Jason Grace indian porn

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Jason s QuestChapter 4

The second week of August, Jesse rode out of Milledgeville on a sad excuse for a horse, but beggars couldn't be choosers. Mr. Hudgens had a small stash of Federal money from before the war that he'd kept hidden away. He gave a little of that to Jesse, just enough to purchase the broken down nag Jesse now rode. Only Jesse now rode back southeast toward Savannah. He didn't think he was up to the long cross country trip through Alabama that would be needed to get to Mobile. Instead, he...

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Jason s QuestChapter 6

The Mary Sue was half way across the Gulf of Mexico, on course to Mobile, when the hurricane caught up with them. Since the last storm several days back on the east coast of Florida, the sailing had been smooth all the way to the Florida Keys. Shipboard life had been leisurely and pleasant. Betty had flirted ever more outrageously as the days passed. Jesse figured she had learned this behavior growing up in the old life of the South before the war and wa just part of what society girls did...

1 year ago
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Jason s QuestChapter 7

As the buckboard topped a slight rise, Jase got his first look at the place. He saw buildings in desperate need of repair, dilapidated fences, some rusty equipment, and weeds. No livestock could be seen any where near. Sue helped Jase put up the horses in the barn. Then they started across the yard to the house. "Mind the steps," said Sue, "They're loose." They entered through a doorway in which the door sagged, badly, one hinge completely loose from the frame. Sue put a coffee...

4 years ago
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Jason s QuestChapter 8

The rescue boat landed in Mobile at dusk of the day he was picked up out of the lifeboat with the dead Betty Trotter. Jesse was in and out of consciousness in a local hospital, his badly dehydrated and sunburned body screaming at him in pain during his more lucid moments. Serious infection and resulting high fevers conspired with his burns to slow his recovery. September faded into the first of December before Jesse really regained his full senses and his full recovery became more or less...

3 years ago
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Jason s QuestChapter 9

Jase was on the trail most of the month of June, 1866, getting to Knoxville. It was a long, slow ride made in pain and grief after the death and burial of Sue and the aborted twins. With the warm June weather, Jase mostly made camp out in the open and avoided people as much as possible. But, every so often, Jase would stop at some small town hotel for a room, a bath, and a shave. He spent July in Knoxville trying to come to terms with what had happened, drinking hard, although not to the...

2 years ago
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Jason s QuestChapter 10 Jesse

The Judson sisters of Naw'lins were actually half sisters and they were as different as day and night. Julie was the spitting image of her Irish ancestry. Her father and mother had immigrated to America in 1850. Colleen Judson died on the Atlantic crossing, giving birth to Julie. But Julie carried the flaming red hair, the green eyes, the light complexion with a sprinkling of freckles, and a strong willed, Irish temper. She remained pretty much the tomboy, preferring men's pants, shirts,...

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Jason s QuestChapter 12 Jason

As Jase rode out of Chattanooga that fine April morning once more on the road toward home, he thought about what he was leaving behind. Is Sally the girl for me? Do I like a woman to be that aggressive and willful? What would I do for a living if I stayed in Chattanooga? Gambler? I'm good at it, but it's a very dangerous occupation and not one for a family man. Business investor? I already have a start on that one! Hardware store clerk? I've already done that for my father and didn't...

3 years ago
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Jason s QuestChapter 13 Jesse

Jesse said, "Wait! before you tell me about our wedding, maybe I should say something about my future plans. You may want to change your mind." Marie replied, "No, what you do, I do! Where you go, I go! We are of one spirit now, nothing will change that!" Jesse said, "Hear me first. When I get done looking up the Jacksons, I plan to leave for Texas and the Brazos River country to take up some land and start a horse ranch. Not a place likely to appeal to you after your life here in...

4 years ago
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Jason s QuestChapter 14 Jason

Early August had arrived by the time Jase rode into Milledgeville. The once bustling capital of the state was a prime target in Sherman's march to the sea and it showed. Jase rode to the address of his boyhood home in what was formerly a quite comfortable section of town and tied up at the hitch rack out front by the boardwalk. The large, ornate door knocker was still there, and on impulse, Jase used it rather than just walk in to surprise everyone. The door was answered by a maid. Funny, ...

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Jason s QuestChapter 15 Jesse

Jesse was getting fitted with a temporary artificial leg two days after his "jumping of the broom" with Marie. He didn't want to be on crutches for the church ceremony. The artificial limb was crude, but the best that could be expected on short notice. The next day, the Irish Princess was due to dock on the levy at noon. Marie's father, Sean, and sister, Julie, would be coming home to one big surprise! Jesse was very, very anxious as to how both of them would take the altered...

2 years ago
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Jason s QuestChapter 16 Jason

The ride that morning led Jase southwest out of Milledgeville toward his destination of Macon. From Macon, he would ride nearly straight west to Columbus. Then it was another more or less straight shot west across the Alabama line to Montgomery. It would be a long ride. In fact, it would be early fall before he reached Montgomery. His first major stop was in Macon. But Macon was full of Union troops and Carpetbaggers so he did not stay long before he set out for Columbus. The last night on...

2 years ago
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Jason s QuestChapter 17 Jesse and Marie

As Jesse and Marie stepped off the levee and onto the landing stage of the Irish Princess, Jesse paused to marvel at the riverboat. Marie had said that three of the boats owned by her father were smaller, "packet" boats that carried lots of cargo and some passengers. This one was the pride of Sean's fleet and the one he captained. The Irish Princess was a large, "Cincinnati" class boat, that is, one of the large passenger boats built for speed and elegance. She was, in effect, a...

4 years ago
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Jason s QuestChapter 18 Jason

Jase finally reached Mobile in the late afternoon, following a long and miserable ride back from the Trevelon holding. The next port of call would be Naw'lins to look up the Jackson family as the next step in Jase's quest to find his brother. Like brother Jesse before him, He decided that a steamer trip from Mobile to Naw'lins beat the living daylights out of the alternative overland trip. So, Jase booked passage on a coastal steamer for himself and his two horses. His boat would sail...

3 years ago
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Jason s QuestChapter 19 Jesse Marie

Captain Judson rose and walked briskly from the salon. Once on the promenade, he paused to peer upriver, ahead of the boat. Although it was full dark, by the light of a full moon, he saw another steamer some fifteen hundred to two thousand yards ahead. She appeared to be on fire! At that moment, a terrific explosion lifted the entire boat, at least the middle two thirds, out of the water as it blew the steamboat to shreds and splinters. Boiler explosion! Or some explosive cargo went up....

3 years ago
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Jason s TaleChapter 2 Through the Looking Glass

When I got there Eric let me in, handed me a drink, and led me to a home office setup. Once we got comfortable, he started in. “I’ve talked to a couple of the people you served with in Afghanistan. One of the officers, when he heard that your wife had died, said that you actually had been in combat, but refused to admit it because you didn’t want your wife to know. He gave me some other names and I’ve gotten emails from a couple of them. You should have gotten a Purple Heart and at least a...

4 years ago
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Jason s QuestChapter 21 Jesse Marie

Jesse and Marie had their shakedown, learning period about trail travel in a wagon in the weeks it took to reach Monroe, Louisiana. Lots of little things had to be learned the hard way and some were never learned, but taught, once they joined up with two other wagon loads of seasoned travelers. Things like: how to scour cooking pans with river sand, how to properly bank a campfire for the night, why it was necessary to locate off the trail some distance when possible, how to rig a canvas...

3 years ago
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Jason s TaleChapter 3 A New Job

When I woke up again, Eric and Shelly were standing beside the coffin. Eric was wearing different clothes, and, well, Shelly was wearing clothes. He asked me “How do you feel?” I thought about it some. “I feel great! Probably better than I have in a long time.” “Better than even before the accident?” “I think so. Probably better than since I joined the Navy.” “You’ve put a lot of miles on that car since it was new, and you just got a comprehensive overhaul. They didn’t fix anything that...

4 years ago
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Jason s QuestChapter 22 Jason Julie

While sitting in the gazebo with Julie, a number of thoughts raced through his mind, What's happening here? Have I finally found my girl? What will her family think? What will I do with her on my search for Jesse? What in the world does she see in me? It was at that point that they rose and embraced. After the two broke their passionate embrace, Julie, following the example of her younger sister, said, "I'll have Sam fix up a guest room and you shall stay here. Daddy is due back with the...

4 years ago
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Jason s TaleChapter 5 A Feud

Eric stood up and looked around at the spectators. “Is anyone willing to do a little honest work for pay?” Several men stepped forward. One asked “What do you want done?” He held something up. “I’ve got four pinches here for four men who will dump these two bodies in the river. You people would be a lot healthier if you cleaned your town up.” Four men came up for that. It was little enough pay, but it was a short job, too. I had to ask. “What if they just dump the bodies around the corner...

2 years ago
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Jason s QuestChapter 24 Marie

To take her mind off her pain as she walked naked on a leash behind the Indian on his pony, Marie thought about her current lot. A fine fix I'm in now--naked, cut and bruised, torn and bleeding, and hurting all over, especially my feet. I don't think I can walk much further. But if they don't stop, I don't have much choice, they'll just drag me. And they would drag her; she was right about that. Indians usually had little or no respect for captives and even less if that captive was...

2 years ago
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Jason s QuestChapter 25 Jason Julie

It was midmorning when Jase and Julie debarked the river steamer well below Waco, just in case Jesse and Marie had taken up land that far south. Their intent was to follow the Brazos up river until they found some trace of the other couple. However, their first priority was to buy a third horse, one for Julie to ride, and then purchase provisions to stow on Jase's pack horse, Brax. Baylor, Jase's buckskin, weathered the boat trip better than Brax but Brax soon found his land feet again....

1 year ago
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Jason s QuestChapter 26 Marie

Marie sobbed once and then held her hands up to Red Feather. He drew his knife and cut her bonds. Marie then pointed to the stream and Red Feather nodded. As she got up and turned to walk to the water. She screamed from the pain in her tormented feet. But, Marie gritted her teeth and got to the water where she waded in. The cold water was soothing to her feet, even if it was only temporary relief of sorts. Between labor pains, she managed to scrub herself reasonably clean. She also got her...

3 years ago
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Jason s TaleChapter 7 Doing the Town

By the time the parade came back, we were downstairs and Jim was showing me all the different types and sizes of shield. Large and small, heavy ones of solid wood and lighter ones wood framing covered in leather. What did the Roman legions use? According to the movies they had huge shields, big enough to hide behind, but that was Hollywood. I was pretty sure I wanted one of the smallest ones, the ones that Jim was calling ‘bucklers’. They were the size of a dinner plate and were light enough...

1 year ago
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Jason s TaleChapter 8 Boy Scout Projects

While we were walking back to the shop with everything we had bought, Eric told me “Guns aren’t allowed here on Chaos. I told you that. People have tried to make gunpowder, but it didn’t work. No one knows why, but it didn’t. It’d be nice to have guns, or even just gunpowder bombs, but they don’t work here.” “I got that, but I wasn’t asking about guns. I asked Minter about artillery. Large crew-served weapons with area effect. Catapults or torsion engines. Arrow-engines. Trebuchets or...

4 years ago
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Jason s QuestChapter 28 Marie

After a miserable night in the cold with only intermittent sleep, Marie awoke to a white world of frost. Her meager blanket provided little warmth and, still naked, she was shaking with cold. The sun was at least a half hour short of rising, but Marie had to get up and move around to get any semblance of warmth to return to her body. She went first for her morning ablutions at the stream and then kept moving, picking up firewood where she could. After the sun was several hours old, Red...

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Jason s QuestChapter 29 Jason Julie

After full daylight, Jase and Julie went back to the fire to fix breakfast and coffee. While Julie made those preparations, Jase dragged off the bodies of the dead Indians and rolled them over the bank onto the stream bed that had provided cover for him and Julie the night before. Jase noticed that the Indian in the middle during the brouhaha the night before, had two bullet holes in his chest on and in a line between his nipples. Some shooting, he thought, Julie is definitely one to ride...

2 years ago
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Jason s TaleChapter 9 Awaiting the Tide of Darkness

The sailors and fishermen weren’t the type of men to man a wall, but they should be fine as artillerymen. They were familiar with ropes and mechanisms, and they certainly knew the machines they had built. As each machine was completed we assigned a regular crew to it and they started practicing. The first catapult had some issues. We could fix some of them, but we were going to have to live with the rest of them. We didn’t know how long we had to prepare, so having one engine that worked...

3 years ago
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Jason s QuestChapter 30 Conclusion

White Woman (Marie) was content, more so than she ever thought she could be as a part of the Comanche community. By 1874, White Woman had two children, a little boy of three and a little girl a year and half old. White Woman and Lone Wolf shared a love she would never have believed possible before or right after her capture. She shared the life of the nomadic community, moving from camp ground to camp ground in summer as grass around the camp gave out for the ponies and the buffalo food...

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Jason s TaleChapter 10 Pirates I

It was only a few days after Eric had come through town that second time that the pirates arrived. Our first warning was the signal fire from the headlands watch post. Soon after that, one of the watchers galloped into town with details. They had seen four ships standing in for the channel and, as agreed, felt that there was no legitimate reason for four trading ships to all arrive at the same time. The moat was nowhere near dug deep enough to stop anyone, but it was at least down low enough...

2 years ago
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Jason s TaleChapter 11 Pirates II

I assume that everyone who could hear the cry and see the channel turned to watch, but I don’t know. I was too busy watching Gertrude cycle, and the rock arching up, out, and down. It was a good shot, and the lead ship slowly slid right into the target area. That first shot didn’t sink the ship, but it went through some rigging and smashed into something on the far side of the ship. Now, THAT caused pandemonium! The ship turned some, and then stopped moving. If they’d come at dawn they’d...

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Jason s TaleChapter 12 Pirates III

What we were planning was a sucker trap for the pirates. Whether they attacked our men or not, we were planning to leave the gate open after they marched out. Why? Who knew? Maybe we wanted to give our men a safe place to run back to, if our attack failed. Maybe we were idiots and simply forgot that the pirates could rush in. While the Captain’s force was drilling one last time in the morning, we were going to assemble barricades inside the gate. I had cheerfully volunteered the shop’s two...

1 year ago
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Jason s TaleChapter 13 Cleanup

We spent the next several days cleaning up. Millie, Gina, Jim, and I were all unscratched, but Henry had a broken collarbone where a pirate had thrown an axe at him. His hardened leather armor had kept it from slicing into him, but the blow had still broken his collarbone. He would be unable to work for weeks, but he was alive because of his armor. He had good reason to be proud of that as he had made his armor himself. Both of our wagons were damaged, but it was all minor and not worth...

4 years ago
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Jason s TaleChapter 14 Adventures in Salvage

There were always men who could be hired to do work, as long as someone was paying them. With Eric’s largess I had no problem with that. It took several days to completely unload the Gift, with everything valuable going to the town. They let me keep anything used on the ship itself like lines and equipment, but weapons and loot went away. Speaking of which, the ship had a LOT of loot. The Captain’s cabin had several chests full of money and other valuables. The town council wanted that all...

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Jason s TaleChapter 15 Theft and Cheating

When we got to my turn at the next meeting, I asked the council if they had determined the value of the ship. They had. It was worth 340 Conchs, and they wanted half of that or 170 Conchs to sell their half. I asked if the council was unanimous in this figure, and they all nodded. Very well. I handed the secretary my other sealed parchment, and asked him to read the label and then open and read it as before. “Proposal for the Council. I am an inventor, sailor, and soldier. I am not a...

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Jason s TaleChapter 16 High Finance

The afternoon ended with a huge pile of money in the council room, adding up to more than 600 Conchs. I got paid my 170 Conchs for my half of the Pirate’s Gift, and I was clear. I no longer owned half of a ship, and the rest of what was going on in there really wasn’t any of my business. I took my share straight to the bank and deposited it, keeping some back to pay Erna in the morning. Even with all that I’d paid out, my balance was still over 250 Conchs. There wasn’t any point in trying...

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Jason s TaleChapter 17 Building a Warship

With the Wrong Place finally afloat again, we needed to get it out of the cofferdam and over to my new shipyard. First, though, while the pumps were still keeping the water as low as possible, I had some crews rake the bottom all over the inside of the cofferdam for anything they could find. I figured that the crew probably dropped anything in their hands as they tried to swim ashore, and we’d probably find enough weapons and armor to be worth the effort. What I didn’t expect, although I...

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Jason s TaleChapter 18 Sea Trials

Bridgetown was said to have a shipyard, which told me that they had all the skills and materials needed to build and outfit a ship. I was pretty sure that, between the fishermen and sailors, and the town’s blacksmiths and carpenters, we could make almost everything we needed, but we had no way to make lines. I knew what a rope-walk was, but I didn’t understand it well enough to build my own. In this case, it might be better to buy from the experts. As soon as we had proven that we could...

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Jason s TaleChapter 19 Our First Cruise

Our shakedown cruise had some moments of excitement. We lost control of our sails a couple more times, and we ended up attaching TWO sheets to each corner, just like the jacking lines for the yards. That way we could gradually let one out while drawing the other in and the sail didn’t get loose. We exercised the missile launchers a few times. Not much, as we only had ten missiles total and we might not be able to recover them. We carried a new and improved version of launcher. Even though...

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Jason s TaleChapter 20 Dealing With the Enemy

The Captain was much happier knowing that he wasn’t going to have to board a hostile ship from a small boat, and he had his force ready in seconds. As always, he reminded the Guardsmen that they were there to hold attackers off. The archers would do all the killing that needed to be done. As always, the approach seemed to take hours. We didn’t want to go fast, though, as there was no good way to slow down and a hard collision would damage both ships. When we got closer, I yelled “Ahoy the...

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Jason s TaleChapter 21 Steady as She Goes

I think that the executions for rape did more to cow the pirates than anything else. That, and having the seven female captives supervise stripping the surviving pirates. We let the captives dress themselves from the clothes taken from bodies, with a promise that when we were done with the day’s work they could wash them as they wanted. Each pirate, starting with Captain Black, had to strip completely naked, hand his clothes to the women, and then get dressed again after they had gone...

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Jason s TaleChapter 22 Two on Two

Our opponents stayed close together. Very close, to the point where it was obvious that they intended to board us from both ships at once. Unfortunately, not close enough that they could collide with each other. Clearly, they’d done this before. Still, it was possible that we could use the front one as cover from the back one, making the front one choose between getting damaged or getting in the back one’s way. That was what you were supposed to do in a swordfight when you were facing two...

1 year ago
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Jason s TaleChapter 23 Bridgetown

Exactly what the fuck was I supposed to do with a Cassandran Damsel? I certainly couldn’t rescue her, I wasn’t a Hero and didn’t have that ring I needed to use the portals even if there was a bank handy. Although ... mental note to look through all the jewelry we took off the pirates and see if there were any rings that looked like Eric’s. Meanwhile, I was already planning on going to Bridgetown and Small Cove. I had originally wanted to go just to see what was available there. Small Cove...

3 years ago
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Jason s TaleChapter 24 Politics

More people had been showing up the whole time. While the two pirate inspectors were reporting to Joshua, a tall and attractive blonde woman pushed to the front, followed by a shorter heavier-set woman. They entered into conference with Joshua. He soon turned and introduced the two as King Tom’s wife Queen Eleanor and her advisor Lady Philipmina, saying that any messages for King Tom, no matter how private, could be given to them and they would be passed on. “Ladies, does King Tom ever go...

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Jason s TaleChapter 25 High Finance redux

That was without question the best meal I’d had since we stepped into the bank at Widemouth. It was clearly good to be king here. The company was delightful, too, with three clean and attractive women present. Of course, I wasn’t sleeping with any of them, but it was still a very pleasant meal. Maybe I could bring Ceecee along if I was ever invited back again. Actually, it wasn’t just the clean women. This whole place smelled a lot better than Widemouth did, too. Didn’t Eric say that no one...

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Jason s TaleChapter 26 The Shipyard

We took with us, as passengers, a guide to where we were going as well as a two-man bodyguard or security team for him. I considered him a port pilot who couldn’t give me orders but he could give me strong suggestions about where to go in his port and how to get there safely. When we got back to our three prizes we tied up to one and gathered everyone together to have a big crew’s meeting. I had two of our sailors climb up to the crow’s nest on Flying Arrow, as that ship had the highest mast...

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Jason s TaleChapter 27 Selling Our Prizes

Once the pirates were gone we could go on about our business. Some of the soldiers stayed at the shipyard to watch us, but most of them left with the pirates. We got to talk to the shipyard people about what we wanted done. Frankly, getting Flying Arrow pulled out of the water was the only thing that was urgent. We were selling three damaged ships so they probably all needed to be unloaded and then pulled out for repairs, but I didn’t know if repair or sale would happen first. The one ship...

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Jason s TaleChapter 28 Pay Day is Headache Day

Soon after we got back -by boat- to our ship, one of the council members who I’d already met showed up with three men. The Queen and the council had both subcontracted the watch over their ships to Lady Philipmina’s company and they were there to take over so my people could leave. I sent Filo, Matto, and Jono to the three ships they had commanded on our way up to here to tell our teams that we’d been paid, and soon we had everybody back onboard. We had taken on as crew two of the seamen...

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Jason s TaleChapter 29 One Day At Sea Is Like Another

That set the pattern for the next several days. Every morning we’d go gather up all the drunks we could find, then try to get some things done, have the previous night’s duty section get us underway for an exercise, and come back to port, giving them their drinking money and trying to get some work out of the hungover sailors before giving up for the night. Some of them got the bright idea that it really wasn’t necessary to get drunk every night. Others thought it was required, but those...

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Jason s TaleChapter 30 Small Cove

Small Cove was a city and a commerce center. It had yards for caravans to gather. It had good roads going both ways along the coast as well as inland towards the hunter people. Its piers were fairly busy, with a ship arriving or leaving every other day or so. There were always fishing boats unloading their catch. And there were men hanging around town looking for jobs. A lot of them wanted the steady pay part and could do without the steady work part, but we could deal with lazy people. I...

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Jason s TaleChapter 31 Our Second Ship

We ended up with about twenty prisoners, most of them wounded in one way or another. Their archers had killed two of ours, an archer and a deck seaman, as well as wounding a few more men. The Commander’s training was paying off, though, as none of his Guards or militia spearmen were wounded. One Guard had a sprain from tripping over a not-quite-dead-yet body and we had the usual rash of smashed thumbs and bruised arms and legs, but that was it. The pirates only had four captives, all women....

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Jason s TaleChapter 32 Home Again

It took us two days to get from the headland up to the mouth of the Wide River. Thunder caught up with us before we made it home. They’d been able to jack the yard around to where it could tack, barely. The ship drifted downwind almost as fast as it sailed upwind, but they could ‘reach’ across the wind and stay clear of the coast. Filo had also found a piece of blue cloth somewhere and he had it flying from the top of his mast. Sure, a purpose-made flag would be better, but I appreciated the...

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Jason s TaleChapter 33 A Side Trip

Meanwhile, I hired some workers to completely clean Dolphin out. That could be done where it was. Since we weren’t planning on any repairs or changes, getting it ready to sell should go fast. I wanted the hold empty and the hull cleaned both inside and out, so that we could inspect it and see what shape it was in. I put a couple of men to wetting the ways again, so that Dolphin could slide on mud instead of dirt. I asked the Commander to train some men that I could hire directly, instead of...

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Jason s TaleChapter 34 An Unwanted Adventure

Exactly seven days after I popped back in at Eric’s house, I was back there again ready to go. I had no metal anywhere on my body, but I had three pairs of glass lenses I’d taken from cheap telescopes wrapped up in cloth in one pocket, and a large assortment of seeds in cotton bags in another. I still had no experience as a gardener, but I’d read gardening books and watched YouTube videos until my eyes hurt. I’d gotten some hemp seeds from Canada, as it was illegal to plant hemp in the ‘free...

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Jason s TaleChapter 35 Back Home Again

I wandered around Michaelsport until I found a stable. They would sell me a couple of horses, so I told them I’d be by tomorrow for them. If they were sold by then, I’d walk to Cooper’s Crossing. If anyone asked the farrier, he could tell them that I wanted two horses to head up to Cooper’s Crossing tomorrow. I used their well to wash the bolt off before all the blood dried on it. That would remove any doubt. How many men are wandering around Michaelsport with two swords and a bloody crossbow...

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Jason s TaleChapter 1 Back Home Again

... Time here was screwy. I had no idea how much time had passed for Millie and Ceecee, but it was well over four months of my time, a hundred and thirty days if I had kept track right, after I walked into the bank with Donna, when I finally walked into the shop and called “Honey, I’m home!” I had put the rest of my party up in Gerard’s tavern with a request to take care of them for a few days, but I’d brought my secretary Brian home with me. I’d hired him in Small Cove, and during the long...

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Jason s TaleChapter 2 Picking Up The Pieces

I mostly took it easy for the next couple of days. In fact, I spent a lot of my time in bed, with either Millie or Ceecee ‘helping me sleep’. Millie couldn’t stay, as little Jason wanted to be fed every few hours, but their help was everything a man could ask for. They kept me warm, they gave me something soft to hold, they let me play with whatever I wanted, and if I wanted services of any kind they provided them. They were really, really glad to have me home. Nursing from Millie wasn’t as...

3 years ago
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Jason s TaleChapter 3 Commissioning Thunder

Filo was a self-starter, a man who would decide on his own what should be done, and then either go do it himself or get someone else to do it. Jono wasn’t. Jono was a fine officer if someone else was in charge, but he wasn’t executive material. Not that I should talk, I wasn’t either when I was back on Earth. It took coming here and realizing that no one else COULD take charge to get me to step up to the plate. Still, with me backing him up as owner and Captain, Jono got a crew together...

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Jason s TaleChapter 4 Exploring

Me and Aldo and Brian took off up the road early the next morning, headed for the Narrows. We also took a couple of men who wanted jobs. I wasn’t paying them, but I’d feed them for the trip and get to know them and decide if they were men I wanted working with me or not. Everyone was on horseback, and we had three more horses with supplies. We’d buy fresh food when we could, but the horses held enough supplies to get the five of us there and back if something went wrong. I had trouble at...

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Jason s TaleChapter 5 Administrivia

We got back to Widemouth after about two weeks on the road. At least, me, Aldo, Brian, and the boat crew did. The guys bringing the horses back would be several more days. Dolphin had been repaired and was back at the quay being watched for hull leaks. It still had some, but the problem wasn’t as bad and could be handled as long as it got no worse. The leaks may even go away on their own, as the new planks swelled in the water. I wanted to use Dolphin as a transport, for spare crew and...

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Jason s TaleChapter 6 Thunder on the Water

We took Thunder out as soon as the rudder was repaired. No one still had any idea how it had gotten smashed. I wasn’t there, so I’d probably never know, but everyone involved had gotten a good lesson in being slow and careful when moving a boat or ship near an immovable object like a quay. While Jono had gotten the crew and supplies together, I’d gotten the missile-launcher installed and its crew trained and ready. We were only carrying a dozen missiles, but they were all the same size,...

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Jason s TaleChapter 7 Dealing with all the Problems

I took another couple of days off before doing anything important. I’d only been gone a week, but Millie looked better and got some good personal attention that afternoon. I stole some of little Jay-Jay’s dinner and Millie tried to fuck me to death. Ceecee looked pregnanter if that was possible and acted needy instead of her usual ‘happy to please’ when she got her turn that evening, but she was simply too big for her to be on her back. We had to do it doggy-style. Around here they called...

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Jason s TaleChapter 8 Looking for a Base

For the rest of that voyage I treated Gina like a cross between a worthless fuckpig slave and my much-loved wife. As long as she was doing whatever I said I was nice to her. Any hesitation or backtalk, though, and I was rubbing her ass where she’d been spanked. At night, I made her sleep on top of me and both of us were naked. Any wiggling like she wanted my cock inside her got her ass popped. I’d told her that I’d do that when her ass stopped hurting, and trying it before then would just...

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Jason s TaleChapter 9 Patrolling the Sea Lanes

After everyone had eaten their fill we finally ended up talking with a local who the others addressed as “Elder Simmon”, along with a selection of other people who wanted to listen to whatever we said. These people we could negotiate with. I told them that we wanted many things, but we understood that they may not be able to provide them all. I gave the stew as an example. We wanted to eat well, but we could not cook on our ship. “Why not?” “Have you ever taken that boat out to sea, to...

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Jason s TaleChapter 10 It rsquo s Just Another Job

We let the two women sit there naked on the deck in front of the fore-cabin while the men went around stripping all the bodies. Weapons here, valuables there, clothes in the pile at the mast. Gina was right, I looked at the younger one quite a bit, but I didn’t need all the problems I’d get from claiming her as mine. They would both go to the men unless someone came up with a better idea. Some of the wounded pirates would get better if they were taken care of. The rest of them would not....

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Jason s TaleChapter 11 Pride Leadeth to Downfall

We were all surprised when, after we’d been there for ten days or so, we looked up at the headland one morning and saw a black flag. We had talked it over, I liked to talk everything over, and everyone knew what to do. Frankly, that was one of the differences between ‘civilization’ and ‘wilderness’. Civilized people tried to educate everyone so that everyone knew their jobs as well as someone else’s. If you or your buddy got injured or killed, the job would still get done since you both knew...

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Jason s TaleChapter 12 Juggling all the Balls

We stayed in Widemouth for some time. I had a lot going on. Filo had known it would take longer than the day or two that I had told him. He’d even told me what would take longer. He’d been through it several times as my second in command, and he’d even done it as captain a couple times. He knew how long I’d be here. The first thing I did was get the two prizes’ values formally estimated and buy them myself. It would have been better to have that done at a major seaport like Bridgetown or...

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Jason s TaleChapter 13 Life Goes On

Time passed, and before long all three of Hunter Island’s cities had their own warships out on the ocean helping clean things up. Small Cove had two, Bridgetown had three, and Widemouth had one. It was a bad time to be an independent man of fortune, a pirate. Lord Jason of Topeka, me, had a whole fleet based out of Jayport. By the following spring I had Shark, Wrong Place, and Thunder for front-line warships, plus two more second-line warships that we mostly used to escort our cargo ships. I...

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Jason s TaleChapter 14 A New Hero

I was sorta expecting it, but it was still a surprise the first time an Earth Hero came through our bank. We had quite a few men who wanted to be crew on our warships and earn some easy money but could not swim, and I had to have something for them to do. I set four of them up as pairs of bank guards so that if anything happened one could continue to watch while the other went for help. One pair had the mornings and the other pair had the afternoons. I still remembered the bank at Long Cut...

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Jason s TaleChapter 15 The Pirates rsquo Response

While an alarm could come at any time during the day, it was most likely at dawn when all of our lookouts first got a good look at the sea. And, until the sun was up, the eastern lookouts couldn’t see any signal-fire smoke from the western towers. We had an alarm gong at Jayport, hanging next to the docks. It had been hammered out of brass and it didn’t make a loud noise that could be heard over cars and trucks and all the sounds of a modern industrial Earth city. It was plenty loud enough...

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Jason s TaleChapter 16 Steady as She Goes

I slowly became a clearinghouse of sorts, for the other Heros who took missions in my corner of the world. Sir Tony dropped by a couple of times to let me know what he, King Tom, and their friend Lord Paul were doing. They were all friends where they lived in London, so it was easy enough for the three of them to talk over a glass in the evenings. Tony was an engineer, back on Earth. He was full of ideas on how things could be done, and I got a lot of value from his discussions. He also...

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Jason s TaleChapter 17 Planning for War

Once we were alone with the door closed, Tony pulled out a piece of paper and slapped it down on the table. “Here, read this.” Huh? Fine, I’ll read it. “Let all who read this know that on this day I, King Tom of Hunter Island, do hereby install Lord Jason of Topeka as Baron Jayport, responsible for and with full authority over all lands, waters, forests, farms, towns, and all other resources within fifty miles of Jayport. This title shall be his and his descendants unto eternity, as long as...

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Jason s TaleChapter 18 Planning for War II

As Duke of the Western Marches, I could formally order the Commander to prepare a force for our invasion of the Brotherhood’s lands. I wrote such an instruction, but I went to Widemouth and met with the Council to talk about our relationship first. The Commander was there, of course. I had long recommended that we not accept Tom as our King unless he made it worthwhile. Well, Tom had co-opted me by naming me the guy in charge. I would only be Duke of the Western Marches if I accepted Tom as...

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Jason s TaleChapter 19 The Great Fleet

Meanwhile, we were trying to gather ships. I had two front-line warships at Jayport, Shark and Wrong Place, four when Thunder and Eagle got back, plus another five smaller brigs without launchers that we used as escorts. Well, our task for this was to escort and protect the troopships, so they were included. Widemouth and the eastern towns could add something like eight or nine more warships. Each could carry a hundred fighting men plus their crews, but if possible I would want them to stay...

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Jason s TaleChapter 20 The Pirate Isles

The first thing I did when we got back to Jayport was to order all of the cargo ships careened and scraped. Every one of them would have to row west from Jayport to Rocky Point, the headland that marked the south-west corner of Hunter Island. They may be fat, and they may be pigs, but they could be a lot faster pigs. It may only be fifty or sixty miles, but there was no reason for them to wallow the whole way. After that, they may be able to sail on a reach northward, using the easterly...

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Jason s TaleChapter 21 East Isle

I cannot describe the relief I felt when I realized what that cloud meant. We had just shy of fifty ships out here carrying more than eight thousand men, and every one of them was going to die of thirst if I fucked up my navigation and we couldn’t find our way home again. Now, that wasn’t a problem. A lot of them may well die in combat here in the Isles, but they had a chance now. Our fleet was still all strung out, a couple hundred miles from end to end. We needed to get all the commanders...

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Jason s TaleChapter 22 North Isle

As part of the signal system I had to assign pennant numbers to all the ships. It was either that or spell out “Pirate’s Gift” every time I wanted that ship to do something. Pennant numbers were easier. Shark would be number one. I probably wouldn’t be sending any messages about my own ship, but what if I moved to another ship? What if King Tom wanted Shark somewhere and sent a signal? Shark needed a pennant number, too. I gave Wrong Place, Thunder, and Sword numbers two, three, and four,...

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Jason s TaleChapter 23 News Conferences and Decisions

One of our warships had captured another ship which we just happened to blunder across, and he had news for us so Thunder brought the captain and his officers to Flying Arrow and I had Shark go, too, to see what the fuss was about. The captured ship was out of Big Island and headed for Central Island with a cargo of assorted foods for the island. It was overpopulated, it had more people than it could support, and taking food to Central Isle was a good low-risk way to make a reasonable...

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Jason s TaleChapter 24 Safety Bay

After a while I got called back to Flying Arrow. Tony, Eric, and the Commander were fairly confident that they wouldn’t need all of our soldiers to take the citadel. They wouldn’t be sure until they actually saw Safety Bay, but if their new information was right they could release a lot of the transports to go with us on our sweep around the island. I appreciated the heads-up, and we modified our plans accordingly. The whole fleet would all go to Safety Bay, which was a inlet on the south...

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Jason s TaleChapter 25 South Isle

Not as exciting as a huge melee with seventy or so ships all boarding each other, but I thought it was a much better result. Only one ship sunk, and the only casualties would be those sailors on Avenger who had never learned to swim. Breaker and the other nine ships had all surrendered, or hopefully would as soon as Mayor Michael talked to them. I got to report to King Tom and the other commanders that the enemy commander had reached the correct conclusion from Wrong Place’s little...

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Jason s TaleChapter 26 Mountain Isle

When we left Safety Bay for Mountain Isle, we were down to forty-some-odd ships. We’d sent two warships back with the convoy, but we’d turned Eagle 2 into a warship so we still had seven plus our six escorts. Of course, since Flying Arrow was serving as the King’s flagship and Eaglet was used as a message courier, it was really only six and five. We still had thirty transports, plus one fat pig of a cargo ship we were using as a supply ship. We called it the “Larder”. With the men spread out...

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Jason s TaleChapter 27 In the Cut

What the fuck had that been about? Every other time we’d run into pirates, they had wanted to talk first. They weren’t bloodthirsty maniacs just out looking for people to kill. They were trying to get rich by capturing ships, slaves, and loot. They wanted us to surrender so that they wouldn’t take any casualties. If we surrendered instead of fighting, they got our ships and all of us as slaves. Talking us into surrendering was much better than fighting and maybe getting killed. These people...

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Jason s TaleChapter 28 Mountainside City

Tom had given Lord Black his freedom, as well as a ship and any of our prisoners who would swear oath to him. It was enough to make up a small crew. Most of them were sailors, and it wouldn’t take long to shake out into a proper crew. Andrew -Lord Black had asked us to call him that in private, as he was only “Lord Black” to us- asked if he could have some of North Harbor’s ships instead of us just sinking them. We had to think about that one. Wouldn’t the previous owners just take it from...

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Jason s TaleChapter 29 On the Road

I got to join in the fun and games! Once the army had landed and secured the foot of the avenue we brought in each of Jayport’s warships one at a time and unloaded the rest of our siege engines: the large trebuchet, the other catapult, and both arrow-engines. We kept our two shore bombardment ships with the small trebuchet and the catapult set up because they caused so much trouble, but we could move them onto solid ground if we needed them. The Commander wanted the two arrow-engines up front...

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Jason s TaleChapter 30 Prince Alfred rsquo s Palace

Vernon, Lord of North Harbor, stayed with us for a couple more days as the army crunched its way through Mountainside City and up the Royal Road towards Prince Alfred’s palace. He wanted ships and we certainly had more than we needed. However, he wasn’t willing to do what I demanded as payment. I wanted him to stand as Prince of the Isle and to renounce piracy. He was willing to rule Mountain Isle and promise me that he wouldn’t support piracy any more, but I wanted him to stand behind his...

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Jason s TaleChapter 31 Back to North Harbor

Lord Black showed up at the strait before we were done loading all our loot and supplies. He only had three ships, though, his own Honest Work and two of the cargo ships which we had filled with food for North Harbor. Where was the last one? I was still at the plaza, supervising the Jakes and their toys. Tom and Tony were back with the fleet, though, so Filo took Andrew to them on Flying Arrow. The four ships had reached North Harbor without incident and started unloading their cargo....

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Jason s TaleChapter 32 Home for the Harvest

We still had almost forty cargo ships and we spread the troops out among them all to give them some space for the trip home. We had a lot of wounded and injured men and they needed the room. I hated having to leave our dead behind here on the Islands, but we had no way to preserve their bodies so we had to bury them either where they fell or at sea. Their families would get their pay and their share of the loot. If we could find them. A lot of our men had no families. Their share could go to...

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Jason s dad and I

Jen and I had always been close, from the time we helped each other get over spending the whole day at school in grade one. WE had gone through a lot of good and not so good times, but never had to complain about the other’s support and encouragement. So when Jen started hanging out with Jason, a boy I had seen first back in the fifth grade and always dreamed I would woo and marry, I felt betrayed and cheated. What made ti worse, Jen thought we should still be best friends, like nothing had...

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Jason s Mom Helps Out

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Jason and this is then story of my first sexual encounter with my mom.When I was 18 I was advanced one grade in high school because my normal classes were not challenging enough. As I grew older I felt different from the other kids in my class and I was very shy around girls. My mother took notice of this and began asking questions. I told her I was just studying hard but I knew I would eventually confess my real problem. She pressed me...

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Jason s Story Away from home

As told to the author by Jason himself... When I was fifteen, I had to go live with my aunt, my mother's sister, for a few months because my parents were splitting up, and things were getting ugly around the house. My sister Emily was also going. Even our temporary relocation became an issue between my parents. I overheard my father say, "I don't want my kids living with that bunch of perverts." Eventually, my sister and I were on short plane ride to Aunt Maureen's house in South Carolina. Aunt...

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A Life Changing Experience Part Two

A Life-Changing Experience, Part TwoI was confused and unbelievably embarrassed at the same time. Reaching down to pull up my pants and trying to stammer out an apology, I felt Kerry touch my left hand, the one holding the red satin panties. “It’s OK,” he said soothingly. “Believe me, I know how irresistible they are. That’s why my collection is so extensive - I simply can’t stop buying them.”I finally turned my head slightly to face Kerry and mustered the courage to force out, “This . . ....

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The young postman

Jen,my wife loved her sex,loved to dress up in sexy outfits and with the body she had i couldn`t blame her,she had an amazing mind and loved role play in the bedroom but one day i made her own fantasy come true.Jen loved it when i would tell her stories of her breaking in a younger lad and when i set eyes on our new postman i new this was the lad for her,John was only 18 years old and quite shy but everyday i would let on to him and he seemed a very polite lad,Jen on the other hand took great...

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Friend Couple Ke Sath Gumne Gye

Hello friends, mera name raj he or me jamnagar ma rahta hu aj ap ko mera sacha anubhav bta raha hu meri age 29 he or meri wife sunita ki age 27 he sunita ak simpl wife h par muje sax ka jyda chaska he or pasn karta hu Jambse wife swap ki story mene padhi he tab se muje wife ki samne or lady ko chodna or wife ko dosre mard se chudvane ka khyal ate the or sochta tha ki agar wife raji hojaye or ak cpl mul jaye to kesa maja ayega ak hi bed pe wife nangi hokar dusre mard se chudati hogi or me koi or...

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Aunty Pam Chapter 3

The next thing I knew, I was in her bedroom lying on a mattress in the floor, her gorgeous, pale ass up in the air facing me, and my penis finding her warm, mature pussy. That night I lost my virginity to my aunt, and I had zero regrets. The next day I came back to find her dressed in sexy lingerie, and sipping on wine. That night she taught me about foreplay, and relaxing and taking our time. That night was even better than the first. The next morning I woke up to a great feeling. My eyes...

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From rock bottom to promising highs The story of Pamela Richardson Part 1

Hi I'm Pamela Richardson, I'm 23 from Lakeview Avenue in Buffalo, New York City, and I used to be a proper rebel until I was sent to Afghanistan for 12 months as punishment, you know going through strict training and exercising, and also helping around the camping, that sort of thing, which has really changed my life and had put me on the right path in life When I arrived home from the airport I was happily greeted by my 2 older sisters - Kelly, who's the oldest at 24, and Britney, who's 24,...

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The Hour of the Great Pumpkin A Halloween Tale 1

Linus sighed loudly, prepared once again for disappointment. Every year he waited for the Great Pumpkin to appear on Halloween night, but it had never happened. And this was the year that Sally, the girl he loved, had finally accompanied him to the pumpkin patch. He really wanted it to happen this year, if for no other reason than to validate his beliefs in front of Sally. As for Sally, she couldn't believe she was doing this. Here she was, freezing her ass off, missing Halloween, for a guy...

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Innocence Enslaved

Innocence Enslaved chapter 1: That first nightEmily woke slowly, her eyelids heavy. She was cold, and the room was brighter than usual. She was uncomfortable,the surface beneath her hard and unyielding... had she fallen out of bed? Still drowsy, she blinked a few times and tried to lift a hand to rub her eyes. That's when she realized she wasn't in her room, and suddenly she was wide awake.She realized she was face down on some kind of table, her ample breasts squashed painfully against the...

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