ChoicesChapter 2 free porn video

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Kevin followed her to the gate. As she put the key in the padlock, he noticed a metal sign above the entrance. It said "Ai-lara" on it.

"I see you've named your estate," said Kevin, trying to relieve the tension.

Amanda nodded, as she put the proper key in the lock and gave it a twist. "I named it for... an old friend."

Kevin followed Amanda mutely through the gate. The remnants of the old gravel drive were rapidly disappearing under a growth of weeds. In a few years, you'd be hard pressed to know that a drive was ever there. He followed her through the young weeds. In a few weeks they would be waist high.

They rounded the house and walked toward the tree. Underneath it, Kevin looked up, up, up into its many layers of branches. It was amazing that a cottonwood would thrive so far from a river. They usually need lots of moisture to survive. There must be an underground spring feeding it, he mused.

Amanda walked up to the tree trunk, and murmured something that Kevin couldn't make out. She ran her hand over the bark familiarly. Like it was an old friend.

"A truly magnificent tree," Kevin said finally.

Amanda looked up at the tree wistfully. "It was. Come, it's getting late. We don't have much time."

Time for what? he pondered. The sun was hanging orange above the horizon. Possibly she wanted to show him something before it got dark.

Kevin's girlfriend strode purposefully away from house and tree, toward the hills.

Kevin had to jog to keep up.

"Where are we going?" he asked.

"It's not far," was all he got in reply.

After about a hundred feet the ground changed. The hard ground now felt spongy. Kevin had to alter his stride to keep balanced.

"The ground feels different," he huffed.

Amanda nodded but didn't slow down. "This is virgin prairie. It's never been tilled. It has never been built on. This land has been undisturbed since the last ice age. You're walking on layer upon layer of dead plants."

"Wow," was all he could think to reply.

"Two hundred years ago, all soil was like this. From Texas to Canada, the Rockies to the Mississippi. When the Europeans came, they saw the sod as nuisance. They destroyed the virgin prairie for agriculture. Now, this is one of the last truly unspoiled areas. I think it's worth preserving." She turned and look back at her beau, "don't you?"

"Well, sure" he gasped. "I think all endangered things should be preserved."

The two walked up one hill, down the other side, and up another. When Amanda reached the top of that hill, she waited for Kevin to catch up.

The sun was completely behind a distant hill, but the sky was still orange and yellow.

Kevin scrambled to the top of the hill, gasping, holding onto a stitch in his side. "And I thought I was in shape," he panted.

When he had recovered slightly, Amanda asked, "do you know what today is?"

Kevin glanced down at his watch. "June the 23rd."

"It's Mid-Summer's Eve."

"What?" he asked, baffled.

"You know 'A Mid-Summer's Night's Dream". Shakespeare."

"Oh! I've never read that one. They made me read 'Macbeth' and 'Romeo and Juliet' in high school. I've also seen the Branaugh's 'Henry V' and 'Much Ado About Nothing.' That's all the Shakespeare I know."

"Pity," said Amanda, "you really ought to read more.

"Did you know that according to legend, that if you went through a gate in an unspoiled field at twilight on the Mid-Summer's Eve, you could enter the Faerie Realm?"

"Fairy Realm? No I didn't. But what does that have to do with..."

Amanda pointed downhill. Kevin looked where she was pointing. At first he didn't see anything in the gathering gloom, but then he saw it. A gate.

The gate had no fence to go with it. All it had was the pole it was mounted on and a pole it was latched to. The gate was obviously hand carved. It had no nails. Everything was fitted together with slots and grooves.

The hinges and latch were not metal either. The hinges were made of leather and the latch was a simple rawhide loop.

Amanda reached down and picked up a leather wineskin and put on a backpack that she had evidently left here earlier. She then took Kevin by the hand. For the first time that evening she smiled at him. "Care to give it a try?"

Before he could answer, she headed down the hill toward the gate, dragging Kevin behind her. She had an unusually strong grip.

"You... You're kidding right?" he cried as he stumbled down the hill.

Amanda didn't answer until she reached the bottom, and stood with him by the gate. "No. Why?"

"Because it's ridiculous! To try and enter some fantasy land by going through some gate at twilight. We're adults, we should have left this kind of nonsense behind years ago."

"Well, if it's nonsense, there should be no harm in trying. Right?"

Kevin didn't answer, but shifted uneasily from foot to foot.

"Come on! Give it a try! It'll be something you can tell your grandchildren about when you're old. Come on, twilight only lasts a few minutes."

The last of the fiery colors of sunset had faded from the sky. The clear sky was a flat gray, darkening gradually into night.

Seeing that this ritual was important to her, Kevin reluctantly nodded his head.

"Great! Now grab my hand and we'll go through together."

The young lawyer grabbed his beloved's hand, as she unlatched the gate.

"Let's cross over on the count of three. Ready? One. Two. Three!"

Together they stepped through the gate.

Kevin must have blinked as he stepped over the threshold, because he didn't see when the landscape changed. Suddenly, he was no longer at the base of a hill. He was at the bottom of a chasm. An impossibly steep and narrow chasm. So narrow, he could barely turn around. The wall rose up above them vertically for hundreds of feet above them. There were ledges above him, that were connected to the walls so precariously, he feared a rockslide any second. Far far above, Kevin caught a glimpse of a twilight gray skies.

"oh crap!... Sorry," she said reflexively. "The canyons, of all places we had to come out at the canyons."

"A-A-Amanda, where are..."

"Not now Kevin!" she snapped urgently. "This is important. Did you bring that pocket knife I gave you."

"Yes, but I..."

"Get it out. Quickly!"

"But I don't under..."

Kevin was interrupted by a loud crude sniffing sound echoing off the chasm walls. He then heard a several loud rumbling voices that seemed to come from all sides. "Humans! I smell humans! Tasty treat!"

"Just do it, okay!" yelled Amanda.

Down from the rim scrambled four gigantic men. They were bald and at least nine feet tall with greenish gray blister-covered skin. They were horribly deformed. Their faces were twisted and it looked like their arms had been broken and then reset at a right angle. Their fingers were unnaturally long, with grimy fingernails like talons. The only clothes they wore were filthy loincloths. They climbed down the chasm at an astonishing rate, putting one foot and one hand on each wall, descending head first. As they got closer, Kevin saw they had multiple rows of razor sharp teeth, like a shark.

With shaking hands, Kevin pull out his pocket knife. He almost dropped it as he hinged out the largest blade. He held it in front of him as a weapon. Might as well wave a toothpick in front of an angry bear, he thought.

The creatures were only twenty feet away, and closing fast. They smelled of filth, decay, and infection. The stench almost caused him to pass out.

"Stop right there!!" bellowed Amanda, with more authority than he had ever heard before. Kevin glanced behind, and saw that Amanda was covering his back. She had popped the cork on the wineskin. Its bladder was nestled securely under her armpit. The spigot was pointed at the nearest predator.

The creatures froze.

"I have water, and he has deathmetal. And we both know how to use them."

A tremor of fear shook through the creatures, shaking the wall. Each took a long loud sniff of the air. Suddenly, all four took off, ascending the sides of the chasm, faster than they had descended. All the way they screamed "Water! Deathmetal! Water! Deathmetal!". Within seconds, they were gone.

As soon as they had disappeared from sight, Kevin dropped to knees shaking. Amanda looked over at him with concern.
"Are you all right?" she asked.

Kevin gasped for air. "I... I don't think... I've ever... ever been... so scared... in all my life!"

"Yeah, I think that's been one of my closest scrapes too."

After a few minutes, Kevin shakily regained his feet, and at least part of his composure. "Amanda, where the hell are we? And what were those creatures?"

She glanced fearfully at the chasm walls. "Look, we need to get out here. Those trolls could be back at any minute with reinforcements. I'll answer all your questions as soon as we get out of here."

Kevin nodded mutely and followed Amanda along the chasm floor.

After what seemed like half a mile, and several twists and turns, the chasm finally ended. The walls abruptly fell away, opening into a broad green field, spangled with fireflies. Further in the distance lay a forest.

Kevin leaned against the cliff that marked the end of the chasm.

Amanda looked around. "I know this area, "she said to herself. "Come on Kevin, honey. There's a good place to rest just a short distance away."

Kevin struggled to his feet and followed her mutely, following the cliffs to the right.

After about ten minutes, they did come to a rest spot; a lovely pool surrounded by smooth stones the height of a bench. Perfect for sitting. Falling off the cliffs into the pool was a little waterfall. The rocks on the falls made the single stream of water split into two separate streams, then remerge, then separate again, before it fell into the pool below.

"Don't drink the water," said Amanda, as if reading his mind. "Not if you ever want to return home."

Kevin looked skeptical, but said nothing.

"Here," she said, tossing him her wineskin, "use mine."

Kevin sat down on one of the rock benches. He slaked his thirst with the primitive canteen, then handed it back. "Thanks."

Amanda sat down next to him and took off her backpack. "Hungry?"

Kevin nodded.

"Here," she said, pulling a ham sandwich out of her backpack, "Eat this. You don't want to eat the food here either."

Kevin ate his food mechanically, his mind racing a mile a minute.

Amanda waited patiently for him to finish. "Feel better?"

He nodded again.

"Now I know you have some questions. Ask them one at a time and I'll answer them for you."

Kevin took a deep breath. "Okay. Question Number One: Where are we?"

"The Faerie Realm."

"The what?"

"The Faerie Realm. Land of the fey folk chronicled in folk lore for centuries. The twilight realm."

Kevin stared at her blankly. "You expect me to believe that?"

Amanda let out a sigh. "Okay. I know you used to be a Trekkie. Think of this as a parallel dimension that can only be reached through completely wild places."

Kevin nodded. That he could accept.

"Question Number Two: What were those things that nearly killed us?"

"Oh, those were trolls. One of the nastier creatures in this place. Most folk here are pretty nice, actually."

"They fled from 'deathmetal'..."

"And water," Amanda interjected.

"And water. Why?"

"All fey folk can be killed by the smallest of cuts by deathmetal. You'd call it cold-forged iron. Very hard to find in normal world. I had to commission a blacksmith in England to make that pocket knife for you, custom. Cost me a pretty penny let me tell you.

"I better keep it hidden on me," said Kevin.

"Good idea. Nothing will make enemies faster than waving deathmetal around."

"And water?"

"Water only hurts the dark fey folk, like trolls and ogres. Burns 'em like acid."

"You know they could have just stoned us to death, then eaten us."

Amanda shrugged, "I said they were nasty. I never said they were bright."

Kevin stared at his girlfriend. "How do you know all this stuff? You've evidently been here before."

"I've only reached the Faerie Realm once before through the gate. Last year. It only seems to work on Mid-Summers Eve. Don't ask me why. I don't know."

"Have you gotten here by ways other than the gate."

Amanda took a deep breath. Here it goes. "I've been visiting the Faerie Realm almost every month for the last eighteen years, with the help of my friend Eugene."

Kevin's mouth gaped open. "What."

"Since I was six, Eugene has visited me every full moon and took me on journeys into the Faerie Realm."

"And who is Eugene, pray tell?"

"A unicorn."

"Ah, I should have known. We've had trolls and fairies, I should have guessed that a unicorn would pop up sooner or later."

Amanda stared at her boyfriend. "You don't believe me."

Kevin put his hand on her shoulder. "Of course I believe you, honey. After what I've seen how could I not. It's just that, I don't know, I feel like I've been thrown into the Brothers Grim's version of the 'The Twilight Zone.'"

"A little disoriented?"

"More than a little. I'll try and keep up, though. So, tell me about Eugene."

Amanda collected her thoughts for a minute, deciding where to begin, and then she told him. Told how she first met Eugene. How Eugene had introduced her to Ai-lara, and how her negligence got Ai-lara killed.

"It's not your fault, you know," said Kevin. "You were just a seven year old kid. You didn't know better."

A tear trickled Amanda's cheek. "That's what I keep telling myself, but it's just not true. Even at seven I knew the seriousness of life and death. Of all Ai-lara told me, the warning against power tools was the only one involving life and death. I should have put special emphasis on that part, not just mentioned it in passing."

"Even if you did that, your Dad might have ignored your warnings as childish prattle, and used the chainsaw anyway."

"That's true," Amanda allowed. "But at least then I would have known that I had done my best."

Kevin didn't know quite what to say to that, and was about to say something that would have been misconstrued as something trite and insensitive, when another voice interrupted him.

"Amanda?" said a smooth and lilting voice "is that you?"

Kevin turned and gaped. Sticking out of the pool was the head of a young woman with light blue skin and white hair. There was no sign of any body under the surface.

Amanda turned around and looked down at the water. "Hyathom! I was wondering if you were going to show yourself."

Rising out of the pond, without a ripple, came the most beautiful woman Kevin had ever seen. She was totally naked, but seemed to think nothing of it.

Kevin sat there slack jawed. He knew he was in love, or at least lust. Who cared that she stood on water, and had unusual skin tone. Who cared that she was transparent, with no apparent organs. This was a woman he had to have.

Amanda stood on the bench and embrace her friend. "How are you? What has it been, three years?"

"At least. I've been well. A school of goldfish moved in a few weeks ago. I've been trying to communicate with them, but you know fish," she said with a sigh.

Suddenly, Hyathom's attention shifted to Kevin. She looked him up and down with blatant interest. "Who's the young hunk."

Amanda turn to her beau. "Hyathom, this is my boyfriend Kevin. Kevin, this is... Kevin? Kevin?"

Kevin didn't respond. He just stared at the beautiful girl, slack jawed, with awe.

"Your boyfriend, huh? You don't mind sharing him do you?"

"Hyathom, cut it out!"

The water maid smiled innocently. "Cut what out? Can I help it if guys find me irresistible?"


"Okay, okay! Sheesh! you don't have to be such a grump about it."

Kevin suddenly felt something loosen its grip on mind. He blinked his eyes and looked around. The beautiful transparent girl was still there, and he still found her very attractive. But she no longer blinded him with lust.

Amanda climbed off the bench and hugged Kevin, who was still seated. "Are you okay, Honey?"

Kevin glanced at Amanda, then looked back at Hyathom. "Sure, sure, I'm fine.

"Who... No, what is that?"

"This is Kevin, this is Hyathom, a nereid. A water nymph, close cousin to the dryads."

The nereid extended a hand to Kevin. "I am so glad to meet you," she said suggestively.

Kevin shook her hand. When he did he felt the tickle of a hundred tiny tongues run over his hand.

"Nymphs have a certain, ahem, 'talent' with men. I'd forgotten about that. You see, you're the first person I've ever taken here."

Kevin drew back his hand, blushing. "Pleased... to meet you."

Amanda grabbed Kevin's arm. "Honey, we need to be going."

"Sure, sure," he said, as he got dragged away into the woods. "See you later Hyathom."

"Make it sooner," she called back.

After losing sight of the pool, Kevin finally turned away. "What a nice girl," he said with a sigh.

"I bet," said Amanda coolly. "I could tell you liked her by the line of drool hanging from your mouth."

"Could I help it?" Kevin challenged. "You said nymphs had a way with men. Could I not help but be attracted to her?"

"No," she admitted grudgingly.

The two walked for a time in silence, following an animal trail.

"Say," said Kevin suddenly, "how are we going to get home? We sure can't go back to the gate."

"No, gates are one way. But there are several ways to get home. The easiest way is to just fall asleep. You'll wake up in the normal world, but the entry point would be random. We could wake up at home, in the Amazon rain forest, in the middle of Antarctica, or one a hundred other wild places."

"Doesn't sound very safe."

"No, it doesn't," she agreed.

"Another way is to find one of the few dryads that can still reach our world. Most of them are palm dryads. We would exit on a small secluded South Seas island."

"Aren't there any closer to Kansas than that?"

"The closest one I know is a pine dryad in the Rockies named Aa-rana. She isn't the most pleasant dryad I know. She likes her seclusion."

"That doesn't sound like the best solution either."

"You're right," she said. "The best option is to find Eugene. We found each other last year, and he got me home, safe and sound."

"Do you know how to find him?"

"No, but don't worry. Coincidence is a common occurrence in the Faerie Realm."

A distant clamor, which they hadn't notice before, was growing louder.

"Speaking of which," Said Amanda, "I do believe we are coming up on the most spectacular sights of all the Faerie Realm. The capital city of Avalon."

"A city?" said Kevin, bewildered. "I thought you said this dimension was allergic to civilized things, like cities."

"This is not your everyday city. Come on, you'll see." Amanda started jogging toward the ruckus.

Kevin picked up his pace, and reluctantly followed.

After about fifty feet, Kevin broke through the underbrush into a clearing. Amanda was waiting for him, but he didn't notice. All he noticed was the sight before him.

It was a grove of at least one hundred of the biggest trees he had ever seen; and he had seen the sequoias in California. Each trunk was at least fifty feet across some as wide as a football field. Like the sequoias, there were no low limbs. The nearest limbs were at least two hundred yards up. The high branches completely blocked out the sky. If it weren't for the millions of fireflies that swarmed around the trees, Avalon would have been in pitch darkness.

In the base of each tree was a hollowed out area, that was used as an inn, tavern, blacksmith, or some other business. Outbuildings were built around many of the hollowed area. On the ground, between each tree, small sturdy wood buildings created the streets and avenues of the city.

"Look up," Amanda whispered in Kevin's ear.

Kevin looked up, and saw that not even half of the city was on the ground. Most of Avalon was far above the ground.

Spiral staircases snaked around the trees, leading from the ground to the branches above. On the lowest branches Kevin saw more buildings hollowed out of the tree, as well as structures built on the giant limbs.

Between the various trees were hundreds of impossibly long and narrow catwalks. Some of the catwalks ran parallel to the ground, but most were slanted at an steep angle, joining two different levels together. The overall affect was that a giant drunken spider had tried build a web in these trees.

The higher Kevin looked, the more catwalks he saw. It seemed that the city rose higher and higher, without end.

"Wow!" was all he could think to say.

Amanda sighed. "I've seen Avalon dozens of times, but each time it never ceases to fill me awe."

"How high does this city go?" asked Kevin.

Amanda shrugged. "A mile, maybe two. I'm not sure. Come on. Let me show you the sights."

Kevin followed, gawking like a tourist.

It turned out that most of the buildings on the forest floor were oriented toward the land based travelers. Livery stables, inns, and the like.

"Amanda, what kind of trees are these?"

"They are called silverwood. They don't exist in our world, at least not any more."

"I can see why they're called that. Half of those leaves up there sparkle like silver."

Amanda smiled. "Actually, they all sparkle. Each leaf is green on one side and covered with a silvery substance on the other, similar to glitter."

The conversation ebbed again, as the two stared at all the strange wares and creatures passing them by.

Over ninety-five percent of the crowd swarming the street were little people, about three feet high, dressed in brown or green, with pointed ears, brown eyes, brown or black hair and tan skin.

About four percent of the crowd also had pointed ears, but they were pale and gaunt, with blonde, silver or white hair. They ranged in height from five feet, to about six foot six.

The remaining one percent were the oddball tourists: satyrs, centaurs, and two humans.

"Honey," Kevin inquired, "I know the short guys are elves, but who are those pasty tall ones."

"The short ones are wood elves," said Amanda. "They are the most common inhabitants of the Faerie Realm. The tall ones are faerie, or high elves. The noblemen of this world. They gradually get taller with age."

"I thought fairies were small with wings."

"Those are pixies and sprites," she corrected. "They're common in the upper reaches of Avalon. Faerie, and the more prosperous wood elves use them as messengers."

"Are the faerie, the rulers here?" Kevin asked.

"I wouldn't call them rulers. The Faerie Realm is more of a benevolent anarchy than anything else.

"The faerie are probably the most respected race, because of their wisdom and power. They also hollowed out the trees and made Avalon."

Kevin frowned. "Hmm. You'd think that a culture that respected trees so much, would not hurt the same trees by hollowing out their insides."

Amanda laughed. "The faerie didn't hollow out the trees. They talked the trees into doing it themselves."

"You can't be serious," he laughed.

"It's true. Faerie have a special way of communicating with silverwood trees. Over the centuries, they instructed the trees how to grow, so they'd grow up with hollow rooms inside. If you went inside one you'd see. The walls inside are lined with bark, just like the outside."

As they were talking, Amanda and Kevin wandered down the street, going farther and farther into the city. In the middle of the city there stood the largest tree of all. It was about two hundred yards wide. No stairs spiraled up the sides. When he looked up, he didn't see any bridges joining with it. There was only one opening leading into the tree, and it was at ground level. The opening was covered with at double gate, guarded by two faerie guards with swords, in silvery gold armor.

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WWE Divas 2

Before I begin with the story, I have already done a story on WWE. Click on my account name 'SCALLYWAGMUNCHIES' and view my stories. You should see it there, titled 'WWE Divas'. Hi there. I'm John Doe and I'm a profressional wrestler. Have been for twelve years and have enjoyed my time in many countries, many promotions and have won many championships. People considered me to be a big deal, but I never did. Still don't. I'm just an average wrestler, with a standard heel gimmick, but those...

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How To Give Your Teacher An Orgasm

I always loved English Literature. I fell madly in love with every female high school teacher I ever had for Enlish Literature. They seemed to get sexier every year. Call me crazy, but English Literature really turned me on. But when I got to College, my English Literature teacher, just didn't turn me on, but rather she had me steaming with passion. Not only was she a wonderful teacher, but she had a body like you only see in a Playboy Centerfold. My desk was right in front of her desk. She...

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A Novice SorceressChapter 2

When Juliet, Katy's mom, entered the kitchen the next morning she found Katy sitting at the table with a toasted bagel and a glass of orange juice, reading the book she received for her birthday. "Are you okay dear?" Juliet asked. "Uh huh. Oh yeah. Mom, tell Tom I'm sorry for the way I acted. I really wanted that new video of the Whippers." Katy replied. "Oh, I will dear, but you ought to tell him yourself." "I know mom, but you will most likely see him before I will. He never...

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submissive step sis

Kay sat in here living room dressed waiting on her friend latue to come pick her up. Today was saturday and today was always girl night, and tonight the 18 year old ebony teen was finally going to go out to an adult night club. She was so pumped. Tonight was the night she would meet an older guy. Kay loved well thought she loved older guys. To her they were so cute and grown up. She hated how boys her age played around on video games like kids and she really hated how they all bragged about...

3 years ago
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first blowjob from my friend

i always wondered how my dick would feel in my friends mouth. so ill get right to the point. one day i was walkin home with my friend and asked him have u ever wondered what it would feel like to have a dick in your mouth. He said no. i was like oh ok. but then later on HE SAID HE WOULD GIVE ME A BLOWJOB . i got soo happy soo we got to his place right and then i sat down on his bed and he said brb. he came back after 5 mins and said to me theres a first time for everything. so then he came on...

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Accidently Caught on Tape

I was in a state of shock. All I have been trying to see if it would be okay to record on the tape that was currently in the camcorder. I was planning to use it to record the family picnic our family would be going on this afternoon. I had found the camcorder under some magazines on the coffee table by the couch in the living room. So I picked it up, turned it on, rewound the tape a bit, pressed play, and checked the viewfinder. Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw next. It appeared...

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The Preachers DaughterChapter 9 First Sighting

Time: January 19, 9570 3:52 PM UCT "Excellent game Basel," Eliana said as she extended her hand. The final score on the Jamgo display was 224 points for her and 221 points for her opponent. Basel nodded as his eyes left the holographic game board and he accepted the handshake. He then stretched his arms wide. "The closest I've come since our first day. That was fun! Except perhaps for the very end." Eliana smiled back and said in a deadpan voice, "Not fun at the end? I hadn't...

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My Aunt0

I ARRIVE So after what seemed to be the longest bus ride being next to what I assumed to be the decaying body of a Golgathan (Watch the movie Dogma). I arrive I step of the bus collect my bags. As I look around I get a tap on my shoulder, it is my Uncle, a complete military type, as I sit in the car for the next 30 minutes it is a non-stop lecture about what is going to happen. Up at 4am work, community service, chores, every conceivable activity to "keep me out of trouble". We finally...

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Body of a Man Mind of Machine Chapter Three1

“Sir, Akim Yellas has just fallen to the ground in the parking lot. He’s dead, sir,” stated Adrian’s subordinate in Russian, talking through a cell phone. The man was crouched on a rooftop in St. Petersburg with a sniper rifle pressed against his shoulder, practically invisible in the winter night. Down below was a quaint diner with a dead body lying sprawled out on the snowy parking lot. Scared onlookers surrounded the corpse, one of which was trying to perform CPR. Inside, the staff...

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Hot mom surrendered to my friend

Hi! I am Rishi from MUMBAI 22 yrs old MBA student. I live with my MOM alone. This story is about my HOT Mom. She is a 46 year old middle aged woman. Fair, plum with 36 32 42 fig. Beautiful hair and decent looks. She is a nice lady and has a good image in neighborhood. I often spend time outside out society with some friends so society gossips are very common. Once while returning from college, I was at the entrance of the society. I saw some auto drivers who were my friends chatting, so I...

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MayhemChapter 3

Gossip rags are like cockroaches: there are millions of them everywhere and you just can't kill them. The names change from "Galaxy" to "Nova" to "Star Struck" but they're all the same. I never saw the cameras nor the low-lifes behind them but starting the next day there were pictures of Tink on the back of my bike all over the bloody things. Apparently I was her sex-slave, or she was my kidnap victim or some other outrageous bullshit. It was annoying. Luckily I don't answer my...

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Game with Rani Aunty

Hi ISS lovers I am Jona from Kurnool (Andhra Pradesh). I am reading these stories from past 3 years and never felt bore and never ended without jerking. Such a gr8 fan of this site. This is the real incident which is in between my neighbor aunt and me. As it is my first story please encourage me with your mails. Waiting for your feedback at This is not a straight away sex story incident. So the people who want only sex can leave this one. I am 22 years old with normal body structure. My aunt...

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My Aunt Gerts Halfglasses

Hi there, my name is Larry and I have this aunt I think I may be in love with. Her name is Gertrude but likes to be called 'Gert' She is my moms sister and I have felt close to her for quite some time. I have fond memories of visiting my aunt when the last class of H.S. was over. Yup that was Mr. G Briggs electrical theorey and I really liked that class as anyone can work a screwdriver but to know what happens when one foolishly uses a ground wire as a neutral, yes you don't want to do...

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A Master Comes CallingChapter 4

Bess’s managed to get home naked and only just avoided running into her own father as she ducked into the bathroom and click the lock. She called out, “Sorry Dad, I am about to burst! I will be taking a shower and then off to bed, good night and love you” as she stood in front of the bathroom mirror she could not help but smile it certainly had been a good night, the tracks of white spunk had dried like an old river bed, her hair was matted and she smelt like a brothel (Not that she knew what...

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When The Sleeper Wakes Part 4 Accidents

WHEN THE SLEEPER WAKES Part 04: Accidents Copyright (c) 2002 by Kim EM All rights reserved "When the Sleeper Wakes" Created by Kim EM and Debra Rachel This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between this story and any actual person, living or dead, is coincidental, except as noted here. Some real names have been used herein, but these depictions are not intended to represent the actual thoughts or behavior of the persons depicted, and are used only for dramatic...

1 year ago
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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 37 Amys Dilemma

When I opened my eyes, I was lying in my berth. It was light outside, and my watch felt like it weighed two hundred pounds as I tried to lift it to see the time. I felt odd. I remembered the strength flowing out of me as I was overwhelmed with despair from causing Hanna's pain. But I didn't understand what had happened to me. "Welcome back," Anna told me. "How long," I rasped. "About thirty minutes," she said. "How do you feel?" "Weak." "Here. Drink this," she said. "Do...

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The first day

"It's gonna be a great day," Vance hummed to himself as he punched floor number twenty nine on the express elevator, "a new job in a new city, what could be finer!?!" Vance Hawkins was really looking forward to his new job as a systems analyst for an up and coming software firm, and although he had to leave his beloved Texas, it was the opportunity of a lifetime so he up and moved his wife and young son to Chicago to take up the new challenge!!! As he walked through the lobby of his new office,...

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A new life

*This story is set in an universe where the high-school age is 18+, everybody in this story is of age.* "The train leaves in about 2 hours guys!" Julia yelled at the two young adults, still busy packing the last of their bags. "Hurry up! We can't be late!" Sofia de la Rosa was Julia's own daughter. She had just turned 18 last week, when Sofia was 12 years old her father got shot in a drive-by. In that same drive-by David's parents both lost their lifes too, David was born on the same day as...

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Aprils Fools DayChapter 2

As if I didn't have enough problems I was asked to work overtime for the next week. So now I was working a twelve-hour shift and coming home to a warmed up dinner in the microwave. Marge told me that on Thursday she and her girlfriends were having their girls' night out. "I thought it was on Fridays; why the change? I told you how I didn't trust Trish but you still go out with her." "There is nothing wrong with Trish and the reason we are going on Thursday is because of the April...

3 years ago
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Naumlchtliche Gedanken

Das ist eine alte Geschichte von mir, die ich auch woanders gepostet habe...Ich lag im Bett mit geschlossenen Augen. Meine Gedanken drehten sich nur um die Aufgaben, die noch erledigt werden müssen. Irgendwann kamst du zu mir, aber ich war so vertieft in meine Gedanken, dass ich nicht einmal merkte, dass du da bist. Dies hat dir nicht gefallen und wolltest deine „Rache“. Bis mir klar wurde, dass ich nicht allein bin, warst du schon ganz nackt. Wollte aufstehen und zu dir kommen, aber du hast...

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NeEr Do WellChapter 2

The third week of July Garrett wandered into the local arcade and found a recruiter from the National Guard holding court, trying to convince the teenagers that hung around there to join. Garrett ignored him and his younger audience and moved to his favorite machine. It featured a soldier moving through a jungle on patrol. The object was to kill the enemy soldiers as they appeared and not hurt unarmed civilians or your own buddies. After Garrett played a couple of games he noticed he had an...

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The Trailer Park The Second YearChapter 16

How can my heart sink through the floor while my body stays here? "What did you say?" Jerry looked uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable. "I just figured you two were over, what with... everything." "I asked what you said?" My fists clenched unconsciously, though I'd never hit Jerry. "I said the word all over school is that Tami's been fucking and sucking with some high school guy." Jerry looked like his fight or flight response was ready to kick into overdrive. I forced my hands...

1 year ago
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Me My Teacher After Holiday 8211 Part I

Hi friends this is Vikas again with my new story. I got some comments for my first story so I thought to share some of my experience with you people. For new viewers let me introduce myself Vikas (NC) of 22 Doing engineering and 5.7” of height having a broad shoulders and arms with my workouts and a 5.7 inch shaft I really don’t need to say lie to you people which is much thick the shaft really have a great stamina of minimum of 40 min even in heavy banging and great recovery power of max of 1...

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Sex with brother

Hi friends i am shalini from bangalore. This is the story of the night when my parents had to go Delhi for sum emergency problem.They leave me n my elder brother at home.At that time i was 19 yrs old n my bro was 24 yrs old.We were slipping in the same room but on separate beds suddenly there was lightning in the sky i got frightened n went to the bed of my bro at that time he was sleeping but i was so frightened and I was onto him in a hurry.on this disturbance he got awake and hugged me to...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 11 Hospital Comforting Emily

Emily was crying in my bed when I came back to my room. I hope she understands that I didn’t want to miss our hydrotherapy together. I couldn’t help that I was paired up with Clarice. It nearly broke my heart to see her eyes all puffed up and red from crying when she looked to find why someone was messing with the bed. The orderly did not say a word about her being in my bed as he effortlessly lifted me into the bed beside her and then left the room. Emily climbed up into my lap and buried...

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Jerking for the Boss Part I

It was a Tuesday night and my whole work team was out celebrating the completion of a big project. About 10 of us were at the bar celebrating on the company dime so liquor was flowing and everyone was finally able to relax after about three straight months of chaos. The night started with shots. Two rounds off the bat, one tequila the other rum, all high quality stuff. Everyone is fairly tipsy for a Tuesday night and upon realizing this most of the party eventually disappears. I lived right...

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The Photo Shoot Part 3 of 7

The Photo Shoot(c) Paul GarlandChapter 3Strangely, neither me nor Nicola really talked about what exactly we were going to do at the studio. As far as I was concerned, we were going to see the photographs from the other night, which I was looking forward to seeing and I knew Nicola was too. Any talk of doing another session - a nude shoot - was secondary to that, even though it was very much on my mind when we pulled up outside and were greeted by Leanne’s cute younger sister.“Come in,” Kirstie...

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TommyChapter 15

Still Mimi’s turn: Woke up in the morning to the throbbing of my ankle. Stirring, wincing, Tommy woke up. “Mornin’, pretty girl...” “Good morning, husband of a klutz,” I said. “Hardly a klutz.” “Hurt myself on my honeymoon. Trust me. Klutz.” “Love you, graceful or not.” “Love you right back. Wanna help me out of bed?” “Sure,” he said. Winter cabins in the mountains are COLD, a fact that I announced to him. “I’ll get us something on the stove and get a fire going again,” he said. He...

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Daddys Girls Chapter 2 The Bath

The conversation secretly emboldened Beth. Did her dad really have those thoughts about her? She knew, almost in the abstract sense, that her father was a man, after all, with needs and desires. Could he possibly desire HER? The girls would never lie, especially in The Circle, and they all agreed that her dad did find her desirable. Still, she was reluctant. She could not convince herself that her dad could possibly feel the same way as she did, so she pushed these feelings down deep, where...

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A Hot and Sweaty Night

Thursday, June 24, 1999The power was out.  The power seemed to always go out during a storm.  Tonight was no exception. A flash of lightning lit up the sky outside.  A crack of thunder followed instantaneously, rattling the old window in its nearly dilapidated frame.Heather reached to the nightstand beside her and accidentally knocked over a beer can—an empty beer can.  It rolled off the stand and clanged against the hardwood floor. Her hand fumbled in the darkness until she found the pack of...

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Marcys DecisionChapter 2 The Country House

Hi sweetie, as you can tell by the way I’m dressed, I should say undress, and that you are watching this DVD that I’m Mistress Laura’s pet number 2. Mom got up and bent over, she too had a tattoo of the number 2 on the inside of her ass cheeks. Mom turned around and said; “I am bisexual and your dad knows and is ok with it. I love your dad so very much and he loves me. He is very understanding. Just to let you know, Gary knows too. And I know about him and you. Yes I have known for a while...

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Carolyn CagedChapter 5

jade woke up the next morning feeling a lot better. Her battered and abused ass had healed some and while she still had some lingering soreness, especially when she rubbed it, for the most part, she was back to normal. As was her typical routine these days, her breakfast came in and today she greedily ate it down. It still wasn’t the fancy, elaborate meals she had come to expect in her old life, but then this was not her old life! jade was just finishing up her breakfast when she heard the...

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Mind Control Madness

I had been up all night, scouring the internet. Yet I found nothing new, nothing of interest. All the social networking, news, comics, porn, and other minutia bored me. I kept refreshing google, over and over in one of my browser's tabs. That's when, quite by accident, I spied an interesting ad in the bottom right corner of a web page I sometimes pretended to read. 'LEARN MIND CONTROL FREE' it said, in big, bold, black, letters. I clicked on it, and was surprised to see simple black text...

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Persian Kitty

PersianKitty! Here’s the thing. Today you have amazing sites that give you all sorts of options when trying to find the perfect porn site for yourself. Not that I’m bragging or anything, but my site is probably the best one and you know it to be true. However, some "link sites" are simply not that useful at all, a pain in the ass if you will, not with their dated design, a confusing layout, and none-value-giving attitude. Today, we’re taking a look at as we try to find a sliver...

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Judith was scared as she was taken from the warehouse to a van by two large black males. Judith is five foot, six, green eyes and red hair. She weighs 125 lbs with 38DD breasts. In other words a knockout woman, absolutely gorgeous. She was blackmailed into being a slut for Theo, the local drug dealer who also has a stable of women for sex. Judith managed to piss off some of Theo’s clients by not wanting to perform some sex acts. Judith is married an managed to keep her other life a secret from...

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This story is for Timtrentham Peeping neighbor ge

This story is for Timtrentham: Hope you enjoy.Alex had always been a nice guy. In school he was a very popular guy, lots of friends, lots of girlfriends. But in 2010 his mother died. He was depressed for the next year and a half. But in the summer of 2012, an old girlfriend moved in next door unbeknownst to Alex. Her name was Amelia, and Alex really had a connection with her, but he found out she was cheating on him with his best friend. Alex's bedroom was across from Amelia's bedroom, with an...

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MaquisChapter 15

Poole. January, the following year. “There’s a riot goin’ on out there.” Jacko looked up from his pint as someone burst in through the pub doors. “Oh?” he asked. The man who had made the announcement was someone Jacko knew only as Ken. Ken was older than Jacko by a good ten years, and had been a member of the Socialist Workers Party since he was seventeen. Even in his late sixties he was still a union activist, but was currently ‘off duty’. A riot interested him because of the number of...

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Mrs Jones p10

"Good news" my mother said as I strolled into the kitchen "The Joneses next door are having a BBQ party this afternoon and we're invited!""Great!" I replied grinning."Why are you so happy?" my mother asked"I just like BBQ's" I replied before I quickly left the room.For the next few hours I sat watching TV, just trying not to get too excited about what might happen at Mrs Joneses party and then as I began to hear people arriving, I couldn't wait any longer.Throwing on a clean t-shirt I strolled...

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Castaway FearlessChapter 16

“Ours is a tragic age. Coastal raiders stole my favorite horse and my wife. I raised that stallion and I’ll never forgive them for taking him.” -Count Vee, Conquest Point’s Envoy (excerpt from Princess Wyrd’s diary) A rough looking wagon trundled down a side lane, turning off the main road. It was hard to miss from the carriage window as we stopped. A footman opened our door so we could exit the Count’s carriage. Pausing, Scratch and I adjusted our garments and swords. Sea birds circling...

3 years ago
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The Competition

The Challenge. By ninja5?Right here she is Taylor Swift. Clap your hands,? Bobby Bones started clapping and the entourage of Lunchbox, Amy, Eddie and technical support joined in.  There was a woo and Taylor stepped into the Studio.  She started to speak, but was out of range of a mic so her voice didn’t cut in till she sat.??thank you? thank you for the clapping.?  She’d played down her celebrity as she entered the studio with a tray covered in a red and white checker cloth.  They were homemade...

2 years ago
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Sex ExperimentChapter 4

"Why I thought you weren't home nearly enough before! Now you're never here! What on earth are you doing?" Helen demanded. Adam slumped into a chair in the living room. He'd been trying to avoid this confrontation for days now, ever since he'd opened up his new lab. Getting subjects had proved harder than he thought, and the luck that the middle-aged scientist had had with his first two subjects had not held true for the rest. In order to be completely scientific about it, Adam had...

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Innocence lost

I awake full of excitement. Morning glory pitching a tent under the duvet that any scout would be proud of. My hand gripping my cock it takes all my willpower to wait just a few more hours. Today is the day I finally get to meet Emma. After 2 years of talking with her every day I have finally persuaded her to meet in person. I can't wait to see her for the first time. I know what she looks like because we have talked on Skype several times but I have no idea what to expect from the rest of her...

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GangbangCreampie Kitt Lacey G356

Kitt Lacey is ready to go! This beautiful, bubbly sex fiend gets off to a fast start telling the cockmen to put it down her throat as soon as the action begins. With Kris Kixxx ‘testing the oil’ and cocks on either side of her, Kitt’s smile continues to grow as does the Cockmens enthusiasm to get inside of her sweet, tight little pussy! Solo show’s her why he has other people warm her up before taking his turn and Kitt turns into a fountain on him! Let’s not forget...

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The Desperate And Horny Housewife

Hi Indian Sex Story readers! This is the story of how an unsatisfied housewife was fucked by her neighbour boy. That was me in Indian Sex  Please excuse my mistakes if you find any. Now without any delay, let’s go to the real incident which happened with me. Let me introduce myself. I am Rahul. I’m 24 years of age. I completed my master’s degree at reputed university. Now I’m looking for work but haven’t found a job yet. My neighbour’s name is Ayesha. She is 25 years old and her...

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