Kamsin Kali ko Mast Choda
- 4 years ago
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The Doxy system was an interesting place, with an interesting, multi-faceted history full of the extremes of human diversity all trying—and occasionally succeeding—in finding a way to live and work together. Some held it up as a testament to humankind’s innate propensity for coming together for a common cause. Others held it up as a testament to humankind’s innate propensity for strife and prejudice. Interestingly enough, both sides of this argument tended to use the same facts and arguments to present their respective cases.
Doxy was a binary system consisting of the G-class main sequence star Doxy A and its smaller red dwarf companion Doxy B. Distributed amongst the two stars were a total of eleven planets, five of which were gas giants massive enough to serve as circuit point entrances to various other systems in the neighborhood, in addition to the barycenter between Doxy A and Doxy B themselves, which marked the primary circuit point that led inward (as the saying went), to the Leads System, beyond which were the Calaveras system, the Yuba system, and finally, the center of civilized human space, the Alpha Zulu system. With so many circuit points leading in so many directions, Doxy was one of the largest and busiest crossroads systems in all of human space and had been for many hundreds of years post Great Human Expansion before it was actually colonized by groundborn.
The only astronomical body within the system that was habitable by unprotected humans was a large moon simply called New Home by those who eventually colonized it. New Home orbited around the massive gas giant Doxy A4 and was not as inhospitable as Redreams 4, but it was no great prize either. Though it was one of the larger known moons in human space, it still only sported a gravitational pull of 0.48G—less than half of standard—which meant that huge, power sucking artificial gravity plates had to be installed under any area where development occurred to keep the future inhabitants from mutating into tall, thin, willowy creatures with feeble bones, understrength muscles, and chronic calcium deficiency. In addition, the moon’s magnetic field was weak and the radiation given off by Doxy A and Doxy A4 were both quite strong, thus necessitating the installation of five kilometer high Zecker rods around any living, working, or agricultural region to produce an artificial magnetic field to deflect incoming ionizing radiation away and prevent crop loss and rapid genetic mutation.
The gravity and the weak magnetic field were only the beginning of New Home’s quirks. The moon itself was mostly ocean, with only two roughly Australian sized landmasses, one in the northern mid-latitudes in the western hemisphere, the other in the southern mid-latitudes in the eastern hemisphere. The moon was just far enough away and the differences in mass just enough to not be tidally locked in its orbit. Thus, its rotational speed was reasonable enough—a comfortable 11.7 metric hours, which was slightly longer than a standard metric day—but the constant tug of gravitational influence between Doxy A the sun, Doxy A4 the planet the moon orbited, the sister gas giant Doxy A5 and even, to a lesser extent, the distant star Doxy B, meant that both the weather and the ocean tides were constantly undergoing dramatic (though at least predictable) shifts.
The largest oceanic tidal changes in known space occurred on New Home, making any land within thirty kilometers of any coastal region uninhabitable due to routine tidal flooding. There were thousands of seasonal islands apart from the landmasses that simply could not be used because they spent part of each season more than half a kilometer under the surface. This also created a problem for the groundport city itself. New Home Ground, a city of more than six hundred thousand, could only be located on the surface of the ocean since there were no landmasses or islands along the equator that spent all of their time above the surface. The sea level of the ocean in any given spot, however, varied with the daily and especially the seasonal tides by more than a kilometer in each direction. In order to keep the cables that attached New Home Ground and its orbital companion, New Home Topside from stretching, sagging, or breaking, an intricate system had been developed to allow the cables themselves to slide up and down from the topside platform, as well as the counterweights above them, to keep them constantly stretched and functional. Again, like the artificial gravity generation and the artificial magnetic field generation, this was all very power intensive, requiring huge propulsion systems and huge fusion generators to power them.
And then there was the weather. It too was an exercise in extremes. The average distance from New Home to the source of its light and heat—Doxy A—and the minimal axial tilt meant the moon enjoyed an almost Earthlike level of sunlight at its equatorial and mid-latitude regions. But, as went the argument in many a statistical discussion, the average only meant the sum of the daily measurements divided. New Home’s distance from its sun varied in a complex and intricate manner by up to a million kilometers depending on where Doxy A was in its orbit with Doxy B, where Doxy A4 was in its orbit with Doxy A, and where Doxy A5 was in relation to all of the others. In addition, there were frequent eclipses of Doxy A by Doxy A4, which interrupted the sunlight cycle for hours at a time, thus throwing more variables into the mix. All this meant that the temperature at the equator—where the space ladder was, and where storms formed—and the mid-latitudes—where most of the inhabitants lived, grew food, and mined—varied considerably from day to day, cycle to cycle throughout each year. Winds generated by the variations in temperature swept across the surface all the time, shifting directions frequently, varying in intensity from a mild gale to hurricane force. Rains pounded both of the continental landmasses for cycles at a time and then were alternated by dry periods that lasted for cycles more.
And then there were the cyclones. Huge tropical storms generated by equatorial heat and warm ocean currents were spawned in that period when the alignment of the two stars and the two gas giants all conspired to place New Home at its closest approach to Doxy A, thus warming the ocean, particularly at the equator, and spawning the massive evaporation of water into huge rotating storms that had huge expanses of warm water over which to move and power them. Some moved southwest and some moved northwest. The reason why a particular direction was followed was something that even triple meteorological PhDs using the most powerful computer programs and half a millennia of data still could not quite figure out. The net effect, however, was that these storms—many of them a thousand kilometers in diameter or more and rated category 7 or above—moved for cycles across the surface of the ocean, plowing onward, driven from place to place by the complex interaction of jet streams, ocean currents, and the rotation of the moon itself until they either worked their way to the higher latitudes and colder water or washed ashore on one of the landmasses. Every New Homian year—which consisted of 412 New Homian days—no less than three category 5 and above cyclones would make landfall somewhere on each of the two landmasses—the eastern coasts being the most vulnerable to both.
Despite all of these drawbacks, New Home was a thriving colony with a population of six million plus on the southern landmass and four million plus on the northern landmass. It is the inhabitants of each of these landmasses, however, which made New Home truly unique and interesting.
The northern landmass was named Sanctuary by those who colonized it. Its inhabitants were primarily fundamentalist Stevenists—those who believe that the so-called Chronicles of Steven, written by the so-called Post-Expansion Prophet of Whoever, Steven Barton (who modern researchers had pretty much proven was an unemployed marijuana addict who lived with his parents until the age of forty-one metric years) were the literal and factual outpourings of Whoever Himself (or Herself, or Themselves). It is they who believe that Whoever not only produced the Big Bang, designed the planets, the circuit points, and all life, but still exists today and still watches over all that his finest creation—intelligent life—do, say, and think, and judges them based on a set of moral rules that regulate their behavior. Many Stevenists were advocates of a theocratic style government and were eager to sign up for the trip when the then unnamed New Home was opened for colonization five hundred years before the concluding resolution became a phrase.
However, since which planets are open to colonization is controlled by the Spaceborn Federation and the Fleet (for the most part) and since the spacies are the ones who financed and built the space ladder system and the basic infrastructure that made colonization possible, the Stevenists were not allowed to dictate who came to New Home or where they would settle and were not allowed to set up a theocratic government.
Thus, the southern landmass, called New Asia, was heavily settled by the descendants of the Japanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese who had lost the Petroleum wars and had been living—for the most part—in abject poverty and subject to subtle and sometimes even legal discrimination on Earth since. The more ambitious and forward thinking of the New Asians just happened to undergo a mass exodus from Earth at roughly the same time as the Stevenists. Both had been under the impression that the moon New Home would be theirs to do with as they pleased and to run as they pleased. Both were wrong.
And so began one of history’s great experiments in “can’t we all just get along?”
Had each group of colonists simply been able to establish their own government and run their own affairs on their respective landmasses, things probably would have run smoothly—for a while anyway. There was little for them to fight over in this regard since each landmass was more or less equal in terms of resources, weather, and livability and they were separated from each other by more than ten thousand kilometers of open, inhospitable ocean. Unfortunately, the space ladder was vital to the success of a colony and there was only one of those. For this reason primarily (although there were several others as well—including historical precedents about what eventually happened with multiple governments on one planet), Federation law regarding colonization insisted that each colonized celestial body would exist as a single government under a common-sense oriented constitution that protected everyone’s rights and had to be approved by the Federation Colonization Council—a branch of the lower house of the Federation legislature—and ratified by the Executive Council itself.
What this all meant is that the New Asians and the Sanctuarians were obligated and forced to form a government together and to share the priceless resource of the space ladder. The Stevenists were not allowed to outlaw homosexual relationships or words they considered blasphemous and were not allowed to compel the use of marijuana by everyone over the age of twelve. The New Asians were not allowed to mandate mandatory reproduction quotas or to outlaw the intermarriage of various ethnic groups within their subdivisions. Most of all it meant that they were forced to cooperate in order to run the New Home groundport city and, to a lesser extent, the Topside city. There had been times when the strife had become almost violent. Dozens of times since the naming of the moon, Fleet marines had been forced to deploy to groundport in order to enforce the peace between the bickering factions. Even after five hundred years and multiple generations, the two landmasses remained primarily segregated and the two groups had little in the way of interaction with each other.
At the groundport, however, things were a little different. Both the Sanctuarians and the New Asians had to live together and work together at the groundport in order to make it function. Thus, it was primarily those who were not quite as fastidious in their beliefs and cultural observations who tended to migrate to that city and serve the function of custodians of the lower half of the space ladder. In New Home Ground, the two groups actually interbred with each other and had formed a new culture that was a mixture of the two—a culture that became completely distinct from the parent cultures that had given birth to them and one that was welcome in neither of the continental landmasses. This particular group referred to themselves as New Homian Grounders and they held in contempt most of the stuffy traditions of their forebears. The city of NHG itself was considered a wild, decadent place by both the New Asians and the Sanctuarians, a place where sexual promiscuity was rampant, where career choices were actually picked by those who had to work them instead of by elder family members, where marriages were actually chosen by those who had to live with them instead of by financial and genetic considerations.
Even worse than New Hope Ground, however, was that horrid, licentious pit of evil known as New Hope Topside. The manufacturing and shipping center that sat in geosynchronous orbit some thirty thousand kilometers above NHG was infamous throughout human space—both civilized and uncivilized. Unlike most topsides, NGT was not inhabited primarily by spaceborn, but was a diverse, multifaceted mixture of groups from all over the surrounding star systems and inhabited planets, drawing heavily, of course, from Sanctuary and New Asia itself. Those groundies who had made the choice to live topside were those who had considered NHG to be a little too conservative for their tastes. Such were most of the spaceborn and outsystem inhabitants as well. Pretty much anything went in NHT—as long as it was not overtly illegal under the spaceborn constitution. There were large gambling hotels, houses of prostitution, virtual reality porn immersion palaces, zero gravity sex hotels, just to name a few. NHT was actually the center of the civilized space pornographic industry and VR studios abounded. Though few who considered themselves respectable would ever admit to visiting the city, it was hands-down the most popular tourist destination in known space—a city that enjoyed more than sixty million visitors each year—and that kept the tourist population at any given time around thirty percent of the resident population.
In addition to the habited planet of New Home and the space structures above it, the Doxy system was rich in metallic asteroids which were primarily located in large belts around each of the stellar objects. These asteroids were extensively mined for their resources and huge extraction and processing platforms were scattered throughout both belts to facilitate this. The asteroid miners were a distinct culture onto themselves, a rough and tumble bunch, known for their crudity, plainspokenness, and quickness to fight when crossed, even if the odds were hopeless against them.
And because of the system’s status as a major crossroads, two huge hydrogen gathering operations—one in each of the stellar systems—were established in orbit around the gas giants Doxy A5 and Doxy B6, thus covering both sides of the system. The hydrogen operations in Doxy were among the largest in human space, directly employing nearly twenty thousand people each and indirectly supporting another thirty thousand or so who lived in the orbital platforms that served as cities to support the operations. In here was yet another distinct culture, one that embraced risk-taking and daredevilry, sometimes for no reason other than to scare themselves into an adrenaline rush.
All these varied populations and all the crossroads of circuit points meant that there was high space traffic in the system. At any given time there were multi-dozens of ships moving about in the Doxy, some plying from the asteroids to the circuit points and planets; some in transit through the circuit points; some cargo vessels making runs between New Home and the other platforms as well as the circuit points for interstellar trade; some tourist ships heading for NHT. Because of this high volume and because of the vital strategic nature of the system, two large naval bases were in operation—again, one in each of the two star systems. The larger of the two bases was in orbit around New Home itself and, in addition to berthing three dreadnoughts, one superdreadnought, a squadron each of destroyers and ninety-nines, and countless support vessels, was also the headquarters of Intermediate Space Command.
In all, the Doxy had a permanent population of around twenty-three million with a transient tourist population of another million or so and a transient shipboard population of close to a hundred thousand. Thus, when the emergency communications probe sent by Rear Admiral Reeker popped out of the circuit point at 0169 hours Universal time—fully eighteen hours before the Magnum itself would enter the system—and began transmitting, there were a lot of people to hear the news it delivered.
The naval report from Reeker and staff was encrypted, of course, and did not find its way anywhere but the offices of ISPACECOM at the base. Reeker had not, however, taken the precaution of sending the emergency message out in an empty probe. All of the media reports, personal mail messages, requests for clarification, and other communications that had been sitting in the queue waiting for that five hundred petabyte threshold imposed by the “probe shortage” were loaded into the probe and sent as well. These too were transmitted to their various recipients in-system as well as to the various data transfer probes at the various circuit points that led out of the system. In most of the cases this amount of data was enough to push those probes over that five hundred pete limit and trigger their firing as well—and beyond the Doxy system the restriction on data came to an end.
And since the RDA circuit point emerged in the barycenter between Doxy A and Doxy A5, both the naval report and the media reports reached their destinations in under ten minutes from the time of transmission. There were eight major media companies on the surface of New Home, two up on New Home Topside, and two more at the hydrogen processing city in orbit of Doxy A5. Many of the media reports received had copies of the holo produced by the crew of the Magnum attached. Within an hour of reception enquiries were pouring into the offices of ISPACECOM, demanding answers, clarifications, and responses.
At the office of ISPACECOM itself, things were also heating up. Within ten minutes of receiving the emergency message from the Redreams, Vice Admiral Beeble Goon, ISPACECOM herself, was wakened from a sound sleep to deal with the most significant and baffling crisis of her lengthy career.
Ox and his crew knew that the emergency communications probe had been sent off into the Doxy long before they made it to the RDA circuit point for their own transition. Initially there had only been suspicion of this. Suspicion became fact when another emergency probe, this one coming from the Doxy itself and sent by ISPACECOM, came through from the Doxy side while they were in the midst of their deceleration burn. Inside this data dump was a message specifically addressed to Magnum and crew.
“It’s an order from Vice Admiral Goon herself,” Manny reported to Ox.
“Onscreen,” Ox said, bracing himself for just about anything.
Manny put it up. It was a text file only. “Magnum, proceed on course through the Redreams/Doxy A circuit point and initiate routine climb out upon transition. Send entry report to Doxy STC with a copy attached to ISPACECOM when clear of stellar interference. No need to attach your forged orders to the communication. There will be further instructions for you at that time.”
“Well now,” said Ox. “Not exactly encouraging, is it?”
“Not exactly,” agreed Phlegm.
They finished the burn and drifted toward the circuit point, their velocity down to just above orbital velocity for Doxy A, their angle of entry adjusted so they would exit the circuit on the Doxy side in more or less the correct orientation.
“Time to entry?” Ox asked navigation.
“Seventy-four minutes,” navigation replied.
Ox nodded. “I guess we should start getting ready for this.” He ordered Gath to get the natives medicated with their Phent-D—they would be under high acceleration once they emerged from the circuit—and then ordered everyone else to get some food and some coffee while they still could. “It could be we’re at the end of our little trip here, depending on how this ultra-white Admiral Goon views her duty.”
The minutes ticked down and the Magnum entered the circuit point. The ship emerged from the Doxy/Redreams Prime circuit point twelve thousand kilometers above the coronal layer of Doxy A. The engines kicked in at three Gs the moment they were out of the circuit, pushing them higher and faster to clear the stellar neighborhood quickly. All aboard heard the roar and felt the vertigo that went with it.
“Course is on the line,” reported Tull. “Engines burning as programmed.”
“Copy that,” Ox said. “Detection?”
“Too much stellar interference to see much right now, Ox,” Giggles reported. “I’m just getting a bunch of fuzz and false returns. Same with the comm frequencies. It’s all getting swallowed up by stellar radiation.”
“Copy,” Ox said with a nod. “Doxy A is a pretty active G class. Keep me informed. I want to know the second you can identify contacts.”
“Aye, Captain,” Giggles said.
The engines pushed them faster and faster, which, in turn, pushed them further and further away from the hot, turbid mass that was the main sequence star Doxy A. Gradually, the display began to clear up and Giggles was able to see what was in the neighborhood. What she reported was not encouraging.
“I’ve got a complete superdreadnought battle group, in formation, on an intercept course with our projected path,” she told Ox.
“A complete superdreadnought group,” Ox said slowly.
“Affirmative, Captain. The superdread is the Peacekeeper according to the IFF telemetry. It’s being escorted by two cruisers, four destroyers, and two anti-stealth platforms.”
“That’s a lot of torkin firepower,” Ox said.
“Isn’t that kind of overkill for little old us?” asked Phlegm. “After all, we’re just a ninety-nine. A destroyer alone could outrun us and then hammer us into space dust without even trying.”
“It does seem a bit excessive considering the circumstances,” Ox allowed.
“There’s something else, captain,” Giggles said.
“What’s that?”
“There are two Fleet hydrogen carriers and two tenders traveling with the formation as well.”
Ox raised his eyebrows a bit. “That is a bit odd,” he said. And it was. Tenders and hydro-shleppers—both huge, heavily loaded vessels—were only capable of acceleration at one G. Since a Fleet group was only as fast as its slowest accelerator, these vessels were typically only put in a group if it were planning to travel a long distance and would conceivably require replenishment of propellent and consumables en route. Any action that took place within a single system certainly would not meet this requirement—especially not in a system with two naval bases and two hydrogen processing facilities.
“I’m getting a green on the EM spectrum now, Captain,” Manny reported. “Would you like me to send off our check-in to STC?”
Ox shrugged. “I guess we probably should,” he said. “Send it off.”
Manny sent it off. Nine minutes passed and they received an acknowledgement. The reply did not, however, contain the usual direction to proceed on filed course, which was to the Doxy Prime circuit point that sat at the barycenter of the two stellar objects.
“No directions at all?” asked Phlegm after the communication was read.
“Nothing,” Manny replied.
“Interesting,” said Ox.
“Proceed on course for now?” asked Tull.
“Nothing else to do,” Ox said. “What’s our time to the Doxy/Leads circuit?”
“Seventeen hours, sixty-three minutes, assuming a normal acceleration cycle,” she replied. “And once we get there, we’ll have enough propellent for one more deceleration cycle before we’ll need to tank somewhere.”
Ox nodded and filed that information away. If they got to the point where they needed to worry about fueling in the next system, they would be ahead of the game. “Maintain acceleration and navigation program until told otherwise,” he ordered. “We stick with the plan. Keep going until something makes us stop.”
“Aye, Captain,” Tull said.
“Con, comm,” said Mandy.
“Go ahead,” Ox told her.
“I’ve received a transmission from the Peacekeeper,” she said. “It’s an encrypted holo file, authentication deciphers as coming from ISPACECOM authority.”
Ox sighed. “I guess this is the message we’ve been waiting for, huh?”
“It would seem so,” Phlegm agreed.
“All right then,” Ox said. “Let’s see what ISPACECOM has to say. On screen.”
“Putting it on screen,” Manny said.
The main holo stage came alive with the three dimensional image of a late second career female with short, neatly arranged brown hair. Her eyes were blue and piercing, her expression one of clear discontent. Her white shirt sported the insignia of a vice admiral of the Fleet. The identifier floating in the air above her confirmed her identity: Vice Admiral Beeble Goon: Commander of Intermediate Space Fleet resources.
“Greetings, Magnum,” her holo said. “This is Admiral Goon, but I’m sure you already know that. I understand that Lieutenant Commander Oxford Dripper is in charge of your stolen ship and guiding you on your unauthorized mission. Dripper, I’ve never had the pleasure of making your acquaintance—at least not that I remember and not that my official logs have been able to establish. I have heard much about you and your crew in the last twelve hours, however. Whatever becomes of this situation you and your crew have put into motion, allow me to say that you are certainly not lacking in courage and guile. Your common sense, however, remains to be established in my mind.
“We have received a summary of your actions to date from a comm probe out of the Redreams system. We have also received a copy of the holograph you and your crew made explaining your actions and the actions of Fleet resources in the Sol system, from which you came. I must say, I am shocked and disturbed by these allegations that have been made and I have sent emergency probes inward to command authority asking for clarification of your story and requesting instructions on what to do about this issue. Unfortunately, as you know, light speed is a bit of an issue and I cannot reasonably expect a reply any sooner than three metric days, and that’s assuming that everyone in the chain answers immediately.
“What this all means, is that for now I’m on my own as far as figuring out how to deal with this situation. I have a staff, of course, and I am receiving lots of advice, most of which is on the line of I should immediately take you and your crew into custody and impound that ship until such time as higher authority can determine your status. I am also being advised that I should destroy your ship if you do not comply with my order for you to halt and submit to boarding and arrest.
“This is all good advice I’m receiving, delivered with honest intentions that center around protection of Fleet and civilian assets. You see, you are currently in command of a ship of war that could, if you so desired, be used to bring down tremendous destruction and loss of life on space platforms and planetary population areas. While it does not seem that is your intention, and while you have proclaimed numerous times in numerous ways that you will not attack any humanned asset, I must consider the possibility that a man who will commit mutiny and hijack a Fleet ship will not necessarily tell the truth about what he plans to do with it.
“On the other side of the equation, however, is the strong possibility that you and your crew are telling the truth and that that which you have alleged really is taking place. If that is the case, I can appreciate how time really is of the essence in order to put a stop to the events that may be taking place in the Sol system.”
She gave a weary smile. “This is why they say command is lonely, Magnum. No matter what I do, I could be making a bad decision that will lead to loss of life, loss of my career, and possibly even my imprisonment. I simply do not have enough data, enough confidence in either side of this matter to make that decision right now.
“So here is what I’m going to do. I have been flown out to the Peacekeeper, the anchor of the battle group that is currently moving on an intercept course to your projected path. I am ordering you to continue your current course without deviation. In addition, you will continue your current acceleration level until you reach a velocity of zero point zero zero one C. That will be roughly the same speed my group will be moving as our intercept point approaches your vessel. At that point, I will personally fly out to your ship and board it and we will meet face to face and you will explain to me, in person, why I should not take you into custody as advised. I will fly out aboard an A-74 launched from the Peacekeeper and I will be accompanied by only two marines.
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I admit fucking Alice was out of this world, her tight cunt and sweet mouth, awesome, and the fact that she too was now being manipulated into fucking strangers for me had made me regrettably overlook my sexy whore mother in law. I had to change this and as my girlfriend was away for two weeks and Alice was helping out in the pub till late I had time to get my cock up Fiona. Alice cleared off to work and I sat in the front room on the sofa next to Fiona. The clock was ticking round to 7pm...
Over the years I’ve had the opportunity…no… the privilege of painting the most exquisite canvases, but Kay was the most unique and challenging. I remember her sashaying into the room with that ‘All that and a bag of chips’ attitude. I knew from simply looking at her that she’d never had to beg, never had to work at getting any man to do her bidding. She was perfection personified and she knew it, from her deep raven locks to her dainty feet and all the space in between. He, of course, was not...
Kimber Woods GAPES her ass for Dredds MONSTER dong! Dressed in a plaid miniskirt with black fishnets and a tiny black top Kimber bends her back to push out her booty as she smiles for the camera. She shakes her ass while making her way around the pool then stares at you with her amazing green eyes before pulling her panties to the side so tempt you with her holes. Dredd joins her on the couch and plays with her titties as she rubs his thick dick through his shorts then he pulls them down so she...
xmoviesforyouDear Gregory, I'm writing you this letter because I just couldn't stand not knowing any more. I didn't tell you this in person because I couldn't muster up the courage. I know this will all come as a big shock to you, but I need to know once and for all what your reaction will be. As you know, when we first moved in together into our apartment, we hardly had any furniture. We shared a bedroom for the first two months until we had enough money to get a second bed for my room. I think at first I...
GayBy now they were moving through the region where Lomac had spent most of his life. They were thus warned well in advance when they came either to a river or when they had to cross a trail. But Lomac found it very strange that up to now they hadn't yet met anyone from his village. " Hunters from my village always come this far north in search of game. We should have met a few of them by now, I fear that something bad has happened to the people of my village. " Verla tried to reassure him...
When Dobbin awoke from the unfortunate and dizzying nap that had assailed him on Christmas Eve, he found himself extremely pleased. It took him two minutes to figure out the reason behind this unexpected pleasure, and another five minutes to let the reason solidify and find a temporary shelter in his head.Minutes later, he was scurrying down the narrow foot bridge connecting his hostel to the library. Joe and Jerry, the usual night shift security guards, stood outside. The inside of the library...
First Time“All right class, settle down. It’s time to begin the fitness test.” The gym class continued their various conversations, paying the instructor little mind. While he was rattling off instructions, Johnny asked Lucy if she could pass him the calculus homework after gym. “-Yeah sure,” she said after stumbling over her words. Then Lucy felt someone punch her shoulder. It was Francisca behind her. “You are just going to help him cheat like that?” “Pretty much.” “You need to keep it in your...
It was about ten minutes to showtime. I’d be at the mosque in three minutes or so, although K-T would drop me off at the mall entrance and then proceed to another destination. We were making good time, because although some traffic kept moving, many cars just pulled to the side of the road wherever there was space near a mosque. Sometimes cars were abandoned in the middle of the road, blocking each other in. The police never made a fuss: after all, everyone was supposed to be praying. Men...
I was in a dark tunnel. I felt the shock of it run through me in an instant and my foot which had just taken a step forwards stopped. My hand went to my sleeve, gripping the hilt of my dagger. I felt surprise at the feel of it there, but I couldn't draw my hand away, nor could I untence. Something held me there, listening. There was a rustle right next to me, but I seemed to ignore it for some reason. Suddenly a stream of red sparks along the wall and fire burst back into the torch. I...
It's Thursday, the day of the funeral, and I stand next to the one I love and now serve, watching the interment of his father in respectful silence. With little more than forty mourners, the service had been intimate and not a lavish affair as expected. Instead, only close family, friends and business partners were invited according to his wishes. The reason why I have been allowed to attend, at my Master's request currently eludes me, and that has left me on edge.I'd grown to realise over the...
TabooWayne and Buddy weren't getting the message. They wanted me to try out for the team. My trust owned the team. Major League rules don't allow for owners to be players, as far as I could recall. Charlie Finley claimed he was going to add himself to the MLB roster of the Athletics, back in the bad old days of his Oakland ownership, and Bowie Kuhn shot that down before it could get going. Now the fact is the Mr. Bell signed all the documents, so technically it wouldn't violate any rules. I...
Amber and I had kept seeing each other, all under Sofie's nose. We had been together for six weeks by then, and it was hotter than ever. When they had their sessions, Amber would frequently have to take a bathroom break or take a call. As she did, we would go into the bathroom, or my bedroom and fool around a bit. I invited her over a few times to hang out and have sex on a couple weekends when Sofie was at her dad's. On one Thursday afternoon, Sofie and Amber were in the dining room studying...
LesbianI had just divorced my husband of 10 years because of his infidelity, and the fact that he was having an affair with my best friend, certainly did not help. That was not a nice thing to find out, but it happened. We had no children together and I guess in a sense it was a blessing not to have a young child or young children feel the pain of parents separating and then a divorce. Friends of mine seem to always want to get me out of the house. Most of my girlfriends are single by choice, and...
I walked through the front door after getting home from school and my mom, Jasmine, was on the couch watching t.v. I said, "Hi mom." She replied, “Hi son. How was your day?” “Oh it was good. Just the usual day, but it was all good.” “That’s nice to hear dear. I thought I’d order pizza tonight instead of making dinner. Is that okay?” “Sure, sounds good to me.” “Well I will order it and then hop into the shower. I don’t want to go pick it up looking like this.” “You like fine mom.” (Laughing),...
IncestWhat a day. Hell, what a week. You make your way to your car after what seemed like the longest week in history. You need a hot shower, stiff drink, serious man food, and hot nekkid sex. In that order. You open your car door and wait a minute and while the enclosed heat escapes, you run a hand through your short tousled hair. Although you keep the windows cracked, the interior is stifling. As you move to get in, you notice an envelope on the seat. The familiar writing makes you forget all about...
Looking at the two women Mistress was playing with, I was still feeling jealous, but the sensations running through my body were making that feeling far less noticeable as the minutes passed. Within five minutes, I don’t think I gave a damn about anything that went on, behind the counter; I was too focused on myself. Feeling both guilty and selfish, I led the girl around the counter and pushed her down next to Abigail. Straddling her face, I lifted her skirt and pulled her panties aside. ...
I’d moved out of home along time ago, mum and dad got divorced when i was young, so it was just her, me and my brother that lived together. Im in my thirties now and live with my wife and two sons in another town, and my brother lives abroad. Mum is sixty three, so i go and visit her as often as i can so she’s not too lonely. mum even gave me a key in case i needed to get in when she wasnt around, an act that neither of us knew would bring us closer at the time. Mum’s had boyfriends before but...
It was in the car almost two hours out from DC that Rachael started having serious second thoughts. "Maybe you should call and tell them I'm coming." She said nervously. His whole family at one dinner. It had a sink-or-swim feel that she disliked. "Nonsense! They'll be tickled pink to finally meet you." "They know we're engaged?" "No, but they have known I been seein' someone mighty special for sometime." "They know I'm 26?" "Now, stop worryin'. They'll love you just...
Relaxing back in the armchair, I waited for the first of the members and their guests to arrive. Meanwhile my attention was focused on my plaything. Her beauty enhanced by her submission, the hints of acceptance and rebellion only just beneath the surface. My girl has spirit... !! Even know, naked, collared and cuffed, the hood totally blocking sight and muffling every sound. She kneels, holding the required position perfectly, immobile, yet aware, poised not to defy, but to obey. Others...
When I was 13, my parents went down to St. Ives for the August bank holiday weekend to stay with my aunt and uncle. I was going to stay at home but since my girlfriend at that time was away doing her geography fieldwork, I thought it might be worth taking a look at St. Ives and maybe try a bit of surfing with my cousin, Rob.As it happened, Rob was away that weekend - I think he'd had to go up to University to sort out a house with his mates or something - so I was piss bored. The weather was...
July 1980, Milford, Ohio On Saturday morning, Jennifer took me home after breakfast. We planned to go out that evening for dinner and a movie. I kissed her goodbye in the car, then got out, waving as she drove away. My bubble of happiness was quickly burst as I walked inside and my mom was waiting there, anger in her face. “Stephen, I can’t believe your father allows this immorality! And what’s worse, that those girls’ parents allow it!” “Mom,” I said carefully, trying to keep my temper...
Desert Heat – Part 32 - Wedding Day Saturday, Sept. 1, 1985Like normal I woke early and tried to sneak out of bed, but before I could reach the end of the bed I heard Ginger whisper, asking me where I was going. I told her I was going to the bathroom and she told me to hurry back as she had the morning dibs on me. I smiled, did my business and hurried back. Pepper hadn’t moved or said anything I suggested to Ginger that we go to the livingroom and she thought that was a good idea. Once in...
It was still dark. And silent. It felt like about four A.M. Elaine was lying on her stomach. She couldn’t see the alarm clock, but she didn’t want to know the time. One hand was between her legs, but it wasn’t moving. It was… reassuring. She wasn’t really aware of it. Remembering the fleeting images she’d dreamed, she put them together in her mind. Gary had picked her up after college. He was waiting for her, leaning on some nondescript sports car. He’d embraced her and she’d melted. His...
"David? What is that?" Andrea was point down at the blob in the water. "It looks like an airplane. Can you get closer?" David and Andrea were aboard the Wilga running the coastline east of Valencia Island. They had just turned into a little bay and Andrea had spotted a man-made shape in the water. She made a one eighty and over flew the object ... a lot lower this time. "One more time ... let me get a picture this go-round." One of the devices David had found while rummaging through...
Tattooed starlets Lily Lane and Leigh Raven tease in tiny bikinis. The shameless girls join heavily hung Ramon Nomar for a depraved anal threesome. Both Lily and Leigh finger their cunts to intense, squirting orgasms! They feast on Ramon’s thick rod in a graphic double blowjob. There’s lesbian play too: The ladies eat pussy as Ramon pummels their cunts, each lewdly gushing orgasmic fluid several times. See torrid anal reaming; a slick titty fuck; slobbering, ass-to-mouth fellatio;...
xmoviesforyou"Brian, can you come get me please!" came the distressed voice of my sister Frances down the phone. "Sure, Frances ... what's up?" I asked, though I suspected I knew. "It's Keith. He's been drinking. He's throwing things. Oh, Brian, please, please hurry ... please!" There was a loud crash in the background of the phone call and a distant voice saying, "C'mere bitch!" before the phone went dead. My name's Brian (yeah no kidding). I'm in my early forties and recently divorced....
HENRY (Monday 12/12) Sunday night, Bellana and Lucia spent the night at their place, while Janet and I slept in my room. We just slept most of the time, but we were busy outside looking around, playing in the moonlight, investigating the night life in the hills and, in general, being nosy. About a half hour before the alarm would go off, we came back home, nudged our bodies awake and made slow, gentle love. Janet felt wonderful inside without a condom, and we came gently while we kissed and...
"'B' Cup" Aunt Madge was on the phone calling friends and neighbors over the upcoming holidays. She had just finished talking to Ruth and was now well into her conversation with Timmy. "You're still taking those vitamins I got you aren't you Timmy? You must take one every morning." "Y...yes, aunt M...Madge," Timmy gasped quietly into the receiver. "I'm having your room redone in a prettier style for next summer and getting you some more clothes," Madge assured. "I should be...
James smiled at Amy, “Babe, why don’t you go get us each a glass of bubbly.” As she turned to go down the stairs his hand shot out and tweaked her nipple through her top. She giggled and vanished down the stairs, returning a few minutes later with two glasses of cold champagne. Coming up beside him Amy put the glasses down on the little ledge in front of him, and silently moved to stand behind him, suddenly feeling horny. As she stood behind him, she leant against his back, her breasts...
Straight SexHi friends, main hu Punjabi stud Lovepreet. Yeh stories sirf imagination hai, you can also suggest me for further improvement and new concepts. So, here is my first story. Main bachpan se aggar kisi mahila ki taraf aakarshit tha to woh thi meri MUMMY. meri mummy ke bare mein meri teenage se hi mere bade wild khyal the, par reality mein mummy bilkul uske opposite thi. Maa ke boobs 38-DD, rang gora aur age 49 par mummy lagti 30-35 ki hain.Mummy salwar kameez hi pehnati thi aur woh bhi kabhi...
First of all, neither Ed nor I ever figured out what pringle wearing Met cunt got the bright idea of sending Anne and Holly right back straight to their own home, the moment after I delivered Holly into the happy arms of the tact-team. The damned DCI, Superintendent or Commissioner responsible needs their bollocks or coonts kicked, repeatedly. If this wasn't quite obvious enough to the bad guys where Anne was, they'd even stationed a constable right outside her front door! Bloody...
Something High School is an American all girls high school. While it does have a Headmistress, the school is ruled by six factions. The smallest faction are the Pink Bulls led by the lustful gym teacher "King" (she's one of those) Carmilla Satlykova who possesses a warped sexual lust as well as a lust for domination towards the school's soccer team, including her own sister Yuri. Those under her thumb become her playthings by getting them addicted to drugs. Slightly above the Pink Bulls are the...
TeenHello ISS reader, Today I am going to tell you my best friend jimmy’s story. jimmy and I studied in same school in pune… I guess the best place to start is at the beginning. Kate was one of those girls in school that got the attention of most of the boys since the sixth grade when her breast suddenly popped right out of her chest. She was a little embarrassed by them the first day at school when all the boys stared and pointed like she was something from outer space or something. She wasn’t...
It’s Saturday night and I’m getting ready for some fun. I just finished my bath, which included some nice scented oils and a shave making my body totally smooth. Well except a cute little landing strip. I step from the tub and towel off, as i let it drop to the floor i take in the sight from the mirror. There i stand smooth as can be, erect nipples sticking out with the rings running through them. A dangling belly ring hangs below. I am very excited and that is evident in my little girl cock...
IncestThe start of Dex's Freshman year at Addison was eerily like his Freshman High School year. Purposely or instinctively, he filled every minute of his day. With studies, drills, workouts, and the system project with Dennis, avoiding idle time was not difficult. He found himself wondering when he would be able to handle solitude and inactivity again without being overwhelmed by loss and guilt. After his parents' death, Dex had been lost. His boyhood had not been good, but even that was...
I was 14 years old hanging out round at my friend Steves he was 15 the year above me in a school but lived just down the street. we were joking around in his room up in the attic when he asked me did i want to see something cool, i agreed and he put a video in the player and pressed play. It was a porno of two girls having sex with one guy.I laughed and Steve sat back on the bed, we were about a minit in to the video and already i started to get really turned on over the the two girls kissing...
Second Thoughts By J Battier Email: [email protected] I'm not really sure when I first had the idea. I'd been a submissive my entirelife with a very strong bondage fetish. In highschool and college this hadtranslated into my visiting pro dominas in the local area. They charged fortheir services, but they were well worth it to get the chance to act out yourfantasies. And that's what this was?a fantasy that was about to become a reality.I had had it in my head that being dominated by a...
Maylin didn't know which gave her more pride. Graduating to her Master's (Craig exasperated her by continually calling it her 'Mistress's') or, three months later, her wedding to Craig. Craig, ten months older than Maylin, so already twenty-three, earned good money in a plush job that still promised him time 'for family'. He was what Aunt Emily, in her typical way, had called "a catch…you must court him." ("Thoroughly Auntyquated", Craig called her language).More importantly, Craig was a great...
Straight SexOf course my wife and Inwere much slimmer and quite fit back in 1970, but Robert was extremely fit with not an ounce of excess flesh on any part of his body, but Robert hid a big secret, he possessed a massive cock even bigger than my old best friend Burt,s! Sarah seemed fascinated that what had appeared a normal sized trousers snake could get so big when hard. Unbelievably she eventually measured it to find it was thirteen inches long and rather thick and she Wasn,t so confident she could take...
May 12, 2020 Back in March I dreaded the very thought of moving in with my father. We’d never been able to get along and we had such a toxic relationship throughout my teen years after my mother’s death. I thought that being forced to live with my father throughout the lockdown of this horrible pandemic would be a tedious, monotonous period of my life that I’d somehow just have to get through before I could move out and have my freedom again. However, none of my worst fears were...
She arrived home from work exhausted. After taking care of all the household duties and dealing with family, her mind and body were aching for relaxation. After everyone went to be she made her way to her bathroom and started the water running in the shower. She waited for the water to get hot enough to ease the tension her body was feeling. She stripped off her clothes, looking at herself in the bathroom mirror. She admired her naked body. Cupping her breasts she thought “Not bad for a...
“Another girl, as it happens. By Dan, who else?” Gavin announced after I spent my seed inside the warm and wet pussy of Mary Anne Current. “Who next?” Uncle Curtis asked aloud. “To plow Mary Anne?” I teased him now. “No, to raid, sonny!” Uncle Curtis played his avuncular role right then, knowing that I wouldn’t be offended at all. “Claudia Stack, of course. From the most demure wife to the most adulterous, don’t you think?” I laughed as we began moving away from the house and took Mary...
Ryan arrived home from work earlier than normal thanks to lighter than normal rush hour traffic and he was quite happy. This would give him plenty of time to get ready and ensure that his mobile home was clean enough to receive visitors. Once satisfied on the condition of his place, he stripped off his work clothes and headed to the shower.He spent an extra amount of time allowing the warm soapy water to clean every inch of his body. Still dripping with warm water, he reached out of the shower...
CrossdressingIt all begins with a phone call from you. Its Friday morning and I’m at work, I answer the phone and I hear your sexy voice. You ask me how my morning is going, and I say I am thankful that it is Friday. You then tell me that you have a surprise weekend planned just for the two of us. I ask you what we will be doing and where we will be going, and of course you won’t tell me. You proceed to tell me you’ll pick me up at 4 pm and to have my bags packed for the three-day weekend. I agree and say...
Copyright © 1994 By Roxanne L. Green I grew up with Ray, but he'd gone to a private school so I didn't know him very well. That was a situation I'd recently resolved to change, but hadn't had much success. I was surprised when he invited me to a Sunday bar-b-que and football watching party. I quickly accepted his invitation. We were to gather around 10 am, for the first game. The bar-b-que would be during half-time of the early game. Then we'd all sit around and talk and snack...
It was not until days after the storm, when things started to get back to a slight normalcy that he returned. I collapsed into a heap of sobs the second he came through the door and I cried and shook in his arms for a very long time until I was too weak to even hiccup. We fell asleep for a while. I woke up to him booting up his laptop. My eyes heavy but my voice was back. I told him to check for the email I sent him while I was waiting for his return. Hi sweetheart: I know you do not have...