Male Teenagers indian porn

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Female Masturbation Japanese StyleChapter 2

Duel Masturbation Eriko lay in bed, naked, her legs spread wide. She heard her parents come in, going to bed in the other bedroom of their suite. She tried to be quiet, but it was hard. Her fingers were inside her, four fingers stretching her pussy open as they plunged in and out. She couldn't get the image out of her mind, the man standing over her naked body as he masturbated her. Eriko was ashamed that she was so aroused by his touch. Ashamed that he made her cum, her ass and pussy...

2 years ago
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Female AnimalChapter 3

Tania was concentrating on the tracks she had found that veered away from her marks. They were from the tusked pigs, and this one was small. She had never hunted alone, but had often thought that with the knife she could. She tracked it for an hour, and finally got a glimpse of it digging for roots up ahead. She was downwind, and slid as close as she thought she could. Then she rose up and ran at full speed. The animal's head came up, it took about three steps, and she was on its back,...

2 years ago
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Female AnimalChapter 5

That night they talked about visiting the pride. "I want to see them, Evan. And I want another taste of a tiger fuck. It was absolutely incredible." Gina had said that about five times, and he was getting a little jealous. "You don't have to come if you don't want." But he had to see this. Both beauties getting it on with those animals. Shit. They turned in early, and Tawny made them both wear their pants and long sleeved shirts when they set off into the jungle the next morning,...

4 years ago
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Female DelightsChapter 2 Partings

The trouble came when EK0803 was assigned to wait on table at a banquet and was grabbed by an old retired army officer who had been a close friend of the Emir's father. He was now almost totally unable to perform sexually, and when he failed with EK0803 it was natural that he should blame her. He complained loudly to the Emir in front of several other guests and the Emir decreed that she should be given to the old man as some small recompense; he could then do with her whatever he wished....

2 years ago
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Female DelightsChapter 3 Mustapha s Toy

"Up," commanded a deep bass voice, such as she could never remember hearing before. Indeed no whole man had spoken to her since she was an infant, and it was with considerable trepidation that she rose to her feet. "Who is this?" asked the Emir. "This is Maryam," replied the Chief Eunuch after consulting the Kitchen Eunuch, "She helps out around the harem. She was a companion and plaything for the Princess Madeleine's daughter, Princess Marianne. When Princess Marianne left the...

2 years ago
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Female DelightsChapter 4 Intensive Training

When Maryam had recovered from the six strokes of the riding crop and her breathing had returned to normal, broken only by a few sobs, the eunuchs did not release her from the whipping bench. The Head Eunuch carefully explained to her that she had let him down and made his training look inadequate. For that offence he would punish her, and there was no time like the present. Turning to the small rack of whips he selected one the likes of which Maryam had never seen before. It looked quite...

4 years ago
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Female DelightsChapter 5 Try Again

When she had been prepared and taken again into the General's bedroom that night, she followed the harem ritual which she was to come to know so well for the second time. She progressed by kissing and licking her way from the foot of the bed to his erection and working her mouth on the throbbing prick until it was ready to explode into its ejaculation. This time the General allowed her to take him over the crest and to swallow his first offerings. When he had completely finished the...

4 years ago
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Female DelightsChapter 6 Given Back

Some months later General Mustapha greeted His Magnificence, the Emir Ibrahim with a cup of thick sweet coffee, a pile of cakes and a selection of the youngest and most attractive of the inhabitants of his harem. "Help yourself," he offered, waving at the girls, "by the way, do you want the left hand end one returned?" "Oh, yes, I remember now," said the Emir, "The kitchen virgin. It was the most extraordinary thing. I went into the harem kitchen and there was this eighteen year old...

3 years ago
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Female DelightsChapter 7 Hostess

The first time Maryam was led away by one of the eunuchs to be prepared for use by one of the Emir's distinguished visitors she was full of trepidation. Although she now thoroughly understood the ways a woman could please a man and had been exposed while being educated by the General to almost every perversion and variation any man could ask for, the idea that she was to perform for a man at the request of her Master the Emir made her very nervous. That much might be demanded of her, she...

4 years ago
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Female DelightsChapter 8 Holidays

In the summer of that year, two young American girls in a small town in the rural mid-west decided that a package tour to Europe was too tame for their sophisticated taste, so they booked to visit Tunis for two weeks. The temptations were, in increasing order of importance, guaranteed sun, easily available means of getting stoned, and above all, legal access to alcohol. It never ceases to amaze American youth when they learn that the USA has the highest legal age limit on drinking in any...

4 years ago
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Female DelightsChapter 9 Naming

When she woke she had the mother and father of all hangovers and felt most uncomfortable. Opening her eyes cautiously, the light hurt so she closed them again and tried to move to a more comfortable position; there didn't seem to be any cushions under her and she groped for one. All she could feel was a hard cold surface and then her hand found a metal vertical rod about an inch thick. This woke her up suddenly and she forced herself to look around. She was in a large room, a huge room full...

4 years ago
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Female DelightsChapter 10 Taming

When she came round, she was back in her cell. She tried to move about a little and to peer over her back to see what damage had been done to her skin. All she got was more pain for her trouble. Welts she could (ouch) feel on her shoulders and arse, but she couldn't see much. The woman in the next cage was obviously trying to tell her something, but didn't speak any English, so no real communication was possible. She spent a while working out how she got here and why. Her memory of the...

1 year ago
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Female DelightsChapter 11 Auction

When two of the guards came into her cell, it was very crowded and Laura, resigned now to being fucked countless times a day, thought that they would have to take her outside if they wanted to do a threesome on her. Instead, one of them cuffed her wrists behind her back while the other released her ankle chain. Then she was bundled out of her cell and out of the large room along a dreary corridor. At the far end of the corridor she came into another large room where there were several rods...

3 years ago
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Female DelightsChapter 12 New Home

When she woke it was to someone gently bathing her forehead with a damp cloth. She was lying on some sort of divan in a large square room with a number of divans and with trees growing inside it. Nearby was a pool with a fountain playing and two women idly bathing themselves at the edge. The woman who was bathing her forehead was wearing a sort of smock, but she herself was naked. The woman said something to her that she did not understand and another woman, dressed in a sort of bolero top...

4 years ago
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Female DelightsChapter 13 Used

Nothing. For days nothing happened. She slept and rose, was bathed and shaved, ate, and was bored out of her tiny mind. She found nobody else who could speak English; Davina was rarely around, though where she hid herself was a mystery. the Chief Eunuch was a busy man and only spoke to give orders to her, usually to eat more. Her figure filled out; in her own eyes she put on far too much weight. Looking at the walls more closely, she discovered that they were, indeed, decorated with what...

3 years ago
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Female DelightsChapter 15 Review

The Chief Eunuch thought she was probably right when she led in the first six ladies of the harem, old Emir's four wives and his two favourite concubines. The new young Emir's eyes almost popped out of his head to see the harem costume. As the Chief Eunuch had been told, women in the west not only wandered about the streets only half dressed, even more incomprehensibly they stayed half dressed with their breasts and genitalia covered in their husband's or father's houses. The procession...

3 years ago
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Female DelightsChapter 16 Harem Talk

When the news of this reached the harem, Maryam could not believe her luck. Most of the others crowded round her expressing their congratulations and envy, even some who had never spoken to her before because of her inferior status as a hostess. Even Djamilla came in and warned her that sleeping with the Emir was no guarantee that she wouldn't be strangled. As Maryam knew, the old Emir Ibrahim had occasionally had girls in his room with no eunuch attending them and they were always found to...

3 years ago
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Female DelightsChapter 17 First Encounter

Maryam was pushed into the Emir's bedroom and the door closed behind her. She looked round, realising that that there was nobody else in the room; for the first time in her life, except the first guest she had entertained, there was no eunuch within sight and earshot of her. All her Arab visitors had used her with one of the eunuchs in attendance to supervise her and to dish out instant punishment if she failed to give complete satisfaction. Then it struck her that the old Emir was rumoured...

2 years ago
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Female DelightsChapter 18 Demands

About mid-morning Princess Zubeydeh sent word via a somewhat less than happy Chief Eunuch that she was asking for a brief audience. The Chief Eunuch was worried at this breach of the natural order of things. To his mind, there could be nothing worrying a woman, even the mother of the Emir, which could not wait until the Emir commanded her presence before him. For the Emir it provided a welcome break from the utter boredom of the economic problems of a country earning too much foreign...

3 years ago
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Female DelightsChapter 19 History

Maryam was pleased and excited the next day when the Emir called for her services in his bedroom during the afternoon. Daytime sex sessions with the old Emir had been rare events and were a signal honour. Her natural caution made her think that this Emir was very young and perhaps his afternoon romps would not be as rare and significant as an older man's. Only time would tell. Perhaps if he filled her cunt again she would know he wanted her pregnant. She slipped into his bedroom, not at all...

3 years ago
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Female DelightsChapter 20 Options

It was three days later that another message was passed to the Emir that the Princess Zubeydeh craved an audience. 'If the Princess knows that quickly, it means Fatima's having her period and therefore not pregnant. Good!' he thought, and sent no reply. Because she was not carrying his child the whole matter was unimportant; the American could live or die as she chose. It was almost teatime when the Emir wandered into the harem and went into the Head Wife's suite where he found Princess...

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Female DelightsChapter 21 Selima s Wedding

The women of the harem were all excited at the prospect of Selima's wedding and Maryam was no exception. Naturally, they would not actually be present at the wedding, Selima would be the only woman present, and she not for long, but the Emir had arranged that they could all watch the festivities on closed-circuit television. Selima's mother and sisters had travelled specially into the Golden Palace to see their sister have an unprecedented state wedding. When the Emir finally left the...

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Female DelightsChapter 22 Helping

Four nights later, Fatima was escorted to the Emir's bedroom having gone through the whole routine of being bathed, shaven, perfumed, made-up and oiled front and rear, just as she had so often seen other chosen girls being prepared for his, or visitors' beds. As she was being prepared, she thought, 'It's just possible that English Arab bastard has relented and will keep me as one of his women. Wife is too much to expect. Still, he's younger than the last one they tried to make me shag....

1 year ago
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Female DelightsChapter 23 Despair

The next morning Fatima woke to find herself in her own bed in the harem. She had been washed and cared for after the mini-orgy of the wedding night and put to bed by unknown hands. Thinking of what had transpired she felt revolted with herself for going along with it, for letting herself get excited by three pricks in her at once. That ghastly ceremony where she had been used as a servant to hold the virgin he was deflowering. Then the Emir had simply given her to the bridegroom and the...

4 years ago
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Female DelightsChapter 24 Ups And Downs

Maryam was called again after passing a couple of nights and afternoons suffering real pangs of jealousy as he tried other members of his harem. In particular she hated the tall blonde woman, Ludmilla, he had inherited from the Ruby Palace harem of his uncle the late Crown Prince. She was finding it hard to communicate with him in her mixture of baby French and poor English, and his Arabic was very rusty, but this woman spoke no language known to man or beast in the harem, so why did he want...

1 year ago
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Female DelightsChapter 25 Pauline

The Emir had been sleeping with his girl-friend in Oxford regularly for over a year and had more or less decided to propose, when he was suddenly and unexpectedly inherited the throne of Kobekistan. Naturally he wanted her to join him in Kobekistan, thinking that to be his wife and a Royal Princess would be much more attractive to her than being the wife of an Oxford mathematician. Life would certainly be more luxurious than she could ever have dreamed. He arranged for her to be brought to...

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Female DelightsChapter 27 Trouble

The trouble had been brewing for some weeks now, mostly fomented by Djamilla who was extremely unhappy that some of the younger, and to her mind clearly inferior, members of the harem had been promoted over her. She no longer slept in a private suite of rooms, they had been given to Princess Zubeydeh, and mere hostesses had been promoted by the new Emir far above what she considered their rightful station in life. The new Emir's mother had returned to the harem, twenty years after the old...

1 year ago
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Female DelightsChapter 28 Who s Whose What

Nobody in the harem understood why the eunuch doctor came round taking blood samples from everyone in the harem, even the other eunuchs, but it was the Emir's wish and so it was done. Maryam was amused at the varying reactions to this silly sampling. She knew that it did not mean that a part of your soul was being stolen, as Waris, the Somali girl seemed to believe. She also knew that blood was blood and was the same whoever it was taken from. When the results of the DNA analysis came back...

3 years ago
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Female DelightsChapter 29 The Emir s Pleasures

There was lots of gossip in the harem when Maryam was selected again to share the Emir's bed for the night. Fatima remarked on the way she seemed to be spending more and more time in his bedroom, and even suggested that she might soon move in there permanently. This seemed a shocking suggestion to the Kobekistani women, who all lived for the chance to show the Emir how accomplished they were in the bedroom arts, and thus gain advancement in the complex social hierarchy of the harem. All of...

2 years ago
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Female DelightsChapter 30 Tea Party

One afternoon on a whim, David decided to have a tea party in the harem with some of his concubines. He gave some fairly detailed instructions to the Chief Eunuch about the protocol to be employed on this occasion. He decided that Maryam, Ludmilla, Menar and Yenta were to be invited. Dress would be normal harem dress of open bolero and diaphanous trousers in pastel shades. The food choice he left to the staff of the kitchen. All went quite well considering Ludmilla's inability to speak much...

4 years ago
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Female DelightsChapter 31 Hunting

One evening Fatima was sitting, as she often did, disconsolately beside one of the small fish ponds in the harem, idly watching the Koi Carp as they went about their lives untroubled by thoughts of freedom and slavery. Hearing someone come along the path behind her, she turned and saw the Emir approaching. 'Oh, shit, ' she thought, 'I expect he's deciding who to fuck tonight. I hope it isn't me.' Her worries were unfounded as the Emir had never really enjoyed unwilling women in his...

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Female DelightsChapter 32 The Kill

Fatima came round spluttering as she had been revived by the simple expedient of throwing bucket of water over her. The dogs had been shooed away and chained ready to be returned to the kennels. The next thing she knew was that there were hands all over her pulling her clothing off with no thought for its possible reuse. Meanwhile others were pawing her various parts as the fancy took them and she realised with some horror that she was about to be gang-banged. What she couldn't understand...

4 years ago
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Female DelightsChapter 33 She ll Do

The Chief Eunuch was perplexed when the Emir ordered Maryam and Fatima together for a night a few days after Fatima's hunt. Normally he could advise the women what sort of a mood the Emir was in, and what might be a good thing to offer. When the Emir was testy, the woman would be advised to suck his prick very firmly until he came, and thus she might avoid a beating. If he was exuberant, she would be advised to be openly lewd and to offer her arse for his use. On this occasion the Chief...

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Female DelightsChapter 34 Zubeydeh s Return

The harem was all coming and going and whispers and giggles. The normally tranquil, even languid boredom was changed. Everyone knew why within minutes; the Princess Zubeydeh was coming back! Someone had heard the Chief Eunuch giving orders for her reception at the doors of the Golden Palace. That in itself was strange; usually the escorting eunuchs brought new women straight into the harem anteroom, but it seemed that the Princess Zubeydeh was expected to arrive alone and possibly even...

2 years ago
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Female DelightsChapter 35 Failed

The Chief Eunuch broke the news to Maryam that the Emir now knew that she was not pregnant, but seemed undeterred by the news. He wanted to use all possible means to impregnate her. 'All possible means' sounded frightening, so she asked what means were being considered. Inwardly she remembered that for more than a year now a number of men had had free and unrestrained use of her body and she had not shown the slightest sign of becoming pregnant, even though a number of them had used the...

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Female DelightsChapter 36 Oxford

Maryam missed her period a fortnight later, much to her delight, and was immediately sent by a cautiously optimistic Chief Eunuch into the Palace Hospital for tests, which confirmed that she was indeed carrying a male fœtus. The Chief Eunuch was brimming with pride, almost as if he had been responsible, when he announced the news to the Emir. The Emir's reaction was not what the Chief Eunuch had expected; he had thought that the young Emir would be excited at the prospect of having an heir...

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Female DelightsChapter 37 Zubeydeh s Departure

The harem was all aflutter with the news. Zubeydeh was to be sold in the next few days. This was a major change. She may not have been treated still as the Princess Zubeydeh, but she was still the Emir's mother. First he had taken her into his bed, and the eunuchs confirmed that they did indeed fuck, and that he sodomised her. Now he was to sell her. What kind of man would sell his own mother? Even the Kobekistani women were appalled. Worst of all, she was happy about it; she looked as...

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Female DelightsChapter 38 Maternity

It was a long and boring time for Maryam as she waited for the birth of her son, the Crown Prince to be. The Emir did not call for her during the first three months of the pregnancy on medical advice and then he treated her like a piece of rare porcelain until her pregnancy really started to show. After that he never called her again, as the bulky, and it has to be said, bad tempered brood mare she had become did not appeal to him. With over fifty other women in his harem he was not short of...

3 years ago
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Female DelightsChapter 39 The Wanderer s Second Return

Princess Maryam was in her suite being massaged in the most delightful and intimate way by her personal eunuch when Ludmilla burst in on her. "Princess Maryam," she exclaimed, "Princess Maryam you'll never guess who has just come back." "Shh," admonished Princess Maryam, "Do not wake the child. Why are you interrupting me? Do you never knock before bursting in? Have you Russians no manners?" "Forget all that, Zubeydeh is back, with a three month old baby boy called Mahmoud,"...

2 years ago
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Female Anatomy ClassChapter 3

Penny walked into room B-22, and looked around the classroom nervously. There was no one there yet. The room was half classroom and half doctor's examination room. In the front of the room, there was an examination table, cabinets, and an office chair that looked totally out of place in front of the three rows of desks, a teacher's podium off to the side, and a movie projector in the back. These rooms were designed specifically to demonstrate medical techniques. Everything a young med....

1 year ago
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Female Anatomy ClassChapter 5

Penny sat back up on the examination table, now topless, and folded her arms across her lovely chest. After three men examined, handled, and pinched her breasts, there was little need for her to show retroactive modesty. Everyone had already had his fill of her boobs. The men were now beginning to look at the rest of her body like wolves. Everyone was waiting to see her expose more- especially a little peach fuzz- she was bound to have an adorable little pussy. The younger men were...

4 years ago
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Female Anatomy ClassChapter 6

After recording the degraded young woman's temperature, Dean Richards determined that it was time for a recess. The class had been working with the girl for over an hour now, and in accordance with his usual lecturing procedures, he was stopping for fifteen minutes to let his students absorb everything he'd discussed during the first half. He needed some time to set up for the next segment of Miss Penny Yoder's examination, and besides, his boys looked like they needed a few moments to...

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Female Anatomy ClassChapter 7

Richards was feeling ruthless. He wanted to get right into it and take in her totally nude form. He was beaming on the inside. This young woman was going to be given the most personal exam of her life- with a live audience present! "We are ready to begin, Miss Yoder. I want you to remove all of your clothes and sit back on the table. " There was no "please", he ordered her like a warden searching an inmate. She began crying harder and her make-up smudged a bit. She started stripping-...

1 year ago
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Female black boss Domination pt 1

My name is Sam and I have been working in a prison for a few years now. I am a women but she was quite pretty for an older woman. One day I got a message for the secretary that Ms. Tucker wanted to see me after Work at 4 in her office. I was concerned all day as what I could have done. At 4 sharp I showed up at her door passing all the other teachers who were teasing me about the trouble I was most obviously in. I knocked at the door and a very stern voice told me to come in. I walked in to see...

1 year ago
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Female Speech Teacher Bangs 18 Year Old Senior High Student

My name is Cynthia Wacker, but my family and friends call me Cindy for short. I work as a speech language pathologist (SLP) in the Anne Arundel County Public School System in Maryland. I'm a mature, 34-year old professional woman, about 5'8" tall, white, and outwardly look very professional. And I have a confession. I like high school senior boys. They have to be at least 18 years old, of course, because I want to keep my job in case I ever got caught. Now, when I say I like them, I don't mean...

1 year ago
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MyDaughtersHotFriend Brooklyn Gray 25637

Before going on a road trip, Brooklyn Gray has her friend’s dad check out her car. While he works on the car in the garage, Brooklyn waits in the living room and finds a gift. Curiosity hits her and she scopes it out, finding sexy lingerie. Her friend’s dad comes in and explains its for his wife but she’ll probably not wear it since she’s a prude. Brooklyn, on the other-hand, embraces sexuality and tries on the lingerie to show him how sexy it looks, eventually turning...

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Travel Of Pleasure With A Healthy Lady In Train

I am Salman, 37 years old, average body doing job in accounts office of a Multinational company who involve in geology activities. It happened in a train during travel Rawalpindi to Karachi. My company selected me and my colleague for a course of accounting Financial Analysis in PIMS Karachi. We both decided to travel on train as its fascinate both of us. We had booking in Green line Train which start from Islamabad and then Rawalpindi. We chose Rawalpindi as we both live in Rawalpindi. I am...

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An open letter Part 1

I was married then for five years to my hubby after two years of working together in an IT company and courtship for about 18 months.We both changed our jobs and got jobs in different companies. I kept fit because I travelled daily by metro to work (preceded and followed by a solid twenty minutes brisk walk each way). That ensured my brisk walking for about 8 kilometres daily. I deliberately walked as I wanted to be fit and keep my body in shape. I knew women add kilos to their body after...

Office Sex
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Forever a Slut

Britney has been a tramp ever since junior high. Ever since she sucked off the most popular boy in school she knew she wanted to be the girl anyone could come to for sexual pleasure. By her sophomore of highschool she was known as a slut but never denied the accusations, she loved it! Almost anything you could imagine a slut doing in highschool, she did, flashing the class, blowing Chris in the back of the room, being fingered by Steven under the desk, she even took cock from the quarterback in...

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My Understanding Wife

So, here’s the background. My wife suffers from chronic pain, so she sleeps in her own bedroom. We had taken in my old friend from high school. Her name is Melinda and my wife is Chris. I’m Peter. Melinda and I are twenty-seven and Chris is twenty-five. We met in college. Melinda and I graduated together. She had been in an abusive relationship through her senior year and because of that seemed to have lost interest in sex. All of her friends, including me, assumed she was still a virgin. But...

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Watching Mt Daughter the next night

This is part two of how a grown man in the darkness of night watches his daughter’s dealings. In the first episode he mistakenly stumbles upon her with two boys as they take full advantage of her naive age and intact pussy. I lay in bed that night after going over each and every facet, nauseating, I began to get another erection. The next morning at breakfast the wife wanted to know what possessed me, not complaining, but unquestionably thrilled with the performance I delivered, like I was...

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Had Sex With A Black Tall Negro Who Was My Daughter 8217 s Colleague

Hello Friends, this is Sumithra Singh aged of 46 from Jaipur staying in Hyderabad. Am a married women having one daughter and one son. My Husband is a Businessman.we got married 26 yrs back. My self am a housewife, My daughter completed her Graduation and working in a MNC company, my son is studying engineering 1st year. Now coming to myself am 5.6 ft tall and have a good body with figure of 36 28 38. It was in the month of August when My Husband and My son went to Pune for getting admission in...

4 years ago
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The Game 1

But I wasn't paying attention to these details at the time; such minutae was far from my mind. For upon each small bed was half a girl. Now I know how odd that sounds, but there was through each of the holes shoved a woman. One half of her was hidden to me, behind the screen, and the other half lay upon the bed within sight of my eyes. And glorious day, the part which I could see was her lower part. The only thing each woman wore was a pair of panties, each differing by color and by...

3 years ago
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my fantasy 8

we are sitting at a barhaving a drink & getting re-acquaintedwhen i suddenly just blurt out" do u wanna try starting over ??do u wanna try fucking me again ?? " u quickly answer " i was hoping that was why u called !! " so we quickly leave the lounge & go 2 your house... u go in2 the bathroom & take a quick shower as i get cumfortable & sprawl out on your bed...u return from the shower wearing only a towel around your waist...sliding 2 the edge of the bed i slide my arms around...

3 years ago
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Aphrodite of the Sea

Ah, the salty sea breeze, the gentle rocking of the boat, and the sound of nothing but waves and sea life, there is no better feeling than the feeling you get when you're deep sea fishing. You've been at this for years, actually having gotten pretty good at it, but still never landing anything worth mounting on the wall at home. Last year, you almost caught this huge swordfish, but a shark landed it before you and took half of your fishing line with him. This year, you're determined to catch a...

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Prince of the Realm

This story is based in a fantasy/medieval world so I have taken the liberty of changing a few things to match my own vision. Despite the technology level of this reality I have imported certain items and words such as bra and panties simply for my own amusement. Twelve-year old Penrod toed the line expectantly, eagerly looking forward to the race. To look at him he stood out not at all, save for perhaps in height. He was the youngest of the crowd of boys jostling for the prime starting...

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The elevator ride

He just landed at the airport and headed for the hotel. He is coming shortly on a business trip. As he enters the hotel, his eyes lands on the beautiful receptionist, she is a work of art. She is wearing heavy makeup, and she proudly exhibits her massive features. She raises her head and looks at him as he approaches the counter. He is looking down at her with a grin. She smiles and stands up, slowly biting her lower lips without realizing “Can I help you, Sir?”. He answers brutally lacking all...

1 year ago
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The Omega PathChapter 20 Fighters and Healers

It was only the pain that kept her from screaming. Annie dug her fingernails tightly into her own palms as she squeezed the controls, cutting into her own flesh. She gripped the steering wheel and accelerator handle so tightly, her knuckles went white. She pushed her tongue hard into her teeth, intentionally poking directly into the sharp points, nearly piercing herself. The pain in her hands and mouth focused her, which was the thing that kept her from screaming in fury. "Bastard!" she...

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Some Things Are Meant to BeChapter 2

The lights came on promptly at 7:00 the next morning. Another foot of snow had fallen overnight. Melanie and a thousand of our closest friends stirred as the airport came to life. The status boards were all flashing "cancelled" for every flight. We stretched and took turns going to the restrooms. There was a line in the women's room and she took a little longer than me. "Do you want the good news or the bad news?" I asked as she came out. Even though we had spent the night basically...

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Dragon ClanChapter 10

Aldren had Mirgan sit next to him at the table. As soon as the others had taken their places, he got their attention. "Friends, we were trying to decide what to do about the siege against the dwarf kingdom. One of my younger captains brought to my attention a plan of action that I find might suit our purpose. Mirgan, will you give us your thoughts." He then motioned for Mirgan to stand and speak. Mirgan started to speak. While he had been present for the entire conference, he had spent...

2 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 96

Allie was still pissed at Adam. He knew that. Part of it was because he hadn't taken her side on the issue. Another part was because he had raised his voice to her – despite the fact that she had screamed at him at the top of her lungs moments before. But the biggest reason was because she suspected he was right and she was wrong. She liked Mary. She liked Mary a lot. She found a kindred spirit in her abrasive attitude and off-color comments. Like Adam, Allie didn't know what she might do...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 576

I decided to go to the local mosque for the first time to see what it was all about. I sat down and the Imam came up to me, laid his hands on my hand and said: “By the will of Allah and the prophet Mohammed - you will walk today. I told him I wasn’t paralysed, I only had a small bunion on my left foot. He came back and laid his hands on me again and looking skywards, earnestly repeated his mantra: “By the will of Allah and the prophet Mohammed - you will walk today. Once again, I told him...

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Bayonetta s Abuse Chapter 8 Whispers In The Dark

Female voice: James... ..... Female voice: Can you hear me James? It's time... ..... Female voice: James! It's time to wake up.... * * * * * The light slap of a hand on his cheek brought James to consciousness. Immediately he was aware of the tight soreness in his limbs and the concentrated warmth of his own body. He was locked in his usual latex bondage suit and double layered thanks to the thick, jet black rubber sleep sack he had spent the night in. Only his hooded head...

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Married guy gets dominted on a ski trip

Lucky me. My company's annual convention was in Vail, Colorado this year. My family had been planning a winter ski trip and I thought I'd take the chance to scope out Vail as a possible site. The convention was scheduled so that we attended meetings through lunch and had the afternoons to explore the town, ski, or network with fellow employees. As it turns out, I did some serious networking, but I doubt the new contacts I made will help my business and I definitely won't be adding them to my...

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fancy dress fuck

hi friends . this is nikunj again with a brand new and unique story of my own imagination. this story is writen just for fun. i know my fans had to wait for my new story since august but what to do. i was busy. ok now with the story.. ye uss din ki batt hai jis din rajul aur uske pati parag ko ek party mai bulaya tha. ye couple fancy dress party thi. asi party kafi kam aur exicting hoti hai aisa rajul ne suna tha, par kabhi bhi wo aisi party mai nahi gayi thi. rajul ne uss party mei jane ke...

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Tgirl Hooker pt6

All my stories are from my experiencesIf you have not read any of my Tgirl Hooker stories, I would advise you do as they will help set the story and you will read, she was no longer a hooker to me but more of a fuck buddy.You may recall from my last story that the time before we met I was still bruised inside from the pounding my ass had taken from her monster cock. I loved the feel of Emma inside me and she had promised the next time she fucked me it would be a completely different...

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I am a Cock Slave Love IT

My favorite time of day is when my MASTER walks thru the door . I'am there anxiously waiting on the floor in my slave toga & leather collar, on my knees, with my ass in the air , & my head on the ground laying upon my crossed arms . I start to speak , he ends over , & slaps my ass hard , which makes me moan, & whimper with delight .My MASTER then tells me, "No talk just do your duty , & pleasure me ! " & slaps my ass again sharply , mmmmmmmmm it's now making my cock hard...

2 years ago
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My Widow Professor 8211 Part 9 Romantic Fantasy Fulfilled

Namaste to all of my brothers and their sisters. How are you all? I am really sorry for the delay. This is a continuation of my story about my romantic fantasy. Please read the previous parts to enjoy the story. With a heart filled with tears, I am announcing to you that this story is going to end very soon. But this is not the end. It is just the beginning. There are many more to come. So stay tuned. Thank you for the unconditional love shown by you all. I will never forget this till the end...

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Karen My School Teacher 13

Part 13As we seated ourselves, Karen pulled out her phone. “I'm gonna make a list. One. I will transfer 3 mil to one of my spare accounts. Then I’ll get a card made for you! Two. I saw a house in the woods I thought about buying. We need to go take a look at that. So I’ll make an appointment. Three. I know a really good tailor, and he is gonna make you a l****a maid’s dress. You need a uniform when you work for me. 2 black ones, 1 light pink, and one red one for Christmas. Yeah, I think that's...

1 year ago
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Nichole gets a job

My name is Nichole and I have to tell you how I got my new job. I was online looking for a job when one caught my eye. It was looking for young actors with no experience required. I thought that sounded good so I went to the online application and filled it out. It asked a lot of questions that I might of thought were inappropriate at any other time but I was ecstatic with joy at the thought of being an actress. It asked things like my physical stats as I filled out blonde hair, green eyes,...

Group Sex
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The Botanical Beauty Part II The Budding Botanist

The Botanical Beauty: Part II—The Budding Botanist  When we left our budding botanist and her wanna-be ardent wooer John they were departing the Cathay flight at Denpasar Airport, Bali, Indonesia. Serendipity had brought them together and Cupid had shot a few love potion dipped arrows in their direction. However, Bali is a tropical jungle and anyone who has read Darwin knows the chances of survival in the animal kingdom are slim, even for love. What is in store for our pair of star crossed...

Love Stories
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Friends MILF Mum

New year, New Story. And considering I'm not getting any response. I'm holding back on my other one. But heres one I've been working on. So enjoy.My best friend's mom is hot, I mean smoking hot, and she knows it. She walks around in bikinis that showcase her long legs, tight ass and big tits; she also dresses up often in pantyhose and short skirts that have all of us guys drooling. Every one of Barry's friends call her a MILF, much to Barry's chagrin, and each of us have shot a ton of cum out...

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OdalisqueThirty six

“IS THE COFFEE COLD?” I whispered in Lissa’s ear. “You’re lucky I didn’t make it when Melody told me what was going on,” she said. She pulled my hand to her lips and kissed it, inhaling deeply. “Did you relieve her tension?” she asked, sniffing several times for a scent that wasn’t there. “Yes, love,” I chuckled, “but I never got my fingers wet. Quite amazing, actually.” “If she spreads the word, every girl here will want Tony’s magic fingers. I know I do.” “Oh? What about poor Tony?” I...

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Spizoo Eveline Dellai Hardcore Anal Pleasure

Stunning blonde Eveline Dellai has a hook with biker guys. She meets this big stallion biker one night after a ride, she goes directly to have sex with him and give it all. Eveline looks stunning in leather and black lingerie. Bikers love the black color. Her sexy nude figure quickly attracted the attention of Angelo Godshack. Angelo facefucks this sexy blonde until his cock is a hard stone. After the hardcore blowjob, Eveline lies on the bed and lets Angelo lick her wet pussy and asshole....

3 years ago
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White High School Quarterback Turned Gay

Justin was the star Quarterback for his High School team. He was the most popular k** and he was even dating the hottest cheerleader by the name of Sarah. They were prom king and queen. They were both white with blue eyes and blonde hair. Justin was your typical all American boy. 6 feet tall, blonde hair, color eyes, and a nice frame on him. He was the best quarterback in the entire state. He already had major colleges looking to recruit him.One day he looks through his girl’s phone and finds a...

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My friend s dad 6

"Well I'm sorry, I guess I don't know what to say," Jeanette said. Then I put my arm over her. "I'm not gonna say I'm sorry your dad got me pregnant, I'm very happy to be with him, but I'm sorry you are not in love with the idea. I really do love him and he loves me too," I said. "OK, I'm sorry I was watching you two have sex. I shouldn't have, but I guess it turned me on though I'm ashamed to say," Jeanette replied. I really couldn't believe what I just heard...

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Carpenter Part 2

I knew I was in trouble after he told me of the viagra! Ken fucked me me every position possible. After pinning my legs back several times and squatting over me, Ken rolled me on my side and placed one leg on his shoulder and straddled my other leg! I rolled my hips into his every stroke as he shoved deeper and harder with each stroke inside me! "Fuck me hard" I begged! I found out very quickly he was not all the way in yet! As he plunged every inch of his thick black cock inside me I felt a...

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Sasur Ke Saath Maje 8211 Part II

This is a story of one of my known to in her own words. mera naam meera hai. meri shaadi ko saal bhar hua hai.main ek house wife hoon aur mere pati ek private firm me kaam karte hain. shaadi k 7 mahine baad tak main aur mere pati kapil akele rahe. mere sasur us waqt tak job pe the aur doosre shahar me rahte the. Fir vo retire ho gaye aur hamaare saath rahne k liye aa gaye. meri saas ko gujre kaafi saal ho chuke the. is se pahle main apne sasur se 3-4 baar mili thi. jab bhi kapil ki job se 4-5...

4 years ago
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Wife Watches

Note: ——I am NOT the author!, wife watchesI wrote this story because while there are plenty of stories where the husband watches the wife having sex with another man, there are not very many here on Lush that have the wife watching the husband have sex with another woman, which is something that I like. Please enjoy my story; it is based partly on this really vivid dream I had, based on real people. It went something like this...I have been married with my husband for 11 years now. I have...

2 years ago
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Me Myself and My gorgeous cousins

I’m not gonna lie. I always lusted for my cousins. They were beautiful. One was 13 years older than me, one was 7 years older than me, and the last was 5 years older than me. Their names are (in order form oldest to youngest) Lindsey, Stephanie, and Megan. Lindsey was about 5’10’’ and she was an athlete. She had hair that I really don’t know the natural color of because she dyed it so much. At this point in time it was black, which clashed with her pale skin but was beautiful anyway. She had...

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It s Practically What Uncles Are ForChapter 12

Hannah wouldn't be home until after 10, so George decided to drop in on Joanna and Dave. Dave was out and wouldn't be back until late; he had an evening meeting at his school, but Joanna and the children where home and made much of George. George noted they all had moist hair. "Yes, we're only just back from swimming down at the aquatic centre with Catherine's young man," Joanna said. "Mum!" Catherine exclaimed, colouring up beet red. "What young man?" George asked sternly. "Is...

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EvilAngel Alyssia Kent Ivi Rein Anal Foot Fun

Brunette seductress Alyssia Kent licks her lips as tiny tart Ivi Rein and porn legend Rocco Siffredi fondle and kiss. The intensity provokes a sexually charged flashback for Ivi. Aroused Rocco frees his big cock for the two beauties to share. Ivi engulfs his meat down to the hairy sack in a deepthroat blowjob. The women strip down to black lace undies and stockings for some scorching lesbian pussy eating. Rocco digs his face into Ivi’s ass cheeks. Rocco fucks Ivi’s twat in different...

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FamilyStrokes Pristine Edge Dynasty Nerd

It’s fantasy football season and Pristine is willing to do anything to win, but her husband Brad just asks her to make him a sandwich instead of getting her involved. Pristine wanders into her stepson Joshua’s room and discovers that he’s been working on his own fantasy football AI and now Pristine wants in on that. Joshua doesn’t wanna get his stepmom involved but when he notices she’s kinda desperate he takes advantage of the situation and asks her to suck his cock in exchange for helping her...

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Laura s Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 296

Three weeks of lovers' paradise ensued for Laura and Makeeda. They were rarely apart, except for work. This, of course, was a strain on them both since Laura worked during the day and Makeeda during the evening. The lack of sleep began to tell on Laura after a while since all their lovemaking had to occur late at night, after Makeeda's restaurant closed. Rhonda even stopped her at work, in the hall. "You look like shit," she said, diplomatically as ever. "You must have some new pretty...

2 years ago
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MILFS hold an adult party part 5

At this point Chloe asked "Angie would you like to 69 Tracey?" Angie had never 69ed a woman but she wanted to get some relief from the squeezing, pulling and twisting so she said "That might make a nice change." "Ok then why don't you climb on top of her on the table."Anita climbed on to the table and placed her pussy over Tracey's mouth while her mouth was over Tracey's pussy. "Tracey I want you to lick Angie's pussy slit and clit and don't forget to stick your tongue as far into her cunt as...

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Having It AllChapter 2

I pulled out my cell and asked, "What's your name?" I could see the question marks in her eyes as she answered, "Joyce Chambers." I extended my hand and said, "Bill Hunter, glad to meet you, Joyce." I flicked my cell open and searched my contact list. I found the number I was looking for and hit the send key. Almost as soon as it began ringing a female voice answered, "Delmar Resort, how may I help you?" "Dana, I thought this was your private number? When did you start answering...

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my mum and her pakistani boyfriend

my mum is 49yrs old , 5'3 , blonde hair , blue eyes , slim and smokes her name is ann and recently she has been dating a pakistani , one night he stayed over and i was going to the toilet i heard them having sex , now my mum is a good lady and has not had sex since my dad and that was 8 years ago , so anyway as i went to the toilet i heard them "oh ann you vagina is so tight mmmm" "yes pump me chand ejaculate in that condom baby mmmm" and so on , i got so turned on all i could do is whip out my...

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my hot cousin 2

Dear Friends, I am 25 year old and living at Delhi with my parents. My cousin Kamal is 5'-3", slim, 20 years old and doing MA. She is also residing at Delhi with her parents. Her house is at about a KMts. distance from my house. She is a very sexy and westernised girl. Her buldging boobs, round thighs and hips can turn any person mad for her. We often meet each other but never went so far. But I have to admit that I always wanted her. We used to talk frankly but so intimately. Whenever I...

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The Fun With My Hot And Sexy Sana Bhabhi

Hi everyone, this is nikhil from mumbai and let me introduce about myself. I am an average looking guy 23 years old young boy and i am quiet fit have the ability to satisfy any women or girl. Gonna share you the real incident which happened with me last year. And after that incident i have became a sex machine for my neighbor bhabhi and reading the story gonna make u horny too. My neighbor bhabhi name is sana and she is beautiful and her skin color is like milk and her age is 27 years old. Any1...

1 year ago
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Futa Witch

Authors Note: Press like if you like it and anyone is welcome to add whatever they want to the story. I like to sleep late which is why it was annoying when my room shook and I heard "WELL THEN I DIDN'T REALIZE YOU STARTED USING WOMEN'S MAKEUP MY MISTAKE JOHN" before something else was said and a door slammed. Doing what was came naturally I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. Listening for a few more moments I heard my roommate Morgan stomp around knocking shit over in anger. After a...

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Lovely But Bit Dirty Sex 8211 Part I

Hi all. My name is Rish. I want to share my story with you. Ye kahani kafi purani hae barso beet gaye ho shayad. I was 20 year old at that time. Mere ghar mae mere papa mom Kamini aur bahan the. Comment me on Main kar raha tha meri mom ka naam Kamini hai. She is a modern women. Wo bhaut sunder hae aur figure bhara hua tha woh 40 saal ki the. woh apne figur aur beauty ka bahut khayaal rakhati. woh daily gym jaati hai. woh ek bahut hi sexy aurat hai.wo bahut hi fashonable aurat hai. woh...

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Leather Short Shorts

I have always liked the look of leather shorts that have a very short inseam. While looking through Ebay one day, I came across some black leather shorts that looked quite sexy. They were square cut with a little v-shaped notch at the sides of the hem. They were being sold by a manufacturer in Pakistan. I was a bit hesitant to order the shorts because the seller was in another country. The photographs of the shorts did look quite good and the description of the item convinced me to give it a...

Gay Male
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Shalini Aunty And Me In Bangalore

Hello fellas. Inspired Hustler here. I’ll cut the introductory shit and directly come to the story keeping it short and erotic. 6 months back I moved into a gated community in Bangalore. As it was a new place to me, I was getting bored.So to kill some time and keep myself occupied I used to go to the gym. That was the first time I met Shalini.She was very beautiful and sexy. Describing about her…she was 32,5’4 and wheatish brown complexion. Her figure was 34 DD -30-36. One day in the gym, I...

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Colors By Cassandra Morgan Jellybeans. They reminded me of jellybeans, all sweet and pretty. I looked out over the offices, and the secretaries of the building moved around, pretty and inviting in their office clothes. They were beautiful, and smart, and loyal to the company. There was a crisp professionalism about them. Tropical fish. They reminded me of tropical fish, all colorful and free, darting this way and that. It was my lunch period, but I always ate at my desk so I could...

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GreenDoor Gangbang

My wife and I are a white couple in our mid 30s that have never swapped or included anyone in our sex. Often during sex I would tell my wife that I wanted to watch her with another man and what a turn on it would be. Sex with her is always good but when I tell her these fantasies during sex she REALLY gets off! We've visited the Vegas Green Door 4 times in the past and have always had a good time without including anyone else. My wife always gets off knowing she’s being watched. On our most...

Group Sex
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Breaking the MoldChapter 5

On the way to the motel in Tony’s car, afraid that someone might recognize her, Mary shielded the side of her face. God forgive me, I’m such a fucking whore. Though she toyed with a way of escaping her mind refused to stop thinking but you love it so much. “You’re not a whore Mary,” Tony assured her, “You’re an incredibly exciting woman. You have arrived at a point in your life where you are exercising your sexual freedom. It’s your right, ya know? It’s your obligation to yourself. Today is...

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