- 2 years ago
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The hollow autumn moon lingered low on the murky midnight horizon as a brisk, winter kissed wind relentlessly rolled along the harbor, effortlessly gathering up acrid ocean aromas that easily carried far inland. The stringent, salty stench added a bitter bite to the chilly, late November night, giving most just cause to keep locked indoors, safely sheltered away from the unpleasantly seasonal elements. In the hours since the sun had faded far, into the distant west, the temperature, had declined a good fifteen degrees, if not more. Not even the most hardy souls seemed eager, to venture out into the icy evening, rendering the streets borderline barren, save an occasional drunk aimlessly stumbling out on a desperate mission, to seek out renewed means of intoxication. Sweet amnesia in a bottle, a great many called it, those that were willing to admit that drinking served as their only true means of escape…drinking allowed them a brief chance, to forget, for a time, the harsh reality that surrounded them each and every day as they lived out their lives on the streets, sleeping in narrow back alleys while struggling to find minimal nourishment in moldy food scraps fished from musky, seldom dumped dumpsters.
It was hardly a pretty sight to see…men and women and most especially children, silently terrified, huddled together yet alone with their fear as they tried hard to hide their thoughts and feelings behind a mask of carefully crafted indifference. It was a general, albeit unspoken rule, that one was wise to conceal as much as possible when living on the streets…it was wise not to allow anyone to see or even sense a weakness that could be exploited by those more than willing to prey on the weakest link in what was a hardened chain where feelings such as compassion and pity were not often felt, much less displayed, as most were too caught up in securing their own survival to give a damn about others.
The streets were, for the most part, governed by the concept that it was every man for himself…worrying about someone else only wasted energy one desperately needed to pave their own way in what could be traitorous territory. Playing nice made one a target for predators…one learned quickly that self preservation was all that mattered…one learned quickly that living for the day at hand was the key factor in surviving and hoping for something better was little more than a foolish waste of time, just as it was foolish to worry about what the tomorrow would bring, as one was never guaranteed a tomorrow. It was always likely one wouldn’t live long enough to see another day dawn…anything could happen…illness or accident…for a brief moment the natural guard could be lowered just long enough to allow an unexpected attacker all the time needed to descended with a vengeance, if they believed taking out one in circumstance similar to their own could improve their own dark lot in life.
Born and raised in the upper scale of Manhattan, dotted on endlessly by a mother and father that wanted nothing more than to give their only child the very best, Callie Nolan had no first hand experience when it came to struggling desperately to survive on the streets in a hand to mouth existence. She had no clue what it felt like to go for days at a time without food, just as she had no idea what it was like to sleep wherever dry space could be found…she was a novice and an innocent to just how harsh the world really could be and it was that innocent nature, that utter clueless but somehow enchanting quality that she radiated in abundant spades that Logan Hansons found annoyingly remarkable the day his world and Callie’s collided head on.
It was innocent enough, he supposed, a young girl showing up at Haven, the small but fairly popular and often frequented homeless refuge he operated…he had numbers of men and women appearing at all times to offer their services, saying they wanted to volunteer to cook or clean or council. His staff was made up completely of volunteers, the budget he had to work with, went to purchasing supplies for the shelter, for those that turned to Haven for a decent meal and a place to sleep from time to time. He had a dormitory type setup, with rooms set aside for men, for women and children…he had a small daycare where kids often stayed while his staff did what they could to find jobs and permanent placement for their parent or parents, in desperate hopes of establishing a future that offered more hope than the past.
Of course, most of those that volunteered, those that Logan worked with, were former members of the homeless population, just as he had been…his volunteers knew from experience, the plight faced by the men and women and children that came to them looking eagerly for the most basic comfort. A decent meal. A clean bed. A shower. Things most took for granted, during the course of their daily lives…the pain and fear and self hate were familiar concepts to the staff at Haven and Logan liked it that way, as he believed only a person who had lived on the streets, for however brief a time, could understand in any real senses what someone currently in the situation suffered and endured and when it came to Callie Nolan, he knew with one single look that the girl had never seen the horrors he and his staff had.
She appeared at the shelter on a brisk day in early October and when she came in the door she brought the crisp autumn chill into the room with her as she paused for a quick moment to look slowly around the main lobby, so lost in her observations that she didn’t see Logan as he stood to her right, having spotted her as he emerged from his small office.
In his first assessment, he realized, later, that he looked at her the way any man would look at a beautiful woman who was unaware of his presence…it was only natural to take at least a brief moment to admire the sight she made as she stood there quietly, with her shoulder length copper colored hair falling freely, in a somewhat wind tangled cascade. The interesting marriage of brown and red shimmered with an almost crimson flare beneath the bright sunlight that spilled through the windows at her back, bathing her in an alluringly soft glow that made her seem a bit surreal, almost untouchable.
She wasn’t tall, no more than five three or five four, but her petite figure featured curves that were indeed perfect…flared hips and full breast with a trim waist all currently incased in black jeans and a purple sweater that stood in beautiful contrast to her ivory skin. Chine Doll ivory skin, he mentally corrected himself…her skin looked satin soft and damn near flawless and when she turned to look at him, suddenly aware of his presence, he could see that her eyes were a very rich chocolate brown, fringed with dark lashes.
Bright and open, her eyes were the dominate feature in a delicate face that offered fully, naturally pink lips, high cheeks and innocent looking dimples that appeared when she smiled and moved towards him, her hand extended.
‘Hi. I’m Callie Nolan.’
Her voice was soft, almost musical, but laced with warmth that briefly made him think about the summer sun burning bright in a sapphire blue sky.
Shaking the thought from his mind, he accepted her small hand in his while her eyes held his and her smile remained.
‘I’m Logan.’ He withdrew his hand, folding his arms over his chest as he regarded her.
‘Really? Great. You are the person I am here to see.’
‘And why are you here to see me, Ms. Nolan?’
‘Actually, I was told I needed to see you, about volunteering.’
It was the last thing he had expected her to say…she was there to volunteer…he stared at her for a moment, waiting for the punch line, but she only looked at him expectantly, completely serious and waiting for his reaction.
‘You want to volunteer here? At Haven?’
‘Yes. I attend NYU. I am actually in my last year…’
‘And one of your classes requires you to do at least fifty hours of voluntee
r work during the semester to guarantee you pass.’
‘And this place was on the list that my professor passed out and I…’
‘We don’t need any new volunteers.’ He cut her off curtly.
‘Oh. I…my professor said there could never be too many volunteers.’
‘Yeah, well, your professor is wrong on that one. We don’t need you here.’
‘Excuse me?’ Something in her eyes dimmed, the hostile tone he had taken had dawned on her finally as she looked up at him. ‘I don’t understand what you mean by…I get a feeling I’ve somehow started off on the wrong foot here and I don’t know how…’ But he was glaring at her, his eyes filled with an anger, she didn’t understand what she could have done to upset him, as he pushed away from the wall he had been leaning against, cursing under his breath, but still loud enough for her to hear it.
‘Listen, little girl, I get that you are just trying to do what you need to do to pass a class at your fancy college, but this here isn’t a class project.’
‘I didn’t think…’
‘We do serious work here, helping people that need it, people who have had it hard, in life and you…’ He released a bitter laugh. ‘I can look at you and see you don’t have a clue what hardship is about, so why don’t you go volunteer someplace where your expertise in running up your daddy’s credit card bills can be put to good use.’ He looked down at her with open scorn, as she stood there for a moment, clearly shocked, her eyes wide and if he read them right, laced with more than a little hurt.
‘Excuse me, but you have no idea who I am.’
‘I have a pretty good idea.’
‘The fucking hell you do, you ass. You don’t know a damn thing about me.’
‘One look at you and I can tell that you are a spoiled rotten brat that has never had to so much as try and fend for herself a single day in your life.’
‘I am a twenty three year old senior at NYU, currently working my ass off, to earn my degree in Education, so I can get a job teaching English and Literature…’
‘All on Daddy’s dime, right?’
‘No, my daddy isn’t around to pay for it, and neither is my mother, though I will admit that I have used part of the money they left to me to pay for my college education, but I would gladly trade every dime for a chance to see them again. But I can’t, because they died in a boating accident, when I was eighteen.’ With each word she threw at him in her rage, her voice rose and her eyes blazed. ‘And yes, I did have an easy life and by most standards, I suppose I still do, but it doesn’t give you the right to take just one look at me and shove me into some mold, because I’m not a spoiled brat, you arrogant ass.’ She couldn’t believe the things he had said to her, that with one look he had made up his mind about her…it was beyond unfair and she was beyond pissed as she stared up at him, not certain what else to do or say. She had never had such an insane, and hostile, confrontation and she couldn’t say she had enjoyed it, as she took a moment to pull in a deep breath, mentally willing herself to calm down.
It was only a rare occasion that she ever lost her tempter, it wasn’t in her nature, but this man…he had sparked her rage to life with his harsh comments and she despised him for it as she turned to leave, having made up her mind that enough was enough already. She could and would find another place to volunteer…someplace where she wouldn’t be insulted for no good reason, she decided as she stalked across the lobby, only to find herself halting midway when she heard him calling out her name in a far less hostile tone that compelled her to turn around and look at him with smoldering eyes.
‘The kitchen.’ He waved in the direction behind him. ‘A lady named Betty is in charge of all the kitchen help and she mentioned something about maybe being able to use an extra pair of hands a couple nights a week.’
Just like that, he gestured for her to follow him and she did, not at all certain why, as he did not make any effort to apologize or excuse his nasty behavior, as she trailed behind him quietly, willing to ignore the nasty behavior he had displayed. She had a feeling the words ‘I’m sorry’ had no place in his vocabulary…stubborn ass that he was, Callie suspected he didn’t intend to ever so much as acknowledge the things he had said and she decided not to push the issue as he guided her into the kitchen were he curtly and quickly introduced her to a short, stocky, gray eyed and white haired women named Betty.
The moment he had the introduction, Logan left the kitchen without another word to her and Callie was left with the feeling she had just encountered a force of nature…the man was not like anyone she had ever met in her life, but she made an effort to push that reality from her mind as Betty explained to her how the kitchen worked.
She was a pleasant women, bright and clever with a sharp humor that Callie warmed to instantly. Betty made her feel perfectly at ease, not foolish and out of place, as Logan had…Betty, bless her heart, didn’t make assumptions, she asked quotations that Callie happily answered and in return, the older woman explained she had lived on the streets for ten years, between the ages of fifty and sixty.
She had found herself homeless, after her husband died suddenly and what money they had saved went to pay their staggering bills…it just snowballed beyond her control, leaving her with no choice but to sleep first in her car, and then on the streets, after her car was towed.
For a decade, with no one to turn to, she struggled to survive, often barely making in, until the day she stumbled into Haven, to have her first encounter with Logan Hanson.
‘That was six years ago, just after this place opened.’ She smiled as she shared the story, it was obvious to Callie that Betty cared a great deal for the surly man Callie wasn’t certain how to begin to take. ‘He helped me find a job and an apartment and I finally managed to get myself on the right track once again.’ She had been volunteering at the shelter every since, she enjoyed the work, the chance to help others and she liked working with Logan…she had come to think of him as a son, she confessed to Callie, who waited a short week, before explaining to Betty exactly how her first encounter with Logan had played out.
The man had made an impression, she did her best to avoid him at all cost, when she was at the shelter…she wasn’t scared of him or anything even related to that emotion group, but he did make her feel on edge and nervous and as much as she hated to admit it, even to herself, she found him to be the most remarkably attractive man she had ever encountered.
At six two, he towered over her petite stature, making her feel more feminine than any other man ever had…everything about him was over the top, brimming with arrogant heat and masculine dominance that seemed to radiate from him each time he walked into a room, giving one the impression that his hazel, gold flaked eyes missed nothing.
He was a powerful built man, a solid construction of defined muscles that rippled with an energy Callie found fascinating each time she managed to steal a look at him, finding herself oddly drawn to that energy. He never said much, he watched and observed more than interacted, but it was obvious that he cared about the work that took place at Haven…of course, his devotion to the shelter was only part of what drew her to him, Callie admitted to herself, unable to deny that she believed him to be physical perfection.
Not what one could call pretty boy handsome, he had a rugged appeal, a masculine and almost heady aura that went with his hard build, watchful eyes, sensual lips and angular features, each perfectly defined, from his straight nose to his sculpted cheeks. He didn’t shave every day, he didn’t seem to care for it and the whiskery look worked for him, as did the somewhat unruly but soft looking dark brown, slightly curled hair that lingered to the collar of h
is customary black or white, chest hugging t-shirts.
She knew, via Betty, that he was thirty two, unmarried, had operated Haven for seven years, with monetary support from donations secured by a friend of his…a friend that had been the one to first help Logan get his lift together after he had spent nearly ten years struggling daily to survive living on the streets.
It came as a shock, to Callie, to learn that Logan had once been homeless himself, that he had found himself with no place he could go when he was fifteen. His father had never really had a role in his life, he hadn’t a clue where the man was at, and he assured Betty that he didn’t care, in the least…he had only had his mother he could depend on and when he was fifteen, she died, from an unexpected heart attack, leaving Logan orphaned.
With no family to turn to, he had initial been placed in foster care, but for reasons Betty did not know, he didn’t stay there long, before running away.
In truth, Betty confessed she didn’t know much about the time Logan had spent living on the streets, he didn’t talk much about it. He tended to be closed mouthed when it came to details, involving certain aspects of his life and Betty and those that knew him best didn’t push the issue, feeling it was best to allow him whatever privacy he wanted. Betty felt he had earned it, given all he did to help others…he worked tirelessly, day and night, she often wondered if the man slept at all, if by some random chance, he had a social life, Betty didn’t know anything about it, though she was certain, he could have his pick of most any woman, adding that, if she were younger, she would make a play for him herself.
‘A girl could do much worse.’ Betty said with a wink and Callie laughed.
‘I am sure a girl could do much worse, but…he seems like he can’t relax.’
‘I think he could, if he gave himself a chance, but I will admit that he is very serious and he is very intense.’ Brooding and arrogant were the words Callie would have used, but she didn’t, she hated to admit it, but she really liked the man and she actually admired him, though there was not a chance in hell she could work up the nerve to tell him as much, for fear he would somehow find fault with anything she said. ‘I know you think he doesn’t like you very much, Callie, and the fact is, I don’t blame you for thinking that, given how he reacted when you first come here, but in all reality, I am pretty such he has a higher opinion of you than you realize.’ She was sure he did, truth be told, just as she was sure Callie wasn’t the only one stealing apperceive glances when the chance presented itself.
More than once she had noticed the reaction Logan had when Callie came into the room, easily smiling, looking perfectly at ease despite the fact that all that surrounded her was so unlike anything she had ever experience before. She simply seemed to blend in yet stand out, all at once, those that worked with her in the kitchen adored her and when she met some of the regulars that came to the shelter for food or a place to sleep, she easily conversed with them, never hinting in any manner that she believed herself to be somehow better or superior, because she didn’t think, along those lines, Betty knew.
Of course, Logan never gave any outward sign that he had an interest in Callie, Betty only knew him well enough to pick up the signs and Callie had a boyfriend, a guy named Curtis Miller, that she had been dating for about six months. He was the son of an old friend of her late mother and Callie explained to Betty she had known him most of her life, he was about three years older, than she was. He worked with his father, at an accounting firm that his great grandfather had first established…Callie casually provided the information when Betty asked if she had anyone in her life and as she spoke, Betty realized she did it without any enthusiasm or even a hint of affection in her soft voice.
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THIS STORY IS PURE FICTION AND IS NOT INTENDED TO AFFEND ANY ONE PERSON IT DOES HAVE STRONG SEXUAL CONTENTS SO PLEASE DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE EASY AFFENDED. THE WIVES SWITCH CLUB I found out about the wives switch club by chance when they contacted jenny my wife it was about two weeks ago which I had no idea until the other day,It was when I found a letter in her draw which said welcome to the wives switch’ club I was looking in the bedroom draws for a pen, it came as a big...
First Things First I would like to make this a story where the reader can also write in it to and build a chain story, to where you can either read or work on your own imagination, i will however continue to right the main branch of the story in the way I should see go. I would like you all as a reader, to feel like you are going to wonderland and build your own sexual, non-sexual adventure. In this world you have the power to write anything you wish into a side story i could work with, or tie...
Newbie teen sensation ☄️ Molly Little ❤ is back again here at Hussie?Pass and we brought in our good friend Jax Slayher for this action packed update! After our wonderful director Johnny ?? Robins conducts the interview portion of the program ??♀️ Molly gets her juicy ? juices flowing by fingering and dildoing her very ? moist & meaty ? vagina. In steps Jax with some ?? motion-lotion for the spinner’s itty-bitty tits and cute little ass. Molly gets on her knees and begins to have her...
xmoviesforyouDawn arrived to find Jason long awake; he had been laying rigid in bed while staring sightlessly up at the ceiling - still full of complete and utter disbelief at what had happened. Although he was also full of happy triumph as well. He was in his mother’s bed, and everything - the sheets, the pillows, and the blankets - were all impregnated with her sweet scent. Jason could barely remember what had happened after he had fucked his mother in the shower last night; while they were both still...
I couldn't believe how frustrating it was to have to go back to school. At twenty, I was so much older than these childish kids, but the Uni wouldn't take my application without a couple of pre-req's. It didn't help that the local college wasn't offering makeup courses, so it was either go back to school or wait a year. Typical, that useless Guidance Officer gave me wrong info and I had to pay the penalty of doing Lit and History as a ‘mature age’ enrolment. I was in a class with all these...
MILFThe day was long. Sometimes, even teachers dread the length of the school day. I watched the clock during that final class of the day. The seconds were hours, the minutes were days. To make matters worse, once the drone of the bell came to a halt, my desk managed to pile up to the rafters with work to be marked. Work to be failed. I sighed, my class was a failure and it was likely that I would not return home for many more hours. I readied my pen and grasped the first of many papers to mark; I...
Erotic FictionJane was average. She had C cup breasts. She weighed 130 pounds, and was 5 feet and 4 inches tall. She had shoulder-length brown hair, though she's secretly wished to be a redhead. She wasn't all that curvy, she had a few freckles here and there... For the most part, though, Jane was average. Average as hell. She was excited, then, when she found something at the library. Nobody seemed to even notice the existence of a spellbook, sitting on the floor next to a table. If she hadn't rushed over...
FetishIt’s late as I sit waiting, a bit impatiently, wearing my short black dress, heels and a pair of my sexiest underwear as you had requested before leaving for work. My mind has been working all evening trying to figure out exactly what you have in mind for tonight. I thought I heard you pull up outside and I anxiously wait for you to come inside. But I hear a knock on the door instead. It is well after midnight – who could possibly be at the door at this time of night? I go to the door, still...
Jenny and I had checked into a hotel room. Neither of us wanted to go to her house. She and Courtney both lived with Jessica. We didn’t want to go to my house because that’d just be awkward. And I didn’t want to go to the apartment above the R. Callison Theater because that theater was special to me. I had gotten married to Maxine there and I had made love to her for the first time as her husband. So we picked the nicest hotel we could find nearby. So that’s how I found myself looking at...
You ordered me to come to the strip club with you, and I was allowed to pick out my own outfit. I decided on my black and white wrap dress, white thong, and black bra, red heels. We get to the strip club and you lead me down front right by the stage. I am nervous, anxious, and excited all at the same time as we take seats front and center. The place is slow, hardly anyone else there, and a topless busty blond comes over to us, and starts dancing in front of me. You just watch me - uncomfortable...
FetishLeaving the two girls to their fun, I walked through to the shop, hoping my erection was not noticeable behind the counter. I needn't have bothered, what I saw would have immediately made me hard anyway. Her bleached blonde hair cascaded down her back in carefully sculpted curls, an interesting contrast to her skin that showed no small hint of spray tan. Spinning around at my approach those delightful curls playfully moved over her painted face. Her cherry lips smiled cautiously, while her...
Maggie sighed. It was almost midnight when she began to approach the building where she'd now been living for almost three months. At 25, this wasn't exactly how she's imagined herself to be, but given the circumstances, the small apartment in this worn-out building would have to do. As Maggie put the keys into the building's front door and turned the lock, the usually feisty and upbeat redhead wondered how she'd managed to lose her job, her boyfriend and her house --- after the bastard threw...
You wake up in a small hotel room, at exactly 7:02 a.m., just like so many days before. It's not like you've been here forever, but it certainly feel so when you look at the familiar ceiling and the bare walls. In fact you've only stayed for a single night, but it seems like you've somehow been trapped in some kind of time loop, which sees you living the same day over and over again. The first few times it happened you were in a state of shock and confusion, but now you're just trying to figure...
DISCLAIMER: All characters are fictional, no relation to anyone living or dead, all are 18 or older. If you do not like sexually oriented material, LEAVE NOW!Billy lounged on the motel bed, resisting getting into it, just laying on the top covers. He looked in the mirror and liked what he saw. He'd donned lacy red bikini panties, a black lacy garterbelt, seamed stockings attached to the garters, a red, lacy pushup bra he'd stuffed, black, 5" high heels dangling from his feet. He'd made up...
I”ve been going out with my girlfriend Julie for 2 years now and she has become very good friends with my sister Alana who is the same age. My girlfriend and my sister are 19 years old and I”m 21. My sister likes to pass time with Julie and vice versa.Anyway, every friday night I have hockey games with my friends and last week my girlfriend told me that she had a girl party with my sister and other friends at our house. I had no problem with it so I said no problem. Around 5:30 p.m. My best...
IncestAm besten ich schildere ich euch die Situation in welcher ich meine eigene Tochter beim Sex mit einem Jungen erwischt habe. Meine Tochter ist vom Erscheinungsbild her ein "Engelchen". Sie war noch nie verhaltensauffällig, aufbrausend oder besonders an Jungs interessiert. Sie war immer sehr schüchtern, pflichtbewusst und respektvoll. Leider sind die Anfänge ihre weiblichen Entwicklung nicht mehr zu verkennen. Sie bekommt eine kleine Brust und ihre Hüfte wird breiter. Die Hosen passen nicht...
Hi friends, en peyar Saran, vayathu 18. Naan ippozhuthu enathu 12th padithu mudithu resultkaaga kaathukondu irukiren. Ippozhuthu naan ungalidan en maazhivil nadantha sila suvarasiyamaana anubavangalai pagira pogiren. Athu en ethir veetil irukum akkavai naan eppadi thanimaiyil iruvarum sex seithom endru sollugiren. Enathu ethir veetu akkavin kanavna oru varudathirku munbu iranthu vittan ippozhuthu aval thanimaiyil thaan irukiraal aanal innum avaluku thirumanam aagiyum kuzhanthai peramale...
On the bus, a young woman sits, her blonde hair pressing against her face. Pleasantly she smiles as something appears to be crossing her mind. A faint tint of smoke beside her forms itself, A figure appears on the seat beside her. Shyly it stands, the smokey cloth wrapping itself around the figures body falls. The figure is the curvy shape of a woman, long blonde hair falls over the figures shoulders like the Venus de Milo. Smokey eyes of blue light, the skin on the figure is a slight pink...
I have been watching the videos of naturist couples playing in the dunes, especially at Maspalomas. I have been trying to get my wife to go to the naturist beaches near us but she is not interested but I do fantasise about her lying naked on the beach with lots of guys walking past and looking at her nudity. This is just a fantasy but wish I could make it a reality.My wife and I are on holiday and we have tried out the regular local beaches. On the first day I suggested we drive to the very...
“The process is actually very simple Mr. Smith,” she said.“It is very much like 3D printing, just using different materials and in a printer that prints on your body. We can print anything on top of your body to make you look however you want. The technology was originally developed for use in movie special effects, but we have seen there are, well, more personal uses that some of our clients like to use the service for.”How could I pass on this I thought. The chance to have a body in effect...
Crossdressing10:00 am Jack is right on time, he is talking to Chloe while he is walking through the parking lot, to Happily Ever After Dress and Tux shop. Chloe tells him just to wait a second, the mute button has clearly gone on the phone, Jack did not get a close parking spot, so he is walking through the strip mall, watching a long redheaded mother in a too short jean skirt wheel her child in a stroller. Jack checks out her legs and ass in her jean skirt, he slows down so he can watch her walking in...
Will Blake was my best friend. We’d known each other since middle school and now, the Summer after graduation, we were headed to be rommies together at college. I was at Will’s as usual. He was taking a shower and I was waiting for him to finish and we were going out – hopefully to nail some fresh pussy. When new conquests were on the agenda we went across town to hang in the other high school’s area. We knew all the k**s from our school, but the k**s that went to Jackson High were not as...
Christmas 1998 Wasn,t one I care to remember much. Wife Sarah had been taken into hospital with pneumonia on Christmas Eve and had to spend two weeks to recover. Son Rick was no longer at home now living with his girlfriend Fiona but daughter Christina was still at home working in central London, my mother in law recently having passed away it was sad to think of a first Christmas without her and now no Sarah in the house either. As we needed the money I volunteered for extra work as security...
Tender fingers traveling slowly in the direction of my burning core with each inch a fever controls me I cannot help but beg for more Sweet love turns into a filthy game Letting the inner b**st swiftly out To be relaxed or to feel ashamed? Oh, forget the bl**dy questions for now! I turn my head and see your eyes burning An innate man’s thirst for my petite curves Next thing I know, I find myself swerving To face you backwards, a little treat I’ve learned You are my one and only, my gentle...
Rocky Emerson is a tall, tattoo’ ed, sexy slut who is back and ready for more hot XXX action. Watch as she teases with her dreamy light eyes and nice round tits before getting a hard pumping from an eager guy. She gets it from the top, bottom, and side before receiving an explosive facial. Don’t miss this 6ft tall beauty as she does what she does best. This beautiful alt tattooed brunette shows up wearing suggestive black lingerie showing her big tits, butt, and tight pussy then she layn in the...
xmoviesforyouEvil Magic World: The Begining By Pulsar Magic had appeared ten years ago, when scientists were dealing with nuclear fusion. During an experiment, they had created a door between dimensions, and discovered another world, ruled by magic. Negotiators were sent to obtain the secrets of the magic, but the goals of the political leaders were clear to the magicians: they wanted magic only to rule the earth. So the magicians went to a secret place, and decided what to decide about...
The Seven transformed us from a schooner to a sloop and back again. South of Friar's Point, we settled in as the Vellamo. Looking at the river from a European point of view the Mississippi doesn't make a lot of sense. If a border river changed its channel overnight in Europe, the residents of ... oh ... say ... France ... could find themselves in Germany or vice versa. Many years ago, it was a calamitous happening. The River is the Border. Period. In the US, the channel moves in...
Isabella was exhausted after a long day of cleaning her master’s house. He was very meticulous in the way things were to be cleaned and replaced. She followed his written directions closely and marking each task as she completed them. And now she was on her last task, perched high above the floor on a ladder dusting the crystal chandelier that hung in his study. She tugged at her snug fitting uniform with its ruffles and lace all around. She hated this uniform. It was too short, showing her ass...
Book Two: Rogue's Wicked Harem Part Thirteen: The Goddess's Price By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks WRC 264 for beta reading this. Chapter Thirty-Seven: Goddess of Inspiration Princess Ava – Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch “You need to... keep them alive,” I panted to Greta, my face flushed. I lowered Sven's shoulders to the ground, holding his right side, my bedmaid the left. Her youthful face glanced up at me. “What? Are you... going somewhere?” I...
Hai dosto kaise hai aap mai iss ka regular redder hu muze aap logo se ek bat kehani ki tumhari life me jo ghatna ghti hai use hi likho our dusari bat ma – behano ki burai karna chod do jaise ki meri ma our mai our behan ko choda etc. Aap log naraj ho gaye kya koi bat nahi mai aapko ek majedar kahani padata hu .kaise mai ne ek softwear engineer ki chudai ki Mai ek Production Company me dispatch ka kam karata hu meri age 27 hai dikhne me itna smart nahi hu lekin htta-katta hu. Ek aurat ya ladki...