Mind Alteration indian porn

3 years ago
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Mind Over ManagersChapter 10

Grace's body hair didn't survive the night, of course. It wasn't long at all before the ladies all got in on the act and she was totally smooth from her neck down. This was in addition to the cream also applied to her face to rid her of any shadow of facial hair. When she took a shower with Jen and rinsed off the stray hairs, Grace emerged clean, slick, and very feminine for an obvious man with a very real cock and balls ... the former quite stiff to boot. "Damn, girl ... you look hot!"...

2 years ago
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Mind Over PoliticsChapter 2

“Oh, damn, Xiao’s ass is so yummy!” Kate Duvall remarked as she licked away at Feng Xiao’s butt-crack between strokes. I moved back and forth between Kate’s mouth and Xiao’s twat, the former sucking the latter’s juices off me when she wasn’t rimming her. I couldn’t help but imagine those two getting hitched and me tagging along for their wedding night and honeymoon, to sire my spawn on both of them. I also pictured Kate as a future President or something, with Xiao as her First Lady, perhaps...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 4

School was a lot more fun for James and Wendy. Daily, Jimmy came over for homework and an extra. Wendy was not as tense and no where as sarcastic. She realized that she was close to twice as smart as five out of six instructors, sixth being her math teacher. The other five she looked upon as rocks out of their box. And she was pretty much right. "Mom. It's your country ... can't you do something about the quality of teachers?" "Wendy, as soon as you do something about the quality of...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 5

Two weeks to the day of the original summons, the secretary knocked on the door of first hour English. "I need Wendy Austin ... for the next four days. She will need all her assignments for those four days. She will receive special dispensation and hand in her homework and any projects on Friday. I'll be back for the work later today. Thank you." She walked out with Wendy in tow. The English instructor hadn't a clue what was happening for the next four days. Usually he'd go home and...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 6

"Because," Wendy said, "And the more I think about it the dumber it becomes, I want any success or failure on my part to be my part. I don't want to be measured by the watch. Does that make sense?" Mr Williams, through Monique's watch said, "We'll have a sit-down after the tests are complete. You took a long time to finish the first one." "I had six hours ... I finished the test in an hour and a half, the rest of the time I was checking my answers." Monique's watch asked...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 7

"Please, she's all I've got. I'll tell you all you everything if you just give her back," Williams said. "Grandma?" "Vee?" "Let him in." Junior opened a small door in the bubble and Mr. Williams stepped through. His head exploded. The body dropped in the opening. From a car down the street an RPG fired but the door was already shut. The RPG hit so softly or the bubble absorbed the energy so gently that it didn't explode. It slid down the side of the bubble and laid on the...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 8

"I'd have to say, Junior," said Vee. "That was just a tad bit rude." "I didn't know she actually liked him ... teens ... you know." "Yeah ... I understand ... there are times when I hate my mom," Wendy said. "Don't worry about it ... she hated me all through her teen years. She didn't get over it until she had you," explained Junior. "Children don't understand their parents until they're parents ... then it's Katie bar the door." "What about... ?" asked Vee. "My...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 11

After the party was over, Monique was a bit more relaxed than she had been before it started. If there's one thing the six powers are good at ... it's fucking ... whether it's horizontal or up; Seven is the one with the head on her shoulders ... when she's off on a tear, the others play more than work. Junior remembers their antics when they vacationed at The Island back when she was 12?... 13?... 14? ... something like that. Messy too ... Junior was their maid of all work ... and it was...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 13

And so, dear friends, the story reverts to 2060, Princess Wendolyn Wanzor Austin, the fifth, and the discussion about her testing. "Did she do well?" Four asked the Principal, Mr. Standish. "Well ... how do you define Well?" "She didn't disgrace the family ... she scored well within her educational age group ... she wasn't outstanding nor was she on the left side of the bell curve ... she was adequate. That is how I define well." "Then, no ... I'd have to say she did not do...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 14

"School together?" Vee asked. "Yes," The Wanzor said. "Oh, G'mom ... we'll have so much fun." Wendy was beside herself. "I can not wait to tear your history teacher a new asshole," The Wanzor said. Four, with a stern-faced, uniformed man trailing her, knocked on the frame of the door to Wendy's room. Wendy looked up, shocked, "Mom?" The reigning Watch-holder stepped into the room. The uniformed man was right behind her. "It seems We have been remiss in Our duties," began...

1 year ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 15

While Vee confessed to playing on the computer all weekend, The Wanzor went to Vee's classes. "Oh, I'm not her," went over like a barrel over Niagara Falls. Not great but with a chance of survival ... just. Still, the pop quizzes went well. The Wanzor had been there when the devil added the alphabet to math, so her solutions were correct but her method bore absolutely zero resemblance to the instructional methods taught in today's school. The Wanzor knew 'old school' and 'old...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 16

"Might I speak to the Access Commissioner, Gary Zalewski, please?" "Whom shall I say is calling?" "Vee." "Oh, my God ... it's the Princess!" If you want to discombobulate a secretary, there is absolutely nothing like a call from a real live princess. In a weird sort of way, it was cute ... tiresome ... but cute. Naturally, the secretary connected Vee to the commissioner ... she pushed all the right buttons except the one that kept Vee connected to the commissioner's secretary....

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 19

"That was pretty inconsiderate of me," Vee said to The Wanzor. "You mean because the Sukhoi is a single seat?" "Yeah." "Don't worry about it ... I fly too, you know." "You license expired in 2001." "I have my ways ... and the Powers that Be." "Oh ... what ever you're going to do ... it should be soon ... I'm leaving tomorrow." The Wanzor gave a little shriek and disappeared in a puff of smoke. "Ooo, that was cool ... teach me how to make smoke, Grandma?" Grandma...

4 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 20

Vee and the Sukhoi performed one of those extend the gear at the top of the loop and squeaked into a landing as they locked maneuvers that scare the living hell out of everybody. Now that she was on the ground people noticed the P-38 with the Merlins. "What in the hell is that?" "We never built one of those." "That's so cool." "How does she fly?" Then they noticed the British roundels and That started a whole new discussion. They were looking at an airplane that wasn't...

1 year ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 21

"It's the only XP-38K-1-LO ever built ... except it's not. The XP-38K-1-LO was built by Lockheed and they refused to use Merlins. This is the aircraft the British modified with Merlins and P-40 chins ... except, you won't find it in any book ... not even the records of Supermarine. That page is torn out of the records book. The folder was still in the file cabinet when the war was over but it was empty. Ben at Franklin Aviation called it the XP. "First the Brits claimed they never...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 22

Singapore was a bust. Hong Kong was too. Hawaii was part of FED A. Australia burned far too often. New Zealand was ... sheep. We kept getting back to Europe ... and Germany. Germany. Great schools, nearly all classes taught in English. "They have weird cults," said The Wanzor. "What do you call time travelers?" Vee asked by way of rebuttal. "I see," Wendy responded. Russia had tried to reunite to its Soviet States and Satellites in the early part of the century ... NATO stomped that...

1 year ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 23

There wasn't a reasonable house for sale in Konstanz. The military base was on the other side of the lake and 16 kilometers inland, although there was Bodensee access and a dock? Some would call it a dock. Vee didn't. She needed a place to lay her head on this side of the lake ... but not in Switzerland. Switzerland wasn't too far south but it had border crossings. In the past year, the border had been closed seven times for as long as three days. The University students who were taking...

1 year ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 24

"Where is this watch?" "With the Princess." Then, nothing would do but she recite the whole story ... in German. Half way through his scanner must have vibrated in his pocket because he held up his hand, "Stoppen Sie," They were back to him speaking German. He fished his pad and read the screen. He pushed some buttons and held his hand over his left ear. He answered a voice from the palm of his hand ... probably like hearing the sea from a seashell ... probably not. "Ja." The...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 25

"Which Wendy?" Wendy said. "Ja. Which Wendy Austin are you?" "The first." "When were you born?" "1942." "Ja, fer sure," he chortled. "One hundred and what? Twenty two?" "Pretty much," Wendy said. "How about I prove it to you?" She touched him on the shoulder. They flickered ... it wasn't much but the minions were upset ... just long enough to hit the dirt and start fumbling for pistols. "Heilige Geschlechtsverkehr Scheiße. Wie in den sieben Höllen haben sie das...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 26

The trio sealed the engine, transmission and electrical and gave the boat a quick dip with all the seacocks, hatches and portholes open. Just a quick slosh and twirl in Lake Baikal to get rid of the lingering seagull smell and then a quick run to the Sahara to dry things out. The steel wheeled fifth wheel custom built trailer was a handy place to keep the boat when Constance froze over. Since she was a student, Vee could use the boat storage at the school docks. Or maybe not. While the boat...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 27

Vee was a very good student. The Wanzor did as well in the sciences but couldn't keep her mouth shut in Art History ... mostly because she'd been there. The pictures of huge codpieces on Kings, Dukes ... even knights were products of artists staying alive. So too were massive chests and well turned calves. Noses were shrunk and chins grew. Paintings of wives and children were more the product of imagination than the real thing. Sometimes the beauty of a child was found in the model found...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 30

The beautiful voice behind the beautiful blue eyes asked, "Sie ist sehr schön, bitte, Hat sie wirken wie dies die ganze Zeit? Ist sie auf Medikamente und vergessen, es zu nehmen? Wird sie in Ordnung sein?" She is very beautiful, please. Does she act like this all the time? Is she on medication and forgot to take it? Will she be okay? "We're from the Princessapality. American" "Amerikaner? Princessapality?" The explanation was made, but no mention of Heir Apparent, or Princess was...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 31

The next "Eep!" was caused by a semiconscious Vee turning her head to examine the hard, soft, warm object brushing her ear. Contact with her nose and lips, although not exactly pleasant, was the starting point of a very minor tremble in the lower regions of her torso. The fleshy tube exuded a strange odor that was pleasing to her senses ... so much so that she wondered what it would taste like. When Vee was was much younger ... not all that long ago in the scheme of things ... she begged...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 33

Mother really raised a stink. She contacted the school. Simply because Mother was an adult and Vee wasn't ... Vee was suspended. "Junior?" Of course Junior stayed. Because she had a history of violence in action, she was always interested in interpersonal actions and reactions between parent and offspring. The guilt that carried over from the first war into the second colored her life. The refuge she had found in wild sex had backfired. Pregnant, and not a clue as to the father, she...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 35

"Mother. Out. This is my castle now." Vee commanded as she appeared in the throne room. So, it was the den ... so what ... lV used it when she pronounced. "But ... Wendy." "That's your Royalness, Highness or Majesty ... and don't you forget it. You just had to run things ... well ... now you don't and I do! Out!" Vee exclaimed. "Where will we go?" "Who is we?" "Your dad." "Daddy can stay here if he wants ... he likes me and you never did." "I'm sure he'll choose...

4 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 36

Geese! "I'm coming, I'm coming! You don't need to break it down?" Vee swung the door wide open. "What?" When the Island was bombed and destroyed the family and home, Junior was turning sixteen and late for her birthday party. She arrived to a smoking hole still filling with Great Lakes water. For about two years, Junior went three miles past wild. She was pregnant at 18 without a clue as to the male who produced the sperm and really didn't give a fuck ... she probably should have...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 39

So Vee bummed a ride upstate to see about maybe going to school. Mount Pleasant had been a Land Grant school. In case you didn't know, a Land Grant college was a school established by a Land Grant. So many sections were given to the school with the right to sell or lease the land to the highest bidder. The fees or funds were deposited in an interest bearing account somewhere and the interest was used to alleviate the taxes needed to support the school ... alleviate not eliminate ... help...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 40

While the two friends were sitting on stools at Murphy's Wing and a Prayer Pub on Campus Drive ... now ... there's an interesting name ... Wing ... because they serve Buffalo Wings and Prayer because they are the hottest wings in history and God is often called upon to cool them down ... She never does. Beer just makes them hotter. The only thing that works is buttermilk and no self-respecting Pub would stock milk. Anyway, while they were in the big middle of a discussion about appearing...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 41

From Mount Pleasant to Big Rapids, Vee flew over some absolutely magic country. The green forests of pine, hickory, walnut and oak have the smell of life. Of growing things and sparkling waters, slow moving rivers and newly mowed grass. Flying along, she started thinking and then she started talking to herself ... gave herself a talking to was more like it. "Did you even think to lock the door at home before you left? How about the dishes? You haven't dusted or vacuumed, polished the...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 42

It is almost a given that incredibly intelligent children are exceptionally mature or exceptionally objectionable. Intelligence is no guarantee of common sense. Chuck - Charles - Charlie - Hey You - Chas - the youngest Austin sib was the best time Wendolyn - Vee - Princess Extraordinaire - the youngest Wanzor and ... if one believed Berlin ... and Vee didn't ... some kind of Prussian, Polish, Hungarian, Rumanian, Czechoslovakian Duchess all together or separately ... or something else...

1 year ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 43

Charles edged back a little ... as far as the wall would let him. Stuttering, he said, "Vee, what did you do?" "Took her to the hospital." "Before that." "Tossed the cop in the corner, he touched me." "No ... before that." "Told Miss Barker to keep her hands off my shit." "After that. but before the cop," he nodded in the direction of the blue pile. He was still asleep. "Oh ... when I cut off Miss Nosy Barker's hand?" "Yeah ... then." "I popped back to Fourteenth...

4 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 44

In truth ... Vee was doing two pages at a time ... one right handed and one left. There didn't seem to be any difference in the writing. Her penmanship looked like chicken prints until one looked at it for a minute, unfocused ones eyes, and the missing lines in the letters sorta slid where they were supposed to go. It wasn't Gregg ... it wasn't anything anyone had ever seen before ... but it worked. And it was fast. For sure, no one was going to cheat off her tests. One hour and forty...

4 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 45

There are a couple three four things a parent does not want to hear issue from their teenager's lips..."Mom, I missed my period ... and I seem to have missed one pill," while displaying the pill dispenser with one little pill still in the very center of the month... ..."I don't have anything to wear," when mom knows there isn't room for anything more in said teen's closet... ..."Mom, I can't find your car." ... Mom didn't know it was gone. ..."Mom, this is Jimmy ... he...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 46

Over the next hundred years, terrorist groups rose and terrorist groups fell. They had one plan and one plan only. Kill the Great Satan. They didn't understand that the United States really meant it when they wrote Freedom of Religion into their Constitution. When the Princessapality of the Island divided the United States, Jihadism, a term coined in the early part of the 21st century, and used to cover Islamic insurgency and terrorism had become a new religion with a base founded on Islam...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 47

It all started on Labor Day. Labor Day used to be September Seventh ... no matter what ... and school started on the Eighth ... unless the Seventh happened to fall on a Friday. The Unions got more powerful and Labor Day was rearranged so it made a three day holiday ... unless it fell on Thursday ... and then the Union was off until the following Monday. A four day celebration celebrating Labor. After the first conflict, when the Princessapality became a Nation, Too ... Wendy Too, the first...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 48

Like I said, it all started on Labor Day. Midnight 0:00.01, September 7th, 2210. That's the Day the world stopped. A planet is a planet unless there's intelligence living on it. With intelligence it's a world. By the time the eighth of September started the world was a planet. Not one single living thing survived. Nothing that flew, walked, crawled, swam ... if it used oxygen ... it was gone. The stench was unimaginable. The only reasonable thing that could be said about it? Nobody was...

1 year ago
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Mind Over ManagersChapter 13

I made a decision on my way back to the fast food location, along with my other plans, which I had revised now. I would command Edda to join us, though she would still get to sleep with Miles, Yessenia, and Corazon, probably with Ted and Damon, too. I would also find out if Ted or Damon were married. If they weren’t, they were to wed Yessenia and Corazon, so that the girls could find it easier to stay in the country. I hated the existing immigration laws, too, and I fully intended to reform...

2 years ago
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Mind Over ManagersChapter 18

I enjoyed the wonderful strokes of Salome’s hips as she met me, again and again, her body convulsing with ecstasy, while my cock pulsed in and out of her, bareback, of course. Miles’s wife was definitely not a bad lover, and I would be more than ready to use her again some time. I had already fucked several women that afternoon, of course, including Jess and Jamie, as well as Sandra, Pam, Roxanne, and Alice Goldman again. I was more than ready to stop with this, of course, with apologies to...

1 year ago
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Mind Over ManagersChapter 20

All went well and good, until, that was, what had been inevitable finally happened: the press. I knew that it was coming and was only a matter of time before the Fourth Estate learned of me, and now they finally had. Sure enough, into the buffet came a trickle of reporters, sure to become a swarm in time. My days of relative obscurity were over. From this minute onward, I was a celebrity and I knew it. It wasn’t going to be any fifteen minutes, as Andy Warhol would say, not in my case, so I...

2 years ago
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Mind Over ManagersChapter 21

“Okay, Leon, you’ve been very patient, so you get a reward. Thanks for licking Mona that well, just as David did. He’s waited a bit for his next fuck as well, so this is what is going to happen. David fucks Mona here, since he’s already eaten her out. Leon, you get to fuck Xiao. I want both of you to do justice to her, of course, and Kendra, you’re to sit on Robin’s face while I fuck her. Yes, I’m going to tap Robin’s sweet pussy now. Time for some more very public adultery, don’t you agree?”...

1 year ago
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Mind Over ManagersChapter 22

“That will be two iced teas and one large, buttered popcorn to share!” I ordered for Feng Xiao, my sweet pet, at the concession stand, having already gotten the tickets for free. “You will not charge us for the food and drink. We will have it gratis,” I instructed the clerk at the front, a rather pimply fellow who looked easily as if he could be an incel. “Yes, of course, sir,” the clerk answered nervously. “Relax. It will be fine. Tell me, do you have any crushes on a co-worker or...

3 years ago
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Mind Over ManagersChapter 23

As soon as I realized that the movie hadn’t resumed, I recalled something else. I had the power to grant immunity and healing for HIV and STDs, and I hadn’t used it yet in the theater, though I had in other places. I needed to act and fast. I could resume the date when I had taken care of this urgent matter and fast, given that without my action, people could get infected and fast. I had forgotten that not all of the world was immune or healed. This gave me a very good idea, at least in my...

1 year ago
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Mind Controls Janice Pt 07b

I was in a local coffee shop talking to my mate Ian. "18 months since I last had sex," I grumbled, "and even back then the sex with Sharon was not great, regular but not great." "You need a good fuck with a more experienced woman," said Ian grinning at me. Ian seemed to have good sex life while although I had made love to three different women and I had enjoyed it the sex had seemed fairly safe none of the women had really wanted to experiment. Ian looked at the contact list in his...

1 year ago
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Mind Controlled Janice Pt 21

My name is Ahmed I am about 4 foot 6 inches tall of Pakistani origins and a student at Farfield School. I was pleased she was waiting as I was skipping school to see her. Janice had written me a note to take to school saying I had a dental appointment at 11am I would need to leave school at 10:30, she had signed it in my mother’s name. I was now over nervous I did not really know what to expect, I knew sex was something a man and woman did and it was exciting but otherwise I was clueless...

2 years ago
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When Were Alone

We enter a bedroom, you before me. I close the door, and you turn to face me. You place your hands on my waist and pull me in close. I lean down and whisper in your ear, “You’re so beautiful”, then I kiss your neck as I wrap you in my arms. I caress your face with my right hand and kiss your lips softly once. I rest my forehead on yours, and trace my left hand tantalizingly slowly down your back, from your neck to the small of your back. I kiss you again, this time with more passion, running...

3 years ago
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All I want to see is suffering… And I almost see it… I almost feel it… when I’m standing there in front of him… watching his slender body tied down in black ropes… effectively bound, half lying in bathtub on his back… BUT Almost!! It’s amazing how seductive I found him, resisting there. Every move of him intensifies my dominance, be it a desperate shivering urge to keep his head up and out of chilled water or his passionate submissive efforts to attract me deliberately. Either ways he almost...

3 years ago
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We eventually made it to my house, which was on a typical, mature, suburban street. I led Deb out of the car to the front step where I told her to sit & wait fo me. With her hands still tied behind her back, sans panties, I helped her down to sit on the 2nd step, about 12" off the ground, leaving her knees up in front of her considerably higher than her waist. I instructed her to rest her forehead on her knees & not to move while I removed the blindfold.I went in the house & watched...

1 year ago
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Brownie Craving

Author: slaveboyusa Please send comments to: [email protected] Date: 2/19/09 Title: Brownie Craving Summary: The first chapter of ?Brownie Craving?. Greg and George are two brothers living in their parent’s house. Both of their parents are dead, but the house is not paid off yet. George is a chemistry student in college, has no job and does not have enough money to make the house payments. Fortunately, Greg has a plan to get money. Greg is an aspiring chemist like his brother, and has been...

4 years ago
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Mary s Great DaneChapter 5

It was well past midnight when Pete arrived home and stepped onto the front porch. He noticed that a light had been turned on in the front room, but he had seen none in the bedroom. Wondering if this meant that Mark was still fucking Mary, he entered the house quietly and stole across the front room to listen at the door of the bedroom. There were no sounds, not even the slight, soft sounds of breathing coming from the room. He pushed the door open carefully and spoke Mary's name softly. She...

2 years ago
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A freak like me

It all started just after my fourteenth birthday I was quite slim and small for my age but quite fit. My widowed mother doted on me and she really ensured that I had the best of everything. I think she secretly wished that I had been born a girl, and at the time I remember her looking in girls clothes shops and saying ’Wouldn’t that look lovely on you, and sighing to herself.” But I was no sissy and although I was small for my age. I soon discovered that nature had endowed me with a cock...

4 years ago
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The Goan Vacation Part 8211 3

Hello people, thanks for all the support and feedback. I’m kishan from bengaluru back with another story about my vacation with 2 girls to goa. I’ve many more days of stories to tell you so keep reading and supporting me. This was the third day of our trip and we wanted to explore goa and each other as much as we can. I got up in next morning by rekha who asked me to go out and buy us some breakfast while she got ready. By the time I returned rekha was inn bathroom taking shower and shruthi was...

3 years ago
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My New Assistant An Adult Story Part 1

I had my hard cock buried deep inside her tight pussy. I had my big hands on her wide hips. I looked down to see her hands gripping the small round table in front of us. Her large breast spilled out the sides of her body. She had just got her beautiful red hair cut. It was shoulder length now. Her eyes were trying to look back over her shoulder at me. I slowed down for a second as she hit connect on her phone. "Beep! Hello Honey! How are you. What's that noise in the back ground?" her husband...

3 years ago
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Linda is Addicted to Her Black Cock

Linda couldn't stop thinking about the previous evening and Roger's big cock. She had trouble sleeping and although she had had so many intense climaxes the thought of it just kept making her more aroused. She woke early in the morning, reached over to Graham and rubbed his cock. As she got it hard she straddled him and it slid inside her so easily. Although she managed to make herself cum she was immensely disappointed with his size. Later on her way to work while driving in her Mazda...

4 years ago
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The bi curious professor in the sauna Part 4

After many months of Friday night encounters in the gym's sauna the professor mentions that his wife had gone to visit relatives earlier that week and that he has the house to himself. He asks if I would be interested in going back to his place and take our encounter to the next level. Being curious and horney I said why not. We drive to his house and go inside to their bedroom. We agree to no oral which includes kissing. We slowly take off our shirts. This is the first time that we’ve...

2 years ago
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Magic Mike

I let the cool water of the shower cascade down my rock hard body after a grueling workout in the gym. My muscles were tired but I felt pumped up and ready to take on the world as another unemployed artist in one of the East Coast cities. I was proud of my 6’2” athletic physique, my 18” biceps, my six-pack abs, my gluteus buttocks – but most of all, my 8-inch penis. My hairless tanned and unblemished skin, my long blond hair and blue eyes had many women swoon over me, but got me nowhere. That...

2 years ago
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Watching Terry

Chapter 1 I'm a pretty relaxed guy, I don't get upset about most things, I can usually go with the flow but I did realize that I did have an obsession that started about five years after we were married. It started when I was looking through some boxes in the attic, trying to find my high school yearbook. I had a reunion coming up in a few months and wanted to refresh myself on the names and faces from my youth. Then, I pulled out a box of slides, the old 35 millimeter kind. Holding them up to...

Wife Lovers
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My Little Medicine

It was early in the afternoon when I rolled up the driveway and parked the dented old rental in front of the garage. Ordinarily I wouldn’t be coming home at this hour, and this time it wasn’t exactly by choice either. Earlier today, while I was on my way to one of my clients, my brand-new 50,000 dollar piece-of-junk car had broken down. I had barely managed to steer my prized possession onto the shoulder of the road before its engine stalled with a big puff of smoke and an alarming number of...

3 years ago
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Wish Shift Prologue

Wish Shift Prologue Year 1 A.S. Day 16 The office had very little decoration. A couple of framed prints on the walls of mountains that could be from anywhere in the western U.S. but existed only in the printmaker's imagination. There were no family pictures on the desk's surface so the young Chinese woman who was presently sitting in one of the two chairs facing the desk knew that this was no one's actual office. It was just an interrogation room. Small, windowless and furnished...

1 year ago
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Silent night

It was dark in my room and the only light was from the hall that my door allowed through. I was home alone and hot, with slow hesitation I grabbed my breast. Tugging and pulling till I was dripping from my skirt. Moans increased of pleasure and echoed through the halls. I took the lower edge of my panties and rubbed it up and down against my pink pussy. So sensitive it won't stop quivering. I quickly remove my skirt and bra to suck on my tit as my hand continues to fondle. A silent yelp lets...

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EvilAngel Lexi Lore Anal Gaping

Spunky blonde Lexi Lore loves showing that adorable girls can be nasty too. First, the young girl indulges in some kinky lesbian shenanigans with director Angel Long. Angel gags and chokes Lexi as Lexi lewdly fondles her twat. Next, crazy stud Markus Dupree arrives for a savage buttfuck. The docile doll drops to her knees for an intense throat reaming. Markus stuffs his big cock up Lexi’s asshole, pummeling her rectum to explicit gaping! Messy anal action leads to an ass-to-mouth blowjob...

3 years ago
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Orphan MagusChapter 2

I followed the Sheriff to an older model Buick. He unlocked the driver door with a key, opened it, and unlocked the rest of the doors from inside. “Get in,” he said. “You said we were going to talk,” I said and glanced at the car. “Where are we going?” He smiled that indulgent smile. “The questions I’m going to ask, can’t be asked out in public like this.” Then he started to climb in but stopped and looked at me. “You know that, right?” I stared at him for a second and then said,...

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Emerging from the Cocoon Chapter 12

Emerging from the Cocoon, Chapter 12 "Mom, can you come here a minute?" Nicole said as she struggled to latch on the bra strap. "What's a matter, need help?" Amanda asked. "Yes, I do," she before Amanda hooked it up. "Nervous about your first day?" Amanda asked. "A little," Nicole said as she tried to brush her hair just right. "I'm sure it will be fun," Amanda said. It was going to be a bit liberating. She could openly be Nicole. But she still had butterflies. Nicole...

2 years ago
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Brittany and ChadChapter 9

We got there in time to share lunch. We ate and then frolicked in the water. The guys kidded me about my suit until they noticed how the girls were looking at me. Everyone loved Britt's suit and the fact that our colors matched perfectly. There were a few ouh's and ah's when Britt told them that my mother helped her pick both suits. Toby had one of his rare moments of saying something right. He held up his cola can and said, "Here's to two beautiful, wonderful people, who make a perfect...

2 years ago
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Just To Avoid Jail Part 2 Fucked Two Cops

I don’t want to waste your time so telling only common things in the beginning.  It was 21:05 when he under a building which was nearby the ring road. Rafiq said: Bhabhiji, aaiye humari haveli pe pahonch gaye. Chalo upar chalet hai ab. (Bhabhiji, come down we have reached our palace, let’s go upstairs.) As soon as I came down from my car, Salim grabbed me from behind. Before I could adjust my saree to walk properly as it was high up to the hips. And then he pulled me and put me on his shoulder...

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Double Play

I enter their home. They’re James and Margaret but I know them better as Master and Mistress, Sir and Madam or, on occasion, Daddy and Mommy. It depends what mood they’re in. I fit myself to them. I try my best to be whatever they need me to be. By being there for them, I attain satisfaction, completion. I’m like a lock without a key until I see them, until they fit their key into me. There’s no conversation tonight. No wine. No. Instead, they direct me to the basement where they have their...

3 years ago
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Death By FuckingChapter 23 Emphatic Feedback

The Year Eight Dee Dee's Story We've only been together nine years, but it seems like forever. My life falls neatly into two distinct eras: Before Andrew and the Andrew Years. The eras are so different that I feel like a totally different person. When I was thirty-four, I was doing what I wanted, working at my chosen career and performing well. I was important to some people, mostly customers who I was assigned to help. But aside from Donnie, I had no friends, no lovers, no personal life...

3 years ago
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A Lucrative BusinessChapter 4 The Final Ordeal

Next day at 1 pm; as instructed Mary and Bill; presented themselves as naked as a jay bird; at the entrance to the main entertainment barn. Only this time as they walked along the row of cabins the other occupants came out onto their respective veranda's and openly watched the naked highly embarrassed; couple slowly walking passed. Although embarrassed Bill could not help but sport a hard on which waved about like a miniature flag pole; even in its cock cage and Mary found her cunt was...

3 years ago
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ebony teens love white boy cunt

''hold him down , hold him , oh yes this cute ass is going to open , it must be cute like a cunt''''stop moving , stop moving white boy , you gonna stay in these all movie as you suck our pussies''the 2 cutes black teen iam going to see a movie with at the cineparc, are crazy i should have known they were up to something when my cute school friend said i could learn to eat her pussy at the cineparc tonightmy tiny ass about to be plug by the weird red lycra panty with a bult-in black cock head...

2 years ago
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Work Trip Fix

Sammie and Phil were away on a work trip together, tented up in separate hotel rooms on the same floor. Phil, a single guy in his mid twenties, had known for a while that this trip was coming. He had repeated thoughts in his head about what it would be like to seduce Sammie, also mid-twenties. The only problem was that she was a newlywed. It was the challenge of somehow sexually connecting with the girl he sat next to for over a year, with conversions never going out of bounds. Sammie had been...

Quickie Sex
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Filling in the Gaps Part Three

After the first few weeks and making some interesting connections, my work schedule took precedence over my sexual adventures. With almost no time for clandestine meetings, I suspended my ad in the personals. Work went into overdrive so even a long lunch for a quickie blowjob wasn’t feasible. The lie of working late that I’d told my wife was now the truth. Instead of sucking the cocks of strangers in their cars I was at my desk, alone, sometimes into the night. In a couple of weeks our project...

1 year ago
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It Cuts Both WaysChapter 2

The next morning, Chris found a pile of his clothes, and everything he needed to get ready for work in front of the bedroom door. That was a clear enough signal. He picked up his clothes and headed for the spare bathroom with a sigh. Jackie waited until she heard him leave, and then walked out of the bedroom to make sure he was actually gone. When she saw his car absent from the garage, she went back into the bedroom, and into the master bath to grab a towel. Once she spread it out on the...

2 years ago
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Bait and Switch Ch 04

Also, this story in no way ties into my other stories. Sorry if there has been any confusion. ============================== "You are the one. Come with me." A flash of light blinded me, and I was no longer in my room. I'm blind, was the first thought that went through my head. I must be mad, was the second, as my vision began to clear, and my surroundings came into focus. Or rather, lack of surroundings. A faint bluish haze filled the area, making it hard to distinguish were...

1 year ago
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A Ranch Story

I was driving home down the county road and noticed two guys walking. They seemed to be in their early twenties and since it is several miles to anywhere out here I decided I should check them out. Out here strangers are probably either enemies or criminals. I pulled in alongside them and asked where they were going. "We are going to E.Willards place. A person in town said it was a little ways down this road," said One. When we have strangers around we always give them numbers for names so...

Group Sex
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BDSM Wala Revesrse Gangbang

Hello this is ajit back with another story …. As u all how I fucked my teacher asha with her husband in teacher ke saath bdsm wala gangbang ……. After that session I and asha were in constant touch through whatsapp or calls . So one day I said asha that I fantasise of a ffm so she said that u arrange the place and I will arrange the 2nd lady . So the place was arranged by my end and it was scheduled for saturday . Now lets get to the story …… Asha reached the place on saturday and I was shocked...

2 years ago
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Chanel and Ethan 20

On the way to get food, Ethan and I ride alone, arguing whose aim was better. We meet his friends and get in line to order, all of us stained with neon colors. I stand next to Ethan, not bothering to look at the menu. I already know what I want. In ‘N’ Out is my favorite cheat food. Michael comes on my other side and bumps his arm into my shoulder. “I still can’t believe you shot me in the ass,” he teases me, and I laugh recalling his answering squeal. “You almost got me in the face. That...

Oral Sex
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Seventeen Candles

Patsy Suggs pulled the pans from the oven. She set them aside to cool before assembling the layers and frosting the strawberry limeade cake. She began mixing the ingredients for her famous potato salad. She covered the large bowl with plastic wrap and placed it in the black French door refrigerator with bottom freezer. The not quite 60 year-old moved a baking dish with pork chops marinating in citrus juices, garlic, and honey to the side to make room. The meter maid stepped out the back door to...

1 year ago
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Meri Pyaasi Bhabhi 8211 Part 1

Jab main 19 saal ka tha tabhi mere Rohan bhaiya 26 ke the. Maa ne bister pakad liya tha lakwe ke karan. Isliye bhi ghar mein ab ek bahu ki bohut zarurat thi. Pitaji aur maa ko pata tha ki bhaiya ki ek goti bohut hi chotti hai aur lund bhi chotta hai. Sex toh kar sakega lekin nahi ke barabar hi. Aur ye baatein mere kaano mein pad chuki thi ki bhaiya sexully fit nahi hai. Mujhe bohut hi dukh hua lekin kya karta. Chup rahna hi behtar tha. Pitaji ne maa ko kaha ki shadi nahi karenge iski. Kyunki jo...

2 years ago
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Forgiveness DeniedChapter 7

My next duty station after Key West was back to Pensacola, Florida. I was actually at Whiting Field, Milton, Florida, but we bought a house in Pensacola so the kids would have a better school, and Milton, FL was really a red-neck small town. I transferred to NAS Whiting, near Milton, in June, 1975. As a full Lieutenant, I was able to afford to buy a decent house on Confederate Dr. in Pensacola and settled in to an unspoken arrangement with MaryAnn. She could do what she wanted and I would...

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Chapter 10 Nearly Naked

He pulled the t-shirt over my head and picked up the shorts I had been wearing, leaving me naked, standing in the corridor…Preparations: MartaWhen Sir finally allowed me to escape into my condo, I closed the door behind me, made sure it was locked, then collapsed against it. I was a mess.Being in the familiar surroundings of home made it all seem unreal, somehow. My body was still massively excited by masturbating in the car. Added to that was the thrill of being naked and exposed in the...

4 years ago
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Captive Long Hair Soldier GirlChapter 4

The captive long hair soldier girl known as “Badger Girl” because of her long duration blackened eyes from serious training received at the hands of her captors knew that the last “auction” location for the sale of the female prisoners would be her best opportunity at escape if she could only find a fast horse to carry her to safety. Badger Girl’s real name was Margaret Hatcher and she was the widow of a cavalry captain slain at the burning of Fort McDonald down below the existing border....

3 years ago
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Licking Fucking My Elder Sister

Once I was traveling with my cousin sister Vanitha (Name Changed) in a train from Trichy to Chennai. She is 35 years old and just 1 year elder than me. She looks like actress Roja by look and had 36,30,38 size body. As there was no ticket in sleeper class, we managed in seating coach. As the time goes, the neighboring seat people thought that we are husband and wife and one lady in the next seat referred me to my sister as her husband and kept on talking. But, my sister did not object to that...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 752

Recently while I was working in the flower beds in the front yard, my neighbors stopped to chat as they returned home from walking their dog. During our friendly conversation, I asked their little girl what she wanted to be when she grew up. She said she wanted to be President someday. Both of her parents, Democratic Party members, were standing there so I asked her, “If you were President what would be the first thing you would do?” She replied... “I’d give food and houses to all the...

1 year ago
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my insatiable cravings for cock part 4

i was lead to the back room where there was a table in the middle. there were chairs all around the table which i assume was for the audience. this was an event where the audience had to pay to be there. i also noticed that there were several video cameras around to film the whole event. knowing that there were potentially hundreds of people goihng to see this really got me excited. i was given more coke to keep me in the mood before we started in on the fun. i was layed down on the table and...

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Shadows From the PastChapter 18

Jason had woken up that morning feeling like he had more sleep in one night than he had had the past week. He no longer felt like he had fallen so far behind in the journal that he had no hope of catching up. He dared to think he might close the gap further before he went to bed that night. After all, Elizabeth had developed her defense; all she had to do was test it and refine it. The only question which remained was whether she would reveal the formula of what he assumed was a potion. To...

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Swap Has Changed Life 8211 Part I

Hi Guys This is our first posting on ISS and it may be last too. That’s why I want to share everything about us with you guys.  You will know everything by the end of the story. I am not a story writer nor has this content been copied from anywhere else. This is our real post which happed within a very short period. This story may be a bit long therefore I will write it in two parts. Your comments and suggestions are most welcome. You can reply us on We are Vishal-32 and Aditi-28 (name...

4 years ago
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Carl Carla and Hannah Part 8

As we drove to work the next morning, Hannah told me to meet her in reception at twelve so we could go shopping. Because the office ran a flexi-time approach to lunch hours, and provided the time was made up, staff were allowed to lunch between twelve and two. So, at one minute past twelve we met and headed out into town. The cool air round my legs felt different through the tights, but by now I was fairly confident that no one would give me a second glance, especially with Hannah beside me....

3 years ago
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The Pact Episode 1 The Elegant Solution Chapter 51

"Okay, then," Lon announced. "I think we're all square. Everybody even got a cum -- except Mary, and I'm gonna discuss HER piece of this little fiasco with her later!" Sally slid out from under Fred and he collapsed; first the abuse, then the more pleasant second round left him physically and emotionally drained. Lon and Toby dressed quickly and Lon stepped up with some duct tape, "Gimme the arms, Man." Fred didn't argue -- he had nothing left in him, it seemed like -- he was a...

1 year ago
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The Little Cabin Part 8

Note : This story is completely fictional! "Oh, I don't think so," Brittany replied. "As a matter of fact I'm thinking of going home." "What's the matter, Brit?" her father asked coming over to her. "Actually, dad," she blushed, "it's all this jaybirding." Thinking a few thoughts she continued, with a giggling tone, "Besides, dad, my boobs are too small." "Honestly, sweetie," he remarked with a snicker, "I think they're kinda nice looking myself." He palmed his hands against them and massaged...

2 years ago
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Nighttime Visit Story 3

Life of Frolic---------------My stories are fictional although based on actual occurrences or pure embellishments of my fantasies. ---------------Sis and I snuggled down into our blankets, and sleep came quickly to us both. My sister sleeps like a log. I however am a light sleeper, waking up at the slightest of sounds. Like any other night, my tossing and turning was no different, but this time, I was certain I heard something at the foot of my bed. Feigning sleep, I watched as a figure...

1 year ago
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El PasoChapter 22

I said goodbye to Melosa and headed back to Molly’s boarding house. Since it was Sunday, I was looking forward to spending the evening and night with my diminutive Irish sweetie. It made me sort of sad to know that I might not be spending many more nights with her, but I was resigned to doing right by Molly, regardless. She was too good a person for me to even think about doing otherwise, and I thought that like Anna, she had been cloistered up long enough being the grieving widow woman. It...

3 years ago
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Hi I m Jim

Hi, I'm Jim! By Virginia Kane Standard caveat applies. Please do not post onto any other website without express written permission of the authoress. If reading explicit adult fiction is illegal where you live, or if you are not yet eighteen years of age, read no further and go do something innocent and constructive. 1. My wife was out of town on business again with her new employer, so I had the entire weekend to express my alter ego. While I was still at home, I had put on my...

2 years ago
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Sex Bounties Part 2

She let him go, and he took the opportunity to get at those pieces of art bouncing in front of him. One hand on her upper back, he pulled her closer to the ground and, dragging her up a little, began to tease her nipples with the tip of his tongue. She responded well, pushing herself onto his face and thrusting even harder. His other hand, meanwhile, was exploring the region nearer to their mutual interests. He grabbed her rear and pulled it against him each time she drove him into her, trying...

3 years ago
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Painted Touch

His phone rings in the midst of the night… ‘Hello,’ she replies in a saddened tone… ‘I need you baby, please come over,’ and hangs up. His heart for her beats so deeply… he jumps out of bed and rushes to see her. He takes out the key… and unlocks her door… opening it in a hurry to be with his love… to comfort her. Little did he know what was truly waiting behind that door! As it opens… the room is lit up with candles… her furniture pushed back making a clearing in the middle of the room…...

4 years ago
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Cream of the Top

Well hello there! Welcome to the Cream of the Top website, where Hung Breed's University holds a secret bucket list challenges for nerve-wracking, thrill-seeking and bold adventures activities people like us can do and enjoy! We do a variety of action filled thrilling challenges every week. Cream of the Top is a 24/7 game, like truth or dare but everything is true and you gotta do the dare! Watchers pay to watch your live action execution and Players play to win! Prizes may vary from cash and...

3 years ago
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Maxine Stone s New LifeChapter 345

I drank two cups of very strong black coffee and emptied my holding tank. I expected to be pouring drinks into it for at least a few hours. I walked across the street carrying a six pack of canned cokes. I remembered that in my locker there was an almost full bottle of some kind of Irish Whiskey. The Irish Whiskey was a gift from someone I worked with now and then. Yeah him, I walked across the street and felt an eerie feeling as I crossed over the spot where I had almost bled to death. I...

1 year ago
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The house of empress Toya pt3

The House of Empress Toya pt3   Two months have passed since I was taken from my village and brought to this prison for sex slaves; although there were no physical bars at the doors or windows and it was a grand palace no-one would dare try to escape.   We all still had to perform sexually with whoever wanted it when ever it was demanded or forced upon us, there was not even any gender preference from many whose right it was to take us.   ...

1 year ago
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Absence makes the cock grow harder part three

Part three:At 3.30 am my laptop pinged informing me that I had mail. Curiously I opened the laptop and clicked on the mail icon. It was a mail from Becky with a very large attachment.I clicked on the attachment and an MP 4 Movie file began to download. On the email was written the following words.“Honey I've sent the video the guys have just made fucking me. They’re both downstairs having a drink and getting their breath back then we’ll begin round two. Both these guys have huge cocks, but...

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