- 3 years ago
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‘Yes, Karen?’
‘Kimmy and I want to get our family’s DNA tested for a science project. Is it all right?’
‘I don’t see why not, but run it by your mother to make sure it’s all right.’
‘She already said no.’
‘And why did your mother say no?’
‘She said it costs too much and she didn’t want anyone snooping into our DNA, but we asked our teacher and she said it would be completely confidential.’
‘Just how much does this confidential DNA test cost?’ Well, it wasn’t cheap and I told them so. I certainly didn’t blame my wife Claire for refusing their request. But unless you have a daughter, you can’t believe the way she can beg and plead and wheedle to turn a no into a yes. When you have two daughters, and twins to boot, it didn’t take a genius to figure out who was going to give in if it was at all possible to do so. I told them I would pay for it out of my own stash, deal with the testing firm and agreed not to tell their mother. The hugs they gave me made it all worthwhile.
Well, I did win on a couple of points. A cheek swab would only be taken from one twin. Karen was the volunteer. Since their mother wasn’t cooperating, I’d be the other test subject. I sent in the test kit along with the required fee. About ten days later I received the report. It had been sent to my office since Claire usually picked up the mail first.
I took a look at the report and my world started crashing down around me. According to what I read, there was no way I could be Karen’s biological father. I immediately called the testing firm. I gave them the required codes off the report and asked if there could be some kind of testing error. I was assured that they had the most stringent testing procedures. If there was an anomaly, I could certainly have another test done at the same price. The new fee would be refunded if it turned out to be their error. I told them I would think about it.
I called an attorney friend of mine that I’d known since grade school. He wasn’t our family attorney so knew I there wouldn’t be a conflict of interest. I told him what I knew. He suggested a more complex and expensive DNA report that would be accepted in a court of law. I told him I’d get back to him in a couple of days. When I got home I was met at the door by Claire.
‘Did you let the girls talk you into letting them get a DNA test?’
‘Did they tell you that?’
‘I’ve started reading their diaries ever since they got interested in boys.’
‘I paid for it out of my own stash. It’s confidential. What’s the harm?’
‘The harm is they might find out about us being brother and sister.’ She gave me a playful punch in the arm and we both laughed. I immediately felt better. That report had to be mistaken. I’d tell the girls the test kit was lost in the mail and make it up to them somehow. I soon forgot about the whole thing.
Two weeks later I was served with divorce papers and a restraining order. There had been a police report filed alleging I had threatened Claire and the children with great bodily harm. They were deathly afraid of me. The court order forbade me from going anywhere near the house or anyplace they frequented such as their school or the church. The bank accounts had been drained and our assets were frozen by court order. Essentially I’d been caught flatfooted. I didn’t have much of anything left except the shirt on my back. Claire and her attorney were trying their best to get that too. I couldn’t believe how cold-blooded Claire was being in all this. I thought we loved each other. The DNA test must have spooked her into taking action.
I denied all the allegations in court. My attorney pointed out the DNA report. Claire even admitted the children weren’t mine on the witness stand. She said she was impregnated during a one night stand. She didn’t even know the guy’s name. The court didn’t seem much interested. They said that the best interests of the children came first. Since I had taken on parental responsibility, I was stuck with it until they turned 18 years of age. I was ordered to pay child support and keep their health insurance coverage in force. I had to pay half the mortgage and taxes. Claire got to keep the house until the children left home. She had a well paying job so I escaped spousal support. I came to the conclusion the court system in this country sucked big time.
Since the threats of violence allegations weren’t proven I was awarded joint custody of the children. At the same time I was told they didn’t have to see me if they didn’t want to. I was told they didn’t want to see me. I didn’t much care since I wasn’t their real father, but my attorney advised me to ask the girls face to face. With the court appointed social worker present Karen and Kimmy told me they didn’t want to have anything to do with me. I know I just told you I didn’t much care, but apparently I did. It hurt big time when they rejected me.
So I was starting all over again. I had nothing. On top of that I had monthly financial obligations hanging over me. The best I can compare it to is the student who has just graduated, but has a huge student loan to start paying back along with all the other expenses of life. Well, I lived like a starving student and I didn’t miss a payment. But every time I’d get a little bit ahead, Claire would haul me back into court and demand more. It was like she knew when I took a shit and how much toilet paper I used. I began to think she was having me watched. My attorney suggested my hiring a private detective of my own but we both knew that was an unaffordable option.
Karen and Kimmy had modeling careers from the time they were 14 years of age and even had some success in commercials, television and film. They were minor celebrities. I tried not to take pride in their accomplishments. It was hard. Eventually all things come to pass. The girls turned 18 and I was out from under the child support. I began to make plans to have the house sold so I could take my share of the equity and maybe buy a small condo.
My parents invited me over for dinner one evening. When I arrived I saw another car in the driveway. I walked through the door and saw two of the loveliest women…wait a minute. I knew these women.
‘Hi, Daddy,’ they chorused.
‘Don’t call me that,’ I rasped. ‘I’m not your father.’ I turned around to leave. I didn’t want to be in the same room with them.
‘Come back here and sit down,’ Dad snapped. ‘We have things to discuss.’ Despite not having lived under their roof for more than 20 years, I obeyed. He still had that air of authority about him that parents seem to have even with their adult children. I avoided making eye contact with the girls. I know I still thought of them as girls but they were grown women. They took to calling me ‘Sir’. It sounded strange and I felt strange. They still referred to my parents as Grandma and Grandpa.
There are laws in our state which try to protect the earnings of underage children from being used and misused by their parents or legal guardians. The main one is called Coogan’s law. It was named after a child actor who was totally ripped off by his parents and got practically nothing when he came of age. A portion of the income automatically goes into a trust that can’t be touched by the parents. Claire adhered to that part of the law but conveniently forgot that all the earnings ultimately belonged to the children.
They began to suspect something was wrong when Claire wanted them to sign various documents the day they turned 18. They politely refused and said they wanted time to take a look at the documents. That seemed to annoy their mother. Since they didn’t have access to any money of their own, they borrowed the money from my parents to hire a detective to investigate. I got irritated when I heard that. My parents were trying to retire and they could ill afford to loan out money to anyone. I was glad Claire was going to get into some trouble but it didn
‘t have anything to do with me. I told them that exactly.
‘That’s not all we discovered, Sir,’ said Kimmy. ‘Would it interest you to know that the house is mortgaged to the hilt?’
‘That’s impossible,’ I said. ‘I would have had to sign off on any loan documents. I did no such thing.’ The girls merely shrugged their shoulders.
‘I guess I’m going to be in touch with my attorney first thing in the morning.’
‘Please don’t do that, Sir,’ said Karen. ‘You would just be alerting our biological father.’
‘Who’s your biological father?’
‘Your attorney, Stanley Grant, is our biological father.’ Fuck! No wonder I couldn’t make a move without Claire knowing about it. The attorney who represented me in my divorce was stabbing in the back at the same time. It was time to get a new attorney.
‘Just for the record, Sir,’ said Karen, ‘my sister and I were pressured into rejecting visitation with you.’ I believed her.
‘Did you girls ever keep diaries,’ I asked.
‘We never did.’ They were curious about my question and I told them what their mother told me.
Karen and Kimmy were represented by an attorney that Dad recommended. She specialized representing plaintiffs in financial matters and legal malpractice. Dad wanted me to go with the same attorney since she would be willing to work from the same fee he had already paid. I didn’t see why not. I certainly couldn’t have done worse than I already had.
My attorney was literally rubbing her hands in anticipation when I told her my story. She already had a copy of the investigator’s report and was almost ready to file the lawsuit on the girls’ behalf, but she wanted to file mine at the same time. After the lawsuits were filed various other agencies would be notified. Claire and Stanley would be in a world of hurt.
The only thing I asked was that somehow Stanley’s wife Martha be warned about what was to happen. I had introduced Martha to Stanley and I still had a great affection for her. Leah told me to wait for her okay. If Martha warned Stanley it would already be too late. It happened like I hoped it would. I just told her that a whole bunch of shit was going to be raining down on Stanley real soon and she’d better get an umbrella. Martha thanked me and invited me to lunch some day soon. She turned out to be as ruthlessly efficient with Stanley as Claire was with me.
The lawsuits were served and the shit hit the fan. Leah turned over evidence of criminal fraud to the district attorney. Stanley’s license to practice law was suspended pending disbarment proceedings. A criminal complaint was eventually filed on my ex-wife and ex-attorney. Claire and Stanley were arrested at the airport trying to leave the country. Their bails were revoked. Prison is definitely now in their futures.
Stanley’s malpractice insurance company took one look at the evidence and started negotiating a settlement. The girls’ money was mostly gone. The house went into foreclosure. The mortgage companies tried to go after me for the deficiency but they didn’t get anywhere. The financial settlement from the insurance company made up for our losses and that was after Leah taking her cut and repaying my parents.
‘Let’s go get some Champagne and celebrate, Sir,’ said Karen. ‘We’re cheap drunks and who knows what might happen?’
‘What do you mean by that?’
‘What do you think?’ Both girls’ eyes sparkled.
‘No, thanks,’ I replied. ‘I’m not into incest.’
‘Incest? But we’re not related, Sir.’
‘It would feel like incest. And by the way, if I hear either of you girls call me Sir again, I’m going to tan your butts.’
‘What do you want us to call you?’
‘Calling me Daddy would be nice.’
‘Daddy,’ they chorused. I broke down into great heaving sobs. The girls started crying too. We hugged each other through our tears. It felt so great to have my daughters back.
Kidnap"You know that when you kidnap for ransom, youhave to be prepared, if they don't pay. It's nodifferent when it's a political kidnaping. If theydon't release the prisoners, bad things happen. Somake the bad things happen, and video tape thehappenings, so they know they have to respond toour demands. Do it, now."Z went into the room where the girl was. She lay,crying, on the concrete floor, her hands and feetbound, her school uniform soiled, for it had beentwo days since she had...
Kidnapped Pt 1 By Kyle My son was taken from me when he was only eight years old. It was the event that shattered both of our lives, but it hurt him far worse. I wonder if there is anything I can do to heal what was done. He never told me what happened to him, but it was bad enough that it turned a kind and loving eight year old boy into a boy full of anger and hatred by the time he was thirteen. Is there anything I can do to help him? Can he become that kind and loving boy that I...
Disclaimer It's set in Yorkshire England not Cali-Fucking-Fornia, Inner Merica and its got real dialogue so if you don't like the F word read something else.Kidnap.She was feisty little thing, struggle, oh did she ever struggle, wriggling, squirming, kicking out even when we got her inside the van, oh and the lungs oh her, it was a good job it was raining or we would have had the entire neighbourhood chasing after us, but in the end we had her down on the carpet in the back of the van with...
Kidnapped by Danielle P (if you want to help me continue this story, send an email to [email protected]) One hot day in March, Dan was walking down the street downtown he was wandering around trying to pass the time before his appointment at the barber. His 6' 165 pound frame was very well toned for an eighteen-year- old high school senior and he decided to show it off by taking off his shirt which left him with just a wife-beater, when suddenly two men grabbed him and...
A few weeks ago, I was returning to my car at the mall. Before I knew what was happening, a windowless van pulled up beside me, some men jumped out, grabbed me, put a rag over my mouth and nose that knocked me out within seconds, and pulled me into the van. My next recollection was regaining consciousness and wondering what the hell was going on. I could hear voices so I kept quiet as I assessed my situation. I was laying on my side with my hands tightly secured behind me. My legs were tied...
Kidnapped By Lauren Westley (Authoress Note: All disclaimers regarding characters, age appropriateness etc are in effect. I hope some of you enjoy this and I am working on another piece with a current working title, "A Yankee in the Bronx." But it will be awhile before I publish. Thanks, [email protected] "I'm a cunt Sir." The words come out of my mouth and echo harshly against the cement block walls. "Whose cunt are you bitch?" my black captor says with a grimace. His...
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Erotic experience with my colleague [email protected] or ping me on hangouts prav.kumark321 Thank you
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But it's only a fantasy', Wendy said. 'I wouldn't really want it to happen.''Maybe I should tie you down and blindfold you one day and force myself on you. It would give you an idea what it might be like.''Could we do that? Could we really do that? Would you make it like it's real so that I wouldn't have any feelings of guilt about completely enjoying it? You wouldn't have to speak to me so that I wouldn't know it's you. That would spoil the effect of it. You'd have to tie me up, go out of the...
Part twoIf you’ve read my first story, you’ll know that we were stood laughing at the incredible experience we’d just had and how we’d entered into it so easily, so fast and so quietly.Paul had just introduced himself after twice cumming in my mouth. He said “Sorry, how rude of me to not have offered you a drink. For the record you don’t need to suck someone off to get a drink, but it certainly breaks the ice”.“Breaks the ice”, I replied, “I think we just did that with a nuclear-powered ice...
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Daddy and Daughter’s Perspectives Part 3 A 16 year old and her father slowly move towards incest Author’s introduction. This is the second episode of an unusual account of a taboo topic; incest between a father and daughter. What makes it unusual is that both my dad and I have written this from our perspective on what happened and why. Kelly is 18, Bill her father is 45. Kelly That night November 28 and the next few days. If it had been difficult sleeping before I went downstairs it was...
IncestI'm so excited my girlfriend from school is coming over tonight for a sleepover. I really never had a best friend before, but she's new to our school. We just have hit it off and I really like her. My name is June and my girlfriend's name is Tina. She's just the nicest girl I've ever met. She's so friendly and really pretty too. She used to live in Montana, but moved here to Florida. I'm kind of a quiet girl at school and sometimes people call me a nerd. I guess because I'm smart they...
I slid into bed with Beth Ann's kisses still on my lips, her scent in my nostrils, and her smile in my eyes. Losing my family, fortune, and life – again – was painful, but having Beth Ann back in my arms was beyond belief. Whatever plan the universe had for my screwed up life seemed to be working out to my benefit. All of my loved ones were alive, they just had no idea they loved me ... yet. Unable to sleep with so much going through my head, I fired up my laptop and typed in my list of...
I had always felt comfortable when around other guys. Secure in my sexuality, I knew I was only into women. Confident with my body and size, I had never been embarrassed in the locker room or when changing around guys. I kept myself in good shape: decent six-pack abs, toned arms ... and a 7" cock with just the right amount of girth. I kept my pubes shaved close to make it look even bigger. So it almost goes without saying that moving into the guy's dorm, at the start of my freshman year of...
Chapter 21 ‘I Needa To Opena My Box.’ Mrs. Enunzio came in the every Monday morning at 9am and Michael dreaded her weekly visit. ‘I needa to opena my box,’ she said in the same words with the same monotonic inflection. Never did she say please or thank you. He had nightmares of her suddenly appearing behind him in the shower, in bed, when he was getting dressed or undressed, and in his car and announcing herself with ‘I needa to opena my box.’ Never did she go to another teller. Instead, she...
Usual Health WarningThe largest parts of this story are pure fantasy; the Mummy and Daddy episode in the hospital car park has a lot of truth. The author has no wish to promote u******e sex; but if that does appeal, then restricting your urges to your own ch1ldren has merit for the wider society.This story does contain (hopefully) fairly graphic scenes of fami1y intercourse, so please do not read if easily offended. Fami1y OutingTwo weeks after Ellie lost her anal virginity to her Dad during...
It was bad enough that Ainsely slammed the bedroom door, but hearing the lock click, I realized she was really angry this time. I was still pretty ticked myself, not especially at her, but more at the situation we were in.But sitting there alone in the living room, sipping a bourbon and water, I started to really think this through. It was time to tell myself the truth. Ainsely might well never have gotten beyond the friends stage with another guy without my instigation. Honestly, she was doing...
Wife LoversWhen Jack woke up the next morning and went into the dining room for breakfast he was apprehensive about facing her after the hand job she had given him the other day. As he walked into the room though he was met with her smiling face. ‘Oh Jack, I’m going to be in town all day running errands, but I’ve got it all organised, your new tutor should get here around 10:30. Looking forward to your new studying?’ Jack just nodded. He couldn’t believe she’d actually done it. He knew straight away she...
"Uaaah..." I yawn as I gaze blankly down at the naked cummy figure of my 12 year old niece Hanna sleeping soundly with my penis in her pussy. "Mmm... Oh... Hi... ?" I look around... I look back. "HOLY SHIT!!! Oh god, what did we do?" There I was, speaking as though I only dreamed what happened back in episode 1. (Yes, I do indeed realize how cliche it is to say the episode number within the story and stop speaking for a moment in character, but you don't give a shit anyway...
Hello, I would like to share my experience with the bi/gay life style. I am a small frame male. Older men would hit me on when I was younger, that is talking thirteen years old and on. Let me tell you I was never really scared, but no man was going to touch me. Sometimes when I would hitch hike I would end up some guy sliding his hand towards my leg. I would either say let me out or tell to forget it. I guess I was lucky no one took advantage of me.I never let anyone touch me till I joined the...
This is the story of one experience I had when I was 19. I'd been dating this guy named Rich, and we had pretty typical sex several times a week.So... I really enjoy wearing a blindfold during sex sometimes! (I mean, if it's more than a quickie.) I don't care for bondage or pain, but being blindfolded is quite a turn on, and has been for years. It seems I often ended up being intimate with guys who were turned on by me wearing one. I was unsure about it the first time a guy I was dating...
FetishIt was during my second year at university that I started earning some extra money by doing a bit of part-time stripping in one of the pubs near my student house. It was Katie, one of the girls in the house next door, who suggested it. She’d done the same thing during her second year, though she’d now had to give it up to concentrate on working for her final-year dissertation and exams. We’d met up in the Union building for coffee, and I was moaning about not having any money for important...
Money"Daddy why are you crying?" Joe hugged Emma closely as he watched the television. "Ssshh honey. I'm trying to hear the news." The anchor looked somber as he read the news. "I repeat, the entire 4th fleet of the United States of America has been sunk. The fleet had been engaged in the ongoing blockade of Hispaniola and Jamaica. Now that blockade is no more and the ships lie at the bottom of the ocean. Warning, the footage we are about to show you is disturbing." A video shot from a...
Dillon was learning to speak Russian a little better after a week in Kiev, Ukraine. He found the people friendly and helpful, and a larger percentage of them spoke a bit of English than he had expected. Dillon took every opportunity to practice his Russian, freely starting conversations with the accommodating Ukrainians. He focused his efforts on the beautiful young women of the city when possible. They seemed to find the tall and lean American with a camera slung over his shoulder...
It was a typical little family scene at this tearoom terrace on the south coast of England. A young woman, still young enough to be called a girl, and with the acne on her right cheek to prove it, was trying to get her very young daughter to eat a piece of fruit cake. The toddler had a glass of Coke to wash it down and the mother had the same. They were a couple you could find in any town in the UK.The mother was of medium height and neither overweight nor thin, but slightly out of shape, like...
MatureOvid 16 - The Derelict By The Professor I think the day I really reconciled myself to being a woman was the day I discovered I really did like to shop. Yes, I know, it's a tired old stereotype, but the shopping trips I enjoyed with Susan Jager allowed the two of us to bond as friends and as women. And it didn't hurt that it gave us a few hours unfettered by children. I probably appreciated that time more than Susan since she just had Joshua while I had Ashley and the twins. Susan...