been inserting vibrators, curling irons, bicycle inner tubes, and various other items up my ass for quite some time. And i have had other Women use toys on me, even some strap-on play.As well, the Mistress I am submissive to, has "given it to me good" (Or in the case of some of the rather large items, attempted to give it to me good)on a number of occasions. Almost all of the dildos, dongs, and vibes have been over 2" in diameter and 9" or greater...

1 year ago
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Simones Abenteuer

Es ist Samstag und Alex hatte seinen Tag so geplant, dass er seine Freundin Simone Abends, als Überraschung, von der Arbeit abholen konnte. Sie ist 27 Jahre, hat brünettes, schulterlanges Haar und hat eine tolle Figur. Schon seit längerem arbeitet sie in einer Triumph Filiale in der Innenstadt und immer wenn es zeitlich machbar ist, holt er sie dort ab. Doch als Alex an diesem Abend Simone abholte, kam sie ihm total aufgelöst entgegen. Schluchzend vergrub sie ihr Gesicht in seiner Schulter und...

3 years ago
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I love the feeling of cum dripping out of me. As I stood in the hallway listening to my boss telling me about another interminable meeting, I wondered what she would think if she knew that, not five minutes ago, I was on the back fire escape, being fucked by the forklift driver from the warehouse, and that his cum was right now dripping out of my pussy and running down my inner thigh. Would she grab me by the shoulders and push me into her office, would she run her hands down over my blouse,...

4 years ago
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Naturist Beach Adventure

I've always had a high sex drive, something my recent ex-wife didn't share. That played a big part in our break-up.I was now newly single, still in my forties (just) and in search of some sort of sexual adventure. I didn't have a clear idea of what I was looking for but I wanted to be surprised and led by an expert into new areas. So that is how I came to be walking along a naturist beach with a strong gay presence.I wasn't particularly looking for man-on-man action but I figured the...

4 years ago
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Caged and denied

It’s 4:00am and every chaste man in the world knows exactly what i is i am feeling right now. This is my second night in chastity and i’m reaching that point of deep, desperate ache. What otherwise would be an erection, that begs for release, painfully throbs inside its cage. The ring of the cage is chafing the underside of my balls and there’s no way i can sleep. The few times in the past that i experimented with chastity play ended by this point. With that being said, let me take You back to...

2 years ago
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3 Girls and 3 stories to excite

1.) Jenna's encounterI was rollerblading down towards the pool, where I planed to swim and sunbathe. At the flat opposite the entrance I saw they guy who had just moved in from overseas and who all the girls were talking about.Most people living in the condominiums were like us, families but this house was rented out to an oil service company, and they had young guys staying overnight, young guys that made the daughters of the families living and studying here excited, we were all teenage...

3 years ago
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Professor Puppetmaster

You walk into the auditorium and step up to the podium. 300 Freshman stare back at you. “Hello everyone,” you begin, “I'm Porfessor Smith and this is a class about the law. No, the university doesn’t require you to take it because they expect everyone to become lawyers. They just want you to obtain some simple facts about how to live within the law. “You see, it all boils down to what you can afford to get away with. I’m not here to teach you how to be perfect. I’m just going to teach you how...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Church Girls are Easy Part 2 Final

Yes, true story. I broke this up into two parts, as the second part has some real action including some double penetration and a hard lesson learned on my part. Alas, gentle reader, I did get the last laugh. Val the Volleyball Player Part TwoWhen we arrived at her apartment, the room mates were still not there. Val mentioned they were gone for the weekend. I thought, the way things were beginning, I was not going to go out for dinner, as we no sooner got into the door, then she took me...

4 years ago
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Mere Aur Meri Dost Ke Bichh Sexual Relationship Part 8211 2

Hello dosto mera naam raj hai.Main ek normal looking guy hu aur mera lund kisi bhi ladies ko satisfy karne ke liye kaafi hai. Main odisha se hu aur nagpur me rehta hu. Main iss ka bahut bada fan hu…har din main yahan sex stories padhta hu yahan…toh main aaj apni story “Mere aur meri dost ke bichh sexual relationship” ka dusra part sab se share karne jaa raha hu.Pehli story pe bahut achhe comments aaye ….Agar ye story achha lage toh comments jarur de.If any aunties, bhabies & girls want to...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Luna Mills G307

Randy may be the Gangbang Station’s resident boob man, but Chris can’t resist the gravitational pull of Luna’s funbags as he dives right for them with his mouth to begin Luna’s FIRST GANGBANG EVER! He also dives into her pussy first, indulging one of her requests by choking her as he pumps away at her 18-year-old love hole. All FOUR COCKSMEN take their first rounds in Luna before Chris comes back around to take her in s’mish up on the pedestal, a classic we...

1 year ago
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Friendly Traveler s Inn Room 212Chapter 2

"Holy shit! Jeez, Lou, would you PUH-LEEEZ get a haircut? I almost 'accidentally' rubbed your ass, thinking you was some chick!" Louis Wilson popped his head up from where he was bent over digging in his bottom locker. "Looks like I saved you from getting your face slapped, Ed," he grinned. Ed Powers grunted. Lou REALLY needed to deal with some shit -- it wasn't just his hair that made him look girlish! Hell, that ass in itself would probably put a bunch of chicks in Jefferson High...

3 years ago
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At Age 64 Chapter 5

Chapter V Written by-Draggonfly Originally published on Literotica Published here with Draggonfly’s permission I take George to meet John and Cathy I talked to John the other day and told him about my tryst with George and how he would like to have a party with us. I asked John if he had heard from Bill. It seems that Bill is still among the missing but that Cathy would enjoy joining us. I agreed and told him we would be over Wednesday if that was good for him; the date was set. I...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Brianna Anderson Threeway

Good things CUM in small packages and there are lots of good things CUMMING in today’s package. First good thing is 20 year old collegiate Gymnast & Diver Brianna Anderson. The second and third good things are our studs Jake & Vince that CUM on our little fuck doll in this girl’s first ever 3some and DP! This is Brianna’s 3rd shoot and she lost her porn cherry over at Backroomcasting & then lost her BBC anal cherry at BlackAmbush so go check them out. They are hot...

4 years ago
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Joined By The NightChapter 2

"No," she moaned, her head twisting against the satin covered pillow. "Please, let me go. I don't want this," she keened, her voice rising as panic and fear twisted inside of her. "I don't want you." "Hush, my darling," he breathed, coming to sit down next to her on the soft pallet, his fingers tickling across the white silk that covered her sumptuous figure. "You will want me, you will beg to be with me before we're through," he said softly. She felt the light pressure of his...

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Ruhi 8211 Maid On A Leash 8211 Pt 1 Punishment For Stealing

Ruhi had just turned 19 the previous day, which meant she was ready to take on her mother’s job now. Her mother, Sunaina, had always been a pitiful creature. She had led a tough life. But even such tiring circumstances had never made her dishonest. The passion with which she worked at hommes had been constant throughout her tenure of 20 years. Ruhi, on the other hand, was nothing like her mother. Ruhi always looked cheerful. She was childish. She looked at everything with a curious gleam in her...

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Feeding an Addiction Part 3 Ch 6

Scarsdale, New York: Friday 21st September 2018Doctor Okafor handed the buff manila envelope to Grace. She looked small, vulnerable and more than a little unwilling. By far the youngest of the four, but the one who hospital protocol said had to accept the test results. Her tummy, her prerogative. Never mind who was paying for the test.She hesitated, nervously holding the envelope in her hand, like some opposite world Oscars envelope. ‘And the winner is … and I’d like to thank ….’ Finally, she...

Wife Lovers
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Making Love to Me Part One

As I wake up to abeautiful day, laying still in bed, I stretch my body out but my mind is still on you. I am thinking of your sexy body, your touch, your kiss, and how I wish it could have gone further than just the kissing and touching of our wanting bodies through our clothes. But I knew it was better for us to wait but damn I couldn’t stop thinking of how good you felt and much I needed to have you inside of me. I mean what was I thinking this was already our 5th date, honestly what was I...

2 years ago
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For this story, as my first, I thought I’d start with a reallife experience. I have left out names, in order to avoid further humiliation. As a teenager of 16, just finishing my final year of high school, I am an odd character. I have many friends and I’m reasonably popular, being the big guy of the year. Despite this, I had never had a girlfriend, or even a drunken kiss. The slightest thing can turn me on: a tight skirt, a girl sucking a lollipop or most annoyingly, the sheer mention of sex...

2 years ago
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My Piano Teacher

When, I was 18 I got extremely interested in piano lessons. Well luck have it just across from my house was a piano teacher MS. Clapton and she was married to a man named Roger. I just called him Mr. Clapton out respect and I called Heather Ms. Clapton. MS. Clapton was a beautiful young woman in her 30’s nice brunette hair that fell to her shoulders, and she had very beautiful brown eyes. Ms. Clapton was 5’6 and was around 110-120 lbs she’s was absolutely stunning. I knew I had to get lessons...

4 years ago
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Cleaning up

A writer's journey is of infinite steps and starts with a single word. Typically - and usually deservedly - that word is 'Rejection'. However, we stumble onwards and, by degrees, approach our impossible destination. Please give this particular stumbling hack a chance - under the auspices of his attractive cleaner, his spelling, grammar, style and ambition improve with every meandering paragraph. It was Saturday and I had all day to myself. I was feeling horny. I promised myself I was going to...

Love Stories
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Leave It To Bea Part 3

Part Three I awoke the next morning to the smell of bacon frying and coffee brewing. The memories of the previous night came flooding back to me, and while I still felt that familiar pang of guilt at "betraying" my manhood, the memories of just how good it had felt to be in Stanley's arms overwhelmed me. I brushed my teeth, opened my suitcase and put on a fresh pair of panties, and reached for my shorts. Then I changed my mind, and walked into Stanley's kitchen wearing just...

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B J Jones the Story of My LifeChapter 470

I asked for a meeting with the President as soon as he was free, as I went into the White House. There was always someone from the administration at the security desk. The first coffee pot had just signaled it was finished and the men were going over yesterday’s finds in the pictures of the dead. They were running Interpol searches and anything else they could think of when the President called that he could meet. I carried Bob’s prospective bid with me; it was one of the topics I wanted to...

4 years ago
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Erotic Affairs At The IT Office

This is a kind of web series with real names. You will read the affairs between couples and their family members. In this part, I am building up the story. So, you may not encounter many sex scenes in this part. It’s an erotic story which you will enjoy. Bangalore is one rocking city, a city of million dreams, pubs nightlife and the most exciting ones are when we have got someone by our side. If you are not lucky, then no worries, just keep the doors open – as someone said, an opportunity is a...

4 years ago
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Game Night Changed My LifeChapter 19 Sunday or Fun Day

Sunday morning I decided to put my plan in motion for giving my sister, Cara, a little treat. I had decided that I owed her a favor or two for the way she have helped me out with Leslie so I wanted to do a little something for her. I knew she would love to go to the high school Homecoming Dance even though she was only in eighth grade and I had a guy in mind to set her up with. Who knows? maybe they would hit it off. There was a freshman named Ken Spencer that took guitar lessons from the...

4 years ago
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DemiGodChapter 2 Familial Familiarity

Jake couldn't sleep. It was one o'clock in the morning, but he wasn't even the slightest bit tired. He had spent the last three hours staring at the ceiling, remembering his encounter with Tina that afternoon. It was incredible, but it was also scary as hell. He couldn't understand why she had acted the way she did. She had been a complete bitch up until he called her out for it, and then suddenly, she was the most submissive... something. His mind shied away from the words "love...

3 years ago
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The Lady in BlueChapter 15 Where no man has gone before

After Hawk went into the bathroom, I sat down on the couch and ran my hands over my face. The last few days were taking a toll on me. My world was turned upside down and now my boss was somehow involved. There wasn't enough to go for a warrant without him pushing it, but he was part of it. I felt like pulling my hair out by the roots. I was angry, upset and wanted to break down, but that would gain us nothing. Hawk had a lead on the bomber, we had the old man and his link to the DA. If we...

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MOM fucked her son part1

hello there , my name is john and i am not a virgin . In short i lost my it to my girlfriend i still have. My life was perfect as i wanted had a girl to ramm whenever i wanted ,a six digit salary, late night parties, good cars . But no matter how i fucked my girl i was never satisfied. My girl was going to go on vacation for few days thailand. As she flew off there i had no one around to screw with. All was i left with a 6 inch dick in my pants for days. As my mom and Dad were working i was...

1 year ago
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AfterglowChapter 5 Let s Explode

“Are you fucking kidding me right now, Steve?” Steve—my best contact on the police force and a very good friend—shrugged and shook his head sympathetically. “It’s a federal offense. I highly advise you to let me file the charge and get him him arrested.” “I’ll lose the case,” I said, more like a question. He nodded. “You’ll lose the case. If you file a restraining order, or make a formal complaint, the judge will make you hand over the case to someone else. You’ll be considered too biased...

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