Mind Altered indian porn

3 years ago
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Mind Over ManagersChapter 10

Grace's body hair didn't survive the night, of course. It wasn't long at all before the ladies all got in on the act and she was totally smooth from her neck down. This was in addition to the cream also applied to her face to rid her of any shadow of facial hair. When she took a shower with Jen and rinsed off the stray hairs, Grace emerged clean, slick, and very feminine for an obvious man with a very real cock and balls ... the former quite stiff to boot. "Damn, girl ... you look hot!"...

2 years ago
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Mind Over PoliticsChapter 2

“Oh, damn, Xiao’s ass is so yummy!” Kate Duvall remarked as she licked away at Feng Xiao’s butt-crack between strokes. I moved back and forth between Kate’s mouth and Xiao’s twat, the former sucking the latter’s juices off me when she wasn’t rimming her. I couldn’t help but imagine those two getting hitched and me tagging along for their wedding night and honeymoon, to sire my spawn on both of them. I also pictured Kate as a future President or something, with Xiao as her First Lady, perhaps...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 4

School was a lot more fun for James and Wendy. Daily, Jimmy came over for homework and an extra. Wendy was not as tense and no where as sarcastic. She realized that she was close to twice as smart as five out of six instructors, sixth being her math teacher. The other five she looked upon as rocks out of their box. And she was pretty much right. "Mom. It's your country ... can't you do something about the quality of teachers?" "Wendy, as soon as you do something about the quality of...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 5

Two weeks to the day of the original summons, the secretary knocked on the door of first hour English. "I need Wendy Austin ... for the next four days. She will need all her assignments for those four days. She will receive special dispensation and hand in her homework and any projects on Friday. I'll be back for the work later today. Thank you." She walked out with Wendy in tow. The English instructor hadn't a clue what was happening for the next four days. Usually he'd go home and...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 6

"Because," Wendy said, "And the more I think about it the dumber it becomes, I want any success or failure on my part to be my part. I don't want to be measured by the watch. Does that make sense?" Mr Williams, through Monique's watch said, "We'll have a sit-down after the tests are complete. You took a long time to finish the first one." "I had six hours ... I finished the test in an hour and a half, the rest of the time I was checking my answers." Monique's watch asked...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 7

"Please, she's all I've got. I'll tell you all you everything if you just give her back," Williams said. "Grandma?" "Vee?" "Let him in." Junior opened a small door in the bubble and Mr. Williams stepped through. His head exploded. The body dropped in the opening. From a car down the street an RPG fired but the door was already shut. The RPG hit so softly or the bubble absorbed the energy so gently that it didn't explode. It slid down the side of the bubble and laid on the...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 8

"I'd have to say, Junior," said Vee. "That was just a tad bit rude." "I didn't know she actually liked him ... teens ... you know." "Yeah ... I understand ... there are times when I hate my mom," Wendy said. "Don't worry about it ... she hated me all through her teen years. She didn't get over it until she had you," explained Junior. "Children don't understand their parents until they're parents ... then it's Katie bar the door." "What about... ?" asked Vee. "My...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 11

After the party was over, Monique was a bit more relaxed than she had been before it started. If there's one thing the six powers are good at ... it's fucking ... whether it's horizontal or up; Seven is the one with the head on her shoulders ... when she's off on a tear, the others play more than work. Junior remembers their antics when they vacationed at The Island back when she was 12?... 13?... 14? ... something like that. Messy too ... Junior was their maid of all work ... and it was...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 13

And so, dear friends, the story reverts to 2060, Princess Wendolyn Wanzor Austin, the fifth, and the discussion about her testing. "Did she do well?" Four asked the Principal, Mr. Standish. "Well ... how do you define Well?" "She didn't disgrace the family ... she scored well within her educational age group ... she wasn't outstanding nor was she on the left side of the bell curve ... she was adequate. That is how I define well." "Then, no ... I'd have to say she did not do...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 14

"School together?" Vee asked. "Yes," The Wanzor said. "Oh, G'mom ... we'll have so much fun." Wendy was beside herself. "I can not wait to tear your history teacher a new asshole," The Wanzor said. Four, with a stern-faced, uniformed man trailing her, knocked on the frame of the door to Wendy's room. Wendy looked up, shocked, "Mom?" The reigning Watch-holder stepped into the room. The uniformed man was right behind her. "It seems We have been remiss in Our duties," began...

1 year ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 15

While Vee confessed to playing on the computer all weekend, The Wanzor went to Vee's classes. "Oh, I'm not her," went over like a barrel over Niagara Falls. Not great but with a chance of survival ... just. Still, the pop quizzes went well. The Wanzor had been there when the devil added the alphabet to math, so her solutions were correct but her method bore absolutely zero resemblance to the instructional methods taught in today's school. The Wanzor knew 'old school' and 'old...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 16

"Might I speak to the Access Commissioner, Gary Zalewski, please?" "Whom shall I say is calling?" "Vee." "Oh, my God ... it's the Princess!" If you want to discombobulate a secretary, there is absolutely nothing like a call from a real live princess. In a weird sort of way, it was cute ... tiresome ... but cute. Naturally, the secretary connected Vee to the commissioner ... she pushed all the right buttons except the one that kept Vee connected to the commissioner's secretary....

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 19

"That was pretty inconsiderate of me," Vee said to The Wanzor. "You mean because the Sukhoi is a single seat?" "Yeah." "Don't worry about it ... I fly too, you know." "You license expired in 2001." "I have my ways ... and the Powers that Be." "Oh ... what ever you're going to do ... it should be soon ... I'm leaving tomorrow." The Wanzor gave a little shriek and disappeared in a puff of smoke. "Ooo, that was cool ... teach me how to make smoke, Grandma?" Grandma...

4 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 20

Vee and the Sukhoi performed one of those extend the gear at the top of the loop and squeaked into a landing as they locked maneuvers that scare the living hell out of everybody. Now that she was on the ground people noticed the P-38 with the Merlins. "What in the hell is that?" "We never built one of those." "That's so cool." "How does she fly?" Then they noticed the British roundels and That started a whole new discussion. They were looking at an airplane that wasn't...

1 year ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 21

"It's the only XP-38K-1-LO ever built ... except it's not. The XP-38K-1-LO was built by Lockheed and they refused to use Merlins. This is the aircraft the British modified with Merlins and P-40 chins ... except, you won't find it in any book ... not even the records of Supermarine. That page is torn out of the records book. The folder was still in the file cabinet when the war was over but it was empty. Ben at Franklin Aviation called it the XP. "First the Brits claimed they never...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 22

Singapore was a bust. Hong Kong was too. Hawaii was part of FED A. Australia burned far too often. New Zealand was ... sheep. We kept getting back to Europe ... and Germany. Germany. Great schools, nearly all classes taught in English. "They have weird cults," said The Wanzor. "What do you call time travelers?" Vee asked by way of rebuttal. "I see," Wendy responded. Russia had tried to reunite to its Soviet States and Satellites in the early part of the century ... NATO stomped that...

1 year ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 23

There wasn't a reasonable house for sale in Konstanz. The military base was on the other side of the lake and 16 kilometers inland, although there was Bodensee access and a dock? Some would call it a dock. Vee didn't. She needed a place to lay her head on this side of the lake ... but not in Switzerland. Switzerland wasn't too far south but it had border crossings. In the past year, the border had been closed seven times for as long as three days. The University students who were taking...

1 year ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 24

"Where is this watch?" "With the Princess." Then, nothing would do but she recite the whole story ... in German. Half way through his scanner must have vibrated in his pocket because he held up his hand, "Stoppen Sie," They were back to him speaking German. He fished his pad and read the screen. He pushed some buttons and held his hand over his left ear. He answered a voice from the palm of his hand ... probably like hearing the sea from a seashell ... probably not. "Ja." The...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 25

"Which Wendy?" Wendy said. "Ja. Which Wendy Austin are you?" "The first." "When were you born?" "1942." "Ja, fer sure," he chortled. "One hundred and what? Twenty two?" "Pretty much," Wendy said. "How about I prove it to you?" She touched him on the shoulder. They flickered ... it wasn't much but the minions were upset ... just long enough to hit the dirt and start fumbling for pistols. "Heilige Geschlechtsverkehr Scheiße. Wie in den sieben Höllen haben sie das...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 26

The trio sealed the engine, transmission and electrical and gave the boat a quick dip with all the seacocks, hatches and portholes open. Just a quick slosh and twirl in Lake Baikal to get rid of the lingering seagull smell and then a quick run to the Sahara to dry things out. The steel wheeled fifth wheel custom built trailer was a handy place to keep the boat when Constance froze over. Since she was a student, Vee could use the boat storage at the school docks. Or maybe not. While the boat...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 27

Vee was a very good student. The Wanzor did as well in the sciences but couldn't keep her mouth shut in Art History ... mostly because she'd been there. The pictures of huge codpieces on Kings, Dukes ... even knights were products of artists staying alive. So too were massive chests and well turned calves. Noses were shrunk and chins grew. Paintings of wives and children were more the product of imagination than the real thing. Sometimes the beauty of a child was found in the model found...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 30

The beautiful voice behind the beautiful blue eyes asked, "Sie ist sehr schön, bitte, Hat sie wirken wie dies die ganze Zeit? Ist sie auf Medikamente und vergessen, es zu nehmen? Wird sie in Ordnung sein?" She is very beautiful, please. Does she act like this all the time? Is she on medication and forgot to take it? Will she be okay? "We're from the Princessapality. American" "Amerikaner? Princessapality?" The explanation was made, but no mention of Heir Apparent, or Princess was...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 31

The next "Eep!" was caused by a semiconscious Vee turning her head to examine the hard, soft, warm object brushing her ear. Contact with her nose and lips, although not exactly pleasant, was the starting point of a very minor tremble in the lower regions of her torso. The fleshy tube exuded a strange odor that was pleasing to her senses ... so much so that she wondered what it would taste like. When Vee was was much younger ... not all that long ago in the scheme of things ... she begged...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 33

Mother really raised a stink. She contacted the school. Simply because Mother was an adult and Vee wasn't ... Vee was suspended. "Junior?" Of course Junior stayed. Because she had a history of violence in action, she was always interested in interpersonal actions and reactions between parent and offspring. The guilt that carried over from the first war into the second colored her life. The refuge she had found in wild sex had backfired. Pregnant, and not a clue as to the father, she...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 35

"Mother. Out. This is my castle now." Vee commanded as she appeared in the throne room. So, it was the den ... so what ... lV used it when she pronounced. "But ... Wendy." "That's your Royalness, Highness or Majesty ... and don't you forget it. You just had to run things ... well ... now you don't and I do! Out!" Vee exclaimed. "Where will we go?" "Who is we?" "Your dad." "Daddy can stay here if he wants ... he likes me and you never did." "I'm sure he'll choose...

4 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 36

Geese! "I'm coming, I'm coming! You don't need to break it down?" Vee swung the door wide open. "What?" When the Island was bombed and destroyed the family and home, Junior was turning sixteen and late for her birthday party. She arrived to a smoking hole still filling with Great Lakes water. For about two years, Junior went three miles past wild. She was pregnant at 18 without a clue as to the male who produced the sperm and really didn't give a fuck ... she probably should have...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 39

So Vee bummed a ride upstate to see about maybe going to school. Mount Pleasant had been a Land Grant school. In case you didn't know, a Land Grant college was a school established by a Land Grant. So many sections were given to the school with the right to sell or lease the land to the highest bidder. The fees or funds were deposited in an interest bearing account somewhere and the interest was used to alleviate the taxes needed to support the school ... alleviate not eliminate ... help...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 40

While the two friends were sitting on stools at Murphy's Wing and a Prayer Pub on Campus Drive ... now ... there's an interesting name ... Wing ... because they serve Buffalo Wings and Prayer because they are the hottest wings in history and God is often called upon to cool them down ... She never does. Beer just makes them hotter. The only thing that works is buttermilk and no self-respecting Pub would stock milk. Anyway, while they were in the big middle of a discussion about appearing...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 41

From Mount Pleasant to Big Rapids, Vee flew over some absolutely magic country. The green forests of pine, hickory, walnut and oak have the smell of life. Of growing things and sparkling waters, slow moving rivers and newly mowed grass. Flying along, she started thinking and then she started talking to herself ... gave herself a talking to was more like it. "Did you even think to lock the door at home before you left? How about the dishes? You haven't dusted or vacuumed, polished the...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 42

It is almost a given that incredibly intelligent children are exceptionally mature or exceptionally objectionable. Intelligence is no guarantee of common sense. Chuck - Charles - Charlie - Hey You - Chas - the youngest Austin sib was the best time Wendolyn - Vee - Princess Extraordinaire - the youngest Wanzor and ... if one believed Berlin ... and Vee didn't ... some kind of Prussian, Polish, Hungarian, Rumanian, Czechoslovakian Duchess all together or separately ... or something else...

1 year ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 43

Charles edged back a little ... as far as the wall would let him. Stuttering, he said, "Vee, what did you do?" "Took her to the hospital." "Before that." "Tossed the cop in the corner, he touched me." "No ... before that." "Told Miss Barker to keep her hands off my shit." "After that. but before the cop," he nodded in the direction of the blue pile. He was still asleep. "Oh ... when I cut off Miss Nosy Barker's hand?" "Yeah ... then." "I popped back to Fourteenth...

4 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 44

In truth ... Vee was doing two pages at a time ... one right handed and one left. There didn't seem to be any difference in the writing. Her penmanship looked like chicken prints until one looked at it for a minute, unfocused ones eyes, and the missing lines in the letters sorta slid where they were supposed to go. It wasn't Gregg ... it wasn't anything anyone had ever seen before ... but it worked. And it was fast. For sure, no one was going to cheat off her tests. One hour and forty...

4 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 45

There are a couple three four things a parent does not want to hear issue from their teenager's lips..."Mom, I missed my period ... and I seem to have missed one pill," while displaying the pill dispenser with one little pill still in the very center of the month... ..."I don't have anything to wear," when mom knows there isn't room for anything more in said teen's closet... ..."Mom, I can't find your car." ... Mom didn't know it was gone. ..."Mom, this is Jimmy ... he...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 46

Over the next hundred years, terrorist groups rose and terrorist groups fell. They had one plan and one plan only. Kill the Great Satan. They didn't understand that the United States really meant it when they wrote Freedom of Religion into their Constitution. When the Princessapality of the Island divided the United States, Jihadism, a term coined in the early part of the 21st century, and used to cover Islamic insurgency and terrorism had become a new religion with a base founded on Islam...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 47

It all started on Labor Day. Labor Day used to be September Seventh ... no matter what ... and school started on the Eighth ... unless the Seventh happened to fall on a Friday. The Unions got more powerful and Labor Day was rearranged so it made a three day holiday ... unless it fell on Thursday ... and then the Union was off until the following Monday. A four day celebration celebrating Labor. After the first conflict, when the Princessapality became a Nation, Too ... Wendy Too, the first...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 48

Like I said, it all started on Labor Day. Midnight 0:00.01, September 7th, 2210. That's the Day the world stopped. A planet is a planet unless there's intelligence living on it. With intelligence it's a world. By the time the eighth of September started the world was a planet. Not one single living thing survived. Nothing that flew, walked, crawled, swam ... if it used oxygen ... it was gone. The stench was unimaginable. The only reasonable thing that could be said about it? Nobody was...

1 year ago
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Mind Over ManagersChapter 13

I made a decision on my way back to the fast food location, along with my other plans, which I had revised now. I would command Edda to join us, though she would still get to sleep with Miles, Yessenia, and Corazon, probably with Ted and Damon, too. I would also find out if Ted or Damon were married. If they weren’t, they were to wed Yessenia and Corazon, so that the girls could find it easier to stay in the country. I hated the existing immigration laws, too, and I fully intended to reform...

2 years ago
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Mind Over ManagersChapter 18

I enjoyed the wonderful strokes of Salome’s hips as she met me, again and again, her body convulsing with ecstasy, while my cock pulsed in and out of her, bareback, of course. Miles’s wife was definitely not a bad lover, and I would be more than ready to use her again some time. I had already fucked several women that afternoon, of course, including Jess and Jamie, as well as Sandra, Pam, Roxanne, and Alice Goldman again. I was more than ready to stop with this, of course, with apologies to...

1 year ago
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Mind Over ManagersChapter 20

All went well and good, until, that was, what had been inevitable finally happened: the press. I knew that it was coming and was only a matter of time before the Fourth Estate learned of me, and now they finally had. Sure enough, into the buffet came a trickle of reporters, sure to become a swarm in time. My days of relative obscurity were over. From this minute onward, I was a celebrity and I knew it. It wasn’t going to be any fifteen minutes, as Andy Warhol would say, not in my case, so I...

2 years ago
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Mind Over ManagersChapter 21

“Okay, Leon, you’ve been very patient, so you get a reward. Thanks for licking Mona that well, just as David did. He’s waited a bit for his next fuck as well, so this is what is going to happen. David fucks Mona here, since he’s already eaten her out. Leon, you get to fuck Xiao. I want both of you to do justice to her, of course, and Kendra, you’re to sit on Robin’s face while I fuck her. Yes, I’m going to tap Robin’s sweet pussy now. Time for some more very public adultery, don’t you agree?”...

1 year ago
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Mind Over ManagersChapter 22

“That will be two iced teas and one large, buttered popcorn to share!” I ordered for Feng Xiao, my sweet pet, at the concession stand, having already gotten the tickets for free. “You will not charge us for the food and drink. We will have it gratis,” I instructed the clerk at the front, a rather pimply fellow who looked easily as if he could be an incel. “Yes, of course, sir,” the clerk answered nervously. “Relax. It will be fine. Tell me, do you have any crushes on a co-worker or...

3 years ago
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Mind Over ManagersChapter 23

As soon as I realized that the movie hadn’t resumed, I recalled something else. I had the power to grant immunity and healing for HIV and STDs, and I hadn’t used it yet in the theater, though I had in other places. I needed to act and fast. I could resume the date when I had taken care of this urgent matter and fast, given that without my action, people could get infected and fast. I had forgotten that not all of the world was immune or healed. This gave me a very good idea, at least in my...

1 year ago
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Mind Controls Janice Pt 07b

I was in a local coffee shop talking to my mate Ian. "18 months since I last had sex," I grumbled, "and even back then the sex with Sharon was not great, regular but not great." "You need a good fuck with a more experienced woman," said Ian grinning at me. Ian seemed to have good sex life while although I had made love to three different women and I had enjoyed it the sex had seemed fairly safe none of the women had really wanted to experiment. Ian looked at the contact list in his...

1 year ago
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Mind Controlled Janice Pt 21

My name is Ahmed I am about 4 foot 6 inches tall of Pakistani origins and a student at Farfield School. I was pleased she was waiting as I was skipping school to see her. Janice had written me a note to take to school saying I had a dental appointment at 11am I would need to leave school at 10:30, she had signed it in my mother’s name. I was now over nervous I did not really know what to expect, I knew sex was something a man and woman did and it was exciting but otherwise I was clueless...

1 year ago
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Track and Field

The door of my gym locker slammed shut with a metallic bang as I lashed out at it with my full force. “What’s wrong with me?” I sucked. I, Rin Taylor the rising star of the girl’s track team, sucked. The sports meet was in two days and I couldn’t even match my average much less set a new personal best. My locker door banged again as I hit my head against the navy blue panel trying to knock some focus back into me but my head just wouldn’t clear. I turned my gaze to the locker three spaces...

2 years ago
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Summer 4

I slept like the dead. If Summer had spent the night masturbating, I’d missed it although, spent as she was when I’d put her to bed, I doubted she’d woken even once.The next morning, I woke early, feeling energized, curious as to what the day would bring. It was like being a kid on Christmas morning. I was also impatient for my niece to come out of her room, curious about what she’d be wearing. Or not wearing. First things, first. I prepared breakfast. French toast and strawberries. I put the...

2 years ago
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Unexpected encounter Part 1 Kindred Spirits

I truly felt like a fish out of water when it came to travelling. Maybe it wasn't so much to being in a different place, it was just the moving around, not being able to do anything which I would consider constructive. I hadn't really wanted to go on this stupid training course but my boss had nagged at me to go on this thing. I'm convinced he felt that sending me on one of these things was to do me good and not just for the good of the business. The rooms we were given were really...

4 years ago
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Fictional Fantasies Chapter 3

The following morning, instead of the physical wreck she had expected to be, Meg was amazed to find herself feeling invigorated and energised. After consuming a massive breakfast to replace her depleted energy reserves, she happily participated in each writing class and took an active role in the class discussions.At lunchtime, Meg was called over by the receptionist, who handed her a small parcel. Heart leaping, knowing it could only be from him, Meg ran back to her bungalow before ripping...

Straight Sex
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Dragon Age Darkness

It has been four centuries since the world was almost brought to ruin by the darkspawn horde and the Archdemon. Now a new darkness is gathering in the south and you are called to defend Ferelden against the coming storm! What class of Grey Warden are you? Choices: (You are welcome to add more!) Warrior - strong and muscular, you charge into battle blade and sword swinging to rend your foes in twain. You know what you want and you will slash or intimidate your way to your goals. Rogue - quick...

3 years ago
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Hot Straight Boy at Work

Later, a handsome muscle guy I worked with saw me leaving in the parking lot and said hello. We were talking and I glanced up and saw Allen. This thin, rippled jock was smiling as he came toward us. He walked with a bouncing motion walking as some jocks bouncing off their toes. My friend introduced us and I was friendly and hoping my erection wouldn't give me away as to how excited I was to meet him. I have a room set up in my house to do massages and will occasionally give massages if...

3 years ago
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My Breast Stories Part 1 Making Love To My Mom 8217 s Large Breasted Friend

This is a story about my erotic experiences with one of my mother’s good friends named disha (name changed), who uses her two very large breasts to satisfy my sexual needs. She is now my sex partner and both of us make passionate love to each other every day and it’s our favourite pastime. Disha and I also have sex with other people and not just with each other. For any feedback about my story, do reach me out at If you are a lady with large breasts, send me a pic of your breasts on this email...

2 years ago
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Yui s Awakening Part 15

"So cute", Yui whispered, as her and Emi settled into their seats at the bar of Bar Hers."Who?" said Emi, swivelling around in her seat."There, at that table with the four girls", motioned Yui.This had become an ongoing thing for Yui and Emi, each time they came to Bar Hers. They played a little unofficial game, where they would try to find cute, beautiful, attractive, or just downright sexy girls or women at Hers and sneak glances, occasionally make eye contact, and sometimes chat with them....

2 years ago
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Dost Ki Girlfriend Ki Choot Or Gand

Guys… mera real name mai kia rakha hai aap mujhe Mr. Hard dick ke naam se bula saktey hoon, meri age 24 years hai or mai kisi bhi unsatisfied ya nympho ko satisfy kar sakta hoo mera lund 7″ ka hai. Mai Karachi Pakistan se belong karta hoon. To ab story per atay hai. Baat aaj se kuch 1 saal pehle ki hai jab mera meri gf ke sath breakup hogaya tha and sex na karney ki wajah se mai bilkul pagal hogaya tha. Unhi dino mera ek frnd jo Hyderabad mai rehta hai Karachi kissi kaam se aya hua tha or...

3 years ago
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A Mother s Direction chapter 2

Chapter 2 As I woke up, last night's events played in my head as I recalled everything that happened. I think what surprised me the most was that I wasn't feeling shame or guilt. I honestly didn't feel like nothing wrong had happened. He enjoyed it, I enjoyed it, no one was hurt or traumatized, and we never touched each other. So, I decided right then and there that it was not going to be an issue for him to be comfortable enough in his own house to dress or not dress and masturbate when...

3 years ago
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Gayatri my love

Hi everybody, welcome to you all. Read my real sex story and enjoy with your cock and cunt. If any thing wrong forgive me. I’m Nitesh 22. Brownish skin with medium body. Live at Hyderabad, tandhra Predess, south India. I have so many sexperiences from my age of 16. This is my latest just months before. In my house opposite side got a medicine shop. The shop owner is a Brahmin lady name is gayatri 30 yrs old a widow aunty. She is white skin have sexy milk pots and well shaped body. Approx weigh...

3 years ago
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All My Birthdays Came At Once Part 2

Half an hour later while I was sat chatting to Sheila the barmaid, the girls walked in. "Hi again Sparky" "Oh no" I thought. "Hi girls ok" "Fine" they replied "Would you like a drink" Claire asked "We could share a bottle of wine". "You're not old enough to drink" I stated."Sheila can we buy Sparky a drink" "As long as Sparky pays" Sheila replied. Claire gave me a fiver and I ordered the bottle and Sheila came back with the wine and three glasses and winked at me.We moved to a corner table....

3 years ago
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Caribean Fun Part 1

My wife had persuaded me to take her to Jamaica for a holiday. Bev always gets what she wants, and I love to make her happy. I had to work a lot of extra hours to pay for it as she always expects the best.We arrived late in the evening and was shown to our room I could see why it was so expensive as it was a huge suite. Bev was pleased and just flipped back on the bed. ‘I’m horny babe’ she said and I knew exactly what she wanted I pushed her dress up pulled her thong to one side and started...

3 years ago
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Hot Bhabhi

Hi friends mera name Arsh hai. Meri age 24 year hai. Me Delhi me rahta hoon. Me is site ki stories regular padta rahta hoon. Mujhe is ki sari stories pasand hai.Ye storie meri or mere padose me rahne wali bhabhi ki hai jo bahut hi hot hai. Ager koi delhi ki ladki ya aunty ya bhabhi mujh se friendship kerna chahti hai to wo mujhe mail ker sakti hai meri e-mail id hai. Aap ka time west na kerte huye me seedhi stories per ata hoon. Me delhi me rent ke room per rahta hoon mere padose me ek bahut...

1 year ago
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Nubiles Porn Alex Harper Now Behave Young Lady

When she finds a box of sex toys that her parents use, Alex Harper can’t keep herself from trying them on. Her bra and panties hit the ground as she admires her collar in the mirror and then enjoys the feel of a rope on her nipples. When her stepdad Marcus London discovers her naked and exploring, he decides to teach his disobedient coed a lesson. He starts by tying Alex up and putting a blindfold on her. When Alex opens her mouth like a good girl, Marcus pushes his dick deep inside....

3 years ago
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MagicChapter 65

The bailiff announced, “All rise for the honorable Judge Jack.” Everyone in the court room rose to their feet. Judge Jack walked into the court room and paused to look around. He so enjoyed that moment of attention. It made those many minutes spent getting an on-line law degree worthwhile. He frowned when he spotted the top of someone’s head poking up above the defendant’s table. He said, “Would the person hiding under the table please stand?” Liam walked around the table while looking...

2 years ago
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My First Gloryhole

I've seen probably a few hundred hours of gloryhole videos at this point in my life, but when I first thought about experimenting I had only seen a few. They were mainly sissy videos that I found on here, and I couldn't help but furiously jerk to all of them.I decided that I had to try one out for myself, and did a lot of research to find where any real ones were in my area. Sadly most of the ones in random public buildings, libraries, rest stops, truck stops, and bathrooms around town have...

3 years ago
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Camryns Dive Trip

I needed an escape from my crazy life at work and my “too good to be true” guy in Vegas. It felt like the world was closing in on me a bit. I needed some release. Every year my mom, sisters and I, and sometimes some extended family make a trip to St John’s Island for two weeks of fun and relaxation in the warm sun and clear tropical waters. For this trip, it would just the four of us girls. It came at the perfect time for me. We had a guided scuba trip set for the first day. I couldn’t wait to...

1 year ago
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Saali Seduction 8211 Part 3

What she said next really turned me on. She said,”Jiju, make me your slut today. I am all yours’ I gave her a nasty smile. I asked her,”you know who is a slut? And what would I do to you to make you my slut?” She replied,”Jiju, I know what it means to be your slut.” She smiled and bit her lower lip, staring at me like a slut. I told her,” You must be hungry. Let us first eat something. Get dressed and come to dining table.” Niharika replied,”Jiju, will you fuck me after having food? You will...

2 years ago
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Razor Ch 05

As a parent, constant worrying about your children was part of the job description, were they happy, doing okay in school, did they have friends and on and on. But knowing that something was wrong, really wrong, in their lives created a new sort of worry. It made working and sleeping difficult and it made thinking about other people’s problems almost impossible. And then, the revelations about my sister, sweet Wendy, and the uncorking of that particular bottle of repressed feelings made the...

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Bing s new job 2 her education continues

She didn’t try and resist. Her first day with the people from the class had taught her that was hopeless. Tuyen had worn some sort of rubber penis and insisted on having sex with her. Tuyen had put it on and they had made her suck it like she sucked on a man’s penis. It didn’t make any sense because it was rubber and already stiff. She didn’t need to get it hard like a man. After they had taken a few minutes Tuyen told her to get on her hands and knees. She had put the tip of the rubber...

1 year ago
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No Time to GrieveChapter 1

My mother’s funeral is scheduled for tomorrow. I’m still pretty much out of it, still in shock I guess. Everything around me seems to be moving too fast. Less than a week ago my mother was killed by a drunk driver on the way home from work. From the moment they told me about the accident everything seems to be speeding up around me. I’m all alone in the world now. As far as I know I have one living relative. Until he comes to get me on the day of my mother’s funeral I’ve been taken in by my...

4 years ago
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A Shaman s Dream

A Shaman's Dream I have many times fled to sleep. My dreams are not vague; my dreams are full of color, tone, texture and sensation. Yet to date I have not yet achieved the ability of being aware and awake in my dreams. I will describe this one I call my Shaman's Dream. Exploring a forest and I am following a stream. The forest has a feeling of being ancient. Before me the ground rises slowly, a mountain before me in the distance. I approach a cliff, which sticks out from the...

3 years ago
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LinnetChapter 3

Belinda woke, slowly assimilating her situation ... tucked under Ted's arm, on her side, her breasts pressed against his side and chest, her leg over his. She was comfortable. Safe. Warm. Secure. She breathed in the scent of him and her hand, which had been resting on his chest, moved south, caressing his skin as it moved. He sighed in his sleep and stirred. Her wandering hand encountered his rigidly erect penis and gently enclosed it as he shifted again. Suddenly she was aware her sex was...

3 years ago
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Hot Afternoon With You

Hi all ISS readers its been awhile since I last posted my story so here is a new one & I hope you like it. I just come back from the gym & enter the flat where I’m staying with you. I’m sweaty & my t-shirt is also a little wet & sticking to my body. I enter the place & head to the washroom as I wanna take a nice relaxing long bath. You told me that you’re going for swim so I expect I would be alone & can just relax after a heavy workout. I remove my t-shirt in the bathroom & look at my sweat...

3 years ago
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Story Of A Male Escort One Frosty Morning

My mind is constantly on sex, and being bisexual, my dirty mind doesn’t spare anyone ;) However I’ve never met anyone for real until the incident with Anu which I mentioned in my previous story, this story is a continuation of the previous, so read the previous story if you want all the details :) This story is 100% real and any woman, girls or mature aunties are welcome to contact me if you are in Bangalore at Please read my previous story Anu, Me, And Hershey’s: Story Of A Male...

4 years ago
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Home on Leave

Her fingers were beating a steady tattoo on the steering wheel as she sat in the minivan at the light. She was waiting to turn left onto the access road that would take her to the airport and a rendezvous with her husband. As she sat in nervous anticipation, she felt the stab of lust and pressed her right hand between her legs in an attempt to quell the fire that was raging there. Just as the light changed to green and she turned onto the road, she looked up and saw a jetliner descending to...

1 year ago
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Quite the View

We are both working late one Friday night. I step outside my office and am surprised to see you there. “Hi Nana,” I say, “What is such an attractive young girl doing here so late on a Friday night.” You reply that you have a report due by Monday and didn’t want to work on Saturday or Sunday. Except for the two of us the office is completely empty. I am about ready to resume my work when you ask if I am any good at giving a massage. Your neck is sore from working all day in front of a computer....

1 year ago
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Caught Stealing and f ed to Make a Deal

I was 18 and home from college for the summer. I got a job delivering groceries for a large supermarket. I had some regular customers who wanted me to leave their deliveries in their garage when they ordered all non-perishable items, which often happened. Beer, soda, snacks were common orders. One of these customers was Mr. ‘L.’ He was divorced, in his late 40s, average looking. He would always start conversations with me, and lately they were becoming explicit and definitely over the line....

2 years ago
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Charlotte my favourite BBW fuck buddy

Charlotte was a girl i met a couple of years ago after my wife and i separated. She used to be a regular visitor to the store where i was working at the time, she was friends with one of my colleagues but used to have to come to me first so i escort her to the staff area of the store. Over time i got to know her better and soon our chat had turned from idle chit chat to rather more flirty and sexual banter. Charlie was a very plump girl but with the sort of features that you just knew if she...

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CherryChapter 8 I Start Work

Ben had agreed with Allison that I’d help at her shop each Thursday and Friday for a couple of weeks to see how things went; so on the first Thursday that Ben was back at work he drove me into town on his way to work. It was too early for Allison’s lingerie shop to be open so Ben gave me some money and told me to go to McDonalds for a drink while I waited. There weren’t many people there and I easily managed to get a seat facing the window and had a bit of fun flashing the people passing by....

4 years ago
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Stop spanking my ass and fuck me damn it

It seemed like a good idea when getting dressed for work that morning to wear the blue dress. It had been a few days since my husband and I had had sex because of a disagreement. While getting dressed that morning, I thought, shit, Im NOT going to be the one to make the first move but he cant resist this dress and dang it! Im horny! So I throw the blue silk dress over my head and the bridal white lacey thong and bra. I figured I would meet him half way. Once he saw the panties hed know I...

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Three Sluts On A Train

By the time everyone has shoved their way into the carriage, Sam is right in the centre of the throng, with barely any room to move. At this time of night, she knows she’ll be stuck in this spot for at least the next 30 minutes before her stop. As the train pulls away from the station, she looks up from her iPhone, immediately locking eyes with a young blonde, who couldn’t be older than 22. This blonde is slim, petite, but from Sam’s cursory glance downward, she has a perfect pair of...

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Tess Brown a 37yrs business woman is seated at a table of men both partners and clients. She is in our town to represent her company. The look on her face tells it all a look of doom. Over the last two days she had talked herself blue but it wasn't looking good. As she got up to go to the restroom Kat my wife heads that way too. In side Kat says It may not be my business but you look like it's not going to well for you. Tess look that Kat and said it ant! Mine if I help a little? But how or why...

3 years ago
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The Office Boy

The Office Boy Janet L. Stickney [email protected] My name was Mike Grant, and I say was, because it's different now. I have two years of college and I'm taking classes at night to finish with a degree in Business. In order to support my school expenses and have some spending money, I found a job working in an office as sort of a glorified office boy. I'm 5' 7" tall with soft brown hair and blue eyes and I have never weighed more than 140 in my entire life. Valerie Hooper,...

2 years ago
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The Summer I Grew UpChapter 20

Okay, I screwed up. My mouth got ahead of my brain, then my anger got ahead of my sense. Now Mark was going to the turn-about dance with Lydia Jenkins. Worse, he’s blind to Lydia’s agenda and was too mad to listen to my warning. Joe bugged me all afternoon about what happened between Mark and me. I ignored him until he went away. To keep busy, I browned the ground beef for taco night, chopped the lettuce, tomatoes, and onions, and then arranged the shells to warm in the oven. Joe finally...

1 year ago
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Family Holiday Perversions 5

It was too short notice to ask anyone else so I just had to suck it up and go on the stupid holiday. We were staying in a converted barn, up a mountain, in the middle of some woods in Scotland. It was a beautiful big building with an outdoor hot tub, lots of wildlife, games, a telescope, cool lighting, mountain bikes, a swing set and miles away from anyone. I had planned to spend the week exploring it all with my friend but looks like I'll be exploring it all myself. An interesting feature of...

4 years ago
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Tony was sitting alone in a downtown gay bar contemplating his sexless marriage. After forty years of marriage his wife Liz was no longer interested in sex. In desperation, Tony had turned to gay sex, something he had experienced in his youth, but had avoided for many years. He now frequented gay bars hoping to be hit on for NSA sex with other men. He truly loved having his cock sucked and was fast becoming addicted to sucking cock. He had not yet given up his ass to another man.While drowning...

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Our polyamory life part 3

John, Carol and I loved to go out dancing. There was a nightclub near us that had a live band Friday and Saturday nights. There were three levels of tiered seating surrounding the dance floor and bar. We always got on the third tier. Dancing and nightclubbing brought out the extravagant exhibitionist in Carol. She always wore scandalous clothes for dancing. Her favorite was a clinging very short black dress with deep cleavage and no bra. We would get there late in the evening. Sitting on the...

Wife Lovers
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Ugly duckling

Introduction: homely teen gives her tight virgin cunt to her dream boy Her name was Barbara, she lived not too far away from us across the railroad tracks in a shack of a home that her poor family rented. Barbara was an outcast, she attended school with us but no one spoke to her much. She had some deformities that made her walk with a hobble and her face was almost gruesome. One side of her face was misaligned and her left eye was enlarged, the left side of her jaw protruded down and to the...

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In the jacuzzi with mum part 3

It was out last full day of our weekend away in the log cabin. Dad had decided to go out for the day into the village and see the sites. Both me and mum couldn't think of anything worse and decided that being our last day we would chill out and maybe go to the spa. It had just gone lunch time and we had just finished are lunch when I said to mum about going for a swim and Jacuzzi before we go. Mum liked the sound of this and we headed off over there. Like before I had my shorts on underneath...

3 years ago
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Photo Session and More

She had asked me to take some portrait pictures of her so I went to her house in the early evening and following a simple pasta meal with a couple of glasses of wine and also telling her she looked really nice, I suggested we get started. As well as the pictures I also fancied her a lot as I liked her nice looking tits but she probably guessed that. She turned out to be a good poser so after a while taking various portraits which made me fancy her even more, I said, "Let's do some a bit more...

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The SmithChapter 12 Exposure

“Freeze.” I called out when Cat went to run by in a tiny pair of lace shorts. I had almost finished a late breakfast and had let her sleep in. We didn’t get to bed until after 3:30. “Shower first and get that paint off.” Ten minutes later she dove into the pool for her morning thirty-minute swim. “Safety versus other’s image?” I asked once the door was reopened to allow my student to enter in her customary morning towel and what underwear she wore the night before. “Safety.” She knew the...

1 year ago
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Memories of last night

The professor’s voice echoed dully around the room, sweeping tunelessly over the heads of 70 tired and uninterested students. The sky outside was grey and miserable, mirroring the mood of the room, bar for one girl – Jo. She was sat in the middle of a row, halfway up the tiered seating, and was radiating her good mood. Her long brown hair, fell in curls over her shoulders, and seemed to shine under the incandescent lights of the hall. The professor glanced up and caught sight of her, she wore...

3 years ago
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Cocksucker A Journey

1: MY WIFE WAS GOING THROUGH MENOPAUSE My sex life had seen diminishing returns ever since she'd said 'I do'... before we were married we were shagging each other like rabbits, but afterwards it seemed like the thrill of the chase was gone, and then once we had k**s her days (and middles of the nights) were focused on their care and her sex drive diminished. Then when she returned to work, she had to concentrate her daily hours of motherly care into what seemed like minutes it diminished more,...

2 years ago
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California CrewChapter 30

It was the beginning of April. There was a party, again. Doesn't this seem to center around the parties or what? That's because that is where all the excitement happens. We were not going to be spending the night together this time, because all the girls were doing stuff at some point early in the day, except for me and Kaitlin. We had voted not to spend the night together, just to make life simple. We figured that we may end up sleeping over at each other's house or whatever, but we...

1 year ago
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Middle School Mischief at DorsetChapter 30 Baring Buxom Becky

The innocent and naïve Becky had been very impressed by the gentle and handsome minister. She noticed also that her mother seemed happier and more relaxed than she'd been since before they moved here. The minister's message had been good for her, she thought and she felt a certain warmth and closeness to him because of that. Next day Reverend Wilson waited impatiently for young Becky Bartlett to arrive to receive her instruction for joining the church. Her mother had definitely been...

3 years ago
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Sin 2

"I mean sure, I was eventually in the back of that same van later getting plowed like a $20 whore. However, at least I waited until we got back to the hotel and then snuck out when I thought you were sleeping!", Cindy was laughing. "My gosh, that was such a great night, I can't believe I let both of those guys fuck me at the same time. I don't need that kid back there, just the thought of that will keep me sopping wet for the rest of the night! You know what Carla? I've been fucked a...

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my 2nd 2020 Dr appointment

My 2nd 2020 Dr. appointmentI know they all start out the same because that's how Dr. offices seem to do it sorry!Unlike previous years I had a 6 month follow-up this year since the Dr. had his nurse call me and tell me to schedule one since my pussy looked so well used last time and he needed to make sure everything was fine "down there". Like the previous years I really don't have to hide the fact that I'm very feminine. This year I wore very short girls shorts that hugged my bottom and rode...

2 years ago
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How I Fucked My Hot Lonely Mami Sumi

Hi Raj here, I’m 21 year old average looking guy from Mumbai, with a 6.5″ dick, girls, aunties, moms, can contact me on for sex chat as well as sex! Total privacy on my side! Coming to the sex story my mami her name is sumi, she is in her thirties and smoking hot, she has a perfect figure with 36D boobs and a big lovely soft ass! She has very little fat and always looks perfect. She and I always casually chatted on what’s app and stuff! We also used to talk about her ex boyfriend, I told her...

3 years ago
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The Epic First Time

Blair and Liam have been dating since Blair’s senior year of high school. Liam graduated a year before her. They’ve gone through thick and thin together and just a month ago, after a year of dating, they moved in together. You could say that Blair had no idea what to expect. She’s a 19 year old virgin. By choice, of course. Her bleach blonde hair, chocolate brown eyes and petite frame make her quite desirable to most men. Though, she only has eyes for Liam and Liam only has eyes for...

3 years ago
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(MF, wife-cheat, husb-voy)I met Wendy at work, she was a legal intern and she instantly knocked me off my feet. I fell for Wendy hard. She was one of the most beautiful women I'd ever seen, with dark blonde hair and a dark tan. Her athletic body and eager outlook on life were just icing on the cake, so to speak. For some reason Wendy, who was 25, took a shine to me even though I had just turned 44 that April. After our relationship became physical, she confided in me that she had always liked...

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Garden Me Mili Doctor Aunty

Hi friends mujhe to aap jante hi ho aapka pyara nick meri pehli story “Anjan aunty ki chudai” kafi logo ko pasand aai or kafi logo ne feed back bhi diya to me firse hajir hnu nai story k sath jo haal hi me mere sath hui so jo meri story pehli baar badh rahe hai unhe me bata apne bare me bata deta hnu mera naam nich hai me gujrat ahemdabad ka rehne vala hnu or mera lund 7 inch lamba or 2.5 inch mota hai jo kisi bhi pyasi orat ko shant karne k liye kafi hai to ab hum story pe aate hai baat un...

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