Myrtle Beach and Ariana
- 2 years ago
- 29
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Kevin followed her to the gate. As she put the key in the padlock, he noticed a metal sign above the entrance. It said "Ai-lara" on it.
"I see you've named your estate," said Kevin, trying to relieve the tension.
Amanda nodded, as she put the proper key in the lock and gave it a twist. "I named it for... an old friend."
Kevin followed Amanda mutely through the gate. The remnants of the old gravel drive were rapidly disappearing under a growth of weeds. In a few years, you'd be hard pressed to know that a drive was ever there. He followed her through the young weeds. In a few weeks they would be waist high.
They rounded the house and walked toward the tree. Underneath it, Kevin looked up, up, up into its many layers of branches. It was amazing that a cottonwood would thrive so far from a river. They usually need lots of moisture to survive. There must be an underground spring feeding it, he mused.
Amanda walked up to the tree trunk, and murmured something that Kevin couldn't make out. She ran her hand over the bark familiarly. Like it was an old friend.
"A truly magnificent tree," Kevin said finally.
Amanda looked up at the tree wistfully. "It was. Come, it's getting late. We don't have much time."
Time for what? he pondered. The sun was hanging orange above the horizon. Possibly she wanted to show him something before it got dark.
Kevin's girlfriend strode purposefully away from house and tree, toward the hills.
Kevin had to jog to keep up.
"Where are we going?" he asked.
"It's not far," was all he got in reply.
After about a hundred feet the ground changed. The hard ground now felt spongy. Kevin had to alter his stride to keep balanced.
"The ground feels different," he huffed.
Amanda nodded but didn't slow down. "This is virgin prairie. It's never been tilled. It has never been built on. This land has been undisturbed since the last ice age. You're walking on layer upon layer of dead plants."
"Wow," was all he could think to reply.
"Two hundred years ago, all soil was like this. From Texas to Canada, the Rockies to the Mississippi. When the Europeans came, they saw the sod as nuisance. They destroyed the virgin prairie for agriculture. Now, this is one of the last truly unspoiled areas. I think it's worth preserving." She turned and look back at her beau, "don't you?"
"Well, sure" he gasped. "I think all endangered things should be preserved."
The two walked up one hill, down the other side, and up another. When Amanda reached the top of that hill, she waited for Kevin to catch up.
The sun was completely behind a distant hill, but the sky was still orange and yellow.
Kevin scrambled to the top of the hill, gasping, holding onto a stitch in his side. "And I thought I was in shape," he panted.
When he had recovered slightly, Amanda asked, "do you know what today is?"
Kevin glanced down at his watch. "June the 23rd."
"It's Mid-Summer's Eve."
"What?" he asked, baffled.
"You know 'A Mid-Summer's Night's Dream". Shakespeare."
"Oh! I've never read that one. They made me read 'Macbeth' and 'Romeo and Juliet' in high school. I've also seen the Branaugh's 'Henry V' and 'Much Ado About Nothing.' That's all the Shakespeare I know."
"Pity," said Amanda, "you really ought to read more.
"Did you know that according to legend, that if you went through a gate in an unspoiled field at twilight on the Mid-Summer's Eve, you could enter the Faerie Realm?"
"Fairy Realm? No I didn't. But what does that have to do with..."
Amanda pointed downhill. Kevin looked where she was pointing. At first he didn't see anything in the gathering gloom, but then he saw it. A gate.
The gate had no fence to go with it. All it had was the pole it was mounted on and a pole it was latched to. The gate was obviously hand carved. It had no nails. Everything was fitted together with slots and grooves.
The hinges and latch were not metal either. The hinges were made of leather and the latch was a simple rawhide loop.
Amanda reached down and picked up a leather wineskin and put on a backpack that she had evidently left here earlier. She then took Kevin by the hand. For the first time that evening she smiled at him. "Care to give it a try?"
Before he could answer, she headed down the hill toward the gate, dragging Kevin behind her. She had an unusually strong grip.
"You... You're kidding right?" he cried as he stumbled down the hill.
Amanda didn't answer until she reached the bottom, and stood with him by the gate. "No. Why?"
"Because it's ridiculous! To try and enter some fantasy land by going through some gate at twilight. We're adults, we should have left this kind of nonsense behind years ago."
"Well, if it's nonsense, there should be no harm in trying. Right?"
Kevin didn't answer, but shifted uneasily from foot to foot.
"Come on! Give it a try! It'll be something you can tell your grandchildren about when you're old. Come on, twilight only lasts a few minutes."
The last of the fiery colors of sunset had faded from the sky. The clear sky was a flat gray, darkening gradually into night.
Seeing that this ritual was important to her, Kevin reluctantly nodded his head.
"Great! Now grab my hand and we'll go through together."
The young lawyer grabbed his beloved's hand, as she unlatched the gate.
"Let's cross over on the count of three. Ready? One. Two. Three!"
Together they stepped through the gate.
Kevin must have blinked as he stepped over the threshold, because he didn't see when the landscape changed. Suddenly, he was no longer at the base of a hill. He was at the bottom of a chasm. An impossibly steep and narrow chasm. So narrow, he could barely turn around. The wall rose up above them vertically for hundreds of feet above them. There were ledges above him, that were connected to the walls so precariously, he feared a rockslide any second. Far far above, Kevin caught a glimpse of a twilight gray skies.
"oh crap!... Sorry," she said reflexively. "The canyons, of all places we had to come out at the canyons."
"A-A-Amanda, where are..."
"Not now Kevin!" she snapped urgently. "This is important. Did you bring that pocket knife I gave you."
"Yes, but I..."
"Get it out. Quickly!"
"But I don't under..."
Kevin was interrupted by a loud crude sniffing sound echoing off the chasm walls. He then heard a several loud rumbling voices that seemed to come from all sides. "Humans! I smell humans! Tasty treat!"
"Just do it, okay!" yelled Amanda.
Down from the rim scrambled four gigantic men. They were bald and at least nine feet tall with greenish gray blister-covered skin. They were horribly deformed. Their faces were twisted and it looked like their arms had been broken and then reset at a right angle. Their fingers were unnaturally long, with grimy fingernails like talons. The only clothes they wore were filthy loincloths. They climbed down the chasm at an astonishing rate, putting one foot and one hand on each wall, descending head first. As they got closer, Kevin saw they had multiple rows of razor sharp teeth, like a shark.
With shaking hands, Kevin pull out his pocket knife. He almost dropped it as he hinged out the largest blade. He held it in front of him as a weapon. Might as well wave a toothpick in front of an angry bear, he thought.
The creatures were only twenty feet away, and closing fast. They smelled of filth, decay, and infection. The stench almost caused him to pass out.
"Stop right there!!" bellowed Amanda, with more authority than he had ever heard before. Kevin glanced behind, and saw that Amanda was covering his back. She had popped the cork on the wineskin. Its bladder was nestled securely under her armpit. The spigot was pointed at the nearest predator.
The creatures froze.
"I have water, and he has deathmetal. And we both know how to use them."
A tremor of fear shook through the creatures, shaking the wall. Each took a long loud sniff of the air. Suddenly, all four took off, ascending the sides of the chasm, faster than they had descended. All the way they screamed "Water! Deathmetal! Water! Deathmetal!". Within seconds, they were gone.
As soon as they had disappeared from sight, Kevin dropped to knees shaking. Amanda looked over at him with concern.
"Are you all right?" she asked.
Kevin gasped for air. "I... I don't think... I've ever... ever been... so scared... in all my life!"
"Yeah, I think that's been one of my closest scrapes too."
After a few minutes, Kevin shakily regained his feet, and at least part of his composure. "Amanda, where the hell are we? And what were those creatures?"
She glanced fearfully at the chasm walls. "Look, we need to get out here. Those trolls could be back at any minute with reinforcements. I'll answer all your questions as soon as we get out of here."
Kevin nodded mutely and followed Amanda along the chasm floor.
After what seemed like half a mile, and several twists and turns, the chasm finally ended. The walls abruptly fell away, opening into a broad green field, spangled with fireflies. Further in the distance lay a forest.
Kevin leaned against the cliff that marked the end of the chasm.
Amanda looked around. "I know this area, "she said to herself. "Come on Kevin, honey. There's a good place to rest just a short distance away."
Kevin struggled to his feet and followed her mutely, following the cliffs to the right.
After about ten minutes, they did come to a rest spot; a lovely pool surrounded by smooth stones the height of a bench. Perfect for sitting. Falling off the cliffs into the pool was a little waterfall. The rocks on the falls made the single stream of water split into two separate streams, then remerge, then separate again, before it fell into the pool below.
"Don't drink the water," said Amanda, as if reading his mind. "Not if you ever want to return home."
Kevin looked skeptical, but said nothing.
"Here," she said, tossing him her wineskin, "use mine."
Kevin sat down on one of the rock benches. He slaked his thirst with the primitive canteen, then handed it back. "Thanks."
Amanda sat down next to him and took off her backpack. "Hungry?"
Kevin nodded.
"Here," she said, pulling a ham sandwich out of her backpack, "Eat this. You don't want to eat the food here either."
Kevin ate his food mechanically, his mind racing a mile a minute.
Amanda waited patiently for him to finish. "Feel better?"
He nodded again.
"Now I know you have some questions. Ask them one at a time and I'll answer them for you."
Kevin took a deep breath. "Okay. Question Number One: Where are we?"
"The Faerie Realm."
"The what?"
"The Faerie Realm. Land of the fey folk chronicled in folk lore for centuries. The twilight realm."
Kevin stared at her blankly. "You expect me to believe that?"
Amanda let out a sigh. "Okay. I know you used to be a Trekkie. Think of this as a parallel dimension that can only be reached through completely wild places."
Kevin nodded. That he could accept.
"Question Number Two: What were those things that nearly killed us?"
"Oh, those were trolls. One of the nastier creatures in this place. Most folk here are pretty nice, actually."
"They fled from 'deathmetal'..."
"And water," Amanda interjected.
"And water. Why?"
"All fey folk can be killed by the smallest of cuts by deathmetal. You'd call it cold-forged iron. Very hard to find in normal world. I had to commission a blacksmith in England to make that pocket knife for you, custom. Cost me a pretty penny let me tell you.
"I better keep it hidden on me," said Kevin.
"Good idea. Nothing will make enemies faster than waving deathmetal around."
"And water?"
"Water only hurts the dark fey folk, like trolls and ogres. Burns 'em like acid."
"You know they could have just stoned us to death, then eaten us."
Amanda shrugged, "I said they were nasty. I never said they were bright."
Kevin stared at his girlfriend. "How do you know all this stuff? You've evidently been here before."
"I've only reached the Faerie Realm once before through the gate. Last year. It only seems to work on Mid-Summers Eve. Don't ask me why. I don't know."
"Have you gotten here by ways other than the gate."
Amanda took a deep breath. Here it goes. "I've been visiting the Faerie Realm almost every month for the last eighteen years, with the help of my friend Eugene."
Kevin's mouth gaped open. "What."
"Since I was six, Eugene has visited me every full moon and took me on journeys into the Faerie Realm."
"And who is Eugene, pray tell?"
"A unicorn."
"Ah, I should have known. We've had trolls and fairies, I should have guessed that a unicorn would pop up sooner or later."
Amanda stared at her boyfriend. "You don't believe me."
Kevin put his hand on her shoulder. "Of course I believe you, honey. After what I've seen how could I not. It's just that, I don't know, I feel like I've been thrown into the Brothers Grim's version of the 'The Twilight Zone.'"
"A little disoriented?"
"More than a little. I'll try and keep up, though. So, tell me about Eugene."
Amanda collected her thoughts for a minute, deciding where to begin, and then she told him. Told how she first met Eugene. How Eugene had introduced her to Ai-lara, and how her negligence got Ai-lara killed.
"It's not your fault, you know," said Kevin. "You were just a seven year old kid. You didn't know better."
A tear trickled Amanda's cheek. "That's what I keep telling myself, but it's just not true. Even at seven I knew the seriousness of life and death. Of all Ai-lara told me, the warning against power tools was the only one involving life and death. I should have put special emphasis on that part, not just mentioned it in passing."
"Even if you did that, your Dad might have ignored your warnings as childish prattle, and used the chainsaw anyway."
"That's true," Amanda allowed. "But at least then I would have known that I had done my best."
Kevin didn't know quite what to say to that, and was about to say something that would have been misconstrued as something trite and insensitive, when another voice interrupted him.
"Amanda?" said a smooth and lilting voice "is that you?"
Kevin turned and gaped. Sticking out of the pool was the head of a young woman with light blue skin and white hair. There was no sign of any body under the surface.
Amanda turned around and looked down at the water. "Hyathom! I was wondering if you were going to show yourself."
Rising out of the pond, without a ripple, came the most beautiful woman Kevin had ever seen. She was totally naked, but seemed to think nothing of it.
Kevin sat there slack jawed. He knew he was in love, or at least lust. Who cared that she stood on water, and had unusual skin tone. Who cared that she was transparent, with no apparent organs. This was a woman he had to have.
Amanda stood on the bench and embrace her friend. "How are you? What has it been, three years?"
"At least. I've been well. A school of goldfish moved in a few weeks ago. I've been trying to communicate with them, but you know fish," she said with a sigh.
Suddenly, Hyathom's attention shifted to Kevin. She looked him up and down with blatant interest. "Who's the young hunk."
Amanda turn to her beau. "Hyathom, this is my boyfriend Kevin. Kevin, this is... Kevin? Kevin?"
Kevin didn't respond. He just stared at the beautiful girl, slack jawed, with awe.
"Your boyfriend, huh? You don't mind sharing him do you?"
"Hyathom, cut it out!"
The water maid smiled innocently. "Cut what out? Can I help it if guys find me irresistible?"
"Okay, okay! Sheesh! you don't have to be such a grump about it."
Kevin suddenly felt something loosen its grip on mind. He blinked his eyes and looked around. The beautiful transparent girl was still there, and he still found her very attractive. But she no longer blinded him with lust.
Amanda climbed off the bench and hugged Kevin, who was still seated. "Are you okay, Honey?"
Kevin glanced at Amanda, then looked back at Hyathom. "Sure, sure, I'm fine.
"Who... No, what is that?"
"This is Kevin, this is Hyathom, a nereid. A water nymph, close cousin to the dryads."
The nereid extended a hand to Kevin. "I am so glad to meet you," she said suggestively.
Kevin shook her hand. When he did he felt the tickle of a hundred tiny tongues run over his hand.
"Nymphs have a certain, ahem, 'talent' with men. I'd forgotten about that. You see, you're the first person I've ever taken here."
Kevin drew back his hand, blushing. "Pleased... to meet you."
Amanda grabbed Kevin's arm. "Honey, we need to be going."
"Sure, sure," he said, as he got dragged away into the woods. "See you later Hyathom."
"Make it sooner," she called back.
After losing sight of the pool, Kevin finally turned away. "What a nice girl," he said with a sigh.
"I bet," said Amanda coolly. "I could tell you liked her by the line of drool hanging from your mouth."
"Could I help it?" Kevin challenged. "You said nymphs had a way with men. Could I not help but be attracted to her?"
"No," she admitted grudgingly.
The two walked for a time in silence, following an animal trail.
"Say," said Kevin suddenly, "how are we going to get home? We sure can't go back to the gate."
"No, gates are one way. But there are several ways to get home. The easiest way is to just fall asleep. You'll wake up in the normal world, but the entry point would be random. We could wake up at home, in the Amazon rain forest, in the middle of Antarctica, or one a hundred other wild places."
"Doesn't sound very safe."
"No, it doesn't," she agreed.
"Another way is to find one of the few dryads that can still reach our world. Most of them are palm dryads. We would exit on a small secluded South Seas island."
"Aren't there any closer to Kansas than that?"
"The closest one I know is a pine dryad in the Rockies named Aa-rana. She isn't the most pleasant dryad I know. She likes her seclusion."
"That doesn't sound like the best solution either."
"You're right," she said. "The best option is to find Eugene. We found each other last year, and he got me home, safe and sound."
"Do you know how to find him?"
"No, but don't worry. Coincidence is a common occurrence in the Faerie Realm."
A distant clamor, which they hadn't notice before, was growing louder.
"Speaking of which," Said Amanda, "I do believe we are coming up on the most spectacular sights of all the Faerie Realm. The capital city of Avalon."
"A city?" said Kevin, bewildered. "I thought you said this dimension was allergic to civilized things, like cities."
"This is not your everyday city. Come on, you'll see." Amanda started jogging toward the ruckus.
Kevin picked up his pace, and reluctantly followed.
After about fifty feet, Kevin broke through the underbrush into a clearing. Amanda was waiting for him, but he didn't notice. All he noticed was the sight before him.
It was a grove of at least one hundred of the biggest trees he had ever seen; and he had seen the sequoias in California. Each trunk was at least fifty feet across some as wide as a football field. Like the sequoias, there were no low limbs. The nearest limbs were at least two hundred yards up. The high branches completely blocked out the sky. If it weren't for the millions of fireflies that swarmed around the trees, Avalon would have been in pitch darkness.
In the base of each tree was a hollowed out area, that was used as an inn, tavern, blacksmith, or some other business. Outbuildings were built around many of the hollowed area. On the ground, between each tree, small sturdy wood buildings created the streets and avenues of the city.
"Look up," Amanda whispered in Kevin's ear.
Kevin looked up, and saw that not even half of the city was on the ground. Most of Avalon was far above the ground.
Spiral staircases snaked around the trees, leading from the ground to the branches above. On the lowest branches Kevin saw more buildings hollowed out of the tree, as well as structures built on the giant limbs.
Between the various trees were hundreds of impossibly long and narrow catwalks. Some of the catwalks ran parallel to the ground, but most were slanted at an steep angle, joining two different levels together. The overall affect was that a giant drunken spider had tried build a web in these trees.
The higher Kevin looked, the more catwalks he saw. It seemed that the city rose higher and higher, without end.
"Wow!" was all he could think to say.
Amanda sighed. "I've seen Avalon dozens of times, but each time it never ceases to fill me awe."
"How high does this city go?" asked Kevin.
Amanda shrugged. "A mile, maybe two. I'm not sure. Come on. Let me show you the sights."
Kevin followed, gawking like a tourist.
It turned out that most of the buildings on the forest floor were oriented toward the land based travelers. Livery stables, inns, and the like.
"Amanda, what kind of trees are these?"
"They are called silverwood. They don't exist in our world, at least not any more."
"I can see why they're called that. Half of those leaves up there sparkle like silver."
Amanda smiled. "Actually, they all sparkle. Each leaf is green on one side and covered with a silvery substance on the other, similar to glitter."
The conversation ebbed again, as the two stared at all the strange wares and creatures passing them by.
Over ninety-five percent of the crowd swarming the street were little people, about three feet high, dressed in brown or green, with pointed ears, brown eyes, brown or black hair and tan skin.
About four percent of the crowd also had pointed ears, but they were pale and gaunt, with blonde, silver or white hair. They ranged in height from five feet, to about six foot six.
The remaining one percent were the oddball tourists: satyrs, centaurs, and two humans.
"Honey," Kevin inquired, "I know the short guys are elves, but who are those pasty tall ones."
"The short ones are wood elves," said Amanda. "They are the most common inhabitants of the Faerie Realm. The tall ones are faerie, or high elves. The noblemen of this world. They gradually get taller with age."
"I thought fairies were small with wings."
"Those are pixies and sprites," she corrected. "They're common in the upper reaches of Avalon. Faerie, and the more prosperous wood elves use them as messengers."
"Are the faerie, the rulers here?" Kevin asked.
"I wouldn't call them rulers. The Faerie Realm is more of a benevolent anarchy than anything else.
"The faerie are probably the most respected race, because of their wisdom and power. They also hollowed out the trees and made Avalon."
Kevin frowned. "Hmm. You'd think that a culture that respected trees so much, would not hurt the same trees by hollowing out their insides."
Amanda laughed. "The faerie didn't hollow out the trees. They talked the trees into doing it themselves."
"You can't be serious," he laughed.
"It's true. Faerie have a special way of communicating with silverwood trees. Over the centuries, they instructed the trees how to grow, so they'd grow up with hollow rooms inside. If you went inside one you'd see. The walls inside are lined with bark, just like the outside."
As they were talking, Amanda and Kevin wandered down the street, going farther and farther into the city. In the middle of the city there stood the largest tree of all. It was about two hundred yards wide. No stairs spiraled up the sides. When he looked up, he didn't see any bridges joining with it. There was only one opening leading into the tree, and it was at ground level. The opening was covered with at double gate, guarded by two faerie guards with swords, in silvery gold armor.
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FantasyMy 3 ½ years as a Sub.One time when I was 23 yo. I got online and went to a Gay Bear personal ad site. I saw this 56 yo chubby polar bear about 40 mi away from me. I sent him a message, would you like to talk? He said he would like to do more than talk. He said I could come on up. This was 7:00 p.m. on a Friday nightHe asked me what I wanted.I said I want to suck cock.He said we'll get your close off and come suck my cock I stripped and he pulled his pants and underwear off. I got on my knees...
Jetski, Samantha's dog, had waken up and stuck his nose in Samantha's face. "Jet, what are you doing," she asked her dog rhetorically. Jetski plopped down beside her and cuddled her until falling asleep. Samantha could not sleep. There was something about the storm that intrigued her. She watched it through her window. Every flash of lightening brought a new view of how far the trees were whipping around. The rain looked as though it was coming down in sheets. Samantha's heart...
My wife and I were sitting in the bar of the resort nightclub. We were drinking heavily, intent on having a good time. My wife is an attractive lady, 45 years old, a natural redhead, nice tits and a nice curvy figure. She was wearing her black mini-dress, black stockings and knee-high boots. She always wore a g-string when we went out. She loved to tease me with it by opening her legs for me to view when I was walking across the floor to or from the bar. I always knew to take a look at her...
Drunk sexDay 3 I left the house before dawn, arriving at the forum as the first merchants were setting up. Once there, I quickly learned something. However I came to be here, I could understand and speak the different languages I’d heard so far. I knew I had been speaking Latin, even though I thought in English. Without even knowing what language it was, I understood and conversed with someone who spoke a different language this morning, probably Greek. Unbelievably cool. By noon, I had the...
When Jenny came home after school she opened the door and it was quiet inside the house. She was hopping her dad was home. She locked the door and went upstairs. Undressing she got a clean towel and walked into the bathroom. Jenny turned on the water, adjusted it for the temperature and stepped in. She washed herself with her favorer body soap and cleaned her body making sure her pussy was clean and the day’s sweat and urine was completely gone. Then she douched to make sure and turned off...
That early morning, after spending hours fucking like crazy horny rabbits, my sexy wife told me she wanted to get a tattoo.Anita added it would be something not permanent. She was really not so sure yet about it…I agreed with her and Ana added she wanted a little tattoo on her body, but in a place that could not be seen even when she would wear her smallest micro bikini.Getting a tattoo so close to her pussy lips, I thought it was extremely erotic. Ana obviously found our conversation about it...
Our Society had organized a nine day dandiya(dance) night. I went on the last day and was enjoying the society members dancing suddenly I noticed a girl dancing in full rhythm and enjoying herself, she had a sexy figure, juicy boobs with cleavage exposed due to the garba costume and beautiful face, she was a Sexy Goddess. Suddenly I was pulled into dance by the secretary of the society and I too started dancing, as I being a good dancer I was enjoying dancing but thinking of this Goddess,...
Read my first part to understand the story.Though we had wild sex last night I woke up at 6 am. I saw my FIL still sleeping. I wanted to hug him, take his huge dick into mouth and suck it as if there is no tomorrow. Suddenly I heard the calling bell. It might be our servant. I took a moment and had a look at my FIL. What a magnificent man he is!! Even in 60s he has body which any women would lust for and his sex drive similar to that of a horse. Ahhhhhhhhh I still remember my last night cries....
Melissa pulled the black dress out of the bag and took one glance at it. She didn’t have to look at the label to know that it wasn’t a designer dress. With as much disdain as she could muster, she asked, “Where did you buy this dress? The hardware store?” Jenny was very tempted to answer that she had bought the dress at Whores-R-Us on the understanding that it was where Melissa bought all of her clothes, but she controlled her anger. Instead, she answered, “It doesn’t matter.” Putting as...
“Shoot me,” he said, pressing the gun into her small hand. “Go ahead,” he said, “Shoot me!” She stared at him, not understanding. “If you don’t, you’ll be sorry.” She shook her head, holding the gun, heavy in her hands. He sighed. “Okay, then. Have it your way,” he said brightly, and took the gun back, pushed her hard against the couch, starting pressing himself into her and laughing. Laughing. It hurt. It hurt. Like knives cold gun at your head. Like suffocating being strangled...
My wife Ann and I are in our early fifties and have been married for more than twenty-five years. We were virgins when we first met, and fell in love almost immediately, shortly after meeting out of college. But, when you've been together as long as we have, things can get a bit monotonous in the bedroom. Over the past year, we've been exchanging ideas on what we'd like to see happen in the bedroom. At first it was just basic ideas like longer foreplay sessions and trying a few different...
MILFPart 1 Sharon arranged to go to an expensive club with her friend and neighbor, Maya, tonight. Maya just bought a brand new Beamer and was dying to be seen driving the luxurious automobile. Sharon accepted gleefully, knowing she wouldn’t have to drive. She rubbed her palms together as she planned on letting her hair down for once. At times, she wasn’t quite sure why she and Maya had become fast friends. For all intents and purposes, they were complete opposites. Maya was very well off. Sharon...
Hi, I'm Randy, and this is my twisted tale on family sex, better known as incest. It started two years ago when I was twenty-two. At that time, I had been married only a year to a beautiful, sexy woman whose profession happened to be a stripper. We met for the first time while she was dancing at a local gentlemen's club.After we married, Debra, or "D" as she likes to be called, wanted to keep dancing. I'm a very open-minded person and had no problem with her doing that. The greatest part about...
IncestFor just a second, time stood still. The girls were electric with excitement as Becky’s enormous bicep trembled with power, seeming to grow as she stared down at Jake. The boys murmured nervously as Jake’s whole body trembled with fear, seeming to shrink as he stared up at Becky. Then she brought her fist down onto his face, sending a shower of blood and teeth across the ring as a sickening cracking sound filled the air. It was the most violent, one-sided display of power that I had ever...
Madeline in Oregon She hadn't seen her Aunt Margo in many years but she wasn't feeling guilty. Her family had made it clear. They did not agree with two women living together. The telephone call had to be dealt with immediately though. Margo was her mother's sister and had received the lion's share of the estate at the probate three years earlier. The call wasn't from her Aunt, rather from Margo's younger 'partner' Allen. Aunt Margo had been married but after nineteen years they had...
Brianna and Jayden, Episode 2 a TG Dress Shop Story Read my previous short solo "Brianna and Jayden - A TG Dress Shop Story" from 2015 for the back story. Reviewers asked for a continuation, but my mind has been away from fiction writing. In the last two years society has changed and Jayden has learned a great deal about herself. She is excited to talk again with Brianna. Let's listen in as they come to closure. ___________ "Hi, Brianna, recognize me?" A short, slender, smooth...
New Candy Striper By Janet L. Stickney [email protected] The reason is obscure, the guilt very real, the urge undeniable. I had no way to stop myself from getting dressed up in mothers clothes once that urge hit me. Unstoppable, like a freight train, it compelled me to do it, but with each encounter I had with those clothes, I just had to go a bit further. First it was just a dress. Then it was a bra. Panties followed that, and now, well, I'm using makeup now. Every time I...
Bob left Marie to her thoughts as he packaged the filet to send off to the government testing facility. They would test and then store the filet for the five years; the same length of time that her meat license was valid. One month after the license ended the remainder of the sample would be destroyed. Bob tried several times to find someone to run the register, but everyone he was able to reach was either busy or afraid to go out in the snow. Up until noon, other than Ryan, Bob was alone in...
"Sir this rock is giving off living energy." Private Cassidy said as she picked up the rock and handed it to Sargent Dutch. "Strange." Dutch said examining the rock. "We need to take this back to the scientists back on Earth." Dutch walked back toward the ship while Cassidy continued examining the surrounding area. "There's nothing here." She said as she put her hands on her thin hips and continued exploring. Earlier they had found what seemed like war relics but over in this valley there was...
Rachel’s phone buzzed and she opened it. “It’s from Lola. OH WOW! Look at what the Preacher’s Daughter sent me.” She held up her phone and Karen leaned over to look when I did. Her face was against mine as we stared at Lola in the restroom stall, with her blouse open, her bra off, her panties down to her knees - her bald pussy smiling. Karen said, “DAMN!” Then turned to look at me - her lips barely an inch away from my lips. “That turns me on too,” I told her, just before she leaned close...
Friday, September 13th, 2013 – Paris, Texas There was an away game, so there was no cheerleading practice this afternoon. I missed those sweet, young Lionesses, and their even sweeter cooches. Every afternoon this week, just like last week, I had spent it with the cheerleaders, fucking one of them behind the bleachers, while the others practiced. It was an arrangement we reached; I had been disrupting their practices too much, so the girls started drawing straws to see who would keep me...
I am prasad(name change), a businessman by profession, 34 years old residing in Mumbai. I am happily married with beautiful Sujata(name change) for last 7 years. We stay in company accommodation; our neighbor Manav(name changed) is from Gujarat, his wife manji(name changed) is a gorgeous lady with nice curves, they are having two children. Gunjan and manji are 37 and 35 year old respectively. Manjiri is real heroine of the story. Sujata & manji are extremely good friends being neighbors and...
18 year old Danielle yawned and stretched in bed, slowly opening her eyes. She looked beside her and saw her cousin, Tanya, who was 19, sleeping beside her. “Oh yeah,” she thought to herself. “Tanya’s family was over last night, and we shared a bed because there weren’t enough for everyone. Danielle looked at her cousin, sleeping deeply on her back. Her 32DD breasts rose and fell underneath her tight white t-shirt with each breath. Danielle had always had a secret desire for Tanya, but she had...
IncestFirst Holiday without HubbyThere seemed to be an extra urgency to the phones ringing tone. Picking up the receiver I tentively said, “hello?”“Oh thank god you are at home,” it was one of my best friends, Jan. “What’s the matter?” I asked. “Ian has gone and broken his leg at the football, and we are booked up for our holiday to Turkey. We are supposed to leave tomorrow, but now he can’t go and I was wondering if you could come with me, in his place. I know its short notice, but you are the only...
Mom had always been a highly sexual person. Of course, I didn’t realize that fact until I was older when I was more sexually aware of things around me. Either way, my family was what you’d call a typical Asian family, close-knitted and warm to say the very least. But then again, that’s what you would expect from the term, ‘family.' According to my stepmother whom I now address as Mom, as a baby, I was adopted from a neighbor whom had some financial difficulties and thus made a run for the road,...
TabooIt was brisk and cool when I began my morning run. The cool air made it ideal for running and the first three miles went by quickly. At the three and a half mile mark a light rain began to fall. My weatherman buddy had promised me two hours before the rain would begin. He lied to me again.“I can do these last two miles if it doesn’t rain any harder than this,” I told myself as I continued on.My normal route would take me from town out around the high school and back where I would circle the...
CheatingHi friends Mera nam ravi he. Me ranchi ka rahne wala hu, mere papa defence me job karte he. Mere family me total five members he inculding me, meri do badi bahane aur mere mummy papa. Mera real experience apse share karne se pahle me apko meri family ke bareme kuch bate batana chahunga. Meri umar aabhi 18 sal ho chuki he. Meri badi bahan sita didi ki umar aabhi 22 sal aur gita didi ki umar aabhi 20 sal ho chuki he . Mere mummy ki umar aabhi 41 sal he aur papa ki 42 sal he. Mera, mere mummy ka...
After Angel's little adventure with the cab driver, she and Jim walked around the corner to the entrance to their apartment. Angel was a little bit worn out, but Jim, having only watched, was pretty charged up. The two climbed the stairs to their apartment on the second floor."I have a surprise for you tonight," Jim said to Angel as he gathered her into his arms."Oh yeah? What would that be," Angel replied."I've got reservations on Tatto's down on Lincoln Road. So, I've taken the liberty of...
Vanna and I are what you might call sexual predators. We visit bars and clubs in search of women to seduce. We are pretty successful at this and sometimes we hit the jackpot. This is a story about such a night. We arrived at the nightclub around 9:00. It was an average place, with a bar area and tables set back and dimly lit. It was famous for being a hookup bar, just what we were looking for. Vanna and I took seats at the bar and immediately began scanning the place for possibilities. There...
Group Sex“Apples? What kind of apples?” “You know the kind. The good kind! Empire apples. None of those tasteless Cortland's or sour Granny Smiths. Good Empire apples from New York.” “Baby, I don't even like apples.” “Too bad, you're going to starting eating them. You're not a kid anymore. It's time to clean up your diet.” *SMACK* Heather delivered a firm swat to his ass for his minor back-talk. She grinned deviously while pointing in the direction of the apple bins. Darius was startled by...
Hours later, around midnight, she swiped the key and walked through the sitting area. Greeted by warm den-dim light, she halted in the bedroom doorway. A fuck-nasty sight made her visibly shudder. Her younger sister, Loretta-the vivacious, nineteen-year-old, dream-bodied kitten-pawed on all fours on the king sized bed. Lisa's younger sister ground her fabulous ass in the air-a little post-fuck tease. The catlike Italian hottie reached back and smeared a thick film of my glistening...
This is another true story about the chick I worked with at the factory. It just came to mind and I thought I'd better post it before I forgot it again. I hope you enjoy and please leave comments. Thanks! I spent the night at her place and as usual when we went to bed, we fucked. I swear this bitch loved to fuck more than any other woman I've ever met! and it was very easy to make her cum, I've never seen a woman that was able to cum that easily and in so many different ways! Oh yeah and...
Ever since joining his fathers company, our stud has been under a lot of pressure to perform. But this quarter, he exceeded all expectations. His dad wants to show him how the boys in celebrate success, so he leaves sexy Latina, Serena Santos, all tied up and ready to be penetrated by a prolific salesmans dick. He grabs her and sticks his cock inside her dripping pussy, pulverizing her from behind as she moans in delight. Serana loves feeling him go deeper and deeper inside of her almost as...
xmoviesforyouHello, i am ajay from allahabad.Currently i am in one of the iits.Story starts now aunty ki age 32 years shape 36,28,34 hai.She is beautyful and sexy.Jab wo chalti hai to choli ke under se unke boobs jump karte.Gand hilla ke chalna unki adat hai.Unki gand football ki tarah badi hai.Jab wo bathati hai to sadi unki gand ki darar me ghus jati hai aur kadi hokar use nikalti hai.Ye dekh kar kisi ka bhi lund kada ho sakta hai.Hum logo me bahut pyar hai.Wo meri aunty hai lekin aunti majak me mujhe...
At 18, Derek was a senior and as popular as they come. He was 6' tall, slender, and muscular with short, dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He was handsome, but not rugged-looking. The girls swooned over him, and he had had plenty of girlfriends. The guys liked him because he was athletic but not a jock, playing only volleyball, and his disposition was essentially gentle and kind, but he could also have fun with the best of them. The first day of school began in its usual noisy fashion....
This story can stand on its own, however, it is recommended that the viewer have read ‘The Night to Come’ series to full understand. This is a continuation of what happens after the night came… As always, I hope it is enjoyed. I twitched awake, stretching languidly in my empty bed. Cold metal bumped against the warm skin of my wrist, making me jump. My eyes opened to see a pair of black handcuffs on the bed beside me. I rack my memory, trying to figure out how they got into my room, but my...
My sister was very developed for her age, she had huge breasts. I had never seen a girl naked before. This one night my sister called me into her room and told me to sit down on her bed. She then locked the door and sat on the bed with me. She was wearing a tanktop with no bra, you could see her erect nipples through it, and she was wearing short shorts and I think a thong. Looking at her like this made my penis stiff as it sometimes did before, but I always wondered why it got stiff. She...
Gina felt warm, soft lips on her forehead as she awoke from a very restful sleep. "Good morning, Goddess!" Leslie was standing beside the bed, still beautifully nude and wearing a glowing smile. As Gina raised her head her nostrils were instantly filled with the scent of fresh brewed coffee. "I made coffee already." Leslie said, a little nervous. "I hope you don't mind." "Not at all." Gina smiled as she sat up and patted the bed. "Come here with me." Leslie climbed onto the...
What makes a girl want to be a slut? Well, there's a good question. Well, first, I think a love of sex, for sexual feeling, a raging libido. Number one, I guess. I've sure got that. I'd fuck anything. Well, almost. Second, probably self-confidence. Not that many guys would ever turn down a fuck, but it is risky in other ways. Add to that a sense of exhibitionism, we like to show off. I just love my naked body being seen. Sometimes I go to the mall in a short skirt and halter, no panties....
"Like I said, meat like her doesn't need limbs. And it's easier to install her that way." Said the man. "Install her?" Inquired Kelly. "You will find out soon enough." He told her. Kelly stood over her eldest daughter who was strapped down. Pissing into her daughters toothless mouth, she hydrated her disgraced daughter the only was she was permitted. The man was busy preparing multiple tools and devices. And what looked to be an electric saw. Kelly wondered if she could fight him....
This is purely a FantasyMy wife had recently been made redundant and my salary wasn’t covering the bills so we considered the idea of taking in a lodger. We were near a university and as term was about to start we went to the housing office and offered them a room to advertise at our home. Over the next few days a couple of guys came to visit and one, James, quickly signed a rental agreement. James was about to start his second year and had just had an agreed rental fall through. He moved in a...
Me and Stephen or as I called him Ste had been dating for a few months now and said we still hadn't had sex sure we felt each other up a bit and kissed and masturbated together but that's as far as it went one day Ste came to me and said hey babe what are you going to wear to the dance I think we should meet at yours and probably tell your parents I said hey wait a god damn minute I don't think that you have asked me to be your date to that dance he said oh I thought since we are dating ...