Slaa indian porn

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Intruders in the house

She lived alone and had for year worn ear plugs to help her sleep. Her friends had said how unsafe it was but she had never had any issues and thought nothing of it. When wearing these plugs you can hear really loud noises or close by noises. What u couldn’t hear as she was about to find out was the glass cutter cutting through the window at the back of her property. 4 guys waited patiently whilst one worked away at getting them entry into a property they had been watching for a month or...

2 years ago
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The Bermuda Island 2 The Mewtwo Boner Saga Chapter 1

An Incredible Fanfic by Malethoth Kazyanenko In 2014, Kanto was not the same as it was ten years ago. Far from being an idyllic and beautiful place where Pok?n roamed free and battled one another in pleasant splendor. After the Great War of Nael-Ytharlep, when massive armies of Pok?n collided in the fields and in the mountains and in the plains and laid waste to the cities and razed the towns and burned the towers and fouled the rivers and desecrated the land, there was a period of great...

2 years ago
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Choose your own SexVenture Page 23

Disclaimer: This is part of a larger adventure story. If you reached this page as part of a reader’s choice from a previous page, continue below. If not, CLICK HERE to start at the beginning of the SexVenture. = = = = = Page 23 = = = = = She looks at you lying next to her on the bed. ‘Are you ready for the next round?’ ‘What are you thinking?’ you ask. ‘Well let’s see what I can find in the drawers,’ she answers as she looks in the night stand. Something peaks her interest and she pulls...

4 years ago
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Een ander perspectief

by Minds_Eye© Het was een lang, saaie dag geweest het kantoor. Ik had me de hele dag bezig gehouden met allerlei klusjes die niet echt dringend waren, en waar ik me dus wat halfslachtig vanaf had gemaakt. Een beetje duf daardoor kwam ik thuis, en daar kreeg ik een behoorlijke verassing voor mijn kiezen. De gordijnen waren dicht. Ik stapte binnen en mijn blik viel op de mooi gedekte tafel. Kaarslicht, wijn glazen, tweedelig bestek…Ik kreunde zachtjes in mezelf. Niet van genot, maar meestal als...

3 years ago
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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 15 Doctor Steven Taylor Wife Kyles surprise and Many Many Births

Introduction: The Continuing story of Ben and his extrodinary family My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 15 Doctor Steven Taylor & Wife, Kyles surprise and Many Many Births. Characters Introduced: Dr. Steven Taylor, 48, OBGYN, white, married to Jessica, 8 cock Jessica Taylor, 28, wife of the doctor, 54, white, Brown hair Green Eyes, 36D breasts Bob, 45, drunken neighbor of Crystals, white, 7 cock Gracie, 32, wife of Bob,54, white, Blond Hair Blue Eyes, 36DD Breasts Kelsi, 18, Gracies daughter,...

4 years ago
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Fucked by the Boss at work fucking fab

Introduction: an extremely naughty boss used me for sex When I was a teen student I used to visit this bar and socialize somewhat, being chatted up by guys as I held my drink between my tits. I was befriended by.a number of chicks, one of them was called Glam-Gill, or so I will call her here (but not to be confused with other alias Gill chicks). Gill worked part-time washing up at this eating place. That and standing around on street corners for some reason! She had blond hair every-where...

2 years ago
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The dare game

The dare game Ik een Chloë hadden al een tijdje via facebook gepraat maar elkaar nog nooit ontmoet. Ik vroeg haar truth or dare. En ze antwoordde meteen met dare! I dacht even na over wat ik hierop moest zeggen en antwoorden met " ik dare je om mij volledig naakt in de sauna te ontmoeten" zij zei deal! Vrijdagavond? Dat was over 4 dagen dus ik reageerde met is goed. En ze vroeg mij terug truth or dare? Ik antwoordde ook met dare omdat ik niet als een mietje over wou komen. Ze zei: ik dare je om...

3 years ago
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Het Leven van een Geil Sletje

Ik ben Pamela. 23 jaar jong, geil en bloed mooi (tenminste dat is wat ze van me zeggen). Ik vindt het heerlijk me sexy en uitdagend te kleden. Of beter nog, dat te dragen wat mijn date me opdraagt. Daarna mag je mij verrassen zonder me eerst te vertellen wat me daarna te wachten staat. Om te starten: Ik stap net uit de douche mijn slaapkamer in en lees nogmaals het briefje dat ik vanmorgen vond. Daar staan duidelijke instructies in over hoe ik me moet kleden vandaag en wat ik daarna moet doen....

3 years ago
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Lotus And The Flame Part Three

The following day, Anderson handed Farida the mock-up weekend retreat letter. Farida slipped it into her bag. That evening she showed it to Naeem and, thankfully, he didn’t question it. How could he when he had always encouraged and supported her Islamic studies? All Farida could think about was that, hopefully, the upcoming weekend would finally satisfy whatever Anderson wanted from her, and she could seal the arrangement as quickly as possible. On Anderson's part, once he had handed the...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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Jenifarflorence Bathalangudu my story

Amma appa china vayasula irunthu romba strict ah than valathanga.. ana appa oru thadava enga perima ta thapa en pakathula nadanthukitanga. En perima en pakathula bed la paduthurukala avanha mela eri othanga. athuku aprm nan neraiya thadava atha elam pathuruken. Apo elam athu elam enaku aruvarupa than irunthuchu.. school 9th vera school ponen. Apo 10 la iruntha payana apo apo sight adichuruken.. school la iruntha opposite gang avan. Neraiya thadava sight adichuruken antha school la irukapa...

3 years ago
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Allie the Bratty Sub gets properly punished

Allie could feel the heat between her thighs so intensely, she swore she could light her lace panties on fire if she were allowed to rub her legs together. Every nerve ending in her heated aroused sex was ready to explode. She wanted to cum, no… she needed to cum, so fucking badly. But she had no way to voice her opinion, or close her legs now for that matter.She groaned as she bit down harder on the leather sandwiched between her teeth. The buzz from the round egg vibrator stuffed up in her...

4 years ago
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His First Time

There are young men who have their way with the ladies but there are also those who are shy or not " cool " enough by society's high standards. Paul Emerson was such a case. He had just graduated from college, top of his class and had a bright future ahead of him as a doctor. His father was proud of him of course but he had a problem with his son's personal life. That problem was that he didn't have any. At the age of 21 he was still reading comic books and playing video games instead of going...

2 years ago
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The Glassing of Elf Girl

I am dreaming. I am looking down at my pink 'All-Stars' as they float over wet paving slabs. I stand at the curbside then step out into the road. BANG. I wake with a jolt, chest heaving, my body glistening in cold icy sweat. 'Fricking stress dream.' I tell myself. Beth hasn't stirred. Her forehead pressed against my neck, lips touching my shoulder, breathing across my collarbone. On my back her knee is across mine, her hand resting down the front of my panties, fingers in my soft curls. The...

3 years ago
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New Year Cuckold Fuck 2019

Today is New year 2019. We just exited from the temple after seeking our new year blessings. As we were on the way home; me driving; my wife called her BF. She told him that she wants to go out with him in the afternoon at his residence for a new year fuck. Mind you her BF is unaware that I know about their affair and that I support her and infact motivate her to do so. Going out on a New year’s day was also my idea which I planted in her head a day before. I told her that she should fuck him...

4 years ago
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De klus 2

DE Klus 2De volgende dag ging ik direct uit mijn werk naar de klus ik weet nog dat het best hard regende. Eenmaal aangekomen opende ik de deur met de sleutel die ze me de vorige dag gegeven had. Ik liep naar binnen en liep naar de keuken om via daar mijn gereedschap uit de schuur op te halen. Ik deed de keukendeur open en kijk recht in de ogen van Lena, ze staat naakt bij het fornuis in een pan soep te roeren. Hallo zegt ze wil je straks ook soep. Even was ik van mijn stuk je ziet tenslotte...

2 years ago
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Enslaved Chapter 66

Quentin, in an equally luxurious suite next to Julia’s, was also drinking champagne. It was a liquid which seemed as freely available as water aboard the ‘Paradise’! Miss Judith, so scantily clad, had been invited to be seated and was also taking a glass.“Most kind of you, Sir,” she said obsequiously. In fact Miss Judith could have had as much champagne as she liked... but it was best to play up to important guests.“My pleasure,” smiled Quentin. His piggy eyes roved over Miss Judith’s...

2 years ago
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Eva dubbel gepenetreerd

Het is de dag voor Nieuwjaar, oudjaar. Ik ben bij een hele goede vriendin van mij thuis samen met een vriendin en twee vrienden van haar, waarvan ik er ook een ken. We zijn bij haar thuis om samen een borrel te doen en het nieuwe jaar in te luiden met oliebollen en champagne.Mijn naam is Eva en de naam van mijn vriendin is Stephanie. De twee jongens heten Maurice en Gerwin. Mijn vriendin en ik zijn 18 en 17 jaar, Maurice is 18 en Gerwin 20.Eenmaal bij het huis van Stephanie aangekomen zijn de...

4 years ago
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Het koningskoppel wordt geserveerd puur Deel II

à la carte!Het publiek is een mix. Heel veel hebben ze niet eens gemeenschappelijk. Wel dit moment. Aangetrokken door het thema. Ze voelen allemaal opwinding bij het idee live te kijken naar vrouwen en mannen die helemaal opgaan in de begeerte van hun wellustige fantasieën. Het is kijken naar het schouwspel van het koningskoppel wat zich schaamteloos geeft aan de lusten van hun gasten. Als bijna een theatervoorstelling. Een voorstelling waarbij het publiek als gast zelf mee opgaat in het moment...

3 years ago
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Geluk bij een Ongeluk

Ze liep zonder uit te kijken zo de weg over en voor ze er erg in had lag ze op de grond voor mijn wagen. Ik had haar aangereden, ik sprong uit mijn wagen en vroeg haar of ze wat had en hoe het met haar ging. Ze vertelde dat ze last had vaan pijn in haar been. Daar ik zelf fysio the****ut ben keek ik even naar haar been, omdat ik het niet helemaal vertrouwde stelde ik haar voor om haar mee te nemen in mijn auto naar de huisartsenpraktijk waar ik zelf ook werkzaam ben en een arts naar haar been...

2 years ago
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Jan en Jos spuiten in me

Wij lopen naar het terras waar Jan op ons zit te wachten, met glimmende ogen kijkt hij mij aan. Zonder iets te zeggen staat hij op en pakt mijn hand, mij achter zich aan trekkend lopen wij de keuken in. Hij drukt mij tegen de achtermuur aan en zijn lippen liggen gelijk op die van mij en zijn tong schiet snel tussen mijn lippen door. Onze tongen beginnen een ruw erotisch spel, met zijn handen trekt hij mijn broek naar onderen en laat mijn harde pik in zijn handen verdwijnen. Als hij eraan begint...

3 years ago
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een geile dag op stage

Als gewoonlijk was ik weer als 1 van de eerste op mijn stage bedrijf gearriveerd. Ik ging naar boven om hier aan het werk te gaan. Na een minut of 20 kwam joske aan. Joske is een knappe vrouw van in de 20 met bruin haar en een mooie brede lag op haar gezicht. Ze droeg een lange jas met daar onder naar mijn idee een huidskleurige panty. Nieuwschieris als ik was voligde mijn ogen haar mooi lichaam tot aan haar kantoor. Onder weg moest ze iets uit de printer pakken maar het papier hiervan was op....

2 years ago
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Gezinstherapeute Mirthe

Gezinsthe****ute Mirthe is de vervanger van B en een bloedmooie blonde vrouw met lang krullend haar van ongeveer 48 jaar. tijdens de huisbezoeken laat ik altijd mijn ogen over haar lichaam glijden met de hoop dat ik een glimp van haar bh kan opvangen.Op een dag kwam Mirthe onverwachts op huisbezoek. Ze belde aan en ik maakte open. Ik zei,"Goedemorgen, hadden we een afspraak?" "Nee hoor, maar ik was in de buurt en dacht dat we misschien een evaluatie gesprek konden houden,"zei ze."Kom binnen,"...

2 years ago
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Daphne Dekkers misbruikt door beveiliging Bijenkor

Zoals jullie in het verhaal "Beveiliging"? hebben kunnen lezen hebben we drie maanden geleden ons eerste target, Mariska gepakt. Het was het gevolg van een plan dat op een vrijdagavond in een Amsterdamse kroeg geboren werd. Karel en ik, Henk werken als beveiligings-medewerkers bij een groot luxe warenhuis in het centrum van Amsterdam. Jaap werkt nog steeds bij de politie maar denkt er over om ook de beveiliging in te gaan. Karel zei die avond: "Ik durf te wedden dat we, als we een soort candid...

2 years ago
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Verkracht tijdens gay pride Gran Canaria

Dit verhaal is waargebeurd en speelt zich af tijdens de gaypride in GanCanaria.Mijn naam is Maarten, ben 26 jaar, sportief gebouwd en nog steeds single.Op een avond trok ik mijn stoute schoenen aan en wou ik eens gaan cruisen in de bunker in GC, het was er pride en dus veel volk.Gekleed in mijn harnas, jockstrap en sneakers ging ik naar de inkom, betaalde en ging binnen.Aan de toog eerst nog een drankje en dan op mijn gemak de beneden is gaan verkennen.Overal waar ik rondkeek zag je mannen met...

4 years ago
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The Au Pair is in NEED of being PUT IN HER PLACE

Hanna felt quite lucky landing employment with the Thorn famíly. She'd heard horror stories from other au pairs before she even arrived, but the Thorns were as nice as they came. Especially Mr. Thorn, he took to Hanna immediately. "Call me Bill" he told her with a big, warming smile. He hugged her and said "Welcome to our humble home". Mrs. Thorn was also nice, but reserved. "Megan" she said smiling as she shook her hand. Megan was the quiet type. Polite but straight forward. Hanna felt...

2 years ago
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Enslaved Chapter 18

A short while after, having performed the service required of her, Melissa was taken away... again on the collar and chain, and by Miss Judith. Quentin knew well the bare cell she would be taken to, with its two plank beds and shackles, to wait the time she would be required for some other was the cell which Julia also occupied.Waddling across the cabin, Quentin poured himself a long brandy and soda, then seated himself on the edge of the bed.Julia remained precisely where she had...

4 years ago
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Ronnie The Aunt Krista Situation

I couldn’t believe it! Someone found out about us… and it’s Stephen’s fucking aunt! I hopped off of Stephen’s cock and ran my naked ass to the bed room. FUCK! Where are my clothes?? Did she hear me proclaim my love for her nephew’s cock? I’m so stupid. I should have known we were gonna get busted sooner or later. We were waaay to careless and care free. What is she going to do? Can she call the cops? Oh my God will she tell others about me ? She’ll probably tell anyone who’ll listen...

3 years ago
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Meeting up with an Xhamster member

MY NEW FRIEND.I hadn’t been a member on Xhamster very long but in a couple of short weeks I had I met quite a few interesting people from all around the world, I hadn’t really joined to hook up with people I just enjoyed the escapism from my normal life as my husband being away for 10 months out of every year with the army it does become a little lonesome sometimes although I have quite a few good friends, but sex is missing from my life only managing to have a few discrete flings every now and...

3 years ago
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School Teacher Ki Chudai Trip Par

Hello dosto main fir hajir hu ek nyi desi hot sex story lekar. Mera name virat hai. From delhi. Age 24. Big cock. I love married ladies.My id “” My story ki heroine anita madam hai. Unki age tb 34 saal ki thi. Wo saari pehnti thi. Uski figure ka size nhi pta bt uska saara smaan heavy tha kamar b 35hogi. Wo koi dubli patli nhi thi bt face cut acha tha color b kaafi fair tha. Toh story pehle ki hai wo hme hindi pdhati thi.Uska school mein math wale master se chakkr tha jo kaafi students ko pta...

4 years ago
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Mausi Ki Friend Ki Chudai

Hello friends, mera naam virat hai and main delhi mein rehta hu and I love married woman. Age 25 hai and lund size 7around hau Yeh kamukta story 1 year old hai jb main coaching ke liye apni mausi ke ghar 6month rehne ke liye gya tha. Meri mausi widow hai and wo social worker thi toh wo ghar se bahr rehti thi and main ghar pr akela hota. Meri mausi ke ghar ke pass ek beautiful parlour tha jisko rekha aunty chalati thi. Unki age 41thi and figure 34 28 34 thi wo massi ki friend thi toh ghar aati...

3 years ago
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Kiraydaaar Se Kiraaya

Namaskar, mera naam reena rai h or meri umar h 21 saaal . Meri aaj ki story h meri pehli chudaayi ki jab me 17 saaal ki thi. Mere boobs ka size tha 36 mujhe bhot tension rehti thi ki binaa kuch kiye agar ye size h to jab inhe choosne waala milega to kya hoga. Me itni kamsil or attractive thi ki jab me market me akele jaate tym chichore log mere paas se yeh kehte hue nikalte the ki chudvaayegi kya or me mann hi man sochti thi ki chudvaanaa to jarur h par kisi dhang k hoshiyaar londe se . In...

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Savita Bhabhi Ko Jannat Dikhaye

Hi, everyone Sumit here my gmail account is do give a feedback hope you will love it. It’s a story about my bhabi her name Savita unki height 5’7 ha full body curves haa eyes brown and almond shaped and figure 32-30-34 ha full sex goddess lagti ha.In this story S* is for Sumit thats me jo bhut hraami ha but bhabi ke nazro me masoom and B* is for sexy bhabhi. Sumit ke bhaiya kaam ke sil sile me baahr gye haa bhabi ghaar paar akele haa sumit hostel se chutti lekar bhabi ke sath rehne ataa ha....

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The Dirty Slut Part 1

Hi, guys, this is Rinku Sharma here. This is my first time writing a sex story on Indian Sex Stories. This is a true sex story about my journey to becoming a slut. I kind of disliked it at first and later started to like it. So let’s begin. First, let me tell you something about myself. I have a perfect figure and a cute face. I love wearing seductive clothes like crop tops and skirts. I had a boyfriend in school to whom I lost my virginity when I was 18. We used to have a lot of sex but then...

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Chrissie Learns A Harsh Lesson The Conclusion

Chrissie Learns A Harsh Lesson (The Conclusion) My arms were stretched straight up over my head, metal handcuffs circled my wrists and were tied to a metal ring that had been embedded in the ceiling. The rope which was hoisting me up left me suspended from the ceiling in such a mannerthat only the toes of my black 4 inch heels touched the floor. The hard metal of the handcuffs cut into the skin of my wrists and a burning ache traveled through the muscles in my arms and shoulders. I felt...

2 years ago
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Ab 2 Randi K Sath Ek Or Free Gift Mili

Hi, guyz. How are you all? Muthh maarna jaari h na haha…This is prince from bhubaneswar..Sabhi hot maal or maal wali bhabhi log ko mere or mere uske taraf se namaskar ap logo k bina to ye dunia adhuri h.Last sex story m acha khasa response v aaya tha. Jise mere bare m nai pta h unhe bta du..Mera ustaad ka size 6.5inch lamba or 3inch mota hai jo ap ki seva karne ka bahana khoj ta h… Ek hot mohtarma v maze de ri h…If anyone intrsted to talk..Jo v baat karna chahe ya relation rakhna chahe..Msg...

3 years ago
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First Sex With Syamala Aunty Part 8211 1

Hi readers, This is rajesh from vijayawada. I’m a regular reader of indian sex stories from past 5years but never posted a story, this is my first narration so please excuse me for any mistakes and encourage me with your feedback on Nenu telugu vala koasam ee story telugu rastana…This my 1st sex of my life … Story starts now.. This story very long so I decide to divided into parts …This is 1st part of the story… Na peru rajesh memu vijayawada unade valam ma family lo 3 member untam me and my...

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Ishq Ki Waardaat Kuchh Bhi Na Thi

Hello friends this is Sameer from Gujarat age 28 weight 84 length 5.10 kissa mohabbat ka dohraane huaa hun haazir to idhar udhar ki hazaarha baate aur apni pahechaan dene ke bajaae chaahunga ke baat sidhi karu, aslan jo kuchh kehna chaahta hun aur aap jo kuchh padnaa chaahte hai usi pe aata Hun apni jawaani me sekdo kisse pesh aaye hai aur aap sab ki duaa se aage bhi aate rahenge magar recently abhi last kissa shakl-e waardaat-e ishq me jo pesh aaya use nosh farmaaye aap log 8 roz pehle main...

4 years ago
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Nightout Mei Wife Ke Friend Ki Sath Hua Jordar Palag Tod Sex

My id is Sb couple ek bar jarur pde…maaja ayeg…sachii kahani meri jubani apne reviews jarur dee…taki new story or share karsaku…especillay couple,girls,ladies….Or land bhi lol Ye bat kuch 1week pehle ki hai,mei meri wife or wife ki friend or uska husband humne nightout ka plan banaya sab set hogaya, hum 2-3 din se pehle se exited the ,kyoki is baar hum drinks ka bhi program rakhne wale the, Mei bata du meri wife mast figure 32*34*32 dusky color sexy adaye jaise 1 mast bhabi mei hoti hai...

4 years ago
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Pink Christmas

Pink Christmas ? by: Christopher Prim "Wakey, wakey, Neal, baby," my stepmother's honey dipped voice summoned me from dreamland, "It's time to get up and about on your big, big day." "Go 'way, Monica, 'm sleepy," I grumbled in reply. "No whining now, sleepyhead," Monica cheerfully countered, grabbing the coverings I had been attempting to pull over my head and yanking them down. "Okay, okay, I'll be down in a few minutes," I said, giving in to the inevitable. I feebly sat up...

2 years ago
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Apne Friend Ki Friend Ko Chodaa Karachi Jakey

Salam dosto yeh meri dosri story ha meri pehli story aliza ki seal tori aur uski chudai ki thi ek baar phir me apne baray me btaa do me 27 saal ka ek avreage boy hu aur mera taluq pakistan lahore se ha koi b larki ya auntie mujhse dosti krna chaey tu mujhe mail zaroor kry…..Mera mail address ha Yeh story meri aur mere ek dost ki friend ki ha jiska naam irum tha aur mammy 32 aur dekhne me bhi bahut khubsurat thijisko k me uski girlfriend samjhta tha per unke beech me sirf frndship thi tu baat...

3 years ago
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My Wife With My Friend

My name is Khirot and I am 28. I am married to Suhasini last year. She is 26. When I looked her first time I fall in love with her, ooohh.., damn, she is so sexy such a nubile. Not so big boobs, bra size 34, pink lips, brown eye, black hair, and attracting silky belly with killer ass curve. We are lived in Rourkela, odisha where I work in a private company. Our marriage is an arrange type. Me and my wife was a happy couple but ……. think is that I never give her sexually enjoyment because ….....

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My Sister 8217 s Hot Friend

Hi dis is daman jain again, I am from udaipur Meri id hai or aap mujhe mail bhi jr sakte hai mujhse milne ya mujh se baatein krne k liye khaas kar k ladies and girls only. Age ki koi boundation nahi hai. Aap sab ne meri pehli story ko bohot pasand kiya or mujhe kaafi mail bhi kiye Us k liye bohot bohot shukriyaa.Or me kaafi tym se koi kahani post nahi kar saka Kyu ke meri account technically blocked ho gaya tha. Meri pichli kahani ek rich lady ki thi jiska husband NRI bhi kaha aap ko...

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Pehle Kuch Nahi Tha Aur Ab Sab Kuch Hai From 4 6

Hi readers,i am alex(name changed) 18 yrs,Slim,height 5’10,Size 6′ from Punjab..This is the first encounter between me and my Girlfriend when she came to my home for Maths tuition from my sister,she wanted to go for the test for her C.A.Let me Introduce to her Her name is Reet,Same my age,She was a bit fatty on tummy and rest was ok (from outside because of BRA and her jeans),I had never watched her wearing any suit or anything much then Jeans and Top,..Her figure was 34-30-34.She wears spects...

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My Mom Tested Son In Law Before Marriage

Hai this is Nagaraju from nellore. I am 15 years old having dick 4 inches. I masturbate every day nearly for 15 times. Mainly I masturbate on my mom and sister. My mom Nirmala now 50 years a voluptious lady with modern out look. My sister Anuradha is 20 years with high sex avegations. My moms nose is too long and she look like heroine Jayaprada. My sister look like iliyana with sexy body. I do not know english properly that s why I am posting this in Telugu. Ee story real gaa jarigindi ma...

2 years ago
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Pdos Wali Ladki N Sex Krne P Force Kra

Hay friend ..Mera name shivam h .Mari age 20 h or height 5’9 h ..Colo fair … Or size 8 inch h……..Ya mari pahali story h ..I hope apki acchhi lgale ..To zyada time wast na krte hue m apni story p ata hu …Bat ajce 2 saal pahale k h ..Tb m 18 yrs ka tha …..M exams over hue the .To m apni nani k ghr gya tha rhne ..Unke ghr k samne ek ladki rhti thi …M unh rimpi bulata tha .. Wo 2 bhn thi ..Rimppi bdi thi .Or bsc kr rhi thi ..M unke ghr jata tha kbhi kbhi …Ek bar m unke ghr gya or rimmpi so rhi .Thi...

5 years ago
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Bua 8217 s Boobs

Hi Friends, My name is Rohit. I am 5’7″ in height and a guy with a cock of 6.5″ in length and  2.5″ in thickness. Let me Introduce my bua; she is 45 years of age now. But, her figure can stun anyone. I die on her 34 sized boobs which look like big melons. She usually stays without bra. I mean only blouse, petticoat and saree. Not even panties are there. Whenever I see her I get turned on and my dick starts to cry out for her hot body and sexy pussy. And there is a big cleavage between her heavy...

4 years ago
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Katies Revenge part two

Katie slept in and awoke about 9 AM.She stopped into the bathroom and peed before checking on her Mom.She thought to herself Mom probably has to piss like a racehorse..Fuck that bitch she said to herself out loud.I am going to make her pay for fucking with my boyfriend and my good times. After she wiped her young pink pussy and flushed she opened the door to her Moms bedroom.There she was snoring like a drunken...

4 years ago
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Death By Misadventure Part 4

It doesn't take a mathematician with the perspicacity of a Pascal to postulate that Neptune's Triangle has four sides. How the misnomer originated is a topic the residents believe is best left for students of local history to ponder; the only thing most of them know - or indeed care about - is that as the bronze deity surveys his watery realm from the middle of an open space less than seventy yards across at its widest point, too small for the council to dignify it with an official title,...

2 years ago
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From Sky to Earth Part 1

This is my first story. Please honor me by giving me feed back. I will continue to write it if readers will like it....Thanks. You may give me your valuable feedback at [email protected] Nina ================================================================ FROM SKY TO EARTH - Part 1 "Come on Nina..hurry up...Ma'am will be here soon and you haven't finished salad yet" i increased my pace as soon as i heard the voice of Maria. She was inspecting the dinner...

3 years ago
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ISS Reader Ke Saath Chat Se Sex Tak

Hellooo to my all ISS friends, specially hot sexy dolls and bhabies, appka Love ek baar fir apni dusri strory le kar aapke saamne he, meri pehli story Beer Ke Nashe Me Meri Or Girlfriend Ki Virginity Tooti ko aap sab ne bahut pasand kiya..or meri isi story ki vajah se meri kai friends bani…jinke sath ab regular chat hoti rehti he…ye story bhi meri unhi me se ek friend ke sath ki he… Halanki mujhe nahi pata tha ki me koi dusri story bhi likh paunga kynki us college ki story ke baad koi chance hi...

2 years ago
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Bhabhi Ne Chodne Ko Majboor Kiya

Hi to all friends ye kahani shuru hui jab hamare bade bhai ki shaadi hui hamare bade bhai humse 12 saal bade hai aur mujhe wo bilkul apne bete ki tarah hi mante the bhabhi ghar main ayi to unhone mujhse kaha ke mujhe apna dost hi samajhna aur apni har baath share karna. Main bhi unse takreeban har baat share karta tha meri umar tab 18 saal ki thi mari ek girl friend bhi thi aur bhabhi ko te baat bhi pata thi shaadi ke 1 saal tak to sab theek tha par kuch dino se bhabhi kuch pareshaan si rehti...

2 years ago
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Bhabhi Se Sja Me Liya Un Ki Virgin Chut Ka Pura Mja

Hi friends main ashok Sharma Faridabad se pher aap ke saamne apne jeewan ki ek or storie laya hu. Sbse phle me un sbhi ko thnx krna chahta hu jinhone mere storie psnd ki or mujh ko by main reply kiya. Hi myself ashok sharma from Faridabad haryana. I’m 27y’old and doing mba final ab me aap ka jyada time khraab na krte hue sidhi apne storie per aata hu, ye aaj se lgbhg 1 saal phle ki khani hai jb main mba fst sam me tha.mere eco subject week tha to main ne apni coloni ke ek teacher se shyam ki...

2 years ago
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Bangladese Moja

Aaj ami apnader ekta sotti ghotona bolchhi, 1996 Amaar boyesh thokon 26, thaki ami India te bereta geyachilam Bangladesh e amaar ek Didir kache, Gorom Kaal chhilo, ta ami thik kore jai je ami 3 din okhane thakbo, Didir barite didi chhara aar keu thake na. ta prothom din bhaloi kaatlo, 2nd din bikele khub jhor bristi hoyate Light chole giyechhilo, amaar abaar Fan na cholle ghum ashe na. Ta ki kori Didi dar barite to aar Generator connection nei. Ta pasher barir ek Boudi didi ke bollo je thkurpo...

4 years ago
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Pehli Baar Sex Kia Aur Wo Bhi Maa Ke Saath

Hello dosto…..mai aaaj apko ek aapp biti btaane jaa raha hu…yeh sachaai hai ise kahani ma samjhna…… Yeh kahani hai mere aur mere mom ke beech ,,,,sab se pehle mai apko apni mom ke baare me thora sa bta deta hu …meri mom ek medium height ki hai and unka weight kareeb 60kg hoga,,,,,bt unka shareer poora gazab dhata hai … ka shreer bhra hua hai ,,,unka figure hoga yahi kareeb 43-34-39…….. Ab asli kahani pe aate hai ,,,yeh baat hai jab mai apni parai kara raha tha aur mai daily porn sites...

3 years ago
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The Grown Up Schoolgirl

The GROWN-UP SCHOOL-CHILD by "c.c." Oddly enough my problems started when I became unexpectedly rich. I always knew that my father came to America from England when I was just a child, and that some of our relations were wealthy, titled or both, but the full extent of our relationship never occurred to me until years after my parents' death, when I was informed that I had fallen heir to a title, estate, and a considerable fortune -- in England! I am -- or was -- a very...

4 years ago
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Chudakkad Shanu Aur Baba Ji Ka Aashirwad

Meri email account mein problem ho gyi isliye nya account bnaya hai to contact mejaisa ki aapne meri pichli kahaani mein meri chudkkd shanu ke kisse sune toh ab aage bhi aise he garma gram chut pighlane aur lund hilane wale garama garam kahani lekar main lund das fir se haazir hun. Meri chuddakkad shanu bhut he rangeen mizaz hair aur utni he chudwane mein Maahir, din mein na jaane kitni chudai ki filmein dekhti rehti hai mai yahan se apne office nikla nhi aur yeh apni gaand mtkaati chuche...

3 years ago
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Aunty Ko Thoka

Mujhe kahani padhne ka bahot shauk hai. Aur sex karne ka bhi. Maipahle mere bare me batata hu mera age 25 hai. Aur mai aapko jiske bare me batane jar aha hu uska age 49 hai. Mai aapkojadaJadabore nahikarna chahta hu. Mai sidha topic par aata hu. Baat abhi se 4 saal pahle hi hai jab mai college me tha. Mera 3 year chalu tha engineering ka. Meri 1 girl friend thi jiska naam nilam tha (change name) hum jada tar sathmehi rahte the. Mai usko bahot baar chodchukka hu. Maidiwalikichhuttime uske ghar...

2 years ago
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Een ander perspectief

by Minds_Eye©Het was een lang, saaie dag geweest het kantoor. Ik had me de hele dag bezig gehouden met allerlei klusjes die niet echt dringend waren, en waar ik me dus wat halfslachtig vanaf had gemaakt. Een beetje duf daardoor kwam ik thuis, en daar kreeg ik een behoorlijke verassing voor mijn kiezen.De gordijnen waren dicht. Ik stapte binnen en mijn blik viel op de mooi gedekte tafel. Kaarslicht, wijn glazen, tweedelig bestek...Ik kreunde zachtjes in mezelf. Niet van genot, maar meestal als...

2 years ago
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Village Maid Lost Her Virginity To Me

Hi this is Ashok again and I will share an experience with a cunning virgin maid when I was studying whom I screwed like hell when I broke her hymen. After she lost her virginity to me she became my sex toy. I was in my third year of engineering and used to stay in hostel but used to come home to town during weekends and holidays. It was monsoons and I had come home and I saw my mom had kept a young live in maid And her name was kumud and she was a village girl and she was black and well built...

2 years ago
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Marina Makes Maiden Mine Tablaux Troupe

Marina Brfouwer is mijn gast-auteur in het buitenlands: Alemanisch - Bausenländisch - Catalán - Duits - Engels Frans - Grieks (oud) - Hongaars (zelden) - InterzonaalsKeltisch - Latijn - Marxist-Manx - Normandisch - Oss'sParadijs - Questios - Ripualisch - Slovaaks - Teutoons Uzbeks - Valencián - Walon - Ypers én Zuid-sexslaafs !MAIN NARRATOR IS MARINA BREWERP: BRUNETTE BB-BOOB PERVERSE PERFECTBI-SEXUAL AS BI-LINGUAL WHO IS INFORMALLY INTIMATE INITIATRIX IN MY 'A.A.A.'EXPERIMENTAL EROTIC ESSAY...

2 years ago
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Vo Teen Mahenee Kee Mast Chudayee 8211 Part I

Hi! Mera naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname Suckhot1 (mail id: ) se apnee nett dostto see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek spicy story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sacch haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa. Meree abhee ek nayee net frend baneee haa. Uskaa naam ha- Reena. Ab aggee kee chudayee story Reena kee sexy aur methee Shabdoo mee- Hiee , mee Reena Uttar Pradesh kee sabsee badee...

4 years ago
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Nisha Maykee Mee Jamkar Chudee 8211 Part II

Meraa naam Vinod haa par for writing hot stories I use my nickname –Suckhot. Mee delhi may rahtaa huu. Meraa mail id apnee mee orkut kaa member huu id haa-yungfriends helpdesk. Orkut net friends see baat kar ke unkee sex encounters kee baraa mee zaankaree haaseel kartaa huu aur us par ek story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sach haa ap manee yaa naa manee yee aap par nirbhar kartaa haa. Niche likhee story bhee bilkul sach haa. Yee story Nishaa ka lund interview namak story joo ISS me...

4 years ago
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Mer Pahlee Chudee Courier Boy Nee Kee

Hi! Mera Naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname Suckhot (mail id: ) se apnee nett dostto see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sach haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa. Meree abhee ek nayee net frend baneee haa. Bahut puchnee par bhee usnee apnaa naam Randi batayaa haa. Aagee kee kahanee randi kee methee sexy shabdoo mee. Hiee , mee Randi Mumbai see huu....

4 years ago
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Suporna Boudi O Taar Meye Rima

Hello ISS Reader,I am Sonai from Bengal, this is my story. And this is a real incident. I am telling this story in Bengali.Prothomei amar pasher barir boudir samparke boli. Boudir naam holo suporna. Dada bank-e chakri kore. Dui meye. Naam Rima r sima. Rimar boyos 25 and simar boyos 20. Boudir boyos pray 40. Kintu dekhe mone hobe jeno 34 ki 35. Buk gulo jeno thele berie aashe. Ektu jhola kintu je kono loker bara khara korar pokhhe jathestho. Komor ta ektu soru r pachata jeno kumro. Jaai hok eber...

3 years ago
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Marathi Aaichi Vaasana Part VII

Tyananter aakha aathavada kaka botivar jaaiparyanta aamhi sarvajan diwas raatra zavat hoto.Shevti kaka botivar nighun gele ani aamcha haidos thandavla.Mi tar gharaat aaichi kinvaa maavshichi panty ghalunach firat ase.Ani aai maavshi maatra somavar te shanivaar fakta sakaalychyaa bra ani panty ghalun gharaat firat asat.sandhyakalchya ani ravivaari maatra sadimadhe asat.sandhyakaali ani ravivaarcha ghari koni na koni yet ase na tyaamule aamhaala aamcha nanga naach thambvavaa laage.Kaka botivar...

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Marathi Aaichi Vaasana 8211 Part IX

Ata diwsa Sundar aila thokun jaycha ani raatri Sundarchi aai mala thokayla yaachi.pudhche 3 aathavde ha nityakram chaaluch raaahila.Mi aaila mhanalo “Aai vel aaliye ki aai-mulala ek mekaanche khare chehre daakhvaaychi!!”aaiine mala dola maarla.Mi Radhaa kakula shanivaari doopari bolavla ani aaine Sundar la tyaach diwshi dupaari 4 chya sumaraas maaglya daarane yaayla saangitla ani bedroom madhe ye asa bolli.Aai ani maavshi tya diwshi dupari 2 laach baaher geli.3 laa radhaa kaku tharlyapramane...

3 years ago
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Priya Call Girl Kasee Banee PART I

Mera nick name Suckhot haa. Mee delhi me rahtaa huu.. Mene ISS site par pahlee bhee kaee kahaneeya likhee haa jo puree sach haa. Yeh sab kahaniya mee apnee hot net -frends see mujhee e- mail/ chats dwara ya aamne samne baith kar batayee gayee thee. Yeh bhee ekk sachee kahane haa jo is kahanee kee nayika Priya nee mujhsee dostee honee kee aadhee ghantee kee andar hee chats dwra bataa dee. Mee Priyaa kee saafdil svabhav kaa apnee dil kee ghrayeoo se prashansa kartaa huu kee kitnee vishvas kee...

3 years ago
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Gaon Ki Sair

Hello friends,, aaj kai dino ke baad mera man kiya ki aap se kuch share karu… aaj tak aapke mail aa rahe hain.. meri last story thi ”sadhu aa ka prasad”. a main usi ke aage se start karti hoon… mujhe to aap sa jaante hain, mera naam shaira he.. age 20 yrs now.. mere ghar me maa hain, papa hain aur meri chhoti bahan he. main apni maa k sath gaon aayi thi apne imar nana ko dekhne.. waha mene khet me dono naukar aur gaon ke sadhu aa ke sath jo samay itaya wo mene apko pahle ataya tha.. Us sadhu...

3 years ago
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Inspector Pushpa

Hi my name is Abhi mail me yeh wakiya hai mere paros mai rehne aayi ek nai pushpa bhabhi ka. wo police inspector thi(ab transfer hokar kahi aur chali gai). wo mere bagal mai hi kiraye se rehti thi unke husband bhopal mai kisi class 1 post par they. hum log brahmin the aur pushpa bhabi bhi. so humlogo ke parivaron mai ghanist-ta jaldi ho gai. pushpa bhabhi kaafi khoobsurat aur sexi mahila thi unka bhi rang gora aur bade bade mamme lagbhag36 size ke honge aur badiya 36 ya 38 kamar thi. jab wo...

3 years ago
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Jailbreak Megan Roman Inspired by the picture "Jailbreak" found on Prinny77's deviantart site ( Steffie knew she hadn't lived a perfect life. For 21 years, she had spent pretty much every day indoors, either watching TV, reading, or playing videogames. She had no friends, no money, and no social life, and meeting her end by accidentally touching a broken power strip did nothing to change her activity level. Hell didn't seem like a logical...

4 years ago
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Uncle Aur Aunty Ke Saath Maza Leya

uncle aur aunty ke saath maza By, sushil Hello iss dosto mera naam sushil hai age 24 land ka size 7 lamba aur 3 mota muje couple ke saath sex karney main bhout maja aata hai aur muje gaand marney mai bada interest hai any couple ya 3 sam sex main interest ho tou plz mail me. Yah baat ek dam screaet rahengi. Main aaj aap ko sach ka saamna kartey hua aap ko apni real story likh raha hoon. Yah ghatnaa aaj se 4 saal purani hai main banglore rahtaa hoon gumney ke leye goa jaa raha taa main st. Par...

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Telgu Hot Aunty Ki Chudai

telgu hot aunty ki chudai rohit Hello iss reders kaisay hai. aap badi gaand wali autyio ko mere land ka namaskaar. Main rohit main ek handsame ladka hoon achchi hight body ka aakrsak boy hoon meri age 24 years hai land ki size pura khada hooney par 8.5 inch ka hota hai aur jab woh nind mai hota hai tou karid 5 inch ka.ab jayada apni parsansaa nahi krunga kyo ki jitnee bhi auntyio ko fuck kiya hai woh meri land ki tarif kiye bina nahi rah sakti. aap ne meri real story tamil aunty ki gaand mari...

3 years ago
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apni shop main mast aunti ki chudai

salam-o-alaikum mera naam prince of chodu hay meri age 19 hay lollay ka size 8″ tak hay yeh ik aunti ki story hay jis ko mainay apni shop main choda tha mera apna corporation ka karobar hay meri dokan main main aor meray abbu hi bathtay hain yeh aaj say taqreeba 2week pehlay ki baat hay meray abbu ko achanak kisi kaam say lahore say bahar jana pada aor main dokan pay akela hi reh gya aoralmost after 2hours main boor hota raha tv dekhta raha achanak ik aunti dokan main aayi slaam liya aor baith...

4 years ago
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Anti ko choda

I am not a regular reader by from last some days I m reading ISS. It’s happened by chance to see these stories, but now I m readying stories regularly. This is my first time to write my own story and needs your comments. I think that all these stories are more than 80% are not true but this is my true story. My name is Sajjad (Not Real) from Faisalabad Punjab (Pakistan) and I am now 31 year old but this story is start when I am free after my matriculation exam. Anti hamary hamsay ma rahti thee...

2 years ago
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De leugens voorbij dutch

Het was altijd leuk, samen pinten pakken..nooit vervelend?Dikwijls werden we goed zat, maar nooit werd het vervelend.Als wist ik dat Pieter een doorwinterde homo was?, nooit was dit vreemd. Nooit maakte hij avances.Pieter was het gezapige iets oudere, meegaande en levensgenietende homo type. Met zijn 46 lentes, 1m76 en 88 kilo, was hij niet metten moeders mooiste te noemen, maar dat maakte hij blijkbaar toch op een of ander manier goed, te zien aan de talrijke jonge knappe vriendjes die hij...

2 years ago
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Cousin ki hot chudai

This is a true story about to fuck my real cousin. Her name is Soni. She is very cute and sexy. I was thinking to seduce and fuck her for so long. Finally I got the chance to make my dreams true. Main koi 2-3 saalon se incest stories internet per pad raha hoon. But meri pehli incest story mainay ek patari per biknay wali kitab me padhi. Jisme ek ladki jo chotay bachon se apni choot chatwati thi, ko uska bhai choot chatwatay hue dekh leta hai or use blackmail kar ke uski choot per lund ko dhaar...

4 years ago
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The Date

Peter looked across the room, for perhaps the fiftieth time that afternoon. He attempted to hide his gaze by putting his hand across his forehead as if he was in deep thought. As subtle and as artful as he thought his surreptitious look was, his action was not lost on Andrea. She turned her head, letting the sheer sides of her blond hair flick across her face as she looked across the room towards his table. She was most careful not to look directly at him, instead letting her eyes sweep across...

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Slut Puppy

Slut Puppy – the on-line training of a real life member of BDSM Library Slut Puppy noticed a fresh visitor to new her profile and sent him a note of thanks.  This is the private message she received as a reply: I was looking at the recent activity on this site and cruised into your profile. I didn't contact you because I had no idea what part of the world you might be from. I'm in LA, CA and if you're local and interested here's an excerpt from a short story based on real life, that's a very...

3 years ago
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Video Store Slave

Video Store Slave by SirbootnockaI have always wanted a sex slave , and I'll explain how I happened to acquire my first.    I'm a great looking black man. I am 5'8" and I'm quite fit, with 15" bicepts and a 34" waist, topped off with a 46" chest. At 42 years old, I have a pretty good body, and look well under my age. She worked at the local Family Video store. One of many such stores that grace the corners of midwest thoroughfares. She had shoulder length dirty blonde hair, that always sported...

2 years ago
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Mom in bus

Hello friends i am back with my another experience this time it is expericened in bus this story goes back to year 2007 when i was in my college we had summer vacation and my father who is in army told us to come to delhi for a weak vacation. So me and mom decided to go it was saturday and mom told me to get two ticket for delhi as i got the ticket for bus at 9 ‘ 0 clock i went home and told mom that tickets are with me so it was 7 we started packing our bags and mom told me to pack my bags as...

2 years ago
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Chodo aur kamao bhi

Hai dostoo main hoon ap ka shahg…from…islamabad pakistan first Of all thank u very much for your kind,hot n spicy mails. I love That .ye sub aap kee mohabtian heen. Iss zaroori bat key baad hum Apnee story kee taraf attay heen. Dosto khabi khabi aisa be hotta hay Key aap jis cheez ko passand naheen kartay ho who ap key haq main Achee hotee hay aisee he kuch situation iss story main be aap ko Millay gee. U know ppl. That key familes main kuch families aisee be Hotee heen key jahan log jana...

3 years ago
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Rinku 8211 secretary whore

Rinku got DK’s message about an urgent assignment for the day. She smiled as she wore a flaming red semi transparent lacy bra & matching panties. She wore a white satin shirt through which her red bra was visible quite clearly. She pulled up a dark mini skirt, which was more of a belt with two pieces of cloth in front & back. Both these pieces could be joined together with three big buttons on each side. She tucked her shirt in her skirt & wore a dark blazer to complete her sexy business...

4 years ago
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Sumit ki shadi ka safar

Hi lucknow ki bhabhi logo aaj mein aapko ek pyaari si kahani bhej raha hoon ummed hai aapko pusand aaygi pade aur bataye ki kaise hai yeh kahani plz reply jaroor dena aur sex ki liye plz ko milo na lucknow ya uske aas paas ki koi female. I am waiting for your sexy cunt Jaisa ki aksar kahaniyon mai hota hai ki kahani ka character ke office ki friend ya padosan ya ristedaar wali koi choot (jisko mai pya se muniya kehta hoo) mil jaati hai use turat chodne lagta hai. Par haquikat isse kahi adhik...

2 years ago
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Train me sex ki rain

Hi dosto mai amit….ye meri pahli kahani hai pls mujhe feedback jaoor dena.. Pahle mai apne baare me bata du..mai 9.5″height fair complexioned and avearge built ladka hu..haan mere personality ki sabse badi speciality ye hai ki upar wale ne mujhe 10 inch lumba lund de diya hai..ab kahana batata hu..mai u.p me allahabad me rahkar padhta tha..jabki mera ghar ayodhya faizabad me hai..baat winter 2007 ki hai ..allahabad se sabere 06:30 pm baje ek train chal kar raat ko faizabad pahuchati hai..mai...

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The SM Experience

Paul and Marti, both around 35 years old had a varied sexual life  Paul and Marti, both around 35 years old had a varied sexual life. Home they lived nude all the time and for their holidays they went to the nice naturist beaches of southern France. In fact one of the few variations they never explored was sm. It was not that they did not want it, but they had explored so many other things first, such as different positions, having sex in public in a sex club, sometimes threesome with...

4 years ago
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Maine Apni pyari mousi ko Choda 4

I am kush & meri age 25 year ki hai.Hai doston aapne meri Maine Apni pyari mousi ko Choda,part1 part2 part3 kahani padne ke baad mujhe bahut sare mails karne ka aap logon ka bahut bahut sukriya.kai saari ladkiyon ke mails milne pe mujhe bahut khushi huyi.ab main aapke saamne apni 4th kahani Maine Apni pyari mousi ko Choda 4 kahani lekar aaya hu.meri mousi ki age 30 year ki thi,meri mousi ka figure 36 28 36 hai.She has a beautiful body She has got big boobs as well as big buttocks.Main mousi ko...

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Behno Ka Pyar Mahesh

Hello dostoo app sab koo meraa salaaam. Sab sey pahley app log merey barey main jan lain. Merey maa baap or meri 2 behnain aik chotey sey ghar main rehtey hain. Dostoo meri bari behan jis kaa naam hinaa 25 phir main 22 ali raza phir mujh sey choti huma19. Yeh meri family hey. Ab main ap ko batata hoon k kiaa kuch huaa. Dostoo is yahan par mainey kafee stories parhi hain magar aksar stories kaa koi sar pair hee nahi hota aik bhai pahley din apni nangi behan ko dekh raha hey or phir usi wakt us...

5 years ago
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Nisha bhabhi kay mummay

Mein 35 ka hun. Ider body fit rahe, uder ladki khush rahe yeh tamanna shuru se hi raha hei. Aankhey band hon ya khuli, kareeb 18 saal ki umar se aur aaj bhi mein mummon ke size aur vazan measure karne men masroof hun. “Sambhog se poorav rati-krida anivarya hei. Rati-krida na ho to manush aur pashu ke sambhog men antar hi kaya hei.” Rishte men meri badi saali ki badi beti Bangalore men hi rahati hei. Uska naam , umar abh 24 saal , married,mother of 2/m kids, hubby a businessman. Mein aksar uske...

2 years ago
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Telugu Sister And Me Story

My name is eeswar(32),I am an engineer .Naaku voka chelli unnadi tana name uma(27) tanaki marriage ayipoyindi vallu delhi lo untunnaru kanuka nenu tanani kalasi 5 years ayyindi. Chala years taruvatha maa intiki tanu choodadaniki vatchindi. Nenu railway station ki velli receive chesukonnanu appudu choodali tanu poortiga mari poyindi yentaga ante nenae gurthincha lenantha cinema actresslaa vundi. Thana luggage andu koni intiki teesuku vatchanu appudu samayam madyahanam 12. Thana vadina naaku...

4 years ago
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sabhee paathakon ko Ramesh46 ka hridya se namaskar

sabhee paathakon ko Ramesh46 ka hridya se namaskar. “chudaai ki pehli kishat” aap ki nazar se gujari hogee, Mein 55 ka hun. Ider body fit rahe, uder ladki khush rahe yeh tamanna shuru se hi rahee hei. Aankhey band hon ya khuli, kareeb 18 saal ki umar se aur aaj bhi mein mammon ke size aur vazan naapane men masroof hun. “sambhog se poorav rati-krida anivarya hei. rati-kriDaa na ho to manush aur pashu ke sambhog men antar hi kyaa hai.” rishte me meri badi saali ki badi beti dilli me hi rahati...

3 years ago
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Hi ! everybody. I am a regular reader of Antharvasna and ISS & it is my first submission of Anubhav. Narrating this Anubhavik chapter, which happened nearly 10 years back at Mumbai; at that time self: 32 years, 5” 6” height, (8”x 3.1/2” dick); partner: Jesophine Jo’Fernandez, (calling JESO), Govan, 1 kid, 28 years, 5’6”, 38-32-38 figure, wheatish colour, plum+pointed nipple’s boobs, very inviting self tennis animated ass, baas ithana kaafi hogi. She was my colleague in one of the leading...

4 years ago
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Niece s Weekly Punishment Sessions

Author: Powerone Title: Niece's Weekly Punishment Sessions Part: Chapter 1 Summary: In keeping with tradition, Melissa must submit to weekly punishment sessions with her Uncle, just like her mother had done when she was young. Keywords: M/f, nc, reluc, mdom, humil, inc, span Copyright 2003 by Powerone.The author may be contacted at [email protected] Niece’s Weekly Punishment SessionsThe first time she did not know.Now she did as she laid out the instruments her Uncle would use on her.It...

4 years ago
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Whored in Train

It was a Monday & Mohit (my hubby) & I had gone to attend a wedding. I was dressed in a silver colored sari (Indian traditional dress for females) & a matching sleeveless blouse. My silky brown hair was tied up in French knot & only the narrow back of my low cut blouse covered my back. The front was also equally low cut but my pallu was covering my cleavage (at least at that time.).At the wedding I had started to flirt with a couple of young studs & had let them come very...

2 years ago
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Whored in Local Train

It was a Monday & Mohit (my hubby) & I had gone to attend a wedding. I was dressed in a silver colored sari (Indian traditional dress for females) & a matching sleeveless blouse. My silky brown hair was tied up in French knot & only the narrow back of my low cut blouse covered my back. The front was also equally low cut but my pallu was covering my cleavage (at least at that time.).At the wedding I had started to flirt with a couple of young studs & had let them come very...

3 years ago
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The Commission

I’m a thirty-one-year-old Filipino female married to a fifty-six-year-old American man named Michael (Mike). Mike is a good man who treats me well and is financially secure. He is a financial Business Manager with his own business. He also has done very well in the stock market. We live just north of Dallas and have a nice home there on the lake. Our house is huge, and we have a small dock, swimming pool, and a yacht further down the lake parked at some country club docks.My name is Rosalie...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Mrs Wild 2 Mrs Davis Short Red Skirt Part 1

Mrs Davis, a week earlier, was a senior Biology teacher at a prestigious school. She had all the men eating out of her palm, and was in a secure relationship.Working in an all-boys school and being in a male-dominated staff room, she had used her pretty face and womanly curves to keep the boys well behaved in the lessons and gained promotion after promotion.For the past few months, she had enjoyed an affair with her boss, which had given her another promotion, as well as some excitement with...

2 years ago
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4 Mrs Wild Denise The First Affair

Dan had the body of an athlete, so tight and ripped; Denise couldn’t get enough of her latest PA.Denise lay on her back, admiring his six-pack and grabbing onto his tort bum, as Dan used all his stamina to ride Denise.He was much smoother than her other PAs, well, in terms of his hair. He was hairless, apart from some hairs on his legs.Forty-five minutes, this extra session had already gone for and Denise still wanted more.With a sly nod and smile, Denise indicated, that she wanted to go on top...


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