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A SciFi tale

Can Democracy really survive in this new modern age of space? Its a question that's been asked by leaders and philosophers time and time again yet no one really holds the true answer only the outcome of the Earth-Mars war will really answer that question. It is the year 3000 and The democratic alliance of Earth have been at war with its former colony of Mars for the last decade. Mars had been a former colony of Earth since the late 2000s and had been a thriving colony. The people of Mars began...

7 months ago
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Mass Effect Andromeda The Son of Evfra

{Archon's Personal Retreat, Voeld} You Were Fighting your Way out to the Shuttle Pad, it wasn't easy but you were finally within reach of your freedom. You had spent twelve years as a Slave, and true to your Families Prestige you had gathered valuable data on the Kett. But you were Wounded, Bleeding, and you had only a Kett Weapon with limited ammo left. You finally reached the Shuttle Pad and Comandeered a Shuttle, you then flew it away. (Time-Skip: An Hour later) The Shuttle had been shot...

1 year ago
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I posed naked on the bed. Having forgotten to refresh my music, I listened to the same old shitty dance tunes through the laptop speakers. Despite the music grating on my ears, I smiled and hummed along with the bland lyrics. Legs spread, I rested my head in my hand while doing my best to appear interested. Pouting like the whore I was, I’d part my pussy lips to show off my healthy inner pinkness. Gazing into the laptop, I watched IrishRover5 wanking in front of his camera. My eyes felt tired,...

1 year ago
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Incest Commenters

This story is an experiment. I will write all chapters based on commenter contributions. That is, each chapter I write will use ideas/suggestions from comments on the previous chapter. Any theme or genre can apply. Things could be grounded in reality or fantastical. It might turn into a cluster fuck but hopefully it’s still fun. This will work on a first come first served basis and I will use the first 3 comments that are posted on a chapter to write the next one. Comments need to follow the...

2 years ago
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Exes and Ohs

It seemed like such a good idea at the time… You and your boyfriend were out partying after the big game and ran into your old high school boyfriend who now attends the other college. After a few rounds of drinks, you open up about the wild times you and your high school boyfriend used to have! Intrigued by this side of your sexuality, your current boyfriend suggested all 3 of you go back to your place and get wild. Sometime later the two of them were taking turns spit roasting you. The action...

3 years ago
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Cryska Wintergaze

"Uugghh.... Finally! Jeez I was stuck on that boat for weeks!." Cryska would say after walking onto the port. It was busy lots of people getting off ships, going onto ships. The whole city, called Ravenburg, smelled of fresh fish and of animals. She went straight to a closeby inn, so she would have a place to return to. ~3 hours later~ Blowing off all the cash on a boat ride and forgetting to keep some when you actually arrive was not a good idea... But she is in luck, a guild looking for a new...

2 years ago
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Discovering my True Self

"Billy Soton. You are to report to the headmasters office immediately." Mrs Hollinhoe, my teacher announces to the class as the school receptionist, Miss Copelyn, waits patiently beside her. The class immediately jeers and I hear more than a couple of faggot insults thrown my way under the cover of the noise. Normally their insults would stab into me like razor sharp blades, but my heart has started pounding and my stomach is churning as I try to imagine what trouble I am in to be summoned to...

2 years ago
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Nobody knows exactly where they came from, maybe they were mutants from the pollution of humanity or maybe they've always been around. Maybe this is Man's Hubris coming back to roost, maybe they're just a path of Evolution that was always there but never really discovered just from sheer dumb luck. Never officially, anyway. 1954, The Amazon. A scientific expedition takes a turn when Kay Lawrence, the group's ichthyologist and the only female in the group, is kidnapped by what was described by...

9 months ago
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Endlich eine Big Bang TheoryParodie

Grüßt euch und willkommen zur ersten versauten Big Bang Theory-Parodie in deutscher Sprache. Die Story ist öffentlich, fühlt euch also frei sie um Kapitel zu ergänzen, bzw. einen neuen Storystrang zu erstellen. Die Serie bietet ja zumindest meiner Meinung nach genügend Stoff für eine versaute Adaption (Ich selbst habe sie mir bisher wenn überhaupt nur wegen Pennys Kurven angeguckt, was eine Sahneschnitte... ). In diesem Sinne: Alles ist gesagt, wo soll unsere Story also nun beginnen?

1 year ago
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My hot cousin

There had just been a family meeting and some of my aunts and uncles decided to stay at my father's home for dinner. Off course, they'd bring some of my nieces too. After some time when the food finally arrived and we were all settled, things started to unfold. There were two older cousins who had children of their own. I normally not quite like children, but this evening I really hated them. There were the children Viktor and Anna from Belle. They were so young they were just able to walk....

11 months ago
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Avenger yourself

You are Patrick Night, a student of 22 years old. Overall you think of yourself of a okay but pretty boring person. With your skinny build, 1,96 meters height, 138 point IQ, scathing wit, dangerously honest, unusually kind personality this wasn't really true but you never realized this. Today is one of the last days of your holiday so you decided to eat out and do so a little expensively. You shouldn't have. The restaurant was caught in the middle of a fight between heroes and villains. during...

2 years ago
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Big Brothers Bitch

Your college years have gone to waste after that stupid teacher had to fail you, you were doing too good for it to be real, and now here you are, knocking at your big brother Ben's door after your mother sent you to live with him, according to her, you need a good role model and he will help you get back on track with your studies. You just sigh as you hear the door being opened and prepare for the worst. "John... Thought you would never come, you're late." Ben says in a frustrated voice. You...

2 years ago
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Online Submission

"Hey, I have an offer you won't be able to resist! ;) ". The messenger window popped up. Damn, I hadn't spoken to this guy on Skype for ages. Let's see what he wants I guess. Good old Jonathan from work! You don't get that many well-educated people in our line of work anyway, so I was always intrigued by his intelligence and eloquence. He was 49, the son of a shareholder at Brewdog, famous for always getting us discounts and also being one of the most pleasant guys ever! He was professional,...

2 years ago
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This is a game, and you are the player. Here are the rules. You must play the game. The game ends when you win. You win when the game ends. The game doesn't end unless you force it to.

2 years ago
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NGNL Other Stories

Welcome to the No Game No life universe! Granted, this is a jumping point, a small summary page for the following stories that will appear below. (Why not separate into more and more individual stories instead of this odd summary page? I don't want to continuously hit "New Story".) New storylines will have summaries added as they apply. Writers are welcome. NOTICE: Still in preliminary stages. Check back later for more writing. Ease of Alerts: For the Guard and the Oddity, currently, the 'Pass...

2 months ago
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Vergewaltiger gesucht

Ab und zu suche ich nach Inseraten zu Sextreffs. Meist handelt es sich um kommerzielle Angebote. Schon der Titel Vergewaltiger gesucht ist sehr ungewöhnlich. Neugierig sehe ich mir die Anzeige an: Wer möchte sexuell flexible Sie (19) vergewaltigen? Kein finanzielles Interesse! Bitte nur einzelne Männer oder Paare (m+w) ab 40, gepflegt und sauber. Keine bleibenden Verletzungen und nichts was ins Klo gehört! Aus Neugier beschließe ich sie anzuschreiben. Ich frage wie das laufen soll. Den Rest des...

8 months ago
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Slavery in America

In a not so distant future, race relations in the United States have taken a drastic turn for the worse. Repeated, unceasing race riots plagued all the major cities. Looters roamed the streets for years straight. Government employees were continually assaulted or even killed, businesses ceased to function, the complete collapse of society was imminent. In desperation, and as a response to growing racially prejudiced sentiment in this new America, an emergency Constitutional Amendment was passed...

2 years ago
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Fox hunt

Alpha Sigma Phi is without exception the most powerful sorority on campus especially with the aid of their other half, Kappa Sigma the equally powerful fraternity, with this power comes numerous rewards. There are many incentives to join both causing a large pool of potentially pledges. Each year Kappa Sigma holds an annual fox hunt for its members and Alpha Sigma Phi provides the foxes. After a year of hazing the Alpha Sigma Phi pledges must pass one final test to become a sister in the...

1 year ago
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Assassins Creed Black Flag

It was a hot Sunday in July. The year was 1716. Captain Kenway was sailing across the Carribbean, her ship's sails fully unfurled. The deck was full, ever hand singing, content, and working hard on the ship. The vessel's was the Jackdaw, a small brig. Jenny was behind the wheel, minding her own business, beside her quarter-master, Adéwalé. They had met on a Spanish fleet, where they were being held prisoner. The dramatic events of that day had forged a great friendship, and perhaps something...

2 years ago
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Total Alteration

You, John Doe, have recently not had much luck with anything. You were shot down by a very prestigious school, blew your chances with not just one or two but four different girls, and have been living with you're crazy clean freak stepmom and hardheaded dad. But today as you drag yourself out of bed just feels different. As you are walking to your door you step on something. You reach down and pick up what turns out to be an envelope with your name on it. You open it and on the inside it says,...

1 year ago
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A Little Break

You walk through the hallway between classes, still tired from waking up early and late night cramming for a test, lost in your own thoughts until— “SNAP OUT OF IT!”. Your best friend Mary looks at you worried, “are you still thinking about the ex?”. “No”, you quickly shout, “I’m over him now and besides I’m taking your advice from now on I’m gonna be a bitch”. “That’s a good girl, because he’s coming this way”, Mary said. The ex was walking with a group of his friends talking to Bruce, the...

11 months ago
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Best Mans Diary

It's Saturday morning, and I've got to get ready for a big day! My lifelong pal from childhood, Matt Heisner, had finally decided to give up the single life, and settle down. Today he's marrying Michelle Reisman. This is really odd for me, since I haven't been home in nearly ten years. I joined the military right out of high school and haven't been back since. Many feelings of déjà vu overcome me as I wander past old haunts from my youth. Matt and I have kept in touch via letters, phone calls,...

2 years ago
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Ugly Duckling

You had always been an ugly duckling. Growing up, your older sister was blessed with jackpot genes while you spent most of your high school evenings trying to figure out which Proactive treatments would work best on your face. Even your older brother didn't seem to have to ever worry about his looks. It was as if you happened to burdened with your looks due to your entire family's perfection. Family vacations were the absolute worst. Your sister, Rachel, would turn heads of every boy you wanted...

2 years ago
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Die Insel

Ich kann mich noch ganz genau dran erinnern wie es an 21.12.2012 überall in den Nachrichten kam. Der Aufstieg einer Insel mitten im Meer. Es hätte wohl keiner mitbekommen, wäre nicht gerade ein Kreutzer der USA,mit einem Kamerateam für eine Reportage, in der nähe gewesen. Auf jedem Kanal kam es damals im Fernsehn. Natürlich streiteten die Nationen der Welt wem diese Insel gehört, bis zum nächsten Vorfall. Circa 6 Monate später, als die Insel aufgestiegen ist, begann sich ein Teil der Menschen...

1 year ago
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Kingdom Is full of Sex

Hello and enjoy my story. The kingdom your in is in a island and you can be whoever you want on this island. See life through their perspective and also see sex from their perspective. Enjoy.

9 months ago
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Sweet Desperation

Throughout your life, you have always been able to manipulate people quite easily. You misstakenly took this as people being friendly and willing to help, but as you grew into your teens you discovered how wrong that judgement was; you began to wonder why people were so willing to help you but not each other. After leaving Harvard (Yay for you, but don't get too exited, you HATED it there) with your degree in law, you went to work in an office for a law firm in New York. The work was below your...

1 year ago
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The Magical TV

As you help clean out your grandparents garage when you find a old looking tv. You ask your Grandfather said you could keep it and seeing that you need a TV for your apartment you gladly take it. You take it back to your apartment.

1 year ago
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ExtremTorture einer Negersau

Diana ist eine dunkelhäutige, 29jährige Südamerikanerin. Sie ist 1,69m, wiegt 54 kg, hat kleine Titten mit extrem grossen Nippeln und eine geile rasierte Fotze. Ihre inneren Fotzenlappen hängen weit raus. Die Clito ist rosa und süss in ihrem Häutchen versteckt, aber wenn man sie saugt, schwillt sie dick an und sieht saugeil aus. Dianas kleines Scheisselöchlein ist kaum benutzt.... Nun kommt der Mann in den Raum und sieht Diana nackt auf einen Gyn-Stuhl geschnallt - ihr geiler Fotzenduft erfüllt...

1 year ago
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The Audition

You sit in a waiting room, trying to be patient but feeling anxious. You glance over at the nearby mirror again for the fourth time in five minutes, confirming your natural blonde hair is perfect. You notice your right hand shaking slightly, as it's holding a glossy 8x10 headshot and your acting resume. That page is mostly empty: a big role in a college play that convinced you that you were wasting time and money getting into debt for education, and since dropping out one small role as a...

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The sun shine throw your window waking you up.as you get up you remember you need to get to you best friend house before school but you have 2 friends and they live in different area's you can only go to one.

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RPGs In Heaven Contributors Welcome

You Died. This was not the end however, it was just the beginning! You, like almost everyone else, went to hell: and were punished for your sins in the most appropriate way possible: you had to live through all the negative consequences of each of them unto the seventh generation, over and over again, until you finally truly repented and were contrite for all of them! Eventually, when that happened: you were washed clean in the blood of the lamb and taken to heaven, where you waited in a kind...

1 year ago
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Alpha Member

Jimmy Honeycutt slept soundly in his bed. The walls were covered with posters of bikini-clad models and comic book heroes. His mini-fridge hummed away, cooling his sodas and the tiny bottle of rum he’d been hiding for weeks. The 18-year old lay peacefully, unaware that he’d changed during the night. Jimmy awoke with a start, brought back to the real world by some dream he could not recall. The young man sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes. He was a peculiar guy. He took relatively good care of...

1 month ago
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Erotic Fantasy Adventure

This is a land and culture involving a multitude of races, sexualities, and oppertunities. The culture of this land is sexually oriented in many ways. This land is also very dangerous, rape and murder occur often, and not necessarily in that order. Reguardless of what character you choose, you will be faced with many threats and challenges and no one can guarentee your survival. If you overcome them, many orgasms await you!

2 years ago
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Best friends

Characters Tyson Magana: 18 years old, white skin but Mexican ethnetacy medium curly black hair, black eyes and wears blue/black glasses. One of the four main characters. He is friendly and outgoing. Tallest of the four friends, stands at 6 feet and 4 inches. Is linebacker for his high school team. Has know the Brian since he was 9 and became friends with Josh and Deon at the age of 11. Deon Carol: 18 years old, African American, black curly hair, brown eyes. He is friendly, and funny....

1 year ago
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Want Something More

Your taxi drops you off at the school and you smile. This is a new school, and a new freedom from your parents. Your free to make your own choices, free to explore new paths...and maybe explore your sexuality. The thought makes you blush. You were set on guys at first, but...lately your eyes are drawn to the chests of others. The lull and sweet tune of a girl's voice turns your head. You have a type--or you think you might. In fact, you just saw your type walk past...

2 years ago
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Jennas adventurs

Jenna was a good girl at school, she never ha sex or did drugs or anything bad. She decided to take a short cut home after school one day. She felt her phone go off and looked down to check it and ran into another girl about her age. "Sorry i wasn't paying attention" jenna apologized. "Whatch it!" The girl said "Calm down, I apologized" jenna yelled back "Fine. But now you will pay for this" the girl mumbles under her breath then walks away "What a creep" jenna gets home and her brother is...

9 months ago
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Cant Remember to forget you

Rihanna and Shakira are two of the hottest singers in the world. A hot music video of these two singers is the dream of every man in the world. This is the story of the damn hot shooting of "Can't remember to forget you"

1 year ago
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A Late Night at the Office

(Author's Note: I haven't been able to edit/write as much as I've wanted to...hard to write from a smartphone. I've just opened this up so please feel free to add your own chapters!) It's mid December, which means your auditing firm is neck-deep in work trying to close out the books for year end. You knew all year that this was coming, but that didn't make it suck any less. You haven't seen the sun for the past week or so, since you've been pulling 12-13 hour days. It's really starting to wear...

2 years ago
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Sister Catfight

It's a hot July day. There are two sisters hanging out in their house, Jena and Riley. Jena is 18, 5' 1", Chestnut hair, fairly skinny with B-Cup breasts and a small but firm ass. She's wearing a pair of pink and white striped panties and a black camisole. Her Sister Riley is 19, 5' 7", Strawberry Blonde, she has a very well toned body with D-Cup breasts, and a nice hand-full ass. She's is wearing a baggy t-shirt (No Bra) and a purple thong. Their parents are on a "Second Honeymoon" and the...

7 months ago
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Another Exhibitionistic Encounter

Another true story: After our first adventure, an SUV shopping experience, Marla and I were on a sexual high for weeks. We talked about her accidental flashing and how once she realized what she was doing it enveloped her body and mind. Each and every time we'd bring it up in conversation we'd get so hot we'd commit some kind of sex act right then and there. It became a little game we would play. Wherever we were if one of us brought it up we'd somehow get off, a few times in our car, several...

2 years ago
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Web Mistress

For the past few hours, you have been reading stories about online mistresses and their male sluts. You never really considered yourself to be a submissive person, but your cock is currently throbbing with excitement as you imagine yourself in all the scenarios you've read about. You imagine ejaculating without permission in front of your mistress and being forced to put on a chastity belt and mail the key to her. Then having to watch her strip and pleasure herself each night, with no ability...

1 year ago
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Fools Arousal

I knew it was wrong, he was barely an adult, but there was something about him, the way he'd look at me across the room. I knew he wanted me, we both wanted each other, but it was hard. I could get struck off, after all, I was his teacher in three subjects. He looked at me, I smiled, licking my lips. "Miss, I need to talk to you about my Drama coursework?" "Well Jack, see me after school, I'll see if I can help?" He nodded. I peeked at him from my black rimmed glasses, he didn't take his eyes...

2 years ago
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Company on a Rainy Evening

It's early Friday, and your plans for a night on the town were spoiled by some last-minute distractions and a major thunderstorm. You were exhausted after a week of hard work and long hours, so you were a little grateful for an excuse to have a lazy night in to just relax. Rain beats a sharp rhythm on the windows, and the house is warm and comfortable in spite of the harsh Fall tempest overhead. You can feel the stress and soreness of the workweek practically seep out of you. You'd just...

2 years ago
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Sfide di colpi bassi

1 sfida ragazza vs ragazza Martina: ragazza alta e castana 13 anni piede 39 seno 4a Chiara: ragazza media e capelli neri piede 39 seno 4a Pov chiara Iniziò l incontro. Da quello che avevo capito vinceva chi metteva ko l avversario con colpi bassi. Quindi iniziai e mi avvicinai a martina. Subito alzai la gamba e il mio stinco colpiy tra le sue gambe. Non dovrei averle fatto male perche l unica cosa che fece fu sbuffare. Ni si avvicinò pericolosamente e il suo ginocchio si alzò colpedo la mia...

10 months ago
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The setting. It has been a whole month since I posted the online ad, finally I have some responses and have booked the hotel room. The scene is set, wine in the cooler, plus some beers, vodka and coke (the drinking kind). A cheap hotel but with a Kingsize bed plus sofa. Yes I brought 3 sets of cards and some dice as agreed. Now the interesting question is who is going to turn up. I have given directions as best I can. At least one of the replies didnt seem to have English as the first language,...

6 months ago
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You and your alteration device

You are on your really messy room, You are a boy of the age between 13 and 18 (you're still on school). Just a moment ago a package came for you with the mail. In the package you've found a strange device looking like an hourglass with a little screen on it. You see the choices on the screen: Body swap menu: You swap body's with any person you want but he/she will not notice anything in you're body and they will believe they've always been you. (The device will always stay on the body weer Your...

2 years ago
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We met in college through my girlfriend at the time.  You were cute, and I was excited to see you around our dorm as you always had a smile on your face. For the first couple months, I saw you as a friend, until the late night conversations began.  To further fan the flames, we both occasionally worked the night shift where I would find myself staying up on nights that I didn’t have to work just to talk with you.  You had become a secret interest of mine. The conversations continued back and...

2 years ago
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The Shrink Ray

"Lick my balls," you order your small, pretty little girlfriend Laura. She's got her hair back in a tiny ponytail and she's still wearing her glasses. She's a petite girl with a firm little body and a beautiful face, and overall very delicate, feminine features. Right now, she's on her knees in front of you, worshipping your large, masculine body. She's always submissive to you, and she's basically your slave. She works all day at a chemical lab in the city - she's got a PhD and is on the...

3 months ago
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Scarlet passion

My name is Stacy, and I am a freshman in college. I am originally from Jonesboro, Arkansas. It was a good sized town by our standard, yet tiny to others. I always wanted to be an actress and was bitten by the bug at a young age (when I had to sing, “Itsy bitsy spider” at a school recital).When I turned eighteen I picked a college in California, and I figured, between movies and the theatre, I would find a job rather easily. I was excited on my first day seeing how big the nearby city was...

2 years ago
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Zwangsentsamung in meinem Studio

Tom ein guter Bekannte von Roger hat einen Termin in meiner neuen kleinen Privatpraxis und wird dort von mir persönlich empfangen. Ich trage ein weißes Schwesternkleid aus Lack, eine Haube und schwarze Gummihandschuhe. Irgendwie schaffe ich es doch in gewissen Situationen eine dominante Ader zu entwickeln, obwohl ich ja in der Regel durch Roger eine devote Position einnehme. Aber das Schwesternkleid und die neue Location geben mir eine Sicherheit, die ich anfange zu genießen. Tom wird von mir...

1 year ago
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The Day the Cliche Stood Still

Jack woke up from a deep yet disturbing sleep. His dreams had been stranger than usual. Where he typically dreamed of some hot girl at school, or the latest and greatest video game, this dreams last night were more broad. Things shifted constantly. At one point he was kissing Allison Moody behind the bleachers, only to find himself running from aliens while dressed like a barbarian warrior. In another he'd invented some fanciful machine that could warp reality, only to end up flipping burgers...

1 year ago
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John was sitting on the sofa, idly fondling the breast of an attractive brunette lingerie model whilst he watched the news, when he noticed his younger sister slipping into the room. “Um, can we talk,” Sarah said, blushing and avoiding looking at the model. “Sure.” John said, sending the model outside with a thought. He’d always had a soft spot for his sister, she was one of the popular crowd, but she’d never been obnoxious about it, even before his powers had developed. “I was hoping you could...

7 months ago
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The Shoot

Breaking through a cloud the scenery below is once again visible, the clear blue water and now and again a little piece of green, as in a chain small, seemingly uninhabited, islands spread through the ocean. The rumbling of the engines, one under each of the wings, fill the interior of the seaplane. Apart from yourself and your client the two pilots in the cockpit is the only other persons onboard. Being the junior employee at the agency most of the assignments that find its way to your desk...

2 years ago
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Billy Rays Big Day

Ahh... What a day. You just woke up on this saturday morning from the sun breaking through the window. Looking around you dont see your wife, she must be making breakfast. You get out of bed and ready yourself for the day. Looking in the mirror you see the person that everyone else sees for a moment, Billy Ray Cyrus. This is a the start of a good week. Your family has been spread apart across the globe for so long its nice to have them all under one roof again, and this time for an entire week...

1 year ago
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Taking Advantage of Emma

The day starts as any other day working in maintenance for the university facilities office. It’s mostly changing light bulbs, fixing toilets, occasionally cleaning up some vandalism, but nothing major. That’s all about to change. You’re called to one of the dorms to fix a leak in one of the communal showers. You recall that the hot young starlet Emma Watson is attending here and, in an effort to get the most “normal” college experience is staying in this dorm, albeit in a private room. You’ve...

5 months ago
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Der Duft der Frauen

Hallo, kennt ihr das auch, wenn an der Supermarktkasse hinter euch eine Frau steht, die so gut riecht, dass ihr völlig wuschig werdet? Wenn der Hormonmix im Körpergeruch dieser Frau genau in euer Schema passt? letztens hab ich mich getraut so eine Frau einfach mal anzusprechen.

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Queen Of The Realm

"Your Highness, It is time to wake up." My manservant, Joseph, was used to my nakedness in the morning. What he wasn't used to was the nakedness of the man next to me in the bed. He averted his eyes and I laughed, I had been enjoying embarrasing him since I had become queen several months ago. I left last nights lover to sleep and walked into my dressing room.

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Mein Kollege

Ich heiße Christina, bin 35 Jahre alt und Personalsachbearbeiterin. In unserer Buchhaltung arbeitet ein richtig niedlicher Typ, mein Kollege Daniel. Daniel ist 28 Jahre alt, hat kurze schwarze Haare und ein richtig süßes Gesicht mit einem umwerfenden Lächeln. Er ist etwa 1,85 groß, ca. 80 kg und hat eine richtig sportliche Figur, also breite Schultern, schlanke Hüften und einen knackigen Po. Was ihn noch verlockener macht ist die Tatsache, dass er meistens etwas zu enge Jeans trägt, unter denen...

9 months ago
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Lola Brings a Friend

Lola’s friend Lisa asked her if she’d like to go to the local beach to skinny dip. Many people were out of town for the weekend, so it was a great opportunity to get out to the beach without worrying about a bunch of drunken college students. Lola excitedly approached her partner to tell him that she’d like to go. Unexpectedly, her partner asked if he could go along. This was unusual, as Lola’s partner didn’t much like Lisa and wasn’t usually interested in swimming nude among other people. Lola...

2 years ago
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Evelyns Tale

Evelyn's head bobbed forward and back slowly and methodically, sucking and slurping the length of someone's cock. She didn't know who it was. She didn't know why she was doing it. All she knew is that she loved it -- everything from the flavor to the knowledge she was making someone else's day much better. Her left hand gripped the base of his shaft gently, slowly pumping it at the same pace her luscious, plump lips were. She glanced up at him as she sucked, but it was all a blur. She couldn't...

2 years ago
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Celeb pisswhores

Pick a celeb that's at least 18 and let it flow. You can let them pee You can piss on them only You can shower them in a group They all love golden showers.

9 months ago
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Planet of the Babes

It is 100,000 years since man first left Earth to settle the stars. In that time, he has filled several galaxies. Finding no other sentient life, man filled the gap himself. Over the millenia, through genetic engineering, specialized breeding, and brute mutation, man has transformed into a variety of forms, some so bizzare as to barely count as human. At the present time, all of humanity is united in the Gishoran, ruled by the Arzasi Descended, posthuman entites who have chosen to return to...

2 years ago
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The Drugs DO Work

Endlich war der Tag gekommen, an dem Tom und seine beiden Freunde Michael und Peter ihren lange vorbereiteten Plan in die Tat umsetzen wollten. Seit Wochen schon hatten sich die drei Zehntklässler auf den Moment vorbereitet, in dem sie sich den Wunsch, den sie seit Beginn des Schuljahres gehegt hatten endlich erfüllen wollten: Die neue Referendarin flachzulegen. Heute hatte Michael den Schlüssel zum Erfolg ihres Planes mit in die Schule gebracht: Einen kleinen Flakon einer bekannten Eau de...

3 years ago
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A Time for Punishment

"The prisoner will stand," the bailiff commands. The heavy chains that bind your hands behind your back rattle as you slowly rise from the courtroom stool. You act bored by the whole proceedings, trying to show only contempt for these royalist pigs. The judge isn't pleased with your attitude and raps his boney figure on the raised pulpit he sits behind. You see disdain in his eyes, yet that doesn't prevent him from quickly examining the cleavage exposed from your partially unbutton leather...

2 years ago
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Piss Girls in Love

The first time Elliot pissed in her face, Charlotte came harder than she ever had before. It amazed her how exciting it was, to kneel at his feet in the bathtub and stare up at him, her hand between her legs rubbing her clit furiously, as the hot yellow piss splashed in her face. Elliot loved her, of course, which somehow made it even hotter for her. It would be one thing to have some stranger piss on her, someone who had no knowledge of who she really was, who had no reason to respect her. But...

11 months ago
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Elizabeths Ordeal

The mall was always packed on Saturday afternoon and Elizabeth was fed up with everyone. Where's this? Do you have it in blue? Can you take a check? Have change for a five? How much is this? Does this look good on me? It was driving her mad! Working at POSH was something she only did during the summer and she hated every second of it. In the fall she would be out of this hell hole and having the time of her life in college. Until then, she had to put up with the hicks and wannabe glam preteens...

4 months ago
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DreamGirl Corps

Hello. Welcome to DreamGirl Corps. We offer a wide variety of customizations, including, but not limited to, 'cheerleader,' 'cop,' 'schoolgirl,' 'childhood crush,' 'sister,' and others. Choose one of those options and then go onto the next page, where you will continue creating your DreamGirl. Remember, this offer only stands for one week. Take the chance while you can! It is absolutely free of charge and all we ask is that you tell us if you find any problems with it. Thank you.

1 year ago
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Office Sluts After Dinner

 “Is that cum in your hair, Clair?” She stared stonily at my reflection in the mirror and then burst out laughing. We, and when I say we, I mean John, Adam, Clair and myself were enjoying a business dinner at a high-class hotel, and we ladies had taken the opportunity to powder our noses while waiting for the main course to be served.I noticed the white stains in her hair earlier in the evening and while I adjusted my tight black dress, my curiosity finally got the better of me. Adam’s...

6 months ago
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Die scharfe Lehrerin

Es war der erste Tag nach den Sommerferien. Tom war neu an die Schule versetzt worden. Er kannte hier niemanden und sein Wohnort war gut 50 km entfernt. Er schaute er sich erstmal im Lehrerzimmer um, um vielleicht doch irgendwelche bekannen Gesichter zu entdecken. Er stellte fest, dass er mit Mitte 30 der jüngste war - die meisten waren so zwischen 50 und 60 und schienen ihm nicht besonders interessant. Dann blieb sein Blick an einer Frau hängen, die sich angenehm von den anderen abhob. Er...

1 year ago
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A Fantastic Change

Kelly is fast asleep in her bed one night, when a strange dream comes to her. There is a man, probably very old, and he speaks to her. "Kelly, I am a representative of the Magical Council, we have seen the way the world is being run by the humans," he says. "We have finally grown tired of it, and tomorrow we will change all humans into creatures of fantasy. You will be the only one spared, but you will also have the ability to shapeshift into any creature you want." In the morning, Kelly wakes...

2 years ago
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Your Daughters Boyfriend

It's a sunny Saturday afternoon. The house is quite. It's usually that way since your ex husband left you and your daughter, Chelsea, a few years ago. Chelsea is away at cheer camp this week and has been so excited about finally being a leader now that she's a senior. With Chelsea away, you have the house to yourself to just relax and take in the sunshine. You decide to take advantage of the sunny day and work on your tan. You begin to change into your bikini. As you tie the last string on your...

2 years ago
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End of the World

It was instantaneous across the world, so we know it had to be man-made. Whatever it was, it killed within minutes. And with some sort of sarcophagian property, the dead bodies disappeared within hours. Somewhere between 1 in a hundred to 1 in a thousand women survived. Somewhere right around 1 in a million men survived. While there were occasional exceptions, almost all of them were between 13 and 45. The men who survived varied in appearance, but the women who survived were (for the most...

3 years ago
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Punish the little bitch

It was the night after my basketball game. It was the league championships and our team vied for that trophy ever since it's founding. This year, though, we managed to bag that award. Everything was going into accord, I scored the wining shots, was made MVP and Rookie of the year and we were awarded a free day come Monday. The only problem was that my parents weren't there to see me in my full glory. They were too busy attending to my little sister's daily appointment with her school...

1 year ago
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Christy Says No But

Christy and I have been dating for five years. I had let her know from the beginning I want to see her fuck a BBC. She would say no, then yes, then maybe. Once I had her set up with a BBC and when the day came she changed her mind. I met a BBC online named Charles. We talked about Christy for a couple of months, exchanging pictures, answering questions, etc. At this point Christy was saying no to fucking BBC. Charles hinted that he could make her take BBC...

2 years ago
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DK Gymnasiet

Vi starter med en teenager som bor i København. I en lejlighed. Det er i dag hans 18 års fødselsdag, men det berøver ham ikke den glæde det er, at gå i skole, dvs. på gymnasium. Man kan vist ikke sige ?gå i gymnasium? i samme betydning som at ?gå i skole?. Godt så! Nu er det ude af verdenen. Så starter vi: Phillip lå i sin seng og overvejede at pjække fra skole. Hans fraværsprocent var alligevel ikke særlig høj, så der ville jo ikke ske noget ved det. Vor helt tog en beslutning:

1 year ago
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Welcome to the Anime & Games Sexfight league. To win your match in this league you have to make the other cum ones or multiple times . In this league you will find some of the hottest ladies from both the games en anime universe. As you can see there will be tifa for final fantasy fighting in the league. Also the ladies from the konoha are present together whit of course the lovely wind mistress Temari. These ladies will be fighting in differend arena's. Arena 1 is for the hottest sexfights...

1 year ago
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The Long Ride Home

A few years ago, I was lucky enough to land a job with a major university. The bulk of my job focuses on creating new partnerships with major corporations and maintaining existing relationships established along the way. My main goal is bringing these companies into our school to donate money to various programs. From time to time, my job requires me to travel to cities like Philadelphia and Boston. Most of the time, these trips are for conferences or meetings with corporate partners. For many,...

2 years ago
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Nachtbarin zur Schlampe gemacht

Es war so gegen 2 Uhr morgens, als ich von der Schicht nach Hause kam. Ich saß noch in der Küche und gönnte mir ein Bierchen. Meine Frau lag schon im Bett und holte sich ihren Schönheitsschlaf, was ich eigentlich auch unbedingt bräuchte. Doch plötzlich hörte ich diesen Lärm aus dem Treppenhaus. Als es nicht aufhörte, ging ich zum Türspion, um mich zu vergewissern, was los ist. Beim Blick durch den Spion erkannte ich erst nichts, weil das Licht ausgegangen war. Als es wieder an ging, beschlug es...

2 years ago
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Yes, the day had finally arrived. It had been six weeks since Ted promised to go for a pedicure with me. I love clean, manicured feet and I explained to him that pedicures weren't only for woman, men enjoyed them too. He took a lot of convincing but finally agreed that I should make the appointments.So, this was the day, and I was in a great mood, excited because it was something else we could enjoy together. Ted is a good guy, and he would do anything to make me happy. What he didn't know was...

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We Werent Prepared for Camping Chapter 5

After leaving the camp site behind and trekking along the path for some ten to fifteen minutes, Pat and Samantha stopped by a rock and, taking off a small backpack that he was carrying, Pat unzipped it and pulled out some chains that had clamps on the ends that looked like peg clips.Katie and Suzzie looked at each other with puzzled expressions, wondering what Pat and Sam (as they called  Samantha) were doing. They were flabbergasted when Pat got what looked to be the heaviest string-chain,...

1 year ago
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Pleasure World

Pleasure World: is an island connected by man-made bridges and tunnels. They were made by Galaxy labs. This was to be a spin off of their popular “Create a Fembot” project that made them untold fortunes. Each inland was meant to represent a moment in time so men and women could live out their fantasies. They could save the women and be heroes. They could fuck and suck whoever they want. They could kick the butt of the bad guy who trying to hurt the princess Nobody was meant to get killed on...

6 months ago
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Die junge Krankenschwester

Es war drei Uhr in der Früh als die junge Krankenschwester ihre Schicht beendete. Sie war sehr müde, und als sie sich im Schwesternzimmer umzog musste Uschi sich gegen den Blechschrank lehnen um nicht vor Erschöpfung umzufallen. Doch schließlich trug das schlanke Mädchen mit den kurzen, dunkelblonden Haaren wieder ihre Privatkleidung und nahm ihre Jacke in die Hand. Auf dem Weg zum Fahrstuhl verabschiedete sie sich von den anderen Schwestern und dann fuhr sie hinunter in die Tiefgarage. Die...

1 year ago
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After a beach volleyball game

In that cold winter, Anita dragged me into some quick vacation at Barbados. My sweet wife told me there she could find and fuck some black cocks, since I had been stressed and not so cooperative with her at our marital bed.On the second day there, we walked down the beach and found a volleyball game going on. There were about eight young black guys with some guests from our hotel and they invited us to join them.Anita loved playing volleyball, so she pushed me inside the game.After winning the...

10 months ago
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Bored in Titans Tower

(Please rate the threads; I want to know what I'm doing well on so I can do more of it, and what I'm doing poorly on so I can improve it.) (This takes place several years after the TV show ended. They still call themselves the Teen Titans, but the youngest of them [Terra] is already 18, and Cyborg is now in his mid-twenties.) Cyborg glanced around his room, bored out of his circuits. There was nothing good on TV, he’d already beaten BB at every video game they owned four times each so far today...

1 year ago
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Bitch In Heat

Natalie was begging for my cock the minute she walked through my door. I seriously hadn?t imagined that anything like this could happen so fast.. especially to me. I mean, I?m a humble guy; I?m nice and sincere; I treat women with respect. I like sex but I don?t go around town wondering when the next pussy will come my way. It had been many years since I had done more than hand holding and the occasional kiss let alone down and dirty fucking. So when Natalie called and said she and her husband...

4 months ago
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My wife and her boss and friends pt 3

Lisa developed this fantasy watching a porno where a woman was forced to preform rough oral sex on to two men. Rob, who Lisa now refers to as her boss.Did a lot more then just make Lisa have rough oral sex with him.He took her anal virginity. Something I have been trying to do for years, and had cum inside her vagina, anus, and mouth.Lisa had confessed that she had known Rob was going to use her in every way possible because they had discussed it over the phone when I was at work. Lisa told me...

2 years ago
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Three Is Better Than Two

Lying on the bed with my beloved in my arm, we wake slowly from our much-needed slumber.“Love you, honey,” I say kissing her mouth.“Love you too,” she replies.Coffee is made and she relaxes back in my arms to watch Pornhub.My favourite topic she says, "Gangbang, Little Miss Red Riding hood is getting attention from a group of black guys and from her expressions and sound, she’s enjoying it."Juicy throws her leg over mine, grabs my hand and places it on her pussy,“Play with me,” she says.I do as...

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Kelly Exposed

I was going through another mundane day at work. I am a pharmacy technician at a big international drugstore chain. She was in my line, the next person I was going to help. When I noticed she was wearing bicycle shorts, she got my attention.Perhaps I should tell you a little about myself. I am 5'6" tall, weigh about 160. I have brown eyes, and I will admit, my hair is just starting to turn salt and pepper at 48 (but don't tell anyone). I like to consider myself still handsome enough to get a...

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Princess Diaries 09 Bell Graduation

The Saturday morning, just six days before my action, I awoke to the feeling of someone sitting on the bed next to me. I waited with closed eyes to be shaken, and then used, however they wanted me, but they remained seated, disturbing me no further.“I guess one of you finally discovered I’m not locking my door,” I said without opening my eyes.“Not really,” a female voice replied. I opened and turned a bleary eye to see Nicolette, beautiful as ever, looking down at me. How could she look that...

4 months ago
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There Is Always Another Train

 It was late on in summer.We were driving across the county, back towards home after clothes shopping. Martin had bought me some lovely new lingerie at a large sex shop we found in Birmingham, all lacey and red. I had great fun trying it all on. Modelling it in front of him and the black male shop assistant, who showed more than a passing interest. I even let the assistant adjust the straps on the stockings, giving him glimpses of my shaved pussy through the sheer fabric. The shop had a...

1 year ago
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Big Girl with a Little Body

A few month after Lacey was born she was diagones with Turner's Syndrome. This meant that she wouldn't go through the normal stages of puberty like most girls. However even with this rare disease she has been able to lead a very satisifying sex life even at the age of twenty. Most people of course mistaken her for a little girl no older then eleven or tweleve till she tell them her real age, and this didn't bother her much. Infact she thought herself lucky, not ever having to worry about...

10 months ago
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Winter Love

Winter on the Oregon coast is the most spectacular time for romance. The storms roll in over the dark blue waters and the surf pounds the sand, creating phosphorescence in the crashing waves. Viewing from a warm hotel room with a fire glowing in a fireplace with a special someone makes one become romantic and introspective.The two women hardly knew each other. Julia and Leslie’s husbands had socialized at the local gun club, becoming hunting buddies each fall for the past five years, leaving...

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Dianes penchant for exhibitionism leads to a most memorable encounter

I have mentioned before that Diane was a natural exhibitionist. My previous stories focused on my own exhibitionism and submissiveness with her. I will now relate some of her own techniques and episodes, in which I was a willing and enthusiastic accomplice, while still being submissive.She was blessed with full, round and sumptuous breasts, and took every opportunity, away from the office, to show them off. Being a competent dressmaker, she designed or altered clothes that could easily reveal,...