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4 years ago
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HomebodiesChapter 17

The Doxy system was an interesting place, with an interesting, multi-faceted history full of the extremes of human diversity all trying—and occasionally succeeding—in finding a way to live and work together. Some held it up as a testament to humankind’s innate propensity for coming together for a common cause. Others held it up as a testament to humankind’s innate propensity for strife and prejudice. Interestingly enough, both sides of this argument tended to use the same facts and arguments...

3 years ago
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Emend by EclipseChapter 24

February 9, 1976 “I had a deal with Principal Haley.” Principal Atkinson said, “Mr. Haley isn’t here anymore. I’m his replacement, and I’m in charge now. You don’t have a deal with me.” “I had a deal with the institution of the school. Principal Haley was its representative. You can’t change a deal between the institution and me.” “Now I represent the institution, and the deal is null and void.” “Why can’t we keep things as they were?” “Benny, I find your absences from classes to be...

2 years ago
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The 400 Year WarChapter 17

CIVIL WAR 1861 TO 1875 The opening salvos of the American Civil War sounded no less ominous to the American Indian Tribes than it did to the men who were destined to fight for the Union or the Confederacy. Tens of thousands of Indian warriors served on both sides of the American Civil War for reasons related more to their own Tribal concerns than in similar beliefs in tune with one side or the other. Some of the Indian tribes were economically dependent on the practice of slaveholding and...

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The 400 Year WarChapter 20

This chapter will be devoted to tying things together in relation to the conflict between the American Indian Tribes and the European settlers. The entire 400 year timeframe was split up into three sections. The Early years coving the period from 1492 (The start of the Columbian period) until the beginning of the French and Indian Wars in 1763. This part of the story was addressed in Chapters 1 thru 6. The Crisis period covering the years from the French and Indian Wars beginning in 1750...

3 years ago
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The CircleChapter 45 ED commercial Fall season

Bob was shaking his head, “Let me get this straight, they want you and Mike to do a real television commercial for Cialis?” Zoey nodded, “That’s what the man said. He’s with some Madison Avenue ad agency and claimed to have even gotten permission from NBC to talk to us about doing it. Because we’re celebrities we’d get paid a premium. Mike and I agreed we’d split it, if we do it. He needs a new pickup truck, and I need new tires and other work on my car, so this comes at a good time.” “How...

1 year ago
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Amity 5 CataclysmChapter 34 Family

-- Daniel -- I’m surprised by how well Pip and I have learnt to work together. It’s not been an easy task, and we both realise that we still have a lot of work to do and a lot to learn about running a city and a community. The people we rescued have been settling into the city and taking over a lot of the work of rebuilding their lives and new homes. I think the fact that they could spread out a bit sorted out a lot of the animosity between the different factions. Captain Dale has been of...

2 years ago
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Amity 5 CataclysmChapter 44 Loose Ends

I looked at the camera. Seven months old, Devin stood on my right thigh, and his brother Quin stood on my left with my arms supporting them. Sky sat cross-legged across on my lap and leant against me. Kim was at my right shoulder with his right arm around Sarah. Beside him was Lindell her arm around him and Bonny. Raina fussed and finally said she had a lovely picture. Sky scrambled down to run to her big sister and see the results. Sarah bent and kissed me and claimed Devin while Bonny...

2 years ago
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MagicianChapter 33

It took several months before Morgana was finally able to take her position in the Council of the Wise. Much of the time was spent tying up loose ends in the Department, as well as making sure Mage Roxanne was fully up to speed on the various sections plus the inevitable do's and don'ts. Finally the day came when she opened a portal in thin air and led me through it into a sealed chamber somewhere on our planet. I had been under the impression that the Council was based in North America,...

4 years ago
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Blue HandChapter 8

As they drew nearer the city, the Border Patrol was able to forego camping in the wilderness and turn aside at one garrison or another. The army was decidedly small and so were the garrisons. The buildings were brick and mortar affairs, including a stable and an armory. Bandits, thieves and roving gangs were the human threats, but Anshar’s large array of predators was most of the army’s concerns. Porter sensed that there were factions however, and lesser degrees of loyalty among various...

2 years ago
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MagicianChapter 70

Rowenna had agreed to meet us halfway as it were in Kurukshetra where Hermes was housed in the old medical wing. This was in part a safeguard by the Council just in case the embedded wards gave off a homing signal as we knew via Mage Cornelius that the Coalition were now aware that Rowenna’s Healing Magic office was no longer resident on that planet, nor on any planet they were capable of scanning. “Mage Rowenna,” Morgana and I greeted our friend with a formal bow whilst Judas simply stood...

2 years ago
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Blue HandChapter 12

Porter was not comfortable shaking hands with other people. In the Empire, the typical hello/goodbye combination was a slight bow from the shoulders up. Not only was the custom less messy, bowing saved time because there was no need to approach every single person in a room; bow once at a conference table and the touchy-feely stuff was done. Besides, Porter knew few wanted to squeeze his fat, squishy fingers. However, he was not standing in the Empire and its cold manners anymore. He was...

2 years ago
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The GovernorChapter 14

Ling was awake already. “What?” “I don’t know. I just suddenly felt there was a reason to wake. You?” she said “Same, something is up. I doubt if it’s good news” What was it? The extra quiet? The different background noises? What was it? He washed the smell of sex off his body, cast a longing look at the lithe, smooth, slim, sexy body lying in bed looking at him. He hadn’t actually been told there was anything wrong, could he have a quick fuck? Maybe get her to suck him off to stop...

3 years ago
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Twelve Boons of the FaeChapter 3

“It seems that the Governor of Utah reacted to your partition by declaring himself President of the ‘Nation of Deseret’ at once. He got the legislature to ratify his edict and called for them to act as a constituent assembly in drafting a new constitution for the now independent state. Of course, I wouldn’t call it a republic, since it’s much more of a theocracy. The way that the Mormon Church applauded his move tells me that he’s just a figurehead or puppet for the real rulers of...

3 years ago
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TV Game Show Winter JenningsChapter 16 Family

Dixie Wexler. Sandra Fleming let Dr. Lindsey Conners read the forensic psychologist’s analysis. Dr. Deborah Norton. And Lindsey also read transcripts of the extensive interviews that various agents had conducted. Tried to conduct; Wexler wasn’t a model of cooperation. Later, Lindsey told me, “The consensus is that Wexler is actually a rather brilliant man. Masks it well — those bar fights, groping women. Hiding his talent behind meaningless bluster. But he is clinically unable to empathize...

2 years ago
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The Wolf SummersChapter 10E The Cradle of the Pack

I became suspicious when the hostess led me to the restaurant's private room; my suspicion increased greatly when I saw who was already there. Esmeralda, Marie, Michael, Rachel, Brittany, the Lees, and my mother sat at a round table with Mandy and a female a little older than her. They arranged the seating so I would have to sit across from the two women. I took my assigned seat and studied Mandy. I would have preferred a warmer setting for a reunion lunch but accepted business was the...

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